Xxx Men Series

By Phoenix

Published on Oct 9, 2006


"X-men Story" - Chapter Twenty Seven

Author's Notes

First and foremost - I am almost certain that I read the criticisms of the Old Testament right. You guys will know what this message is about when you read the story. I am not attacking anyone's religious beliefs. My only problem with any religion is the self-righteous and condemnatory attitudes of some devotees. So please don't anyone think I'm being insulting.

Italicized text (in the conversation context) is telepathic in nature. Other instances of italicized text are used for either personal thoughts, not shared via telepathy, or emphasis. Again, depending on the context.

Underlined Text indicates any form of electronic communication. Whether it be televised, radio airwaves, or even Sentinel voice synthesizers. Again, you'll be able to tell from context.

Bold text so far in this story had been used merely for emphasis. If at some point in time, this is to be changed, I shall alert you prior to it's being implemented.

NEW! - Text in supercriptLIKE THIS----indicate that separate notes are available at the end of the chapter in way of explanations or reminders. A couple people (I really am not annoyed, so don't think I am) have been repeatedly emailing me, asking about certain plot elements that have been covered in previous chapters. Given that my updates are a bit slow (sorry, I know I promised that I'd try) it's probably my fault that they keep forgetting the drift of the story. Anyhow, these explanations are meant to keep people's (some) memories in order.

TO BRANDON - The seventeen year old, who emailed me. About your bio, send me an email and let me have a look at that! (^_^)

IMPORTANT - Something has come up and I regret to inform you that I shall most likely be unable to find the time to write anything until the end of November. I'm not certain, but chances are, my time will be placed under severe constraints. It's not that I don't want to write - nothing could be further from the truth. But frankly, I have some urgent matters that require my prompt and immediate attention. I know that I promised to update Say You Love me. And I shall. As a matter of fact I plan on completely reworking that story from scratch in November. Honestly, I look back on it and cringe in embarrassment. You, the readers, deserve so much better than that. I was, frankly, a desperate boy back then. But I will remedy the situation as soon as I'm free to do so. Say You Love Me was my absolute first attempt and I plan on repairing it - believe me on that. Thanking You in advance for your understanding - Adrian "Phoenix" Anderson.

**X-men Story

Chapter Twenty Seven

"Rogue Wasn't Alwa..."**

The Professor slept for three straight days. Not continuously of course. He awoke intermittently and spent most of that time having discussions with Scott and Logan - our two leading interrogators. Scott's theory had garnered a lot of support. And although our prisoner was not yet freed - he was being treated far more humanely than before.

Whilst the school was still on alert, Professor Xavier saw no harm in allowing the students to return to their usual living quarters. The ground floor was trashed, due to Magneto's attempts to get some of our attention. But thankfully the dormitories and teaching wings were left relatively unscathed. The damage was far too extensive to pass for normal, so us OJTs were delegated to assist the main members with the clean up. Once the majority of the rubble was cleared, we could safely hire some contractors to reconstruct some semblance of order...and maybe some landscape designers as well...the garden was in shambles.

"Why is it that we got the most damaged area to clear up?"

Jubilee: "I wonder if we'll get paid extra for this. Doing this shit on an almost routine basis can't be in our job description, can it?"

Bobby: "You shouldn't be complaining this time around, Ju. All you gotta do is sweep sawdust away whilst us men handle the heavy stuff. Work that broomstick good!"

With a lewd grin, Bobby formed an ice shovel and started scooping wooden fragments into his bin.

Jubilee: "I'll work this broomstick straight up your ass, that's what I'll do!"

Bobby: "If I were straight - then I'd cuss ya out."

"Yeah, who knows, Jubes. He just might like it."

That statement led to a minor fit of laughter. So much so that we all didn't notice it when Ray and Jamie came strolling up to our position.

Ray: "What's so funny?"

Jamie: "A new joke or somethin'?"

"Yeah, something like that."

They regarded each other oddly, but when we didn't elaborate - Ray and Jamie dropped the topic and raised another.

Ray: "So it's true then, huh? Rogue might not be totally over Magneto?"

Hmm, I had meant to ask about that. But I hadn't gotten around to it. My parents had not yet left the Mansion. And I figured the best person to ask would be Jean. But she was forever around my mother - almost girl talking about the fact that they were both pregnant. I couldn't telepathically make contact with Jean as I was almost certain that my mother would catch my thoughts. Between that and keeping on the move for the past three days - I hadn't gotten around to it.

"Am I to understand that Rogue and Magneto were like - an item?"

Ray then revealed that they were a hot couple years ago.

"Years ago...but Magneto's the leader of The Brotherhood, right?"

Bobby: "Well yeah..."

Jubilee: "Okay, what we're about to tell you - don't ever let on that you know. Rogue mustn't find out that we told you. She doesn't even know that we know the whole story."

It sounded all dark and mysterious. I guess it's true - teenagers can't be trusted to keep their mouths shut when they should. Needless to say, once they perked up my curiosity like that, I was all ears.

Jamie: "Rogue wasn't always an X-man."

Bobby: "Yeah, she only joined about three years ago."

Three years ago? That was rather recent.

Ray: "Before she joined us - Rogue used to be Brotherhood material."

Didn't see that coming. The most I thought of was perhaps a crossover relationship - at the most. But Rogue as a Brotherhood agent? I thought back to Nova Roma. I saw her fight there - she was ruthless in dealing with the Defenders.

"You don't say..."

Jubilee: "Yeah. But she's reformed now - true blue. But when she was in with The Brotherhood, she and Magneto were apparently together."

"Um, your knowledge of The Brotherhood was a little limited until recently. You just knew their members, their crimes and their ideology. That's why Scott put us through the 'Information Is Ammunition' phase. How do you know so much about Rogue's past?"

Everyone else's eyes got shifty at that question. Presently all eyes turned towards Jubilee (who was in the process of rolling hers). I repeated my question and with a sigh, she confessed.

Jubilee: "Okay, when Rogue professed to have changed her ways and joined us - I was a little...concerned about the sincerity of her reformation."

In other words, Jubilee must have been extremely suspicious of her. I urged her to go on with her explanation.

"Uh huh. I'm waiting."

Jubilee: "And I might have kept a close eye on her for a little while and - ."

Ray scoffed and interrupted her.

Ray: "That's putting it mildly! You spied on her night and day! And then you dragged me out with you one time when you saw her sneaking out of her room in the dead of night."

I couldn't help but grin a little. She and Amara were probably doing the same thing to Emma.

Ray: "It turns out - all she was gonna do was meet with Remmy. And even when THAT was made plain, Miss Lee here insisted that we stick around a little while longer."

Jubilee: "Just to play it safe. Anyhow, they were talking and shit - and she told him everything about her past and we learnt."

Jamie: "And as we all know - when Jubilee learns something...we ALL learn it too."

Jubilee: "Hey, I was younger then! I didn't know any better. I was just a fourteen year old girl. Gossip was my thing."

I let it all soak in for a minute or two before I asked the obvious question.

"If she and Magneto were so tight - then why did she leave The Brotherhood?"

Bobby: "Well, you know that attack on the Mansion the Professor told you about? When we had that nuclear weapons grade, plutonium crisis?" 1

I did remember him saying that several students were killed during the attack. And several more were kidnapped and made to serve Brotherhood interests under telepathic mind control. Thankfully they were rescued from Magneto's clutches.


Jamie: "Well, that was the incident that made Rogue see the light. She realized that working with them was wrong. The fact that kids died in the initial attack made her see sense."

Jubilee: "From what I overheard her telling Remmy - she blamed herself for a way."


Ray: "She always tried to soften Magneto's actions. But he was older then and more hard hearted than he seemed a few days ago."

Older then?! So that meant his age reversal had NOT occurred when they were together?! But he was as old as Professor Xavier! And whilst Professor Xavier had not yet revealed his age to me - he was more than old enough to be her father! Eeewww... What could a guy like that do for her? Then I remembered that it wasn't like anything could have went on between them...not with Rogue's power control issues at any rate.

"Is this the first time Rogue's seen him since he reversed his age?"

Maybe she was just horny or something. And the shock of seeing her vivaciously rejuvenated, was a little too overwhelming at first.

Jubilee: "Heck no."

"Maybe she still cares for him. The way they were looking into each other's eyes..."

Bobby: "But she's with Remmy now. Magneto's old news - he's an ex and always will be."

"I don't know. If she really loved him when she was in The Brotherhood, and she only left because their actions were evil...she may still have feelings for him. Just because she left him so that her conscience was cleared - doesn't mean that she stopped loving him."

She could have just wanted nothing to do with their deeds. Not Magneto as a person.

Bobby: "Yeah? Well in any case, she's better off with Remmy."

"Yeah, no doubt."

Jubilee: "Now, remember. Not a word of this must ever leave our circle."


We recommenced our cleaning...


Scott Summers carefully risked a glance towards the front lawn. Or more precisely, the shirtless, sweaty specimen of a man standing on the Mansion's front courtyard. He didn't think that Joshua could see him - even if he turned in the right direction. But Scott was always a firm believer in, "It's Better To Be Safe Than Sorry". That said, he only dared gawk at Joshua from the relative safety of his bedroom window. Joshua must have never stopped working out. His body was every bit as toned as Scott's memory could recall.

Shutting the window, Scott walked over to the electronic monitoring system, he wisely had it installed in his room years before, and brought up a broadcast on the large visual display unit. He could safely feast his eyes without fear of discovery then. As luck would have it, Joshua was just about to give a helping hand with the clearing of the front lawn. Scott was wondering when he'd just leave...but while he was least he was making himself useful. In more ways than one. The footage was just the thing Scott needed to finalize his latest project.

It was so simplistic, why hadn't he thought of it before? Scott had a talent and it was high time that he personally benefited from it. It had kept him busy for weeks, but it would be worth it. He had been forced to use old Danger Room videos of Joshua before. But this was better. Scott took a deep breath and let it out slowly - his project would be completed all in good time. For now, he'd enjoy what was being granted to him.

Stretching out comfortably on his luxurious, king sized bed, Scott loosened his belt buckle and slid his jeans off his sculptured hip. His gazed was riveted to the visual but his attentions were elsewhere. No, the video feed was merely fuel, not the fire. Eventually, he closed his eyes and withdrew into the innermost recesses of his mind, wherein his deepest fantasies lay. Fantasia's recent attack had one good side to it - he was treated to a very realistic version of his fantasy world. With little conscious effort on his part, one of his favorites immediately commenced.

The idea of sex in a public place had always turned Scott on big time. And sex in Bayville Park - albeit in the middle of the night - was highly desirable. The fantasy always began with them both going out on an actual date. In plain sight of everyone because in his fantasy - everyone knew and didn't care. They'd get all worked up after a hot scene in the movie they went out to see...and on the way home - riding Scott's motorcycle - neither he nor Joshua would be able to wait any longer. With a lascivious grin, he'd demand that Scott stop the motorcycle in the park - and with haste born of male lust, he'd pull Scott into the cover of the park's interior.

And it would all spiral down into decadence from there. The fountain, the lampost, the bench... But the picnic table was by far his favorite. The thought of Joshua's firm, muscular body writhing in ecstasy beneath him had Scott pumping his nine inches furiously. Joshua would pull him downward and into his arms, drawing him into a searing kiss that Scott longed to experience ever since they were teens. The kiss would only be broken by Joshua's pleading cries for Scott to take him harder...faster...and he would only too willingly comply....

Jean: Scott, I am aware that you are a man with needs. But could you take care of them some other time?

Jean's intrusive telepathic message did nothing to slow the desperate stroking of his eager member. As usual, whenever he was worked up she could sense it through their psychic bond. Luckily, it was a rarity for her to sense the actual scenarios involved. Knowing this, he continued his self-ministrations, hands slickly sliding along his throbbing shaft.

Jean: Helloooo! Scott, you're starting to make me horny! I'm working over here! And as I might add - so should you!

He ignored her, squeezed his eyes tighter and imagined the sensation of being buried to the hilt in Joshua's tight heat.

Jean: If you don't cool it...I'll flood your mind with images of naked, obese women. That'll lessen your ardor!

With three more violent jerks, his testicles drew up, and he was shooting off his seminal load over his chest and abdomen, breathing erratic and rapid.

Scott: Sorry, Jean.

Jean: Whatever. I hope you enjoyed yourself, sheesh!

It was a release for the time being. But soon he'd enjoy himself alright. Very soon...

"It's About Damned Time"

Mike: "Uh, you're sure that this isn't some sorta...trick?"

Scott sighed impatiently, but shook his head in the negative. Stepping out of his cell, the former prisoner warily eyed the small gathering of senior X-men assembled in the Brig.

Mike: "So...I can go?"

Scott: "Actually, no. You're on probation for now. We want to have a more civilized talk with you. We were interrupted earlier."

Mike: "Probation?"

The situation was explained to him. Whilst he was no longer the prime suspect in Professor Xavier's attack - he still had to earn the trust of the X-men. And as such would be free to roam on the surface level...provided he was kept dosed with mutant suppressor drugs. Professor Xavier had reiterated his belief that Chris / Mike was not the one responsible for his telepathic assault on the first talk Scott had with him since his awakening. The Professor sensed a foreign thought pattern the very second before he was attacked - and whilst he could not ascertain an was definitely not the impression he sensed earlier in the day when the X-men battled Michael on the carnival grounds.

Mike: "Well, it's about damned time. Now, can I please have my...gauntlet back?"

Ororo: "Of course not. Rest assured that it is in safe hands. When we're absolutely certain that we can trust you - it shall be returned."

Mike: "Well...I suppose that's fair enough. Provided no one tampers with it this time around."

Scott: "Now, first things first. Professor Xavier would like to speak with you, personally."

Mike: "Cool. As he's obviously the brains in this operation - I'm sure that I'll be able to win his trust. Lead the way!"

And so the former prisoner was lead to the Med-Bay, escorted by Scott, Ororo and Logan. Along the way, he was given a brief explanation of the aims of the School and the X-men by Ororo. He said nothing but his eyes were busy examining the technology in use in the Subbasement. Presently, upon arriving at the Med-Bay, he was led into the room wherein Professor Xavier lay. Whilst Xavier was not yet fully recovered, he had regained the ability to control the muscles of his chest region and upwards.

Mike: "Uh...good - say, is it daytime or nightime?"

