Xxx Men Series

By Phoenix

Published on Mar 8, 2006


X-men Story Chapter Nineteen

When we arrived in the subbasement, it was crawling with senior members of the team. Whilst I was talking with Bobby, Amara and Ray in the hall, Professor Xavier, Jean and Scott had made their way down too. I didn't like the way that everyone was looking at me. The other members besides them I mean. I felt like I could just make a hole in the floor and bury myself. Or run for the elevator. At last, I decided to just hide behind Amara and Bobby. Jake was standing over Ororo's bed performing his healing and presently she stirred. There were sighs of relief then as she and Logan hugged. I could sense it. The utter relief that she was unharmed. That wasn't all I sensed. I sensed a sudden burst of anger. And sure enough, when I glanced to my right, there he was. Kurt...

He had apparently been blissfully unaware that I was first. Like he was in Xavier's office...deja vu. I was trying to hide behind Bobby and Amara after all. But as soon as he saw me...he decided to show exactly how he felt about me being there. Everyone started switching nervous stares on and off between me and Kurt. That annoying hairball. I could just grab him and beat the shit out of his lying-

{Jean: Rick, calm down honey. You're's-making everyone here really nervous.}


I didn't even realise it at the time. I could only hope no one thought anything too damaging about it. It might lend credence to Kurt's machinations. Kurt was wearing an expression that was so self-righteous that it just screamed,

"I told you so!"

I decided that maybe I should come back when I could be alone with her. To get a chance to apologise properly without everyone minding my business. I was about to sneak out as best as I could (which would not have been easy considering that they were resonating their glances among Ororo, Kurt and me). Maybe I'd get lucky and whilst they had their eyes on either Kurt or Ororo, I could zip out with the speed of the wind. It didn't take however. Ororo spotted me and motioned me over to the bedside. I didn't want to talk to her with everyone else standing around in the room. She seemed to sense this and motioned with her hands for them to leave us alone. Most of them did so with no qualms...Kurt lingered. But succumbed under stern glances from Professor Xavier and Logan. I approached the bedside tentatively. I remembered when I came into the Med-Bay to see and apologise to Bobby. My alter-ego had worked a number on him. It was easier to apologise then. I could at least tell myself that it wasn't really me that did it. I didn't have that luxury this time around though. As if an alter-ego wasn't enough to have to deal gross stupidity had to cause problems.


Ororo: "It's alright, Rick. Accidents will happen. I share some blame as well. I shouldn't have been pushing you along so fast."

At least she was making it easier on me than I expected it to be. And all I had to say was one word!

Ororo: "That cage you conjured up from the ground was just the last feather that broke the camel's back."

Her alter-ego did mention the hillside event that occurred in Canada. And the strain she was put through underground in Nova Roma. So I didn't end up feeling too guilty after all.

"I didn't get a chance to thank you for your present. The spear, I found it earlier this morning. It's very beautiful...looks deadly too."

Ororo: "It's a ceremonial spear from the Serengeti. It symbolises a boy's coming of age. Oh, and that's real gold and emerald on it too by the way."

Wow...coming of age. How ironic, getting that just at the time when I had to learn how to handle what life decided to throw at me. And it had real gold and emerald ornaments too!

"It's way cool, Ororo. I suppose I should be thanking you for Logan's gift too. He kinda let it slip that he didn't know what to get me."

Ororo: "Shopping is one of the few talents he doesn't possess."

"I bet. When you were under...your alter ego said he was sexy in the sack. So, what did he ask you to do that was too kinky for your taste?"

Ororo: "There is no way in Hell that I'd tell ANYone that! You wouldn't be able to look at me the same!"

I glanced at my watch and remembered that I had a training session in the Danger Room. And I was running late. And I still had to shower and change into uniform too. And I was sure as Hell no going to do those in the communal showers in the Danger Room.

"I'll see you later, Ororo. I have to go get ready for Danger Room training."

Ororo: "I'll see you around. I'll be out of here in an hour or so anyway."

"And Ororo...thanks."

Scott: "Rick, you're twenty-minutes late. We've all been waiting on you."

"I know, sir. I'm sorry-I um...had to get ready and, Ororo-"

It took longer than I anticipated to get ready for training. It was compounded by one of my quirks too. Unless I spend at the very least thirty minutes in the shower, I never feel clean enough. And I spent a lot more than thirty minutes too. And then I had trouble finding my uniform. With Amara altering my room...even my clothes had been moved around. I had to search for my Danger Room uniforms, and that took some time. Anyhow, Scott wasn't one to just accept excuses for tardiness. The most I've ever run late before was like ten minutes, max.

Scott: "Oh well...we'll let it slide this time. Try to be on time from now on."

Phew. I gotta hand it to Scott. He might have treated me like shit for a short duration. But after he made that promise to me in the Med-Wing, he'd been true blue. And all it took was an optic blast that pummeled me against the wall and fractured my skull in the process. It was comforting to know that I had some active senior support that was of the male variety.

Jamie: "But he's never on time."

Normally, I humor Jamie and disagree with the others when they joke on his expense. But he could be an annoying little shit when he wanted to be!


Scott: "True, true. Try to be fashionably late, like you usually are from now on."

Mr. Military joking? Hey it's all good if I was benefitting from it! Why should I complain?

"Yes, sir."

I went over and stood beside Bobby and John and waited for him to explain the objectives of the day's training session. I wondered to myself how much more of them we'd need to take. We had faced off against real Sentinels and defeated them...okay, so we defeated them with senior help. But we all did a damned good job of holding them at bay. And they were badass, never seen before versions too. That had to count for extra credit. We'd fought and defeated a group of mutant soldiers in the Canadian wilderness. Not even Professor Xavier knew who they were. I'd went along with them onto the Astral mission to free Logan's subconscious. We'd trounced Lance and his goons on more than one occasion. Hell, with Jean's assistance, some of us had even defeated the Juggernaut. And we had a nice practical assessment when the Nova Roma incident came up. Both here and abroad. I was the newest addition to the team...they had been doing training excercises for...goodness knew how long.

Scott: "I don't know whether you're all ready for this next step in your training... But Professor Xavier thinks that you're all responsible, mature young adults."

Ray: "Well, some of us are...aren't we Jamie?"

Jamie began silently fuming. Scott continued-

Scott: "I however beg to differ. I know you better than he does. But I have to follow orders."

He sighed heavily and didn't look too pleased. The way he was talking... It got us all excited and curious at the same time. Were we going to get a promotion or something?

Roberto: "Um, Mr. Summers - what is this all about?"

Scott: "In the light of how much you've all faced...and the resourcefulness you've shown all along...we're granting you trainees provisional senior status."

I knew it! We're being the big league!

Jake: "Say what?! You mean-"

Ray: "We're like official X-men now?!"

Scott: "I said provisional senior status.'re officially on the senior team now. But it'll only stay that way provided you maintain the level you're at now. It should really be something of an OJT, on the job training phase. You'll be trainees."

Jubilee: "Do we get paid? I mean - like a real, honest to God salary?"

He rolled his eyes in slight exasperation.

Scott: "Yes...your cards are being charged as we speak. Bear in mind, we don't perform these duties for the money or-"

David: "Personal gain - yeah, yeah, yeah. Do we get access to the War Room and stuff?"

Jake: "And Cerebro?"

Scott looked mildly frustrated as we all threw questions at him, barely giving him the time to answer them all.

Scott: "Yes, the War Room will now be open to you. But access to Cerebro will need the Professor's authorisation."

Amara: "And these...uniforms. I mean - they're good for training and stuff. But, can we customize and create our own now? I mean your uniforms aren't uniform at all. They're all different. We can at least attempt at maintaining a sense of style and elegance. So can we design our own?"

He sighed and nodded in the affirmative.

Scott: "There is another matter that I need to speak to you about. So far we've relaxed the rules concerning codenames. That's because you've never had to deal with missions where the mass public will be witnessing your actions. Now that you're senior's a possibility. So the use of codenames will be mandatory. Hence, in all official capacities, you will refer to me as Cyclops. And you will refer to each other using the codenames you selected previously."

I ran them through my mind...

Ray = Beserker

Jake = Psycho

Bobby = Iceman

Amara = Magma

Jubilation Lee = Jubilee (lucky her!)

Jamie = Multiple Man

David = Morph

Roberto = Sunspot

John = Pyro

Me = Ele... Oh, wait a minute...problem.

Element was his codename, dad's...when he was on the team. I'd already renounced and disowned his last name. Why the Hell should I keep his former codename? It would seem so ridiculous. I had a brief flashback to the day I called them. He said that it could be like a legacy...and that maybe one day, one of his grandkids might be asking to use it. We'll see about that.

"Mr. Summ - er, I mean Cyclops...we don't really need to use a fancy codename, do we?"

Scott: "Yes, you do."

A short and simple reply that did nothing to solve my problem.

John: "That's not true. What about Ms. Grey? You guys just refer to her as Jean on the field. Maybe it's just the last name thing."

Hmm, good thing John mentioned that. It didn't even cross my mind.

"I'll try to think of a new codename. But for now can you just call me, Rick?"

He seemed adamant that I use a codename in training and on the field. But I still looked pleadingly at him in the hopes that it might be worth a shot. He must have caught on because I saw a brief look of sympathy run across his face before he suppressed it and became non-emotional.

Scott: "Fine, we'll go on a first name basis for now. But you'll have to come up with a new codename as soon as time warrants."

"Yes, Cyclops."

Scott: "Now that you're officially's time that you learn exactly what it is you're up against. The most you've ever faced in the Brotherhood department is basically Avalanche and his zealots. You barely know anything about Magneto's arch henchmen. Just some of the crimes they've committed, and how "bad" they are. Hence, we will be spending this training session in the War Room. Information is ammunition. Follow me."

We spent the next three hours studying senior Brotherhood members. Their abilities, strengths, weaknesses and their past criminal records. I found it interesting. Although I knew a lot of what was being taught from the night before. But some of it was new. We were viewing the fully unlocked records after all.

Scott: "Now...We've recently updated the database. As you may or may not know, it has come to our attention that Mystique aka Raven Darkholme, may be alive. Hence we have to assume that she is once again in league with Magneto."

He clicked a button and a picture materialised on the large monitor. A rather hideous one I might add.

"Dear God! I'm...sorry."

It was more than hideous! Offensive to the eye. Just like Kurt... I had no problem believing that she was his mother.

"So that's Mystique? And she's a shapeshifter? And impervious to telepathy?"

Scott: "That is correct."

He continued his lecture and presently the picture changed. It was a guy... but he was so animalistic in his appearance. Well...not really like an animal. More like a caveman...who needed a haircut real bad.

Scott: "....Sabertooth....enhanced strength, healing factor and agility....deadly martial arts capabilties..."

Amara was next to me and I could see her visibly squirming. I leaned over and whispered into her ear.

"That repulsive, huh?"

She looked startled and replied.

Amara: "Um...yeah, um really, really repulsive. That outrageously loose, full head of hair...and over-developed torso...and...gosh, he's blonde..."

Oh my God! She was practically drooling over herself!

" you find Sabertooth...attractive?"

Amara: "I - there's just something about him..."

"Hahaha! Maybe Animal Magnetism?"

I giggled slightly at my own joke. She turned red and couldn't look me dead in the eye. And the way she was fidgeting!

Amara: "Oh...come on. Don't tell me that there's not at least some itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, little part of you that-"

No...never, ever! I mean...well I did wonder what he'd look like with a haircut and a shave. Maybe some cologne too from the looks of him. No! Don't even think it! I should slap myself!

"No! Amara...I think you need a man, and fast!"

Amara: " could be so right."

I spent the rest of the evening after training with Amara. She had changed a lot from the skanky sleaze bag I once knew. She was now someone I could actually see myself spending time with and enjoying it. We had so much in common too. In some ways I could say that she was a feminine version of me. Granted, I was never a male slut. But you catch my drift.

