Xxx Men Series

By Phoenix

Published on Mar 14, 2006


Xmen Story Chapter Twenty - "He's Mine!"

The Morlock tunnels were linked together in a vast underground network. We could no longer rely upon Leech to lead the way. He was now branded a traitor to his people. One of the unseen Morlocks had pronounced the death penalty on his head... "Die Traitor!". We couldn't ethically expect him to walk ahead of us and be the one at most risk. The seniors knew the layout of the tunnels in a limited sense. The Morlocks had shown themselves to be greatly aggressive towards us and I didn't like it one bit when Cyclops suggested that we split up. The Morlocks had never been openly violent before. At least to their knowledge. And according to Jean, Ray himself had testified to their extremely pacifist nature. But now in light of recent events... What if they were really planning on harming Ray? Possibly in revenge for leaving them and then revealing their whereabouts to the X-men. After all, they were adamant that the location of Morlock Haven remain secret from all outsiders. It was apparently one of their laws. And even though Ray had meant nothing but the best...he had broken that rule. And Jean informed us that a lot of Morlocks felt betrayed that Ray had left them. It made logical sense.

Leech: "No! Callisto wouldn't.."

I reasoned. Callisto was the Morlock Leader. All leaders have their secrets. Secrets that they kept from the commoners in their society. Sure, some of those secrets have to be revealed to their closest servants. But no doubt many never are. By attempting and suceeding, in kidnapping Ray, Callisto had shown herself to be capable of scheming. The others were of that opinion as well. Leech however refused to be swayed to the possibility that Ray could have been in mortal danger. In the end, we were divided into groups by Cyclops. Each group was to enter a different region of the sewers. We could no longer rely on Leech's information as to where Ray would be kept. It was now enemy knowledge that he was aiding us. They would make allowances and move Ray from sites that were known to Leech. It all basically meant that we would have to search...and probably fight our way through to him.

Cyclops: "Alright, we're going to have to divide our forces. These tunnels are too extensive to search as one concentrated group. It won't be efficient and it'll take too long."

He then split us up in terms of power and ability. To make sure that we were well rounded. I was glad that I wouldn't have to be on a team with Kurt or Jacob. Although I wished that I could have been alongside Bobby. But Scott probably divided us up into those configurations for tactical advantages or such. I only hoped that Bobby and Jacob got along. They were both on the same team.

Team A - Cyclops





Team B - Wolverine


Nightcrawler Magma


Team C - Colossus





It was sensible enough. We would have a telepath in each group to aid in communication, in the event that the com links that Cyclops had established failed. Yes, we were down one member with Ray gone. But the group consisting of four X-men was thought out. Kurt could teleport away from danger. Jean could shield telekinetically. Amara's connection to the Earth element granted her strength and durability when she was in an altered state. And Wolverine...well, we all know about his advanced healing factors, unbreakable skeleton and superb fighting abilities. So they were safe enough. And Leech would be secure enough with them. With Sunspot at only partial charge, Cyclops ensured that Psycho was on hand should any injury arise. For Morph's sake too, as he was not of a durable variety like Colossus or Iceman were. After a short briefing we went our separate ways, taking three different tunnels.


Meanwhile At the War Council....Callisto was in a private discussion with the chief Brotherhood Representative.

Mysterious Femal Voice: "We will help you fight for your freedom. But you must realise that this will take time. Change does not happen overnight."

Callisto: "Of course. That I understand. But there has to be something that you have to gain from helping us."

She was young. But she was no fool. They must want something in return for their favors. Every alliance was built on mutual benefit. So the question was...what did they have to gain?

Mysterious Femal Voice: "You planned on venturing up to the surface world and forcing the humans to accept you. In addition to the humans, you would have been opposed by the X-men. We fight for mutant rights. Pacifist strategies are doomed to failure. But these misguided X-men fail to see that. They have declared themselves traitors to their own kind. We have a common foe. And by joining together...we may be able to defeat them. With your numbers and our expertise, no one will be able to stop us."

Callisto: "I want freedom for my people...but what about casualties?"

Mysterious Female Voice: " you expect to fight a war without loss?"

Callisto: "So you want the X-men eliminated? That's your price?"

Mysterious Female Voice: "Not exactly. Certain of their members I have a...special interest in. They must be taken alive. Here..."

She tossed photographic prints of several people to Callisto.

Mysterious Female Voice: "The can do whatever you want with. Morlock justice...your call. But these...I want unharmed."

Callisto: "What about Ray?"

Mysterious Female Voice: "He's yours. I have no need of him."

Callisto: "Agreed. Our spies must have located them by now. I'll send out our best warriors to weed these X-men out."


Cyclops: "Here they come! Watch your backs!"

Within a half hour of walking down our tunnel they were upon us. Judging by the short messages we received from the other two teams, it was a synchronised attack. All three teams were attacked at once by Morlock inhabitants. They didn't seem to be particularly skilled but they were no slouches either. Brute force and strength of numbers seemed to be what they relied upon most. I tried to estimate their numbers but eventually had to just give up. It would be far simpler to just bash away until we cleared them out. It was harder than we anticipated though. They were formidable opponents, especially at close range. And the way they fought was almost barbaric. Their deformed physical appearances also instilled some degree of fear within us. At least within Jubilee, Pyro, Multiple and myself. And whilst we had to pull our punches a little so that we wouldn't kill them, they seemed to have no qualms about using extreme force against us. They intended to overwhelm us with force of numbers...and it was working.

Three super-strong, hulking brutes cornered Multiple, or rather one of his clones. They probably planned on taking advantage of his young age. Remembering that he felt whatever pain his clones felt, I thought it wise to deal with them. That and if we ignored the clones, they'd figure out which was the real Multiple in no time. We had to act as if all the clones were equally likely to be the real deal. That said I surrounded the clone in a force shield. That got their attention and they began advancing upon me. There was a lot of rubble and scrap metal lying around. Two of the brutes armed themselves with pipes and the last picked up a heavy metal chain. Seeing that they would be vulnerable with conducting metal in their hands, I switched into my Electrical form and sent forth electric bolts in their direction. The bolts were powerful enough, but the metallic objects they were holding really made it sing. They slumped to the ground unconscious.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see brilliant flashes of light. Which meant that Jubilee was busy as well. I heard several screams that were followed by a painful sounding crash. Several Morlocks had been blasted away by Cyclops. To my right I could see that Pyro was nearly surrounded. Jubilee saw his predicament and was about to lend an assist but to our surprise, Pyro pulled out his lighter and began manipulating the flames into an all out inferno. But it was what he did with it that was truly shocking. He aimed it directly at the Morlocks and inflicted grievous, third degree burns. Their screams were horrible and you detect the aroma of burning flesh. It was enough to cause extreme nausea. But he wouldn't stop.

Cyclops: "John! Stop!"

John: "They're tryin' to kill us!"

It had so infuriated Cyclops that he dropped the use of John's codename (Pyro). Pyro stopped the Inferno but didn't extinguish the flames. The quickest thing I could do was to telekinetically channel sewer water onto some of his victims, and toss the rest into the water itself. There was an abundance of it. Whilst we were no longer compelled to walk in it, it still flowed in organized streams. Jubilee blasted a couple of fanged opponents away from her and went over to investigate the damage.

Jubilee: "For fuck's sake, John! What the Hell were you thinking?!"

Pyro: "My power ain't all that versatile as yours! Fire is fire...people are going to get burned. I can't exactly make fire cooler you know! They were coming at kill."

Three more Morlock mutants converged upon them and they stopped their quarrel to deal with the new threats. When I looked behind me, I could see that several of Multiple's clones were staring at the sight...they were a little shaken. I nodded a little encouragingly at them and they reverted into defensive stance. A Gothic looking female then stepped into the fray. I couldn't tell what her mutant abilities were at first. Upon her levitating several jagged pieces of metal however I was guessing psychic. She sent them whirring towards Cyclops' back. I formed a shield around him and they glanced off. That set her focus upon me. She stared at me a little weirdly and motioned several new arrivals in my direction. She probably thought that I was a major threat or something. Probably because I also possessed Psionic abilities like she did. I held two of them telekinetically and blew two more away from me with Wind. At that point the two I held captive began screaming. And I do mean screaming! Sound is a form of energy and the force of it sent me hurtling backwards. They altered pitch...I couldn't hear it anymore. But their mouths were open alright. And the splitting headache I was developing was proof enough that they were indeed pulling off some kind of mutant trick. I could barely even focus my eyesight. I could make out that the others were being affected in much the same way though. Mutliple's clones all succumbed and faded. The real Multiple fell onto the ground, knocked out. Jubilee put up a fight, but she eventually yielded as well. Pyro couldn't focus and his flames died away. He fell to an energy blast wielded by one of his opponents. Cyclops managed to blast one of the pair right into a solid wall. But it was to no avail as one remained active. With a telepathic stunning attack we were all incapacitated... My last thought before I went under was the hope that the other teams had better luck than we had.


Jubilee awoke to a stinging pain. Her left cheek was smarting a little. It didn't take her too long to realise that she was slapped out of her former unconscious state. She shook her head slightly and braced herself for whatever was to come. Half expecting to be greeted by deformed Morlock faces she raised her head. To her surprise she was greeted by the visage of an extraordinarily beautiful girl.

Callisto: "So, you're the one that erased all memory of me. Hmpf! He could have done a lot better though."

Jubilee could barely manage to focus her eyesight, much less her thoughts. It took her a couple of minutes before she realised that she must have been face to face with Callisto. The kidnapper of Ray. She tried to energise a plasma bolt but to her chagrin all that materialised was a mere sparkle. She didn't seem capable of using her abilities. And her head was dizzy too. Could they have drugged her?

Callisto: "Don't even bother. What a marvellous device!"

She was holding some sort of needle in her hands. So it was likely that she had been drugged with some sort of mutant power suppressing drug. Where could she have gotten access to that? Hank kept a supply that he guarded with his life...they were that hard to come by.

Jubilee: "You're...Callisto?"

Callisto: "Well, Leech has been running his mouth I see. I'll have to go discipline him for that in a bit."

She had Leech? Wasn't he with Logan, Jean, Amara and Kurt? Were they captured as well? And what about Piotr and his group? Were they?

Jubilee: "Where's Ray?"

Callisto: "With us, where he belongs."

Jubilee: "He's not one of you. He's not yours either, he's mine!"

She didn't respond at first but seemed instead to be considering something carefully.

Callisto: "That remains to be decided."

Jubilee: "What do you mean?"

Callisto: "We'll settle it the Morlock way. A duel."

Jubilee: "Loose me from these chains and we'll settle it."

She merely laughed. Callisto thought that it would be an excellent opportunity to test the efficiency of her fighters. The X-men they had captured surely couldn't be all the members of the team. Once they reached the surface they would have to face off against the remaining members. That much her Brotherhood compatriots had informed her of. So she had better see what she was up against. And a duel was perfect. But it wouldn't be between her and Jubilee. It would be a three on three matchup. Three of her champions. The best she could come up with...against three of the X-men, the best amongst those they had captured. She counted twelve. It was a pity that she had to hand over four of them to the Brotherhood representatives... They must have been the best of the best. Why else would they want them...?

She had been given several photgraphs to go on. All of them were of "special interest" to the Chief Representative. If they chanced to see any of them among the X-men in the sewers, they were to capture them and hand them over to the Brotherhood. They found four of the group. There were others that were not seen...but the Chief Representative seemed satisfied. Anyhow, she had eight of them left to her control. There was no way that she'd give Ray up. But it would be a perfect ploy to ensure that they tried their hardest and gave a good fight. She needed to see just how good they were. She proposed her plan to Jubilee.

Jubilee: "You mean you caught us...all?"

Callisto: "Yes, all twelve of you."

Jubilee reasoned. There were fourteen of them. If she caught twelve...then two members had escaped her grasp.

Callisto: "But you'll only have seven to choose from."

Jubilee: "You...killed them?!"

Callisto: "No...four are a bit occupied at present and as such won't be available for your use."

Jubilee: "So three of us against three of you?"

Callisto: "Yeah. Best two out of three."

Jubilee: "And if we win...we get Ray?"

Callisto: "Yes...though I doubt you'd win."

Jubilee: "How do I know he's okay?"

Callisto: "You'll just have to take my word for it. You and your team members are still alive aren't you?"

It sounded too easy. If Callisto wanted Ray so bad then why was she giving her a fighting chance. And why was she suddenly negotiating? Back in the tunnels she was perfectly content to send scores of Morlocks against them. What the hell did she mean by "four are a bit occupied at present"? Sure Ray was her ex. But as a leader...could she really expect her people to risk their lives just so that she could get her ex-boyfriend back? Even if it meant that they would have a king? Wouldn't they rather choose a king that stayed with his people all along than one who left them high and dry? There had to be some other reason for their aggression. Something that Callisto was hiding. But she was in no position to make demands. Jubilee decided to bide her time and play along until an opportunity presented itself. After all...two X-men had evaded capture.


I awoke with a bitchin' migraine. At first I was under the impression that it was a residual effect from the sonic and telepathic combined attack I had suffered. But when I tried to break the bonds that restrained me with telekinesis the throbbing pain in my head intensified. It reached such a level that I cried out. At that I heard some movements about me. I couldn't make out much in the diffused light of the sewers though.

"W-who's there?"

A familiar voice responded to my panicked question. And yes...familiarity does breed contempt.

Lance: "Whoa! Take it easy, man. Trying to use your powers will only weaken you."


He stepped closer into the gloomy light where I could see him.

"What are you Brotherhood fucks doing here?! And what have you done to me? Why aren't my powers working?!"

Lance: "Aww...come on. You better ask nicer than that if you want answers."

"You're a villain. Don't you usually enjoy gloating?"

Lance: "I think you watch way too much tv."

I didn't respond to that and instead took the time to try and sort my head out. I remembered feeling like that before. It was right after my face-off with Jean, Scott and Bobby...the very night I arrived at the Mansion. I woke up feeling all disoriented and woozy. And when I tried to use my powers then I fainted. It was some sort of specialised sedation that they put me under for my own good. I reasoned...I must have been under something similar, except it wasn't for my own good. If I kept trying to use my powers I could very well end up unconscious again. And I doubt that it would have been in my best interest. And in my defenceless state, I didn't think that it would be wise to anger Lance. So I decided to hold off on the swear words.

"You must be the reason why the Morlocks are suddenly violent."

Lance: "Not really. Humanity's hatred of them forced them to live here...and with enough time, well you can't blame people for wanting their fair share. They've been cheated out of a life on the surface world. We're just going to give them a helping hand is all."

"Helping hand?"

Lance: "Yup! They can have their shot at surface life when we take over world."

So that was their plan. Twisted...but given everything that I was told about the Brotherhood, it should have come as no surprise.

"You're insane."

Lance: "Xavier has brainwashed all of you! Can't you see that humanity will never accept us?! They have trouble accepting insignificant things like...being gay! You think that they can handle genetic mutation?"

"They aren't all like that. Some of them are different."

Lance: "They don't matter. The ones in power matter. And if we're to get respect, we're going to have to get it by force."

