Xxx Men Series

By Phoenix

Published on May 30, 2005


XXX Men 2

Okay, Phoenix here. I wrote this for those of you who asked. If you'd like to join my group feel free to.

Group's at:

Email at Comments welcome, I'm new at this and really need some feedback if I'm going to get any better.

Oh, and I don't own the Xmen, they are Marvel's. I'm borrowing them. I don't know anything about their sexualities, but I do have suspicions, lol. Now, I know some people think you gotta be 18 for this stuff, but come on. We all knew about this when we were younger right? And we're here now so we know what we want. Okay the the legal stuff's done. Now, this is not just based on the Movies, but from all aspects of the Xmen Universe, like the cartoons and comics. In case you're wondering.

For Rick, Carlos, Mike and Jake. And all the others who've read my stuff at Nifty. Well you people have been asking goes! And to coolfrodo. If it weren't for him you people may not be seeing this cuz Yahoo is a real bitch sometimes!

Xmen Story

Segment 2

I woke up the next morning in a haze. At first when I felt someone behind, spooning me, I jumped, then I remembered...Jacob. Heheh...Jacob! I turned around to see him smiling at me. He shifted towards me and kissed me good morning. I got flashbacks from the night before and kissed him back with fervor.

Jake: "Well glad to see you're up."

"Oh, I'm UP all right."

We made out some more and then decided to get ready and go downstairs. The Professor had told us that most of the other members of the Xmen would be returning today. I wanted to see who they were and what their powers could do. Jake got dressed real quick, what a pity. He kissed me one last time, said he'd see me downstairs. With a last look he went out the door. I took the opportunity to check out his ass as he was walking away. It was only fair, he does it to me all the time anyway. That thought reminded me of Amara. I hadn't spoken to her since our fight. With all the drama going on here at the X-Mansion and her being "sick" , I hadn't gotten the chance. I decided to stop off at her room and talk to her a little. That is if she would listen to me. Looking back now, I wished I'd handled it better. I went and brushed my teeth, took a bath(Man did I need a bath! Lol.) and got dressed. I'd go see Amara before breakfast. I mean if she was "sick" she would probably be in her room all day right. The Professor had by now moved everyone back into the Mansion. I didn't know where Amara's room was but I'd just ask Jubilee or someone else.

I made my way out and telepathically scanned for Jubilee. Great she was waking.

Jubilee good morning , uh can you tell me where to find Amara's room?"

She gave me directions. Unfortunately she had to add how upset Amara was and I better go talk to her right away and that Amara really liked me...girls, *sigh*. I cut her off and went down the hall. Eventually I came face to face with her door. Okay, this was it, I'm going to have to apologise to a princess. I steadied myself and knocked once. I knew she was awake, I could sense it. Hmm...maybe she didn't hear. I knocked again. Then I heard her voice.

Amara: "Um, who is it?"

"It's's Rick Amara. Can I talk to you?"

A long silence followed. I thought that maybe she didn't hear me. Anything but the obvious possibility, she didn't want to see me. But then,

Amara: "Uh yeah, just let me put something on."

After about five minutes she opened the door and let me in. Damn, her room's big. Stuff in here looks pricey too. But hey she is a Princess. I decided to go with the game she was playing.

" are you feeling?"

Amara: "Huh, what?"

"Uh you told the Professor you were sick and couldn't join our mission. He told us and well- I wanted to see if you were okay."

Amara: "Oh that. Well I was sick...flu or something. Must have been one of those twenty-four hour bugs. But I'm fine now."

"Amara, look, about what I said the other day, I didn't mean it like that-"

Amara: "Well I was probably wrong too. I mean you were going through a tough time and I was practically trying to force you to take me with you to see Bobby. I was so stupid, I should have known you'd want to see him alone."

"Well, I guess. But I shouldn't have said what I said that way. Cuz I do like you a lot."

Oops! Wrong thing to say. She got all blushing. I better stop this now before it got any worse and ended up hurting her more than before.

"I like you a lot, but just not the way you think. See you've been real nice to me and all. Like a sister I guess."

Her face fell flat. I guess I'd feel that way too if Jake started acting like my brother, but I had to do it. It was true I did think of Amara like a sister. I continued,

"I mean, see I'm not really looking for a...relationship right now(A little White Lie). I mean, your older than me and all, and aren't girls more mature than guys at our age. That's why most relationships are older guy/younger girl...I'd probably not be mature enough for you. I mean I'm 16, you're seventeen."

