Xxx Men Series

By Phoenix

Published on Dec 20, 2006


X-men Story


I am so sorry for shouting, but I HAD to get your attention. It is of critical importance for this chapter as well as for future chapters. You will remember - hopefully - that in Chapter 28, the Greek Letter Classification system was mentioned and explained. However, fans everywhere have always complained about that system. I myself found it a bit arbitrary. And so did the overwhelming majority of people who wrote the rash of emails I got. Almost everyone had something negative to say, with few positives, about it.

A lot brought up the fact that Omega didn't really seem like Omega (the end). I agree - evolution doesnt stop and doesn't work in terms of most powerful. Evolution works in terms of 'best suited to environment'. We humans are certainly far less powerful than most animals in terms of brute force. But we are the dominant lifeform with the potential to alter our environment. I personally feel that mutation should be viewed as such since evolution depends on it.

A couple fans - timothyX324 and junior_87 had the bright idea to suggest that I formulate a system for my story since everyone had their own interpretation of the existing systems in the comics and movie. So I agreed. Thanks guys.

For those who watched the movie, you will remember that there was another system - a CLASS system. It was merely hinted at. The only mutant whose class was told without doubt was Jean Grey. Callisto did mention that Pyro and Magneto were "above" Class 3. But no direct mention of a number. They only wanted to make Jean the maximum - Class 5 - so they could emphasize her colossal power. Jean's potential was held to be without limits. It was a mere skeletal system.

I have decided to come up with a better system for the purpose of this story. I have decided to use the Class terms from 1-5. My system is called the MUTANT ENERGY POTENTIAL RATING SCHEME. Hey, don't dis the name, (^_^). Try the Greek Letter Classification of Mutant Powers for size. Anyhow I made the distinction between mutant 'abilities' and mutant 'energy'.

Mutant abilities - sometimes called mutant powers - are what mutants can do. Example, telepathy is an ability. It allows one to sense thoughts, communicate mentally, alter memories etc..

Mutant energy is the unique form of energy that all mutants produce. Mutant abilities need mutant energy to run. Different abilities need different amounts of mutant energy as a minimum to run. For example, Wolverine's auto-healing, even at max I'd wager, would need far less energy than Storm's weather manipulation or Cyclops' mid-to high intensity blasts. Usage has an impact, true. But for the most past, Wolvie's powers are passive - healing, sensory enhancements, agility, reflexes, slightly enhanced strength etc. Storm's and Cyclops' powers are mostly active. Mutant energy increases from Class 1 to Class 5. The Class of a mutant in my system is based upon their mutant energy potential. Not their powers. The types of powers found in a Class depend upon the amount of energy within that Class. Over time, it'll become clearer to those who don't understand it now...which is most I'd bet (^_^)

As the Class increases, the types of powers found commonly change. I only gave some examples in the story as illustrators. Also, in my story, Class 5 is the maximum level the scientists have come across SO FAR. It is not a set system. Also, I must emphasize the word - POTENTIAL. It means just that - POTENTIAL. It's different from ACTUALITY. Just because a mutant has the potential to produce so much energy that they can push their particular ability beyond limits...does not mean that it WILL happen. OR happen ALL the time...OR be voluntary. It means that the potential exists...and whether it happens or not depends on genes AND environmental factors, Nature and Nurture.

Which brings me to the next point. In every system of classification - there are the problem things. In Biology, they used to group things under Animal and Plant. Then they came up with the Five Kingdoms. And that is so inadequate too. There is a class called Protoctista. This is the group where they just lump organisms that cannot be placed as animal, plant, fungi etc. They go there because as we understand organisms at present...those can't be grouped. They'll just have to stay there until such time as new evidence comes to light or we start to see current evidence differently. We must remember that classification is not natural - it is a manmade system, and like all human institutions, imperfect...

Now for the NORMAL notes...(^_^)

As usual, bold text is used for emphasis. Underlined text indicates any type of electronic communication. Text in italics indicate telepathic conversations.

X-men Story

Chapter Twenty-Nine

"You've Really Done It Now"**

I decided to hold off on the guardian hunt until the next day. It was getting a bit late and after the stresses of the day, everyone, including myself, was tired. I woke up on Wednesday morning a bit more refreshed. Upon checking my schedule for the day, would you believe that I had a Psionics class with none other than Miss Grey?

"Oh, good. A free period."

A free period that I needed to set my business in order. The first thing I needed would be help in the legal affairs department. I had asked Jean to sign those documents and accept custody of me. In order to negate that arrangement, I needed to find someone who would be willing to accept legal responsibility for me for the rest of the year. It wasn't like they'd have to pay their money or wait on me hand or foot. Just a little ink and paper involved. Scott was out of the question. Goodness knew how it could impact his relationship with Grey. My first thought was to ask one of the other women. They hadn't exactly been treating me any differently after the debriefing. So I headed out with the intention of having breakfast and dealing with my problem immediately after.

Bobby: "Hey."


Bobby hadn't acted quite as angry as I thought he would when I told him about Jean's loose tongue the night before. You'd think that he'd be really pissed. But he wasn't. He was pissed about the general way she was acting though. I told him all about the dinner. He actually thought that she might have cooled down a bit by that morning. But she walked right by with Ororo, cheerfully talking I might add, and ignored me all the way. Ororo, seemingly wishing to avoid any conflict with Jean, merely nodded to us and walked on with Grey.

Bobby: "Jeez. I never knew Jean to act this way."

We stood staring at her laughing with Ororo at the teachers' table. Emma was partially right it seemed - Jean did love to bask in positive feelings. And she seemed downright perky that morning. It was just that she wasn't that way with me. A tap on both our shoulders made me and Bobby turn around to meet the gaze of Jubilee and Amara. I backed off a little, not sure what their reaction would be like. Jean probably told all her Sisters by then that Emma's defence was all based upon a pack of lies.

Jubilee: "So is it true? Did you really lie to cover Emma's tracks?"

See, what did I tell you? Bobby raised an eyebrow curiously, unable to read her emotions from the neutral tone Jubilee was using.

Bobby: "If we did - and I'm not saying we did - what would you do to us?"

Jubilee and Amara glanced at one another.

Amara: "I suppose Emma wasn't or anyone's man - so, we wouldn't mind it."

We eyed them sternly, and when we determined that they weren't lying, we confessed. It made sense. They only joined Jean because they were afraid that Emma was after the men in the Mansion. In their case - Ray and Jake. Neither of them had deep-rooted, emotional past issues with Jean did. Thank goodness for that. I didn't want to have to deal with an angry Jubilee and/or Amara.

Since Jean's scandalous laughter could be heard from our position, I quickly got us moving to our area, stopping to get a sandwich and juice in the process. We all made our way to our table where everyone else had already gathered.

John: "Wow!"

Jamie: "Yeah, we saved Emma. I know, heroic! Now me and Emma are like - "

Jamie crossed two fingers to illustrate the closeness that he and Emma now shared. Ray laughed and added,

Ray: "Yeah, and I hear talk that Rick and Jean are like - "

Ray widely separated two fingers so that everyone could visualize the rift between Jean and myself.

David: "Why? For saving Emma?"

Uh huh. Only Jubilee and Amara knew that Bobby, Jamie and I lied to protect Emma's reputation.

Roberto: "That's crazy. What's the real reason for the alleged cold war?"

Ray: "Alleged? Did you - "

Jubilee: "Knock it off, Ray."

"Oh it's okay, Jubilee."

Everyone looked my way.

Roberto: "You two are really at each other's throats?"

"No, nothing like that. We've just gotten fed up of each other."

David: "Really? Yesterday, I heard her practically yelling down the hallway."


David: "She was saying that after all she did for you - "

I sure hoped he didn't stick around to hear the entire thing.

"You must have been mistaken, David. We've just gotten on each other's nerves. Between you and me - she's a lot less liberal and a lot more bigoted that I originally thought."

Roberto: "Oh?"

"Yeah. But who needs a bitch like Jean in their life anyway, right?"

David: "But you two were like...wasn't she your fag hag?"

Oh please, she was A hag. Not THE hag. I pulled Amara and Jubilee closer whilst smiling at Jenny so she wouldn't feel excluded.

"I got other hags. Ones more my level and age. Let's face it - Jean Grey has become so passe!"

Everyone's eyebrows raised in disbelief. David, John and Roberto even went so far as to give me their psycho-diagnosis. Apparently, I was living in denial. Yup, I was suffering from some sort of Jean Grey Withdrawal Complex. And I was walking down a dangerous path by not dealing with my issues. No, I was running from them.

John: "I think Jean is probably in denial too."

Roberto: "Yeah, and just ignorant of the fact."

At that moment, Jean's laughter echoed in the dining hall, closely followed by several peals from Rogue, Betsy, Ororo. Oddly, mom wasn't with them at the table. Mom and dad must have been sleeping in late. They were nowhere to be seen. I looked hard at John and his two psychiatric disciples. Jean seemed pretty happy to me.

David: "Well, ignorance is bliss. She doesn't know - or doesn't want to know that she needs help."

Oh, she needed 'help' alright. A nice fat prescription for some happy pills would have been a good place to start.

"Well, I AM dealing with my issues."

Ray: "How? Flowers, candy - "

Jenny: "I can bloom some roses that are just to die for!"

Really? I wondered to myself if she could do them in black.

Jubilee: "Hmpf! Sending a girl flowers and candy is purely a joke to Ray."

Ray: "I gave you candy once. You ended up throwing it away cuz you didn't wanna get fat!"

Jubilee: "Ray, Gummy Bears is not the kind of candy I was expecting."

They almost made it sound like it was Valentine's Day or something.

"No! I'm going to deal with them by rising above and beyond. By leaving Jean Grey in the dust while I move on with my life!"

Jamie: "You sound like she's your ex or something, sheesh! Drama Queen."

What can I say? Getting overly dramatic was always de-stressing in distressing situations. At least to me it was.

"First things first - I'm finding me a new guardian."

Ray: "You might wanna hold off on that. Suppose it's just that time of the month and she's over - "

Jubilee slapped him hard across the back of his head for that statement.

Ray: "See what happens to them?'

Amara: "Oh so EVERY time a girl is angry - it's THAT time of the month? Men, what the HELL do you know anyway?!"

Jamie: "Amara?"

Amara: "What?!"

Jamie: "You're behaving a little weird. Is it that time of the - "

Amara: "Don't finish that sentence!"

Jake: "I personally wish I never bothered to call Grey and company in the first place."

Everyone at the table went silent at that statement of deep regret. The prolonged stare Amara was sending in Jake's direction was a bit unnerving. And the stare Jubilee was giving Ray was downright scary. And a quarrel that had obviously been left unresolved and on hold started up again.

Ray: "Oh for the last time - I didn't know it was Emma!"

Jubilee: "Did you think she was hot?"

Ray: "What guy wouldn't?"

"He has a point, Jubilee. Emma IS hot. Even I can tell you that."

Ray: "See, you hear? From the mouth of a gay man!"

Jubilee: "Did you throw her any money?"

Oooh...Jubilee and money. The material girl herself...

Ray: "M-maybe..."

In the face of an angry Jubilee, Fearless Leader didn't seem so fearless.

Jubilee: "How much?"

Titters escaped several of us. Jubilee was forever complaining about Ray not spending enough on her. She took it to be a sign that she wasn't being appreciated enough.

Ray: "Not much...ten...twenty...fifty dollars max."

Jubilee: "You skimped me on popcorn when we went to the movies! You got us the worst seats in the whole damned theater!"

Several laughs exploded from surrounding tables. Ray went red whilst John started to hum, "My Humps".

Amara: "Oh shut up!"

John: "She had him spendin'! Spendin' all his money on - "

Jubilee: "And what about you, Jake? Enjoyed yourself?"

Jake: "That is MY business. I'm frankly surprised that Ray is takin' alla that sass from you."

Jubilee gasped whilst the rest of us looked on, thoroughly entertained.

Jake: "How much did you stuff down, Officer Phil Herrup's pants, hmmm? When we came in, you were feelin' him up. Did you fill him up too?"

Jubilee: "Th-That's different!"

Ray: "Why? Maybe you should spend some more on me - show ME some appreciation. Equal rights? You should accept equal responsibilities along with them."

Things had started to get a little heated by then.

Jubilee: "Equal rights?! I do much more for you than you do for me!"

Ray: "Oh?'

With a raised eyebrow, Jamie stealthily whispered, "this is getting interesting."

Jubilee: "As a matter of fact - you're lucky you can find a girl like me."

Ray took that as an insult and demanded to know what was so 'wrong' with him that he was 'lucky' to have 'her'.

Ray: "Hey, I can have any girl in this Mansion."

Ray glanced around and added to the statement to make it more striking.

Ray: "And probably a few of the guys too if I wanted."

Gasps and laughs rocked the hall by then.

Bobby: "Guys, calm down. You're both making a scene."

Jenny: "Yeah, it was just a - "

Our princess begged to differ.

Amara: "They need to work their shit out. It was only our little crisis that kept them back."

Jubilee had by then gotten up and started poking Ray in the chest. And our conversation had started out so far from a confrontation too. I suppose they did need to work out their issues. But did they really have to do it at breakfast, in front of the whole damned school? Even daytime soap operas didn't start that early. They hadn't even eaten anything - fighting on an empty stomach. T'ch, t'ch, t'ch. All those bloody Emma related repercussions were starting to get annoying.

Jubilee: "Just what the hell do you do for me that's so great?"

Ray: "Think back to last Friday night - then you might change your tone!"

"Will you two just shut up? You're embarrassing yourselves!"

They both stopped and glanced at their entertained public. Reddening, each stormed out of the dining hall taking different routes.

Jake: "I shoulda just kept my mouth shut."

Amara scoffed and huffed, all in one exquisitely dramatic action.

Amara: "Not to mention your eyes."

Jake got up, realistically pretending to be angry. I'm sure he saw it as an ample opportunity to throw Amara off his trail.

Jake: "Who are you to tell me what I should or shouldn't have been doing? You're not even my girlfriend! If I like older, more experienced women - it's my business!"

Amara: "You know, I honestly thought that you were different from all the other worthless guys in this place!"

The other "worthless guys" from the surrounding tables all took offence and started reminding Amara of the many, many good turns they had done her in the not too distant past. She flipped them all off and proceeded to storm out herself. Jenny excused herself, and went after Amara to offer her some comfort. Jake took his seat once again, amidst much laughter.

David: "Emma sneaks out ONE night...and look at what happens. To Jubilee and Ray no less."

My feathers then got somewhat ruffled.

"I hope you don't think it's Emma's fault. Jean should have stayed right where she was - whoring it on with Officer Phil."

David: "Let's face it. If Grey and the others didn't go after her - who would have been there to save Emma from the Sadistic Sisters?"

Since I was Emma's newest supporter - any blame attributed to her was blame attributed to me. And support for Jean Grey could only mean blame for Emma and thus, me.

"We would have discovered something was wrong eventually. And the repurcussions would have probably been far less severe. Leash wouldn't have been able to do the shit she did without Jean. Who's to say Jean wasn't too busy keeping an eye on Emma, and that's how she got Leashed in the first place?"

John: "Rick, you're acting up for - "

David: "Hey, I only meant - "

"If Jean didn't go Emma hunting, then Ray and Jake wouldn't have been there watching Emma in the first place! And Jubilee had her fun with that male stripper. And Ray shouldn't be allowed to have a little? Jubilee had her hands on him. Ray didn't even touch Emma! Hell - he didn't even KNOW it was her!"

David: "You are taking this too personally."

"Well it IS personal! Apparently, Jean criticizing me isn't enough. My friends have to jump in on it too."

David: "Who's criticizing you? I was criticizing Emma! What, so your name's 'Emma' now?"

"I was under the impression that you were an Emma supporter. And weren't you the one who said she deserved a chance when she first came? Back when I was bashing her with all the rest?"

David: "Look, I was just lamenting the fact that Ray and Jubilee have to suffer because Emma just HAD to sneak out to go shopping!"

But Emma wasn't yet officially an X-man. I didn't know why - maybe the mysterious Powers That Be were taking a bit longer in her case due to her somewhat evil past. Who's to say - she and Xavier had to know what they were talking about when Emma said she hadn't been formally inducted.

"And if Xavier could agree with her - who are you to object?"

David: "I'm just a humble guy stating his OPINION!"

If he could raise his voice, then so could I.

"Well, because Grey couldn't keep her backside INSIDE where SHE belonged as an X-man, we now have to deal with the Mutant Registration Act, Renewal of the Sentinel program, Mutant Classification Tests AND a public that will more than likely fear us even more than before!"

