Xxx Men Series

By Phoenix

Published on Jun 18, 2006


X-men Story

X-men Story
Chapter Twenty-Four


Bobby: Rick, Kurt's been staring you down for the last fifteen minutes. Are you sure that nothing crazy went down between you two in your therapy session with Emma?

Oh, it went great, Bobby. Just great...

Of course I didn't change my mind and told Bobby of my fiendish plot. No offence to my hubby - but he has barely any control of his tongue, let alone his thoughts. All it would have taken to reveal my scheme would be a stray thought that Emma or some other telepath in authority (maybe even Professor Xavier himself) could pick up on. For all he knew, I went to Emma's session and came back mildly stressed out, but more or less okay.

We were all having dinner at our favorite table, which was directly opposite the long one that the teacher's use. I didn't know if David was right about what he told me. That Emma probably took a record of all the mean things Kurt had said to her. Or if she had taken it to the Professor for his take on the matter. I know that Kurt shouldn't have possibly been blaming me if he was reprimanded. After all, he was the one with the power to use or abuse that venomous tongue of his. While I was occupied in glaring right back, Professor Xavier engaged the minds of all present in a telepathic announcement. Hardly anyone was paying him any real attention until he said,

Professor Xavier: The student House assignments have been completed, and so far there hasn't been any complaints...

How could there be complaints when they stated that it was mandatory and no applications for transfers would be entertained?

Professor Xavier: And I'm pleased to announce that the teaching staff House assignments have been completed as of this morning. The information is being posted on the notice boards as well as on the school network messaging systems. Please familiarize yourselves with it as tomorrow morning, at nine, you are to congregate for your first official House meeting. Students under Miss Grey will meet in the back yard at the entrance to the Garden. Miss Munroe's charges will assemble in front of the Greenhouse. All under the authority of Mr. Summers will meet near the fountain at the front of the school. Finally, Mr. Logan's students are to gather on the greens to the west of the school. One last point to remember, this exercise is compulsory and any student caught attempting to evade it will be disciplined. That is all.

Jake: "So the teachers have been assigned to Houses to, eh? I suppose you guys know what this means?"

David: "You don't think that teacher might victimise students who belong to another House do you? Especially if they have issues with the House master?"

Jubilee: "Do you think that's a possibility?"

Jamie was most ready with a reply.

Jamie: "I wouldn't put it past them. I mean, look at Harry Potter. What has it taught us? I can't count the times he's been victimised by Snape. And not just cuz of his dad either. But because he's in Griffindor House and Snape is in Slytherin. I wonder..."

Ray: "Harry Potter? Jamie, you need to grow up."

Jamie: "Well, right now, Harry's older than me. What do you think of that?"

"Hmmm, they haven't mentioned House points or anything of the sort... But I suppose they could still discipline students from other Houses more severely."

Amara: "Hmpf! I just had a thought."

John: "Oh you did? Well yay for you then!"

Jenny: "Be nice! What did you think of Amara?"

Amara: "Okay, so say Emma gets put in like...Logan's House..."

Jubilee: "Oh my God! She and Jean hate each other's guts. Jean wouldn't be mean to Logan's students cuz of a thing like that. But I wouldn't put it past Emma to be mean to Jean's."

"Here another scary thought. What if Emma were to actually be put in Jean's House instead? Jen is the House mistress...would Emma follow her orders? Or - would they always be in the midst of an ongoing catfight?"

Roberto: "Ooh, two hot bitches getting down - not exactly the best kind of girl on girl action available - but it'd still be something good to see. Eh, guys? I'll be seeing it up close and personal if it does happen too. Seeing as I'm in Miss Grey's house myself."

"Roberto, that's not funny! Let's hope that it doesn't happen. Jean is going through a pregnancy and having to deal with Emma related confrontations may not be in her or her baby's best interest."

Ray: "Well, I'm sure that Grey would rather have Emma in her House, where she can keep her eye on her - rather than in a place like Summers' House."

Amara: "Mhmm hmm, she'd definitely freak out if Emma were to try something with Scott."

Bobby: "I don't think Scott would try anything with Emma."

Jenny: "Why?"

David: "Well, Jean's his baby's mother. She went and snagged him good with this pregnancy."

If they only knew... things couldn't be further from the truth. Well sorta. Jean probably would be mad if something went down between them. But Scott wasn't her baby's daddy.

Jubilee: "Guys..."

She glanced meaningfully to her left where Leech was quietly sitting and enjoying his dinner. He was such a silent guy, that we sometimes forgot that he was there witnessing anything and everything we said and did. He may have been physically around fourteen years old or thereabouts, but mentally - he was a bit infantile in nature. And there we were talking about "snagging someone good" with a pregnancy, "hot bitches" and "girl on girl action". I was aware that Ray had explained to him that I was somewhat "different", as Jubilee put it so well. But I did wonder how they went about it considering his childish mentality. He saw us all looking and him and responded,

Leech: "Did Leech do something wrong?"

Ray: "Nah, it's nothin' little buddy. Eat up."

Jubilee: "Well, we will have our first House meeting tomorrow morning. I'm sure they'll fill us in on everything then."

Yes, I supposed so. And how bad could it all be, really?

Logan: "Alright, so what's the most important thing to remember about competitive events?"

Boy: " do your best and try to have good, clean fun?"

With an exasperated sigh,

Logan: "No! What are they fillin' you kids up with these days? You play to win! Got that?"

Warren: "Hmm, Logan - I think the kid had a valid point."

Logan: "Who's the Master here, Worthington?"

Warren: "Okay, okay - point taken."

He continued,

Logan: "Now, it's going to be a long, hard road whipping you ladies into tip-top shape. But it IS going to be done - my way. And I don't wanna be hearing any complaints either."

Well, what a way to pep talk us. It turned out that Amara and Jubilee knew what they were talking about. I'd have to start paying more attention to what was constantly being churned out by the rumor mill. We were going to be having a sport and activity day after all. The timing had not yet been decided but it was already being planned and in the works. Earlier that morning we had all checked the teacher House grouping. As expected, even though Warren and Emma were not members of the teaching staff - they had been assigned to Houses as well.


-Scott Summers (Master)
-Henry "Hank" McCoy
-Emma Grace Frost



-Jean Grey (Mistress)
-Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock
-Remmy LaBeau



-Ororo Munro (Mistress)
-Piotr Nikolaivic Rasputin a.k.a. Peter



-Logan (Master)
-Warren Worthington III
-Kurt Wagner

I trust that you see the problem with these groupings. And to think this was all randomly determined. If that's the case - Lady Luck was in one Hell of a bitchy mood. She screwed me and Jean over! Emma being placed into Scott's House? And Kurt being assigned to Logan's? There was no escaping it. Professor Xavier made it abundantly clear to both teachers and students that the groupings were final. There would be no special considerations taken into account. So I guess we were both stuck with it. I hoped for Jean's sake that Scott wouldn't give into temptation should Emma try to have her way with him.

Warren: "Alright, now sporting events and such won't be the only point building opportunities available to us."

Kurt: "That is correct. Points will be awarded to Houses based on student's academic performance as well as behavior and attitude."

Logan: "So all of you athletically and talent challenged people should have no excuse for not supporting your House."

A girl raised her hand.

Logan: "Question?"

Girl: "Yeah? What about a House color?"

Logan scratched his head absently.

Warren: "Well, Houses usually do have a representative color or pattern of some sort, Logan."

Kurt: "Yah. Summers has already chosen red as their's. We had better choose one too before all the good colors get taken."

Girl: "How's about-"

Kurt: "Anything but purple mind you."

"Good" colors? Alright, he started up the homophobic shit once again. I was ready to rumble. Bring it on!

"Why not purple?"

All eyes turned upon us.

Kurt: "Oh, I think we all know why."

Correction, Logan apparently didn't. Warren was blushing slightly whilst they both looked on.

Logan: "I don't understand. What are they talkin' about? What the heck's wrong with purple? It's one of my favorite colors."

All present gasped and some hushed giggles were heard. Even I was temporarily subdued and temporarily smirking.

Jake: "Rick..."

Ray: "Maybe you should just-"

I wasn't going to let them deter me from my course of action.

"You ancient times, purple was the color of Kings and Emperors. The people of Tyre had a variety - Tyrian Purple - and Julius Caesar himself thought it was just to die for."

Logan: "Really? Kings and Emperors, huh? I am really likin' where this is all going."

More suppressed giggles and whispering commenced.

Kurt: "I am not going to be a part of any house that has purple for its official representative color. I'll just have to leave."

He paused, probably expecting someone to fall on their hands and knees, pleading for him to stay.

"Hmmm, would that really be such a bad thing?"

Logan: "Alright you two. Cool it! I can't claim to understand what it is that's eating you. I know you two have your - issues. But all this arguing over a color is just some crazy shit. Are you just lookin' for any excuse to fight? I don't see what-"

Boy: "But Mr. Logan. Purple is like, the Gay Color."

Well someone finally got it said good and loud.

Logan: "What? No it ain't."

I just loved Logan's lack of information.

Kurt: "Yes it is."

Logan: "And I'm telling you it isn't. Orange is the gay color. Like duh - everyone knows that."

Orange? What millennium was he in?

Boy: "Yeah, like maybe in the Stone Age. But this is the twenty-first century. Get with the times man - uh Mr. Logan sir."

Logan: "You little runt. Are you dissing me about my age?"

Boy: "No sir. I wouldn't dream of it."

Logan: "Good. Well I guess purple it is then. I always did fancy myself as a King."

Warren: "More like a dictator."

Kurt: "You - you can't be serious Logan?!"

All the boys and a few of the girls present started raising their voices in disapproval. Kurt looked confident then as he had a massive show of support. But Logan was not one to have his authority challenged.

Logan: "What the hell ever gave you all the idea that this was a democracy we have going on here? I'm the House Master and what I say goes. And I say that I like purple and it's going to be our official House color. Now shut your traps. Your King has spoken."

Kurt: "But -"

Warren: "Let it go, Kurt."

I smiled with deep satisfaction as most everyone around me threw death glares for my benefit.

Jake: "Well, purple ain't all that bad of a color."

Ray: "I guess it's not the end of the world...I mean if Logan's okay with it - who am I to complain?"

"Uh, Mr. Logan?"

Logan: "Yeah?"

"What kind of activities will we be expected to participate in?"

Logan: "Good question. I'll let Worthington answer that."

Warren: "As well you might. Seeing as I was actually present at the meeting while you were off doing goodness knows what. Yes students, there will be basic events like, Tug-Of-War Swimming, Track and Field, Hammer, Discus, Javelin, Relays, Gymnastics, know. Think mini-Olympics."

Kurt: "Yes indeed. Also there will be the aforementioned academic point building. And there will also be a singing competition coming up sometime in the near future."

Ray: "Individual singing - or are groups allowed? And any kind of song we want?"

Warren: "Individual and groups will be allowed. And as long as the songs you choose are not offensive in nature to anyone, it should be fine."

After some more questions from us students were answered Logan, Warren and Kurt gave us the all clear to leave. Which was all well and good as - even though it was slightly fun at the beginning - all the glares I was receiving from everyone was getting to me.

Whilst heading for my Psionic's class, I chanced to see Jean walking along the corridor. I ditched Jake and walked along with her so that we could talk privately. If I had risked a telepathic conversation, he probably would have sensed exactly what we were discussing. We'd have to talk out of earshot, the old fashioned way.

"So how was your House meeting, Jean?"

Jean: "It went well. Betsy and Remmy had some good ideas. Don't expect me to share them with you though. You are in another House and probably spying for Logan anyway."

"I am so not! So how are you holding up?"

She looked at me with a mildly confused countenance.

Jean: "Hmm? What are you talking about?"

Poor woman. She was probably in denial. Perhaps it was her only way to cope since there was no possibility of Emma being transferred from Summers House. I pitied her.

"What else? I'm talking about Emma being put into Scott's House."

Jean: "Oh, I don't have anything to worry about there. She may be in his House...but she ain't got a chance of getting into his bed, if you catch my drift."

(^_^) Still, as confident as she sounded of that...

"But Jean, Scott is a man. And a man can be tempted. A man can fall."

Jean: "Yes, but some men are made of sterner stuff. I know Scott like the back of my hand. He's got a will of iron."

"Sterner stuff, huh? I take it you don't know that he went and bought some sort of sex toy at Ye Olde Kinky Towne. It must have been some skanky shit too. He wouldn't tell me what it was."

She looked confused and so I filled her in.

Jean: "So that's where he disappeared to."

"Yeah, you know the place?"

Jean: "Huh, no. I heard the name before is all. He really went there?"

"Uh huh. It's obvious. He's getting a bit worked up and in need of some sort of sexual outlet. And if you're not going to be the one to do it, you know - help him with his problem...Emma might just take the position."

A thought hit me.

"Jean, in all honesty, are you sure that you haven't been giving it up to him?"

Absolute surprise registered on the telepathic band.

Jean: "Heck no! Whatever gave you that idea?"

"Oh, it's just that he seems a lot happier these days to me. I'll have you know - word going around among the students is that you and him have been grinding a lot recently. Most everyone thinks that Scott's the father of your child too. Probably churned out by the mill after all that grinding."

She merely raised her eyebrow and smirked.

Jean: "So, let them think that."

"You want them to think that? Why?"

Jean: "It's like this. Do you really think that I relish the thought of everyone finding out that I'm pregnant, due to be a single mother with a failed relationship behind me. Think of what a bad example it would seem like. I gave in to Jonathan that night and look at me now... And I'm always warning teens about the dangers of giving it up too easily. Who would take me seriously if they knew the truth? I'd seem like a hypocrite. Better they think that Scott and I have a little something going on."

"Uh huh, and you're mad at Emma for living a pretence? Hypocrite, hypocrite!"

Jean: "This is different! I'm thinking about the way the students will react to my advice and the possible damage that could result from this."

"Yeah, that and the shame, shame, shame!"

Jean: "Okay, okay - you got me. I mean, could you imagine what Emma would think if she knew the truth?'

"She may not know for the time being. But someone will eventually tell her. How long do you think this can remain a secret from her?"

Jean: "Well then, maybe I'll just have to get everyone to swear to keep dumb about this whole affair."

"They'll do that?"

Jean: "Of course they will if I ask them to. You forget, I'm Jean Grey. Everyone just looooves me."

True, true. Maybe she will pull it off. Our talk was cut short as we were just about to walk into the room reserved for our Psionics lesson.

