Yans Journey to Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 6, 2023


As he squirmed, Yan began thinking "How the hell did I let him talk me into this." He had lost a bet with his date and that date - Frank - had done something Yan hadn't expected , and now... well, that's why Yan was lying on his stomach, hogtied, wearing only the skinniest of black shorts.

Yan and Frank were both gay, and . Frank, nicknamed "Frank the Tank," was built like a wall: solid, muscular arms, a thick torso, a neck that was 19 inches around, legs like tree stumps. They all suited his 6'3" body, his short black hair, and his frozen, wicked looking smile. He taught boxing, ultimate fighting, most of the standard Western defense techniques.

Yan taught part time at the studio where Frank worked. Frank had gotten him the job. Yan was actually a little taller than Frank: he was 6'4" and if he stretched on his heels, 6'5" . He attributed his height to his father: a former soldier who, before the arthritis, had stood at 6'6" . Had his father had his way, Yan would be in the army now.

Yan's dad did not have his way. Yan's mom was even more stubborn than his father was. She wasn't delicate, but she was small. She used to tell people "I'm proud of my farmer hips." Yan's mom was first generation American, and her parents had been born in China. They had been peasant farmers, and she had grown up in China, helping on the farm. One day, a Communist Party official had been driving through the countryside, and heard her singing as she was planting the peppers that would make up most of her family's diet that winter. Peppers and pork: her mom could dish it up at least a dozen ways, and sometimes, in the space of a week, she did. Feng (her name), watched her mother and learned all the dishes. She liked cooking, she loved singing.

You don't say NO to a Communist official, and within a week, Feng was wearing a silk dress, and performing in an officer's club. That's where she met Sam. There was an American delegation of soldiers in the area, and their hosts had taken them to hear "this pretty young lady with a bird's voice." Sam had fallen in love at first sight. After the performance was over, he asked if they could meet Feng. For Feng, who was still a virgin, Sam was the first man who expressed any interest in her. It was inevitable. His delegation was returning to the United States the next week, and he left. But he came back. For Feng's parents, the prospect of losing their "little girl" to an American was bittersweet: she was their only child: their attempts to have a son, had failed. But life on the farm was tough, and there was usually one person in the family who was hungry at the end of the day. Feng knew this. She, too, had mixed feelings about doing what she did, but when Sam asked her to marry him, she said yes. Now she had lived in the US for more than 30 years. She and Sam had had three children: Yan was the oldest, and the oldest son. Feng had insisted that the first child should have a Chinese name, and her farmer stubbornness did not bend on that. Sam got to pick the names of the next two children: Yan's younger brother, Jody, and his younger sister, Mary.

"I will swallow glass before I let you become a soldier," Feng had said to Yan when she saw him, at 17, studying brochures for Military Academies, and the Army's recruitment policy. "You have always been a smart boy. You will go to school. You will be the first member of my family to have a REAL education. This is not to be discussed." Any man who ran afoul of Feng's views, learned very quickly not to do it again. Yan had learned it a long time ago. He applied himself even harder to his school work (he knew that the Military Academies required excellent grades, and he had them), and had graduated with honors. College followed, and he showed strong aptitude in Math, and was also a gifted teacher. He had spent his first year of graduate school doing private tutoring, and then had volunteered to be an "interim math teacher" for the city schools. That's what he was doing now, as he worked toward his doctorate. When he had visions of joining the military, he also took care of his body. It was not unusual for him to go to the gym twice a day, six days a week, and once, on the seventh day of the week, to "just finish up" what he had missed. He had developed a lean, muscular body which was complemented by his hair, which he wore on the long side. He was the object of more than one crush at the high school where he taught.

He had learned about sex at the gym. Yan had known, for more than a few years, that he was attracted to men, but he didn't dare say anything to his mom. He kept it very secret. And he was a virgin until he was 22.