Amara: "You know, I was actually glad to learn that you're gay."

Strange, but hey - I wasn't complaining. I'm glad that I'm gay too. So why the samhill shouldn't she be? But I was curious as to why though.

"Glad? Why'd you say that?"

Amara: "Several reasons. Firstly...When you didn't give me the time of day, I thought that I was losing my touch."


I could understand why that would have bothered the old Amara.

Amara: "Yeah...that and I rather see you in another guy's arms than a girl's. At least that way, I can tell myself that no girl won you over me."

And she had such a way of finding the cloud with the silver lining too.

Amara: "So, now that I know that you like what I like..."

And that was where it all started.

Amara: "Doesn't he just have like...the dreamiest eyes ever?"

"Um...yeah, I guess."

I know I couldn't help being drawn into their depths when I was with him. I knew that Amara had turned over a new leaf, so to speak. She no longer acted slutty or came on to umpteen guys a day. But she was a girl. Hell a woman...and a woman with needs for that matter. The fact that she was lusting after Sabertooth's picture in the War-Room, convinced me that she had needs that were in dire need of attention. She made it clear to me that she was now a One Man - Woman too. She was going to stick to one and just one guy at a time. And she was going to do so with the aim of building a relationship that was genuine...rather than one based solely on sex. Unfortunately...she planned on attracting Jake's attention. That was the only reason I strongly disliked her back then. (Hate is such a strong word)

Amara: "I always found him cute. And I think he might care for me too."

Poor deluded girl. I could only hope that she didn't get her heart broken. I liked her now and after I saw her cry on a few occasions, I didn't want to see it again anytime soon. She was just so sensitive on occasion. A trait we both shared in abundance.

"Um...did he give you a sign?"

Amara: "Well, several things actually. Like when I was throwing myself at him. I actually went so far as to..."

She paused and blushed.


Amara: "I went and massaged his dick under the table with my foot one time."

I remembered that. To my discomfort. But why brood on the past? He and I no longer had a romantic relationship. Still, I shut the memory out. I wasn't brooding...I just didn't like thinking about it. I know it shouldn't matter now. And I can't explain why. I just didn't like hearing it fall from her own lips. I had to act shocked upon hearing that "confession" of her's.

Amara: "Afterwards...well - normally guys don't care what's what as long as I do it with them. But he cared. Nobody ever spoke to me like he did afterwards."

She refreshed my memory concerning the conversation I had eavesdropped on. The one outside the men's room. How could she possibly get the idea that he might care for her based solely upon a talk like that? There was nothing in it that would convince me. He was basically letting her down easy.

"Amara, that seems a bit vague. Why'd you think that he might care for you based on that?"

I was trying to steer her away from the dangerous course of action she intended to take. She had news for me. She blushed again slightly and leaned in closer. She spoke in a shy, conspiratorial whisper.

Amara: "Well...there's more. Can you keep a secret?"

She burst into a barrage of girly giggles at that. Why was she being so "top secret" all of a sudden? With the whispering and shit? And what was so damned funny?


Jean: "Rick, what's wrong?"

I went to the only person I could with it. My one constant source of refuge and advice. She'd know what to do. I was all for storming into his room and beating the lying, cheating shit out of him! The fucking two faced hippocrite! How dare he question my fidelity?! How dare he act so fucking self- righteous and then go behind my back and-

Jean: "Alright, calm down and take a few deep breaths. Here, have a seat."

I felt nothing but anger and I was aware that the temperature of the room was rising. I don't think that I would have liked to see my face in the mirror just then. I wonder what Jean must have thought upon first seeing me like that. Jean levitated the air-conditioning unit's remote and set it a few degrees cooler. I had a glass of water and tried to lower the rage I was feeling.

Jean: " slowly. Why do you look like you could tear someone's-"

"Balls off?!"

She shook her head vigorously and blushed.

Jean: "I was going to go with head...but yeah, it's all good."

Where to start? Oh yeah, that bastard Jake went and cheated on me...with none other than Amara herself! He lied and told me that he was gay! He made me feel guilty about having mere thoughts about Bobby when he went and DID something with Amara! I rattled it off to her as calmly as I could. Her eyebrows shot up and she looked at me like I'd gone crazy or something. People seemed to be looking at me with that expression quite often of late. Then she seemed to be mulling it over.

Jean: "How did you learn about this?"

"From Amara."

Jean: "What exactly did he do with her?"

What indeed?! Now I had to tell her the disgusting details too!

"They kissed, and it wasn't any little peck on the cheek either! And Amara said that he felt her up and it would have gone on further if - shit, I didn't even tell you when and where."

Jean: "Um, no you didn't. I'm kinda trying to piece this all together."

I guess he lied when I asked him if he enjoyed her footjob too. Well here's the thing folks. You remember when our Princess ran off by herself in that Canadian cave? Remember who volunteered to go find her and bring her back? Do you remember who was worried sick when that person was long over due in returning? Remember who got all up in arms about searching for him? And who selflessly volunteered to go look with that person? And what happened to them because of their searching? For someone who wasn't really lost or calming down her Highness at all! No, he was busy messing around with her behind my back! I didn't trust myself to speak of those memories, so I just relayed everything to Jean telepathically.

"Can you believe him? How could he do something like that to me? He didn't even feel guilty enough to talk to me about it after what happened and I almost died?"

Jean: "Well, this is a shocker. Are you mad with Amara?"

"No, I'm not."

Truthfully I wasn't. That was her personality then. It couldn't be helped. She was a single girl. What she chose to do with whomever, she could do it because she had no strings attached. But he...he was a different matter. We didn't break up or anything. So seeing/kissing/fingering other people was definitely out of the question.

Jean: "Good. I'm glad that you're mature enough to realize that she is not to blame."

"Oh, I know exactly who's guilty here. And I am going to go give him a piece of my mind."

Jean: "I think a talk with him will be beneficial. And I mean a TALK."

I intended to do so much more than talk to him.

"I led Bobby down that cave to go search for him. Thinking that he could be in danger and shit. We got lost...we could have died. Bobby could have died! People do crazy shit when they think they're gonna die. Bobby didn't try anything with me. I got a little horny, but I didn't either. He was always the one with the accusations. I always gave him the benefit of the doubt. No wonder he didn't ask me anything about Bobby afterwards. Whatever little conscience he had must have made him feel at least that guilty."

Jean: "If you're going to go talk to him about it...I think maybe you should calm down first."

"I'm feeling calmer already."

Jean: "Rick, I mean it. Rushing in on him in a blazing rage is not going to do a bit of good for either of you."

"You know something...whatever guilt I felt at dumping his ass for Bobby, I just don't feel it anymore."

Before my anger could dissipate I left Jean's room and started walking straight for Jake's. I wanted some answers.

I finally stood in front of his door and knocked, very loudly. There was an electronic doorbell as well as an intercom. But a good old fashioned knock just felt a whole lot better. There was no answer at first and I was inclined to believe that he might not have been there. But presently I heard a garbled voice that sounded like,

"I'm comin'."

and I realised that he was indeed inside. The electronic lock released and the door opened. I was about to glance at him and look him in the eye when I realised that he was currently wearing only boxers. I stood outside and said,

"Do you mind putting some decent clothes on?"

Jake: "Uh, okay."

I tried to keep my voice level when I said it. But I was no fool. He would have undoubtedly picked up on something from my emotions. He did, because I could see him regarding me a little oddly with a mildly confused expression on his face. He opened the door wider as if to let me in, but I remained outside. I wasn't setting foot in there until he put on a tee and a pair of shorts at least.

Jake: "Aren't you coming in?"

"Put some clothes on first. We aren't together anymore. I'm with Bobby now. I don't think that he'd like me to be around my nearly nude ex."

He looked hurt at that. I did say it coldly after all. And I was glad, let him hurt. He nodded and shut the door. After a minute it opened again, and then I went in.

Jake: "So what's the - "

He didn't get to finish the sentence as I slammed my fist against his lying lips. He stumbled backwards and fell against the bedpost. I didn't expect that one of my punches would be able to do that. And neither did he apparently. He looked all shocked and bewildered.

Jake: "What the fuck?!"

"It was all a game to you?! Wasn't it?!"

Jake: "What the Hell are you ranting about?"

"You've got an admirer. You know that?"

Jake: "I don't understand - "

"I had a little talk with Amara today. She let me in on one of her girly secrets."

At the mention of Amara's name I scrutinized his face closely. And I saw the sudden, involuntary twitch his eyes did. I saw the nervous expression play across his face. He covered it up mighty fast I can assure you. But not before I saw it. I knew then for a fact that there could be no mistaking it. All along I didn't want to believe it. Deep down I hoped that it wasn't true. But after that expression...

Jake: "It wasn't what it sounded like. Whatever it was that she told you."

Uh huh...the mark of a guilty man. He was probably prepared to lie too. I hadn't so much as let on what Amara had told me, and he was prepared to discredit whatever she had said. Without even hearing it!

"Well at least you have the balls to hit the nail on the head and not beat around the bush! What do you think it sounded like? Hmm...what was it really like?"

He opened his mouth to speak but apparently could not conjure up the right words. Which was all good. Because I didn't really want to hear what he had to say. I didn't come to his room to hear his side of the story. I went there to give him a piece of my mind. And Lord help me...once I got started good, I didn't think that I'd want to stop.

"What was it like? Was she all hot and wet for you?"

Jake: "I-it was just one time."

And that was supposed to make me feel better?! That was the best he could come up with?

"One time too many! I trusted you, all the way! And you showed me anything but trust! You forced yourself into my mind because you thought that I messed around with Bobby in the grove!"

Jake: "I'm s-sorry, I - "

"While you were frisking around with Amara, me and Bobby got lost trying to rescue you two! We could have died! It was just a matter of luck that I sensed you. Just luck that you heard my psychic distress call."

At that note we both went silent as we considered the seriousness of the situation. He had since stopped making direct eye contact with me and I chose to watch his wallpaper then. He broke the uneasy silence.

Jake: "And I've regretted it ever was all just a big mistake."

"I know. Getting involved with you seems that way to me now. You lied and told me that you were gay! What the Hell are you? Bi? Straight and single...taking any hole that came your way until Ms. Right comes along?"

Jake: "I'm gay, I swear. I - she was just coming onto me and - I was lonely for God's sake! You had all but pushed me away and reduced us to mere friends! I slipped, okay? And I know it wasn't right, but you have to understand that - "

"Oh, so you were lonely? I was lonely too. But my tongue didn't slip down someone else's throat! My hands didn't slip into someone else's - "

I stopped then mildly disgusted at the thought.

"You know what? I'm glad that I left your cheating ass for Bobby. I felt guilty as hell when I had to make the decision. But I sure as hell don't regret it now. I'm glad, cuz if I stayed with you, and then disowned my parents for you...and then found this shit out...I don't t-think that I'd be able to live with myself. And I would have done that for you...I might have been harboring feelings for Bobby at the time, but I loved you. Everytime Amara tried coming onto you I wanted to give her a beatdown, but I couldn't."

I had to bite my lips to keep from saying anymore just then. If I did say too much at once, it would be like a dam breaking. I'd just pour out the words, then my emotions, then my tears. He wasn't worth my tears. I felt like crying. He may have been my ex. But it stung like crazy.

Jake: "I'm s-sorry. But don't doubt it when I tell you that what we have...had was real."

" was real. A really big mistake. I almost killed Bobby when I thought that he had killed you! I proved my commitment. You didn't prove yours."

I shuddered slightly at that memory. I almost killed the boy I loved over someone who could backstab me like that?

Jake: "I just needed to hold somebody...I needed someone to want me back. Just for a little while. It meant nothing to me. I promise-"

Selfish asshole! Of course it meant nothing to him. I didn't mean anything to him if he couldn't keep in control of himself for such a short period of time. Maybe I was just a fuck to him after all. It's all too easy for him to lie. He can mask emotions on the fly, without batting an eye. And then I'm just so goddamned naive.