As the mid-afternoon wore slowly on, a drowsy miasma hung heavily upon the Xavier Institute. Perhaps it was somehow related to the uncommonly hot weather. The heat seemed to have drained the vivacity from even the perkiest of individuals. Or perhaps the carefree attitude of the morning's House Meeting activities, had left the students and teachers bereft of any industrious zeal they might have possessed earlier in the day. Or perhaps something else was at work. Or a someone...

(Scott Summers yawned open mouthedly whilst his X-men in training looked on incredulously.

Scott: "Okay, I think we've had enough training for one day."

Ray: "But we have like an entire hour and some change left."

Scott: "Yeah, well - I'm letting you off early. I just feel so sleepy all of a sudden. What, you guys always pester me to let you off early. And now I am. YAWN!"

John: "Jeez! Could you at least cover your mouth. You look like you might swallow one of us whole."

Scott: "You're lucky that I'm too sleepy to discipline you for talking to your superior officer in such a manner. Dismissed!)

She looked on as her plot of vengeance fell rapidly into play. When she was finished, all of the Xavier Institute's denizens would suffer for the injustice done to her. With a crafty smile adorning her visage, she stepped through the Mansion's front doors, safe in the knowledge that no one within or without would ever detect her presence. At least not before it was too little, too late...

Bobby: "You wanna catch a movie or something tonight?"

Stifling an oppressive yawn, I responded in the negative.

"I don't think so. I think X-training really worked a number on me . I can't remember when last I was this worn out."

Bobby: "Good, I was worried that I might have to turn you down. My eyelids feel like lead."

"I think I'm gonna skip dinner and just hit the sack."

We risked a quick grope and started heading our separate ways. As soon as the door locked behind me, I just plummeted onto the bed. I was a guy, I could be a slob. To hell with a bath. I needed sleep. Zzzzzzzzz...

Mansion wide, students and teachers alike dropped like flies. Some managed to stumble onto their beds, others were at least in their dorm rooms. The vast majority however were not so fortunate. Some fell unconscious on the floor, some outside on the greens, some with their heads mingling with their dinner - by nightfall, there was not one conscious individual to be found in all of the Xavier one.

Mysterious Female Voice: "Mwahaha! Yes, I still have my touch. Now to put phase two of my plan into action."

She walked down the long hall instinctively as if she knew exactly where she was going. Which should come as little of a surprise, as she was once a student of the institute.

Mysterious Female Voice: "By morning...things are gonna be one Hell of a lot different in this place. Hmmm, those tacky looking curtains will have to go..."

With a tinkle as of little golden bells, her cell phone rang. There was no identifying number on the visual display. Dammit! Couldn't she have just one day to herself? Frowning slightly she answered.

Freddie: "Yes, Winifred Krueger speaking."

Raven: "Have you infiltrated the building?"

Freddie: "What did I tell you about calling me? Suppose the cellphone ringing -"

Raven: "You insisted on not wearing a communications device. Calling your cell phone number was the only way that I could contact you. Maybe if you had anything upstairs you would keep it on silent or vibrator mode."

Freddie: "Of course I wasn't going to wear one of your communicators. I'm not stupid. If I fail - which I don't intend to - you could use it to track and kill me. What do you think of that?"

Raven: "Just answer the bloody question! Are you in?!"

Freddie: "Oh, of course I'm in, Mystique. Didn't you read my resume? You should know what I can do."

Raven: "You'd better come through on your promises. Your reputation here depends on it."

Freddie: "Yeah, yeah. I gotcha."

Raven: "And remember - the people we've talked about, no harm is to come them. You'd best not get greedy. Do whatever you want with the others...but if those persons are harmed, you'd better hope that I can't trace and find you."

Freddie: "Whatever, I gotta go wreak my vengeance and shit. Goodbye sweetie!"

Emma Frost turned restlessly in her sleep. She was having a most entertaining dream indeed. In fact, it was so vivid, one could scarce believe that it was a dream at all... It was so perfect - even if she knew it was a dream (most times people can never tell until they wake up) - she probably would never ever want to wake up. She would want to keep on dreaming indefinitely.

In this dream world of hers, she was no longer up to her throat in debt. She didn't have to pawn off her priciest jewellery and works of art just to make ends meet. She was not compelled to work for a living like the gross, common folk. No one was threatening her with umpteen legal summons on a daily basis, should she fail to pay them their dues. Her servants were back - she had an even bigger staff membership now as a matter of fact. (^_^) And lying nude next to her in all his glory, was the greatest prize of all. The White Queen had found her long missing, but much anticipated King. And soon, they would be churning out little Princes and Princesses, and they'd all be one big, happy, Royal family - living and making merry in their lavish court forever and ever...amen.

Scott: "That was - wow!"

Gently stroking his semen coated, softening member,

Emma: "Well I do aim to please, darling."

There was a timid knock on the door of their luxurious bedroom suite.

Emma: "What is it?! I left very specific instructions that we were under no circumstances to be disturbed!"

Commoners! Did they not realise how sacred the conception of a Royal Heir was?

Maid Jean: "I-I'm s-sorry, Madam. But we have a problem."

Those blasted, incompetent fools! She didn't know what made her suffer through their service when she should have packed them back to the agency.

Emma: "Oh alright! This had better be worth my time, Grey!"

Scott: "Aww, don't go now - look, I've gotten it up again!"

Emma: "Don't worry, M'Lord. I shan't be long."

Scott: "Why is that blasted Maid always interrupting us? The last time it was for such a trivial matter too. Punish the brat - make her scrub the Royal toilet with her toothbrush or something. That'll learn her."

Emma: "Is that an order, M'Lord?"

Scott: "Well aside from calling a Royal execution..."

Maid Jean: "Madam, are you coming? Madam? Madam?"

Oprah: "And today on the Oprah Winfrey Show, you, our audience members are in for a real treat. Tee hee hee! For those of you who have been asking...yes it's true. We have in our midst, the Great Man himself. The biggest sensation to hit this show ever since Doctor Phil! Professor Charles Xavier!"

The audience burst into uproarious applause as Professor Xavier's hover chair, hovered onto the set. Presently all were hushed as they took in the sight before them. Doing his utmost to suppress the hot blush that crept up to his cheeks, Professor Xavier waved to his cheering fans. It was all a little too much for one woman, as she gave into her emotions and rushed out onto the set before the bodyguards could stop her. Crossing the line between fan and fanatic, she embraced him as if she would never let go, kissed his bald head and begged him to enrich her family's genetic bank by becoming the father of her children. Presently she was dragged off the set and barred from the audience.

Oprah: "I'm sorry about that, sir. But sometimes when we have high-level celebrities on our show - it happens."

He assured her that it was alright and casually wiped the sticky lipstick off his head.

Oprah: "Well, now that that's settled...would you mind if I call you Charlie?"

Professor Xavier: "It quite alright. Whatever makes you comfortable."

Oprah: "Charlie, how does it feel to be the man who accomplished the near impossible...the man who actually succeeded in uniting humans and mutants together after so much bloodshed and malice from both parties?"

Professor Xavier: "Aww, you're making me blush. It feels splendid. It turns out the only problem we've ever really had was our lack of communication and mutual understanding. That and the terrorist activities of the Brotherhood... Oh, and the unjust anti-mutant laws and programmes run by the governments of the world... And the Sentinel uprisings... And the bad publicity of the media. But all in all what mattered most was the lack of communication."

Oprah: "And to what do you owe this spectacular achievement?"

Professor Xavier: "Why, I should have thought it would have been obvious. ME of course! It was all - well MOSTLY me. You have read my three auto-biographical novels...haven't you? The Pulitzer prize winning ones, right? Still, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the 'little people' who have contributed to this feat however."

Oprah: "Please, by all means do so."

Professor Xavier: "First and foremost, the X-men - who I formed and mentored by the way. They have most certainly lived up to my expectations. But then again, how could they not? I taught them anything and everything they know after all. Secondly, my half-brother Caine Marko. I don't know if you're watching this. You probably don't even remember me, as I was forced to mind wipe you several years ago. But it was your childhood beatings and hatred of my mutation that really made me see that humans and mutants just had to learn to get along."

Oprah: "Beatings?! He used to beat you as a child? Oh, that's so sad. You poor thing. It's amazing how childhood occurrences can alter the course of ones life. I had quite a few of those harrowing childhood trials myself, let me tell you - they made me the woman I am today. I know exactly where it is that you're coming from."

Quickly before Oprah could get started good, he continued.

Professor Xavier: "If only mother could see me now (God rest her soul) - she wouldn't give a shi - um, spare a thought for you, Caine. You'd be living in MY shadow!"

The audience cheered once more and the sweet dream continued...

I woke up feeling groggier than usual. When I checked the clock on my nightstand I found the time to be a little past one thirty in the morning. As if on cue, my stomach grumbled. I had went along with my plan and skipped dinner after all. The only choice available to me was to head down into a kitchen and fix myself something to eat. So that's what I decided to do. As I stepped out the door however, I couldn't help but notice how quiet it was.

I mean yes, I know it was at the graveyard hour of night. But I have been up and around late at night before. And some sort of heavy Rock could always be heard blaring from my neighbor's room. Not from within my own room of course...but in the hall. Oh well, maybe he was dead tired for once. Nothing out of the ordinary...or so I thought.

Running down the stairs, I almost tripped on something. When I caught my balance and looked down, I saw that it was a someone.

"Oh shit! Sorry about tha -"

Upon closer inspection I saw that it was some guy around thirteen or so, lying across the stair. His chest was rising and falling rhythmically, so I knew he was breathing and couldn't be dead. He looked like he was sleeping. But what the Hell was he doing sleeping there? I tired to shake him awake but to no avail.

"Fine then! Be that way."

It was only when I reached the bottom of the staircase, and saw three more students passed out on the floor, did I start to get a little worried. The grumbling of my stomach overrode it however and I managed to make my way into a kitchen and fix myself a sandwich. I was in the process of eating this when I heard some movement outside. So I got up to check and see if any of the students had woken up. None of them were so much as stirring. But there was now a shrouded, female figure standing over one of the guys. At first I wondered if it could be one of the teachers. But that theory was thrown out the window when I saw the woman in question kick the guy forcefully in the side, as if to make sure that he was truly sleeping like the dead. Realising that something could be wrong, I took cover behind a rather large and bushy house plant. Thank goodness Ororo kept them all about the place.

She turned her head from side to side and her hood fell back. I couldn't see her face, but I could see her hair. It wasn't red like Jean's. It sure as heck wasn't white like Ororo's. Magenta was the furthest color from it - so it couldn't be Betsy. It wasn't blonde like Emma's. And it didn't have white streaks like Rogue's. No, this lady's hair was all black. Definitely not a staff member. Going about kicking students like that also tipped me off. Something was seriously wrong. I could feel it. I started when I heard a peculiar ring tone. It was the woman's cell phone. She cursed herself for not switching it to silent mode and answered.

Freddie: "Okay, Mystique. What is it now?"

Mystique?! Oh my God! I so had to get help! I was about to noiselessly hover back into the kitchen and out through its back door, straight up to the teacher's quarters. This bitch was probably sent by Mystique and the Brotherhood to - to what exactly? Maybe she was something of a spy or the like. Professor Xavier did say that we could have a spy on the grounds. I figured that I had better stick around and listen in on her, in the hope that she might reveal some information that I could use. Maybe then I could discern her plans.

Freddie: "Yes, yes. I understand. Oh shit! How many times do I have to explain it to you? One last time! And please, do stop calling me Freddie Krueger! They used to tease me about that. No, forget Winifred too. The name is, not the singer. Anyhow, I've rendered them all asleep. And they're all having sweet little dreams...all their little fantasies are playing out in their itty-bitty little heads. They won't be waking up anytime soon."

Dear God! If she was responsible...just how powerful was she?

Freddie: "And all the while that they're in their little dream world, their mental energy can be easily drained into me, bolstering my psionic powers. I am starting to feel a buzz already. By sunrise, they'll all be comatose vegetables under my control for the rest of their lives...and more importantly, they'll be out of your hair."

Fuck! A psychic, probably some sort of telepath or empath - or a combination of both. Definitely not in my area of expertise. I needed help for sure. If she sensed me and managed to breach my mind, I'd be out of commission. There was no way I could fend off a psychic powerful enough to reduce all of the institute's student well as the teachers, into an energy draining sleep. Wait a minute. She was psychic yes. But surely she couldn't have -

Freddie: "Uh huh. Even Xavier is out of it! Can you believe it! I'm that good, girlfriend!"

Oh no! Not him too! How the Hell was I awake? Was I the only one awake?

Freddie: "Yes, don't worry. Those people you told me about - they're fine for now. I'll finish the draining with the dawn. I know, I know. They could be anywhere in the school. But I'll find them. I know Summers and Grey very well. I've already found them. They're safe and in a dreamless sleep. So are Wagner and Rogue. I wish you'd let me drain them - they were some of my worst teachers."

Her worst teachers? It was starting to make some sense. She must have been an ex student. But why was she working with the Brotherhood? What did she have to gain?

Freddie: "There is the small problem of finding that boy you told me about. I haven't met him before so I won't recognize his mental signature. He could be sleeping anywhere in the Mansion. But don't worry dear. I'll find him. When my powers are up to full strength that is. He and the others you wanted me to spare will be the only ones here capable of independent thought. It'll be easy to single their mental patterns out."

That boy Mystique told her about? Summers, Grey, Wagner and Rogue? Was that 'boy' supposed to be me? Come to think of it - when we fought the Morlocks, Mystique had Scott, Jean, Kurt and myself stowed safely away from our team-mates. For reasons that we still have not been able to discern. But what would she want with Rogue?

Freddie: "Mhmm hmmm. Once I drain enough mental energy, my telepathy will be at a near Godlike level. Yup, once Professor Xavier is under my sway, I'll have him open up the subbasement. All the information that Cerebro has been storing will be yours. With the Xavier Protocol in your hands, you'll have your pick of some of the most powerful mutants in the world. Of course I get to keep this Mansion, right? Oh goody. Well, I gotta go continue draining some of these students to jumpstart my powers. Seeya!"

I saw her raise her hand towards the three sleeping students, unleash some sort of psionic tendril that wrapped around their bodies, and watched as energy crackled along its length from them to her. I had to get someone. A powerful psychic preferably. And fast.

