Xxx Men Series

By Phoenix

Published on May 19, 2006


X-men Story

Note: Italicised text indicate telepathic conversations

X-men Story
Chapter Twenty-Three


I hated what he was doing...and he was doing it so well too.  He was making me feel guilty, which was ridiculous. I wasn't the one who should have been feeling that way. And I know that for a fact. For God's sake, I called off our relationship for barely a week. But, after witnessing him bare his soul...I just couldn't find it in me to keep on hating him. At least not to the same extent as before. Him breaking down into tears on several occasions did nothing to help matters. And whenever I was treated to a prime opportunity to be bitchy...I just couldn't seem follow through on it.

Jacob: "I know I was pushing you along too's just that, I felt as if I'd missed out on so much - that I had so much lost time to make up for."

I could understand where he was coming from. I mean, to be nineteen and gay in a bigoted environment couldn't be easy. Having to fight against your feelings on a constant basis made it even harder. And then not having anyone there with you to share your burdens seemed damned near unbearable to me. He said that he had all but condemned himself to a life of perpetual loneliness. He wasn't one of those gay guys who used girls to hide their secret from the rest of the world. And for that I respected him, no matter how hard I tried to hate him. The stupidest thing of all was my sudden lack of words. All I could do was nod when he paused and looked at me for some sign that I understood where he was coming from.

Jacob: "Do you feel any different about me now?"

I couldn't in all honesty deny it. Even if I tried he'd sense that my mood had somewhat shifted. And he seemed to have a gift for discerning when I wasn't being entirely truthful to him as well. I just decided to evade the question so that I would appear weak in his eyes. I'd just have to change the topic, maybe ask a few questions of my own. If this was a "Therapy Session", then I was well within my rights to do so.

"What, so you're saying that you lapped me up because I just happened to be the first gay guy you found here at the Mansion?"

Yes! My bitchiness was back! He visibly tensed. I wasn't doing it solely to hurt him anymore. I was sincere in my need to get some answers. And the way he was talking made it appear that way to me.

Jacob: "It wasn't like that."

"Well, tell me what it *was* like."

An awkward pause followed that made both of us uncomfortable. I wanted an honest answer, but I didn't want to hear something that would make me feel worse. Something that would give me the impression that he took me out of sheer desperation. I wasn't with him anymore, but I still clung to the hope that what we had meant something...that it wasn't all just an illusion. Just so that I wouldn't have to deal with the possibility that I was being played for a fool all along. Multiple scenarios were running through my mind - I think I've mentioned more than once that I'm a very paranoid person with a lot of forgive me if I'm rambling.

Jacob: "I don't know - I just felt drawn to you."

It sounded so...lame! Or...did it? I hate it that love is just so hard to explain. Why couldn't it be one of those things with a ready definition? I understand all too well what he was talking about. When I was going through my very first crush...I just couldn't fight the compulsion to stare at the object of my affections - a husky, handsome footballer. He wasn't on the school team or anything; he just played the game a lot. And to be honest, he was horrible at it. But then again, it wasn't his footballing skills or lack thereof that drew me. What was more, whenever he was hanging out in the quad - I always found myself an excuse to be "around". Yeah, I had it bad. It was because of him that I came to the realisation that I was gay.

"Did you feel drawn towards Amara?"

Jacob: "Stop bringing her up! I said that she meant nothing to me."

"Why couldn't you just wait a little while longer?"

Jacob: "Because I didn't know how much longer you were going to stay away from made me weak, okay?"

"I just want to know that what we had was real. That I wasn't just - a quick fix that you took because I was just here and queer."

He smiled a little at that, and I couldn't help but smile along with him - just for a moment mind you. He has one of *those* smiles. You know, like on TV...when the celebrities smile and their teeth twinkles for a split second, like a star. I wiped it off real fast and so did he.

Jacob: "It *was* real. Deep down, you know it. You had to have felt it through our link."

He did have a point, but I needed to hear him say it. I heard how he reacted when they all thought that I was dead. H couldn't be that good an actor...and even if he was, what did he have to gain if I was "dead" and wouldn't learn of his performance. Sigh... If only Amara wasn't such a slut back then, if only.

"Did you plan on keeping this a secret from me indefinitely?

Jacob: "I don't know - I was afraid of what you'd -"

"What I'd think? Why didn't you love me enough to talk to me about it? You don't really think that it would have stayed a secret forever did you? With Amara being such a slut back then? I would have been able to deal with it better if I didn't find out about it from her. Back then, she was coming onto you so strong, I had to resist the temptation to deal with her. It was damned near unbearable..."

Jacob: "I was going to talk with least, I wanted to at first."

"At first? What changed your mind?"

With a heavy sigh,

Jacob: "Right after that incident in the cave, you took me back, I wanted to talk to you. But then, I was afraid that you'd just leave again, right after you came back to me...maybe for good. And then, after the Logan incident...almost losing you - I just couldn't cope with the risk...I couldn't deal with getting you back only to lose you again - it was too much of an emotional roller coaster."

The cave...I wasn't a total saint in there either. I was lost down there with Bobby, searching for Jake who I thought was also lost. And I still found time to lust over him, and for all I knew - our lives were all in danger. He fell on me and I hesitated slightly to push him off. Looking back on it with twenty-twenty vision - he didn't seem to mind...we all know why now. Given the fact that we now both know he's gay - what would we have done had we stayed trapped down there for much longer? I suppose the possibility of getting rescued was at the back of both our minds. But what if it wasn't? People sometimes do crazy things when they think they're going to die. What if I had thought I was going to die down there with the guy I was lusting my heart over? The guy who had secret feelings for me too? Would I have cheated on Jake with Bobby down there? And I still hadn't revealed that to him either. And what was worse - I had no intention of ever revealing it. I couldn't very well hold his slip up against him so strongly...I would have been a hypocrite. Or a damned near one anyway.

Jacob: "Look, you don't have to forgive me if you don't want to. That's not why I made you listen."

"Then why did you make me listen?"

Jacob: "I just wanted you to know that I love you and didn't mean for anything to happen between Amara and me. As long as you know that I didn't plan on cheating behind your back, it just happened - you can stay mad, just as long as you know that..."

He eased back and it seemed that he was expecting me to say something. But I couldn't quite decide on what to say to him. Forgiveness...I didn't know if that was the right word for what I was feeling. But I didn't feel as angry as I did before. It still hurt, that aspect of it all didn't change one bit. I was caught up in my musing and it was only when I saw him heading for the door that I spoke out. I had to let it go. We were no longer a couple and I was acting as if we were. I couldn't very well give my all in a relationship with Bobby if I still had strings attached to Jacob.

"Uh - Jake?"

Hearing me use his name's contraction, he turned with a hopeful expression on his face.

Jake: "Yeah?"

"I can't lie and say that I forgive you , at least not just yet. But I'm not - I don't hate you for it anymore."

Jake: "Thanks. It means a lot to me that you'd be understanding."

He waved goodbye and surprisingly, I found that I had it in me to return the wave. When he left, I couldn't help but notice how much better I felt. Almost on a physical level too. Holding onto all that anger couldn't have been healthy for me...for anyone.

She Can't Be All Bad...Right?

When I judged it to be safe to venture outside of my room, I made mental contact with David and instructed him to revert back to his true form so that no one would see us together and witness two "Ricks" in one place. We agreed to meet in the ground floor day room. It would be virtually empty as everyone usually went outside to shoot hoops, or swim or the like on Saturday. Either that or they made use of the recreation room's facilities. I didn't dare talk about the therapy session telepathically as I'm a god-awful telepath and information might "leak" into someone's mind, and the entire plot would spiral downwards into Hell. I couldn't take that risk no matter how curious I was. So the first thing I asked him when I saw him was,

"What happened? Did Emma suspect?"

David: "Rick, I'm sorry man. But Jake sensed something off - and since he didn't know anything about this therapy plot of yours, he went and got Logan and - "

"It's okay. I met Jake and he told me. We aren't gonna get into trouble with him. And he said that Logan wouldn't tell anyone."

He nodded in agreement.

"Well? How did it go?"

David: "None too shabby. I never knew that Kurt could be such an irritating man-bitch!"

Finally! Someone who saw for himself! It was a damned pity that he couldn't vouch for it, as it would mean revealing that he was somewhere he shouldn't have been.

"Wait, he was being a bitch? What happened?"

David: "Emma asked basic questions at first. You know, those stupid questions the shrinks ask to put you at ease so you trust them. And then she got down to the nitty-gritty. She asked us what our problem was. She didn't mention anything about you being gay. I think she wanted to give you/me the choice of revealing it. Only problem was, Kurt revealed it - along with your fight. He made you out to be a psycho bitch intent on maiming him!"


It was one thing to lie to everyone in day to day life...but to our guidance counsellor - at our therapy session? The blue bastard must have gone on the idea that it would cause much more damage there.

David: "Don't worry. I don't think Emma bought it. She said that you didn't strike her as that type when she met you - for that Astral Mission into Logan's mind that is. She said that different people interpret the same events differently and as everyone's emotions were running on overdrive - Kurt could have been blowing it out of proportion."

Jean and company would hate me for even thinking it. But God help me...I think I started feeling a little bit differently towards Emma upon hearing that piece of news.


David: "Yeah. Kurt wasn't too happy with that. Big fuckin' drama went down!"

Drama? I wondered what he was talking about. A series of scary thoughts hit me full force.

"Really? Gosh, David I hope you didn't act out and made me look bad. Cuz then these sessions are probably going to last a LOT longer. And I'll have to suffer through them since you only agreed to go to four."

Thankfully, the drama he was talking about was the furthest thing from what I was thinking of.

David: "Trust me, bro. If anybody looked bad in was Kurt, not you

He smiled in an uncharacteristically crafty manner, but didn't speak at first. It was annoying!

"What the Hell? Stop leading me on and tell me what happened!"

He grinned.

David: "Okay, okay. It's just fun to see you get all worked up. Here's the rundown."

And he was off. I couldn't help the bitchy grin that washed over my face upon hearing it all. Apparently, Kurt's hatred of Emma Frost's lifestyle (which was every bit as strong as his hatred of mine, if not stronger as she was openly sexual in nature) came out. It figures that us Immoral Wretches would support each other in Sin. He accused Emma of being biased in her assessment of the situation. She, as expected, defended her integrity and standing as resident guidance counsellor most magnificently. It was too much for him and he exploded, labelling her as a promiscuous whore who would - you guessed it - burn in the sulphurous flames of Hell for all Eternity! That set her off, but she held her tongue.

"She didn't say anything? After he told her all of that?"

Maybe I was wrong about Emma. Maybe we were all turned around on the subject. Perhaps her presence here did serve a genuine purpose after all. Who's to say that she hadn't turned over a new leaf, like David suggested the night of her welcoming dinner? And if she was indeed Professor Xavier's love interest, like Betsy said she was, he had to have had good taste...right? I mean, he is a smart dude. Real smart, he wouldn't go on just looks alone. He'd look for other qualities too. If Emma was as bad as anyone said she was, she wouldn't have stayed quiet after Kurt said all of those things. Okay, so there was that little smidgen of bitchiness on the Astral plane...but Jean and the other women didn't give her half a chance. They practically started insulting her from the outset. It hit me...Oh my God - I'm a traitor to the Sisterhood!

David: "Rick, stop spacing out. Don't you wanna know what else happened?"

"Um, yeah."

David: "So he's quoting a bunch of scripture...telling her it's not too late to repent and redeem her soul after all the wanton and lecherous sins she's committed. He's saying that she's lucky the Mosaic Law doesn't hold anymore or she'd be stoned to death. That she should count herself blessed and repent! If I didn't know any better, I'd say I was in church or something. Anyhow, here's the killer!"

He paused for breath, and probably to build up suspense too.

"David, stop being such a damned drama queen and just tell me."

