Xxx Men Series

By Phoenix

Published on Jun 3, 2005


Xmen Story Segment 5

Xmen Story

Segment Five

Two o' clock in the morning, and here Bobby was, sitting under the biggest clump of trees in the Mansion's front lawn. He'd been here for two hours, doing what he seemed to be doing all the time nowadays, thinking, brooding really. Sleep had eluded him for the past few hours, and he was real beat, but just needed the air. Personally, he blamed his current insomniac conditions on Amara, Jubilee and Jacob. Amara, for trying to seduce him, using her slutty antics to do so, Jubilee, for getting all up in his face for not apologizing to the bitch and Jacob for...well...being Jacob. It stung Bobby, that he had been a much better friend to Rick than Jacob, and yet Rick seemed to closer to him anyway. What did he have to do to get his attention? Corner him up in the hallway and give him a beat down, like Jacob did? These were the thoughts spinning around in his head.

He recalled the scene at the dinner table that night. Jubilee was staring him down, like she was trying to bore a hole into his head. She wouldn't stop with him either, she kept doing it to Rick too. When Bobby saw Rick start counter-staring, he started to do the same thing. Ray decided to make some stupid comment about they better not try and hit on his girl(Jubilee). Bobby laughed internally, no worries there Ray. He said he could do better, and unconsciously glanced over at Rick. He could do better alright, just didn't know how to go about it yet. Rick surprised him and agreed. Jubilee went bonkers then, why, Bobby didn't know. He didn't mean anything as an insult, really, he was Gay yes, but not blind. Jubilee was a hot girl alright. She got up and grabbed him by the ear, oddly, she did the same thing to Rick, and pulled them out into the hall.

She then proceeded to get all up in Bobby's face about the Amara Incident. If there was one thing Bobby didn't want to talk about, was Amara. He'd gotten it all out of his system earlier when he told her everything he thought of her. And then he had to bear through all that Ray and the others had to say about it. Seriously annoying, he was his own man, he would do what he felt like. He noticed that Rick didn't have anything to say to him about it, and was real happy about that. Rick seemed to know that he didn't want to talk about it. Hmm...someone who was almost a stranger could understand better than some of his friends he'd known for years. Oh...well. Still, Jubilee went on railing at him. Bobby exploded at her. Apologize to Amara?! That'll be a cold day in hell! What he'd just thought amused him. Still, he told Jubilee exactly what he thought. That Amara would do better as a street hooker, then at least she'd have a ready supply of dicks to deflower(Well, maybe not EXACTLY like that, but close enough). Jubilee's eyes all but popped out of her head. She went on to say how he'd never acted like that before. Bobby glanced at Rick, well he'd never had a reason to. She even thought that he was on some sort of drug or somethin'. Then Rick started laughing, Bobby enjoyed it too, he enjoyed making him laugh.

Jubilee had to turn on him, stupid girl. She started railing on him about how he'd treated Amara. But Rick was ready for her.

Jubilee: "What the hell's so funny?! Amara is in her room, crying because of you two, and you wanna laugh about it?"

Rick: "What, that's...ridiculous. I hear she's quite the slut. I mean, we didn't have anything, I tried to tell her off. I was reaaal nice. She was DEVASTATED this morning. Now she's all horny again and after Bobby-"

Bobby cheered him on, yup, boys had to stick together. Rick went on,

Rick: "-Do you really think a girl like Amara can stay sad for long. I'm sure there are a lot of guys she can go to, so she can cry on their shoulders."

That made Bobby laugh. For several reasons, first, Rick always seemed so soft spoken, Bobby didn't know he could talk like that, he's full of surprises all right. Then, secondly, Bobby knew what Rick said was true. You couldn't count the guys Amara had used, then dumped. All she had to do was choose one(Well, maybe not one, this WAS Amara after all), and she'd have her shoulder to cry on. Bobby had to add his two cents. He asked Jubilee how he'd feel if Amara went after Ray next. It put an end to her bitchin'. She probably never thought of it before, probably never though Amara would, but hey, if Amara kept up her pace, she'd run out of men and eventually Ray would be next on her target list. Still, Jubilee tried one last time to get them to apologize. She eventually realized she was wasting her time and went back to her dinner, leaving Bobby and Rick alone.

