Xxx Men Series

By Phoenix

Published on Mar 29, 2006


Notice: Okay here I am again. Now, with regards to the meaning of the word "Spectral". It can mean either a ghostly thing, unnatural, ethereal or the like. However it can also be a reference to a spectrum or spectra, depending on the context of its usage. I know that there are some perfectionist people out I was bracing for the punches I'm sure will come (Still, please, please don't hit me!).


X-men Story Chapter Twenty-One

The Xavier Institute =============

Bobby was confused and wanted answers. And it seemed that there was only one route open to him by which he could get some. He had heard Rick's thunderous and incensed outburst to Jacob. To most others present it would have seemed pretty normal. After all, even close friends have falling-outs on occasion. Why should Rick and Jacob be any different? But he knew better. They had lowered the priority of their relationship from lovers to friends. And he knew that Jacob had hurt him more than once. He didn't doubt that it had to be something of an extremely personal nature. Rick wasn't revealing anything of the matter to him. And a part of him was hurt. Didn't Rick trust him? The greater part was worried though. Rick had told him about his ordeal with Jake on the Astral Plane. That had to be traumatic for him...yes, he had forgiven Jake for it. But it still had to be very hard to open up and talk about it. So what was it that made him scream so loudly at Jake? And was it so bad that he couldn't bring himself to talk about it? Even with Bobby, who he had sworn to be completely open with? It all came down to two pivotal questions. Did Jake hurt him in some way? And if so - What did he do?

So there was no alternative. If he wanted answers to his questions, he'd just have to get them from Jake. Both Jake and Rick had acted beyond weird when questioned. But Jake was different. Bobby didn't savor the thought of badgering Rick for answers...but he'd sure as Hell do it to Jake if he felt that Rick had been hurt at Jacob Spencer's hands. Why else would he scream that he'd never forgive him? Bobby reasoned...after a long, strenuous thought process, a thought came to him. Since Rick and Jake had been fine only days before...whatever had changed their friendly relationship had to have happened very recently indeed. Jake had mysteriously started avoiding their company. So Bobby decided to pay him a little visit. He went to his room and gave the door a solid rap. When no one answered, he banged louder on the door and yelled for him to open up. That produced some effect and the door creaked open. Without bothering to open it fully, he just said,

Jake: "Look, Amara - I don't feel in the mood for-"

Bobby: "Do I look like Amara to you? Open the damned door and take a good look."

"Damn!", Bobby thought. He must have really been disturbed mentally not to have sensed who was at the door. When he didn't open the door as quickly as Bobby would have liked, Bobby gave him a helping hand and forced his way in,

Jake: "What the hell?! Did I fuckin' say you could come in?"

Bobby ignored the outburst and just stated his business.

Bobby: "What did you do to Rick?"

Jake eyed him with narrowed eyes. He admitted nothing however.

Jake: "I got no clue of whatever shit you're talking about."

Bobby: "Yeah, why was he screaming at you earlier? Why was he sayin' that he he'd never forgive you?"

At that Bobby noticed an almost imperceptible nervous jump of his eyes. So he did have something to hide after all.

Jake: "That's none of your business."

Bobby: "Oh? Well, he's with me now. So it is my business. What the hell did you do to him?"

When he didn't respond, Bobby decided to let on how much he really knew about Jake. Rick had told him about Jake's abuse of him on the Astral Plane. Jake didn't know that Bobby was aware of it. Rick had made him promise not to reveal it to anyone. But whatever it was that Jake had done this time had to have been really bad. Rick actually agreed with him that Jake had deserved a beat down for it. He didn't want to anger Rick by letting on to Jake that he knew. But there was just no other way to get the answers he needed.

Bobby: "I know what kinda person you are. You think he didn't tell me about what you did to him on the Astral Plane?"

That got his attention and Bobby was treated to very nicely rendered scowl. It almost made him smile to be able to get under his skin so easily. Now to play it for what it was worth.

Bobby: "Either you tell me what you did this time...or I'll go with this straight to Xavier. You know where he stands on telepathic invasion...and with something like this-"

Jake: "You'll probably out yourself to him in the process. He senses things."

Bobby: "Well, if it's no big deal to him that Rick is gay...why should it be with me? So open your fucking mouth and talk!"

Jake: "If he told you all that, then he must have told you that he forgave me."

Bobby: "Oh, he told me earlier that if I had given you a beat down for'd have deserved it."

Jacob ignored the statement. It was at about this point that the shift in the conversation took place.

Jake: "Are you that insecure a person, Bobby?"

Bobby: "What the hell are you on?"

Jake: "Do you see me as some kind of threat? Are you here for his sake or yours?"

Bobby: "You're talkin' shit."

Although he had a valid point. A small, insignificant one but a point all the same. Bobby was a bit insecure where Jake was concerned. Not that he'd ever admit it to anyone. He spent a lot of time in denial of it himself.

Jake: "Well, in case you don't know, he really did forgive me for that. As a matter of fact...days later I got treated to a real nice suck-job. And a little after that...the real deal. That should say something about how sincere he was about his forgiveness. Maybe he's mad at me now. But that kind of forgiveness doesn't just disappear."

Bobby really didn't appreciate hearing that. Especially as he and Rick had only kissed and fondled to date.

Jake: "You think that you can just walk up to Xavier and rattle off your mouth? I'd like to hear exactly what you'd say. You don't think if he wanted to he'd have gone and told himself? Especially as he was so mad at me earlier, hmm?"

That put things in a whole new perspective. Rick had said that he told Jean and made her promise not to tell anyone. He'd be mad as heck if he found out that Bobby had revealed that he knew to Jake. Even madder if he were to go to Xavier with it. He began to see that he didn't really have any true power to force Jake to reveal anything.

Jake: "Oh, and in case you don't know...Xavier knows that I'm gay. And he knew about our relationship. As a matter of fact, since he knows nothing about you...he probably still thinks that me and Rick are an item."

Since he could think of nothing else to say, Bobby decided to just leave.

Bobby: "This ain't over."

Jake: "Yeah, whatever."


Harmony Home Children's Orphanage ==========================

It had been a little over twenty years since he walked that hall, but it still looked the same. Almost as if he had stepped back through a rift in time. The place may have seemed inviting...but the people who ran it back in his day were anything but. They weren't necessarily bad was just that he could never seem to get along with them for extended periods of time. They were never around for long either. That and the other street urchins, who often found themselves staying at the home, weren't exactly easy to deal with. He had to toughen up at a young age and often got into fist-fights with them...which would invariably lead to him getting disciplined. He would threaten to run away and never come back. He'd tell himself that when they realised what they drove him to...they'd be sorry and wish that they'd been more understanding. But he never did try to run away...until he was ten.

He had been running a high fever for days on end. No one knew for certain what was wrong with him. A continuous stream of doctors came to investigate. Which was a bit odd as no other child at the orphanage had ever been treated with such care before. As a matter of fact, he didn't know where the funds for it came from. They said that nothing appeared to be seriously wrong with him. They did prescribe an odd miscellany of medicines though. And that was that. Or so he thought. It was about a week after the fever first started that a new and decisive development took place. Three new, street-rabble kids started their tenure at the home. They were older, bigger and stronger than everyone else. They knew how to intimidate and they enjoyed it too. The brats were expert actors on top of being first class bullies. They were on good terms with the caretakers and always seemed to be able to get away with anything and everything. And that pissed Joshua off to no end.

Things came to head one night when he saw them trying to force one of the eight year olds for his share of Halloween candy. They were all either twelve or thirteen. They didn't give a damn about candy. They just wanted to cause some trouble. He wasn't going to just stand for it. So he went over to them and forcibly grabbed the bag and handed it back to the eight year old, and told him to get away. Which he did...the kid ran like the wind leaving Joshua alone to fight three of them off. Needless to say he was getting his ass handed to him. They all ganged up and held him down ready to lay some serious hurting on him when he felt it happen. It was as if his fever just turned itself on again...and the next minute they jumped off screaming in pain. When he looked at himself, he saw that he was smouldering...his clothes were charring away right before his eyes. The next thing he knew, they were shouting,

"Mutie! He's one o' them freaks like we saw on tv!"

They backed away mighty fast and ran straight into the orphanage yelling it out loud for everyone else to hear. He was no fool. He knew what a mutant was, just didn't have a clue that he could be one. He did know what it meant though. He had to leave and fast. He saw what they did to mutant kids in the system. It was all up on television. The put them into special homes cuz they were dangerous. He had often heard the caretakers talking amongst themselves. They supported the idea whole heartedly. He was never really good with any of them. So they'd pack him off with no disagreement. Without thinking anything through, he ran, scaled the walls and was off the premises. He didn't care where he ended up, as long as it wasn't in of those special homes for mutant children. He ended up out on the streets, lost and alone at night. Sometimes he marvelled at the coincidences in his life. Perhaps there was no such thing as chance...perhaps it was all just fate.

He was sitting on a bench wondering what to do next. He didn't know quite what being a mutant entailed. He only had the scant few pieces of information he picked up on television. To everyone back then, genetic mutation was a taboo subject. He couldn't quite grasp what was happening to him. He knew he couldn't go where would he go? He couldn't remember a time when he wasn't a kid at the orphanage. No one ever told him about his past...chiefly because no one professed to know anything. The people who ran the place were forever being reassigned. Come to think of it...even the caretakers were continually being changed. That was one reason he never bothered trying to make a connection. Cuz then they'd just move on somewhere else. They did tell him that he was a foster baby for a few months to some people called the McKenzie's. That much the records showed. No use brodding on them anymore... He chose the most secluded bench he could find. Every now and then he felt feverish and he wouldn't want anyone to get hurt...cuz then they might want to hurt him.

Needless to say, when he felt a hand settle on his shoulder a bit too strongly for comfort he panicked. The first thing he thought it could be was some sort of robber or something. He was alone out at night. Without even turning around to have a look, he screamed. The inner heat increased in a surge and he caught on fire. The unseen person who had touched him yelled. It sounded like an extremely angry man. It scared him more, which made him scream louder. He had never been so scared in his was only when he saw that he wasn't burning to a crisp that he grew quieter. He quickly turned around to see who touched him... There were three of them. A man in some sort of wheelchair, a young woman with long, flowing white hair and another, rather butch looking man whose clothes were badly burned. And so they met...

They were out for a night of fun. At that time, only Scott and Jean were under their care. They were about to call it a night when Xavier sensed his worried and scared emotions emanating just outside the themepark. They were practically bleeding out of him. The theme park they had visited was close by. They left Scott and Jean in the care of a holographically disguised Hank and went searching in the direction of his emanation. They saw a young kid huddled up alone at night on a bench. Needless to say they had to investigate. The moment Logan put his hands on him, his fear erupted and he burst into flames. He thought that he was really in trouble then. That they could be mutant haters, just like the protesters on television were. Abruptly, his flames died away and then he found himself cowering in fear saying that he was sorry and didn't mean to burn anyone. He expected to be beat up...not hugged comfortingly. It was Ororo trying to calm him down. When he had calmed down sufficiently, they asked him why he was out there all alone at night, and if his parents knew where he was. He told them what had happened. Upon learning that he had no parents and that he was probably going to be placed in a home for mutant children...they explained to him as best they could, about the school they were starting. A school for mutants...

He was skeptical at first. How could be sure that they weren't tricking him? The people on tv said that putting mutant children in those special homes was for their "own good". What if they were tricking him for his "own good"? What if they turned him in to one of those homes? Somehow the bald man in the wheelchair seemed to know what he was thinking. It would be quite some time before he learnt and understood exactly how. With a nod of his head the young woman stood up, stretched, and then next minute, she was hovering in midair. Joshua gasped when he saw her suddenly manifest her mutant ability.

Joshua: "Y-you're a mutant too?"

Ororo: "Yes, we all are."

Joshua looked at the man whose hand he had burned. He grinned and pulled off the badly charred motorcycle glove on his left hand. Joshua expected his hand to be burnt down to the bone. But it wasn't. As a matter of fact, it looked perfectly normal. So maybe the young lady was a flier and the other guy was fireproof. They eventually offered him a place at their school, they made it clear that it was his choice and that they weren't forcing him. He had nowhere else to he said yes. They went back to his orphanage. Once Joshua told them the name, they were able to locate it. Thankfully the other children were asleep by the time they got there. Xavier wanted to do things right, a proper adoption. They couldn't do anything that very night. But he wanted to alert the lead Matron. She was only too happy to let Xavier adopt Joshua. She was not prepared to deal with a mutant child...who was problematic enough without having mutant abilities taken into account. That and she didn't want to ruin the stainless, mutant free reputation of Harmony Home. He left that very night and by the next day...he was officially under the guardianship of the Xavier Institute...he never looked back since. He never thought that he'd ever be setting foot in their again.

The sensation of Julie squeezing his arm in a comforting manner snapped him out of his trip down memory lane. He smiled weakly and they walked up to the reception desk with Ororo, Logan and Xavier trailing right behind them...


Muir Island ========

It was after seven at Muir Island and I had to admit, it was a bit harsh to expect Moria and Forge to examine me after they had been working all day with their patients. All their other doctors were on a strict shift system and their hands were full. The doctors who were off their day-shifts needed their rests so that they could take up the night-shifts the day after. And the night-shift doctors were totally occupied. So Moira suggested that they spent the night in the guest quarters and that she and Forge would personally attend to me the next day. We were about five hours ahead of West USA time. I wondered about the school time I'd be missing. I reasoned...I had several periods of Elementals that day. And I was in no position to participate in those. So I wouldn't truly be missing out due to negligence. Then there was that double period of Biology. I was way ahead of the class. I was always an A student, so that should pose no trouble. I took a lot of other subject courses at my old it was no big deal that Biology was the only subject I was studying at the Mansion. The others had all been given a decent and varied curriculum when they were younger and therefore less busy. Except Jamie, he was a mere fifteen years...but already a member of the team. So he had no real free time on his hands anyway. Anyhow, the long and short of it all was that I figured I could forfeit one day. It was a damned good thing that Jean and Scott suggested that I bring along some extra clothes. Hmm, we didn't even get a chance to do any sightseeing.