Absolute silence reigned supreme. The school populace certainly knew that their teachers were no ordinary teachers. And they knew perfectly well why so many of their assignments got marked late. They were all buzzing with the news that the Sentinel program was about to recommence. The had seen the news about the Mutant Registration Act. And a good many of the nerds no doubt had learnt by then about the proposed tests. But what no one apparently knew was Jean Grey's connection to it all. Or Emma's for that matter. The news cameras didn't manage to capture her or Kurt. And so they all probably thought that the mutant act of terrorism was some mutant baddies acting up. I reasoned, the most they could guess what that Jean was somehow related to the chain of events - not how exactly.

Jake: "Oh man."

Bobby motioned his head towards the teacher's table. Jean was standing, fists clenched whilst her plate, cuttlery and coffee mug rattled about in a most disturbing manner. Betsy and Ororo each took an arm and were whispering something to her. Whatever it was didn't seem to be calming her any - I could make out that her left eyebrow was twitching like crazy. A good few people started slinking out of the hall fearfully. I suppose Jean's reaction had convinced them that the allegation that she was in some way related to the latest challenges to face mutant kind had some level of credibility.

Bobby got a little closer and whispered that maybe we should just leave. Jean's staring was getting a little creepy and he didn't like creepy. Maybe it was seeing Bobby, another conspirator, coming into focus or something, but Jean slammed her fists on the table, all the crockery shattered and students just started rushing out of the doors. Jean avoided the rush by flying out of the room with the women folk trailing after her.

John: "Damn dude, you've really done it now..."

"The Truth Hath Set Me Free"

Shortly after Jean flew out in a rage, I received an urgent, angry telepathic message from the mind of our principal - Professor Xavier. I knew I was in for it and immediately started working on my defence.

Bobby: "Just remember - whatever you do, don't lie."

"But I don't have to lie, Bobby. This time, the truth is on my side!"

John: "You're being overdramatic again."

Jamie: "Yeah, big words coming from a dead man..."

To increase the time available with which to work on my case, I took the stairs and walked as slowly as I could.

Professor Xavier: I would advise you to arrive sometime in the near future. Dragging it out will only make it worse.

Dammit! I finally made it up to his office and was commanded to enter. Upon entering, I saw that Jean wasn't alone. My parents were in the office as well. So was Emma, in her capacity as school counselor - thank heavens! The look on Professor Xavier's face made me cringe. Well, I suppose it would. Jean was his first student. He motioned for me to take a seat. Which I did, albeit very uncomfortably due to the close proximity to a bitchingly angry Jean Grey. As soon as I was seated, Jean went off on a rant.

Jean: "...and he accused me publicly, in front of the students, of being at fault for the Act, the Sentinels, the Tests and public paranoia!"

Professor Xavier: "Is this true?"

Not according to me it wasn't! I was sitting all the way across the hall with MY friends. WE were having a simple discussion together. If the other students couldn't mind THEIR own business - that certainly wasn't MY fault. It wasn't like I went face to face with Miss Grey and accused her DIRECTLY in front of the school populace.

Jean: "Equi-finality! Who cares how it happened?! The end result is the same - the students look at me all..."

Jean broke off ranting and started sulking. It had its effect on the Professor alright.

Professor Xavier: "Rick, this certainly doesn't fall within the realm of acceptable behavior! I'm shocked and apalled that you would behave this way! Especially after all that Jean has done for you - I quite frankly don't understand it."

There were those blasted words again! After ALL that Jean has done for me. She did a damned lot yes. But did that mean I had to just throw my own sense of ethics away and accept hers because of ALL she did? As if hearing about it from Grey wasn't bad enough, I had to hear it from Xavier too. Jean started staring and mumbling at me in a most irritating, self-righteous manner.

"Oh come off your high horse, Miss Grey! YOU should be the LAST person in this room to talk about acceptable behavior..."

She stopped carrying on and treated me to a blatantly warning glance. Mom, Dad, Professor Xavier and Emma all gasped. My father raised his hand and timidly asked,

Joshua: "What exactly is going on here? I mean, first there was last night at dinner - and then THIS?"

Julie: "U-uh, sit down and let them work it out, Josh."

"If you ONLY knew what St Jean of Arcadia was capable of - well, you'd ALL change your tone mighty fast."

At those words, Jean stiffened, and everyone else looked at me with penetrating curiousity.

"Here's one example - last night, she outted my boyfriend to Scott!"

They all gasped - minus Emma of course - while Jean looked away quickly. Mom in particular seemed hurt that I'd tell Jean who the guy in my life was and not her. My father just heard the word 'boyfriend' and quickly shut his eyes and took my mother's hand for support. Professor Xavier shifted an accusatory, stern glance to Jean. Emma already knew and nodded in approval to me. I nodded back - I was not yet done.

"Oh THAT is not all, Professor. Care to learn more anyone?"

The Professor slowly nodded. Poor shaken old guy...

"Well, I know something else that Jean has been doing. Something she wanted me to keep quiet about. Which I did by the way - despite the fact that I'm sure it isn't legal - "

That little titbit ruffled my lawyer father's feathers.

Joshua: "Jean, you're breaking the law?!"

Dad got up saying that he didn't want to hear about it.

Julie: "Sit down, honey!"

Professor Xavier angrily motioned for silence. I was torn. I didn't want to reveal Emma's financial problems, so I figured that it would be best to keep quiet about the specifics of Jean's plans to bring Emma down.

"Anyhow, when she started treating me bad cuz she said I told my boyfriend - she actually said I couldn't keep secrets from him in bed -"

Dad unconsciously gasped.

"Oh grow up! Yeah, I said that I WOULD tell if she were to keep treating me like that. She threatened me!"

Everyone gasped once more - including Emma. The idea that Jean could act that way was scandalous.

Professor Xavier: "A threat? I don't know. Maybe you misinterpreted. You - don't take this the wrong way - have a bit of a melodramatic streak in you."

Hey, I know what's a threat and what isn't! It's where melodrama ends and genuine drama begins.

"Scott was there. Ask him. Although, he's probably her new man by now. She WAS newly single after all. Don't know what he'll say. But I'm sure you all have ways of coming to the truth. Maybe a lie detector?"

Julie: "Jean, what has gotten into you?!"

Joshua: "Sit down, Julie!"

Emma: "Both of you sit down and shut up - you're distracting us all!"

"Thank you, Emma."

Emma: "What did she threaten you with, darling?"

Professor Xavier: "Yes, I'd like to know."

"She said that if I told - the school would get to celebrate its first official gay couple!"

And drum roll! Professor Xavier was so shocked he did the unthinkable!

Professor Xavier: "You threatened to reveal Rick and Jacob's relationship to the school?! Such despicable behavior from a senior member of - "


Professor Xavier: "Oh dear..."

Mom gasped and then hid a very weak smile. Dad looked all confused but thankfully, not mad.

Joshua: "The...the boy with the healing powers?"

Emma: "I knew it! I knew it! I knew what I saw! Damn, I'm good."

I covered my face for fear of the embarassment everyone would see displayed there.

Joshua: "Um...what did you see?"

Quick to make a bitchy comeback, Jean got to it fast.

Jean: "Not Jake, Professor. Someone else. Rick here is already on boy number two. Goodness knows how long he'll last."

Both mom and dad were looking at me all weird again. I hoped that they didn't think I was some sort of ho.

"I am not a whore!"

I was upset and looked it. Emma came over and patted me on the back to try and comfort me.

Emma: "Of course you aren't, dear. You're just on the journey searching for Mr Right. It's like...changing planes until you find one that can get you where you need to be."

I really wish she hadn't said that. It made it seem like I was riding men until - well, you get the point. Everyone went silent then for several minutes as we all let the revelations soak in. Finally, Professor Xavier spoke.

Professor Xavier: "Rick, what is Jean doing that you think is illegal?"


"I really can't say, sir."

Jean's eyes darted helter skelter from him to me.

Emma: "It must be rather serious if she's willing to make such a nasty threat in order to hide it."

Jean: "Oh just shut the hell up, Emma. You're here as a counselor for Rick. Not as a co-interrogator."

The Professor asked once again, and so did Emma.

"I...really cannot say."

Professor Xavier: "I doubt you have anything to fear from Jean's threat now."

"It isn't that."

Professor Xavier: "I need some time to decide on a course of action - I didn't expect anything like this."

"Just one more thing. I need some help - I want a new legal guardian."

Jean: "The first good thing that's happened to me today."


Professor Xavier: "I can handle the paperwork. But you'll need to find someone."

I could take care of that.

"Oh, and don't forget about the name change. Grey? What the hell was I thinking?"

Emma: "I know - Grey sounds so...old."

Jean: "Yeah, like Frost is so much higher up the evolutionary ladder."

Professor Xavier: "Do you have anyone in mind?"

"I'll have to ask around. Although, it may be difficult. After this occurrence, I doubt any of the women will take me. And the men may be a little uncomfortable with the idea."

Professor Xavier: "Well, yes. You'll need to ask around - and quickly. The worst case scenario could be that you end up as a ward of the state."

Emma: "There shall be no such thing happening if I can help it. I'll be happy to sign on the dotted line."


Emma: "Yes, dear. It's not like I have to feed, clothe and change diapers for you."

Dad gasped, mom's eyebrows raised right up. Suffice it to say that everyone had gotten their fair share of shock for the morning.

Professor Xavier: "And the name?"

My parents both shifted forward a bit.

"Oh, change it back to McKenzie. No offence, Emma - but Rick Frost doesn't sound quite right."

Professor Xavier: "Well, if that is all - you're dismissed until my decision is made."

Jean heard the words and left in a feminine huff. Mom and dad angrily trailed after her. Professor Xavier let out a deep, regrettable sigh and motioned for Emma and I to be off. Yes, the truth hath set me free...

"What Happened?"

Jake: "What happened?"

Bobby: "Did you get detention?"

Detention? I didn't know what Professor Xavier would do. But I hoped not. Just because Jean was probably going to get punished didn't mean that I would escape. He had a way of punishing both parties. He might decide to argue that what Jean did was very wrong - but I should have known better than to discuss such a sensitive topic in the vicinity of others.

I carefully mentioned that Professor Xavier accidentally outted Jake to Emma and my parents.

Jake: "W-what?!"

"They aren't acting up or anything. Emma was actually thrilled. She had an inkling ever since the time Fantasia attacked. And my parents both think you're cool after your healing powers restored mom."

He calmed down somewhat.

Jake: "Well, come on. Before we get in trouble for being late."

"We? I'm not going to her class."

He looked at me somewhat surprised.

Jake: "How long do you intend to stay away?"

"I dunno. But I am not setting foot in there today after what just happened."

Jake: "Suit yourself."

He hurriedly ran off to Psionics, leaving me and Bobby to ourselves.

Bobby: "I got a free period. What -"

"Come on, Bobby. After all this stress - I desperately need one of your handjobs."

"The Perfect Couple"

Our first recess for the day brought a surprise our way. Bobby, John, Roberto and I were kicking it in the Rec-Room when Ray casually strolled in. And he was not alone. Draped elegantly around both his arms were two whorish looking girls. One was the blondest shade blonde could get and the other was totally the opposite, with jet black curls that fell past her shoulders. They both looked like they stepped right out of Victoria's Secret. I had never seen them before, but then I never really paid much attention to anybody outside our group. Smiling from ear to ear, Ray coolly walked up towards us.

Bobby: "Ray? What the hell do you think you're doing?'

Ray smiled, said nothing at first, and sat with his babes, one on either side.

Roberto: "But, you - Jubilee?'

John: "Hey, not cool! Even I stuck to one at a time."

Ray challenged that statement with a hard look.

Josh: "For the most part."

Then came the news.

Ray: "Jubilee and I have mutually decided to go our separate ways. We've agreed to see other people for a while."

"What?! But you can't. You guys are the perfect couple!"

Ray's only reply was that he was the perfect single and that he wanted to try being part of a triple. The two girls just giggled and continued running their hands over Ray's chest in a tantalizing manner. They hadn't said so much as a word to any of us. As if we weren't there and the only person in the world that mattered was Ray. Well, I guess he found a couple of women who could appreciate him alright. Just then,

Jubilee: "Well, well."

Bobby: "Jubilee!"

Ray: "Girls, say hi."

Girls: "Hi!"

They sounded like two even stupider Paris Hiltons - ridiculous baby voices, ugh.

Jubilee walked up to us, surprisingly calm - almost jovial even.

Jubilee: "Well Ray, it seems like you had to find two girls to take my place. One is just not woman enough I suppose. But then again, I am no ordinary girl."

Ray ostentatiously ignored her and petted his newest pets. They both let out slutty purrs.

Jubilee: "Anyhow, pointing out the obvious is not why I'm here."

Ray: "Why are you here? You're disturbing us."

The girls hadn't yet stopped stroking Ray's chest and abs.

Jubilee shook her head in disgust. Upon doing so, my eyes detected a sparkle of something on her neck.

"Jubilee, what is that on your neck?"

Jubilee: "Oh this?"

She shifted around and got her hair out of the way so that we could all see the bling.

Jubilee: "It's just a little something from Brian."

Bobby: "Little? How the hell much did it cost?"

Jubilee: "I'm sure I don't know. Brian didn't tell me. I'm sure its nothing to him. After all, he appreciates me."


She turned to Ray without answering my question.

Jubilee: "I came for the extra cardkey to my room. I need it for Brian."

The mention of "Brian"once again snapped Ray out of his lackadaisical mood.

Ray: "Who is Brian?"

Jubilee: "Oh how rude of me! Boys, I'd like you all to meet Brian. Brian baby!"

We all looked in the direction Jubilee was smiling in. An absolute Adonis of a young man walked confidently up to her, wrapped his superbly muscular arms around her waist, kissed her on the forhead and said hello to us - I swear I saw his teeth sparkle. His hair was a curious, yet sexy cross of reddish brown and black. Well, it looked black, except for when the light hit it at certain angles. And that killer smile!

Bobby: Stop oogling!

I will when you stop it! You're supposed to be acting straight!

Ray grudgingly handed over the said cardkey.

Jubilee: "Well, I'll see you boys around - probably by dinner time. Brian and I will be busy for a while."

They both giggled at that and, hand in hand, exited the room. Ray scoffed, totally unimpressed with Brian.

Ray: "She'll be back begging for forgiveness soon enough. Mark my words."

"Just Like Old Times"

Julie: "Honestly, Jean! How could you threaten my son?!"

Jean was in the middle of a heated argument with Julie.

Jean: "Your son needs to learn who he should and should not be associating with!"

Fighting like teenaged siblings wasn't accomplishing anything. Scott and Joshua merely looked on, reminiscing about the good and not so good old days.

Scott: "Women."

In a whisper, so soft it was almost inaudible, Joshua replied.

Joshua: "Sometimes I almost understand why you gave up on 'em."

Scott looked at him in shock.

Joshua: "Keywords in that sentence - sometimes and almost. I always wondered how you put up with Jean."

The continuous shouting was getting monotonous, so the two men stealthily snuck out the door and into the back porch - far away from the warring women.

Joshua: "I knew Jean always had a temper - but this is just crazy. What is her problem?"

Scott: "How should I know?"

Joshua: "Aren't you two like...girlfriends or something?"

Scott let out an irritated sigh.

Scott: "We don't shave each others legs and make prank phone calls to cute guys - IF that's what you're thinking."

It was plain to see that Scott's feathers were getting ruffled.

Joshua: "What, you wanted me to call her your fag hag? I thought you hated the 'F' word?"

Scott: "So you couldn't say that Jean was my friend instead? Couldn't you have left out the 'girl'?"

Both men's tempers were beginning to rise and both made haste to correct the situation. The last thing they wanted was to start up a quarrel like the one raging inside.

Joshua: "You're right. I shouldn't have said that."

Scott carefully scrutinized the face of his former best friend to determine if the apology was genuine. Joshua always hated it that Scott could hide his line of vision so well behind those ruby quartz glasses. He never could tell for sure if Scott was watching him or not. Or worse, what he could be thinking. If eyes were the windows to the soul - Scott could be downright unreadable when he so wanted it. Nothing short of telepathy could pry into his state of mind with one hundred percent accuracy.

Scott: "Anything else you want to take back while you're in the mood?"


Scott: "Didn't think so. You'll never change. You'll say one thing now...then say some more crap to me later on."

Joshua: "You want me to apologize for some shit that happened fifteen years ago?"

Was that so wrong to want?

Scott: "That'd be a good place to start."


