Xxx Men Series

By Phoenix

Published on Jun 30, 2005


Phoenix here. Hope ya'll like the seventh installment. Thanks to everyone who's joined my group and everyone from Nifty.

And all the senders of the emails and postings

Thanks to Josh(jstewart) for the encouragement and your enthusiasm.

To GoGo, for the kind words, it's one of the two reasons I write, you know the other.

To my home girl chellebelle, I'm glad you actually took the time to read this!

To tjshark, sorry I can't be of much help, and I really can't give advice cuz, well, I'm stuck in the closet for a while.

To Rick and Jacob, Carlos and Mike, as always, thanks for suggesting this to me, it's actually fun for me to write.

In case Seolder is reading this chapter, I hope you don't think I left you out of the thank you list.

And to Deeze95 for always being so forthcoming with helpful comments on my writings.

Well, that's it, here goes. As always feel free to post comments, how else will I know what ya'll think? Or how to make it better. Post on the group or email at .

[]- Indicates communication over a com link. {}- Indicates communication telepathically.


Xmen Story Chapter Seven

"The Danger Room Fiasco"


What went down in the Danger Room was pure chaos. I didn't have any clue what exactly happened to ruin things. How something could all go to hell, so far, so fast, I'll never know. But, then I guess, this was what battling Sentinels was all about. And the rifts in the team weren't exactly helping things. We were warned going into this that teamwork was a must, and it all came down to watching both your back, and covering for your team-members too. Something certain of us weren't doing too well. What made it worse, was the fact that those of us with the problems, were the main offensive powerhouses of the team.

Looking back on it, it wasn't too hard to see what the problem was. Bobby and Jacob had their issues left over from that morning's brawl. Ray and me weren't exactly the best of friends. I hated Amara for trying to seduce my guy. Amara wasn't too fond of either me or Bobby, bitch can't take rejection. Get the picture. It made for one hell of a rift. And we were supposed to be the ones to put the major blows on the Sentinels. Jamie wouldn't be of much help, except to distract the Sentinels' attention. Same thing for David and Jacob. John might have been able to help to some extent, but there was only so much fire could do against robotic threats like that of Sentinels. Scot didn't think of telling us that one. Jubilee was her usual destructive self. I was grateful, if she weren't, we would have been in even more trouble.

It had started out okay enough. Scot had done his best in planning the exercise out, so it would be challenging, yet still manageable. A fact he didn't fail to point out to us afterwards. What that basically meant, was that if we failed it, it would be because we sucked, not because the program was flawed. Anyhow, he started us off pretty easy. The program he loaded, utilized the Danger Room Holo-Projectors to replicate downtown Bayville. An urban area, with all the bells and whistles. It was seriously breathtaking. I mean, if I didn't know any better I'd say we'd gotten ourselves sucked into The Matrix. The only difference between this Virtual Bayville and the real thing was that in our simulations, we were the only people there. Scot-I should really be calling him Cyclops, he's real strict about our codenames now-Cyclops decided to start us up with what he called the Alpha series. Apparently, they were the very first Generation of Sentinels. It was meant to cut our teeth, give us a feel for the battle. Which was all well and good. It wasn't supposed to be that hard actually.

We were in the middle of a deserted town, with nothing but miles and miles of urban sprawl around us. There was nothing suspicious about the area, except for the lack of people. That threw us.

Roberto: "Where are these Sentinels anyway?"

David: "I guess we'll have to find 'em."

With that David transformed into his Eagle form and flew into the air, making wide sweeping circles overhead. I decided to join him and scout around from above.

"I'm going to help him look from above."

I leapt into the air and telekinetically hovered. I could see the rest of the guys searching below. If these Sentinels were around two storeys, we wouldn't be able to see them amidst these highrise buildings anyway. But as it turned out, it wasn't sight that alerted us to the Sentinels' presence, it was sound. Jubilee heard it first. A loud, thumping noise, that recurred over and over, regularly. It got closer over time.

Jubilee: "It's the Sentinels, can't you hear their footsteps?"

FOOTSTEPS?! Rocking the ground like that? We made our way warily towards the direction of the sound. We had to turn a corner before we met up with the Sentinels. The things looked like they came fresh out of a Sci-Fi Flick. The sight of them alone was enough to temporarily make my blood run cold. Bobby wasn't kidding when he said they were about two storeys tall and then some. They were humanoid in shape. Their bodies were covered in thick plates of metallic armour. Something I knew wasn't good. They looked almost like they were alien made and not artificial. And they had these creepy voice sythesizers. They moved with a sluggish gait, which was a good thing. They definitely had crushing power, and if they were fast on top of that, we wouldn't have stood a chance. We currently had two to deal with. And these were the first model, hence they weren't as advanced as the others. Ray/Beserker, being the oldest and most experienced took over.

Ray: "Alright guys, let's get it together. Jamie, Jake, Roberto, John and David, do what you can to keep their attention away from the rest of us. You'll have to distract them so we can get a chance to attack without getting crushed first. Jake, get ready to heal anyone who gets hurt. Okay people let's go!"

Scot: [Codenames, codenames people!]

Ray: "Whatever."

It seemed like a decent enough plan, and we set to it. Jamie aka Multiple, replicated into five identical clones and rushed into the fray. Immediately the Sentinel Alphas took notice of him/s. David/Morph, began swooping down between them in Eagle form. Roberto/Sunspot morphed into his Fiery form, that granted him super strength, and started throwing an assortment of objects at them. John/Pyro started fiery explosions to attract attention away from us. It worked well enough, these Sentinels were dumb alright. Dumb, but strong. Beserker rushed forward, priming for an electrical attack. Just as he was all charged up, one of the Sentinels discharged a metallic net that wrapped itself around him. Metal conducts electricity, and as Beserker/Ray was currently charged up, he was basically shocked with his own electrical energy. I heard him utter an expletive. I probably enjoyed that too much. I had to hide a conspiratorial grin.