With yet another uncharacteristic grin,

David: "She didn't tell him a disrespectful word. She just kept scribbling in that notepad of hers. I think she was taking down everything Kurt said and analysing it cuz the next thing I knew she was saying that the first session was a very productive one and that several things were made clear to her. And that she had a lot to speak to Professor Xavier about. And she..."

"Yeah, she what?"

He blushed,

David: "Well, as soon as she said that we could leave, Kurt teleported out. And then when I was about to go, she - she hugged me and told me not to worry about bigoted people like him! I think she thought that *you* were shielding your mind too. You know, the mental shield Jean put up around me? Cuz she said that I could trust her enough to talk to her about anything that was bothering me. Yeah, I think the session went well."

It was official, I was so joining the Emma Frost Fan Club! Well, alright - maybe I wasn't THAT thrilled, but you get the idea. I was going to keep an open mind from then on and give her a chance. Regardless of what the women folk might say or think about it. She can't be that bad a person. And I'm the son of one of her former hated enemies too. Heck, Scott treated me worse than she did - all because I was the son of his former rival or something...and look at him now. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I noticed David sniffing himself. Maybe he was trying to smell what remained of Emma's hug on him?

"Why the heck are you smelling yourself like that?"

David: "Oh, she said she liked my cologne."

"You didn't get a hard on and give her the impression that I'm really bi did you? When she hugged you that is?"

David: "What? No, it was over real quick. I didn't even expect it. Anyhow, this session wasn't half bad. Not...bad at all. I - uh - might even be willing to extend my four session limit."

"Oh you say that! When Emma hugs you! Dammit! Whatever happened to the scared little boy who was afraid that we'd get into trouble?"

With a wicked and lusty grin,

David: "Emma made him a man."

"Well, since this session went so good, you'll be staying on your original four session contract. If I'm lucky these sessions probably won't last long anyway if Emma thinks that Kurt is the real problem."

David: "Aww, come on man! Please! Help a brother out here!"

I merely grinned as I ignored him and started sauntering off to the recreation room. Yup, my plan had come off without a hitch! Just wait until I tell Jean and Scott. Serves Kurt right. Karma may be a bitch at times, but this time - she was a nice bitch in the form of one Emma Frost. Here's to you Emma!

Money Money Money!

Jubilee: "Oh my God! It's official - I am now an independent woman!"

It was a sight to behold. Everyone else was in the recreation room after all. Well, not Jenny or Leech, but everyone else. And they were all wearing ridiculously thrilled smirks. Jubilee looked happier than I had ever seen her. Holding a gold colored card in one hand and a sheet of paper in the other, she was practically dancing in utter glee. Upon seeing David and I enter the room, she grabbed a large envelope and ran towards us, full speed. She almost tripped in the process and everyone else laughed. Ordinarily she would have settled it with anyone who laughed at her - but these were no ordinary circumstances. She paid them no heed.

Jubilee: "David! Rick! Here, these are for you!"

She handed us two of the gold colored cards, similar to the one she was holding herself. She fumbled with the large envelope and withdrew two smaller ones, with our names printed onto them. Upon closer inspection I realised that it was some sort of smart card. David tore open his envelope and withdrew a slip of paper. I followed suit and read the contents. Jubilee stood by grinning while I did, and as soon as I realised what those cards were - I started grinning too! They were bank/ATM cards. We now each had our own account and our very first salary disbursement was ours for the taking. The possibilities... Some time before - Scott said that we would be played for our services. Well, all in good time too. I was a bit worried about my future financial situation. You see, I knew I had a trust fund - but that was disowned along with my two-bit parents. But now...I was a working boy - uh - man! I glanced at David and could see the gleam in his eye too. Jubilee took us both by the arms and led us into our circle.

Jamie: "Now I can get alla the games and porn that I want!"

Bobby: "Well, I'm not wasting my pay on shit like that. I're just fifteen, Jamie. Wouldn't this be like child labor in your case? Aren't there like - United Nations regulations against this sort of thing?"

Jamie scowled whilst we all had a nice laugh.

Jamie: "I do the work of ten people...I should be getting more than you guys."

With a t'ch, t'ch, t'ch, Amara made an input.

Amara: "For goodness sake, guys. It's just money! Stop acting like - "

Just money?! Hello! I am so a Material Boy!

Ray: "Amara, girl - you're a princess! You've always had money...we haven't. So don't ruin our fun! I am so gonna start saving up for a sleek little old sports car."

Roberto: "I have plans too! Big plans..."

He started kissing his card as if it were a girl...ugh.

John was strangely silent. I wondered if Jenny had gotten a chance to talk to him yet. She wasn't in the recreation room with us. He was just staring at the card with a serious expression. I'd have to ask him what was up.

David: "Well, I'll want to check out some financial schemes and see where I can get the best interest rates. I'm not blowing it all away like you guys."

Jake: "Oh hell, Dave! It's only our first payout...having a little fun with it ain't gonna cripple us in the long run."

I took a long look at my card and then risked an affectionate glance at Bobby. The first thing I was going to do was get him something special to show him how much I loved him. Something as pricey as the bracelet he had gotten me for my birthday. Maybe through an online store or something. After the drama that went down on the two occasions we all went out...I doubted that Scott or Ororo would be granting us permission to leave the Mansion anytime soon. At least not without them being present...maybe if I asked Jean...and maybe if we went out in the daytime rather than at night.

Jubilee: "Four words - Shop 'Til I Drop!"

Her soul mate begged to differ...

Ray: "Baby, shouldn't we be putting a little something away for our dream house...and for little Raymond's future?"

At that we all laughed. Well except for one of us.

John: "What are you guys laughing about? He's right, this is the start of our adult lives here! We have to start acting our ages. Plan for the future and where we wanna be in the next ten years."

What the -?! Everyone else shared my shock. John being mature and thinking responsibly for a change?! Bobby's demeanour turned serious as he grabbed John in a chokehold.

Bobby: "Alright! Who the fuck are you and what have you done with John?!"

John: "Hey, get off of me!"

Amara: "John, are you okay? I mean, is everything alright? Are you feeling well?"

"Yeah, John. What's up?"

His expression turned sheepish, something I had never before seen. It was cute in a way...a NON-sexual way mind you!

John: "A guy shows some concern for his future - for once - and he's put on trial? Sheesh!"

Jubilee: "Well, John. In response to your concerns - I think I'm entitled to a little shopping spree. I don't think that little Raymond is gonna suffer for it and I don't think our dream house will either."

It was about then that we heard a,

"Hey guys",

and Jenny walked into the room. I noticed John tensing and I saw the smiles that they threw each other. It convinced me, they must have had that talk after all. Roberto, David and Jamie glanced from one to the other and frowned slightly. John looked at them with a little - okay, a LOT of superiority, got up and offered her his seat whilst he got another for himself. I caught his thoughts as he passed next to me.

John: Thanks for the hook up, Rick.


John: I'm "true blue" am I? One of the "best guys" in the Mansion?

Jenny must have told him what I had said and he was being his usual pompous self.

John: Hmm, if I didn't know any better - I'd say that you have a crush on me. Which is completely understandable. All the same, I think you had better not let that boyfriend of yours find out. I'd hate to have him bitchin' at me!

Oh go to Hell! I've never thought about you that way! Besides, I got better.

We both glanced at Bobby and smirked.

John: I'll just have to take your word for it. Anyhow, thanks for the stuff you told Jenny.

I didn't tell her anything that wasn't true.

John: Awww, now I feel so special...

Jubilee: "You guys think that they'd let us go to the mall?"

Jamie: "I dunno, every time we step outside these hallowed Mansion grounds...something bad happens."

Jenny: "Um, really?"

Being the newcomer, she was in the dark and needed to be brought into the light.

"Yeah, really."

I went into an explanation...the first night out, the trip to Canada (minus the gory bits) and our latest clubbing fiasco.

Bobby: "Well, maybe it has something to do with the fact that we always go out at night...or early morning in the Canadian wilderness case."

Amara: "I think we deserve it. I mean, we're almost adults. They can't shield us forever."

"Well I was thinking...we've been in some very dangerous situations before...without them. What could be so dangerous about a trip to the mall in broad daylight with a few seniors to chaperone?"

Hmpf?! Ordinary teens don't know how lucky they are! Imagine needing chaperones to go to the mall.

Jake: "Who do you suggest we ask?"

"Well, how about Jean, Scott, Ororo and Logan?"

Amara: "Hey, we might even make it sound like a good opportunity for them to get out and have some fun with each other!"

Jubilee: "Yeah, a couple's affair! Lord alone knows when last they had some fun."

Hmm, she had a good point. I didn't think of that. I merely chose them because they were among the nicest people I knew at the Mansion. But, hey...women, they think of everything. Still, they weren't exactly teenagers. Maybe the mall wouldn't exactly be their idea of fun. But then again, malls usually had a lot to offer. Maybe if we threw in some other thrills an amusement park, movies or something if they didn't want to go out just for the sake of shopping. Logan and Ororo might welcome the chance to spend some quality time together. And - well, Scott and Jean deserved each other. They weren't a couple again...yet. But who knows? Maybe if we brought them together often enough...Cupid would work his magic. And this could be as good a start as any.

John: "You know, when I think about it - they basically run the damned school."

Roberto: "Yeah, Scott and Ororo run the X-men."

Jake: "And Logan and Jean have major influence over what goes down in the school."

David: "No wonder they're the house leaders."

Jenny: "Oh! Hey, I found out whose house I got assigned to. I Almost forgot to tell you guys about it."

John: "Yeah, tell me it's Summers!"

Jenny: "Um, no. It's Logan's."

John: "Dammit.."


Jenny: "So...I take it that you're in Logan's house too?"


Jubilee: "I wonder when these competitive events will start up."

Jenny: "Oh, Ms. Munroe gave me an insider scoop in return for making her orchids bloom."

Jamie: "What did she tell you?"

"You did that? Made those stubborn orchids of hers bloom? You're learning control quick!"

Jenny: "I can't summon up nearly as much plant warping energy like I did at school...yet. All I did was talk to her orchids, asked them to grow and visualized them growing at an accelerated rate. And it worked."

"Oh, damn...talking to flowers. Pity they didn't listen to Ororo when she scolded them."

Jamie: "Hello...before I was so rudely interrupted, I asked a question. What kind of competitive events have they got in mind?"

Jenny: "Something about a singing competition or other...but she didn't say when."

"Singing contest, hmmm..."

Bobby: "Couldn't they come up with something better than that?"

Jenny: "She said that it was just a warm up for other things."

Jubilee: "I think I like it. Time for me to show off my talent some."  

(She saw Bobby about to make a smart ass comment and warned him off with a death glare.)

"Me too. In case y'all don't know it...I can sing."

Jake: "Oh, really?"

"Why yes."

Amara: "Nothing by Barbra Streisand I hope. God, I can't stand that woman! I know all about you gay men and that Streisand obsession of yours."

Well excuse her for stereotyping. I personally have nothing against people who like Barbra Streisand - gay or straight. My beef is with her music.

"Why no...nothing by her! I was gonna go with a little something by Karlota." (^_^)

They all looked at me with confused expressions.

Jenny: "Um...who?"

"Karlota. She was on the cover of Vogue once."

John: "I don't think I've ever heard of her before."

Jubilee: "Me neither...and I listen to everything."

I grinned a tad bit deviously (^_^) as I told them a little more.

"Oh she's like - a major league sensation over in Greece!"

She wasn't really. I just told them that so that they'd think that she was a true blue celebrity.

Ray: "Greece...hmm, the name sounds a bit familiar."

His face bore a look of deep thought. What were the odds of him knowing?

"It does?"

Ray: "Yeah, but I just can't place it exactly. I seem to remember Lance mentioning a Karlota once or twice. She isn't like the Greek version of Streisand is she?"

Oh, Lance. The Lance who was once a friend. The one who nobody dared or cared to mention. Hmpf!