Joshua: "You must really be loving that my own son turned out gay, huh?"

Deep inside, Scott couldn't help but love the irony. Not that he'd ever admit it to Joshua.

Scott: "I don't see the world as gay people or straight people. I actually learned to look around and just see people. You must have left before that bit got soaked in."

Like a bolt from the blue, Joshua's mood altered.

Joshua: "You tried to kiss me, Scott. You fucking tried to when I was nearly stone cold drunk!"

That part was true. They were both experimenting with hard liquor for the first time. Logan had left some out accidentally and forgotten about it. As many young guys are, the thought of doing something forbidden was motivation enough for them to down some.

Scott: "It wasn't like I tried to get you drunk!"

Joshua: "That's what you said. How should I know if it's the truth?"

Scott: "I never drank anything like that before. I was drunk too - it's the only reason I did that."

That wasn't completely true. Scott knew what he was doing was wrong. But he couldn't deny himself just one moment. He honestly thought that Joshua was out like a light. But a kiss was all it was going to be. There was no way he'd violate him any worse. The thought hadn't even entered his mind.

Joshua: "If I was totally out of it that night...where would it have stopped? Where would you have drawn your line?"

Scott: "I would never have let it gone beyond a kiss. I swear - I just lost it, the alcohol made me - "

Joshua scoffed in restrained disgust.

Joshua: "Yeah. The alcohol. Always the booze is to blame."

Scott: "I was a confused fifteen year old! You think I wanted to be having those thoughts? I lived in fear of what everyone would think of me if they knew. What you would think of me! Sometimes I thought that if I just kissed you once, that'd be it. I'd work it out of my system - I'd be so disgusted I'd never think like that about another guy again. My thoughts were a dizzy melange that night. I guess those thoughts came out..."

Joshua: "You shouldn't have been having those thoughts in the first place. You were with Jean."

Scott: "I loved Jean. I still love her. Just not the way I thought I did. I mistook those feelings for romantic love. You had loved her. Me and Jean were together from the beginning. I thought that the bond we had was something else. When you and Julie got together - I felt like I had to do the same with Jean. I thought that maybe you were feeling what I was feeling and - "

Joshua: "Wrong, I loved Julie. I was normal."

That statement did nothing but piss Scott off. It was all he could do to keep from shouting out on an uncontrollable rant.

Scott: "So I'm abnormal? So your son is abnormal? Lots of straight guys experience an attraction to another guy at least once in their lives. I don't expect you to agree. It's not like you'd ever tell me if you ever -"

With a low and dangerous voice, Joshua interrupted him. A bit too defensively Scott mentally noted to himself.

Joshua: "Never, I'm not like you people!"

Scott: "Oh my, God. You people? No wonder Rick can't seem to forgive you. His telepathy may be crap - but he must know that deep down, you're still as bigoted as shit."

Joshua: "Leave him out of this."

Scott: "You know, I wouldn't doubt it that deep're still hoping beyond hope that some girl comes along one day, gets under his skin, and he settles down with her."

The silence and glare Scott was treated to told him that he was right in his assumption.

Joshua: "You said it yourself. Lots of straight guys go through a period of same-sex attraction. Who's to say it's not what's going on with him?"

Scott: "I used to think I was like that. But I guess I ain't. You might end up old and gray - and he'd still be young and gay."

Joshua: "I'll deal with it."

Scott: "By living in denial I suppose. You'll probably prefer to think of Rick and his guy as friends."

Living in denial. Something the shrinks love to say. Joshua always hated psychobabble. Whenever he was deemed problematic he was always treated to an earful of it - hence the profound distaste.

Joshua: "Are you out to get me mad?! You on your fucking period like Jean seems to be?!"

Scott: "Period?! See, you'll always be an asshole!"

Joshua: "I thought that's what turns you on!"

And without another word, both men were violently duelling it out on the back porch...

"Oh, When Will The Hurting Stop?!"

Amara: "Guys, you will NOT believe what I just heard!"

Amara came running along the halls and into the Danger Room at full speed. Since she almost never broke into an undignified stride - something important had to be up with our princess. Why, the only time I could remember her running like that was...when Jamie, David and Roberto simultaneously tried to sexually assault her. It couldn't have been something dangerous as she had an excited, dramatic look about her. At least, I thought so. She stopped abrubtly and barely had the breath to gasp out "Med-Bay".

Ray: "Med-Bay?"

Amara: "Summers is in the Med-Bay."

Something was wrong with Scott? Small wonder we had been waiting around in the Danger Room for close to half an hour!

Jamie: "What's up?"

Amara: "It is ALL over the school's gossip network, okay!"

She paused for dramatic effect and elicited a,

John: "Just spit the shit out!"

Turning to me,

Amara: "Rick, sweety, your daddy kicked Scott's ass in the backyard!"


Everyone looked at me in utter shock. Even Bobby and Jake.

Ray: "I can believe that. Rick beats beats Scott... You'd think the mighty X-men leader could beat a lawyer, huh?"

Okay, so maybe I got the "Wildfire" gene from him... The first thing that needed to be done was some damage control. The stupider ones among my friends - aka Ray - might have altered their perception of me based upon an allegation against my father.

"Amara, there MUST be some mistake! I read the school's gossip articles too - they're still saying that Rogue is an 'in the closet' Lesbian! Lot of hot air if you ask me."

Jubilee: "I dunno, Rick."

Jubilee's mind worked at an astonishing pace at times. Specifically, times whenever cases of drama were involved. Why, she could tell the paternity of any baby in ANY soap opera weeks before the general viewing public. A secondary effect of her mutation maybe? She almost instantaneously came up with a theory. She had by then found out about the meeting in Professor Xavier's office. The whole damned school had learnt of Jean's tantrum within half an hour anyway. I did tell her that I expected my parents to really have it out with Jean earlier too. The way they chased after her with scowls on their faces...

Jubilee: "Scott probably tried to defend Jean's actions - as her man - and your dad had a problem with that."

"My dad is a lawyer! He fights with his wits - not his fists!"

Bobby: "But you said that your dad and Summers had their issues..."

I sighed, a little more than mildly irritated. I hope you can now fully appreciate why I never let Bobby in on my plans to evade therapy with Emma and Kurt.

You just can never tell when to zip the lip, can you? If only your mouth could work like that on a blowjob.

Bobby smiled sheepishly whilst everyone else took in the bit of information he had so unwittingly shared.

Bobby: Sorry.

Ooh, maybe I was a little too cold with the blowjob comment. Bobby was rather sensitive about his inability to easily fit, elongated objects down his throat.

But I love you all the same.

Bobby: Yeah, I'm irresistible.

Jamie: "Hello! Rick?!"


Jamie: "What is your dad's beef with Summers?"

That I could honestly tell them.

"I don't know."

Not that they'd possibly believe me.

Ray: "Whaddya mean you don't know?"

He never told me. Mom never told me. Scott never told me. Hell, Grey never told me. I repeated that I was just as clueless as they were.

Roberto: "That doesn't sound right."

"It IS. Honest! Of course, I knew that dad didn't like Scott. Just not WHY. My very first day - he told me to avoid him if possible."

Ray: "Let's just go to Med-Bay and see if Summers is there and if he's okay."

We all decided to follow our leader and left for Med-Bay.

"Twenty bucks - it's a stupid rumor started by the rumor mill."

I looked a fool for making that statement. Sure enough, when we walked into the Med-Bay, Scott was sitting on one of the beds, shirtless.

Bobby: You're oogling again.

Yeah, like YOU aren't.

His nice muscular definition temporarily distracted me from the darkish blue bruises on his skin. When I looked closer at his face, I saw that his lip was cut and his left cheek was similarly bruised. Scott's mouth was set in a very violent looking frown. He had not yet acknowledged any of our presences or told us to leave. I felt like cringing when everyone threw me more looks.

"Okay, so maybe there is some truth to the rumors... Scott has been beat up... But need not have been my father..."

Scott finally let us know that he didn't suffer any brain damage by speaking.

Scott: "What do you all think you're doing here?"

Amara: "W-we came to see if you were alright..."

Scott must have been aware of the gossipy streak that ran strong in Amara's blood. He regarded her somewhat dubiously. Jubilee decided to back her girl up.

Jubilee: "Yes, we heard about your...incident."

Incident... It looked more like a badass beatdown to me. Nevertheless, Scott was our tough talkin' leader and he didn't disappoint us.

Scott: "What's a bruise or ten?"

Our resident healer offered to help out.

Jake: "I can take care of that for - "

Scott: "I'd really rather you didn't."

Why the hell not? It couldn't have been comfortable sitting there in pain. And those injuries looked frickin' painful.


Scott: "What?"

"Who did this to you?"

Joshua: "That would me."

The curtains that surrounded another of the beds shifted. Stretched out on the bed with a big bump on his forehead, bruises on his chest, leg suspended, bloodied lip and a blackened eye - was none other than my father. Where the hell was my mother? I quickly rushed over to his bedside to make sure that he was okay. He looked to be in a terrible condition. Correction to my earlier statement. Scott looked like he got a mere beatdown. My father was the one who suffered the badass version of said beatdown.

"Dad, are you okay?"

Joshua: "No. But at least the feeling in my right leg is back."

Oh my God! He wasn't feeling his right leg? Everyone left Scott's side to have a closer look at my father.

Joshua: "I hope you folks get a good look at the handiwork of your brave leader."

Everyone, including myself took another look at Scott. He just folded his arms and reclined on his bed. By comparison with my father, Scott was virtually untouched!

"Alright, this shit has gone on long enough. You two have had some kind of feud going on for fifteen years and - "

I was rudely and rather theatrically interrupted by Amara.

Amara: "Oh, when will the hurting stop?!"

Scott and dad looked at one another - dad really had to try hard due to the neck brace - with death glares.

Jake: "I can ...heal you if you want Mr McKenzie."

Jake was a little timid with dad. I was guessing it had to do with dad learning that he and I were once in a relationship - thanks to Professor Xavier's earlier outburst.

Joshua: "It's fine. Really."

I grunted in mild annoyance.

"What?! Dad, let him heal you. You gotta be in a lot of pain! And why isn't mom in here taking care of you?"

He had news for me.

Joshua: "I've made your mother go pack. We are leaving."


Joshua: "Professor Xavier is okay. The crisis is over - THIS one anyway. And...we really haven't got anymore reasons to stay."

"If you're going to travel - then at least heal up."

Joshua: "Oh, I'll need to keep these injuries around for a bit."

I was getting irritated.

"What the hell for?!"

He finally revealed his plan to us all.

Joshua: "I need proof for the courts that I was assaulted by that madman! That's right - I'm suing him for all I can get."

"But dad -"

Scott: "Bring it on! I'll beat your ass in court the same way I kicked it across the lawn!"

Everyone gasped once more and looked alternately from Scott to dad and back again.

"Scott! How could you do this to my father?!"

Joshua: "Oh, the pain!"

"Dad, let Jake heal you. Those bruises look wicked."

Scott: "Hello, these marks he gave me aren't exactly hickies either!"

Laughter echoed through the air - I recognized it as Amara's. I suppose she would never be completely free from the slutty influences of her former existance.

Joshua: "Would someone please help that bitch?! Or shut her the hell up? She sounds like Woody Woodpecker on estrogen pills."

Amara's semi-scandalous laughter instantly stopped.

Amara: "Bitch?! Estrogen pills?! Listen you - do you know who my father is..."

Joshua: "No, and neither does your mother. Get out!"

Everyone's eyebrow raised in disbelief that my father would talk to Amara that way. I sure hoped she didn't take it personally - given her paternal history with her mother cheating on King Jerick with his brother, prince Derrick...and Amara being the product of such a union...

Joshua: "I can't believe she fell for that line - that dis has been around since I was twelve."

Before she could tell my father who she was and the way she should be treated, Roberto dragged her screaming out of the room.

The sliding doors opened then and Jean entered, as non-emotional as I had ever seen her. They closed once more - then reopened. My mother then entered, as unemotional as I'd ever seen HER. Without speaking to each other, they both went to the side of their respective man.

Julie: "We're all packed, honey. Feeling any better?"

Joshua: "Not really. But I'll try to get along...oooh."

Mom and dad threw a glance of complete coldness towards Scott and Jean. They both returned the gesture. I turned to my friends.

"Please leave the room. I want to have a talk with these...people in private."

The door opened then and Amara began struggling in once more against the might of Roberto.

Amara: "I am Princess Amara! The hieress to the throne of Nova Roma! If you had dared speak to me in such irreverent tones in my home country - they'd have given you public strokes, you misbegotten cur!"

Dad glanced at her in utter disbelief.

Joshua: "Yeah...right. Rick, check around in those cabinets and see if there are any happy pills for your friend - I'd recommend Zoloft."

"I said everyone please leave!"

They all complied - except Amara who had to be dragged out screaming once more. I put on my best interrogatory face. I was going to get to the bottom of it all. All the stupid confrontations had gone on long enough. Jean acting like she was on the worst period in her life. Then Scott doing the same and pulverizing my father. What chance did an ex X-man have against him? From the looks of both of them, it was safe to say that they hadn't used powers. Thank goodness for that.

"Alright, what is going on here?"

Mom and Jean both huffed. There seemed to be a new coldness passing between them. I knew mom wouldn't let it slide that Jean had threatened me - did they really have it out THAT bad?

"I guys used to be good friends, right?"

Julie: "Emphasis on used to be, honey."

Jean: "Yes. My eyes have since been opened. I'll be choosing my friends far more carefully in the future."

She went silent and her eyes bored into mom's. Evidently, something of a telepathic nature was passing between Jean and mom. Definitely something not nice. My mom gasped and then pouted.

Julie: "Yes, I do hope so. You've always been a poor judge of character. In addition to your friends - I hope you choose your men with greater taste in future. Look where the last one landed you."

It was Jean's turn to gasp and touch her tummy whilst my mom displayed a look of feminine superiority.

Jean: "You bitch!"

Jean called my mommy a bitch? Okay, I knew for sure then that a McKenzie / Grey-Summers feud was fully on the way.

Julie: "That'll teach you to preach morals to me. I'm not the one having a baby out of wedlock - at YOUR age - am I?"

Pow! Damn mom! You fight dirty! Mom, thinking to herself, paused before continuing.  

Julie: "And neither is Emma for that matter. How ironic."

Double pow!

Jean said nothing more, and neither did Scott. Mom levitated a groaning dad onto a hoverchair and they made their way towards the door, beckoning me. I think I could actually feel the heat on my back from Scott and Jean's staring. We made it into the subbasement proper and started for the elevator. I timidly decided to ask them what exactly had gone on.

"Um, what - "

They cut me off before I could even articulate the question.

Julie: "Rick, I want you to have nothing to do with that woman."

Joshua: "And as little as possible to do with"

"So you're really going?"

Joshua: What? I'd have thought you'd be glad to see us go."

"I was really referring to mom. But I guess you're part of the package."

Julie: "Quite frankly, I'm homesick. I left the house in a complete mess too."

Joshua: "And I have to get busy filing in a claim to deal with Scott."

"Well, then...I guess this is it."

Julie: "A phonecall every once in a while wouldn't hurt you know."

Joshua: "Don't worry, I won't scare you off. I just won't answer the phone. We DO have caller ID."

I quickly suppressed a smile.

"Who's afraid of a man in your condition? Won't answer? I wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't answer the phone."

They both grinned - dad, painfully - as we entered the subbasement elevator...

"Amara, The Psychiatrist"

I watched as Hank prepared to drive my parents off into the distance. Yes, I did feel regret that they both had to go so suddenly. Yes, both of them. Since I had that talk with mom...I found myself not hating dad as much as before. Things were probably never going to be the same between us ever again. But I decided maybe I'd have a talk with the 'old man' over the phone. I don't think that I had it in me for a face to face conversation with him. The sound of running footsteps made me turn around. It was Amara, ready to shout out her mind to my father some more.

"Amara, just leave them be."

Amara: "Oh alright, for your sake."

I thanked her as we walked back towards the Mansion.

Amara: "So...uh...did you find out what went down?"


"Amara, my dad has some painful injuries courtesy of Scott - and you're concerned purely with drama?"

She blushed.

"No, your highness. I did NOT find out. It seems like the secret of their feud will die with them."

Amara: "I don't get it. Fifteen years seems like a pretty long time to be fighting. It must be something really serious."

"Like what?"

Amara: "I don't know. But it seems like something you should probably know about. I mean, you are his son - and you have to relate to his enemy on a day to day basis. If your father expected you to keep away from Scott on the very first day here - I think you deserve to know why. He expected you to just accept that Scott was bad news without trusting your own judgement of Scott's character. I would have demanded to know why first."