"Moira seems like a nice lady."

Jean: "Oh, she is. When I was struggling with the Phoenix possession she stopped at nothing to help me."

Scott: "Yeah, Moira's one of the leading scientific minds on the planet."

Jean mentioned the mysterious Phoenix yet again. All I knew of it at that point in time was that it was some sort of "Possessor" of Jean. That and it was supposedly something to be feared as it had turned to the darkness. Xavier said that he'd explain it to me one day. But he never got the time and I was a very curious boy. Jean always avoided the topic. But I felt that she'd be the best qualified to explain it to me. So I hesitatingly began to ask, trying not to offend.

"Jean, can you...explain about this Phoenix thing to me?"

Scott: "Rick, it's a very stressfu-"

Jean: "It's okay. I knew I'd have to explain it sometime or other. And I suppose we're in the same boat seeing how we've both got alter egos to worry about. What would you like to know?"

I reasoned,

"How did your subconscious manage to create Phoenix?"

They both got a bit shifty at that.

Jean: "I was in no way responsible for creating Phoenix."

That I found very intriguing indeed. If she didn't create her alter ego, who did? And how did it come to bond with her? And was it really such an evil entity as they made it out to be?

"Then who did? And how did it end up with you?"

If they were skittish was no way to be compared to the jittery way they started behaving when I asked those two questions.

Jean: "'s complicated. What do you think of - (sigh) - extra-terrestrial life-forms?"

I regarded her for a moment and figured that she must have been toying with me.

"You aliens?"

Scott: "Yeah..."

I burst out laughing at that. What was even funnier was the totally serious expressions on their faces. They weren't going to fool me THAT easy.

"Okay, enough kidding around. Where did it really come from?"

They merely glanced at each other... I thought they were maintaining their seriousness so that they'd get me to believe them. But after several minutes passed and they didn't give it up...I started wondering, Are they serious?

"You don't mean that -"

Scott: "Phoenix is a Cosmic Force."

Jean: "It isn't a physical being. It's abstract in nature. But it can possess sentient life-forms, granting them extraordinary power. I'm not the first it has possessed and I'm sure that I won't be the last."

"Is it evil?"

Scott: "Not exactly. It's beyond good and evil. But when it possesses sentient life-forms, sometimes it can't cope with all the various emotions and it becomes twisted."

Jean: "That's what happened with me. It got hooked on sensation. It started craving emotions like a drug. Eventually joy, love...just weren't enough. It started to experiment, using me to commit atrocities so that it could sample different emotions, like pain and hatred."

It sounded scary as heck.

Jean: "I - Phoenix did some very bad things whilst in control of me."

"How did it get to be possessor of you?"

Scott: "This is some really high-end information, Rick. I don't know if you can handle it."

I let them know that I was a very mature seventeen year old. I was perfectly capable of handling whatever...well, most of what life threw at me. Besides, I pointed out to them that if Bobby knew about Phoenix and had mentioned it in our first conversation...why should they hesitate to tell me?

Scott: "Only the senior X-men and some others know the whole story. There are relatively few people who know or remember the whole, true story."

"But Bobby told me that he'd been through the Jean Grey-Phoenix complex."

Jean: "He only saw Phoenix in its Dark form. To him...that was the whole Jean Grey-Phoenix complex. Not its beneficent incarnation. He doesn't know how...or rather, doesn't remember how it bonded with me. Most people on Earth don't know."

"This sounds serious."

Scott: "It is. You trust us, right? You know we'd never lie to you?"

"Yeah, I trust you."

Jean: "Then...believe me when I tell you that Humanity isn't the only form of intelligent life in the Cosmos. Far from it. It's a big place out there...and there are cultures and races that have existed before humanity ever crawled out of the slime. Some of them are almost beyond our comprehension...and some of them are."

"You...really are serious about this?"

Scott: "Very..."

Jean: "If you'd rather not know -"

I assured them that I did want to know and told them to just give me the rundown and let me decide whether I could cope with it myself. It went a little something like this:

Long , long ago...well, it wasn't all that long ago. Hmmm....Once upon a time, in a galaxy, far far away, there was a mad Emperor named Palaptine...okay, okay that wasn't his name (^-^). His name was D'Ken. He had an older sister called Deathbird and younger sister called Lilandra. He had stolen the throne from Deathbird (Who was a very bitchy Empress, hated by the subjects) and banished her. He allowed his little sister Lilandra to stay however as she was very much loved by their people. He came to be viewed as something of a hero. They were of a race known as the Shiar. They were mostly humanoid in appearance, though some of them possessed avian features. Anyhow, the Shiar had long since built an empire that united many different worlds' and races. Each of whom were under the control of D'Ken. He went mad with ambition for power and committed the greatest blasphemy known to the Shiar.

You see, there was a long dead world in a far-flung solar system that was the repository of an ancient structure known as the M'Krann crystal. It was the nexus point of all realities and essentially the engine that powered the Universe itself. The Shiar considered it holy and sacrosanct. It possessed limitless power and it had the potential to reabsorb the entire Universe into itself, build enough mass and then recreate the Universe by effecting another Big-Bang. D'Ken planned on assaulting the M'Krann crystal in a moment of weakness. Once every million years nine galaxies come into alignment and the combined cosmic force they radiate affects the M'Krann, making it vulnerable. D'Ken planned to enter the crystal and reabsorb the Universe into it, then re-create it in his own image. Lilandra came to hear of the plot. She knew that D'Ken had to be stopped as he couldn't possibly hope to control such power. She couldn't turn to any of the worlds under the Shiar's control as they would betray her intentions to D'Ken.

Lilandra however was quite a powerful telepath. She began searching the cosmos mentally for someone who could help stop her brother's insane agenda. She eventually discovered Earth. It was not under Shiar control and there were beings of great power there/here that could possibly stand a chance against D'Ken's Imperial Guard. As Professor Xavier was the most powerful telepath on Earth, his mind was the first she came into contact with. She began haunting him with dreams that almost drove him mad. He started to give orders to his X-men based on the visions he was seeing. He didn't know why, but he knew it was of the utmost importance that he send a team into space. It resulted in the X-men stealing a shuttle and boarding an orbiting Russian space station. Lilandra had planned in meeting them there in person, but was unavoidably delayed. The X-men knew nothing of the possibility of alien interference. Xavier didn't even tell them why he sent them into space. Just that they trust him and do as he asked. He feared that they'd think he was insane. He himself had doubted his sanity at one point. Seeing that there was nothing to do, they decided to return.

Upon returning however the shuttle ran into some difficulty. The radiation shields were damaged. Jean made them all go into the safety pods. She was an excellent pilot and thought that with her telekinetic shield she could protect herself from the radiation damage. She was sorely mistaken. She began to succumb to it and would have died. This is where The Phoenix stepped in. It was the guardian of all Universal life and the M'Kraan crystal itself at that point in time. It sensed D'Ken's mad ambitions and awoke from it's long slumber. Sensing that Lilandra was heading to Earth it planned to do the same. It needed to learn more about the situation and how best to act. It was entering our atmosphere at the same time Jean was struggling to stay alive to pilot the shuttle and save her team-mates. Sensing that they were somehow important in the fate of the M'Kraan, it possessed Jean in order to save her and her team from death. They survived and crashed into Jamaica Bay.

Eventually (after fighting her pursuers in a battle that attracted global attention) Lilandra arrived on Earth and found Xavier and the X-men. Phoenix spoke through Jean, revealing itself as the Guardian from Shiar legend. After some...drama, with Phoenix's help they reached the Crystal and D'Ken and defeated him, thus sparing the Universe from ruin. Lilandra and Charles had developed something of a romance, but she chose her duty to rebuild the Shiar empire over him and left. She did however reward them for their assistance by granted them access to some Shiar technology. Phoenix was supposed to leave Jean as its job was done, but it stayed. As it was not a harmful being but a beneficent one at that one minded having a Cosmic Force on their side. It helped them through a lot of tight spots over a period of years. But eventually it started craving emotions. That was where Bitchy Emma Frost came in. She was then a member of the ultra-evil Inner Circle. With her help, they got the Phoenix hooked on emotions. They got it to do their bidding for the thrill of experiencing new sensations. It drove Jean/Phoenix over the edge and they then had an evil, virtual God on their hands. With the help of various other super-powered beings, even a few of the then junior X-men, they managed to suppress Phoenix and lock it away within Jean. It reared it's head once or twice after, but was always quickly suppressed.

It was a lot to take in.

"You're really, really serious? About the aliens?"

Scott: "Dead serious."

"Do my parents know?"

Jean: "Yeah, but it was only because I told them afterwards. You would have been around nine years old when I was possessed."

"I don't understand...wait, if I would have been about nine when you were possessed. And Bobby was around to witness some of the Dark Phoenix-"

Scott: "He and Jubilee were fourteen. Lance was around at that time too, he was around sixteen I think. Ray and Jacob were sixteen. That was when Dark Phoenix manifested about three years ago. You were nine when Jean was possessed by the GOOD Phoenix. After a period of about five years it became Dark."

I then understood it all.

"You let them help at so young an age? Fourteen?"

Jean: "Not to do any major fighting. Okay here's more of what happened."

Right after her possession Lilandra had arrived in a Shiar spacecraft. She was followed by Imperial Forces. That attracted the attention of governments worldwide. After the entire M'Kraan fiasco was cleared up...Phoenix used Jean's amped up telepathy and wiped the minds of most people on Earth who it deemed either unworthy or dangerous to possess knowledge of the Shiar and its own existance. Jean was linked with the beneficent version of Phoenix for years afterward. The junior team (those who were around and old enough anyway) merely thought that her mutant powers had been developing greater capacity. They remembered nothing extra-terrestrial in nature. Neither did my parents. They were wiped by Phoenix too. Xavier chose to abide by Phoenix's decision and leave the mind-wiped people as they were. Years later, when Dark Phoenix manifested, the juniors were around and thought that Jean was having alter-ego problems.

She had returned at the Inner Circle's bidding to destroy the School. Scott and Ororo had only allowed the Juniors to serve in a defensive manner. The Seniors lured Phoenix away and with the aid of others, trapped her in Jean's mind. And there it remained trapped for the most part for the last three years. The Juniors all thought that Jean was having power control issues and knew nothing about the Shiar or Phoenix's true origin. They never recalled the memories that Phoenix had suppressed worldwide years ago. As a matter of fact, they still didn't know anything of an extra-terrestrial nature. Scott and Jean made me promise not to tell. I could only nod in approval. The only reason she told me was because I had my own alter-ego issues and since she knew a lot about those, it was only fitting that I learn some of her's.

"God...How did Moira help?"

Jean: "She and Hank developed a Psionic scrambler that short-circuited our mind so that Professor Xavier could enter it."

"Were my parents involved in any way?"

Scott: "No...your mother didn't let your dad come to our assistance. She didn't want to be a widow and you an orphan. They had you to think about. Xavier was of the same opinion."

Jean: "When Phoenix wiped the minds of the entire planet, your parents' minds were wiped too. They knew nothing of it's existance until the Dark manifestation. I explained it to them afterwards when it was all cleared up. Of course a lot of people publicly saw the Dark manifestation. But they thought it was a mutant losing sanity and raising hell. Not anything extra-terrestrial in nature."

"Oh, I see. So, it's trapped right?"

Scott: "Yeah, as long as Jean controls how much energy she uses we can all rest easy."

"Wow. So, Moira was a key part of the plan to suppress Dark Phoenix, huh?"

Jean: "Yes, which is why I'm sure that she'll be able to help you. She's a genius."

I hoped so. Hank was a genius too, and while he told me not to worry, Jean didn't seem to be as confident in him as she was in Moira. Why was she so confident all of a sudden? Maybe she was being her usual feminist self. Siding with the woman scientist and not the male.

Scott: "Okay, that counted as bedtime story! Time to get some rest. I don't know about you guys, but after being so tense with you two at the helm...I could use some sleep."

It was only by a slim margin that he evaded the pillows we hurled at him.


X-Mansion ========

Visiting Harmony Home had been a complete waste of time. The staff was forever changing twenty years ago. And all they had were basically the same records they had then. Except now, they were stored in computer files instead of filing cabinets. They revealed that the Mckenzie couple that had temporarily adopted Joshua as a baby were dead for years. Through completely natural causes. So that was another potential lead gone. Since none of the original staff worked there anymore, a telepathic scan of those in charge would have yielded nothing. The new group in charge had only been running the home for a little over a year. They had asked for permission to view the records and were granted it.

According to the records, he was found by an anonymous woman, abandoned in a dumpster. She had brought him to the police and they passed him onto social services who then sent him to Harmony Home. He spent a few months there before being adopted for a brief stint by the Mckenzie couple. They only took him for a period of four months, then it was back to Harmony Home, where he spent the remaining years of his life until he was ten. It seemed impossible to find his biological family. Joshua wasn't certain he even wanted to find them. He left the home at the age of ten and never went back. They never told him the circumstances under which he was found. His parents had discarded him like a dumpster. He decided, he didn't want to carry on the search.

Xavier: "Are you certain?"

Joshua: "Yeah, Hank said that if these genes are on my Y chromosome...they'll have to be exactly like Rick's...right?"

Xavier: "Yes.."

Julie: "And there's no way to remove them?"

Xavier: "No, there isn't."

Joshua: "Then their effects will have to be the same in both of us. That's all I care about. I don't care about finding any of my...relatives. That won't help the situation any. What does it matter if I was the one it was done to or Rick or my father or his father...the fact is, it can't be - it can't be helped."

Ororo, Logan and Hank then came striding urgently into the room. Hank had some important news to share. Joshua's DNA results had been analysed. His Y chromosome was altered, just as Rick's was. So it meant that Rick was not the one who was subjected to DNA manipulation. And without having a sample of Joshua's biological father's DNA...there was no way to tell if DNA manipulation had been performed directly on him. Joshua was more than prepared to assume that it wasn't.