Amara: "It's not that much of an age difference-"

"I just don't want to...okay."

We talked some more and she started to cry a little. Gosh, I'm so not a comforting kinda guy. I tried my best and gave her a little innocent hug. We eventually decided to let it go. What she said next put me a little off. She said she try and tackle Bobby...Ah well...he is her age and all. She agreed to come down to the breakfast table a little later. Almost everyone would be coming back today and all. I said goodbye, playfully bowed to her Majesty and left to go downstairs. I met Bobby on the way.

"Say Bobby, when are the others going to get here?"

Bobby: "Oh them...well Ray and the rest of the gang'll be here by dinner time and the rest of the Xmen, well most of them anyway, they'll get here around lunch. So we basically have the morning to ourselves."

"Oh, I can't wait to see the rest of the Xmen. This is just too cool. I mean jetting off on all sorts of secret missions, all over the globe and stuff."

Bobby: "Yeah it's pretty cool I guess."

"I just hope I can make the cut someday, I mean I have some real self-control issues and all."

Bobby: "Hey you'll make the cut. I mean you got some serious power. Just a little rough on the edges that's all."

"Well, easy for you to say. You got it all down. You and the others'll probably get lapped up and I'll be left stranded on the junior team till I get better."

Bobby: "What?! Hey well, I won't leave you stranded on the junior team. If you're not on the Xteam, I'm not going either. I'll just repeat will you-uh-always more room for improvement. Let's just try our best to get promoted though okay?"

I know he didn't mean it but we vowed to try and make it on the Xteam together.

Bobby: "So, what were doing coming outta Amara's room?"

I told him some more about our little "argument" and how I went up to apologise and all.

"I think everything's okay now. I think she'll stop attacking me. Hehe."

Bobby: "Yeah...I can tell she really liked you. The way she always stares at your ass."

He started laughing.

"Hey! You better stop laughing, you're not going to be safe for long, not if her Majesty decides to coerce us simple peasant folk. She's coming after you next, she told me, so be warned."

I started laughing but Bobby was staring at me horror struck.

Bobby: "W-what! Oh no...I'll have to talk to her about that. I-just don't want a girlfriend-uh-right now."

We made our way downstairs and went straight to the kitchen. Good thing the Blob hadn't eaten us completely out of house and home. Jake saw me walking with Bobby and right away I saw his frown and sensed his anger. He started badgering me, telepathically.

Jake: Rick, what took you so long? Wait-what are you doing walking down with Bobby?

Knock it out. I just went to talk to Amara and apologise and all. And I met Bobby in the hallway, that's all. I can't believe the way you're asking me this, don't you trust me?

Jake: I trust YOU babe, I just don't trust him. The way he looks at you...hmpf!

What are you talking about? He doesn't look at me anyway, and Bobby's STRAIGHT! So don't come with that again.

Jake: I just know what I see and sense from him, that's all.

Jake don't tell me you've been spying on Bobby's mind, misinterpreted something and now you're bitching about it!

Jake: I didn't spy on him. Okay, in case you haven't noticed, my telepathy is a lot more powerful than yours. I sense things that people don't consciously send, like you, but I sense a LOT more. Everytime you're around him I sense something I don't sense in him otherwise. I'm not sure but-

Hmpf! Honestly, don't you feel something when you see your FRIENDS?

Jake: Well yeah, but this is different-

I don't want to hear it-

Jake: Just listen, come on babe...

I shut him out telepathically and went to the refrigerator, got a can of soda and was heading out the door when Jacob tried to talk to me normally.

Jake: "Can we talk somewhere, alone?"

I shrugged him off. And walked out to go to the lawn. I honestly don't get it. I mean, what he was wasn't that it hurt just because it seemed he didn't trust me. It hurt because I wanted it to be true, well at least at one time, part of me still does, I guess. And it hurt for him to keep bringing it up. I had to go through hell to keep it from him via our Psychic link too. And even if it were true and Bobby was Gay, and was interested in me, didn't it take two to tango? Didn't he trust me to say no? I would say no, right? Damn, now I was all confused. If Bobby, well some other guy came along that I really liked, would I just up and leave Jake? Was what I was feeling really love, or teenage lust? I mean I like the way Jake makes me feel, and all. But does he really love me, or is it lust? Damn...did he really come over without underwear last night to just ask to sleep over(He sleeps nude) or, was he expecting me to put out? Maybe what we did last night wasn't right, too soon. I hoped he didn't think of it as a sign that I was ready for the real sex. I honestly don't know if I was ready. I had my suspiscions. Was I holding off because...Just then I saw Bobby making his way down here. He came up to me and sat down next to me.

