Xxx Men Series

By Phoenix

Published on Jun 2, 2005


XXX Men 3

Phoenix here, hope ya'll like. It's quite short and not well written but I've been busy and all. And thanx to all who've emailed and messaged, and I'm really tryin' with the sex thing okay, it HARD! LOL. Ya'll feel free to email at:

Xmen Story

Segment Three

Bobby was as mad as hell. He had a lot on his mind these days and Amara's cheap come-ons weren't helping. He was still trying to figure out what was up with Rick. Ever since the day before Rick didn't seem like himself. Bobby remembered them all coming in from the fight with Juggernaut. He was hungry and suggested they get something to eat. Rick said he was too tired. That was understandable. He'd just absorbed a major dose of Hatred from Cain. That could drain anyone's batteries. Jacob said he was beat too. Again, understandable. Getting Juggernaut's mental energy out of Rick couldn't have been easy. Bobby remembered once when Rogue tried to weaken Juggernaut by absorbing his power. It really weakened the Professor when he got Juggernaut's mental imprint out of her. Bobby let hem go and went into the kitchen and fixed himself a burger. It was then he remembered that Rick hadn't eaten much that day. Rick was probably starving and just too tired to get something to eat.

Bobby had stopped and thought about Rick. Bobby was watching Rick now every chance he got. Even his...eating habits. He chuckled to himself. Bobby decided to make something for Rick to eat, a burger. Nothin' fancy, just somethin' to cut the hunger. He was glad the mansion was deserted, wouldn't want any onlookers getting the wrong idea. Bobby made the burger and hurried up to Rick's room. Wouldn't want him to fall asleep before he ate. He took a minute to calm his breath and knocked. Rick came out almost immediately. How odd, Bobby thought he would be at least resting on the bed or something. He claimed to be sooo tired. Rick opened the door. But what shocked Bobby even more, was the fact that all Rick had on was...underwear. Bobby was instantly hardening, good thing he could chill his dick to keep it from sticking out. Still he couldn't help but stare at the Adonis in front of his eyes. He was snapped out of it though by the words Rick said.

They still confused Bobby. What reason would Rick have for expecting Jacob at that time of night? And why would he rush to the door practically naked if he was expecting someone? Bobby had doubts about the lame excuse Rick gave him. Still, he offered the burger, and was rewarded with the look of gratitude that Rick gave him. During the short time Rick had been at the Mansion, Bobby lived for those moments. Bobby decided to just let Rick rest. He left and Rick went back to whatever he was doing. The next morning Bobby had seen Rick coming out of Amara's room. He thought the worst. What was he doing coming OUT of Amara's room at such an early hour?! Did they...No! Bobby wouldn't allow himself to even think it. He thanked God when Rick explained it all as they walked down the hallway. He had gone down to talk to Amara and break off whatever Amara thought they had. He breathed a sigh of relief. But then Rick said that Amara had hinted she was going to come after him next. That worried him. He had tried hard to avoid the attention from the girls, he'd have to find a way to deal with it. He hoped Rick was only joking.

They made their way down to the kitchen and they met Jacob there. There, things took an even weirder twist. Jacob was just sitting at the counter, and Rick went over to the refrigerator and got himself a soda. The place was all silent, too silent. Bobby didn't know much about telepaths, but he knew when two telepaths were in the same room, staring at each other, saying nothing, that they were conversing mentally. About what he had no clue however. But he was trying to read emotions, based on the facial expressions he saw on either of their faces. He could tell that Jacob was mad about something, he saw Jacob glance at him several times. Then he saw Rick get mad and move to walk out of the room. Jacob got up and tried to talk to him, but Rick shrugged him off and walked out into the Mansion Grounds. What is up with them? Bobby wondered...they were always on an emotional roller-coaster. One minute friends, then all angry at one another. Bobby went out to look for Rick and eventually found him on the grounds. He talked with him and tried to get him to open up. A couple of time Bobby thought that Rick was going to tell him something but he didn't. Then Jacob came strolling down, wanting to talk to Rick. Rick made up an excuse, he wasn't feeling too good and he left. Bobby decided to grill Jacob, he was a much closer friend to Rick than Jacob ever was, or could be for that matter. He asked Jacob what was up. Only to be blanked. If it was one thing Bobby hated, it was to be played for a fool. Something was up, and here Jacob was lying to him about it. He let Jacob know how he felt too, only to be threatened.

"Don't push me Bobby."

