Yans Journey to Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 22, 2023


Tied up and gagged in the back of the van, Frank and yan couldn't say anything to each other. Frank wouldn't even look at yan: he had a look of total defeat, and total fear in his eyes. Up in the front of the van, Kyle and on of the skinny guys, Evan, were talking.

"The key thing with Yan - you have to keep his feet tied. He's tough all around, but those kicks: that's where he'll take you down. Frank: if you keep his wrists tied, better, chained, you'll be ok. He's all upper body. Can't run, can't do anything else. Yan is the better all around athlete. " He laughed. "If he hadn't been so hell bent on having Frank's cock, Yan would've kicked the shit out of him."

Evan queried: "are we selling both of them, or each one individually?" Kyle shrugged his shoulders. "Got to see who's buying, and what they're paying." He paused. "I may even decide to keep one of them, or both of them, for myself." He smiled again "You know, I REALLY wanted to fuck Yan. I still do." He paused again. "Frank too. Sick and tired of him being in charge." Evan broke the mood. "How do you think they're doing back there?" Kyle laughed. "Oh, Yan is pissed as hell and probably trying to scream his head off. Frank is filled with guilt about getting him here. They'll be fine." "I can't wait until we introduce them to what they're gonna be doing." "Well, we're here boss. It'll be soon. " "Great. Just WARN the guys about Yan's feet. I KNOW they're ready for Frank. Use them against each other. If you threaten one with hurting the other, you'll have them in line with no trouble."

The van backed up to a warehouse. Even opened the door, and Gorgon hoisted Yan over his shoulder again, while Atlas yanked up Frank and pushed him forward. "MOVE YOU BIG HUNK. YOU DON'T WANT MY BUDDY TO DROP YOUR FRIEND DO YOU?" "mmph mmmph " Frank shook his head, and moved, meekly. All the fight had gone out of Yan from struggling in the back. He was still trying to figure out what was going on.

They separated the two of them. Frank got led away, and Yan didn't see him. He was put in a room, and seated in a chair. Gorgon wrapped a chain around each ankle and attached it to a hook in the wall, before he released the bond tying his ankles. Then he pulled off the tape gag. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? LET US GO YOU GODDAMN BASTARDS" Yan yelled, pulling at his wrist restraints and fighting the ankle chains. The chair moved, but the restraints didn't. There was a wall in front of him with a screen that went about 2/3 of the way down. He watched as that screen moved up, and he saw a glass window. The window led to a room where Frank was strapped and chained down to a platform, his gag still on. Kyle was in the room as well. He was smiling when he saw Yan.

