Xxx Men Series

By Phoenix

Published on Sep 6, 2005


Phoenix_587 here. Told ya'll I'd be back! Sorry I'm being bitchy with the slow updates guys, but I'll try harder. To all those who've helped me with the emails and Ims, thanks a bunch. As usual post or email at This is't as long as I'd like it to be but I'll try cuz I'm trying to put up another SYLM in the next couple of days.

Telepathic Communication indicated by text enclosed within [ ](For this issue).

Xmen Story Chapter 10- "The Great Outdoors"

Logan: "All right ladies, fall in for inspection!"

Hurriedly, we lined up, under the scrutinizing gaze of Logan's feral eyes. He paced up and down the length of the line, sizing us up, then he commenced with the briefing.

Logan: "All right, listen up. This will be the third time we're going to try this, and you'd better get it right this time around. No funny stuff, got it?"

(He started eyeing John and David suspiciously, I wondered what that was about.)

"We'll be in a pine forest setting, Canada. It shouldn't be too harsh this time of the year, but there will be snow, so you'll have to find shelter from the elements. You'll need fire for warmth and food to survive. You will procure this without the use of mutant abilities. Your goal is to survive for forty-eight hours. I'll be in the Blackbird, should any trouble arise. And you better hope no trouble arises on account of you. Now, lucky for you wannabes, you'll have some help this time around. Jake here, will be joining you. Pay attention to him, you could learn a thing or two. Unlike you, he's actually passed this course. Any questions?"

Roberto: "Uh, what kind of wildlife will we be seeing there....sir?"

Logan: "Huh? This ain't exactly a Safari tour kid."

John: "I think he means, gulp, what's on"

Logan: (Grinning fiendishly) "You'll have to find out for yourself. Now pick up your backpacks and get on board."

With such a grim portent, we headed into the Blackbird. The others were used to it but this was only the second time I'd been in there, counting my excursion the night before. Now I could truly witness what a marvel of engineering the Blackbird was. In order to be as close a possible to the Storage Lockers as possible, I took a seat close to the back. It meant losing out on the great view, but there would be plenty of time for that on the return trip. The others took seats closer up front, where they engaged in the ever popular chit-chat. To explain my absence I just said that I was sleepy and would pop some Z's in the back, and for them to wake me when we arrived. No one seemed to find this too suspicious, after all we had been forced out of bed at 3:oo am, besides, I'd never done this before. Whilst they were all talking, I telekinetically transferred my stuff to my backpack. With that, I simply laid back, closed my eyes and pretended to sleep.


Bobby glanced over at the back seat where Rick was sleeping. He thought about the talk he'd had with Jubilee the day before. That he should open up and tell Rick how he felt. To have some faith in Rick and their friendship. He'd given it a lot of thought over the night, and he'd come to a decision. He wouldn't go outright and confess to Rick about his love for him, but he'd give gentle...hints to him. That way Rick could decide whether to follow up on them or not. If he followed up on them, then Bobby would go all the way. If not, at least his secret wouldn't be out for nothing.

Either way, he had to do something. He couldn't go on not knowing how Rick would react. And it would be a step, granted a baby step, in the right direction. He didn't realise just how long he was staring at Rick and he shifted his gaze back up front, only to be met by the stare of Jubilee. She regarded him with a knowing smile. Knowing that soon he'd be doing something to alleviate his situation, thanks to her talk, he returned the smile. If all went well, then in the next two day's, he'd have some idea of what Rick would think of him.


I woke up with a jump. I hadn't actually planned on popping off to sleep, but it was a long flight, and I was tired. I woke up to Bobby nudging me into consciousness.

"We there yet?"

Bobby: "Yeah, like a half hour ago."

"Half an hour?! Why didn't you wake me up?"

Bobby: "I...just didn't have the heart to. You looked real beat..."

Call me crazy, but, I definitely sensed, something about the way he said it. I just couldn't place my finger on what exactly. But some sort of emotion I couldn't read from him registered on my telepathy. I didn't get the chance to delve into it more fully though. Just then Logan started bellowing in his military air for us to fall in for instructions. Without further or do, we went outside to join the others.

[Jake: Hey there sleeping beauty.]

[Knock it off...]