"You are a selfish sack of shit! Of course it meant nothing to you! But it means the world to Amara! That poor girl is under the impression that she might have a future with you. She's been through a Hell that no one should have to go through. Do you realise how different she's been since we came back here? She smiled a little now and again. I suck telepathically. But even I can tell that she's hurting bad. But today, when she was going on and on about you...she was honest to God happy, Jacob. She was laughing and it was real."

That titbit snapped him out of his self-pity. He looked genuinely surprised.

Jake: "She's still on that?"

"Yeah, she's still on that."

He said a few more broken phrases. From what I gathered, he had been pre-occupied since we came back from Nova Roma. It seemed plausible. After all, big frickin' drama went down right after. What is it about this place? Why has my life been like a virtual soap opera since the very hour I stepped into this Mansion? Does anyone wonder about it? Do they even know what a "normal" life is? Or is this the norm for them?

"What do you intend on doing about that?"

Jake: "I don't know."

I challenged his answer with the coldest glare I could manage.

"What the fuck do you mean by that?"

Jake: "Just what I said! Shit, I'm not even bi. I don't feel anything for girls!"

He dared to raise his voice to me? Me?!

"You had to have felt something when you were fucking her with your fingers!"

That outburst precipitated another lengthy, uncomfortable silence. It was silence well spent as I got time to brood further.

"I could have understood it if you messed around with another guy...even a damned drag queen, Jacob. But this is different. She's a has to mean something."

Jake: "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that you're not gay. You can't be gay."

Jake: "Don't tell me what I am or what I'm not!"

"I am GAY, okay. And I can never see myself messing around with a girl like matter the circumstances. Especially under those circumstances."

Jake: "Don't straight people experiment? And you think gay people don't?"

Wait a damned minute! An...experiment? I looked at him in utter revulsion. He quickly modified the statement.

Jake: "I - didn't mean it like that! I just meant to say...shit, I wasn't experimenting. It just happened."

"And you had the balls to think that I cheated on you with Bobby...when I tried to break it off with you?"

He broke eye contact with me and just stared sullenly at the floor.

"You know what? I just can't deal with this right now. I have enough on my plate. Enough stress to deal with. But I will be able to deal with it eventually. And you better be ready then. For your own sake."

With that I left him. I swear, I could feel another door to my past closing. So many changes in so short a period of time. I'm grateful to whatever it is that has given me the strength to cope with it all. I walked down the hallway breathing deeply so that I could calm down. I wouldn't want anyone to read the emotions on my face. It might just give some of them satisfaction...knowing that I wasn't feeling all that and a bag of chips. It wasn't just me I was feeling sadness for. It was for Amara too. I didn't even know whether to think that I'd lost something. Maybe I never really had it to begin with. And neither had Amara. She'd never really had him...not even a chance with him. And she was going to be devastated.

I think that even when she was no more than a slut, she was thinking of building a lasting union with him. She tossed me aside like yesterday's news, did the same to Bobby. She breezed through Roberto too, all in a matter of days. But she seemed to have been stuck on Jake...Jacob. No more Jake. She must have thought that he was The One. I hope that when it all comes out...she's strong enough to cope with it in its entirety.

It was a little more than two and a half hours past dinner time. I had done my best to hide my troubled frame of mind from everyone. But I got the feeling that they must have seen through it all. It was in their eyes. Most of their eyes anyway. They had all learned by now about the Windrider Incident. Word had spread around fast. Of course it would...Ororo driven crazy in a duel by the problematic gay kid. The same one who had tried to maim Wagner. So I guess they all thought that my sullen mood was related to those incidents. In truth, some of it was. But most of it was to do with Jacob's treachery. He wasn't at the dinner table. Thank God for that small blessing.

They knew me well enough to assume that I didn't want to talk about it. And so no words were spoken aside from regular gossip and chatter. I smiled a few times to try and throw them off the trail that something was seriously wrong. And I joined their conversation a few times. But eventually I had to admit to myself that I needed some alone time. So I excused myself and headed for the door. Bobby wasn't being problematic for once and decided to just give me my space. Either that or my constant reminders to him of the need to be subtle, had finally gotten through to his brain.

It was getting pretty dark but it calmed me for some reason. There must just be something about darkness that holds that inherent quality. Maybe it was because I just wanted to hide away from my troubles for a while. I assumed myself completely alone at the fountain. I was leaning against it with my eyes closed. I only opened my eyes when I heard someone sitting down next to me. I was about to chastise Bobby for his foolishness, but thankfully I caught myself when I sensed that it wasn't him. I squinted slightly as my eyes adjusted to the dim light. It was...Scott. What was he doing here? He never struck me as the type to sit in utter darkness, staring at the sky for no good reason.

"Scott? What's up?"

Scott: "I was about to ask you the same thing. It's crazy for you to be out here. When there's so much more fun things to do inside."

There wasn't really much to do for fun inside. I had started noticing things. We were close, my friends and I. But I could see the stares that everyone would throw us when we walked together. Like in Elemental class that day for example. Ray didn't look comfortable...well even less comfortable at having me around. What if people were talking about them behind their backs? It was okay if they did it to me. I was the fag that the gods blessed them with. To ridicule as they saw fit. But I didn't want to be responsible for my friends being ridiculed. What if it drove such a wedge between us, that it would eventually split us apart? Ray wouldn't do anything to keep us together. Maybe it would be wise to keep a little distance from them like I planned after all.

"I like it out here. It's quiet...peaceful."

Scott: "You know...your dad used to spend a lot of time outside here too. Especially when he blew up on someone."

"Scott, don't-"

He checked himself and apologised. I excused him.

Scott: "So what's troubling you so bad?"

Well, let me see. My parents are bigoted assholes. I'm being maligned by a senior X-man. The whole school thinks that I'm a psycho. Capable of attempted murder and insanity induction... I find out that my ex boyfriend I loved to the point of near murder, cheated on me...with a girl! God! What if I had turned him straight?! Lord, please don't ever let me do that to Bobby.

"Nothing. Why'd you think-"

Scott: "It's not that hard really. You barely even touched your dinner. Just pushed it around the plate. Then you just up and come outside for two hours."

He was that observant of my actions? Like I said...after he made that promise to me in the Med-Bay, he was like a guardian to me. And I was grateful. But at heart, I am a very insecure and paranoid person. I have a lot of doubt, fears and worries. I guess that's why my sub-conscious went through the trouble to create an alter ego. I just can't handle some things very well, or at all. Is he being genuine when he stands up for me? He made that promise to me under completely different circumstances. Was there something else at work? Some secret agenda he had?

"Why aren't you treating me like shit? Even Logan was thrown off by all this in the beginning? And aside from you two, I don't really get the feeling that any other male member of staff accepts me."

It was true. Okay, so Warren seemed okay when Xavier called the meeting the day before. But he was probably under Betsy's heel like Ray was. He was probably a much better actor than Ray too. Especially as Betsy herself was at the meeting to supervise him. Logan...I thought I could trust. He was thrown off at first. But he accepted it. And he treated me the same whether Ororo was there or not. But what exactly did the other male members of the staff think of me?

He looked surprised at that statement.

"I just want to know that your support is real. You don't know how much it means to me."

He shrugged and replied.

Scott: "It doesn't feel real to you?"

"A lot of what I thought was real just turned out to be fake. And it hurts to be played for a fool. So tell me now...if you really give a damn. I got hurt enough these past two days. But I'm willing to take a little more to spare myself a lot more torture in the future."

Scott: "What do you think that I have to gain by standing up for you?"

"Are you doing it so Jean will see you different?"

Scott: "What?"

I explained myself more fully. Hey, I said that I harbored deep fears and insecurities. I had overheard him begging Jean for something or the other in the kitchen. And he had heard when I announced to my parents that Jean (among others) knew about my status, and was totally supportive. It wouldn't be too good for him to have her thinking that he was a homophobic bigot, would it? If he wanted something from her that is? What if he was being this way more for her than for me. Sorta like Ray was for Jubilee?

Scott: "This has nothing to do with Jean."

"You're sure?"

Scott: "I promise."

"Well that case...thanks for sticking up for me with Kurt. And for not bitching at me for being late today."

Scott: "Hey, hey - I never bitch!"

"Yeah? Look, you're bitching that you never bitch!"

We both smiled at that. At least I think he did. It was a little hard to tell in the dim light. I knew I was only too glad to relax a little.

Scott: " long have you known? That you're gay?"

I wasn't really all that comfortable talking to anyone about it. But if there was anyone who had put themselves out on a limb for was Scott. He was a team leader after all. I guess I owed him some answers at least.

"I was thirteen when I knew for sure. I sorta...developed a slight crush on a classmate. Nothing serious, but it was enough for me to figure out what I was."

Scott: " you've been coping alone with this for a while, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess."

Scott: "It must have been rough growing up different with no one to talk to."

I didn't know exactly how to respond to that. Sometimes I would have given anything to have a confidant. But it would alternate. Sometimes I preferred that no one else knew but me.

"It wasn't the best. But it wasn't the worst either."

There was a pause here and I could sense that he was giving something careful consideration. I could tell that he wanted to ask me something and was deciding on what words to use. Or perhaps how to go about asking it.


Scott: "Rick, uh - you came here to learn self-control, right?"

"Yeah, I have a power control problem. Just like da-. You know why I'm here."

Scott: "Not exactly. I mean, how did you realise that you had a serious control problem?"

I tried to think back to my fight with the 'rents. I said a lot of things. Some of which found their way to the ears of staff and students alike. I remembered bringing up the fight with the bullies. About them picking on me. But I didn't mention anything about me putting them into comas with third degree burns and such. But wait a tick...I called it an "accident". As Hank would say, Oh Dear. I shifted slightly under his gaze.

Scott: "When you were out here...with your parents, you said something about bullies. And an accident? Did it have anything to do with-"

I lost it then. The only people who knew anything about what really happened back home aside from me and my parents were the Professor, Jean, Jacob and Bobby. I hadn't even told Ororo about it. And she was aware of my being gay too. I knew that shouting out that fact about the bullies would have some repercussions. And I guess Scott asking questions was one of them. I immediately started panicking.

"Why'd you say that?"

Scott: "I dunno. It was just a stab in the dark. I'm guessing here."

It sounded like a lot more than a guess. Almost like he knew what he was talking about. He must have pieced it together somehow. Could he?

"I can't talk about that. I won't."

Scott: "I'm not forcing you to tell me anything. I just thought that maybe you might need someone to talk to about this."

He thought that I might need to talk to someone about it? That's right! Idiot me...he didn't know that I had talked to anyone about it at all. He must have been asking out of concern for me. I said that the bullies didn't try to beat up on me for being a mutant. But for being gay. And he must have got that something of an accidental nature had happened. Accident equals "bad". He was being supportive. And he was going out on a limb...being a liberal maybe I could bend a little too.

"I just don't want you thinking of me differently afterwards."

Scott: "It won't change my opinion of you."

So I told him about the incident. About how my status came out in the first place. All because of a stupid gym class that I didn't want to take. Having to shower with other guys...completely naked. And on a regular basis too. I told him all about the fight afterwards. It started off like a regular beatdown...but changed real plenty, real fast.

Scott: "Did they...die?"

"No, they lived."

We talked some more about it. I was glad that he wasn't making it out to be something evil in nature. If there's one word that sums Scott Summers's duty. It was our duty to master our powers and not let them master us, as he frequently said. I was especially afraid of the senior X-men finding out the specifics. They were strongly against the idea of mutants attacking humans. They understood that sometimes it was necessary to defend oneself. But what I had allowed to happen went much further than mere self-defence. I went on the offensive.

Scott: "So alla that because you got hard in the gym showers?"


There was an awkward pause then before he continued the conversation.