She had a very valid point. Right at the beginning of my tenure at the Mansion, I could have sworn that Scott was treating me badly because I was the son of his supposed arch nemesis. I was aware that dad and Logan also had some issues. Even a couple of fights due to the fact that dad got my mother pregnant at such a young age. I believe Jean told me one fight almost resulted in Logan's incineration, yikes! But they worked it all out...after fifteen years, yes. But they worked it out. What on Earth could be so bad that Scott and dad couldn't bury the hatchet after so long?

Amara: "Rick?"


Amara: "I think that maybe you should ask Ororo, or maybe Hank. Hell, even Logan. Try to get some answers from them."

"You know, I came across an old Danger Room video in the archives. And Scott and dad seemed like really close friends. And Jean herself told me that they were good friends."

Amara: "And then they mysteriously became enemies? Hmmm, maybe a girl was involved?"

"Oh my gosh!"

Amara: "What is it?"

"Something I just remembered."

Amara: "What?"

"This does NOT find its way to the gossip network!"

Amara: "Oh alright!"

Jean told me that she and Scott were once an item. But then Scott broke it off with her to pursue a "someone else". It didn't work out at all. Jean got her heart broken when Scott left her. And Scott got his heart broken when the mysterious "someone else" revealed that she didn't love him. On more than one occasion I had asked her if that "someone else" was Emma Frost. Jean emphatically denied it on all occasions.

Amara: "What are you saying?"

Jean had never seemed willing to tell me who the someone else was. Now, IF that someone else Jean was referring to was my mother - it would all make sense. Like a missing piece of a jigsaw puzzle just fitting into its place - neatly. What if Scott left Jean for my mother? And my father wanted him to leave her alone. It could have wrecked their friendship. And Jean would have had her heart broken. My mother chose my father - and he got her pregnant at that age. It could have seemed to Scott almost like a spite thing...and Scott could have gone raving mad at him. If my mother was resisting Scott's advances, Jean wouldn't have logically been mad at her - hence they would have remained 'sisters' for so long after. But dad and Scott - enemies.

Amara: "Rick, you could damned well be right."

"It would explain why Scott was treating me so bad."

Under a vow of secrecy, I told her of the incident that had occurred in Professor Xavier's office. Right after my fight with Jake and friends, I had been summoned to his office. Jean and Ororo were there too. And so was Scott. He was raving mad at what had happened. And when I wasn't going to get punished because the Professor thought that it wasn't exactly my fault - he said that I was getting preferential treatment because I was "Josh's son".

Amara: "This is like a bloody soap opera!"

"Don't sound so entertained."

Amara: "Sorry."

It did turn bloody shortly after. I got blasted clear across my room because Scott felt he had the right to barge in when I expressly told him that he couldn't.

"It would explain why Jean was so unwilling to tell me who the someone else was. And why Scott AND dad never did either."

Amara: "But you and Scott started to get along better, right?"

"Yeah. But after this - I really don't know what to expect."

Amara: "Well, just don't automatically assume the worst. He changed his attitude then. Maybe he's mature enough now not to project his negative feelings for your father onto you. Maybe he judges you by your actions and not by your father's past."

"Wow, Amara. You are really getting into the psycho-babble scene."

Amara: "I know. I admit, I tried to broaden my mind with some higher reading."


Amara: "Honestly - I thought that maybe Jake wanted a girl with intelligence AND beauty."

She saddened instantly.

"Oh, Amara..."

Amara: "But I shan't give up! He's playing hard to get, that's all."

"Speaking of which...has Jubilee or Ray - "

Amara: "Nope. Jubilee has disappeared with Brian somewhere. And Ray is flaunting his two whores in the commons."

"Well, I'm sure all this crap will work out in time."

Fingers crossed...

"A First Encounter"

A couple days passed and things refused to get much better. I tried skipping Thursday's Psionics class. It didn't take and I was sent a warning note by Jean and Betsy - purely in a professional capacity. I had come to learn by Friday morning that I wasn't on Betsy's good side anymore. It made sense considering Betsy's own past with Emma. Jean must have held off on telling her about my lying until sometime after the dinner. When I entered the Psionic's classroom on Friday morning, both Jean and Betsy treated me to non-emotional expressions and asked me to take my new seat. They had even decided to move me from the front row, all the way to the back. Not that I had any problem with it mind you. I was actually hoping that I would be able to put some distance between us.

Scott seemed to be avoiding me. That was what it seemed like to me. Ordinarily, he had the habit of popping up where and when you least expected him to. But between Wednesday and Friday mid-afternoon, I hadn't run into him anywhere. It wasn't that I didn't see him - because I did at the cafeteria. But I didn't have any personal contact with him at all. I'd done some thinking with regards to Scott. I really didn't need to add another member of staff on my list. All I had were suspicions about the cause of the feud between him and dad - nothing conclusive.

How was I to know for sure that dad hadn't wronged him? Before my birthday drama, had anyone told me that my father could wrong someone else, I would have told them to get bent. But it could have been that they both wronged each other. Scott wasn't known to lose his cool. Something had to really have ticked him off for him to beat my dad like he had. And it wasn't like Scott came out unscathed either. That said, I decided to suspend judgement on Scott until such time as conclusive evidence came to light. Besides, I was more than prepared to believe that his relationship with Jean Grey had something to do with his avoidance. Thankfully he had not declared war and actively sought trouble with me. Like I said, I really didn't need another name on my list.

And as for Ororo, thank goodness she was as cool with me as ever. And I mean cool as in "okay" and not in an emotional sense. But then, she was more mature than the rest of the females of The Sisterhood. I always knew she had the most developed sense of balance compared with the rest of them. My Elementals classes with her went smoothly enough. Although...people did keep throwing me notes asking, in a not so nice manner, how Jean was to blame for the recent rash of anti-mutant sentiment.

Rogue, well Rogue was for the want of a better phrase - a coward. I don't mean it in a bad way. She treated me, Bobby and Jamie just the same - when Jean and Betsy weren't around that is. As a matter of fact, the way she was eyeing Bobby made me believe that she was glad he helped me out in my endeavors like any good man should. She made it clear that her only real fear of Emma was her stealing Remmy away from her. On more than one occasion, she made it known that she had seen how Remmy eyed "that wench". If all Emma was doing at Strip Central was stripping, then it was okay. After all, Rogue had a much darker past than that of a stripper and she was forgiven for it. I admit, both Bobby and I were rather nervous around her. Remmy's cheating was acting on our consciences. He was never really into public displays of affection before. But he seemed to be hugging Rogue and taking walks and such with her a lot more. We'd have to carefully decide on what to do. Rogue may have been among the physically strongest X-men. But emotionally, she was a softie.

Ray: " we are."

Jubilee: "You never saw it fit to announce our arrival before."

Uh huh. They were still on their separate ways. And she was right. Ray was wearing the male equivalent of Amara's expression. At least the other members were not openly expressing the desire to see what would happen when we met our X-training instructor - Scott Summers. We entered the empty Danger Room. Scott was at the center, waiting for us. I was early - for a change. He has a thing about punctuality. I really didn't want to piss him off with tardiness.

Scott: "Amazing. You're actually all here early."

He didn't sound irritated in the least. I noticed the his lip was still bruised. He was serious about keeping his injuries around after all.

Ray: "Um...yeah, Cyclops."

Scott/Cyclops: "And codenames..."

Jake: "Well, we ARE here for training aren't we?"

Scott: "Actually, I have been asked to be present for a meeting with you today."

He wanted to speak with us? About what? Maybe more "information is ammunition" type training, we all thought.

Amara: "Really? About what Mr - um, Cyclops?"

Scott: "About what will be happening here come next week Monday."

He could only mean one thing. The tests. The government was acting very quickly indeed. Every night it was on the news. Hank was so right. The very first place they were targetting was the school system. Testing was to begin the next Monday - country wide. The tests were simple to carry out - and automated computer analysis made the results even simpler to evaluate.

David: "The tests?"

Scott: "Yeah, that. Come on. You might as well hear this in comfort from someone more informed than I. Let's all go to the War Room - Hank and Professor Xavier are waiting for us."

Why didn't he just ask us to go to the War Room in a message in the first place. I hope dad didn't really hit him hard on the head. Nevertheless, we all complied and followed our leader to the War Room. Sure enough, Professor Xavier and Hank were already seated. But they weren't the only ones there. Seated between them was someone else. A man who looked to be in his late forties, I couldn't tell how old exactly, sat on one of the seats. His hair was mostly grey despite the fairly middle aged facial features. Most strikingly, he wore an eyepatch across his left eye. The way his mouth and face were set told me that he was a serious sort.

Do you guys know him?

Ray: No, I ain't ever seen him before.

Everyone else was clueless as to who this mystery man could be. Scott instructed us all to have a seat. We did so, nervously.

Professor Xavier: "Juniors, I would like to introduce Colonel Nicholas Fury."

Colonel...military. That was enough to get all of us jittery. And, Fury - what a name to go with his expression...

Colonel Fury: "Nick. Nick will do."

We all nodded as apparently that statement was meant for us. Ray shakily raised his hand.

Nick: "Yes?"

Ray: "Who exactly are you? I mean colonel. Are you...military?"

Nick: "I am not exactly at liberty to discuss that. Suffice it to say that I belong to an organization that is...affiliated with this facility."

Hank, Scott and the Professor all nodded slowly.

Hank: "Nick is here to offer us some assistance."

Nick nodded.

Nick: "I suppose you all know about the government's plans to begin mutation tests in the school system by next Monday?"

Everyone nodded. You could see the problem. The Xavier Institute posed as a school for particularly gifted students to the outside world. And whilst it was a private institute - it would not be overlooked. After all, the mutation testing was being seen as a matter of national security after the terrorist attack on the Bayville City Hall.

Nick: "You should know - that come next week...this facility will be visited by a team of scientists and technicians. Each and every student, member of staff and so forth WILL be tested."

We all took that in with some fear. Nick sounded like he knew exactly what he was talking about. The fact that he was in the top-secret Subbasement meant that he had to know about the X-men too. After all, Scott was wearing his full-fledged X-man uniform.

Nick: "Do you know anything about mutant classification?"

David shyly answered that we were all told about the Greek Letter Classification System. What came next was a complete surprise - especially after Moira explained so much about it.

Nick: "That is NOT the system that will be used here."

David: "B-But why?"

Nick: "Several factors..."

Nick went on to explain. For one thing, that system was developed years ago. Much more recent information and research had been conducted on Mutation in the years following. Secondly, the terms "flaw" and "defect" were highly subjective. What the general public saw as a flaw - may not seem that way to a mutant. As a matter of fact - many scientists who worked on the Greek Letter Classification System saw Mutation itself as a flaw. To quote one, "A deviation from healthy, cellular activity."  

Another problem with the other system was the rather arbitrary dividing line between the classes. It would be hard to tell the difference between Betas and Gammas under such a system. It was claimed that Gammas have severe "flaws" and Betas have minor "flaws". Since "flaws" were subjective - how would we be able to accurately group ambiguous mutants? To complicate the issue - the amount of mutant energy being generated by different mutants was added in as an afterthought. Combining both qualitative and quantitative aspects in one system was just asking for trouble.

Hank: "I thought so myself."

The government in tandem with United Nations scientists had been working independently on a different classification system for genetic mutation. The details would be released once the testing commenced.

"Um...why not before the testing, sir?"

Nick: "Because the government does not wish to be slowed down by calls for public debate on the validity of the new system itself."

That would make sense.

Bobby: "So if they aren't going to group us like that - then how will they do it?"

Nick: "The new system avoids the terms flaw and such. It doesn't say that mutants of a certain class WILL have a flaw or not. It says they may have secondary effects that may be seen as positive or negative - depending on the way it is looked at."

Well, since the UN had a hand in it - at least the new system was more liberal. At least the researchers were not considering mutation itself as a defect and biasing the entire classification system. He let us all take that in and then continued to say that the practical tests would be the same. It was the way the data obtained was analysed and interpreted that would be different.

Nick: "The new system is based on the maximum possible amount of mutant energy that a mutant can generate. The potential for this is known to be determined by one's DNA."

Hank: "It is a measure of raw mutant potential. It does not necessarily mean that a mutant WILL live up to that potential."

Hank gave an analogy to help the less scientific minds understand. If a person has a number of genes for tallness, he or she CAN grow tall. They have the potential for it. But whether they do or not is also contributed to by environmental factors - like calcium, vitamin D, vitamin C and protein intake for instance. It was the same case with mutant abilities - except that a full list of environment factors was unknown.

David: "So they're going to try and determine our maximum level of mutant energy generation - and then group us according to that?"

Nick: "Precisely. Personally, I prefer this system to the old. I don't appreciate the term flaw."

Jamie took that to mean that Colonel Fury was a mutant.

Jamie: "Um, what can you do?"

Nick: "I am not a mutant, young man."

That piece of news shocked us even more. How the hell was he NOT a mutant? A glance from Professor Xavier told us that we shouldn't ask anymore personal questions like that.

Nick: "The new system - The Mutant Energy Potential Rating Scheme - will be used here in the United States. I expect other countries will prefer it over the old as well."

We were all eager to learn about the details.

Nick: "There are five major classes of mutants."

He clicked a button and the main display lit up with a presentation...


Note :-

Only some of the more common mutant abilities studied are used here as examples. There IS NO complete list of mutant abilities. The analysis approach used is a quantitative one using maximum potential mutant energy generation, as determined by testing.

The distinction between "mutant energy" and "mutant ability" must be made clear. They are related, not synonymous. Mutant energy runs the abilities. Mutants with more than one ability may be adept at all of them or just one. This preference is also genetically and/or environmentally determined. These classifications are only based upon MUTANT ENERGY LEVELS. A Class 3 mutant may be much better than a Class 4 mutant at controlling his or her ability, even though the Class 4 has a higher POTENTIAL. Potentiality and actuality are two different things. Please bear this is mind.


Mutants with differences in DNA that may render them different in morphology (physical form or appearance) or physiology (the way the body works). These differences may or may not be seen as "flaws". For example a non-mutant human may think someone with blue skin deformed. But the mutant with that trait might not. It may even be seen from a reversed point of view. That is, a human may see the trait as an advantage whilst the mutant sees it as a defect. Hence, the avoidance of the term flaw.

By all determinations, mutants in the Class 1 range will have no significant advantage when compared with the general non-mutant population.


Mutants in the Class 2 designation definitely have some advantage over non-mutants. They may look, act and function like non-mutants, or they may not. Once again, the term "flaw" is avoided. The advantages these individuals possess are relatively moderate. A lot of Class 2 mutant were found to possess modest physical advantages like enhanced reflexes and coordination, enhances senses, night vision etc.

Many also possess strengthened and augmented biological systems. For example, individuals have been found in the experiments with heightened immunities to disease, slightly increased reflexes, increased fertility, increased stamina, improved mental concentration and intelligence as well as enhanced sexual ability. Some individuals have been found with their intuition developed fairly well - but no true Psionic ability. For the most part, with a few exceptions, enhancements in this group are passive.


Mutants within the Class 3 rank for the most part look and function like non-mutants. There are exceptions to this general rule however. The majority of mutants are believed to fall within this category. The mutant traits become much more pronounced starting from this level.

Some examples, certainly not a complete list, include the fact that the Psionic abilities appear to require Class 3 mutant energy generation as a minimum prerequisite.

Energy manipulating mutant abilities, as well as Elemental abilities, also seemingly require mutants to be at a minimum Class 3 level.

Abilities that affect matter considerably, also make their debut at this level. In the UN funded research experiments, no shape-shifter was found at a level lower than Class 3.

Physical mutant ablities like enhanced strength and reflexes have also been found in this class as being more advanced than in Class 2, though not commonly in the superhuman range.

Hence we can be fairly certain that the more pronounced mutant traits begin from the Class 3 level.


Such individuals have the potential to generate far more mutant energy than any of the other preceding classes. Hence the abilities, powered by mutant energy, get significantly stronger.

When physically oriented mutants are found in this class - they are almost always in the superhumanly strong category. Lower Class physically enhanced mutants usually have a strength rating to a somewhat lesser degree.

High level psychic ability also begins at this level. Mutants with multiple psychic abilities also become more common in this category than in Class 3.

Energy manipulating mutations, whilst also found in Class 3, are incredibly more advanced and powerful.

Many mutants with abilities that alter the form of physical matter have been found within this category. Such mutants include, but are not limited to, Reality Warpers, extremely gifted shape-shifters etc.