"What? No... Karlota is...unique. One of a kind."

I secretly giggled. Karlota was a trashy Greek, transgendered singer. She was originally a man - who became a woman - changed BACK to a man...only to become a woman once more! (^_^) Now, normally this sort of thing thoroughly freaks me out (as evidenced by my uneasiness around Lola *Livewire* Lovelace, who was merely a drag queen), but in Karlota's case - I made an exception. An online Greek chat buddy had introduced me to one of her songs...and while I only knew the meaning of a few grew on me for some whacked out reason. I even visited her website...didn't understand a thing as it was all written in Greek. But after several clicks, I came across some "before" and "after" photographs. And when he was a man...he wasn't all that bad looking. Now, he wasn't hot Hot HOT! But there was one photograph of him wearing a leather jacket with his chest bare...and it catalysed my biker boy obsession. Yeah, the leather again... Every time I listen to that song of hers (the one my darling of a chat buddy sent me)...I laugh at the thought of Karlota skanking around on a stage, singing a ridiculously, slutty ditty the like of that song.

Bobby: "So, if you're entering this singing contest...what will you sing?"

"Something by ABBA or Karlota. If I go with ABBA - it'll all come down to either *Chiquitita* or *Gimme, Gimme, Gimme A Man After Midnight!*"

Roberto: "*Gimme, Gimme, Gimme A Man After Midnight!* sounds so slutty."

Poor boy...if only he knew all there was to know about Karlota. I ignored the comment. (^_^)

"And, if I go with Karlota...well I only know one of her songs. *Pare Me Apo Piso*."

Jamie: "What does it mean?"


"I'm not telling."

Jake: "Aw come on! What does it mean?"

"It...has like a double meaning when's idiomatic. When it's can sound a bit slutty. Best to keep it in Greek."

That and the fact that I only knew the meanings of a few lines' worth of the song kept me from divulging.

Bobby: Rick, what does it mean? You wouldn't keep it from me...would you?

Oh alright. But don't tell them a word! Pare Me Apo Piso means - *sigh* - Take Me From Behind.

No sooner had I revealed that did Bobby AND Jake start laughing in the most scandalous of ways! Dammit, Jake - as usual - overheard! Everyone else started eyeing them as if they'd gone mad.

David: "So how does this song go?"

"You'll hear it at the contest. Whenever that is...I need to practice first."

Bobby: "Pare Me Apo Piso...I like the sound of that!"

Jake: " sounds so erotic - err - I mean, exotic!"

I hoped I didn't make a big mistake in mentioning Karlota...


Jean: "I can't believe it! So she's finally managed to turn you too... And here I was thinking that you were safe because you were gay. Apparently no man, gay or straight can resist her!"

At first I thought she was joking when she reacted that way. I just told her about the way our plot went down. She was naturally curious since she was a part of it too, having shielded David's mind for me. But I soon got the impression that she was being very serious indeed. I never thought that Jean's dislike of Emma could reach such levels.

"Jean, maybe we've all been a little hard on her. Don't you believe in giving people second chances?"

Jean: "If it were anyone but her...then yes. But - you don't know half of what Emma Frost has done."

"I've - done some bad things. But you don't treat me like - "

Jean: "No, what you did...was in self-defence...or on behalf of people you care about. And it wasn't exactly you - it was your alter ego. But Emma...she has hurt a lot of people, Rick. know all about her story. And when she gained control of the Phoenix Force through me...she put the entire planet at risk in her efforts to gain power."

"Well, maybe she just wanted power...and didn't know about the risk of planetary destruction."

Jean: "Oh, she knew...believe me. Please, Rick...just listen to me when I say to stay as far away from Emma as you can."

"But if she's that bad a person...why would the Professor allow her anywhere near here?"

Jean: "Maybe he's just wearing blinders...I don't know. But he's not a God. He's a man and he makes mistakes just like the rest of us."

She was convinced that Emma had some sort of ulterior motive in accepting a position at the school. I nodded and went along with what she said so that she wouldn't think that I was turning traitor...but deep down, I thought that maybe Emma was turning over a new leaf.  And considering what David had told me...that she was nice to him / me - I'd have to be nice to her too and act as if I appreciated her kind gesture. Or she might start suspecting something was off.

I decided to change the topic since it proved to be so distressing to her.

"Jean, how'd you like to go out somewhere, like the daytime?"

Jean: "Go out? Like where?"

"Um...the mall?"

Her eyebrows perked up amusedly.

Jean: "Mall, huh? I see that you're just itchin' to go spend some of your salary."

"How did you - "

Jean: "I'm a senior...duh."

"Well, can we? The guys are all hyped too and - "

Jean: "I dunno. Trouble of some sort or another always seems to find us."

I tried to put on the best pleading, puppy dog expression that I could.

"It'll be in broad daylight. And we were all thinking of asking Logan and Ororo to come too."

Scott: "And not me? I can't help but feel a little rejected."

We both turned to see Scott walking into the lounge. I couldn't help but notice his light hearted mood these days. He seemed to be so much happier lately. And when I first met him, I took him to be a no nonsense sort of person. And for a time he lived up to that expectation. But now he seemed a little...okay, a lot more carefree. And he laughed a lot more too. And it couldn't have just been bad judgement on my part. Other people noticed it too. As a matter of fact, John and company thought that he was happier because Jean was giving it to him. And Amara had said that he was happier than usual when she asked him for that we could leave the Mansion grounds the week before too. He walked over to the couch and plopped down, sandwiched himself between me and Jean, and promptly seized the TV remote.

"Yeah, you can come too. You could - uh - keep Jean company."

Her eyebrows raised and she smiled deviously.

Scott: "Where is this place you were talking about again?"

Jean: "So you have no clue where we were talking about...and you wanted to go? For all you know - we could have been discussing a trip to Hell and back."

Maybe he doesn't care where it is as long as you're there, Jean. I wonder if he'd follow you to Hell and back?

Jean: Oh shut up!

Scott: "Well, if you're going and Logan and Ororo are going - it's gotta be somewhere good, right?"

"Actually...we were thinking about the mall. We just got our cards and...well, we wanna shop!"

Jean: "I don't know, I mean all this Brotherhood activity lately and -"

Grrr! Jean's ruining our fun again...why is she such a wet towel? Oh well, she'll probably have a mood swing and change her mind about it all. She didn't want me to fly the Blackbird to Muir Island...and she changed her mind to that. As a matter of fact, both she and Scott had showed up at my door almost at the crack of dawn, with corny grins to get me packing. Maybe Scott "persuaded" her. Mwahahaha! I didn't doubt for a minute that they cared deeply for each other. Maybe they really were secret lovers after all...and not just harboring secret feelings. Time would reveal it all.

Scott: "Why not? Sounds cool, we have personal lives to live beyond the team."


Scott: "Yeah, really."

Yes! I was so loving the good mood that Scott was in. It seems that we were all benefiting because of it. And I'd get to be the one who got permission that time! Amara enjoyed even more popularity when she got permission for us to leave the Mansion on our last excursion.

Jean: "But what about-"

Scott: "Jean, we can't shelter them forever. And if we keep turning them down, sooner or later, they're gonna run off and do exactly what they want to anyway. And the consequences could be much worse then."

"You are like...the best leader ever!"

Scott: "Aww...if only Ororo could hear this."

"So, Jean...will you be coming along?"

Jean: "Oh Hell...I could use a good shopping spree. And I suppose I'll need some new clothes too...this pregnancy will start showing soon."

Yes! Maybe we could have a fun day out of the Mansion...all our nights out went to Hell. I fingered my hair lightly. It was getting a bit long and was in need of a good haircut. If it grew any longer...people might start think that I was going femme. There was no way that I'd have anyone thinking that. It would grant them yet another avenue to make fun of me. The sooner we got out, the better.

"So, is tomorrow a good day for you guys?"

Scott: "I ain't got nothing to do."

Jean: "Me neither. If - and only if - it's okay with Ororo and Logan...*sigh*...I don't see why not."

Wait 'til I tell the rest of the guys!

I'll Do My Best

Professor Xavier: "I take it you have made some progress today."

Emma: "Indeed, Charles. In my professional opinion, the problem mostly lies with Mr. Wagner. He's a very opinionated...bigoted individual in serious need of some open mindedness."

Professor Xavier: "And what about Rick?"

Emma: "He a quiet sort. He struck me that way when I first met him. He's not like that loud mouthed mother of his one bit. What really happened between him and Wagner? I want an honest, unbiased account from a third party."

Professor Xavier: "Allow me to show you."

At that they linked minds and Emma was treated to a telepathic, first hand account of Rick and Kurt's face off, experiencing it through the eyes of Professor Xavier. It was as she thought. While Rick certainly stepped out of bounds in attacking a teacher - Kurt should have known better than to provoke someone in such a manner...right after they had undergone such an ordeal too. He was a senior X-man, supposed to set a better example. And he certainly wasn't maimed or brutalised as he claimed.

Emma: "Hmpf! I thought as much. Charles, how has...Rick...been coping?"

Professor Xavier: "It could be worse. But I believe he sees Scott and Jean as his new parents."

Emma: "Julia may be an absolute bitch when the mood suits her - in other words, nine times out of ten - but I would never wish for any parent to go through what she is going through."

Professor Xavier: "About our situation...what do you recommend?"

Emma: "It seems to me that Mr. Wagner is in need of more psychotherapy than Rick. You should have heard the way he spoke to me, the things he said. I merely suggested that he could have misinterpreted what happened...and he went off topic and started verbally abusing me."

Professor Xavier: "It is imperative to the efficiency of the team that they both learn to get along and gain some semblance of mutual respect. This has the potential to spiral out of control. Kurt is well respected among the other members...I don't want the team polarised on this issue. Taking sides could split them right down the middle. Our financiers will not be pleased. With a group lacking team spirit...we won't stand a chance against a united Brotherhood."

Emma: "I'll have to think of something. It'll have to be done in a manner that won't leave either of them feeling victimised."

Professor Xavier: "The sooner you come up with an idea the better. Our financiers have stepped up their plans. The first phase was the introduction of the X-men to the general mass public. The media's eyes will be on us now. We cannot risk any negative publicity due to...less than perfect performance on the field, resulting from personal issues such as this."

Emma: "I'll do my best, Charles."

Professor Xavier: "I have the utmost confidence you will, Emma."

Do The 'Do

Time - Sunday Morning

Jubilee: "Oh my gosh! Do you realise that this will be the first shopping spree I'm gonna have with money that I worked for?"

Bobby: "Yes, Jubes. For the last time, stop saying sit down before Logan slams the brakes and you fall flat on your ass."

We were currently in one of the institute's buses. Yeah, that's right. Ororo insisted that we travel together in one vehicle. It wasn't that bad. As a matter of fact, the bus was plush and fully loaded. Almost like a tour bus. So travelling was in comfort and style. Jenny had decided to come along with us, and it was known by that morning that she and John were an item. They were sitting together arm in arm. Sigh...their first date together. And they were such a cute couple too. John was acting so uncharacteristically civilised too. I think he was beginning to settle down...finally. Ray had also managed to persuade Leech to come along. He was nervous at first until Hank lent him one of his image inducers and we configured it to make him look like a cute fourteen year old boy. The closest I could get to mimicking John and Jenny was sharing a two seater with Bobby. I noticed that Amara was doing the same with Jake and he was still doing his utmost to humor her for the time being.

Every now and again we'd all be forced either to the right or left as Logan turned a corner a little too sharply for our comfort. Where the Hell did he learn to drive? He could fly the Blackbird with grace and ease...but not a mere bus? Wasn't he supposed to have extremely developed - almost feral - instincts? I could see Jean eyeing herself as if to make sure that her tummy wasn't bulging any. Betsy and Warren had also decided to come with us once they heard of our plans from Ororo. They were up front too, Warren's arm wrapped around Betsy in a loving manner. And so it was a fair contingent.