I was standing in front of Professor Xavier's bedroom door on the top floor of the Mansion trying my utmost to silently bring it down. The electronic locks were first class as they withstood my repeated attempts to electrically disable them. Failing that, I decided to try Jean's door. It was the same there. When I tried Betsy' got it. Just my luck to be stuck with a powerful type of psychic succubus or other with no one to help me. There were only two other powerful, psychic people that I knew of. Emma and Jake.

I managed to find her room after some tries. Her locks were also shock proof. But then a thought came to me. More like a memory really. Didn't she say that her doors were always open to us? What were the odds? Nevertheless, I gave into my desperation and turned the doorknob...and voila - it opened! Rushing in, I saw her sprawled out on the floor next to her bed, still in her dinnertime clothes. Her bed was in a mess and it looked to me like she had fallen off it. I was about to lift her physically back onto it, but caught myself and telekinetically levitated her instead. Her drooling was a little disgusting.

"Miss Frost! Come on, wake up!"

All the shaking I could do did nothing to rouse her. And I didn't dare throw a bucket of water onto her - regardless of the circumstances. I was about to leave when I felt a familiar presence trying to make contact with my mind.

Jake! Thank God you're awake!

Jake: Is something wrong?

What do you mean?! We've been infiltrated!

Jake: Really? Why isn't there an alarm sounding?

I'm surprised that you're awake. Sure as heck shocked that I am too. She didn't get to you...or maybe you broke free from her psychic grasp!

Jake: I dunno about alla that. I just woke up a couple of minutes ago and sensed that you were awake and scared. Through our mental link. So I made contact with your mind to see what was -

I quickly informed him of our current situation.

Jake: Fuck! Even Xavier? Okay, stay right where you are and out of sight. If she's as strong as you think she is, she'll be psionically shielded. You won't be able to sense her. It's obvious that she hasn't sensed you yet or she'd have come searching. She had enough of an opportunity when you were hiding right behind her back.

A scary thought hit me.

Shit! Do you think she could be listening in right now?

Jake: I very much doubt it. I always shield our conversations and route them through our linkup when we communicate. It's virtually secure. Where exactly are you?

I tried to get help but everyone except Emma's doors are locked. Emma's completely out of it. Just like that woman said. She's draining their mental energy as we speak and she'll be finished by morning. And by then they'll be mindless zombies under her control!

Jake: We need to get additional help to take this bitch down. We'll have to free the psychics. First Emma, since her doors are actually open. We don't have access to a Cerebro unit, so we'll need to be in close proximity. I'm coming up there.

Be careful. If she's shielded you won't be able to sense her. I just don't get why we're the only ones awake. You sure that no one else is -

Jake: I scanned, we're the only ones.

He signed off and I waited nervously in Emma's room for his arrival.

I heard pacing outside the door and instinctively got up with a fire bolt flaming in the palm of my hands. If that bitch took me down, I'd make sure that she got such a first degree burn, all the plastic surgeons in Los Angeles wouldn't be able to fix her face.

Jake: Rick, it's me. Open up?

I wasn't taking any chances. Maybe a little too paranoid...but in the circumstances, can you blame me?

Who are you? I want a name.

Jake: Jacob Spencer. Your former boyfriend with the nine inch di -

Good enough for me to be sure of his identity. I opened the door and shut it quickly as soon as he entered. He made his way to Emma and ascertained that she was not physically harmed.

"She's really out of it. This ain't no ordinary sleep."

Jake: "I'll try to enter her mind and break her free from this psychic hold. If I can make contact with her core consciousness she will be able to help me help herself. You said that this woman trapped them in a dream world within their minds, right?"

"That's what I heard her tell Mystique over the phone."

Jake: "Dreams come in two major flavors. The involuntary ones where you don't even know that you're dreaming. And the ultra-rare ones where you do. We call them lucid dreams. In those kinds you can actually alter the course of the dream to suit your wishes. If I can make Emma lucid, she'll be able to break herself free. She's very powerful. Keeping everyone asleep like this must be seriously taxing to this woman. Hence, she's probably draining them to regain then energy she's lost...and a whole lot more."

"I don't think I'll be of any help."

Jake: "You'll stay here and watch my back while I'm within her mind. If that bitch tracks us down and come to get you - let her have it. Remember what you heard her tell Mystique. You have got to be the "boy" she mentioned. When they took you in the Morlock tunnels, the Morlocks knew exactly who to look for. If she's working for Mystique, she'll know you if she sees you too. And she's forbidden in that she can't hurt you in any lasting way. The most she might do is stun you. So let the bitch have it! If she comes here..."

"Okay. Good luck."

Emma: "Oh! Oh!"

Scott: "Aww fuuuuck, I'm cumming!"

Jake stared on in disbelief at the sight before him.

Jake: "Why do people always feel the need to announce to the world when they're cumming? Just like in a cheap porno."

Emma started suddenly and Scott rolled off of her nude frame, completely  spent. Emma however had not yet had her fill. She addressed the speechless Jacob, who was too dumbstruck to reply at first.

Emma: "Why are you just standing there gawking at me?!"

Jake: "I-I'm sorry. But -"

Emma: "There's room for more...with your permission of course M'Lord?"

She turned dutifully towards Scott.

Scott: "Knock yourself out. I don't think I can get it up again for a while anyway."

With that Scott got up and exited the chamber, heading straight for the bathroom.

Jake: "Miss Frost. We have a problem. See, there's this -"

Emma: "The only problem I see right now is you there - while I'm here - with your clothes on too!"

To his shock, she got off the bed and began fumbling with his buttons. It was all he could do to keep her from ripping the clothes off his body. She was surprisingly strong. Then again, it was a dream. Her emotions would affect the laws of physics. She must have been very worked up indeed.

Emma: "Gosh, I just love it when you fellas play hard to get!"

Her fumbling grew even more frantic.

Jake: "Miss Frost, get a grip!"

Emma: "Oh, I intend to!"

Jake: "Emma! We're in a psionically induced dream right now. An unknown psychic - a possible ex student - has infiltrated the school under the orders of Mystique!"

The expression on her face was unmistakeable. She didn't believe him at all.

Emma: "Uh huh. So this entire set up is supposedly fake? Well then, if that's so - then how do I know you aren't just another illusion?"

Jake: "Don't you find this to be a little too good to be true? Scott, with you? We all know that he's crazy about Jean. And even if he was with you, do you really think he'd let you mess around with me like he just did?"

As always, Emma had a tongue for all occasions.

Emma: "Well, maybe we have a very open relationship..."

Jake: "Or maybe it's just a wanton fantasy world of yours that this Psychic woman is preying on."

Emma: "Well, come to think of it...Scott has been remarkably virile. I've had many lovers, but never anyone who's managed to get it up repeatedly like he has..."

Jake: "Allow me access to your core consciousness so that I can help you break free."

Emma: "What...if I like it here?"


Jake: "Miss Frost!"

Emma: "Oh alright! There is no need to get all testy!"

After about twenty minutes Jake regained consciousness and Emma started stirring. Presently she woke up fully and composed herself. She looked at both of us nervously before her gaze finally settled upon Jake. With a supremely meaningful stare,

Emma: "Not a word!"

Jake: "Of course not, Miss Frost."

Emma: "Damn, it felt so real and - oh dear..."

I didn't like the sound of that at all.

"Is something wrong Miss Frost? Are you alright?"

At first she shifted about uncomfortably. Then she got up warily and started walking sideways towards the adjoining bathroom.

Emma: "Um, before we take on this situation...I'll need to freshen up a bit. I shan't be long, darlings. Amuse yourselves while I get ready."

She left hurriedly and shut the bathroom door.

"What was that about?"

Jake: "Don't ask."

We spent the next few minutes working on a plan. But there was still one confusing point about the whole situation that none of us could clarify. How was it that everyone else was stone cold sleeping, and I managed to wake up? The psychic, said that she put the whole school under her little sleeping spell. Including me. Far more powerful telepaths had succumbed to her power. And I managed to break free? Very suspicious indeed.

Jake: "Maybe it wasn't you."

Emma: "Huh? You think that someone else is in here? Someone who woke him up? But who?"

He looked at her incredulously. I hope he didn't think of her as a dumb blonde, because that same thought was running through my head too.

Jake: "No, Miss Frost! I meant his other persona, Eric. He's a lot stronger telepathically than Rick. Just ask Miss Grey and Professor Xavier."

Emma: "Ah right. I remember now. We talked about that in our session."

We did?

"Oh. But that still doesn't make any sense. I mean, Jean and Betsy and Professor - you're all super telepathic. Why couldn't you guys resist Fantasia's mental tricks?"

Emma: "Hey, you didn't mention me."

"Sorry, Miss Frost."

Emma: "Enough with the 'Miss Frost'. It makes me feel so old. Emma is just fine."

Jake: "If we're all done socialising, allow me to answer Rick's question. My guess is that she put you under her thrall, but not Eric. He wasn't dominant at the time. When you went down he must have sensed that something was off and it wasn't any ordinary drowsiness. And he must have woken you up from this psionic sleep. Given that he's so much more powerful than you are when it comes to telepathy, it makes sense."

"But Jean has the Phoenix thing. What about that. It certainly wasn't dominant and -"

Emma: "I see what you mean. The Phoenix Force is different. It is under a lockdown, imprisoned within Jean's mind. It's in no position to help anyone. Far less Jean."

Jake: "Right. Eric is merely dormant, not psionically bound. He rears his head now and again, remember?"


Emma: "Ooh, Charles was right. You are a smart one, Jacob. Still, it doesn't explain the fact that you're awake."

Jake: "I don't know how I managed to break free."

There was something about the way he said it that made me believe that he wasn't entirely truthful. Emma herself seemed disbelieving. My suspicions were confirmed when I sensed him make contact with my mind through our private, psychic bond.

Jake: I think that when Eric freed you, it must have flowed along our link and released me as well.

But you only woke up minutes before I arrived in Emma's room.

Jake: I know. My guess is that he didn't wake you up exactly. He must have snapped you into a normal sleep, then you woke up from that. It took you until past midnight to get up. And I seem to remember Scott being sleepy since this afternoon. Come to think of it, so was I. Perhaps the same thing happened to me, courtesy of our link.

I guess so. I mean, I remember when I first came here. I fought it out with Scott, Jean and Bobby outside. I managed to knock Scott out. It carried through the link and disabled Jean as well. Maybe it really did happen like you say. Obviously we'd better not let anyone find this out. After all, what are the odds of two - well one 'straight' and one gay, teenaged boy having such a psychic bond?

Emma: "Are you done yet? I don't know what's so top secret that I can't be trusted with it."

"I - it's nothing."

Jake: "What's next?"

Emma: "We'll have to make our way down to Cerebro and release the other psychics with its aid. However there may be a problem. You see, if we free them and they then confront her, she may be able to just subdue them again."

"What about us?"

Jake: "She must not be able to tell when people wake up from her psychic sleep. Unless she sees us that is. We'll have to keep hidden, at least until we get to the subbasement. I think I might be able to hack into the security network and access the armory. We have some psionically shielded suits in stock. We'll be safe if we can get those."

Emma: "Unfortunately, they completely block telepathic energy from entering or exiting the suit. We'll be safe from her telepathy, but we won't be able to attack her with ours. And we don't know if she has other abilities as well."

"Oh, problem."

Jake: "Which is where you, Betsy and Jean and I come in, Rick. You'll be able to use your Elemental and Telekinetic powers. Jean's telekinesis and Betsy's martial arts skills will be of aid as well. I believe that I can throw down with the bitch just fine. And when we've beat her down enough so that she doesn't have the strength to knock us out again, we'll remove our helmets and mentally stun her - forcing her to return the mental energy she's stealing."

"Well then, let's get to it."

We managed to make our way to the elevator and down into the subbasement just fine without running into Fantasia. Jake headed into the War Room whilst Emma started out for Cerebro. I was sure that we were safe for the moment. After all, Fantasia said that when Professor Xavier was under her control she'd have HIM open up the subbasement. And she'd have all the energy she needed by sunrise. I glanced at my watch. It was half-past three. We had mere hours remaining. Hopefully we'd be able to beat her ass like a drum before the sun showed its face.

Emma: I'll attempt to bring Charles back to the land of the living first.

How's that hacking coming along, Jake?

Jake: Not good. Hank designed the security system. And we 'OJT' X-men have no authority over the armory. Frankly, I'm surprised that Emma has access to Cerebro. She isn't even a teacher. And given her dubious past...

Well, she is Professor Xavier's lover. So it figures. With the free time on my hands, I settled down to do some thinking. It seemed to me that Fantasia could only drain someone's mental energy if they were under her special trance. And those tendrils of hers seemed to be the way she did it. I didn't think that they could go through walls. So the students and teachers who were locked in their rooms should be safe, until she managed to gain enough energy from the people she was draining to telepathically control them. Then she could just have them open their doors so she could feast on them. I hoped that Bobby was safe and snug inside his room. The people I saw her drain didn't so much as grunt when she sucked them dry. I didn't think it hurt. Anyhow, both Jake and Emma seemed confident that if we took Fantasia down, everyone would be okay.

But would she be a match for Professor Xavier? I didn't know what to think. There seemed to be no limit to the power of his mind. The way that Jean and Betsy glorified him all the time in Psionics class. But if Fantasia drained the mental energy of most everyone in the school, would even he stand a chance?

Emma: It was difficult, but I managed to free Charles. It wasn't a bit easy dragging him off Oprah Winfrey's set.


Emma: Mhmm hmmm. Who should I work on next? I think I'll tackle Betsy.

Jake: Got it! The armory is open.

Good riddance. Now it was just a matter of time.

Fantasia: "There! Now this is more like it!"

The last unfortunate victim in the school cafeteria slumped helplessly onto the floor. At last Fantasia felt that her power levels were sufficiently elevated enough to assault the mind of Professor Charles Xavier himself. Once his knowledge was integrated into her own memory store - the subbasement entry codes would be hers. And with access to Cerebro, all would submit permanently to her power. But in order to do that, she needed to get closer to him. If things were the same as when she had left, his quarters would be at the very last floor up. Smirking deviously, she headed up the long winding stairs, draining whatever few students she came across on the way.

Finally, her revenge was at hand. She could almost savor its sweetness. It was not very many years ago that she was a student at this selfsame institute. As a matter of fact, only six. She had spent a grand total of four years in the place. And it was not easy. Her parents simply palmed her off to the school when her mutation manifested and left them to deal with it. No matter, she had since taken out her rage on them for their neglect. The Kruegers of Oak Street were no more! And the dorky name they had given her. Winifred... Lovingly nicknamed Freddie. Everyone always made fun of her and called her Freddie Krueger. Even some of the teachers! Scott Summers was such a dick! It was a pity that Mystique wanted him unharmed.

