Xxx Men Series

By Phoenix

Published on Jan 17, 2006


Xmen Story Chapter Seventeen - "Happy Birthday!"

The night air was cold and hostile. But I had to be strong, especially as the park bench I was lying on looked to be my new home. At least I wasn't going hungry. Thanks to my telekinesis, I didn't have any trouble clinching something to eat from a grocery store. It wasn't much...actually it was a can of Pringles-Onion and Sour Cream Potato Chips - but it was enough to stave off my stomach and keep the hunger at bay. I sighed heavily and resolved that I wasn't going to be one of those sissy fags that cry at every little setback. I was stronger than that. It did little good however, as I felt two teardops slip out of my eyes and run down my cheek. I couldn't help it, I felt so betrayed. By my parents, the Professor, Jean...almost everyone at the Mansion. And the day had started off so great and full of promise. As I wiped the tears back, I caught sight of the bracelet Bobby had given me for my birthday that morning. It looked like Jubilee had given him advice and told him to go with expensive jewellry after all. My intials were on the outside of the band where everyone could see them. But he had engraved his on the inside where it was hidden from sight. It was ironically fitting...our relationship was hidden from everyone else but a chosen few. He had begged me to stay. He said that we could work it all out, that when they saw how much we loved each other, they'd accept it...accept us. Amazing how much love can blind you and make you impervious to the truth...

The worst thing was leaving him behind...unconscious. I prayed to God he was alright. That Earth powered punch I gave him really looked painful. But I couldn't let him come with me. It would only complicate matters and ruin his life to be on the run. I wasn't going to put him through that. I tried to make him promise me that he wouldn't come out to anyone until he felt ready and strong enough to handle it. There was no way that I'd put him through what I had to endure. No one knew about him, but if he came with me, people might---WOULD suspect. And then his family would have to be notified by the school. And they loved him and no doubt would be worried sick. The thought of a loving family invoked bitter feelings in me; that was no longer a luxury I had at my disposal. Dad's words still rung in my ears as if he'd only just said them...

Dad: "Rick, no son of mine is going to be a fag!"

"Then, I guess I'm no longer a son of yours..."

It wasn't enough that he showed his disgust. He had to shout and rave at me and attract the attention of everyone else. Naturally they would all come running when they heard shouts, and you know what else they would have heard. I was stupid enough to talk with my parents out in the courtyard. I didn't want to coop them up together in my dorm room. I thought that the cool night breeze and playing fountain was relaxing. And God knows I was anything but relaxed...I didn't want to feel trapped in my room. So, I took them outside. The party was going out there, but it was a big courtyard, so I took them to an empty spot by the fountain... I kept telling myself that I hated mom just as much. But in the deepest recesses of my mind - I had to admit that I didn't. I was angry and hurt because of her. But I could never hate her. But that son-of-a-bitch who I called dad for the last sixteen years of my life, I couldn't care less if he dropped off the face of the Earth. It's funny how much love can blind you... I never thought he could be such a bigoted jerk. I used to think that he was the coolest, he was my hero ever since I was old enough to know what a hero was. I always felt happy and proud whenever anyone told me that I looked just like him when he was my age. I may look like him...but we're nothing alike. I'm a better person than he'll ever be.

No, I couldn't in all faith blame or hate my mother. She tried to calm him down...tried to tell him to stop shouting out my deepest, darkest secret for all of Westchester to hear. But in the end, when a choice between me and him had to be made...well what other choice was there? I would be a hippocrite if I blamed her for choosing him, after all...I chose Bobby over the (seemingly dubious privilege) of being his son. The one thing that would have made me the happiest seventeen year old gay boy on Earth, would have been for them to just hug me and tell me how foolish I was being to even think that it would matter. For them to be excited about meeting the guy I was in love with. When I asked Bobby that morning if he would be okay with seeing my parents...if they were cool with me...he all out jumped for joy. If only I was precognitive and could have read the future...

Most of the people in the crowd that had gathered looked genuinely shocked and surprised. But that was to be a momentary thing I assure you. Because the next thing I knew, I was being overwhelmed by the psychic impressions of disgust, malice and surprisingly...hurt. When I looked at my frien- former friends, most of them couldn't look me in the eyes. Ray had no problems with dealing me a death glare though. I hope that Bobby saw what to expect and decided to be sane and keep his sexuality to himself. Other than Ray, the only other "friends" that looked at me with sympathy and love were Jubilee, Bobby, Jake and...I was shocked as hell when I saw Amara crying. But I guess after all the drama she'd been through recently that was of a parental nature...she'd probably understand better than anyone there how hard the experience was for me. Things weren't much better on the part of the teachers. The only ones I could get a definite read of sympathy from were Jean, Ororo, Xavier, Rogue...and curiously, Scott. Everyone else just looked away when I searched their faces. It must have been that Xavier didn't expect my father to act like that with anyone, far less me, that slowed him down on dispersing the crowd.