Jamie: "I can't wait to hit the video arcade."

Stroking my tangled curls,

"I so need to get a new hairdo. This hair of mine needs some work done alright."

They all looked at me amused. Even Leech seemed to find it funny - Ray had been so nice to take the time to explain my gay situation to him. I don't know how the Hell he did it. And I wasn't sure if Leech understood it completely at all. But he hadn't changed drastically in the manner he acted with me. And he seemed pretty much non-sexual anyway. So I guess everything was still cool. I stared right back.

"What? My gayness is out. I can act a little gay on occasion, can't I?"

Amara: "Yes you can, sweetie. I know just the place too. Maxine is a miracle worker - not that you need it mind you. I'm just taking you to the best in the business."

Jubilee: "I think I'm in a mood for some blonde highlights...but Maxine is rather expensive. I dunno if I'll have enough left over for my shopping spree."

Amara: "Oh, what the treat! I'm just about due for a 'do myself. What do you say, Jenny?"

Thrilled at being sponsored an expensive hair treatment by Princess Amara...

Jenny: "Really? Wow! Yeah, sure...thanks!"

What do you think I should do with these locks, Bobby?

Bobby: I dunno, I kinda like your hair longish.

If I don't give these a cut, people are going to start teasing me even more.

Bobby: Well, just don't do anything a "faux Mohawk" or anything.


You ain't got anything to worry about there.

Faux Mohawk indeed! Yeah right!


Maxine: "Darling! It's been far too long! Ugh..."

Her face twisted in distaste as she fingered Amara's split ends.

Amara: "Maxine, we're in dire need of your talents, girl."

Maxine: "That I can see, darling. For my best customer, nothing but the best. Sima, Sergei, Milo, Nico!"

She snapped her fingers and four outrageously cute, outrageously gay looking hairdressers stepped out, from nowhere it seemed, and led us to the styling area. With a glance at Amara, I saw that she was winking at me. I got hooked up with Sergei, who was to my taste, the hottest of them all! I just have this weakness for dark haired men. The darker the hair...the sexier they seem to me. And the way those tight, dark-red leather pants fit him...I had to keep reminding myself that I was already taken. Now don't you dare call me a slut! You would look upon him with...with appreciation if you were in my position too.

Jubilee: Rick, stop ogling that man! You have a boyfriend...

Bobby may have been a boy - but Sergei was a man. I couldn't help but appreciate that fact.

I glanced towards her direction and delivered a scathing reply.

Oh? So do you...but I don't see you restraining your eyes from glimpsing at Milo's ass!

Jubilee: Uh -'s different in my case. Even if I wanted to ho around with him...I don't stand a chance since he's sooo gay.


My attention was drawn back to Sergei as he spoke to me in his deep, accented and sexy voice.

Sergei: "So, what's your pleasure?"


Sergei: "The hair, what are you feelin' for?"

The hair...right, right. What else could he have possibly been talking about?

"Oh, um - I didn't think of anything much. I just wanted it cut shorter."

He took a few minutes to inspect me, twirling my long locks in his fingers and appraising the situation. It felt heavenly and that's no lie.

Sergei: "Hmm...just relax and let Sergei take care of you. We'll see where it goes."


"Oh, okay..."

This Is No Place For A Man To Be!

Jean: "What do you think of this one?"

Scott lightly fingered the maternity gown and feigned an interest for all but five seconds.

Scott: "Jean, we've been in here for two hours...and you still haven't made up your mind on what to buy."

Standing around in a maternity store, helping Jean decide on what pregnancy clothes to get wasn't Scott's idea of fun. And they way the female store assistants kept fawning at ceased to be flattering after the first half an hour. Everyone took it for granted that they were new prospective parents and marvelled at the "fact" that the prospective father was joining the prospective mother. Normally, the men avoided the place like the plague they said. And so would he too...except that he couldn't resist Jean's vise-like grip. And Ororo just HAD to bail with Logan and take off to...wherever. Betsy's patience had worn out and she left with Warren, heading to buy some skimpy lingerie for their up and coming three year dating anniversary.

Scott: "Look, I'm gonna just go now."

Jean: "But, Scott I -"

Scott: "This is no place for a man to be!"

And before she could utter another word...he was off! Time to find some fun. The video arcade was far too immature for him. And the casinos were out of the question. He had worked long and hard to break off his gambling addiction. He pretty much just started walking around aimlessly. The mall wasn't really all that appealing to him. Fashion blitzes and shopping sprees just were not his thing. As a matter of fact, he only supported the mall idea because Rick and the juniors seemed so hyped about it. They deserved some fun once in a while. Every time they went out...something just HAD to happen. So those past times didn't count. And Rick could use a distraction from his problems too. And speak of the devil...but wait...what the -?!

Let's Go Shopping!

"Hey, Scott! What do you think?"

His eyes all but popped out. I sure as hell hoped that I didn't just fall for Sergei's charm and went along with what he said...without thinking of how it would look. I didn't just go with a basic cut. Sergei suggested that I dye my hair...which I did. The whole sandy-blonde thing was getting old anyway. I'd never dyed my hair before...and I was thrilled at the idea. that my sexuality was public knowledge, my inner gayness was all coming out. We eventually settled on a dark shade of reddish brown, almost black. Come to think of it...the color was real close to Scott's shade of hair. As if that was not enough - I had Sergei straighten out my curls and spike them instead. My previous attempt at spiking my hair made it look tussled and unkempt. At the end of it all, when I saw the bill...I was glad that Amara was the one paying.

Scott: "What...have you done with yourself?"

"Um, Sergei said he was making me beautiful."

Scott: "Sergei?"

"Yeah, he does hair. You don't think that - it looks bad on me, do you? Oh wait, what the hell am I asking you for? Straight guys and hair...I'll have to ask Jean for her opinion."

Scott: "No, doesn't look bad at all."

"You think?"

Scott: "Yeah...the color is so..."

"You? Hahaha!"

Scott: "Well, I happen to like my hair color just as it is. Say, where are you headed?"

Well, I was thinking of buying Bobby something special. But I had absolutely no idea where to start. And by that, I meant I didn't know what to get well as literally, what stores to go searching in. I had tried to subtly feel him out on the subject the night before...with next to no luck. I did get the notion that jewellery was not his thing. But little else.

"I was thinking of doing a little shopping."

Scott: "Shopping?"

"Yeah. You know of any good stores that might be selling anything that might make a good gift for a - "

Scott: "For a...what?"

I sighed,

"Well, for a teenaged boy...around my age?"

He squinted at me curiously.

Scott: "You're thinking about getting yourself a late birthday treat?"

"Um...well, no. Not for me. It's for someone else, a friend."

Scott: "A friend?"

I shifted uncomfortably. It was so easy to talk to Scott...I wondered if by some slim margin he guessed what I was up to. He did know that I was gay...and there I was asking about stores that sold items that might interest a teenaged boy...a boy who I told him was a friend. Boy...friend...boy...friend...boyfriend? Just as I suspected, he asked,

Scott: "A guy friend?"

Why do people ask the obvious? Didn't I just say that it was for a teenaged BOY around my age...who was a friend? Of course it was a guy friend.

"Yes, Scott. In case you've forgotten, I do have friends who happen to be guys. I don't hang around girls all the time."

Scott: "So, this guy you want to shop for...who is he?"

Going around in circles are we?

"A friend."

He certainly was taking an interest wasn't he?

Scott: "Is this some guy you have a crush on or a...boyfriend?"

Oh dear...

"He's just a friend, okay. If a straight guy buys a gift for a female friend...does it mean he's attracted to her in a romantic way?"

He mulled it over for a little while until,

Scott: "If he's just a friend...then why won't you say who?"

I stared blushing a million shades of vermilion and the teasing - knowing expression on his face didn't help matters any.

Scott: "So this guy...he's straight or gay?"

"He's - what does that have to do with anything?"

Scott: "Well, I need to know what you're interested in getting him and -"

"How would you know what to get a gay guy - uh - if he was gay that is? I hope you're not stereotyping us. There are some things that all teenaged boys like. There just has to be..."

I frowned at the thought and he quickly made amends,

Scott: "I'm not! I just wanted to have some clue and -"

"Well, just tell me about a few stores that sell stuff that a teen boy my age might like...and I'll make a decision on my own."

He relented and quit teasing me about my "friend", but went on with the joking. I'd have to ask him why he was so happy all of a sudden. And I would have to time it right so that I'd be more likely to receive an honest reply. Although I had my suspicions...hint => Jean Grey. With a grin and a mock gay, flutie voice,

Scott: "Alright then, let's go shopping!"

Sooner Or Later

Irene: "Raven!"

There was nothing more irritating to him than hearing that woman scream...right in the middle of his taped "Passions" episode too! What was more, whilst it was a common occurrence, no one but Raven knew why she screamed so horridly. He couldn't deal with not knowing anymore. Having to hear bloodcurdling screams every now and then with no explanation as to why, was testing his patience. Well, maybe Mystique a.k.a. Raven Darkholme liked her women crazy.

Lance: "What the Hell is she screaming for now?"

Raven: "Shut up and mind your own damned business!"

She stormed out of the room heading for Irene. He sucked his teeth in annoyance. She had better learn to mind her manners. The time would come, sooner or later, when he might be the one in control. She had no idea how much he knew about her supposedly "clandestine" operations. She really should make sure that the doors to the Communication Room are properly well closed before she makes such extended, long-distance calls. It was how he found out about some of her plans. The first time - well, he just couldn't believe it at first. He was in disbelief for days...surely Mystique wouldn't try to take over the leadership. Magneto was their leader - it was set in stone. She was his most trusted advisor. His second in command. She wouldn't...

But then she bitched at him for no reason at all (as usual) - she always seemed to be on her period. When he told her that, SLAP! What the heck does she gain by bitch-slapping everyone - well, mostly him - around like that? He changed his mind afterwards. She was such a controlling woman, she just might want to extend some of that control to the Brotherhood. So he kept an eye out and the next time she sneaked her ugly blue ass into the Communication Room...he followed her. She was smart enough to delete the computer's memory logs so that no trace of the calls could be found. So that was a no go...but he was a smart boy. No one would ever believe his story about Mystique's treachery without cold, hard proof.

So he took along a camcorder and caught her in the act. As a safety precaution, he made multiple copies of the tape and stored them all in separate locations...just in case some were to be found and destroyed. He giggled silently. Pietro had seen one that he left on his bed and picked it up, heading for a player. All Lance had to do was tell him it was the latest, kinkiest Gay porno out on the market...he screwed up his face and threw the tape back. That was one hell of a close call. But so far, all his tapes were safe.

The next step was deciding on what to do. It was far from a simple decision. He figured that if Mystique really wanted to assassinate Magneto...she'd have to do it secretly. Magneto had a very loyal core following among the higher ups. Maybe not the cut-throat lower downs...but the most powerful members were for him tooth and nail. If she were to openly challenge his authority and manage to "off" him, they probably wouldn't follow her anyway. As a matter of fact, some of them might try to assume leadership. Should he let her try and take out Magneto, then blackmail her with the evidence on the tapes? And then become the actual leader of the Brotherhood using her as a front? He'd be a puppet leader and she'd be his puppet - and under his control. Mwahahahaha! Being under someone else's control would pay her back good! A woman leading the BROTHERhood. Never in a million years!

Or would it be more profitable for him to just reveal her plotting to Magneto himself? He was more motivated by the prospect of getting vengeance on Mystique than leadership. Magneto would punish her so severely for her the death penalty. The bitch very well deserved it too. And he'd be rewarded very, very richly indeed. Magneto had a reputation for rewarding people who sold out other members' plots to him. That way he could punish the plotters and make examples out of them.