Logan: "I don't believe this..."

Mike: "Hey, don't blame a guy for asking. You kept me locked up for so long, I don't know. I ain't even seen a clock or shit!"

Ororo raised an eyebrow and informed him that it was 10:00 a.m.

Mike: "Thank you, ma'am. Yes, as I was saying...good morning, Professor Xavier."

Chuckling lightly,

Professor Xavier: "Good morning, Chris...or is it Mike? Scott wasn't sure what your name is."

Scott: "I still am not sure, Professor."

Mike: "Either will do. are you feeling?"

Professor Xavier: "Not the best - but I could have been in a much worse condition if my attacker got the opportunity to finish me off. I hear you may be the one responsible for preventing that."

Mike: "Yup, you hear right."

Professor Xavier: "In that case, I offer you my utter gratitude."

With a gesture, Professor Xavier signaled that he wished to speak with Michael alone. Scott, Logan and Ororo glanced at each other and didn't move at first but agreed when Xavier repeated the gesture. With a smile and a wave, Michael bade them farewell before turning once more to the Professor.

Scott: "You know, there's something about that guy that I just don't like."

"Something Ain't Right Here"

Jenny: "I thought you guys said that the school hardly ever sees any action."

Ray: "Yeah...well, situations like these are very rare."

But they did seem to be getting less and less rare as time wore on, didn't they? Jenny informed us that her parents were going to be visiting her on Sunday - in a mere two days. As they lived not far off, it would probably be a weekly thing. And the damage out front was far more severe than what they had witnessed the last Sunday. The very gate was torn off and the front portion of the boundary wall was badly broken in. The good news was that the Mansion was situated on Graymalkin Lane - and very secluded.

Jenny: "I just hope that you guys can fix this mess before they get here. Or at least make it a little more presentable."

Amara: "Jen, aren't you a little scared about all this?"

She responded that she was nervous at first. But then she noticed that the other students didn't seem to be. And after chatting with a few of them, she got to realize that they had been through quite a few 'events' before. So she calmed herself down.

John: "Besides, why would she be scared with me right there to take care of her?"

Amara: "If all I had was you to look after me - I'd rather take my chances."

John: "You bit-"

Amara: "Without your lighter, you're...impotent. You lack the ability to create or sustain a flame unless -"


John: "Stop laughing or I'll show you how potent I can be."

Jenny: "Anyhow, are you guys sure that the Professor will be okay?"

Ray: "No sweat. He's just resting for a little while."

Jenny: "Oh, good. And that guy that you had locked up - "

Ray: "How do you know abou - John!"

John: "Oh hell! You know I can't keep a secret from a pretty face."

Jenny: "Yeah, about the prisoner - what are you gonna do to him?"

Ray: "Summers said that we're going to give him a chance to prove himself."

John: "Which is crazy."

John scowled openly. Ever since they met face to face, they both seemed to have some dislike of each other going on. I didn't get it. John wasn't the type to aggravate people to the level that Mike seemed to be aggravated by him. Yes, he could be cocky and tough talking...but not really the type to get under someone's skin. I may have been able to understand it better if I had seen Mike act a little coolly to someone other than John. But the fact was - he didn't. The portion of Scott and Logan's interrogation I had witnessed showed him to be remarkably composed. So what was his gripe with John? Jean had beat him bad. Scott and Logan were more annoying... Maybe they were just totally incompatible or something.

"I don't think so. The Professor didn't think that Mike was even out to kill when we fought him in the carnival. And you gotta admit, he seems a bit..."

Amara: "Infantile and dumb."

"Not my choice of words. But he doesn't strike me to be a cold blooded killer type."

John sighed, in frustration.

John: "Don't you people watch any horror flicks? The worst killers always seem nice. And they have mood swings and shit. Like he does. You should have seen the way he looked at me in the Brig. That guy has something against me, I'm telling you."

Jenny: "But John, you said that you only met him face to face for the first time in the Brig. I don't understand what he could have against you."

Amara: "John may have a point."

Surprise registered on John's face, but nevertheless he quietly thanked Amara for her solidarity.

Ray: "Wait for it..."

Amara: "Someone disliking John at first sight? What's not to believe?"

John: "You ever notice in the movies how the guy who knows the truth is mocked...until it's too late? He hates me cuz he knows that I'm a threat of some kind."

"John, that is so melodramatic."

John: "I'm tellin' you - something ain't right here, and I intend to find out what..."

"She'll Break Your Heart"

"So, any idea when they intend to leave?"

As soon as I spied Jean alone in the lounge, I engaged her in conversation. The traditional way. It was one of the few times I had seen her alone and not near mom in days. No better time could there be. She looked at me rather disappointedly, and I suspected that she knew of what had transpired between my parents and I on the terrace a few nights before. Moments later, she confirmed my suspicions.

Jean: "I heard that you aren't exactly taking this pregnancy very well."

Well, how was I supposed to handle it? Joyfully? The chances were that I was being replaced. It's bad enough that my seventeen year stint as the only child was about to come to an end - but they were probably going to live out their expectations for a straight kid with that baby. So yeah, of course I was upset. And I had no qualms about telling her so.

Jean: "It's not that at all. At least I don't think so."

"Okay, answer me this if you can. When did they start trying - and don't tell me it was unexpected, I know it ain't."

Jean: "Okay, so it was after you came out. I won't lie about that. But your mom says that she gets lonely and can't stand an empty house and - "

She went on listing the reasons why my mother wanted another baby.

"Oh really? And what about my dad?"

Jean: "Well...I haven't gotten his word on it...but I know he's thrilled's probably for the same reasons."

Yeah, real convincing.

"Look, about my question. When will they be leaving?"

Jean frowned once more and told me that the Mansion was every bit their home as it was mine. I pressed her and she impatiently rattled off an answer.

Jean: "They want to wait until Professor Xavier is totally recovered."

A bit too vague for my taste.

"And how long should that be?"

Jean: "Hank says that at the rate his nervous system is recovering - in about two days."

"So they might be gone by this Monday or so?"

Jean: "Yeah."

I sighed in gratitude. Just a couple more days and they'd be gone. And my regular day to day life could recommence.

Jean: "You know, we're actually thinking of throwing a baby shower or something."

Oh yay for them.

"Is this one of those deals where you throw the men out?"

Jean: "Could be. But at least we won't be hiring strippers."

"I suppose Ororo and Betsy will be joining you next. Everybody's getting pregnant."

Jean: "Well, your mother isn't an X-man. And my pregnancy wasn't exactly planned. I suppose neither of them will be taking any chances for now any way."

"So...when you have this baby, you'll be staying?"

Jean: "Well, I don't have any reason to leave now do I?"

I suppose she didn't. Not with a bastard like Jonathan...Lennox being the father of her baby.

Jean: "Besides, I have a very good reason to stay now."

Hmmm...Scott Summers?

Jean: "With Emma Frost in this Mansion - my presence here is absolutely required."

I grinned. I had thought that she was beginning to accept Emma's presence as a part of life. But apparently not. With our latest crisis averted, old enmities had arisen anew. A sudden thought hit me - it was nearly the end of the month. Payday was fast approaching.

"Are you still gonna be paying off your private investigator to delve into Emma's financial status?" 2

With a conspiratorial grin, Jean nodded in the affirmative.

Jean: "Yesterday, I overheard her arguing with someone on her cellphone."

"What was she saying?"

Jean: "Basically - she was asking someone to 'wait 'til the end of the month. It wasn't too far off'."

I shook my head disdainfully. I would have expected more from Jean. It did not seem right for her to be enjoying someone else's supposed misfortune. It was a tad bit sadistic. I had come to take on quite a liking to Emma, for several reasons. Not the least of which was due to the fact that she was also at odds with Kurt.

"T'ch, t'ch, t'ch."

Jean: "If I find out that she's really broke - I'll have such a fun time blackmailing her. She'll be disgraced if it ever got out! She'll be in my control. I'll pay her back for controlling me when I was Phoenix possessed."

Well, that was adding a new dimension to it all.

"But - on the odd chance that I'm right - suppose Emma is just doing this to help us?"

Jean scoffed and dismissed the thought.

"Well, she did help us against Fantasia. And she did help out by taking command of the school when you guys went off in search of that mutant thief. She risked life and limb when the auto-cannons went crazy out front. And in the fight against Michael on the lawn...and with Professor Xavier when he was in that coma and..."

Jean: "What is thy point?"

"My point, m'lady is that I doubt she was getting paid for those things. Her job description is 'Guidance Counselor'."

Jean didn't even bother to mull it over before reiterating her stance on the issue.

Jean: "Emma Frost doesn't have an unselfish bone in her body."

"Well, my position still stands. I am giving Emma the benefit of the doubt."

Jean: "She'll break your heart, Rick. She just may be one of the few women who ever will."

I chuckled lightly at that and we dismissed Emma from our conversation for the time being...

"Well, Well, Well..."

It was Friday afternoon, and Emma's heels were killing her. As well they should. She had spent the entire morning - for want of a better word - 'shopping'. She was in desperate need of some new business outfits. Since things were calm for the time being, and Charles was back in the land of the living - she took some time off and went downtown. Shopping had always seemed fun when she was in the money. But as it happened - she wasn't in the money and probably would not be for some time to come. Sighing sadly, she shuddered at the thought of wearing the few...outfits she had succeeded in buying.

Do ordinary people have to 'shop' like this, she asked herself. Where was the fun in buying items and having to keep track of how much money one had remaining to oneself? After deducting expenses - she was left with precious little. It was a damned good thing her main living expenses, accommodation and food bills were taken care of by the Mansion, she thankfully thought. Or else...she would be starving out on the street.

The frightening vision cleared after she shook her head vigorously. Staring straight ahead from the bench she was sitting on in the mall, Emma longingly glanced at a branch of "Tres Chic", one of the most exclusive fashion boutiques known. She had often shopped at their branches in the past. But now...she wouldn't be able to afford the cheapest brand of lipstick they sold. In her musing, she didn't notice the lone, female figure creeping up stealthily behind her. Presently, a regal voice raided the air in a mock friendly tone.

"Well, well, well...if it isn't The White Queen herself?! Fancy meeting you here, Emma darling."

In sheer horror, Emma recognized the voice as belonging to Selene - The Black Queen of the Inner Circle. The one who took over her position when she left their...organization. They had always been cordial with each other - but no more. Suffice it to say that they didn't trust one another farther than they could see each other. As a matter of fact, things were strained between them before she left. Turning to greet the unwelcome Selene, Emma pasted on a facial expression of mock joy - one as convincing as the expression she saw adorning Selene's face.

Emma: "Selene, what a...pleasure as always."

Selene: "What good wind blew you my way, dear?"

An ill wind...

Emma: "Oh, I had to do a"

Selene scrutinized the shopping bags lying next to Emma. It seemed that she was amused at something.

Selene: "Don't tell me that you intend to carry those bags by yourself."

Emma glanced nervously around.

Emma: "I don't see you around with anyone. And the only reason people come to this floor is to shop."

Her cool tone irritated Selene, but she hid it well.

Selene: "Oh, I'm not alone, I assure you. My bodyguards are following my every motion. I just don't want them cramping my style."

Emma frowned and quickly covered it up with a smile. Selene was beginning to aggravate her.

Selene looked a little more closely at Emma's bags. Specifically, at the printed text and graphics of the stores she had been visiting that were on the bags.

Selene: "Lucinda's Creations...pray tell, what do they sell? It sounds skanky."

Emma was afraid of that.

Emma: "Business suits."

Selene: "I always shop at 'Tres Chic'. You once recommended them to me, remember?"

A ghost of a smile was creeping across Selene's countenance. Emma didn't reply.

Selene: "Their tag line seems to be - 'If you ain't got the money, don't worry none, honey...'. It's on the bag."

_If you aint got the money,
Don't worry none, honey,
A girl in your position, it just ain't funny,

Don't you pout, we'll work something out,
At Lucinda's, that's what it's all about,

So you're a little short on cash,
Which of us hasn't been,
Brighten those eyes, and raise that chin,
We've got the best bargains around, Do Come In!_

The words of their jingle rung in Emma's ears as red hot shame coursed through her veins. Why the Hell wouldn't Selene just leave?

Selene: "Emma it true?!"

Emma: "Is what true?"

Selene: "Are you...experiencing some financial difficulties?"

Quickly, Emma wracked her brains, trying desperately to come up with a believable lie. It was all in vain.

Selene: "Emma, I've been hearing some rather nasty rumors about you. But considering what I'm seeing... I'm inclined to believe that perhaps they aren't rumors at all."

Emma: "Rumors?! Who has been spreading rumors about me?"

Selene: "Well, Shaw for one. Apparently, some of his sources reported to him that your estate is currently almost in the grip of the bank, dear."

Giving up all hope, Emma realized that there was no way to cover up her situation.

Emma: "My finances took a plunge after I invested a little too heavily in the stock market. That much is true."

With a tone of mild amusement and absolute disgust...

Selene: "So you're...poor?!"

Emma: "Well, not exactly. I just have to pay off a few - people and then I can work on reconsolidating my assets."

Selene: "How exactly do you intend to accomplish that, darling?"

Emma: "I've been working."

Selene: "Mwahahahahaha! Oh, sorry, dear. But I can't see you actually working for a living! Doing what exactly?"

Sighing deeply,

Emma: "I am a Guidance Counselor."

Selene: "Guidance counselor... As in giving advice to people? On what? And who are you - "

Emma: "I am affiliated with the Xavier Institute now."

Selene: "Them?! When you left us - we never thought that you'd settle down with the likes of those."

Emma: "Well, the pay is good."

Selene: "I suppose it would be - if you're still 'doing' Xavier."

Emma: "Things have been nothing but business-like between me and Charles."

Selene: "You know, dear. I'm sure that Shaw would welcome you back with open arms. And it could mean the end of your financial woes. What do you say? He's been so...distraught since ever you left."

Emma scoffed and gave up trying to hide her anger at the mention of Shaw.

Emma: "I will not be a part of your illicit activities any longer, Selene! And Shaw only cares about one thing where I'm concerned - and we both know that it isn't meaningful conversation. I'm a changed woman and I rather have an honest day's pay for an honest day's work, than come crawling back to you people."

Selene: "Oh?"

Emma: "Yes, and you can tell that to Sebastian!"