"Well, pretty boy. So good to see you again. "THE FEELING IS NOT MUTUAL YOU FUCK! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? LET US GO. NOW!!!" Kyle laughed. "I'm afraid your wish is not my command Yan. You see, unlike you, I'm not a bottom, whatever Frank may have told you, and I don't take orders." He turned to the almost motionless Frank. "Isn't that right, big boy?" He slid his hand over Frank's white shirt, and Frank moaned. Kyle moved up and took off his gag. "C'mon Kyle. I told you. Let Yan go. He doesn't know anything about this. You've got me. Do what you want." "Oh, I will stud, I will. You know, I would have done just that: taken you, and we'd be done with it. But then you had to meet that beautiful boy, and now.. well, I'm afraid the interest payment went up. " Yan saw Frank pull at the wrist restraints and mutter "asshole," to which Kyle laughed. "Well, yes. Asshole. Both yours, and Yan's. They belong to me now." "THE FUCKING HELL THEY DO." Yan yelled, and again tried to get out of the chair. "YOU TRIED TO FUCK ME ONCE AND IT DIDN'T WORK. IT'S NOT GOING TO WORK NOW." Kyle looked at him through the glass. "We'll see pretty boy, we'll see. " He turned away from yan, and to Frank. "So... yan belongs to you now. It was that easy, huh?" "I DO NOT. I DON'T BELONG TO ANYONE BUT ME FUCKER!" Yan was yelling again. Kyle turned to him and smiled. "Yan, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but if you don't calm down, I'm going to send Gorgon in to gag you while I have my fun with Frank." He turned back to the big Italian American. "Yan belongs to you?" Frank couldn't look at Yan. "Yeah. He does." "bastard," Yan muttered. "Well, that means you can give him to me, doesn't it?" Frank pushed against the restraints "I won't." "Ha ha. We'll see. You talk too much in your sleep Frank, and you talk too much to your friends." He began unbuttoning Frank's shirt. "By the time I'm done, you'll see that, just like you, Yan is going to belong to me. " He slid his hand up Frank's torso. "nipple nipple like a mouse, how do I get Frankie to give in?" He moved both hands to Frank's nipples, and Yan saw him just gently tweaking them. It was enough. Frank began to writhe "HEY. STOP IT. HOW THE FUCK DID YOU.. OH FUCK.... " Kyle didn't say anything. He just smiled as he saw how easily Frank was being subdued. He began moaning softly, and Yan could see that wonderful cock beginning to rise in his pants. "Want me to stop Frank?" Frank gasped out "I don't know. I don't... oh shit..........." "I'm not going to stop until I get the answer I want. Who does Yan belong to ?" Frank grit his teeth. "HE BELONGS TO ME." Yan saw Kyle increase the pressure on Frank's nipples, and he heard the louder moan "STOP IT. STOP TORTURING HIM. FUCK ME IF YOU WANT JUST LEAVE HIM ALONE." Kyle ignored Yan for a minute and then turned to him. "Studmuffin, you can't make that choice. You're an owned man. Your Topman can do it. " He turned to Frank. "And he will." He went back to Frank's nipples, smiling "You know, if Yan had known about these, you'd be the bottom, and your places would probably be changed. But it hardly matters. Who does Yan belong to?" This time there was no answer. Yan began to panic. "FRANK. DON'T GIVE IN. PLEASE. I DON'T WANT THAT BASTARD IN ME." "who does he belong to frankie?" Frank's moans had become frantic, and desperate. He moved as much as he could, which wasn't a lot. He gasped for breath, and Yan could see a wet spot forming on his crotch. "He's yours. yan belongs to you. " "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Yan yelled. FRANK. FRANK..." "I'm sorry Yan. I'm sorry. I couldn't...." Kyle began to laugh. "I think it's time they got to catch up. Take them to the big cell. I'm going to get the prep room ready." He turned and looked at Yan. He licked his lips. "I'm gonna get that tight ass of yours, sweetboi. It's mine now. "

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They moved Frank and yan to a large cell - yan with a struggle, Frank easily, and after the goons had left, and the door was locked, Frank spoke first. "I'm sorry Yan. You deserve an explanation and I deserve you hating me. "