High level Elementals with the potential to generate, manipulate and control various elemental forms, have been found in this Class. Multi-Elementals apparently require Class 4 status as a minimum prerequisite. Only Uni-Elementals are found in CLASS 3. When Uni-Elementals are found within the Class 4 designation - they are vastly more powerful than their Class 3 counterparts, sometimes with the potential to exceed the ability of Class 4 Multi-Elementals to control the relevant element.

Class 4 mutants are significantly more rare than Class 3 (average level) mutants.


Individuals in the Class 5 rating have the potential to generate even more mutant energy than Class 4 mutants. This is the primary means of differentiating between Class 4 and Class 5 individuals.

Evidence - admittedly inconclusive - showed the presence of very few purely physical oriented mutations in this group. For the most part, the mutations found in this rank tended to be very high level Psionic, Energy Manipulation, Elemental, Reality Altering, Temporal and other similarly extraordinary abilities. Nearly all Class 5 mutants studied proved capable of affecting matter and/or energy on a molecular level - even more so than their Class 4 counterparts.

Class 5 mutants, like Class 4 individuals, are believed to be relatively rare in comparison with the general mutant populace. Relatively few mutants of this calibre were willing to come forward for testing. Therefore, we were forced to assume that there were relatively few in existance to begin with. As a result of such assumptions, we cannot be certain that these conclusions are representative for all Class 5 mutants. Of this rank, we know very little. Research was based largely on Psionic mutants and others of types previously listed.

End Note :-

This scheme is in no way complete. Only mutants who willingly allowed themselves to be tested were used to formulate it. In every system of biological classification there are exceptions. We have not found evidence of higher classes, but as scientists we cannot deny the possibility until evidence is found that conclusively rules it out.

David: "They used tests on mutants..."

Nick: "They claim, both our government as well as the UN, that the testing was purely voluntary."

None of us were willing to accept that at face value. After all, the government lied about the shutdown of the Sentinel program. Do you really think that they'd tell the truth about forcing tests upon mutants? That was serious human rights infringe...well, they WOULD argue that the mutants weren't human I supposed... But in any case, even animals have rights. No way would any government admit to forced testing.

Jake: "They really expect people to believe that?"

Nick: "There isn't any evidence to suggest otherwise. But I must admit...there isn't any to prove that it was purely voluntary either. You will have to trust them for now."

Ray: "So when the government sends people here on Monday - "

Nick: "The government won't be sending their people. My people will be the ones conducting the tests."

David: "I don't understand. How can that be? If you aren't government, and this IS a national security matter - won't they have a problem with other non-government personel - "

Nick: "Let's just say that my people and the government have certain agreements in place. You can't get away from the testing. But we have some say concerning who does the test. This facility will remain anonymous and in operation."

We all took that in. Whoever this Nick was, he seemed to have everything all thought out. And he and his "people" had agreements with the government. Who the hell had that kind of power to go up against them?

Nick: "Well if there are no questions..."

The presentation was rather self-explanatory.

Nick: "I'd best be going. Time is precious and I have so little of it these days."

He nodded to Hank, Scott and Professor Xavier and exited the room.

Ray: "Professor, who was that guy? Who are his...people?"

Professor Xavier: "You all know that this facility is supported by certain individuals."

Well yes, but he never made any attempt to explain who exactly. Nick Fury said that his organization was affiliated with our school. And that was the same group who had power enough to bargain with the government?

Professor Xavier: "I'm afraid I cannot yet divulge that information. Do me that it is in your best interest."

I could see that Professor Xavier was earnest in asking his question. We all said that we trusted him.

Professor Xavier: "One day, you will all be ready to know. Until then, I hope that I can keep your trust."

"Where are the other X-men? Why weren't they here for this?"

Scott: "We all had a meeting with Colonel Fury earlier."

If we were all X-men in OJT status, then why didn't we get to attend THAT meeting?

Hank broke the awkward silence by announcing that he was going to go over the presentation in order to make sure we understood it...

"Doubt's Debut"

During the weekend, a nervous, tense and sometimes scared atmosphere hung over the school. Of course Professor Xavier made an announcement - without explaining anything in detail - that there was nothing to worry about. I suppose the sudden mood shift caused other emotions to come pouring out or something, but requests for personal time with Counselor Emma abounded. She did her best to calm the school populace, but by Sunday - she was forced to take a break. Her time as a counselor was fast coming to an end.

Emma: "Those poor dears. They're all scared that the 'government' will taken some of them away. The ones with control issues anyway."

Yeah, basically everybody saw the motive of the proposed tests as in the identification of 'dangerous' mutants. Thank heavens that the government scientists wouldn't be the ones testing. The idea of being taken away for 'help' was scary. The announcements over the news kept on saying that there were no plans in the works to isolate and 'help' mutants with issues. But like I said, we didn't trust the government. If a government scientist deemed me as dangerous and tried to take me away - to Hell with the government!

"Classification... What a ridiculous idea! As if ONE system can possibly hope to classify all or most mutants. We're all so unique and diverse."

Emma: "I know. They're all doing it because they're afraid."

That was Emma's opinion and I agreed with her. They wanted to group mutants in terms of power level. The higher the mutant energy rating - the more powerful aka the more 'dangerous' the mutant. Most purist humans argue that mutants are like a deviation from the norm - human perfection. Emma believed that the government would ignore the Class 1 mutants for the most part and focus on the Class 3 and above. After all, the 'dangerous' mutant abilities tended to start from Class 3.

"You know what I think? Beside the fear - they are jealous. We can do things that they can't. Sour grapes. Because they can't do what we can do...they turn it into a sinful, 'wrong' corruption of the human condition."

Emma: "Well, it has happened before. Different types of proto-humans competed with each other for the same resources, in the same environment...and the result was the human race as we know it."

She was right. Whenever two or more lifeforms compete for the same things in the same tends to out compete the others in the struggle for existance. Survival of the fittest and all...Darwinism. The humans were probably afraid of the thought that one day - we'd be in the majority and they'd be in the minority. Or that eventually, they would be able to compete as effectively and would be wiped out totally.

Emma: "Mark my words, dear...this entire mutant registration schtick...will result in a slippery slope. The government will know where each mutant lives, which areas have the most mutants, of what class they are, what abilities they have...everything. The day may come when they decide to use that information."

"Like what?"

Emma: "You may see mutant areas being given less funding for health services, schools and such. You might even see the government determining where people can and cannot live - they might not want too many high level mutants to live in the same geographical area."

Yeah, because then too much power would be concentrated in one place - a threat. Not to mention that two high level mutants could end up having kids...who would almost certainly be high level. Emma said that they'd even block mutants from joining the military. Colleges and other institutes would probably have a right to know about the 'background' of their prospective students. A mutant with 'problems' might be blocked from entering.

"I never thought that the day would come when they'd force people to give up their secrets like that."

Emma: "It'll be a whole new world come next week Monday. I myself am afraid."

"You're afraid?"

Emma: "Yes. The Sentinel program was stopped - well it seemed that way - only when they turned on humans. This is the first real step the humans have taken to secure themselves that probably will not backfire on humans. The mutant population will NOT be pleased..."

She was afraid of nationwide turmoil. People have a way of fighting for their rights and freedoms.

Emma: "Take the old slavery days to the 1960s. The atrocities and crimes against humanity that were committed because of man's inhumanity to man. The oppressed stood up for their rights and even though the system refused to hear their voices...they didn't shut up. They fought for their freedom and equality."

"It's the same thing all over again. Except now it isn't about race."

Emma: "The Ku Klux Klan and other 'institutions' still exist, Rick. Even though it's now known exactly how they spent their time - murdering innocents. I'm afraid we can expect much more of those groups with an anti-mutant stance."

Emma continued packing away her things from the office, a deeply disturbed expression on her face.

"Do you...think that mutants will try to fight for their rights?"

Emma: "Many will be without hope and just succumb to the system. Many more might protest peacefully. But ideologies like Magneto's will seem appealing to a lot more people after next week."

Ideologies like Magneto's... That day marked the first time I ever developed a serious set of doubts about Professor Xavier's line of thinking. From everything he told us about Magneto's beliefs - that a war was coming - I was perfectly willing to believe that Magneto was a madman. But not after having that disturbing conversation with Emma that Sunday evening.

The humans had taken the first step to force mutants out of hiding. How much longer before other measures started being put in place? Before they act on what was learnt from their proposed tests? Professor Xavier expected us to fight for the good of humans and mutants - the good of all? For those who fear and hate us? Fighting for mutant rights would mean going up against the government now. Were the X-men going to fight the government? We - as mutants - must fight for humans when not nearly enough humans would accept that our existance is as 'normal' as theirs? It all sounded so much easier to follow before...when they weren't trying to force people to give up their secrets. Sure, there was no real acceptance of mutation - but at least there seemed to be a "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy in effect in the public mindset.

Emma: "You shouldn't have done what you did on Wednesday."


Emma: "It was wrong to blame Jean. In public or in private. The government - they were probably waiting for any old excuse to pass those laws. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't have put it past them to try and fake a mutant attack at some point to raise the public's anger for their cause. Jean wasn't to blame."

She was right, I know. But when you feel like your actions are being criticized at every sometimes lose it.

Emma: "Well, I'm all packed and ready to move."

Yeah, our new counselor was supposed to make an appearance sometime in the next two day - just in time for the tests too. Emma was finally finished clearing out her office.

Emma: "Now do be a gentleman and put those abilities of yours to good use."

That said, I mentally caught hold of her belongings and telekinetically towed them out, heading for her quarters...

"Remembering Lance"

I didn't get much more than an hour or two of sleep Sunday night. Our entire world was about to change, and there was nothing that we could do about it. No one wanted to be alone either. I'd even called home, talked to mom...listened to dad's words of encouragement. It seemed like the entire school population had but one thought - safety in numbers. All night, students stayed up talking with each other, playing card games, just sitting together, partying to relieve stress... Jubilee and Ray were even starting to act a little nicer to each other. The biggest shock was the fact that several people actually saw it fit to apologize to me about the way I was treated after I got outted to the school.

Ororo: "It's after three. Why don't you all have a couple hours of sleep?"

No one wanted to. I myself wasn't comfortable with the thought of human scientists arriving on the grounds while I was asleep and dreaming.

Logan: "Leave 'em be, 'Ro."

Ororo and Logan left the commons and went outside for a night walk, leaving us youngsters alone once again.

Jamie: "My mom is coming over tomorrow. She's in the air right now."

Yes, those students with parents were all expecting visits. Even my Bobby was expecting one from his dad and brother. And King Jerick would be making a royal visit to see his daughter, Amara. I would say that I was nervous about Bobby's dad coming. But then again, the prospect of the mutant world crumbling apart bit by bit, starting the very next day, was more disturbing. We were somewhat luckier in that we were being spared the government scientists. But what about the other mutants of the nation? And even we couldn't escape the fact that our names, photos and other personal data were going to be stored in some government network somewhere...

John: "Sometimes...I can't help but wonder if maybe Lance was right."

It was one of the few times anyone mentioned Lance. Jenny was confused - so she was given an abridged version of his story. Basically, an ex friend whose philosophy clashed with Professor Xavier's with the result that he left the school.

"I know what you mean."

Ray looked at the both of us, mildly annoyed.

Ray: "Of course he wasn't right. He couldn't possibly have been."

John was quick to explain his statement.

John: "I don't mean right about EVERYTHING. But you have to admit - he always said that days like this were gonna come."

"Did he? He told me that humans simply weren't ready to deal with mutation. That they couldn't even handle simple differences."

John: "Yeah. He might have seemed carefree. But you could tell that those kinda thoughts really affected him. I think they cut him deep."

Ray: "He made his choice - and it was the wrong one. Don't tell me that you'll be joining the...(he glanced at Jenny) his school of thought."

John: "Hey, all I'm saying is that some of the things he said...things we used to scoff at...well they're starting to make a whole lot of sense now."

Ray: "Lance was a loon."

Ray and John were both openly showing their irritation whilst the rest of us just looked on. Personally, it was the first time that I ever heard so much talk about the mysterious Lance.

John: "Before he left - he was our friend. Hell, he was your best friend. I got no problem with you sayin' what he's become is wrong. But don't bash on what he was."

Ray scoffed. John raised his voice a little.

John: "Why can't anyone stand to talk about him anymore? Because of Ray? He was such cool guy."

Ray: "Lance has become part of the problem."

John: "So he lost his way. Who's to say that he won't find it again? It's been years since he left, and people just act like he was never one of us. Don't you guys realize that we were the only ones he had in this place? If we don't remember who he was, who else will?"

Ray: "He couldn't have really been one of us. Not if he could switch sides."

Jenny: "Switch sides..."

John: "You know...sometimes, I think him leaving here isn't your real beef with him."

Ray: "What else could it be?"

John: "A...certain other senior member was bad to the bone. We gave that one the benefit of the doubt. So what - 'bad' people can turn 'good' and we can forgive 'em and forget their past. And when 'good' people go 'bad' - there's nothing but hatred and anger. We don't want to remember the good things about them?"

They were both getting a bit angry.

Roberto: "Guys, we really don't need this right now. Could you drop it?"

They both nodded and leaned back in their seats whilst the rest of us, caught up in our own thoughts, stared in silence...

"Lie, Lie, Lie...Then Lie Some More"

Hank McCoy and Professor Xavier sat in discussion around the third floor conference table. The day had finally arrived...and they were no closer upon a possible explanation for what Colonel Nick Fury would soon find out.

Hank: "Fury won't take it sitting down."

Professor Xavier: "I know. If only if it were not for the DNA component of the test."

And therein lay the problem. Once Rick McKenzie's DNA was analysed, Colonel Nick fury and his "people" would realize that there something abnormal about it.
It was not in Nick Fury's nature to leave things of an "abnormal" nature uninvestigated.

Hank: "We can always deny any knowledge of Rick's altered DNA. But how are we going to keep that information from him this time around?"

Currently, nothing out of the ordinary concerning Rick McKenzie's mutation was occurring. Nothing that they could blame it on. Colonel Fury would certainly want to interview him. Or at the very least, have one of his representatives do it on his behalf. Rick McKenzie would almost certainly learn of it.

Hank: "And we can't ask them to keep his DNA result from Rick without letting on that we knew about it to them."

Professor Xavier: "I know. Fury will literally be furious that we knew one of our students has an altered genome, and didn't inform him. We're going to have to...lie and deny all knowledge of it. As a matter of fact, we're going to have to contact Rick's parents, Scott, Jean, practically the entire staff, Moira...anyone who knows and ask them to deny it as well."

Hank could see how much it troubled Xavier. But there simply was no other way to avoid trouble with Colonel Fury.

Hank: "When Rick finds out about it - how do you think he will react?"

Professor Xavier: "I honestly don't know."

"Will And...Trace?"

Jamie: "Rick, this is my mom."

Tracey: "Hello, I'm Tracey."


Jamie could be smart when it suited him. Since everyone else already knew his mother, he brought her to see me personally in one of the Subbasement's monitoring rooms. That way, no stupid student could yell out a gay quip at me whilst talking to her. I wouldn't want that. Even though Jamie swore that his mom was totally cool. She was nice enough. And had to be very non-clingy to allow her fifteen year old son to be involved with a group like the X-men. I spent a couple minutes talking with her, and then the sliding doors slid opened.

Bobby: "Hey, Tracey."

Tracey: "Hello, Bobby. Where's that father of yours?"

I heard a rather sexy, masculine laugh then and a guy who looked to be in his early forties walked into the room. He looked to me like a forty something year old version of Bobby! Nice musculature, not a gray hair on him - just Bobby's non-descript shade of brown. And a smile that I found to be very familiar.

Man: "Tracey, you don't don't call... Why is it that the only place we meet is at this mansion?"

Tracey: "Because I live all the way across country. And I don't trust you enough to visit you, or have you over at my place."

Man: "Now what is it about me that you don't trust?"

She slapped him playfully and they hugged. And no ordinary hug either. Call me crazy, but there seemed to be some serious chemistry going on between those two. Jamie and Bobby just rolled their eyes. Apparently, it was always like that whenever their parents met.

Bobby: Rick, please don't gawk at my dad.

I'm not! I'm just amazed at the resemblance!

Bobby: "Dad, you already know Jamie. This is Rick McKenzie. He' best friend."

Best friend, good. Did you -

Bobby: Yes! I got Amara to agree. If he asks her - I've been hitting on her for the past two months. Let's hope he doesn't ask when King Jerick is around to hear...

Man: "Hey there."