That was his method. He didn't make the punishment fit the crime. He punished so severely that people would think twice about making the mistake that the plotters made. Some lower downs were powerful enough to hide their innermost thoughts from Brainchild's telepathy. And the higher ups - like him and Mystique - weren't subjected to his mental probing. If he sold Mystique out to Magneto - especially about a plot on his life (something that no one else had ever dared to contemplate before) it would be very well worth his while. Magneto would see to that.

And then there was the means she wished to do it by. That was the most troublesome bit. She wanted to do something or other with one of Xavier's juniors. That boy...Rick. Her plot itself was probably flawed. Giving it further thought, he didn't see how any one person could stand a chance against Magneto. If that were possible, then why didn't the X-men try it? There were extremely powerful mutants on their side too. Mystique was very anxious to get her hands on the boy. Pretending to want to turn him in for mind conversion by he'd serve Magneto. She'd probably pretend that he escaped or some shit like that...then hand him over to her ally. He'd work his voodoo on Rick. Then she'd wait for a good time and sick him on Magneto.

It would fail, without doubt. Magneto couldn't be defeated in single combat. Fuck, he could fight the X-men "team" to a standstill...a damned draw! Hmm... He had thought about trying to catch the boy on his own and turn him in for a promotion. But his first attempt had failed. Ah well, it was just lucky that he caught him out alone that morning. Pity that the entire damned X-team was trailing in Rick's wake and ruined his opportunity at kidnapping. His best bet would probably be to sell her out to Magneto. When the time was right. He wanted to make it classy. Let her think that her plan was working. Let her get all high - the higher she goes, the greater the distance to fall. Then he'd sell her out...and the look on her face when she finds out who revealed her plot - would be so sweet! Mwahahaha! Damn, he never really schemed like that before...

When The Stars Fall

Raven was frantically wiping down Irene's body with a wet cloth in an effort to lower her temperature. She was burning up as if she had a severe fever and mumbling incoherently. What was more, she seemed to be within a dream. She had called for her, screaming out her name. But she wasn't awake. Just as she was about to get a thermometer, Irene awakened, startling her. Very few things disturbed her so. But the vacant expression on her face certainly did. Even though she was blind - having mysteriously lost her eyesight within her mother's womb - her eyes were flickering hither and thither. Almost as if she was looking at something she alone could see...possibly one of her visions.

Irene had been having violent premonitions of late, vague in detail - but oh so powerful in their intensity. And they both knew that the visions heralded some terrible future event or other. She would be shaken after having one...but never anything like this. She was about to call her name, try and snap her out of her trance. As if sensing this, Irene turned to her and spoke first.

Irene: "It was a different dream this time, Raven. I - felt like I died in this one."

The ramifications of that statement terrified her. Irene's visions always came to fruition...always! Did that mean she was going to die?! Was she going to lose her?

Raven: "No! I won't let it happen! Tell me what you saw."

Irene: "I don't think I'm going to die, Raven. At least not like that. I said I felt like I died. The fire, the destruction..."

Fire and destruction...was that why her temperature was soaring? Irene appeared to be contemplating something or the other.

Raven: "What did you see?"

Irene: "It started like a normal dream - the kind where you think it's real. I can normally tell from the outset when a dream is a vision. But this was different. It wasn't a lucid dream at all. I was on a plain. That much I can tell. It was...somewhat tropical. I guess it had to be. The plants were like none I've ever seen before...very exotic looking. Everything looked peaceful...serene. At least from what I could make out. Then a shadow seemed to come over the land...the air seemed to heat up so fast. It was at night...I thought the shadows were because the moonlight was being blocked by a cloud."

"And then what happened?"

Irene: "I looked upwards and saw IT approaching. It was like - a falling star... My first instinct was to run - but I couldn't. By then the feel of the dream had become lucid. I realised that I was dreaming and that it was a prophetic dream. But I still tried to run. Before, when I had my visions - it was almost as if I was watching them through someone else's eyes."

Raven: "Someone else's eyes?"

Irene: "Like I was in an incorporeal form. There was never any physical sensation. But in this dream - I felt hot. And the closer that thing got - the higher and faster the temperature rose. Something prevented me from running. I couldn't find the strength to. This "star" fell some distance away. The impact rent the ground asunder. The shockwave threw me off my feet into the air. I was burning from the flash fires that spread out from the point of impact...then I woke up."

Raven: "What do you think it means?"

Irene: "I don't think it was symbolic. It was an event that either happened - or is going to. It didn't have the feel of a future event. It felt like something from the past. I saw it with crystal clarity. But I can't tell how far back it occurred. This was the most vivid dream I've ever had."

Raven: "I just don't understand it all. Why are you having these visions? If things are going to get as bad as your dreams suggest - what can you possibly do to stop it? You seem convinced that you have some responsibility to -"

Irene: "I know how you feel about higher powers, Raven. And I know you've kept telling me that what I see is an interpretation of probability threads...that it's my mutation. But like Einstein said - the Universe does not play dice. Things aren't as random as they may seem. Just because we can't see a pattern, cause or purpose doesn't mean there isn't one. I believe that there is a reason for me having these visions - and I believe it is to stop these horrible future events from occurring."

Raven: "We aren't exactly in the hero business, Irene. And you said that you weren't sure when these events will come to pass. For all we know it could be long after we're all dead and gone."

Irene: "The events may come to pass in the far future - yes you *may* be right. But my visions suggest that we may be able to stop them from occurring by acting now."

Raven: "Why should we even care? Why bother to go through the trouble if it's probably not going to affect us?"

Irene: "Could you really live with yourself if you knew that you could have saved billions of lives from...whatever - but didn't? Raven, humans AND mutants will both suffer if nothing is done. That much I know from my visions."

Raven: "Please don't take this the wrong way...but these visions of yours - they've been rather vague. We don't know what to do."

Irene: "Something is about to happen soon that will be responsible for this world's future problems. Something that will have far reaching consequences. I have faith that I'll be given the right information at the right time."

Raven: "You've never sounded so sure of it before."

Irene: "That's because I wasn't before. But when I was in that dream just now...I was prevented from running. And I felt the presence of others - other minds."

Raven: "What? Other you have any clue as to who they were?"

Irene: "None whatsoever...but this I do know, I was meant to see that vision, Raven. They made me look, kept me from turning away. And they did it for a purpose. I can feel it."

Raven would have automatically assumed that the presence of others in Irene's mind could mean that her visions were false. Merely implanted telepathic impressions. But her visions, they always came to pass. She'd see mundane things occurring too. Two days before she foresaw a kitchen accident involving Raven slicing her left thumb...she merely laughed at the time...until she felt a sharp pain. She had cut her thumb in the midst of the laughter.

Raven: "Even if it is true...we aren't in any position to stop this all from happening."

Irene: "Then we'll have to find people who can. I know that there are people in the here and now who are important to this sequence of events. I don't know if they caused it...or can stop it. Maybe some are responsible and some are capable of remedying the situation. When it is all revealed to me...I'll know what to do. They'll make sure I know what to do. What happens here is important to them. Don't ask me how I know. I don't know how either. I can -"

Raven: "Feel it?"

Irene: "Yes."

Raven: "I'd sure like to know who these other minds are. And why out of so many precognitives they've picked you for this. No one else we know of is running around claiming that Earth is in dire peril. Whatever happens, love - you have my support. All the way."

Irene: "I know..."

I Should Have Known!

I couldn't believe him! Honestly...although he certainly had a point. I fell for it way too easily. And so there we were - my cheeks were burning with shame from the moment we stepped into the store. I didn't even bother to look at the name of the store either. I didn't know my way around too good and assumed that Scott would take me to the right stores. So it was safe to say that I didn't see,

"Ye Olde Kinky Towne"

written in stylised lettering over the main entrance door. When we stepped in I realised exactly what kind of shop it was...a sex shop! I thought that maybe it was just a mistake on Scott's part. But when I looked up at him - the bastard was grinning! That took me by surprise, he meant to enter those doors! The expression on my face made him burst into laughter. I started blushing like crazy when several people glanced at us, their attention caught by Scott's outburst. Whispering as softly and angrily as I could,

"Scott! What the hell did you bring me along in here for!"

Scott: "Well, you did ask me to carry you to stores that might sell stuff that teenaged boys like. And if there's one thing that all teenaged boys like -straight or gay - it's sex. Or at least sexual stimulation."

I felt like kicking myself raw. Okay, so I had told him that there had to be some things that all teenaged boys like - straight or gay. But I couldn't come up with anything myself. We had spent so much time cruising around in different stores. Tech stores, book stores (Bobby never really read much - so that trip was the shortest one of all), music stores and a plethora of others...but nothing they sold satisfied me.

Nothing was special enough. And then he got my hopes up. He said that he knew of one other place that might hold some promise. It was the sheer desperation that made me leap at the opportunity. Had I looked before I leapt - I might have seen him suppressing a grin. I'm sure of it. Pity... a store attendant walked up to us. She looked us over and smiled welcomingly,

Female Store Attendant: "So, sirs...what can we do for you two lovebirds?"

Whatever gave her that notion?!

"What?! Listen...this isn't what you think it's like."

Female Store Attendant: "Oh it's quite alright, sir . No one in here has any problem with bi or gay people at all. You guys bring in some good business, and we have quite a nice selection geared at -"

"But, we're not! As a matter of fact -"

She took a glance at Scott and she cut my statement short.

Female Store Attendant: "So you like older shame in that, honey. As a matter of fact, so do I. You two make a cute couple."

Scott had a wicked smirk smeared on his face. But that wasn't the worst part. I felt a SLAP! He actually slapped my ass and said,

Scott: "I'm gonna go look around. Buy anything you like, babe. But nothing as kinky as last time, okay?"

He left me with the attendant, both of them grinning all the way. What had gotten into him?! I never would have thought that he joked around like that. It was extremely embarrassing!

Scott I am so going to get you back for this!

Scott: Hahaha! If I had a nickel...

You'll see, one way or another...

My mental link was severed by,

Female Store Attendant: "So can I help you find anything?"

"Here's the thing, I was just looking for something for a friend. And my other friend there was showing me around and he played this as a joke and - "

Female Store Attendant: "Well, while you're here - maybe you can get something for this *friend* of yours and the other one too. Do you need any assistance?"


Female Store Attendant: "Okay then. I'll be at the counter if you do."

She left me standing in the aisle. I was about to just leave...but then my eyes caught on a DVD...what else - biker boys. I glanced around. No one was paying any attention. True to the attendants word, they didn't seem to care whether people were straight or gay. All they cared for was sex when they stepped through those doors. Maybe something good could come out of this situation after all. I wanted to get something of sentimental - not sexual - value for Bobby. But that didn't mean that I couldn't get a little something for me.

There was just one copy of that DVD left. It must have been some good stuff. I heard some mumbling then and it was getting closer...what if someone had seen it? It was the last one! I didn't have to courage to come back to the store. Before I missed my chance I ran straight for it. Unfortunately, someone turned the corner and entered the aisle at the same time. We bumped into each other. I fell down with the impact and judging by the legs it was a woman...oh dear. Her bag had fallen and several...objects tumbled out. But it wasn't just any woman. Sinuous body, legs for miles, black hair with magenta streaks...


Betsy: "Rick?!"

Betsy/Me: "What are you doing here?!"

I could feel the heat flow to my face. She was not much better off as her cheeks took on a rosy hue. I took a glance at her fallen bag and gentlemanly bent to pick up her fallen items... What the hell?! They consisted of a whip, two pairs of handcuffs and a silk scarf. And a...what was that? I picked a smaller plastic bag up. Immediately something inside it started vibrating. Since it felt had to be an electric dildo.

Betsy: "Say, your hair looks brilliant!"

"Don't try and change the subject. What's a *nice* girl like you doin' in a place like this?"

Seeing me holding her stuff,

Betsy: "I'll take those!"

She grabbed them and stuffed them back into her bag.

