Xxx Men Series

By Phoenix

Published on Dec 26, 2006


X-men Story

Well, here's Chapter Thirty. I am still not sure what to call this story exactly...can you believe it? I have it ALL planned out except for the name. Could someone please give me some ideas?

As usual, text in italics indicate telepathic communication. Text in bold is used for emphasis. And underlined text indicates any sort of electronically aided communication.

X-men Story
Chapter Thirty

"Over The Ocean, And Beyond..."

The sleep I had the night before the journey was restless and unsatisfying. Scott was in the cockpit with the plane's pilot. And the two uniformed men sharing the passenger's division with me didn't look like the talkative type. It was early morning, I reasoned. The sun would be towards the east. With the way we were flying, it was almost directly behind us. So, logically we were heading west. I could see mountain chains, green plains, and bodies of water all skimming past. Eventually, I saw something else.

The coastline? Did we travel across country - coast to coast - in such a short time? If we were heading west, across the country and we passed a coastline...then we had to have left our airspace. We were out of United States territory. Over the ocean...the Pacific Ocean or...beyond?! I thought back to what Colonel Fury a vacation. Was I being sent to Island Paradise, Hawaii? That at least would be a US territory. After another hour of flying over the ocean, with nothing to look at but miles and miles of ocean...the monotony of the journey had its effect. My eyes grew heavy lidded and I fell into a deep sleep, even though I fought it...


Someone shaking me woke me up with a start. The first thought that crossed my mind, before my blurry vision could clear and refocus, was that it was one of the two military looking men. I shook off whoever it was and rubbed my eyes quickly.

Scott: "It's alright. It's just me."

"Scott? We there yet?"

The plane took of so smoothly and ran even smoother; it was impossible to tell if we were still in the air without checking the windows. I was curled up and back in my seat, and too lazy to get up and see for myself.

Scott: "Yeah. We just landed on the airstrip a few minutes ago."

I got up and started looking around for my two suitcases. They were nowhere to be found. That immediately had me suspicious and worried.

Scott: "I carried them out already. The facility's personnel are just checking for forbidden materials, drugs and stuff."


Scott led the way and I followed him out of the plane.


Scott: "Yeah, it's nice."

Nice couldn't begin to describe it. Mother Nature had outdone herself. Sapphire sky with just the right amount of white, wispy, non-rain bearing clouds...tall, vegetation covered hills in the fields sprinkled liberally with patches of exotic looking flowers. And in the foreground, a large group of buildings, silver grey, with panelled glass - technological looking, but not coldly scientific.

Scott and I walked along one of the paths and were checked by a guard at the perimeter booth. As we walked along the path to the entrance of the main building, I could see that it was indeed like the Mansion. There was a tennis court out front and a match was going on. Some fun-sounding laughter to our left drew my attention. A group of fairly young children were playing some game that seemed like a telekinetic version of dodge ball. They all took turns aiming the ball at one another and shielding against it hitting them. No armed guards were visible, but instead a woman, with a young girl in her arms, watched over them.

Scott: "Whoa!"

One of the children had miscalculated the trajectory of the ball. It was headed straight for Scott's ruby quartz glasses. I was able to intercept it in time. I gasped in surprise though. The sheer speed and force with which the ball was travelling was far stronger than what I had anticipated. It was frankly an effort to stop it before it made contact with Scott. Such power from a kid who looked to be no more than eight? My powers activated early too...but the kid seemed to be in a different league.

Woman: "Aisha! How many times have I told you about being more careful?"

Scott had a totally shocked look on his face. If his glasses had been knocked off - those people would have been blown to bits. The thought must have shaken him thoroughly.

The girl looked at the expression on Scott's face, misinterpreted it and seemed to be on the verge of tears. I hovered the ball back to the group and smiled to try and let them all know that it was okay - we realized that it was an accident. The woman looked at us apologetically, hugged the girl and asked forgiveness for the tone of voice she had used.

"You alright?"

Scott: "Sometimes I wish that Hank could come up with a pair of permanently bonded contact lenses that I could use."

Blood red eyes?

"Nothing happened, thank God. But it was damned near. That girl...she's something alright."

Scott: "Why'd you say that?"

"I got a feel on the ball...but there was so much power behind it - I almost couldn't stop it in time."

Scott glanced back at the group for a few seconds, then we continued on. At least they weren't practising widespread mutant power suppression. I couldn't imagine two weeks with no powers. In the farthest recesses of my mind, I admitted to myself that my powers made me secure. If anything adverse happened - I could fall back on them. I never thought myself deviant for being a mutant. And I certainly never wished to be "normal" in the sense of human. I was born a mutant; I was born normal, normal for me. We reached the front door and Scott pressed some button that had to be a doorbell of some sort. Shortly after, the door opened and a pleasantly smiling, middle-aged man welcomed us in.

Stuart: "Welcome to Utopia."

Utopia? I glanced at Scott's face. He was just as quizzical as I was.

Stuart: "Yes, yes. I know what you're probably thinking. Utopia as in the Imaginary Island of perfection in Sir Thomas Moore's book, "Utopia" from 1516."

I smiled, more than a little embarrassed. I wasn't thinking that at all. I was confused and expected an explanation. Scott however, nodded as though everything that was said mirrored his thought processes. we were on an island? Stuart motioned us to follow him, talking all the way. He seemed to be rather garrulous and social for someone working at such a facility. He seemed...nice. Finally, he led us into a kitchen, offered us seats and poured us two cups of fruit juice.

Stuart: "So, what's your name?"

The question was addressed to me apparently.

"Rick McKenzie."

He jovially replied that everybody in the place went on a first name basis. Hence, he noted, the reason why he didn't give us his last name. For fear that someone would feel obliged to call him mister something. It ruined the connection when everything was formalized, he said. I just nodded and smiled. He seemed to be just into talking without stopping.

Stuart: "And this is...your father?"

Scott? Why would he? Then I caught him staring at our hair. Since I dyed it at Maxine's, it was still identical to Scott's.

Scott: "No. This is my student."

Stuart seemed puzzled at that response of Scott's and asked if I had a legal guardian or such. I was puzzled myself. Wasn't he supposed to know who we were, and why we were there without asking?

"Uh...Stuart, do you work here?"

Stuart: "Oh no. I just live here."

He said it so cheerfully; I couldn't help but wonder if he was joking. At that point, footsteps were heard approaching.

Cecilia: "I work here. My husband, Stuart, always manages to fool people into thinking he's a member of the staff."

Stuart: "But I am. I'm your personal masseur."

Cecilia: "Oh really, when was the last time you did your job?"

The sound of a pleasant, female voice drew all our attention to the doorway. A woman, perhaps middle age, perhaps older, stood at the threshold. She wore a typical housedress, had long black hair and a nice, tanned complexion. Walking up to us, she took a seat herself and introduced herself.

Cecilia: "Hi, I'm Dr. Reyes. I was expecting you."

She was the doctor? But she looked so Seeing my look, she laughed.

Cecilia: "Well, I don't have to go about all day with a lab coat for a dress and a stethoscope for a necklace do I?"

Laughing, Scott and I agreed that she had just as much right to relax and look good as any other woman on the planet. After talking with her for a while, I realized that she had talked to Colonel Fury. Her husband wasn't privy to the high level information that she was. He was mostly used to dealing with the people their mutant outreach program brought in. Hence the very nice personality of Stuart - most of their guests were rather emotionally fragile on arrival.

Cecilia: "Stu, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Stuart: "You're throwing me out, baby? I don't know who that woman was - I swear!"

Laughing, she pushed him out of the room and closed the door. Well, at least they both seemed nice and normal.

Cecilia: "Now I want you to treat this place as if it were your home for the next two weeks. Feel free to sample whatever we have to offer."

Scott smiled and nudged me to respond.

"Yes, Dr. Reyes. I will, thanks."

Cecilia: "Only other members of staff call me that. You can call me Cecilia."

I smiled and nodded in response.

Cecilia: "We've taken the liberty to have your belongings moved to your room. You'll be sharing it with a roommate."


Cecilia: "Yes, will that be a problem?"

Scott looked at me questioningly.

"No, it's fine."

Cecilia went on to explain the rules of the "house". There were a lot of different people living there and we were all to accept and tolerate each other's differences. There was to be no bigotry on the basis of race, nationality, social background, religion, sexual orientation and the like. Did I understand that? Of course I did. I was starting to like Utopia a whole lot!

Under no circumstances was I to try and wander off the premises. I was to respect the space and property of my roommate as well as all other occupants of the "house". I nodded to let her know I agreed.

There was a wide range of activities that I could get involved in, should I so choose. And if I needed it, there were counsellors, both peer and staff, who I could turn to for help.

My luggage was checked - but it needed to be said anyway. There was to be no consumption of any alcohol, or drugs at all. And as for sex...

Cecilia: "You're mostly young people...and it is natural, true...but in the case of sex here - it's a definite no."


Under no circumstances was I to use my mutant abilities in a violent manner upon my peers or staff members.

Cecilia: "There is to be absolutely no fighting. Mutant powered fights or otherwise. We have some very powerful mutants here and when they feel threatened...well, the results aren't pretty."

"I'll do my best to stay out of trouble."

Cecilia: "Now...aside from some unstable mutants...we don't forbid use of your mutant powers. They are a part of who you are, perfectly natural and we do not encourage denial of self. Hence, we even allow for mutant games. I've found that mutant powered play helps young people become familiar and comfortable with their powers far better than anything else."

Scott: "Oh?"

Cecilia: "Yes. It's a fact. Now, would you like me to show you to your room and introduce your roommate?"

I agreed and she led Scott and me out of the room and towards an elevator. Eventually we exited onto a hallway just lined with doors. Talking all the way, Cecilia explained that - unlike the Xavier Institute where I had my own showers - they had common showers on each of the dormitory floors. Males and females separately of course. Presently she stopped us and pointed to a door, informing me that it led to my room. Room 364. There was a button for an intercom next to the door and she pressed it.

Cecilia: "Indra! Could you open up please?!"

Why was she shouting?

Cecilia: "Sorry for the loud voice. But he's usually blasting out some song or the other on headphones. Indra!"

The door slid open mechanically and Cecilia led Scott and myself in. Sitting, cross-legged in the corner, with his eyes closed, headphones on, was a boy who didn't seem to be conscious. He had a light brown complexion, with semi-long, dark hair that fell almost below his shoulders and a strikingly boyish, innocent face. He hadn't made any movement that could be construed as conscious. Could he be in some sort of trance?

Cecilia: "This is Indra. He's one of our international guests, from India. Don't worry about communication - he speaks English fluently. When he's not being a smart aleck, he's in rapt meditation and actually quite nice. Sometimes I prefer him this way."

The boys face registered mild anger, eyes flashed open and he spoke out, with just the barest trace of an accent.

Indra: "I heard that!"

It was cute how he pouted. I almost laughed out loud, but stopped for fear of making a wrong impression at the very start of my stay.

Cecilia: "Indra, this is Rick. He'll be your roommate for the next two weeks."

He got up from the floor, and sat on the bed.

Indra: "Hello."


Scott: "Well, at least it's roomy."

Yes, it was roomy. There were two desks, with a computer at each, on opposite sides of the room. A sort of mini entertainment center in the middle. A whole lot of interesting books on a spacious shelf in one corner. Adequate natural light from the windows. Telephones and reading lamps at the bedsides... Overall an okay room.

Cecilia: "Well, Mr. Summers, why don't we leave the boys for a while and give them a chance to get to know one another? I have to discuss some things with you."

Before I could protest, Cecilia had already led Scott out of the room and shut the door. I took a seat and nervously glanced over at Indra, semi-hoping that maybe he'd go back to his meditating, trance thing. Making new friends all over again wasn't in my plans. Why should I even have bothered about it when I was only going to be there for two weeks? The way he was looking at me sent the message quite clear. He expected me to start some attempt at conversation.

"Uh, how come you speak English so good?"

I couldn't think of anything else to say.

Indra: "Oh, my dad's from America and I was born there. As a matter of fact, I lived there until I was five. My mom's Indian. I'm bilingual."


Indra: "So, Rick, where are you from? And how come you ended up here?"

Well, Cecilia had said that there were a lot more people present than those who merely couldn't be classified.

"America. And well...I don't know if you know this but they're trying to classify mutants there. And for some reason or the other, they just can't seem to classify me."

Indra: "Oh. Well, they haven't started that in India. But Cecilia has tried with me...didn't work. So, what's your ability?"

I told him and asked the same.

Indra: "Temporal manipulation."

"Let me like time, right? Oh my God! You control time?!"

With raised eyebrow and semi-smile, he nodded.

Indra: "Yeah. But it's not so simple. I don't have full control of my powers."

Time control? That had to be the weirdest one I had ever heard of. Aside from Forge's mutant ability to design and create any type of machine that is.

"Oh really? So...what exactly can you do?"

Indra: "Well, I can reverse time from the present. But so far, only in my immediate environment, limited number of objects and only to a maximum of thirty seconds. If I were to drop this vase..."

He took up a rather pricey looking, ornate vase and dropped it to the floor. It promptly shattered. With a look of concentration from Indra, the pieces all pulled themselves together again, started flying upwards and reformed the jar in his hand. It was like watching a rewinding video.


Indra: "I can also speed up objects and processes, slow them down, stop them temporarily, even age things temporarily and - "

A rather crazy thought came to my head.

"The next thing you'll tell me is that you can time travel."

The look on his face changed to one of anger. What the hell did I do wrong to piss him off?

Indra: "Stay out of my mind! If it's one thing I can't stand, it's a telepath with no respect for privacy!"

"But I wasn't! I was just joking."

He scrutinized my face closely, apologised and then continued.

Indra: "According to Cecilia - it could very well be possible."

"Could be? Time travel is impossible."

He told me that once, he finished taking a test and realized that he had done really badly on walking out of the room. He expressed the desire to have one more go at it. With the next blink of his eyes...he was at his desk, paper blank.

"Maybe you reversed time and - "

Indra: "Cecilia thinks that I have the potential to reverse much more than thirty seconds worth of time. But the thing is, time reversal doesn't work on me. Now, if I were sitting at the desk and the paper just mysteriously went blank...then maybe I reversed time for the paper beyond thirty seconds, returning it to its unwritten state."