Logan: "Okay, from here on out, you're on your own for forty-eight hours. How you decide to survive in the wilderness is entirely up to you. I've already marked the perimeter with red tape, so you should able to tell if you're leaving the designated area. This is a simple exercise, so pass it already, I'm getting fed up of coming all the way out here every so often. If anything serious comes up, Jake's got a radio that's linked up to the jet."

After some more of Logan's brand of pep-talk, he left us in Jake's hands to brave the big bad wilderness. The sky was severely overcast and it didn't take a meteorologist to figure out that with the biting cold temperature, snow was evident. Unfortunately, we were given next to no protective clothing, no matches, lighters or anything warm for that matter. And we weren't supposed to use our powers to pass the course.

Amara: " hair's on the fritz."

John: "We're in the Canadian wilderness on a survival test, and you're worried about your hair?"

David: " should be more worried about the bears and mountain lions."

Jubilee grabbed onto Ray, a look of fright on her face.

Jubilee: "There..are bears and mountain lions here?!"

Jake: "Don't let them get to you girls. There haven't been any sightings of bears or mountain lions in these parts for decades. Well if everyone's ready, we better get a move on, or we'll freeze to death. First thing's first, we gotta go find some shelter."

Jamie: "Well, we could just camp it out under the X-Jet."

Somehow, that idea didn't seem like it would have satisfied Logan though, so without further or do, we started hiking it up the mountain trial, keeping a sharp look out for a suitably sheltered location. I couldn't help but notice just how closely, behind Jake Amara was tagging along. At least he wasn't giving her the time of day. Ray and Jubilee were walking it together. The rest of the guys were just ahead of me. It figures that I'd be tagging along in the back. They were accustomed to this kind of training, I wasn't. I mean, I didn't have their kind of stamina yet. Everynow and then I had to burst into a gallop to catch up with them. Bobby slowed down to wait for me to catch up though. "Sorry, I'm just not used to this."

Bobby: "Ah, don't sweat it. Neither was I. You'll adapt."

"Aren't you afraid we'll lose sight of the others?"

Bobby: "So what if we do? We can hande this, can't we? All we gotta do is find a nice cosy spot and keep each other warm until this snow blows over."

So, basically we walked together in the back whilst the rest of the guys rushed along up front. My already, somewhat slow pace was made even slower by my constant need to admire the view of the surrounding countryside. We were on a mountainside afterall, and I have a soft spot for scenice views.

"Damn...this place is beautiful!"

Bobby: "Sure is."

"So, do you guys only come to places like this to train and stuff...or like for fun too?"

Bobby: "We don't really get vacations. A few days here and there. Evil never really seems to give it a rest for long."

"Sigh I'd sure like to come back here one of these days."

Bobby: "Well, maybe we can."

"Not for training, I mean just to relax a little, you know."

Bobby: "That's what I meant, who knows? Maybe we'll get a of these days."


Bobby: "Yeah, I like this place too, remember."

"Haha, yeah. I guess it wouldn't be smart to come to a place like this alon, huh?"

Ray: "Yo, Bobby! Hurry up man, we've been waiting on you guys for like..."

Bobby: "We'll get there when we get there."

We snickered as we ran up to join them.


Jake: "Okay, there's a cave right over to our left that can serve as our shelter. Good thing too, that snow's really coming down. "

The cave was large enough for all of us. That was a blessing finding a ready made shelter. However we were still cold though. And we were all starting to get pretty hungry. It wasn't long before Jake had us trying to start up fires for warmth. We had to do the scout thing. You know, hard stick, and soft stick and try to start a fire by friction. Unfortunately, we weren't having much luck. For one thing, the sticks were wet. And Jake was the only one there who knew how to, and he wasn't doing it because

Jake: "You guys are going to have to figure it out on your own, its your exam, I passed it already."

The biting cold, hunger and sheer boredom was starting to get to all of us, especially our Princess. John had been trying for the last forty-five minutes to start up a fire with the firesticks. The most he had succeeded in doing was making smoke, however. I could tell that he was at nerves' end. Amara had to open her stupid mouth.

Amara: "Gimme those sticks and let me try. I swear to God, John, you can't even make Fire with your powers, what makes you think you can do it with two sticks?"

John: "What the fu-"

Jubilee: "I am freezing, hungry and deadass tired, don't startup any shit now."

John: "Tell that to Amara."