I couldn't help but admit to myself...deep down, that he had a valid point. The majority of humans hate and fear mutants. Yes, there were some pretty decent and understanding ones. But by and large they were a bigoted, self-righteous lot. And the leaders were worse. I was no fool. I had seen it all on the news. The extremists were constantly trying to push the Mutant Registration Bill through the system. It would require all mutants to be registered and certified. Failure to do so would be a crime against the state. It would make all mutants known to the public. But it couldn't be all hopeless. Professor Xavier's dream couldn't be waste of time and energy, doomed to fail. His vision had a profound effect on so many lives. And everyone who had faith in it couldn't be insane. Not all of them. I remembered Nova Roma and what it symbolised. It gave me the fortitude to withstand Lance's attack and criticisms of Professor Xavier's philosophy.

"Why did you leave the Mansion, Dominic?"

His eyebrows shot up in surprise at the mention of his name.

Lance: "What did you call me?"

"Dominic, what you're going deaf all of a sudden?"

His demeanour changed swiftly and for a minute I was afraid that he was going to punch me. He sure as hell looked mad enough.

Lance: "The name's Lance, got it?!"

I nodded in response in case my voice shook. I wouldn't want him to see exactly how intimidating to me he was.

"So why did you leave, Lance? Ororo said that you were her best pupil."

Lance: "It's done and over with. And it ain't any of your business."

Seeing the destabilising effect it was having on him, I decided to drop the topic and get back to the business at hand.

"Where are the others?"

Lance: "Oh, here and there."

"What are you going to do with us?"

Lance: "Well, for most of's up to the Morlocks. They'll probably kill the ones we let them keep."

The mention of killing made my facial expression twist in anguish.

Lance: "Oh but you ain't got nothin' to worry about there, dude. We wouldn't let anything happen to you."

"What? Why?"

He leaned in closer and I didn't like the grin he was wearing. He was far too flirtatious for my taste and comfort. I could only twist uncomfortably as he stroked the side of my face.

Lance: "Oh, it's cuz you're just so special..."

Just as I was about to scream for him to get the fuck offa me someone else intruded. The place was dark and I couldn't make out anyone visually. But I heard someone walk in on us.

Mysterious Female Voice: "Lance! Get away from him! You are not to have any contact with him outside of your official duties!"

Lance: "Aww, I was only having a little fun with him, Mystique."

Mystique?! Oh my God! THE MYSTIQUE! KURT'S MOTHER!

Mystique: "This isn't a time for fun! We have work to do. Get out of here!"

He sighed in frustration.

Lance: "Yes ma'am. Catch you later hotstuff."

And he was gone. I was experiencing mixed feelings. Yes, Lance was leaving...but Mystique was now with me. Come to think of it...I wish he'd stayed and she went back to wherever the hell she was before she got there. I could make out a shadowy figure approaching and I unconsciously began straining at my bonds. I expected to see the horrible, dark-blue, demon-eyed beast from the file in the War Room's Computer. But thankfully I was spared that ordeal. The woman who stepped into the gloomy light was ordinary in appearance. Which was all well and good. I was nauseous from whatever drugs they had sedated me with and the sight of her in her...natural form, would have made me expel the contents of my stomach for sure.

Mystique: "Did he hurt you?"

"What's it to you?"

I wasn't going to let her even suspect that I was afraid of her. I was going to have to "man up" and be as brave as I could. Despite the fact that I was utterly powerless and in the presence of one of the Brotherhood's most dangerous members.

Mystique: "Lance is known to be overly forceful in his advances. He doesn't care if a guy's straight, bi or gay as long as he likes what he sees."

"I doubt that you came in here to save me from him. So just -"

She laughed a little at my weak attempt to sound intimidating.

Mystique: "Do you know who it is you're talking to?"

"Yeah, Mystique...The Brotherhood's Big Bad Bitch wannabe."

Tremble in awe at my alliteration!

Mystique: "Haha! I wonder just how much they've told you about me."

"I know more than you're Kurt's mother."

Mystique: "Not that he'll ever admit it. But that's not why I'm here."

"Why are you here?"

Mystique: "To have a little talk with you. After all, we'll be working together from now on and I want to get to know my newest recruit. While you have a mind of your own anyway."

I recalled Lance's slip of the tongue that day in the park. He said that Mystique had her eye on me. And he mentioned "re-education". And this was not new to them at all. They no doubt knew of my Omni-Elemental status, through Lance and the other Brotherhood juniors who saw me use my abilities. And now here I was, alone with their talent scout.

"You're off your rocker if you think I'll work for you. I'll fight your brainwashing to the end. I won't go down easy."

She ignored my macho burst of courage. Apparently she must have been used to hearing it from her victims.

Mystique: "The first thing we'll want to see about is getting you a cool codename...and a suave uniform too. I wonder, does navy blue look good on you?"

Fashion?! Codenames?! Did she have nothing better to do with her time?!

"What the hell is wrong with you? Didn't you hear what I said? The others will come get me! They won't let you -"

Mystique: "The others aren't really in a position to help themselves. And by the time the rest of your people get here, we'll be long gone. Oh, but don't worry won't be all alone. As a matter of fact, Four- Eyes and Redhead will be joining you."

Four Eyes? Redhead?

"I don't..."

Mystique: "What is it with you blondes? Summers and Grey."

Scott and Jean? They probably wanted Scott because of his position of team leader. He no doubt had access to many of the X-men's secrets. Secrets that the Brotherhood would certainly find invaluable. As for Jean...I remembered what Xavier said about the Phoenix. Some alter ego thing that was sleeping within her. No one ever explained it to me in its entirety. But no doubt it possessed great power. From the fearful way they all spoke of it...even Jean herself seemed loath to discuss it. Come to think of own alter ego raised ruckus on more than one occasion. In the Danger Room incident I almost killed Bobby. It was only Jacob's timely intrusion on the Astral plane that saved me, Jean and Xavier from destroying each other's minds. She must have been after power and information.

Mystique: "And I wouldn't want to leave my dear son out of this."

Kurt? So he would be coming along too?

Mystique: "And it won't be so bad. You'll be having company before long. But enough of that. If you're so tight lipped I'll just speak with you another time. I better go see to the Morlocks."


Scott: "Jean, are you okay?"

Jean: "I think so...but I can't seem to focus enough to use my powers."

Scott: "Me neither."

They both awoke, chained to opposite tunnel walls, facing each other. There didn't seem to be anyone guarding them. Which meant that whoever was responsible for the sudden disabling of their powers...must have been confident that they would be out of commision for a while. They took the time to rehash their respective Morlock encounters. All three teams had been ambushed at about the same time. In the heat of the battle none of them got a chance to communicate exactly what went on. But from mutual discussion they came to the conclusion that both Team A and Team B were totally disabled. Which meant that everyone from their teams were in Morlock custody.

Jean: "Where could they be?"

Just about then a mysterious male figure stepped into the room and answered her question.

Mysterious Male Voice: "They are alive...for now. But they are in grave peril."

At the sound of a foreign voice both Cyclops and Jean glanced in the direction from which it came. Its owner stepped into view. He was without doubt a Morlock. His physical form was stunted. But unlike much of the other Morlocks they had come into contact with, he had an air of decency about him. He looked ancient and venerable. His manner suggested that he possessed a great deal of wisdom. As such both Cyclops and Jean were inclined to believe him.

Cyclops: "Who are you?"

Healer: "I am Healer."

He then explained his position among the Morlocks. He was their spiritual leader and chief representative in the council of elders. And he was the one who was alerted to Callisto's kidnapping plans. He had made use of Leech's immunity to telepathy and sent him on the trail of the kidnappers. He was thus undetected by them. But alas, he failed to reach Ray in time and the kidnapping was a success. Eventually he revealed the true intent of Callisto and the Brotherhood's involvement in Morlock society.

Cyclops: "Now it makes sense."

Jean: "Where are the other members of our team?"

Healer: "Twelve were captured. You two are here under heavy Morlock guard."

Cyclops: "But there's no one here."

Healer: "They are outside...unconscious thanks to a few of my sleeping potions. Two more of your number are being held separately. A blue skinned man and a young boy. I haven't been able to reach them as Brotherhood members are guarding them. The other eight are under Callisto's jurisdiction."

Jean: "Twelve...there were - wait...why are you telling us all this?"

Healer: "I have been opposed to Callisto's war effort from its inception. I am here to help. Here...drink this."

With that he pulled out a small vial from his satchel. Cyclops was distrusting at first but he eventually took the leap of faith. They were helpless and chained to the wall. What more harm to the situation could it cause? As soon as he finished the vial he begand to notice an improvement in his focus.

Cyclops: "What was that?"

Healer: "I am a skilled herbalist with healing abilities. Try using you mutant powers now."

Cyclops complied and found that he was able to fire a beam strong enough to shatter his restraints. Healer informed them that it would take a few minutes to reach its full effect. Jean seeing that Healer was there to help took her dose with no complaint. And whilst she and Cyclops waited for their powers to reach full strength, they hatched a plot with Healer to rescue the two other members who were being held. From his description...the blue skinned man had to be none other than Nightcrawler. But who was the young boy?

Jean: "Describe him to us. I don't think I have it in me yet for a mental probe."

Healer: "He had dirty blonde hair...I couldn't tell his height. He was slumped on the floor and I couldn't get too close. But he was wearing something red."

Jean: "It has to be Rick. He was the only one wearing red."

Cyclops: "Okay, we'll have to get Rick out of their grasp first. Healer, how many are guarding him?"

Healer: "Three. There was a rather froglike fellow, a white haired fool and a loud-mouthed punk."

Jean: "Hmm...sounds like Toad and Quicksilver...and either Lance or Blob."

Healer: "No, it wasn't Blob. The obese one was guarding your blue skinned friend. Together with a girl in red and a rather large and hairy fellow, with claws."

Both Cyclops and Jean looked at each other gravely. The large and hairy fellow with claws could be none other than Sabretooth. The girl must have been the Scarlet Witch. If a high-ranking Brotherhood member like Sabretooth was there...

Cyclops: "Were there any other Brotherhood members that you saw?"

Healer: "Just one other. A rather intimidating woman. But I don't know where she disappeared to. She called herself, Raven."

Jean: "Raven Darkholme?"

When Healer responded in the affirmative, they knew then that they also had Mystique to deal with. That she was alive and and actively pursuing Brotherhood interests. Just as Lance had revealed to Rick, albeit accidentally. Upon realising the severity of the situation they followed Healer out of their holding tunnel and commenced heading for Rick's.


Morlock: "Down with the sun-skunks!"

It was a tough crowd. Callisto had decided to make use of the duel as fully as possible. In addition to a test of her warriors' skills, it would make excellent entertainment for the Morlock citizenry. They were in a makeshift arena. It was little more than a wide circular space surrounded by over three hundred loud and irate Morlocks. Jubilee ran up to the seven team-mates she saw assembled on one end of the arena. On the "bench" were Multiple, Wolverine, Pyro, Iceman, Colossus, Magma and Sunspot.

She knew that two of the team's members had evaded capture. Which meant that four more were being held somewhere, as Callisto had revealed that they had captured twelve. She expressed her relief that they were still alive and explained the situation to them. On the other side of the arena, Callisto was sitting on a structure that was supposed to pass for a throne. It looked more like used scaffolding though. She explained that they would have to fight for permanent possession of Ray.

Wolverine: "This don't seem right. Alla this cuz the bitch wants her old boyfriend back?"

Jubilee: "There has to be something going on here that we don't know about. But I think we'll have to play along."

Pyro: "Yeah, that crowd looks like it wants to see a fight."

Jubilee: "Can I ask you guys to fight for me? As my champions?"

They all agreed and Jubilee chose who she thought to be the most capable of those present. Colossus, superhuman strength, durability and invulnerablity when in his metallic form. Wolverine, with his fighting skills, unique weaponry and healing factor he'd be a force to be reckoned with. She hesitated between Bobby and Amara, but eventually decided to go with Bobby. She didn't think that it would be wise for Amara to use seismic force as it could have resulted in the entire tunnel collapsing upon them. So Iceman would be her third champion. Callisto called out impatiently across the arena.

Callisto: "You have been given enough time! Name your champions!"

Jubilee called forth their names and sent them out into the middle of the circle. There they were given some sort of liquid to drink. They were extremely hesitant to drink it and demanded to know its purpose. Apparently it was to restore the use of their powers to them. They still refused. Until Callisto herself drank a vial to prove that it wasn't poison in disguise. Iceman and Colossus drank their vials. But Wolverine revealed that he had no need to, as his healing factor had already negated the effect of whatever drugs they had been dosed with. After a random matchup it was determined that Colossus would go first.

He stepped into the center as Wolverine and Iceman walked back to the bench. Callisto sent forth her champion. To Jubilee's dismay it was the very same psychic that had telepathically stunned her group into unconsciousness. Colossus might have been super strong...but he was helpless against psychic attack. If she got the chance to invade his would be over. Nevertheless he gave it his all despite the disadvantage he was under. Jubilee began to appreciate how vital an assest teamwork was. Colossus tranformed his body into its metallic form in time to avoid three jagged shards of metal that came flying his way. He ducked and rolled to avoid two more and slammed his metal fists together. It generated a sonic boom that toppled the psychic Morlock to her feet. With another sonic boom she was sent hurtling backwards.

With a forward lunge, Colossus charged her. She was ready with a telekinetic shield though. Whilst it withstood the initial attack of his charge, the shield itself noticeably dimmed. With two more incredible power punches it faded. The psychic had used the time he took to shatter the shield, to infiltrate his mind and Colossus was soon seen clutching his head in pain. Before she could fully stun him however, he threw all sense of chivalry aside and hit her with a sucker punch. She went flying straight out of the arena and into a wall. She fell down bleeding and couldn't get up to continue the fight. She had to be carried out of the arena. The Morlock crowd started booing Colossus whilst the X-men cheered him on, grateful that he had succeeded.

Callisto was fuming on her "throne". She had to struggle to maintain her cool. Presently she sent out her second champion. A giant of a man who had to have been at least eleven feet tall. Wolverine got up ready to face the newcomer. He was himself a bit on the short side and had a bit of a weakness for humbling taller men. He was motioned to sit however as it was Iceman's turn to battle. Iceman took up his position in the center of the arena and awaited the giant's move. When a good five minutes passed and he hadn't budged an inch, Iceman blasted him with an icebolt. That infuriated the brute and he rushed blindly towards Iceman. Apparently the Morlock was living up to the Giant Archetype - he didn't appear to have much in the brain department. To avoid damage, Iceman shot a blast at the ground and used the force of it to propel himself into the air, like a vaulting pole. He landed on the other side of the arena, far away from the Giant. The infuriated Morlock then smashed his fist upon the ground and generated a shockwave that toppled Bobby to his feet. Whilst he was struggling to get back up, the Giant closed distance and aimed a punch directly at him.

It was only by the sudden manifestation of his Ice Armor that every bone in his body was spared. With quick thought Bobby clutched the fist that collided with his armor and channeled freezing energy along the fist, then arm, then torso of the Morlock foe. He began to scream in pain. Pretty soon he was encased in a shell of ice and his screams died away. Iceman had his back turned to the "Snowman" and was about to walk back to the bench when he smashed his way out and kicked him straight across the arena. Seeing his opponent temporarily stunned, the Giant leapt into the air, intending to crush his opponent with a full on body slam. Fortunately Iceman recovered his senses quickly enough to blast him away with a freezing beam. The Morlock fell back only momentarily and soon primed himself up for another melee attack. With swift thought, Iceman formed ice spikes, shaping them from his armor. When next the giant charged him, he succeeded in impaling his torso on the armor. With a howl he leapt off of Bobby. They began to circle each other warily.