"That makes sense. If you have the potential to reverse a lot more than thirty seconds, that is."

Indra: "But I was physically out of the room and found myself back at my desk, at the beginning of the exam - an hour and a half earlier according to the exam clock and everyone's watches. Since time reversal doesn't work on couldn't have been time reversal. I obviously can't reverse time for the whole world. I must have moved myself back an hour and a half and wound up back at my desk."

I was very sceptical about the idea. But I didn't want to insult him, especially after that last outburst, so instead I asked,

"What did you do?"

He grinned wickedly,

Indra: "Do? Isn't it obvious? I took the test over of course."

"Of course. Did you do really well the second time around?"

Indra: "No, barely passed. But at least it was a pass!"

We both laughed. Well, at least I hadn't made an enemy on the very first day...

"There Ain't No Foolin' This Woman"

Cecilia: "I've been studying the reports that Dr. Sullivan sent me, Scott."

Scott was in Cecilia's office, having a casual, yet private discussion with her. Things had started smoothly enough, but eventually, the woman started to hit close to home - albeit, in a nice way. Thankfully.

Cecilia: "Rick's DNA modifications would have been seen by even a student of molecular biology. McCoy is certainly no novice. He had to have known about this."

Cecilia had asked for any and all information regarding Rick's powers. Scott had unwittingly told her about the case when he lost his Elemental abilities, and the DNA tests that Hank had conducted at the Mansion. It just slipped out - he wanted to give her as much useful information as possible, so that her job would be easier...and maybe Rick might be able to go home earlier too.

Scott: "Oh?"

Cecilia: "I won't say anything to Colonel Fury. I can understand why McCoy kept it secret. He just wasn't sure how Rick would have reacted. But when you go back, please ask him to send me any and all additional information he might have. You're all just lucky that Dr. Sullivan is no molecular biologist."

Scott openly sighed in relief.

Scott: "I'll have a talk with Hank."

Cecilia: "Thank you."

"Is That Your Dad?"

Scott came back to the room to say goodbye about an hour after he left.

Scott: "You'll be fine."


He went over to the desk, ripped off a square of paper from a pad and scribbled something on it. Handing me the square,

Scott: "It's my cell number. If you need to talk or anything."


Never being one for long goodbyes, he left with a final wave.

Indra: "Is that your...father or something?"

Perhaps dying my hair wasn't such a hot idea after all.


With Scott leaving, my tenure officially began. I was alone in a place full of strangers. The mood must have carried onto my facial expression.

Indra: "Hey, come on. I'll show you around and you can meet my friends. They're expecting me outside anyway."


"Thunder In Paradise"

It was a big place alright. Bigger than the surface levels of the Mansion even. Colonel Fury was right. Everything that I was accustomed to was available there. And the best part of it was - to the "guests" anyway - was the near complete lack of academically oriented activities. Utopia seemed to be the teenaged kid's dream world given corporal form. Minus the sex and alcohol and drugs and other such things of course...

Indra led the way outside, to their "backyard". Specifically, to a pool where a poolside party seemed to be taking place. On a Tuesday in school-time hours. It was like...heaven. I was led to one group of four in particular and introduced as the new kid.

Indra: "These fine people are Tierra, Ishmael, Bryce and Shelly."

Everyone aside from Tierra looked to be in their teenaged years. I later found out that Tierra was twenty five. The others must have looked up to her as some sort of protective big sister or something. But I digress...

"Hi, I'm Rick."

They all smiled and said hello. After the initial introductions, I came to find out that I had some fellow countrymen and women there after all. Tierra, Bryce and Shelly were all from the states. Ishmael however, was brought in all the way from Saudi Arabia - he had a rather sexy accent. Accents always turned me on, just a little quirk I've always had.

As was the seemingly universal practice whenever teenaged mutants got together - talk all turned to powers. Naturally, as the new kid, I was outnumbered and had to go first. Then they all took turns explaining their abilities as Cecilia had done for them.

Tierra: "I manipulate gravity and gravitational fields. I can influence gravity's effect on matter and energy. I can make things heavier or lighter - even fly by generating anti-gravity fields...and a whole lot more. It's a bit complex - but then again, I've always been a complex girl."

She shook her flowing hair in the classic, uppity way women do. There was something about her that reminded me a little of Amara.

Ishmael: "I have the ability to warp reality. It involves energy and matter reconfiguration - it allows me to change one thing to another and back, transmutation. I can also give animate qualities to inanimate objects."

That sounded familiar. Kevin, Moira's son had the same power. He even turned his stepsister's red hair into something resembling a carrot!

Shelly: "I have the power to look into the past and well as to see events that are occurring in the present. Sometimes, I can even sense present attributes of people - and predict what could happen to them in the near future based upon what's going on in their life in the here and now. And most times, my mind processes information even I am not aware of and weird thoughts just pop up - and they always have significance later on."

"You...can read the future?"

She nodded, but said it sometimes took maximum concentration to use at will if she wanted to look far ahead. I turned to the last boy.

Bryce: "I can affect the laws of probability. I generate fields that alter the chance expectation of different events occurring. I can make the most unlikely of events possible...and the most likely of events nearly impossible. I can even "curse" and "bless" people by attaching a probability altering field around them. Needless to say, I almost never lose at poker - with or without bluffing."

We all laughed at that statement. It must have carried on the wind because the next thing we all heard was a scornful, female voice referring to us.

Scornful Female Voice: "Well, it seems the number of Outcasts grows bigger and bigger by the day. What we need here is some population control. Or at least some more selectivity with regards to who gets accepted."

We all turned to see a red haired girl with several snooty looking cronies behind her, looking at us in the most condescending of manners.

"Who is that?"

Indra frowned.

Indra: "That is the Bitch Brigade, led by none other than Slutty Soula."

Soula: "Nice to see you too, half breed."

Indra: "Actually, I'm only one eig - "

Soula: "Whatever, I never really cared for math anyway."

Indra and Soula stared at each other with nothing but hate. Slutty Soula? But I was under the impression that sex was strictly forbidden. And wait - Indra said, "bitch" and "slutty"...he hadn't used a "bad" word before that point. Soula must have been "special" to warrant such treatment.

Soula: "Besides, being a bitch is better than being a freakish Outcast who just can't seem to fit in anywhere."

Tierra: "Yes, when you're a bitch of my variety. Your kind of bitch however, is exempt."

Soula: "Oh shut up you black whore! I wasn't wasting time with you yet."

Why was I picturing this Soula with a "666" on her forehead? Did being so blasted racist give her some sort of sick pleasure or something? Or did Cecilia accidentally forget to give her the speech about tolerance that I was treated to?

Tierra: "Black whore?! You fuckin' better take that back, heifer! Or I'll brand your ass so bad, your bastard begotten spawn will feel it - "

Soula's blatantly racist remark had Tierra up on her feet instantly. And immediately, the gravity in the environment started to reflect her emotional state. The liquids in several nearby people's cups started to flow upwards in spherical globules. One boy who had just jumped off the pool's springboard was falling at such a reduced rate - he seemed to be floating rather than in freefall. Shelly and Indra each took Tierra's arm and tried to calm her down.

Indra: "Tierra, remember what Cecilia said. We have to control ourselves or she'd have to suppress our powers..."

Tierra: "One of these days, Soula - you and me are going to have it out! I'm like gravity - I'll fuckin' take you down!"

Thunder in Paradise...

Soula: "Please, like I'd ever resort to physically fighting with the likes of you."

That Soula was lucky she hadn't called a woman like Ororo a "black whore" - it wouldn't have been pretty.

"What is her problem - aside from the obvious? And why is she calling you Outcasts? You all seem okay to me."

Tierra: "We all met up in this place at Cecilia's lab. She tried to rank all the mutants here and as it so happened, we all got put in the same test group."

Ishmael: "None of us got ranked. Apparently, no mutant ranking system can rate us."


Soula: "Uh huh. Outcasts and outclassed."

It made sense why they were so close. People who have things in common usually are. And when they are ostracized for having those somethings in common - they tend to group...

Soula: "You all don't fit in with the humans - or the mutants. Hence, you're all Outcasts and will forever remain as you are - freaks."

"And so you decide to just assume that just because I'm talking to them that I'm - "

Soula: "Have you been rated?"

", but - "

Stupid Soula didn't wait to hear me out.

Soula: "Then you're all so low-class, you're not even worthy of a number. Come on girls."

She and her co bikini-clad, high heel wearing friends walked off. Why are bitches so unbelievably alike worldwide?

Bryce: "Stuck up, bitch."

He looked at Soula hard. His eyes were strikingly blue before. But in one fleeting moment, I swear I saw them go all black. Five seconds later, one of the younger kids, bike riding, rode across Soula's path. One of the bike's handlebars somehow got caught on the bottom piece of her flaming red bikini. As the kid rode away, the bottom was pulled right off and he got himself a nice prize. Soula let out a squeal as she frantically tried to cover her totally bare ass with the towel one of her cronies handed her! Everyone had his or her fill of laughter as the Bitch Brigade ran off screaming into the distance.

"What were the chances of that happening?!"

Bryce: "Don't really know...don't really care. I'm just glad it did."

Indra: "Too bad she ran off. I bet everyone would have enjoyed my instant replay."

They both broke down laughing mischievously.

"But isn't that like...abuse of power?"

Tierra: "Serves the ho right. That was even better than when I upped the gravity while she was weighing herself. Bitch thought she put on ten pounds - went all out anorexic for three days!"

As if that wasn't an earful, Ishmael grinned and said something I so didn't expect,

Ishmael: "Or when I made her a man! Girls started swarming around her - she broke down in tears and begged me to reverse it. Too bad Cecilia warned me - or I'd do it again!"

Transmutation for...Tran sexuality?

Shelly: "I once prophesied that she'd die from violent means within the week! She refused to leave her room."

Shelly laughed scandalously at the thought of it. I was shocked at the sound. Before hearing that witch-like cackle, I thought her so angelic with that cherubic face, blond hair and azure blue eyes.

Indra: "Without doubt, Shelly's was the best because it benefited all present! Best week I ever had here."

They all agreed and fondly recalled the memories. Well, apparently, Utopia wasn't as perfect as its namesake.

Tierra: "Oh forget her. Come on, Rick - have a smoothie!"

Taking a seat along with the other Outcasts, I figured that I might as well enjoy myself a little while I was there...

"Sinister Dr. Sullivan"

Dr. Sullivan frowned to himself as he prepared to leave the Xavier Mansion. Curse that Colonel Fury. The man was even more problematic than he had been led to believe. As a result of his overly Spartan approach to conducting the mutant tests on the students - Dr. Sullivan was being replaced by another scientist. Professor Xavier had openly smiled when the news was announced. By extension - all of the X-men had cheered and popped open a bottle of champagne.

Guard: "Are you ready to leave, sir?"

Dr. Sullivan: "Yes, I'm just about done."

He smiled to himself - while they were all enthusiastically celebrating his reassignment, he was able to hack into their personal network and pilfer vast amounts of encrypted data from their memory banks. At last, much of what he wanted was his - all he needed to do was decode the data and a near limitless amount of genetic and other information would be his to - fulfil his plans. Infiltrating SHIELD - Strategic Hazard, Intervention, Espionage Logistics Directorate - headed by Colonel Fury, was hard enough. But he had succeeded, and that was the most important thing. It was a pity that he couldn't convince Fury to let him conduct testing on the boy himself...but there would be other times to carry out that particular part of his plans - Mystique would see to that. If only his luck were running, then he could have had him without her help and far earlier than expected...

Dr. Sullivan: "Well, that's it. Let's be gone, shall we?"

"I Love You Susan"

Bobby: "Speak up. I can barely hear you."

Rick's voice on the other end was very low. Apparently his cell phone was not picking up any reception and he had to use the one in his room. The problem was...he had a roommate. And he had to keep quiet about the things he said or he might figure out that he was talking to a boy in a gay way. Suddenly, Rick's voice level increased as he gave up trying to whisper boy friendly things into the phone and switched to everyday topics instead.

Rick: "It is so much fun here! I got the first day to do whatever I wanted. Cecilia retook a DNA sample and stuff...and is working on that for the time being. And I met these four people - and they're all unclassifiable too, just like me. And they are the coolest people you could meet - I mean, they're a bit mischievous, but in a fun way and..."

He went off on a rant talking about all the fun things that were available for the taking at "Utopia". About how many different kinds of people were there. About the general feeling of acceptance everyone felt - only broken by a few bad seeds. Such as some girl named Soula.

Bobby: "So, nothing shady is going on there?"

Rick: "It is so normal. I haven't seen a guard on the grounds. There are a lot of them on the perimeter walls, yes. But Cecilia says that they're really there for our protection. She's so cool - she reminds me of a non-bitchy Jean."

Bobby: "Well, things have gotten a little better here too. We are all sorta celebrating Dr. Sullivan leaving. Apparently that Fury guy thought that he was being too strict."

Way too strict for practically everyone's taste. As a matter of fact, he was advocating extended mutant suppression "therapy" for days at a time for ALL mutants at the school. Not just the mind altering ones.

Rick: "That's good to hear. There was something about that guy that creeped me out."

Bobby: "He was an asshole, so yeah, I agree."

Rick: "I dunno. It was more than that. The way he kept looking at me... It was like he had an unknown side to him - something sinister."

Bobby: "Sinister? You're overreacting."

Rick: "I'm not. His staring almost made my blood run cold."

Bobby: "Well, at least he didn't get his way. I wish that they could have carried out the test here. Been missin' you like crazy, and it's only been one day. Two more until you come back home."

There was an awkward pause then. Bobby really didn't like it.

Rick: "About that... Cecilia said that if I stayed during the weekends, she'd keep working. We might finish quicker as she'll be free to give me all her attention on the weekends. And the thought of crossing time zones twice again this's tiring..."

Bobby: "So, you're not coming home?"

Rick: "I haven't decided yet. I wanted to know what you think."

Bobby considered.

Bobby: "Well...if it might mean you finish sooner...and you can leave there for good...then, I guess it'll be okay."

Rick: "Thanks. Oh, hey I gotta go. It's Truth Or Dare night around the campfire! I love you, Susan!"