But I wasn't grinning for long. The stupid thing shot out two more nets, that effectively grounded me and David/Morph. Morph changed into a Wolf form and tore his way out. I telekineticaly ripped it apart. We both fell back to await our orders from Fearless Leader Beserker, who was STILL in the net. He couldn't break steel apart and trying to shock it would only shock him. I wasn't going to do a damn thing about it. Let him get himself out of it. What good is a leader like him anyway? If he can't take care of himself, he seriously expects to take care of a team? Jubilee had other plans though.

Jubilee: "Can one of you guys break Berserker out NOW? Those Sentinels aren't gonna be distracted for long!"

We looked back at them, the rest of the guys were doing well distracting them but we knew they couldn't keep it up forever. I stood motionless. Morph was about to, but Bobby went over and froze the net, making it brittle, then with a single punch, it shattered. Beserker called out to Jacob\Psycho and he was healed of whatever damage he suffered from his electrocution. I noticed that Ray tossed me a look as he went forward. I returned it, surprised at my own brashness. As we were all free and unrestrained again we headed back to the battle. The rest of the guys had begun to tire by now and they needed help. I saw a Sentinel about to sweep one of its massive arms, no doubt intending to crush Jacob. I was about to telekineticaly push him out of the way, but Amara decided that shaking the ground where he stood, throwing him off his feet, and making him land flat on his ass, was a much better idea. What made it worse was that Jacob actually thanked her for it and gave her a thumbs up. The Sentinels tried their net trick on Bobby, but he was ready for them, freezing the nets, shattering them into icy shards before they even reached him.

I decided to conserve power and basically use telekinesis. It used a lot less power than Elemental attacks. I was the newcomer. I didn't know just how tough these things were, or how long it would take to defeat them. The worst thing to occur would be me finding myself out of power in this place. That said I telekinetically lifted whatever objects I could find, and threw it at the sentinels. There were lamposts, dumpsters, and an odd assortment to choose from. Wait?! Was that a car? I lifted it (Damn thing's heavy!) and flung it at one of them. The explosion was immense. Jamie and Bobby shouted cheers. I took a playful bow. I thought that was that, boy was I wrong. A robotic form walked out of the flames. Sure it had a few scratches and ruined paint work, maybe scorched, but nothing more, man, some armour...

Scot: [Rick, do you think blowing up someone's car is going to make the world more accepting of mutants, and the light posts and dumpsters, destroying public property?]

I guess he was right. We were supposed to be simulating real life. And in real life, damaging everything in the area was not an option. Still, the rest of them didn't have to laugh about it. I saw that Jamie was in trouble and could use some help, I flew over.

Jamie: "Amara's supposed to be covering for us, but she's too busy being a slut over at Jacob's."

Huh? He knew what she was doing? Right, he knew her a lot longer than I did.

"Yeah, well, I'll just have to do."

I basically stayed close to Jamie, the real one, while his clones distracted the sentinels. Whenever a sentinel got too close to him, I pushed him out of the way. It was necessary, if he lost concentration trying to run, his clones vanished. Jamie was probably the most important of us there, even if he didn't realize it. His multiple clones really distracted the sentinels, keeping them away from us, and he needed maximum concentration to maintain their existence. Looking back, I think Jamie was the only one in there who actually got his part of the job done right.

Bobby was doing okay. Like I said before, that Ice Armour of his was super tough. A couple times, actual blows from the sentinels glanced off of him. All he got in terms of damage, was a shattered exo skeleton of ice shards. He quickly recovered his shield and was busy shattering the nets that the sentinels were launching. It was wearing him down though, constantly regenerating the armour was a taxing ordeal. I saw him look to Jacob for a quick heal. Jacob just ignored it.

The nerve of him.

{Jake, what the hell do you think you're doing?! Bobby is weakening, in case you don't know, he blocked a couple of those nets from you! If they got you, what would you have done, you're telepathic, you'd have been trapped.}

He glanced over at Bobby and finally decided to restore his energy. Bobby just nodded approval and went about his business. It was then I noticed that Jamie was in danger again, I lifted him and set him down on the opposite side of the street. Unfortunately, while I was distracted doing this, a sentinel decided to launch a fist at me, with my back turned, to boot. I was in the middle of turning around when I saw. Instinctively my eyes shut. I expected serious pain. Instead, I found myself pinned to the ground, freezing. When I opened my eyes I saw that it was Bobby, sheathed in Ice Armour. He must have thrown me down and absorbed the force of the blow with the armour.

"Gosh, thanks!"

Bobby: "No problem."

"Bobby, do you mind getting off? You're freezing me solid."

Bobby: "Sorry 'bout that."

Jubilee was holding her own, fighting right alongside Ray. It figures, they are a couple after all. I glanced at Jacob. I noticed how closely Amara was fighting to his position. She was supposed to be protecting the rest of guys too, but she was too busy shielding Jacob. I was about to go over there when John called out for assistance. His lighter had run out of fuel. As Amara was too busy, I had to supply the Fire. I morphed into my Fire Form and Lit up several patched of ground for him to use. He shouted out his approval. Super strong Sunspot rallied in with a blazing assault of Mutant powered punches and kicks, but all that accomplished were a few dents on the Sentinels super structure. Then the Sentinels tried a new trick. They dispatched several spider like drones, that came walking up to us. They looked, weak and flimsy, no doubt John thought so. We sorely underestimated them. Their purpose wasn't to attack us with direct physical force. They were really walking bombs. They would seek one of us out, get up, close and personal and blow up in our faces. It was becoming increasingly difficult for us to attack and defend against the Sentinels' attacks and deal with these detachable menaces. I glanced around, several of the guys were having a hard time as well. Jacob was kept constantly busy healing others and he himself was starting to look drained.