He offered me his hand, and I took it shakily. Hey, the guy could have possibly ended up being my future father-in-law. I was nervous, though thankfully my palms weren't sweaty.

Man: "William, but everyone calls me Will."

I inwardly chuckled. Bobby disliked anyone calling his Robert. Maybe his dad disliked anyone calling him "William".


Will: "So this is what it's come to?"

Tracey: "I know."

The two of them ignored the rest of us and got wrapped up with each other. Bobby and Jamie sighed once more and we left the subbasement.

"Where's your brother, Bobby?"

His look saddened.

Bobby: "He...couldn't make it."


Bobby: "Yeah, he has to go to school today too."

Bobby explained that his brother Ronald, better known as Ronnie, had planned on coming for a visit too. There was no way that his school could finish all the testing before the end of the week. He thought he'd be excused. But then he found out that he HAD to go to school. They were going to have a day of counselling and information dissemination...compulsory. The chances were that many students of the school would be revealed as mutants. The school wanted to try and sensitize the students to minimize the impact. I was grateful - at the Mansion, everyone was a mutant. No one would be victimized for it. I could only hope for the best for the other mutant students of the nation.

Bobby: "Ronnie isn't a mutant. But he's cool - he'll be the one sticking with his friends if it turns out that any are mutants."

"Well, let's hope that there are many more like him out there."

Walking down the hallways, we could see them. Human scientists, dressed in cryptic uniforms, setting up machinary in rooms that had been cleared for them. They were "Colonel Fury's people". They didn't seem to mind that they were surrounded by a school full of mutants. They looked completely at ease. At first thought I was prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt. But then I saw the others - why they looked so at ease.

Jamie: "Oh my God..."

They looked military enough to me. They had on some sort of uniform, dark blue body suit, with white padded armor, strapped with what looked like stun guns. Thankfully stun guns and not...lethal weapons... Soldier looking men and women - in the Mansion. I doubted that Professor Xavier appreciated that. But I was beginning to realize that Professor Xavier didn't seem to be the one in charge for the time being. In the meeting we had with Colonel Fury, he seemed to be running things. Not the Professor. And everything was so "don't ask". Very uncomfortable to me...

The student population was being kept in the Subbasement. Computers were randomly determining which group of students would go first. As X-men, we would all be tested in the Subbasement Med-Bay, in groups of three. Our results would be the first ones processed. We would know the way the humans viewed us first of all. I glanced at my watch. It was around eight-thirty. We were supposed to be back down in the Subbasement for nine. Barely half an hour left.

Jubilee: "Hey, guys."

Bobby: "Hey. Do you need any - "

Jubilee: "No, we just guided the scientists to the right rooms on this floor. It's the last one."

Jamie: "So..."

Jubilee: "Yeah. They're ready to begin testing the students..."

"I am NOT Getting Naked!"


"How was it? What was it like?"

Jamie allowed himself to be hugged by his mother, whilst telling us what to expect.

Jamie: "First, they injected me with drugs so I couldn't use powers. They just did a basic physical. Then they took some blood. After, they asked me to stand between two panels - for some kind of scans. Mutant Energy Scans, I think. Oh, and an X-ray. When all that was done - they asked me a few questions about my powers, hooked up to a lie detector! As if I'd lie."

That didn't sound so bad. Aside from the lie detector and mutant ability suppressor drugs that is. But I had to ask just in case...

"Did it hurt?"

Jamie: "No, not really. The only thing that hurt a tiny bit was the blood withdrawal. But they said that was because I...was shaking too much."

His mother smiled a little and kissed him in public, to his horror. Everyone in the junior squad seemed relieved that it wasn't going to be a painful or invasive test. That was the last thing we needed. Unlike Amara, who was being given special treatment, we were not royalty. She was allowed to have her father there with her, in a private room with no guards.

Just as we all breathed a sigh of relief that the test didn't sound too bad - we were set on edge again. The door opened and one of the scientists, escorted by a guard, came in with an announcement.

Woman: "We're ready for the next three. Drake, Owens and McKenzie."

Bobby, David and myself.

Jamie's mother lost control of her emotions many times that morning, and hugged us all. Will gave Bobby a hug, David and myself each a pat on the back, an encouraging look and told us all to take it like men. We left the improvised waiting room under the close eye of the guard.

As we were led into the Med-Bay, they separated us, injected us with their drugs and guided us to separate scientists behind three different screens. Having no visual contact with each other was a bit disturbing. It made us fell all alone. To make matters worse, I couldn't sense Bobby to reassure him or get some assurance myself. We were warned earlier that the entire room would be within a telepathy suppressing field...similar to the one we discovered in Nova Roma I bet. They couldn't have any mutants screwing around with their mind whilst conducting the tests after all. Even with drug aided suppression, they were taking no chances.

The physical examination was easy enough. They just checked reflexes, did a body check, weighed me, they added in an X-ray...the normal stuff. The blood withdrawal was a little Jamie, I was shaking a little too much. After about twenty minutes, I was asked to step inside the scanner. And that was where the trouble began. I was in there for a while - couldn't tell how long because they made me remove my watch. Even and especially my cellphone. They said that it could cause problems.

Scientist: "That's odd..."

"I-is something wrong?"

He asked me if I had any other electronic equipment on me besides a watch. He didn't even tell me what the problem was. Talk about inconsiderate.

"No, I just got my clothes on."

Scientist: "Do you have any sort of...electronic implant. Like a pacemaker, perhaps?"

I let my irritation show. What the hell were the odds that a guy my age would need one of those?

"No. What is wrong?"

He ignored the question once more and asked me to remove my clothes, down to the last stitch and then enter the scanner again.

"You've got to be kidding me."

The look on his face made me realize that he wasn't.

"You better think again, dude. I am NOT getting naked."

Scientist: "Guard!"

One of the guards approached, hands already on the stun gun.

Scientist: "I'm afraid I'm going to have to insist."

Scowling, I was forced to agree.

"Would you tell that guard that he's creeping me out with the staring?"

The guard returned to his previous location. Openly swearing to myself, I stepped into the scanner once more.

Scientist: "I just don't understand this."

Bobby and David were done a while before. I could tell because just then, one of the other scientists announced that he was sending for the next three members. My examiner stopped him, threw me one of their suits, waited for me to dress myself and asked me to step into one of the other scanners. I complied and he tried running the test again.

Scientist: "Unbelievable. Nothing is wrong with the scanners. They've all been calibrated correctly."

"Uh...what's wrong?"

I was ignored yet again. I finally had enough and angrily raised my voice,

"What the hell is wrong?!"

That did the trick. With an angry expression, I was given a reply.

Scientist: "For some reason, I can't get a stable reading of your mutant energy level. It's fluctuating and refusing to remain at a single value or even a decent range of values. I can't possibly determine your mutant Class with such erroneous data."

The other two scientists looked at me probingly. Then they sent for Professor Xavier.

Scientist: "Well, we might as well do the interview portion. Go ahead and call for two more members while I deal with this one."

I was led back to the first area and hooked up with multiple electrodes. The polygraph aka lie detector, I guessed.

Scientist: "First we test the machinary. What is your name?"


The machine beeped vigorously.

Scientist: "Well, at least we know the machine is working right. Now, what are your mutant abilities?"

"I am telekinetic, with some telepathic ability...and Elemental."

The machine didn't beep and the scientist assumed that I was telling the truth.

Scientist: "Elemental you say - what Element or Elements are you attuned to?"

"All of them."

His eyebrow jumped when he heard and he quickly checked his lie detector.

Scientist: "All five? And telekinetic with telepathic ability?"

"Yes. But I suck as a telepath though."

Scientist: "But that's...the odds of that are..."

He rushed over to his computer, typed furiously and stared at me totally shocked and perplexed.

Scientist: "Your parents...are they mutant?"

"I don't have to answer that question. You can find and test them if you want to know. Your guys at the door said that I only had to answer questions pertaining to me. Probably so that I can't lie about anyone else and get away with it."

Scientist: "You can't possibly have seven distinct mutant abilities. Not like these anyway. Telekinesis, telepathy and Elemental powers aren't passive. They're active. You simply wouldn't be able to generate enough mutant energy to power them all. Something about you just doesn't add up."

I simply wouldn't have enough energy to power them all? Maybe that could explain why I tired quicker than the others whenever I useed my Elemental abilities. Why telekinesis is the easiest power for me to bend to my will? Why my telepathy is so damned weak! I decided not to say anything about that to him until the Professor arrived.

"Look, I know that I can't be anything below Class 4. I read the presentation Colonel Fury gave. It said that in order to be Multi-Elemental, a mutant has to have Class 4 status at the least."

Scientist: "Your mutant energy readings were nowhere near consistent. Most times they did fall into the Class 4 category. But a few times they dipped into the Class 3. I even detected Class 5 spikes on the graph at a couple points. Are you certain that you don't have any sort of electronic or electric equipment on, or more importantly, IN you?"

Asshole! The thought of saying that I had an electric dildo hidden in my ass for comfort was seeming more and more appealing by the minute. I only avoided saying it because of the guards...and the thought that they might ask me to remove it or check for it themselves. Wouldn't their X-ray have revealed anything foreign in the first place? It was already developed. I could see a visual of it on one of the monitors.

"Look, for the last time - no. You made me stand in the damned scanner naked! What more, hell what LESS, could you ask for? Skinless?"

He just stared at me for a minute or two. What was taking Professor Xavier so long to arrive? And why does the unexpected always have to happen to me?"

"They Think I'm Lying"

Professor Xavier arrived after a considerable period of time. Yeah, I still didn't have a watch on. They made sure to inject him with a healthy dose of suppressor drugs at the door. There was no mistaking the look of mild nervousness on his face. With him also came Ray and Jake, ready to be tested. They glanced at me, confusedly, no doubt wondering what I was doing dressed in a weird medical suit. Jamie mentioned nothing about that. Possibly the length of time they kept me in the room also had something to do with their confusion.

Professor Xavier: "What seems to be the problem?"

"They think I'm lying, Professor."

The scientist scoffed and went on to explain the technical difficulties he was experiencing in trying to give me a mutant energy scan. It was a long winded speech just full of scientific jargon.

Scientist: "Would you please have a seat, sir?"

The Professor sat down and was promptly connected with multiple electrodes to the lie detector.

Scientist: "Every answer you give here will be compared with the student-data in the school database. Now, what are the mutant abilities of this student?"

The Professor calmy repeated what I earlier told the stupid scientist. The machine's graphical trace remained perfectly constant, and not a single "beep" was heard. The scientist sighed in an irritated manner.

Scientist: "I will have to investigate the DNA results. Maybe I'll find some answers there."

Professor Xavier: "Yes...perhaps..."

"Look, can I go now?"

Scientist: "For the time being. Don't wander too far - this computer can analyse the the most complex of DNA results in less than two hours."

I quickly changed back into my regular clothes, grabbed my phone and watch, and made a hasty exit out of the Med Bay. Professor Xavier was asked to remain. While in the Med Bay, he might as well have his test done right then and there. Hmmm... Does Professor Xavier have a pacemaker? I hoped not, or then he'd have some problems...

"Waiting For My Summons"

It was with an irritated tone that I explained my problems to my gathered friends. By then, they had all had their tests, and were waiting for the concluded results. Amara was grateful for her special treatment. As she should have been. She was treated very much more nicely. And they actually answered her questions immediately when she asked them. Not like the way I was dealt with - basically ignored and accused of lying or being "mistaken". Yeah, like I didn't know my own powers and what they could do.

Bobby: "Well...we always knew that this Omni-Elemental thing you got goin' on wasn't anything run of the mill."

Jake: "Yeah. Maybe it could be related to that."

I hated the inconvenience of having to wait around for my summons.

"You know, I thought that when I lost the Elemental powers after the Morlock thing...and THEN got them back, that the weird crap with my powers would stop."

I explained what the scientist had said. That I couldn't have seven distinct abilities because I wouldn't be able to generate enough mutant energy to power them all.

David: "Well, it's not like you use them all at the same time."

"I tried saying that, Dave. But that guy had an excuse for everything."

He said that mutant powers are always "running in the background" in an inert form, ready to be called upon. And that requires energy too, even when they aren't actively in use. It was just like any other biological energetics system.

"The worst part was that they made me stand there naked."

Amara: "Naked?!"

"Wipe that smirk off your face, princess. You too, Jubes."

Jubilee: "Oh, leave us alone. You honestly think you can tell us that and we wouldn't wonder?"

I sat down after my rant, exhausted from working it out of my system.

Ray: "Yeah, that he's done. When we get our results - we all agree to share them, right? We are a team and I think on the field, we need to know each others capabilities. It'll help with strategies."

He was right. On the field, it paid to know both your enemies and your allies as well as possible. So we all said that we would share our results.

"I just can't wait until these blasted people are gone from here."

Sighing, we all agreed...

"Can You Explain These?"

Dr. Sullivan: "Can you explain these?"

Professor Xavier, Scott, Ororo and Hank were staring at the lead scientist as plainly as was humanly possible. Scott in particular was difficult to read. His ruby quartz shades blocked his eyes and made him that much more impervious to visual lie detection. All four had successfully passed the lie detector tests meted out to them and were in the process of being interviewed. The lower ranking scientist who tested Rick had given up and passed the results onto Dr. Sullivan - the lead scientist dispatched to the school.

Dr. Sullivan: "Now, I can understand...Rogue's, Logan's, Summers' and Braddock's situations."

Logan also had problems determining his mutant Class at first. The implant in his brain, discovered shortly after the Canadian wilderness trip, emitted low levels of electromagnetic radiation. It affected the scanning equipment and caused some seriously fluctuating results. But even so, the scientific team were able to modify and recalibrate the equipment to ignore the energy emissions of Logan's implant. In the end, Logan's mutant Class was fixed as Class 3.

The optic energy of Scott Summer's permanently active powers also caused havok with the energy sensitive scanners. But in his case, the scanners were recalibrated to fix his mutant rating at Class 4. Rogue's powers were also permanently active and required further modification. She was rated as a Class 4 mutant as well.

Betsy Braddock had some problems owing to the differences in her DNA due to her Otherworldly father. Her powers were mystical in nature. When her transference, to the body of the ninja she now inhabited, was complete, her mystical heritage warped its DNA to code for psychic powers. Thus, the ninja's body was forcibly mutated so that she could keep her powers at the same level they were before she transferred. Betsy's mutant class was set at Class 4.

Rick's scanning problems had yet to be resolved.

Dr. Sullivan: "Professor Xavier, McCoy - you both have advanced knowledge of genetics. Can you provide any explanations for these extensive genetic aberrations on the Y chromosome?"

The visual on the Med Bay's main display showed the complete genetic karyotype of Rick McKenzie' DNA.

Hank: "My, God...this is..."

Professor Xavier: "Beyond anything I've ever seen."

Dr. Sullivan: "So you had no idea that he was so genetically deformed?"

Scott: "Deformed?"

Dr. Sullivan: "I have seen genetic deviations before - but never anything as extensive as this. Mutants all have an altered X gene - and ONLY that one gene gives them their enhancements. There are over a hundred different genes grafted onto this student's Y chromosome. A completely different chromosome from the one the X gene is on. With such deviation, I'm surprised he isn't manifesting any sort of malignant genetic issues."

All four glanced at each other as the lead scientist carried on...

Dr. Sullivan: " a matter of fact, I don't believe that it was caused by any natural means."

Ororo: "You don't mean..."

Dr. Sullivan: "I am willing to stake my professional career on a bet that this student or a male genetic ancestor suffered some form of genetic modification."

Professor Xavier: "Do you have any idea what these extra genes code for?"

Dr. Sullivan: "I have no idea. But if what you say is true, that he has seven distinct abilities, then perhaps these genes allow for the production of extra mutant energy to meet those demands. It could explain why his energy levels were fluctuating so widely. But that isn't conclusive - and I have another concern."

Ororo: "Which is?"

Dr. Sullivan: "I've already checked the school databases and sent a team to extract a DNA sample from his parents. I need to determine if this boy has suffered from genetic eperimentation. I will need to carry out more tests. Tests I don't have the equipment for here."

All four instantly tensed.

Professor Xavier: "You surely don't mean to say that you plan on taking him away from the school."

Dr. Sullivan: "He'll be with his parents. He IS a minor. These tests are of a national security matter. My orders were strict - determine the mutant Class of every mutant in this facility. I am to thoroughly investigate any exceptionalities. We've already seen what one of yours is capable of. We will not make the mistake of ignoring exceptionalities to the rules."

