Yans Journey to Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 13, 2023


Yan pushed hard at the restraints. He saw Kyle looking down on him smiling. "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU IN HERE? GET THE HELL OUT!" Kyle just laughed. "I'm not inclined to do that Yan. You turned me down when I wanted you, and now it seems your ass belongs to my roommate, so.." "MY ASS BELONGS TO ME FUCKER!" The chains on the restraint contraption rattled, but Yan made no progress. "Ha ha. You keep on believing that. Or lying to yourself. You KNOW what you want. " "FRANK! GET THIS BASTARD OUTTA HERE!!!!!" Yan yelled at the top of his lungs. He heard Frank's heavy footsteps slowly walking in. "He's not going away, not tonight Yan. He and I... we go way back." "YOU'RE GONNA LET HIM FUCK ME YOU CREEP?" "Nah, nah nah. You're gonna get fucked, Yan, but by me... Kyle likes other parts of you." Just as Frank finished, Yan felt Kyle's tongue slide down his right foot. "HEY. What're you doing. STOP. That tickles. NO, it really really does. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA." Kyle had moved his tongue down to Yan's toes, and he was sucking each of them while his hand moved to Yan's left foot, and began tickling that one. Yan was shaking, squirming, and sweating. And he was getting nowhere. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. FRANK PLEASE.MAKE HIM STOP. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Then Yan saw Frank hold up his hand like a STOP sign and Yan could catch his breath. "You're gonna learn how to give a blow job tonight, Yan. And you're gonna give a good one." He stepped in front of Yan's face, and dropped his jeans. That compact thick cock: Yan saw it, and remembered how it had felt the first time. He wanted it. He wanted Frank's cock in him, deep and hard. "You gotta get me wet first, Yan." Frank smiled. "Now, get your mouth around my lethal weapon. And suck on it. I'll take care of the rest." Yan saw that Kyle was watching them, and possibly playing with himself. That creeped him out, but that cock! That beautiful cock! His lips opened, and he put his tongue on Frank's cockhead. "OH YEAH. A natural." Frank moaned, and pushed his cock further into Yan's mouth. Frank wasn't long enough for him to provoke any gag reflex, but his thickness put a strain on Yan's inexperienced lips. Frank didn't seem to care. "Gotta learn to do this yannyboi." He laughed. "I like that. I just made my Asian boyfriend an Irish superstar. SUCK IT YANNYBOI." Frank pulled out his cock and shoved it back into Yan's mouth, and he held it there. Yan, instinctively, moved his tongue over it. Frank moaned even more. Yan saw his eyes were closed, and he was smiling. Frank's hand was in Yan's hair, and the slight pressure he was exerting, got Yan even more excited than he was. "DAMN. I wanna do this all night. But I got other work to do. " He pulled out of Yan's mouth, and as Yan struggled to catch breath, Frank disappeared from sight. Yan felt him fiddling with the chains on his ankles. "Gonna keep your wrists tied yannyboi, but I need ACCESS, and I'm a big guy." He pushed Yan's legs apart, as he hooked a finger into the back of his shorts and pulled them down. "OH YEAH." bubbled out of Yan, in a voice so deep he didn't know where it came from. He heard Frank spit onto his ass crack. Then he felt one of Frank's thick fingers massaging that hole. Now, the deep voice became one that was high and desperate. Frank pushed the tip of his finger in, and Yan gasped. "DAMN. FUCK. " "Ha ha. You could probably take three of my cocks right now Yan." He felt a hand in his hair. KYLE WAS STILL HERE. And now, his shorts were down like Frank's had been. "WHY THE FUCK IS HE HERE, FRANK?" "Cause you're gonna blow my bud." "FUCK THAT." "Then I guess we're done. You get it at both ends, or no ends." Frank said nothing and just rested his finger on yan's ass crack. "Up to you." Yan was pissed. REALLY pissed. He knew that if Kyle put his cock in his mouth, he could bite down and cause REAL damage, but..he was tied up, and he didn't know what Frank would do. "I'll suck. I won't swallow." He felt Frank's strong hand on the back of his neck. There wasn't any pain, but the grip was letting him know who was boss. "You'll do what I say." He pushed his finger into Yan's ass. "Won't ya , handsome." Yan moaned, and gulped. "Yes sir. Please let me have your dick." "We're both gonna let you have our dicks." Kyle pressed his cockhead up against Yan's lips, and Yan opened again. Where Frank tasted musky and masculine, but clean, Kyle's cock made him think of, well, filthy places and brothels. His thoughts changed though, as he felt Frank easing himself into Yan's ass. "DAMN. Is there anything better than recent virgin ass? I don't think so. " "MMMMMMPH." Yan was trying to respond but Kyle was in his mouth, swirling his cock around. "Damn Frank. You found a good one. GEEZ. " Frank looked up. "You cum in my boyfriend's mouth, I'll kick your ass. I said you could use it, not ABUSE it." Kyle looked disappointed, but shrugged his shoulders. He lifted up Yan's chin. "See, Yan? Your man is already standing up for you. Wish I had one like that." He pushed his cock into Yan's mouth as hard as he could, and then pulled out. He jerked off on Frank's floor. "I'm gonna roll you over Yan. I wanna see your face. Your sweet, handsome face." Frank pulled out so he could flip Yan over. Yan's face did not look sweet. He was PISSED. He was really angry at both of them. When Frank shoved his cock back in, that anger left, as he was overwhelmed by the pleasure of feeling that cock in him. "FUCK ME BIG MAN. FUCK ME YOU WALL OF BEEF." "Wall of beef," Kyle laughed. "That's a good one." "You can get out now, Kyle. It's just us two." Kyle looked upset, but he left. Frank went back to plowing Yan. "I appreciate you taking care of my bud, Yan. I know, I didn't tell you, but that's how it's gonna be with me. You want THIS." He pushed hard and Yan half moaned, and half whined. "And you're gonna have to do what I tell you to do. GOT IT?" Yan was in another place. He couldn't believe the sensations he was feeling. "Yes sir. I understand. FUCK ME. FUCK ME HARD." Frank WAS getting close. REALLY close. His cock was pounding faster.