Selene: "Very well, if that is what you wish. Deal with your problems your way. But I think it's safe to say that you'll always be welcome in the Inner Circle once Shaw is running the show. Ta ta, darling."

Emma watched her walk off into the distance, heading straight for Tres Chic. Sucking her teeth, she picked up her bags and started walking to the exit. Why couldn't there be an easy way out that didn't involve her losing her self-respect?

"The Announcement"

At a little after five p.m., an urgent meeting was called by Professor Xavier in the Med Bay. It's purpose was not revealed to anyone prior to its commencement - not even to Scott or Ororo. So it was safe to say that the Professor felt it important enough to speak with us personally and not divulge any details that might leak and be misconstrued. When we all entered the Professor's room, we saw that Mike - our ex prisoner - was at the Professor's side and waiting for us. To our surprise, we saw that Emma was also there.

Professor Xavier: "Thank you for heeding my summons so quickly."

Scott: "All you said was that you had an urgent announcement to make, Professor. What is it?"

The Professor went off on an extended speech, explaining for the first time to all present the events that led up to the present time. In essence, a thorough debriefing. He made it clear to all present that as far as he was concerned, Mike could be trusted. They had in depth discussions for the entire day - the content of which he did not disclose to us - and was of the belief that Mike could be a valuable ally.

Scott: "We don't even know who he is. And - "

Professor Xavier: "I am asking you to trust me, even if you find it hard to trust Michael."

Rogue: "I thought his name was Chris..."

Mike: "Chris is my middle name."

Scott: "What could he have possibly have said to you that made you decide that he can be trusted?"

The Professor replied that the information Scott was requesting was on a Need To Know Basis. Scott then replied that he was in charge of the team and therefore, needed to know.

Mike: "Hey, I got precious information that you can use. But I made it plain to Professor Xavier here, that I'll only share if I get piece of the action."

Professor Xavier: "Michael has asked to join our team."

Everyone's breath stopped.

Professor Xavier: "And I've granted him that request."

Scott: "What?!"

Logan: "That was quick..."

Ororo: "Professor, how could you make such a decision without collaborating with Cyclops and myself?"

There was a general murmur amongst the gathered members. Hank tried to defend the Professor by saying that there was no other way to get at Michael's information. Since he was being presumed innocent, we couldn't forcibly try to interrogate him any longer.

Scott: "Teamwide decisions should be made with the team's input."

Professor Xavier: "I am sorry. But there was no other way."

John was standing a mere three feet away and I heard him whisper to Bobby,

John: "See, he hasn't been here a week and he's starting shit up."

Professor Xavier: "There is one more thing..."

We were once again all ears.

Professor Xavier: "Emma Frost has also requested membership...and I have also granted it in her case."

This second announcement was not greeted with silence at all. Particularly by the women.

Jean: "Oh no! No, no, no! You said that she was only coming here to be a Guidance Counselor, sir. A full time one!"

Emma: "I can multitask very well."

Rogue: "But Professor, Emma is -"

Emma: "You know, Anna Marie - you should be the last one here objecting to my appointment. As I recall, you weren't always the nun you are now."

Rogue's face morphed into a scowl, but she went silent.

Remmy: "Well, Emma has been behavin' herself..."

Emma: "Why, thank you. I do try."

With a hawk eyed stare from Rogue, Remmy fell silent.

Ororo: "I must admit - she has acted valiantly on several occasions."

All eyes then turned towards Betsy. Considering her past with Emma, it was felt that her opinion was needed. Betsy hadn't said anything up to that point, she seemed to be studying Emma. When she noticed the attention she was on the recieving end of, she spoke.

Betsy: "What the hell? I suppose she deserves a chance at a fresh start."

Jubilee and Amara audibly gasped, as did Jean and Rogue. Professor Xavier smiled slightly in Betsy's direction, but frowned weakly at Rogue and Jean.

Several X-men vocally welcomed the new members of our team. Several members wore scowls, amongst them - Scott, Jean, Amara, Jubilee, John, Kurt and Rogue. Jean glanced in my direction and mentally warned me not to laugh. Which I didn't do. No sooner did she sever the link, did she choose to speak out.

Jean: "Just what possessed you to apply for membership, Frost?"

Emma coolly replied that she wanted to do her part to make up for her past misdeeds. As well as fostering greater human / mutant harmony.

Jean: "Oh, I thought so. It had to be something altruistic like that. After all, you couldn't possibly be in it for the money. This job just doesn't pay that well."

Jean! What are you doing?!


Professor Xavier: Precisely what I'd like to know.


Jean: What? I was just making sure that she knows what it is she's getting into.

Professor Xavier: "Well as this meeting is fast drawing to an end, most of you are dismissed. Ororo, Scott - you two shall remain. Michael and I have some things we need to discuss privately. Your input is needed now. That is all."

"The Serpent With The Flowery Tongue"

"So, welcome to the team, Emma."

Emma: "Thank you, dear."

It was Saturday morning. And as things were shaping up to something that resembled our normal day to day existence, my therapy session with Emma was about due. I decided to let David off for that week as well. Emma was a lot more familiar to me by then and I had nothing to fear as she herself seemed biased against Kurt. I showed up about half an hour before we were scheduled. Which was a first, considering that I'm almost always late for any and all appointments.

Emma: "You're here rather early today, Rick."

"Well, I just wanted to congratulate you before our session begins."

She smiled and stated that it had always been her wish to actively fight the good fight.


Emma: "Oh yes. I have so much to make up for, darling. I've burned to learn and I'll never go back to my old ways."

"You know, Scott and I have been telling Jean that but - "

I stopped mid-sentence as I realized my error. Sometimes I speak faster than I think. But that fact was, Emma had become a lot easier to talk to. She smiled slightly and I sank a little in my seat.

Emma: "So, Scott has been saying that hmmm?"

"Well, yeah", I quickly added, "so have I."

Emma: "I do so wish that Jean will one day find it in her heart to forgive me. No one feels worse about what - what I did to hurt her than I do."

It was the first time that I ever heard Emma refer to her past life so directly.

Emma: "At least Braddock is willing to give me the benefit of the doubt."

Yes, it must have been a real 'out on a limb' kind of thing in her case. For which she was to be commended.

Emma was about to continue, but at that point in time, there was a loud knock at the door and Kurt announced his arrival. When Emma replied that it was okay for him to enter, he opened the door and stepped in, wearing a bigger scowl than was his usual. I took it to mean that he was extra angry that morning because of Professor's announcement the day before. In any case, he seemed pretty upset. Without saying 'good morning', he took a seat three spaces away from me and grunted that he was ready to begin the day's torture session.

Emma: "And a good morning to you too, Mr. Wagner."

Kurt: "What's so good about it?!

Emma: "I heard that thought."

So did I, Emma. He does seem rather upset today. I don't think I've seen him like this ever since our fight.

Emma: I'd better probe deeply into these feelings of his.

Emma: "Is something wrong, Kurt?"

Kurt snorted before replying to the air.

Kurt: "Oh, what could be wrong? I am alive, the good Lord has spared my life for another day, the sun is shining, the birds are singing...and I've just been treated to a rather nice salvo of swear words by one Joshua McKenzie!"

The next thing I knew, I was treated to prolonged stares by both Emma and Kurt. It was rather uncomfortable.

Emma: "Rick, Charles thought it best that we deal with your issues within the framework of -"

"Hey, I didn't tell my father anything. And I sure as hell didn't run along to daddy like a six year old, and made him cuss Wagner out."

Kurt's continuing stare reinforced his disbelief. Emma believed me though, which was the most important thing. She was the one reporting to the Professor on our progress after all.

Emma: "Well, Kurt - one of the adults could have informed Joshua about your fight."

Kurt: "In any case", he turned to me, "I'd appreciate it if you have a word with him."

Oh, so he was asking me to?

"Tell him yourself. Or aren't you man enough like you claim?"

Kurt: "Why do I get the feeling that you're enjoying this?"

"Why would I enjoy seeing you like this, Mr. Wagner? It's even harder on the eyes than usual."

Emma: "Rick, apologize this instant! That was uncalled for!"

Then why is your mouth twitching like you wanna laugh?

Emma: It's twitching in righteous anger.

Kurt: "Never mind, I've learned to expect as much. Can we please just get this over with?"

Emma nodded, as did I and the questions commenced. She did have a way of hitting the nail on the head.

Emma: "Kurt, I want you to explain to me - just what is the source of this homophobia of yours?"

Considering his religious background, I should have thought that the answer would have been obvious. Needless to say, Kurt started rattling off a set of verses to do with Sodom and Gomorrah. I couldn't help but giggle a little as a thought came to me.

Emma: "What do you find so amusing, Rick?"

Well, for one thing, the story of Sodom and Gomorrah was in the Old Testament. And it was so contradictory in nature, as all religious texts are. I remembered reading something myself. You see, my mother was raised in an orphanage run by nuns. And she was acquainted with the scriptures. And whilst she was not a fundamentalist - and I was never made to study them - I read a portion of the Old Testament. In addition to 'The Song Of Solomon'.

And in another story, there were some verses dealing with David and Jonathan, and the closeness of their 'friendship'. In those verses, David said of Jonathan that his love for him far exceeded that of women. The thought of that in the Old Testament was rather amusing to me. Pity that there were so many different versions of the Bible.

Emma: "Interesting..."

Kurt was not impressed.

Kurt: "Blasphemy will get you nowhere, but to the very pits of Hell."

"Well, I found it entertaining enough."

Kurt: "You would. The scriptures make it clear. They say, 'thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind, it is abomination'."

I was ready for that one too. I warned him before we actually fought per se weeks ago, that I was a big fan of religious debate. I had done some reading. The translation from Hebrew is very sketchy there, and there is considerable belief that it was deliberately misconstrued. You see, some phrases are idiomatic, they lose their original meaning when translated - lost in translation if you will. The actual meaning of the Hebrew verses there comes to - thou shall not lie with a man in the bed of a woman.

"Sounds like God was sayin', 'make up thy mind and choose', to me."

Emma: "I didn't know that. But then again, I was never into religion."

Kurt: "You are just like the Devil quoting scripture for his own purposes."

Yeah, I had a response for that too. People have been using scripture to promote their own selfish desires since the dawn of religion. Even popes jumped in on the action back in the days when they wanted political and spiritual powers. Like when they used the Bible to justify things like...slavery for instance, and racial intolerance. Not to mention a whole bevy of other evils - like condemning people for heresy because they believed that Earth was round and travelled around the sun...poor Galileo.

"Besides, if you read the story - you'd see that Sodom and Gomorrah were totally corrupt cities. Not just sexually, but almost everything else as well."

I never came across any evidence that said Lot's wife (who looked back longingly at the city's destruction and was turned to a pillar of salt) was into same sex relations. She loved the excesses of the city and didn't want to leave. It was foolish to blame the cities' destruction solely on same sex relations. And besides, some idiotic people love to make it seem like the whole city was made up of gay men - which mightn't have been that bad. But the fact was, if that were the case, how the heck did they maintain their population numbers? And why would the pious Lot want to live there in the first place?

Emma: "Mhmm hmm? And a pillar of salt? Couldn't these writers have come up with something a little more creative than that?"

Kurt: "I don't have to sit here and listen to you make fun of my beliefs."

I wasn't making fun of them. Not exactly. People have to realize that spirituality and religion are two totally different things. And different people see the divine in different ways. And no matter what they might like to think, religions are man made and change over time - usually to suit the selfish motives of the devotees. It's all well and good to have faith. But self-righteous and condemnatory attitudes are a definite no. Like anything else man made - religions all have flaws. The trick is to temper faith with true knowledge and conscience and not rely purely on dogma.

Emma: "Well, I'm glad to see that you're feeling more talkative this week."

Kurt: "And that's supposed to be a good thing?"

"Maybe you should stop being such a self righteous...person. Judge not lest ye be judged and all that."

Emma was frantically taking notes.

"Religions are like shadows, different objects cast different shadows even in the same light. The underlying spirituality is basically the same - but people are different and you have just got to learn to accept that."

Kurt: "Behold the serpent with the flowery tongue..."

"Behold the devil with the forked tail..."

Emma: "Calm down you two."

"This is pointless."

Kurt: "And look at the time...I'd best be off. With your permission of course, Miss Frost?"

Emma: "Oh go right ahead. It's just about time to call it quits for today anyway."

Kurt didn't bother to leave the traditional way, but teleported instead. I think it was to spite me. Whenever he does it, a puff of sulphurous smelling smoke materializes for a few seconds. It was cough inducing.

Emma: "You don't look like a religious sort, Rick."

Truthfully, I wasn't. I did believe in an overall order in the Universe. And sometimes it was nice to think of a personal deity. But by and large, I avoided all religions like the plague because they almost all assert that their way is the only way. And their devotees are totally at odds with each other. Belief systems promoting senseless hatred and destruction weren't my thing. I preferred to let my conscience be my guide. If other people wanted to use religious arguments against me, then I'd pull out all the stops...I didn't use the most damaging stuff I knew against Kurt that day.

"Oh, I'm not, Emma. But I always knew that I'd have to defend myself from religious bigots someday and well...I just made sure that I was prepared for it. That's all. Is it okay if I leave now?"

Emma: "Yes, it's fine."


"Our third trial has been a success."

Lord Bennet smiled upon hearing this piece of news. Who wouldn't be proud of genetically engineering a custom mutant warrior? The lead geneticist was not done however.

Genengineer: "But there was an unexpected result."

"Dammit! Can nothing we do ever succeed without a glitch?", exasperated Bennet.

Genengineer: "Oh, this isn't a glitch, but it is unexpected. We've got twins!"

Twins? What were the odds of that? The genetic engineering process in use had a slim chance of success, even with multiple donor eggs in use.

Lord Bennet: "Boy's or girls?"

Genengineer: "A boy and a girl."

Lord Bennet: "Interesting... How long before the induced maturation is completed?"

Genengineer: "They shall be the equivalent of eighteen years of age by...tomorrow morning."

Lord Bennet: "Excellent, the Master will be pleased. I can hardly wait to see their mutant abilities in use."

"It Is Time"

Standing outside Amara's door got me panicking. Bobby had decided that it was time to talk to her. I tried to get him to put it off for a little while longer, but he reminded me that it was long overdue. It was on his mind for quite some time. He had made a firm decision on the night we visited Club Aqua. And now that we were in a more stable situation - he didn't want to put it off any longer. What got me so worked up, was the fact that he wanted me to be there when he told her.