Ororo: "You don't know that."

Joshua: "I prefer to believe that it wasn't. It's easier to cope with."

Hank: "I got word from Moira several hours ago. Apparently, she believes that this extra genetic material in your genomes poses no danger. As a matter of fact she and Forge believe that your Elemental powers stem from it. I have confirmed it."

Xavier: "You mean..."

Ororo: "You are not a true mutant, Joshua."

That took them all by surprise. Hank had to explain. He at first thought that the genes were tied in some way to his Elemental powers. Especially as the second unknown compound had bonded with Rick's extra Y genes and rendered him Elementally powerless. Moira had sent new data in for him to have a look at. Initially he was hesitant to believe their theory and thought that the extra genes were enhancing already existing Elemental potetial on the X gene. And perhaps the binding of the unknown compound to the extra Y genes made them supress instead of boost. But then he performed a thorough analysis of Joshua's X gene. He merely assumed that it was coding for Rick's abilities. But he decided to throw his old theory out and start from scratch with Joshua's DNA. And upon analysis, it was revealed that Joshua's X gene was completely normal. There was no sign of genetic mutation at all.

Xavier: "This would tend to suggest that whoever was responsible for this...planned on imbuing a human with mutant abilities."

Logan: "I don't think that someone would go through all that trouble and just forget about it."

Joshua: "See...I'm probably not the one it was done to. Probably some male ancestor. Hell maybe my biological father...maybe it was done to him and I inherited it. And whoever had to gain from it from him."

Ororo: "Oh!"

They all looked at her expectantly.

Ororo: "I just had a thought. It may sound like a conspiracy theory...but - okay - what if Joshua's right? But what about this twist? What if his father found out that he was genetically altered and the people who did it to him were on his trail? To claim their genetic experiment. What if he had abandoned you in order to protect you from being taken as well?"

Joshua: "Yeah, protect throwing me into a dumpster? Couldn't he or they just lie and say that they found me and give me to social services."

Logan: "I dunno...Josh, Julie, maybe you should think about changing residences or-"

Joshua: " one is after me. And even IF someone was, don't you think that they'd have found me by now?"

He had a point. It would be nearly impossible for someone to find him as well. When they left Xavier's and the X-men, he took the name of his former adopters, Mckenzie. He had no known family to trace him by. The high-end people that funded the X-men had wiped his public records...all that remained where the scant childhood records in Harmony Home that had proved to be completely useless. His new identity...Mckenzie was protection enough. Not that he'd need it. He was untraceable. He returned to the more pressing issue.

Joshua: "Do these genes pose any risk?"

Hank: "Highly unlikely. Moira has seen many cases of genetic modification. She knows all the flaws. And she said that whoever did this...constructed a perfect molecule."

Joshua: "Then that's all that matters. As long as we're safe. And...if we were to decide on having more kids?"

Hank: "The girls will be unaffected by those Elemental genes. The boys will definitely be, as men have one copy of the Y chromosome. Your children will have a fifty-fifty chance of inheriting your Elemental abilities as there's a fifty-fifty chance of having a boy or girl. However, since Julie is a true mutant...the possibility of both male and female children inheriting her power will be variable. And as there are many cases where mutant children develop different mutant abilities from their parents...I can't give any predictions there. But I am certain of the fifty-fifty Elemental odds as only the boys will be able to inherit them. As well as another possible set of enhancements from the X gene."

Julie: "If it's harmless, then I don't want Rick finding out about this."

Hank: "He won't. we won't burden him unecessarily."

There was an awkward pause.

Julie: "Rick, how has he been these two days?"

Logan: "Kid's tryin'."

Julie: "Has he said anything about us? Anything at all?"

Ororo: "We've been trying too, Julie. But he brushes us off and refuses to talk."

Xavier: "I don't think we can force him to talk to us. It wouldn't be wise to do so. It has to be his choice."

Joshua: "I think we should be going now. Could you go call Kurt?"


Location: Unknown Time: Present ===========================

She awoke screaming in horror, drenched thoroughly in sweat. It had been exactly the same for weeks. She would go to bed praying for relief...but the nightmares always came to haunt her. She hadn't gotten a decent night sleep for what seemed like decades. She tried hypno-therapy, anti-depressants, sleeping pills loaded with the most potent barbiturates money could buy...and still sleep eluded her. If she was but a regular woman it wouldn't have bothered her so. But she was far from "regular". Her name was Irene Adler.

She was born blind from birth. But she possessed a Sight that pierced the veils of not only Space but Time itself. She still remembered her first vision. A vision of the traffic accident that claimed her family. No one would take her pleas seriously. They insisted that it was perfectly safe for them to go out for a Sunday drive. She refused to set foot into the car and in the end...they left her alone at home and drove to their doom. You see, Irene was a mutant. But not just any run of the mill variety...she was Precognitive. She could read probability functions and predict, with uncanny accuracy, events yet to unfold. Her power was not under her conscious control and so she couldn't choose when and where she'd recieve a vision...or the nature of the vision recieved. So far...all of her visions had come to fruition...

It was hard for her to comprehend the meanings of her visions and dreams at times. They were often abstract and symbolic in nature. Often she would feel nothing more than emotions. But these few weeks she had seen glimpses of a dark future looming on Mankind's horizon. A world where Light had turned to Darkness. Cold and eternal with no hope of reversal. Where both Human and Mutant struggled for mere survival in a world on the brink of imminent destruction. She sensed that it was no natural calamity that had brought about whatever it was she was seeing...but the work of something Ancient...and Evil. Something that was asleep but was soon to awake to claim all Mankind as its own. She saw cities crumbling to dust...fearsome beasts stalking the land...and Mankind forced into the shadows without strength or will to fight. Left with no choice but to hide.

She always choosed to believe that her visions were sent to her for a reason. She knew quite a lot about mutation. It existed to improve a species and give it advantageous traits. What was the use of Nature granting her the ability to see into the future if it was unchangeable? There had to be some way to alter the course of time. She just had to find it. She clung to that hope. Perhaps if that future couldn't be could be prevented instead. If she was wrong...Heaven help us all. She had been sensing that whatever it was that resulted in the grim future of Mankind...was about to occur in the present. And that certain key individuals could possibly alter it. She had been seeing clues to their far vague. But so had been her visons of the world's future at the start. And they had grown progressively stronger. She had a feeling that in time the identities of these persons would be made clear to her as well.

She walked over to the phone and dialed the number she always kept active in her memory. She heard three rings then a click as the person on the other side answered her call.

Irene: "Raven?"

The voice on the other side was soft and gentle.

Raven: "Irene, what is it love?"

Irene: "I had the dream again..."

Raven: "Oh dear. This will make it every night for a little over a month now."

Irene: "I know. I can feel that something...of the utmost importance in deciding the fate of the world is about to occur. But I don't know exactly what, when or where."

Raven: "I wish I could hug you and tell you not to be scared but -"

Irene: "I intuitions are never wrong. Anyhow, I'll try not to brood. Did my information help you?"

Raven: "Yes, a lot. You were right as always. The boy is Joshua Mckenzie's son. He looks almost exactly like a seventeen year old version of his father."

Irene: "Raven, I sense that you are treading dangerous ground with this child. I haven't sensed anything about this...associate of yours. Can he be trusted? What if he betrays you?"

Raven: "Don't worry. We've worked together for a long time now. He is ruthless, but honorable where I'm concerned."

Irene: "I don't know what to think. You're talking about wresting control from Magneto here...the founder of the Brotherhood. Ambition is the destroyer of men's souls."

There was some laughter on the other end.

Raven: "Well in case you haven't noticed yet love, I'm not a man."

Irene smiled a little as she poked some fun with her lover.

Irene: "Oh, really? You were a man when we were last together. A rather sexy one too as I recall."

They shared a slight fit of laughter before Irene's seriousness returned.

Irene: "Still, I don't know about this plan of yours."

Raven: "I've tried guiding Magneto on multiple occasions but he's too stubborn. He dismisses your visions like they're worth nothing. When we run the Brotherhood...we can create a world where mutants get the respect we deserve."

Irene: " plan on using the boy to depose Magneto. He can't possibly-"

Raven: "Not right of course he can't. But when Nathaniel is done with him...not even Magneto will be able to resist his power. Nathaniel knows how to control him. And remember...he wants those human prisoners of war badly for his experiments. I'm using that as a bargaining chip."

Irene: "Prisoners of war I can understand. But this boy...I know he's with Xavier and they're the enemy. But will this procedure of Nathaniel's be safe?"

Raven: "I'm sure that Nathaniel knows what he's doing."

Irene: "I'm sure he does...I just hope you know what it is you're doing."


Muir Island ========

"Could you explain how this thing works again?"

Forge: "Oh alright, if you want to be bored to death with scientific explanations."

It turns out that Hank was right after all. The second compound in my blood was some sort of industrial chemical. It had no doubt been dumped illegally into the sewer systems. It probably had been absorbed into my bloodstream through my skin and nasal passages. And it had some sort of "allergic" like effect on me, suppressing my Elemental powers. Forge had developed another compound that would bind preferentially with the bad one and remove it from the enzymes that carried out my biochemical reactions...the reactions that granted me my Elemental abilities. They must have been really good at their jobs. All they took from me was one blood sample for analysis and Forge had been able to come up with a way to remove the compound's effects. Then again, as Hank's theory had turned out to be correct...he must have done a lot of the work for them. I was just glad that I'd soon be back to "normal".

"How long should this take?"

Moira: "Hmm...maybe a few hours. Your powers should come back online within the hour. However they'll be very weak. But their strength will return in about four hours."

"Thank God! I was beginning to get a little worried."

Scott: "Nothing to worry about. See, Moira and Forge are the best at what they do."

It was Monday, eleven-thirty a.m. local Muir time. Which meant that it was around six-thirty in the morning back home. With the Blackbird we'd take a mere hour and a half to return if we pushed the supersonic engines hard enough. And since the Mansion would be about five hours behind us...if we left at five in the afternoon, we would arrive home at around one-thirty on Monday. With enough time for me to recover from the jet-lag and be ready for school the next day. Which meant that we had a couple of hours to spare. Moira suggested that we join her and her family for lunch at their home. Since it was also on Muir Island right next to the facility...we agreed.

It was not the typical family dining-table setup I can assure you. When we all walked up to the door, we were greeted by a tall, ruggedly handsome man who I took to be the husband. I was right as he introduced himself as Sean...Cassidy? Upon seeing my confusion they explained that Moira was a divorcee. We stepped inside and when time came to dine Moira and Sean led us to the dining-room. There was was a very nicely carved table and plush chairs. But that wasn't the killer. There was some weird technology surrounding the table and the entire thing was encased in an orb of light. Everyone else ignored it and took their seats...not me.

Moira: "Oh, it's alright lad. This is a stasis field. My son Kevin...he'll be joining us for lunch and unless he's in a stasis field he'll be extremely uncomfortable."

I nodded and stepped into the field, taking a seat next to Jean. Sean left saying that he was going to fetch Kevin. He arrived presently with a teenaged boy wearing some sort of cumbersome device. I assumed that it generated a portable version of the stasis field as he was also surrounded by an orb of light. It was rather bulky and as he stepped into the field he removed it. He took a seat on the opposite side of the table and introduced himself as Kevin Mactaggert. Moira was laying out the food at this time and he made to start eating. She quickly rebuffed him saying that they had to wait for his sister. Sean had vanished again...probably to fetch her.

Kevin: "Don't call her that. She isn't my sister."

Moira: "Kevin! How many times have I talked to you about the things you say? We have guests!"

They both turned to us, nodded and smiled and succeeded in making us very uncomfortable indeed.

Moira: "And do not say anything to aggravate your fath-"

Kevin: "He isn't my - "

At a stern glance from Moira he stopped midsentence. Being in the middle of a family dispute was sorta ruining my appetite. I glanced a little uncomfortably towards Jean and Scott and they nodded to say that this was the norm. The norm? Well, if they didn't seem to mind being with a disfunctional family...who was I to complain? Presently Sean arrived leading a teenaged girl this time into the room. She was one of those stuck up looking varieties and the way she carried herself made me immediately think SLUT! They introduced her as Theresa Cassidy. She took a look around, searching for an empty seat. Seeing that there was one next to me, she smiled. But then she saw there was one next to Scott and she just about split her face smirking as she headed over to sit next to him instead.

I heard Jean mumble something under her breath and both Moira and Sean looked at Theresa a little disapprovingly. She pretended not to notice and she made to sit down. Just as she lowered herself Kevin blew a raspberry and I couldn't help it. I just had to laugh. Moira was screaming at Kevin for his lack of discipline at the table whilst Sean shamefacedly apologised. The girl started spewing a stream of dirty language at Kevin, who just laughed gleefully and made to drink a glass of juice. Theresa revealed that she was a mutant by opening her mouth and letting out a high-pitched scream (reminded me of some of those Morlocks!) and the glass shattered spilling the drink on him. Sean then began reprimanding her as Scott, Jean and I merely looked on. Kevin was pissed and the next think I knew, he revealed that he was a mutant too.

His eyes started glowing a vicious hue of yellow, he raised his hand and pointed towards Theresa's head. In an instant her orange colored hair transformed into something resembling a carrot root. That shocked me and I jumped. Moira went over to Kevin and slapped him whilst Sean started screaming over the cursing Theresa, revealing that she had inherited her sonic powers from him (He was screaming pretty much the same way she had been). All four were violently quarreling whilst the three of us looked on. I was in a bit of shock at the sudden transformation of Theresa's hair and so Jean explained it telepathically.

{Jean: Kevin has reality warping abilities. He can alter reality in his immediate surroundings with ease...and probably in his extended surroundings with a bit of effort.}

{Oh, why does he need to be inside this field?}

{Jean: His mutation generates too much energy for his body to handle. This field serves as a dampener to protect him."