Scott: "Rick, when I first carried you into the Danger Room. For your training exercise. You started acting weird in the showers afterwards. Were you feeling...uh, did you find me attr -"

"I was afraid of the same thing happening here, okay? I didn't want to wind up with people hating me here too. So I tried the steam trick and showered as quickly as I could."

Scott: "Well, you don't have to be afraid of me freaking out. I just want you to know that if there's anything you ever need to talk about...I'm right here. Anything at all, okay?"

I could sense that he truly cared and meant what he said. I took a minute to scrutinize my new life then. As far as my past life was concerned, it was a closed book. The Mansion was my new home. And the people here were going to be my family now. Probably a dysfunctional family...but a family nonetheless. It was comforting to know that I would have people who cared about me to help me through it all. I had Bobby first and foremost, and judging by his eagerness to stand up for me, he'd stick it out through thick and thin. I had Jubilee and Amara to serve as my big sisters, and they had made it clear that they'd stand by me too. I didn't know if the other guys were truly under Ray's sway...but I knew for sure that John was true blue. So I guess I had a big brother in all of this. (I was pissed at Jacob, so I wasn't considering him!)

And I guess Jean was practically my new mom. Maybe Scott could be something like a dad. Hell, maybe Jean might take him back eventually. He did tell her that she didn't have to raise her baby on her own. That he'd be there for her. And she did get emotional. She said that it meant so much to her to be able to rely on him. Hey, with Jean's baby on the way, I'd be a big brother too. I didn't lose a family...I just traded an old one in for a new one. That was the most positive way to look at the current state of affairs. And it made it easier for me to cope.

"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind. You always seem to know just what to say to make me feel better. So who knows? I just might take you up on the offer."

He did always seem to know what to say to cheer me up. After he blew me across the room and fractured my skull, I thought that I would hate him with a vengeance. Instead, I wound up forgiving him within the hour of my awakening. When Ray and I had our differences and I was prepared to quit the junior team, he was right there with a pep talk. Heck, he knew exactly the birthday present to get me too. And here he was doing it again. Hmm, the birthday present...


Scott: "Hmm?"

"Can we still go for that flight to Muir Island? On the Blackbird? Maybe'll be Saturday."

Scott: "Do you want to? I'll understand if you don't want to right now. You've been through a lot."

I was going through a lot. Which was why I needed every distraction I could procure to keep my mind occupied and away from my troubles. Let's see, high-tech, supersonic jet...teenaged boy..

"Yeah, I'm up for learning to fly the jet."

Scott: "I almost expected you to turn the offer down."

"Yeah,'s too short to waste. I might as well get the most out of it as I possibly can."

Scott: "Yes, it is. You gonna come inside now?"

I nodded in the affirmative and we walked towards the Mansion's main entrance.

Bobby: "What a day, huh?"

"Yeah, it was something alright."

We were snuggled up together in my bed. He figured that with all the emotional stress that I was going through, I shouldn't be alone. So he snuck out of his dorm room and came over to mine. It was nice to have him there next to me. Even nicer to be all wrapped up in each other. And to think that if things were just a little bit different...if he hadn't seen my hickies in Nova Roma...I'd have been lying in bed with Jacob. Doing who knows what with him. The cheating scoundrel!

Bobby: "What's wrong?"


Bobby: "You're scowlin', dude."

I quickly adjusted my facial expression. I had to find a way to keep my emotional state hidden from others. Everytime I got mad, people would tell me that I was scowling. And then they'd start asking questions. And then I would be made to feel as if I was under interrogation. And as usual, drama would ensue. So as soon as Bobby brought it to my attention, I switched into the happiest face I could muster.

"Nothing's wrong. I was just thinking about the irritating stuff I had to deal with today."

Bobby: "Oh. For a moment there I thought you were really down about something."

"Nah...I was just a little mad. But hey, I'm learning to cope. Besides, I have a lot to be happy about. I have you, Jean and Scott and the rest of the guys...and tomorrow I'm going on a trip to Muir Island."

He looked at me a little confused.

Bobby: "Is something wrong? Are you okay?"

"Why would anything be wrong with me?"

He was starting to look at me with a very apprehensive expression. I was starting to get a little nervous by then too. Why was he acting all concerned for me like that? I said I was going on a trip. That was all.

Bobby: "Muir Island is where they keep that Mutant Research Facility...a lot of Mutants go there when they have problems."

He went on to explain it to me. Apparently Muir Island was home to the Mutant Research Center. They studied mutant phenomena there and the facility also served as a mutant hospital. Many a mutant with problems...defects, went there for help. He was worried that something could have been wrong with me in that regard. And that I was hiding it from him so that he wouldn't worry.

"Nothing's wrong. I promise. It's just part of my birthday present. Scott and Jean are going to take me there for a ride on the Blackbird. I'm going to get a crash course in aviation."

Bobby: "You're sure?"

"Uh huh."

There was a short pause before he asked the inevitable question.

Bobby: "You don't think that you could maybe...invite me along for the ride? I mean, it's your birthday present after all."

I didn't know what precisely to say to that. I would have liked nothing more than to have him there with me. But there were just so many complications that could arise from it. For one thing, whilst Jean knew about us being together, Scott didn't. And I was a very paranoid person. I did mention that before, right? I didn't want there to be even a mere suspicion about Bobby's sexuality yet. Not to ANYone. I didn't think that he was ready for it. Regardless of whatever he said. Everyone knew that we were best friends before the entire incident. But what if people started to talk about him? After all, a guy finds out that his best friend was gay all along and didn't tell him...and nothing remotely negative comes out of it? Not even a short-lived silent treatment? Even if he was open minded, wouldn't a guy be upset that his best friend hid something like that from him? And then there would be complications with people within my circle of friends too. They were my friends as well. And I know that they'd be hyped about a trans-Atlantic flight on the Blackbird. But I couldn't very well ask them ALL to come. And if I didn''d look weird that I asked only Bobby. They'd all been showing me support. They'd be offended at that.

And then there was the inherent nature of the flight itself. Jean said that the Blackbird didn't belong to them. That it belonged to whoever it was that funded the X-men. Scott said that Xavier wouldn't mind it if we could pass it off as a mere flight training exercise. But if we all went along...then there was no way that we'd be able to do that. How could they train an entire team in one day...with only two control sets? The master controls and the trainee's? I tried to explain it to him. And needless to say he wasn't happy about it at all. As a matter of fact, he got all pouty.

"I'm sorry. But I don't think it'll be wise to-"

Bobby: "Why do you always do this?"


Bobby: "It almost like you're pushing me away."

"I'm not. I just want to make sure that no one even thinks that you could be gay."

Bobby: "I'm going to come out to them eventually you know. When I turn eighteen."

He was still with that?

"You can't be serious, Bobby. Not after you saw how...well they're being nice. But it's only cuz Ray is. And he's only doing it for Jubilee's sake. You can't come out."

Bobby: "Don't you think that it's my decision to make? You always push me away and shut me up whenever I try to stand up for you. Why won't you let me take some of the punches. I'm your best friend. And they all know it."

"You try to stand up for me too much. I'm not a girl that needs defending."

Bobby: "You know what I mean. I just don't like it that we can't be out and in the open. Like Ray and Jubilee. We have to hide it. I used to only feel that way about being a mutant. Now this..."

I knew what he meant. I would have liked nothing more than to be able to go everywhere with him, without people thinking anything was out of the ordinary. I wanted to be able to go out on a date with him without attracting angry protests. But that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. And as painful as it might have was a fact of life. No matter how naive I was, it had to be accepted. And we'd have to cope with it. I was a fool not to have seen the consequences when I decided to reveal my sexuality. I wasn't going to let him make the same mistake that I had made. I loved this fool too much to let that happen.

"I know it's hard. But it's just the way it is. It's not just the suspicion...didn't you hear me explain about how it's supposed to pass as a training exercise?"

Bobby: "Yeah, I know."

There was a knock on the door then and we both started a little nervously. I motioned towards the closet and waited until Bobby got in before I went to the door. It was a damned convenient thing that Amara had remodelled my room. It gave me the perfect place to hide Bobby on the fly. It gave "in the closet" a whole new meaning. I giggled slightly as I remembered Jean saying that she kept her "toys" in a locked closet in her room. I was keeping my boy toy in my closet after all. I turned towards the door once more and answered the insistent knocks.

"I'm coming! God, there's a friggin' electronic doorbell!"

I opened the door and saw that it was Amara, John and David. It wasn't late at all. As a matter of fact, it was just after eight-thirty. So I wasn't too upset or surprised. I was curious though.

"Guys...what's up?"

Amara: "Rick, get dressed! Make it something hot!"


I took a closer look at them and realised then that they were all pimped up. Like they were going out or something.

"Where are you guys going?"

John: "You mean, where are WE going."

David: "Out for a night on the town!"

They let themselves into my room without permission and got comfortable. Out for a night on the town? Well, it was Friday night. And it had been a while since we had some time to ourselves with the constant drama and all. I did hope that they weren't planning on sneaking out or anything. They were a pretty wild bunch. And with John in on it...

"Uh, does anyone on the staff know about this? You aren't going AWOL, right?"

David: "What? No, WE ain't going AWOL at all. Scott granted us permission."

I reasoned. The last time we got permission (the only time I got permission to go with them anyway) we had an altercation with Lance and friends. And Scott seemed pretty upset and reluctant to let us out of the Mansion grounds after that. He even thought that we were drinking before we got an explanation out of our mouths. We did worry them all so much that time. Didn't even bother to call them using a cell phone after the whole affair. So I didn't see him granting permission anytime soon. Especially with the possibility of Brotherhood lurkers about. Or an active Mystique. Not to mention a possible spy at large.

"You're sure? I mean, Scott as in team leader Cyclops? The hardass Mr. Military?"

Amara: "Yeah! Can you believe it? I thought he'd have said no for sure. But he's all happy alla sudden. And when I asked he said, What the Hell, you're seniors now. You might as well get one night to celebrate. Cool, huh?"


John: "Yeah. Maybe he's been getting some recently."

That precipitated an exasperated sigh from Amara.

Amara: "Why do you always think a guy's getting some when he's happy, John?"

John: "Well, I'm happiest when I'm not pussy deprived. And this is about as happy as I've ever seen Scott."

I shifted my gaze so they wouldn't see the sour look playing across my face. All that talk about pussy... David nudged John and he checked himself. As well as he might. I don't think that he'd appreciate it if I were to start talking about dicks that way. I nodded in appreciation. Amara then started getting impatient. She grabbed me by the arm and started to try and hustle me into action.

"Amara, what are you - doing?"

Amara: "I gotta see what you got to wear. Something that'll set the place on fire!"

John and David started laughing at that.

David: "What's the matter, Rick? Don't have the gay man's sense of style?"

"Oh, shut up!"

I shook Amara off and told her that I'd dress myself. She aquiesced and I thought that was that. I was so wrong. She started walking over to the closet and I began panicking. I hurried up to her and held her hand before she could reach the door. Bobby was in there hiding!

"Amara, I can pick out my own clothes!"

Amara: "Oh for goodness sake! I just want to see what you have to wear."

David and John started eyeing us amused.

"Don't worry about it. I'll dress to impress."

Amara: "I'd still like to see what you have. Wouldn't want you wearing clashing colors or anything."

Her hand was on the cloeset's handle, ready to turn. I focussed telekinetically and kept the door secured. She kept pulling at it. I went over and gently removed her hands from the handle and smiled. She realised that I was prepared to keep the door closed at all costs. Which meant that I had something to hide. And she wasn't the only one with that suspicion.

John: "Rick, why are you so uptight about clothes?"

David: "Maybe it's not clothes that he's so worried about, haha!"

Amara: "Rick, what have you got in there?"

I shifted my eyes and tried to keep cool.

John: "Hmm...some kind of sex toy?"

They started laughing scandalously then and I began blushing. Amara made a comment about us men and they started bickering. The noise of them quarelling didn't drown out the thump that originated from within the closet however. A fresh terror struck my soul. I quickly scolded Bobby and ordered him to be quiet in there. Telepathically of course! He responded by informing me that his legs were catching a cramp and that he was allergic to wool.