"GOOD. Well, right now, the second part is true. I'm still waiting on the explanation. DID YOU JUST GIVE ME TO KYLE? REALLY?????" Frank gulped. "You haven't known me long Yan. I'm a pretty decent guy, but I gamble. I gamble big. Even though I lose. A lot. Kyle's father holds the debts, but because, well, Kyle has a thing for me, his father put him in charge. In order to keep the interest down, I had to agree to live with Kyle, have sex with him when he wanted it, and... " he paused. "To let him at least watch and to participate when he wanted to, if I were having sex with someone else. That's what happened with that night he joined us." Yan was listening in disbelief. He had heard about things with gambling debts, but nothing like this. "Well, the thing about sex with Kyle is: he wants to top. And I wouldn't let him. That made him furious. But the deal with his father, was sex, not position. His father agreed. So... we played one hand of poker: if I won, the debt was gone. If I lost... "He got your ass, " Yan added. "Yeah, that's right." "And you lost." "I did, but... I wouldn't give it up." "Ok, I'm beginning to figure this out," Yan said. "So now you owed the debt, and your ass, you didn't have the money, and you wouldn't give up your ass, and he got, well, pissed." "That's just about all of it Yan. The thing is, it was one of those coincidences: he met you at the gym, you went home with him, we hit it off, and then.. well, he got even more angry because YOU wouldn't give it up either, but you would to me, and of course.. two guys he wanted BADLY, were now a couple, sort of, and he was still without a man." "FUCK. This is worse than a soap opera Frank. Remind me to ignore you for good when we get out of this." Frank looked down at his hands. "I know, I know. I wish this hadn't happened, but... I really hope if we get out of this, we can maybe try again, Yan. " Frank looked at him. "Trust me. I did NOT fake being attracted to you. GOD, I thought you were SO FUCKING HOT. I still do. But.... , yeah, I get it." Yan was slightly touched. He reached out and squeezed Frank's hand. "Why don't we figure THAT out, after we figure out how to get out of here." Frank squeezed back. "Sounds like a plan. Let's get the fuck out of here." They heard footsteps, and then Kyle's voice. "Ok. Poppa's horny. Who's he gonna take first? " He smiled. Two of the goons were there and they were holding what looked like tazers. "I'm gonna toss a coin. Yan, you call it. Whoever wins the toss, gets to pick who watches, and who gets fucked." "TAILS" Yan called and Kyle laughed. "Figures" the coin dropped. "Tails. What's it gonna be, Yan?" He thought about it for a minute. It only took him a minute. Frank had told him how he really did NOT like the idea of getting fucked. Yan had enjoyed having Frank in him. He could think of him, and... "Fuck me. Let Frank watch." Kyle smiled. "We see Yan's evil side come out. Making that bastard watch someone fuck his boyfriend. I'm proud of you, stud."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Frank and yan got moved again, this time to a big bedroom, with a huge four poster bed in the center. The goons took Yan's shirt away and Frank's too, just before they cuffed him into a chair in the corner of the room. They restrained Yan's wrists and his ankles on the bed, and Kyle came in, buck naked. He approached the bed, and ogled Yan. "Somehow, knowing that THIS time, I'm gonna have you the way I want you, makes it so much sweeter." Yan refused to say anything. When Kyle climbed up on the bed, and began stroking his torso, he yelped. Yan was not horribly ticklish, but he WAS ticklish. Kyle's fingers were cold - almost reptilian - and that's how he felt about Kyle's tongue when it began to shoot back and forth in his left ear. "MMMM. The taste of mansweat. I wonder if you and Frank taste different. I bet you do." He ran a finger around Yan's lips. Yan pursed them tightly, but then Kyle nibbled his ear, and Yan gasped, opening his mouth. "Heh heh. I'm not putting my finger in there. I'd lose it, that I know." He leaned down though, and his lips grazed Yan's. Yan had to admit, it felt good, and when Kyle began running his hands over Yan's body again, he began to get aroused. Kyle turned around and looked at Frank. "You know, big guy, you fucking SUCK at foreplay. This pretty boi deserves better than he got from you. Maybe you'll learn something. " He turned to Yan again "Think he will, bottom boi?" He slid his hand inside Yan's lose pants, and found his cock. "OOOH. I remember, yeah. This one COULD do some topping if it had to." "PLEASE. DON'T DO THAT KYLE. PLEASE." Kyle's