"A dildo? Electric...Betsy, does Warren have problems with rising to the occasion?"

Betsy: "What, no! He's blessed - I can assure you. I bought that for Ro -  uh - for a friend."

"And those other -"

Betsy: "I - I was shopping for a friend, honest. What are you doing here?"

Sigh... I bet everyone used that excuse - shopping for a friend - when caught in a sex shop by someone they knew. I knew I didn't relish the idea of someone I knew finding out I bought something for myself in a place like that.

"This was all a joke of Scott's."

I explained it all to her.

Betsy: "Oh? Well why didn't you just leave? You seemed in a hurry to -"

She looked at the movie rack and picked up the DVD. She immediately started laughing while I started blushing. I tried grabbing it from her hands but her superior, ninja agility made it impossible for me to do so,

"Gimme that!"

Betsy: "Rick, don't you dare tell anyone that you saw me here...or people are going to get an eyeful of this. And here I was under the impression that you were sweet and innocent. Anyhow - you didn't see me here, kapeesh?"

"Why? If all you were doing was shopping for a friend then -"

At that point we both heard two familiar voices and jumped,

Scott: "Rick, did you find anything your friend might like?"

"Uh, nothing."

Warren: "Betsy! There you are, I know you said you liked this place - but you were taking a tad bit long. I found something that you just have to have a look at."

She "liked" this place?

"Betsy, do you frequent this place? Oh my God! You're a -"

Betsy: "Don't dare say anything you'll regret. This has appetites - hungers of its own. Hungers that need to be satisfied."


Warren: "Did you get the (he glanced briefly at me) - things you said you wanted?"

Scott's eyebrows did a twitchy thing.

Scott: "I guess you bought a little more than skimpy lingerie for that upcoming anniversary, huh Betsy?"

"Skimpy lingerie?! Listen, I'm still a minor! Spare my ears, please!"

Scott: "Well, seventeen's a man in my book."

Betsy: "Would you two just shut up?! Warren, come one. We're leaving."

Warren: "Awww, but I saw a Kamasutra self instruction video! And you are very nimble in the sack..."

"Kamasutra? And you're supposed to be an Angel? Haha!"

Betsy: "Ugh! Come along!"

"You had better do as she says. Or she might have to use that whip to motivate you!"

He started grinning sheepishly until she grabbed his arm and started pulling him out of the store, protesting. I grabbed the DVD from her quickly whilst her attention was drawn away from me. Not before Scott chanced to see what it was though.

"Just a little something for me. I'm not buying anything for other people at a store like this. They'd never be able to look at me the same."

I took a closer look and saw that he was holding a rather sizeable bag himself. And he was trying to hide it by keeping it behind his back.

"So you bought something?"

Scott: "Yeah."


Scott: "Just...a little somethin'."

"Doesn't look so little to me. Somethin' what?"

Scott: "Something I've had my eye on for a while."

"Something like what?"  

He ignored me and started whistling innocently.

"Never mind! I'm just gonna pay for this at the counter and leave!" was probably time to go home too. I figured that I'd just have to pay closer attention to Bobby. And when I was sure of something that he'd the Mall! But with Jean...not Scott. His sense of humor was embarrassing. I'd have to think of a way to repay him. And I so had to find out why he's been so jovial lately. All things in good time I suppose. Trying to conceal what shame remained, I started walking towards the cashier.

Amara Again!

Jubilee: "Well ladies and gentlemen, we can safely say that our little excursion to the outside world was a success!"

She motioned for Ray to drop her numerous bags...they were her bags, but Ray was carrying them with a semi-frown. Some of us were in the ground floor lounge. Us juniors that is, just relaxing a little before heading up to our rooms to change. Everyone looked happy enough. Jubilee's hair was now a shade close to my real hair color. Jenny had dyed her hair from dark brown to black and Amara's was now something of a chestnut brown.

Ray: "I guess we aren't cursed after all."

Bobby: "It was fun. I haven't been to the video arcade in ages. I still got my skills!"

Jenny: "I wonder if they'll let us go back some time."

John: "As long as we're good...maybe."

Bobby: "How long can you stay on good behavior, John? Think I've forgotten all those times you've raided the girl's bathroom? All those booty calls you used to make in the dead of night? I'm surprised you lasted this long."

John: "Bobby, shut the Hell up!"

Jenny: "Well, there'll be no more of that nonsense. I'll be there to keep him in line."

Amara: "Rick, where did you disappear to after you left Maxine's hair salon?"

Remembering my experiences at "Ye Old Kinky Towne" made me blush slightly.

"Oh, I was just - just window shopping is all."

Ray: "Dude, you got money. Spend a little and have some fun."

"I will...sometime. But for now - I'm saving up for - for my future."

John: "Smart boy. So am I."

He gave Jenny an affectionate squeeze. Amara, however begged to differ.

Amara: "Oh I dunno if I believe that load of bull. Rick probably wants to buy something nice to prove his affection for that secret boy lover of his."

What was she trying to do to me?! And what were the odds of her guess being so...right on target? Aside from her, Jubilee, Jake, David and one else knew that I had a guy in my life. I hadn't even told Jenny that yet. And only John, Jake and Jubilee knew the guy in question was Bobby. She, John and David only learnt because they heard Bobby sneezing in my closet. And she was pestering me for his identity ever since. I wasn't going to tell her, obviously. But Bobby said that he would talk to her soon. The success of his coming out to John had inspired him to almost no end. He better make up his mind as to what he was going to do, as I was almost at wits end.


Amara: "Yup, that's my name sweetheart. Don't wear it out."

Ray: "You have a boy-frie..."

"I have -"

Jenny: "Rick! Oh, this is so great - I'm so happy for you! When can we meet him?"

Bobby was silent. It just wouldn't do. He had better say something and act righteously shocked. Ray was amongst us after all. I quickly warned him telepathically.

Bobby: "Yeah, Rick. When can we meet this guy friend of yours? He has to be a real piece of work for you to settle for him, huh?"

Don't rate yourself up so much.

Bobby: Well, I did succeed in hooking you. That has to count for something.

I lowered my standards.

Bobby: Well, considering who your ex is...they couldn't have gotten much lower anyway.

Jenny: "Eh hem! Would you stop staring and answer the question?"

"Oh, sorry. You can meet him when he's ready to meet you guys. He's in the closet and (Amara was giggling by then) - oh shut up Amara! He's not ready to come out yet."

John: "Rick, I hope you weren't desperate and accepted just any *little* old piece of dick that came your way."

John was in a joking mood and glanced surreptitiously at Bobby (who was doing his best to smile along, painfully suppressing the urge to flip him off). I couldn't have him saying that about me. I'd never take a guy just for the sake (and or size) of his cock.

"No, John. I love this guy. And about being desperate...don't think I don't know about your past. You have been known to take any piece of pussy that came along your way - as long as you were horny enough. Isn't that so Amara?"

No, no. No matter how that sounded... as far as I knew, Amara and John were never involved. You see, Amara and I had been getting a lot closer ever since her Nova Roma issue. And she had told me a lot of things in the talks we'd had. Some of which concerned John.

Bobby: "Mwahahaha!"

John: "Just what have you been telling him, Amara?"

His eyes flashed fire as he demanded an answer.

Amara: "Nothing but the truth, John."

Jenny shifted a little uneasily at hearing this and so Amara and I quickly apologised for bringing up John's past.

Amara: "So how has your relationship been progressing, Rick? Are you letting your boy toy out of the closet for some fresh air every once in a while? Have you been feeding and grooming him properly?"

Ray: "What - is she talking about? It sounds like Rick's got a dog or something. Not a...boyfriend."

Jubilee: "Amara, Rick doesn't have to answer any of those questions of yours if they make him uncomfortable."

Ray: "And again I ask, what are you guys talking about?"

Amara then went ahead and told him and Jenny about the little closet incident in my room. John was he already knew. She had already told Jubilee...she let it out to Jean, Ororo Betsy and Rogue too.  Sometimes I wonder how the simplest of conversations can become so embarrassingly complicated. Jenny was laughing like crazy. Ray wasn't...he just had an expression that consisted mostly of a raised eyebrow.

Jenny: "Well, I'm glad you found someone. You deserve it, sweetie!"

Amara: "It's killing me. I so need to see this guy! If he's good enough for Rick...he has to be hot. Like flash fire hot!"

"Oh, he is...perfect. In ALL the right places."

Bobby flashed a look of superiority towards John, who simply pretended not to have seen it.

Jenny: "Really? So, how old is this guy?"

"Oh, just a little older than me. Not quite a whole year."

Ray: "And how long have you been keeping this guy a secret from us?"

"Only a little while. I didn't just find a guy the day I set foot in here. We only hooked up recently. Look, I'm not really all that comfortable with talking about -"

But what did Amara care about putting me on the spot? She was putting pressure on me ever since that incident. She even went so far as to ask me who I preferred; Scott, Piotr, or Warren. The morning after the Closet incident, when we came back after the Morlock mission that is. She was trying to see what my taste in men was. In the hope of boosting her chances at guessing no doubt.

Amara: "So, have you know?"

"No, I don't know. Have we what?"

Amara: "Have you two - oh you know. Have you two done it yet?"

Ray: "Amara, please!"

Amara: "If you can't deal with the talk Ray, then leave."

Jubilee: "Amara, you should know better than asking him that!"

Bobby: "Yeah, stop asking personal questions like that, Amara."

Amara: "Well, I want to learn about the guy who he picked over me."

Jenny: "You had a crush on him?"

John: "Oh, she had crushes on over three quarters of the guys in the school. Don't sound so surprised."

Amara: "Just like you were, John, except with boys instead of girls. Now as to Rick...yes I had a slight crush on him. But I let it go when he didn't give me the time of day."

"Uh, correction. I had to *dump* you."

Ray: "And we all know why now too."

She frowned. Even more so when John said,

John: "Amara, get this - he's gay - he'd pick almost ANY guy over you...or just simply ignore you. And given your reputation as school slut at the would a lot of other guys. Straight guys that is."

That didn't go down too good with Amara. John was paying her back for revealing some of his past to me. Information that I used on him several minutes his embarrassment. Have you ever noticed that when you have a guest in your midst, everyone gets cagey? Everyone stays on their best behavior - well almost everyone. Bobby joked about the "ST" in John's name standing for Slut instead of Saint at the first meeting they had with Jenny. But he's one of those exceedingly rare people that are the same with everyone, everywhere. I suppose in his case, it's a gift.

The rest of us were not. Both John and Amara wanted to keep their slutty pasts a secret from Jenny. Normally they insult each other with a vengeance. But that had calmed down with the arrival of Jenny to our group. But her "newness" was wearing off. She was becoming one of us and so everyone's secrets were coming to light. John's man-whore past was revealed by Bobby. Amara just followed through on it. And he afterwards, revealed hers. John was smirking like an absolute fiend. I got the feeling that he truly enjoyed teasing Amara. And he hadn't been given an opportunity for some time. Everyone was handling her with kid gloves since her Nova Roma Incident. Jenny nudged him and he cut it out. Yup, she was keeping him in line alright.

Jenny: "So Amara, do you have anyone special in your life right now?"

She blushed slightly.

Amara: "Well, no...but I'm working on it."

Jenny: "Oh, so you've been looking. You'll find someone special...or that special someone will find you."

John: "Aww..."

He snuggled a little closer to Jenny. It was cute the first ten times. But it was starting to get old.

Bobby: "Yeah, Amara. Don't sweat it girl. Sometimes people find love in the most unsuspecting of places. Places where no one else would even bother to look...for one reason or another. Other people would say that they were crazy - but love is blind. The main thing is when it happens - it happens."

He was glancing wickedly at John - who looked at him with a warning expression.

John: "Sounds like you have a little something to share with us, Bobby."

Those two! Didn't they see how dangerous a game they were playing? Before it could get any worse,

"Amara, I'm sure that you'll find Mr. Right one day."

