Ya Cant Get There from Here

By Toby Barnum

Published on Jan 16, 2006


Mark kept his Christmas promise to Shawn and outfitted one of the guest rooms to accommodate the hot tub. However, it turned out to be more than a therapy room for Toby. Mark had plans for him and Shawn that featured that tub. To make the place a little more friendly he installed shutters on the large window that framed the mountain. The plants and candles may have been overkill, but he figured why the hell not.

Josh left the shutters open and the room became a warm island in the snowstorm. He removed the restraints from Toby's leg and eased him into the bubbling water giving his wound a cursory inspection. He was slowly flexing Toby's knee when Mark came in. After acknowledging the two men, Mark looked at Josh.

"Can you teach me to do that? Toby and me have a lot of catchin up to do."

"Sure, Mark. We're just starting. Roll up your sleeves, put your hands next to mine and I'll show ya how far you can go."

With both Josh and his father supporting him, Toby felt a warmth spreading inside that had nothing to do with the temperature in the tub.

"Mark, you take care of Toby for a bit. I'll be outside with my dad if ya need anything. I'll call ya when Toby's time's up."

Alone with his son, Mark's big hands transmitted more of what of what was going on inside than words would ever do. The look on Toby's face told Mark all he needed to know.

Outside Josh grabbed his mug and sat next to Shawn in front of the fire.

"So dad, you been holdin out on me all these years. Any more surprises? Do I need to locate a Victoria's Secret before your birthday?"

"On target as usual, boy wonder. Not. This one took me by surprise several months ago."

Shawn brought his son up to date on what had happened with him and Mark the previous October.

"So, there ya have it. I fought it, but in the end I realized that if I let this chance go, I'd regret it for the rest of my life."

Josh interrupted with a call to Mark. "Time to take him out. Want any help?"

"Nah, I can handle it myself", said Mark as he stripped off his shirt, put his hands around Toby and lifted him from the tub.

When Toby reached for the towel, Mark got there first.

"Son, indulge yer ol man for awhile. I gotta make up for lost time."

Toby figured that being taken care of by his dad was worth surrendering some independence.

Outside, Josh had fallen silent. Shawn didn't push and was rewarded when Josh looked up and resumed the conversation.

"I know what you mean, dad. Toby took me by surprise too. I crossed professional boundaries. That's what's been eatin at me."

"Look, Josh, if you had taken advantage of Toby, I'd be the first to take you out of the picture. What you're doing for that boy goes beyond physical therapy. I've never seen him happier. He let you inside to a place he's kept locked from everybody else. You know Carol in social services? She ran down all the reasons that kid has for keeping everybody at arms length.

"Dad, is that THE Carol? You know, your partner in the friendly mutual admiration society?"

Shawn chuckled, "The very one. The fuzzy mama bear with fangs."

Josh grew thoughtful for a little while and then resumed speaking.

"Thanks dad. You are the only one who could get me off that particular hook. Now I really feel free and ....... well ..." Josh caught his dad's eyes. "You know what that's like."

"Yeah, I do." Shawn sighed then looked up to meet his son. "Josh, you know I've always admired your courage in going after what you want. This time you topped past records. The neatest thing for me is I have another person I can let in on what's really going on in my life. This is probably as good a time as any to tell ya. I'm moving my practice up here. Gonna start a small clinic. We've talked about my wanting to get off the treadmill before. Now I have a reason to make a move and I'm gonna go for it."

"Dad, I'll help every way I can. Have I told you recently how much I love and admire you?"

"Yeah, son. Your actions cut through all the bullshit we go through when we get together." Shawn's face was once again dressed in a grin.

"Bullshit? Hell dad, I was only doin that for you. I figured anything too heavy might strain your aging heart."

Shawn threw a pillow at his son and before long the two were wrestling on the floor.

"What the hell is all the noise out here." Mark preceded Toby into the room, took in the scene and started laughing. "Can anybody play?"

"Moose, you against me and my boy would be an even fight, but your kid is off limits to roughhousing till he's all healed"

"Excuses, excuses." Toby was shaking his head. "You just don't want yer asses whuped."

"Mark, this is living proof that your genes can overpower your upbringing. Your boy is growin up to be a wiseass just like his dad!"

"Then, Slick old buddy, we must be related. In case ya haven't noticed, the wiseass gene is pretty strong in your family tree too."

Toby entered the free-for-all with, "Josh, think we'll ever be able to attain those mature displays of affection in our relationship?"

Shawn broke in with, "Mark, maybe they're not too old to spank after all."

Toby would not be upstaged.

"Kinky, Dr. McGreggor. Josh, that's not another family trait I hope."

Later in the afternoon, Mark rigged a sled so Toby could get outside. The boys went off into the woods and stayed out until it was getting dark. They came in with a flush on their faces that Shawn decided was not entirely the result of a prolonged exposure to winter.

Still later, after the boys were settled in Toby's room for the night, Mark took a "Do not Disturb" sign from one of the guest rooms and hung it on the door leading to the hot tub. He went back and took Shawn by the hand though the darkened house. When they entered the room, Shawn found that the windows were shuttered and all the light there was coming from a small number of spear-shaped flames. Mark came up behind Shawn and pulled him close inhaling his scent with a sigh of satisfaction. The musk that shouted "male" overwhelmed him and he licked the back of Shawn's neck to taste it.

"Been waitin for this all day, buddy."

Allowing hands and bodies to carry the burden of communication, they stood wrapped in each other while they slowly disrobed pausing to play in their shorts for awhile. When these too joined the pile on the floor, Mark broke the silence.

"Gonna show ya a neat way I found this morning to get in and out of the tub, man"

With that he lifted Shawn off the floor and gently lowered him into the swirling warmth. He took the occasion to use his beard to nuzzle Shawn on his head and chest. When Shawn was submerged in water and contentment, Mark climbed in beside him. Turning sideways with legs extended on the ledge, both men slid together until their sacks and chests were rubbing together. Arms wrapped around each other, they played and fondled allowing their mutual stimulation to do its work. Mark slid back his hood and wrapped his hand around the both of them, keeping the undersides moving one against the other slowly and firmly. The water wasn't moving fast enough to take away all the precum their excitement produced and Mark found his hand getting slippery. Shawn moaned his appreciation. Mark chose words.

"Buddy, the sounds you make when we're like this get me hot as hell."

Mark followed the words with a low rumbling in his chest. The dialog of moans and low growls continued unhurried by the driving need that had been sated the previous night. When they arrived at a sensation plateau, they stayed there and gave themselves up to mutual enjoyment. A shaggy head rested itself on Shawn's chest. He stroked it gently.

"Ya know Mark, every time we get together I keep finding new things to explore."

"Why? You forget all the stuff you learned in doctor school?"

"Moose, don't play dumb, you know what I mean."

"Yeah, Shawn, same here. I wanna try it all."


"I have a limited repertoire."


"When I cover your ass with whipped cream, I'm gonna remind you that it was your idea."

Their lovemaking was playful and engaged two persons as well as two bodies. They invested the time to make it a multileveled conversation. Eventually, however, reflex threatened to take over. They returned to their original position, sitting pressed tight to each other. Sean took both their bones in hand to line them up head to head as they began to move against each other. Mark rubbed the thickness of his beard across Sean's jawline, coming to rest when their mouths found each other. Both were really close, so their movement was slight. They slowly moved up the slope to the top prolonging a pleasure so keen it melded their souls. They reached the summit quietly, their tongues being otherwise occupied. The earthquake that ensued was all the more powerful for its slow buildup. In the silence of the night their bodies heaved and convulsed while ribbons of sperm snaked through the water.

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