Bobby: "Rick, is something wrong...with you and Jacob?"

"What makes you say that?"

Bobby: "Well, I'm not telepathic or anything but I know when two telepaths sit and stare at each other, for five minutes, without a word, they're talking about something mentally. Then I saw him go over to you when you were leaving the kitchen, but you shrugged him off. So what's up?"

"Nothin's wrong. We just have a difference of opinion, nothin' to talk about really."

He looked at me. I had the distict feeling that he knew I was lying."

Bobby: "uh-you know you can talk to me about anything, right? I mean we are friends, right? I just don't like it when you lie to me, that's all. It's like you think I'm stupid or somethin'."

"I don't think you're stupid. And you are my best friend. It's just complicated, I don't wanna talk about it.(His face fell.) With ANYone, not just you, so don't take it personally."

We were talking when I saw Jake making his way towards me. I got up,

"Uh Bobby, we can talk later okay."

Bobby: "But you haven't even eaten breakfast yet, all you had was that that can of soda."

"I'm not really that hungry.(Jake was in hearing distance.) Something I ate last night must have disagreed with me."

Jake was frowning again. Good.

Bobby: "I hoped it wasn't that Burger I made you."

"No, it wasn't that, believe me."

Jake: Rick I'm sorry. I won't talk about it anymore, for now okay."

Jake, I think maybe we should, just spend a little time away from each other, just to cool off and see how we really feel about each other. I don't know if what we're feeling is love or...lust.

Jake: What are you talking about? I love you! Wait, does this have anything to do with Bobby?!

Why do you always bring him up?! I'm talking about us here! Why did you really come to my room commando last night? It couldn't just be that you wanted to ask to sleep over. You were expecting me to let you fuck me weren't you?

Jake: I was just keeping my mind open to the possibility.

See, that's what I mean, we need some time away, to see if what we feel is real.

Jake: Why are you pushing me away? Don't you love me, don't you want me like that?

Yes I do! But I don't know if I'm do that with you...yet.

Jake: Oh THAT explains it. Your're not ready to do that stuff with ME. Do you think your're ready to do it with someone else?(He was glancing at Bobby. That made me mad!).

You think I forgot what you did to me on the Astral Plane?! I said I enjoyed it a little. I didn't say how scared you made me feel, how powerless to stop you! You practically raped me there! It's not something easy to forget.

Jake: You mean your're still holding that against me? I thought we were past all that. So what, you don't trust me now? What I'm all villainous-

If I didn't trust you, would I have done-what I did-last night. Huh?

His expression changed. He must have been shook up, he lost telepathic link and spoke softly to me.

Jake: "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-"

Bobby: "Shouldn't have what?"

"Nothing. I'm just gonna go now. I need some alone time." I left them.

Bobby: "What were you apologising to him for?"

Jake: "Nothin'"

Bobby: "That's a load of bull...he wouldn't be all shook up about it if it were true."

Jake: "It's private...don't push me Bobby!"

Jake walked away. Hmpf! Nothing good in my life seems to last long anyway.

I made my way up the Mansion stairs, the emotions no doubt showing on my face. I was just going to go back to my room and probably sleep in for the rest of the day. But Jean saw me sulking. She beckoned me over to the lounge room where we'd alone. We were alone but talking with your thoughts is so much easier. I didn't trust myself to actually speak.

Jean: Rick, what's wrong, I feel you radiating...

It's Jake.

Jean: Jacob? What about him?

I don't know what going on. See, I think he doesn't trust me around other guys. But he says he doesn't trust other guys, well guy around me.

Jean: Guy, which guy?


I saw her shift in her seat. What's up with that? She must have sensed it.

Jean: My back, I-uh-hit it real hard when Juggernaut grounded me yesterday. So why doesn't Jacob trust you around Bobby.