Amara: "Well, I have been trying to get Jake to notice me. You guys know that."

Jenny: "Jake? The -"

Amara: "Yeah, the hottie I was sitting next to on the bus. But he hasn't been very responsive. I think - "

And suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, it happened - we were all struck temporarily dumb.

Ray: "Maybe he's gay."

At that, Jubilee, Bobby and I froze. Fortunately Ray, Amara, John and Jenny started laughing and we all joined in a little nervously. For a moment there we all thought that he was serious. Sigh...secret keeping is so hard and nerve wracking.

Amara: "I was gonna say that I think my past is the problem. I think that he's afraid that I'll just use him for the thrill...and then dump him for someone else."

John: "See, I told you! We need one of those Wiccan cleansing rituals you do, Jenny. Flush out that negativity from Amara. And why stop at just her past in this life? Take past lives into account and clear out her karma."

Amara: "Ugh! John, I don't know what she sees in you!"

With a lude grin,

John: "Well of course you don't. My clothes are still on and I've never shown it to you anyway!"

I felt guilty when I augmented their laughter with my own.

Amara: "Well I won't give up. One way or another, Jacob Spencer will be mine! I'm certain that he's got more to offer between his legs than you do anyway."

Ray: "Amara - please..."

I shifted uneasily, and so did Jubilee and Bobby. It was heartbreaking - the way she had set herself on something that just would never come to pass. But I was willing to bet that she was right about him having a lot more to offer between his legs. She once grabbed onto his crotch for support when she fell in the Danger Room, and it stiffened. And then after that foot job she gave him. From her slutty past, she had to be a good judge of dick size. And I myself had seen it, touched it...and interacted with it in other ways.

Jubilee: "Alright you two...that's quite enough. The way both of you's just like an old married couple."

Jenny shifted uncomfortably once more.

John: "Amara has never, ever turned me on!"

Amara: "Jenny, don't look so worried about that statement. You have nothing to fear as I'd never try to take John away from you. As a matter of fact, I respect you like a martyr. Someone had to take him...better you than us. I feel sorry for you. But your sacrifice will long be remembered noble sister. Just hope and pray that your children take after you and not him...for all our sakes."

John and Amara seemed just about ready to start up again. I didn't want to witness it, so with a mental warning for John and Bobby to quit their dangerous teasing of each other, I bade Farwell for the time being.

You Are A Devious Bitch!

Scott: "So, do you think we should do it?"

Jean: "I don't know."

Scott: "It could be good for us."

Jean: "And just the could be bad for us, Scott."

They were in one our favorite kitchens, chowing down after our little excursion to the mall. As usual, they were alone in there. They do spend a lot of alone time together don't they? And as usual...I had walked in on them in an intimate conversation. It was always funny to see them jump and attempt to cover up their nervous expressions. I didn't understand it at all. They were both rational adults. It was obvious how much they cared for each other. Why beat around the bush? Most of the students were under the impression that they were secret lovers anyway. Adults...there was just no understanding them.

"So slip a ring on her finger and marry her already!"

At that statement, I felt a telekinetic bitch slap collect with my face and heard them laugh.

Scott: "You idiot! It's not what you're thinking."

Jean: "Far from it."

"So what were you talking about?"

Scott: "'d you feel about being on national television?"

"Huh? No way!"

Jean: "Yes, way."

So they explained it all. Our rescue of the Bayville High school had far reaching repercussions. Professor Xavier wanted to use the opportunity to introduce the X-men to the mass public in a positive light. And he had succeeded due to the massive media presence at the school during the crisis. And the efforts of one reporter, Lola *Livewire* Lovelace really put us on the map.

As the sole reporter to have direct coverage of the action, her television channel was blaring it out across the airwaves for days on end. The other channels had to make do with interviews of students and such...but they contributed to our publicity as well. And now - on the newspapers, news channels, radio stations and talk show programs...everyone was crying out for one thing - an interview with the mysterious X-men.

"Oh my God! We're like fricken celebrities!"

Jean: "The paradox being that everyone knows *about* us...and yet no one know who we are."

Scott: "Can you imagine...someone like Oprah Winfrey wants to interview us?! I feel so honored!"

He looked like a kid on Christmas, almost like he could just jump for joy.

"Down boy! Keep calm. As I recall, you yourself told us when we were promoted - we don't perform our duties for the money or personal gain. Public recognition is a form of personal gain! You're hypocritical."

Scott: "Ordinarily...I'd have to agree with you on that. But this is Oprah we're talking about. The talk show queen herself - to Hell with what I said before!"

"So, is Professor Xavier going to decide?"

Jean: "We're all going to have a consensus. You trainees too. But what I'm saying is...the people in these interviews and talk shows ask such probing questions. And if you refuse to answer them...they think you have something negative to hide. And that could add to the mistrust people feel towards mutants. Maybe it's better to let them judge us by our actions on the field...than by our words in a studio."

"Well, it would be funny as Hell."

Scott: "How?"

"Well...I've watched some Oprah. But I am not really a big fan of hers and -"

Scott looked at me with an expression that made me feel as if I had uttered the ultimate blasphemy.

"Anyhow, as I was saying... If it's one thing I've learned about Oprah, it's this. The topic of interest does not matter - no matter what her guests talk about, it ain't nothing new. Oprah's done been through it all and knows exactly what they're talking about and where they're coming from. At her rate...well, sometimes I wonder why she even bothers to have guests. She asks questions...and most times she answers them herself! She could probably just sit down and talk to herself and her ratings would show no real fluctuation. Mwahaha!"

Jean: "That is so true! It's another reason I'm sceptical about this. Oprah isn't the only one like that. There are plenty of others and what if the answers the audience buys are theirs? And what if those answers are seriously damaging to our cause?"

"I wonder...she always acts like she's been through it all. If we do go for an interview on the Oprah Winfrey Show...will she act like she knows what it's like to be a mutant? Seeing as almost everyone hates us...that'll be rich!"

I cackled like a boy bitch once more, then got myself under control. Scott was fuming. Ah...he's getting mad. So that's one way to pay him back...dis Oprah!

Scott: "Would both of you stop saying stuff like that? Oprah is a high class talk show host. She gives all her guests the benefit of the doubt and doesn't act all judgemental and -"

"Good God! Stop acting like a damned woman, Scott. It sounds like she's your role model or something."

Scott: "Huh?! I'm acting like a woman?! You're the one who simpered off to the hair salon for nice new hairdo, color change and all!"

Jean: "Am I to understand that there's something wrong with us women?"

"Why no, Jean. Not ALL of you. You're one of the few women I can stand on a permanent basis."

Jean: "Why thank means a lot coming from a gay man. I hope you've crossed Emma off of your pending list."

Scott: "Emma?"

Jean took some time off from our interview discussion and told him about my changing attitude towards Emma Frost. I hadn't really talked to Scott about "my" therapy session. The only time I'd seen him after the formation of my plot was in the mall. And there, my prime focus was attempting to shop for my man. Not engage in old talk that could be done at other times.

Jean: "Rick thinks that just because Emma stuck up for means that she can't be all that bad. Honey, you weren't totally guilty for that little fracas you and Kurt had. Any sane person would see that. If Emma sided with him against you - her professional integrity as resident guidance counsellor would have been compromised."

Scott: "I don't know. I mean...maybe we've all been too hard on her."

Jean: "Goodness...not you too, Scott."

"People make mistakes. And ever since Emma was converted to the light...has she given anyone a reason to suspect that she was still bad to the bone?"

Jean: " But -"

Scott: "I think we should all start acting like adults and give the woman a chance."

"Yes, Jean. As a matter of fact - I don't think that you suspecting Emma being a bad apple is the cause for your dislike at all."

Jean: "Oh?"

"Yup, Sister Grey. You see her as a threat."

*Cough cough!* *Huff Huff*

Jean: "Rick! That's enough!"

"It's true. You, Ororo, Betsy, Amara, Jubilee and Rogue think she could be after the men in the Mansion."

Scott: "Oh, really?"

"Yes, Scottie. As a matter of fact...I think Jeannie's afraid that Emma might come after you!"

Jean was the one fuming by then whilst Scott and I laughed.

Jean: "Why would you think that?!"

"Well, let's see...Betsy has Warren. Ororo has Logan. Rogue has Remmy. Jubilee has Ray. And Amara is working on Jake. You - you're "single" and supposedly have less to lose...but somehow you're their leader? I think there's more to it than that."

Scott: "Oh, do tell."

"Well, as I see it. The men folk involved in relationships here - minus the students of course - might flirt at the most with Emma. But they'd never cheat on their lovers. But're single. You are fresh meat for Emma's platter. You have no strings attached. And Jean - she probably wants you, but for some reason or the other is holding back. And she doesn't want Emma catching you while she's taking the time to decide on it all. So in actuality, Jean is the one who stands to lose most. And so she's the charismatic Anti-Emma leader. Despite the fact that she's single (and seems to the outside world that she has nothing to lose)."

Scott: "Ahh...I see. It makes sense. A whole lot of sense."

"I know. Sometimes I myself am amazed at my deductive reasoning. It's a talent I guess."

Jean: "Rick, you can dye that hair of yours any shade of the rainbow. But at heart, you'll always be a dumb blonde."

You stupid bitch!

Jean: "Don't think I didn't hear that thought!"

Scott: "Aww, she's mad. It must be true. Jean, do you fancy me like that? Do I turn ya on?"

She was unimpressed and seemed downright angry. I didn't get her at all. Scott even put on one hell of a sexy voice and that's how she responded to it? I wondered if maybe it was something hormonal and to do with her pregnancy.

Jean: "I've had enough of you men! Gay or straight - you're nothing but trouble!"

She unconsciously touched her tummy.

"Okay, it's official. Jean's gonna give lesbianism a chance!"

I sensed her build up of telekinetic energy and shielded myself from the mental bitch slap that followed.

Jean: "You two can go join Emma's fan club. See if I care. But I'll say this much - something is not quite right about this entire state of affairs. And I - Jean Grey - hereby swear that I will come to the bottom of it!"

"What do you mean?"

Jean: "Emma is disgustingly rich. She doesn't need to work and has enough money to sustain her standard of living for multiple generations. Her only *day job*, as she called it, was managing her investments. Most of which she probably had her financial advisors take care of. When she was last here, she told Professor Xavier to not call her to help us lowly commoners ever again, remember? And now, she gives up her carefree lifestyle to take up a job as a guidance counsellor? Something's off."

Scott: "Even if it is true...what are you going to do about it?"

Jean: "I have already done something about it. I've...hired a private investigator and he found out some stuff that -"

"Oh lord! Jean, I'd never have taken you for such a woman. You are a devious bitch!"

Jean: "You should talk! I learnt from the best. Anyhow, I sent him off to investigate her Manor. Ask a few questions...snoop around in her accounts, bribe her servants for information and dig up some dirt. You know, run of the mill PI stuff. The very day she arrived I made an urgent call to *Wouldn't You Like To Know Investigations*. They do everything from catching cheating spouses in the corporate spying. They don't come cheap - but they're damned good at collecting sleaze on people of interest. So I scraped together all I could afford and hired their best investigator. And I have been granted a few bits of information... Based on those titbits, I have a strong hunch."

Scott: "And what would that hunch be?"

Jean: "That Emma is not here because she wants to be. At least not entirely. I think that she's here because she needs to be."

I hate it when people speak in parables.

"Stop being so secretive and explain it in plain English for us *dumb blondes*?"

Jean: "Here's what I learnt from the private investigator...he bribed and talked to the servants, they're desperate for money and they took his bribes rather easily ...apparently Emma is lagging behind in paying them their wages. Some of them are thinking of pursuing legal action through their agency trade union. She was seen violently arguing with her Chippendale crew shortly before they left as well. They were promising litigation. Some servants secretly witnessed her pawning off several of her prize paintings to an auctioneer just before she arrived here too. I think it was to pay for her passage to the Mansion."