{I don't have any wool in there.}

{Yeah you do. It's some sort of blanket as far as I can tell.}

Blanket...shit! I had tossed my baby blanket into that closet the night before. Yes, I know it's weird. But I had that little blanket as a baby and I carried it everywhere I went. I didn't actually sleep with it covering any portion of my body. But for some reason I felt attached to it. I had brought it all the way from home. I usually kept it folded under my pillow. It was a comfort to me. But after the events of the past few days I couldn't bear to keep it under the pillow any longer. Whilst I didn't throw it away, I did store it in the closet. It had a rather unique and pleasing scent too. But I guess Bobby's nose wouldn't appreciate it. I was right (he was allergic to wool, duh!). Thunderous sneezings emanated from within the closet. It took all three of them by surprise and they jumped.

David: "What the fuck?!"

John: "Rick...what was that?"

Amara: "Are you deaf, John? It was a sneeze. And a rather nasty one too from the sound of it."

David: "Dude, it came from inside the closet!"

They all began peering inquistively towards the closet's door. Thinking quickly...

"No, it didn't! I...sneezed."

John: "I didn't see you sneeze."

Oh God! Stop being so difficult!

" blinked?"

Amara: "I didn't see you sneeze either."

She was standing with hands on hip, eyebrows raised and a twisted smile pasted onto her face. All emphasizing her utter lack of belief.

David: "Same here."

Come hypothesis!

" all blinked at the exact same time and-"


David: "There, I knew it!"

John: "Dude, were you...busy before we came in here?"

Busy as in making out? John started to scrutinize the room visually as if he were searching for evidence to support his theory.

Amara: "Rick...someone's in the closet?"

I glanced towards Paul's cage. He was sleeping peacefully. If only I could have lied and said that he was stuck in the closet. And that he had a cold or something. But he was visibly in the cage sleeping. Dammit! macaws sneeze?

"Listen, I think you guys should leave. I'll come but...(aah-aaachoooo!)...shit, just leave!"

All three of them started laughing raucously once more and Amara went up to the closet. I steadied the door telekinetically in case she tried to open it. She merely tapped on the door lightly. There was no response. She smiled slightly and addressed the unknown.

Amara: "You there! In the closet. I just wanna say that you better be sure to treat Ricky here...right. You're very lucky to have him, okay?"


David: "Hey, this could be like a seance! Okay, is there anyone there? Is there anyone on the other side willing to make contact?"

John: "Haha! Tap twice for yes and once for no."

There was another violent sneeze then and Amara and company broke down laughing once more. I was fuming and telekinetically started pushing them out.

Amara: "Treat him right!"

John: "And tell him when he's ready...he can feel free to come out-"

David: "-of the closet!"

More uproarious cackling.

"I'll meet you guys downstairs!"

David: "Will you be bringing along a date?"

I frowned and locked the door. Almost at once Bobby stumbled out of the closet sneezing up a storm. I went over to him to check that he was okay. His face was red and puffy, with blotches. The blotches looked as if they might have been itching him too. He was gasping a little so I went over to the window and opened it to properly ventilate the room.

Bobby: "God! I thought that they'd never leave."

"They don't seem to know when they aren't welcome."

I went over to the medicine cabinet and got some anti-histamine tablets and a glass of water. Hopefully it would reverse his allergic reaction. Then a thought hit me. They were going around spreading the news. That we had official permission to go out for a night on the town. They would surely go to his room...and he wasn't in his room. I expressed my fears. He got up quickly and with a final hug, ran out of the door and towards his room. I hoped those anti-histamines worked fast enough. From my experience they did. I was myself allergic to beestings. And my doctor had sworn on those tablets. I went over to my closet and started looking around for something to wear.

We ended up waiting on the ground floor for Bobby. He had made it into his room before they made their visit after all. But he didn't let them in due to the red blotches on his face. But as I said, the doctor who had recommended them to me had sworn on the stuff. So they had faded pretty fast and he was as good as new. And ready for some fun too by the looks of it. I wish I could say the same for Amara.

She had went to Jake's room personally and let him in on the good news. Needless to say, he didn't reciprocate her enthusiasm. Quite a bit of her ardor had dampened. I knew that whatever plans she had for Jacob were doomed to failure. And apparently it had already begun. She looked disappointed. And that was putting it mildly indeed. I could tell that she was really looking forward to this. I personally felt torn. I didn't want Jacob to come with us. But I wanted to see her enjoy herself. I knew it was all fated to crumble. But that didn't mean it had to crumble to dust that very night. She deserved a night of fun. And if Jacob coming with us was going to give her that, then so be it. I didn't think that she could get anymore hooked on him anyway. Her hopes couldn't be raised anymore. There was only one way to go from there, and that was down. So if it was all destined to fall anyway...let her at least gain some joy from it. Even if it would merely be transient. I would just have to ignore his presence and focus elsewhere.

With that I reached out with my telepathy and made contact with Jacob's mind.

{Jacob, answer me.}

{Jacob: Yeah, I'm here.}

{I know you're there. Did I ask if you were there or not?}

{Jacob: I-}

{Whatever. Just get dressed. You're coming with us.}

{Jacob: I'm not going anywhere.}

{You went and lead Amara on, so now you're just going to have to deal with it. You better be decent about it. You're going to have to try and let her down gently. But not tonight. Tonight, I want her to have some fun. The first real night of fun since she got back from Nova Roma anyway.}

{Jacob: But I-}

{No buts! Get down here or be responsible for the bad karma that's gonna come out of your hurting her.}

He grumbled telepathically but grudgingly agreed. I pretended to be out of it for a few seconds, then spoke to Amara.

"Amara, Jacob just contacted me. He said that he's coming after all. To just give him ten minutes."

She visibly brightened at that and I knew that I had made the right choice when I saw her smile. If he didn't let her down easy, do it gradually - she'd suffer the most. This was all in her best interest. Ray seemed happy enough. After all, Amara was always like a little sister to him. And as Jacob had been the one to heal Jubilee after she had her spine broken in the Juggernaut incident, Ray was pretty tight with him too. They were pretty much the same age in addition. So I guess that may have added to it as well.

Presently we saw him walking down the staircase. He didn't look too happy. But at least he wasn't all morose in appearance. I hoped that he was a good enough actor to play his part. He didn't seem to have had any trouble playing me for a fool. So this shouldn't pose any real difficulty to him either. I shifted my eyes then and my gaze met with Jubilee's. I could tell that she was not happy at this new and rather unexpected development. She must have certainly known about Amara's attraction to Jacob. She and Amara were best friends after all. I could feel her trying to make contact with my mind. So I established a link up before Jacob chanced to over hear anything.

{Jubilee: Rick, what is he doing? Is he using Amara as some sort of cover or something? Cuz that's pretty damned low.}

I reasoned. Amara must not have told her about their little encounter. She did act all top secret about it. I wondered if my position of "Pet Fag", as Ray put it, warranted that much confidence where she'd tell me such secrets and not Jubilee.

{Jubilee: Maybe he's seen what happened to you when you came out and he's trying to avoid it by using her as a cover. People won't be looking at a guy with a girlfriend as a gay suspect. It sounds logical, right?}

It did sound logical. I could see why she'd think that.

{It's not that at all, Jubilee. I don't think that I'm at liberty to discuss it without Amara's permission. But I've had a talk with Jacob. He's going to let her down easy.}

{Jubilee: He better. I don't want to see her getting hurt. She's been hurt enough.}

{It's for the best this way. You know how she has her heart set on him. If he justs turns her down without a chance...even a faked chance...she's gonna be hurt more.}

{Jubilee: You're right. I just hope that he knows what he's doing.}

There were ten of us, so we had to split up into two groups. Ray, Jubilee, Jamie, Roberto and David went into the Civic whilst Jacob, Amara, John, Bobby and I went into the convertible. Since Jacob was doing the driving, Amara was sure to grab the front seat. John laughed a little at the sight of her. It was like a glimmer of her former self shining through. Only more excited and less slutty this time around. I forced myself to keep a straight face. I could see Bobby surveying the situation in a slightly confused manner. It wasn't long before I felt him trying to make contact with me. So I let him in.

{Bobby: What's up with Jake? And why's he so...close with Amara?}

{He's trying to let her down nice. She has her heart set on him. It wasn't just a slutty impulse after all. She really liked him. And since she came back from Nova Roma...she's changed. And now she thinks that he's the one and only guy for her.}

{Bobby: Oh, she's going to be hurt alright.}

{Yeah, but it's better than him telling her off.}

I recalled how torn up Amara was when Bobby told her off. He had really had it out with her on the lawn. Apparently he knew what I was thinking about as he nodded slightly. And so we were off!

I was never a party person. As a matter of fact, the one and only party I had ever been to...was the one that the guys had thrown for my birthday. That hadn't gone quite as planned. I wasn't too hyped about their celebratory plans that night either. But I knew that it just wouldn't do to stand them up. That and Amara was adamant that I come along. Even going so far as to insist that I wear something "hot". I would have rathered staying snuggled up in bed with Bobby. On the outside, I had to pretend that we were nothing more than best friends. Jubilee and Ray were all lovey-dovey as usual. Amara had intertwined her arms into Jacob's. And the rest of the guys were scoping out possible conquests.

We were at a club. It was everything that I imagined it to be. I had only seen clubs on tv before. I had never set foot into one before. Club Aqua...where the drinks flowed like water. We weren't technically supposed to be in there. Only Jacob and Ray were nineteen. And that place was eighteen and over. But the rules seemed to be rather relaxed. I saw quite a lot of teens in there that were just as guilty as we were. The bouncer at the entrance was real easy to persuade. We just let Ray do the talking and presto...admission. I was guessing that this was the place we were supposed to crash the first time I went out with them. Lance and his goons had effectively cancelled that excursion though.

The music started heating up and Ray grabbed Jubilee and hit the dance floor. Roberto had managed to hook some teenaged slut or other. He was engaging her in a rather frisky conversation in a darkened corner. David had gone off to the bar to redose himself with a tequila shot. Amara and Jacob were nowhere to be seen. Jamie, Bobby, John and I were sitting at a table waiting for David to return with our drinks.

Jamie: "I don't like this place."

Bobby: "Where'd you rather go to...Chucky Cheese's?"

They started the familiar bickering that resulted whenever a comment was made to ridicule Jamie's immaturity. I was basically sitting down and bearing it through as best as I could. I couldn't wait until we left the place. Maybe we could go catch a night movie or something afterwards. That had to be more fun than sitting around in an ultra-straight club. There wasn't even anything remotely gay to entertain me. John cleared his throat. Three skanky looking girls were approaching our table. They all had the familiar gleam in their eye. They were checking us out...weighing us up on whatever scale they used to determine whether we were worth the hassle. Jamie seemed excited enough.

{Jamie, close your mouth. You're drooling.}

{Jamie:, okay.}

Before they could get any closer I stood up. I wasn't in any mood to fend off unwanted feminine attention. I went with the default excuse...I had to go to the bathroom. I glanced over to my right...they were getting closer. Damn, the bitches walked fast.

John: "The bathroom?"

Bobby: "Hmm...I think I gotta go too."

I looked at him warningly. What was he thinking?! Did he not see how suspicious that would seem. I then realised that my staring at him in horror would make things look even worse. So I quickly altered expressions whilst I scrutinised the guys' faces. Thankfully Jamie was completely out of it. The boy was totally oblivious to anything and everything else thanks to those girls. But sadly, John wasn't. I saw the amused look he threw me. I figured that the best course of action would be to play dumb and in the dark about the entire affair.

{Bobby, sit down.}

{Bobby: What? I said I gotta go. You want me to just up and change my mind alla sudden?}

He was right. That would definitely look odd.