Moira: "Kevin! What have I told you about doing that to Theresa?!"

He quickly restored her hair to its natural form and tried looking at his mother with puppy dog eyes. Theresa continued her cursing.


Ouch, they both had deafening and annoying, arguing voices!

Kevin: "Oh, you should take it a little easy on her about the language, Sean."

Moira looked at him with the slightest expression of approval. Sean seemed surprised that Kevin was apparently sticking up for Theresa. Theresa stopped her arguing and looked at Kevin a little expectantly and warily at the same time. I expected him to say something like,

"Maybe she's right at getting upset. I was wrong in making her a literal carrot top."

Not so however.

Kevin: "She just can't help using language unbecoming and not suitable for a lady. After all...she hasn't been a lady since she sucked Russel McFarlane's cock in the backyard three months ago!"

Scott disguised a suppressed chuckle by clearing his throat. Jean spat out her drink and began coughing up a fit. I was forced to clamp my teeth hard upon my tongue to avoid an outburst.

Moira: "Kevin!"

Theresa: "You spying - uh, I mean - you LYING fuck!"

Sean: "THERESA!"

Kevin looked at us and continued his explanation,

Kevin: "I don't know what the Hell he shot into her mouth. But hardly anything clean and ladylike has come out of it ever since! Hahaha!"

I was struggling with the laughter for quite some time and at Kevin's last flare-up it all just came out in a violent surge. Scott wasn't far behind and neither was Kevin himself. We all broke down raucously. Jean was slapping me and Scott trying to make us stop whilst Moira did the same to Kevin. Meanwhile, Sean argued with Theresa about her practices with one Russel McFarlane. Due to the pain inflicted by Moira and Jean, Kevin, Scott and I stopped laughing and abrubtly Theresa and Sean ceased their argument. Sean, Moira, Kevin and Theresa pulled out the most convincing expressions of innocence and for the second time we were treated to sunny smiles. The rest of the meal passed along with relative uneventfulness. Aside from Theresa stretching across the table, rather than asking for someone to pass the pepper, giving Scott a nice view of her ass in the process. I couldn't wait to just leave...


X-Mansion ========

We arrived at the Mansion at around eleven-forty a.m. We had left Muir Island at around three or so and with Jean at the helm, it didn't take long at all. Of course we were a bit nauseous at the end of it. But happy to be home all the same. I had by then recovered the use of my Elemental powers and for the fun of it levitated balls of flame in midair, forming various shapes from them.

Scott: "Rick, stop playing with fire in the Mansion."

"Oh, alright!"

Jean: "I think I'm going to make it to my Psionic's class after all."

I technically had enough time to recover and be ready for Jean's class. But I was feeling a bit lazy. I looked hopefully at her but upon detecting no sympathy in her eyes, I had no choice but to surrender to the inevitability. Sighing, I told them that I'd go drop my things off and take a little rest before class. I left them in the hall and went up to my room, tossing aside the suitcases and checking on Paul to make sure that Bobby hadn't shied away from feeding him. He seemed fine and well taken care of. His cage was cleaned which meant that Bobby had been brave. I hoped Paul wasn't too much trouble. The first thing in order was a proper bath. Then I made my way to the closet to set it in order. I left it in a mess. So I began packing the outrageous amount of clothes that Jean and Scott had made me carry back into their assigned places. Upon packing I caught a glimpse of the small box that I had found in my room with Logan's and Ororo's gifts. I had plain forgotten about it. My mind was occupied at the time and I just dumped it inside the closet. I picked it up and shook it. There was no obvious sound and the box itself was light and small. I tore off the lid and examined it. There was a single, folded sheet of paper inside. Unfolding it I read its scribbling text. There were just two sentences.

"Forgive your father. You'll understand one day."

Upon reading it I immediately threw it into the bin, paper and box. It was probably from my mother. No wonder it wasn't signed. She must have known that I wouldn't open it if I saw either her or dad's name on it. Why would I want to heed the words of the woman who didn't try to stop my father's insane agenda? She must have asked Logan to leave it in my room or something. I was wearing a semi-frown on my face when my door opened and someone stepped in. I fixed my face and turned around to deal with the intruder, who I identified by the scent of his after-shave.

"Don't you know how to knock before you enter?"

Bobby: "Hey, I thought our rooms were common property. You did give me the keys."

"That was just so you could feed Paul", I teased.

He pouted in his sexy way and I felt a sudden rush of heat come over me.

Bobby: "Oh, so that's what I am to you? Your manservant?"

His tone was becoming increasingly seductive as he closed the distance between us and I decided to play along.

" manservant who better know his place and stay obedient to his Master's desires."

I inwardly chuckled. I wasn't exactly the dominant type and I was enjoying the role reversal.

Bobby: "And what if I don't want to be obedient to my Master anymore?"

I had never participated in anything remotely kinky in my entire life. Not even I had to think a little.

"Then, Master will just have to give his disobedient manservant The - for his own good."

Bobby began trembling slightly in mock fear.

Bobby: "Oh...and what would The Punishment be, Master?"

Grasping my crotch, I gave it an affectionate squeeze and replied,

"Uh - Master doesn't believe in sparing the rod."

At the we both broke down a little and fell on the bed laughing. Stroking his hair I asked,

"So, have you been a good boy while Master was away?"

He grinned and said that he had indeed been a very good boy.

Bobby: "I was soo lonely without Master. And I've been a really good boy while Master was gone. Fed and took great care of Master's pet macaw too. No matter how much he tried to bite me. I think Master should reward his obedient and loyal servant for services rendered."

The sexy croon to his voice made me harden until I had to adjust my straining cock a little shamefacedly.

"Oh, I think my manservant is forgetting his place. Since when does he think he can suggest what Master should and should not do?"

Bobby: "Doesn't Master think I deserve it?"

At that he began batting his eyes in a comical manner. If I got any jeans would be bursting at the seams. That got me thinking...he asked if I thought he deserved it. Why the Hell not? Aside from the fact that I loved him and I was sure that he loved me...I had given in to Jacob wishes, and to think about it - maybe he didn't deserve it. Maybe I was keeping Bobby waiting too long. Okay, so it hadn't yet been a full seven day week since we hooked up...but we had been hiding strong feelings for each other from the time we met. Fantasizing about each other, having secret dirty thoughts and everything. So we had been effectively hoping for a long enough time. And if I gave in to someone who didn't deserve it...then I could very well give in to someone who did. So I shifted my hand onto his crotch and began rubbing gently until I felt him stiffen into a tight, restrained lump. His breathing quickened and became shallow with need.

Bobby: "You're really serious, not just turning me on...uh - Master?"

Damn, his voice had even become thick and husky.

"Yeah, Master's in a good mood."

Bobby: "Can his humble servant respectfully ask why?"

"He can ask...but it's up to Master whether or not he'll tell."

Bobby: "Oh, really?"

"Yes, really" I said in an as a matter of fact way.

Out of the blue he flung himself upon me, pinioning my arms whilst keeping me trapped under him with his body weight. It was so sudden that I had no time to prepare for it all all.

"I demand that you get off me this instant! You are making Master most upset! You wouldn't like me upset."

Bobby: "Master should save his breath. He's gonna need it!"

With that his face closed distance and in a matter of moments we were tongue-tied. I had a feeling that my manservant was through being loyal to me and was rebelling against my authority. When he detached himself his eyes bore a mutinous and wicked gleam. I could feel his fingers creeping under my shirt, making contact with my sensitive skin, lightly caressing.

Bobby: "I think my former Master is going to reveal his little secret, and tell me why he's in a good mood."

"I think that my, soon to be punished, servant is a fool if he thinks I'll give in so easily."

He merely laughed in a mock sadistic manner and began tickling me mercilessly. I of course began laughing uncontrollably begging him to stop. I am horribly ticklish and I'll do almost anything to get someone to stop. A fact that he was banking on no doubt.

Bobby: "Come on, say it...I wanna hear you call me Master. That's right, swear allegiance!"

"Never! Haha - fuck! Okay, okay, Master! You're my Master! I swear allegiance!"

With that he lowered the intensity at which he was tickling me, but didn't stop altogether.

Bobby: "Now, tell me why you were in such a good mood, slave."

Slave?! Hey! I said that he was my manservant. Not a slave! Sneaky so and so! I challenged him with the meanest look I could pull. He was unphased and in return challenged me with his fingers aimed at my side. I quickly relented.

"I got back my Elemental powers."

With that he stopped and asked me since when.

"Oh, a couple of hours ago. I got lucky. Hank's theory turned out to be correct. I probably would have had to wait for him to come up with his solution. But I asked Doctor Moira Mactaggert to run some tests...and she and some guy named Forge figured it all out. That's why I spent the night."

Bobby: "Hmpf! I thought you were out sightseeing or something. That still doesn't excuse you for not calling me."

"I was tired, and the jet lag didn't help matters. I don't have to explain my actions to the likes of you."

Bobby: "Don't swore allegiance. I own you. You belong to me and you'll do exactly as you're told. Or else, beware my punishment."

I don't know where it was all coming from. But this Dominance/Submissive kink was really turning me on bigtime! And I was in no way kinky, honest.

"I humbly beg your forgiveness, Master. Whatever can I do to make it up to you and prove my loyalty?"

I saw the sudden twitching motion his cock performed even though his pants was still fully on him.

Bobby: "Oh, a few things readily come to mind."

One thing led to another. Actually it was more like his hands leading my head to his crotch. It had been a while since I last sucked a cock. But since Jacob was a nine incher...I didn't think that Bobby's eight should give any trouble. Don't be so shocked. Of course we've seen each other's dicks! We just never really played with each other cocks aside from some fondling. But that was about to change right then and there. I popped open the button of his jeans and pulled down the zipper with my teeth. I could feel his burning gaze on me and I didn't mind it at all. It turned me on even more. With a glance at the door I locked it telekinetically and pulled off his underwear in one quick motion. We had classes in a short while so it would have to be a quickie. He was fully erect and when I took him into my hand I was surprised at how hot and hard it was. The boy must have been seriously worked up. I looked up at him and I saw the brief, pleading look in his eyes. Then he reclaimed his role as "Master". He quickly altered his expression to one of a commanding nature and demanded that I prove my worth.

Bobby: "Go on! What are you waiting for?"

I grinned a little to myself as I realised that he was enjoying the mild role-playing too. I tentatively licked at his knob, tasting the tiny trickle of precum that issued forth. It was a little salty, but not disgusting. I engulfed his swollen member and felt him throb violently within my mouth as his breath came out in a harsh hiss. He said that he never did anything with a guy and the furthest he ever went with a girl was this would be his first blow. I was determined to make it a good one to remember. Sliding my tongue along the underside of his fuck tool I awaited his response to ascertain whether he found it pleasurable. Apparently he did as he began fiercely whispering,

Bobby: "Oh fuck yeah! That's right...suck me like a friggin' lollipop!"

The slutty way he was commanding me nearly sent me over the edge, and I began to unzip my pants so that I could jack myself off at the same time. Bobby - I mean - Master Robert would not have it however.

Bobby: "What do you think you're doing? You're pleasuring me right now. You can take care of your needs on your own time!"

He was really getting into it! I challenged his last statement with a somewhat amused glare. He was so taken up with the authoritarian archeytpe that he didn't realise that I was seriously not going to heed his command.

"Bobby - "

Bobby: "You will refer to me as either Master Robert or Sir."

"Bobby! I am not playing anymore. If I want to jackoff, I'll bloody well do it."

Bobby: "Oh - sorry. I thought you were going along with the game."

"Well, just remember that's all it is...a game, sheesh!"

Bobby: "Okay, Master is in a charitable mood. You may service both our needs...provided I am well taken care of."

"Oh, your humble servant (He eyed me sternly)

  • uh - slave thanks you."

Master Robert: "Then assume the position and gimme some service with a smile."

That said I got back to work. Who'd have thought that kink would be his thing? But I had a plan. I wouldn't waste the energy to jerk myself off. I'd save all my concentration for the task at hand. He'd get his service with a smile alright. I smirked slightly as I lightly caressed the helmet of his dick with my tongue, gently laving it in small circles. The most he'd ever felt there of a sexual nature was a hand. He began to squirm slightly and his hands crept up to the back of my head urging me on.

Master Robert: "Mhmmm...can't get enough of it can ya?"

I stopped briefly to ask,

"Does Master Robert like?"

Master Robert: "Yes, now quit talking and put that slutty mouth of yours back to its one true purpose for existance!"

Grinning slightly, I slowly began taking him fully into my mouth until I had him buried to the hilt. His fidgeting became more pronounced and my head began "bobbing" (feel free to laugh at my little joke here!) up and down in a slow and steady suck rhythm. His hands began shaking as he tried guiding my head into a faster tempo. I however resisted and kept up the slow pace. Eventually, I paused and started working my throat muscles rhythmically, effectively pumping him with my throat. I heard him try to suppress cute little puppy dog noises just before his hips began to buck ever so slightly against my face. I refused to take the hint and still maintained a slow, steady pace. At last he could stand it no more.

Master Robert: "Quit stalling, fucktoy! I wanna cum while I'm still in my prime."

At that I stopped abruptly and looked him straight in the eye.

"Oh, yeah? Make me."

I stopped kneeling and got up.

Master Robert: "Don't make have to sit you down and open your mouth for you."

The sexual tension must have been getting to him. Getting all worked up and then having the stimulation stopped just when it was starting to feel good.

"Do your worst."

He began fidgeting some more and his dick jerked begging for attention.

Master Robert: "Oh, come on man. You can't just make me all hot and horny and then be such a dicktease..."

"But Master, we have classes soon. We wouldn't want to be late."

Master Robert: "Shit! Please, it won't take long. I was close to cumming, really. Just a little quicker and -"

"I don't know..."

Master Robert: "Please! You know what? I'll do it myself."