Meanwhile, on the X-men's side of the field Jubilee was holding her breath in anticipation. If Bobby won the second round it would be best two out of three and Ray would be their's. Across the field that very thought was echoing through Callisto's mind. She was not giving up Ray to the upworlders. But she had to maintain a façade of honor in front of her people. If she refused to give up Ray as promised, her own people would see her as a liar. She must not lose their trust. So she had to make sure that the second round went to the Morlock's. With that she motioned to her aide. He understood her signal and went behind the throne where a scared Leech was being kept tied.

Aide: "Alright traitor! Prove your loyalty. Remove the X-man's powers!"

Under their threats, Leech was forced to comply. From behind the scaffold he was kept hidden from the sight of anyone in the arena. But he could still sense the power signatures of the participants. When Callisto had him brought to her and he admitted his treachery she had disowned him as a friend. He had to accept all blame for leading the X-men down to the Haven. There was no way that he could allow Healer to be punished. Leech was Callisto's former friend. He might have had a chance of regaining her trust. But Healer was a sworn rival. She would see him executed. So Leech did as he was told.

Meanwhile in the arena Iceman noticed a sudden dizziness. He passed it off however as a mere side-effect of whatever the hell it was that they drugged him with. When he tried to form an ice shield to block a punch from his opponent however, he found that he couldn't. He took the full force of the blow and his Ice Armor shattered into non-existance. The Morlock crowd cheered in support of their champion. When he attempted to reform the Ice Armor, it was unsuccessful. In the end he had to try and evade the brute's sweeping blows whilst getting in a few punches and kicks. Thankfully the Giant was slow. Both in thought and deed. Slow but strong. With a huge leap, Iceman managed to jump over him and avoid a potenially life-threatening bear hug. With a low sweep behind the Giant's knees, he was flat on his back.

Callisto was infuriated! How could the X-man be winning even after his powers were negated?! She began to shift uncomfortably. In the arena, Iceman took advantage of his fallen foe's position and drop kicked him across the chest. He could hear several ribs crack. Upon a second attempt at a drop kick however, his foot was caught in the brute's fist, and he himself was flung across the arena and into the very same wall that Colossus had flung the psychic. This time the Morlock crowd cheered whole-heartedly. Multiple and Pyro went to help him back across the arena and onto the bench. Jubilee inspected the damage and seemed confident that no major damage was done. He just had a dislocated shoulder that Colossus promptly popped back into position. It was then Logan's turn. Before he went out into the arena to face his opponent, Iceman warned him to be careful.

Iceman: "I dunno what happened out there. I think it could be a side-effect of the drugs they used to disable our powers. I just could freeze anything."

Jubilee glanced towards the other side of the arena suspiciously. Callisto seemed very sure of herself all of a sudden. Seeing nothing to convince her that anything illegal was going on, Jubilee turned to Wolverine and wished him success. He had better win. He was the last of her champions and they were tied...


Cyclops, Jean and Healer had arrived at the entrance to the holding tunnel where Rick was being kept captive. To ensure that Healer's help remained a secret (So that his own people wouldn't hunt him down for punishment) they told him to stay behind at the entrance. They had barely walked two minutes into the tunnel before Cyclops cried out. His visor had vanished mysteriously and it was just luck that he had been in the middle of a blink. He was forced to keep his eyes shut as he had no control of his beams without the visor. Jean surmised that it must have been Quicksilver's super speed. He must have grabbed the visor, quicker than the eye could have seen, from Cyclops' face. She was proven right when she felt a hand slap her ass affectionately. Wicked adolescent laughter followed.

It infuriated her and she locked onto his postion with telepathy. When she located him, she immediately lifted him off the ground with telekinesis. Without the leverage or a running surface, he was helpless to escape.

Jean: "Cyclops, open your eyes for a second!"

He complied and she telekinetically seized control of his optic beam, bending it towards the struggling Quicksilver and blasting him with it. She added her telekinetic energy to the force of the beam and it sent him screaming straight out the tunnel. Jean did a quick mental scan to ensure that he was unconscious and then picked up Cyclops' visor from the ground. Once he got it on again, they continued along the tunnel. Having reached the end, they saw a sleeping Toad at the opening to the chamber where Rick must have been detained. But Lance was nowhere to be seen. With stealth Jean surrounded Toad in a telekinetic bubble. It woke him from his slumber and he began struggling. The bubble was soundproof however. Whilst he screamed and tried to break out of the barrier, she invaded his mind and put him out of commision. At that they entered the chamber...


Mystique had told him to leave me alone, aside from acting in his official capacity as a Brotherhood agent that is. So I suppose injecting me with some needle of "whatever" was perfectly okay. But he refused to obey even her orders after he was through with that. He came back into my chamber and started harassing me once again. And I was afraid to get him angry. When he was last with me he looked mad enough to really hurt me. Which I didn't get at all. I didn't use swear words or anything...I just called him Dominic. But seeing the way that the name affected him...I was in no hurry to use it again or get him mad.

Lance: "So how's that boyfriend of yours been treating you?"

As he knew nothing about Bobby, he could only have been referring to my ex-boyfriend Jacob. As a matter of fact, I considered Jacob an ex-friend too. So it was safe to assume that I was getting a little testy when Lance brought him up.

"That's none of your business."

Several more minutes passed by in silence.

Lance: "Did he hurt you or something? Why did you run away from the school?"

What the fuck?

"I asked you first. You didn't answer. So I'm not going to. We aren't exactly friends catching up here."

Lance: "You just seemed really down that morning in the park."

"Well, I wasn't exactly thrilled at seeing you there. Do the math."

He kept on talking and no matter how much I tried to ignore it, I couldn't. If its one thing that I find seriously annoying is ceaseless chatter. Finally when I could stand no more I blurted it out just to shut him up.

"I got outted, alright?"

Lance: " did they take it?"

I wouldn't have told him anymore...but I had an ulterior motive. I was curious as to why he had left the Mansion. And maybe if I shared some information with him, he might let something slip that I could work with.

"I ran away. What does that tell you?"

Lance: " did Ray take it?"

Ray didn't take it too good at all. I saw the look on his face. I was guessing that maybe he and Ray had some sort of altercation. Maybe when Ray found out that he was gay...he blew up on him. I saw in that Danger Room video that they were once close friends.

"He was pissed."

Lance: "Yeah?"


Lance: "Well, that's one thing I don't have to deal with in the Brotherhood. When they treat you like shit, it's cuz you didn't do your job right. Not cuz you're gay."

I paid close attention to those words. I was prepared to believe that Lance was somehow outted at the Mansion, was ostracised for it, and then switched sides. But then, why did no one speak of it at the Mansion? I would think that I'd at least hear talk about it. Especially since my outting. "Gay talk" was back in style. I would have thought that they'd have talked about the fags of yesteryear. Confusing... Anyhow, I was done talking to him about that. Frankly he had worn out his welcome. His mood was shifting again. I wondered just how long he could go without acting horny. Apparently, not very long.

Lance: "Don't worry, you'll like it. Everyone's cool there. Yeah, there might be one or two sour bitches. But they're far and few in between."

He was sitting next to me all the while. And after expounding upon the high principles of equity that the Brotherhood upheld, he gave my shoulder an affectionate squeeze.

Lance: "It won't matter that you're gay."

"I'm happy enough at the Mansion."

Lance: "So, uh - they treat you okay there? They changed?"

I didn't have to answer that question as I heard footsteps approaching and so did Lance. He barely had time to get to his feet before being blasted away from me. He landed across the other side of the chamber, unconscious. Glancing to my left, I saw Cyclops and Jean running towards me. With a few more of Cyclops' beams my restraints were off. Jean questioned me, asking if I was alright and whether Lance had tried anything on me. I answered no to both questions.

"I can't use my-"

Jean: "It's okay. We couldn't either. But.. a friend helped us. Come on."

We ran out of the tunnel, passing an unconscious Toad and Quicksilver along the way. Just as we were about to exit however, we were accosted by an old Morlock man. I may have been powerless, but I wasn't helpless. I was in the process of aiming a punch when Jean held me back with telekinesis. The old Morlock cowered slightly whilst she and Cyclops explained to me who the old man was. Hearing that, I offered my apologies. He reached into a pouch and pulled out a vial of liquid. Offering it to me and telling me to drink it. I was skeptical but Cyclops explained its purpose.

Cyclops: "Do it, Rick. It'll restore your powers."

So I did. The taste was a bit strong and bitter. But the very minute I drank it down, I could feel my head clear up and get lighter. As a tester I levitated the vial in midair. I still felt a little woozy, but at least my powers were back online. The old man, who inisisted that I call him Healer, said that I'd have to wait a few minutes for it to take full effect. They used the time to explain the situation to me. They knew where Kurt was being held and we'd have to attempt a rescue of him next. They informed me that two members of our team had escaped capture and were at large. But everyone else was under Morlock jurisdiction. I didn't have a clue as to who could have escaped capture. Maybe it was two of the Seniors. I hoped that Bobby was safe.

"Who's guarding Nightcrawler?"

Cyclops: "Two Junior Brotherhood members...and one Senior. You and Jean will handle the Juniors and I'll handle the Senior."

"Who's the Senior?"

Jean: "Sabretooth. Did you read his file?"

I did. As a matter of fact, Scott had given us an in depth description of him in our last Danger Room session. After five minutes I was feeling as good as new. So we wasted no further time and started out for Nightcrawler's chamber...


Wolverine was having a hard time dealing with his opponent. His attacks were purely physical in nature. And whilst his adamantium laced bone claws would have done irreparable damage to most enemies...they weren't doing squat to his Morlock opponent. It was chiefly due to the fact that his opponent's body seemed to consist entirely of grey slime. Every slashing claw attack merely slid through the almost incorporeal body. And whilst Wolverine seemed incapable of hurting his foe...his foe was perfectly able to hurt him. The Morlock, affectionately named "Sludge", flowed around Wolverine, surrounding him in a liquid wall, then collapsed upon him, washing him clear across the room and almost out of the arena.

Wolverine quickly got to his feet and began executing evasive manoeuvres to avoid Sludge's cascading blasts of slime. Several of the slimey missiles hit the chamber's walls with such force that the bricks that comprised them shattered into powder. Angered, Sludge elongated his liquid arms, and sent them straight under the ground. Logan paused, listening carefully. Alas, he was not quick enough as both arms erupted in a surge from the ground beneath him, and sent him hurtling towards the ceiling. Using his feral agility, he kicked off the ceiling's walls and landed on his feet on the opposite side of the arena. With a whistle, he taunted his opponent. Sludge altered shape and began to flow along the ground at incredible speed. Logan leapt to his right, barely escaping a whizzing slime bolt.

Back on the X-men bench, the other team-members were anxiously contemplating the situation. How could Logan win against a being like Sludge? Callisto was regarding the situation favorably. Perhaps she wouldn't need to bend the rules and use Leech in the third round after all. Neither side took Wolverine's natural resourcefulness into account. As usual, he demonstrated his uncanny knack for finding a way out of tight spots.

Sludge had cornered him back into a corner and just as it seemed all was lost and he had Logan right where he wanted happened. Apparently Logan was leading Sludge on...and if anyone had anyone by the screws, it was Logan. With a lightning quick slash of his claws he severed a pipeline that was running alonside the sewer wall. But not just any pipeline...a water pipeline. The surge of water blasted Sludge backwards and he screamed...or gurgled rather, in pain.

Jamie: "Ooohh...I'm melting...meltiiiing!"

Jubilee: "Jamie, quiet down!"

Secretly she was rejoicing herself and tossing Callisto looks of superirority. They had fought and won. And their prize was Ray, she had gotten back her man! Sludge seemed to be throughly incapacitated and unable to reform himself from the slimey pool on the floor. Callisto was flabbergasted! She immediately began crying "foul!".

Amara: "Of course he's foul! He's a freakin' puddle of rancid slime!"

Callisto ignored her and continued to insist that Wolverine had acted illegally. Logan begged to differ however, saying that it was a fight and using the terrain as a tactical advantage was perfectly legal. After all, Sludge had been trying to use the walls of the arena to trap Logan. He was using terrain tactically too. It was just that Logan was better at it. Callisto would not have it, and immediately summoned her guards to restrain and incarcirate the X-men under her jurisdiction. The crowd was going wild.

Logan unsheathed his claws once more ready for a fight...but upon doing so, he felt excruciating pain. When he looked down at his fists, they were bleeding. Why weren't his wounds healing? Ordinarily, his healing factor healed the damage his claws did as they unsheathed...and there was little or no pain either. Didn't they give him a vial of some nasty liquid that restored his abilities to him? His keen eyes caught a quick movement behind Callisto's throne. It was the Morlock boy that accompanied him and his group. He even helped fight off a few Morlocks...wait, didn't he have the power to suppress mutant abilities?

Logan: "You're a dirty, cheatin' bitch! You've been using that kid you got behind you to drain our powers!"

Bobby's eyes shot up in realisation. She must have been using Leech...forcing him to cheat for her. Maybe in return for his life or something to that effect. Amara had said that they were all captured. But they had no idea where Leech went to.

Callisto: "W-what?! That's ridiculous! You dare to call me a cheat?! Guards, cut out his lying tongue!"

Several Morlocks began advancing upon Logan. Just as they were about to pounce however, a Morlock from the stands ran out into the arena and got in their way. He shifted his form into a monstrous draconic beast, complete with fangs and savage claws. With a vicious rake of those claws, all three would be assaulters of Wolverine, were sent bleeding and maimed back into the shadows.

Callisto: "Traitor!"

She motioned to her aide once more. When he went behind the throne however, he met a freed Leech and an extremely pissed Psycho. The aide tried to access his abilites...but couldn't do so courtesy of Leech. Before he could scream out, Psycho had accessed his mind and shut him down. Psycho contacted Morph, masquerading as a dragon, and ordered him to feign weakness. Morph complied and to all eyes it seemed as if he lost power and fell back into "normal" Morlock form. Callisto smiled as she saw the Morlock "traitor" fall down "helpless". Her possessed aide walked out from behind her throne and nodded to her that all was well with Leech. She signalled her guards and they took the X-men and the Morlock traitor back into a waiting chamber. She would deal with them later. For now she had to have a word with her Brotherhood allies. Leaving her throne she exited the room. Seeing that the action was over, the Morlock's who were spectating disbanded and left. Psycho stole information from the aide's mind as to where everyone was being kept and left him unconscious is a corner.

Leech took the opportunity to explain the situation to him. But somehow Psycho already knew. Together they set out to free the captive X-men.


All the X-men were looking at the Morlock who had tried to help Logan sympathetically. They were certain that he would be punished very severely indeed. Callisto was very strict and she didn't take kindly to "traitors" at all. When their guards finally left the room and took up a position outside, their new Morlock ally finally spoke.

Morlock: "Don't scream...don't make a sound."

At that he began to shift form again until they were standing face to face with

Roberto: "David?!"

Amara: "Shh!"