I slammed my fists angrily on the bench. I had promised myself that I wouldn't rehash the day's happenings, that I would try not to think about it. But there I was doing exactly that...


Earlier That Day =============

I woke up at seven-thirty that morning. I am so not a morning person, never have been - never will be. In my morning stupor I wasn't even aware that there was anything special about that morning right then and there. It was only when I passed my calendar, and a concrete sense of time began to take form, that I remembered,

"It's my birthday! I'm seventeen!"

Then the thoughts of my parents coming over for a visit, as well as the party thing that everyone was so hyped about, and the presents of course filled my mind. With a face-splitting smile, I got ready for the most glorious day of the year (in my universe that is).


It did suck a little I admit. I mean, it was Wednesday and therefore a school day and I had to go to classes. What a damned shame that it couldn't have fallen on a Friday or Saturday at least. I had barely made it outside my door when I was ambushed by Bobby. He wasn't mad that I told Jake about him either...he had practically guessed anyway. Ever since we had our talk the day before, where I told him that Jake and I were finished and revealed his identity to him, he had been popping up whenever I least expected it and planting hot, wet kisses on me. Not that I had any objections about it mind you. I was most agreeable and pulled him out of the secluded doorway and into my room. Eventually, we both had to come up for air.

Bobby: "Happy Birthday!"

He was breathless and it was such a turn-on. It got me thinking of other things that might make him gasp.

"Yeah, thanks. Was that my birthday present? Cuz if it is...I'll have you know that you're not getting off that cheap."

He grinned suggestively and clutched his crotch.

Bobby: "I ain't cheap. I've got your present riiiight here. Do you know how much money women out there would pay for this?"

With that he gave it a squeeze and it bulged. I burst out into laughter and pretended that I was digusted, sour look and all.

Bobby: "What's the matter, Rick? Don't you want it?"

"Uh huh...yeah. Where's my real present?"

Bobby shifted his hand and placed his behind his back...hell, his ass! I wonder if he thought that I-

"Um Bobby, you did remember me telling you that I'm more of a...bottom, right?", I reddened slightly.

Bobby: "You pervert!"

It wasn't his ass after all. It was his back pocket. He reached in and pulled out a package of some sort and teased me by holding it over my head where I couldn't reach it. I snatched it telekinetically and tore off the paper. It was a box. I shook it slightly. I didn't have a clue as to what it was. I hesitated, wondering if I wanted to find out just then, or if I wanted to build my suspense. After all, his present was the one that I was most looking forward too. I was just having a joke with him off course about being cheap. He could have given me an icecube, called it a diamond and I'd have been perfectly happy. But apparently the boy had class, as I was soon to find out.

Bobby: "So open it."

I decided to be facetious.

"I looks a bit...diminutive."

He so had a very limited vocabulary. He had the look of someone confused.

"It means small, Bobby."

Bobby: "Oh, know the old saying. Good things come in small packages."

Small packages? I just love how cute and adorable he is when I annoy him.

"If it was a guy who made that one up...he had a baby sized dick. If it was a woman...she had small tits."

Bobby: "Would you just open it, or do you want me to take it back and bring something bigger for you? I'm telling you, bigger is not better..."

One more tease for the road...I couldn't resist. Like I said...cute!

"Hmmm...I hope you can satisfy me in the bedroom when the time comes, Bobby. All this talk about ^Good things coming in small packages^ and ^Bigger is not better^...I hope it doesn't meant that you have a-"

At this point he took the box back and I had to beg him to return it.

"Okay, okay. Come on, I was kidding. I know you don't have a small dick."

I lifted the cover off the box and there it was. I was no expert on jewellry...but the thing looked pricey. It looked like gold... at first I thought, "Gold Electroplate". But when I put it was a bit heavy. It wasn't really like an ID bracelet. It looked macho enough for me to wear in public. But I couldn't believe he just went and got something like that for me.

"Bobby, is this-"

Bobby: "Solid gold."

"How much on Earth did it cost?! This cannot have been cheap."