Before he could blink, I telekinetically restrained his hands, lifted him into the air and deposited him onto the bed on his back. He scowled a little as I tied and swathed a corner of the sheet over his eyes, effectively blindfolding him.

Bobby: "What the fuck?!"

"Such naughty language! Mind your mouth or I'll have to gag you!"

Bobby: "You can't do this to me! You swore allegiance you ungrateful bitch!"

"Ever heard of a rebellion? If you could do it so can I."

With that I hovered over him and began trailing my hands from his forehead, to the tip of his nose inching slowly but surely down. I paused a little and circled his nipple daringly. With each pass my fingers did against his sensitive areola, his cock would twitch expectantly.

Bobby: "P-please.."

"There's a price", I crooned.

He whimpered in frustration.

Bobby: "W-whaaaat?"

"I wanna hear you freakin' beg like the dog you are!"

Shit, it started getting to me too! His aggressiveness swiftly returned.

Bobby: "Blow me!"

"You'd like that, wouldn't you? Well unless you learn to ask nice, it ain't gonna happen!"

He began fidgeting some more and so I gathered a few of my belts (No, no, I wasn't going to whip him! I swear I'm not really a kinky person! Honest!) and used them to tie his arms and legs down to the bedposts. His mouth may have been ordering me to stop, but his thoughts weren't. And the way his prick was twitching told me he liked it just fine. I was going to reclaim my authority. I lowered my mouth close over his frantically throbbing dick and started breathing on it. He couldn't see me but he sure felt that. It was fun to see him try to buck his hips upward.

Bobby: "Rick...please..."

"Master Richard! A lowly bitch like you ain't worthy to speak to me on a first name basis."

Oh my gosh! I'm a kinkmaster in the making!

Bobby: "Master Richard, I need to cum...bad!"

"Don't we all. What a bitch like you needs most is a little training. Just enough to keep you line so you show the proper respect to your superiors."

If someone told me that I was capable of such skankiness, I'd tell 'em to piss off! I guess there's a slut inside all of us just waiting to be let out.

Bobby: "Training - uh - Master Richard, I don't understand."

I tried my best to imitate his unique brand of sadistic laughter. It didn't come off too good and I sounded like Woody Woodpecker. It temporarily broke him out of his roleplaying mood and he giggled too. Frowning, I gripped him by the balls and shut up mighty fast.

"Of course you don't understand. How can a slave truly understand the will of his Master without being told? Don't worry slut, you'll get what you want so bad. But there's one little rule."

Bobby: "Anything, Master Richard. I'll do any - grunt - thing you say...just let me cum!"

"Ah, that's the way I like to hear you talk. Anyhow, the rule only cum when I say you can cum."

I tried to think of some threat to make should he fail to comply fully with my demand. Since it was my first time at roleplaying, I couldn't.

"If you don't...then something bad will happen. Um, something that I'm sure you wouldn't like."

Bobby: " Yeah, reaal original..."

"What did you say, Slave?!"

Bobby: "I'll only cum when you say I can, Master Richard..."

I smirked once more and settled lightly on the bed. Once more I engulfed his dick. But it was different that second time. I wasn't going slow, I was working his pole at breakneck speed. He was genuinely shocked at my suck strategy but pleased none the less. His precum started flowing out in ever increasing rivulets, making for excellent lubrication. He wasn't swimming in my mouth for long before I felt his cock spasming erratically.

{Remember Slave, you only cum when I say you can.}


Incompetent fool! (Giggles telepathically) I pinched him slightly.

{Bobby: Yes Master Richard!}

He was struggling against the restraints and so I telekinetically removed them without missing a suck stroke. Once his legs were free he felt around, wrapped them around my shoulders and succeeded in getting his cock further up my throat. To add to the stimulation I started massaging his nutsack, rolling his balls around my fingers until he started to muffle his moans. Eventually I knew he had to be getting to the point of no return. He began to forcefully buck into my mouth and it was a strain to keep from gagging, but somehow I managed it. He was so taken up in the sensation that he had forgotten all about my Commandment.

{You better not cum without permission!}

{Bobby: Fuck! I'm so close Master Richard! You gotta let me!}

{I ain't gotta let you do anything I don't want you to! Don't be a presumptuous ass.}

At that I telekinetically unlatched his hands from my head and held them over his chest. I increased the suck pace even more and stopped running my tongue along the underside of his fucktool and focussed strictly on his engorged, bulb of a cockhead. He was aware then of my commandment against cumming without permission and there was no escape from the stimulation. My my my, all the while he was begging for it and suddenly he was trying to slow the tempo down. He started shifting around so much it was a strain to hold him down.

Bobby: "Oh...God! I...need this so fuckin' bad, Master Richard! Man, come on...let me...if I don't my balls are gonna frickin' bust!"

When I looked up at him and saw that teardrops were just beginning to form. I knew then that it was time.

{Well, cum already!}

With two more violent, upward thrusts of his hips it was over as he began spilling his seed (or as he later called it, his "Ice Cream") into my mouth. The sheer force and quantity of it all was a bit more than I expected and I couldn't swallow it entirely down. Some of it trickled down the side of my face. He had by this time removed the blinfold and sat up on the bed.

Bobby: "Hmm...I saw something on a porno once."

With that he swiftly licked the stray wisps of jism off my chin and darted his tongue forcefully into my mouth. I realised what he was trying to do and offered no resistance. When the kiss was over we both looked at each other with extremely sheepish expressions. I knew my cheeks were burning with shame. And he was not much better off.

Bobby: "We shouldn't be ashamed...I mean if we did something like that, think of what the real skanky people do behind closed doors."


He continued.

Bobby: "That! Kinky, but hot!"

"Really? I never knew that I could be such a - "

Bobby: "Slut?"


He pulled me into a warm hug and mussed up my hair some.

Bobby: "No worries. As long as you're just my slut. Damn - (He was licking his lips) - I taste good! I wonder how you'll taste?"

He tried to push me onto my back whilst reaching for my crotch. But I stopped him and pointed to the clock.

Bobby: "Shit! I have a tutorial I gotta get to!"

"I gotta go get ready for Psionics, and now thanks to this, I gotta go brush my teeth and take a bath AGAIN and -"

Bobby: "Bath? Babe, you didn't even break a sweat! We're guys, we can be slobs."

"Yeah, well I just feel so dirty. Especially after all that kinky role-playing. Ugh..."

Bobby: "You're such a girl! Haha!"

I flipped him off as he walked towards the door and I headed into the bathroom.


When the gang all congregated in the Rec-Room, the first thing I received was a bunch of slaps, punches and expressions of mock hurt and indignation. The slaps were courtesy of Amara and Jubilee whilst the punches came from the guys (Except Ray and Jacob of course! Ray didn't seem keen on touching me and I wasn't keen on letting Jacob too near either.). Scott and Jean had come knocking on my door almost at the crack of dawn. I didn't have time to tell any of them goodbye or even explain where I was going. They had visited me room Word had apparently gotten around via Bobby. I got a little worried at that revelation. Especially when,

Roberto: "How the heck did you find out, Bobby? We didn't know squat. And before we even went to the teachers, you explained it all to us."

Bobby: "Oh, well...I went to his room and rang the doorbell and Logan was walking by. He told me what was up."

Roberto: "Oh, okay. I wish they'd have told the rest of us. We're like family."

And in a way he was right. I never told them of Scott's idea to let me fly the Blackbird to Muir Island as a birthday present. They should have known that my friends would be wondering where I was. For a team of covert Mutant operatives, dedicated to promoting Mutant / Human understanding...they could sure use some common sense.

"Anyhow, I didn't really want to go. I was tired as Hell and then Scott and Jean show up, practically at the crack of dawn too. But one good thing came out of it."

Jamie: "Didn't want to go?! To be at the helm of the jet? What is wrong with you?!"

"Hey, I can fly without the aid of technology! I was tired, the jet could have waited. Anyhow, dontcha want to hear what good came of it?"

They nodded.

"I'm now fully empowered! My Elemental abilities are back."

At that I condensed pure water from the air and refilled my glass.

David: "Damn...good thing you went after all, right?"

"Yeah, I guess. But Hank would have probably developed a cure all on his own. They said that his theory was right. The allergy like effect that is."

David: "So, Rick - you come up with a new codename yet? Or are you going to reclaim Element, now that you're Elementally empowered again?"

I had been thinking about that. As a matter of fact, Scott had asked me the very same question on the return trip. I was definitely not going to resort to "Element" again. That was so obsolete. Besides, it probably had some bad karma associated with it to. The original wielder of the name left the X-men and never returned to active service. Surely that was not the legacy I wished to follow. Besides Elemental powers, I was also a Psionic mutant. My powers were broad spectrum. So I was thinking Spectral.

Amara: "Spectral...that sounds like a spirit or something."

David: "Actually there is more than one meaning of the word. It can also refer to Spectrum...a RANGE of qualities."

Why thank you, David. I guess it does pay to have a know it all, walking dictionary amongst us after all.

"Exactly what I was going for. Sure as Hell wasn't going to use Spectra. Sounds like a girl's name."

Jubilee started giggling a little at that. We all looked at her questioningly.

Jubilee: "I - uh - sorta had an idea for a codename."

Ray: "Really? What's so funny about that?"

Jubilee: "I was thinking of...(girly giggle) Rainbow."

She was kidding! She "couldn't" be serious!

"What?! Rainbow! Do you want to make me even more of a laughing stock?"

John: "How the heck did you come up with that one, Jubes?"

Jubilee: "Well, the same way he thought up Spectral. He has seven distinct abilities...a range. And there are seven colors in a rainbow. And not to mention he's - "

Bobby: "Gay! Right...hahaha! Hmm, maybe when we design our uniforms we can see that you get a rainbow cape or something? Huh, Rick?"

Jacob: "Design it to resemble the Rainbow Flag!"

At that they all broke down and had a nice laugh at my expense.

{Bobby, stop laughing or that blow you got earlier will be your last!}

At that both he and Jacob stopped grinning. It had just slipped my mind that Jacob would hear it too. How could he not? He was extremely powerful in the Telepathic receptivity department. Bobby seemed to realise this as well and the three of us nervously avoided each other's gazes. The others kept at it however. Apparently Jubilee had another idea in mind. Which I disagreed with entirely. She knew how I hated to be put on the spot. And now that I was out, people took it as an excuse to laugh it up at my expense. That should have been enough to discourage her. Alas, it wasn't.

Jubilee: "Rick, you have an Obligation. You're out but there are most definitely other guys and girls in this Mansion who aren't. In a school this's an unavoidable fact. They're just scared that they'd get ridiculed for it." where would they get a crazy idea like that?

"So what exactly does that have to do with me having an Obligation?"

Jubilee: "Rick, you have to stop acting so ashamed of your sexuality when those jerks tease you. You have to show some of that legendary Gay Pride. Heck yeah! You do have an Obli-gay-tion."

Pride? What crack was she smoking? Okay, so I'm being teased and I should smile and act proud of it?

"What, so you want me to be this school's Gay hero?"

Amara: "Hmmm...she's got a good point, Rick. You can act as a catalyst for change. Maybe inspire other people to come out when they see how you maintain a sense of pride at who you are in the face of all that ridicule."

Catalyst for change? Since when was Amara that eloquent?

John: "I guess they're right. No one is even going to think about coming out if they see how negatively those bastards are affecting you."

"Well, yeah. But I can't help it if I get ashamed when they tease me."

Ray: "Well if they wanna stay in the closet...who are we to stop them from doing what they've done set their minds to?"

Awkward silence reigned supreme for about thirty seconds. To break it,

"So, uh, where's Leech?"

Jamie: "He's with Ororo, in the greenhouse."

Jubilee: "Quit trying to change the topic. You can benefit from this too you know."

I didn't exactly see how. She elucidated.

Jubilee: "If more people come out, it won't be so exotic anymore. You'll have a greater support base. They only tease now cuz you're the only gay guy out. But if more guys and girls come out, I'd like to see 'em try and keep it up for long."

Jamie: "Girls...Lesbian girls in this very mansion? Damn, I wonder if I know any. I wonder if I pay 'em enough if they'd -"

The boy withdrew into rapt contemplation.

John: "Well, I have my suspicions, alright."

"Really, who?"

John: "Oh, it isn't my place to be outting anyone. If they wanna come out it's their decision."

I detected the hidden agenda behind that statement. It was directed at Bobby.

"What criteria did you use in coming up with those suspicions of yours?"

He looked at me incredulously.

John: "Isn't it obvious? If I - * I * - ask a girl out, and she doesn't show a whiff of interest...what's a guy to think?"

Scandalous laughter erupted all around at this arrogant statement.

Amara: "Maybe the girls in question wanted a serious relationship that wasn't just based on sex. And since you have the reputation of being a male slut...they politely or not so politely declined your proposition."

John: "Male slut?! Huh? This coming from the former Princess of Prick herself?!"

Jubilee: "John, you blasted -"

Amara: "Oh it's quite alright I assure you. I've grown mature enough to step down from the position. I'm still waiting to see when John gives up being the Prince of Pussy."

John: "The Prince of Pussy...I can live with a title like that. There's a nice ring to it."

"Could everyone please stop talking about prick and pussy?"

Jamie: "Why? I thought you liked dick. Pussy, I can understand. But what gay guy doesn't like dick?"

Ray: "Jamie, I think you're getting a little loose with the things you say."

"I agree. Anyhow, as I was saying before all this talk came new codename is Spectral. And no, you will not call me ghostly. And there will be no comments made about glasses or contacts. I don't wear those."

Jubilee: "How about we start slow? Like, you know how Ororo's real codename is Storm. Well, some people call her Weather Witch as a nickname."

Oh gosh, not that again.

Amara: "We could call you Rainbow as a pet name."

Pet name? Ray chuckled lightly and I remembered his statement...Pet Fag.

"No. It sounds like a name one of those drag queens would go by. You will not believe some of the names I've come across. The three that take the cake are, Scarlet, Hot Chocolate and, get this - The Glitter Princess."