{Bobby: Just play it cool and stop spazzin'.}

With that, we both left John and an oogling Jamie and made a beeline for the men's room. As soon as we were out of sight, we altered our course and stepped outside of the club for a breather. I took the opportunity to rehash what had just happened. John's reaction to us both leaving to go to the bathroom. He must have known that the true reason I left was to avoid female contact.

"Bobby, I am seriously starting to think that John suspects you."

Bobby: "What? John? He ain't exactly the most intuitive dude out there."

What the hell did he mean by that? John was able to tell that "there was something different about" me. That was a hell of a lot more than Bobby figured out on his own. He was very observant when he put his mind to it. He noticed my lack of interest in the feminine department. He had just witnessed it again back there in the club. And Bobby had just done the same thing! Before he might have been able to pass it off as mere nonchalance. But if John had seen those same symptoms in me...and now knew for sure that I was gay...what could he be thinking of Bobby? I tried my best to explain it all to Bobby.

"I really, really think that he suspects you."

Bobby: "So what if he does?"


"Don't you even see how-"

Bobby: "He knows about you...and he's dealin' with it just fine. Why'd you think he'd treat me any different?"

"I don't know."

Bobby: "And didn't you tell me that he actually told you to keep your eyes open?"

Well, John did say that.

Bobby: "And didn't he say that you might be able to score with a guy here if you did?"


Bobby: "Well, even if he suspects me...he thinks that we should be together."

It did seem logical. I wished John had been a little more forthcoming with his hints. Then I might have been able to figure out who he suspected myself. But what if on the odd chance it wasn't Bobby he suspected? How would he react when it was revealed to him.

Bobby: "I'll have a talk with him."

"What?! You aren't serious-"

Bobby: "Yeah, I am."

"You said that you're waiting until you're eighteen."

Bobby: "Yeah, but circumstances change. And this warrants it. It's just John."

Was I ready for anyone else to know about our relationship?

Bobby: "Hell, maybe I'll even have a talk with Amara."

Was this a slippery slope?!

"Okay, now you're talkin' crazy! What has gotten into you? Did you take any alcohol back in there?"

Amara? He wanted to talk to Amara about it? Okay, so she had been sharing some of her secrets with me. And she was as supportive as Jubilee was. But still...

Bobby: "I got to see firsthand how they'd treat your boyfriend. In the closet, remember? They were cool with it."

Yeah...but they didn't know that it was him. After some more bickering I was forced to compromise. He was right. It was his decision when and where to come out. That and I was beginning to manifest an irritating, nagging trait. If he wanted nagging he could get that from a girl. I wouldn't want to turn him straight.

"Okay...but I draw the line at David."

Bobby: "Okay, John and Amara. Just them two."

"When are you planning on telling them?"

Bobby: "Soon...maybe in the next few days."

Meanwhile Inside Club Aqua...

Man1: "Look, there he is!"

Man2: "Are you sure that's him?"

The first man responded in the affirmative. The two suspicious looking men glanced across the crowded dancefloor...towards the spot where Jubilee and Ray were dancing up a storm. Their gaze settled upon Ray. It had been a long, difficult search. But thanks to perseverance and psychic scanning, their efforts had borne fruit. It was just chance that one of their clan had spotted him several weeks earlier. But by the time the scout had returned with aid, he was gone.

Man1: "We must isolate him from the female. I will create a diversion. Use your abilities...lure him outside."

Man2: "Yes...our Mistress will be most pleased."

It was the screaming that alerted us that something was amiss. The tone was all wrong. They weren't excited screams at all. They were panicky and chaotic. With a heavy sigh, Bobby motioned towards the club and we started walking back inside. As soon as we entered our lungs were assaulted by the acrid stench of smoke.

Bobby: "Shit! When did this happen?!"

A heavy blanket of smoke hung in the air. Everyone was running hither and thither. I glanced around quickly looking for the other guys, but couldn't see a damned thing. I reached out telepathically and made contact with Jacob. He was outside as well with Amara. It was easier to mind-meld with him than trying to make contact with the others.

{Jacob, there's a problem inside. The place is on fire and I can't locate anyone else.}

{Jacob: What?! Okay, we're comin'!}

Bobby started pulling me along deeper into the room. We had to find the others. I didn't think that they would just rush out like everyone else. We were the X-men. It was our duty to use our abilities for the benefit of all. Human and mutant alike. They were probably inside somewhere trying to stop the fire.

Bobby: "Jamie! John! Fuck, this damned smoke. Rick, blow it away!"

"But...the people."

Bobby: "They're all to busy, running for their lives and shit, to notice."

I complied and wafted a gentle breeze across the room, blowing the smoke upwards to the ceiling. The room we were in was basically empty then. Bobby ice blasted the lingering flames and we walked down the corridor towards the dancing arena where we last saw the others. At the far end we could see John manipulating the flames away from the club's furniture and into a levitating, fiery orb. Three clones of Jamie's were wielding fire extinguishers. I couldn't see Roberto, David, Jubilee or Ray anywhere. I tried once more to locate them telepathically, but all I sensed was panic from the club's patrons outside. It was so strong that it masked all other telepathic signatures from me.

Bobby: "Guys, where are the others?"

John: "I dunno, man. We were...kinda busy."

Uh huh...probably distracted by those girls.

"How the heck did this fire start up?"

Jamie: "I can't rightly say. But I don't think it was accidental."

John: "What?"

Jamie: "Well, I watched enough CSI to pick up on a few things. The fire didn't start in one place. The entire club started burning...all over and at once."

Right...if it had been accidental, then it would have originated in a localised area, then spread to the surroundings. But according to Jamie, everywhere started burning at once. Wow! He picked up on that and he wasn't even an Elemental...we should slap ourselves! Could we be dealing with a case of arson? And if so...who was the guilty party, and what was their aim? It was a damned good thing John was inside. If he hadn't been diverting those flames Club Aqua would have burnt down to the ground. Club Aqua...wouldn't that have been ironic? A club named after water incinerated.

{Jake: Rick, did you find the others?}

{Yeah, they stopped the fire. But none of us have a clue as to where Ray, Jubilee, Roberto or David went to.}

{Jake: Use the back entrance and get outside. We have a problem.}

A problem? I didn't bother to ask. I just notified everyone else and we left the building and exited through and alleyway. I could hear the sound of sirens approaching. It was like deja vu. The last time we had been out, it ended up with firefighters approaching the park. They all thought that an underground gas pipeline had exploded. I could make out several shapes lurking behind a dumpster.


They stepped out from hiding. I was thankful that none of them were harmed. That they were all okay. I looked them over. But wait a sec...Jubilee, Jake, Amara, David, Roberto... Where the heck was Ray?

"Guys, where's Ray?"

Jubilee: "That's the problem! We don't know where he went. Jake's been trying to scan for him, but he can't locate him. It could mean that he's knocked out or..."

She stopped rambling and took a few deep breaths to calm herself. I figured that the first thing to do would be to contact the school. The last time we were out, we ran into trouble and didn't call. They were damned pissed.

"We have to call the school."

Jubilee: "We have to search. He has to be around here somewhere. A person doesn't just vanish."

Bobby: "We will. But we have to let the others know. We have to wait for their orders."

Jacob, being the second in command, assumed leadership and pulled out his cellphone. We waited while he talked to whoever he happened to get into contact with.

Roberto: "Jubilee, where was the last place you saw him?"

She rehashed what had happened. Apparently he left her to go to the men's room and never returned. I was about to suggest that we go back in and search there. But that was the first place she had searched. So a no go. Jake got off the phone and gave us a quick briefing. He had gotten through to Jean, and she in turn had linked him directly to the Professor. They wanted us to stay put until they arrived. Xavier was particularly concerned with protecting our identities. We were in civilian garb and not disguised in any way. That and we had absolutely no idea of what we could be dealing with. Jacob had explained it all to him. He found the fire a bit too convenient.

"A distraction?"

Jacob: "Yeah. Anyhow, our hands are tied. We have to wait until they get here."

Jubilee: "My hands aren't! I'm going to look for him."

Jacob: "I'm second in command...and I'm ordering you to-"

She flipped him the finger and left the alleyway. Jacob looked pissed. I could understand her perfectly well. If it were Bobby, I'd have flipped Xavier off himself. Amara took off next to catch up to her. I personally wasn't too thrilled with just waiting around. If something had indeed happened to Ray...time was of the essence. I could sense that most of the others felt the same way too. I know Jamie was anxious to go out looking.

"Jacob, I think that we should maybe search the immediate surroundings at least."

Jacob: "Xavier's orders were very clear. He said to lay low."

I could understand where Xavier was coming from. They were under the belief that we could have a mole at the Mansion. And the recent discovery that Mystique's demise could have been faked... Wait a sec...didn't the Brotherhood try kidnapping and brainwashing as a means of fleshing out their ranks in the past? And didn't they say that some of the most powerful mutants in the Brotherhood were recruited by Mystique? Ray was quite a gifted Electrokinetic... And if there really was a spy/spies on the grounds and they had seen us leave... What if we were followed to Club Aqua? And then as soon as - whoever - saw that one of us was vulnerable...bam! Kidnapped and spirited away to serve Magneto! After all, the leader of the junior team would be quite a prize catch. I voiced my concerns just as Jubilee was returning with Amara.

Jubilee: "Oh my God! Now it makes sense!"

"I'm not saying that's what happened. I was just weighing the possibilities."

The atmosphere became a whole lot more tense at that.

Jubilee: "That's it...we have to move. We have to do something. By the time the others get here it could be too late."

Jacob: "I think we should stay put and together. If we are being stalked then splitting up into smaller groups won't be a wise idea."

It wasn't too long before an all out argument broke out between them. The rest of us could merely look on as they waged war with words, arguing and counter arguing as to what the best course of action should be. I admit...Jubilee could be exceedingly intimidating when the mood suited her. Perhaps I was a tad bit harsh in my assessment of Ray's leadership capabilities. If they were all capable of such differences of opinion...he probably had to have an iron will to keep them focussed and together. Technically, Jacob was the second in command. But Jubilee obviously thought that being the consort of Ray carried some weight. And considering that it was her hubby that was missing...could you blame her?

Jamie: "Guys, stop arguing and calm down. It's not helping the situation any."

Jubilee: "Don't tell me to calm down. Ray could be in serious danger!"

Jamie looked taken aback at the tone she used. I personally felt that it was totally uncalled for. She knew how close they were, practically brothers. Yes, she was hurting because the guy she loved was missing. And it seemed that we were helpless to do anything about it. But lashing out at others was no way to alleviate the predicament. Especially lashing out someone who was only trying to help. I was about to open my mouth and say something but was interupted before a single word left my lips.

Strange Male Voice: "Ray not in any danger. Callisto not hurt Ray."

We all jumped at the sound. It sounded almost childlike. The alleyway was too dark to see anything. Amara sent forth a torrent of flame from her hands and we tried to locate the source of the voice. I tried scanning telepathically but got no response. I could sense Jacob doing the same, with a similar lack of success.

David: "It sounded like it came from further down the alley."

With that, he morphed into his wolf form and began sniffing around.

Roberto: "You there! In the alley! You better get the fuck out of there and tell us what you know...don't make us have to come get your ass out here!"

"Berto! Don't talk to him like that."

John: "But you heard what-"

"Yeah, I heard what he said. But it sounded like a child."

Jubilee: "You're right..."

She and Amara then tried to coax out the bearer of the voice whilst us menfolk stayed in the background. Full five minutes passed and we had yet to get any response. John was never the most patient of us in the best of times. And we certainly weren't in the best of times. He manipulated some of Amara's flames and sent them streaming into the alleyway. In the sudden glare we could make out a small, huddled figure amongst the dumpsters.

Bobby: "John, you crazy fuck! He's just a kid!"

John: "A kid who knows what happened to Ray."

Jamie: "He could have been hurt."

John: "He could have gotten away, and then we'd have missed out on a lead. Besides, we have Jake here if any healing has to be done."