He thinks that Bobby's gay. Which is crazy. And what's worse he thinks Bobby's out to get me. I mean like last night. I went up to bed right after we talked with the Professor. I didn't bother to eat, I  was hungry, but too tired to fix anything. Well I invited Jacob up to my room that night. I did it once before, after I almost killed Bobby in the Danger Room. I only wanted to talk. Anyhow, Bobby came first and he brought me a burger he made for me. I was hungry so I took it. Anyhow, Jake came and thought I'd made it for me. He joked how I should have made one for him too. I told him Bobby made it for me and that's where it turned sour. I mean we-uh-made up after that little talk. But this morning I went to see Amara, and then I met Bobby in the hall. We were heading down to the kitchen and all. Jake was there and he started acting that way again. He did it again after I left to go on the lawn. I don't know if what we're feeling is love or lust. I mean I won't say that he's trying to force me to-

Jean: Have sex?

_Yeah...but I can tell his patience is running out. I-we-did something last night.(_She shot up an eyebrow). We didn't do that! But I could tell he came believing we would. And today I just told him I didn't know if I was ready to do it with him yet. He accused me of wanting to do it with someone else, just not him. I think he means Bobby, which is ridiculous, Bobby's not gay.

She shifted again.

Jean: This damned chair, works havoc on my back. You were saying.

Yeah...well I remined him how-...(Damn, I'd never told her that before!).

Jean: What did you remind him of?

I decided to tell her. Hell she knew a lot more damaging stuff about me. So I told her the reason why I freaked out on her that day in class.


Please Jean just let it slide. I have, it was a mistake. Well, I reminded him about what he did. I think I reached some part of him. Hmpf! How can he question me that way?...I almost killed Bobby on his behalf when I thought he was dead.

Jean: That wasn't you, that was your other persona-uh-Eric...wait a minute.


Jean: I think I just realized why you're feeling doubts. If Eric was the one angry at Bobby for "killing" Jacob, then maybe...

Eric is the one who loves him, and...not me. I thought about that. I don't know, I DO feel stuff for Jake. Although I confess, I've had a huge crush on Bobby, but I know it'll never work out.

Jean: Just be true to yourself...your real self.

I'm not sure who I am anymore. I wish I could be tough like Eric sometimes. Ah...well.

Jean: I like you just the way you are.

Wish Jake would. I won't keep him waiting forever. I mean I did put out-a little-last night.(Another Raised Eyebrow.)

Jean: I think he really does love you, just going about it the wrong way. I sense the way he feels about you, whenever you two are close together. Maybe he wants to speed you along because he's afraid of losing you.

Funny you should mention that. He says he senses something different about Bobby whenever we're together. Fool! Everyone feels something different when they are amongst their friends.

She was doing it again.

Jean, maybe you should get someone to take a look at your back. You're twitching like you got a nervous tick or something. Maybe you should ask Jake to heal you.

Jean: I'm fine. It's just that well...I'm tired. Give Jacob some time. Try to understand what he's going through, he feels threatened.

By what? Bobby and me are just friends, if Bobby found out I was Gay he probably freak anyway.


Jean: I don't think so. You two are...real close. Even if you don't think so.

I talked some more with Jean and then decided to leave her to rest. She looked like she should get her back checked out though, all the twitching. I left the lounge room and decided to head upstairs to my room. I opened my door and entered. I started to take my clothes off when I saw Jake sitting on the bed, watching me. I stopped.

"What are you doing here?"

Jacob: "I came to apologise. I was wrong. You'd never have blown me off if you didn't trust me. I thought all you were going to do was jack me off. Listen about Bobby...I may not trust him...but I trust you. Okay. I only hoped you'd be ready cuz...I don't want someone else to get to you first. I mean, after what Lance tried, I got all scared of that happening."

He went on and I realised, I was too hard on him. When he brought up Lance, I began to understand. I could see it all. He wasn't just some horny nineteen year old who was looking for a quick lay from me. He was afraid he wouldn't be my first. After what Lance tried, I didn't blame him. I decided I wasn't going to let things go on like this between us. If he was acting this way, because he was afraid that I didn't want him that way, and was afraid that someone else might be my first, then I was going to put a stop to it. He was sulking. I walked over to him and knelt down so I was level with his sitting height.

"Jake, if that's why you've been acting this way, then...I don't want to keep things this way between us."