He explained how both he and Jacob had escaped capture. Their group was assaulted by an overwhelming force of Morlocks as well. When things became desperate and they realised that they had to evade capture...David had altered form to look like a Morlock. Jacob had hid and used telepathic illusions to hide his presence from the Morlocks. He had also shielded David's mind from the Morlocks/ psychics. With his powerful psychic abilities and David's shapeshifting, they had infiltrated the Morlocks. They learnt of the Brotherhood's activities from the talk and gossip they overheard. Eventually they discovered that everyone else was captured. They didn't know where to look as that information was heavily guarded. Psycho didn't want to risk a full search of all Morlock minds in case he lost focus in guarding their minds from detection. But then there was talk of a big duel...and it all came to light.

Logan: "You mean...they've made a deal with the Brotherhood?"

David: "Yeah. And they have the others somewhere..."

Jubilee: "Wait...Callisto had told me that they captured twelve. You and Jacob escaping accounts for that. So they must have Scott, Jean, Rick and Kurt somewhere."

Bobby: "I don't understand it. Why would they be keeping them separate from us?"

No one knew the answer to that question. They pondered the current state of affairs. Logan, Bobby and Piotr retained their abilites as they were not redosed with sedatives. So too did David. But with a full force of Morlocks right outside their holding chamber, they wouldn't have stood a chance. As there didn't seem to be anything that they could do to help their situation, they settled down and waited.


Healer led us straight to Nightcrawler's holding cell. We left him at the entrance to the tunnel and cautiously entered. Jean scanned the area and determined that there were three Brotherhood members at the terminal end. She could sense that Kurt was alive and conscious. As we approached the end of the tunnel we kept a sharp lookout and eventually spotted Blob and the Scarlet Witch. I whispered,

"Jean, didn't you say that there were three of-"

I didn't get the chance to finish my sentence as a


was heard and a tall, outrageously musled hulk of a man burst through the shadows heading straight for us. I recognised him immediately as Sabretooth. I immediately formed a shield to absorb the force of his forward charge. Jean dove out of the way as a bolt of energy came heading her way courtesy of Scarlet. Sabretooth's screams had alerted them all to our presence. Blob had armed himself with a jagged piece of metal and was wielding it like a spiked club against Cyclops. I didn't like the matchup at all. Jean was pitted against Scarlet. Cyclops had to deal with Blob. And I unfortunately had to deal with Sabretooth. I decided to just make the best of it and prepared to roast his ass with flames. The only problem was that I couldn't. Not due to any hesitation on my part I can assure you. It was just beyond my comprehension. Failing that, I decided to zap his ass with electricity instead...but that failed too! I couldn't even conjure a spark! Then I tried Water, Earth and Wind... Zip, Nada, Nil!

"What the Fuck?!"

Sabretooth looked at me with a bloodthirsty grin. He slashed at my shield twice more and it flickered out. Since my Elemental powers were strangely offline, I would have to rely on Psionics. I figured it must have been some effect of Scarlet's (Wanda's) powers. When we battled in the park, she was capable of screwing around with them and negating them. She was occupied with Jean, but who knew the full extent of her abilities. When I invaded her mind back then, I was filled with her dark emotions. Goodness knows what she was capable of. Maybe when Jean finished her off, I'd be able to summon my Elemental powers again. But until then I'd have to deal with Sabretooth. He lunged at me full force and I levitated above him to avoid his attack. The savage way he fought reminded me of the way Logan had attacked me in Canada. It catalyzed something deep inside me...I resolved not to hold back any and just let him have it.

That said I tried to evoke the kind of power I had used in Nova Roma. I knew I couldn't use all of that energy in the tunnels. I would probably risk collapsing the entire ceiling upon us. I'd just have to keep a careful eye on how much energy I used. I grasped him telekinetically and slammed him against the wall, drilling him into it as hard as I could. He eventually escaped my telekinetic "grasp" and unsheathed several bone claws...not quite like Logan's. More like extra long finger nails. They looked wicked and capable of inflicting severe damage. I focussed once more and sent bricks flying out of the walls, straight at him. He caught the first one, crushed it to powder using his bare hands, and sliced the others. He tried charging me once more, but I quickly evaded by hovering upwards. With a frustrated grunt, he jumped towards the wall, kicked up and launched himself into the air, heading straight at me, aiming a punch. But for some odd reason, he withdrew the claws. I got punched dead on and fell onto the ground.

As soon as I got the air back into my lungs I formed a shield around my body. He landed right on top of it. I used my telekinesis to "feel around" the area. We were in abandoned sewer tunnels. There was a lot of scrap metal and odd object around. I could "feel" several pieces of sharp metal lying around. I doubted that Cyclops would want me to kill him (Hell, I didn't even know if I could with only Psionic abilities). But I remembered what we learned about him. He had an advanced healing Logan did. He could take a lickin' and keep on tickin'. So I levitated the sharp objects ( I was guessing that they were pipes that had been cut at some point in time) and sent them straight into his back, as hard as I could. Several spikes of metal poked out of his torso and blood erupted from the wounds. He howled in pain and rage, pulled out the metal and I watched on as his wounds healed before my eyes.

Whilst he was occupied with getting the metal out of his body, I expanded the shield and pushed him off me. He fell back right into Scarlet. Jean took the opportunity and mind-blasted her into unconsciousness whilst she was surprised. Seeing her put out of action, I figured that my Elemental powers would return. When I tried to summon them to my aid however I realised that they were still beyong my control. Jean ran over to me and stood between me and Sabretooth. He cautiously circled us.

Jean: "Rick, switch into Earth form. It'll afford you better physical defence."

"I can't. I thought it was Wanda. But now she's out cold and I still can't use Elemental powers."

Jean: "Stay behind me."

Sabretooth took advantage of our temporary lapse in concentration and leapt towards Jean. She was ready for him though. A shield formed and he collided into it like a sparrow flying into a glass window. Temporarily stunned, Jean roundhouse kicked him, adding telekinetic energy to the kick. It sent him flying. I was grateful that we had the advantage. He would have done better fighting someone who wasn't telekinetic or energy oriented. He lacked a range attack and was a purely physical fighter. He seemed to know that he was at a disadvantage and kept his distance. I formed a shield around both Jean and I for protection whilst she entered his mind. He fell down swearing violently. But eventually he succumbed to her telepathy and fell down comatose. We both glanced to our right and saw that Cyclops was putting the finishing touches on Blob. With two more optic blasts he was out. All three Brotherhood operatives were out cold by then and we entered the chamber to rescue Nightcrawler.


Psycho was hiding in the shadows with Leech. He was able to sense the presence of his team-mates but oddly could not contact them telepathically. He assumed that there must have been a Psychic barrier around them. To shield from all attempts of telepathic scanning or communication. There was quite a force of Morlocks guarding the rest of the team. He didn't think that he stood a chance. And Leech wasn't able to affect such a large group of mutants simultaneously either. He was about to succumb to his growing sense of hopelessness. But suddenly, as if a veil had been lifted he felt the presence of Jean and Rick. They were off his radar before. Perhaps they were under telepathic shielding as well. Then there was the Brotherhood to think about. If Wanda was in Morlock Haven, she'd be able to mask telepathic signatures.

{Jake: Rick, you okay?}

There was a rather lengthy pause.

{Rick: In a matter of speaking.}

Jean then entered the conversation and both sides synchronised their accounts of what had happened. They had apparently been incarcerated and rendered powerless. But a Morlock had come to their aid and restored their powers to them. Jean and Cyclops had then found and rescued Rick. Together they had fought off Wanda (it would explain all the telepathic masking that was going on), Blob and...Sabretooth! They now had Nightcrawler in their possession and were in need of directions. Jake began broadcasting a telepathic signal to Jean. It would allow them to track his position. With the proper focus he'd be able to hide the signal from the prying minds of Morlock psychics. Maybe with their help they'd stand a chance against the small army of Morlocks guarding the rest of the team.


Jean led us towards Psycho's location via a telepathic gradient. We didn't run into anymore Morlocks in the tunnels. Thankfully Healer knew each and every tunnel in Morlock Haven, including some secret ones. All along the walk I kept trying to summon my Elemental powers. It reached the point where the smallest, candle-sized flame, the weakest spark or breeze would have placated me. But I seemed completely cut off from them. Maybe it was some sort of side effect of the drug. But then Healer's cure had restored everyone else's powers. And it seemed to be widely effective as they all had different powers. And what about Bobby? His powers were restored for that fight Jacob told me about. So it definitely could restore Elemental abilites. Maybe it was just taking a little bit longer. Or maybe I was partially cured. Yeah, that could be it. Maybe I couldn't generate Elemental energy...but affect it instead, and gradually I'd regain full control. Sorta like how John couldn't generate fire, but could control it. I focussed and tried to affect the flaming torch that Healer was using to guide us...It was a no go and I swore in frustration.

"Fuck it!"

All eyes were on me. Kurt was shaking his head disapproving of the language that I had used. But I was well within my rights.

"No matter how much I try, I can't use any of my abilities except Psionics. Healer, are you sure that you gave me the right dose of that potion thingy you got there?"

He nodded in the affirmative.

"Then why isn't it working?"

Healer: "The problem lies not in my potions. I am a rather talented herbalist."

Since there was nothing that could be done then and there I dropped the topic. I was pissed though. These blasted Brotherhood bitches and Morlock mother-fuckers! Negating my powers...and then I only get some of them back?! When I meet that group of them guarding the others...I'm gonna lay the hurtin' on 'em! And God help whoever got in my way. I'm a powerful mutant...time to make use of that power. If Nature gave you a gift...use it. I'd think you got it for a reason. And in Nature, it's either use it or lose it. I didn't have to wait long to exact my revenge either. Healer stopped all of a sudden and motioned with his hands for us to be very quiet. He blew out the torch and we walked a little while longer.

Eventually we could see light flickering on the walls further down the tunnel. It meant that someone else was down there. Jean signalled to us that we were indeed close to the Morlock guards, and that Psycho was in the opposite tunnel entrance with Leech. Cyclops signalled for us to charge in at the count of three and make full use of the element of surprise. I was only too happy to oblige. After all, the element of surprise seemed to be the only element that I'd have any control of in that fight. Jean linked minds with us all and began a countdown...

{Jean: and one-half...two...two and a-}


{Jean: Oh alright! Three!}

At that we all rushed out like a bunch of barbarians into the crowd of Morlocks. Screaming like a hoard of Vikings at a slaughter. The first thing I did was grab three of the bitches telekinetically and slammed them into the ground, grinding them into the dirt. I used another as a battering ram and whacked several more out of my way.

Two of the sonically powered ones decided to try and scream. But before they could open their mouths I encased them in a telekinetic shield. When they shouted, the sound reverberated within the shield and they knocked themselves unconscious. Damned good thing that telekinetic force shields are soundproof! Three more who appeared to me super-strong came running up to me. I lifted one into mid air, Cyclops blasted another clear out of the room, and I saw a full-strength pain bolt hit the third. Psycho had by this time come running to our aid. There were quite a few telekintics among them as well, dressed all gothic. Jean was levitated and thrown back. Cyclops' beams were blocked by their shields and the odd assortment of objects I threw at them had no effect on the shields whatsoever. Psycho was able to enter their minds and render them unconscious however.

With them gone, Cyclops strafed the entire area with optic blasts, using more power than I'd ever seen him use, and they dropped like flies without their Psychics shielding them or their Sonics screaming our brains out. Three tried getting away via the tunnel exit. But I saw a vial fall in front of one Morlock. It broke and released a noxious gas that knocked her out. One of the other two began sparking madly...and I realised that he was an Elemental, an Electrokinetic to be precise... My anger resurfaced and I grabbed him with telekinetic force, slammed him against one wall, then another, then another, then ano-

Jean: "Rick! You're going to kill him!"

At the sound of her voice I calmed down some and slammed him once more into the ground for good measure. There was surprisingly less blood than I thought there would have been. Cyclops shot and disabled the last of them and we were through. I glanced at all of them and saw that they were staring at me. Okay, so I wasn't exactly that brutal for the most part. But these "people" had cut me off from the Elements! I was well within my rights! And I told them that too. As a matter of fact, in Nova Roma, I had seen Rogue do much worse to the soldiers there. Much worse...and she was a Senior!

Psycho: " you can't-"

Rick: "No! You weren't listening just now when I said that my Elemental powers were offline?!"

Asking questions whose answers were obvious, seriously annoying. Without wasting anymore time we entered the chamber holding our other team-members. Healer distributed vials all around and we all shared information. Jean and Psycho decided to combine their telepathy and locate Ray by any means necessary, even if they had to do permanent damage to whatever Morlock minds who were shielding him. Our escape wouldn't be a secret very long, so the rest of us would have to fight and defend ourselves as well as Jean and Psycho. Once we located Ray, we were to make a hasty exit from the sewers. If it were only the Brotherhood members we had to deal with...we could have taken them prisoner. But we had an entire civilisation poised against us. Survival was to be our chief priority. That said, we commenced on our game plan.


Lance got up and shook his head vigorously to clear it. Their captive was long gone. Upon exiting the chamber he saw Toad sprawled upon the floor unconscious. Loathing to touch him, Lance kicked him gently and succeeding in rousing him. He awakened as one from a long dream. And since he showed no signs of violence, it was safe to assume that Jean Grey's telepathy had put him out of action. No sooner had he roused Toad, that Quicksilver came streaking into the tunnel wearing an extremely pissed expression.

Quicksilver: "We got trouble! Wanda says that the furball's gone."

Toad: " 'Ow could Summers and Grey escape? They was guarded good by them Morlocks."

Neither of the other two knew the answer to that question. But what they were certain of was the bitchy mood that Mystique would be in when she found out. Their main aim was to enlist the aid of the Morlocks in their upcoming war on Humanity. But the Morlock leader had a past with the Junior leader of the X-men. She had kindapped him...and it brought other X-men trailing in his wake. Mystique was a bit angry until she realised what an excellent opportunity it could be. She gave orders that her son and certain other X-men should be captured alive at all costs if they were spotted. And she was pleased at the fine haul they had made...

Just then Lance's communicator began flashing. He almost dreaded answering it. But he knew he had to or it would make the situation worse.

Lance: "Uh, Avalanche..."

Mystique: "What the fuck happened?!"

Lance: "Um...well-"

Mystique: "Anyhow, I suppose it's partly because of my own stupidity...leaving those incompetant fools to guard Summers and Grey."

Quicksilver: "Damn right."

Mystique: "Silence! I'm here with Callisto now. Deciding on a course of action. Now that they're all free-"

Lance: "ALL of them?!"

Mystique: "Yes ALL of them! They'll come for their team-mate that Callisto has prisoner. We'll use him as bait and try and rescue this situation. Lance, did you redose the kid?"

Lance: "Uh yeah. But why did we have to use a different compound on him? You used the other compound on everyone else."

Her tone came back irate.

Mystique: "Don't question my actions, boy! You just do as you're told! Join me in Callisto's chambers."


We tried to pursuade Healer to come with us, even offered him sanctuary at the Mansion. But he said that he was ethically bound to his people. He was the only one in the sewers who knew anything about the healing arts. If he left his people would suffer for it. He insisted that he was safe and that his "treachery" was secret. He was a well respected member of Morlock society and the council. In parting he reminded us that not all the Morlocks were believers in Callisto's philosophy. Leech, however agreed to come with us to the Mansion. He would never be treated the same in Morlock society again. Even with a pardon from Callisto. So we bade farwell to Healer and started for Ray's location. Jean and Psycho were confident that they had located him. As it would be obvious that we would come for him next, we expected an ambush.