Ororo: "But his parents don't have custody. He's - "

Dr. Sullivan: "In matters of national security, we both know that individual rights are limited."

Scott: "He's not even an adult yet!"

Dr. Sullivan: "Adult or not, if further research into his genome can help us improve the tests, so that more 'problematic' mutants can be accurately ranked - then science and national security come first."

Professor Xavier: "I would not have contacted Fury for help if I thought he would condone such practices."

Dr. Sullivan: "Colonel Fury was lucky enough to get the government to bend the rules in your favor. Don't make him regret it by resisting. The government will be upon you so fast - "

Scott: "Yeah? We want to speak with Colonel Fury!"

Dr. Sullivan: "He's a very busy man."

Ororo: "The he better schedule the time."

Dr. Sullivan: "Or what? You have a lot more to lose than we do."

No one could think of a suitable threat then and there...

"Self Discovery"

The sealed envelopes were delivered to the War Room where all the X-men (except the Professor, Scott, Hank and Ororo) both junior and senior were patiently waiting. Emma had apparently been totally cleared for her new role as an X-woman over the weekend. As was Michael. Everyone, quickly opened their envelopes and nodded as they read their reports carefully. It was a unanimous decision that we would all share our results. Even though four members were absent, they had already read their results and gave their permission to publicise them. Alone amongst everyone else - I had no results to share.

Jean Grey - Class 5 (Psionic; Very High Level Telekinesis. Mid-Level Telepathy - Telekinesis Dominant)

Michael ????? - Class 5 (Psionic/Matter Manipulation; Very High Level Telekinesis and Telepathy. High level self and exo healing ability via manipulation of matter. Mid-Level Empathy, Clairvoyance and Psychometry.)

Professor Charles Xavier - Class 4 (Psionic; High Level Telekinesis, Telepathy, Empathy, Precognition, Clairvoyance, Psychometry. All equally dominant.)

Ororo Munroe - Class 4 (Elemental; High Level control of Wind, Water, Fire (Heat), Earth (Grounding), Electricity)

Scott Summers - Class 4 (Energy Absorption And Transformation; High Level, Optically focussed beams of mutant transformed Solar Energy)

Rogue - Class 4 (Energy/Ability Draining; Capable of absorbing energy, thoughts, memories and abilities of others. May be permanent depending on length of skin contact. Strength of absorbed powers may vary.)

Elizabeth Braddock - Class 4 (Psionic; High Level Telepathy, Low-Level Telekinesis - Telepathy Dominant)

Emma Grace Frost - Class 4 (Psionic/Matter Manipulation; High Level Telepathy, Transformation into alternate Diamond form via manipulation of matter. When in altered form, physical and energy resistant with greatly enhanced strength.)

Henry McCoy - Class 4 (Physical Enhanced; Heigthened reflexes, senses and agility. Strength in superhuman category.)

Piotr Rasputin - Class 4 (Physical Enhanced/Matter Manipulation; Transformation into altered steel form via manipulation of matter. Reistant to physical, heat and radiation based damaged when in altered form. Strength in superhuman category when in steel form.)

Remmy LaBeau - Class 3 (Energy Generation and Manipulation/Empathy; Mid-Level manipulation of kinetic energy, capable of charging objects with kinetic energy by physical contact. Low-Level Empathy, capable of influencing the sexual responses of others.)

Logan ????? - Class 3 (Physical Enhanced; Heightened reflexes, senses and agility. Automatic healing factor, outstanding immunological defences. Slightly increased physical strength. Moderately enhanced sexual stamina, libido and fertility.)

Warren Worthington III - Class 3 (Physical Enhanced; Wings allowing flight, enhanced speed and agility, slightly increases physical strength, automatic healing factor, outstanding immunological defences.)

Kurt Wagner - Class 3 (Teleportation/Physical Enhanced; Mid-Level teleportation (line of sight/memory/2 mile radius restriction). Enhanced speed, reflexes and agility. Blue skin with dark blue hair - special pigmentation allows for superb camouflage. Yellow pigment in eyes allow for excellent night vision.)

I considered, the majority of the seniors were Class 4 mutants. They must have taken nothing but the best of the best in the "old days". There were just two Class 5 mutants, Jean Grey and Michael. I sorta expected Professor Xavier and Ororo to be Class 5. But then, what the hell - I wasn't one of the Nobel Prize winning scientists who worked on the classification scheme. As for Class 3 mutants, only Kurt, Logan and Remmy counted. Logan's and Remmy's sexual enhancements made for excellent comic and stress relief. Ororo...what a lucky, lucky woman!

Rogue: "Well, it's time, juniors. What did they say about y'all?"

Robert Drake - Class 5 (Combined Elemental/Energy Manipulation/Matter Manipulation; Very High Level control of Water. In combination with Energy Manipulation, instantaneously lowers energy content of water, transforming it to ice. Has the potential to affect the energetics and thermodynamic properties of any substance on a molecular level. Capable of transforming into alternate Ice Form for boosted physical defence via manipulation of matter.)

Jacob Spencer - Class 4 (Psionic/Matter Manipulation; High Level Telepathy. High Level self and exo Healing ability via manipulation of matter.)

Amara - Class 4 (Elemental/Matter Manipulation; High Level generation of Fire and control of Earth. Capable of entering alternate, combined Earth and Fire form via manipulation of matter. When in altered form, immune to fire damage, resistant to physical and energy damage.)

Raymond ????? - Class 3 (Elemental; Mid-Level control and generation of Electricity)

Jubilation Lee - Class 3 (Energy Emission/Manipulation; Generation of Photonic, light based blasts. Ranges fron weak to high intensity.)

Jamie Reyne - Class 3 (Matter Manipulation; Instantaneous cloning upon physical shock. Ten clone limit.)

St. John Allerdyce - Class 3 (Elemental: Mid-Level manipulation of Fire. Incapable of flame generation.)

David Owens - Class 3 (Matter Manipulation; Mid-Level shape-shifter, can morph into animate and inanimate forms. Requires a clear visual, mental image or imagined concept to transform.)

Roberto DaCosta - Class 3 (Combined Elemental/Physical Enhanced/Energy Absorption and Transformation/Matter Manipulation; Absorbs Solar Energy, transforms it to Fire (heat) and enters physically altered state via manipulation of matter. While in physically altered form, gains high physical and energy defence, as well as near superhuman strength.)

We all looked at Bobby and Roberto in surprise! Bobby was the only Class 5 mutant in our squad...right up there with Jean Grey and Michael. The tests measured raw mutant potential...Bobby was not living up to his potential... And Roberto had all those combined attributes to his name - how complex.

Roberto: "Now I think I understand how my powers work."

We all then shifted our attention to Bobby.

Bobby: "Hey, I am as shocked as you guys are. Don't...look at me like that!"

David: "Bobby, the results say that you have energy manipulating potential..."

Bobby: " does that mean?"

Jean: "It means that you can affect the energy content of matter as well as energy transfers."

We were all under the impression that Bobby was just an Elemental. Our nerd, David took Bobby's results, read them and went off on a rant.

David: "Well, according to this, Bobby has the POTENTIAL to control liquid water. Bobby, you just haven't been trained to properly control your powers - it's the impact of an environmental factor. We ALL thought that you were just an Elemental. When you use your powers, you must really be using both of your abilities at once. The Elemental part of you forms water by condensation from the air -"

Michael: "And the Energy Manipulating part must lower the energy content of the water, freezing it. You can use them in combination, not separately. If you could learn to do'd have some real power!"

Bobby: "Hey, I do got real power!"

Michael: "You know what I mean. You could control water you didn't condense yourself. And imagine being able to decrease the energy content of anything...anything at all."

It made sense. Ororo couldn't have possibly trained Bobby properly if he himself didn't know his true potential. Maybe with the proper training, he might be able to learn how to use his two main abilities independently of each other as well. Then he'd be able to live up to his full potential. He might as well do so in his mutant related life. Bobby certainly wasn't living up to his academic potential. Too cool for school, my ass!

Emma: "Well, at least these tests have some positive benefits. They can teach us things about ourselves that we didn't know."

Jean Grey: "As well as things about others that we didn't even, Emma?"

If Bitchiness were a mutant ability, Jean would be high level in that regards too. Emma thankfully ignored Jean's poorly disguised taunt. I wasn't in the mood for a fight.

Logan: "Well, I always knew I was...'special'. I don't need some scientist to tell me that."

Ray: "What, you'd rely on your one night stands?"

Logan: "I ain't ever gotten any complaints."

Warren: "You know, it says 'moderately enhanced', Logan. Your mutation doesn't make you a sex god."

Logan: "Sour grapes..."

Betsy: "Excuse you - my man rocks my world...time and - "

Warren: " - time and time again. Sent by God to be His gift to womankind."

Kurt: "Thou shalt not take the name of God in vain..."

Yeah, they could have afforded to relax and joke whilst I waited, as clueless as ever...

"I Mean What I Say"

Later in the day, while most everyone else was having a somewhat late lunch, I was summoned to the War Room by the Professor. I had been expecting a call for a couple hours, and was surprised that it was taking so long. The scientist who tested me told me not to wander off - that in less than two hours my evaluated results would be ready. It was way after one and then they decided to call me?

I entered the room and saw that Professor Xavier and the lead scientist were not alone in there. Scott, Ororo and Hank were all seated. The Professor beckoned me forward and I nervously approached. Call it intuition, but something seemed off. Everyone had such non-emotional expressions of their faces. And every now and then, Ororo, Scott and Hank would throw the lead scientist a particularly cold glare.

"Have you guys sorted out the problem?"

Professor Xavier: "Please have a seat, Rick. We would like to have a talk with you. This is Dr. Sullivan."

A talk with me? I had come to recognize that grave tone of the Professor's. He used it when we brought Logan home from the Canadian wilderness. He used it during the Nova Roma crisis. Hell, he used it during our Jean Grey abduction fiasco. Something was wrong.

"What's wrong?"

No answer...

"It's me isn't it? What's wrong with me?"

Ororo: "Nothing is wrong with you."

The scientist scoffed.

Dr. Sullivan: "Of course something is wrong with him. As a matter of fact, that is an understatement."

Professor Xavier: "Rick, when your DNA results were analysed, some...differences were found. Extra genes that we cannot account for."

Dr. Sullivan: "Genes that neither the human nor mutant population have."

Extra genes? The look of confusion on my face was evident.

Hank: "We don't know what the genes are responsible for. But there is nothing to suggest that you are in any danger."

" think I'm safe? I'm healthy?"

Dr. Sullivan: "We don't know if he's healthy for sure, McCoy. What if these genes have some kind of delayed effects? A genetic predisposition to things later in life?"

"But I don't feel...wrong. I've never felt wrong. I'm fine."

Scott: "Yes. Regardless of what anybody says - "

Scott looked at Dr. Sullivan hard,

Scott: " - nothing is wrong with you. We think that you've had these genes from birth. But in order to make sure - a team of technicians was sent to get a DNA sample from your father."

Hank then explained it some more to me. If my father had the extra genes too - then I had inherited it from him. If he didn't...then sometime after I was born, my genetic code was altered.

"Altered? How? And why test my father? Why not my mother?"

They had news for me. The extra genes were on my Y chromosome. Women have no Y chromosome to pass onto their children. Men do. If I inherited it from my father, he HAD to have those extra genes too.

"And altered?"

Hank: "We don't think...that this is natural."


Dr. Sullivan: "There are signs of genetic tinkering. If you weren't altered artificially, or your father - then some male ancestor certainly was."

Hank was quick to add,

Hank: "But don't worry. There is no sign to suggest that your genetic code is unstable. The genes are completely intact and established."

Genetic tinkering? Either to me, my dad...or some male ancestor? Before I could get a chance to deal with the rush of information, the lead scientist brashly continued.

Dr. Sullivan: "It is imperative that we study this situation more closely. We need to determine the purpose of those genes and how they work - someone with unsurpassed genetic expertise had to be responsible...I've never seen anything close to such modification before. We must learn as much about it as possible - which I why you'll be coming with us to - "

That was all I needed to hear,

"I'm not going anywhere with you people."

Dr. Sullivan: "I don't think you understand how important it is that we - "

"No, you don't understand. When I say something, I mean it. And I mean that I'm not going anywhere with you people."

Dr. Sullivan: "We are only trying to help you."

Help me? When I was totally confused in the Med Bay, and asked one of those 'helpful' scientists a simple question, he ignored me until I had to nearly lose it to get answers. They all refused to believe me when I gave them answers to their questions - they accused me of lying. They made me get naked for that scanner, when I refused - a guard was called. And all of that happened on my home ground. What they hell would they do on theirs?

Dr. Sullivan: "Well, I'm afraid that it's not your decision to make."

"Not my decision. It's my fuckin' life and I'll do what the hell I feel with it!"

Professor Xavier: "No one is taking you anywhere. Nothing is yet final. Colonel Fury will be making the final decision. We're establishing a vid-link right now."

There was something about the way the scientist was watching me that made me uncomfortable...

Hank: "Finally."

Fury: "This better be high priority."

Professor Xavier: "It is, Colonel. Sorry for disturbing you."

They all began chattering away at the same time, explaining different sides of the problem, raising voices in argument and generally raising hell.

Fury: "People! Professionalism! Stop behaving like children!

Dr. Sullivan: "This situation warrants immediate study, Colonel."

Fury: "I agree."

Professor Xavier: "Colonel, removing students from this facility and transferring them to another was not discussed. It was not supposed to be an option."

Fury: "Charles, I have very little freedom here. The government cannot be ignored. I was lucky that they didn't ask me to name the facility I wanted to investigated myself. The favors they owe me have their limits."

I had enough of their talk.

"This is the United States of America! It's all going to hell slowly - but I still have my rights! Inalienable rights to the enjoyment of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Don't we still hold those to be self-evident?"

Fury: "Son, while I admire your patriotism, things are a bit more complicated than - "

"I mean, we're mutants, we didn't ask to be this way. Nature made us this way. We aren't breaking any natural laws. And if my...issues were caused by genetic tampering, then I am a victim. I didn't commit any crime. You can't take my liberty from me."

Dr. Sullivan: "The fact is, we have to determine if you pose any risk to the well-being of the nation or its people. Until we determine your mutant Class and capabilities, your potential will be unknown. It is a risk we are not willing to take."

"So you want to try to force me to go with you? That's virtual arrest! For something I didn't even do. You want to take my freedom for something you're afraid I MIGHT be capable of? Yeah, that's justice alright."

Dr. Sullivan: "The law is the law."

He must not have known that he was talking to a lawyer's son. The idea that I'd accept a statement like "The Law Is The Law".

"Then the law is fucking flawed. Do you remember a time when slavery used to be legal? Or when women weren't allowed to vote? Lots of people thought it was fine then too!"

There was an awkward pause then.

Dr. Sullivan: "Would someone turn up the air conditioning? It's getting hot in here."

Scott wiped the beads of perspiration off is forehead and complied grudgingly.

Ororo: "Perhaps we can come to a compromise. Maybe we - "

Dr. Sullivan: "Our organization has compromised with you people and the government long enough. It's high time for - "

Fury: "Shut up and let the lady talk."

Dr. Sullivan looked stung by that statement.

Ororo: "Thank you, Colonel. What if we keep Rick, our student, here...and allow your scientists to stay and carry out their investigation?"

I interrupted.

"Yeah, I suppose I'll have to do whatever they say or they'll make the soldiers stun me, huh?"

Fury: "Believe it or not, this is also in your own best interest."

"You know, Emma was right. This is the start of the slippery slope."

Ororo: "I'm afraid I have to agree."

"If we don't stand up for our rights, then the government will just take advantage of us - and eventually we'll have no rights left to defend at all."

Ororo, Hank and Scott looked at me in surprise at making such a statement. But I meant it. It wasn't as if it never happened before to other oppressed people.

Professor Xavier: "About Ororo's proposal...can you - "

Fury: "I honestly want to. Your students are fine young people, Charles. It's just that I'm under so much pressure."

Dr. Sullivan: "Do you really think we can work here? With high level, mind readers surrounding us? What's to stop them from influencing our thoughts?"

Scott: "Psionically shielded headsets."

Dr. Sullivan: "The investigation will take time. The effects of long term usage of such headsets are unknown. Not to mention that they can cause migraines in the short term and are very uncomfortable. We can't possibly wear them twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. And I KNOW that no one will want to have their powers suppressed for days at a time. People are complaining about the fact that they can't stand a single day without their powers - they only have half a day more to go."

What the hell did a human like him know about being a mutant anyway? They didn't have any powers. How'd they like to feel like they were functioning without an less than optimum?