Jake: "Huh?"

I started to remove my tee shirt, and began removing my pants. He looked at me, without taking his eyes off me for a second. I was sliding the pants off my hips now.

"Jake...I'm ready. If you were scared you wouldn't be my first, you don't have to be anymore."

He bent down and kissed me gently and began sliding the pants off my waist. He stopped briefly.

Jake: "You're sure? I don't want you to think I forced you. I don't know if I'll be able to stop once I start, I don't want to hurt you."

"I'm sure. I'm doing this for us."

Jake: "I can telepathically block out the pain. Only pleasure's good enough for my baby."

"I want to feel everything about you. It's my first time, we can block pain out the next time. But I'm going to feel what every other guy in my place feels."

I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was more than willing to comply. He continues kissing me, while I unbutton his shirt and reveal his scupltured chest and abs. He was sliding off my briefs now. I telekietically freed him of his pants and underwear...underwear, on that's a first. I broke the kiss.

"Hmm...all the times you came here expecting me to put out, you came without when I do want to dish out you decide to wear `em."

He laughed. He lifted me onto the bed and got over me. He was looking into my eyes now.

Jake: "We need to do some preparation first, okay, I want this to hurt as little as possible. I'm(He Blushed.) not exactly small, and you're a virgin and all."

He went over to my countertop and came back with a bottle of lotion.

Jake: "This should do the trick. I'm going to have to lube you up real good. It might be uncomfortable, just tell me if you want me to slow down...or-stop."

I know he didn't want to stop , so I told him I'd tell him if I wanted him to SLOW down. He kissed me one more time, then got to work. I knew what to expect, I may have been a virgin, but I was by no means INNOCENT. I just didn't know what it would feel like. Jake soon clarified that for me though. He splashed some lotion onto his hand and fingers. He then spread my legs and began probing into my ass. To be honest, it was discomforting. He pushed in a finger and gently began rotating it. It felt...weird, I was having second thoughts but I squelched them, this would have to happen eventually. I could do this. With the addition of a second and then a third finger, I was squirming.

Jake: "Are you okay, you want me to go slower?"

"No, it's fine, just keep going."

He was rotating all three fingers now, stretching me. Then he started sending them into and out of my hole, finger-fucking me. It was a new sensation, and it was not all discomforting, I think I kinda liked it. Jake then pulled them out and stared into my eyes, I knew he was ready now. I nodded. I was still having second thoughts, and to be painfully honest I think I was alittle scared. I'd read stories of this sort of thing and I knew it WAS going to hurt. I actually thought about asking Jake to block out the pain but decided against. Still, I'd seen his dick...He asked me again if I was ready and I nodded in the affirmative. He then got over me and commenced in taking my innocence. I felt his cockhead at the entrance of my slick love chute, pushing into me. I bit my lips in anticipation of the pain. Good thing too, cuz it HURT. I flinched and gasped. Jake paused and tried to reassure me telepathically.

Jake: It's okay, it won't hurt for long...the head's the worst part.

I just nodded and closed my eyes, bearing it out. Jake continued to pierce me, sliding deeper and deeper into me. I couldn't keep it in any more, I screamed out, Jake silenced me with a kiss and I found the strength to go on. Eventually Jake was buried to the hilt. He stayed still for a minute, letting me get used to it I suppose. I could tell by the strained look on his face, that he was resisting the urge to just madly fuck me. I silently thanked him for it. After a minute, it began. He withdrew, almost until he was out, then slid back into me. He did it again, but this time he hit something inside me, it sent my cock soaring skywards with a splash of precum. Jake realised it and grinned, I grinned too. I think I might really enjoy this. The pain seemed to dull in comaprison to the pleasure by now and with each thrust he hit the little love button inside and sent me into a frenzy, I don't think I've ever been so horny in my life. Realising that I was now ready, willing and able, Jake began to pick up the pace, slamming into me with gusto. Our breaths became shallow and rapid, no doubt due to the lust we were both feeling. At first we tried to time it, I'd pull back while he withdrew and push into him on his thrust, but eventually we just started fucking like two sex-starved animals, it just felt too damn good!

Jake: Oh, fuck! You're so damn tight.

Well I am/was a virgin, I'd think so.

At the rate we were going, I knew we couldn't last long. A couple of imes I thought I might actually cum without touching myself. Jake's motions became erratic, and I knew he was close. I was on the verge too. It was then that he had to remind me of the thing he said in the Danger Room.