Bobby: "Bye, baby."

Well, at least he wasn't depressed over there...

"We All Knew The Day Was Coming"

Magneto: "Well, we all knew the day was coming."

Seated in council, Magneto addressed the advisory body of Genosha. The War had begun, the humans had already taken the first steps. It was time to stand up and fight for the rights of their fellow mutants. They were fortunate enough to be living in their own, private, hidden land where all inhabitants were mutants and differences were not seen as deviations from the "norm". But they had their mutant brethren to think about.

Magneto: "Already, the United States, has taken steps to force our people out of hiding. We all know that other nations will follow suite. We must stop these tests and registrations at the source - strike at the root of the problem."

The terrorist attack on Bayville City Hall had given the government all the justification it needed to push the Mutant Registration Act forward. And as if that were not enough to deal with - it was revealed that the same government had lied to the public about the shutdown of the Sentinel program. And the public actually believed that it was for their own protection.

Brainchild: "What would you have us do, sir?"

Magneto: "We must send a clear signal to these humans, that we will not tolerate their infringements into the realm of our rights and freedoms. However, we shall start with a warning. Then, if they persist with these tests...we shall take action. Thanks to the efforts of our technicians, we have almost seized control of several, strategic communications satellite. Our broadcast will be carried live across every major network."

Councillor: "But what will we do if they continue?"

Magneto: "Then we will make use of a little of the plutonium we obtained from the Boshnoi Nuclear facility - "

Councillor: "But that could cause radioactive fallout!"

Magneto: "We will merely demonstrate our power in an uninhabited area. Let them take it as a threat. Of course I wouldn't order an attack on a populated area...mutants would also be harmed."

Brainchild: "On the chance that they don't heed the warnings? What then?"

Magneto: "Then we shall have to deal with this President Kelly personally. Perhaps this has opened the eyes of our mutant brethren. Perhaps now they will realize that the time has come to fight for what is theirs by birthright..."

All present nodded their approval. The humans had taken steps to ensure the survival of their species. It would be folly to not do the same...

"The Investigation Begins"

Cecilia: "Okay, are you ready?"

After breakfast on Wednesday morning, Cecilia announced that she was ready to commence her investigations. She led me to another of the buildings that definitely looked more technologically oriented than the others. For one thing, there was a lot more metal used in the construction. She explained that it was a special alloy of metals that served to shield the delicate instruments inside from external energy fields. They were very sensitive to energy forms. As well as being extensively covered with metallic panels, there were many more glass panels. Once more, Cecilia offered an explanation. They trapped solar energy from the sun and converted it to electrical for use in the facility. They were trying to lower their dependence on fossil fuels.

I was led inside the building, down several hallways and into a large, spherical, empty room that vaguely reminded me of the Danger Room.

Cecilia: "This room is in essence a giant, multi-purpose energy scanner combined with a training room. It probably will remind you of your own training room at the Xavier Institute."

"You know about that?"

Cecilia: "Why yes. I know all about what goes on there...Spectral."

Spectral? My codename? I quickly wiped off the surprised expression.

"So we're inside a scanner?"

She nodded. Apparently it was one of the most complex available on the planet. It allowed them to scan for and record changes in many different forms of energy. It even allowed them to carry out identification of many different energy forms. And it could all be done while mutants trained inside the room, allowing for real time evaluation of their abilities.

"So what do we do?"

Cecilia: "The very first thing we do, is record the waveform of your powers. When you use telekinesis for example, it converts your mutant energy into telekinetic energy. Telekinesis has it's own waveform. Telepathy as well. It's like an ID card for powers. Different Elemental powers also register different waveforms on the scanner. I Want to make sure that we're dealing with seven distinct powers as well as how they relate to one another. You know, if you can use them separately as well as combined."

She went on to explain. If I were using telekinesis, the scanners should only register one wave. If I were using telekinesis and telepathy, then it would register two. And so forth...

That said she exited the room and went to the overhead control unit.

Cecilia: "Okay, I'm starting the telekinesis program."

The room flickered briefly and the floor presently became cluttered with different, everyday objects.

Cecilia: "Okay. Use your telekinesis as you see fit. Just let go, relax and be free."

Um, okay, I thought. Nevertheless, I did as was told and moved a chair, a book, a basketball until she announced that she had recorded the required data on her machine.

Cecilia: "Okay, now make contact with my mind. Send me a message. Sing "Happy Birthday" to me."

It's your birthday?

Cecilia: No. But it may take a minute or so to record the signal. So instead of struggling to find topics to talk about...just sing mentally.

Oh. I complied and recorded her date. It went on like that until she had recorded the waveforms for all my Elemental abilities too. Then came the next part of the test.

Cecilia: "I want you to telekinetically lift the teddy bear and then set it on fire."

"Can I lift the chair and burn IT instead?"

She snickered and agreed. I complied and watched up to the control room for a sign to stop the flames.

Cecilia: "Okay, do the same with any other object. Except, this time, I want you to use wind to blow it across the room WHILE you're levitating it with telekinesis."

I once again did as told. She worked her way down the Elements that way until various object were shocked, soaked and also seismically shattered.

Cecilia: "Now, what I want you to do, is sing mentally to me and while doing that - use one Elemental power at a time."

I obeyed again.

Cecilia: "Now, how many Elements can you combine at once?"

"Two at a time."

She requested that I use them in every combination possible, which I did without too much trouble. After a ten-minute delay, she walked back down into the room and announced that we were done for the time being. She had a somewhat perplexed look on her face and she didn't talk nearly as much on the way out on the way in.

"Um, Cecilia - did you learn anything?"

Cecilia: "No, not until I analyse these and your DNA results. But there was something that confused me. I'll have to ask the technicians to check the metal panel shielding."


Cecilia: "Well, when I was testing you - in addition to your mutant energy, the equipment detected another form of energy in the room. It couldn't identify it either. Maybe some panels need replacement. They could have been leaking energy from the outside environment into the room. If the technician team reveals that panels need to be replaced, then we'll have to repeat the exercise later, okay?"


She and I parted ways and I headed for the living areas once more...

"Indra's Secret Revealed"

Bryce: "Oh, this IS entertaining, Rick."

Without mentioning the X-men, I suggested that everyone come up with an alternate name, based upon their mutant abilities. Cecilia too, was happy with the idea and felt that it could help them realize the way they truly viewed their powers by analysing the name they chose. Bryce was torn between Risk, Roulette, Dice, Chaos and Chance. The effects of his powers were based upon probability and often were of a random nature.

Bryce: "I just can't decide."

Indra: "So just write them down on pieces of paper, shuffle them around and take your chances."

Indra, the jokester, was acting up once more.

"He has a point, Bryce. Pick one."

Bryce: "Oh alright. I like the sound of Risk best. It sounds...dangerous."

Indra: "Yeah, like that'd scare anyone who actually has a pair."

With a playful punch to Indra's shoulder, Bryce demanded that he go next.

Indra: "Well...I choose Tempo. Simple, but it'll do for me."

We all looked at Shelly, who wore a look of concentration.

Shelly: "I choose...Fate. Yes, that sounds good."

Next was Ishmael's turn.

Ishmael: "Jinn."

"Gin? But that's like a game of chance? That's more Bryce's style."

He explained himself to clarify our misconception.

Ishmael: "In my homeland, our myths talk of mystically powered creatures who can change their forms and the forms of others - among other things. They're called, Jinn. I think that name will work for me."

We all then looked expectantly at Tierra.

Tierra: "What?"

Indra: "It's your turn, Tierra."

Tierra: "You guys are lucky. Your powers lend themselves to this sort of thing. I control gravity. There isn't much choice for me."

Hmmm, Gravity Girl? Ummm...Gravitra? Ugh, both were horrible choices. Okay, I got her point.

Indra: "Tierra The Terrible!"

Tierra: "Don't make me have to justify that title!"

With a semi-wicked glint in his eye, Bryce made a suggestion.

Bryce: "Well, you know, nothing can escape the gravitational pull of a Black Hole."

Tierra: "That better not be a racist and/or sexist slur, or you will not escape the fury of my fists."

Bryce and Indra both mocked and laughed together at Tierra's threat. Maybe I was seeing the world through gay colored lenses...but Bryce and Indra seemed rather close. I didn't want to just assume it meant what I thought it meant. It could have been nothing more than a mere brotherly affection.

Indra: "Honestly, Bryce. Sometimes I wonder how you can be so insensitive."

Bryce: "But I'm not! I was just making a joke."

Indra: "You've got to stop making jokes that people might find truly offensive."

Bryce: "She was kidding, Indie. She wasn't offended. You were the one who called her Tierra The Terrible."

Indra: "Oh, shut up, Bryce. That was different. You're so stubborn, sometimes I don't know why I even bother."

But the way they argued with each other...

Shelly: "Well, how about Void?" in space? Oh, right! Whenever people hear the word gravity, they think about planets and stars and asteroids and...outerspace!

Tierra: "You used your powers to come up with that didn't you?"

Shelly: "Well...okay, so what if I did? It will suit you."

Tierra: "I kinda like it."

After the alternate names were decided, the seriousness set in. In Utopia, the emphasis for most everyone was enjoying a supportive, stress free environment where they could come to terms with the reality of being a mutant. Eventually, we'd all have to leave the sanctuary of Utopia, maybe at different points in time - but it was a certainty. Utopia wasn't some permanent home for mutants. And the reality that most of us would return to was not bright.

Tierra, Bryce, Shelly and me were American. Well, technically Indra was too, having been born there. But he no longer lived there. And Ishmael was from the Middle East. Our reality was going to be different. Shelly, Bryce and Tierra had all been staying at Utopia for over ten months. It was going to be a hell of a change for them. What would happen if we couldn't be classified? What would the law say about that? Thinking about it like that was scary.

Indra: "Well, Madam Shelly? What does the future hold?"

Ever the light hearted one, Indra finally reached the end of Shelly's tether.

Shelly: "I don't know. It's all well enough for you to joke about! You aren't being discriminated against by your country's laws!"

Indra looked stung by the tone Shelly had used. The thought of returning home to be victimized must have been getting to her.

Bryce: "Take it easy, Shelly. There's no need to -"

Shelly: "Sometimes, other people actually do need to act seriously, Indra. Not everyone lives a sheltered, luxurious life like you do."

Bryce: "Shelly, drop it."

Tierra: "Oh, here they go again. Indra, sometimes you do act a little childish with the things you say."

Shelly: "A little?"

Indra: "So, let me get this straight. You think that because I've got life is easier?!"

Shelly: "Well, let's face it. The same rules that apply for us, don't apply for people like you."

Indra: "So you're saying, that if mutant registration were to become law in my country - that I'd get away because of my money?"

Shelly: "Well, how did you wind up here, huh? Because of your money. You think I didn't know?"

Indra frowned. Where was Shelly going with a statement like that?

Indra: "That is not related to what you said earlier."

Shelly: "Your father paid big bucks to reserve your spot here. You treat this place like a you're on vacation. You have a great life to go back to - we don't. So don't act like your usual pampered, childish self and joke about it!"

All of us looked on in silence for the next few seconds. And then it was as if a dam had been broken. I sensed the sudden release of emotion - like some fundamental switch had been thrown. For a few seconds I felt like I was going to be sick. Indra got up shakily, tears running down his face.

Indra: "My parents didn't send me here so that I could learn to deal with being a mutant. They sent me here because they couldn't deal with me being a mutant, alright! They sent me here so that someone could "cure" me. Until I'm "cured", this is where I'll remain! And we all know that there's no cure for mutation."

Shelly: "Oh God...Indra, I didn't mean - "

Indra: "So since this may very well be my new home, excuse me for trying to get comfortable! You all at least have lives to go back to. At least be thankful for that. I don't have anything at all waiting for me!"

With a final glare at Shelly, Indra wiped his eyes and ran off towards the main building. Shelly shouted after him, but it was no use. He kept on running without so much as slowing down, far less stopping.

Shelly: "Indra, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!"

Bryce shifted, got up and angrily addressed the stunned Shelly.

Bryce: "For someone whose awareness is supposedly high level - you really don't have much to show for it sometimes."

With a glower at Shelly, Bryce took off after Indra.

"Whoa...I guess we do have to be grateful for our small blessings."

Tierra: "I...had no idea he was dealing with that all on his own."

Ishmael: "Why didn't he tell us? Didn't he trust us enough to talk with us about it?"

"I think that maybe he hadn't even come to grips with it himself. Parental rejection is...well, it can really do some serious damage. Especially if you've always looked up to your parents as the ideal and -"

They all started looking at me strangely.


Shelly: "You sound like -"

"Just a little shaken. I didn't expect an outburst like that."

Tierra: "Is...there anything you want to talk about?"

"Me? No, I'm fine."

Ishmael: "You sound like you know exactly what Indra was -"

"It comes with being a telepath. When people just erupt emotionally, they shout their thoughts and feelings out mentally. I just got a glimpse of Indra's mind is all."

After witnessing Indra's outburst, we all didn't talk much for the rest of the evening. Utopia was cool. And a nice place to visit. But it wasn't somewhere I'd want to live. Poor Indra...

"It's Hopeless"


Indra was sitting with his back turned to the door, staring out of the window. The night view of the sparkling ocean was nice...but it couldn't be as captivating as all that. After his verbal and emotional outburst with Shelly, Indra hadn't stepped out of our room. He had even missed his dinner. I could tell that Shelly wasn't really a callous sort. And it wasn't as if she knew the true reason why Indra was at Utopia. She was just at the end of her patience when he joked about the future - our future - like that.

"You missed your dinner. I thought you could use this."

He turned away from the window, and leaned back on the bed. I hovered the burger towards him.

Indra: "No thanks. I already ate."

"I didn't see you at the - "

Indra: "Bryce...sent something up."

"Oh. Okay."

I got the burger out of his face and took a stretch on my own bed.

"Shelly's sorry you know. She's been depressed all afternoon."

Indra: "I know she's not a heartless type. I just hate it when people bring up my parents' money. I wish all I had to deal with were mutant discriminating laws...and not my parents disapproval of who I am."

Yeah, I knew what he meant. If I had only my parents to emotionally back me - everybody else could just go to hell with their homophobic comments.

