Y and R

By Hunter Williams

Published on Jun 1, 1999


This is a continuation of the "possible story lines" I have created for "The Young and The Restless". This deals with sex between three male characters on the Soap Opera, Neil and Malcolm Winters, and Ryan McNeil. The Young and The Restless and all of the characters from the soap opera are trademarks of and copyright CPT Holdings, Inc. This story is not meant to imply anything about the characters or the actors that portray them.

This is a story about male to male consensual sex. If that offends you, then read no further. If that doesn't offend you, then do not read further.

You must be of legal age in your area to read this and it must be legal for you to view it.

Several days after Ryan and Brad's encounter, Brad came to Ryan's office. Ryan was on the telephone when Brad walked in, and he just started smiling as he saw Brad. This was the first that they had seen each other since their time in Jack's office.

Ryan told the person that he was talking to that he was sorry, but something had come up and that he would have to get back to them later in the day. When he hung up, Ryan said, "hey Brad, what's going on?" Brad made some small talk, and then said "Ryan, I have been thinking about the other day quite a bit." Ryan said, that it had crossed his mind a few times as well.

Brad went on to say, that as Ryan knew, they (he and Jack) were trying to solidify their position as Co-CEO's of Newman Enterprises, and that when Victor returned, that they were going to have a hell of a fight on their hands trying to remain in control. Ryan agreed that Victor was going to be a formidable opponent, but he felt sure that Brad and Jack had proven that they were the best "future" for Newman.

Brad said that the appreciated his vote of confidence, but that he would just feel better if he knew for sure that they had more votes on the Newman Board. Having Victoria (who of course would always side with her father), Jill, and Neil opposing them and Ashley leaning both ways, this could still be very difficult to hold onto their positions. Ryan asked if there was anyway of getting Jill or Neil to swing over to their side. Brad, said "well Ryan, that is why I have come to see you. I have a feeling that we might be able to do a little persuading for Neil to get him to convert." Ryan, not picking up on what Brad was getting at, asked, "well, what do you have in mind?" Brad said, "well, if you haven't noticed, Neil is really a well built guy. Have you ever wondered what he might be hiding beneath his suit?" Ryan realized what he was referring to, and started smiling a wicked grin. "What are you planning?" asked Ryan. Ryan went on saying "I have seen him in the locker room, and he does have an incredible body. He has some awesome pecs, and that stomach. Man, I wish that I was built like that." "Ryan, you're far from a slouch", Brad replies.

Brad goes on telling Ryan that he knows that Neil is such a straight arrow, that they will never be able to convince him to willingly convert over to their side. Ryan asked what he had in mind. Brad responded saying that he wasn't sure, but that he was wondering if Ryan would be willing to use his "new found" talents to help him when the time was right. Ryan said, "to get a chance to get my hands on a body like that, hell yes". Brad then said that when the time was right, he would be in touch.

Shortly after Brad left, Neil came into Ryan's office for a meeting that they had scheduled. Neil was still very upset by Ryan's conversion to the "enemy camp", but they were maintaining somewhat good business relations, after all, they had been very good friends for years.

As the meeting began, Ryan could tell that Neil wasn't quite himself. As the meeting wore on, Ryan became more aware that there was definitely something bothering Neil, and he was determined to find out what it was. After about half of the issues of the meeting were accomplished, Ryan interrupted Neil, and said "Neil, what is going on with you?" Neil was evasive, but finally Ryan was able to get him to open up and start talking about what had been going on in his personal life. He was having a really hard time adjusting to the fact that he didn't get to see his daughter Lilly as much as he would like with Dru off on location in Europe. And now with Malcolm and Olivia separating, it seemed to him that his whole world was caving in. Ryan was very sympathetic and listened to Neil for quite a while, finally getting up from behind the desk and going around and sitting in the chair beside Neil. As he sat down, he put his hand on Neil's shoulder and the instant that he felt the firm muscles under his jacket, an idea popped into his head. He wasn't sure how this would turn out, but he felt sure that in the emotional condition that Neil was in at that moment, that he stood a good chance of possibly getting him in a compromising position. Yes, Neil was a good friend, in spite of what Neil thought that Ryan was doing. Ryan was convinced that Neil would understand what he was doing and would forgive him when Victor returned and regained control of the company, and it was revealed that Ryan had actually been working with Victoria trying to get inside information from Jack and Brad.