Roberto: "Glitter Princess? Bwaahahaha! That's just wrong, dude!"

"Yeah, and if I were to be called, Rainbow...I'd be right up there with them, sharing the very dubious honor."

Bobby: "Where did you come across drag queen names like that? Hmm..?"

I averted my gaze, as I couldn't look any of them squarely in the eye.

"Oh, I can't remember. Some site on the net. I...(blushing uncontrollably) used to read stories."

Smirking fiendishly, they drew closer into our circle so we could discuss this taboo subject in public, without being subjected to the chagrin of our peers.

Jamie: "Stories about drag queens?"

"Hey! I didn't know that there were drag queens in them!"

Amara: "How could you not know? Didn't the authors give warnings? What were the titles of these stories, hmmm?"

"I can't exactly remember. It was a good while back. I remember one was called, Slutty - something."

John: "You read a story with a title like that?! Slutty - whatever?"

They all gasped in utter astonishment.


I could only imagine what they thought of me upon learning that. If a male whore like John could sound so shocked... However, I had misunderstood his tone.

John: "Haha! Rick, there are times when I believe there's hope for you yet! Who knows...maybe you could be my gay protégé. The Prince of Pri-"

Bobby: "John, I think you should go find yourself someone else to corrupt."

Jubilee: "I concur. Someone preferably outta this circle of friends."

John: "What other kinds of stories did you read? Anything as skanky as that?"

"Nothing that you'd like, I'll promise you that. I was into BDSM for a while."

Their eyes all but popped out and it was fun to see their tongues hanging out.

Roberto: "No fucking way!"

Jacob: "You don't seem the type."

Yeah, well you didn't seem the type to mess around with Amara. Don't ruin my fun.

Jamie: "BDSM as in Bondage - Domination - Sado - Masochism?! Like whips and chains and lots and lots of leather?!"

I laughed scandalously at the notion. They all cringed. Why the Hell couldn't I pull off a laugh like that when I was playing with Bobby? My kinkiest leather fantasies never passed some biker boys with leather jackets and pants. How the heck did he know what - oh boy.

"Why no, Jamie. I'm a bit surprised that a fifteen year old would know the meaning when so many adults are clueless! Where did you happen to learn about that?"

Ray began shifting uneasily and we all noticed Jamie's gaze involuntarily shift to him.

Jubilee: "Ray, I am serious. I want to have a look at some of them pornos of yours. Jamie, you should be ashamed of yourself. What would your mother think of her little boy if she were to learn about this?"

Before she could get started good, Jamie interupted once more.

Jamie: "So if it wasn't that kind of BDSM you were into...what kind was it?"

Bobby's eyebrow perked up as he joined in.

Bobby: "Yeah, what kinda kink was it?"

{Bobby, the kinkiest thing I've ever done, was play that game with you earlier.}

"Nothing kinky at all. My BDSM was more like, Big - Dicks - Suite - Me, of course."

After some more socialising, and them having a few more laughs at my expense, it was time for dinner.


Jean: "He can't be serious. He just can't!"

Jean was currently pacing back and forth in the lounge. With her was a complete contingent of the female Mansion staff. Ororo, Betsy and Rogue were all present, as were the girls of the former Junior squad, Jubilee and Amara. I wasn't aware that Jean had called a top-secret, girly gathering all planned out. I just saw her making her way to the lounge, muttering to herself in an extremely perturbed manner. Naturally, I wished to learn the source of her distress. With her being pregnant, there was reason enough. She was strolling at such a rapid pace, I had to run to catch up with her. Upon entering the lounge, I saw that she was not alone.

"Uh, Jean? Who can't be serious? And about what?"

All heads turned and I saw that only women were in the room. Nevertheless, she elaborated.

Jean: "Professor Xavier has taken it upon himself to offer Emma Frost a permanent position here at the Mansion."

Bitchy Emma Frost? His current love interest? Yes, yes...I knew about her past. But I thought they all had learned to come to terms with it...or were at least in the starting phase of forgiveness. They just joked at her expense the last time she was in X-Land. Well, there was the little, near cat-fight incident between her and mom. But they were stressed out then. After we all exited the Astral Plane, they just had a nice laugh at her.

"And you're mad? Cuz of that?"

Jean: "Well, obviously! And what's worse is...we're outnumbered. Frankly, when we take this up with him, he's going to put it to the vote. And since the overwhelming majority of staff members are...MEN...he's going to have his way."

I thought for a minute.

"Well, Kurt surely won't stand for allowing a slut like her in here."

They nodded in thankful agreement.

Betsy: "With her around, we'll have to keep our men on a leash. And that still might not cut it, love."

"Well, maybe if you took the time to satisfy your'd have nothing much to worry about."

Perhaps I was being a little loose with my tongue. They all shot up their eyebrows and I could feel the anger hidden just under their deliberately calm faces. Rogue in particular seemed agitated.

Rogue: "Well suga...unlike these gals, I can't exactly satisfy a man in bed without putting him in a coma. Now I've seen the way Remy looks at that wench."

I had forgotten about Rogue's power control issues. She had no control over the energy draining properties of her skin. I apologised for my callous statement.

Rogue: "I'll forgive you this time, hon."

I wonder how she coped without getting any. Okay, so maybe she was a dildo kinda girl. But seriously, it had to be really rough with a power issue like her's.

Ororo: "Now, I'll just clarify my presence here. I am NOT as insecure as you all are. I can keep my man, okay. He won't be straying. I'm just here in a supportive capacity...that's all. Not because I think she's a threat to my relationship."

They subjected the overconfident Ororo to their most withering of stares.

Jean: "What if she were to read his mind and agree to the "little thing Logan wanted you to do that was just too kinky"?"

At that question Ororo's cool and calm exterior immediately deteriorated.

Ororo: "He wouldn't...he wouldn't...I sure he won't. You think so...right?"

Betsy and Amara comforted her.

Jean: "With the threat of Emma Frost looming so large, all women are Sisters in the Struggle! We can't let this happen."

Betsy: "You said it, Sister Grey!"

Jubilee: "Amen!"

Rogue: "You go girl!"

Everyone present was getting in touch with their feminist selves. Including me...

"Tell it like it is, Sister!"

With their amused eyes on me, I reddened slightly.

"Um, I'm not exactly a fan of Emma Frost's either you know. On the Astral Plane, she called me an annoying little shit."

Amara: "If we're outvoted, what can we do? And what position could she possibly fill here at the Mansion?"

{Betsy: She won't be filling anything. She'll be the one getting filled.}

{Ewwww! Betsy! Sometimes I think you're just as bad as she is!}

None present knew the answer to Amara's second question. The worst possible scenario would be a Vice Principal Frost. Jean explained that Xavier was impressed at the way she handled the school's affairs during the Nova Roma incident. She did it in a rather unique, but effective way. And she did use her authority in a responsible manner...for the most part. But that was just an isolated incident. Rare... What would it be like to live with her on a day to day business?

{Betsy, have you told them about Professor Xavier's fling with Emma?}

{Betsy: We were all just discussing it before Jean came in. She knows cuz I told her the very hour I witnessed it. They know cuz I just spilled the beans to them.}

Okay, so it was safe to bring it up.

"You know, maybe all she'll do is flirt if she's really with the Professor. So maybe you don't have anything much to worry about."

Rogue: "You know 'bout that, hun?"


Jean: "Rick, how'd you like to have her pushing herself up, even if it's just a flirt, on your man?"

Amara: "Oh, Rick has nothing to worry about there. He keeps his men safe and snug in that closet of his."

I couldn't believe she said that! They all started laughing at me. Being a laughing stock was getting real old, real fast. Thankfully, no one questioned that statement as it was obviously embarassing for me.

"Amara! What the Hell do you think you're doing?"

Jubilee: "Oh, please. She told me that since Friday night."

Betsy: "As well he might. He - "

"Weren't you the one suggesting leashes?"

Betsy halted whatever comment she was about to make.

"Anyhow, Amara. At least I have a man."

Amara: "You refuse to tell me who. All I have to go on is that closet incident."

At the sound of Jean's throat being cleared,

Jean: "People, back to the issue at hand. I think we should maybe have a poll. School-wide...let the school decide."

Hmmm....the boys would definitely say yes to Emma's addition. The straight boys that is. The gay boys might swing both ways. Some might hate her. But the woman had an acute sense of style and glamour. What gay guy didn't at least appreciate those? I myself lacked a sense of style...but I really appreciated those who were trendy. And what about the in the closet Lesbian girls? They'd be thrilled at the notion. And after that party she threw for the students...practically everyone would have been wooed by her too. I didn't think Jean and her crew stood a chance. Told 'em so too.

"I don't think that'll work."

Ororo: "It can't be completely hopeless."

"Well, there is one other possibility. But I don't know if you can be Bitchy enough to do it."

They were all ears.

"Well, when she arrives, you can try sabotage. If you could make it so unbearable for her...subtly of the point where she declines the offer and retreats."

Amara: "Ooh ooh! I know! We can have a girl's night out and not invite her. And then we could -"

Jean burst her bubble before it could grow any larger.

Jean: "Amara, while we're having a night out, she'll be free to whore with the men. We'd be handing them over to sheep to be sheered."

Jubilee came in, deep worry evident in her tone.

Jubilee: "Do you think she prefers younger, or older men? You don't think she'd try anything with Ray do you?"

The answer to her question was short and simple.

Rogue: "Honey, as long as it's got abs and a dick, Emma will take it - no questions asked."

Jean: "There is another matter. We all know the way she is. She uses her telepathy to sneak glimpses into people's minds."

"But Professor Xavier will surely deal with her if she breaks that rule, won't he?"

I was under the impression that Emma Frost was an uninhibited woman. Didn't Betsy say that she found their code of ethics much too confining for her taste? Why would she accept a job proposal that would suppress her free-spirit in such a manner? She seemed to be a proud and confident type of woman to me. They said that Xavier had offered her a position...but they didn't say if she responded.

"Jean, you said that Xavier had offered her a position but -"

Betsy: "One position, only one position?"

Betsy was raising her eyebrows in a rather theatrical manner.

Jubilee: "Hahahahaha - Oh, sorry."

"You perverts! And you have the nerve to talk about Emma? Anyhow, she hasn't accepted yet, has she?"

Jean: ""

"Then you may not even have anything to worry about", I said, as I explained my logic to them.

Jean: "I just hope you're right, Rick. This Mansion has enough on its plate to deal with, without someone like Emma Frost around.


Frost Manor =========

With a yawn, Emma flicked through the channels whilst reclining on her luxurious, four poster bed. It was after twelve and the servants had long since retired to their quarters for rest. She however, could not. Earlier that day she had received a rather pressing invitation from Charles Xavier, offering her a position at his School. Had it been anyone else, she would have instantly declined the offer. But her favorite ex had practically begged her assistance. Apparently Jean Grey had given into her slutty side and gotten herself pregnant. Emma had a good laugh at that revelation. The saintly Grey having a child out of wedlock...tis to laugh. Probably she and Summers had gotten a little too frisky. Grey had often served as something of a Guidance Councilor. And Xavier didn't want her to undertake the stresses of teenage issues during the later stages of her pregnancy. They never really had the need for official Guidance Councilors before. Peer Councilors had always seemed adequate. But Xavier hinted that recent events had made him consider the possibility. And since Emma herself was holder of a Psychiatric Degree, not to mention a powerful telepath with experience in mental matters...he approached her.

She was actually giving his request very careful consideration indeed. And for good reason too. Her financial situation of late was less than comforting. Her investments had taken a big hit in the stock market, and it was only by a near miracle that she was able to maintain her standard of living. She knew if the current state of affairs persisted much longer, she'd have to actually go back to...ugh, working for a living. Either on the professional job market or working the pole at Foxy's. There was no getting around it, work was work. Okay, so stripping her way through college at Foxy's was fun... And maybe she'd still feel the thrill, but only if it was for fun, not for money. But she didn't need fun now. She needed money and fast too. She had the servant's wages to pay off at the end of the month, among other expenses. She sucked her teeth in aggravation. She had already milked every eligible man within a fifty mile radius for all he was worth ages ago. Glancing down she cursed herself for her extravagant spending. Why, oh why? Did she really have to go out and enlarge her bust again so soon? And what about that strip - party at Xavier's? She eased up a little on herself. How was she to know that there was going to be a stock market crash? What was she, psychic - uh - Precognitive?

There was no other choice. She would have She reasoned, it could have been worse. At least she'd be working somewhere classy. And she was certain that the pay would be good. Who knows? She might even be able to sweeten up Xavier for a little raise now and again. And the students...well they had to love her after the strip - party, right? How hard could it be to listen to some teenaged problems and give some advice here and there? Hell, the soaps were no good these days. She might even catch some much needed entertainment, might even enjoy it. Of course, there would be a few bad seeds to worry about. Jean Grey for starters. They'd surely try and give her Hell. She had her eye on Summers for a long time, but that Grey never let her get within three feet of him without baring her teeth like the bitch she was. And she was a smart bitch too. Probably went and gotten herself pregnant with his kid to trap him. It was a pity Emma couldn't pierce his mind probingly...although she was almost certain he was attracted to her. The residual mental link between him and Grey would be enough to alert either of them to her presence. Well, there were lots of other hunky X-men around. And some of the students were rather well developed too... Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all...


The New Arrival ============

Emma: "Careful with that! It's genuine Gucci!"

She turned to another moving man who was carrying a large portrait rather haphazardly.

Emma: "And you had better not shatter that frame. Pavarotti himself signed it for me!"

An irate Emma Frost stepped out of a glamorous, white limousine, onto the Mansion driveway. The general populace of the Mansion peeked through windows to have a glance at this new development. The Seniors and we Trainees however, were outside waiting to meet and greet her. Professor Xavier had received a reply from Emma earlier during the day. Emma had decided to accept his proposal after all. And just the night before Jean, her crew and I, had been optimistically hoping that she wouldn't give it the time of day. Oh,'s a bitch and then you die. When she turned to look upon us, she quickly altered her expression to one of absolute delight. As if she were paying a visit to old friends. She chatted a little whilst the moving men carried in her property.