Jake: Rick?


Jake:*Gasp* Ready to-

To what?

Jake: Rick, come with me...(He grinned, him and his fricked up sense of humour!Lol.)

I actually came first, and when I involuntarily clamped down on his dick, it sent him over the edge too. He stayed on top of me for a couple of minutes until we calmed down from the sex-induced high. When he rolled over, I could actually breathe easier. He looked at me and said,

Jake: "Rick, I love you so much babe."

"Me too, Jake let's not fight like that again, ever, okay. Cuz I can't stand it."

Jake: "Anything you want."

With that we went back to making out again. I hoped we had resolved our differences. I really wanted to make this work with Jake. He was one of the few good things in my life, and I was not going to lose him if I could help it. Eventually we realised we had to go back downstairs or people might get suspicious, so we took a bath and headed back down. The other guys should be back in a couple of hours anyway from their assignments. Unfortunately since we couldn't seem to keep our hands to ourselves it took a lot longer than expected. Luckily no one asked where we were when we went back downstairs.

I was so excited and anxious at the same time. The others were back, and I'd get to see the rest of the Xteam. Everyone else was pretty calm, but they were used to this. But I wasn't. I mean I get to meet real live superheroes, it's every kid's dream growing up. The Xmen were in for a debriefing of their mission with the Professor in the Danger Room. But Ray, Jamie, Roberto, David and John were back from their mission, Stopping the Brotherhood crime spree. They looked beat. Ray confirmed it.

Ray: "I don't think we ever had to fight so hard before, even in the Danger Room Sims."

John: "Yeah, my lighter ran out of gas TWICE, good thing I keep extras, or I would have really gotten my ass kicked."

Yup, seemed like they had their hands full too. Jubilee began filling them in on what we had to deal with. When she reached the part with Juggernaut, that got their undivided attention.

Jamie: "You guys took on Juggernaut?! How?"

David: "He's like a super powered mutant basher on steroids!"

Jake filled them in.

Jake: "Well, Ms. Grey, Rick, Jubilee and Bobby all had to work really hard to weaken him, and remove his helmet."

Roberto: "Wait, where were you?"

Jake: "Uh-well..."

"I sealed him in a cage of stone, to keep him safe until we got the helmet off. Then Jake could attack him Psionically."

Jubilee: "Except, you were the one who-"

Oh no! Jubilee was going to spill the beans about my foolish attempt to try and knock out Juggernaut telepathically on my own. Just great, they'd hear about my power control issues again. I felt that some of them might think that I was dangerous to have on the team, and I didn't like to think about it. I knew Ray and I weren't exactly tight, we weren't all out enemies, but I get the feeling that he doesn't really like me. I mean we were fine, except after the day I cussed him out. Well there was no stopping Jubilee's mouth, and it all came out. Luckily, Bobby, who had been silent for the entire exchange, spoke up in my defence.

Bobby: "Well hey, we could barely keep Cain down. Jean was out cold and Rick didn't have the time to release Jacob. If he didn't do it we'd all have probably been stomped. Besides, after Jacob got in his head, and knocked him out we got a little somethin' for our trouble."

Ray: "What did you get?"

Jake: "Oh, nothin' much. Just a little piece of rock, Shard of Cyttorak, I think."

Ray, Roberto, Jamie, David: "What?! You mean the thing that gives Juggie his Powers?! You mean he's powerless now?"

Jubilee affirmed it. We spent a little more time catching up on what happened during the last few days. I decided to ask the guys a question that I had been dying to get the answer to.

"Hey guys, just who are the new Xmen that'll be coming back today?"

Ray: "Oh, well there's Colossus, he's from Russia. I think he was at the Nuclear Plant in Boshnoi. He can transform into an organic metal, makes him super strong and able to withstand really high temperatures. There's Rogue. She has super strength, invulnerable skin, and she can absorb people's life force throgh skin contact."

Bobby: "There's Remmy, aka. Gambit. He can charge objects with kinetic energy and make them explode. And I hear Psylocke's comin' back too. She's Psionic, with telepathic and some telekinetic ability. Plus she's like a ninja with some killer moves."