Indra: "...and then they'll all leave here one day, and I'll be all alone."

His fear of ending up alone came across loud and clear. It must have been hard to even bother about making friends when you're just seemingly destined to lose them all.

"Your they come visit you or anything? Or if they aren't allowed to, do you talk to - "

Indra: "They were always a bit...distant for the most part. I've been here for just over two years and I've only had video contact with them twice, and that was in the first two months of my stay. One was for my birthday, and the other was a by the way thing."

A by the way thing? What did he mean by that? Seeing my look of confusion, he elucidated.

Indra: "I was with Cecilia in her lab. The call was sent to her. They wanted to check on the progress of my "therapy". They didn't ask for me personally. Cecilia had to tell them that I was with her right there and they could talk to me. They haven't talked to me since. Cecilia tells me when they call...but she's just being nice. They don't ask to speak to me."

What kind of parents were they? And why would an ethical doctor like Cecilia Reyes accept a case like Indra's? She was a mutant, she knew that there was nothing wrong with us. Unless...she was just leading his parents on, saying that she'd "cure" him Indra corrected me the moment I vocalized the thought.

Indra: "No. She always tries to tell him that she's trying to help me accept it. Not cure it."

With a bitter expression, I was informed of Indra's true beliefs on his parents' stance. One of his father's companies provided a lot of the technology and scientific manpower for Utopia, under contract from...whoever ran Utopia. He made a deal with them to decrease their costs as well as to actively donate if they'd "cure" his mutant son.

Indra: "I think he knows I can't be cured. I think that they both know it and just wanted to find a place to stash me. If only I were normal like my big brother, Kris..."

"Don't say that. No matter what anyone says, we are normal. We were born normal."

Something else puzzled me. Born...birthday...age... Didn't Indra say that he was almost eighteen?

"Indra, you're'll be eighteen week. Won't you be able to leave if you want to when you're eighteen? I mean, Utopia is voluntary, right?"

He looked at me and scoffed.

Indra: "For everyone else - not for me. See those guards around the perimeter...they'd stop me. My parents have enough power to keep me here. Cecilia runs Utopia, but that can always be changed. She doesn't own it. And she has higher orders. Some of which are to keep me here. Those guards look military to me."

But that...couldn't be right. That was forced detention for no just reason. That couldn't be legal anywhere! Who were these people who had that kind of influence? And those were the same people Professor Xavier dealt with? People just fraught with ulterior motives? And we as X-men were under them in the overall hierarchy? Did they have ulterior motives for us? And if so...what? Maybe my optimistic views on "Utopia" needed some serious revision.

Indra: "It's hopeless."

"Don't ever lose hope. Cecilia might be able to help. She - "

Indra: "She's been talking to my parents since I came here. If they didn't change their minds before, they certainly won't now. Sometimes I wish I could just have the control to travel back to the day I told them."

He told them? He must have taken a leap of faith...and fallen. If my parents were distant like his was, and non-mutant on top of that, I wouldn't have trusted them enough. I'd have tried to hide my mutation.

Indra: "No matter how much I try, it never happens..."

No matter how much he tries? Something occurred to me.

"Is that why you do that meditation thing you - "

He nodded.

Indra: "I honestly don't know what I was thinking. Maybe that time with the exam was a fluke. And then, I suppose a part of me doesn't want to go back. If I didn't come here, I'd never have met Bryce and the others."

Bryce and the others?

"So, you've been dealing with this all on your own?"

Indra: "I'm strong."

"Talking about your problems won't make you weak."

Indra: "Why talk about it if there's nothing that can be done?"

Maybe he was in a sort of denial before and was trying to distract himself with all the fun stuff at Utopia? There had to be something we could do...

"One Way Or Another"

The week wore on and pretty soon, Sunday evening rolled around again. It had been a busy five days. Cecilia had me in that energy analysing room all week. The exercises gradually increased in terms of difficulty and intensity. By Saturday morning, I was being asked to perform exercises as intense as the ones Scott had us do in the Danger Room. Aside from that, Utopia remained a fairly relaxing place.

Indra and Shelly had since reconciled and we all reassembled in a party of six once more. Ever since the truth about Indra's stay at Utopia became known to us all, the joviality had declined and the gravity set in. Sitting around our own campfire, we all tried to come up with a way to help his situation. But if his father was as powerful as he said, then it wasn't going to be easy.

Shelly: "How can Cecilia condone something as illegal as this?"

Ishmael: "Well, she doesn't own this place. She just runs it."

Bryce brought up the guards on the perimeter. Cecilia had told us all that they were stationed there for our safety. To keep unwelcome and dangerous elements out of Utopia. But apparently, they served another purpose as well. Keeping Indra in. Tierra - in her paranoid way - was even wondering if there were other mutants at Utopia who were in the same situation as Indra. It was a big place...who could say?

Tierra: "I sometimes thought that this place might have been too good to be true."

Indra: "I'll be turning eighteen soon enough. When I do, I'm leaving way or another."

We all looked at him in shock. He was wearing an expression I never thought his innocent face could pull of successfully. If I saw such a look of darkness after having woken up from a bad dream - I would have screamed my lungs out.

Shelly: "You surely don't mean that you'll try to go up against the guards at the booth?"

Indra: "Well...not if it can be helped. I'll try to find a less heavily guarded area on the perimeter wall. And maybe sneak out."

I didn't see what hope he had. I mean, he had a pretty wicked power. But even if he did manage to sneak out, where would he go? We were on some island, that for all we knew, was in the middle of nowhere. What would he do to survive? Not that I agreed with Shelly one hundred percent mind you - but he was a rich, pampered kid who never had any kind of wilderness training or anything.

Tierra: "Don't be a fool, Indra."

Indra: "I have to try. No one is going to restrict my freedom."

Tierra: "Madness."

Indra: "I'm not asking you to help me."

He glanced around.

Indra: "Or any of you.'s a big island. Those people from Lost managed to survive and they didn't have any powers."

We all sighed at the mention of Lost. That was a fantasy, television series, world.

Bryce: "Well, I've got your back."

Tierra scoffed and told them both not to be fools. I considered. Tierra, Bryce, Shelly and Ishmael had all been brought in from mutant outreach programs. And Utopia wasn't exactly a military post. Sure, there were guards on the perimeter, but I hadn't seen so much as one solitary guard on the grounds. And I doubt that Indra would be harmed seriously if he was the son of a rich financeer of Utopia. If caught, he'd probably have his powers suppressed with inhibitor drugs and watched closely from then on. And whoever helped him in his attempt would most likely be sent home.

Bryce: "Maybe with me there, the odds will be more in your favor."

Indra: "With your kind of luck, I just may have a decent chance."

Indra and Bryce looked at each other and smiled.

Tierra: "Well, don't expect me to be a part of this ridiculous breakout attempt."

Indra and Bryce looked at the rest of us questioningly.

Shelly: "I...don't know."

Bryce: "You don't have to come if you don't want to, Shelly. But maybe you could try peering into the future and give us some advice?"

She agreed to do whatever she could to help. Next, they turned to Ishmael.

Ishmael: "You know, if I were caught - they'd call me a terrorist."

With a glimmer of his former humor, Indra smiled.

Indra: "Well, one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist."

Tierra: "Unbelievable! What the Hell is wrong with you people?! Running away is great when you have somewhere better to go to. You don't have that!"

Indra: "I thought you Americans -"

Bryce: "Hey, don't stereotype. You were born in America."

Indra: "Well, I haven't lived there for over eleven years. Anyhow, I thought that you Americans were all about liberty."

Tierra: "Do I look like frickin' Lady Liberty to you? I'm about REALITY, okay."

Speaking of which, Ishmael - our reality warper - was questioned once more.

Ishmael: "Okay, I'll help...sort of."

Sort of?

Bryce: "What about you, Rick?"


Tierra: "At least you're smart, like me."

They thankfully didn't press the issue. Ishmael brought up the fact that Tierra was somewhat right. Living it out on the mountains, constantly on the run wasn't going to be fun for long.

Ishmael: "I'm only agreeing to help, because I think that if your father sees how far you're willing to go...he might open his eyes."

Indra: "Well maybe. I never stood up to him before..."

Shelly: "That sounds logical. I don't think your father hates you, Indra. He probably just doesn't know how to deal with this - that's maybe why he can't bring himself to face you. He probably thinks that this is helping you."

It sounded believable. Indra's father was devoting serious resources to Utopia. And his only condition was that they "help" his son. It wasn't like Indra's father had disowned him and kicked him out. If his father was a total and incontrovertible asshole, he could have done much worse. I could understand what Shelly was saying all too well. Parents trying to "help" their children and just ending up making the situation worse...not being able to deal with their kid's situation... When my father refused to see my side on our...disagreement...I stood my ground. He wasn't at the point where I'd have liked him to be - but he seemed to have improved considerably. So much so, that I felt I could safely call him "dad" again.

Ishmael: "We'll try to exit the grounds. But in a way that will get attention. And with as little harm to others as is possible."

Indra and Bryce agreed. They weren't out to actively hurt people if it could be avoided.

Ishmael: "We could try to commandeer a plane from the hangar. Of course, we'll have to get into the hangar first..."

I saw an issue that could cause some problems.

"Can any of you actually fly a plane?"

Indra, Bryce and Ishmael shook their heads in the negative.

Bryce: "That's where Tierra would come in real handy. With her kind of gravitational power, she could fly it for sure."

Ishmael: "But not to worry. The plane's controls may be complicated at the start. But with my kind of reality shifting powers - I'll reduce them to a simple enough form. Did I ever mention how much I loved the Air Warrior games?"

Everyone groaned. Apparently, Ishmael was a real Air Warrior fan.

Indra: "You think that we'd get far?"

Ishmael: "We need to decide something first."

Ishmael's plan was to try and force the hand of Indra's errant father. They'd try to steal a plane and fly it out of the compound. If they sucessfully made it out, they would communicate with the main building and demand to speak with Cecilia. Then they'd insist on being put through to Indra's dad. Indra would be eighteen. He'd demand that his father give the order so that he would be released from Utopia. And if he didn't, he'd threaten to...?

Indra: "Maybe, I'd threaten to crash the plane? Live free or die...or something?"

Bryce: "Hmm, if they think you're dead - their searching wouldn't last too long?"

Ishmael: "I don't think you should. Threaten to fly off somewhere...somewhere they'd never find you, where you can be free."

Tierra: "Hello! They have radar and shit! They'll find you!"

Ishmael: "I can warp matter and ENERGY."

Indra: "If he doesn't agree...I want you to drop me off somewhere off the compound. I'm not going back if I can avoid it."

Bryce: "Don't worry. He will. You'll have luck on your side."

Shelly: "Between now and next week Wednesday - I'll devote myself to future gazing."

Indra: "Thanks Shelly! And thanks Ishmael!"

They all looked at me and Tierra somewhat nervously.

Tierra: "Oh, you know I ain't no fuckin' stool pigeon. Now don't look at me like that."

"I won't tell either."

And so the plot was hatched...

"Soula's Long Anticipated Revenge"

Smiling to herself wickedly, Soula stealthily got up from behind the clump of bushes she was crouching at, and crept back towards the main building. Finally, a means to pay back her arch enemies had come her way. And she was determined to make the most out of it. What would Cecilia do if she were to find out about the scheme that was brewing right underneath her nose?

Soula: "This is too good to wait 'til next week for. I'd better find and tell her now! I'll be a heroine!"

A little embellishment would work wonders. Bryce, Shelly, Indra, Tierra, Ishmael and that new kid - were plotting a violent escape. But that was not all they had in mind. They planned to steal a jet and fake a kidnapping attempt. Yes, Indra wanted to get his hands on some of daddy's money - so he got his friends to pretend to kidnap him for ransom and shit. And they agreed to split whatever loot Indra Eriksson bamboozled out of his parents...

Soula: "Damn, they were right. I AM a bitch!"

"Jean's True Intentions?"

Scott: "Jean, you don't think that maybe you're carrying this a little too far?"

The look Jean threw Scott made it plain that she did not.

Jean: "Scott, I scratched his back and he stabbed mine. He needs to learn his lesson."

Scott: "Did you really have to threaten him...and Bobby?"

Jean impatiently scoffed at Scott's question. Didn't he know her better than that? Of course she would never out their relationship to the school. She had some principles that would never be sacrificed in her quest to exile Emma Frost. But she had to...act like a total bitch in order to bluff. Yes, that was it. She couldn't take the risk that Rick would sell her plans out to Emma. And she had to keep being a bitch to him in order to get him to change his Emma loving ways.

Scott: "But did you really, really have to out Bobby to me?"

Jean: "I had to make it seem that I'd be willing to out them to somebody. And we both know that you would be okay with it. They don't know it."

What had really stung her was learning from Julie in their quarrel that SHE had intended to help Emma as well. Apparently, Jean was so good at acting the role of a bitch that she had fooled everyone else! Julie demanded that she stop attacking her son and confessed to trying to help Emma herself. She tried to convince Jean that she made Rick lie to preserve Emma's reputation, saying that she felt indebted to her. But Jean wasn't fooled - Rick had, gradually, taken on quite a liking to Emma.

Scott: "This...acting of yours seems a little too real for my taste."

Jean turned towards him with a straight face and a cold edge to her voice.

Jean: "What? You think I'm lying? You think that I'm genuinely capable of such - "

Scott: "I didn't say that! You're putting words in my mouth."


That Rick would lie to help Emma of his own free will was bad enough. He was young and a guy - lots of room for mistakes there. But Julie was her "sister". Julie knew first hand how both she and Betsy had suffered because of the plotting of Emma Grace Frost. So what if Emma had a little talk with Rick and convinced him to try and mend his fences... Julie had thrown her loyalty to her sisters away and taken a stand with Emma. Jean may have been acting a bitch with Rick. But with Julie, it was true blue.

Scott: "Jean, I don't think that this plan of yours is going to work. Considering our rough start because of the bad blood Joshua and I have going on, I'm surprised that he hasn't totally withdrawn from me after this last fight. Do you really think a fued between you and his mother is wise? I mean - we ARE a couple in his eyes."

Jean: "Scott, of course it will work. The best plans often take some time to build to a crescendo."