Needless to say, neither Jean nor Psycho sensed anyone other than Ray in the chamber we were about to enter. As we entered we saw a bound and gagged Ray, leaning on the wall. They scanned his mind to ensure that he was the real deal and not an impostor before they freed him. What happened next was so cliché. You've no doubt seen it before. As soon as the gag had been lifted from Ray's mouth, he yelled,

Ray: "Trap!"

And immediately Callisto (I didn't know who she was right then and there), Mystique and her Brotherhood cronies appeared. With some Morlock backup too. We all got into defensive positions and prepared for a fight. Logan and Sabretooth locked eyes and insisted to their respective allies that they'd deal with each other. The rest of us just spread out and decided to just bash away.

Wanda' started using her hexing bolts. Her powers allow her to increase the probablity of unlikely events occuring. As five of Jamie's clones were running towards her, one tripped and the other four fell like dominoes upon him. She then animated several piplelines and they began to slither like serpents towards Amara. With an anaconda like action they wrapped around her. She morphed into her Magma form and burst free. It sent hot shards of metal flying and I had to shield myself and Jamie from them. Luckily however, three of the shards struck a muscled up Morlock and he fell wounded. With an excess of offensive powers available to the team, I figured I'd be more valuable in a defensive role. Now if I had my Elemental powers under control...then I'd whoop some ass. But currently only Jean and I could shield...

Mystique altered forms and shifted into a giant she bear. David did the same and shifted into roaring lion. Together they were locked in mortal combat. They wrapped around each other clawing and biting and drawing blood. Wanda shifted her attention to Jamie and I. Apparently she saw us alone and not participating in the battle to any great extent and decided to entertain. With a wave of her hands, the pipelines behind us exploded with high pressured gas. The electrical wires began sparking (what were the odds of that happening?) and the next thing I knew, I had to shield against an inferno. The others were all aware of my lack of Elemental powers by then. John dashed in and altered the course of flames, sending them streaming towards Blob.

Blob was trying to stomp a nearly powerless Roberto and a cowering Leech. His clothes caught on fire and he began to scream in pain. He dashed straight through the metal restraints and dove into the nasty sewer water. Bobby made an appearance then and began freezing the water solid, trapping Blob in a frozen stream. I saw two Morlocks with wicked looking fangs and claws approach him from behind.

"Bobby! Behind you!"

He formed Ice Armor for protection, but it was no use and their claws pierced the shell. He yelled in surprised and when I saw his ordinarily glittering armor stained red...I lost it. I ripped the claw right out of one of the Morlock's hands and telekinetically sent it through his torso. I used so much force that it sent him flying into the wall...impaled with his own claw and bleeding profusely. The other one looked at me in horror. I didn't hesitate to do the same thing to her either. She flew shrieking towards the wall. Collapsing the shield from around me and Jamie, I ran over to the bleeding Bobby, dodging an assortment of missiles and energy blasts along the way.

"Are you okay?"

Bobby: "It's okay...just a scratch."

He was trying to "man up". It was definitely not a scratch. Those fuckers must have packed some serious force behind their claw attacks. Then again, Bobby barely had time to fully form the armor for his protection. I saw Jacob sparring with Toad in the far corner of the room. I had a clear shot, so I took it. Sending bricks flying out of the wall, I launched them right at his head and drew blood. He was temporarily dazed and Jacob took advantage of it, intensifying the pain to the point where it rendered Toad unconscious.

{Jacob, Bobby's been hurt! Heal him!}

He caught sight of the blood and began channeling healing energy towards Bobby. The wounds closed and the bloodflow ceased. I breathed a sigh of relief and I helped Bobby to his feet. He really had me scared there for a moment. His Armor was strong enough to withstand bullets and energy bolts, not to mention Sentinel seeing it penetrated thoroughly freaked me out. I was just glad that he was okay. And I could see the relief in his eyes that I was fine too. I felt how worried he was when they all woke up and I wasn't there with them. We couldn't help but stare into each other's eyes a tad bit longer. We were having...a moment...sigh. We were snapped out of it by the sound of someone clearing his throat. We both jumped a little and when we looked in the direction of the sound, we saw a slightly smirking John.

{I told you...see, I think he knows.}

{Bobby: Yeah, well at least if he knows, he's laughing about it and not scowling.}

We refocussed our attentions from each other an back onto the battle. Jubilee was having a hard time blasting an incredibly agile young woman. Bobby informed me that she was the Bitch, otherwise known as Callisto. I was a bit taken aback. She was completely different from the other Morlocks. She was beautiful...but deadly. She was wielding twin daggers in both hands. Jubilee may have been throughly destructive, but Callisto was just too fast. She'd need help. Jubilee tried once more to blast her with her energised plasma stream and missed. She was getting exhausted. Callisto performed a flip kick and sent her flying into Roberto. He had his back to her and they were both helpless. Callisto took aim and threw the two daggers at them. Bobby launched an ice-bolt and deflected one. I telekinetically caught hold of the other and reflected it back to her. She caught it and threw it towards us. A shield stopped it dead in its tracks.

We heard a yelp then and we saw the cave bear throw the lion onto the ground. It quickly reformed into an unconscious David. The bear looked upon the dazed Jubilee and Roberto as its new victims. Just as it was about to advance upon them, we heard a battle cry and Ray emerged, all aglow with Electrokinetic power. Mystique/Bear shifted her gaze to him. Whilst she was occupied, Bobby launched a cascade of ice bolts against her back. She must have had some thick blubber as they just rebounded. I ripped out some pipes from the wall and tied them around her. They restrained her for a moment, until she bit through them with her bare teeth. Ray had been building charge by then and just exploded, shredding her with full strength electric bolts. She roared in anguish but he continued the assault. Her fur became singed and burned and soon she couldn't retain bear shape any longer. She shifted back into her normal Mystique form...unconscious.

John had been keeping Callisto busy meanwhile. But eventually her swift knife attacks were beginning to get a bit hard to evade. At last he was out of flame and when he reached for his lighter, she threw a knife and shattered it. He was about to scream like a little girl for assistance when she unleashed a barrage of knives against him. Piotr had by that time finished the Blob and dashed in the way of Callisto's missile attack. The knives all rebounded off his metallic skin. She started backing away as he started advancing. Eventually he grabbed her and flung her into two approaching henchmen. They were all out cold. At the sound of an optic blast, we saw that Cyclops had rendered Lance unconscious. He was considerably limited to the extent at which he could have used his seismic power. If he used just a little bit more than the critical threshhold, then the entire ceiling would come crashing down...killing us all.

At Logan's roar we saw that Sabretooth was pummeled into submission. Quicksilver tried to make a quick getaway, but Amara shook the ground, making him trip. He was promptly dispatched by a swift telportation kick from Kurt. The only enemy still standing then was Wanda. We all started advancing upon her. She was about to perform some weird hex but before it could be completed Jean stepped in, attacking her mind telepathically. Wanda resisted and you could feel the energy flowing between them. I knew that Wanda harbored a lot of negative emotions and energy. And perhaps it had grown greater in strength. Jean was finding it a strain to knock her out.

"Jacob, help her."

Jacob: "No, they're linked and battling. I don't want to intrude. When Emma did that to Betsy and Kwannon...they ended up switching bodies."

Right...they told me about that. Definitely would want that. Wanda started amping up the power and several pipes began slithering once more towards Jean. she had a strained look on her face...but eventually cut loose and released her energy full force. She merely glanced at the metal "serpents" and they disintegrated into nothingness.

"What the hell?!"

Cyclops: "Telekinesis on a molecular level...she tore its molecules apart."

She then finally broke through whatever telepathic barrier Wanda had been sustaining and at last subdued her. We looked around us at the battlefield. Bodies were strewn about here and there, bloody pools were all over the place. I didn't think that we had killed anyone. Ray and Jubilee were hugging tightly and it was the second time that I ever saw Jubilee cry. I didn't see her as much of a crier type. Callisto was still unconscious and we could hear the sounds of approaching Morlocks down the tunnel. Cyclops blasted the ceiling and sealed the tunnel.

Cyclops: "Don't know how long that'll hold them. Leech, can you guide us out of here?"

He nodded in he affirmative. All in good time too as the barrier was already beginning to collapse. We could hear angry shouts from the Morlocks. Sabretooth was already stirring...and several Morlock warriors were beginning to get up. We had to leave the Brotherhood members behind. We were all sore and tired and couldn't carry them all the way to the surface efficiently while on the run anyway. That and we didn't have the time to round them all up with the Morlocks pounding on the barrier. We hurriedly followed Leech's lead, thankful to finally be going home.


Xavier Mansion - The Debriefing

Scott: "What you did was completely reckless, dangerous and unjustifiable! To say the least!"

We were in the War Room. Professor Xavier had called an emergency meeting in order to discuss the disturbing recent developments in Morlock Haven. Every member was most present, so Scott decrying our actions was extremely embarassing. He began asking us, "what would you have done if the Morlocks attacked you before we caught up to you?".

Jamie: "Well, you caught up to us and we still got caught."

Scott: "Are you trying to be a smart alec?"

Jamie quickly tried to modify the statement, but was rebuffed. Professor Xavier was thoughtfully regarding the situation.

Professor Xavier: "Calm down, Scott. We didn't believe that there was any posed by the Morlocks. So I didn't send a full team into the sewers. They saw more threat than we...albeit coincidentally. If the situation were different and the Morlocks had not been asscociating with the Brotherhood...I believe that you would still be here now criticizing their actions."

He made it clear that he was not condoning our actions. He merely wished to appease Scott. Then Jubilee and Jacob had another mild altercation when he said that he was perfecly willing to follow orders and wait to enter the sewers. Jubilee became irate and said that while they were waiting Ray could have been forced into doing something tha he didn't want to do. Jacob said that they wouldn't have had to wait evidenced by them finding us so quickly without a guide. Then Ray came into the argument trying to calm both of them down. In the end he said that perhaps she should have waited rather than rush into the sewers and risk getting hurt. That set her off again...we just looked on.

Jubilee: "What, so leave you in the sewers with that bitch? Why is it that you never told me that you had an ex. You could have mentioned her without going into any details about the Morlocks."

Ray: "I - why do you women always wanna hear about the ex's?"

With a flash of her old spirit, Amara came in with her personal theory on the subject.

Amara: "So she can know how many women she bested in the process of catching her man. The more ex's, the greater the sense of accomplishment she feels upon catching the guy."

We listened to her crazy theory while Jubilee huffed. Finally Professor Xavier cleared his throat and we all got back to the business at hand. We discussed the plans that the Brotherhood had for the Morlocks and the formation of Gene Nation. Finally after we all covered that subject...we went on to discuss the power suppression drug that we all had been dosed with. Everyone else had by then recovered the use of their powers. I however still hadn't been able to summon any Elements. When I first heard from Bobby about his powers failing him in the arena, I thought that I wasn't the only Elemental that was so afflicted. That I wasn't alone in this. But he then went on to say that it was Leech and that it also happened to Logan.

Hank: "I will take blood samples from all of you and run a full diagnostic. Just to see what drug was used and if it has any long term side-effects. Rick, this is unusual. But do not worry. Sometimes in the medical arena, certain drugs are ineffective in some people and yet in others they work. This could be a case of it...with whatever potion you were given."

It was close to nine and after a few more discussions, we were free to go. We'd have to check into the Medical Wing at around eleven to have our blood drawn though. But until then, our time was our own. We had already had breakfast. Leech had been blown away at the sight of so much food. He even asked if we were celebrating something special. It was funny how he believed it when we told him that we were celebrating his arrival. He was very tired and was currently sleeping peacefully. I couldn't sleep and neither could anyone else. So, to kill time we all went for a stroll outside to the basketball courts. Ray, John, David and Jacob were relaxing shooting some hoops whilst the rest of us reclined on the stands. Jamie suddenly began laughing at something. Since he was looking at me I was even more curious. (I nomally don't really care when he laughs as he laughs at ANYthing.)

"What's so funny?"

Jamie: "Oh, I was just thinking about how ironic this all is. You gave up your old codename, Element, yesterday. And that very same night...shit happens and today, you ain't got any Elemental power at all."

I smiled weakly when I caught his joke. Everyone else except Bobby saw how freaked I was at this whole fiasco. I felt as if a part of me had been stolen. Sure, I had my Elemental issues. But I couldn't deny the comfort that having them there at my beck gave me. And a mere drug had succeeded in throughly negating them. Bobby slapped my back as a friendly gesture and I nodded. On the court I heard an "ow!". John was rubbing his head and quarrelling with David for hitting him on the head with it. David merely said that if he was minding his own business he would have seen it coming. John tossed me and Bobby a look. His arm was still on my back and upon seeing the amused look, he quickly withdrew it. I glanced around hoping that no one found that suspicious. Thankfully, Jamie and Roberto are both dim. Amara was oogling Jacob and Jubilee was doing the same to Ray. So we were safe. If Bobby was going to have a talk with John, he better do it quick so that his suspicions would be confirmed. Maybe then the looks would stop. If he kept looking at us like that...people were going to start wondering why.

Amara: "Rick, who do you think is the hottest? Warren, Piotr or Scott?"

"Huh? Haha! Why are you asking me?"

Amara: "I just wanna get a little more insight into that mind of yours."

{Amara, what the hell are you asking me that for? You know that I'm with someone. You heard him in my closet.}

{Amara: Aha! So you do have a boyfriend! Come on, just one little hint...}

{No! I can't.}

She tried to make me see that I wouldn't be outting anyone directly. That all she wanted was a little hint. And that she could be trusted. I firmly told her no. Baiting me with a question like that. Instead I told her,

"They're all a bit too old for my taste."

Roberto: "What? They ain't old. They're just...mature."

Jubilee: "Eh 'Berto? Who's YOUR choice."

He deicided to humor her.

Roberto: "Well, Piotr is one hundred percent pure Russian muscle...I'd go with him. If I was gay."

We all regarded him with surprise.

Jamie: "Is there something you want to be telling us, 'Berto?"

They began tussling then and when the others came strolling up they wanted to know why. It was usually somethng funny that made people want to hurt him."

Jubilee: "Oh, Jamie has an issue with Roberto's choice in men."

They all laughed at that. Even Ray...but I heard his sudden, unprotected thought,

{Ray:'s spreading.}

That was when things started getting interesting. The seat next to me was free and John sat down. But that wasn't all he did. Bobby was right on the other side of me. We were all just chatting and trying to destress after the events of the night before. Somehow, John found everything I said extremely funny. I found it weird how he would constantly be slapping my back. The first five times, I dismissed it as a mere friendly gesture. I was getting a bit uncomfortable though. No one else seemed to find it weird. To my right I could see Bobby cringe with each friendly squeeze my shoulder would recieve courtesy of John. I couldn't miss the possessive glint in Bobby's eyes. Finally, when he could take no more of John's finger happy touching of me...he got up and requested a word with John...privately.

{Bobby, are you gonna...}

{Yeah, I'm gonna tell him. The dick was trying to get a rise out of me. I'm sure of it. He's probably got it all figured out anyway. Probably just wants to hear it from my own lips.}

They got up and walked off, leaving me with the rest of the guys...wondering how exactly it would go down.