Jubilee: "There's Nightcrawler. He can teleport from one place to another in the blink of an eye, and he has super agility. There may be some others. I mean there are a lot of other mutants who the Professor helped out over the years and they return the favour by giving him a hand when they can."

"Oh, and when will I get to see them?"

Jake: "Probably at dinner. At least then they'll all be in the same room."

We continued talking. Then the last member of our gang decided to show up...Amara. She made a beeline straight for Bobby. He was sitting in a lounge chair and Amara decided to sit on the armrest. I know she said she was going to try for Bobby, but so soon. Damn! The girl is serious. I couldn't help the slight(Well okay, maybe not soo slight) pang of pain that I felt. I mean I still have SOME feeling for Bobby, and if things were different, I'd probably be with him and not with Jake. I saw when Amara laughed at some comment Jamie made and playfully slapped Bobby's back. She may have meant it to look innocent, but I knew better. None of the others seemed to notice it though. And Bobby did nothing to stop her. Hell, if I was Straight and some hot girl decided to get all touchy with me I wouldn't be in a hurry to stop her. I was shielding all of this from Jake, but he got the overall feeling that I was saddened by something.

Jake: Something wrong?

No, it's nothing.

Jake: Sure?


Amara by this time was all in an uproar with the laughter and was almost collapsing on Bobby. Hmmm...lucky girl. She got game all right. I mean just this morning she was all hung up on me, and now she's all into Bobby? Hmm, I was glad I wasn't straight and hooked up with her. Maybe she's just a horny teenaged girl who doesn't really give a hoot who she's with as long as she gets laid. It was becoming so touchy feely with them now, I had to look away. I think I felt sick to my stomach. But that wasn't the worst part. Bobby got up, took Amara(Who was grinning.) by the hand and walked out of the room with her! Ray and John started cracking up. Jake joined in with them, but I felt like I wanted to puke. And I had to hide it from my facial expression too. I decided I needed a few minutes alone to try and contain myself, I didn't want to be this way at dinner time. I was gonna see the unstoppable Xmen for God's sake! I got up and made a lame excuse.

"I'll be right back guys. I need some air. I think I'm coming down with something, stomach virus maybe, haven't felt right since yesterday."

Jake: You want me to come with you?

No, it'll look too suspicious, I'll be fine, and I'll be right back. I just need some air.

I made my wayout into the hall. It was around 4:30 pm by now. Still had quite a lot of sunlight left. I decided to just go outside and chill for a few minutes. I went into the front lawn and sat down under a clump of trees, propping my back on its trunk. I was just taking a few breaths and contmplating the complicated twist my life had taken recently. It was then I realised I was not alone. I heard voices behind me, talking. I took a peek and saw who the voices belonged to. Bobby and Amara. I didn't know if I should be here, listening to their conversation, obviously meant to be private. Why would I want to anyway, it would only be self-lacerating torture. But then something caught my attention, it was Bobby's voice. He sounded...angry. Angry? Huh? Was there something I'm not getting here? I mean when I told him Amara said she was gonna come for him, he ssaid he'd have to talk to here. But just now he ddin't do anything to stop her from getting all touchy feely. I decided to listen in. I was just too damn curious.

Bobby: "I've told you before Amara, I don't wanna hook up with you. Can't you take a hint?"

Amara: "But why Bobby, won't you just try and see how it'd work out?"

Bobby: "No! Amara, sometimes you seem like such a slut. Honestly, you're always trying to go after some guy, then dumping them. You tried to go after Rick, at least he saw through it, now you're after me again. Well I don't want it!"

The argument went back and forth. A couple of times I heard him tell her to not touch him like that again, people might get the wrong idea. I don't know what I was feeling right then and there. I mean I felt some stupid sort of happiness, like, YES! HE'S NOT GOING FOR AMARA! But at the same time I felt like OH, WELL, HE'LL GO FOR SOME OTHER GIRL EVENTUALLY. THIS IS JUST DELAYING THE INEVITABLE. I got up and as silently as possible made my way over to the Mansion door. I entered in feeling much better. At least for now I wouldn't have to see some gilr with their arms wrapped around Bobby, at least...for now.

***Special Notice***

To a certain person out there who reads my stuff. You know who you are. I'm not a name dropper(For Now). You have reffered to a certain thing I wrote as a comedy. You better not refer to this one as such. Grrr...

Next: Chapter 3: Xxx Men 3

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