Most of the other students gave her Hell. No one wanted to sleep on the same floor, let alone the same room with the girl who caused nightmares. And the Gothic manner in which she dressed did nothing to enhance her popularity. They couldn't blame her for resorting to a few light street drugs for some solace. When she learnt to fully control her powers she was able to stop causing nightmares unless she wanted to. In addition, she gained the skill to forge fantasy dreams. She preferred those much better. Wasn't it right that she have a little comfort and happiness in her life. It wasn't as it she wasn't helping others along too.

When the senior boys found out about it, they made a little bargain with her. She would give form and substance to their fantasies and in return... well, they never mentioned anything specific. But she had an inkling that some of them probably knew about her marijuana stash and were cleverly hinting at blackmail. She had only ever made her fantasies real before. And when she made theirs real, at least in their minds, she discovered that she could link with them mentally and experience the emotions coursing through them.

What was more - she could feed off of it. It became something of an addiction to her. And pretty soon she wanted more. Things came to a head when she took just a little too much from one of her "clients" one day and he wound up releasing a panicky signal that nearly alerted the teachers. What was more, she was caught in the act by his jealous girlfriend who was psionically linked with him and witnessed the entire event. Stupid bitch took out her anger, at the fact that her boyfriend was bisexual and getting it on with the guy of his dreams, on poor Winifred. She was ratted out to Xavier.

It ended up with a major war of words. No one wished to hear her side of it. They just kept repeating their dogma of non abuse of psychic power and threatening disciplinary action. She'd had enough. She was practically through with their schooling anyway. She didn't dare speak her true intentions as Xavier would have mind wiped her. She had enough self control to conceal her thoughts...he'd never pry into her mind, would he? When the time was right, Winifred Krueger would make her return and claim her revenge where they least suspected it. In their dreams...

She finally reached her destination. The staff members' floor.

Jake: "God! These suits are such a tight fit!"

Emma: "Stop complaining. It's either we wear them or get knocked back into La-La Land."

"They look like plain old lycra to me."

I conceded,

"Well, at least they allow for freedom and ease of movement."

Emma: "I know. Modern technology meets the world of athletic fashion. Lovely isn't it?"

Emma, with Cerebro's telepathic amplification, had managed to relinquish the hold that Fantasia had on Professor Xavier, Jean and Betsy. We planned to go up to their rooms, give them the psionically shielded lycra - I mean, the psionically shielded suits to wear, and then we'd track down Fantasia and force her to give up her evil plans for the Institute.

The quickest way to get to the staff floor was the elevator. No sooner had we stepped out were we treated to quite a turn. Emma was leading the way and let out such a shriek that it could have shattered glass.

Emma: "Eeeeeeeeek!"


Betsy: "Good God! Get a hold of yourself, Emma!"

"Betsy, where in the Hell did you come from?"

Jake: "Don't tell me. You were shadow stepping, weren't you?"

What the blue blazes was shadow stepping? As if to answer my unspoken question.

Betsy: "It's one of my many Ninja talents. I can teleport through shadows. Like this. Hiyaa!"

She jumped through Jake's shadow on the floor and reappeared through the shadow of a statue on the other side of the hall. Then she repeated it and returned to us.

Emma: "Here, put this on."

Betsy: "Turn around and no peeking!"

She barely had time to slip it on before,

Fantasia: "I knew I heard a yell of terror! And since everyone is supposed to be sleeping and having their fantasies fulfilled - "

Jake: "So what if someone was having a BDSM fantasy and yelled out in their sleep?"

We all turned and met the eyes of Fantasia, face to hooded face at last.

Fantasia: "Hmm, I didn't think of that."

Apparently, Emma's shriek had alerted Fantasia to our presence and she was there to do something about it. Betsy squinted then gasped in recognition.

Betsy: "Now I remember you! The powers... Winifred Krueger! The name they told me didn't match up with a face - until now!"

The woman threw back her hood and revealed her...rather beautiful face for us all to see. With a name like that (Winifred Krueger) I had expected an absolute monstrosity of a female.

Fantasia: "Braddock! I swore to myself I'd get even with you. It's taken me six years, but I've finally gotten around to it."

Betsy: "You broke the most sacred of a telepath's rules, Krueger. You were wrong then and - judging by your current actions - I doubt that you've realised it by now. And as for getting even with me - far better than you have tried and failed, love."

Betsy: Emma, Jake - get those suits immediately to Jean and the Professor. Rick, we'll stay here and hold her at bay!

Emma and Jake made to run down the hallway and almost made it, until Fantasia unleashed one of her psionic tentacles that grabbed Jake by the foot. He fell down taking Emma with him. Betsy would not have it and summoned up her psychic dagger. With a single swipe, she cut the tendril, thus allowing Emma and Jake to make their escape. Fantasia's fury now turned towards us. With a yell she raised both her hands and three more tendrils headed our way. Betsy dove into the safety of a shadow whilst I formed a telekinetic shield for protection. It occurred to me that Betsy had communicated orders to us all telepathically...and she was able to use her psychic dagger. I thought the suits would have made that impossible.

"Betsy, I thought that these suits were supposed to prevent telepathic energy from entering or exiting? How did you form that psychic dagger of yours? Don't tell me it's one of your Ninja traits."

Speaking from within some shadow,

Betsy: "My telepathic powers operate quite a bit differently from the norm. Did I ever mention that my father was from an alternate dimension called Otherworld?"

"Oh, right. You didn't but Professor Xavier did!"

Fantasia: "I don't believe this! You're ignoring me?! Take this!"

I amplified my telekinetic shielding preparing for the worst... Fantasia was turning practically blue in the face but nothing obviously dangerous materialised.

Betsy: "Don't bother trying to knock us out or mentally invade our minds. These suits are psionically shielded."

Her facial expression morphed into one of absolute rage and she turned from blue to red.

Fantasia: "Dammit! It looks like plain, tacky lycra to me. I thought it was maybe your new uniform or something - heck knows that the old ones were even tackier and lacking in taste and style. Anyhow, it's a damned good thing that I have a backup plan. Boys!"

Betsy: "Get ready, Rick! She must have called up a battalion of Brotherhood agents or the like while we were all sleeping!"

Nothing could be further from the truth. Fantasia just stood down the hallway looking smug. We could hear some running coming up the stairs and presently four persons stepped into the hall. I didn't recognise them, but Betsy did.

Betsy: "Oh no! She's mentally controlling the students in her thrall."

Students? Hmm, well it is a big school.

I jumped out of the way as a marble bust of Augustus came heading my way. Rather than shielding against it and destroying it in the process, I caught it mentally and set it down on the opposite side of the hall. The thing looked damned pricey. Two ganged up on Betsy. One seemed to specialise in enhanced speed and agility, the other looked to be some sort of pyrokinetic. The speedster caught her arm when she tried to perform a back somersault and the pyrokinetic released a streaming charge of flames at her. I very much doubted that the suits were fireproof and so to prevent her from being burnt whilst our healer was away, I had to form a shield for her defence.

Whilst I was occupied doing that I took a full on punch from one of my assailants. And he definitely had to be super strong. I was sent tumbling into a wall with barely enough time to form a shield around myself to defend against the cascade of punches and kicks he rained upon me. Expanding my shield, I managed to push him off of me and sent him flying down the hall. The effort temporarily overtaxed me and the next thing I knew the last guy who was just standing around all the while altered form. At first I thought he was a water Elemental. But that wasn't it at all. He could best be compared to a giant amoeba. Like a sack of jelly. What was more he advanced upon me, extruded tentacles that bound me motionless and encapsulated me in a vacuole of some sort or another. I had to hold my breath to keep from drowning in the bubble of slime. I couldn't help but wonder whether Karma was paying me back for what I had done to Kurt.

Betsy saw my predicament and teleported through the pyrokinetic's shadow to my position. With a warrior's battle cry she stabbed the glob with her psychic dagger. Unfortunately it had no effect.

Betsy: "Bloody Hell! His nervous system must be unaffected when transformed."

I had regained some power by then and expanded a shield violently, bursting him asunder. Slime fell everywhere. Betsy looked at me in shock. My first thought was that I had killed him. Hey it was either that our me drowning in goo! But that theory was thrown out the window when he literally pulled himself together and resumed his ordinary, unconscious appearance. The last three started advancing upon us. As soon as the pyrokinetic had charged up a ball of flame, I diverted it from his hands and sent it searing towards the onlooking Fantasia. The stupid bitch was just standing there looking on. She started swearing violently and dodged the flames by diving to the floor. With Fantasia no longer mentally controlling them (she was occupied in dodging flames after all) the three students hesitated. Betsy immediately seized control of their minds, rendered them unconscious and I levitated them into the elevator and moderate safety.

Fantasia had by now recovered and was fuming.

Fantasia: "Oh well, I have an entire school full of sleeping students to serve me. I'll just keep summoning more!"

Before we could respond to that, a psionic bolt came streaking past us, aimed right at Fantasia and hit her full force. She was sent hurtling backwards and into a wall...but was far from stunned. Betsy and I glanced behind us. Professor Xavier was only now putting on his helmet.

Professor Xavier: "No you will not! It's about high time that you learnt your lesson. And you will tonight, one way or another."

Standing behind us were the Professor, Jean as well as Jake and Emma. Betsy and I stepped back to join them as Fantasia got back up and dusted herself. She wasted no time in dialogue and immediately launched six psionic tendrils at us. I leapt into the air, Betsy, Jake and Emma dove out of the way and Jean shielded the Professor.

Professor Xavier: "Feel no pity. We must incapacitate her!"

Betsy and Jake lunged at her, already aiming aerial kicks. Betsy managed to cut apart an incoming tendril with her psychic blade, and connected. Jake's foot however, got seized and he was flung to the ground. I tossed a bolt of electricity at her and severed the tendril, freeing Jake who warily kept his distance.

Betsy: "Emma, aren't you going to do something - anything at all - to help us?!"

Emma: "I'm a lover, not a fighter."

I morphed into Earth form, ripped out a pillar from the wall and made to slam the bitch with it. She used a tendril to snatch it out of my hands and whacked me with it instead. It crumbled to dust whilst I was sent hurtling backwards.

Jean: "Rick, are you okay?!"

"Yeah, it's okay. But damn, she's strong!"

Fantasia: "Well this is hardly fair. All of you ganging up on little old me. I guess I'm going to have to even up the odds. Allow me to show you the stuff that nightmares are made of."

"What the heck is she talking about?"

Betsy: "I have no idea."

Jean: "She was always a bit too damned melodramatic for my taste."

We all stepped back a little as the look on Fantasia's face was becoming quite alarming. I didn't know whether to scream in fear or hand her some laxative. For one thing she seemed to be And two, steadily growing bumps had appeared on her forehead. Eventually they swelled to the size of tennis balls and burst, spattering foul looking blood and pus onto the floor and walls.

Emma: "Eeeewww! Those were some really frightening zits! And did you see what happened when they popped? They must have been filled with the stuff of nightmares for sure."

Two metallic looking spikes erupted from the gaping holes left in her skull. Her clothes were fluttering by that time as if her flesh had become a coiling nest of serpents underneath...until they just tore apart and a flailing mass of tendrils waved to and fro. Several more spikes erupted from her face and an entire row of them burst forth from her back. Her eyes started blazing as if they burned with furious Hellfire. With several arcane passes of her now muscular hands, claws morphed from her finger nails. She now stood at about five feet taller than any of us.

Fantasia: "Behold! The sum total of all the fear I've drained from your students whilst you were all in the Dreamworld. I am your worst nightmare!"

Jake: "Yawn! Oh please, that girl with the spinning head from The Exorcist was a Hell of a lot scarier than you!"

Fantasia: "Oh really? How's this?!"

At that we heard a violent snap as her head swivelled around most disturbingly.

Jake: " that's some scary shit."

Fantasia: "Mwahahaha!"

Professor Xavier: "We'll have to take this outside. Rick, blow a hole through the wall."

I complied and blasted a gaping hole in the wall to the side of Fantasia. Jean cut loose and pushed her through, aided by a lunging kick courtesy of Betsy. The fall did little to weaken Fantasia as her tendrils coiled around various objects; a fence here, a lampost there - and she made it to the garden below with little harm. Unfortunately, we made her even madder and she was now hissing like an enraged viper. I flew down, levitating Jake and Betsy with me, whilst Jean did the same for Emma and the Professor. Outside, without the restrictive limitations of being inside a building, we'd be able to really cut lose. As soon and Betsy and Jake were safely on the ground, I switched into Fire mode and hurled an all out inferno at her. Whilst she was shrieking, Jean ripped out some of the pickets from the fences, broke them up into stakes and launched them at her full force. They cut her legs and black blood poured out onto the grass.

Emma risked getting a little closer and switched into her diamond form. She glanced around quickly and ripped a chain off one of the Mansion's swings, brandishing it like a whip. It snapped me back to the time on the Astral Plane. She could really work a chain whip like a pro. With a swinging motion, she hooked it around one of Fantasia's arms, restraining her. I had an idea. Emma was in diamond form and insulated. So I shocked the chain with electricity. The extra conductivity of the metal on her arm did wonders. I could see and smell her flesh burning. Infuriated, she tugged at the chain and hurled Emma screaming into the air. I heard a painful sounding crash in the distance.

Fantasia: "You know - if you had all just went along with my original plan, you'd be having the time of your lives right about now. But you've chosen this path instead. So be it!"

With a swipe of her hands, she launched a volley of spikes towards the Professor and it was all Jean could do to shield him from their sheer force. Whilst she occupied with aiming her spikes, Jake had snuck up behind her and thrust one of Ororo's gardening pitchforks into her back. She didn't even look behind her, as one of the many spines on her back extended right out, sending Jake flying backwards, impaled on a tree.

Jake: "Fuck!"

"Jake! You - you overgrown octopus!"

And then I felt it happening. The familiar rush of adrenalin, the sensation of raw power...

Betsy was close enough to my position to realise what was happening.

Fantasia: "Ooh, it seems that I've I made someone mad."

Betsy: "You like abusing power so much, Freddie? Let's see how you feel after you get a dose of your own medicine."

She was unimpressed by Betsy's threat.

Fantasia: "You do gooders don't have it in you. It's what makes you weak. Me? I'm hardcore..."

Professor Xavier: "We might not have the stomach for it, true. But we're teachers and role models. We're supposed to set the example. Rick however, is a student. And they all make mistakes."

