Y and R

By Hunter Williams

Published on May 16, 1999


This is my first attempt at writing a story. I have chosen a story line that recently aired from "The Young and The Restless" and have altered it to the way that it could have been. This deals with m/m sex between to male characters on the soap opera: Brad Carlton and Ryan McNeil. The Young and The Restless and all of the characters from the soap opera are trademarks of and copyright CPT Holdings, Inc. This story is not meant to imply anything about the characters or the actors that portray them.

This is a story about male to male consensual sex. If that offends you, then read no further. If that doesn't offend you, then do not read further. You must be of legal age in your area to read this and it must be legal for you to view it.

Ryan Trying To Keep His Job

Ryan received the letter from Victoria stating that because of his "disloyalty" to the Newman family, that his professional services were no longer needed by Newman Enterprises. As he finished the letter, he couldn't believe that this was happening. He had given so much of his professional career to Newman Enterprises, and now, with just one letter, it was all down the tubes. He looked at Victoria, and for a moment, he couldn't bring himself to speak. Finally he did manage to get is voice, and the first thing to come from his lips was, what the hell are you doing? I put my neck on the line for you and your family, trying to get into Jack and Brad's trust and you fire me?

Victoria said, Ryan calm down, let me explain. Nicholas was furious when he heard that you were siding with them, and he wanted to fire you. Of course since he isn't on the board, he didn't have the authority. He insisted that I do it. I didn't have any choice.

This did not appease Ryan. Victoria went on saying, Ryan stop and think. Since I have fired you, you can now go to Brad and Jack and convince them that you are totally behind them, and get them to rehire you. Finally, Ryan started to calm down, and he admitted that he saw the reasoning behind her scheme, but he was really worried about the effect that this could have. He had everything to loose. If they didn't hire him back, he was out on the street. Yes, he could get another job, but he had worked his ass off for Newman to get where he was. He had worked his way from the mailroom to being a vice president. That was a hell of an accomplishment, and it could all come crashing down around him if Brad and Jack didn't believe him.

Victoria left and Ryan thought to himself, it is now or never. He went to Jack's office to see him and try and convince him that he was totally behind the new regime at the company. When he arrived at Jack's office, his secretary wasn't at her desk but the door was standing ajar. He proceeded to storm into the office and as he did he started saying "Jack, I need to talk to you". He stopped short as he came in, and realized that Jack wasn't in the office. Just as he was about to turn to leave, Brad stepped away from the window, and asked if there was something he could help Ryan with. Ryan was kind of started not realizing that anyone was there when he didn't find Jack.

Brad told Ryan that he didn't mean to startle him, and Ryan said that he was sorry to barge in, but right then he was so mad that he couldn't see straight. Brad asked what was wrong. Ryan began to tell Brad about the letter from Victoria. When he had finished retelling the story Brad said, Ryan, what exactly do you think that Jack would do about this? Ryan was kind of taken aback, and looked Brad right in the eye and said to be perfectly honest, I was hoping that when he heard about his, that he would remember the contributions that I have made to this company, and also appreciate the situation I am in and reinstate me.

Brad looked at Ryan for a minute, and then asked, why exactly should we trust you? You have come along way under Victor's kindness. Ryan was furious with this. Before he could control himself he blurted out with a very bitter tone, "yes, Victor has given me a hell of a lot of opportunity, but I and I alone took those opportunities and worked my ass off to get where I am. He didn't give me anything other than the chance to make things work. Yes, I owe him a lot because of this, but I also realize that your taking over the company was best for the company."

Brad was very apprehensive about believing him, especially because of the past history between Ryan and that family. Brad said to Ryan, you feel that I should believe you just because you are say that you are behind us? I agree that you have been a tremendous asset to the Jabbot Men's line, but I just don't know that I can trust your loyality to reinstate you.

Ryan realized that this is not going was easily as he had hoped. He could very easily loose everything that he has worked for for so long.

Brad just stares at Ryan for a minute, and then says, Ryan, I need some proof of your loyality. Ryan asks, "what can I do? I would do anything to prove that I am behind you and Jack completely."

Brad asks "anything"? Ryan says "yes, anything. What would it take?" Brad is quite for what seems like an eternity to Ryan, and then he says "close the door."

Ryan turns and closes the door. When he does this, he turns to return to the front of the desk where he had been standing. Brad says, "Lock it". Ryan just looks at him, and Brad says, "I said lock it". Ryan locks the door and returns to where he was standing shortly before in front of the desk.