"I...don't know..."

Bobby: "Aw, come on.."

Damn him and those outrageously cute, puppy dog eyes! I wondered if his parents ever had the will to resist spoiling him as a kid? I know I melted at the sight of them.

"Oh, hell - I'll go. Although I think that you just want me there cuz you're a coward."

With a playful slap on my butt at that comment, we were off to Amara's room. And there the nervousness started. What made it seem more awkward to me was the fact that she hit on both of us - and we had both turned her down. What would she say when she found out the truth? Before I could back down, Bobby pressed the intercom button and requested that Amara come to the door.

Bobby: "Yo, Amara! Open this door, girl! I got somethin' to tell ya!"

"Shhh! Do you wanna let the whole floor in on this?"

Grinning under his breath, he replied that eventually he'd let the whole school in on it, come what may.

Presently the door opened, and an impatient looking Amara stood at the threshold. Her eyes bored penetratingly at Bobby.

Amara: "Bobby, I hope you're not wasting my time - I don't have any time for jokes right now."

Bobby: "Oh, this is important, princess. May we come in?"

Amara seemed to notice my presence for the first time. I was nowhere near as lighthearted and cool as Bobby was about the entire affair. And it was reflected by my serious facial expression too. Seeing my mood, Amara decided that it was probably not some sort of joke on Bobby's part, and opened the door wider. We walked in and she offered us both seats, reclining on her miniature throne herself.

Amara: "Well, you have my attention. What's your deal?"

How would he go about it? I had not bothered to ask him that. And it hit me then that maybe I should have. Maybe we should have sat down and come up with a proper 'coming out' strategy. It wasn't my place to speak just then, so I couldn't.

Bobby: "Well, it's like this..."

And there the well ran dry.

Well, Bobby, out with it!

Amara: "Bobby, I was just about to start curling my hair - it takes a long time...

Bobby: "Um, remember back when you were coming on to me?"

Amara rolled her eyes and responded that she was done with her past life, and that if I had put Bobby up to begging for another chance - he was too late. Her heart now belonged solely to Jake.

Bobby: "I didn't come here to ask for another chance."

Amara: "Well, what did you come here for?"

Five seconds passed on in silence and suddenly, a wicked grin flashed across Bobby's face. With a lightning motion, my shoulders were grabbed and pinioned. I opened my mouth to ask what the hell was up with him...and before I could get any words out - his tongue slurped in. I heard a loud gasp and a crash. Amara was speechless and in her shock had jumped and knocked down a vase to the floor. Presently, Bobby extracted his tongue and a smacking sound emanated. I started blushing like crazy and could not sustain much eye contact. Bobby wrapped an arm about me and replied,

Bobby: "Well, that was the easiest way to say it. Actions speak louder than words."3

Amara still had not spoken. And the expression on her face was unreadable.

"Uh, A-Amara...are you okay?"

Amara: "No, no. Uh uh. I'm not falling for it. This is another of Bobby's jokes - taken to a perversely extreme level!"

Bobby: "But Amara it's true! What would I have to gain by kidding around like that? It ain't even April Fool's."

Amara: "You expect me to believe that you're into boys?"

Bobby: "How many girls do you remember me being with?"

Amara looked at him long and hard and admitted, more to herself, that they were rather few and far in between. She looked very shaken about it all and I was beginning to wonder if Bobby had made a big mistake.

Bobby walked up to her, and gentlemanly tried to lower her onto her throne. She would not have it. She stood right back up, a shaky smile forming on her face.

Amara: "I could wring both your ears! So NOW it all makes sense. You two didn't want me cuz you were doing each other all along!"

No, aside from us being gay - she was a ho.

Bobby: "Well, not exactly that... We weren't together back then. But yeah, we were digging each other."

"We were gay - and you just weren't our type."

Amara took her seat and started glancing around ashamedly.

Amara: "Aw dammit, I made such a fool of myself."

Bobby: "Uh huh, guess you did."

"Bobby! You didn't know any better, Amara. It's all in the past now."

Amara: "Bobby, so that was you in Rick's closet?"

Bobby: "Yeah."

With a playful grin,

Amara: "What were you two doing before we rushed inside the - "

"What do you think?"

Amara slipped into a peal of girly giggles, whilst Bobby and myself drew relieved breaths. Sure, it may have seemed stupid to worry. But coming out is never easy, I guess. Even when it's to people who most likely will be supportive. Emphasis on most likely. Some people can unpleasantly surprise you.

Amara: "So, does anyone else know?"

We filled her in, and there a slight problem reared its head.

Amara: "Okay, scratch the adults. John, Jubilee and Jake know? Before me? You'd tell boys before me? I'd think that they'd have a harder time coming to grips with it."

Bobby: "Well, Jubilee figured a lot of it out on her own. And so did John. He had inklings about me and Rick."

Amara: "Jubilee, I can understand. But John? God, I really am a ditz. And what about Jake?"

"I...told him."

Amara: "Really? Oh, right. Best friends and whatnot?"

She started staring at me in particular before pulling me aside and whispering.

Amara: "I seem to remember you yelling at Jake a few weeks ago. Did it have anything to do with that? I mean, he had to have known at your birthday party. But was that little thing anyway related to this? You two seem fine again now."

"I guess you could say so."

Amara: "Oh, I knew he couldn't be a bigot. Just one more reason to love him!"

Oh boy.

Amara: "Well, it's nice to finally have my curiosity appeased."

"Good, cuz you were starting to get on my nerves."

Amara: "Whatever, now be a dear and do the kissy kissy once more. I didn't get to enjoy it the first time around."

Bobby: "Really? I did."

Giggling, we decided to humor her, just that one time...

"The Trial"

Mike: "So, why are we here again?"

Scott sighed exasperatedly and explained it once more to Michael. They were in the Danger Room. Professor Xavier had granted Michael X-men status. And as such, he was given the antidote to clear his system of Hank's mutant suppressor drugs. With regards to Michael's power levels, all Scott had to go on were seemingly exaggerated accounts. He had not personally witnessed the tremendous display of power, and neither had Logan, Kurt, Betsy, Gambit or Hank. And so, that was part of the reason they were all in the Danger Room. They all wished to see just what Michael was capable of.

Mike: "Um, okay."

Scott: "Hank, load Sentinel Program #12."

Scott lead the way into the holographically altering Danger Room. Within two minutes the simulation was ready to commence.

Scott: "I'll be in here with you - in case something unexpected happens. The program will ignore my presence. So unless something goes wrong, you're on your own. Everyone else will be observing from the computer room with Hank. Oh, and treat these enemies as 'real'. They can hurt you."

Scott smiled to himself. The sure of himself Michael was in for a surprise. The twelfth Sentinel program was designed by himself to be more than challenging. Michael was in for a rude awakening. Perhaps it would teach him a lesson - and knock him down to size in the process.

Scott: "Okay, Hank. Let's start with one Sentinel droid. Let the setting be...The Mansion's backyard."

Hank signaled that he was ready and the surroundings promptly altered. With a flash of blue light, a virtual reality Sentinel flickered into form - in full offensive mode. With little warning, it began advancing towards Michael's location, ignoring Scott who was leaning against a tree. Michael began levitating in preparation.

Sentinel: Mutant target identified. Commencing immediate termination.

Three micromissiles were launched towards Michael's position. But he was ready, a telekinetic force shield blocked one. The others were captured mentally and hurled back towards their source. Upon impact the Sentinel visibly staggered. Seizing his opportunity, Michael advanced, mentally catching hold of a Sentinel arm - and tearing it off with telekinetic savagery. This was wielded like a club and under the continuous assualt - the Sentinel's chest plate was broken in.

Mike: "Not very sturdy are you?"

Without wasting any more time, Michael violently expanded a telekinetic force field within the droid's torso and it promply exploded. Scott was about to duck for cover - he was not impervious to indirect harm from explosions. But he had nothing to fear as a containing field materialised around the site of the explosion.

Up in the computer room, the gathered X-men looked on in wonder.

Kurt: "Oh my - "

Logan: " - damn!"

Michael lowered himself to ground level and walked up to Scott.

Mike: "Are you alright?"

Scott: "Of course I'm alright!"

Amusement flickered across Michael's countenance for the briefest of instants.

Mike: "I only asked cuz I saw you cowering behind that tree."

Scott frowned. So maybe the others were not exaggerating as much as he thought.

Mike: "Okay, playtime's over. When does the real test start?"

Not one person in the computer room could suppress a gasp. Scott however, was unimpressed.

Scott: "Oh, we've only just begun..."

Mike: "Oh okay. I knew it couldn't be so easy to impress you guys. Well, let's get it started!"

"You're Probably Used To Better"

Daylight streaming into Bobby's room and onto my face woke me up. We were forced to leave the window completely open as my nose could not handle the somewhat overpowering scent of Bobby's room. Shaking myself more fully awake, I realized that Bobby's hands were in my pants, fondling my morning erection. Considering that I needed to take my morning leak, it was a bit uncomfortable. Smiling at the memory of the night before, I pulled his hand away and went into the adjoining bathroom. Judging by the wide awake grin he gave me, it was safe to say that he had gotten up a while before.

Walking back into the room, I began to gather my clothes.

Bobby: "Where the Hell, did you learn to use your mouth like that?"

I grinned. Even with Jake I didn't have much practice. I guess I was a natural. Who knew that all those pornos would pay off. It really was easier than it looked.

"Don't look so glum, Bobby. You'll get it in time. I'm a very patient teacher."

Bobby had a way of grazing my head with his teeth. And whilst it was arousing the first three times - it was rather uncomfortable afterwards. As I was about the head to the door, Bobby's arm shot out and pulled me back down onto the bed. I glanced at the clock. It was seven fifteen in the morning. Sunday morning to be precise. The Professor liked to use the communal breakfast as a perfect time for school announcements. And even though he was currently in the Med-Wing, it was to be broadcast via videophone. I reasoned that we had a few more minutes together.

Bobby: "I'd kiss you - but your breath fuckin' stinks."

It was perfectly understandable - and his fault too.

"Well, it was your good idea to just snuggle and sleep afterwards, without rinsing with mouthwash and brushing. Don't blame me, blame yourself and your cum."

Bobby had said that we were guys and we could be slobs. Even the rinse I had given my mouth in the bathroom minutes before didn't do much to help my breath. My mouth still had an aftertaste.

Bobby: "About last night..."

"Don't worry about it."

Bobby: "You know that I'll keep trying, right?"

Bobby proved unable to engulf more than three and a half inches of my dick. And by the time he had that much in, he was close to gagging. Looking at him trying so hard almost made me laugh - it was cute to see him so frustrated. But I caught myself before he saw my expression. He was taking it a little too hard on himself, and I was afraid that if I laughed, his feelings might be hurt. In the end, I was forced to make him stop. He looked as if he might have vomited if he forced it all in.

"Bobby, it's okay. Not everyone gets it the first few times...I guess."

Bobby: "First few times - I tried twenty five times. I counted..."

It was then that I saw how disappointed he was. When I made him stop trying to suck me off the night before - he elected to perform a handjob for my benefit. Which, I might add, was excellent.

"You're making a mountain out of a molehill."

Bobby: "It's just're probably used to better."

There was no mistaking the insecurity that was behind those words. Something had to be done to put him at ease, and so I began trying to come up with something.

"Bobby, so you can't take a dick down the throat - so what? That hand job you gave me, it was hot as Hell! A tongue couldn't have done better."

Bobby: "Well, I have been jacking off since I was nine..."

Uh huh, years of perfecting the Art.

"And I can already tell that when we do have sex - the real deal - it's gonna be mind blowing."

Bobby: "How do you know?"

Bobby had staying power, that much was certain. He could prolong an erection and extend the time his dick was stimulated before the final release like nothing I'd ever seen. In any porno. He definitely didn't cum quick if he didn't want to. And he had more than convinced me that he wasn't impotent.

"If I was a girl, and you were the one screwing me - I'd be having a triple multiple orgasm!"

He grinned and added,

Bobby: "Well then, I guess it's womankind's loss."

Snuggling closer to him, I agreed.

"My Man"

After breakfast, and the run of the mill announcements, several of us decided to stretch our legs out on the front lawn. Amara, had managed to get John and Jubilee to confess that they knew about Bobby and myself...and they all started badgering me to do some 'outting' for my own part. And I agreed. Now that Amara was aware of our relationship, I saw no reason why Jenny should be in the dark. As the last girl in our group - she was the odd one out. And so, that morning, I decided that it was time. With Bobby giving his consent, it was perfectly ethical too. He admitted that he wanted to tell Amara first before Jenny ever found out, she was a friend for much longer - and now that she knew, it was Jenny's turn.

Jenny: "What's so top secret that you can't tell me inside?"

We all grinned but said nothing. I didn't dare try and telepathically tell her - some of those nosey bitches inside might have picked up on it. Besides, it seemed fitting that an announcement like that should have been done the old fashioned way, up close and personal. Jenny frowned when she didn't get a reply, but relented when John began nudging her towards some benches. Pity that the trees, were so shattered. The shade would have been nice. As if reading my mind, Jenny closed her eyes and started lip-synching silently, as if speaking to herself.

Jubilee: "Oh my God!"

Before our eyes, two of the shade trees started to regenerate their branches and leaves. The effect of their accelerated growth was comparable to sped up photography. In little more than a minute, the two trees were fully regrown and shading the benches from the sun with their abundant foliage. They were even blooming. Bright pink petals would fall every now and then, creating a picture perfect scene. We all took the time to marvel at Jenny's handiwork.

Bobby: "Wow, that sure is some mutant power."

John: "She's getting good...uh...better."

Her mutant classes must have been coming along well. Whilst mutant ablities were diverse in nature, the means to focus mutant energy had a lot in common.

"If you can do that to the rest of the trees here - Ororo will worship you."

Bobby: "Yeah, and if you heal the trees over there - pretty much the entire school will be in your debt."

We all glanced in the direction Bobby's hand was pointing to - at the mess of bark and branches that once constituted The Grove. No more adolescent trysts could be carried out in there until the trees regenerated their cover.

She grinned and thanked us for our compliments before growing serious once more.

Jenny: "Okay, now everyone have a seat in the shade I've so graciously provided...and tell me what the Hell is up with you guys."