Jean: "And we all know that mistakes are meant to teach us. We're supposed to learn from them. And something tells me that you're about to learn quite a lot about the wanton abuse of power."

Jake: "Let - the bitch have it!"

At that I just tripped. The sight of him impaled on a tree with his blood spilling in ever increasing rivulets just made me want to spill some of hers. Regardless of how foul and toxic it may have been. She must have sensed my energy buildup because the next thing she did was surround me in a virtual cage of tendrils. I managed to rip some apart on my own, whilst Betsy and Jean took care of all the rest of them for me. With them acting as my defenders, I was free to go on the all out offensive, knowing that they had my back. I managed to infiltrate Fantasia's defensive, flailing tentacles and get up close and personal. Morphing into Earth form, I ripped the spikes right out of her back and stabbed her through the torso with them.

She tried slashing me with her claws, but as they collided with my rock hard skin, they merely broke off. Just as I was about to be savagely head butted away, the clanking of a chain whip alerted us that Emma had returned to the scene of the battle. The chain wrapped around Fantasia's neck and her head was held back by Emma's superior - diamond form enhanced - strength.

Emma: "Ooh, looks to me like someone chipped a nail."

With her horned head restrained by Emma, her tendrils continuously being hacked away by Betsy as soon as they regenerated, and the telekinetic shielding of Jean - I was able to focus on forming a telekinetic force bubble within one of her arms. I expanded it violently and her appendage exploded apart from within, bits of bone, blood and flesh staining the once pristine lawn.

Fantasia: "Aaaargh!"

I repeated the action and her left arm was the next to go.

"You're about to get a horribly bad case of gas..."

I formed yet another force bubble within her torso and started slowly expanding it, painfully...

Professor Xavier: "So tell me, how does it feel, Winifred?"

Fantasia: "Fuck all of you!"

With that I expanded the force bubble and her entire body - well, what remained of it anyway (Betsy had worked quite a number on the tentacles) - exploded. The monstrous, dismembered body parts seemed to evaporate into thin air, revealing the nearly nude body of Fantasia in her untransformed state. The spike that was formerly impaling Jake had also disintegrated by then. He fell onto the ground and used the opportunity to heal himself.

"You mean - it was all just an illusion?"

Professor Xavier: "Not exactly, more like something of a cross between an illusion and a transformation. It was based on the fears of the people whose mental energy she absorbed. You surely don't think that we would have let you 'kill' her if it wasn't?"

"Um, no of course not."

Fantasia: "S-so close..."

Emma: "And yet so far! Save it sister, you're out."

Professor Xavier: "Well, we all know what comes next. As much as it pains me to say leave us no choice. We'll have to place mental blocks on your powers, wipe your mind of any secrets you may have discovered and hand you over to the proper authorities."

"But the police are gonna ask questions. What will you tell them?"

They all looked at me incredulously.

Professor Xavier: "The police are not the proper authorities I'm referring to."

"Then who?"

Jean: "That information is classified and on a need to know basis. When the right time comes - you'll be granted access to that information."

"Okay, sorry I asked."

Professor Xavier said that he would attend to the mental erasing of Fantasia personally and would rather we not witness it. So they basically stunned her and he, Betsy, Emma and Jean took her down to the subbasement brig. When we walked back into the Mansion proper we could see students stirring awake.

Boy: "What the - what are we doing lying around here like this?"

Girl: "Mhmm, what a dream! Muy, muy caliente!"

Well, at least they seemed unharmed in the least.

I'm going to go check on Bobby. I'll see you around.

Jake: Yeah... I might as well go catch forty winks myself.

I frantically knocked on Bobby's door not caring if anyone heard me. Everyone seemed completely clueless about the fact that they were in mortal peril just a little under an hour before. They all just stirred, found themselves asleep in odd places and went to their rooms. Most everyone was only too willing to continue their pleasant dreaming. Pity, they'd probably never experience a dream as real as the ones Fantasia weaved. After the tenth knock mingled with the sound of the doorbell, a woozy looking Bobby opened the door. With a near suffocating hug,

"You're okay!"

Bobby: "Mhmm, what did I do? And - I'm not complaining - but what are you doing here at this hour?"

"You, young man are very lucky that Freddie Krueger didn't get to you. Many weren't so lucky and were attacked in their dreams!"

He just stared at me with an amused look playing across his face.

Bobby: "So you did catch a movie after all, huh?"

"No, really. While you were sleeping...while everyone here was sleeping, this insane lady -"

Bobby: "Just so you know, I laughed during 'The Nightmare On Elm Street'. That shit was funny."

I explained everything as quickly and effectively as I could in three minutes.

Bobby: "So you expect me to believe that? You know, it's not nice to fool people who are dumber than you! Especially when they're so damned gullible."

"But I'm not kidding."

Bobby: "Look, all I know is - I was tired, I went to bed and had the most...I mean damn! I never had a dream as realistic as that before!"

I threw all thoughts of Fantasia aside as that statement of his got me curious.

"Oh? A hot dream?"

Bobby: "Yeah. You were in it."

"Oh really? Wow! What happened?"

Bobby: "We were on this little deserted island in the middle of the Caribbean somewhere, with the whole place to ourselves. Nothing but white sandy beaches, and crystal clear blue waters and lots of sun. We could stroll about completely naked and work on our tan and -"

"Let me guess, it was so realistic that if you were to find yourself there again, right wouldn't be able to tell that it was all fake?"

Bobby: "Well, yeah."

"Uh huh. It's the power of Fantasia! She was sent here by Mystique. If you don't believe me, then ask Jean and Betsy tomorrow. Or Jake. Hey even Professor Xavier if you want."

Bobby: "So tell me this story again...but slower this time so that I can take it all in."

So I explained it all, every little detail.

Bobby: "So you think that Eric snapped you out of this crazy lady's hold?"

"Yeah, Jake and Emma think so. And they know what they're talking about."

Bobby: "And Jake...he woke up because of your link?"

"Well, that's the theory he came up with. It makes sense and we couldn't think of anything else."

Bobby: "So this...mental link you two have..."

"Bobby, we talked about that already. I've done my best to suppress it. Most times, I can hardly even tell that it's functional. It's real weak, almost vestigial even."

I could feel the same insecurity I sensed in him when we first discussed it. Of course I could understand where he was coming from. If the situation was reversed, I know I'd be less than comfortable with the idea. He had even asked me if we could maybe get one going - it was cute the way he asked. Almost like it was something we could just go to a store and get.

Of course I did my best to explain it to him then. Psychic bonds don't usually form due to conscious effort. They tend to be formed spontaneously. And as for us getting one - with my loser telepathy, I didn't know if I'd be able to handle it. Especially as I already had a bond functioning - albeit a weakened one - with Jake. I was of the opinion that the link was more contributed to by Jake as it was. He was far more powerful telepathically than I. And whilst I no longer sensed his emotions through it unless I tried to - he still sensed mine unconsciously. Like earlier that night when he sensed me panicking as soon as he woke up.

"See, for the most part - it's non-existant to me, except when we communicate. I don't even sense his feelings unless I purposefully try to."

Bobby: "It's nothing. Don't bother - I'm just glad that some good came out of it tonight. You're that sure everyone's alright?"

"Yeah, the Professor said that he'd explain everything properly later tomorrow - this morning. Now scoot over, I'm spending what precious little remaining of this 'night' with you."

We hadn't been lying on the bed for more than two minutes before,

*Sniff sniff*


Bobby: "Hmm?"

"First thing when you get up - you are going to change these bed sheets."

At that we both fell asleep.

At breakfast - which was served a bit later, due to the fact that everyone seemed to be extra tired, even the ones who had escaped energy drainage - Professor Xavier provided an explanation as to the events of the previous night. Most everyone, teachers included were aghast. When he explained the true nature of Fantasia's powers and the realistic fantasies she could weave, sheepish smiles and blushing faces abounded. I myself wracked my brains trying to remember what dream - if any - I had courtesy of the good lady. I could remember nothing. Neither could Jake, not that he told anyone else that mind you. And we were alone in this regard.

At first I thought that maybe the people who had broken out of Fantasia's trance forgot their dreams. But Professor Xavier, Emma, Jean, and Betsy all said that they remembered theirs. None of them shared what they dreamed about, but the important thing was that they remembered.

Jubilee: "Besame mucho, besame mucho, Ramon! Gosh, I was screaming that out over and over again."

Ray: "And who the fuck is Ramon supposed to be?"

Jubilee: "Why you, Raymond...or a Latin lover version of you rather."

Professor Xavier: "Now, we are more or less confident that everyone should be okay. However, if any of you have the slightest problem that you believe to be related to this occurrence, please do not hesitate to come to us."

Jenny: "Damn! I am so NOT telling my parents about this stuff. They'd take me out of here so fast if they only knew. Is this stuff normal for you guys?"

John: "Uh huh. And this was relatively tame compared to some of the other stuff."

Jake: "We don't usually have problems here at the school. This was an isolated occurrence."

"I wish I could remember what it is I dreamt of."

Professor Xavier: "Now without further ado, let's get on with the school day!"

Location: Unknown

Magneto: "How goes our latest assault on the Xavier Institute?"

The same way it had been going for the last several years.

Mystique: "I fear that our plot has been foiled once again, Commander. I've been trying to contact Krueger repeatedly, to no avail. It's been over five hours since our scheduled communication linkup was supposed to have taken place."

Mystique expected him to reveal a more emphatic display of anger at her latest failure. And as surprised as she was when he didn't, her sense of relief overrode all other emotions. It was short lived however, and quickly replaced with anger and a lacerating sense of betrayal.

Magneto: "I expected as much. You're underperformance has cost us dearly for the last time, Mystique."

Mystique: "Commander, I don't know what you -"

Magneto: "I am removing you from your position as second in command of the Brotherhood."

Mystique did her best to disguise the rage fermenting within as he continued.

Magneto: "I've already chosen your replacement."

Mystique: "I shall - as always - abide by your decisions, Commander. Who is our new second in command?"

At a signal from Magneto, a lone figure approached them from within the cloak of shadows behind his throne. Mystique, no matter how hard she tried, could not conceal the shock that coursed through her veins. She could have understood it if he had chosen Sabretooth or The Scarlet Witch or even Brainchild. They would have at least offered her some decent degree of competition. Anybody but,

Lance: "That would be me. Oh, by the way - I'll need you to clear your 'former' quarters by six this afternoon. Or else everything is going out in the yard. And that's an order."

Why in the world would he be awarded such a high honor? She was about to protest but was silenced by Magneto before she even dropped a word.

Magneto: "You have failed me one too many times Mystique. Lance here knows the enemy, seeing as he used to be within their ranks. It will be in our best interest to allow him the opportunity. His orders are to be followed without question. Are we clear?"

Mystique: "Crystal..."

Magneto: "You are both dismissed."

Lance: "Yes, sir!"

With a sullen tone to her ordinarily energetic voice,

Mystique: "Yes...sir."

Whatever misgivings she had concerning her plan to depose Magneto disintegrated. Maybe even sooner than she had originally planned. It would not be wise to allow Lance the time to build up an efficient support base. If he did, the members might follow him once Magneto was out of the way. And the sure of himself smirks he kept tossing her...if only she could rip his head off without anyone finding out about it. With her mind churning out fresh plots, she made her way out of Magneto's chamber. First she'd clear out her belongings from Lance's new quarters. Then she'd need to have a little chat with her business associate.

The senior members of the X-men were currently engaged in a combined interrogation and security meeting in the subbasement. As yet, the Professor had not cleared Winifred Krueger's mind. He had some very pertinent questions for her and wished to broach them to her before the mental procedure.

Professor Xavier: "Hank, I am aware that you have been burning the candle at both ends. But I'm afraid that I've had to request additional assistance to accelerate the repairs on Cerebro."

Hank: "I'm not offended, Professor. As a matter of fact - I think that I'd welcome it for once."

Scott: "All of the Mansion's auto-defence systems are inter-connected with the Cerebro grid. We're at a disadvantage until Cerebro is fully functional."

Hank: "True, had Cerebro been fully functional, the security system would have detected Winifred's entry and done something to either alert us or detain her."

Kurt: "We were all under for quite a while. If Winifred managed to enter the Mansion, she must have realised that the auto defences were non-functional. Couldn't she have sent word for the Brotherhood to storm us? While we were all sleeping?"

Hank: "We all started feeling fatigued during the daylight hours when the weapons systems are normally offline. They must not know that our weapons systems are down. Winifred must have been in the Mansion earlier in the day and stayed inside until the conflict. She is capable of shielding herself telepathically. She probably would not have known that our defences were down."

Logan was becoming quite impatient. Both he and Scott had been interrogating Kreuger for over two hours and had yet to gain any useful information from her. If it were up to him - he'd have one of the X-men psychics rip the information from her mind. It would save them all precious time.

Logan: "What does the Brotherhood want so bad that they're willing to risk an operation like this?"

Jean: "Rick heard her talking to her contact in the Brotherhood - none other than Mystique. She wanted the Mansion for herself. And she intended to mind control the Professor to gain access to the Xavier Protocol - every byte of information Cerebro possesses."

Betsy: "It's a bloody good thing that he woke up when he did."

Warren: "Yeah, and that he managed to wake Jacob. And Emma too?"

Emma: "No, Jacob entered my mind and helped me break free."

Ororo: "He broke Jacob free from Krueger's hold? But - well, to put it kindly, Rick isn't exactly known for his skill in telepathy."

Emma: "Really? How can you say that? The poor boy was so mistrustful of me that he blocked out all emotional leakage from his mind at our session on Saturday. I couldn't read him at all. That has to count for something."

Professor Xavier: "He did that?"

Xavier raised his eyebrows in a gesture surprise that had Jean and Scott glancing around uncomfortably.

Jean: "Well - well maybe there's more to Rick's telepathy than we first realised. I mean, telepathy is a complex skill. And the emotional state of the practitioner has a great impact on its effectiveness. Maybe the unique mental involved conditions had something to do with it. Besides, Jacob is a powerful telepath. Perhaps he broke himself out of the trance with only just a little help from Rick."

This was enough to satisfy most of those present. Until...

Emma: "Hmm, I don't know about that. Jacob said that he didn't know how he broke free."

Jean sighed in a slightly annoyed manner.

Scott: "What matters is that he did. Let's just be thankful for that. Anyhow, back to the main issue at hand. What do we do with Freddie? Maybe we've been a little too nice."

Scott gave Professor Xavier a meaningful stare.