They continued to talk, but Ryan left his hand on Neil's shoulder. As the conversation continued, he could tell that Neil was really starting to relax a bit, and at the same time, he was letting his emotion show. Ryan stood up and moved behind the chair and started to massage Neil's shoulders. Neil sets up in the chair, and comments that they really feels good. Ryan says "good, just relax and enjoy it". Neil drops his head forward, and Ryan continues massaging his neck and shoulders. Then after a few minutes, he moves his hands down to Neil's biceps, and then back to the shoulders, and then slides his hands down to Neil's chest and starts massaging Neil's pecs.

With that, Neil starts to pull away, but Ryan holds him down. Neil begins to protest, but Ryan says "Neil, just relax, you need some attention and care. I am willing to show you that care."

"What are you talking about?" Neil asks with a really perplexed look on his face.

Ryan says "just relax and let me take care of everything". With that said, Ryan moves in front of Neil and has him stand up. Once he was standing, Ryan reaches for Neil's tie, and starts to loosen it. Neil says, "Ryan what the hell are you doing?" Ryan simply continues to pull the tie from Neil's neck, and then starts to remove Neil's jacket.

As this happens, Neil says "Ryan, I don't know what you think you are doing, but this stops right here"." Ryan replies, "I am going to take your mind off of your troubles for a little while. I have the afternoon blocked for this meeting, and left instructions that we were not to be disturbed". Then he starts to remove the jacket again. At this point, Neil is in an emotional state that he is really down, and now one of his closest friends is trying to seduce him. By this time the jacket is off and has been placed on the chair. Ryan takes his hands, and begins to massage Neil's hard pecs, and slowly slides his hands down over Neil's washboard abs. He debates whether he should go for broke and grab what he can only imagine is a very well endowed crotch. He quickly makes up his mind and decides to go for broke and grabs Neil's crotch. With that, Neil starts to freak out. He tries to pull away but Ryan says "Neil, let me do this for you. You need someone to care for you, and show you some attention, and I AM going to do this for you". With that said, Ryan took hold of Neil's shirt and ripped it open, revealing the magnificent chest that he had seen in the weight room so many times in the past. He leaned in and before Neil could react, started licking and sucking on the nipple that was in front of his face, making it stand at attention almost immediately. Neil started to bring his hands up to push Ryan away, but Ryan was determined, and before Neil could stop him, Ryan pushed him down on to the desk. Ryan finally said in the most forceful tone he could find, told Neil that he was going to do this for him, and that he might was well enjoy it. As he was saying this, he started unbuckling Neil's belt. Neil was finally starting to accept this, and Ryan noticed that there was a definite lengthening of Neil's cock. He could feel the cock start to snake down Neil's left leg as he began to undo the pants to Neil's expensive suit. As the fly opened, Ryan saw for the first time that Neil wasn't wearing underwear. Ryan pulled the fly open further, and something snapped in him when he saw the black hair of Neil's bush. He grabbed the pants and began to pull them down with a force that surprised both Neil and Ryan. When Neil's cock popped out after being restrained from the pants, it slapped against Ryan's chest, having reached its almost full length. Ryan stepped back and stared at the incredible sight in front of him. Neil resting on his desk, with his fantastic chest and almost rock hard cock laying out for Ryan to see. Ryan leaned forward, and took Neil's cock in his hand, and as he did, he could feel the cock swelling in his grip. The feel was incredible, hot and throbbing at the same time.