Bobby was glad Rick both understood and agreed with him completely. Rick had also been the subject of Amara's attention and he no doubt knew what they were dealing with. But he did disappoint Bobby a little. He thought that maybe they were a little too hard on Amara. Bobby vehemently disagreed. They had not been to hard on her. She had to learn her lesson. Rick went on how Amara could not really be at fault that she could be a nymphomaniac. Like Brook from the Bold and the Beautiful. Hmmm...what was Rick doing, watching the Bold and the Beautiful? Talking about Amara was seriously getting to him, even if it was with Rick. Mainly because of the wacky situation the three of them seemed to be in. Amara wanted him, Amara also wanted Rick. Bobby wanted Rick. Neither of them wanted Amara. Could this be some zany sort of Love Triangle? Weirdest one Bobby had ever come across. Still, Rick said that Amara could have a problem. He almost spewed everything out,

Bobby: "So what! She's not the only one with problems! I got my own, but you don't see me-"

Good thing he stopped himself in time. Amara might have a problem. But she had all the help she needed. Bobby's problem was a lot more complex and he didn't know who to turn to for help, or if it could even be helped at all. Rick picked up on it and questioned him. Bobby at first denied it, but then quickly added it was nothing he couldn't handle on his own. Rick didn't look to convinced. Bobby didn't want to talk about it, but he did like the attention he was getting from Rick. But then Jacob came in, he had to spoil it. Why, why did he show up whenever he and Rick were alone these days?

After the incident with Jubilee, and almost blurting out his problems to Rick, he couldn't sleep a wink and came out to the grove of trees out front. He was there a while then he heard someone walking up to the tree in the center. The tree he was sitting under. Bobby didn't know what to expect, he had to be extra careful, the Professor's warning that evening. He got up, started walking around the circumference of the trunk and came face to face with Rick, who was in an offensive looking stance. He calmed him down before he had to deal with an enraged Elemental. But he didn't get what Rick was doing there, at such an outrageous hour. He was going to ask, but Rick beat him to it. He asked the same thing but Rick wanted answers first. Bobby confessed that he couldn't sleep, and came out here to cool his jets. Surprisingly, Rick said the same thing. Apparently, they both liked this particular grove best for unwinding, something in common. Rick wanted to go, but Bobby asked him to stay, he really hadn't been seeing as much of Rick as he would like to these days and they were both unable to sleep tonight, and they were here now, so what the hell?

It led to talk, and the subject of Bobby's problems came up. Bobby was taken off guard, had to watch what he thought too, he was dealing with a telepath here, a fact which Rick didn't fail to point out. He didn't know if, or what to say. But he figured eventually he'd talk, a little and indirectly, it might help. After-all, Rick may not know it, but he was the only one who could solve Bobby's problems. Still, he knew he would have to do it carefully. He went about it as best he could, giving the gist of it, but still as ambiguously as possible. No wonder Rick said he didn't understand. Bobby, decided to take a risk and said it was SOMEONE and not a SOMETHING. Rick seemed to begin to grasp something and the next minute was giving his sense of what Bobby was going through. Bobby looked at him in shock...a girl! He hoped he didn't just do something he'd regret, it mightn't be too good for the guy of his dreams to think he was interested in a girl. And Rick sure could jump to some conclusions. Bobby just said it was...something like that. Rick tried to cheer him up, saying no girl in her right mind could resist him for long. In some small way, it helped and soon they were talking about other stuff. That was when it happened.