Professor Xavier: "I've said it twice before and I don't intend to repeat myself after this - I will not psionically tear the information out of her mind."

Other alternative suggestions were offered.

Hank: "Maybe I could mix up a batch of truth serum. One shot and she'll spill everything out like a -"

Before he could finish the sentence, he was rebuffed.

Professor Xavier: "Hank, we will be following the United Nation's statutes for the humane treatment of prisoners. We are not running our very own Guantanamo Bay facility."

Rogue timidly raised her hand.

Rogue: "A'right fellas, just hear me out. I'm not talking about mind invasion or's 'bout I touch her - just for a second or two - and see what information I manage absorb."

Professor Xavier: "Perhaps..."

Several people starting shifting around uncomfortably until Scott vocalised his pertinent concerns.

Scott: "Uh - Professor? Winifred doesn't know what we all dreamed about? Right?"

The fear of Rogue absorbing information from Fantasia that could reveal their deepest fantasies was getting to him.

Logan: "What's the matter Summers, got a few skeletons in your closet?"

Scott began to noticeably fidget whilst everyone looked at him amused. He was ordinarily cold, methodical and sure of himself.

Ororo: "Logan, you of all people have no room to talk. Would you like to share what Kreuger's trance did to -"

Logan: "Okay, okay point taken."

Professor Xavier: "In response to your question, Scott. No, she does not appear to know what dreams her victims had."

Scott: "Okay that case, I think it would be a good idea for Rogue to do the touchy feely."

Once it was established that the risk was minimal, everyone echoed his sentiments.

Professor Xavier: "Oh, very well. But, one attempt and one attempt only."

Rogue: "Alright, just let me at the wench."

Amara: "Do you think that dreams can come true?"

Judging by the longing expression on her face, I was afraid to ask. But as she continued to stare at me, it was plain to see that she expected me to answer.

"I don't know. I guess it depends on the dream."

She then went on to describe to me in detail her fantasy dream that she was treated to courtesy of Fantasia. Since she was already a princess in real life, the fact that she was a princess in the dream could be passed off as unimportant. If it was any other girl - yes - since it was her, no. But in the dream she had found her Prince Charming, you and I both know who, and had settled down in her kingdom of Nova Roma and proceeded to live a fantasy life fit for Royalty.

"Amara, won't your father have a problem with you marrying a...commoner?"

Amara: "I doubt it. He knows what can happen when you force your children to marry someone against their wishes."

"Oh, right. Sorry..."

Amara: "Don't be. Anyhow, Jake isn't a mere commoner. You guys are like National Heroes of Nova Roma. There is no way he'd ever deny us if - or when - the time comes."

She went on in that vein for a while. I always wondered why she'd single me out for all that kind of talk. I mean, yes I was gay. And yes, I was her fag and she was my hag. But Jubilee was her best friend. And now she had another girl, Jenny, to girl talk with. Why the heck was she blurting her heart out to me all the time, extolling the merits of Jake? I was wondering about that very same thing then. And as luck would have it - she revealed the answer without my having to ask.

Amara: "Okay, so I was wondering... Jake's been pretty much ignoring me. And I have a strong feeling that he's one of them prize sensitive guys who's afraid that I'm a man eater - that I'll chew him up and spit him out. I know I haven't exactly been on Santa's goody-goody list for over three years now... I was hoping that maybe you'd put in a good word for me?"

Lord have mercy. I was getting even more dragged into this doomed love affair.

"Amara, I don't really know why you'd think that I could possibly - "

She flapped her hands in her signature, impatient manner.

Amara: "Oh don't be so quick to deny me. It'd mean so much to me if you'd maybe casually drop a few words about me. Now it'll have to be subtle so he won't suspect that you're pimping me up...and it'll need to be sweet and innocent - to reflect my change."

"I still don't see why you'd ask me. Why not Jubilee or -"

Amara: "Because everyone knows how close you two are. He wouldn't give a damn about what Jubes said. Besides he knows that she's my best friend. He'd suspect that she's campaigning for me at the outset. But if YOU were to say some nice things...especially as you're gay, he'd listen. Since you're gay, you could emphasize my excellent non-sexual qualities. He seems to be the kind of guy who wants a deep, meaningful relationship rather than empty sex."

She then went on to explain her logic. Coming readily to mind was the way he had reacted after her attempted foot job several weeks before.

Amara: "He'd be sure to pay some heed to your words. You two are like so tight. Did you know that when we all thought you died in Canada, he broke down crying? He insisted on carrying your body himself too. It looked to me like he wanted nothing more than to kill Logan - well, Weapon X. Oooh, he's so sensitive. That's what I want, a man who's not afraid or ashamed to cry and express his emotions. And not be like an inanimate rock."

Love is so blind! He's not sensitive - well, okay maybe he is to some extent - but even more than that, he's GAY!

Amara: "Soo, will you help your girl out?"

"I don't...know. I mean I don't know the first thing about matchmaking and pimping up people."

Amara: "You'll just have to drop a few casual remarks, like for instance - gosh, Jake...Amara's such a generous and loving friend. She bought me an enormous plasma screen television that covers my entire wall, for my birthday...and I'm just a friend. Imagine what she'd get a boyfriend..."

She was trying a guilt trip! And that suggestion of hers was supposed to be subtle? It was non-sexual yes. But even if Jake was straight, I doubt he'd be the type to fall for money and personal gain.

"He isn't materialistic. And if you want your TV back you can have it you know."

Amara: "Rick, you have someone special in your life, do you not?"

"Well yes."

Amara: "It's frickin' class, is it not?"

"Y-yeah.. but -"

Amara: "Then please, please if our friendship means anything to a sister out!"

I didn't want to be responsible for reducing a Royal princess to begging on hands and knees. And it was obvious that she was going to continue hounding me like a bitch. She'd probably get all depressed if I just said 'no' too. Maybe a little beating around the bush would throw her off the trail.

"Amara, we're not as tight as you think we are."

Amara: "What? Why? In Canada he was acting like his little brother died or something. What could have happened to ruin alla that good friendship you guys had going on?"

See that's the thing...You happened. I probably would forgive him properly sooner or later. But I couldn't see myself forgetting it.

She kept nagging me until I was forced to concede.

"I'll need a little time to figure out how to go about it..."

Hopefully that would buy me some time.

Amara: "Oooh! Thank you! Finally! With you campaigning for me - it's only a matter of time. You know, I was hanging around hoping that you'd take a hint and volunteer your pimping services...but I guess I was a bit too subtle of you."

Oh dear...

Meanwhile, in the subbasement Brig, Rogue had entered Winifred's holding cell and was about to touch and drain her memories. The somewhat excited glint in Rogue's eyes however, alarmed their prisoner.

Freddie: "Stay the fuck away from me! I always knew you were a lesbian!"

Rogue could hear several members gasp through her communication linkup.

[Scott: "P-Professor?! I thought you said that Freddie didn't know our fantasies?']

[Remmy: "Fantasies?! Rogue, I think that maybe we needs to be havin' a little ole talk.']

[Rogue: "Remmy, I swear I'm not -"]

[Professor Xavier: 'Would you all just pay attention? Winifred is not speaking about any dream of Rogue's. She's quite a bit nervous about Rogue touching her. That's all.']

Rogue: "What in tarnation?! I ain't no lesbo! I'm just going to touch you to drain your memories, bitch! Besides, if I was a lesbian - you bet that I could do a whole lot better than you. Now hold still you dirty wench!"

Winifred started struggling to get away but to no avail.

Freddie: "No, no! Ugh..."

After taking a few minutes to sort her head out, Rogue left the room to rejoin her shock-recovering team mates.

Scott: "Well, what did you learn?!"

Rogue: "Hmm? Jean was right - Mystique was interested in getting all of Cerebro's information. And I was able to access some of her orders. Apparently, Mystique was rather firm that Jean, Scott, Rick, Kurt and myself not be harmed during her operation."

Jean: "Yes, Rick did mention that."

Remmy: "I don't get it. What makes y'all so la dee dah? What are the rest of us, chopped liver?"

Professor Xavier: "Mystique may be capable of a lot of things - but I doubt that she'd want her son to come to any harm if it could be avoided. And as we all know, at one point in time, Rogue was her adopted daughter. I believe that she'd try to keep both of them safe as far as possible."

Everyone glanced quickly at Rogue and Kurt.

Warren: "But Professor, Scott, Jean and Rick have no sentimental ties to her. Why would she be concerned about their safety?"

No one could come up with a realistic answer and even Professor Xavier admitted defeat.

Rogue: "There is something else. Mystique wanted the Xavier Protocol for the Brotherhood's use as well as HER own. She offered to pay Kreuger big bucks to keep that fact secret."

Professor Xavier: "Hmm... Perhaps Mystique has her own plot brewing that she doesn't want anyone finding out about. Maybe she was afraid that Winifred would sell the Xavier Protocol to some other Brotherhood agent. Before Mystique had a chance to have a good look at it herself. After all, if another agent were to find out about her mission and offer to pay her more, she'd probably sell it to them instead. And then that agent would be the one that Magneto rewards."

Jean: "The Xavier Protocol could be extremely dangerous in anyone's hands. Those contain files listing the identities and abilities, not to mention personal and contact information on every mutant that has ever been connected with the institute. And on a great deal more too."

Ororo: "You don't think she wants to shortlist the most powerful of those mutants listed, track them down and then recruit them do you?"

Everyone gave that idea some thought. It did sound very reasonable. Especially as recent information had shown that Mystique could very well be doing some talent scouting once more.

Logan: "Maybe she wants Scott, Jean and Rick for the same reasons... Rogue would make a fine haul too. So would Kurt. And I know she'd be more than happy to have her ex kids working on her side."

Hank: "Jean is the host to the Phoenix Force - I can understand the temptation to control her. Others have tried before."

Jean, Ororo, Betsy and Rogue shifted their eyes ever so accusingly towards Emma. She merely pretended not to have noticed.

Hank: "And Scott is the main X-training instructor with high end access to our most guarded of secrets...she'd no doubt be interested in those. That would justify her interest in him. But why would she even care about Rick's safety?"

Professor Xavier: "It is exceedingly rare for a single individual to have access to all five of the primal Elements..."

Jean: "Wait a tick... Hank, Rick's Elemental powers are the result of his having inherited them from his father right? Through his Y chromosome? And that was the result of genetic modification of some male ancestor?"

Hank: "Yes, we all know that."

Apparently not.

Emma: "Genetic tampering?! I didn't know that!"

Betsy: "And you better pretend not to know it. Especially when around Rick!"

Hank: "Where are you going with this, Jean?"

Jean: "Okay, Mystique is definitely interested in Rick. Lance said so. And the fact that she had him kept prisoner separately in the Morlock tunnels proves it. Now, Storm's Elemental powers exceed his. Why not try and acquire her instead if she's more powerful than Rick? Does Mystique know something about Rick that we don't?"

Professor Xavier: "You're implying that she may be aware of his unique genome? Perhaps even the full consequence of it?"

Jean: "Exactly."

Warren: "But how would she know anything about that?"

Jean: "It's the only other thing of special interest about Rick that I can think of. It could be why she's so interested - but I have no idea how she could know."

Professor Xavier: "Mystique is an extremely conniving woman. I agree in that she may found out something about him that we don't. But the question is - where would she have gained the bit of information about his genes being altered in the first place? Hacking into our network? A spy?"

Logan: "She'd have to have known it before we did too. Lance said that she had her eye on him before we even learnt the truth about his genes."

Betsy: "This just keeps getting more and more twisted."

Scott: "Whatever she wants - she seems to want badly. If she could try to pull off a stunt like this..."

Hank: "Yes, most disconcerting. We had better finish the repairs Cerebro to ensure that something like this cannot happen so easily again. Who did you send for, Professor?"

Professor Xavier: "I had to call in a favor from Reed Richards. He's agreed to help rewire and reconfigure Cerebro."

Jean: "When does he arrive?"

Professor Xavier: "Tomorrow."

Hank: "With him assisting us, we should have Cerebro up and running by the day's end. Most of the repairs are completed already. It's only the reconfiguring and calibration that's stumped me."

Professor Xavier: "Very well. You are all dismissed for now."

The dead silence satisfied Mystique that all was well. She crept stealthily out of her quarters and entered the communication room. The patrolling sentries were being negligent as ever in their duties, so gaining access to the communication equipment unseen was not a problem. She had decided to fast forward her plans after all. Those ungrateful, former underlings who used to bend to her whim, now were completely under Lance's sway. Without wasting any precious time she activated the console and established a linkup with her associate.

Mystique: "Nathaniel?"

Nathaniel: "I'm here."

Mystique: "There's been a change of plans. I've been downgraded from my position because of my constant failures."

She would have liked nothing more than to have cut out his tongue when she heard him snicker.

Nathaniel: "So, you've thrown all hesitation to the winds have you?"

Mystique: "When one's career is at stake - it tends to motivate one. Still, I have a few questions that I'd like answers to."

Nathaniel: "Absolutely, ask away my dear."

Mystique: "This procedure that you wish to employ on the child - is it safe?"

The sound of his scoff was unmistakeable.

Nathaniel: "Don't tell me you've acquired something of a conscience over the years."

Mystique: "Answer the question."

Nathaniel: "It doesn't matter."

Mystique: "You'll answer my questions or you'll just have to find some other means of obtaining the boy. You know that you're in no position to get him yourself."

His heavy sigh told her all that she wanted to know. He'd acquiesce with her wishes after all. She added yet another demand to her list.

Mystique: "And what exactly does this procedure of yours entail?"

Nathaniel: "Very well. As to the procedure - it involves administering doses of radiation."

Even Mystique was temporarily shocked. She eventually recovered her voice.

Mysique: "Radiation? Give me the details."

Nathaniel: "His cells will respond to radiation of a particular wavelength. I've developed a device to mimic that wavelength. It will further trigger his mutation, forcing him to live up to his true genetic potential."

Mystique: "Live up to his... And just how long will he live after that?"

There was a long pause before his response came.

Nathaniel: "The brighter the flame - the shorter its duration."

Mystique: "I'd like an estimate in actual time units."

Nathaniel: "I don't know exactly. It has never been done before and so I'm sure you will appreciate that there are no cut and dry answers. But I don't believe the physiology of any human will be able to sustain such power levels indefinitely. I hope it doesn't change where you stand on this transaction."

The non-emotional manner in which he was speaking was enough to unnerve even her.

Mystique: "The plan will proceed. I'll contact you with further information as and when the opportunity arises."