Bobby led John out to a secluded area of the lawn. John was just leaning against an old tree, smirking with his arms folded, waiting expectantly. He felt confident before. He couldn't miss the knowing looks that John was tossing him as he sqeezed Rick's shoulder. He wasn't even making any jokes but yet John still felt the need to laugh and slap his back. And knowing that John was baiting him, coupled with his possessive nature made him get up and invite John to have it out like a man...or rather to step aside and listen to what he had to say. They had been there for several minutes and he had yet to say anything.

John: "Bobby, if you go through the trouble of dragging me out all the way here...telling me that you got somethin' to say to me...say it already."

Bobby: "Uh...okay. I - uh...shit. What I mean to say is..."

He was stalling. All of a sudden it didn't seem like such a hot idea anymore. After another five silent minutes, he finally built up the courage and decided to follow through. Just as he opened his mouth,

John: "Let me help you. You're bi and you got the hots for Rick."

Bi?! Well, at least he got half of the equation right.

Bobby: "Hey! I was gonna talk. And you got it wrong..."

He interrupted Bobby once more.

John: "Aw, come on man. You ain't gotta lie 'bout it. It's cool, it doesn't change anything between us."

Bobby marvelled at the sound.

Bobby: "You're...sure?"

John: "Yeah."

Bobby: "Well, you got it half right. I'm not bi, I'm gay. But yeah, you're right. I do got the hots for Rick."

John: "Damn! Almost got it. I was remembering some of those girls you used to date. I thought that maybe there was a slight chance that you could be bi. So I went with it."

Bobby: "But it's okay if I'm gay instead of bi, right?"

He nodded in the affirmative. Apparently he had been noticing things about Bobby for quite some time. And the way that he had been acting in Nova Roma was a big tip off. It seemed that he was constantly trying to get rid of him and not Rick. And then the way that he was always running off to find Rick if he was absent. And the way that he had caught him stealing glances at him. Specifically, his ass, at every opportunity. He even brought up the Danger Room fiasco, where he fell on top of Rick to shield him from the Sentinel attack. He stayed a little too long on top of another guy to be a straight.

Bobby: "Uh, wow! You really were paying attention..."

John: "I notice things. So I take it that was you in Rick's closet last night?"

Bobby nodded shamefacedly.

Bobby: "We weren't doing anything either! So don't even think it!"

John: "Okay! when are you gonna come out to the rest of the guys?"

Bobby: "I was thinking of talking with Amara soon. Jubilee already knows and-"

John: "So Jubilee knew and you wouldn't tell me?"

Bobby: "It's different with guys. You tell a girl and they think its all cool. You tell a guy and he wants to kick your ass."

John: "Still, you should have known that I wasn't a dick like Ray. Have I ever laughed or joined with any comments he makes?"

Truthfully, he never did. And Bobby had to admit that. Eventually after a little pouting, John crumbled and said that it was okay. And that he could talk about anything without worrying that he'd become a judgemental jerk.

Bobby: "Anyhow, I was thinking of talking with Amara. But the other guys...ah, I'll wait a little while longer."

John: "Hey, it's your call. But I think that they'll be cool with it. Regardless of whatever Ray thinks."

Bobby: "You think?"

John: "Yeah. Now let's go back. We've been here a while. I wouldn't want your boyfriend thinking that we've been messing around or anything."


At eleven forty-five I made my way down to the Med-Wing. The one in the subbasement. Hank had been contacting us one by one and taking blood samples as well as asking a few questions. When I went in I saw that Jean was in there as well, in a medical labcoat. She had her blood drawn a while before and was busy aiding Hank in the analysis of the data that they had obtained. I went over to Hank and took a seat, greeting Jean as I did so.

Hank: "So, are you feeling?"

"Good, normal."

Hank: "Okay. Everyone else said the same... Whilst you were completely powerless did you experience any of the following symptoms; lack of mental focus, dizziness, nausea?"

"Uh yeah. All three."

He nodded, explaining that everyone else had experienced the same. He then asked me if I had been able to access any aspect of my Elemental powers since he last saw me in the debriefing. I responded in the negative.

Hank: " odd."

Jean came in at that point with a data sheet and began explaining some of it to me while Hank extracted some blood. They had isolated trace remains of an unkown compound from everyone else's blood. They could not identify it exactly, but were certain that it had mutant power suppressing properties. But the odd thing was its half-life. It decomposes naturally so even if I hadn't received Healer's cure (which I had, and the right dose too according to Healer himself), it should have worn off quite some time ago. Rendering me fully empowered. But instead I only recovered control of my Psionics.

Jean: "We also isolated Healer's cure. It seems to be effective enough. It's some form of enzyme that catalyses the breakdown of the suppressor."

Hank: "Yes. As far as I can tell, the drug that you were dosed with is some sort of enzymatic inhibitor, targeted at the enzymes that are encoded for by the X gene."

We hadn't covered Genetics yet so he gave me a quick run-down, using the multimedia software present. Genes are stored on chromosomes. I understood that. And genes code for proteins...some of which are enzymes. Enzymes are molecules that allow chemical reactions to occur...and those biochemical reactions grant us our abilites. The inhibitor negates the effect of the enzymes...and that's how it blocks our powers. It's tailor made to affect any enzymes that are code for by the X gene, rendering any and all mutant powers...powerless.

"So basically it should have worn off by now?"

Hank: "Yes. Anomalous..."

He took the vial with my blood over to a centrifuge and told me that the results would be ready in a couple hours. That I should get some rest and check back with them by then. They also said that I shouldn't worry and that there was probably a completely acceptable explanation for it all. I was sleepy and so I took their advice and went to bed, hoping that when I woke up my powers would be fully restored...


Hank and Jean were working industriously in the Med-Lab. He found the lack of response to Healer's cure in Rick very anomalous. And to be honest, it did worry him. It couldn't have been because he was an Elemental. Everyone else had recovered their abilites. Even if that were the case, then he would at least regain some control. Bobby was a Water powered mutant, Amara was Earth and Fire, Ray had Electricity...and they had all regained their abilites. So Rick should have had access to those at least. He didn't know what to assume about Wind...but at the worst it should have been that only problem area. He was snapped out of his musings by the urgent beckoning of Jean.

Jean: "Henry, I think you should see this."

She was holding a data sheet showing the results of Rick's bloodwork. He took it from her and began to scrutinize its contents. His bushy blue eyebrows shot up in surprise when he saw that there were three foreign compounds in his blood. He was about to sum it up as experimental error, but Jean beat him to the draw. She held up two more sheets. She had run the tests twice more to make sure that she was looking at accurate data.

Hank: "But this says that in addition to the suppressor drug and Healer's cure...that there's another unknown compound in his blood."

Jean: "Yes. And since no one else has it in their blood stream...I'm willing to bet that it's the culprit. The thing's not even organic in nature. It seems to be an enzyme inhibitor...but its not an organic compound like the other suppressor was."

Hank: "Intriguing..."

She hesitated.

Jean: "Uh, Hank...I know I was never the best in data analysis. But I've run some structural tests. The shape of this unknown compound is all wrong. It cannot possibly block or inhibit any enzyme coded for by the X gene. I've used every single data source...and no enzyme exists that can be blocked or denatured...or even destroyed by this compound. It appears to be chemically inert too."

Hank was confused. If it was a foreign compound in Rick's blood that was absent in everyone elses, then it had to be responsible for his lack of Elemental powers. But its method of action was not apparent. He took the results sheet form Jean and searched for every source of error that he could think of. But he had to give Jean credit. Her analytical skills had greatly improved. He could find no sources of error. The compound itself seemed to be perfectly inert and harmless to normal biochemical processes. But it still didn't explain how it got into his blood in the first place. Then again, who knew the range of chemicals that ran in the sewers' water. And all the industrial waste too... Not to mention the Morlocks themselves. Who knew what they could be carrying. Jean came up with a suggestion.

Jean: "Maybe this could be analagous to allergies. Allergens are harmless to most people. But deadly to some others. And the problem isn't the allergen. But the patient. Usually some aspect of their genetics."

Hank: "Of course! Jean, you should have studied Biochemistry like I suggested. Instead of the Psychology degree you pursued."

She smiled at his compliment. Then she suggested that they take a DNA sample from Rick. That way they'd be able to tell if her theory was correct.


I returned to the Med-Bay a little after four. Hank was alone in the Med-Bay by then. Jean had by that time left. He explained what they had discovered, an unkown compound in my blood. Probably industrial in nature. Harmless, but possibly having something of an allergic effect. And he said that he'd need a tissue sample to extract my DNA for analysis. With that data, they'd be able to come up with some form of "anti-histamine". I was relieved that they had discovered the source of my problem. I was beginning to get rather worried. He took his DNA sample and told me that he would not rest until he discovered the mechanism by which the compound worked.

"Oh, it's okay. Now that we know the problem and a possible solution...we can all rest a little easier now. Don't over work yourself."

Hank: "Oh it's nothing. As a matter of fact...I find science quite enjoyable."

Right... I thanked him once more and left the Med-Lab. Then I went into the lounge to kill some time. Everyone was there fussing over Leech. Apparently he had never watched television before. He kept kept calling it the Magic Box. It was pretty much accepted that he would be staying with us from then one. He was young...maybe about fourteen or so. But the way he acted would make you believe that he was much younger. Bobby seemed to have taken a liking to him. Jubilee was kind enough. But I could see that she was still slightly upset with Ray. I sat down in front of the tv, grabbed the X-box's controls from Jamie and shifted him out of the way. I then spent the next half hour with Bobby teaching Leech how to play. Jamie sauntered off a little. I think he was a little jealous at the attention that we were showering Leech with. After all, he was no longer the youngest.

Bobby: "So what did Hank say?"

"Oh, they found some other chemical in my blood. It's harmless...but they think it might be some sort of industrial waste or something. Maybe absorbed through my skin. And it could be having something like an allergic reaction, blocking off my Elemental powers."

Jacob was sitting on the sofa and he overheard. Now that we were no longer on the field of battle, my pissed mood returned when I saw him.

Jacob: "Really? They come up with anything?"

"Yeah, really. They took a DNA sample. Hank said that they should be able to come up with something to make it right."

Jubilee: "Cool...those Elemental powers of yours really bring out your destructive side."

I had to agree. Telekinesis was great...but when it came to pure destructive potential...I missed my Elemental powers.

"Yeah, they pulled me through some tight spots since I came here."

Ray: "Caused a little..."

Jubilee: "Ray..."

"No he's right. They did cause some trouble. But I rather have them back all the same. Although there is one good thing that comes out of this if I don't get them back."

David: "What good could come out of that?"

"Well, there'd be no more Elemental classes with Ororo. Sometimes...she scares me!"

Ororo: "I heard that!"

We all stopped laughing at the sound of her voice. She had come silently into the lounge looking for Leech. The Mansion was having a little shortage of accomodation. So Leech would have to bunk with someone. Since he was new and extremely skittish around anyone else, she suggested that he stay and share living accomodations with one of us guys. Now don't get me wrong...I liked the little green guy, but my room was sacred. So I calmly shook my head. It was eventually decided that Leech would bunk with Jamie, and so Ororo departed. He didn't seem all that thrilled about having a room-mate. And I swore he looked a little pissed when Ray suggested it. They were the youngest and pretty close in age too. They should have gotten along well enough. That was what Ray thought. Jamie just shook his head absently.

{He hasn't even been here one day and already he's wearing my clothes, playing my games, and now he's gonna be sharing my room...}

I knew it. Jamie was unconsciously sending out his thoughts. I saw Jacob looking at him a little amused, so I knew that he had to have heard it as well. He was definitely going through some level of jealousy. I decided to have a little talk with him. So I told him I wanted to talk to him a little and led him into the empty corridor.

"Jamie, I couldn't help but overhear one of your thoughts just now. About Leech..."

Jamie: "What about him?"

"You don't like him?"

Jamie took a glance back towards the room where Ray was wrestling around with Leech. Upon careful consideration I thought I saw a pattern. Jubilee was jealous of Callisto...why, I wouldn't know. She was his ex. Maybe she felt that he had to have held onto some feelings for her. Especially as he didn't tell her about Callisto's existance. She felt as if Callisto was a possible threat to her position...

Same thing with Jamie. He must have been feeling as if he was being replaced by Leech. Everyone knew how close he and Ray were. My personal belief was that Jamie saw him as some sort of role model. Maybe even a father figure or something. After all, he came from a single parent was just him and his mom. And he was pretty tight with Jubilee too. Maybe she was the "mom" in their little "family". And now Leech would be akin to a "step-brother" in this equation. And Callisto would be like an "ex-wife". It was beginning to make a lot of sense.

"Jamie, Leech isn't replacing you."

Jamie: "What, I didn't say anything."

"I can tell that's what you think."

Jamie: "You haven't been spying on my-"

"No, no. But it's a bit easy to figure out. Don't you think that you should cut Leech some slack?"

Jamie: "He's getting' up in my space. And Ray had to suggest that he stay with me."

"Jamie, he's had a tough life. And he hasn't seen or heard from Ray in...God knows how long. Won't you at least try? I'm sure it'd make Ray happy."

He eventually gave way and said that he'd try to put up with him as best he could. He then walked back into the room. I was about to follow him back in when Jacob came walking out.

Jacob: "You handled that well."


I stepped across the threshold preparing to walk away from him, but he held me back by grasping my shoulder. I shook him off and looked at him scathingly before warning him not to touch me. He checked himself and removed his hands from my person.

Jacob: "Sorry...can we talk?"

"Yeah, of course we can talk."

Jacob: "Great."

"Just not to each other, now get out of my way."

He refused to budge.

Jacob: "We didn't get a chance to talk about - about what happened. You didn't give me the chance to explain."

"There's nothing to talk about. There's nothing that you can say that's going to change my opinion of you, Jacob."

What could he possibly have to say to me? The day before he claimed, most vehemently I might add, that he didn't know exactly why he fooled around with Amara. Now he's sorted it all out? When did he get the time to do that? It was probably all just talk. To appease whatever he had that passed for a conscience. Some people just can't stand feeling guilty.

Jacob: "Look, can we please go somewhere private?"

"No, I have enough to deal with right now without having this on my plate too. Besides, in case you haven't noticed...Bobby doesn't like you very much. I doubt he'd like me anywhere near you with no one else there."

He persisted trying to persuade me to go with him outside. A couple of times I had to forcefully remove his arms. He was actually trying to drag me outside. Eventually I just about yelled,

"God, leave me alone! What the Hell do you want from me? Forgiveness? Too bad. You're not going to get it."

That angry outburst unsurprisingly drew the attention of the guys. They came out into the hall wondering what the shouting was about. Leech was cowering behind Jubilee and Ray. Curious glances were being exchanged all around. Bobby and Jubilee were looking at me most inquisitively. I did regret being so loud. My sexuality was out and in the open. But Jacob's wasn't. I guess I got a little carried away and didn't consider how it would look on his part. I might have been pissed at him. But I would never wish to out someone against their will. I shifted a little uncomfortably and said,


Ray: "What's all the yelling about? You're freakin' Leech out."

Heavens! Everything seemed to freak Leech out. You know, I'd think that growing up under the streets, in a place like Morlock Haven no less, would have thickened your skin and made you tough. But Leech seemed to be a downright...coward. Oops...I shouldn't be thinking that. Bite my tongue, bite my tongue.

"Nothing, I'm just a bit hyperactive."

Bobby: "Jake, what's going on?"