Ray kept trying to electrify the Sentinels. But it was having no effect, they were obviously grounded somehow. I would think if you tried to zap something a zillion times and it didn't work, you'd stop doing it and try to save power. It was a no brainer. But Ray didn't. Just then I heard Jamie scream. When I looked around I saw him lying on the ground unconscious. Jacob was trying to heal him, but nothing was happening, Jacob was probably almost out of power, which meant our unlimited lives were nearly over. He could probably heal a few more cuts and bruises, but not bring us back to full consciousness. We had to fall back and regroup. The Sentinels kept churning out the spider mines, which kept trying to chase us down. They were getting so annoying. One tried to attach itself to my leg. I saw it begin a blinking countdown. I pried it loose with my mind, and flung it back at the Sentinel that sent it after me. I didn't expect much, but when it exploded, the Sentinel visibly staggered.

Bobby: "Did you see that?! Guys, we might not have the power to take out these Sentinels, but they do."

David: "You've got somethin' there. Just think about all the expolsives and ammo they got inside of 'em. If we could crack their hull and-"

Jubilee: "And ignite their insides, we'll destroy them with their own weapons from within."

Ray: "Okay, here's what we'll do, we'll keep using those spider mines to attack the Sentinels, maybe we can crack their hulls with it."

I begged to disagree. This plan of his had obvious flaws. Besides, why should he be the only one to come up with ideas? I had a plan (a better one) than his anyway.

"Uh-Ray, I don't think that'll work."

Ray: "And what makes you the expert? You're new at this and besides I'm the leader here. If you wanna be, then go form your own team."

"Oh, so you're the expert. As I recall, you weren't too effective back there were you? When you got caught in that net you couldn't even get yourself out of it. And just how many times will you try to zap a Sentinel when it's obvious they're grounded!?"

Ray: "Oh, so we have a little case of insubordination here today do we? Well, what do you think is so wrong with my plan? Huh?"

"First off, it's gonna take real good timing to throw them at the right time. They blink once or twice then BOOM! What happens if one of us loses track and it blows up in our face, huh? Jacob's almost out of power and it won't be long before he can't heal us any more. Then they only make a small scratch on the Sentinel's super Structure(that was true), do you know how long that'll take, and the Sentinels aren't exactly gonna stay still while we all do this. I'm not worried about me, I can move them telekinetically, but most of you guys will have do do it by hand."

Ray: "You know what, we're gonna do this my way. If you want to go try some newfangled plan of yours, then by all means go. All right guys, lets get to it."


They went off. I just stood there. Fine let them be that way. When I looked around I saw that I wasn't alone. Bobby was still there.

"What's the matter Bobby, aren't you gonna go after fearless leader?"

Bobby: "Well, what's your idea?"

"Doesn't matter now does it? They all went along with Ray and his ridiculous plan."

Bobby: "Still, lemme hear it."

"Well, I was kinda counting on your help for it. You were like the major part of my plan."

Bobby: "Really, wow, so spit it out."

"Well, you know how ice can pentrate metal hulls, like that iceberg did the Titanic right?"

Bobby: "Yeah."

"Well, I was thinking, if you could make a big ice spike, not as big as an iceberg, these Sentinels are a lot smaller than a ship, I could telekinetically rotate it like a giant drill bit and we could shatter the Sentinels' armour with it."

Bobby: "Hey, that's a great idea! And then Ray and the others can blow it up from the inside, 'cuz they'll have alla their weapons exposed. It'll be a lot quicker, and a whole lot less dangerous too. Come on, lets go tell-"

"Ray?, like he'll listen to me. He's too damn power hungry."

Bobby: "Well, we could still go and try it out on our own, just to see how it works. And if Ray sees how it works maybe he'll change his mind."

I didn't know about Ray changing his mind, but I sure would like to see the look on his face when he sees my plan in action. So I went along with Bobby and headed back into the fray. I saw that, true to my suspicions, the others were having a hard time. They had a few close calls, a couple of times, the spider mines almost blew up in their faces. While they kept the Sentinels busy, Bobby and I snuck up behind one.

Bobby: "Now? You're ready?"


And he bagan forming an ice spike. It started small, but it grew longer and jagged at a phenomenal rate. Soon it was at least fifteen feet long and about four feet in diameter at the thicker end. I started to telekintically spin it. It was heavy, but I knew I could manage, just had to fine tune how much power I was using. Soon I had it revolving like a drill bit, spinning it round and round.

"Okay Bobby, now! Launch it into the Sentinel's torso, I'll boost it's speed with telekinesis."

Bobby: "Gotcha!"

We launched it together and sent it flying into the Sentinel's torso. I made it spin even faster. At first nothing seemed to be happening. I heard Ray scoff behind me. It was obvious that he was watching. Then, it happened. With a dull scraping noise, the Sentinel's armour started to wear away, peeling like paper. Spurred on I forced the spike through with every ounce of power I could muster, sending it straight through the Sentinel, leaving a huge gaping hole where it's chest should have been. It fell backwards, struggling for support. It thouroughly drained me and I fell to my knees, but it was done. Mission accomplished. Now it was up to the others.