Scott didn't think so. The more Jean "acted" distant and vindictive - the closer Rick and Emma seemed to become.

Jean: "Oh please. Do you really think that Emma can fill a void created by my absence?"

Scott didn't want to say it - but it sure seemed that way. Ever since Emma's close call, she seemed to have become one step closer to an alignment of true good. Almost like her epiphany was nearing its irreversible completion.

Scott: "I still think that you're taking this too far. And that it'll just make things worse. You don't really hate him. But I really think that he's starting to...dislike you."

Jean: "Oh please. He can't dislike me. Not really and not for long either. I was always the coolest person in this entire Mansion to him. I am sooo loveable!"

Scott: "You are sooo not when you act like a bitch. I still think that this is going too far."

Jean: "You are telling me about too far?! I'm not the one who beat the hell out of his father in the backyard! Or has that slipped your memory?"

Stung at the abrupt, spiteful tone Jean used, Scott returned in kind.

Scott: "Hey! That's different!"

Jean: "Well, you just deal with your problems your way. And I'll deal with my issues my way. Besides, this is for his own good. I will not allow Emma Frost waltz her lipo-suctioned ass in her and start corrupting our innocents. She's already starting to influence Rick, Bobby and Jamie far more than makes me comfortable..."

Scott could have argued that practically every straight boy in the Mansion was being influenced by her, but Jean didn't need to hear that point.

Jean: "Can you imagine that he actually agreed to let Emma be his guardian? I was shocked as hell when she volunteered. Until I considered that she owes him big."

Scott too was surprised. Why didn't he ask someone like Ororo? Until he thought about it. Rick must not have wanted to cause undue contention between the Sisters. Emma was already and outcast among them. Accepting her offer would cause a rift between Ororo and Jean - at least to his eyes, it must have seemed that way. With the way Jean was acting - threatening to out him and his boyfriend - who could blame him?

Scott considered. Of course he'd think that the men - all straight to his knowledge - would be uncomfortable with the idea of being a guardian to a gay boy. It did hurt a little that Rick didn't think to ask him. But then, with the long standing fued... And then there was the fact that Rick actually believed that Scott and Jean were an item. It must have seemed to him like a perfect way to hinder their relationship.

Scott: "If you want to go down this road, then by all means go. But don't blame me when he turns his back completely on you. I warned you."

Jean: "You think he'd leave me for Emma? Ha! We may be in a rough spot now - but we'll pull through. We are a couple - meant to be. Besides, I can safely say that - this Emma issue excluded - that Rick has been one of the least personally problematic men I've ever had to deal with."

Scott: "Yeah, whatever. Just don't go dragging me into your plans. I don't have it in me to act like that. I sometimes wonder HOW you can do it so good."

Jean: "I just focus my hatred of Emma and let it take over. It's just a matter of time now."

Scott: "Your acting was a little too good after that incident at Wednesday's breakfast. And from what Professor Xavier told me about what happened in the office..."

Scott scrutinized Jean's face. The Professor surely couldn't be fooled by mere acting. He'd be able to sense if the emotions matched the expressions. And he was convinced that Jean was partly at fault. The greater part of the blame was hers...

Jean: "Okay, I confess - THAT breakfast incident truly pissed me off. And I may have said and done things in Xavier's office I shouldn't have. He actually went and sold out my threat! I was just lucky that he couldn't sell out my private investigator plans without Emma's secret becoming known to Xavier and his parents. But no matter - he'll come crawling back when the withdrawal symptoms become too much to cope with...


I woke up to the sound of pounding at the door and the sensation of being shaken violently awake. I opened my eyes and squinted as the harsh light entered my sensitive eyes. It was Indra. Glancing at the clock, I saw that it was just fifteen minutes past one in the morning. What the hell was going on? And why was the phone ringing? Why the Hell wasn't anyone answering it? I opened my mouth to protest, but then my eyes focussed and I noticed the complete look of shock on Indra's face.

Indra: "It's the guards! They're demanding that we open the door. They just gave us a three minute deadline!"


He went on to hastily explain his suspicions. He believed that his plans were somehow discovered. A loud, angry voice sounded over the intercom.

Guard: "Two minutes, or we're coming in by force!"

"But how?!"

Indra: "Well, I know where you were all evening... And the only other person who didn't agree to help in anyway whatsoever was Tierra. Didn't she mysteriously vanish after dinner?!"

Tierra? But she swore that she wouldn't tell. She may have been overly paranoid and pessimistic about the very idea - but she didn't strike me as a lying, backstabbing type of person.

Guard: "One minute!"

Quickly, we tossed on some decent clothes.

Indra: "If they're here...they must be at the other guys' rooms too."

Guard: "Alright! Times up! Indra Eriksson, Rick McKenzie - we have orders to bring you to Captain Allan Hayes and Dr. Cecilia Reyes. Do not resist - we don't want to hurt you."

Rick McKenzie?! How the fuck was I involved?! I said that I couldn't help them! The lights on the door blinked from red to green. From locked to open. The guards obviously had a master keycode that would allow them to open the door. It promptly slid open and a battalion of uniformed guards rushed in. All took aim with their guns and fired multiple, dart-like projectiles. Instantly, the darts slowed and then stopped. Two seconds later, they all violently shattered. Indra must have stopped their advance - then sped the motion of their molecules up, until they spontaneously exploded from the strain.

Indra: "So you don't want to hurt us, huh?"

The guards all had their guns at the ready. Their leader motioned for them to stop.

Lead Guard: "There are over fifty guards right outside this door. Give up."

"Look, I don't know why you're all here. But I'm sure that this is all just one big misunderstanding."

The lead guard looked at me in a disbelieving manner and went of on a rant, explaining just why they had barged in at such an ungodly hour. Apparently, they had been reliably informed that Indra - in sheer greed for money - wanted to fake his own kidnapping with the help of some close friends. And in so doing, extort millions from Eriksson Industries!

Both our mouths fell open upon hearing that ridiculous plot.

Lead Guard: "Fighting us will only make your case worse."

Indra: "Well, things usually get worse before they get better!"

He focussed and several of the guards' weapons shattered in a similar manner as the darts had. The others that weren't affected all fired. I so didn't want to get actively involved, but getting stuck with lots of sharp objects and becoming a living voodoo doll wasn't in my plans. That said, I raised my telekinetic shield and blocked the rest from striking.

Indra: "Window!"

"But - "

Indra didn't wait for an answer, focussed on the window, shattered it and jumped out.

Lead Guard: "Get some men outside, now! Arm them with mutant suppressor darts! The Type B variety!"

Indra couldn't fly! I rushed out the window after him. Thankfully, he had managed to use his Time powers to slow his rate of fall enough to avoid physical harm. I landed next to him, just as a swarm of guards came rushing up to our position. Where the hell did they hide those guys? The perimeter wall just couldn't house all of them!

Indra: "Well, do something!"

"Fighting Utopian guards wasn't exactly on my itinerary!"

The two closest ones threw some sort of bolas towards us. They slowed, stopped and shattered. Three more leapt into the air, meaning to strike from above. They too were slowed and stopped. For a moment I was afraid that they would be shattered in a similar manner. But Indra just held them there. I was an X-man. I was lucky not to be sent to an all out military post headed by spooky Dr. Sullivan for my investigation. I so didn't want to get actively involved in a fight with guards from a facility headed by the mysterious "people" of Colonel Fury. It could mean a world of trouble...TROUBLE! John and his "T" word again! Didn't Jean say that I'd better not cause any trouble? That there could be Hell to pay? Shit -

"Hey! I didn't so much as attack you! Does the concept of defensive mean anything to you?!"

The guards had decided to take ample advantage of my indecision. More of the darts were aimed and fired at me and Indra. I jumped out of the way in time and reformed my telekinetic shield. To my horror, the next salvo of darts actually pierced my shields and headed right for my midsection! Most were stopped and exploded by Indra. But five hit my chest full on.

"Oh God!"

I quickly tried to pull them out. But I felt their liquids injecting into my flesh before I managed to get them off. It was too late. I tried to push the nearest of the guards back - they only slowed very slightly. Hardly noticeably even. Those darts were very fast acting! I would be powerless in no time at all!

Indra: "Shit! Run!"

Run? That's what I did. Thanks to his powers, he was able to speed up our movement speed, giving us a lead over the guards. At least for the moment...

"Standing Our Ground"

Tierra, Bryce, Ishmael and Shelly rested momentarily in the backyard. Thanks to Shelly's abilities, she was able to predict the danger that came their way. They at least had been able to make it out of their rooms and into the backyard. Unfortunately, when she tried to call Indra, he didn't pick up. Which could only have meant that he was already taken by the authorities. It was clear - something had gone horribly wrong. Somehow, the plan had been discovered. The first thought that entered the paranoid mind of Tierra was that the entire place was all rigged up with spy bugs. The guards must have been listening in on electronically recorded conversations by the means of surveillance equipment hidden all over the place. Just then,

Indra: "Run! Get the fuck moving!"

Indra and Rick?

Before they could heed his advice, the mob of guards behind Indra and Rick caught up with them all.

Tierra: "I told you guys that this was a fucked up idea!"

Bryce: "Hey, I'm perfectly willing to protect myself."

Shelly: "Ordinarily, I wouldn't even consider it. But I didn't go looking for trouble, it found me - I'm standing my ground. We can't possibly get past the wall or to the Hangar unless we deal with these guards first."

Ishmael: "You're right. I guess we'll just have to put our plan into action much sooner than we thought. At least our plan was well thought out."

Tierra: "Well...I suppose I can't let you idiotic assholes face this alone..."

"The Outcasts Strike Back!"

Indra quickly explained what had happed to me to the rest of the guys. They pushed me behind them, together with Shelly. They still had their powers and had decided that the time had come to put them to use for a good cause. Namely, for preservation of self. Shelly closed her eyes, sensing the twists of fate and shouted out words of advice every now and then...warning the rest of guys about what dirty tactics to look out for. Tierra had taken a defensive role, using her gravitational powers to divert many of the almost continuous stream of darts fired by the guards.

Ten guards rushed up to the front lines for better aim and threw more of the heat seeking bolas. Ishmael raised his hands and they were all transmuted into black bats. The bats flew off to a safe distance, changed to bolas once more, and fell to the ground. He then threw three reality warping bolts of energy towards three larger than lifesize stone statues of lions that guarded the backdoors. Instantly, they were animated and leapt in front of us, ready to defend. The roars of the great stone beasts made a few of the guards back their distance.

Bryce: "Good one, Jinn!"

Jinn? They were using their alternate names?

Ishmael: "Let's see what you can do, Risk!"

Bryce aka Risk, blinked and his eyes changed from blue to black. He turned his gaze at several of the braver guards who were about to throw what looked like grenades against our stone defenders. Before the pins were pulled from the grenades, they evidently armed themselves. The guards all yelled in shock and threw the red-blinking grenades into the air, where they exploded harmlessly. Risk then turned his hexing gaze at another group of guards who were busy taking aim. Their weapons went off - but no darts were shot. Instead, the guns just made a sound akin to fireworks exploding and broke apart. They must have backfired or something close to it. Two guards had managed to roll under the bodies of the stone lions and indeed came within ten feet of Risk. But as he turned his gaze at them, they started screaming swear words out that they couldn't see. Risk had apparently blinded them. They were levitated upwards with anti-gravity and then slammed into the ground violently by Tierra.

Bryce/Risk: "Don't just stand there, Indie! Up the Tempo!"

Indra/Tempo: "Is that supposed to pass for a joke?"

Nevertheless, he complied, and mentally sped up the molecules of the weapons and communication headsets the remaining guards were wielding until they all shattered to dust. Left weaponless and without the means to call for backup, the remaining guards all made a hasty retreat before the might of the stone lions.

Shelly: "Someone, stop them! If they escape, they'll alert more guards!"

Before the retreating guards could turn the corner, Tierra formed a dark, pulsating sphere of energy and dispatched it after them. The sphere itself stopped and hovered over the ground. But the gravitational forces it generated pulled them all together to that one spot with such force that they were knocked unconscious with the impact.

Ishmael: "Hangar?"

"I don't know. Someone alerted the authorities to a plan alright. But not your plan."

Indra quickly explained the plan we had heard, courtesy of the Lead Guard, to the rest of the guys.

Tierra: "Fake a kidnapping for money?! What a load of bullshit!"

Shelly: "Well, at least we know it couldn't have been surveillance equipment monitoring our conversations. Or they would have known about the details of the real plan to escape."

Ishmael: "Maybe someone heard us talking? And misinterpreted what we were saying?"

Indra: "Maybe. I mean, IF someone heard about us stealing a plane, flying off and then demanding to speak with my father... It could make sense that they'd think that..."

"Maybe we should hold off on the plane idea and try to find Cecilia? I mean, she did say that security was not under her jurisdiction. She isn't the one controlling the guards. Maybe if we can locate her - and explain, she might listen? She might be able to to get the guards to stop hunting us? We can even deny knowledge of any plan."

We were split on deciding what to do.

Tierra: "God! Who the hell could have been listening in on us?!"

We were dilly dallying for far too long in one place too. They didn't seem to realize that - maybe because they never had to effectively manage time on crucial missions before? Anyway, before I could alert them to that fact, the sound of running footsteps caught my attention. More guards. And that time around, they didn't waste any time with verbal threats and warnings. They just took aim, and fired at will. I instantly cringed and shut my eyes, expecting to be stuck with darts from head to toe. The ground rumbled, rocked violently and I heard everyone else shout in surprise. Why wasn't I feeling a bitchingly bad case of the pins and needles? When I opened my eyes, I saw it. A solid wall of earth stretching clear across the lawn.

"Did any of you do - "

Tierra: "No. I thought you said you were powerless and shit!"

"But I was stuck with multiple darts..."

That said, I glanced at a patch of ground, concentrated on Fire - and sure enough, the grass ignited. I tried, Wind, Water, Electricity...they all worked. Telekinesis and telepathy were still offline though. When I got stuck with the suppressor darts, I tried my telekinesis and when it didn't work - I just assumed that it would be the same for all my other powers. What the hell did it mean? During the Morlock Haven incident - the exact opposite had happened. Now I had lost my Psionics and kept my Elemental abilities?