We couldn't afford to waste anymore time quarreling. Jacob ran up to the figure, ready to give aid if necessary.

Strange Male Voice: "Don't hurt Leech!"

Amara: "It's okay...we won't hurt you. That was an...accident."

David: "We just want to talk. Could you come out of the dark so we can see you?"

Leech: "No."

David: "Why?"

Leech: "Surface people bad."

Surface people? Was that supposed to implay that he was a...subterranean dweller?

"Are you hurt?"

Leech: "Leech is okay."

"How old are you? Where are you from?"

John: "What the fuck? Rick, stop fraternizing with the enemy! You...uh - Leech, where the Hell is our friend?"

Leech: "Leech not enemy. Leech here to help."

Here to help? It was obvious that he knew what was going on. He said that Ray wasn't in any danger. That Callisto wouldn't hurt him. Who the hell was Callisto? I could feel the fear emanating from him. He was pretty shaken due to the manner in which Roberto and John spoke to him. The only way we were going to get anything useful out of him was if we earned his trust. John seemed more than ready to beat it out of him though.

Jacob: "Okay...well the best way to help us will be to tell us where he is and who took him."

Leech: "First, promise not to hurt Leech."

We all promised out loud for him to hear. Everyone except John. But with a little coaxing he eventually crumbled. The boy then stepped into the light. It was a damned good thing that we were accustomed to physical differences. He was short. About four feet as far as I could tell. His clothes had seen better days. But the most striking aspect was his skin tone. It was an emerald shade of green. It was a little shocking but nothing gross like Toad's skin. Jubilee and Amara approached him tentatively, avoiding sudden movements. It was obvious by then that we were dealing with a scared, infantile mutant.

Amara: "Leech...where is our friend Ray?"

Leech: "Callisto send for him."

Jubilee: "Who is Callisto?"

Leech: "Callisto is Morlock Queen."

Morlock Queen? The next logical question should be,

"Who are the Morlocks?"

Leech: "Leech a Morlock. We live Morlock Haven."

He motioned to an opened sewer cap. Underground as in the sewers? This was getting stranger by the minute. A literally underground secret society beneath the streets? We questioned him further. Apparently, mutants who were too deformed to pass for "normal" on the surface took refuge underground. It started as a mere gathering of unfortunates. But with the passage of entire civilisation was built underground.

Leech: "Callisto want Ray to come home. She-"

David: "Come home? Wait...Ray can't be a Morlock. He isn't. Right, Jubilee?"

Jubilee: "Right. He would have told me. He was a street kid before he came to the Mansion. Like I was."

Jacob: "What does Callisto want with him?"

Leech: "Ray IS Morlock. Callisto want to make Ray her king. To rule over Morlocks with her."

Jubilee: "W-what?! Oh Hell no!"

Amara tried to calm her down. Her anger, though not directed at Leech, was making him uncomfortable.

Leech: "Healer...he send Leech to surface to warn Ray. But Leech was too late."

Bobby: "You know Ray well?"

Leech: "Ray was Leech's friend before he left for the surface world. Callisto didn't want him to go...but he still left."

Jamie: "So Ray and Callisto were close?"

Leech: "Yes...they grew up togther with Leech."

They all gasped at that. It was all news to them. Ray...growing up with an infant and some girl in an underground mutant haven? Jubilee was pacing around anxiously, muttering to herself.

Jubilee: "I'm gonna kill him...I'm gonna go get him away from that bitch...then I'm gonna kill him. How could he not tell me all this? If she won't hurt him...I will!"

Leech: "Callisto won't hurt him. Callisto is going to marry him."



Leech: "Tonight."

Jubilee: "That's it! Come on guys...we have a wedding to crash!"

Amara: "We have to stop this...can you take us to...wherever it is you're from?"

Leech nodded in the affirmative.

Jacob: "What are we going to do about our orders?"

John: "Screw orders! I say we bust in there...get Ray outta that bitch's clutches and good riddance to anyone in our way."

It made me that much more secure that we had such a good plan.

Roberto: "I dunno if I'm gonna be much help. It's night and I'm not fully charged up with Solar power."

Jubilee: "You can stay behind and let the others know when they get here. Or better yet, call them after we leave. If we call them now and tell them this...they'll make us stay put for sure. And by the time we all reach him...Ray could be in bed with her! Consummating their marriage by force...oh no - what if she wants kids! Move it!"

As Leech led the way he explained the situation more fully to us. Callisto was under the impression that Ray had left Morlock Haven for good and moved somewhere far away. But a few weeks back a scouting group of Morlocks chanced to spot him whilst we were fighting it out with the Brotherhood in the park. According to Leech, they often send scout groups to the surface world to scavenge for food and supplies. When Wanda had animated electrical cables and made them burst from the ground, that coupled with all the seismic activity that Lance was causing, made some of the scouts scurry out from underground to see what happening. And they saw Ray then. By the time they returned with a larger group, we had left for the mansion. They had been keeping a careful eye out then, as well as scanning the surrounding area telepathically for his presence. And they had found him that very night.

Some guy called Healer was aware of Callisto's plans and sent Leech along to silently follow the group that Callisto mobilised to abduct Ray. Leech, among other abilities, is immune from telepathic scans. So the psychics in the abduction group wouldn't be able to sense him. It explained why neither Jacob nor I sensed him either. He can also alter his appearance for a short time. By the time he got to the surface world...they already had Ray in their grasp. He had seen Jubilee dancing with Ray in the club. Then, watched on as Ray was telepathically lured outside to the abducters. Leech didn't know what to do so when the fire broke out he ran from the building and hid from the crowd that was gathering in front of the club. Then, as soon as the way was clear, he made his way to the back alley intending to return to the Morlock Haven. That was when we approached and he heard us talking. Recognizing Jubilee, he realised that we were friends of Ray's and might be able to help him...and here we were. Up to our knees in filthy water, in constricted, winding sewer tunnels. Well, not me personally. There wasn't much room to fly so with some effort, I was able to generate a telekinetic shield that was sheathing me like a second skin. It was hard to manipulate the shield from its usual spherical shape to that, and so I wasn't able to do the same for the others. But at least I was clean. The rest of them grumbled a little though.

Jubilee: "Uh, much longer do we have to walk through this water?"

Leech: "Not long. We come out of water into old subway tunnels next."

We walked along the tracks following Leech's lead. Jubilee took the time to talk to Leech and glean some information about Ray's past from him. I could tell that she was extremely upset at learning about his pre X-man days from a third party. If my boyfriend was keeping secrets like that from me, I know I would be. If Callisto was merely an ex, then why didn't Ray just tell her that in the first place? Was he ashamed of his past as a Morlock or something? The majority of students at the Xavier Institute were orphans or street kids on the run at some point in time. Well, at least we knew that he wasn't in any immediate physical danger.

Several of the X-men arrived on the scene about a half hour later. The group comprised of Cyclops, Jean, Wolverine, Colossus and Nightcrawler. Immediately after Jubilee and the rest had departed, Roberto took the initiative and contacted Professor Xavier to explain the situation fully to him. Xavier appeared relieved that it wasn't a Brotherhood scheme after all. But surprisingly, he didn't seem very worried after the facts were made known to him. As such he deployed only a few select X-men to assist.

What was more surprising was the calmness with which Cyclops and the rest approached the mission. And the way they confidently entered the sewers...acting all sure of themselves. Even though they didn't have a guide to lead them to Morlock Haven. Roberto was confused, but decided to tag along with them after all. Eventually he had to ask,

Roberto: "Um...Sc- Cyclops, do you know where you're leading us?"

There was a slight pause.

Cyclops: "Yes, we've been down here before."

Roberto: "So you know about the Morlocks?!"

Jean: "Yes. Their existance is a closely guarded secret. They have severed all links with the surface world and formed their own civilisation. We have to respect their decision."

Roberto: "Is that why you've never told us about them?"

Cyclops: "Yeah, we wanted to make sure that the Morlock Haven remains a Haven. Professor Xavier feared that if it ever got out...cultural contamination could occur. Or worse, anti-mutant action."

Roberto: "Did you know that Ray was a Morlock?"

Jean: "Yes. But he asked us to not reveal anything about his past to other students. And we honored that request. But it seems that he couldn't run from it forever."

Roberto: "Jean, are the Morlocks dangerous?"

Jean: "Not really. I was actually surprised to learn about the fire. They must have only meant it to be a diversion. After all the club didn't burn down to the ground or anything."

She seemed pretty certain that the Morlocks were merely social outcasts. At least the only thing they had to worry about was a "wedding" that needed to be stopped.

Ray awoke to the flickering light of a fire. His head was dizzy and his memories of the last two hours were blurry at best. He was dancing with Jubilee, then he went to the bathroom...and now he was here. Where the Hell was here? He could hear footsteps approaching and so he shifted, stumbled to his feet and charged his fists with electrokinetic energy...ready for a fight. At the sound of a once familiar voice however, he lowered his guard.

Callisto: "Well well, long time no see. What's it been, six years?"

Ray: "Cally? Wait I'm-"

Callisto: "Home? Yeah, you gave us a run for our money."

Ray: "You think I wanted to leave?"

Callisto: "You turned your back on your heritage! On me!"

He was thirteen when he left the tunnels for the surface world. There was a whole world out there. Just waiting to be discovered. And he wanted to be a part of it. He didn't want to spend his entire life wasting away underground when he could have a shot at the big time. The majority of the Morlock people were physically stunted and deformed. But he was different. And so was Callisto. They could pass for normal. There was Leech...but he'd never, ever leave the sewers. And as hard as it would have been to leave him behind, at the end of the day it was his decision to make. He thought that Callisto would go along with him. But she didn't. She refused to leave her "people" behind and stayed behind.

Ray: "Don't give me that, Cally. You could have come with me."

Callisto: "And betray the trust of every Morlock?"

Ray: "I didn't betray the trust. The Haven is still safe isn't it?"

And awkward silence prevailed for a few minutes before he spoke.

Ray: "Why did you kidnap me? What do you want?"

Callisto: "The Morlocks are in need of a leader. And I can't handle it alone anymore."

He couldn't understand it. How much leadership capability could it possibly require to lead a group of underground outcasts? He questioned her further and listened in horror to her response.

Callisto: "For too long we Morlocks have been condemned to darkness. The time has come to force the upworlders to accept us as equals!"

Ray: "W-what?! You can't be serious."

Callisto: "I am serious. You're much better qualified to lead than I am."

He regretted ever contacting her and mentioning the X-men. She knew all about his role as leader of the junior...former junior squad. He had led the X-men down to the tunnels to try and coax the Morlocks out of their perpetual darkness. But they had all declined the offer, distrusting the motives of strangers. That attempt had failed utterly. It was right after he left. He had run afoul with some street thugs and used his powers in self-defence. It had attracted a crowd and they quickly turned hostile. Luckily for him, Jean, Betsy, Scott and Logan had been out that night. And there it began. He was offered sanctuary at the school. When he saw that even mutants with physical abnormalities were being treated fairly, he began to wonder if the Morlocks would be welcome as well. So he had explained the situation to Xavier and he sent several X-men with him down to the tunnels to speak with the Morlocks. What a waste of good time and effort. He had contacted her once after, when he was made leader and then wrote her off as a dead end.

Callisto: "It was hard finding you. Caliban is still recovering from the psychic strain."

Professor Xavier had to be thanked for that. To prevent any of the Morlocks from locating the Mansion he had masked Ray's mental signature. Just in case the any of the morlocks bore ill will at having their hideout discovered by the X-men. He had the safety of his students to think about. Quite a few Morlocks felt betrayed at Ray's outting of their society to upworlders. Ray tried to convince them that the Morlocks were peaceful in nature. But Xavier still took the precaution.

Callisto: "It was just luck that we happened to see you a few weeks ago. Some scouts reported seeing you commanding a team of mutants in a great battle on the surface. Since then we kept some lurkers around...and it looks like it payed off."