He had been working out late at the university gym, and thought he was the last person there. He was wrong. "Hey. What's going on?" a tall, all American type came over, smiling, and sat down on the bench where Yan was changing. "I'm Kyle. " "Hey. Yan here. Nice to meet you." "Mind if I sit?" Kyle asked, and then did. His eyes never left Yan. "You've got a great body, ya know?" "Thanks," Yan answered. "You do too." Kyle smiled. "It serves me well. Guys take a look at me, and.... I'm lucky. I get to pick what I want." Yan laughed. "My mom used to say that choice was a gift from the heavens." "I'd tell your mom choice comes from hard work," Kyle answered, and Yan laughed. "My mom thinks she's always right. She usually IS, but this time..." He noticed Kyle was staring at him like a wolf. "I agree with you." Kyle didn't respond for a minute and then he did. "I made a choice tonight. I waited to see if you'd stay until closing time. Maybe I could get a date with you." Yan blushed. "YOU wanna go out with ME?" Kyle put his hand on Yan's thigh. "Very much." Yan blushed. "You know I don't have much experience." That drew a laugh from Kyle. "I do. You'll learn." He went home with Kyle that night. Kyle wanted to fuck him badly, but Yan wasn't ready for that. Still, they had a pleasant night and Yan woke up in a good mood. He had never slept with a man before. Kyle wasn't happy, but he was a gentleman. "Hope you slept well. You have time for coffee before leaving?" Yan didn't know the protocols for what happened after a one night stand, and he felt "grubby," but he could catch a shower at the gym. "Sure. Coffee sounds good." They threw on some clothes - just shorts - and when they got out to the living room, Frank was sitting there, smiling "Morning. You guys were so quiet, I didn't even know you were there." Kyle began to laugh. "Yan, this is Frank. My roommate." Frank held out his hand and when Yan shook it, he felt like Frank held onto it just a little bit longer. "I've seen you, before Yan. Where... where did I see you? " "Hmm," Yan thought. I really only get to school - I'd know you if you were in my classes, then there's my teaching - you work at the high school? "Nope. Can't be that." "Then the only other thing I can think of is the gym. I'm there a LOT" "THAT'S IT! You work out early sometimes don't you?" "Yeah, too early." He looked at his watch. "In fact, I better get my shirt on and get moving. I'm usually there by now." "So am I, Yan. Hang loose. We'll go over together." Kyle smiled. "Take care Yan. I'll see you at the gym . Frank, you gonna be home tonight?" Frank smiled. "Not if I can help it."

Yan took an immediate liking to Frank as they walked to the gym. The guy was - how did his father put it about sexy women - STACKED - yet he didn't carry that smug sense of self worth that Kyle seemed to have. "How many hours do you spend a day?" Yan had asked him "Ah, depends. Depends on how bored I am, how hungry I am, do I have a date, all that shit. I'm really not all that dedicated." Yan had to laugh to himself. Frank's definition was so good that there was no way he wasn't dedicated to the gym. "So, what do you do besides work out, Frank? I'm a grad student. Mathematics." "Cool. Smart," Frank answered. "You planned for when the old body gives out. I train folks in self defense, and I help my uncle with his scrap metal business. Keeps body and soul together." He laughed. "Gives me time to go cruising too." Yan grinned. "Cruising. I'm so new to this. Kyle was my first date." Frank stopped walking "AH. Now the quiet last night makes sense. He can be pushy. You don't seem to be the type to put up with pushy." "No, not really. He wanted to fuck me and... I didn't want him to be the first." He blushed. "I shouldn't have said that Frank, I'm sorry." "Hey, no problem," Frank said. "It's actually good to know because, well..." He pushed his hands in his pockets. "I wanted to ask you out on a date myself." Yan looked at Frank. He was his "type," at least from the magazines he "read" and the television shows he watched. He always wanted the big, superhero kind of guy: the kind of guy who could just CRUSH him with his arms, put him in his place, and have him. That was probably the issue with Kyle: he was too nice.

"Yeah. I think that would be fun. " He grinned sheepishly. "Hey, would it be ok if I came and watched you at the studio where you work? " Frank shrugged his shoulders. "I don't see why not. You wanna come over late this afternoon? We can plan the date when I'm done."