Bobby: "It worked! Damn, you're good."

"Nah, I just play way too many video games."

We both looked at the others, to see their reactions. Ray wasn't even paying attention. How convenient. But Jubilee, Amara and John came running up. They wasted no time in congratulating us. The Sentinel was by now staggering, it's insides could be seen, ruptured circuitry, sparking and it moved with erratic jerks. It was here that Jubilee's destructive talent came in really useful. With her characteristic wicked grin, she jumped up into the air and sent her blasts straight into the chest cavity of the Sentinel. Amara and John followed suit. I was too weakened to join them, but they were getting the job done alright. The Sentinel went down in a blaze of glory. The explosion shook the ground. We all looked in Ray's direction. They were still dealing with the left over Sentinel.

John: "Bobby, Rick, get to it!"

Bobby started forming a spike of ice. Exactly like before. He still had a lot of power left over. Unfortunately, I didn't. I had to push a lot of power into drilling the hole into the Sentinel with the spike. But I didn't want to let the others down, they needed me to drill the spike. And what was more, I wanted to teach Ray a lesson. I wanted him to see that I was right and he was wrong. No ifs, ands or buts about it. And that was exactly what I was going to do. I would have to push my self and try to force the power to come, but if I had to, I would. I'd just have to be careful about it, that was all. The spike was finally done. Ray didn't want to move, but Jubilee succeeded in getting him out of the way. I telekinetically lifted the spike. I now began to feel just how heavy it was. I staggered, but just briefly. I caught it and sent it hurtling towards the Sentinel. Then I sent it spinning. I had to really focus, but I could feel the spike tearing into the Sentinel's torso. It was drilling, but not fast enough. Before I could fully grasp the situation and force the spike through the super structure a mechanical voice made itself known. The Sentinel,

Auto Self-Destruct Initiated. In 5-4-3-2-1

The next thing we knew, we were surrounded by a bright white light. When the light intensity fell back to normal, I could see the danger room in its normal, untransformed state. Everyone's face bore a look of heavy disappointment. We had failed, that much was obvious to us all. What was not so obvious (Well, at least to stupid Ray) was whose fault it was. Scot came running into the Danger Room.

Scot: "What the hell, just happened? That program was beginners' level. I should know, I designed it."

Ray: "Some of us couldn't be team players, that's what happened. If certain people could learn to follow orders, then we'd be a whole lot more effective."

He was glancing at me when he said it.

"Yeah, you're right. Some of us couldn't be team players. You're the team's leader Ray, not the team."

Ray: "That's right, I'm the leader, and that's why I expect you to follow orders. You know it's your fault we lost just now right?"


Ray: "If you hadn't tried that little stunt of yours, and gotten the others in on it, we'd have gotten them both, not just one."

"We'd have gotten killed a whole lot faster. It's your fault, you and your stupid plan! How effective was it huh? Did you make anymore than a few scratches and dents on the Sentinels? We actually downed a Sentinel, lot more than you did."

Ray: "So, you downed one Sentinel. But what about the other one?"

"I don't even know why I even bothered trying. After all, weren't you supposed to take care of that one, with that handy dandy plan of yours?"

Scot: "All right guys cool it! You both got your issues."

Ray: "You didn't even follow orders before we had that fallout over how to deal with the Sentinels."

"Well, I wasn't the only one. You haven't said a word about Amara."

Amara: "Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!"

"Maybe if you would have covered ALL the rest of the distraction guys (John, Jamie, Roberto, David) instead of just trying to push up on Jacob all of the time, Jamie wouldn't have gotten knocked out."

Amara: "Well he hasn't complained to me about it, so I don't see what it is to you."

Jamie: "Actually, Amara, that kinda hurt..."

"Yeah Ray, you're not such a good leader as you think. Maybe if you'd listened to me, and tried my plan, and not have Jacob use up whatever energy he had left, healing whatever boo boos you and the others got trying your stunt, he could have replenished my energy, and I wouldn't have had to push myself so hard. Maybe I'd have been able to drill it fast enough, you ever think of that?"

Ray: "You should talk! When I got downed in that stupid net, all you did was stand around. Didn't think of helping me out of it did you?"

"I didn't think you'd need it. You always act like you can do everything all on your own, that didn't seem any different."

Scot: "I said cool it! If this is what the next generation of the Xmen is going to be like, mutant kind is going to need all the help it can get. Where's the teamwork?"

Where indeed? The way Ray acted, I got the feeling that to him, I wasn't a part of the team at all. Just a mere addition. Scot went on.

Scot: "Ray, don't you think that maybe you should have at least heard Rick's plan out? I'm not saying that you had to go along with it, just hear it before you turned it down. You have a responsibility to the team to do that. It's what being a good leader is all about. Do you think that Storm or even me make up all the plans when we have our missions? No, most of it comes from Beast or the Professor, and even from the other members. Our job is to logically weigh the options, and decides what's best."

Ray: "So you're taking his side?"

Scot: "I'm not taking anyone's side, I'm just saying that I think his idea had merit, and that you should at least have heard him out."

Well, at least someone still had some common sense. Of course my plan had merit, well at least more merit than Ray's.

Scot: "Now, shake hands and call off this ridiculous argument."

Ray: "What is this? A scouting trip? I'm not shaking hands with him."

"Never mind Ray, the feeling is mutual, believe me."

I was getting more and more irritated. While me and Ray were having our disagreement, Amara had resumed her come ons on Jacob. I looked away, I wasn't going to help her out this time. I hoped Jacob could take care of himself. Bobby came up to us.