Scott: "So you think that Emma is somehow broke? But why didn't you say anything about this before?"

Jean: "I didn't want to risk making a fool of myself if it wasn't true. And all I have is a strong hunch for now. So tell no one else."

"Gosh...I just remembered something. When she came here in that white limousine...and the moving men finished carrying her stuff - she couldn't find her cash cards to pay them. Professor Xavier paid for her. Maybe she simply didn't have the money in her accounts and was pretending to have temporarily misplaced her cards."

Scott: "Hey yeah! And when the lead mover started getting impatient...I remember that she almost started an argument with him. She was as pissed as hell."

Jean: "Hmmm...good corroborating evidence guys. I'll bear it in mind. Unfortunately, my private investigator said that if I wanted him to snoop around cyberspace and retrieve her bank account'll cost extra. I simply don't have the cash for that right now. But come next payday...I will. And then I'll know for certain. This stays secret 'til then."

I thought about it some more and all I can say respect for Emma Frost just grew. Okay, sure...IF Jean was right, she was being a liar by pretending to be rich when she was flat out broke. But she was a proud woman. That I knew. So what if she was having a little trouble adjusting to her alleged new life? If she was really bad like Jean said she was, she could have done worse than living a pretence...much worse.

She was a telepath of extreme power and talent. She could easily have taken over some rich guy's mind and have him transfer funds to her accounts. Just like Betsy said that she used to do. But she didn't resort to that evil path. She decided to work for a living instead. An honest day's pay, for an honest day's work. We had to look at this objectively. I thought that Jean should have been proud that I was seeing things in an unbiased light. But her hatred of Emma was clouding her judgement. I explained it to her too.

Scott: "Rick, you're right. She could have used her telepathy for an easy way out. But she chose to work. It has to mean that she's sincere in her change."

"Yes, change for the better."

Jean: "God damn it! What will it take to convince you? You two are delusional...time will tell."

Have You Been Sneaking Into My Room?

My room was the next place I went to after chatting with Scott and Jean in the kitchen. I needed a bath and a change of clothes. Little did I suspect... I almost didn't notice it. I just went in, tossed my clothes down the laundry chute and went to the bathroom. After spending a good thirty minutes or so, I exited and hurriedly started changing. I was planning on going to Bobby's room so we could spend some time together...and it was getting late. Dinner time was fast approaching and I learnt that Professor Xavier liked to have all the students assembled together for Sunday dinner.

Aside from making it convenient for supposedly drew us all closer and made us feel more like a family unit. Of course it really didn't work like that...but he's the Headmaster and we humor him. So I was just about to rush out and spend what little time I could with Bobby when my eyes caught sight of it. A small slip of paper on my study desk. One of my pens was on it. I never leave paper lying around...and I never leave pens with their caps off. I thought that maybe Bobby was in there and left a note. He was the only one, other than Logan, I gave my key codes to. So I picked it up and read,

"Your parents, call them. It's important that you do."

It was in the same handwriting as the first note in the box. The note that I destroyed. I thought the box held a birthday present that was among what Logan had left. But it wasn't. I hadn't yet spoken to him about it. I was under the impression that either my mom left it, with the request that he deliver it to me. Or that she spoke to him and he wrote it himself...given the weird handwriting that didn't resemble mom's...the latter scenario seemed more probable. I did the same to this note too, destroyed it. It couldn't be Bobby as I had only given him my key codes so that he could feed Paul while I was away with Scott and Jean to Muir Island.

That note in the box had arrived right after my birthday, the day after. And only Logan knew my key codes at that time. To top it all off...the handwriting of the two notes matched. So it was definitely from the same source. Those large scribbling letters were not written by my mother's hand...or my father's. They place heavy emphasis on neatness. The letters on the note looked a lot like someone was scribbling them down in a rush. It was probably Logan. They must have had a little talk with him...and he was trying to persuade me to "do the right thing" by sneaking in and writing those notes.

Hmm...and Ororo could have had a hand in it. If he / they were sneaking in...then no wonder the note was untidily written. He / they were probably worried about getting caught. But it was getting old and I decided to find Logan immediately and talk to him so that he'd stop it. That said, I finished dressing and started on my way to the teacher's dormitory level, heading straight for Logan's room. I knocked urgently on his door three times before I got a rather irate response.

Logan: "I heard ya the first time, I have heightened senses you know! If this ain't important...somebody's head is gonna roll..."

He opened the door with an irritated expression on his face, wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. I hoped I didn't catch him at a bad time.

"Is this a bad time? Are you busy?"

Logan: "Oh, hey Rick. Sorry, uh I thought it was - never mind. What's up?"

Time to cut to the chase.

"Have you been sneaking into my room?"

Logan: "What? Of course not. Why the heck would you think that?"

Before I could answer, the sound of a woman shouting seeped through the open door.

Ororo: "Logie, what's taking you so long? The water's getting cold."

I temporarily took leave from the real reason I came to see Logan and enjoyed a good laugh at his expense. It wasn't often that we were treated to an opportunity to laugh at him, and so these golden moments had to be savored. The look of unadulterated embarrassment on his face was priceless.

"Logie? Bwahahaha!"

As if that wasn't enough, I saw Ororo walk out in a skimpy bathrobe heading straight for him. She took a look at me, blushed furiously and hid herself partially behind his frame.

Ororo: "Rick! Uh - what are you doing here?"

"Logie? Is that the best you could come up with?"

Logan: "Do you have to call me that?"

Ororo: "But you like pet names."

Logan: "Yeah, in the bedroom where they belong."

Ororo: "I thought you were in the bedroom."

"You two...have it bad. Pet names?"

Logan: "Logie's nothing. You wanna know what I call her? Oreo.."

"Like the cookie? Why?"

Logan: "Cuz she's just like the cookie, all -"

Before he could finish his sentence,

Ororo: "Logan! Anyhow, Rick as I was asking...what are you doing here?"

Logan: "He thinks I've been sneaking into his room. Which I haven't. But why do you think that?"

I explained it all to them. About the two notes...with emphasis on the first as it arrived just at the time I told him my key codes. The box that held it was just on top of his and Ororo's gifts too.

Logan: "Well, it's not me. I didn't write anything and sneak it in. If I have something to say to you - on behalf of someone else or myself - I'll say it in person, man to man."

Ororo: "But Logie - uh - Logan, if you didn't do it...and you're the only one with his key codes...then who?"

Of course I didn't mention Bobby. There was no need to. It couldn't have been him as when the first note arrived in that box, the day after my birthday...he didn't yet have my key codes.

"If it wasn't you, then someone has been sneaking around in my room. On at least two separate occasions, if not more."

That bit of news was more than enough to spur Ororo into action. Logan however had yet to budge a muscle.

Ororo: "Come on Logan! We have to go look for signs of forced entry."

Logan: "Rick, can this wait a little maybe a couple of hours?"

Ororo: "Logan, how can you ask him a question like that? This is serious stuff. The boy is probably worried."

Logan: "Awww...but the Jacuzzi."

Ororo: "The Jacuzzi can wait. To Rick's room!"

Jacuzzi? Someone was about to get lucky. Ororo was already levitating, ready to leap into the air and fly to my quarters. Logan grumbled in a frustrated manner...poor Logie.

"Uh, Oreo please put some clothes on first. I wouldn't want anyone to see you walking into my room wearing nothing but a bathrobe, your cream all exposed. You too Logie, or you might get held up for indecent exposure."

I Don't Like The Idea Of Anyone Skulking Around In Your Room

Bobby: "What?!"

"Yeah, it's true. Somehow, someone has been gaining entry to my room. They left two notes so far."

Bobby: "This is serious...I think you should stay with me until they find out who this person is."

I took a good look around his room. Apparently, it still had not reached the stage where it could have been considered dirty enough to be cleaned. And the odd smell was back too. It was one of those smells whose identity you just couldn't place no matter how hard you tried...and you would probably regret it even if you did.

"No, that's alright. This person has probably been sneaking into my room when I'm not there for a reason. They don't want to get caught. And the *advice* he or she has been leaving supposedly for my own good. I don't think it's a malicious person. I'm just curious to find out who has been doing it."

Bobby: "You sure you don't want to stay?"

"Yeah...but, thanks for the offer."

Bobby: "I don't like the idea of anyone skulking around in your room. How's about I spend the nights with you?"

"You and I both know that we'd hardly get any sleep if I said yes."

Grinning in a *come on* manner,

Bobby: "Well, some things are more important than sleep you know."

"To you...but I need my beauty rest."

That and the fact that if something of an "emergency" were to come they always seem to do here in X-land...and Bobby's whereabouts needed to be ascertained, and he was found to be in my room in the dead of night...

Bobby: "I think we should hook your room up with security cameras and motion detectors."

"Already covered. Logan and Ororo are on the case. They went to see Hank about surveillance equipment."

Bobby: "Uh - you will be able to turn those cameras off, right? Cuz then people might be able to see everything that goes on in your place."

"Oh don't sweat it! Of course I'll be able to turn them off. Logan said that I could keep them off unless I left or went to sleep or *something*. They're gonna be hooked up to the Mansion's security network. But even so, I'll be able to decide whether or not I want the footage to be sent to the central network for all to view. I'll have full control."

Bobby: "Really? Cool... So we could technically make our own gay pornos?"

"Huh?! I have no intention of becoming an amateur gay pornstar!"

Bobby: "Gosh, but you have to admit - we'd sure make a hot couple! Just think of what people might have payed for a DVD of our little Master / Slave game."

Not that I'd ever dare to admit it...but the idea was kinda intriguing.

Bobby: "You wanna start practicing a little?"

My mild insecurities manifested themselves again. I had been thinking about it, truthfully. It wasn't that I didn't want to commit intimately. But I wanted the timing to be right - perfect. God knows I gave in too early the first time. I hoped that he was joking, because I didn't want to feel like I was being pressured for sex. Up to then, I felt that I could handle anything up to a blowjob. But not the...real deal. Looking back on it, I regretted that I just rushed into the whole sex thing. Just as Jean said I would. I may have lost my virginity because I felt compelled to - but my first time with Bobby is going to be special. Just then, the broadcast rallying call for Sunday dinner / announcement gathering time sounded.

Bobby: "Aw shit - we'll be late for dinner. Come on..."

"Yeah, we better go before all the good stuff gets taken."

Hey, sorry I'm a bit late with this. I cut it a bit short because I felt that it was too late to introduce new segments in this chapter. I had this out several weeks ago, but I'm currently in the middle of a family crisis of sorts (Granny's here and she's sick bad - wish her well for me will you?) So please forgive the lateness. Surely you guys didn't think that I was abandoning you! I'd like to thank everyone who's emailed me, messaged me and posted. Your feedback and comments are what keeps me writing. There's been so much feedback, comments and encouragement for this story, too much for shoutouts this time around. But I'm never going to stop saying thanks. It really goes a long way to helping me finish a chapter when I'm reminded how many people are looking forward to it. Like I said, you're the reason I write this. So keep me writing this. It's actually fun for me to do.

(There's one person I have to shout out to though. It's fellow X-man writer, Demetris Mitsaso. The author of Slutty X-men. This chapter is going out to you. Yes, yes - I'm aware it's a rather tame one...but who's to say it ain't the calm before the storm...hmmm? I sorta wrote him into it. He's the guy Rick was talking about - the Greek chat buddy who sent me Pare Me Apo Piso. That song just makes me laugh! (^_^)

Karlota: "Ela, Ela, Ela!"  (Come on, come on, come on!)

Karlota: "Pare Me Apo Piso!"  (Take me from behind!)

Oh, and Demetris...don't punish me too severely for attacking Barbra Streisand once again. Please!)

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Well, once again thanks folks, and keep cool!

Next: Chapter 24: Xxx Men 24

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