Neil was totally into this treatment by now, and was starting to moan very softly as Ryan stoked up and down. Ryan leans in and starts to lick the underside of Neil's rock hard cock. This brings louder moans of pleasure from Neil. Ryan is really starting to get aroused by this action and can feel his own cock beginning to lengthen in his pants. As he begins to take the circumcised head into his mouth, he tastes for the first time the sweet taste of precum from Neil's impressive tool. Ryan slides down over the cock and Neil looses all control and starts to push his hips up forcing his 8" cock farther down Ryan's inviting throat. As Ryan is going up and down on Neil's throbbing tool, he reaches up and begins to play with the golf ball sized nuts. He can feel that the bag is full of cum, and isn't going to take too much longer to get them off. Within minutes, he feels Neil's nuts pull up and the shaft begin to swell. Ryan sucked harder and harder, and Neil let out a loud groan and began shooting hot spurts of cum into Ryan's throat. Ryan tried his best to take it all in, but Neil was shooting off so much and so fast that his cum started running out around his swollen cock, and down Ryan's neck and into this collar.

When Neil was finally finished, he just lay there totally exhausted. He managed to push himself up and look at Ryan and said "Ry, I can't believe how good you are at that. How in the hell did you ever learn to give head like that?" Ryan replied "I have only done it once before, but you provided a lot of incentive with that incredible body of yours." While they were having this conversation, Ryan was rubbing his hands over Neil's body, continuing to enjoy the feel of the hard muscles of his legs, chest, and abs.

What the two didn't realize was that while Neil was shooting his load, Malcom had come into the room with picture for Ryan to review from a recent photo shoot. When he entered, he was stunned to see the sight before him. Ryan sucking his brother's cock. He had never even imagined seeing anything so hot as this. He hadn't ever considered having sex with a man, but seeing his brother's incredible body made him hornier than he had been in ages. Since he and Oliva had split, he hadn't had sex in several weeks, and he could feel his cock starting to grow with excitement. He just stood at the door and watched as Ryan brought his big brother to an incredible climax. Malcom had seen Neil in the gym many times, but hadn't seen him nude since they were kids. He couldn't believe how incredible he looked completely nude. Of course, Malcom knew that he was an incredibly good-looking guy also. Really the only difference between their bodies was the fact that Neil was taller. Still seeing him exposed in this way turned him on more than he could believe. And then there was Ryan. He had never seen him undressed, not even his shirt off, but having a photographer's eye, he could just tell that Ryan had a great body also.

As Neil was complimenting Ryan on this great blowjob, Malcom stepped forward, and Neil froze. Ryan turned to look where Neil was staring and couldn't believe that Malcom had caught them. Malcom said "Bro, that was one of the hottest scenes I have seen in ages. I can't believe how much you can shoot off. And Ryan, man I never would have thought that you could suck a cock like that! You are incredible! To get that rod all the way down your throat like that is awesome"! Neil and Ryan still just stared at Malcom while he was telling talking to them.

Malcom finally says, "guys stop looking at me like I am the man from Mars! I think this is cool as shit! Had I known that either of you would be into this, I would have approached you before!" Neil and Ryan were starting to become a little more relaxed, but hearing Malcom indicate that he was really into this was a huge surprise to them, especially his brother Neil.

Malcom, says, "Neil I have always figured that you and I had similar equipment, and I am very glad to see that it is just as sexy as mine!" Saying that, he breaks into that smile that can make you melt. "Ryan, it looks to me like you should really get out of those pants, before you rip the material open." Ryan looks down and sees that he is sporting a major hardon. Neil realizes this at the same time, and leans forward and with his left hand, reaches for Ryan's crotch and begins squeezing the hard cock. Malcom moves forward and starts to remove Ryan's jacket. As he does, Neil takes his other hand and starts massaging Ryan's chest through his dress shirt. Ryan throws his head back and shows that he is really enjoying the attention that he is being given by these to incredibly hot studs.