Bobby: "Ray, don't you think you're being a little immature about this?"

Ray: "He's nothing but a loose cannon, waiting to go off Bobby! Can't you remember the last time we were down here? He almost killed you."

Bobby: "Drop it Ray! We've been through that already."

They've been through that already? Ray talked about me behind my back, seriously annoying. It probably showed on my face too.

Ray: "And when the Juggernaut attacked here, he tried a hotshot stunt, got all posessed, he shot Jubilee into the Mansion, he almost killed her!"

Jubilee, must have told him that one privately. I never did hear her mention it to him in the open before. Sure she told him about me losing the control, but not about seriously injuring her. No wonder things seemed more strained between us since the attack. I can't believe that he'd bring those situations up.

Jubilee: "Ray, I didn't tell you that for you to air it out in public. Come on drop it."

Ray: "What, drop it? What happens if he ends up losing control during a stressful mission and ends up killing us all?"

"Don't make me-"

Ray: "Don't make you what?"

I was seriously pissed. No doubt everyone could tell, by the dark look on my face.

Ray: "Come on tough guy, what'll you do about it?"

Scot: "Don't make me have to resort to disciplinary action Raymond."

John: "Ray, uh m-maybe you should calm down."

That's when I sensed it. Fear. They were actually afraid of me! John's stuttering proved it. I just took a look at it and made my decision. I didn't have to stand for this. I'd done nothing to deserve it and I wasn't going to let the son-of-a-bitch ruin my peace of mind.

"You know what Ray? I had an idea, an idea I though would work, if you're too insecure and think I'm out to take over leadership, that's your beef, not mine. I can't help it if I lose control sometimes, especially when I have to deal with fuckin' jerks like you all the time. If you don't want me on YOUR team, that's fine by me, 'cuz believe me, I don't think it's safe for anyone to be on any team that's headed by power hungry bitches like you! I only really came here to learn to control the power, not to TRY and be a superhero, like you. Maybe it's all just one big mistake. If it'll make you happy, I'll go talk to the Professor tomorrow about leaving your team, got it?"

I left them. It was a trying mission. At least I wouldn't have to through any more of them again. I was going to go to the Professor first thing the next day and get myself out of the team. I'd still have to take the Mutant Classes, that was obvious. And Ray and I shared the Elemental Class with Ororo, and we had several academic classes in common too, but at least there we would be on equal footing. He wouldn't be trying to control us all, and even if he did , I'd be able to do something about it. I suppose he hates me so much because I'd hurt his precious Jubilee, I can't even remember doing it very well. Big surprise, it wasn't exactly me. But what did Ray care. All he knows is that it was my body, and therefore I was to blame. Doesn't he know that besides the body, there's such a thing as a Mind? Anyhow, it's not like he even has one. My day was over and I just went to my room. I'd have to go downstairs again to get something to eat. I'd probably just go into the kitchen and fix myself something quick, instead of something ready made in the cafeteria. That way I wouldn't have to see them for the evening again. They made my blood boil. Well, not all of them. Bobby was nice enough to at least hear me out, and it paid off. And he did try to calm Ray down. It was seriously disappointing that Jacob didn't at least ask me what my plan was, but I suppose he had his hands full with the Slut. Then again, what if he's angry with me for calling things off temporarily? Things were quiet, so I decided to call home. I telekinetically reached for the phone and dialed home. Mom answered, dad wasn't home.

Mom: "Hi sweetie, how are things at the Mansion?"

"Terrible. I had to deal with a jerk today. He's on the Xteam in training and he's the leader."

Mom started laughing.

Mom: "You're getting more and more like your father. So what's his problem?"

I told her about the day's incident in the danger room and Rays reaction. I didn't want to worry her any so I left out the attack on the school. If she needed to know about that, she'd hear it from the Professor.

"And what's worse I think some of them are starting to believe Ray and I know some of them are scared of me. What I don't get is when his girfriend Jubilee, Amara and John came to help us destroy the Sentinel Bobby and I shattered, Ray didn't quarrel with them for abandoning their postions, he has a real grudge against me. So I decided to leave the team, I'm gonna talk to the Professor. I can't take this stress continously. Then I'd finish here a lot quicker and I'll be able to come home too. All I need is to learn self-control. I wasn't planning on becoming a super hero."

Mom: "Sigh. Well I can't make your decisions, but I always worry about you doing this. Just think things through before you leap to any decisions okay?"

"Yeah mom, I know."

Mom: "So, you meet any nice girls over at the Mansion?"

"Uh, no. Not...yet mom."

I thought about telling her. But I didn't think that over the phone would be a good idea. An opportunity did present itself though.

Mom: "You know, your birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks. Your father and I will be coming up there at the Mansion." "That'll be cool. Could you bring up my computer while you're at it. I always have to use the Mansion's Computer and I'd really like to have my own here in my room okay."

She said she would and and we said goodbye after some more talk. Yup, in two weeks I'd be seventeen. I'd held off on telling my parents long enough. They loved me a lot, I knew it. Both of them, they had me so young and hadn't even thought about adoption or anything. And dad hadn't run out on mom either. They could handle it. Hell, if they could handle that I was a mutant and could blow things up with a thought, my being Gay should be a drop in the bucket. I'd have to trust that they'd be supportive. Ororo was right. I can't go through life trusting no one, and who better to trust than my parents? When she hung up, I figured I could no longer stay up in my room. I was hungry and the Danger Room exercise had really worked up an appetite. So I decided to sneak down into the kitchen. When I got down there, I saw that I wouldn't be alone. Jean was there, munching on a bowl of steaming pasta.