Frank was training a client when Yan showed up. He looked up, smiled, and then went back to his work. "JORDAN, YOU'RE LETTING YOUR GUARD DOWN. I CAN JUST COME IN AND...." Frank tapped Jordan on his chin. "See what I mean? Just pay better attention." "Yes coach. I see. " "GOOD. Now let's try again." Frank had clearly been working for several hours. His t shirt was soaked, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead. "I could lick those and make him very happy," Yan thought, as he began to wonder what they might do on their date. He watched for a few minutes, and then, the lesson was over. Frank touched gloves with Jordan and smiled. "Ok , stud. You have a good weekend. Don't forget about the guard. If you go out dancing this weekend, try some of the guard steps when you're on the floor. No flailing arms." Jordan laughed. "Will do coach. Have a good weekend." Frank came over to where Yan was sitting. "Hey. Thanks for coming. Gets lonely here sometimes. " He smiled. "You look sharp. Been elected best dressed at school yet?" Yan blushed. He actually dressed very casually, but he'd call it "curated casual." His normal work outfit was a dress shirt that he wore untucked, cut to fit him snugly, and a pair of dark pants. Depending on how his feet felt, he either wore loafers or sneakers - today it was sneakers. "Ha ha. Not likely. Hey, interesting lesson you were giving. I kept on thinking that your student would do better if he knew some Asian self defense?" Frank looked at him. "What kind of self defense?" Yan went into a small discussion of what he had in mind and Frank stopped. "You sound like you know something about this." "Oh yeah. I have black belts in four schools. Started when I was in grammar school. I hate cardio, so the self defense takes care of that." Frank nodded his head. "Your schedule have time to teach , Yan?" "I don't know. How many hours?" "I don't know either, " Frank answered. "Let's go find out. "HEY DRAKE" He called out to an older man at the front desk. "This is my bud Yan. You still looking for an Asian martial arts guy?" "YEAH. We are. I got another request today and we lost another client. Yan, sit down. Let's talk." Before they left for their first date, Yan had agreed to come in and teach martial arts on Saturdays, 10-3, and on Wednesdays, 6-9. By the time he finished his date with Frank, he wasn't a virgin anymore. Yan was sleeping in that apartment for the second time. He began to wonder if Kyle was gonna be pissed if he saw them. Frank laughed. "NAH. We both kinda have a habit of picking the wrong guy for ourselves, and the right guy for the other. Last guy I brought home? He dated Kyle for six weeks. Liked his style more than mine." Yan was curled up in Frank's arm. "What IS your style Frank?" "Well, you didn't see much of it tonight. Tonight was really vanilla for me. I'm much more of a control kind of guy. Bondage, power exchange, that kind of thing. Nothing really all that heavy, at least not yet, but I'm getting there." Yan rolled his eyes . "Sorry. Having sex is new to me. All this stuff. I mean, I read about it, I saw videos, but.... never really had any idea of doing it." Frank looked at him. "I like you Yan, and I don't wanna spoil anything. But if you wanted to try it, let me know." "Really ? I'd like a second date. What would you do?" "Well, I tell you what I would suggest. How about we try something WITHOUT ropes? I mean, I'll try to keep you in line just using my body, see if you like it, and if you do, we can move on to rougher stuff." Yan smiled. "It sounds good. How about later this week?" Frank laughed. "How about right... NOW" He rolled onto Yan and held down his wrists. He whispered "Now you're gonna take my tongue and you're gonna take it until I stop giving it to you." "FUCK YOU" Yan responded. He knew that's how these things went from the films he had seen, and he saw how Frank's cock reacted to his answer. His own cock did too." "Heh heh. Well, if you won't give up your mouth... I'll take something else." Yan wasn't ready for the assault on his ear. His ear WAS sensitive. Kyle had figured that out on their date, and ALMOST got Yan to give up his ass by nibbling at it. He hadn't pinned Yan down though. Trapped as he was, and with the nibbling, Yan began to moan. He tried to squirm out of Frank's grip, but he couldn't. He felt himself weakening. "Ok. You win. " Frank smiled and just kissed Yan on the lips. "Then you like it." "LIKE IT? Look at that..." He pointed to his hard cock. "OH, you mean this?" Frank slid his hand around Yan's penis, and Yan learned how much he liked being edged.