We all complied with her request and sat. I made sure that I was seated next to Bobby.

Jenny: "Um, Amara, Jubilee - why are you grinning like you're high on something?"

She turned towards John who was stifling a low chuckle, not very well I might add.

Jenny: "Oh gosh, not you too. Oh no! You ALL look high! This could be the effect of some other plant based chemical my skin is secreting! I gotta go tell - "

John, Amara and Jubilee stopped the grinning and insisted that nothing mutant related was the cause of their...high.

John: "Alright, Rick. Out with it."

I took a deep breath and started.

"Okay, Jenny - as you know, I'm gay."

Jenny: "Yeah, the entire school knows... What's your point?"

"Well, you know that I have a special guy in my life, right?"

Jenny nodded and urged me to continue.

"Well, I think it's time that you met him. He's ready to reveal himself."

She raised her eyebrow, but responded with a,

Jenny: "Oh, okay. Well, I'd love to meet him. Whenever you get the opportunity to -"

"How's about now?"

Before Jenny could respond, Bobby leapt up with a start and declared himself.

Bobby: "TA DAH! Consider him met!"

Jubilee, Amara and John burst out into fresh laughter at the look of shock on Jenny's face. I would have laughed, but I was too busy blushing and trying to counteract my embarassment. I would have liked to introduce Bobby myself - that way it would have seemed like I had some measure of control in the process. Oh well...

Jenny: "You mean...Bobby is...the boyfriend?"

Bobby: "Don't look so shocked."

Jenny: "Oh...I - never mind - I think it's wonderful! I was under the impression that all you two were - was best friends."

Jubilee giggled and added that she always thought we bonded a little too quickly to be just best friends.

"Oh, this remains between us - for now okay?"

She nodded.

Jenny: "And you knew, John...?"

John: "I actually had an inkling."

Amara: "Shocked the hell outta me when I heard it too. I'm surprised that John took it so well."

John: "Hey, I had enough competition with Roberto around. And Jamie's coming up too. With Rick and Bobby gay for each other, I figured that my problems would be fewer."

Jubilee: "Oh, how wonderfully considerate of you, John."

John: "I try."

Jenny: "If anything but friendship was going on between you two, it slipped by me."

"But we are best friends."

John snickered,

John: "Yeah, best friends...with benefits!"

Bobby: "True, true."


My blushing grew a hundred times worse as I tried to shrink myself. (Jubilee, Amara and Jenny were eyeing us, extremely amused.) Leave it to John to bring up people's sex life and make situations awkward.

Amara: "Oh come on, Rick. You don't have to blush."

Easy for her to say. She was a former slut. She was used to everyone knowing about her sex life.

John: "Besides, we all know that you two have been very busy boys. And why not?"

Bobby grinned right along, acting as if it was all true.

"We haven't yet! I swear we haven't!"

Amara: "Oh really?"

Amara brought up our 'closet' incident once more, fully explaining it for Jenny's benefit, and I had to endure more laughter at my expense.

Amara: "You know, Rick" (she glanced wickedly towards Bobby) "I must admit that you two shocked me good, boy! I would have thought that you could have done better than Bobby."

John and Jubilee burst out laughing at the look of mock anger on Bobby's face.

Bobby: "What is THAT supposed to mean?"

Bobby was quite an actor. Even his voice tone sounded believable. Amara played right along.

Amara: "Oh, it's just that Rick is like - totally opposite."

Bobby made a comment that opposites attract. Amara countered.

Amara: "That's old fashioned foolishness. I think what they meant was man and woman. You know, heterosexual relationships. God knows that you gotta have things in common with your lovers."

Jubilee: "Yeah, you do have a point, Amara"

Amara: "Rick's smarter for one thing, and much more mature. How do you two maintain a conversation without you getting confused, Bobby?"

John: "Maybe they don't do much talking when they're together and alone..."

"John! If you don't mind your mouth - I'll go get Sacha and sick her on you!"

John cringed and I smiled to myself. Amara had told me all about Sacha. She was one of John's ex's. And she was a very kinky and sadistic girl. She was into whips and chains - and the true meaning of 'using the right restraint on your lover', was lost on her. When John was doing her (as Amara so bluntly put it) he was sporting a lot of unexplainable brusies and weals, courtesy of Sacha de Sade. It was one of John's embarassing secrets. He was afraid to break up with her at first because she had a video tape - in which she thoroughly dominated him. Once he got his hands on it - he gained the courage to end their tryst.

John: "Zip the lip!"

Jenny: "Um, who's Sacha?"

John: "'s Rick's pet Doberman."

Jenny: "Oh."

Amara: "I suppose with there being so few eligible gay bachelors around...well, desperate times call for desperate measures."

Bobby: "Amara, shut the fuc - "

Jenny decided to interrupt.

Jenny: "So how did you two meet?"

Bobby: "Right here on the front lawn. I knocked him unconscious."

Jenny: "Oh, well - how romantic..."

Jubilee: "Oooh, tell her about Nova Roma! Come on!"

Amara perked up.

Amara: "Nova Roma! You mean, something went down between you two there?! At my palace?!"

"We...came out to each other there - "

Jubilee: "Under the stars! By a moonlit pool!"

Jenny & Jubilee: *Sigh*

John: "They were forever trying to get rid of me. It was so obvious that they were digging each other."

"Okay, yeah. Whatever, now both Jenny and Amara know. And we can all -"

I stopped midsentence. At that moment we all dropped our interest in our conversation as an alien sound raided the air. From where we were sitting, we could see a suspicious looking car pulling up in front of the school gate. John knew all the vehicles to a tee - and he informed us that it wasn't one of the Mansion's or any of the teachers. What would an unknown vehicle be doing down Graymalkin Lane? Could it be a parent? Whilst most of the students didn't have firm family backgrounds, some of them did.

Jubilee: "Jenny, didn't you say that your parents are going to come visit today? For the weekend."

Jenny: "Um, not 'til this afternoon. That isn't even one of our cars."

John relaxed somewhat.

Amara: "Look! Someone's getting out of the car."

Bobby: "A man."

John: "We'd better go check this out."

"The Visitor"

We sent Jenny back into the Mansion, for the time being, with a message. As we walked closer to the main gate, we could see that it was an adult man, maybe in his thirties, in a professional looking suit. He wasn't using the intercom at the gate, but rather he was pacing up and down before the gate. Seemingly without aim. He didn't look dangerous by any means, as a matter of fact, he seemed a little nervous. Jubilee and Amara put on mock welcoming faces whilst John stealthily brought out his lighter. No point in taking chances. Presently, we approached the front gate.

Jubilee: "Good day, sir. Can we help you with anything?"

The man looked at us probingly, and after a short awkward silence, decided to speak.

Man: "Uh, maybe you can. I need to get in - to see someone."

We all glanced at each other, confused.

Bobby: "Uh, we can't let you in. But there's the intercom. You can use that to get a pass."

Man: "It's like this - the person I need to see, it's a surprise. Could you - "

Surprise? Surprises could be bad things.

"No we cannot. I think you'd better use that intercom if you plan on getting in here."

The man seemed to consider something.

Man: "Maybe you can send a message for me. Perhaps to the person I need to see - a Dr. Jean Grey."


Man: "You know her?"

Jubilee: "Yeah, we do."

Man: "Could you go tell her that...someone is out here waiting for her?"

Since Jean was an adult, we saw no harm in it. Glancing at my watch, I began to wonder what was taking Jenny so long in sending someone back. I glanced back towards the Mansion and sure enough, there was Scott walking down towards our position. We drew back from the gate to give him some space. As soon as he got close I saw his frown and the look of recognition on his face. He knew this man apparently.

Scott: "You!"

Man: "Am I supposed to know who you are?"

Scott glanced towards us and composed himself.

Scott: "I suggest you remove yourself and your vehicle from our driveway."

Okay, so Scott knew the guy - but the guy didn't know Scott. Weird.

Man: "Look, whoever you are, you're not the person I want to see."

Scott: "She doesn't want to see you. Can't you understand that?"

Man: "Don't you think that's HER decision to make? Who the Hell do you think you are?"

Scott: "Me? I'm her man. And I'm tellin' you to back your ass off of our drive."

Man: "So you own the school now?"

Jubilee whispered,

Jubilee: "What the heck is going on here?"

Amara: "I dunno, but this looks like it's gonna get interesting."

Scott turned to us and warned us off. In his current mood, we didn't dare to disagree with him. So we backed off and started walking back to the Mansion. We could hear some of Scott's angry swear words in the distance.

Jubilee: "Probably some ex or something."

And then it hit me! I turned towards the gate and started walking towards Scott.

John: "Hey! What are you going back there for!"

I approached Scott and the man. They were still at it. My presence was noticed and they both turned towards me angrily.

"Mr. Jonathan Lennox, I presume?"

The man's eyebrows raised, but he nodded.

"Scott, how can you not tell Jean that he's here?"

Scott: "After all that he's said and done, I don't think that she'll want to see him. Besides, I'm not sure that it's going to be a smart idea for her to know that he's here."

"I really think that IS her decision to make. What will she do if she finds out? She'll be pissed."

Scott: You know how she feels about him.


I also know that hiding things from people to 'protect' them doesn't work. Have some faith that she's a strong enough woman to deal with seeing him.

Scott: I don't think it's a good idea.

I'll tell her.

Scott: You wouldn't.


Try me.

Scott: "No, she's more fragile than she seems. Get inside, Rick!"

I turned to go. But I was serious. Reaching out mentally, I scanned the ground floor of the Mansion. Jean was apparently still there, it wasn't too much of a strain to pinpoint her location.



Jean: Yeah, Rick?

Jean, I think you should get out here. There's someone at the gate I think you should see. He's waiting.

Jean: Any idea who?


It's...that Lennox guy.

There was a slight pause, and I could sense her surprise.


Jean: I'm fine. Tell him that I'll be there shortly.

I turned back towards the gate and shouted,

"She's coming!"

Scott: I can't believe that you did that!


Come on! You know that if you go ahead with this hiding stuff you won't stand a chance with her when she finds out. Relationships need trust - or don't you know that?

Scott: You''re right.

Jean: Rick?



Jean: We'll open the gate. Are you at the gate?

I reported that I was near enough.

Jean: Could you lead him into the lounge? I want to do this good - and I need a little time to prepare myself.

I agreed, and passed the word on to Scott. He frowned, but backed off when the gate slid open five seconds later.

Relax, lover boy. I think she's gonna give it to him good. You might have nothing to worry about if you give her the chance to clear her system and formally break it off.

We both motioned for Jonathan to follow us into the Mansion proper.

"We Are Family"

"Well, here we are. She's waiting for you inside."

Scott: "Try not to cry."

With a death glare, he left us and entered the room. Before he could close the door, we heard a,

Jonathan: "What in Heaven's name?!"

Shocked, Scott and I rushed in. Was something of a blatantly mutant nature going on in there? Upon entering, we realized that it was not the case at all. Standing around a seated Jean in a semi-circle were Ororo, Rogue, mom and Betsy. They all had looks of anger written upon their faces, and they were all intently staring at one Jonathan Lennox.

Jonathan: "I want to speak with you alone, Jean."

Jean: "I didn't agree to see you to hear you out, Jonathan. I agreed to see you so that I could speak my mind. And I need my sisters here for moral support."

Jonathan: "What?!"

"We are family! I got all my sisters with me! We are - "

Jonathan: "Shut up and mind your own business."

Jean: "Oh, it is his business. Come on in boys, you might as well have a seat. I know that you'll both be eavesdropping anyway."

Jonathan: "Jean I - "

Jean: "Are you ready to be a man and accept your fatherly responsibilities?"

Jonathan: "I'm not ready for this! And quite frankly, I don't think that you have it in you to be a single mother."

Jean: "Is that all you have to say?"

Jonathan: "You dropped two bombs on me! How did you expect me to deal with this at the outset?!"

Jean: "You tried to convince me to have an abortion! As if this baby is an embarassment to you!"

Jonathan: "Why can't you see that this couldn't be at a worse time? Just when I'm - "

Jean: "Well, it's no longer any problem of yours. I intend to keep this baby - and as you can see, I won't be raising him or her alone."

Jonathan: "And what about us?"

Scott: "For a Professor, you really are dumb! She don't want your useless ass anymore!"

Jean: "Crude, but yeah. That pretty much sums it all up."

Jonathan: "You're making the biggest mistake of your life."

Scott replied that Jean had already made the biggest mistake of her life by getting together with him in the first place. That precipitated another series of verbal assaults between them.

Jean: "Alright, enough. Jonathan, in case you didn't get it the first time - we're done. And you can stop calling me, I won't be answering any of your phonecalls. You can leave now."

Jonathan: "Oh I'll leave. But don't you wait too long - I won't keep waiting forever. You'll be back."

He turned to go, but Jean had one more thing to say. In a mock timid voice.

Jean: "Jonny, wait!"

Jonathan turned behind quickly, superiority flashing across his features once more.

Jonathan: "That didn't take too long."

Jean smiled wryly.

Jean: "You wish! I just have one more thing to say."

Jonathan: "Which is?"

Jean: "I...WAS...FAKING...IT!"

Yeah, he was that dumb. His eyes went blank for a few moments as his mind churned out a possibility.

Jonathan: "What? You faked that you were pregnant to test me or something?! What is wrong with you?!"

Scott: "No dumbass! She is pregnant for real."

Jonathan: "Then what was she faking?"

Jean: "What do you think?"

Jonathan's eyes flashed fire and he sped out of the room amidst the resounding laughter.

"It's A Miracle!"

Kurt: "It is a miracle!"

I suppose you could call it that. Standing before us at about six feet, two inches, was none other than Professor Xavier. It was close to six o' clock on Sunday when Hank's message came. No one bothered to think about what the shakiness in his voice could mean. All Hank said was that the Professor was at last back to normal, and that he needed to see all of us in the Med-Bay. And so, we all obediently made haste do so.

Scott: "Professor! You're..."

Professor Xavier: "Up and about."

Logan: "That's one way of puttin' it."

Professor Xavier walked shakily towards us, practising his newly reacquired mobility.

Jean: "Professor, do you have any idea HOW you're able to walk again?"