Brad says, you know, I want to believe that you are telling me the truth, and that you are loyal to me, but I am going to need proof. Ryan says, "Brad I have told you repeatedly that I am. What will it take to convenience you?" Again, Brad says nothing for a minute, and Ryan is becoming more nervous as time goes by. Finally, Brad says, "take off your shirt." Ryan was not expecting this at all. He says, "excuse me?" Brad repeats, "take off your shirt". Ryan looks totally bewildered, and Brad says more forcefully, I said, "take off your shirt!" When he doesn't move, Brad says very calmly, "you say that you want my trust, then you are going to have to prove it. Now, for the last time, take off your shirt." With this, Ryan realizes that this is something that he never expected to have to do, but too much was at stake, and removes his jacket. When he had laid the jacket on the chair, he removes his tie, and begins unbuttoning his shirt. All the while, Brad is standing behind Jack's desk with his arms crossed, watching intently as Ryan begins to let himself be directed by Brad. When Ryan has removed his shirt, he stands before Brad very awkwardly, not knowing exactly what to do. He folds his arms across his chest matching Brad, and nervously shifting from one leg to the other, making it very apparent that he is extremely uncomfortable.

Brad gets a slight smile across his face, and tells Ryan that he shouldn't be so uncomfortable. I never really noticed it before today, but you are a very attractive man, and have a very nice chest. Ryan, not feeling much relief in Brad's words, nervously smiles, and says "thanks". Brad then says, "now, take off your pants." Ryan becomes even more nervous at this point, and says, "isn't there another way that I can convenience you?" Brad just repeats, "take off your pants," and then adds forcefully "now!"

Ryan, realizing that there is no way out of this, unfastens his belt, and then releases his pants, and they drop to his knees revealing the red satin boxer's that Trica had just gotten for him. Brad tells him to go ahead and step out of the pants. Ryan sets down and removes his shoes and then takes his pants off entirely. Brad says, "while you're at it, go ahead and remove your socks as well." When Ryan had finished this, he stood up again, and Brad looks Ryan up and down. He compliments him again on his looks, saying that he had noticed that Ryan was a very well developed man, but didn't realize just how muscular he truly was. He went on to say that he looked really good in those satin boxers. Ryan sort of blushes, and thanks him for the compliment.

At this point, Brad walks from behind the desk and comes to stand beside Ryan. Ryan turns and faces Brad as he comes around the desk. Brad tells Ryan that he is doing very well at proving his loyalty. He goes on and says, "Ryan you must understand that I have never done anything like this before, but I have always been curious about a few things." Ryan asks what, and Brad says that he has always wondered what it would be like to be with another man. Ryan tells Brad that he has never done that either and that he has no interest in finding out. Brad says, "Ryan, you don't understand, that is exactly how your are going to prove your loyalty to me." Ryan never thought that he would ever be in a situation like this.

Ryan says, "Brad, please don't make me do this! I beg you! This job means everything to me, but there has to be some other way!" Brad says, "Ryan, there is only one way that you can prove this to me, and this is what is going to happen. Now, start taking my clothes off." Ryan starts to protest, but Brad stops him by saying, "I said take my clothes off...NOW!" With that, Ryan realizes that there is no way to prevent this, so he reaches up and takes Brad's jacket off, avoiding his eyes. When he has done this, he looks up at Brad, and when he makes eye contact, Brad says, don't be embarrassed by this, try and enjoy it. Ryan has never felt so humiliated in his life, but he reaches for Brad's tie and removes it, and then begins to unbutton his shirt. When it is completely unbuttoned, he begins to remove the shirt, brushing over Brad's hard pecs. Ryan stops and looks at the impressive pecs before him, and has to admit that he did enjoy getting to see such a gorgeous chest that close. Brad smiles and says, "they are hot aren't they?" Ryan just nods.

Brad says, "go ahead feel them." Ryan takes his hands and grasps a hold of the hard pecs in front of him, and he has to admit that he really is enjoying feeling this. Then Brad says, "take off my pants." Ryan is hesitant, but then starts to unbuckle Brad's belt, and as he does, he feels the hard abs and realizes that he is actually starting to get stimulated by doing this. He then loosens the pants, and they fall to Brad's knees, and Ryan sees for the first time, that Brad is wearing black boxer-briefs. When this view is revealed, Ryan looses all restraint and knells down in front of Brad and takes his shoes and pants off completely. This is the first time that he has seen Brad this close to nude, and he can't believe how sexy he is. Brad says, "good, I am glad to see that you are starting to loosen up and beginning to enjoy this". Ryan stands up, and takes his hands and rubs them over Brad's chest and rock hard stomach. He says, "man, you have got an incredible body!" Brad, thanks him, and says, "now, you need to finish you job." With that, Ryan reaches around Brad and pulls him to him and their chests touch for the first time. Ryan trembles at the touch, but begins by rubbing his hands over the firm muscles of Brad's ass. Then he slides his hands around the side moving towards the bulge in Brad's crotch. As he grasps the cock and balls through the soft black material, Brad's cock start to harden. Brad says, "Ryan you're doing very well." Ryan then slides his hands down into Brad's boxer-briefs and grasps the lengthening cock. He is surprised at the size of what he finds. It is just beginning to stiffen, but it must be at least 5" already and he can feel a very impressive circumcized head on the cock.