He said it in the guise of a question. But I knew better. He wasn't asking anything at all. He was demanding information.

Jacob: "Nothing, just a little misunderstanding is all."

They all nodded and I hoped they were going to just let it slide.

Roberto: "I thought y'all was real tight."

Yeah, I thought so too. Both of us grew pretty tense at that. Amara walked up to Jacob and latched her arm around him. For "comforting" no doubt. He must have been frustrated at having to deal with her attentions at the club the night before. He eased himself off her a little roughly and left us. Please don't let them ask anything more...


Meanwhile, in some dark and mysterious locale...Mystique was having a surreptitious conversation with one of her close associates. She was a very crafty and scheming woman. Apart from being the Brotherhood's second in command, whose authority was second only to Magneto...she ran her own private operations on the side. Many of her plans and associates she kept a closely guarded secret. In her business, people like her were expendable under certain circumstances. She had to be prepared to make it on her own if needs be. She had been many people in her time. She had worked for many more. And those employers she hadn't eliminated, she kept a good relationship with. She stood to benefit from it.

Mysterious Male Voice: "You had him in your grasp...and you lost him?!"

Mystique: "I left three of my people guarding him. But I foolishly left Summers and Grey in the hands of Morlocks. They escaped and came to the boy's aid."

Mysterious Male Voice: "Never mind. There will be other times. That training he'll receive at Xavier's can only serve to make him more powerful anyway. When the time is right, we will strike. That formula I sent you...Did it succeed in suppressing the boy's powers?"

Mystique: "Yes. He was powerless in the Elemental department. But I had to dose him with the other one as well. He has his mother's Psionic abilities. My operatives warned me of them weeks ago."

Mysterious Male Voice: "Excellent..this is better than I had hoped. He'll be cut off from the Elements for a few days, but the compound will disintegrate."

Mystique: "What if he becomes too powerful for you to control?"

Mysterious Male Voice: "Do you think I'd create something so powerful without the means to control it? He has power. But the control is what he lacks. Once he learns that...we will recover him and unlock his Elemental abilites. With my technology, I can advance his mutation to its ultimate expression. Mother nature works far too slowly for my taste. Then-"

Mystique: "We haven't discussed what exactly I stand to gain in all this. I could just have Brainchild mind control him into serving Magneto and the Brotherhood,like I originally planned. Why should I go through the trouble to catch him and hand him over to you?"

Mysterious Male Voice: "Because you have so mch more to gain. Why allow Magneto to control him...when you could? Once I have him under my control...I'll lend him to you. How'd you feel about becoming the Brotherhood's first woman leader?"

The Brotherhood's first female leader? There would be nothing that would please her more. Magneto may have been in a thirty-six year old's body, but his methods were a bit archaic. So many times they could have succeeded had they adopted a more ruthless approach. They were fighting a war and whilst he was prepared to make just wasn't enough. Mutant kind would benefit under her rule. Besides, he had been running the Brotherhood long enough. It was time for some young blood. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. She thought that he was as good as dead for sure years ago. But he had used some ancient technology to heal his body, mind and powers, and was back stronger than ever. She was set to reign and then he had to return full force. She had nothing against him...he had done his best. He had made valuable contributions to the Brotherhood. But it was time to hand over the reigns of power. She knew better than to broach the subject to him. He'd accuse her of treachery and order an execution.

Mystique: "I'd like that very much...but do you know who you're dealing with? This is Magneto we're talking about. Underestimating him is a fatal mistake. I've seen what happens to those that do."

Mysterious Male Voice: "I have faith in my creations and my ability. Once we accelerate his mutation...nothing will be able to stop you. Of course, there will be a price."

There always was whenever she made deals with him.

Mystique: "Name it."

Mysterious Male Voice: "When you launch your war on humanity...I want the human prisoners of war. They shall make excellent test subjects for my experiments."

Mystique: "Of course...we would have just executed them anyway. At least they won't go to waste..and we'll both benefit."

She hesitated.

Mystique: "Aren't you a little worried that the X-men will figure this all out? What if they think that his genetic abnormalities are the result of a diabolical mind? What if they see him as a security risk?"

Mysterious Male Voice: "Them...they won't even know what it is they're dealing with. My genetic expertise is beyond their scope. Even if they do...there are no links for them to find me. And we both know that they'd never turn a student away for something that's no fault of his own. Sentimentality, it's their chief weakness."

They both discussed some more facets to their plan. And at the end of it all, they each thought that the other was a fool to settle for so cheap a price.


Nightfall had settled upon the Xavier institute. And whilst the regular students were up enjoying their weekend, the X-men who had been to Morlock Haven were resting. Hank meant what he said however. He continued working non-stop since Rick left the laboratory, pausing only for nourishment and bathroom breaks. He was a bit tired, but he enjoyed his work. That and it was an escape from the hurly burly of Mansion life. Somewhere among the lab's various apparatus an electronic alarm sounded. He recognised it as the DNA analyser. Strolling over to the machine, he grabbed a cup of coffee and began examining the readout.

Hank: "One...two...three.., By my stars and garters!"

He spit out the coffee as if it scalded him. Very few things shocked him...and the results before him were truly a shocker. He was looking at the first sheet of several. They dealt with Rick's DNA composition. Specifically, he was having a look at the chromosomes. In a human, including mutants there were forty-six. Twenty three from either parent. He made a count and sure enough, there were forty six chromosomes. DNA is stored on them. But the shocking part was...Rick had NO Y CHROMOSOME! In a man there was one Y chromosome and one X chromosome. In a woman, there were two X's. Rick had his X chromosome...but no Y. instead, there was another chromosome...the like of which Hank had never before seen or read about. It definitely warranted notification. With shaking hands he went over to the intercom and contacted Professor Xavier.


Professor Xavier, Jean, Scott, Ororo and Logan were in the Med-Lab trying to calm Hank down. The occasions were few in which they had ever witnessed him in such a mood. And those occasions weren't exactly happy ones. So needless to say they were all getting a bit nervous as well. Presently he took a few deep breaths and brought an image into focus on the holographic projector. He had been doing some more analysis of Rick's DNA and had some inkling of what they were dealing with.

Jean: "What is that?"

Hank: "It's his Y chromosome."

Everyone except Logan eyed him skeptically. Chiefly because everyone except Logan knew what a Y chromosome was, and what it looked like.

Xavier: "Hank...I think you should settle down. That is not a Y chromosome. It's far too large and folded-"

Hank insisted that it was and when they still doubted him, he showed them all of Rick's other chromosomes, the entire karyotype.

Hank: "Now, as we all know...Rick is of masculine gender. He HAS to have a Y chromosome to be masculine. So since none of the other chromosomes are Y...this has to be it. Otherwise, with only one X..he wouldn't be alive...and we know he's not feminine with two X's."

Logan shook his head, not understanding anything much of what was going on. What he did get was that this thing called a Y chromosome wasn't supposed to look like it did in Rick. And also that it was responsible for manhood...masculinity.

Logan: "So, this is what makes him gay?"

They all looked at him semi-amused. If the situation was different they'd have laughed.

Hank: "No...anyhow - if we remove this portion of the picture."

He clicked a switch and began editing the holographic display. He basically cut it in half and removed the abnormal curves.

Ororo: "That's a Y chromosome."

Hank: "Yes! But the question you should be asking did those other genes get there?"

Xavier: " there anyway that this could have happened due to evolution?"

Hank: "No...what's shows signs of genetic tampering! This is not natural."

They all took in what he was suggesting in horror.

Logan: "You mean, someone did this to the kid?"

Hank: "I don't know if it was done to him post-birth...or if it was inherited. If it was done to him...his father's Y chromosome will be normal. If it was inherited, then Joshua will have the same type of Y chromosome."

Xavier: "He was in the sewers...we all know about the industrial waste horror stories. Is there anyway that it could have warped his DNA. Perhaps in a manner similar to mutagens?"

Hank: "Certainly not overnight. And what's more...that second unkown compound we found in his's bound to the extra genes on his Y chromosome. They've been bound to those genes only recently as the linkages are not complete."

Xavier: "This is serious. We need additional help. And we need to contact his parents. Joshua, we need a sample of his DNA. I'll contact Moira. If there's anyone who can help us...she can."

Scott: "Professor, should we tell Rick?"

Logan: "I don't know if we should. At least not right now. He's been goin' through a lot and the strain this will put him through..."

Ororo: "Do you think that these genes pose any immediate danger?"

Hank: "If they did, I'm sure we'd be seeing more life threatening effects than a loss of Elemental power. And since they have been joined onto his Y chromosome for quite some time, they'd have made their presence felt."

Scott: "I think we should keep this a secret for now. You get a DNA sample from Joshua secretly as well. While we're on Muir Island. I don't think it'll be good for Rick to face his father just yet. He seems unable to cope with it."

Jean: "Well, thank goodness we won't have to explain why we're taking him to Muir Island. Scott promised to teach him to fly. And the destination was Muir."

Ororo: "How fortunate.."

Scott: "We'll have to get him to go though. We were supposed to go today. But after last night... This can't wait. I'll try to get him to go tomorrow."

Jean: "Me too."

They decided that Hank would stay behind at the test Joshua - if and when he arrived. Jean and Scott would take Rick to Moira. Hank had prepared an electronic copy of all the data, bloodwork and DNA. They would hand it in to her for analysis. Until they knew exactly what they were dealing with, it would be best not to inform Rick and cause undue trauma.


I woke up to a gentle knock on the door. I checked the peephole and saw that it was Bobby. He probably thought that the doorbell would be too loud. When I let him in, the first thing he asked, was if I had regained my Elemental powers. I responded in the negative. Then he demanded to know what was up with me and Jacob. He had pestered me the night before and I had managed to change the topic repeatedly. I knew it wouldn't keep him off the trail for long. And here he was in my room demanding information. I didn't want to tell him. For one thing, I didn't want to look like a fool. Come on, find me a person who had been cheated on. See if they're hyped about their current lover finding out that they had been played for a fool. Then he might ask why Jacob cheated on me. And I didn't want him to think that I had it in me to be a bitch. I'm sure that was what Jacob thought. That I was being stubborn. He said that I had reduced us to mere friends. I was never going to make that mistake again.

"It's all in the past."

Bobby: "Did he try anything?"


Bobby: "You know what I'm talkin' about."


Bobby: "Come on, what ever happened to no secrets between us?"

"I told you about - the time on the Astral plane. And you wanted to beat him up."

Thinking back on it, maybe I should have let him.

Bobby: "He'd have deserved it."


Bobby: "Really? I thought you said that you forgave him for that."

"Well, I don't really feel all that forgiving to him anymore."

He was about to ask why. But then the doorbell rang and I heard Jean and Scott calling out to me. Asking if I was up? Of all the times. Jean was okay, but Scott? I opened the closet and stuffed Bobby inside. I had since removed the blanket and was now storing it in a chest under the bed. When I opened the door, I was blown away by the excited looks on their faces. They looked almost comical.

Jean: "Anything happening in the Elemental department?"

"No, still nothing."

Scott: "Well, get your stuff. We're leaving in half an hour."

I had barely gotten up and so you couldn't blame me for being a little woozy.


Jean: "For Muir Island, silly!"

Muir Island? They had to be joking. I mean, yeah I'd love to fly the jet there and back. But we had spent the all of Friday night fighting Brotherhood agents and Morlocks. I went to bed last evening and I still felt sore and tired. And then there was school on Monday. And wouldn't I need a day off after? To recover from the jetlag? I expressed my unwillingness to put myself through that. I wouldn't be able to focus on Monday.

Jean: "What, oh come on, Rick. Life is too short to waste away like this. You gotta live!"

She had said that she'd accompany Scott and me when we decided to go. But she was just so hesitant for me to fly in the first place. What a complete turn around. But it goes to show, there's just no understanding women. Especially hormonal, pregnant women. I looked at Scott a little mischievously.

"Is she having one of those moodswings that pregnant women get?"

She slapped me and did the same to Scott when he laughed at it too.

Scott: "Come on..."

"I dunno...I -"

Scott: "Hey, look. I'll help you pack."

With that he walked right on over to the closet and was about to open it. I quickly sealed it shut telekinetically and to prevent a repeat of the night before,

"I'm not helpless. I can pack my own clothes. How much could I need? We're just going there for a flyby."

Scott: "So, you're coming?"

"You're going to hound me like a bitch unless I say yes, won't you?"

Scott: "Yup."

Jean: "Still, pack some extras...who knows? Maybe we might do a little sightseeing."

"But how much can we do in one day? Most of the time, you'll probably be teaching me to fly."

I didn't get them. Adults were such strange people. I could only hope that I never turned out to be anywhere near that capricious. I surrendered to them. For some reason they were excited about going to Muir Island. And if it'd make them happy to drag me was a small price to pay.


Bobby: "And don't be messing around with any hot Euro boys either!"

He was joking, so I joked right along. I had felt the sting of infidelity. I was never going to put him through that.

"What you don't know...can't hurt you!"

Which was so true. A part of me wished that I never learnt what had happened in the cave from Amara. It would have saved me a lot of hurt.

We kissed goodbye and I left the keys to my room with him. He had his eye on my bigscreen plasma tv for some time now. There were times when I wondered;

"Does he really spend the night with me for me...or for that tv?"

Anyhow, I was heading down to the subbasement, levitating my luggage along the way. When I finally reached the subbasement Hangar, I was surprised at the gathering that had amassed to see us off. Ororo, Logan, Betsy, Warren, Hank and Rogue were there. Even...Professor Xavier. When I approached the jet, where Jean and Scott were waiting, Logan and Warren came up to me and tried to handle the luggage. Why the heck did Jean insist that I bring that much along? And why was everyone looking at me like I was heading off to serve in a war. I told Logan and Warren that it was okay. I'd handle the luggage.

"Hey, I lost the Elemental powers. Not my telekinesis. I once shifted a landslide with it. I doubt two suitcases will be much of a problem."

Then Ororo, Betsy and Rogue came up to hug me goodbye. Honestly...women. Logan, Hank and Warren waved. What is it with the sentimental goodbye? Abrubtly they stopped.

"Um...I won't crash the jet, honest. She'll be coming home in one piece. So, no long faces, sheesh!"

They laughed at that and before I got the chance to say anything else, Jean and Scott came out and pulled me inside. Jean took a seat at the master controls and I took the trainee's. With that, we were off. She turned on the ignition and I payed close attention to what she was doing.


Jean: "Whoa! Steady, Rick! Steeaady!!!"

"I'm trying!"

Jean: "We're losing altitude! Pull up!"

I quickly complied and pulled the steering towards me. The jet's nose raised a few degrees and we began to rise again once more. It was the first time that I ever saw Jean display so much...emotion. Granted, for a while it seemed like sheer terror...but emotion nonetheless. She had been gripping her controls tightly and I could tell that she had been resisting the urge to take control very much. She suddenly checked herself and smiled at me shakily.

Jean: "See, I knew you'd get it...eventually."

Then an irritated voice resounded from behind us.

Scott: "Would you turn off that ridiculous music?"

We looked back at him. He was slightly squirming in his seat. I hope he didn't piss himself. Our sudden plunge had probably unnerved even him.

"Hey! We're flying. This song is perfect."

I was currently listening to Abba's "Eagle", for the umpteenth time.