Jean: "Hey there. You hungry?"

"Starved, Danger Room can really take a lot out of you."

Jean: "Tell me about it. I can't remember if I'd ever had a Danger Room session that I didn't come out of with aches and pains."

"Yeah, well, at least I won't have to feel any of those any more."

Jean: "Why's that?"

She was hovering a plate of pasta onto the table for me.

"Well, I just don't fit in on the team. I-Ray and I just can't seem to get along and-there's more."

Jean: "What?"

"Well, I took your advice and called for a hiatus with Jacob, until we can sort our issues out. He didn't take it too good. He didn't argue, I wish he did. But I know how he felt. The link can be strained, not broken. If he'd argued, I would have been satisfied that he would have at least vented his feelings. But now-I think a certain girl has her eye on him. I'm not worried, why would I be, he's gay. But she's annoying me, and I seriously dislike her."

Jean: "Who is she?"

"Amara, she's such a horny bitch who tries to string men along and seduce 'em-oh sorry."

Jean: "Speak your mind Rick, I'm a big girl, I've heard and seen worse. Besides, I've had the displeasure of having to deal with horny bitches myself."

"Really, who?" Jean: "Well, don't tell anyone, but Emma Frost really gets to me. Stupid Blonde-"

"Hey! Don't bash blondes."

Jean: "Sorry. Anyhow, I suppose she's like Amara, but ten times worse."

"I've heard about her from Ms. Braddock. She apparently likes to spy inside people's mind for fun, doesn't she?"

I was beginning to wonder. If this Emma Frost was the woman who stole Scot away from Jean. I mean, Jean seemed to really dislike her. And if Emma was a slut, then it was logical she'd leave Scot sometime. Made logical sense.

Jean: 'Yup, she's the one. So...why do I get the feeling there's something you're not telling me?"

"Well, I had a Danger Room session today and we all blew it. It was Sentinels."

Jean: "Scot is sure pushing you."

"Well, we failed the course. And Ray's the leader and he blamed me."

Jean: "What? Why'd he do that?"

"He thinks I'm out to take over his leadership. All because I disagreed with his plan and thought up a better one. It worked too. Bobby helped me, too bad the rest of them didn't from the start."

Jean: "Well, every leader has their ups and downs."

"He did more. After the simulation, he started to argue with me. It got real rough, and he brought up the time that I-Eric, almost killed Bobby, and the time I threw Jubilee into the Mansion. He asked me what would happen if during a stresful mission I lost control and killed them all. And that's not the worse part. John started stuttering, telling Ray to calm down. I didn't know why at first, but I sensed it eventually. He was-they were afraid, of me. The actually believed Ray. I lost it. I told him I'd quit HIS team and stuff, may have used a bad word or two and left."

Jean: "You'd really do it?"

"I'm going to talk to the Professor tomorrow morning. First thing."

Jean: "Rick, you don't have to because of what Ray said or what they think. They can't be all afraid of you."

"Well okay, I sensed it from some of them only, but it's enough. I don't like them watching me like that Jean, I just can't take it. What's worse, I think deep down, I wonder if Ray could be right."

Jean: "I know what you're going through." "No, you don't. Everyone likes you."

Jean: "They didn't feel that way after the Phoenix posession. They didn't know if to trust me or not. Some of them. I had a lot of stares to deal with. But I had Scot and the Professor, Logan and Ororo to help pull me through. I'm sure you still have some diehard friends."

"Well, Bobby did try to calm Ray, and he helped me with my plan. Pity Jacob couldn't speak up for me, I think he's mad."

Jean: "Well, I haven't talked to the Professor yet, and I'm not going to."

"Huh? Why?"

Jean: "I talked to Bobby and he said not to bother with it."

"Bobby did that? Why?"

Jean: "He didn't say, now back to you. Rick, think twice about dropping out, okay?"

"It's not just that. Ray is a homophobic jerk."

Jean: "How d'you know?"

"Well, when we went out the other day, Lance was there. D'you know he's Gay?"

Jean: "Yeah."

Ray: "Well, Ray called him a fag and some other stuff. And I confess, it irritates me. And I'll be taking risks in the changing room. That's how I got caught last time, back home. I think it's best this way. I'll still think though, about it. I don't really want to leave the team, but if I can't get along with the leadership, then what's the use?" Jean: "Well, think about it, you know I'm here if you need advice."

"Actually, I could use some of your advice right about now."

Jean: "Really, 'bout what?"

"Well, you and the Professor are now no longer the only two members of the staff who know about my-status."

Jean: "Really, who else knows?"

"Ororo. I was a little torn up after I talked to Jacob and when I went to the library she was there. She kept asking me what was wrong. I couldn't keep lying to her forever so, I told her."

Jean: "How'd she take it?"

"Great! Even joked about it, said I was being too melodramatic."

Jean: "So, what's this got to do with me and advice?"

"Well, she wanted me to think about telling my parents. I don't know, but I'm really thinking about it. I know they love me a lot, and I suppose I'll have to tell them sometime. And I have to trust that they'll still like me. I have to trust someone, sometime. So what do you think?"

Jean: "I-I don't know. Maybe you should wait a while. Until you're ready."

"I think I might be ready soon. My birthday's coming up in two weeks and mom and dad will be here. I want to tell them in person."

Jean: "Rick, are you sure this is what you want? I mean-once you tell someone, put yourself out there, there's no going back."