It turned out that he did not have any convincing explanations. Hank had churned out several theories. The most promising ones being that Magneto's powers caused some sort of modification of Jake's healing abilities, or that the complete removal of the Professor's psychic self caused his nervous system to reboot and re-establish connections long since inert. I was very curious. I had never found out why the Professor was hoverchair bound. Not that I didn't want to know before. I just didn't know how to ask. Differently abled people could be quite fiesty about such things.

"Professor, did you ever have Jake try to heal you before?"

To my surprise, he replied that he had not. Why was that? Shouldn't have that been the first thing to try?"

Professor Xavier: "I sustained those injuries years ago. And they weren't physical in nature, they were psychic."

Jake: "I cannot heal psychic damage. And even if his injuries weren't psychic...too much time had passed since he got them. Hank thinks that Magneto's powers could have altered my own, allowing me to temporarily heal psychic damage."

I never knew that there was a time factor involved. But I got what Hank was saying. Muscles are controlled by nervous impulses. And nervous impulses are electrical in nature - just as the brain's activties are. Definitely within Magneto's sphere of influence. The next logical question was,

"How were you injured, Professor?"

Most of the adults grew shifty at that. And the Professor's expression turned grave and cold. He didn't seem willing to discuss it, and so I did not press him when he said that it was something he'd rather not think about. The Professor opened his mouth to speak once more but didn't get a chance to as the Med-Bay's sliding doors opened and our former prisoner entered.

Mike: "Sorry I'm late, everyone!"

Scott: "It's okay. We didn't even notice that you weren't here."

The Professor eyed Scott warningly and he lowered his gaze.

Mike: "Uh - I seem to recall you needing a transport chair of some sort."

Professor Xavier: "Well, it appears that I won't be needing it anymore."

Emma: "Charles, this is wonderful! I always knew that you would walk again one day! No psychic damage is beyond you!"

Emma swiftly walked forward and gave the Professor an encouraging hug. They both nearly fell and had to be supported by the strong arms of Peter.

Professor Xavier: "I suppose it will take some getting used to. I feel like a baby once more. At least now, should I meet Magneto, I'll be able to look him in the eye face to face. He won't be looking down on me, eh?"

He grinned devilishly and, arm in arm with Emma, proceeded to lead us out of the Med-Bay.

"You're Absolutely Right"

Emma: "It's stressful, I know."

Of course it was stressful. Almost everyone was in the lounge, celebrating the Professor's awakening, Jean's dumping of Jonathan Lennox and the news that my mother was once again pregnant. I left after the Professor's bit of the activities was over. Jean wished to keep the fact that Jonathan was the father of her baby secret from Emma. And so she made the adults swear. Some of the guys were in the lounge and Jean made it out to be that Jonathan Lennox was an old boyfriend who came crawling back to her...but she told him that she was taken with Scott and was bearing his child. Emma was deceived, but was made to feel unwelcome. Especially when talk of babies and the party they were going to throw the next day came about. So she left and met me in the hall, watching television.

Emma: "What are you doing here all alone in the dark?"

"Just killing some time behind the tube."

Emma: "So I hear that you're going to be a big brother."


Emma: "Okay, I take it that you're less than thrilled."

I was grateful that she did not find out about mom's pregnancy before our weekly therapy session. Or else I would have had to discuss it with her. Emma walked over to the sofa and, after carefully scrutinizing it, took a seat. So stiff and primlike, I could not help but smile.

Emma: "It's almost eleven. Hand me that remote - "

Since I wasn't really paying attention to the screen, I let her have it.

Emma: "I've known your parents for quite a while - not by choice, I assure you."

She proceeded to basically badmouth them both.

Emma: "I'm the last person who'd say a good word about that bitchy mother of yours - believe me on that."

I believed her.

Emma: "Julia was only second to Jean in being the bigger bitch to me. She was never an X-man and I hated her almost as much as I ever hated them."


Emma: "And I understand what you must be feeling. It's okay to feel most of it - the parts where your father are concerned. I don't know with any surety what is going on in his head. But your mother is another matter entirely."

"So, you're saying that I should forgive her?"

Emma unhurriedly gave me her two cents. It was as much of a shock to my mother as it was to my father that I was gay. She was a woman who had to make a very difficult decision. Come what may - dad and I were the ones who mattered most to her. And siding with one meant going up against the other. Everyone makes mistakes at times. And whilst she could not find it in her to try and stop my father from carrying out his plans - she had not directly attacked me like he did.

Emma: "I've made a few mistakes myself, dear. And it hurts when I'm reminded of them. No matter what I do, there are some people who won't ever believe that I'm sorry I ever made those errors of judgement. Everytime you turn away from your mother - you're doing that. You're treating her like some people treat me. And her mistakes were not selfish in nature like mine were. I'm sure that in her own way - she wanted what was best for you. She just didn't know how to go about it."

When Emma put it like that - I realized that she was right. I was being totally immature about it. I had not stopped to consider what a hippocrite I was being. She made a mistake - like we all do. I was always telling Jean to give Emma another chance. And I always had something to say when Jean made those comments about Emma. And I myself was guilty in treating mom like Jean treated Emma. Dad was the one who did the major damage. Emma said that whilst she didn't believe that I was dealing with him the right way - she understood that the kind of forgiveness he wanted would take time and effort. She also said that the kind my mother wanted should not be too much of a problem for me to give - if I was mature enough to see that.

"Emma, you're right. You're absolutely right."

Emma: "Good, so I guess you'll be having a talk with her before she goes?"

"Maybe...I don't suppose that I could wait 'til they leave, then call her, huh?"

Emma: "I'd suggest you do it personally. And when you're done - be sure to tell the bitch who it was that made you see sense. That'll show her...she'll be in MY debt."

At the word 'debt', I could not help but notice the shift in Emma's expression. Immediately afterwards, she sighed a heavy sigh.

"Emma, I don't think I've told you this before - (actually I knew I hadn't, but not if David had) - but thanks for all that you're doing. Your sessions are really helping me cope with my problems. And it's nice to know that we can all come to you when life gets a little tough. You're doing a swell job as our counselor."

She smiled.

Emma: "Oh, thank you. You don't know this yet - but I won't be the counselor after this upcoming week."

"I don't understand."

The thought that I'd have to share my issues with someone else wasn't too appealing. Only as few people as possible should know about them as was possible.

Emma: "Well, I'm on the X-team now. I know that I said that I could handle both roles - but Charles insisted that he hire a replacement. The others just teach. But a counselor works round the clock."

That was certainly true. Emma's work day started at eight on the weekdays and didn't end until nightfall. And even afterwards, whenever students came to her, she was expected to be there for them. How would she find the time to fulfil X-duties?

Emma: "Not to worry though. I'll still be handling you and Wagner. Charles insisted on that too. We're coming along and a break in the therapy, especially with a new counselor, might not be the best thing to help the situation."

Hearing that, I grew happier. Emma was such a nice person when she was given a chance.

Emma: "Of course, now I have to deal with Wagner in therapy sessions AND on the team. But, such is life - just full of hurdles..."

There it was, that sigh again.

"Emma, you seem...down."

Emma: "What makes you say that?"

"I just get the feeling that you're going through a little something yourself."

Emma: "Oh, don't be silly. I am fine - as always."

"Well, if you say so."

Emma got up and said that she was going to go turn in for the night, leaving me alone to my thoughts. I'd have a talk with mom, next day preferably. Just as soon as she was away from dad.

"You're Doing The Right Thing"

Monday afternoon, and there I was, still working up the courage to have a face to face confrontation with my mother. Dad was scarcely away from my mother the whole day. And dissuading thoughts kept cropping up at the most inopportune times. I would in essence have to apologize to mom - to say that I was in the wrong. I never was any good at admitting to being wrong at the best of times. And I was so not in the best of times. I didn't have much time on my hands to play around with. Later that day, Jean and company were going to throw that baby shower of theirs, mom would be off limits.

Bobby: "You're still going to go through with it, right?"


Bobby: "Good. You're doing the right thing."

We glanced across the corridor and saw mom and dad heading on out - grinning like two lovesick teenagers. Several students watched on and laughed as they walked by. What did they have to gain by attracting that much attention to themselves? When would they start acting their ages?

Bobby: "Aww, they're so adorable."

"If you were in my position, you wouldn't be saying that."

Mom and dad exited the front door just as Jean was stepping in. She rolled her eyes and came strolling down the corridor, heading straight to our position.

Jean: "It's wonderful how the romance is still alive and kicking, isn't it?"

Bobby: "Are they always like that?"

"Sort of. I guess being in this place must remind them of their teenaged days."

Jean: "Now, Rick. Our baby shower starts at seven."

Not more than three hours left.

"You don't think that you could get mom away from dad."

Jean: "Hmmm, well - there isn't anything much left to do - or I'd ask him for some help."

"I am not going to do it if he's there."

Jean: "Well...since it's for a good cause - I guess I could implant a telepathic impression in his mind. Something subconscious."

Bobby: "Like what?"

Jean: "Maybe I could make him feel hungry."

I didn't think that would work. What was to stop mom from following him into a kitchen. Maybe even cooking something up herself for him. I expressed my concern.

Jean: "Hmm, I didn't think of that."

Bobby had an idea.

Bobby: "So make him feel like he has to use the bathroom."

That did sound like a plan.

Jean: "Crude, but do-able."

"Thanks, Jean. You're always there for me."

Jean: "One of these days, don't be alarmed if I ask for a favor or two in return."


Jean was true to her word. Hiding behind a column at the front of the Mansion, I saw my father leave my mother's side at the fountain, heading straight for the front door. The column was very effective at hiding me, and so he passed right by without noticing my presence. Mom didn't seem in a hurry to leave the fountain area, and so I decided that it was now or never. I quickly communicated once more with Jean through the secure telepathic linkup she established - so that my mother could not intrude upon our conversation.

Keep him busy alright, Jean?

Jean: It's going to be difficult keeping him in the bathroom if he really decides that he doesn't need to 'go'. I suggest you speak with her somewhere privately. Like in the greenhouse. If Joshua comes back around here and asks - I'll tell him I saw her heading for the lounge.

Right, here goes...

That said, I shakily stepped out from behind the pillar and onto the open terrace. Either my mother was ignoring me - or she was preoccupied with staring into the fountain. When I counted the ten steps I'd made in her direction, she was still blissfully unaware of my presence. Or so I thought. When I was within eight feet of her, mom shifted aside on the fountain and without turning around, signaled for me to have a seat. I did so, nervously avoiding direct eye contact with her. Glancing at her midsection, I realized that she had not turned towards me.

Mom: "I sensed you hiding back there you know."

I felt like a fool. In my nervous state, hiding behind their backs, I must have been unable to guard stray thoughts from escaping my mind. She was a pretty powerful telepath - of course she'd sense them.

"So why didn't you say anything then?"

Mom: "I wanted to leave the choice to you. I sensed that you wanted to speak with me. Just didn't want to make it seem like I was pressuring you."

Emma was right. She does think about my best interest all the time.

I do - just not here. Dad..."

Mom: "He won't be coming back anytime soon."

That took me by surprise, which my mother sensed.

Mom: "Don't be mad with, Jean."

She explained it to me. Apparently, Jean had secretly divulged my plan to mom. And she had sent my father off herself, telling him that Ororo would like a hand with her plants out back.

"So, Ororo is in on this too?"

Mom: "Yeah, she really does need a hand though. She wants to replant out here, but needs an Earth mover to handle the soil."

And there I was thinking that it was going to be personal and completely private.

"Well, I guess we have some time then."

Mom: "Yes, we do."

Things were quiet for a few minutes as I took the time to rally my thoughts. This wasn't something small I was apologizing for. I had never before seen my mother cry the way I made her, ever. Come to think of it - I had never seen her cry at all. And that fact spoke volumes.

"Mom...I know that I've been putting you through hell... "

I saw her shifting, turning towards me and quickly avoided eye contact.

"And I shouldn't have done that - you weren't treating the whole situation like dad was..."

I was aware then of her arm resting on my back, but I still felt it necessary to avoid looking at her. The memories of her crying made me want to do so too. And if she was all emotional again - I wouldn't be able to help myself.

"I said some bad things to you, mom. But I didn't mean them, not really."

I paused, remembering the night of my birthday. I had called her a bitch right there at that same fountain. And all she was trying to do was tend to the cut my father's wedding ring had given me - after he punched me that is. Mom snapped me out of her musing then, as she chose to speak - timidly.

Mom: "You...said that you hated me."

Yeah, I did say that. But I knew that deep down, I didn't believe it. I just wanted to try and hurt them as much as they hurt me.

"I never hated you mom. I was mad and upset - and dad wanted to take me away was crazy."

Mom: "Nothing and no one ever hurt me like that before."

"Well I was never hurt before like I was that night either."

I realized that I was sounding a little too defensive and quickly altered my tone.

"And I lost sight of a few things. I just want you to know that I'm sorry. And that I do love you."

The next thing I knew, my air supply was nearly cut off as she tightened her hug. Moments later I realized that she was crying. Risking a glimpse at her, I knew that I was doing the right thing. Jean was right, I should have done it a lot sooner.

"And about you being pregnant - "

Mom: "We didn't do it to replace you."

I was willing to believe that perhaps she didn't. But not dad. He would have been the one who felt that I needed replacing a lot more than she would have.

"If having another baby will make you happy - then it's cool with me."

Mom: "You mean that?"

"Yeah. And about what I said - about wishing the baby turns out gay..."

She stopped me from saying another word.

Mom: "You've taught us both a lesson. With your first kid, it's frightening. You're afraid of making a horrible mistake along the parenting lines. And that's what we did to you. But we learned a lesson, because of you. No matter what fate has in store for us and this baby, we are going to love him or her unconditionally. And we have you to thank for teaching us that."

She went on to say that she didn't care if the baby turned out gay or straight - she'd be happy with what she got. I couldn't help but smile a little at the serious expression on her face.

"You better not let dad hear you talking like that."

Mom: "He really has changed, Rick. I'm sure of it - one hundred percent sure."

"No one can ever be sure of what someone else is thinking."

Mom: "Well I am. If you'd just sit down and have an honest talk with him - "

"Maybe some other time. After that little blow up on the verandah...I just don't want to face him any time soon."

Mom: "Promise me that you'll try honestly by the time this baby is due. I want this baby to come into the world, greeted by a fully functional family unit."