Bobby: "I don't know John. I think Amara just may be able to get a fire blazing with those sticks."

Amara: "Thank you!"

She got to it. Bobby continued. I should have seen it coming.

Bobby: "After all...who else do we know with as much experience in woodworking-" We all laughed at that. Even Jubilee. What made it worse was when John picked up two more firesticks and started to suggestively stroke them together. That sent Amara over the edge. She went silent and huffy. You know the way girls do. She gave us all a withering stare and went off to another corner of the cave, to sulk no doubt.

Jake: "Just I see why you guys can't seem to pass this course."

"Shouldn't one of us go look for her and bring her back here. I mean, it's best if we stick together, right?"

Jake: "You're right, you guys stay here. I'll go get her."

With that, he left us to go get Amara. Meanwhile, the rest of us decided to make the most of Jake's absence.

Jamie: "Quick Jubes, while Mr. Military's gone. Get us some fire."

Jubilee: "Gotcha."

Bobby: "Too bad we ain't got anything to eat."

I shifted uncomfortably.

Ray: "Yeah, I'm starving."

David: "Need food."

Roberto: "With alla that snow going on out there, I doubt we'll be able to catch anything."

John grumbled incoherently.

"Well, I got...some stuff. I mean...I only brought it along, in case of an emergency. And I guess this is an emergency."

They jumped at that. I pulled out the stuff I brought from my backpack. Mostly like Pringles, Pop Tarts, Twinkies and an assortment of junk food I grabbed from the kitchen. Out here, with the thought of barbecued owl on everyone's mind, this was akin to a feast.

Bobby: "Dude, I love you!"

Ray: "Here here!"

Jubilee: "Hehehehe!"

John: "Hands off the Twinkie Roberto, or I'll cut you."

Jamie: "Anything to drink?"

"I actually thought that water would have been enough."

Roberto: "Hehehe....well we could just recycle our body fluids."

Jubilee: "Ugh, Berto, I have half a mind to-"

Ray: "I'm trying to eat here."

We ate in silence until David added,

David: "Too bad Amara ran off, I bet she's hungry."

It was then that I noticed how long Jake had went off in search of her. I checked my watch. He'd left us to go fetch her forty-five minutes ago. I began to grow worried. I mean we were in a cave. From my knowledge of Geography, I knew caves in mountainous regions can go deep underground, like way beneath the mountain itself. And this cave was rather big. And Jake's attitude to this survival test was scaring me to no end. I mean he went all out Mr. Military. What if he was in some sort of trouble and decided to go through it the normal, powerless way. That and his sense of pride, what if he was just too cocky to call for help? Then there Amara to think about, was she all alone somewhere or had Jake found her and then gotten lost. I decided to voice my concerns to the others.

"Guys, don't you think that Jake has been gone a awfully long time? Do you think he's lost or needs help or something?"

Ray: "Nah, Jake's a big boy, he can take care of himself."

"But you see how seriously he takes this course, what if-"

Jubilee: "I think he'll know when it's a life and death to give us a call."

John: "Then there's Amara to think about. You see how she ran out of here. She'll probably need some calming down. He's probably just giving her some time to cool her jets, that's all."


Bobby: "Well, if you want to go look for them so bad, let's go."

Ray: "I ain't moving from here."

Jamie: "What's the matter, scared of the dark?"

They started bickering. Just then david and John said that they'd come with us. I wasn't exactly planning on leading a group for search and rescue down there.

Jubilee: "Oh, sit down you two. Jake and Amara are probably on their way back by now anyway. Just let Rick and Bobby go see what's taking them."

They sat back down, and got back to the business of eating. Jubilee glanced at Bobby and I saw that some sort of eyetalk was taking place, couldn't make heads or tails if it though.

Jubilee: "Well, go on already."

He nodded and with that we set off down, deeper into the cavernous recesses.


We were supposed to be looking for Jake and Amara, and find out what took them so long to get back. I thought they were lost or something. I had been so up in arms about going off to find them, and Bobby had agreed, true to his best friend nature, to back me up. We left the campsite and travelled down the cave's hallways, lighting our way with the flashlights that Logan had given us. Everything had started out okay, I mean we were the "Rescue" team. Too bad we didn't see that soon, we'd be the ones needing to be rescued.