Fury: "Look, kid...if you go with Dr. Sullivan, I'll only authorise him to keep you for a week at a time. That's a five day week. You can return to the Mansion on the weekends. And it'll only be for a maximum of two weeks. We...we aren't the government if that's what you're thinking. I won't send you to the regular place. You'll go to another facility instead."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dr. Sullivan suppressing a victory smile.

"Where is this...facility?"

Fury: "That's classified information."

"How far away from here?"

Fury: "Also classified."

"If you plan on 'classifying' ME any time soon - you better cough up some info."

Scott, Hank and Ororo all looked at me aghast. I didn't really care at that point. They didn't tell me anything who he was - or who his "people" were. How the hell was I to know what kind of exact treatment he warranted anyway?

Fury: "Spunky kid... Okay, here's something - you'll have to take a plane to get there."

A plane...that meant it was reasonably distant.

Fury: "The location is classified to you. But not to the senior X-men. They'll know where you are. And you won't be treated like you're in prison. It is heavily guarded - but it's a lot like the Mansion. And there are others there just like you - all ages - people we have not been able to classify."

"But the testing only started today. Other people are there already? So soon? Sounds suspicious to me."

He had some news for us. Preliminary testing was being carried out by their people since before the mutant registration act was even passed. But only upon mutants who wanted to be test subjects. They always knew that it was just a matter of time before the government had their way. The only reason why they did preliminary testing was to see if the new system of mutant classification would work in large scale trials...not for anything sinister.

"So, is this a common problem?"

Fury: "No. But it has occurred in others. They didn't have altered DNA though. Other people have had problems, but unlike you and the others, theirs were solved. I got a report that Logan, Rogue, Cyclops and Psylocke all had initial issues. Their issues were totally different to what we're seeing in people like you."

I couldn't expect Professor Xavier to endanger the school by fighting the law. And I myself was very curious to find out the implications of what they were telling me. Altered genetics, it honestly scared me. Hank said that he thought I was safe...healthy. But the scientist guy, asshole though he was, said that they couldn't be one hundred percent sure until a proper investigation was done.

"If I go...I want another scientist to conduct the investigation. Not this idiot."

Fury: "Won't be a problem. Dr. Cecilia Reyes is the head of that facility. She's a lot more...sensitive than most. As a matter of fact, you'll relate well to her. She IS a mutant herself. Professor Xavier no doubt has at least heard of her."

Scott: "I suppose you'll keep his powers suppressed the whole time? As if he's some kind of threat?"

Fury: "No, only mutants who have powers developed beyond their control are suppressed for their own safety as well as for the safety of others."

"Wait, if the facility is classified, then how could people decide to go there? How would they even know about it. I don't - "

Fury: "Dr. Reyes runs a nationwide hospital, mutant outreach program. Often, when mutations first arise in teenagers, they run to the hospitals asking what's wrong with them. We have people in hospitals nationwide who help them to understand it. Those who have serious problems - are sent to Cecilia. We started the voluntary testing at a few discrete centers. That's how we found people who are seemingly unclassifiable. We even have an agreement with the government in operation."

I turned to the Professor.

"Do this guy?"

Professor Xavier: "Yes. He's been instrumental in the formation and continued success of this school. And he has made significant contributions to the X-men. Most of our technology came courtesy of him. He knows all there is to know about us and has always been an active supporter for mutant rights."

I turned once more to the video display.

"You say it's kinda like this school?"

Fury: "Yes. You'll have all the benefits and privileges you're accustomed too. Television, phonecalls, internet, sports facilities,'s not an academic institute by the way. You won't have classes or the like. They make your stay comfortable whilst your issues are being investigated. Almost like a vacation."

"I can keep phone contact with the school everyday?"

Fury: "Yes, certainly."

"Will my calls be monitored?"

Colonel Fury looked slightly amused.

Fury: "You're quite the conspiracy theorist. To the best of my knowledge, no."

"I have to be a conspiracy theorist, sir. We're living in a whole new world now. The president can lie to the people and get away with it. And I'm not talking about lies like the Monica Lewinsky lie.'s cause for worry. Where my safety is concerned - I'm being very, very selective with my trust."

Fury: "Well, I'm not the president. And I'm not lying to you."

He seemed like a sincere sort. Not like that blasted lead scientist, Dr. Sullivan. And the Professor did say he could be trusted...

"If the place isn't classified to the seniors and they'll know where I am...can one of them come with me for the journey to the place - in the plane's cockpit by the way? Just so I can be sure they know where I am?"

Colonel Fury nodded.

"Okay...two weeks max, right?"

Fury: "Right. You'll have to be ready to leave by tomorrow."

"So soon?"

Fury: "The sooner you start...the sooner you'll finish."

He had a point. I nodded.

Fury: "Good, now if that's all settled, I have a crisis in the Middle East to deal with."

The vid-link was closed.

Scott: "I'll go with you...if you want me to, that is."

"Jean won't have a problem with - "

He smiled.

Scott: "We aren't exactly married. Jean's not the boss of me."

Dad wouldn't be pleased to hear that I was associating with Scott. But truth be told, he was one of our leaders. And I'd feel a lot more secure with someone like him accompanying me to the place. Professor Xavier had to remain at the school. And Ororo was busy mothering the students in her gentle way. She was needed at the Mansion too. Emma...was nice. But I needed someone that exuded strength to be there.

Professor Xavier: "Don't worry, Rick. I am certain that Colonel Fury can be trusted completely. And I have met Dr. Reyes at several mutant rights symposiums. She is as caring and sensitive as Moira."


Hank: "I've also met her. She blends science and sympathy marvellously well."

"I'm...gonna go see the guys and pack. I just want to get this over with. I probably should call mom too."

That said, I left the War Room and headed for the elevator...


Dad: "I was shocked as hell when they came banging at the door."

"Did you get any results yet?"

He said that they just took his DNA sample and left. He sounded just as shocked to find out about my different DNA as I was. Mom sounded worried. I did my best to calm them. I trusted Hank more than the idiot Dr. Sullivan. It was easier to believe that I was in no danger than to worry about possible ramifications of my genetic code. After a somewhat emotional thirty minutes, I hung up and began packing.

When I told everyone about the results of my tests - they were all shell-shocked...several seemed scared. Jamie's mother, Bobby's father as well as Jenny's visiting family all wished me the best.

Jenny's test results had surprised us. Most members of the junior squad were Class 3 mutants. Only Amara, Jake and Bobby were Class 4 and above. But Jenny got rated as a Class 5. Pity that her parents were so adamant that she not be involved in any superheroics. With her kind of potential, she'd have made an excellent addition to the team.

Bobby wasn't there with me that night. He was all for staying with me. But his dad wanted to spend some time with him. Will took Tracey, Jamie and Bobby out for dinner at some fancy Italian restaurant that night. I had to put my foot down and force Bobby to go. It wasn't like I was heading off to a prison or anything. And he had to keep up appearances for the time being. Besides, his father had to leave early the very next day.

Emma's reaction to my decision was a bit mixed. She thought that overall, I was making the right choice. But she warned me against placing blind faith in the facility, just because the scientist who ran it was a mutant. It was plain to see that the entire state of affairs was deeply troubling Emma. She sometimes seemed so shallow and carefree...but she was a deeply sensitive woman.

She told me something she had heard over the news during the day. Apparently, many students nationwide had stayed at home sick. The school boards were threatening to suspend if they didn't turn up for the tests before the end of the week. I guess it had begun - the protests... I couldn't help but wonder if maybe Lance was watching on somewhere, thinking to himself that he was right all along...

A ring of the door's electronic bell snapped me out of my contemplative frame of mind.


Jake: "Can I come in?"

"It's open!"

Jake walked in and took a seat. Paul, my macaw, immediately fluttered over and affectionately rubbed his beak against his shoulder.

Jake: "Yeah, daddy misses you too, little guy."

"Daddy? What am I? The mommy?"

He chuckled and placed Paul back on his perch.

"Could you take care of Paul while I'm away?"

Jake: "Oh, so NOW I get visitation rights?"

"Ha ha - we were never married, ass."

Jake: "Of course I'll take care of him. He's my kid too."

I thanked him. Bobby and Paul so did not get along. Paul hadn't yet quit trying to bite him whenever an opportunity presented itself.

Jake: "So, you're really going?"

"I don't think I really have much choice. I'm lucky that Professor Xavier and the others were able to strike a deal with that Fury guy."

Jake: "I just find this all so weird."

He found it weird? Try dealing with the concept that you're even more freaked up than you originally thought.

"I know."

Jake: "Rick, didn't McCoy and Moira both take DNA samples from you when you lost access to your Elemental powers?"

Yes, they did. They conducted all sorts of tests to try and come up with a reason for my depowered state.


Jake: "Oh, it's nothing. I just find it weird that Hank would miss something like that. He's a certified genius."

"You don't think...that he could have known before, do you?"

Jake: "Hmmm...nah. Hank wouldn't keep something like that from you."

I didn't think so either. Hank never insulted anyone's intelligence. And he always trusted people's ability to handle the truth in any scientific matter. Besides, if most of the Mansion's equipment was donated by Colonel Fury's people - and the tests conducted on me earlier were done by his people as well - they could have had better technology. Maybe Hank's technology wasn't advanced enough or something to detect my chromosomal abnormalities. Moira had also done DNA tests...but I had come to realize that Colonel Fury and his organization were bigger than the Xavier Institute and the Mutant Research Center. No doubt that Fury would have access to the best of the best in tech.

Jake: "You're right. Come on, I'll help you pack."



All my friends were there in the Hangar to see me off. Most of the seniors too. Surprisingly, Jean was present. She didn't say anything to me though. Ororo was openly motherly with the hugs and straightening my hair into place. Rogue got brave and joined Ororo, wishing me a safe journey. Remmy, I noticed, was keeping his distance. Betsy was somewhat less distant than Jean. She and Warren waved.

Jubilee: "We'll call you everyday."

Bobby: "Don't forget about us. And you call us too."

"It's only going to be for two weeks. And I'll be able to come home for the weekend. It's Tuesday already."

They smiled. Suffice it to say that my warped DNA had Bobby as worried as I was. Our knowledge of genetics was very limited - Bobby's even more so than mine. And all the movies we'd been brought up on, with people dissolving and melting into nothing because of genetic differences, had us scared. Hank explained that Hollywood was just used to blowing things out of proportion - people don't melt like the wicked witch of the west because of genetic aberrations. Since Hank was a certified genius, we took his word for it.

John: "Call us at the first sign of trouble."

There was that word again...trouble. I assured him that there wouldn't be any. Professor Xavier trusted Colonel Fury completely. If he could be so trusting - he had to have his reasons. John was acting much more serious than was his usual ever since the announcement of the proposed tests. When I told him that they wanted me to go to some classified facility for further investigation - he got really worried immediately. It must have seemed to him that they had started taking people away. I had to remind him that it wasn't the government. It was...Colonel Fury's "people".

"There won't be any problem, John. It's kinda like this school."

Logan: "Still, keep us on speed dial."

Logan too was being his usual paranoid self. He made it plain that he trusted almost no one completely. Whilst he did admit that he gave Colonel Fury more credibility than most others, he didn't trust any scientists under any circumstances. Even if the head one at the facility I was being sent to was a mutant herself. Considering the manner in which he had suffered at the hands of scientists...who could blame him for his mistrust of them?

Emma: "Remember what we talked about."

She hugged me and whispered that I was to keep my eyes open for anything out of the ordinary. And I was to make sure and call them regularly. If a day passed and I didn't call, they'd come running...well, flying.

Jenny: "Here, keep this on you."

She handed me something that looked like a wooden pendant of sorts, marked with weird looking symbols, on a chain. Jewellery? Bobby had already made me agree to wear his imitation army dogtags as a reminder that I was his "property". Jenny saw my quizzical look and elaborated.

Jenny: "It's a traditionally empowered runic talisman. I made it myself. For luck and defensive protection."

Jenny herself was somewhat distrusting of the scientists at the school. As well as their decision to conduct an investigation on me away from the school. She told me she did some serious research and combined different runic symbols into a potent bindrune that would wreak havok should anyone try to cause intentional harm to me. The look in her eyes made me cringe somewhat. I knew she wouldn't make it into an offensive one - she WAS a Wiccan with a vow to cause no intentional harm to another if it could be avoided.

"Um, thanks. How does it work?"

Jenny: "Just keep it on you and have faith that you're being watched over. It WILL do the rest."

She hugged me and quickly whispered under her breath,

Jenny: "I used a far weaker one once - this bitch from my karate class hit me on the head while I was walking down the stairs and my back was turned."

"On purpose?"

Jenny: "She thought I was after her man. I got a real bad set of bruises. Three days later, she slipped down the stairs of the dojo and broke her right arm - the one she used to hit me - in three places. It was so took her three months to fully recover. Rule of three alright."

Three days, times three fractures, times three months to heal...ouch! Since the people I was going to were far more powerful than a mere karate bitch, she went all out with her runes. I thanked her for her effort on my part, glad that I would be so well...protected.

Professor Xavier: "Don't let conspiracy theories scare you, Rick. And treat Dr. Reyes with nothing but the utmost respect. She's certainly worthy of it."

"Yes, Professor."

Two of the men in uniforms walked up to us and informed us that it was time to leave. I hovered my two suitcases on board whilst Scott finalized the arrangements with the pilot. It was finally upon me. I looked back one last time. Were my eyes deceiving me? Jean appeared to have nodded!

Jean: You'd better not cause any trouble there like you did here. Or there could be hell to pay.

Thanks sooo much for your overwhelming concern.

Scott: "Hurry on, Rick. We're ready to leave."

"Yeah, I'm done."

That said, I gave Jean a final scowl and boarded the plane...

Well that was Chapter 29. Thanks to all the emailers and instant messagers who've never failed to keep me inspired to keep this story going.

This chapter is especially dedicated to timothyX324 and junior_87 for not just bewailing the former classification systems. But for suggesting that I do something about it. I was afraid to just take the plunge myself since so many people, even though they have problems with it, accept it. But since this is a fan influenced story...what the hey...let's live dangerously! (Don't live like that in your sex life though.)

Also I'd like to encourage you to read some of the other X-men stories out there on the net. Some of them are rather good. I'm always surprised at the number of people who ask where to find more such stories. There's a rich grazing ground folks! There are some on my group:
under the 'other authors' headings in the 'files' category.

Also, you'll find many on Nifty. Many, sadly, are not completed and may never be. I read some and the author, an Alex Davies - God rest his soul - has passed away and such. But you'll still find em entertaining I'd bet.

There's one called "Tales Of A Young Mutant" - It's on, under the gay male, celebrity section. The author of that story, jeremy, has certainly taken his job seriously. Why he's even on his sequel right now - Senior Year Of A Young Mutant.

And then there's the refreshing, comedic type ones like - Slutty X-men which can also be found in the same place as "Tales Of A Young Mutant".

There's one called Noir, by cinnamonboiuk, on my group under other authors, as well as Mutant High by LeoHyuuga, X-men Legacy, Hades, In The Captives Room.......

And there's X-men Beyond, by forallex on, under the gay male, celebrity section...

And please remember how it works. If you have ideas, comments, both good and bad (no flames please), and you can spare a minute or two - then please write an email to the author letting him or her know how what you think. Logically, I bet it's hard to write if you don't know if anyone's reading what you write. Thankfully I have never been skimped on feedback (^_^), thank you for that guys and girls! I'd still write this story if if there were only me and one other reading it! (^_^). But some other authors aren't like that, they write mostly for others to enjoy. And lack of feedback really discourages them. And then the same public will ask - where have the authors gone and why have the stories lessened. So it's really in your best interest as well as the authors to let them know what you feel. They'll be able to improve AND you'd be pleasantly rewarded!

Right now I know how a lot of you feel...I'll say this. Jean Grey has some fans who are almost as bitchy as she's been acting these days. (^_^) Take it easy on me guys! Lol...I may write in the first person. But Rick is NOT me! It's just easier for me to visualize what's going from the first person perspective. Sheesh! People were sayin they felt shocked and betrayed. One poor girl - yes, you Candice - thought that Jean should have taken Rick over her knee and given him a bare bottom spanking! Personally, I'd rather Jean do that to me (^_^). But about the IS not REAL. It is a STORY! Although, I am glad that many people get the feeling of being involved - I must be doing something right then.

If you would like to make a comment on this or other chapters, then email can be sent to


Also, if you'd like to join my group, the address is at

Next: Chapter 30: Xxx Men 30

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