Since it meant a lot to her, and I'd have quite a bit of time to steel myself - I promised that I'd try. She took that well and the conversation lagged for a few minutes. When she started talking again, all smotheringly, I knew that I had my mother back.

Mom: "We never got a chance to discuss your being gay after...that night."

No, we did not.

Mom: "I don't want you to think that I'm judging you or anything like that. You are what you are - just like all the rest of us are."

"Um, yeah."

Mom: "It's just - I'm curious. How did you realize that you were gay?"


It was embarassing when I told it to Jake and Bobby. Rafael Sanchez, my first real crush, and his tight shorts in gym wasn't something I relished speaking of with my mother. I was delaying a reply too long and my mother started to panic.

Mom: "Rick, did someone do something to you? I don't care whether you liked it or not - did anyone ever - "

I got what she was worried about.

"No! No, nothing like what you're thinking ever happened."

Mom: "Honey, are you sure? If anything like that ever happened, it isn't your fault or - "

"Nothing like that has ever happened."

The memory of what transpired with Jake on the Astral Plane flashed by. But part of me enjoyed it, a little. And besides, I was already fully aware of what my sexual orientation was. Realizing that mom might suspect something if a stray thought escaped me - I quickly shut the memory out. She continued on her talk.

Mom: "Okay. And...has anything that you wanted...anything sexual in nature - has anything like that happened to you yet?"

I started shifting around uncomfortably.

Mom: "Rick, have you ever had sex? And if so, are you still having sex?"

I could hear the concern in her voice and see it in her eyes.

"Just a couple of times...real sex anyway."

Mom gasped and I immediately pouted. She apologized and explained that she was suprised, not disgusted.

Mom: "When did you start?"

Blushing, I told her that it only started with my arrival to the Mansion.

Mom: "You do know that sex isn't something trivial, right? It's special and only people who really love each other should be engaging in - "

"I know all that mom."

She eyed me a little probingly and then smiled mischievously.

Mom: "Oh, so you know about that. Am I to understand that you're in love with someone. Is there someone special in your life?"

I blushed once more and nodded.

Mom: "That brings me to the next part. Are you two using protection?"


I hadn't done anything with Bobby that required protection. And I didn't see any need to let her know that I was on my second guy.

Mom: "You're not even eighteen yet - "

"I'm old enough to know what I want and who I love."

She started younger than me and got pregnant at fifteen. I would have thought that she'd be the last person to make a big deal out of it.

Mom: "I'm not asking who's topping who - I just want to make sure that you're safe. There are so many sexually transmitted diseases these days. Herpes, genital warts, Gonorrhea, Papilloma, Syphilis, HIV - "

She rattled those off and kept on an it with some other STDs I had not even heard of.

"We didn't use condoms mom, if that's what you're asking."

Mom: "Oh God, if only this was all out in the open earlier. We could have talked to you about sex."

"I am safe mom."

Mom: "He's right for you?"

"Yes, we're right for each other."

Mom: "I'd...really like to meet this boy. He is a boy, right? Not an adult ma- "

I should have seen that coming.

"He's not ready for anyone to know about him."

Mom: "If you're worried I'd tell your father - I won't."

"No, it isn't that. He's just totally in the closet."

Mom: "Well, whenever the two of you are ready - I'll be waiting 'til then."

"I can't really say when - "

Mom: "How old is he?"

"Not much older - not quite a whole year."

Mom: "Good, at least I don't have to worry that he's a dirty old man."

I grinned.

"I can't leave the Mansion grounds, mom - where would I find a dirty old man?"

After several more minutes, our talk was cut short. Mom sensed that Dad was making his way back towards the Fountain. I got up to go.

Mom: "I'll have to thank Jean for convincing you to come to me."

That reminded me.

"Oh, Jean wasn't the one who made me see sense. She tried, but the person you should really be thanking is Emma."

Even I could sense the shock pouring out of her mind.

Mom: "Emma?! As in...Frost?!"

"Uh huh. Just last night she had a talk with me."

Mom: "My God..."

Smiling at the effect that piece of information had on my mother, I quickly exited the scene.

"Guys' Night Out!"

"But what about the school?"

Jean: "The students will be put in the Subbasement quarters. And us X-women will be here too. It's just for a few hours anyway."

I suppose we had a lot to be grateful for. The Professor was okay, we had no student casualties after the drama that went down, Professor Xavier's regained mobility, new babies... Jean and company wanted to have a baby shower, and they were going through with it. At the last minute, Logan and Remmy came up with their own idea - Guys' night out. They wanted to basically go out and celebrate Dad's upcoming fatherhood. And as if that wasn't enough - they planned on taking Professor Xavier out too, for his own little celebration, to some strip joint called Foxy's no less! As far as I knew, the only adult men not going out were Kurt and Hank.

"They're going to a strip club! Aren't you women worried?"

She informed me that they weren't very.

"But, all the naked women...gyrating on poles..."

Jean: "They're big boys, they can control themselves - and that part is really for Professor Xavier to enjoy himself anyway."

Ewwww... I thought that Professor Xavier might have denied Logan and company permission. But it seened that he was only too willing to paint the town red himself.

Jean: "Besides, Emma will be right here with us. She's the only real threat."

Mom must have really felt compelled to do right by Emma. It was the only way I could see Emma being invited to their little party.

Jean: "It'll be fine - why don't you go out with them? You could pass for eighteen."

"Naked women being forced to dance for a dollar, doesn't really do anything for me."

Roberto and David were up for it, that I knew. They weren't eighteen yet, but Logan said he knew the bouncers well and that they'd get in. They looked mature enough. Jubilee warned Ray sternly and he said that he wasn't leaving the Mansion. John jumped for joy when he heard - but alas for him, Jenny would not have it either. Jamie was far too young to get into the place, so he was stranded too. My main concern was Bobby. He was a single, "straight" boy. Dad had apparently seen him and asked if he wanted to tag along. Thankfully, Bobby could fake a sore throat and chill very well. Jake was far too serious to do something so frivolous.

Jean: "Remember, the second floor lounge is off limits to you men."

"Whatever. I don't want to know anything about the mysteries of you women. I'll say it again, you just may regret this night."

Jean: "I know, Emma - with us... If it weren't for Julie asking us to let her in..."

Not what I had in mind.

"Actually, I was thinking - what if Scott sees a hot hooker and beds the bitch! Then you'd - "

Jean: "Well, that would only be a problem if he was actually going out with them."

"He isn't? I know he was all serious before. But he seemed to have changed so much."

Jean: "Well...he's staying to safeguard the school. Along with Hank and Kurt."

I inwardly laughed at the thought of Kurt's reaction to the news.

And as for our stranger - Scott insisted that he remain in the Mansion. What was more, he was to be given a dose of mutant inhibitor drugs. Powerless, he wouldn't have a hope of leaving the Mansion undetected. Professor Xavier wasn't thrilled at it. Suffice it to say, Scott didn't trust him with a school full of kids. But moreover, he was adamant that Michael was still on "parole". He wasn't to be given the opportunity to bolt easily. I didn't get Scott. The last thing Michael seemed to want was leave. He all out forced them to join - it did not seem logical that he'd think of running off. Besides, we had his gauntlet, and he seemed to want it back badly. It was incentive enough for him to stay. Come to think of it, Scott seemed to dislike Michael, even though he was no longer a subscriber to the theory that Michael was an attempted Murderer. He was probably staying behind to watch Michael.

"Well, enjoy yourself. I know I'm going to."

With a grin, I started up the stairs, heading for my room.

"There's A Man In There With Them"

Ray: "What do you guys think they're doing in there?"

Whatever it was must have been fun. Every now and then, womanish shrieks of delight could be heard echoing from within the second floor lounge. Ray and John were concerned and curious. Jubilee and Amara were understandably let in - and so was Jenny for that matter. Ray and John had succeeded in dragging us all along with them, to spy on the women folk.

This brings back old Novarian memories, doesn't it?


Jake: Yeah, wonder what we'll discover this time around.


Bobby: Rogue sounded drunkish with that last laugh.

John: "Twenty bucks, there's a man in there with them."

Jake: "Someone's coming to the door! Hide!"

That said, we all dove around a corner, risking nothing more than a peek. The door opened and Emma stumbled out, hair tussled and clothes disheveled. I wasn't rightly sure what a baby shower entailed exactly - but Emma looked like she had just gotten up from sleep. And yet, there was a wide smile adorning her face. Three more shrieks escaped the room before she closed the door - I recognized the sound of Jubilee, Amara and Jenny's voices. Ray and John glanced at each other grimly. Emma shakily walked down the hallway and vanished from sight.

Jamie: "Hahahaha!"

Ray: "What the hell is so funny?"

Jamie: "Jenny and Jubilee ordered you to stay put tonight. And they're probably in there enjoying themselves with some male stripper."

"We don't know that for sure."

Ray: "I'd like nothing better than to catch Jubilee red handed in the act. She'd be so embarrassed, she'd never reproach me about my porno stash again."

John: "Pity we can't just crash the damn party."

Jake: "Well there is one way."

Ray: "Oh yeah! Spill."

It was devious. Plain and simple.

Jake: "We can use the Subbasement's security linkup to access all the Mansion's security cameras. They can be activated remotely."

I decided to burst their bubble.

"But that'll mean you'll have to hack, Jake. It takes a long time."

Ray: "As leader of the Junior team, I have the required passwords."

Jake: "Big deal, so have I."

That surprised the rest of us.

Bobby: "Since when?"

Ray: "Remember when the Professor left us alone in the Mansion, with Emma?"

Jamie: "Oh, when they went to see the police last weekend?"

Jake: "Yeah. That's why the Professor kept Ray and me back after the meeting. He wanted to give us some passwords for the Mansion. The security system's - well, some of the security system's passwords."

John: "Damn! Let's get the hell down there!"

"If I Didn't Know Any Better"

Scott Summers angrily pouted to himself. Just his luck that Logan would pull off a stunt like he had. Of all the times. Scott would never go to Foxy's under any circumstances. Staying home to look after the school was in his character. Thankfully, his cold exterior made that fact unsuspicious. What was annoying was the fact that Michael was in the Danger Room with him. Scott didn't believe Michael to be a cold blooded assassin any longer. But he was still very untrusting of his motives. What was even more aggravating was the fact that Michael had seemed to worm his way into a lot of people's confidences. Most importantly, Professor Xavier's confidences. Without even consulting either him or Ororo, Professor Xavier had granted X-men status to the newcomer.

Michael: "Hey, what does this button do?"

Scott: "Don't touch that!"

Dumb designers, Scott thought. They put the lockdown button in plain sight. Every newcomer invariably seemed to be drawn to the red, shiny button on the console. The last thing he wanted was to be locked down in the Danger Room with Michael. Silence reigned for a few minutes. Scott savored it. At every turn, Michael had a question for him. Getting concerned, when after several more silent mintues passed by, Scott glanced towards Michael. To his surprise, Michael was pouting like a child who had been scolded.

Scott: "What the heck is your problem?"

Mike: "What the heck is your problem?"

Scott: "I just told you not to push that button."

Michael pouted and said that it was the tone he found offensive, and demanded an apology. Scott's eyebrows shot up in surprise when he realized that Michael was serious. Not that Scott had any intention of doing that.

Mike: "If I didn't know any better - I'd think that you hate me or something."

The thought did cross his mind earlier when he caught Mike trying to play one of his "special" discs. Scott had left it lying around in the Danger Room and Michael had gotten his hands on it. Thankfully he didn't figure out how to play it before Scott saw him.

Scott: "That's ridiculous."

Mike: "You locked me in the room with one of those robot things!"

Scott broke eye contact ever so slightly.

Scott: "I told you my hand slipped! I didn't mean to lock you in with a Level Fifteen Sentinel!"

Scott inwardly snickered. It turned out that Michael needed some help with that Sentinel model after all. His telekinetic powers were not sufficiently strong to break the droid's extensive body armor.

Mike: "Hey, you're dealing with a psychic here you know."

Scott: "Oh really?! I never would have guessed. Well listen here brain boy! I know a few things about psychics myself...seeing as I'm linked to one. You can't be one hundred percent sure of what's going on in my head unless you probe. And that's a no no here without permission. So you're just going to have to trust my word."

Mike: "I think I know exactly what your problem is."

Scott instantly tensed. He so hated whenever he had to deal with an angry telepath. There was no telling what to expect. Sure, Michael was currently powerless. But what if he had done some mental snooping earlier? Like in the Danger Room. Scott couldn't help it that he threw a couple glances Mike's way. He did have a perfect masculine musculature. Holding his breath, Scott waited.

Scott: "And what would that be?"

Mike: "It's simple really. You're just jealous."

Scott: "What shit are you on?!"

Mike: "I was talking with Logan after our little excercise. He said that you were the one who designs those training programs. And he said that no one, not even you, has ever beaten them so easily before."

Scott: "What of it?"

Mike: "You're jealous!"

Scott: "I am not!"

Mike: "Yes!"

Scott: "No!"

Mike: "Yes!"

Scott: "No!"

Mike: "No!"

Scott: "Yes!...shit!"

Mike: "Glad you can finally admit it."

Scott: "You're right! I do hate you. Just get out of here - go pester Hank or Kurt or something!"

Mike: "Fine by me. Hank's been after me to give him some of the secrets of my gauntlet anyway."

"What Did I Tell You"

John: "See, what did I tell you?!"

"John, remember, this is also a party celebrating Jean's single status again! She's entitled! And if I must say so - I wish I was invited."

Bobby: I can put on a show for you.

Yeah, and then you'd make me do it.

Bobby: Fair's fair.

Jake's security camera plan was a success. We were able to bring up a visual of the second floor lounge. And John was right, there was a guy in there with them. From what I could make out on his uniform - it was an Officer Phil Herrup. A six foot, two inch adonis, dancing up a storm.

Jamie: "I wonder what other hidden camera's there are out there"

Before anyone could stop him, Jamie dashed towards the consoles and began fiddling around with them. With a grin, he expressed the hope that the girls' bathroom was under surveillance. Just as Jake and Ray were about to stop him, a random visual came up onscreen that grabbed all our attention.

Ray: "Hey, that's Emma!"

And sure enough it was Emma. But what was she doing in one of the Mansion's garages? She glanced around suspiciously, and finally entered one of the cars. Without wasting any more time, the garage door slid open and she drove off. Where was she going? And why? Scott should have been alerted to the Main Gate opening, but no announcement came over the P.A. system.