Yan had begun feeling sore about five minutes earlier, and he felt like his muscle tone was loosening. Now, all he wanted was to finish and then... with a roar like a lion, Frank did. "OH MAN. YOU ARE SO FUCKING TIGHT AND SO FUCKING HOT AND SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL AND SO FUCKING... EVERYTHING YAN. DAMN." Yan could feel the gush of Frank's climax. As soon as Frank was finished, the waves of anger came back. He wanted to leave. Actually, he wanted to punch Frank and THEN leave, but he realized that he'd probably lose a fist fight with Frank. His emotions were getting the better of him, and he knew it. If he were in a self defense competition, this is when he would force himself to breathe deeply, and to focus on his anger. He closed his eyes and did that now. He smiled, to try to convince Frank that he was thinking about the fucking he had just gotten, and to some extent, he was. But he also had to decide what to do. He took a deep breath and did. He sat up on the bed. "That was great, but can you untie me Frank? Please Sir. I need to get up." Frank smiled. "You don't want me to take care of you?" Another smile from Yan. "Not right now. And listen, it's been great but... I'm not feeling too well, I think I better go." He reached around for his clothes. Frank looked concerned. "Yan, you sure? You don't want to lie down, or some aspirin , or something?" Now Yan was hurrying as he slipped into his clothes. "No no. I'll be better off at home. Thank you for caring though." He kissed Frank on the lips. "Should I call you a cab?" Frank asked. "I'll punch in an uber code. THERE. The ride'll be here in 3 minutes. " He looked at Frank. "Thank you for a truly illuminating night, Frank. " He kissed him again. He walked out and passed through the living room, where Kyle had on a huge pair of headphones as he stared into his computer screen. He never even heard Yan leave the apartment.

On the ride back to his own place, Yan's mind was filled with all kinds of confusing thoughts. Yes, Frank was a great lover, and as he thought about being controlled by Frank, he could feel his body warm up with adrenaline. What he had just done with Kyle was, well, creepy. Yan couldn't get the taste of Kyle's cock out of his mouth. He understood that Frank said that if he was in control, this was part of the deal. Well, then, maybe he didn't want this. He had to figure it out. When he got home, there was a message from Frank: "Hey handsome it's me. I feel like we didn't leave on good terms. If it's about the Kyle thing, we can talk about it, but please, let's talk anyway. Take care. I know you don't have any clients scheduled at the studio tomorrow, so I guess I'll see you in two days if I don't bump into you at the gym. Gimme a call if you want to. Bye. " Yan didn't want to call Frank. He would have if he had apologized, or said something that indicated Yan had a say in this. He didn't.

Yan in fact did not have any clients at the self defense studio the next day, and he decided not to chance running into Frank at the gym. He called his clients for the second day and postponed all of them: he told them that had a bad sore throat and he was afraid of infecting them. Drake was also very supportive, even though he knew Yan was lying. Frank had told him the day before that he might expect Yan to not show up because of "an incident" between the two of them. Drake had seen more than one "bromance" become a "romance" and then a break up, and had lost more than one trainer that way. He had learned that the best way to address these, was to step out of the way. And he did. He just reminded Yan that he had a group class the next day and he hoped he felt well enough to take that one, because it would be hard to find a replacement .

Frank called Yan at least six times over those two days and Yan ignored all of them. On the third day, there were no calls from Frank.