So that must have been why she wanted him to lead. Because of his experience with the X-men. They must have seen the fight with Lance in the park. And they were probaby keeping an eye out in the hope that he'd leave the relative safety of the Mansion. He never thought that they'd try and kidnap him.

Ray: "I won't be leading anyone in suicidal madness. There's no way you can win!"

Callisto: "Has easy living on the surface made you soft?"

Ray: "I'm being realistic. You don't have the manpower! There are too many variables you haven't considered...and violence against humanity isn't the solution."

Callisto: "Oh, we have the manpower. I've been building alliances. We have allies now. Powerful allies willing to help us in the struggle for equality and freedom."

He peered at her curiously.

Ray: "What Allies?"

Callisto: "The Brotherhood of Mutants has agreed to aid us."

Ray: "What the Hell?! The Brotherhood were the people I was fighting! Their kind of help you don't want. Believe me...they are a bunch of backstabbing fucks! They're just using you for their own ends."

Callisto: "Oh...they've helped us mobilise ourselves into our own private army, Gene Nation. But we want a leader from our own people. And you can give that to us."

Ray: "I'm not a Morlock. Not anymore...I am an X-man!"

Callisto: "One way or another, you will serve your purpose. When everyone sees us united, their morale will be replenished. You will serve as our king. As a means to instil confidence if not as a field commander."

Ray: "Your plan won't work. My friends will come to get me. If Xavier wants to find a person bad enough....he finds them. If my past doesn't guide them right...Xavier's telepathy will. They'll find me."

Callisto: "Oh that won't be a problem at all. They'll be taken care of."

Taken care of?

Ray: "If you hurt them...don't expect any mercy from me."

Her tone became bitter and irate.

Callisto: "I've learned to get by without anything from you a long time ago, Ray."

The Brotherhood couldn't truly be helping the morlocks, could they? He reasoned. If the Morlocks joined the Brotherhood ranks, then Magneto would have myriad followers to warp to his will. And entire nation of bitter mutants at his beck and call.

Callisto: "When I got into contact with the Brotherhood, they told me all about the X-men. I know about the war between you and them. But I have to do this for our people. They said that the X-men would oppose us. That they'd have to go. I - I don't want to see you get hurt. You probably never gave a damn about me...but I care about you."

He softened.

Ray: "Don't say that. That's not true."

Callisto: "Then who's she?"

She tossed him his wallet. She must have gotten it off him when he was unconscious. A picture of Jubilee dropped out of it.

Ray: "I cared about you, a lot. But it's been six years. I have a new life now."

Callisto: "So she's your girlfriend?"

Ray: "Yeah. She's probably out searching for me right now."

Callisto: "Then we'll want to make sure that she recieves a proper Morlock welcome, won't we? If she even manages to find you...I doubt Xavier will be of much help."

Ray: "What do you mean by that?"

She left then...

I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched. Which was weird as Jacob would surely sense it if we were being tailed. There were very few mutants immune to telepathy. And I didn't think that the Morlocks would have access to sophisticated Psionically Shielded Armor. Judging from Leech's appearance, they looked like they were in serious need of mere clothing. I passed it off as my overly-paranoid nature getting the better of me. Leech had stopped suddenly and began looking around suspiciously.

Bobby: "What's up lil dude?"

Leech: "New mutants. Leech sense new powers."

We didn't understand what he meant. He explained it to us. They call him Leech, because he can sap someone's mutant power. Rendering the person completely powerless for a short time. It also allows him to sense if a person has any special abilities. He was sensing unfamiliar mutant abilities. Which meant that we were not alone anymore.

Jacob: "Any of your people?"

Leech: "Leech does not think so."

"I don't sense anyone. Do you, Jacob?"

Jacob: "No. Shit, they must be shielded somehow. Everyone on your guard!"

We all shifted to defensive postures staring at the gaping darkness ahead of us. Prepared to deal with -

Cyclops: "Does the order stay put mean anything to you?!"

Scott? Right, Roberto must have informed them after we left. Just like we had planned. But that didn't explain our inability to sense them.

Jean: "Oh, cool it. You know that you'd have done the same."

Hmm, Jean must have been shielding their minds. Shortly thereafter Roberto, Logan, Piotr (Peter) and Wagner(Kurt) walked up to us. Leech was very timid again all of a sudden and he tried to hide behind Amara. I think something about Scott's tone must have triggered it.

{Cyclops, don't talk so loud. He's a real sensitive kid.}

{Cyclops: Oh, I'll try.}

I didn't want to say it out loud for Leech to hear me. He might have thought that we were keeping our voices level only as long as he was useful to us. I relayed the information to Jean so that she could tell the others. I doubted that Wagner would appreciate close mental contact with me. I glanced around expectantly behind them.

Piotr: "What is it?"

I was never close with Peter. As a matter of fact, the only time I ever had any contact with him at all was in Canada. When we were fighting against the Sentinels in the wilderness. And he always struck me as all macho. The guy was bristling with very nicely developed muscles. And I was a gay teen, okay! I couldn't help but admire him in his body clinging X-man uniform. I got a little shy and stammered a little too.

"I-is anyone else coming?"

Piotr: "No comrade. Professor Xavier wanted as small a group as possible to enter the sewers."

Hmm, comrade. The exact same way he spoke to me back in Canada. Glad to see that Kurt hadn't gotten to all of them after all. I nodded in response and couldn't help oogling a little more at his fine physique. Like I said...fiiiine! And all Russian... I heard Jean clear her throat then and I broke my gaze. Kurt snorted and everyone else was looking at me a little amused. Except Bobby that is. He looked somewhat annoyed. I quickly voiced my concern to break the awkward silence.

"So you're the only ones he sent? It's obvious that these people want Ray. And yes, they don't seem to want to hurt him. But they could very well resort to hurting us if we try and take him back. And there are a lot of entire civilisation. Don't you think that maybe more senior members should have been dispatched?"

Kurt: "You must be awfully slow. Haven't you been given provisional senior status?"

Jean interrupted him in order to prevent another brawl.

Jean: "What he means all were down here already. And you're all qualified. That much Roberto revealed when he called. So there was no need to dispatch the entire team."

We were flattered at that alright. Whoo hoo!

Logan: "Yeah, that and the Morlocks ain't exactly much of a threat."

Hmpf! He just HAD to go and ruin our moment! And he enjoyed doing it too. The way he was grinning!

Jubilee: "Huh? You"

Scott: "Yes, we knew."

Jubilee began eyeing all of us suspiciously.

Jubilee: "Alright! Who else knew and didn't tell me?"

Logan: "Take it easy kid. Only the senior staff knows. He made us promise not to reveal it to anyone else."

It didn't look like the excuse calmed down Jubilee any. But nevertheless, she held her tongue. Ray was a man of mystery alright.

Roberto: "Whatever. Can we just find Ray and get out of here? This place stinks!"

Leech looked offended. Roberto quickly apologised. After a few minutes more of walking we came upon a hallway of some description. It terminated in a dead end. Or so it seemed. Leech walked right up to it and passed his and right through. So I surmised it must have been some sort of illusion. Probably psychic in nature. What were the odds of finding any advanced image inducers in Morlock Haven? We followed suit and stepped through the barrier. However, as soon as we entered,

Male Voice: "End of the line, X-men!"

We couldn't make out anyone amidst the shadows.

John: "The runt led us right into a trap!"

He glared at Leech threateningly. Leech was scared speechless and could only shake his head forcibly to deny it.

Leech: "Leech didn't betray X-men!"

Female Voice: " didn't betray them. You betrayed us...your own people! Die traitor!"

Cyclops: "Get down!"

A wicked looking piece of metal came flying straight at us. We all dove for cover as Cyclops blasted it back into the shadows with an optic beam. We heard it fall with a metallic clank. There was some scurrying around, that much we could hear. We couldn't see or sense anything.

Cyclops: "Jean, Ja - uh, you sense anyone? Can you tell us where they are?"

They shook their heads. Obviously, they must have been shielded psionically. Probably by the very same psychic responsible for the telepathic illusion of the wall.

Magma/Amara: "Oh for goodness sake! I'll just set some fires and - "

Cyclops: "No! We're in the dark as well. They can't see or target us effectively either. Don't give up that advantage."

Morph/David: "I'll give my nose a try. Maybe I can sniff them out."

Wolverine/Logan: "I'll give it a shot too."

With that David transformed once more into wolf mode and both he and Logan began smelling the air. Jean and I kept alert, ready to shield should anymore flying objects come streaking towards us. Someone bumped into me from behind and judging by the vicious chill I had to be Bobby/Iceman sheathed in Ice Armor. Logan and David were having no luck. I think the stench of the sewers was so overpoweringly strong that it masked other scents. At last Scott was forced to allow Amara to follow through with her plan on torching the place. It threw hard light into the tunnel. As far as we could tell, we were alone.

Wolverine: "Keep alert. They're baiting us...luring us, forcing us to follow them."

"I thought you said that they weren't much of a threat. Whatever happened to that?"

He shrugged and we all glanced inquisitively at Leech.

Nightcrawler/Kurt: "Do you know why your people were so violent to us, child?"

Leech shook his head and denied any knowledge. But there was a shiftiness in his eyes that led me to believe that he wasn't entirely truthful to us. I knew better than to voice that opinion out loud however.

{Cyclops, I think he's lying.}

{Cyclops: I think so too, Rick. But to keep his trust, we're going to have to let him open up in his own time. It's the only way he's going to be of any use to us. That and he's so young too. It complicates matters significantly.}

Jubilee: "Leech, where would they keep Ray?"

Leech: "In Callisto's tunnels. Tunnels guarded good. Safest place in Morlock Haven."

Colossus/Piotr: "If they weren't expecting us before...they will certainly be on the lookout now."

Jean: "What choice do we have?"

Callisto was in council with the Morlock Elders discussing her plans for the upcoming war against the surface world. Most of the Elders were being very stubborn and were openly opposing her plans. They only served as her advisers however, and she had the authority to overide their suggestions. Healer, in particular, had always been a thorn in her side. And he was living up to his pacifist reputation there as well.

Healer: "Callisto, your hatred of the surface dwellers will destroy us all!"

Callisto: "Would you rather we live like rats in a sinking vessel?!"

Mysterious Female Voice: "Now, now my mutant brethren. There is no need to get testy. We're all here to work for the benefit of Morlock society."

Healer: "Silence outsider! Your input is most unwelcome."

Callisto: "They are here at my bidding."

Healer: "That merely adds to my dislike of them."

The situation became even more tense. Just as an all out war of words was about to begin three Morlocks stumbled into the chamber. Callisto was infuriated that anyone would dare to intrude upon her personal meeting without asking for her consent. She had to maintain her integrity as a leader to save face before the high-ranking Brotherhood representatives she had invited. Three scouts barging in unannounced made her authority look questionable.

Callisto: "How dare you underlings barge in here uninvited?!

Morlock1: "Intruders! Please forgive..."

Callisto: "Ah...they wouldn't happen to be Ray's friends now would they?"

Morlock2: "Yes...but Leech is with them."

Callisto: "W-what?! Is he alright? Have they hurt him? They must plan on ransoming him in return for Ray."

Morlock2: "No...he's betrayed us. He led them right here into our tunnels."

Callisto: "No, Leech wouldn't. Detain them at all costs but see to it that Leech is brought to me unharmed."

Morlock3: "But Callisto-"

She challenged him with a penetrating glare. He knew better than to address her by her informal name. Only elders possessed that privilege. She had title she strived long and hard to attain. She was not born a Morlock. And unlike the majority of them, she was normal in appearance. She had to work long and hard to earn their trust. And now she demanded their respect.

Morlock3: "Commander...he's joined forces with them. He deserves the death penalty."

Callisto: "Just do as you're told and leave the thinking to me!"

With that they left to carry out her orders.

Okay, here again. You know the drill to email or whatever. Cant ype much more..busy, but thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 20: Xxx Men 20

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