Ooooh, Bobby was sooo scared. He'd get to the bottom of this, eventually. Later that evening more weird shit happened. The mood changed...again! Rick came down from his room and joined the gang. Ray and the others were back. Jacob came too. He was never really one of the guys, at least with their group. Neither was David for that matter. They were all members of the Xteam in training, but they never really hung out together much. So much changed in so little time. Because of Rick. Rick and Jacob had somehow become friends and Rick's friends became his friends. Bobby just sat there watching them, trying to mke heads or tails of what was going on. They seemed buddy-buddy again. Now and then Bobby joined in the conversation, but for the most part he was in rapt contemplation. Then Amara came in. She took a seat on the armrest of the lounge chair Bobby was sitting on. At first he took no notice of it. Then when she began putting herself out, Bobby got the idea of what she wanted. He didn't act sooner because he was all occupied trying to figure things out. But when Amara began cracking up at one of Jamie's jokes, and was practically falling on top of him in laughter, Bobby knew something had to be done. He knew how it would look, but he didn't care. He couldn't stand Amara doing what she was doing. If she knew he was gay she'd probably try and convert him. He got up, amidst the laughter of ray, Jamie and Jacob and walked out with Amara. Time to set her straight. He took her to the yard and explained things to her. She couldn't take a hint. Bobby had to get harsh, he basically called her a slut. She got all emotional. Bobby meant it though. She was always after some guy, then dumping them and going after somebody else. She was after Rick, at least he sa through her, maybe the telepathy, now she recovered in a matter of hours and was out for the hunt again. Hmpf! Women...honestly. Bobby was currently on the lawn sorting things out in his head. He knew dinner would be soon. He better get it together. The others would be back, he didn't want anyone to see him in his current emotional state. He took deep breaths and tried to calm himself. Why couldn't he have this one thing? He never wanted anything else this bad before. Bobby knew that if he wanted cheap sex he could get it. He wasn't vain, but he knew he was downright sexy. But that wasn't what he wanted. He wanted love...His life seemed to be running like a bad soap opera lately. He sighed and watched the sun go down. Pretty soon he'd have to go back into the mansion. He hoped he'd be able to hide his troubled state of mind...

I entered the lounge and saw that Jake and the rest of the guys were still kidding around. I was glad that they all seemed to be getting along great. They were never really friendly with Jake before, probably due to Bobby. At least we could be together in public without it looking too suspicious, under the guise of friendship. I made my way over to them and sat back down.

Jake: Feeling better?

Yeah, a lot better.

Just then, Amara re-entered, crying. Naturally, that attracted attention. She headed up the staircase, no doubt going to her dorm room. Jubilee got up to go check on her. I hoped it wouldn't attract too much attention from the guys, unfortunately, it did. They all started to ask questions to each other, wondering what was up with Amara lately. Bobby entered in then, a somewhat angry look on his face. It took little common sense to guess that something had happened between them. After all they had seemingly been lovey-dovey a couple of minutes ago, they went outside, hand in hand, then here comes her Majesty crying her eyes out, and Bobby looking like he wanted to smash something to pieces. I knew what went on. Bobby saw through Amara's game, rejected her, she couldn't handle it, and just decided to bail out to her room. Ray (It HAD to be him!) decided to question Bobby.

Ray: "What went on outside with you and Amara?"

Bobby: "Nothin'."

Ray: "That's a load of bull, and you know it."

Jamie: "She looked real messed up."

Bobby: "She kept coming onto me over and over in here and I had to set her straight."

Ray: "What? I thought you liked her."

Bobby: "Not like that. She's too much of a slut, always chasing some guy down, chewing them up, spitting thm out and going on the hunt again. I don't want that."

Roberto: "You called her a slut?"

Bobby: "Yeah, it's the truth isn't it. Just how many boyfriends has hse had in the past year? And how long has each of them lasted?"

I saw them all glance at each other. I get the feeling that they all knew Bobby was right. Amara probably had a reputation around here. Hmmm...maybe no guy was safe after all. I wonder how she got on back in her homeland where she was the Royal Princess...(The Perverted Wheels were cranking in my mind around by now)...probably a thousand times worse. Maybe, you better go with me or off with your head. Lol! I was snapped out of it though.

Ray: "Why did you have to go and say that?! You know how sensitive she is."

Bobby: "Spoilt. She'll get over it. Right Rick?"


Ray: "What's this have to do with him?"

Bobby: "Well Amara was after him too. He broke her off this MORNING, and already she's recovered and on the prowl again. See what I mean, when I get involved with a- someone, it's gonna last. Right Rick?"

"Uh- yeah" (I glanced at Jake, who was glancing at Bobby)

They all started bickering a little over what Bobby told Amara, eventually they agreed that his reasons were justified, just not the way he went about it. I was feeling wicked, I secretly agreed with the reasons as well as the method Bobby chose. I knew from the experience that morning in Amara's room that she just wouldn't take NO for an answer. Ray still tried to get Bobby to apologise to Amara though, he said he'd think about it. I hoped he wouldn't. I hated girls like Amara. Guess I found out all there was to know about her. Girls like her tried to ues their looks to play us guys for fools, dump us like yesterday's news and move on to the next guy. It was near dinner time now so we all went up to our rooms to get ready. I all but ran up the stairs, rushed into the shower and threw on some clothes. I wanted to hear all about the Xmen's exploits at the nuclear plant. And I'd be seeing some new members of the team too.

The only free seat at the dinner table was between Jake and Bobby. How ironic, my feelings seem to jump from one to the other all the time. Well, at least I had a shot with one of them. I sat down and while we ate, the run of the mill conversation carried on. Amara, no surprise, was not at the table. But Jubliee was there. I couldn't help but feel that she was staring at me a little too coldly. Then I saw her start the same process with Bobby. She didn't carry on for long though, because we both started staring her down hard. It got Ray's attention.