Bobby knew he was talking for quite a while, and he didn't think he bored Rick, but Rick must have been really tired. Rick was sitting with his back against the tree, right next to him. Eventually he popped off to sleep, and as he did so, his head fell against Bobby's shoulder. It was then that Bobby was alerted that Rick had fallen asleep. Bobby glanced over and saw him, fast asleep on his shoulder. Something inside him leapt for joy, it felt so...Right. He couldn't bear to wake Rick, and a lot of it was just pure selfishness, he wanted this too, just a little to satiate his appetite. Still, Rick must be uncomfortable like that, Bobby didn't want him waking up with any aches or pains, so he shifted his head onto his lap. It brought the silver moonlight washing over him, and it was breathtaking. Bobby had to fight the urge to kiss him. For one thing, Rick might wake up and be freaked at him, secondly, he didn't like the idea of doing anything like that without permission. He wanted to stay like that forever, but eventually he fell asleep too, not even caring about what would happen if anyone saw. Tomorrow was a school day anyway, it should be quiet out here in the morning anyway...

The sunlight shining onto my face must have been what woke me up. I opened my eyes, feeling like a complete idiot for falling asleep out in the lawn, but I felt strangely rested. It was then I realized I was lying down on something, definitely not a hard tree bark. I jumped up, and realized I was sleeping on Bobby's lap, how? He must have fallen asleep too. I probably had fallen onto him. Good thing I woke up first, it would have been awkward, it would have looked so Gay. I definitely wouldn't want that. I gave myself a minute or two to get the cobwebs out of my head before I decided to wake Bobby. It was a school day after-all, and the sun was pretty high in the sky, still morning but I knew we'd still be late for class. Before I did so however, I took a moment to admire what I saw. *Sigh* I definitely wouldn't mind waking up to this more often...pity.

"Bobby, hey man, wake up. We're going to be late for class."

He didn't even stir. He seemed like a heavy sleeper. Anyhow we'd both lost out on a lot of sleep last night. I tried to gently shake him awake, he stirred and opened his eyes. Turns out he's a morning person. He greeted me with a smile.

Bobby: "Hey, what time is it?"

"Don't know, haven't got a watch on me. But I know we're late, the sun's pretty high. I think we better get into the Mansion and into class, before people start looking for us."

Then something happened as if to prove my point. I sensed it-well, him-before I saw him. It was the anger that threw me. I looked ahead and saw an angry looking Jake heading right over to us. Oh no! This wasn't good, he's too damned insecure. I hope he doesn't think anything of it. It was a hope in vain. He came over, pulled me to my feet and in front of Bobby too. I hope he doesn't pick up on what was going on. Jake's a lot more comfortable with his sexuality than I am, and even though he's not open, I know he'd be able to deal with it a lot better than I would be able to. I just hoped this wouldn't end up with me getting outted, especially to my best friend.

Jake, cut it out, let go of me, not in front of Bobby.

Jake: What are you doing here, with him? I know you've probably been here since last night. That's the only reason you'd have for waking up here, on his lap.

How'd you know tha-

Jake: We're linked Psychically, remember? And I saw you just now. I checked in on you this morning, in your room. But you weren't there. I know you have this little obsession with this particular grove, so I figured you might be here. Just didn't know it'd be with him. What happened to I'm tired, need rest?

I was, I just came out here to get some air, honest.

Jake: Then what is he doing here?

He was here when I came. Turns out he likes this place too. I didn't know it, and I said I'd leave but he said to stay.

Jake: I'll bet.

What is it with you? Do you only pay attention to the information from our link conveniently?! I stayed to talk t him about something he's going through. You heard in the hallway yesterday, he was all torn up about it and I wouldn't be much of a friend if I didn't say something.

Jake: That still doesn't explain what I saw.

I fell asleep. He must have too. I probably fell onto his lap.

Jake: And you falling onto his lap didn't wake him up, don't you find that a little strange?

He was dead beat. We both were, we didn't get to sleep until like 3:30 this morning.

Jake: How long were you here?

What am I, under interrogation?

Jake: Just answer the question, how long were you here with him?

For like, an hour, waking that is. What's up Jake, don't you trust me? Or maybe you'd like to read my mind and see if I'm lying.

Jake: Depends, would you let me?

At first I just thought he was being a smartass, but then I got the impression that he was actually serious about reading my mind, to see if I'd done something with Bobby. I was dumbfounded. What did he think I was, a version of Amara with testosterone? He had more of a sex drive than me.

You're not serious, you can't be.