"OK GANG. We're running out of time, so I'm just gonna introduce the first five moves of the 'floating hands kata' " Yan was addressing his group class. He had timed his arrival at the studio so that he barely had enough time to get into the class. He had worn work out clothes under his school clothes, and just stripped off in the workout studio the way his students frequently did. That way, there was no chance of seeing Frank. He went through the moves, then had the class repeat them as he walked through the ten of them, making corrections, or praising good form. "OK, enough for today. I'll post a video of the whole kata. For now, just study it for what we learned today. Until next class." He said "see ya" in Chinese, and smiled with each of the students as they left. No Frank. He hadn't come to the studio. "Oh well, that one's done," he thought, as he slipped back into his clothes. Drake was at the door. "Hey, Yan. You ok ?" "Yeah, I'm fine. Well, no, I'm not. I had a fight with Frank and I'm not letting it go. I thought we could talk today, but, I haven't seen him." "Well, he didn't come in today, Yan, and I don't know what's going on." "Huh? Frank didn't come to work today?" "No, he didn't. And he didn't call, and his uncle doesn't know where he is. Have you heard from him?" "I heard from him yesterday. He left me a message that he was on his way to work, so if I wanted to talk to him, could it wait until he was on break" "Hmmm. You know, he called me, told me he was going to be a few minutes late, and then he didn't come in yesterday either. " He looked at Yan. "Something's up Yan. That roommate of his..." "Kyle?" "Yeah, Kyle. There's something fucked up about him. I'm not gonna say Frank is a saint, but Kyle is bad news. I don't know why Frank hangs around with him." "You know, Drake, maybe I'll go take a visit to Frank's place. If I don't find him, maybe I'll find Kyle," and he smiled. "Persuade him to open up to me."

"Hey, it's Yan." He spoke into the intercom. He couldn't tell from the static if it were Frank or Kyle who had said "hello," but the buzzer rang, and Yan was in the apartment building. He took the elevator up to the floor where Frank lived. He heard voices and a muffled sound from inside. The door was slightly ajar. When he opened it, he saw Frank, bound and gagged, sitting in a chair. There was a large bruise on his forehead. He was shaking his head NO vigorously, and then Yan heard the door close. "Took you long enough to get here Yan. We didn't want to leave without you." It was Kyle, standing there with his arms folded. "WHAT THE FUCK? WHAT DID YOU DO TO FRANK? HOW DID YOU DO THAT TO FRANK?" Kyle just laughed. "It's good to have friends, Yan. Especially if they're big. Yan noticed, for the first time, that there were four other guys in the apartment, two of whom were even bigger than Frank. "What? What's going on?" He saw Frank struggling to get out of the chair. One of the smaller guys went over and kneed him in the crotch. "CALM DOWN GORILLA." "HEY. DON'T TREAT HIM LIKE THAT." Yan ran in to grab the guy who was punishing Frank. The two big guys started moving over. Yan didn't know what was going on, but he knew he had to get ready to defend himself, and Frank. He got into fighting stance, and got off a roundhouse kick to one of the big guys. The guy stumbled back a step, and then just came on toward him. "Holy shit." Yan thought, quick, about what he needed to do. If a roundhouse didn't take this guy out, what would? "Rule Number one for self defense. Go for the balls." When the first big guy got closer, instead of trying a roundhouse, Yan just delivered a simple kick right to his crotch. It worked. The big guy curled up in pain, and the second one paused for a minute. The two smaller guys were trying to distract Yan, but he knew the one he had to worry about was the big one. The second guy had recovered enough to be a factor, and the two of them were circling Yan. As he was trying to figure out what to do, he caught a glimpse of Kyle and Frank out of the corner of his eye. Kyle had gotten a carving knife out of the kitchen, and he was standing behind Frank, holding it to his throat. Frank was sweating. "Take it easy Yan. Give it up, and he lives. Or...." Yan relaxed. When he did, the second big guy grabbed him. "TIE HIM UP. USE LOTS. LOTS OF ROPES." Kyle gave the orders, and even though he struggled, Yan found his arms, his ankles immobilized. "Ha ha. Didn't even take ONE tazer shot for you. Good thing. It's still recharging. I needed SIX to take down THIS gorilla. " Now it made sense. Frank must have hurt himself when he fell over. "To the van, Kyle?" One of the skinny guys asked. "Yeah, to the van. One of the big guys hauled Yan off the floor and hoisted him over his shoulder. "Should we gag him? " "Not a bad idea. " Kyle reached for a roll of duct tape and came over. He grinned. "I wanted to see you tied up and gagged since day 1, Yan. And now.... " He had the tape tight on Yan's mouth. "Gorgon, get Frank. They're both coming with us." The second big guy yanked Frank out of the chair. Frank thought about fighting, but he saw how Atlas, the other big guy, had Yan helpless. he could crush his ribs right there. So Frank didn't fight at all as they moved to the van. "You guys, keep an eye on them." Gorgon nodded as he and Atlas got into the back of the vehicle with Yan and Frank. Kyle and the other two guys went up to the front. "BIG PAYOUT JUST ABOUT AN HOUR AWAY WOOO HOOO." He cried, as they took off. Yan looked at Frank. He clearly knew something, but he wasn't going to get told about it now.

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Next: Chapter 3

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