Ray: "Okay, now we have the perfect excuse to go barging in there!"

I didn't see what he was talking about. John kindly elaborated.

John: "Don't you see? All the women in there hate Emma. And she just mysteriously left the Mansion. Beats me as to how. No one is supposed to leave."

Ray: "We barge in and say that we saw Emma driving off into the night, and thought that they should know. They've been trying to find some dirt on her since she came, and we thought that we'd help them out."

Jamie: "Haha! And then you get to catch them red handed, huh?"

Ray: "Exactly."

Bobby: "Guys! Forget catching them for now! We've got bigger things to worry about. Like what the heck Emma is up to."

"Well...she not be up to anything."

John: "We'll let Jean and company decide. Come on!"


Jubilee: "It's isn't what you think!"

Those were the first words out of Jubilee's mouth when we rushed in. Surprisingly, the door was not locked. Anyhow, we had made it in time to see a shirtless Officer Phil Herrup. Jubilee's hands were on his waist and he hadn't stopped wiggling his hips to the beat of his boom box. Ray took one look at the scene and sped over, grabbed her hands and eased her away from him. John immediately followed suite and commandeered Jenny. Amara wasn't near the man, but I could see the wishfulness in her eyes. No doubt she would have liked nothing more than for Jake to try and stake claim too. The stripper, shrugged and went over to Rogue instead. Jean, and company all wore shocked and embarrassed expressions.

Ray: "Just what the hell is going on here?!"

Jean: "Ray, it's okay. Phil couldn't get his belt buckle undone and Jubilee was just trying to help him."

Ororo: "Yes, Ray. We weren't planning on having him strip right down. And you know we'd never condone unfaithfulness."

Mom: "And whatever made you boys think that it was alright to come barging in here like this?!"

Before we could answer, Phil started talking impatiently with Rogue.

Officer Phil Herrup: "Come on and help me outta these. Why are you behavin' like this? I'm not disgusting am I? Or are you some kinda lesbian or something?"

Rogue: "Lesbian?! You dadburn, pompous asshole!"

Officer Phil Herrup: "Hmpf! You are a mannish one! Look, I made it clear - I only dance for straight, non-kinky women, yo!"

Jean and Betsy went over to Phil and calmed him down.

Ororo: "Whatever made you all just rush in like that?"

Bobby: "Do you know where Emma is right now?"

Mom: "She had a bit too much to drink. She said she was going to hit the sack."

Jake: "More like she went and hit the road."

That caught Jean's ear and she came over to our position.

Jean: "What, no one is supposed to leave the Mansion!"

We filled her in. At once Jean perked up, tossing all embarrassment aside, she thanked us for bringing it to her attention. With a gesture, she beckoned a confused Officer Phil to her side, and whipped out her cash card. After he was dismissed, she gathered her Sisters In The Struggle together, and they began to plot.

Jenny: "Um, what's going on?"

"Oh, they all think Emma is bad news and have been trying to find proof ever since she set foot here."

Jenny: "But I like Miss Frost."

"Me too. But I guess they'll have to learn for themselves that she can be trusted."

Jean: "Alright, we're just going to have to track Emma down! All who're with me?"

Everyone's hand among the womenfolk, except Jenny's hand, went up.

Mom: "We can use the portable Cerebro headsets and track her from a car."

Betsy: "She has to be up to something. She said she was so tired and that she was going to sleep."

Ignoring us men and Jenny, the womenfolk began heading on out, Jubilee and Amara in tow.

John: "Uh - can we come?"

Jean: "I don't think that Scott would allow a whole lot of us out. Besides, we don't need the help."

John's face fell.

Jean, I don't think he wants to go out with you to help. I think he wants to take Jenny out.

John: "Hey, you can convince him. And you know it. Besides, you better remember who it was that brought you this information."

Ray: "Yeah, I wanted to go out too. But Jubilee said I couldn't because of the strippers - and look at what you were up to."

Jamie who had been silent, piped up. With a wicked grin, he threatened to blackmail Jean.

Jamie: "I really doubt that Mr. Summers would like to hear that you got into trouble with the law. If you catch my drift."

Jubilee: "You little shit!"

Bobby: "I think he's right."

Jean: "Oh, alright! But you have to keep a low profile."

"Strip Central"

John was right. Jean was able to convince Scott to grant us permission to leave that night. If the Professor and company could allow it in their case, there would be no problem with all the X-women chaperoning us. And we weren't exactly helpless ourselves. He just laid down the rule - fairy godfather like - that we should be back home before the clock struck twelve. Twelve was approximately the time Logan usually used to come back home after a night out - back when he used to be a regular at Foxy's. Ever since he and Ororo became an item however - he had to give it up, Scott hinted. Still, Scott was willing to bet that twelve would be a good enough curfew.

Betsy: "Mhmmm...yes, I can distinctly sense Emma's presence downtown. Take a left, here Ororo."

Jean was against us all taking multiple vehicles and splitting up. So she suggested we take one of the Mansion's buses. Specifically, the one we used to visit the travelling carnival of Mistress Margali. I had never been in a vehicle driven by Ororo before. Suffice it to say that her driving was not much better off than Logan's. After a bumpy ride, that seemed longer than it was, the bus pulled into a familiar parking lot and Jean instructed us to get out.

Jake: "If Emma is anywhere near here, you all are going to have to scout around."

Julie: "Yes, Jack. And when we're close, we'll sense her."

Jake: "Um, it's Jake, Mrs. McKenzie."

Jamie: "Hey, what's to stop Emma from sensing you guys when you get close?"

John: "The runt has a point."

Jean: "She may sense us if we get close. It depends - since she won't be deliberately scanning for us, we may escape. We have a better chance of finding her than her finding us because we are actually searching."

Ororo: "Anyway, if our telepaths here find her and we act immediately - we should be able to catch her before she has a chance to escape."

Jean: "I hope she's really in some wrongdoing. I've been waiting for this opportunity for quite a while."

Julie: "How can you say that, Jean? You shouldn't actually wish it."

Jean: "I got my rights. Juniors, there's a couple diners around, the mall - just don't get into trouble, stay in well lit areas with lots of people, and be back here by ten thirty. Jenny, remember what we talked about - we don't have parental consent in your case. If anything happens to you, the school is responsible, so make sure nothing happens. Come on, ladies. Times 'a wastin'!"

On that note, Jean lead her Sisters off into the night, leaving us on our lonesome. As soon as they left, John and Jenny walked off together arm in arm towards one of the said diners. They obviously did not want to be followed. The rest of us - Ray, Jamie, Jake, Bobby and myself - were left to fend for ourselves. None of us was hungry, so no diners. There was the mall. But Ray wasn't up for that. No, he had other ideas.

Ray: "Guys, check it out!"

Ray pointed to a large, neon lighted building. Blinking lights came together to form the figure of a dancing female. I didn't notice it the time when we came to that very same parking lot - to visit the mall. I suppose it was because it was the daytime and it wasn't all lit up with neon lights.

Jamie: "Strip Central."

Ray: "What do you say we - "

Jamie: "Oh boy!"

"Jamie, you can't possibly pass for eighteen."

Ray was itching to pay back Jubilee for the stripping hippocracy on her part. And as if that wasn't enough, he wanted to drag Jake and my Bobby in on it too. Of course Ray took into account that it wasn't my idea of fun. He basically suggested that I watch over Jamie while they went to Strip Central. I would not have it.

"I ain't no baby sitter!"

Jake: "Well I'm game."

I gasped and had to suppress it.

Oh, really?

Jake: How bad could some naked, dancing women be?

Of course there was a genuine reason on his part. He was doing it to annoy Amara. He left strict instructions that I let her know exactly what he was up to. Amara was of the opinion that Jake was a deep guy. And that he wanted a relationship that had a solid foundation, not grounded on sex. Jake thought that if he could somehow convince her that he was just as sex crazed as another guy - her obsession would falter and fall apart. I didn't know for sure if it would work. But it seemed like a plan. Amara wouldn't be hurt irreparably. It wasn't as if Jake was going to be choosing someone over her, after all. Ray and Jake started walking off. When Ray noticed that Bobby wasn't moving, he called out.

Ray: "Yo, Bobby! Start footin' it, dude."

Bobby: "Nah, I don't think I'm down for that tonight."

Ray: "Aw, come on! You and Jake will actually be able to enjoy it to the full. You're both actually single. You ain't got a girl to raise Hell over it."

Bobby: "I'm not even eighteen yet. If I come with you and they insist on hassling me - they might not even let you in. You know how some of them bouncers operate."

Ray: "So we'll just pay 'em off. That's all they ever want."

Bobby repeated his statement and added that he wasn't going to be taken advantage of by any bouncer, earned an impatient sigh from Ray and stood his ground. When Ray saw that Bobby wasn't moving, he and Jake started walking towards the entrance to Strip Central. Jamie made some comment that Bobby didn't know what he was missing, and sucked his teeth in annoyance. I for once was moderately satisfied at the way Bobby handled that. There was no way I'd put him through the torture of a straight stripping joint. No matter how much I wanted his orientation to remain a secret.

Nice argument about the bouncer!

Bobby: Yeah, it was a classy touch.

Jamie: "This sucks! God!"

Bobby: "Wait your turn pipsqueak. You'll just have to get by the way we did at your age. You're the youngest person ever to join the ranks. Count yourself lucky that they think you're mature enough for that."

Jamie: "What am I supposed to do for fun now?"

"Well, we could go see a movie or something? We have a couple of hours."

Jamie: "Ray was the one who got us into clubs."

Bobby: "Hey let's just go to the mall and see what we can find to entertain us. There's movie places, video arcades ~ you name it."

Jamie grumbled to himself, but enthusiastically led the way, whilst Bobby and I walked together several paces behind.

"It's What You Think"

At the entrance to the mall, Jamie decided that he'd rather check the place out on his own. He argued that at the slow pace Bobby and I were walking, he'd never get anywhere fast. Since the place was busy and security guards were walking their beats all over, we figured that it was completely safe and harmless. That said, we let him run off on his own, glad to have some time alone to ourselves. Since no one we knew was within sight of us, we could be as close up as we liked, at least for the time being. I guess being openly gay was starting to grow on me. I was getting used to it after being outted to the entire school. Bobby wasn't complaining about the closeness either.

Bobby: "This is nice, no one pestering us."

I was aware of some people staring at us behind our backs. Turning around, I winked and said,

"Yeah! It's what you think!"

They all jumped, looked away and went about their business. Some people even covered their kids' eyes and pulled them away from our line of sight. A security guard seemed to take it as being offensive and walked up to us. In one sentence, he warned us that we had better not cause any trouble - or out we'd go. Bobby's response was.

Bobby: "We ain't gonna cause any trouble. Besides, the mall people probably would miss us if we left."

Security Guard: "And why the heck would that be?"

Bobby: "We're good business. No one can outshop a gay man. Mhmmm hmmm."

With a stereotypical snap of his fingers and a graceful sway of his head, Bobby told of the security guard, who merely repeated his warning and left.

"He's a dick."

Bobby: "Yeah, but nice ass though."

Yeah, and he was a man in uniform too - another turn on.

"So Jamie's gone - what do we do for fun?"

Bobby: "Why, just follow me!"

Superscript Notes

Note 1 - Rick was alerted to that particular attack of Magneto's group by the Professor. It occurred in Chapter One. Right at the part where the Russian Nuclear Plant crisis was introduced.

Note 2 - Jean's plan to hire a Private Investigator (From Wouldn't You Like To Know Investigations) took place in Chapter Twenty Three. The section heading was "You Are A Devious Bitch!".

Note 3 - I did plan on Bobby doing something crazy like that, but held back. I thought that perhaps in such a situation he'd act more maturely for a change. But I got this email from a guy called Will, that suggested Bobby come out to the group that way. I altered the idea and made it so that only Amara would be given such a performance. Bobby probably would not do such a thing if he expected Ray to have a shot at acceptance - he'd probably be more mature there. But since it was Amara, and he and John Love teasing her - I decided to go ahead with Will's suggestion. Here's to you Will!

Well, that's Chapter Twenty Seven. It took a while, huh?

Just what is Mr. Scott Summers planning to give him the release he's been lusting after?

Who is the mystery shrouded man, known as Bennet? And what is his ultimate plan for our heroes?

Will Rick ever forgive his father like he did for his mom?

Is Jean really over Jonathan?

What does Michael have against John?

For that matter, what does Scott really have against Michael?

Is the Professor having the time of his life at Foxy's?

Is Jake going to Strip Central purely to throw Amara off his trail...or is there something more to it?

And just what does Emma's mysterious departure from the Mansion mean?

Thank You's

First and foremost to every single reader of this story out there. Knowing that you guys read and enjoy this keeps me writing it. Secondly, to those readers who take the time of day to email me suggestion and comments, that's another bit of motivation. Sorry I can't really name names this time around. Thirdly, to the nice folks at Nifty who do their job and do it well, all for free too. I made a mistake with Chapter Twenty Six when I emailed it to them. I called it Chapter Twenty Seven. When I checked, you guys corrected it for me - thanks a lot.

And I was not offended by any recent remarks made, so no worries. And for the record (^_^), I state unequivocally, that I have never sat down with a thesaurus, lol! Nor have I watched any higher class shows recently and tried to emulate the lingo. The truth is, I just wrote Chapter Twenty Six, and that's what it came out like.

While I'm gone, I hope everyone's on their best behavior. I've been witness to several catfights and near calls on my group before. And while it usually entertains me when girls throw down, it just doesn't seem right for guys. We should be above that sort of thing and be able to forgive mutually. My mom always says that men are more honorable and forgiving - and that women are more spiteful and vindictive. And that a man will forgive, but a woman will hate you for life. One catfight on my group made me question that... So please don't let me see those again. If you have to quarrel, then send private emails or something.

To my very special fan out there. My very own Dirty Little Secret - a happy birthday to you my love! May you have many more happy ones to come. And may I keep satisfying your exceptional requirements! I love you, baby! And (hint) very soon, you'll see just how much!(^_^)

One last thing, if the text size in this chapter is too small, then copy and paste it into a word processor program or other and adjust it from there. Likewise if it's too big. I screwed around with my computer and can't be sure what's what, lol.

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Next: Chapter 28: Xxx Men 28

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