Ray: "Don't either one of you even think about trying to score with my girl."

Whilst everyone else laughed I thought, yeah right, if he only knew. Bobby seemed to have cheered up some, he joked right along with them.

Bobby: "Yeah, whatever, I can do sooo much better!"

"Same here!"

Everyone, including Jake laughed at that, but Jubilee's mood changed. I mean, come on, we were only joking! She got up, grabbed me and Bobby by the ear and dragged us outside, saying she had to talk to us. Ouch! Stupid Ray was laughing it up. Jake had to sit still, he couldn't very well come on over, THAT would be suspicious. Jubilee led us down the hallway, where it was quiet and deserted. She had some stern words for us too.

Jubilee: "Just what the hell do you think you're doing?!"

Bobby: "Oh, what are you bitchin' about now?"

Jubilee: "You told off Amara, didn't think how she'd feel. Told her off real bad and won't even say you're sorry?"

Bobby: "Well, I can't say I'm sorry if I'm not."

Jubilee: "I don't know what's up with you. You never behaved like this before, you on anything?"

Bobby: "Amara would do better as the neighborhood corner bitch, I bet she'd be a whole lot happier. She have a ready supply of guys to satisfy her!"

Jubilee watched him, utterly flabbergasted. I hate the stupid sense of humor I have, sometimes I laugh at the corniest stuff. I swear if someone said something funny enough, I'd break down at a funeral. It didn't do much good here, I got the giggles. Jubilee's angry gaze switched to me.

Jubilee: "What the hell's so funny?! Amara is in her room, crying because of you two, and you wanna laugh about it?"

"What, that's...ridiculous. I hear she's quite the slut. I mean, we didn't have anything, I tried to tell her off. I was reaaal nice. She was DEVASTATED this morning. Now she's all horny again and after Bobby-"

Bobby: "That's tellin' her!"

"-Do you really think a girl like Amara can stay sad for long. I'm sure there are a lot of guys she can go to, so she can cry on their shoulders."

Bobby started laughing now. Jubliee gave us a withering look. She continued to rail at us to go and apologise to Amara. I know I wasn't going to. I'd already apologised once to her. It resulted in her going after Bobby. Maybe if we left her here hanging, she'd learn a lesson.

Bobby: "Jubilee, how'd you feel if Amara came after Ray next, huh?"

Jubilee's countenance changed. I bet she wasn't expecting that. She softened up some. She urged us to just go and talk to her. Eventually Jubilee gave it up and walked back down the hallway, leaving me and Bobby alone. I don't know but I was having second thoughts...was I a little too hard on Amara? I mean, maybe she had a problem and needed help. Like, she could be an honest to God, real-life Nymphomaniac! I decided to ask Bobby what he felt.


Bobby: "Yeah?"

"You don't think that maybe, maybe we've been too hard on Amara?"

Bobby: "Hell no! She has to learn her lesson. I'm not gonna say I'm sorry. I ain't no hypocrite. Don't tell me you're going to?"

"I don't know...yet. I mean she could have a problem...she could need help. She could be a real-life that woman Brook, from the Bold and the Beautiful!"


Bobby: " corny soap-operas?"

"Uh-well no. But I do when Mom watches them, and I seen...her...and well-I'm serious. Amara could have a problem."

Bobby: "So what! She's not the only one with problems! I got my own, but you don't see me-"

He stopped himself. I got the feeling that Bobby was going through some problems of his own. I decided to ask him. He could always seem to know when I was feeling less than perfect. Always asked me what was up too. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't ask.

" something wrong?"

Bobby: "No, nothin's wrong."

My, how the tables have turned! I was in exactly the same position he was in when he questioned me. I asked him again, and his facial expression changed. I thought for a moment that maybe he'd decide on telling me something after all. But he didn't. He just denied it again. I tried one last time and got a response.

Bobby: "It's alright. Nothin' I can't handle, besides, there's nothing anyone can do about it anyway."

"You're sure...there's nothin' anyone could do? I don't like the way you're talking. You sound like you're-"

I didn't get to finish. Just then Jake came walking down the hallway. It was inconvenient, I was trying to get some headway in figuring out what was up with Bobby and all. I knew why he was coming down the hallway, and I wasn't as upset as I was earlier. He was just looking out for me, and I suppose we all got our issues, guess his is his insecurity complex.

Jake: "You guys planning on eating any time soon?"

Bobby: "I was just heading back in."

"Me too."

Jake turned to go.

"Bobby, if you need to talk or anything, you know where to find me."

Bobby: "Okay, if you say so."

Jake was watching us again. No doubt he overheard.

Jake: "Somethin' wrong?"

I was about to answer, but Bobby told him nothing he couldn't handle. Jake gave me a look, and I knew he was going to ask me about it sooner or later. Preferably later though, I didn't think I was too thrilled about another conversation about Bobby with Jake. He did promise me that he'd let the topic slide, but he'd also said...for now...

Next: Chapter 4: Xxx Men 4

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