"Yes. It's what I want. I want them to know. What makes me feel bad about it, is that you and Ororo, hell even the Professor knows, and my own parents don't. I feel like I'm living a lie. Don't get me wrong, you're all great people, but it's just not the same. And you should hear mom and dad, they always go on and on about their imaginary grandkids, they want like three from me. And just today when I called home, mom asked if I saw any cute girls over here. I don't know how much longer I can stand it."

Jean: "It's your choice, but please think long and hard about this."

"I have, and I'm going to do it. When they come for my birthday, in two weeks. You do know when my birthday is don't you?"

Jean: "Yup, following Wednesday."

"Great, now I just have to keep my resolve about telling them until then so I don't crumble."

Jean had a worried look on her face.

"What's wrong Jean, everything all right with you? Sorry, whenever I talk to you it's all about me and my problems, I never talk about yours-uh-not that you have any problems-hope you don't have any."

Jean: "Rick, listen to me. I want to-Scot!."

Unbeknownst to me, Scot had just walked in. He headed over to where we were sitting and pulled a chair. I looked down at my bowl of pasta, I didn't think I could look at him, not after the way I'd behaved in the Danger Room.

Scot: "So, uh, what does a fella have to do to get in on some of that ravioli?"

Jean was cut short in mid-sentence but she recovered herself and dished out some pasta for Scot. I wondered what she was about to say. I'd never seen her look so worried before, I hoped nothing was wrong with her. She was a nice lady, didn't deserve to have problems in her life. Maybe she saw Scot and panicked or something. My thoughts carried back to the Emma Frost woman. Maybe mentioning horny bitches brought back bad memories and when she saw Scot, it tore her up. I didn't honestly know. I hoped that was all there was to it.

Scot: "So, uh, you okay, Rick?"

"Yes Mr.Summ-(He frowned)-Scot."

Jean: "He told me about what happened in the Danger Room, Scot."

Scot: "He, did?"

"Yeah, I did."

Scot: "Well, I hope you're calmed down some now. No more stupid talk about dropping out 'cuz of a little misunderstanding with Ray."

"I'm not going back. I can't handle it that Ray and I can't seem to get along. Tomorrow, I'm talking to Professor Xavier about getting off."

Scot: "Rick, you know I was the one who recommended you, right?"


Scot: "Well, don't you think I'll look a little stupid if you just up and left, after all the good words I put in for you."

"You put in good words for me?"

Scot: "Hell yeah. And the Professor himself asked you to join. Normally, it's either me or Ororo."

Jean: "Don't try the guilt trip Scot."

"Ray, hates me Scot, for some reason we can't seem to get along. He keeps bringing up my control issues and he talks about me behind my back. And he mentioned what I did to Jubilee, when I lost control, and with Bobby and-"

Scot: "Ray doesn't hate you, just a little shook up in the head. And your little fallout with him can't be THAT serious."

"How do you know that? You and my dad never got along. You were the leader, and he had issues with you about it I guess.

And you two haven't talked or gotten along okay for fifteen years? He left the team because of it."

Scot and Jean looked at me, a little thrown off.

Jean: "Rick..."

Scot: "Me and your dad-well, what you and Ray have between you two is Nothing like that, believe me. It'll iron out, just give it time."

"But, Ray-and some of the others are afraid of me Scot. I sensed it. They were afraid when Ray brought up Bobby, and Jubilee and when he said that I was a loose cannon waiting to explode. I don't know how to deal with it."

Jean: "I tried to tell him about when I was posessed by the Phoenix Force Scot, about how some people here thought I couldn't be trusted again, but how, over time, they saw the Light."

Scot: "You just need to give them time Rick. You're a powerful kid, and that kind of power scares some people."

"I just can't handle it that ordinary humans are scared of us, but they're mutants too, I didn't think they'd be so scared."

Scot: "Give them time. I don't think they're all scared. Bobby doesn't seem to be, and your alter ego almost killed him. He got over it, and look at it, I think he's a real friend. He' even helped you out with that plan of yours, which if I do say so myself, was actually very creative, original and effective."

"Really, you think so?"

Scot: "Uh-huh. So what do you say, you put leaving THE team, not RAY's team, on hold for a while. I think that with the right training and supervison, you'd be a great addition to the ranks. So, what d'ya say?"

"I-I'll give it another try."

Scot: "And I talked with Ray a little. Tried to help him see things from your side of the fence. Don't know if it did any good, but he's got a good head on his shoulders, even if it does resist learning. Just try to get along a little. See, Ray's not accustomed to anybody challenging his authority, but in a team, it happens, hell, how'd I deal with Logan if I didn't learn a thing or two about compromising. I think Ray needs to learn a little of the same."

"Well, I'll try and keep my temper cool. But if Ray gets all up in my face about something stupid again all bets are off."

Scot: "That's fair."

"Still, I don't know how to approach them again, after I blew up in the Danger Room."

Scot: "Oh, they don't hate you. The only one with the issues is Ray, not all of them. If it were all of them , d'you think John and Jubilee and Amara would have come running to help with the Sentinel that you and Bobby cracked?"

I frowned at the mention of the Bitch's name.

Scot: "What did I say wrong?"

"Nothing, just-(I looked to Jean)-nothing."

Scot: "Oh, Amara-I notice you mentioned Amara in the Danger Room."


Scot: "You were right, she wasn't doing her job and kept too close to Jacob all the time. Ray didn't want to see that. Bad for a leader to wear blinders, but in time I think he'll make a great leader."

A great, homophobic leader.