Brad says, "go ahead and take my shorts off, and get a good look at how hot I really am!" Ryan slides both hands into the boxer-briefs and begins to slide them down over the firm ass and then he steps back so that he can get his first view of the crotch that has been pressed against him for the last few minutes. As the shorts continue to be slide down, the black curly pubic hair first comes into view. Ryan continues to slide the underwear off and then Brad's cock is released from its confines. Ryan can't believe his eyes. Brad's cock is incredible. It is the same bronze colored skin as the rest of his gorgeous body. His bush is coal black as the hair on his head, and draws Ryan's hand to it. He runs his fingers through the black hair, and finds the base of the now fully erect cock, which Ryan figures must be, at least 9". He grasps the cock and starts to feel the throbbing and heat of this wonderful prize of Brad's. Brad throws his head back and says, "oh man that feels so good!" Ryan finally speaks, and says, "man I can't believe that I am doing this, but the more that I do, the more natural it feels!" Brad laughs, and says, "I didn't think that you would take to this so naturally, but you are doing a great job, and by the looks of things, you are getting into this more than I thought possible." Ryan looked down to his own crotch where Brad was staring, and found that his own cock was rock hard and tenting out the silk boxers. He had been so into what he was doing, he hadn't realized that his own cock had gotten to a completely erect state.

Brad sort of chuckles and says "it looks like we had better release that before you hurt yourself" and saying that, he reaches down and grasps the sides of the silk boxers and rips them from Ryan's body, exposing him entirely. Ryan is shocked at this, and says, "how am I going to explain this to Trish, she just got those for me." Brad says, "don't sweat it, you'll just have to get another pair." Brad reaches down and grasps Ryan's cock and says, "you know Ryan, I never figured you would be this well endowed for a guy your size." Ryan didn't know exactly how to take that, but just said "thanks." Ryan was also circumcised, and when rock hard, was at just over 7" in length. Brad used Ryan's cock as a leash and led him to the couch and when they got there Brad sat down, facing Ryan. He spread his legs, giving Ryan a better view of his crotch. Ryan can now take in entirely the gorgeous body that is laid out before him. He kneels down places his hands on Brad's rock hard stomach, and runs his hands up over Brad's chest, until he reaches Brad's pecs. When he does, Brad tells Ryan to suck on them. Ryan has now given up all restraint, and leans in and begins to tease each nipple with his tongue. Then he begins to suck on the nipple with intensity. Brad is really enjoying this, and lets out a low moan. He takes his hands and places them on Ryan's shoulders and begins to push him down towards his crotch. As Ryan allows himself to be pushed downward, he licks and kisses his way down.

Finally, he reaches the rock hard cock that has been sliding over his chest during his decent to Brad's incredible crotch. As he gets closer to the crotch, he begins to smell Brad's wonderful scent. Ryan comments about how great he smells. Brad says "thanks, but things will get better". Ryan has now come face to face with the Brad's impressive cock. Brad says, "go on, you know what you have to do". Ryan takes his tongue and begins to lick up the underside of Brad's cock. When he reaches the top, he slowly takes his lips and begins to lower his mouth over the head of Brad's cock. As the head slips into Ryan's wet mouth, Brad lets out another moan, and says, "oh, yeah, that's it. You're doing great!"

Ryan reaches up with his left hand and begins to play with Brad's balls, and when he touches them, he can tell that they are full, and that it isn't going to be long before Brad release his load. Ryan slides his lips up and down a few more times, and then pulls off of the cock and asks Brad "do I have to swallow?" Brad says "no, only if you want to. You have done a hell of a job at proving your loyalty. But don't think that me saying that, that you are going to not finish what you started!" With that, Ryan leans back into Brad's crotch, and begins to suck each ball into his mouth, getting them good and wet. At the same time, he is jerking Brad's throbbing cock off. He moves back up and begins sucking on the cock again, letting it slide in to his mouth until he feels Brad's bush tickle his nose. He inhales the secret scent, and his gag reflex kicks in and he pulls off and when he has recovered, he continues going up and down on Brad's cock.

After a few minutes of this, he feels the cock to harden even more, and become slightly thicker. As he is playing with Brad's balls, he can feel them draw up and he knows that the time has come. He pulls off of Brad's cock, and begins jerking him off with everything he can muster. Brad is going nuts at this point. He has thrown his head back, and is moaning loudly. Then Brad lets out a long moan, and a huge string of cum shoots from Ryan's hand landing on Brad's chest. This goes on for about four more shots, and then Brad says, "well, that's it. Ryan you have done a hell of a job." Brad says, "you will have your job back". Ryan stands and thanks Brad for giving him his job back.

Brad says, "there is just one more thing". Ryan asks what more could there be, and Brad says, "I think one good turn deserves another", and with that Brad leans forwards and takes Ryan's erection completely into his mouth. Ryan is so stunned by this, that he nearly shoots his load immediately. Ryan says "Brad, it's coming", and Brad pulls off and jerks Ryan to an incredible orgasm.

When they have both regained their composure, Brad says "Ryan, you have displayed that you have more talents than either of us ever knew about. We just may need to utilize these talents in winning over a few more votes on the Board. Ryan simply says, "I'm your man".

As I said at the beginning, this is my first attempt at writing a story, so I would be interested in hearing comments. I just ask that you be kind. y_r_buff@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2: Cole Versus Nick

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