Malcom moves in behind Ryan, moving up so that his Ryan's chest is resting on Malcom's chest. As he does, he reaches around and begins unbuttoning Ryan's shirt. At the same time, Neil begins to remove Ryan's pants. When his shirt is off, and his pants are at his knees, both of the two guys seducing Ryan really go to town rubbing him all over. Neil slides off of the desk, and bends down to remove the pants from Ryan. When he stands up, he moves forward and he and Malcom sandwich Ryan. Neil's cock, which is now rock hard again, slides between Ryan's bikini-brief clad crotch. Neil leans in and kisses Ryan on the mouth, running his tongue over Ryan's lips, trying to part his lips. Finally Ryan opens his mouth, and it is instantly filled with Neil's probing tongue. Malcom in the mean time has reached around and is grasping Neil's firm ass cheeks. When Neil pulls away from Ryan he looks down into his eyes and says, "I think it is time that we make you feel as good as you made me feel". With that, he slides his hands up over Ryan's pecs, until he reaches his T-shirt. When he gets to the neck, he slides a few fingers into the neckline, and grasping it, rips it from Ryan's body. Malcom takes his big brothers lead and reaches in between the two men in front of him, and grabs Ryan's bikini-briefs, and rips those from his body as well. Ryan is now standing completely nude between the two studly brothers, and shivers slightly in anticipation of what is about to happen. Malcom says very softly "I think maybe I should get rid of these cloths, and join you guys. He is nude in seconds, and by this time, Neil has laid Ryan out on the floor of the office, and had begun sucking on one of his nipples.

Malcom seeing this attacks the other with a lust that brings a long moan from Ryan. The two ebony gods start to lick their way down towards Ryan's waiting crotch. When they get there, they begin to lick the shaft up and down. At one point, their tongues meet, and they intertwine tongues around Ryan's cock. He is moaning continuously by now. Neil takes control, and begins to suck on Ryan's cock, taking it entirely into his throat until his nose is buried in Ryan's soft pubic hair. He breathes in, basking in the wonderful scent that can only be found in a man's crotch.

While Neil is impaling himself on Ryan's cock, Malcom stretches out beside Ryan and puts his face between Ryan's legs, and begins to suck and lick each of his hairy balls. Ryan in appreciation to this attention, reaches over and begins to masturbate the rock hard cock in front of him, finally pulling it to his waiting mouth, and begins to suck on Malcom's wide helmet. Malcom says "oh yeah man, suck my cock". He continues to sucking on Ryan's balls, and can feel them pull up. Knowing that he is about to blow, he tells Neil to slow down, that he doesn't want this to end quite so soon. He then leans forward and takes his brothers erect cock into his own mouth. Neil has been so ready to blow his second load since he started sucking Ryan's cock, that he instantly starts shooting hot streams of cum into his little brothers mouth. Ryan at the same time starts shooting a torrent of cum into Neil's mouth.

When Neil and Ryan have gotten them selves under control, they realize that Malcom has not been satisfied. Ryan asks Neil, "how do you think that we can take care of your little brother?' Neil replies, that I think that since you have taught me the fine art of giving head, that maybe a tag team on that throbbing piece of meat would be appropriate. With that, they lean down and begin sucking on Malcom for all they are worth. Both guys pinching his erect nipples and pulling on his hard pecs. It doesn't' take long for Malcom to be on the verge, and once there he spills his seed, and Ryan is the winning recipient taking as much in as he can. As Malcom's softening cock slips from Ryan's mouth, Neil looks at his brother, lying on the floor trying to catch his breath and says, I was really hoping to be able to get some of your hot juice. Ryan leans in and before Neil's realizes it, has Ryan's mouth over Neil's lushes lips, and is sliding his tongue into Neil's mouth, delivering some of the prize that Neil thought that he had missed out on.

As the three guys lay on the floor, Neil begins to return to the "old" Neil, and says, I think that it is time that we all get back to work.

After they have gotten dressed, and Malcom and Neil have left Ryan's office, Ryan calls Brad and tells him that he thinks that he has assured Neil's vote on any up-coming Board matters. When asked how he could be so sure, Ryan replies, "I taught him a lesson that a hot CEO-stud had recently taught me"!

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