Jake: I'm dead serious. You'd let me, that is, unless you've got something to hide. There's only so much I can tell from a Psychic Link.

What will it take for you to trust me? You don't want to trust other people around me, I can handle. You got an insecurity complex, but you won't trust me now? And that's supposed to be love?

We were talking telepathically for too long and Bobby got suspicious. He started asking me what was up, obviously aware that we were talking psionically.

"Uh-nothing, he just came to tell us that we were missing our class with ms. Grey...uh Jake stop it!"

At that moment I became aware of what he was trying to do. Whilst I was distracted with answering Bobby, Jake took the opportunity to try and force entry into my mind, no doubt wanting to discover if something had happened. I fell to the ground holding my head. I had to try my best to block him out, I didn't know how much longer I could last. All through our relationship, I had to shield certain thoughts I had about Bobby, that I was attracted to him. It would not be good for Jake to see them, especially as he thought Bobby was out for me. He was such a powerful telepath, if only I hadn't been distracted. He was getting close. Thank God! Something stopped him, and I was able to put up a shield again. I opened my eyes, trying to blink to steady my vision, it left me with a hell of a headache. It was then I realised just what-who stopped Jake. It was Bobby, they were now currently engaged in an all out brawl on the lawn. Damn good thing no one from inside came out or saw, trees give good cover.

Apparently, Bobby heard me tell Jake to stop something, and when I fell, clutching my head he though Jake was attacking me. Which in a way was what he was doing. I was glad he'd stopped him, but I didn't want this fight to go on. I had to stop them.

"Guys, stop this, like now. If the Professor hears about this we'll all be in trouble."

They paid no attention to me. Bobby had shielded himself in Ice Armor by now and Jake was powering up a Psionic Bolt. I didn't want any of them to get hurt(Well, maybe for Jake to feel the headache he'd given me) so I took them up telekinetically, and set them standing away from each other. They still started shouting expletives at each other though. Then Jake did something I didn't think he'd do. I never expected him to hit below the belt like that. Bobby was on my left and Jake was on my right. Bobby couldn't attack him with an Ice Bolt because I was in the middle. Jake had the advantage. He could still telepathically attack Bobby even without a line of sight. I noticed when Bobby fell down, screaming, clutching his head. Jake was Paining him from a distance. That made me madder at him. How could he do that to someone who was an ally? Doing it to someone from the Brotherhood was one thing, but against a fellow team member? I focused the wind and sent him hurtling through the air, forcing him to relinquish his hold on Bobby. He fell a few feet backwards, I didn't really put too much force into the gust. Just enough to force him to stop. I ran over to Bobby and helped him up.

"Are you okay Bobby?"

Bobby: "Yeah, just never felt anything like that before, I didn't know what hit me at first."

I looked hard at Jake, trying to let him feel just how angry I was at him. He didn't even flinch. But he did look at us with disgust and walked off to the Mansion. Why is it that every time I think I have him all figured out, he goes and does something to screw my head all up again. I thought he was upset the last time because of some insecurity thing. Afraid someone else might get to me first. I fixed that, I let him...I couldn't shake the feeling that something else was the matter. I couldn't deny it any more. I obviously didn't know everything there was to know about him. Why would he attack someone who was in no position to defend themselves and who had stopped their attacks?

Bobby: "What the hell is his problem?"

"I don't know, I just don't get him."

Bobby: "What did he do to you?"

"He tried to get access to my mind."

Bobby: "Why would he try that?"

"I-don't know."

Judging by the skeptical look he gave me, I guessed that he didn't really believe me. But I'd deal with that later. My thoughts were occupied with Jake. If I thought that we should spend some time away from each other before, I was adamant about it now. He had to learn how to control that temper of his. And he...scared me when he tried to force entry to my mind. It snapped me back to the astral plane where I'd begged him to stop. Same thing here, and he didn't. He thought we came a long way since that, but it was obvious we hadn't. We still had some issues that needed ironing out. I'd tell him inside, telepathically, I didn't want to speak with him directly again, at least not for now.

Bobby: "You goin' inside now, we have got to be at least two hours late for classes."

"Yeah, you sure you're all right. I mean, you really looked Pained back there."