Nathaniel: "Good, for a moment I was worried that you were having second thoughts."

Mystique: "You're more ruthless than I gave you credit for, Nathaniel. You'd actually go so far as to do that to your own -"

Nathaniel: "None of that ridiculous sentimentality, Darkholme. If that is all...I'll be on my way."

Jean: "That's it! We're making good progress.."

"But the flame barely even moved."

Scott: "Yeah, I could stand twenty feet away, blow like the big bad wolf and it would shift more than that."

Jean: "The main thing to consider is that it actually moved due to the influence of Rick's mind."

Jean, Scott and I were in the Danger Room engaging in a mental exercise. It was partly due to my asking for it and partly because Jean felt that it was time that I learnt the deeper secrets of the telekinetic art. So far, my telekinesis was limited in that I could only affect matter on a macrocosmic scale. I didn't have the skill to rearrange molecules as I saw fit. And I could only manipulate solid objects. Energy manipulation was beyond my scope for the time being. The high level telekinetic feats were not yet my ken. As Jean said, I had the sheer power - but unfortunately lacked the skill. And so she was determined to remedy the situation. With the merging of the senior and junior squads, I'd be working a lot more closely with the X-men proper. And as she would eventually be forced to undertake maternity leave...I'd be the team's sole telekinetic. Hence her adamant resolve to see me trained and ready for the role.

Jean: "At your level, even a slight movement of the flame is a considerable achievement. Not exactly the best...but none too shabby either."

"So how long before I can bend Scott's beams like you did?"

Jean: "Who can say? I was always a prodigy. But then again, that's just me. It depends on how hard and how often you try to improve. When you reach my stage, you'll be able to bend Scott's optic blasts to your will and throw it back right at him. He'll scream like a little girl. "

Scott: "Hey! You promised not to tell anyone abou - "

"Okay, I take it she's talking from experience."

Scott: "Jean, don't you dare say a word!"

Jean: Uh huh. We all used to play around with our powers a lot as teens. Not enough to cause serious harm mind you. You should have seen - and heard - the way he cried when I guided his beam to his backside!

You were a meanie!

Jean: I know, I was a bad bitch. But he wasn't all that innocent either. He used to fire near my feet so that I'd have to 'dance' for him. You try hopping around in a tight mini-skirt!

I'd really rather not. But thank you for the suggestion all the same.

Jean: Afraid that you might like it?

Scott: "How's about we all do a little training whilst we're down here?"

"Training? Hmm... Don't we already do enough of that?"

Jean: "So doesn't this qualify as training?"

Scott: "Well you've got me standing around here doing nothing."

Jean: "Fire a continuous beam at me."

The look of distrust almost made me laugh.

Scott: "Hell no!"

Jean: "I won't roast your rump, I promise."

He unwillingly complied. She didn't bend the beam but merely shielded against it. The effect was to create a continuous optic ray - like a taut cord - between Scott's position and Jean's shield.

Jean: "Try and influence the direction of the beam, Rick."

"But I'm at the candle flame level."

Jean: "I'm going to help you. You just have to get a grip - a telekinetic 'feel.' It's sorta like guiding your hands with my own."

I did the best I could and tried to focus on the beam's energy flow. As it wasn't exactly a solid object, or stationary for that matter, it was not easy to do.

Jean: "I said I'd help, Rick. Not do it for you. You have to try harder."


I tried to increase the focus and power. And succeeded in making it bulge a little.

Jean: "Yes! Okay, amp it up even more!"

"But Jean -"

Jean: "The main thing is to just go with the flow."

With another supreme effort the beam bounced.

Scott: "Whoa! Hey!"

And the unexpected happened. The force of the beam's movement rattled Scott's visor right off his face and onto his head. He temporarily lost control of the power output of his beam and fired at full power against Jean. He once told me that at full power he could blast a hole through a mountain. With the intense glare of the beam I couldn't see anything much - I was virtually blinded for a good few seconds. All I heard was Jean screaming.


He had only been firing at full force for about a second or two. I remembered my own experience when I got hit with it. And it wasn't even at full force then.

I stumbled in the direction of the scream, whilst blinking madly to stimulate my eyes into seeing.


Jake: What is it?

There's been an accident in the Danger Room. Get down here, quick!

Scott: "J-Jean, come on speak to me!"

My eyes finally cleared and I saw Scott holding an unconscious Jean. Two seconds after there was a BAMF! as Kurt and Jake teleported into the Danger Room. Wasting no time, Jake got to work on healing her.

"Is she...going to be okay?"

Jake: "She seems unhurt. Just fainted."

Scott: "Thank God!"

I glanced around the room. Scott's full strength blast had torn the floor up. But Jean looked to be peacefully sleeping. Her clothes were untouched and there wasn't even a burn mark on her skin. Presently she stirred.

Jake: "Are you feeling alright Miss Grey?"

Jean: "Whew! Good save, Rick. All I got outta that was a tumble."

"What are you talking about?"

Jean: "If you didn't shield me in time I'd be dead or dying. I didn't even have the time to react."

"Don't look at me. I didn't do anything."

Scott: "But she's not even scorched."

Jean: "You had to have shielded me...I didn't get a chance to do so much as blink."

"You probably shielded yourself spontaneously. Thank goodness for that."

Kurt: "Count your blessings."

Jean: "Rick, I am telling you that I didn't do a damned thing."

"And I am telling you that I didn't either. When that beam fired I was blinded too."

Kurt: "Don't let's quarrel. Perhaps we have a supernatural case here. Our very own miracle even!"

We all looked at him a little disbelievingly.

"Jean, next time - I don't care what you say - we are sticking with a candle."

Jean: "I...don't understand what happened."

Scott: "Well, it was only for about a second or so. And you were already shielding at the time."

Jake: "So was enough to protect her. Still, I think we'd better get you to Med Bay - just in case. I mean, you ARE carrying."

Jean's voice was distant when she responded. And she looked preoccupied - deep within her own thoughts for a few minutes. I supposed she was a bit shaken. I know I would be.

Jean: "Yeah, I will. Kurt, could you..."

Kurt: "Yah, take hold."


And they were gone.

"Maybe it...WAS a miracle."

Scott didn't respond to that. And he seemed to be lost in a world of his own too.

Scott: "She was scared. I could feel it through our link...ever so slightly."

"Well, yeah. Anyone would be."

The sight of the Danger Room floor made me shiver slightly. All that destruction caused by merely opening his eyes without a visor on.

Scott: "No, I meant afterwards. When she left."

"Her unborn kid?"

Scott: "I think it was something else. I'm going to go have a talk with her. I'll see you later."

"Okay, laters."

Professor Xavier was in the Med Bay doing his utmost to calm a distraught Jean, and was having little success. Scott and Ororo had since joined him and together they attempted to restore her ordinary disposition.

Jean: "Professor, I want you to look deeper."

Professor Xavier: "Jean, I've delved as far as I can into your mind. Everything's fine."

Not for her. At best everything could be under control - but my no means fine.

Jean: "Are you sure that the Phoenix is still fully contained?"

Professor Xavier: "There is nothing to suggest that the Phoenix has acted recently - and certainly not today."

And yet she couldn't help but feel that things were not as they should have been.

Scott: "Jean, it could have been pure reflex. From either you or Rick."

Jean: "Scott, we both know how destructive those beams of yours are when fired full force. It takes a lot of power to shield against them. I'd think either one of us would sense the energy loss if we shielded. And don't tell me it was barely for a second. It takes less than a second to pull a gun's trigger. And as for reflex - try tapping your knee. You'll know when a reflex happens, after it happens."

Ororo: "Jean, you've been going through a tough time. Jonathan, this baby... All this stress is - "

Professor Xavier: "Ororo is right. Perhaps it would be in you and your baby's best interest to take a little time off. I'm sure that Betsy can handle the Psionics classes."

Jean: "But the telekinetics -"

Professor Xavier: "Well, I don't usually exploit my telekinetic abilities...but I see no real threat in using them to tutor our students. I can take care of the telekinetics myself."

Scott: "Yeah, Jean. You never think about yourself. You could use the time off. Now more than ever, you have to take care of yourself."

Jean: "No. I'll be fine. It's just that I'll never, ever get used to the idea of the Phoenix residing inside me - until I die."

Professor Xavier: "That is completely understandable. But I detect absolutely nothing wrong. You have been remarkably strong willed and I am confident that everything is under control."

Jean: "If you think that then - I guess it is alright."

Scott: "Of course it is. If it was the Phoenix, you can bet it would have done a whole lot more than shield you."

Jean: "You're right...I was probably just panicking after all. This pregnancy has me all hormonal and cranky."

Jenny: "Okay, say it...just one more time!"

John drawled out in his hot Australian accent, the word that seemed to drive Jenny wild.

John: "Crikey!"

Jenny: "Isn't it like sooo hot? In my dream, we were in the outback and that word kept coming up again and again...among other things."

John: "You will not believe how many times I get that."

"Did everyone dream up some kind of exotic sex dream? Sheesh! Isn't there ONE person in this entire Mansion who had a non-sexual fantasy? Like climbing Mount Everest, meeting Madonna - World Peace?"

Amara: "You shouldn't talk. You can't even remember yours. For all we know, yours could have been the sleaziest, gay sex fantasy to -"

"Hey! Just because you're gay doesn't mean that the sex is sleazy."

John, Jenny, Amara and Roberto all raised their eyebrows in amusement.

"I mean, so I-I've heard."

Amara: "Hmm... I have half a mind to pay off one of my nerdy ex's so that he'd hack into Mansion security. Then maybe I could use those newly installed camera's to catch a glimpse at what goes on in that room of yours."

Yes, I had decided to share the news about the notes with my friends. John, Roberto and David all had rooms on my floor and some extra pair of eyes would be an asset. If they ever saw any lurkers hanging around my door, they'd alert me. Or so I thought.

Roberto: "This is whacked up. Whoever's been getting into that room of yours couldn't have been getting through the door. Even if they managed to hack the code - the alarms would have gone off."

I didn't know that.

John: "Well, we got a lot of fliers here."

I got what he was trying to imply. But it was another dead end.

"I always lock my windows. Ever since Paul flew out and pooed on Warren's Mercedes, I haven't been taking any chances."

Jenny: "Well this is a puzzler. You don't by chance know anyone who can walk through walls do you?"

We all had a laugh at that one. Walking through utterly silly.

Roberto: "It could be like, teleportation."

"Don't they usually have to be able to see where they're teleporting?"

Roberto: "Oh, right. Well, maybe the camera's will show us who eventually. I don't think it's anyone with ill will. They didn't vadalise or steal anything. And judging by the message - they seem to be trying to give you some advice."

"Well I don't need their kind of advice. I'd like to catch this person or persons unknown red handed."

Amara: "Does your man have the code key to your room, Rick?"

"Yes, I gave 'my man' the codes a while back."

Amara: "Well...maybe he's worried about your handling of the matter and is leaving gentle hints."

"I ruled that out already. And he's made it clear how he feels about my handling of the matter face to face. He's not happy about it. So he wouldn't have to resolve to that course of action anyway."

Amara: "Well I think you should listen to your man."

John: "This all just sounds so weird. Men...having men. It's just too -"

Of course I knew where John was coming from. But Amara didn't and misinterpreted.

Amara: "John, take your mild homophobia somewhere else."

John: "Homophobia?! I ain't no homophobe - I knew all abo..."

He checked himself.

Amara: "What did you know?"

John: "I had some suspicions of my own about Rick - and if I wasn't homophobic then, I'm sure as Hell not now."

Roberto: "Haha! Oh man, John. Suspicions? What you got gaydar now? Are you sure that you're one hundred percent straight?"

With the most convincing manner I'd ever seen anyone pull off,

John: "Well, I certainly don't mind a little man on man action every once in a while - once a week if I can help it."

"What the -"

John: "Uh huh. Hot, sweaty and just bulging with muscular development. The rougher the better. I like it better when it hurts anyway... "

Amara: "Oh my God! John, are you f-for real. I never thought that - YOU?"

Roberto: "You're bi?"

Jenny: "Oh don't mind him. The only kind of 'man on man' action he's talking about is WWF professional wrestling. He's as straight as a needle. And I'm gonna be keeping him on the straight and narrow."

John: "Of course I'm not bi. I just wanted to see the looks on your faces. Gullible idiots..."

"For a moment there I was almost duped."

John: "Well, you aren't exactly all that hard to fool now are ya?"

If you weren't the keeper of some of my dirty little secrets...

John: You'd what?

I'd give you some of that 'man on man action' you were talking about. And I'd make it hurt a whole lot too. Then we'd see how much you like it.

"Hey, are you feeling okay now?"

There was a rather sizeable spread on the table. And I couldn't tell if she was eating for two as in a normal pregnancy - or if it was supposed to be comfort food.

Jean: "Yeah. Can I ask you something? I want complete honesty now."

She said that she was feeling okay. But there was still a slightly morose vibe she was radiating out. Normally, whenever she sees me - she calls out. But I walked right past her all afternoon and she didn't seem to notice. And it wasn't just me who thought that she was acting really weird. Bobby said that he'd never seen her look so out of color before. I knew it was a real close call she'd had earlier in the Danger Room - but everything seemed to have ironed out for the best. And the safety of her baby was not compromised. So I didn't really understand why she was so glum.

Then I thought maybe it was something to do with me. The serious manner in which she was asking me questions.

"Okay, ask away.'s nothing personal, right?"

Jean: "Not exaclty. Okay, here goes - are you one hundred percent sure that you didn't shield me in the Danger Room."

"One hundred percent. Why is this such a big deal? Maybe you've got a guardian angel or something looking out for you from on high."

She didn't even smile.

"Jean, you're really starting to worry me. What's wrong?"

Jean: " least according to Professor Xavier."

The Professor. Well, she said that he was a man and could make mistakes. But someone of his qualifications must make then very, very rarely indeed. What are the odds of him being wrong. My words of encouragement did little to change her sullen mood. She remained wordless for a while and merely picked at the sprinkles on her ice-cream.

"Maybe it might help if you told me what you think the Professor could be wrong about?"

She seemed to mull it over for a while before she decided to trust me with it. I didn't know what could require that amount of trust.

Jean: "I think that I had a brief Phoenix episode in the Danger Room."

Since I was by then aware of the sheer power of the Phoenix possessing Jean - I had to try extra hard to keep my cool.