I finished up my ravioli and decided to leave and go to my room. I would give it another shot. I'd just have to be a little more wary of what I told Ray, and how I talked to him. I hoped Scot's talk with him did him good. And there was another reason. With me off the team, Amara would have even more time with Jacob. I had to keep my eye out. I mean Amara was a slut, and sluts don't settle down, usually, but from what I caught from her mind.

Damn! I gotta get me some of that!

I had the strangest feeling that Amara was going to try real hard. I knew Jacob wouldn't give her the time of day, but that didn't mean I would sit idly by and not do anything if Amara were to, say, give him a lapdance or something. I went back to my room and just dropped back onto the bed. I was fading out of consciousness, damn heavy pasta. If Jean weren't such a good cook, my instincts would have warned me about eating it. It was making me drowsy. I was almost at the mercy of the sandman, when I heard a knock at the door. I sensed who it was telepathically. It was Bobby. I was too lazy to get up so I just opened it with my thoughts instead.

Bobby: "Well, can I come in?"

"Hell, why d'you think I opened the door?"

Bobby: "Rick, I wanna talk to you."

"Yeah, 'bout what?"

Bobby: "You're not really thinking of leaving the team, are you?"

"Well, I was all worked up, and yeah I was, but not anymore."

Bobby: "Oh, great. Had me worried back there. I didn't want you to leave, we make a good team."

"Yeah, I guess we do." (I was remembering how we shattered the Sentinel's Exo-Armour)

"So, why d'you listen to my plan? I mean, you didn't take off with Ray and the others."

Bobby: "Well, I knew that Ray's plan couldn't work. The others just go along with what he says most of the time, but not me. I figured I might as well hear what you had up your sleeve, good thing 'eh?"

"Yeah, I'll say. And thanks, it really meant a lot that you took the time to listen. I mean, I'm new at this, and you all aren't. I got lot to learn."

Bobby: "You'll do great."

"And thanks for the shielding, I thought I was done for. Judging from the way Jamie screamed, I knew it couldn't have been a nice sensation."

Bobby: "No problem, I told you I'd have your back. Still, if Amara had been doing her job, instead of uh-"Protecting" Jacob, we'd have been better of."

"Bobby, can I ask you something?"

Bobby: "Shoot."

"Well, you haven't told anyone about that fight this morning did you?"

Bobby: "Well, Ms. Grey, she asked me about it. Wanted to go to the Professor about it, but I told her it was okay, we were over it."

"Why?, I thought you didn't like Jacob."

Bobby: "I don't-but I guess, he's your friend-and he did it to you too and you didn't go tattling to the Professor, so I guess he didn't mean it personally against me. Besides, it's just a fight, one time thing, only difference is with the powers."(If he only knew.).

"Well, I guess so. How do you do it Bobby?"

Bobby: "What?"

"You go through stuff and just shrug it off, and you're back to normal, with the jokes and stuff."

Bobby: "It's a talent."

"Sure wish Ray could be lot more like you."

Bobby: "Oh, please, there ain't another like me, and Ray's not that bad a guy. Just give him some time. Mr. Summers really told him off for his behavior today and I think it'll settle him for a while. He's too controlling."

"Are the rest of the guys, are they mad with me?"

Bobby: "Aw hell no! it's just Ray's attitude, never likes to admit it when he's wrong. And he was wrong today."

"And, another thing-ah-I heard-John stutter when he tried to calm Ray down. He-I sensed fear. He was afraid of me, and what would happen if I got mad and lost control. I think Ray got to him. And-when-Bobby-I know Ray talks about me behind my back."

I was beginning to relive my experiences in the Danger Room and the time I lost control with the Juggernaut's mental energy. It was very emotionally destabilizing.

"Bobby, you know I never meant for Jubilee to get hurt, right? I think that's one reason, Ray's so mad with me. And you know-(I was starting to break down a little)-I never meant for you to get hurt when I was-when I did what I did to you right?"

Bobby: "Hey, hey, we've been through all this already, that wasn't you. I don't even think of it anymore, so don't you either."

"So you're not afraid of me?"

Bobby: "If I was, you think I'd be here right now?"

"And, about what Ray said, that I was a loose cannon and I could end up killing us all an-"

Bobby: "Ah, he's just talking out of his ass. What does he know about losing control?"

I couldn't help but laugh at his sense of humor.

Bobby: "Made you laugh."

"Yeah, you did. Feel free to anytime. I could sure use it."

Bobby: "You got it."

"So, the rest of the guys are seriously okay with me?"

Bobby: "Yes! Well,..."


Bobby: "Amara is a little angry. She doesn't like it that you mentioned her to Ray. But you were right, it is her fault that Jamie got knocked out. He said so himself. So why don't you come downstairs to the Rec-Room?"

"I would."

Bobby: "Uh oh, I think I hear a but."

"I just ate off an entire plate of Ravioli and now I'm feeling sleepy. I just wanna sleep now."

Bobby: "Well, you ain't got any excuse for tomorrow then, and I'm holding you to it."

"Sure thing."

When he left I was feeling a whole lot better. Maybe the only person I had to worry about a little was Ray, and not really Ray either, it's just his atitude sometimes. I was glad to hear that Scot had told him off. Scot had only said that he "talked" to Ray, but I knew he was angry at him too. Mostly because Ray repeatedly refused to cool it when Scot told him to, to the point where Scot had said,

Scot: "Don't make me have to resort to disciplinary action Raymond."

I went to sleep then. Tomorrow was another day, and maybe, just maybe, if I played my cards right, I could make things better. I sure would try. Hope Ray would at least make an attempt.

Well, that's the Seventh one, Feedback guys?

Next: Chapter 8: Xxx Men 8

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