Bobby: "Nah, I'm cool, nothin' I can't handle."

I took his word for it. With that we headed back into the Mansion. I hoped the teachers wouldn't grill us too much for being late. I don't think I can handle more stress. I had enough issues to deal with anyway. And besides after I talked to Jake today, I'd be on my own for a while, I wouldn't have anyone else to confide in. Sigh...I hope it all irons out.

Jake walked into the Mansion, still stupefied that Rick would actually turn and use his powers on him. All over a dick like Bobby Drake. He had his suspicions alright, ever since the night Bobby had taken it into his head to prepare that stupid burger for Rick. Jake didn't care what Rick said, he knew how Bobby eyed Rick, largely because he eyed Rick in the same way. That was what worried him. What worried him more was the impressions he got from Bobby's mind whenever he and Rick were together.

Jake wasn't sure if Bobby was gay. Maybe Bi, he honestly couldn't tell. For all he knew, Bobby could be into Rick, on the lookout for a fuck-buddy or something. All he knew was what he saw and felt. That was why he freaked out when he saw them together just now. He had checked in extra early at Rick's Room. Just wanted to see how he was doing, he seemed real beat the night before and complained that he might be sick o something before dinner yesterday. That was what had prompted Jake to go over. He simply scanned the room with his mind to see if Rick was awake, so he could ask to come in. But, he felt nothing. He got worried and turned the handle. The door was open. Why would it be open? Rick's incident had left him a little jumpy and he always locked his doors.

Jake went in and he saw and empty room. He didin't know where Rick was, but before he raised an alarm he decided to check himself, just in case there was a perfectly ordinary reason for the absence. He so didn't want to look like a fool. He knew he better hurry too. Time wore on and classes had started before the answer hit him, the tree grove that Rick liked in front of the mansion. Jake couldn't count the amount of times Rick said he needed air, and used the grove to relax. So he headed down there. He smiled when he saw Rick fast asleep under a tree, but wiped it off with a scowl when he saw what he was lying on. Bobby! What was his boyfriend doing, lying down in some other guys lap?! He was walking over when he saw Rick wake up, stretch and wake up a smiling Bobby. Smiling? What was he smiling about, did they?! He was going to find out, he didn't care how.

He went over and all but pulled Rick off of Bobby. He didn't care how it looked. After a telepathic conversation with Rick, Jake was still clueless as to what had happened. He couldn't have been happier when Rick asked if he wanted to read his mind and find out. They got into an argument over that, Rick probably had something to hide from him, maybe that was why he was so hesitant. So as soon as he was distracted, Jake took the chance and invaded his mind. Rick successfully blocked him however. The fact that he was fighting so hard proved it. Rick was not telling Jake something! Jake didn't get to see anything more though. The next minute he was sent flying by a punch from Bobby. That started an all out brawl. They were fighting it out, might and main before Rick stopped them, separating them telekinetically. Just when Bobby had got in the last punch too. Jake couldn't take that, and sent a dose of Pain into Bobby from a disance to even up the score. He didn't count on what had happened next.

Rick actually used his powers offensively against him. Not enough to hurt, but enough to send him flying. Jake still couldn't believe it, but he suspected the worst. This Bobby Drake had been a problem long enough. He didn't know when or how, but Jake knew he would jave to deal with Bobby eventually, if he wanted to keep Rick. He hadn't thought that the fool could offer up so much competition, but he had obviously underestimated him. He wouldn't do so again, he'd learned that the hard way. He walked down the hallway, in rapt contemplation, he had some thinking to do...

Okay, the fifth installment. Thais one goes on out to the Aussie Dude, Aaron and as always, to everyone who has joined my group and who has read mystuff on Nifty. And to all the senders of the Emails I've been getting, especially the ones wishing me luck on the Exams. It's appreciated. Oh and Will, it wasn't you who I said thought one of mystories was a comedy, that person has since amened HER wy of thining...Lol!

As usual, feel free to drop a line at or post on the group to help me improve and give some inspiration. Luv Ya!

Next: Chapter 6: Xxx Men 6

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