Emma: "Good afternoon, darlings. A welcoming group for little old me? Aw, you shouldn't have."

Seeing us juniors about, she latched onto Jamie,

Emma: "Come give your auntie Emma a hug, dears."

She basically suffocated him with her seemingly infinite boobs. She even managed to make it look completely innocent too. I'm sure if it wasn't, Professor Xavier would have had something to say about it. After all, she was his personal slut. That and Jamie was just fifteen. He was in a haze when she let go. I personally had never seen him smile so before.

Roberto and John timidly started advancing towards her, arms wide open,

John: "Hey, auntie Emma!"

Jean side stepped them and they frustratedly dropped their arms and frowned. Well, at least Jamie could boast about his experience. For once he got something they didn't. Upon seeing Jean, Emma's expression noticeably brightened.

Emma: "Jean! Why, honey...(She squinted) don't look like a pregnant woman at all!"

Most of the men laughed heartily at this. Every female present suppressed scowls. I joined right along with them in suppressing my own.

Jean: "I'm only about a month and a half pregnant, Emma."

Emma: "About, you don't know exactly how long you've been in this...condition? So this wasn't planned? Anyhow, you don't look a month and a half pregnant at all."

I am pretty sure that Jean was just giving a brief estimate of the time frame involved. And that bitch had to pick up on it too! As if that wasn't enough, Emma turned to Scott,

Emma: "Well, I guess you're going to be a papa, eh?"

That had Scott blushing and most of the menfolk laughing. I was the only one outside of the seniors who knew the truth about the unborn's paternity. Jean made me promise not to tell. All the guys thought that Scott and Jean were secret lovers. I didn't doubt that they had feelings for each other one bit. But Scott was not that baby's daddy. John had even said that he thought Scott looked happier because he must have been getting some. And he thought it was from Jean too! Hell, she had recently revealed that she was pregnant...and then Scott suddenly looks a lot happier? I could understand why they'd think that. The Juniors all laughed because they thought it was true and their suspicions were confirmed. The seniors all laughed cuz it wasn't and Scott was embarassed as Hell. They'd sort it all out eventually.

The moving men all went back into their vans and their leader came up to Emma for payment. She started fidgeting around in her purse, looking for her card she said. She kept digging for quite a few minutes and the guy was getting impatient.

Emma: "Darn, they must all be in my luggage...somewhere. Just give me some time and I'll find them."

Moving Man Leader: "Listen, lady. I ain't got all day."

Emma: "Yes, you must have oh so much to do...the busy life of a moving man."

Professor Xavier: "Never mind, Emma. I'll handle it."

He whipped out his card, paid the guy...and they left.

She turned to Jamie.

Emma: "Would you be a dear and help me with these bags?"

Jamie nodded stupidly, multiplied to his ten clone limit and started carrying bags inside, running back and forth like a willowy little girl. She started walking towards the Mansion, beckoning us along.

Emma: "Well, come along people. We have oh so much to catch up on!"


Professor Xavier: "And introducing our newest member of staff, Ms. Emma Grace Frost. She'll be serving as our official guidance councillor here at the school."

The entire school was sitting at an introductory dinner that evening, held to commemorate Emma's arrival and usher her in. She raised her crystal glass, and smiled graciously from the teacher's table. I took a peek at Jean and saw that she was scowling in Emma's direction. You see, we never had a bona fide guidance councillor before. The guys said Jean pretty much filled the role. There were those bitchy peer councillors though. The idea was that since they were more our level, we'd be able to relate to them better. I don't think it worked. As a matter of fact, I don't think that the peer councillors should have been trusted with anyone's secrets. They all looked pretty gossipy to me. Jean had been quite sufficient all along. But apparently Professor Xavier wanted to formalise it. She explained it to me though. He didn't want her getting stressed out. She assured him that she could handle the role. He however insisted that Emma be given a chance.

Jubilee: "Just look at her. Smiling over in that corner..."

John: "Yeah - (sigh) - beautiful, isn't she?"

Amara: "Something is definitely up."

Jamie: "I know" (Snickering scandalously)

We all caught onto his disgusting joke.

Amara: "Eeeeew! I meant that something smells fishy about Emma Frost being here."

"Amara, that wasn't much better either!"

Jacob: "Emma seems...nicer."

Bobby: "More...decent?"

"Her breasts look bigger...", I said absently.

Ever since Betsy told me that they were falsies I couldn't help but think about them. They definitely looked bigger than when I last saw them.

Ray: "Since when do you appreciate the female anatomy?"

"I'm not appreciating her anatomy at all. It's just that I have it on good authority that they're silicone and they look bigger."

That shouldn't have come as such a surprise to them. They were far to big to be genuine.

John: "You mean...they aren't real? Damn."

Jamie: "All I know is, they felt good enough to me."

Roberto: "Pity Jean had to ruin it for us, eh John?"

John: "Yeah, she's just jealous. That's what it is."

"Hey, hey! Watch what you say about my foster mother, or I'll have to -"

Amara: "Back to what I was saying. I think we should all keep a close eye on her. Someone like Emma doesn't make such a radical change for no apparent reason."

David: "I think Amara has a good point. But still, what if she's really seen the light? I mean, during the ..."

Amara: "I'm not fragile, David. You can say Nova Roma in my presence."

David: "Well, during that entire bit of drama...aside from a little party, that was to keep the students from panicking...she was a very capable -"

Jubilee: "Whose side are you on, David?"

David: "I'm not on anyone's side. I just think that we should maybe give Emma a chance. Without being judgemental."

Emma stood up to address all present. We all drew to a hush.

Emma: "Good Evening, Professor Xavier, members of staff, ladies, gentlemen, boys, girls and everyone in between -"

(A bid to win some support with the influential, if not the in the closet, gay members of the audience no doubt. Several people glanced in my direction. With a threatening scowl, I warned them off.)

Emma: "- I am Emma Frost. You do remember me, I hope."

There was a deafening round of applause. John, Jamie and Roberto started whistling and the rest of the school's boys (the ones who weren't being watched by their girlfriends at least) followed suite.

Emma: "Now, as Professor Xavier has said, I will be your official guidance councillor. I want you to know that I will be here to help you - should you be in any emotional, or psychological distress. I will try my best to help in any way that I can."

(Jubilee: "I'll bet you'll do everything in your power to cure what ails them.")

Emma: "And it will be completely confidential. So don't be afraid to come to me."

(Amara: "I'm sure you wouldn't mind them coming at all.")

Emma: "And that won't just be during regular office hours. My doors are always open to you, always.."

("Yeah, like any good whore-house. Open twenty four / seven.")

Jubilee and Amara burst into raucous laughter. I was only spared as I bit down upon my tongue hard. Professor Xavier glanced towards our table warningly and they immediately stopped. The other students didn't look too happy either. It looked like Emma had a fan club in the works. She glanced towards our table,

Emma: "I'm glad to see that my arrival has been greeted with such mirth."

(John: "Stop it! Stop saying those bad, bad things about Miss Frost.")

And so we had to bear through her laceratingly, sincere speech.


Girl Talk Time: After Emma's Welcoming Dinner ====== ===========================

Emma: "Now, I've brought you girls a few gifts. I hope you all like them."

Jean, Ororo, Rogue and Betsy were with Emma, at her personal request, inside her quarters. They didn't know what to make of her decision to join the staff, and whilst they all could have found better things to do, they still went to see her. Perhaps if they were observant enough, they could discern her true motives. She opened up a suitcase and began rummaging around whilst they looked on. Presently she handed out several packages. Jean and crew accepted them rather stiffly. They nodded in "gratitude" at Emma's dubious show of "affection".

Emma: "Well, open them."

Jean, as the official leader of the I Hate Emma Frost action group, went first. As far as she could make out, it was some kind of...dress? She lifted it out and peered at it a little more closely. The material wasn't bad at all. But why did it have to be decorated all in ridiculous pink flowers?...and it was far too large. Glad for any excuse to return it,

Jean: "It's too big."

At that, Emma merely patted Jean's belly (To her discomfort).

Emma: "Well, for now at least. But I thought it would be a darling maternity gown...for later on. You know...When you're fat."

Jean was about to cuss her out but mastered herself whilst Emma turned to Ororo (who was opening her gift). There was some metallic clanking. They all looked at each other and hoped it wasn't a pair of handuffs or the like. She urged Ororo on. She reached in and pulled out some metal gardening tools. Holding a miniature fork, Ororo actually smiled.

Ororo: "Gardening tools? Emma I -"

She didn't get a chance to express her genuine gratitude as,

Emma: ", they're cutlery. I know you like to - try - cooking on occasion. I bought these so you could practice without ruining the expensive ones. You know, like training wheels. And when you get good at it, you can put them away with pride."

Ororo's face fell as she took a closer look and saw that Emma was indeed right. Poorly designed and cheap assed cutlery. But cutlery none the less. Before she could say anything, Emma had shifted to Betsy who looked understandably unimpressed at her parcel. But curiosity won out and she unwrapped her package. To her utter delight, it was a box of some very expensive looking perfume. Jean and Ororo glanced at her sternly and she dropped her starstruck expression.

Betsy: "Femme Fatale?"

Emma: "Perfect for a female devotee of the ancient art of ninjutsu, eh?"

Everyone present had no choice but to agree.

Emma: "I took a whiff and I immediately thought of you, dear."

Betsy opened the box and withdrew a rather plain looking bottle. All five women drew closer.

Betsy: "Uh, Emma, why does the box say Femme Fatale when the bottle has Eau - de - something written on it?"

Emma: "Hmm..they must have done that by mistake. Oh well, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Perfume is perfume. It's the scent that counts. It's so...uniquely you. Almost as if the perfumist had you in mind when he or she made it."

Betsy opened the bottle and didn't even have to apply any, as a horrible stench filled the air all the same.

Betsy: "Oh, my God! It's disgusting!"

Emma: "You don't like my gift?"

Betsy: "It smells worse than Hank's aftershave."

Emma: "Well, I thought it suited you perfectly."

Emma didn't chance to see Jean and Ororo struggle to hold Betsy back. She had silently withdrawn her Psychic Dagger. Emma's back was turned to them as she walked up to Rogue, who was fidgeting with her present. Resting her hands on Rogue's shoulders, Emma spoke to her in a low, soothing voice.

Emma: "You were the hardest to shop for, dear. Woman to woman...I hope my gift brings you nothing but joy."

Jean, Ororo and Betsy warned her not to open it by making faces behind Emma's back. Rogue was torn between her curiosity and her sense of loyalty to her Sisters. She merely kept fumbling with the bag, deciding what to do. Suddenly, she felt something snap into alignment and whatever was in the bag hummed to life.

Rogue: "Aaaah!"

She dropped it and it vibrated right across the floor with a Zzzzzzzzzzzzt! sound, until it hit the wall.

Rogue: "What in tarnation was that?!"

Emma: "Um, I went out and got something I thought you could use. You're a big girl...and God alone knows since when you've had any intimacy with a man, and so I -"

They caught on quickly at that statement.

Jean: "A vibrator? That was the best you could have come up with?"

With an openly mocking expression of hurt she responded.

Emma: "The best that Ye Old Kinky-Towne stocked..."

Bam! Bam! Bam! The vibrator in question kept knocking against the wall. If it knocked any harder it probably would have drilled a hole straight through.

Emma: "See, it keeps going and going and going. Far better than most men out there, I can assure you."

At that Jean, Ororo and Betsy dropped their "gifts" onto Emma's bed and got ready to leave, cursing the idea of ever setting foot in there. Rogue tarried a while longer.

Jean: "Rogue, let's go!"

Rogue: "But, uh - I -"

Zzzzzzzzzzzt! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Betsy: "I'll get you a bloody vibrator myself! Come on!"

At that, they all stormed out of the room whilst Emma rocked with scandalous laughter.

Emma: "Oh, yes! First round goes to The White Queen."


Xavier's Office Time: The Morning after Emma Frost's Welcoming Dinner ========== =======================================

"I'm not going to talk to - to HER about anything!"

I couldn't believe what he was suggesting! I knew it had to be a matter of some import he wanted to discuss. Why else would Professor Xavier send a message, requesting my presence in his office?

Xavier: "Rick, you're going through a difficult time right now. And I feel it to be in your best interest. Emma is a very gifted councillor when she takes her job seriously. And it seems to me that she'll make an excellent addition to our staff."

It went on and on, back and forth like that until I said that I had Jean to talk to and I didn't need someone like Emma to be privy to my secrets. Okay so it was no secret that I was gay. And she'd soon discover that. But I meant my actual secrets. Shrinks probe with all sorts of questions, finding out all sorts of stuff under the guise of therapy. So I most definitely said that I'd never go to her. He countered by raising the issue of Jean's pregnancy. I countered by saying I barely even talked to Jean about my problems, so I'd just make do until such time when I could find someone else.

Xavier: "You're part of the reason I sent for Emma. We've never truly had a need for an official guidance councillor before. But after your issue came out, I thought it best to have someone, just in case others were to be in genuine need."

Ain't that just a load of bull? As if that wasn't the worst bit.

Xavier: "Rick, I am not forcing you to tell her anything that you don't want to. I just think that it would be a good idea for you to have a talk with her. You don't have to go alone. As a matter of fact...I'm thinking about sending Kurt along as well."

Oh Hell no!

"Him? You want me to be in both their presences?"

Xavier: "You lost control of your emotions with Kurt. Come to think of it, so did he. You both were supposed to receive disciplinary -"

"It's simple. I hate him. He hates me. There won't be anymore problems cuz we'll just have nothing much to do with each other."