"We'll figure this shit out some other time. Let's get out of this part of the grounds."

I used the power of Wind to leap into the air, whilst Tierra's anti-gravity field picked up everyone else. We needed to get the hell out of the backyard, find some place where we could take cover and finalize a course of action...

"Honesty Is The Best Policy"

Soula: "But I'm tellin' you the truth! Don't you believe me?!"

Cecilia looked at Soula hard. The story she had told had taken everyone by surprise. Cecilia had been taking a final patrol along the corridors before turning in for the night. She was approached by a dishevelled female guest who had always been problematic. Nevertheless, Cecilia had the responsibility to take any and all claims seriously. Since Soula seemed so distraught, she took her at once to Captain Allan Hayes, Head Of Security. Pity that she hadn't thought of asking Soula exactly what was troubling her so...

>From the moment they entered Allan's office, Soula exploded. Cecilia knew then that she must have been either mistaken badly...or just lying. Indra Eriksson was not capable of the corruption Soula was accusing him of. What was more, Soula mentioned that Indra had accomplices in his plot to fake his own kidnapping attempt. Tierra Wellington, Bryce Jameson, Shelly Stevens and Ishmael Malik to be precise.

Cecilia began to see a pattern. Each and every one of them had in some point in time, had an altercation with Soula. As such, Cecilia's doubts about the honesty of Soula's story intensified. When she described their newest guest, the X-man Rick McKenzie, Cecilia almost called her a liar outright. Allan was duty-bound to investigate and sent guards to gather the accused guests. Naturally, they panicked and tried to avoid "capture". Their whereabouts were currently unknown.

Cecilia: "I'm not saying that you're lying. But when such a dire charge is brought forward, we need to be absolutely sure. You don't have any problem with answering a few questions hooked up to a polygraph machine do you?"

Soula nervously asked what a polygraph machine was.

Cecilia: "It's a lie detector. Of course, if you have a problem with - "

Soula: "I don't. Hook me up."

So Cecilia did.

Cecilia: "Okay. First, a few test questions. Nonsense ones - just to test that the machine works. "

Soula nervously nodded. Cecilia decided to try shocking her from the outset in the hope that Soula wouldn't be able to keep herself forcibly calm and fool the machinery. Some shocking test questions would be needed.

Cecilia: "Have you ever had sex with more than twenty men in one night?"

Soula: " I have to answer that?"

With raised eyebrow, Cecilia responded,

Cecilia: "Are you having second thoughts?"

Soula scoffed but answered.

Soula: "Yes."

The graph was flat and no beeping to indicate lying was heard. She must have been telling the truth. What a slut, Cecilia thought to herself.

Cecilia: "Have you ever had sex with more than two people at the same time?"

Soula's deliberate cool immediately broke apart.

Soula: "N-no!"


Cecilia: "That was a lie."

More than two at the same time? Every orifice must have been...

Soula: "Okay, okay so what if I did - it wasn't regular thing!"


Soula: "Regular being five or more times in one month! Dammit, regular is so subjective. What's regular for one person can be rare for another. I misinterpreted the question - that's all!"

Before Soula could regain her cool, Cecilia bombarded her with her next question.

Cecilia: "The allegations against Indra Eriksson and the others - are they based on genuine evidence...or did you fabricate them in the hope of getting revenge upon them for your past issues?"

Soula: "I-I told you exactly what I heard!"


Soula: "They wanted to fake his kidnapping and -"


Cecilia: "I've heard enough, Soula! Guards!"

Armed guards immediately entered and seized Soula, dragging her screaming out of the room.

Cecilia: "By the way - this conversation was recorded and WILL be played for the security department as proof of your lies. You can start packing your bags. You'll be leaving here come tomorrow. But before you do - please know that you're entitled to a complimentary STD test. That will be all..."

Soula: "I have monthly STD tests in the Medical Wing, thank you very much!"

Cecilia: "But the Med-Techs would have found it suspicious. You're not supposed to be having sex here. They'd have brought it to my attention. Unless you did them some...favors too."

Soula: "...and I'm clean! You can't send me away! I love it here! I can't go back knowing that a place like this exists - I'll wither and die like a plucked flower!"

She certainly was melodramatic, wasn't she? She may have been able to act - but Cecilia could see right through her deception.

Cecilia: "You should have thought of that before you started lying so maliciously. Honesty is the best policy. Quite frankly, with the kind of sexually depraved lifestyle you've been living, I'm surprised that you haven't contracted HIV and begun dying already. Guards, get the lying puttana out of here!"

The guards saluted and followed the order.

Cecilia turned to her communication panel. There was work to be done...

"What's The Big Problem?"

Scott: "What's the problem, Professor?"

It was six-thirty in the morning when Professor Xavier summoned Scott, Ororo and Logan to the War Room. He himself was fully dressed in civilian garb and had requested that the rest of them do so.

Professor Xavier: "I've received a transmission from Utopia. We have a problem."

Logan's attitude instantly became aggressive and suspicious as it was known to do whenever anything problematic happened at scientific facilities. Professor Xavier quickly explained that nothing sinister had occurred at the facility at the hands of scientists. But there was a problem caused by the lying machinations of a guest. She accused Rick, as well as other guests of attempting to fake the kidnapping of another person staying there.

Logan: "Rick, a kidnapper? That's bullshit."

Scott: "Well, of course we know that, Logan. Professor Xavier did mention that the person was LYING. So the truth has come out already."

Ororo: "Listen more closely, Wolvie. Sometimes you hear but don't listen."

Logan: "Yeah, yeah. So if the truth has come out - what's the big problem?"

Professor Xavier: "Well, before the truth came out, guards were dispatched to round up the plotters. And -"

Ororo: "Good Goddess, is anyone hurt?"

Professor Xavier: "Thankfully not, Ororo. Rick and the others - apparently all new friends of his - fought back, in a purely defensive manner. Dr. Reyes wants us to go look for them."

Scott: "They made it beyond the perimeter?"

Professor Xavier: "No. They're hiding somewhere on the grounds. Dr. Reyes has successfully called off the guards. She doesn't want to panick her missing guests anymore in their state. She can't send her personel because she doesn't want to risk them getting hurt by panicking mutants. And her bio-electric scans to determine their location have been completely ineffective. A mutant with them has the ability to manipulate energy - among other things."

Logan: "She doesn't want her personel hurt? Are these...friends of Rick dangerous? What the hell would they be keeping dangerous mut - "

Professor Xavier: "No, these mutants Rick has befriended are all unclassifiable, and as it turns out, quite powerful. She wants us to go and search for them in civilian garb. She doesn't know how the others will react - but she thinks Rick will respond and if he does, we'll find them."

Scott: "So let's do this."

Professor Xavier: "One more thing..."

The visual display lit up with a close up facial picture of a boy.

Professor Xavier: "This is Indra Eriksson. He's the son of one of Utopia's chief financeers. His parents have flown to Utopia. They're quite worried about him. We are to make sure that no harm comes to him. Things are a bit complicated in his case. I'll explain on the way. Let's be off shall we?"

"The Bond Of Trust"

It seemed weird. All six of us had been laying low in one of the wooded areas on the grounds. It had to be hours. I would have thought that guards would have been swarming all over the place by then. It was still virtually pitch black. No one had a watch, and so no one could say with certainty what time it was. Shelly's gut feelings had guided us to a spot she said was most advantageous and there we lay, surrounded by menacing looking trees.

Tierra: "You got hit with five darts, right?"

I replied in the positive. I was still confused about it. But all the same, grateful that I wasn't powerless to defend myself if needs be.

Indra: "Guys, I'm so so sorry for all of this trouble."

Tierra: "Well, maybe now people will pay more attention to me when I speak."

Bryce: "At least we have some time to clear our heads."

Shelly: "Even so, we will most certainly have to leave here soon."

Ishmael: "It was nice getting to know you all. If they come for us - we stand together?"

We all looked around our circle and agreed.

Tierra: "Well, since I'm stuck with you shitheads - we might as well get comfortable with each other. Let's cement our loyalty. I need to know that I can trust you people completely."

She could be so paranoid at times!

Shelly: "How?"

Tierra's idea was simple. We'd do something her psychiatrist made her group do at group counselling sessions. We'd all tell each other something about ourselves that no one else knew as a sign of mutual trust. Everyone agreed, glad for a chance to take their mind off our situation for a little while. After several drawings of straws - well, twigs - an order was established. Tierra, Shelly, Indra, Ishmael, Bryce and yours truly.

Tierra: "Bryce did you alter any the probabilities of anyone picking a particular twig?'

He emphatically denied it. Shelly vouched for him by the use of her powers. The ever paranoid Tierra wasn't so easily appeased.

Tierra: "Shelly, did you use your powers to pick...oh fuck it, I'll go first. I suppose it was my idea anyway."

We all anxiously urged her on before she demanded a redrawing of straws.

Tierra: "Okay...I have a strong curiousity about the prospects of whips and chains in lovemaking."

That made each of us smile - no one could bring himself or herself to laugh. But it was smile-worthy.

Shelly: "I...kissed Billy 'Bracermouth' Boyd..."

Tierra: "God! You must have been desperate...although I hear he packs one hell of a piece of meat between his legs. Did you kiss that?"

Shelly: "Eeeew! Hell no! Your turn, Indra."

Indra: "I..."

We all reminded him that he agreed to take part.

Indra: "I iron my underwear because I like the way it feels on my butt."

Shelly: "I always knew that you were weird."

Ishmael: "I...once used my powers to change myself to a woman. Just to see what I'd look like. The mirror made me glad that I was born a man."

"Oh my God! What is it with you and changing the genders of people? Hahahaha!"

That piece of information was worth more than a smile, and we all chuckled for a few moments.

Bryce: "When I had my first nocturnal episode, I thought that I was seriously sick. I ran and woke my parents up so that they could take me to the hospital. They hadn't yet explained the facts of life - they couldn't look me in the face for two days. I thought that I was terminally ill and they couldn't bear to tell me the truth."

That also elicited a round of laughter. They all then turned to me. I decided to try something. We were all in a short lived joking mood. What if I told them that I was gay? If they acted homophobic - then I could just laugh it off and there would be no harm done. And if they were not homophobic - then so much the better. When else, other than April Fool's Day, would I get such a chance?

"I'm gay."

They all looked at me in shock, eyes popped, agape. Okay, maybe that wasn't such a good idea. Too bad. Time to laugh it off and pretend that I was having a nice joke on them. Before I could do so however,

Tierra: "Oh well, I suppose there's room for a third one."

A third one?

Ishmael: "Third time's the charm... Is that the right saying?"

Shelly: "Yes, Ishmael. You finally got one of our sayings right. Congrats, I knew you had it in you."

Wait, wait, wait!

It was my turn to go agape. Bryce's arm was by then wrapping around Indra, and they both had such guilty looks on their faces.

"You mean...?"

Bryce: "...yeah."

I was...right? Oh my fuck! My gaydar was finally right about someone! Well, TWO someones! I was improving! The sheer elation kept me from speaking for a few more moments.

Indra: "Oh God! Wait, I remember you calling some girl called Susuan... You weren't joking about being gay, were you?!"

Seeing the worried looks on all of their faces that I was just joking and was some sort of bigot, I quickly denied it.

"No! I AM gay. I just... You ALL knew about Indra and Bryce?!"

Tierra: "Yes. I always thought that they were a little too touchy feely with each other to be straight."

Shelly: "Besides, the way Bryce would stand up to Tierra in Indra's defence. Whenever she was on her period to boot...only a man in love would have been so brave."

"And you all were okay with it?"

Indra: "Well..."

Tierra and Shelly glanced at Ishmael.

Ishmael: "Okay, I will confess. It was totally disgusting and sacrilegious to me at the start. I thought that they were just immorally lustful and giving into their wanton, dirty desires - "

Well, who didn't every once in a while? I didn't ask him that out loud mind you! I so didn't want to seem like a slut to them. And hearing that coming from the guy who went around transgendering Soula, the guy who didn't even spare himself a sex-change - was a bit of a shock.


Ishmael: "Well, after Cecilia had the talk with me about tolerance and mutual respect...and realizing that it wasn't just lust with them...but love, I changed my mind. From now on, I'll let experience color my conscience and not preconceived notions."

Bryce: "Yeah, Ishmael has come a long way."

"Oh, it's so good to get that off my chest. It feels like I'm meeting you again for the first time."

In a way I suppose I was.

Indra: "Do your parents know that you're gay?"


Shelly: "They cool with it?"

"They're...okay with it. They've come a long way too. What about you guys?"

Bryce: "Well, my mom is. My father took off years ago and I haven't seen him since. Don't know how he'd have reacted."

Indra: "I told my parents about my...feelings since I was twelve. They were uncharacteristically emotional and understanding. But they told me not to tell my older brother - he's something of a homophobe. They didn't want to see us even more at odds."

"You told them that?"

Indra: "It took a lot of courage. And after, I felt like I could tell them anything in the world. When I realized that I was a mutant, I didn't hesitate to tell them and...well, I learned that there are some things you keep to yourself. But I don't regret it - okay, I regret what happened to my freedom. But not the good things, like meeting Bryce."

Bryce: "After all - what would he do without me?"

Ishmael: "I don't even want to imagine."

Tierra: "Probably the same thing you do, Ishmael. When you're alone and you think no one's watching you. Except that you'll never admit it."

We all had a last round of laughter, at Ishmael's expense. Then we calmed down. By sharing a secret with the group, we had indeed formed a bond amongst ourselves.

Bryce: "Well, here we are. The Outcasts."

Indra: "It's official now..."

"Cecilia's Plot"

Cecilia: "So I trust you see the problem, Charles?"

Cecilia had taken the time to inform Charles of Indra Eriksson's situation privately whilst his X-men went to gather the hiding guests. The Erikssons had flown to Utopia for the first time in over two years. And whilst their worry seemed genuine, there could never be any happiness for Indra unless he were allowed to explore his mutant heritage in an environment away from Utopia. A place that, he knew full well, was supposed to be doing its utmost to "cure" him.

Professor Xavier: "What do you have in mind?"

Cecilia: "If I know Indra - he won't be trusting of his parents when he sees them here. He might be touched, but not trusting."