Maybe we should have been leaving marks to leave a trail or something. The cave was big and it's tunnels twisted in a maze-like network. It's lay was also unpredictable. I mean one minute you're walking on flat ground, then next, there's a huge gaping crack in the floor that seemed to go right down of the center of the Earth itself. More than once we got our feet stuck in those things. As if that wasn't enough, there were the goddamned bats to worry about. I didn't think they were vampire bats, but they did try to bite, in the eyes to boot.

Bobby and I walked down one corridor after another. We at first didn't notice just how similar they all started looking.

Bobby: "I swear, we passed that rock like three times already."

"You sure?"

Bobby: "Yeah, we're going around in circles Rick."

"Well then, let's just leave this part of the tunnel."

Sounded like a good enough plan. Simple enough. Unfortunately things are rarely ever so simple in life. We backtracked our steps (As well as we could. It was difficult and I think we might have made a wrong turn. We didn't exactly leave a trail of breadcrumbs to follow backwards.) Anyhow we tried we always seemed to end up right in front of that stone. I was never a truly brave person, and I was beginning to get freaked out. I thought of all the tons of mountain on top of me, and I think I could feel myself suffocating. It was like we were alive in a ready made tomb.

"Oh God! I think we're really, really lost. How the hell did we end up in this tunnel? Can you remember Bobby? Did you see which opening we took?"

Bobby: "I thought you were keeping track, umm you were kinda leading."

He was right. I should have been paying better attention to where I was leading us. I checked my watch, we had left the other five hours ago. We had figured out we were lost like five minutes ago. I wish I had been keeping contact with them, but we had already broken so many survival training taboos, I didn't want to actually break the biggest one of all, the use of mutant abilities. But now I didn't see any choice.

"I'll try to contact the others."

Bobby: "Think it'll work?"

I honestly didn't know yet. Mental signals are like anyother signals, like phone signals. With all the layers of rock and debris, I didn't know if I had the kind of telepathic power to send a message through all of that. I'm a lot more powerful telekinetically. I didn't want to scare him though, so I didn't mention it. There was another worry on my mind though. We had obviously covered a lot of ground, with the physical obstruction of solid rock, AND the distance, I didn't know if my half-baked telepathy even stood a chance.

I opened up my mind to it's full receptivity, scanning for the others. I picked up absolutely nothing. Bobby: "Well..."

"I-can't hear them."

I tried harder, but eventually I had to admit to myself that I just couldn't sense them. I hoped that when I shouted out into the Psychic Band that Jake (With his vastly superior Telepathy would be able to hear me. Wherever he was. I explained this to Bobby. I really hoped that Jake was okay, if he wasn't, we might be trapped down here for a while. Bobby sat down on the floor and took a deep breath. It echoed off the walls. I started feeling really guilty.

"I-I'm sorry, I got us lost down here, I made us go look for Jake and now we're the ones needing help. I-"

I stopped. I didn't know what to say. How can you tell your best friend that you probably just doomed him to kingdom come. His reaction was anything but what I was expecting. He, get this...laughed! Oh, no, it's getting to him, I had driven him loopy.

Bobby: "It's actually kinda funny really."

"Funny?! Bobby, I'm out of telepathic range. We're stranded miles underground, with no way to communicate with the outside world, we left all the food with the rest of the guys, we haven't got anything but water to drink. We could-oh God, we could-die here?! Oh God! I've led you down here to die, I'm so, so sorry...this IS all my fault..."

The full ramifications of our situation hit me. I think I was starting to breakdown. Like I said, I was never the bravest person alive. Bobby got up and came over to me.

Bobby: "Hey, we'll be fine. We're the Xmen-sort of-we've been through worse, right? We'll get through this like we get through everything else, together."

"Maybe if you were stuck down here with Ray or someone else, I just ruin things for everyone else."

Bobby: "Don't say that-"

"Jubilee was probably right. They were just a little overdue and I blew things out of proportion. And look where it's gotten us, gotten you."

Bobby: "It's okay, really, I'm sure they're searching for us, and you know Ray. He's gonna take charge of the situation. We'll be fine. We've just got to hang tight for a while. That's all."