He begged to differ. With the merging of the junior and senior teams, we'd be having a lot more contact than before. And there would no doubt be instances when we would have to train together. We had a responsibility not to allow personal issues cloud our judgement and affect on the team performance. He didn't miss an argument, and try as I might I could find no way to counter him.

Xavier: "So, until you and Kurt can call off this mutual'll be seeing Emma on a weekly basis. On Saturday mornings, and together."


Jean: "I so hate Emma Frost!"

"Yeah? Well I ain't feeling much love for the Professor right now either!"

Scott: "Sssh! Both of you, not so loud. This is a public lounge. Right now, most of the staff and almost all the students love Emma to pieces. And Rick, your kind of talk would be considered treasonous at any time."

Hmpf! All Jean had suffered was a stupid dress and a "fat" comment. But I would have to be seeing Emma on a weekly basis with the school's favorite homophobe.

"Oh, grow up, Jean. You shouldn't be taking that crap to heart. You know you'll eventually blow up. Now, back to the main issue at stake here, me. Tell me you'll talk to Professor Xavier. I can't stand Kurt. Emma ain't one of my favorite people either."

I went on to give an explanation of Professor Xavier's allegedly valid reasons for assigning me to weekly sessions.

Scott: "Hahaha!"

"I could just wring your neck off, Scott! What is so damned funny?"

Scott: "Oh, it's just you and Kurt. You both have one thing in common. Your dislike of Emma Frost. And it's cuz of the exact same thing...her slutty attitude. That's a good place to start. I think Professor Xavier is right. You and Kurt need to work through this, before it really all goes to Hell."

"Kurt thinks I'll go to Hell, which is fine by me as long as I can drag him down there with me."

Jean: "I don't think me talking with Xavier is going to be much of a help. He obviously brought this bitch here to replace me. So I think he'd still make you go."

We all grew sulky for a few minutes. If only I could clone like Jamie. Then I could just make a copy and make him go instead. Granted, the clone would still suffer through it, but at least I wouldn't personally be with them. Some people have the coolest powers... and then like lightning, it hit me. David... we were ALL under the impression (my friends anyway) that he was a pure animal metamorph. But apparently he could assume the form of people as well. Why, we were talking about that the day after the Morlock Haven incident... and what did he say?

(David: "Well, we never had any infiltration training, so I never had any reason to shift into another person's form. And since I can't copy powers, in battle - changing to another person is not going to do much good. Animal forms are so much more effective and deadly.")

A crafty smiled played across my face as I contemplated further. I withdrew into my own little world and didn't even notice it until,

Scott: "Uh oh. Rick, why do you have that bitchy grin on your face."

Jean: "I think our bitch boy's brewing up some sort of plot."

"Am I that obvious?"

Scott: "Oh yeah. That grin reminded me of the smile the Grinch pulled, when he hatched that plot to steal Christmas from Whoville. Out with it."

"Haha...real funny, Scotty boy."

I filled them in on my plan.

Scott: "Nope, won't work. Emma is telepathic, like duh! She's not a telepath of your level either. Unlike you, she's actually good at it. Scratch that, she's one of the most powerful known telepaths on Earth."

Jean: "If I didn't know any better, Scott - I'd say you were on her fan club or something."

Scott: "Aw come on. You know where I was coming from."

"But she can't use her mind tricks on any student here. It's against the rules. Okay, so she did it when she was last here. I remember her making us men look upon her with infatuation. But she was only here for that Astral Mission to rescue Logan's consciousness. Now, she's a full-fledged member of staff. She's going to have to follow the rules."

Scott: "I have a feeling she'd still sense in the background that something was amiss. Like how you sense things involuntarily at times, she does too. Except she learns a whole lot more."

"Well, this bitch boy is about to get a whole lot bitchier. I have a plan. But I need some help in the telepathic department. Now where would I be able to find a telepath sufficiently skilled to assist me in my endeavours?"

Jean: "Okay, okay. You got me."

I remembered back in Canada. Jacob had hid me from that Alpha Flight Psionic mutant by cloaking me telepathically. What if I were to get David to morph into my form, then have Jean do the same to him? Then send him to Emma. She'd notice something was weird. She'd be seeing "me" but not sensing me. But she knew I was telepathic. She might know that I wasn't the best, but I wasn't exactly a slouch either. Why would Professor Xavier allow a total telepathic failure onto the Astral Plane to help rescue Logan? She would play it all up to my mistrust. She'd think the reason "I" wasn't on her radar...was because I mistrusted her and was shielding myself, thoughts, presence and all. And given that she and my mother were at odds...and the fact that "I" was being coerced into seeing would be perfect. So all I needed was for a talented telepath to cloak David (masquerading as me). If Jean agreed, then all I'd have to do was get David to consent to a couple hours therapy on Saturday mornings. If he was good, it would end soon and we would be all the better for it.

Scott: "I tremble in awe, Oh Masterful One..."

Jean: "Okay, that's just devious. Now if only you could come up with a plan to send Emma away, holding her head and screaming for mercy."

"Sorry, one Machiavellian plot at a time. So, can I count on your help?"

Jean: "If we get caught...I'd be in so much trouble with Professor Xavier on my case..."

{Jean, you're the only one I can count on. I can't ask Jacob now, cuz we aren't tight anymore. And I don't know if Betsy would agree to lying and deceit.}

Jean: "Oh alright. I suppose I'll be able to dodge punishment on account of being pregnant anyway. Haha! Professor Xavier treats me like I'm an invalid...doesn't want me under emotional stress, he says. Let's see him punish me if, God forbid, we get caught. Hmmm...I think I better milk this pregnancy for all it's worth. I might be able to get away with murder!"

Scott: "Really? Try murdering Emma and see what'll happen."

"Haha! Good, thanks. I'm supposed to be starting this Saturday. Now I'll just have to get David to go along with this plot. I hope he agrees...he's a bit by the book."

Scott: "Yeah, he's a stickler for rules and regulations. Good luck with that..."


"Please! Oh come on, man...don't make me beg!"

David: "Rick, for the last"

I saw him in the hall and immediately started badgering him. I didn't want anybody else to know either. The more people who knew...the greater the chance of Emma picking up stray, nervous thoughts. That could send my plan crumbling to the dust. As David was alone, walking down the hallway, it was the perfect time to ask.

"Dave, you're the only one who can help me with this. I need you."

There was a peal of girly giggles emanating from somewhere, and when we both looked behind us, we saw a group of girls staring and pointing. David started blushing uncontrollably and I realised how sleazy it must have looked. Especially to people who saw the world through pervert colored lenses. Stupid, perverted bitches. I stared right back and they went about their business. Meanwhile, David was being stubborn and expressing his fear of getting caught.

David: "Look, if it fails, I'll get in trouble too. And I've worked long and hard to earn my place on this team. We just got promoted. This isn't the time to be pulling a stunt like this."

Perhaps money would do the trick.

"Um...I'll pay you."

David: "You don't have much money, and I wouldn't take payment like that from a friend."

Ah ha! Why didn't I think of it before.

"How about I give you all the porn Ray gave me for my birthday and throw in all the X-files DVDs I got."

I saw the way he was looking at them when he came to my room with John and Amara. He looked even more impressed at the X-files DVDs than the pornos. His expression altered slightly and finally,

David: "Are you sure we won't get caught?"

"Hello, Jean is going to help me. Remember, she even helped me sneak food past Logan for our survival trip to the Canadian wilderness. I think that speaks volumes. And as I recall, you helped yourself to a healthy serving of my goodies back then too."

David: "Oh alright. I'll do it for those DVDs...and cuz you're such a good friend. But there's one condition."


David: "I'll only be doing it for a month's worth of sessions. That's four sessions. If Emma doesn't believe that "You're" cured of your dislike of Kurt by then...I'm not going to waste anymore time. You'll have to take those continuing sessions on your own."

Time to suck up and act all encouraging.

"Oh, thank you! You're like the coolest."

David: "Really?"

"No, you're a little nerdy. But your powers are frickin' class!"

David: "You know what? I change my mind."

"Okay,'re cool!"


Bobby: "How can he make you see Emma - with Kurt? Doesn't he know how that'll affect you? And he calls that therapy?"

"I think he wants to make it look like Emma has a purpose here and is using our little feud as a convenient excuse."

We were currently reclining upon Bobby's bed after yet another day of learning at the Xavier Institute. Bobby figured that it was time I was granted access to his inner sanctum. That and he didn't appreciate the way Paul was staring at us while we were playing our little love game. The first thing I noticed about the room on entering was the smell. Now don't get me wrong...I love Bobby. And I loved the way he smelled, when he was clean that is. But his room was anything but. And it smelled very badly indeed. Clothes were strewn all over the place, schoolbooks tossed aside carelessly. Today's leftover breakfast still out in the open air... I sat up on the bed and took another look around.

"Bobby, when was the last time this room got a general cleaning?"

He blushed,

Bobby: "Hey, I'll clean it when it's dirty enough. If I clean it now - it'll just get dirty again."

I shook my head disdainfully. Yeah, I most definitely had my work cut out for me. I guess I can't really blame women for wanting to change their men after all. Hell, I'm a man and I need to change mine.

"Dirty enough? If THIS ain't dirty enough...I'd hate to see it when it is."

I made my way to the window and slid it open. Once done I augmented the night breeze with a gust of my own to try and air the room out. When it was easier to breathe, I rejoined him on the bed.

Bobby: "I was...thinking of a game we could play."

"Gosh! We played a game yesterday, Bobby."

Bobby: "I know...but -"

He went on to explain himself. It was another sex game, but not a submissive/dominant kink. No, instead he ressurected what remained of his dream to be a doctor. He would be Doctor Drake and I would be his patient, in dire need of sexual healing.

"You're serious?"

Bobby: "Yeah, that'd be hot!"

"I dunno...I mean, I'm terribly afraid of doctors."

Bobby: "What the heck is so scary about doctors?"

I was doing my best to sound sincere whilst suppressing a smirk.

"They carry such strange equipment around. I'm afraid of their needles too...especially, big, thick, eight-inch long ones."

Bobby: "Aww...but you ain't got anything to fear from my needle. You won't feel a thing."

"Oh?", I asked amused.

Bobby: "Wait, shit! That's not what I meant. You'll feel something, but it won't hurt."

I decided to be facetious.

"Yeah, and like any good shot, it'll be over before I know it. Hahaha!"

He pouted.

Bobby: "What?! I can last for as long as you need me to."

"Yeah, we'll see when the time comes. Just so you know, I'm spoiled."

Not one to be put down, he issued a challenge.

Bobby: "How about you put me to the test right now, hmm?"

"I don't think I've been getting enough rest lately. I'm sleepy."

Bobby: "And...if you weren't? You'd gimme a chance? "

"I - I just don't think it's time yet."

What was going on? Bobby never seemed the type to try and pressure me into anything.

Bobby: "Sorry, I shouldn't - I'm just horny."

"It's okay...I know the feeling."

Several awkward minutes of silence passed by. I had the strangest notion that something, unbeknownst to me, was at work. But with my extremely paranoid personality, it was hard for me to tell whether I could lend credence to that suspicion or not.

"Bobby, I love you. It's just that I've made some bad mistakes and I don't want to repeat them."

Bobby: "Mistakes?"

"Yeah, Jean tried to warn me. But I didn't listen. When I was with - Jacob, I went and rushed into sex way too quickly. Deep down, I guess I knew it wasn't right, but I did it anyway."

Bobby: "You mean, aside from the Astral Plane?"

"Yeah. Looking back on it all seems like such a waste."

That reopened our can of worms. I thought that he dropped it on Sunday morning. But he brought it up again.

Bobby: "Rick, why were you so mad at him? What did he do?"

"It's nothing."

Bobby: "I've seen the way you've changed. You barely talk about or to him anymore. And when you always call him Jacob. The rest of us call him Jake. You used to. But then you just stopped. Right after that blow up on Saturday."

Sigh I guess we couldn't keep dancing around the issue forever. And he seemed determined to find out. I guess if I didn't tell him, he'd think that I was pushing him away or something similar. He was already upset that I silenced every public attempt he made to stand up for me. I guess if I didn't tell him, he'd feel even more like he was being repelled. I temporarily repelled Jacob, and look what happened.

"Okay, here's the thing..."


Okay, as usual, comments and suggestions can be sent to either



You can post a message on the group. I'll either read them there or in my inbox.

Also, if you'd like to join my group (Nifty takes a little while to upload) the address is at:

There are so many people to thank this time. I suppose first and foremost is my Granny. The woman is GRAND! She doesn't know anything about me yet...but I have the feeling (strong) if she did, that I'd still be her favorite grandkid! Pity she couldn't be reading this, I know she'd enjoy! Maybe one day, hats off to you Granny!

And I better clarify...a couple chapters ago I meant to say thank you to someone who sent me a nice Gundam Wing pic (With Heero, Duo and Wufei), for the New Year. I don't know if it's safe to use your name...but you know who you are. Thank you. (No it wasn't porn. Stop being naughty little speculators! Lol).

Michael Dugan - Oh, you're not pestering me at all. However, I strongly recommend setting some thinking time aside to other important aspects of your life. Thanks again!

To D. Gardner - Coming from you, that IS a compliment indeed. I hope I can keep faking it and not get drawn into the deep, dark world of kink... (^-^)

Jennifer and Lana - My heart goes out to you! You're my girls!

S.D.R - I just want to say that I found it flattering that you thought my writing was worth something. And I will keep a matter of fact I have this story all planned out.

Special Shoutouts to my three favorite slash writers

Forallex(X-men Beyond), Mitsaso(Slutty X-men) and Leohyuuga(Mutant High) - Lord, I must apologise for not reading your latest. It's hard to find the time...on top of writing too. But I will as soon as time allows.

And to everyone else who has been reading this story, especially the multitude who have emailed and messaged their support. You are my driving force. I'm going to act temporarily all hem,

Smooch smooch - Thank you Darlings! Ta ta!

Next: Chapter 22: Xxx Men 22

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