Frank introduced Yan to bondage on their next date. He had him undress, and then he bound his ankles and wrists to the four corners of the bed. He licked every square inch of Yan's body, while Yan's cock hardened, and then quivered in the middle of Frank's assault. He saved Yan's balls for last, and he smiled. "I'm gonna lick these until you beg for cock." He got to work. "SHIT THIS FEELS SO GOOD, Yan was thinking. He wanted a blow job. Badly. "Frank... will you blow me?" Frank laughed. "After I get your ass." "MMMMMMMMMMMMGNGGGNGGN. Ok, ok. You win . Fuck me Frank. Take me. " Frank untied the ankle restraints and smiled. "You're so damn flexible, it's like working with a chicken wishbone." As he spread Yan, his finger inadvertently flicked on Yan's sole. "ACK! NO. DON'T DO THAT. I'M TOO DAMNED TICKLISH" Frank smiled. "Is that right? You may regret you told me that. Maybe not. I'd have found out anyway." He pushed his cock into Yan. It was average length, but pretty thick: Yan was thinking "I could tell that were Frank's cock by just looking at it," and he threw his head back to enjoy the still new sensation of being taken by another man. "I didn't put on a rubber, so I'm pulling out Yan. No extra risk here.

EVER. Now... about that sweet peony standing up in the leaves..." He flicked his tongue over Yan's cock head, and when Yan sighed a YES, he slid down. He began circling Yan's cock with his tongue, and Yan wished he weren't tied up so he could do something. He wanted to try to pin Frank with his legs, and squeeze him, but.... HIS COCK WAS IN FRANK'S MOUTH. He pulled at the restraints, and realized he had forgotten that Frank had used handcuffs that night instead of rope. Then he began to feel waves passing over him, waves of total, complete pleasure. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. YES FRANK YES!" Frank pulled his mouth away, and Yan shot all over himself. "My turn, handsome," Frank smiled and began to jerk. He was close, and his jizz joined Yan's. "You bastard. You used handcuffs. Otherwise I was gonna flip you and fuck you myelf. " Frank laughed. "Fat chance, Yan. If there were ever a man who screamed 'bottom,' it's you. "We'll see." Yan huffed. "Next time. A challenge. Loser bottoms. " Frank smiled. "It's a deal."

They had that challenge a week later: the challenge was an escape. They'd each put the other in a hold that they thought their "victim" couldn't escape. Yan went first. He wrapped Frank in a very intricate grip using his legs and fingers. "OH, I know this one..." Frank answered. "There's a standard escape." He breathed out, until his body shrunk a little and then, to Yan's shock, he began slipping out of the grip. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. BAI GUEI don't know that." Frank smiled. "White ghost huh? " When Yan looked at him in shock, Frank laughed. "You're not my first Asian Yan. You're not even my first Asian gym bunny. Keep that in mind. Now... my turn. Something old fashioned. " He put Yan into a behind the back bear hug. Now, Yan was trained to get out of these. You went for the guy's feet, stamping them. If that didn't work, you kicked back, try to get his leg. If that didn't work, well... he had a bunch of different ways he could try. That's when he realized he didn't WANT to get out. Maybe Frank was right: maybe he WAS a natural bottom, because all he wanted at that moment was to be tied up by Frank, and to see what he had in mind for him. But he had to put up a fight. He knew Frank liked that. So he did. He went for Frank's feet, and found that he had separated them far enough away that he couldn't get to them. Then the kick: again, it didn't work. Frank was so close to him, he couldn't get any "amplitude" Finally, he just tried brute strength which he knew , was a loser. "You win Frank . I can't get out." "WOO HOO. Someone's gonna get introduced to the fine art of hogtying tonight. " And so , Yan found himself hogtied on Frank's bed, in nothing but his running shorts. Frank had some kind of toy that was a series of chains with four locking cuffs, and a center ring that allowed him to move Yan anywhere he wanted: Frank was strong enough to lift Yan easily. "I'm gonna be back in a minute. I gotta see if I can find my extra electric toothbrush Yanny boy. If I do..." He ran his finger down Yan's helpless foot. "You're gonna learn about hogtying AND tickling tonight." And that's how Yan was lying here, helpless, as Frank went to another room. He heard the door open. "I found the toothbrush. You're in big trouble Yan." "WAIT. That wasn't Frank's voice, that was...." KYLE?" "And... you're gonna learn about something called spit roasting too. HA HA HA HA HA." That WAS Frank's voice.

Next: Chapter 2

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