I agreed with him at the time, and tried to calm myself down and stop acting like a wuss. But as time wore on, I couldn't help but feel abuilding sense of hopelessness growing inside of me. He had said that eight hours before, after all. We decided to stay in the large hallway, near the large rock. It could act as a good landmark if (When Bobby corrected me) the others came near enough for telepathic communication. We were just reclining against the wall in silence when the batteries in our flashlights decided to die. The flashlights themselves weren't exactly bright to begin with. It seemed like everything in this stupid trip was designed to make life as hard as possible.

Bobby: "Fuck this shit."

He tossed the flashlight aside in frustration. I felt even worse. Bobby was always the laidback one, the one with the jokes and laughter. He actually laughed when we first discovered that we were actually lost. I hated what this situation, what I, was doing to him. It was turning him bitter. It wasn't the first time either. It was amazing how he could go through stuff that would emotionally (and probably physically as well), cripple someone else. I wondered at what Ray said, that I could probably end up killing them all. I couldn't help but feel that he could have been right. I mean, my power control issues had almost killed Bobby in the Danger Room. And now, my stupidity could probably end up killing us both. How can he stand being in the same room with me, hell next to me? I ignited some scraps of dead twigs with a few sparks to create some light. Fuck no powers, we were in a life and death situation here. It threw some light into the area.

Bobby: "You, okay? You've been quiet for a while."

"I'm okay."

Bobby: "Still worrying?"

"It's been like twelve hours since we left Bobby. I don't know if they'll find us and..."

I felt embarassed when my stomach grumbled.

Bobby: "Hungry huh? Here."

A Pop Tart.

"Aren't you-"

Bobby: "Nah, you probably need it more than I do. You hardly ate anything back there while we chowed down on everything."

That was actually true. Still...

"So, you think you'll be able to forgive me if-(he looked at me)-okay, when, we get out of this?"

Bobby: "Well, hehe, it might take some doing, but yeah, I guess."

"Just what is so funny?"

Bobby: "Well, it's-remember when I said that I couldn't think of anyone I'd rather be stuck with?"

"Uh, yeah..."

Bobby: "Well, looks like I got my wish. Hehehe."

"Sucks, doesn't it?"

Bobby: "I wouldn't sa-"


I felt something creeping in front of my foot and I jumped back into Bobby and we both lost our balance, and fell. I was pinned under Bobby. My stupid teenaged hormones decided to choose that moment of all the times to go into overdrive. I was hardening. I mean, here was the guy I was lusting over and just couldn't seem to work out of my system, despite the fact that I had a boyfriend, sort of, and I should have been satisfied...right. I wondered if I would ever see Jake again, be able to work everything out. Now, with such intimate contact. He must have been shocked by it, he wasn't moving. Oh...God, I hope he doesn't... I pushed him off of me.

"Sorry, I-felt something, uh-move in front of my leg. And I thought it could be a snake or something. I just-"

He was looking at me a little weird. Thankfully, either he didn't see my erection, or, he just ignored it. Maybe he didn't know, I should think he would at least have felt it. To be safe, I got up and walked over to the other side of the wall and sat down. Didn't know what he'd think of that but, I just thought it would be best. I was mentally swearing at myself. Just what was wrong with me? Can't I ever have some dignity? He's straight, and I have a boyfriend. And we're probably in a life and death situation, we could starve to death done here.

"You think if we try and explore around a bit we could maybe backtrack our steps?"

Bobby: "I don't think so. Not without markers. When you're lost the best thing is to stay put in on place. What if we move out of here and the guys pass by right here and miss us?"


I said, feeling like a total fool. Just then he got up and began walking over to me. I was instantly on edge. I mean my erection hadn't completely subsided yet. Hell, I'd walked over to the other side of the wall to avoid him. What was he doing, follow the leader?

He sat down and I shifted a little away from him.

Bobby: "You okay?"

"Why do you keep asking me that?"

Bobby: "Cause, you're uh-bleeding."


Bobby: "Uh-here."

I made to touch me and I started slightly. It was then that I noticed it. When I fell, I must have cut myself on the arm. Sharp, pointed stone or something. I learnt the meaning of the relativity thing the Doctors talk about. I was so caught up with the erection thing and worrying I had even noticed it. But now that Bobby brought my attention to it, it hurt like #$%^. I winced when he touched it. It was swelling too. Just great, just one more problem to deal with. Well, no use acting like a wuss.