Jean: "If you are sure that you did not shield me. And I don't recall doing it - then it could have been the Phoenix acting temporarily. Professor Xavier says that the psychic prison within my mind still holds it captive...and that there are no signs of Phoenix activity. But I just can't help but feel that something is not quite right. What's it like when you lose control?"

I thought about an analogy.

"I don't know how to put it into words exactly. But I know that when I was back home and I was fighting those bullies. It was like I was falling asleep - until I was unconscious just for a moment - and then suddenly like I woke up a completely different person under remote control by someone else. Like I was performing actions but my mind wasn't guiding them - like a puppet with strings."

Jean: "So it's the same for you two then, huh?"

"Jean, if it does happen - God forbid - and the Phoenix is unleashed...will the X-men be able to stop it if they catch it quickly enough? Before it has a chance to fully power up - like with Ororo's dark side?"

Jean: "You guys would have to make it very quick. The Phoenix invigorates itself very quickly. If it ever happens - especially as you kids are almost full fledged seniors now, I don't want you hesitating to put a stop to us. Don't worry about me. I'll live. But if the Phoenix sees you guys as a threat, you may not survive it if you hold back."

"If the Phoenix is so powerful to the point where it is capable of planetary destruction...then couldn't it just destroy the planet and be done with it?"

Jean: "The Dark Phoenix feeds on pain, suffering, negativity. We have a lot of that going on here on Earth. It's like entertainment to it. It won't destroy the planet just for destruction's sake. When it fought the X-men, in a sense it was enjoying itself. Playing a twisted, cosmically powered, destructive game with them."

"Well, as long as you're careful...we can all sleep safely, right?"

Jean: "I hope so."

"Do you ever miss the power?"

Jean: "Sometimes... I'm tempted to draw on some of its power when things get tough. Just enough to get us out of a tight spot without waking the Phoenix. I guess we all like quick fixes. But then I remind myself that I could wind up making our situation a whole lot worse if I lose control of myself in the process."

"Sometimes I wonder what it would feel like to really cut loose, you know? Like a tester. If I could find myself a nice, big open field - preferably one that's not wooded or populated by endangered animals - I'd like to charge up every ounce of Elemental power and just set the place on fire. Just to see how far and wide the flames would go. Or how hot I could make it. And then I worry that I'm turning into one of them pyromaniacs who set fire to stuff for pleasure."

Jean: "It's tough when you know that you're capable of so much more, but can't live up to your full potential because people could get hurt. Um - don't ever try that on the Mansion grounds, okay?"

"Haha. Of course not!"

Jean: "You know, in my fantasy dream - I was rid of the Phoenix."


Jean: "Uh huh. And I had the perfect man with me, the perfect kids - a nice Mansion ten times better than Emma's and -"

"Speaking of Emma - aren't you glad that she's here now after this entire Fantasia incident?"

Jean: "Okay, I confess - she has her uses. I don't like her...but she did help us through a bit of a tight spot this time."

"I wonder what she was dreaming about though. She was drooling all over herself."

Jean: "Probably a world where all the men are hot and straight, and she's the only woman alive."

I then thought of something. When I woke up, it carried across my link with Jake and woke him up too. Why didn't Scott wake up when Jean did? Was there something of interest there that could explain why Jake and I woke up but had no memory of our dreams. Perhaps some difference between our link to theirs. Something seemed to be tugging at the back of my mind ever since I woke up. I felt a piercing need to know what I was dreaming about. Maybe something about Bobby?

"So why didn't Scott wake up?"

Jean: "I honestly don't know. Then again, he's not telepathic, so it's just one of us. But both you and Jake are - so it makes your bond more complete."

"Do you know of any way to create a permanent psychic link at will? I know it's usually involuntary."

Jean: "Not the kind you're talking about. The only type of psychic links I know of are the ones we use to mentally attack others and scan minds. Why do you ask?"

"I think Bobby might be a little insecure with me and Jake having one. It's like a final hold that just won't go away no matter how hard I try. But most times I can almost ignore it."

Jean: "Well that shouldn't be too much of a problem. I mean, with you feeling like you could tear his head off -"

"Actually, we kinda have a little truce going on. I don't know if Bobby knows. I haven't told him yet. Be completely honest with me. With my loser level of you think we could form one like you and Scott have?"

Jean: "You are not a loser telepath! But to be painfully honest...I don't think you stand much of a chance."

"Didn't think so..."

Jean: "Don't let it get you down. I mean, look at Betsy and Warren. They've been together for years - and still not a sign of any link developing."

"But she doesn't have one going on with an ex lover does she?"

Jean shook her head to say no.

Jean: "If he really loves you - he'll see past it. He'll realise that he's the one in possession, not Jake. But um - do you still have feelings for Jake?"

"I...don't know."

Jean: "It's a simple question."

" hurt a lot when I found out about Amara. But my feelings for Bobby are obviously stronger - or I'd never have left Jake for him. So that isn't an issue. And I don't really know how to deal with this truce. I mean, I could tell that Bobby was a bit - happy that I wasn't talking to him. I guess I would be too. But then if I hold a grudge against an ex that I'm no longer supposed to care about... It not like I found out about it when we were still together. That would be different. I found out after we were through. It technically shouldn't have mattered to me as much as it did...right?"

Jean: "This entire affair is like a horrendous soap opera. Gosh, I just hate complicated relationships."


With a vicious cascade of blows, Bobby took out his frustration on his favorite punching bag. A small mob of feminine admirers had gathered to witness this display of aggressive masculinity. He was impervious to their cheers and whistles however, his attention riveted on the punching bag. He was never blessed with an exceptional imagination - but he was trying his best to visualise the bag as Jacob Spencer's face. With a angry grunt he spun kicked the bag and was about to try to tear it apart when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

Jubilee: "Take it easy killer. What did that old punching bag ever do to you?"

Bobby: "Can we talk somewhere else?"

At that he motioned her away and they left - amidst feminine sighs of disappointment that the virile show had at last come to an end. He had been working out for over two and a half hours. They left the gym and headed out into the cool evening air of the garden. Jubilee could tell from his sullenness that something was deeply troubling him. She had never seen him attacking that punching bag so violently before. Granted, she was aware that he took out his emotions on it. But never so forcefully.

Jubilee: "Is something wrong?"

He merely answered her question with a question.

Bobby: "What kind of dream did Fantasia's powers put you in?"

She blushed slightly at the thought. Never had she been in so erotic a dreamscape before.

Jubilee: "B-Bobby, that's a bit personal."

Bobby: "Was it sexual in nature?"

Jubilee: "I don't understand what that has to do with anything."

Bobby: "Just answer the question! Did you have sex in the dream?"

His curtness and tone stung her. Nevertheless she answered.

Jubilee: "Yeah. I mean it wasn't all just sex, sex, and more sex. But yeah, I did the deed."

Bobby: "With who?"

Jubilee: "With a latiny Ray."

Bobby: "You know, everyone I ask says that at least part of their dream was sexual."

Jubilee: "Was yours?"

Bobby: "Yeah."

He went silent for a few minutes leaving Jubilee to speculate.

Bobby: "You know, Rick says that he doesn't remember his dream. He's convinced that he dreamt something because it took hours before he was able to wake up. He must have been dreaming in the meantime."

Jubilee was aware of that. Rick seemed quite eager to remember what it was that he was dreaming about. Everyone who knew him were of the opinion that since he was the only one to have broken out of Fantasia's hold on his own power - that it must have been somehow responsible for his dream amnesia. It was very weird. Many people forget even their normal dreams. But aside from Rick, everyone Jubilee came across remembered Fantasia's fantasy dreams. As they had all been granted their absolute heart's desire - they must have held on to it. Bobby broke her out of her musing.

Bobby: "He doesn't have the slightest inkling about what he was dreaming about... He spent the remaining few hours with me in the morning."

Jubilee: "He slept the remainder of the night with you? He must have been worried about you. And that must have been nice."

He answered in a tone that betrayed his disturbed frame of mind.

Bobby: "At the beginning."

Jubilee: "What happened that changed it? Wait, he's not one of those people who toss and turn all night is he?"

Bobby: "He started...talking in his sleep."

Jubilee: "What...was he saying?"

Bobby ignored the question and continued.

Bobby: "He was dreaming...and it was a sex dream. I know it had to be - the way he was moaning."

Jubilee: "Well, maybe resting next to you turned him on in his sleep. Were you spooning him - or maybe caressing him. Sometimes it happens to me when Ray does that."

Bobby: "He was dreaming and it wasn't about me. I heard him moaning out Jake's name...i-it went on for close to two hours."

Jubilee: "Bobby..."

Bobby: "He says he can't remember what he dreamt about earlier - Fantasia's power dreams... and I believe him about that. But what if he was dreaming about Jake like that? Those dreams were our deepest fantasies...right? What we want the most..."

Jubilee: "Bobby, honey we don't know what he was dreaming about. It's not right to assume that -"

Bobby: "I know what he was dreaming about afterwards when he was with me. In my bed... If he could dream it in my bed - with me and without Fantasia's powers working...who's to say that he couldn't dream it as his deepest fantasy?"

Jubilee: "Is that why you were so mad back there?"

Bobby: "I...don't know what to think. Every time I try to make a serious move on him - he pulls away ever so slightly."

Jubilee: "Bobby, there is no doubt in my mind that he loves you. Don't tell me that you're contemplating any kind of crazy idea."

Bobby: "He woke up from Fantasia's dream...and Jake woke up with him. When he was scared - the person he called out to was Jake...and he answered. And it's like so crazy that it even happened, cuz right now he supposedly hates Jake's guts. They're mind linked...and it's never going to change."

Jubilee: "Why would he hate Jake?"

Realising that he had said too much, Bobby made her promise not to tell anyone what he had said, as well as to not press the issue.

Bobby: "Rick says that we may not even be able to bond like that. His telepathy is probably not strong enough to maintain two linkups. And he can't destroy the one he has going with Jake. Jake will always have a special connection with him that I can't."

Jubilee: "Bobby, you do realise that you were the one he spent the night with, right? Not Jake."

Bobby: "I'm not saying that he's using me...or cheating on me or anything crazy like that. But what if he's...confused? What if he doesn't really love me but only thinks he does? What if he really loves...Jake?"

Jubilee: "Bobby, this is your first real relationship. That isn't his position. You won't like to think about it and it's understandable. However, we have to keep this real. But he's been in love with someone else before he's been with you. And he's probably still in the process of sorting that out. But you should be mature enough to realise that no matter what - he knows where he wants to be. And that's with you. He left Jake for you. I'd think that he'd have to be fairly certain before he made such a drastic move like that. Didn't he wait to talk to Jake first before he hooked up with you?"

Bobby: "Yeah..."

Jubilee: "The boy is not a male slut. That's definitely out of the question. At least you're smart enough to see that. He severed romantic ties with Jake before he hooked up with you. Whatever his 'confusion', it's not so bad that he tried to sample two of you at once and then chose. Have some faith in your man!"

Bobby: "I know he's not a slutty type. But the way Jake acts sometimes, so sure of himself... I don't trust him. And I don't think he's going to just give up. Did you know that Rick had sex with him after knowing him for mere days?"

Jubilee: "And he hasn't with you yet?"

Bobby: "No."

Jubilee: "And you think that means something negative? You live fast and you die young, Bobby. Look at how long he and Jake lasted? He's probably holding back because he wants it to mean something more than just sex. And I for one say yay for him."

Bobby: "You know what? You're right. I don't know why I was making such a big deal of this."

Jubilee: "That's an easy question to answer. You were making a big deal of this because you love him. It's sooo cute!"

Hank: "Reed, there are times when I believe that you're more than a match for even me. I believe Magneto himself would be proud if he could see the manner in which you recalibrated the scanners."

Reed: "What can I say? It's a gift."

Hank had spent the entire day working on repairing Cerebro with Reed Richards, the brilliant scientist - who was also the leader of the Manhattan based superhero group "The Fantastic Four". It was long tedious work and to celebrate the completion of it all, they were having a drink in Hank's subbasement laboratory. There was an unexpected buzz at the door's intercom.

Hank: "Who is it?"

[Rick: "It's Rick, Hank. Is this a bad time to come collect that computer you told me about? You reminded me again after class earlier today."]

Hank: "'s alright. Come on in."

Rick: "Oh, I didn't realise that you had company. Good afternoon mister..."

Reed: "Richards, Reed Richards. But Reed will suffice."

Hank: "Here you go young man. And a happy belated birthday to you. Now, this is a pretty powerful piece of equipment. Use it responsibly."

At that he handed over the notebook computer he had specially designed. It was a replica of the very same one he used with capabilities that far exceeded any system that the outside world knew about. As well it might. For it was a fusion of Earth and Shi'ar technology.

Rick: "Wow! It's...beautiful. Looks all sci-fi ish. I'm gonna go check my email and stuff. It's been so long since I used the library's Yahoo account is probably overflowing. Thanks Hank! And nice meeting you, Reed!"

With an obvious air of excitement, Rick hurriedly left the room. Reed couldn't help but notice the sudden shift in his old colleague's mood.

Reed: "Hank, is everything alright?"

Hank: "When do you have to leave?"

Reed: "I've got a couple of hours to spare. Why?"

Hank got out his guarded key ring and unlocked the safe in which he kept his most secret data storage devices. Amongst them, the data disk containing Rick's genetic information. With a heavy sigh,

Hank: "There's something I think you should have a look at. I'd like to have your opinion."

Sensing that his friend was feeling less than chipper, Reed attempted to lighten the mood.

Reed: "Some new invention you've been hatching up no doubt. As if the cold fusion reactor fiasco wasn't bad enough. I'm telling you, Hank - you'll have to try a whole lot harder if you want to break my three time Nobel Prize record."

Hank: "If only it were that old friend..."

Author's Notes

Hey boys and girls! Sorry this took so long, but as promised, the story continues. Now for you dieharder out there - I'm aware that Betsy Braddock's Shadow Stepping is the result of her exposure to the Crimson Dawn. But I didn't want to complicate things further with her character. God knows the whole "trapped in another woman's body" thing is complicated enough. Remember, we have a lot of people who read this story and have no prior experience with the X-men universe. I just want to make sure that everyone enjoys it. Bye for now, and thank you for all the emails and messages. They keep me going. And especially to the ones who have wished the best for my granny. Your concern is appreciated.

As usual, feel free to email me at either:


Or, if you're a member of my group, you can post a message and it will be forwarded to me.

By the way, if you're not reading this on my group, but elsewhere, the address is at:

Be safe and happy 'til next time dudes!

Next: Chapter 25: Xxx Men 25

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