XXX Video Store Encounter

By moc.loa@ipmetnouB

Published on Apr 11, 2008



An XXX book/video store had recently opened up in the next town over. One Tuesday morning I was in the area, so having been widowed a few months earlier and being extremely horny I decided to go check it out. I had suppressed my strong gay feelings most of my adult life but now I needed to experience what I had always desired.

When I got to the store there was only the sales clerk and one customer, it was around 10:30 in the morning. I was very nervous so I began checking out the heterosexual area but quickly moved to the bi-sexual section. I am sure that young gay men today would find this hard to understand but I was brought up in a Catholic macho household so even though I was over fifty years old I was still guilt ridden. While the customer and the sales clerk was chatting together I finally got up the courage to go over to the gay section. I immediately got a raging hard-on as I perused the hot books and DVD's

Lust took over and now I didn't care who would see me. While I was looking at a particular gay DVD contemplating buying it, unbeknownst to me the customer had left and the sales clerk was behind me looking over my shoulder.

He said " that's a hot DVD" I nodded in agreement. He then said " why don't you preview it to see if you want to buy it". He quickly took the movie from me and led me to a viewing booth. He put the DVD in and started the movie, but he left the door open and stayed there in pretense to make sure that I knew how to operate the player. There were three hot guys performing and of course my cock was burning through my briefs and slacks. The salesman was still there, he was in late thirties, rugged with dark brown hair. He then said " man look at the cock on that blond guy, it is huge". Now he had me, I knew he was looking to get his rocks off too. So I said "his cock doesn't look that big, mine is probably bigger". He responded " no way!. Can I see it" So I took out my eight and a half inch thick uncut cock and started to stroke it. He asked is he could feel it and he started to stroke me, always looking back to the front door of the store. I was in heaven, it felt so fantastic to have another mans warm hand pleasuring my steel hard prick.

I asked to see his and he then got nervous and said "I have to tend the store. I'll leave this in you can watch the whole movie at no charge". He left the booth and closed the door. Within three or four minutes there was a knock on the door. He opened it and said " Can I suck your cock". I asked what about the store. He said " I locked the door and put the "be back in 15 minute" sign up". He then took me to the basement, took his cock out and we stroked for a couple of minutes. He then got on his knees and started to suck my cock. I hadn't felt so sexually excited in many, many years. I was tingling from head to toe. I then realized what I had deprived myself of most of my life. But the best was yet to come.

While he was sucking me he dropped my pants to the floor and grabbed my ass cheeks and pulled me into him, I was so fucking hot I nearly exploded, but I want this to last as long as it could. Then he deep throated my thick, long, throbbing, uncut cock. I couldn't believe the intensity of the feeling. It was indescribable. I tried to tell him that I was about to cum but he kept forcing my cock down his tight throat like he wanted to swallow my entire body. We were welded together as one. Then the fireworks began, I took over and thrust my cock down his throat with several burst of molten semen. I gave him all of my energy and my legs weakened so that he had to hold me up.

After it was over and when we got upstairs to the store he thanked me and gave me the video to take home at no charge making me promise to return.

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