"It's nothing, just a scratch-ow!"

He actually went and applied pressure to it! What the fuck had gotten into him. It started to bleed even more.

Bobby: "Just a scratch huh?"

"Why the hell did you have to go and do that?"

Bobby: "Lemme have a look at it."

"It's fine."

I can't belive he made it hurt more. I wasn't going to let him have a look at it after all. I got up and walked over to where he was sitting before he decided to come on over to where I was at. Unfortunately, he decided to up and follow me again. I sighed in frustration. You see how hard it is being gay when you've got a crush on a straight guy? He sat ack down and tried to take my arm. I yanked it away.

Bobby: "Come on. Let me see."

"You'll hurt it again."

Bobby: "No, I won't. I just want to see how bad it is."

I sighed and gave in. He grimaced at it. It was swelling more now.

Bobby: "Hmm...we should let it bleed a little longer then we can stop the flow. That'll clean it a little. Hope it doesn't get infected. Then we'll see about the swelling."

"So you're a doctor now?"

Bobby: "Nah, I wanted to be one, but I discovered that there was another, more important calling for me."


Bobby: "I'm just a basic first aider now. There, that's enough I think. Time to stop the blood flow."

He tore off a piece of his sleeve and began bandaging my arm. I was just sitting there stupidly watching him do it. It was my right arm and I'm right handed. I couldn't very well left hand it, and bandage myself right. Bobby's full of surprises, I never thought he'd be such a sof-hearted person. He said he wanted to be a doctor. With him, I never got the impression. To ease the awkwardness I was feeling, I decided to talk to him he bandaged my arm.

"So-uh, what made you decide that you wanted to be a doctor?"

Bobby: "Oh, that. Well, my mom died of, cancer when I was like eight and well- you know how it is. I was real little and all, and I just couldn't accept that this sort of stuff happens and- I know it's stupid and childish, but...I wanted to-I wanted to be a doctor to help people so they wouldn't have to suffer lke that, ever. I know it's dumb, no cure for some things, but...I was only I made up my mind to be a doctor when I grew up."

"I'm sorry. And don't say it's stupid. It's not. It's very caring and self-less, that you wouldn't become bitter at the world, but would try to make a positive difference instead of just bitching at the problem."

Bobby: "Yeah, well. That was before...well, before I learnt that I was a mutant. Before the Xmen. I doubt I'll ever really get a chance to do it. Besides, I'm making the world a better place now too, just in a different way."

"Yeah, you are."

If I liked Bobby's attitude to life before. I downright loved it now.

Bobby: "Time to see about the swelling."

With that he put his hand over the bandage and I could feel the temperature drop. Well what do you know? The boy is a walking cold compress. It was really helping with he pain too. I could do cold too, but not as good as he could, and I was drop dead tired.

Bobby: "Helping?"

"Yeah, a lot. The pain is numbing."

Bobby: "The swelling will go down in a while too."

"So, you'll really give up your dream of being a doctor?"

Bobby: "I really don't see how I could be with the way things are going. You know they actually scan all applicant's DNA for mutation, before a person can get into a Medical Facility...and then there's all the years of Med School I'll have to go to. And the Xmen to think about. I can handle the rest of stuff. But the anti-mutant thing, well...I just don't know."

"Well, look at Beast. He doesn't let it stop him."

Bobby: "Hahahaha...Rick, Hank's a frickin' Genius. They do tend to make exceptions for them."


Bobby: "Besides, I'm happy just right where I am...believe me."

"Stuck in a cavern, with the idiot who got you lost down here. Real nice place to be."

He was going to reply, but I silenced him.


I was sensing something. A a telepathic presence, weak, but it was impossible to miss it's familiar impression. Jake...we're saved!

"I'm sensing Jake. I know it's him. I'm going to try and make contact. I'm going to have to do the equivalent of shouting, except it'll be on the Psychic Level. Umm...I don't know how you'll react to it, we're so close, you'll here it too. It might hurt."

Bobby: "Go for it!"

I focussed all attention on the task at hand and screamed into the Psychic bandwidth.


Nothing. I was going to have to try harder. I retried and I got a response. Weak, but there.

[Jake: Rick, where are you? Describe where you are to me.]

I did as best as I could.

[Jake: Okay, let me into your mind, if I can backtrack your memories from there, I'll see where exactly you went, like an instant replay.]