Cecilia's plan was simple - a little deception was required though. Ordinarily, she wouldn't even consider such a thing. But the Erikssons were very stubborn people. She didn't doubt that they wanted the best for Indra. But she was willing to bet that when the current situation blew over - they'd follow through with their plans to "cure" Indra. They might start calling and visiting - but in their hearts, they'd want to see their son "normal".

Cecilia: "I did mention Indra's mutant ability, didn't I?"

Professor Xavier nodded. Temporal manipulation, an exceedingly rare mutant power.

Cecilia: "I plan on pulling off a ruse to try and get his parents to allow him to go with you to your school. If you'll allow it of course."

Professor Xavier: "Do you believe it to be for the best?"

Cecilia nodded. The Xavier Institute taught its students the importance of the ethical use of power. The ability to manipulate time could be a very dangerous one if its use wasn't guided by a fully functioning moral compass. Indra so far had never abused his power to any significant extent. But Cecilia never thought that he'd try and fight back against the Utopian guards. And from the report she received, he had no qualms about 'defending' himself. She didn't want to take any chance that he would ever misuse temporal manipulation.

Professor Xavier: "What about this student's unclassifiable status? Won't that be a problem?"

Cecilia: "Quite frankly Charles, there's nothing more I can to class him or any of the others. And if I can't - then most certainly no one else will be able to. We have some of the most advanced technology on the planet. And some of the best and brightest minds as well. Until our technology further advances, or some breakthrough occurs...we'll have to postpone such classification. Colonel Fury will understand. Your government will just have to accept it as a limitation of our current scientific development."

Professor Xavier: "Understood. Now, how exactly do you plan to carry out this ruse?"

Cecilia: "By forcing the hand of Indra's parents. By playing upon whatever love they may have for him. I cannot stand idly by while they break liberty laws. One of his friends is a reality warper, with the ability to manipulate both matter and energy. If he agrees to help - we might be able to hoodwink the Erikssons."

Cecilia planned on having Indra pretend that he was using his powers to transport himself back in time to stop his own birth from occurring or to negate his present existance by other means. Naturally, his parents would think that he meant to kill them or his baby-self in order to prevent himself from existing in the present. Cecilia would explain that she didn't believe Indra had it in him to kill his own parents. But he might not hesitate to destroy his baby-self. Something well within his power to do. Since Indra didn't seem capable of transporting himself through time at will for the time being, Cecilia would have the reality warper shift reality in order to make it seem that Indra was vanishing away. Maybe even make him intangible so that he couldn't be touched.

Professor Xavier: "And you want Indra to continue warping time to scare his parents into begging him to stop. And when they do - "

Cecilia: "I'll have him ask them to authorize his freedom and his entrance to your school."

Professor Xavier: "Do you think he'll even want to come with us to our school."

Cecilia: "There is a strong chance. He hides it well - but he hates this place. Utopia is supportive to everyone else, but not to him. I can't openly authorize him to leave either. This is the only way."

Professor Xavier: "Very well, Cecilia. But only if this is what he wishes."

Cecilia: "Thank you, Charles!"

She looked around a little nervously.

Professor Xavier: "Is there something else?"

Cecilia: "If...if any other of my missing guests wishes to go with you and they're of legal age to do so...can that be arranged?"

Professor Xavier: "Yes, it can be arranged."

Cecilia: "Um...okay. Good, thanks."



It shocked the hell out of me when I sensed the mental presence of Professor Xavier in my mind. Ordinarily, I was pathetic in the telepathy department. And without the benefit of even my scruffy telepathic skills, I was highly sceptical. What if they had gotten another telepath to trick us? Cecilia was a mutant yes, but she hadn't revealed her power to me. What if she herself was a telepath? So I asked the "voice" to tell me something that only the Professor would know. I knew full well what a deep telepathic probe felt like. So I was ready for it. If I felt the tingle of another presence attempting to steal answers from my mind - I would do my utmost to make my mind a blank. When the "voice" described my personal details, sexual orientation, position as an X-man and the recent rows between Jean and myself - I was made a believer. It asked permission to enter my mind more fully so that it could locate me position, and to look out for Logan, Ororo or Scott.

Ororo: "Well, I suppose these are the missing guests. One, two - okay they're all here."

Tierra: "Who is this?"

"Oh. She's..."

Ororo: "One of Rick's teachers."

Tierra turned her sceptical gaze towards me.

Tierra: "Your teacher?"

Tierra must have been thrown off by my hesitation on answering her question. And then there was the strangeness of a teacher coming for me and not a parent or guardian.

Ororo: "Why yes. Cecilia has been worried. She asked me to play this audio recording for you."

Ororo clicked a button on a small gizmo she was carrying and the recorded audio began playing.

Cecilia: "Please come out of hiding, guys. I know all about this fake kidnapping plan. It was the handiwork of Soula. I have proof to support your case. Lie detector proof that convinced Captain Hayes to call off the search for you. Indra, your parents are here. I'll need to speak with you all privately. Especially you, Indra. I can't say anymore for now - but please follow the bearer of this message."


Shelly: "Of course! Who else would be so malevolently schemish?!"

Indra's parents had bothered to make the trip? They must have still cared.

Ororo: "Well, would you please follow me? Cecilia and the Professor are patiently waiting."

Tierra: "Who the hell is the Professor?"

"Oh, he's - "

Ororo: "You really have a problem with trust, don't you? You'll soon find out."

Tierra didn't look one hundred percent trusting, but nevertheless, she followed. Keeping a close eye on Ororo all the while mind you...

"Let's Get This Sham On The Road!"

Ororo led us into a room where Cecilia, Scott, Logan and the Professor were waiting. Once again, every one of my newfound friends - excepting Indra - looked at the identical hair color that Scott and I shared. Before they could even vocalize the question, I answered their unspoken query.

"No, he's not my father - he's...another of my teachers."

They nodded, a bit oddly, as yet another 'teacher' was introduced. Nevertheless, we all took a seat. I figured that the weird crap going on with my abilities would have to wait for later. I did mention it to Ororo on the way. She was as shocked as heck.

Indra: " parents are here?"

Cecilia replied in the positive, but mentioned that she had not yet alerted them to the fact that he had been found. She wanted to have a talk with him first. She had an...idea. As she went on to explain it - it sounded more like a Soula Class scheme to us all! The very idea that sweet, innocent Cecilia could come up with such a notion! Seeing us go all pop eyed made her drop her gaze embarrassedly.

Cecilia: "Hey, scheming can have positive effects. After seeing how successfully Soula's worked - I thought that I'd give it a try for a good cause."

Upon learning of the school, everyone started eyeing the Professor and the other "teachers" very suspiciously. Especially Tierra and Indra.

Tierra: "How do we know that your school isn't going to do the same thing to Indra?"

Cecilia: "Still working on our trust issues, are we? If THAT were the case, then why would I bother to even suggest such a plot? I would have alerted Indra's parents immediately and would have had him kept here by force. Tierra...have you been taking your medication?"

Medication?! Tierra scoffed and replied that no mood altering drug was powerful enough to ward off her paranoia one hundred percent of the time. Well, at least her attitude was starting to make some more sense.

Indra: "This school...they don't try to cure mutants there?"

Ororo: "Cure? There IS nothing to cure."

Indra: "And're a student there?"

"Yup. I only came here because they were having a little trouble classifying me. It's a cool place. Both my parents are mutants and they both lived there too."

Professor Xavier: "If it's what you want, you will be made welcome."

Indra: "And if I don't like it - I can leave?"

Professor Xavier: "Of course. Anytime you wish to do so."

Bryce took Indra's hand right out in the open. Ororo's, Scott's and Logan's eyes widened. Cecilia didn't seem shocked at all. Could it be that she knew about them?

Bryce: "Let's just get one thing clear. Wherever he goes, I go. You got any problem with that?"

And he could legally go wherever he wanted to. Bryce was eighteen. With slightly raised eyebrow, the Professor answered.

Professor Xavier: "None whatsoever."

The Professor then eyed Cecilia and they both shared a small, poorly concealed smile.

Indra: "So, Ishmael - you think that you could help me out with this plan?"

Ishmael: "It's better than stealing a plane, flying off and trying to force your parents' hand by yeah. I'll help."

Shelly: "I have a good feeling about this..."

"Well, at least that's a good sign. Well, what are we waitin' for people? Let's get this sham on the road!"

"Even Better Than Expected"

Bryce and Indra entered our room with two small smiles playing across their faces. I took it that their performance was worthy of an Oscar. If his parents were willing to let Indra have his way so that he wouldn't try to erase his existance from the temporal records, then Shelly was right. They did still love him. A misguided type of love - but love none the less.

Indra: "They agreed. And...they broke down and told me that they never stopped loving me."

That was even better than expected.


Indra: "They said that they rather have a mutant baby boy than none at all."

Damn, Shelly WAS more right than even she thought! Indra described how they started screaming and throwing themselves at his intangible form to try and hold onto him. Ishmael had outdone himself. Between the combination of his and Indra's powers, they brough Cecilia's lounge down. Things were shattering, reversing themselves and reforming. The flowers all started shifting from dry to freshly cut and back. Indra's physical form kept getting fainter and fainter. And no matter how much anyone tried to - he couldn't be touched. The room itself looked like it had aged unnaturally quickly, with faded, peeling wallpaper and paint, rotting furniture, tattered upholstery... It thoroughly freaked the hell and non-tolerance out of the Erikssons.

Indra: "I even introduced Bryce while they were in the accepting mood afterwards."

Bryce: "His mom called me the prospective son-in-law."

"That is so good to hear!"

Indra: "I'm even getting to keep all my money and privileges."

Bryce: "'Good, because we both know my services don't come cheap."

They both openly giggled lasciviously before suddenly snapping back into a serious mood.

"If they aren't going to try and cure you anymore - then why leave Utopia? Unless - "

Indra: "I - just don't want to take the chance of them changing their mind. This is an island. If that were to happen, I'll be stuck and imprisoned by the sea. If I'm in the States, I'll have a lot more places to hide. Besides, I've had enough of this place."

"You'll like it at the Mansion... But um - some of the students can be a bit bigoted at times. But the teachers are cool."

Bryce: "If they wanna be bigoted, let 'em. I'm done with living in secret."

Indra: "Me too."

Bryce: "Are you out there?"

"Yep. And I have friends who are totally okay with it. They'll like you guys. But there's one thing you should be aware of..."

Indra: "What?"

"It is not allowed to use your powers in a harmful manner against ANYone there. Student or staff member. The tricks you guys used to play on Soula - you must not do that there."

Bryce: "Won't be a problem. Soula was special."

Indra: "She warranted the special treatment - all the works."

They laughed once more.

Bryce: "Oh, Cecilia asked us to tell you to head down to her lab."

Indra: "Yeah. She and your...OUR teachers are there waiting. They have to talk to you about something. She said that she has unshrouded some of the mystery around you. Whatever the hell that means..."

"Um, yeah. I'll see you guys later."

Cecilia had unshrouded some of the mystery? About time she did. After all the tests she had been running on me, nearly non-stop for days at a stretch, it was about time that she discover something, anything at all...

"Finally, Part Of The Mystery Solved!"

Having made multiple trips to Cecilia's lab per day, I was very well aquainted with its location, no matter how big Utopia's grounds were. I was there in record time and almost forgot to press the buzzer and ask for permission to enter.

"You've discovered something?!"

Ororo lightly remonstrated my not taking the time of day to properly greet everyone.

"Oh alright! Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen! What have you learnt?"

Cecilia asked me to take my seat and walked towards visual display. She turned it on and a set of graphs appeared on screen. I didn't understand squat about them and told her so. She told me to be patient, that she wanted to discuss something with Professor Xavier first. After a couple of minutes she addressed me. Finally...

Cecilia: "After running all those tests - I must confess that the data meant very little to me."


Cecilia: "However, after this incident with you being hit with FIVE mutant suppressor darts and yet retaining your Elemental all started to make sense when I analysed the data once more."

"Did you class me?"

Cecilia: "Yes. Originally, I thought that I wouldn't be able to. Just like I can't class any of the others here with that particular issue. I can't believe that I didn't see - "


"Not to be rude, Cecilia. But can you tell me my Class before going on with the explanations?"

Cecilia: "Sorry. I always like to explain results first. You are a Class 4 mutant."

Class 4? I knew it! The scientist who tested me said that my mutant energy levels were fluctuating badly. But the thing was, he admitted that the majority of the readings fell within the Class 4 category.

"Good. Class problem solved then."

Professor Xavier: "Well no, not exactly."

"But I don't understand how you could class me and not solve the problem with - "

Cecilia: "Because, young man, you didn't let me so much as start on my explanation. That's what comes of wanting instant gratification. Please listen well..."

I leaned back and paid close attention to her words. Thankfully, she had the gift of simplying complicated scientific explanations down to the level of her target audience.

Cecilia: "Aren't you confused as to why you lost access to your Psionic powers and kept your Elemental powers?"

Obviously I was. I didn't see what that had to do with my Class problems, though. But she WAS the award winning scientist. So I let her talk.

Cecilia: "All mutants generate mutant energy, and mutant abilities run on it. Mutant Suppressor drugs act on a molecular level. They bind and suppress the DNA of the X-Gene, and so doing, temporarily inhibit mutant powers. You still produce the mutant energy. But you just can't use your powers."


Cecilia: "Your Psionic abilities were blocked because the drugs targeted your X-Gene's DNA strand. They weren't designed to target the extra DNA you have - all those OTHER genes on your Y chromosome. Since you kept your Elemental powers and lost the Psionic powers when injected with those suppressors - it can only mean that your Elemental powers are not coded for by the Mutant X-Gene. It means that your Elemental powers are not mutant in nature. They are coded for by the extra DNA you've got."

She gave me a few minutes to let it all soak in. My mind was busy recollecting the information that I had been given so far. Hank and Sullivan had both agreed that my extra DNA was put there intentionally in me, my father or some other male relative. So if that DNA sequence was added to my genetic makeup on purpose, and IT carried my Elemental genes...was it put there in order to bestow someone with the ability to manipulate all five Elements? I vocalized my thoughts.