Abba: "High, high...I'm a bird in the sky, I'm an eagle that flies on the breeze...high, high...what a feelin' to fly over mountains and..."

"Forests and seas...and to go anywhere that I please!"

He groaned in frustration. Secretly I was listening to it partly to annoy.

"What would you rather listen to, Scott? Barbra Streisand?"

The fear in his voice was genuine.

Scott: "No, please! Anyone but her!"

I giggled. I personally hated Barbra Streisand.

"Good...Abba it is then! I don't have anything by Streisand anyway!"

I was a bit worn out after all of Jean's screaming. Not to mention the general lack of adequate sleep was getting to me. So I got up out of the trainee seat and went down into the back for a little rest.

Jean: "Rick, is everything alright?"

"Yeah, just a little tired."

Scott: "You're sure? You don't feel sick, or...anything?"

"Noo...I'm just a little sleepy. Okay, what's going on here?"

They both looked at me with the most innocent faces I had ever seen them pull.

Scott: "What do you mean?"

Ever since they showed up at my door that morning, without notice, they had been acting all weird and loopy. A couple of times I even wondered if they could have been drunk. People just weren't that...perky all the time. They seemed to have these moodswings going on too. Serious one minute, then they'd turn to me like I was a little kid and smile. Jean I could understand...somewhat. She was a pregnant woman. Moodswings and irrational behavior came with the territory. Scott wasn't...

"Why are you smiling those lame ass smiles all the time? Jean, why were you so hyped about Muir all of a sudden?"

I didn't get any answer. They just...that's right, you got it...they started smiling again! Damn them! I then remembered something. Hank had told me that he'd keep working on my DNA results. I had seen him in the Hangar and just plain forgot to ask him if he found out anything more. If only they weren't acting so weird. Then I'd have been able to keep my focus.

"I forgot to ask Hank if he learned anything from my DNA test."

Scott: "Aw, I'm sure if he did...he'd have told you."

"Hm..I guess."

Wait a darn minute! Didn't Bobby say that Muir Island was home to the Mutant Research Center? The very same place we were visiting? Wasn't it like a friggin' mutant hospital?

"I just had an idea. Um, the person in charge of Muir is an old friend of Professor Xavier, right?"

When Scott had first suggested the flight in the kitchen...he said that it was run by a friend of theirs...

They nodded slowly.

"Good friends?"

Jean: "Very close."

"And it's a mutant hospital right?"

Scott: "Yeah..."

"You think, maybe Professor Xavier could put in a good word...and they could have a look at me?"

They both regarded each other for a few minutes and then Scott said,

Scott: "Yeah...I think it can be arranged."

"Really, great! Hey, it's Chiquitita! My fave!"

Abba: "Try once more like you did before...sing a new song, Chiquitita..."


Professor Xavier dialed the McKenzie's home number and waited for a response. After the phone rang for the...damn, even he had lost count of the rings...the answering machine came online.

Professor Xavier: "This is Professor Charles Xavier. I'm calling with regards to your son. We have a situation that I think it best not to discuss over the phon-"

The phone was finally picked up and a worried voice came over on the other side.

Julie: "Professor...Rick, is he alright?"

Professor Xavier: "He doesn't appear to be in any immediate danger but something's happened. He's lost all of his Elemental abilities. Certain other facts have come to light and...we think it's a good idea for you and Joshua to come to the Mansion. We'll send Kurt."

Julie: "He wants to see us?"

He couldn't miss the hopeful tone in her voice. Hope that he'd have to shatter.

Professor Xavier: "I'm sorry...but no. I'll explain it all when you get here. Make sure that Joshua comes."

Julie: "I don't know if he can handle it."

Professor Xavier: "Rick isn't here. He's with Scott and Jean on his way to Muir Island."

Upon hearing the words "Muir Island she became panicky and started badgering him for details.

Julie: "Muir? Isn't that the mutant hospital you told me about? The one you said that your friend runs? Professor, are you sure that he's okay?"

He assured her that whilst Moira would be looking into the matter, Scott and Jean had originally planned to teach him to fly the jet to and from Muir Island. It was just a convenient coincidence.

Professor Xavier: "Just make sure that you bring Joshua."

He had to bend the truth. She was his wife and worrying her would do no one any good. She would be worried enough wondering what was happening to her son. She didn't need the extra burden of worrying for her husband. Even if Hank was right about Rick's DNA being genetically tampered with...there was no evidence to suggest that he was in any immediate danger. What was more, they didn't even know if it was inherited or post birth in origin. Telling her that it was possible that he could have inherited a genetic abnormality from Joshua whose full effects were unkown would be cruel. She promised to bring Joshua along and he ended the call.


It was close to one when we arrived at Muir Island. Or one according to my watch. According to local Muir Time, it was a little before five in the afternoon. When the jet landed and I got to my feet, I was feeling the disorientation typical of jetlag. The facility had its own private heliport and so we stepped right off the landing strip and into the main building. The bright lights were a bit harsh to my eyes and I had to squint. The placed looked fresh out of some Sci-Fi flick. I marvelled at it and didn't hide my utter fascination of the place. And I thought that the Xavier Institute's Subbasement was hi-tech.

Man: "A beauty, isn't it?"


I took my eyes off the holographic projector at the center of the room and took a look at the man in front of me. He seemed pretty ordinary enough...until I chanced to see the metallic leg that was attached to his torso. I quickly adjusted my facial expression to hide my shock. It just wouldn't do to insult the very first person I met in the place.

"Yeah...real cool."

Forge: "Oh, I'm Forge by the way."

Jean and Scott had caught up to me by that time and by the way they greeted Forge...I took it that they were close.

Scott: "Rick, this is-"

Forge: "We've met."

Jean: "Forge here is a techno-wizard. He's a perfect mix of Sorceror and Scientist. He's one of a kind."

He started to blush at her compliments. He explained that he possessed powerful mystical abilities that were the result of his Native American Indian heritage, as well as the mutant ability to create any type of machine. It was limited only by the materials he had to work with and his imagination.

"Hey, like Mcguiver!"

Forge: "Yeah, I get that a lot."

We were about to enter the facility proper.

Forge: "Please step through this scanner."

Another one?

"But we just stepped through one at the door."

Forge: "Yes...well, um - we can never be too careful now can we?"

I agreed. It was their facility. Although I thought that they'd have some more courtesy for us. After all, if this Dr. Mactaggert and Professor Xavier were so tight...then they'd treat his X-men with a little more respect. Scott said that the Mutant Research Center Staff knew all about the X-men. And that both the Xavier Institute and the MRC worked together for years. Anyhow I stepped through the scanner to satisfy them and we entered the inner facility.

The first order of business was to meet Dr. Moira Mactaggert. She was the head of the center and the close friend of Xavier's. Forge led us to an office and we entered. There was a red-headed woman sitting on an office chair engaged in a phone conversation. She saw Jean and Scott and smiled. Dropping the phone she greeted us.

Moira: "Jean,'s been a while! I wonder when Charles will make the time to come and see me personally instead of sending his emissaries."

Scott: "It's a tough job keeping the fragile peace between humans and mutants."

Moria: "Aye, lad. And who have we here?"

She was glancing at me.

"Rick McKenzie, ma'am."

Moira: "Oh, Moira is just fine. you're from the Mackenzie clan?"

"I really don't know anything about my extended family. My parents were both orphans and didn't know their folks. Mckenzie is just the name of the people who adopted my father as a baby."

Moira: "I'm sorry to hear that, lad."

"Don't be."

Moira: "So, here to do a little sightseeing on Muir Island?"

Jean: "As a matter of fact...yeah."

Moira: "Feel free to -"

I figured it was now or never. I mentioned my idea to Scott and Jean. About asking for her help. And it seemed as if the perfect opportunity was going by and neither of them were going to say anything.

"Uh Doctor Mac - Moira, do you do research on mutant phenomena here?"

Moira glanced at Scott and Jean before she answered.

Moira: "Yes, lad."

"I...have a problem."

And so I explain it to her as best as I could. I didn't know anything about enzymes and stuff that Hank had told me about. But he said that there was an unknown compound in my blood that wasn't in anyone else's who went to Morlock Haven...(I didn't mention the Haven mind you! I have some sense of ethics!). I was willing to bet that it was causing my problems. She listened to my semi-confused ramblings and promised to run some tests if it would make me rest a little easier. I told her that it would.

"But um, don't you need the permission of my guardian or something."

She got a little shifty at that.

Moira: "Guardian...oh, yes. I plain - I mean, you look like you're over eighteen."

"Oh. Well Jean here is my legal guardian. It's okay, right?"

Jean: "Yeah, it might do some good."

Moira: "Well have a little rest and I'll have some of my people take a look at you."

I thanked her. If anyone could figure out what was wrong with would be them. Right? I mean, they were a research facility dedicated to mutant research. I'm sure that they must have dealt with their fair share of mutant abnormalities. That said I allowed Forge to show me to a waiting room.


Rick was in one of the facilities many waiting rooms. Jean, Scott, Moira and Forge were in her office looking through his bloodwork and DNA test results. Every now and again they took a look at the monitor to make sure that the holographic image of Forge was keeping him busy. Scott and Jean perused both Forge and Moira's faces as they analysed Hanks notes and data sheets. At last Moira spoke.

Moira: "I won't lie to you. I have never seen anything quite like this before. I have dealt with genetic experimentation victims. But in them, their DNA was obviously flawed. But this, the molecule is - for want of a bette word - perfect. If this is truly genetic modification, then the perpetrator is a genius worthy of a Nobel prize ten times over."

Jean's knowledge in this sphere was rather limited.

Jean: "Does it pose any danger?"

Moira: "I honestly can't tell without running some tests. But when I dealt with genetically modified organisms, they often degenerated..."

Alarm flooded the atmosphere courtesy of Scott and Jean.

Scott: "You don't mean-"

She quickly explained. Their DNA had been spliced and barely reconnected. But Rick's was fully stable. There was no apparent threat of decomposition. Whoever was responsible knew exactly what they were doing.

Moira: "I'd like to know their secret."

Then Forge drew their attention to the scan results of the test he had carried out on Rick. He had disguised a multi-spectrum scanner to look like a common metal detector by means of an image inducing holoprojector. Rick thought that he was being scanned for weapons. But his energy spectrum was being studied instead.

Forge: "There are seven main waveforms...and they're off the charts."

Jean: "He has...well HAD access to the five Elements, as well as telekinetic and telepathic abilities."

Scott: "They add up to seven. It makes sense."

Forge: "Yes, it does. If the waveforms for his Elemental powers registered on the spectrum, then we don't have to worry about him losing his powers. He has them, he simple can't use them. We'll have to run some more intensive DNA tests. From these results and Hank's explanation of the drugs in his system, I have a hunch."

Moira: "And that would be?"

Forge: "Hank said that this coumpound, lets call it A, has only recently bonded to these genes on Rick's Y chromosome. Now if the genes on his Y chromosome were to encode for his Elemental powers...and A represses could explain why he has access to his Psionics and not Elementals. His Psionics must be encoded for by the X gene. It's on chromosome 12. another chromosome entirely. A only affected the extra genes on the Y chromosome."

Moira: "So, you're suggesting that his Elemental powers may be the result of these extra genes on the Y chromosome, and not due to his X gene at all?"

Forge: "Precisely. Ordinarily, all mutant abilities are encoded by the X gene. It's natural. But if his Elemental powers aren't natural...and are foreign to his genome, then it must have taken a lot of genetic programming to force his cells to accept them. Hence all those genes on the Y chromosome."

Scott fidgeted slightly.

Scott: "I'm just wondering if we should tell him."

The psychiatrist in Jean immediately answered the question.

Jean: "No. We are talking about genes here. The very thing that defines who were are. If he finds out that his genes have been altered, and it's not natural, it could open up a whole Pandora's box of psychological issues. Like identity crisis and lack of self-worth."

Forge: "If we can solve this problem and there is no risk of harm to him...then he doesn't have to know."

Moira: "I agree...we will carry out testing. But we shall only reveal minimal information to him. If we are able to reverse the effect of compound A on his Y-genes, then we'll simply say that A was at fault and-"

Jean: "Me and Hank had a sort of allergy analogy. We'll tell him that we were correct in our assumptions and that you confirmed it."

Scott: "Forge, with enough genetic information...can you design a method to remove the compound from his system."

Forge: "Hello, this is ME here."


Meanwhile, at the Xavier institute, worried parents Joshua and Julie McKenzie had arrived courtesy of Kurt's teleportation and were listening to Hank's explanation of what they had discovered about Rick's genome. Betsy and Xavier could sense the fear and did their best to calm them. The fear quickly turned to anger however.

Joshua: "So, you're saying that this isn't natural? That someone had to have done this to him?!"

They could delay the inevitable no longer.

Hank: "It could have been done to Rick himself, sometime after birth...or, it could have been done to you. You could have then passed it on to him through your Y chromosome."

He was aghast. He tried to remember as far back into his past as possible but came up clueless.

Joshua: "I can't remember anything before the orphanage."

Hank also suggested the possibility that his biological father may have been the one who passed it down to him. Or any other direct male ancestor. If his DNA (which was being analysed) showed no signs of genetic tampering, and his Y chromosome was normal and different to Rick's...then somewhere along the line, Rick's DNA had been altered. If his Y chromosome was the same as Rick's, then he may have been altered or even inherited it from some ancestor. The only way to be certain would be to find the male ancestor that didn't have the modification. The male descendent immediately before would have been the one directly modified.

Julie: "We may never be able to find his father, far less any other male ancestor further we"

Xavier: "May never know who was directly modified. That does not matter as both the directly modified person as well as the inheritor of the Y chromosome, will both have the same genes on the Y chromosome. What matters is determining the exact purpose of those genes...and why they were put there."

Joshua: "We have to find out who's responsible for this!"

Hank: "We don't know where to look."

Xavier: "We may not be able to piece it all together...but we can try. Your earliest memories were of the orphanage...right?"

Joshua nodded in approval. It was the only place he could remember from his childhood. Xavier suggested that they pay a visit to Harmony Home Children's Orphanage. Perhaps some staff member would be able to help them shed some light on his past.

Hank: "If someone went through the trouble to make such extensive modifications to a person's genome...they had to have a good reason to motivate them."

Xavier: "Yes, but were their aims beneficial, or malignant in nature?"

It was just after one thirty in the afternoon. Joshua insisted that they pay a visit to Harmony Home right away. Xavier agreed and volunteered to join them. He was the one who adopted Joshua in the first place. They might be more forthcoming with information if he were the one asking the questions. Logan and Ororo would surely go with them to lend moral support. Perhaps Harmony Home would give them some clue that could lead them in the right direction...


Whew! Okay that's chapter twenty! Be sure to tell me what you think!

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And shoutouts to;

Kevin Martinez - Yup, thanks! This story means a lot to me too!

Paolo - Hey thanks for stumbling across my story!

Fora allex - More Power! Don't know why that phrase has become so

To leohyuuga and Mitsaso...talking with you guys has fueled my desire to write this story!

And to my very special fangirl out there...the one who digs Russians and Italians...thanks for reading! I know...I like him too! Grins like a Fiend!

Who can forget my "Dirty Little Secret"...if only the last letter in your screen name was an "S" and not a "B", then it'd really match!

And to xx-men fan and aesarver, your polls really motivated me!

Next: Chapter 21: Xxx Men 21

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