Okay, I was a little apprehensive. I mean, giving him full access to my again, and well. I did just have a very high, horny moment thinking of Bobby. Erection and all.

[Jake: Rick! Rick, you there?]

[Yeah, I']

[Jake: I know you're still not comfortable with me being in your mind baby, but please, this is a life and death situation. I'm asking you to trust me, I won't look at anything in your mind except the memories you decide to show me...I promise.]

[Okay, here goes.]

I replayed all the thoughts I could remember to him. Pretty soon he was back.

[Jake: Okay, we're at the intersection.]

[The others are there with you?]

[Jake: Yeah, we've been searching for hours. Okay, I think we have to take a left, then-a right at the pool...]

He went throught the directions out loud. All the while I sensed his telepathic signal getting stronger. It was becoming less of a strain to communicate with him. They must be getting close.

[It's getting easier to talk to you Jake, you're getting nearer.]

[Jake: Yeah, I know. Stay in one place okay. Uh...Bobby there with you or are you alone?]

[Yeah, Bobby's here with me.]

[Jake: You two okay?]

[Yeah, we're fine. We'll be a whole lot better when you find us. ]

[Jake: We're working on it baby. ]

[Jake, I- I love you okay.]

[Jake: I love you too Rick, God, you don't know how worried I've been. I was just thinking how big this cave is and-nevermind, we're linked now, thank God.]

I tuned to Bobby, who was holding his head. It must have frazzled him. It didn't look too bad though. I didn't dare tell Jake I loved him until the signal became stronger and I didn't have to shout. That was the only way I could be sure that Bobby wouldn't hear. I relayed all the information to Bobby. We were going to be saved. His face lit up. No doubt mirroring the expression on my own.

Bobby: "See, I knew we'd be okay. You got us through this after all."

"Me, I was whining all along."

Bobby: "But you came through in the end."

"Yeah, I guess we do make a good team."

Bobby: "Back at cha!"

[Jake: Okay Rick, count from one to ten telepathically, guide me to you.]


I started counting and by the time I finished we could hear footsteps approaching us, and see glimmering light. The we heard Jamie calling out to us in multi-stereo.

Jamie: "Guys! Ya'll okay?!"

Five clones of him came running up towards us. Then Jubilee and Ray, David and Amara, Roberto and John with a blazing fireball lighting the way came running up. I looked pass them and saw Jake running up.

Jubilee: "Gosh! Don't ever scare us like that again. Rick you should have known better and kept in contact with us telepathically."

"I know, it's my fault."

Ray: "It's no one's fault, accidents happen. Anyone can get lost."

The fact that it was Ray who said it made me feel a whole lot better. I thanked him.

Ray: "No problem."

Amara: "Well, this is one mushy family fun moment, but this place is giving me the heeby jeebies, so can we all head back to where we can actually see the light of day?"

We started walking back and I took the chance to walk next to Jake.

[Jake: Rick, why did you run off like that? I was going to come right back, Amara was...just taking a while to compose herself. You really scared me there. I felt like it was my fault, that you...and Bobby went off looking for me. I'm just glad you're okay. I'm not sure I like this survival training excercises anymore.]

[I didn't like it from the start.]

[Jake: Yeah, so you sneak food in.]

[You're not mad?]

[Jake: Nah...we had to eat that while we were looking for you. Here-]

Another Pop Tart. Well I was hungry.

[Jake: So you really were that worried about me? Being lost I mean?]

[Uh, well I was concerned.]

[Jake: Concerned my ass. You came running looking for me cuz you love me.]


[Jake: you say.]

[I was so afraid I was never going to see you scared me to think we could have died there. I mean I was so tired and everything and I knew if I fell asleep, then there'd be no way to contact you and I'd be off your radar. So Bobby had to keep nudging me awake. I'm just glad we're outta there. I'm never running off like that again.]

[Jake: You better not, I'll tie you down before I let that happen.]

[Oohh, you're turning me on.]

[Jake: Really?]

[You'll never know.]

After a couple hours walk, we ended up back at the campsite. It was like two am Saturday-Sunday morning. We decided to just pop some Z's and let things shape up on their own. We were all pretty beat. Zzzzzzzzzzz.............

Next: Chapter 10: Xxx Men 9

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