Professor Xavier: "It's highly possible...from what Cecilia has told me."

Cecilia: "I can class you as a Class 4 mutant, based upon your mutant energy and - "

Wait, wait, wait. She said that my mutant energy was fluctuating just badly as it was at the school.

Cecilia: "Yes, in light of new evidence - I reanalysed the results. Remember when I found that some other form of energy was present in the room when you used your powers?"

"Yeah. You said that the metallic panel shielding might need repairs. Hey, you never told me whether they did."

Cecilia: "They didn't. You were generating that energy. I didn't tell you because I didn't know what it meant at the time...and I didn't want to scare you. Are you mad at me for keeping that back?"

I told her that I wasn't. I didn't want to hurt her feelings. After all, she was only doing it for my own good. But I admit that, deep down, I was a little uneasy about anyone keeping back any information that concerned my well being from me.

Cecilia: "When I reanalysed the data and took a closer look, with the new evidence in mind, I saw a pattern."


Cecilia: "In order to Class you, I had to set the analyser to ignore that unknown energy pattern. So that the energy pattern I was looking at was ONLY your mutant energy. That's how I realized that you were a Class 4 mutant. It turns out that the problem with classifying you was caused by that other energy pattern interfering with the scanner's reading of your mutant energy level."

It made sense. Logan's brain implant also generated some weird form of electromagnetic radiation. And they had to try and set the scanners to ignore it in order to rank him as a Class 3 mutant.

Cecilia: "The scanners in use at your school were not sensitive enough to isolate that strange energy field. So they couldn't possibly be set to ignore it."

That made sense too.

Cecilia: "Anyway, I reanalysed the results a second time - but that time, I took the unknown energy into account. I made a rather shocking discovery."

"Huh? What?"

Cecilia: "When you used your Psionic powers, the level of the unknown energy remained the same. So your Psionic powers only draw upon your mutant energy. But when you used you Elemental powers - your mutant energy levels went down - but so did the unknown energy. You must use both mutant and that other type of energy to run your mutant abilities. The other form of energy declines more quickly than mutant energy though. And when it reaches too low a level, you experience the tiredness that you mentioned happens whenever you overexert your Elemental powers."

She explained that she believed that some of the extra genes I possessed coded for the production of the unknown energy. Just as my X-Gene coded for the production of mutant energy to power my Psionic abilities.

"Did you find any sign that I could be in any danger?"

Cecilia: "No. Someone went into a lot of trouble to construct that genetic sequence and graft it onto your Y chromosome. It is as stable as regular human and mutant DNA."

"Thank God."

Cecilia: "I've tried to isolate and analyse the unknown energy signature, with partial success. It has a shorter wavelength than mutant energy."

"What does that mean?"

Professor Xavier: "The shorter the wavelength, the more powerful the radiation or energy."

Cecilia: "Yes. But the thing is, you don't generate nearly as much of it as you do mutant energy. Hence, when you run low because of Elemental overuse - you feel drained."

"So I guess we'll have to go back to the tests again, huh?"

Cecilia: "No. I have done all that is possible. I have no idea how to rate your Elemental powers because they aren't mutant - they're something else. But at least
we now know that you're Class 4...mutant wise."

"So... if you did all that's possible - can I go home?"

Cecilia: "Yes. I've already spoken with Colonel Fury. He's accepted the Class 4 designation. Since you're a 'victim' of genetic tampering, you'll be cut some slack concerning the unknown DNA sequences."

"What about Indra and Bryce? They're unclassifiable too. Won't they - "

Professor Xavier: "There's nothing that can be done for them with our current level of technological development. The government will have to accept that for now. Indra and Bryce will not have any significant trouble gaining Colonel Fury's approval to join our school."

"Something just occurred to me. Mutant suppressor drugs work by targeting DNA, right?"

Cecilia nodded.

"Well, when I lost my Elemental powers and kept the Psionic - does that mean that my extra DNA was suppressed and my X-Gene was left alone. The opposite of what happened here? I mean...I was given a dose of drugs before by - "

The Brotherhood! Lance, under Mystique's orders, had pumped me full of drugs that negated ALL my powers. And when Healer gave me his concoction, only my Psionics were restored. His concoction must have cleared my system of the X-Gene suppressor drugs. Not the other drugs that were suppressing my extra genes on my Y chromosomes. Things were starting to fit together at last.

Cecilia: "I was wondering when you'd realize it."

"But how would they be able to find a drug to use on me if you guys don't have one? Unless - "

Professor Xavier: "Mystique knows something about you that we don't."

"Genetic she capable of something like that?"

Logan: "No one knows just where the hell that bitch will draw the line."

Scott: "I wouldn't put it past her."

Ororo: "She's done the entire ruthless routine many times before."

"You think she could have done something to my father?"

Professor Xavier: "She's no scientist. But I wouldn't doubt that she could have gotten her hands on one and coerced him or her to do her dirty work."

"Lance said that she had her eyes on me. If she did do something to my dad - does she know who I am?"

Professor Xavier: "For now all we have are suspicions. Until we find conclusive evidence - we'll have to be open to all possibilities. We don't even know if your father was the one experimented on. It could have been your grandfather or such."

Grandfather? But IF he were the one experimented upon - it would have to be before he was even conceived. And then, could that mean that Mystique knew about the whereabouts of my biological, paternal family?! But wait - Mystique didn't seem like an old bat to me when I met her. Wouldn't Mystique have been non-existant then? How could the Professor even think that she could have been around at the time my grandfather was concieved?

"Um, HOW old is Mystique exactly?"

Professor Xavier: "We don't know for sure. Her DNA is very malleable and robust. It has to be in order to allow her to shape-shift in the manner she does and THEN revert to her true form. She can assume younger or older forms too. For the short while we had her in our custody, the tests revealed that her age is indeterminate."

"Like Logan's?"

Professor Xavier: "Yes. But not because of a healing factor. It's due to the complexity, flexibility and unmatched DNA repair mechanisms she possesses. Since her DNA is constantly shifting, and it affects all aspects of her physiology - it renders her completely immune to telepathy and empathy as her mental patterns do not remain constant at any one moment."

Damn, talented bitch. They had, of course, mentioned before that she was immune to telepathy. But empathy too? She was genetically endowed to be the perfect liar. Not only would she be able to mask her thoughts, but her emotions as well.

"So you guys don't know much about her?"

Scott: "Unfortunately not."

Ororo: "But now we do know that Mystique is aware of something or other concerning your Elemental powers. And we can extrapolate and suggest that she may know about their origins as well."

Professor Xavier: "Yes. Perhaps in time we'll be in a position to get at what she knows."

Who would have thought...Mystique. Pity that I wasn't aware of her knowledge concerning my altered genome when we first met in Morlock Haven. I wouldn't have let David face off against her in our battle. I'd have handled the schemer myself and beat some information out of her.

Scott: "Don't worry yourself too much for now. The main thing is that you're safe and healthy."

Logan: "And you can come back home."

Yeah, right. Pity that Tierra, Ishmael and Shelly chose to remain at Utopia. They would have learnt a lot more about themselves, their place in the world and living up to their potential at the Mansion. Maybe it was the creature comforts of living in a near Paradise, like Utopia, that made them decide to stay. I myself couldn't wait to return home. Utopia was a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't have wanted to stay there permanently if the people I loved most weren't there to enjoy it with me.

"Yeah, let's go home."

"Getting Aquainted"

Shelly: "Don't forget about us!"

Ishmael: "Email us whenever you get the chance!"

We all looked at the silent, expressionless face of Tierra. She had yet to say a word to wish us goodbye and a safe journey.

Bryce: "You'll miss us, Tierra?"

Tierra: "Like a hole in the head."

Indra: "We'll miss you too, sweetheart."

After some more, sentimental moments with Tierra, Shelly and Ishmael, Scott announced that it was time to leave. As we boarded the Blackbird, Indra and Bryce looked at me questioningly.

Bryce: "Your...teachers have their own jet?"

Scott walked to the front of the jet and sat in the co-pilot's seat, next to Logan.

Indra: "Their own jet...that they can fly themselves?"


Professor Xavier: I'll have to make sure to give them The Talk when we arrive.

Yeah. As soon as we arrive and they settle in. It's best that they hear it from you than from the student body.

Scott: "Alright everyone, this is your captain speaking. Strap in. We're about to take off."

Logan: "Would ya quit the jokes and just get this bird into the air?"

Scott ignored his somewhat irritated tone and complied. Poor Logie - being forced out of bed early to come look for us. As our flight progressed, Ororo took the time to get aquainted with our newest students.

Ororo: "So, what exactly are your gifts?"

They explained their powers in detail for her benefit.

Ororo: "Quite talented are we?"

Bryce: "And what can you do...uh, Miss Munro?"

Ororo: "I have the ability to command the Elements and - "

Indra: "Oh, so you're like Rick?"

"Only in a rather vague sense. Unlike me, Ororo can combine the subtle Elemental energies and manipulate them to control the weather!"

Their eyes popped.

Bryce: "No way!"

Ororo blushed and quickly diluted the praise.

Ororo: "Well...I usually try to limit the environmental impact and restrict the effect of my powers to localized areas."

Indra: "But if you wanted to - could you alter the weather on a global scale?"

Ororo: "Quite possibly. But just because one can do something, does not mean that one should."

Bryce and Indra were a bit confused at that statement, having never really had an ethics discourse before on the use or abuse of power. Hey, they thought it was okay to play mean tricks on Soula - although she no doubt deserved it.

Bryce: "But there's so much good that you could do. What about all the places suffering droughts, blizzards, freak tornado hits, floods and stuff? You could stop them, right?"

Ororo: "Possibly. But know this, Mother Nature cannot truly be commanded. We Elementals can...negotiate with her. If we divert energy from one area to weaken or stop a hurricane for example - that energy has to manifest itself somewhere else. Energy is neither created, nor destroyed. But it IS tranferred."

And there was the possibility of a hurricane or other natural event occurring at another place too if she were to stop it in one locale. And who's to say that she wouldn't make situations a whole lot worse?

Ororo: "These natural events happen to maintain a balance in Nature. If we had no hurricanes to distribute heat - the equator and tropics would boil whilst the north and south freeze. Which is why we teach students at the school to use power responsibly and ethically. There are always consequences of ones actions."

Indra: "So we don't really get to use our powers at the school."

Ororo: "Of course you do. Just in a controlled and ethical way. You both have some very unique and powerful gifts. And whilst it is up to you to determine how to put them to use - we hope that you will allow us to guide you."

Bryce: "We'll have classes and stuff?"

Ororo: "Yes. And considering how much school you've both missed during your stay at'll be kept busy. But we also have classes for mutant training where we try to help our students understand their gifts."

Bryce: "Well, it sounds cool."

Indra: "Yeah. At Utopia, Cecilia worked hard to try and get us to accept our mutant abilities. Maybe you could teach us how they work and how best to use them?"

Ororo: "We can certainly try."

Bryce: "By the way...who's that old, bald headed guy up front?"

Ororo and I looked at each other amusedly. No doubt Professor Xavier was aware of what was being said about him.

Indra: "Yeah, who's baldie at the school?"

Professor Xavier turned around, slightly smiling.

Professor Xavier: "The old, bald headed guy has a name."

Bryce: "Oh gosh. I'm so sorry. I forgot it. But what I meant was, what is your position at the school? You didn't really say. Are you its owner or something?"

Professor Xavier: "Forgive me. In the hectic scheming - it just slipped my mind. I'm Professor Charles Xavier, the principal of the Xavier Institute For Higher Learning."

Indra: "Oh."

They both blushed cutely and apologized once again for their choice of words.

"I'm glad that you guys decided to come."

Bryce: "Why, exactly?"

" long last...I won't be the lone, out gay guy at the school!"

We all laughed and carried on our conversation. At least being made to go for an in depth investigation at Utopia brought some additional benefits to me. I couldn't wait until everyone got a load of who I brought home. Specifically the bigoted bitches! I'd have a support base. The start of a gay club even! Being gay wouldn't seem so exotic anymore with more of us around. At least, I hoped so...

Well, that was Chapter Thirty. How was it?

And so another year draws near to a close...

I want to thank all the amazing people who have been emailing me, messaging me, posting messages on my group. You guys are my inspiration for continuing this story. I had originally planned on making this a bit...smutty. Hence the name - xxx-men series. But after my first barrage of emails, I realized that the overwhelming majority of you want a plot driven one. I honestly thought that I would have been finished by now. But as I've said before - this is a fan influenced story. And your incessant feedback has made me plan out a story that will be around for a while to come. I hope you like this story's Ending.

I use the term "Ending" very loosely too. Already, I'm planning a sequel for this story with a new group of students entering the Xavier Institute For Higher Learning. But that won't be around for a while to come. Many ask how much longer 'til this story is finished? Are you guys getting bored? (^_^) Well, prepare to be bored some more - cuz this is nowhere near finished! Lol.

I want to thank you, the readers, once again. And during this season, wish you Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza, A Happy Yule, Festive Winter Solstice, Happy Hanukka etc etc etc.

If you can, spare the less fortunate a kind thought. If you're able to do more, then a kind word. And if you feel for it, a kind deed.

For those who find themselves in places where they rather not be in this season - like yours truly (^_^) - toughen up. It won't last forever, even if it seems that way.

And remember, don't play with your safety. During the holidays, it's easy to let go and forget about the concept of consequences. Always have a designated driver. And remember if you must play, then play safe. Don't have unprotected sex. Girls AND Guys. You do NOT want to catch anything other than a cold this time of year. And you do NOT want to miss a period OR hear about your girl missing one early next year, heralding your impending motherhood or fatherhood. (^_^)

It's a fact that the suicide rate goes up over the holidays. If you think it's hopeless, please don't take that road. I know that I can't possibly know what you're going through. But there has to be some other way. Look carefully at your life. No matter how much you think otherwise, someone does love you. Already, I hear talk from my parents about someone close in our neighborhood who tried to take his own life last week, and I thought I should mention it. The holidays shouldn't be like this. I can only hope than none of you are in such a dark situation.

If you would like to make a comment on this or other chapters, then email can be sent to


Also, if you'd like to join my group, the address is at

Next: Chapter 31: Xxx Men Announcement

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