hand was around Yan's cock and balls and he squeezed until Yan screamed. "I'm no longer Kyle boy. I'm either SIR KYLE or SIR" "FUCK THAT." Yan yelled before his balls got squeezed harder. "AGGAGGGGGGGG Ok, ok. ok SIR. Please Sir. That hurts. " "What doesn't hurt, frankie? " He turned and looked at frank. "What does your boyfriend like?" Frank was silent. "It's ok, big man. I remember how you told me how much he liked you licking him." "YOU TOLD HIM THAT?" Yan screamed, but then stopped as that reptilian tongue began to slide all over his torso, and around his navel. It moved up to his chest and worked around his nips. "NNNNNNNNNNG" came out of Yan. "Hmmm. I just assumed frankie was gonna be my nipple slave, but let's see. " He began chewing on Yan's nipple. They weren't "dead," but the response he got wasn't the same as he got from frank. "Ok. I remember something else, heh heh. " He moved down and opened the restraints on Yan's ankles, warning him. "Don't try anything karate kid. You do, frankie here may find himself without a cock before too long." "I understand Sir. I understand. " Kyle began spreading Yan's legs, experiencing his incredible flexibility for himself. "DAMN. Now I got a fantasy of having you in 180 in a wrestling ring. Totally helpless, and beautiful." When he said that, Frank felt his own cock get harder. Yan saw Kyle move his finger to his mouth and lick it. "Yeah, finger you first, before I take that sweet nearly unusued ass." He began sliding his finger in and Frank, seeing all of it, was getting more aroused. He remembered Kyle taking his nipples earlier. So did Yan. The feeling of the finger in his ass, and the thought of his boyfriend being abused like that were, well, getting to him. He felt himself opening up, and didn't even realize it when he said "Please Sir Kyle. Another finger." Kyle laughed. "son of a gun. You're a slut." But he complied, and now there were two fingers inside Yan. "See what I'm doing to your boy, frankie? Don't ya wish it were you?" "Yes sir. I do," was the almost inaudible response from frank. Kyle pulled out his fingers, and smiled. "Time, boy." His angry looking cock came out and he began sliding it into Frank. Frank lacked finesse, which Kyle had, but unlike sex with Frank, where Yan just wanted him to slow down, this time, he was thinking "how can I bring him off? How can I make this go faster." "FUCK ME HARDER SIR. PLEASE. TAKE THE KARATE KID." "I'M FUCKING THE KARATE KID. HELL YEAH. " Kyle smiled a grin that was almost scary, as he began shooting into Yan. Yan couldn't see it, but he could hear Frank trying desperately to get out of the chair. He finished up and smiled. "DAMN his ass is good frankie. You found a good one. Know what? I think I'm gonna let you guys go at it." "FUCK." thought Yan. "I can't take two cocks like that so fast." He looked at Yan. "You wanna suck your boyfriend for me, stud? Or you wanna punish him more?" Yan looked at the hungry look on Frank's face. He had a thought. "Top stud, you want your boy to take you? I'm up for it. I'm always up for you." It worked. He saw the look of pissiness go over Kyle's face. "HELL YEAH. You're gonna SUCK ME BOY" frank picked up on the game, and called from his bound position. Kyle felt a little trapped. He had made the suggestion. He couldn't back down. "FINE. Gorgon...." One of the ape men came in , and untied frank. "Drop your drawers, butchie. Get on this bitch and fuck his face. Gorgon, bring in Atlas You guys deserve a break." Frank looked at Kyle. "Thank you Sir" he said, as he mounted yan's chest. He made a kiss sign , while Kyle was telling the ape men that they could jerk off on frank's back if they wanted to. They did . Frank put his cock into yan's mouth and yan made an "MMMMMMMMMMMMM" sound, as if he were eating something delicious. Kyle was getting more and more pissed, when he saw the pleasure that yan was showing as he worked on Frank's cock. He wanted some of that, but he didn't risk putting it in Yan's mouth... at least not yet. Kyle saw frank pushing faster and faster, and talking filth to yan. "TAKE IT BITCH. TAKE MY HOT ITALIAN SAUSAGE. ALL THE WAY DOWN YOUR FUCKING MOUTH. EAT IT! EAT IT ALL!!!!!' Yan ran his tongue up and down frank's shaft and then... he shot down Yan's throat, just as Gorgon and Atlast shot on his back. Kyle was standing, still naked, with his arms folded. "GOOD. I'm glad everyone had a good time." He looked at frank and yan. "You two can have this room for tonight. Tomorrow.... it's frankie's turn. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA."

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