Bobby: "Don't worry about it."

"Bobby, you're not even eighteen can you afford this?"

Bobby: "I got the skills to pay the bills."

That got me turned usual. The day before he had revealed one of his guarded secrets to me.

"Bobby, for the last time you're not a Chippendale exotic dancer. You missed your big break when Emma's strippers left. So spill."

Bobby: "It wasn't anything illegal or anything. I just...called home and asked dad to wire me some more money."

Oh no he didn't! What was he thinking?! More importantly, what was his father thinking? I bombarded him with questions and soon got it out of him. He had told his dad that it was for a "special friend" whose birthday was coming up. His dad was only too glad to wire him the money. Unfortunately, his father was now under the impression that there was a girl involved. I don't think that his dad would be happy if he knew that his money was spent on a seventeen year old boy who was in a secret, GAY relationship with his son. I tried to make Bobby see sense too. It was deception, lying...eventually they were going to expect a meeting with the "girl" who made him melt and spend so much. I made it abundantly clear that I would never...EVER dress as a drag queen, for him or any man.

"I can't take this. You have to return it."

Bobby: "I can't. It's custom made, with intials and everything. And more importantly, I don't want to return it. I want you to have it."

"Bobby, it's real...real...shiny and...damn the thing's a bit heavy. But I know what you mean from your heart. Besides, hey could say that they made a mistake, there's something engraved on the inside of the band, not the outside. You could get a refund."

Upon closer inspection I saw a stylized BD. Initials...Bobby..Drake? I wonder why he didn't use his full name...Robert. Anyhow, he was always Bobby to me and everyone else. The only time I remembered people calling him Robert was when he got in trouble. If his dad found out...he might be in trouble. He got closer to clarify it, and I knew that we were having a "moment". Sigh...I loved those moments.

Bobby: "I know we can't be open with everyone right now about how we feel for each other. But I don't ever want you to forget, even for a minute how much I love you. When we're both out and in the open...we'll see about having my initials engraved next to yours on the outside of the band. Where everyone can see it."

I think...actually all conscious thought had ceased for a few moments.

"Maybe we could have it engraved now. RMBD - ^Remove My Bracelet and Die^!"

Bobby: "Hehehe...hmm that is an idea. So, do you ever plan on taking it off?"

It was corny but,

"Not anytime soon. But if anyone asks...I mean, this isn't the sort of thing that a guy would buy for another guy..."

Bobby: "So tell them you have a secret admirer who left it at your door."

"Hey, that is a thought!"


I was at the cafeteria having a snack with the rest of the guys and I couldn't help but notice how they were all staring at me. Well, not ME per se, but the shiny, golden bracelet adorning my left wrist. Amara and Jubilee were the most intrigued. How just like girls they were being at the sight of jewellry. Then again, I shouldn't talk...I was a guy and was secretly sharing their excitement. Them being girls, it figures that they would be better appraisers. From the looks on their faces, I could tell that I was right in assuming that it was pricy. I knew it was more than that. Amara was super she had obviously seen better. What they were probably (Well not Jubilee of course) wondering about was who had given it to me. Jake had been eyeing it a lot too. And I know he didn't believe me for a second when I rattled off my lie.

"I dunno. I think I have a secret admirer or was just there with a note saying happy birthday at my door this morning."

The ease at which I rattled off my lie shocked me a little.

John: "Whoa! Okay...Rick, besides us who else knows it's your birthday? I wonder who it could be."

"Um...(I lied) it could be a lot of from my Psionics class and stuff." (Only Jake shared that class with me, they'd never know.)

Jamie: "Looks to me like somebody's been scoping you out...and now they're staking claim."

What the hell would he know about relationships, he was fifteen and didn't even have what could be considered a girlfriend. But then again with Ray acting as his tutor...

Amara: "Yeah...that bracelet is so might as well be a manacle."

Roberto: "She'll have you in chains sooner or later, Rick."

Not ever in this lifetime! They all had nice laugh at that one though.

"No girl is going to tie me down...or own me."

Ray: "I heard that! A woman needs to know her place."

Jubilee: "And where might that place be, Raymond?"

She sounded mildly pissed. He better be careful with her, or her place might not be in the same bed much longer.

Ray: " I can't say that here, Jubes. There are underaged kids Jamie here."

Jamie: "Hey!"

To forestall any possible argument on my special day...

"So guys, where are my presents, hmmm?"

David: "We were gonna do things traditional and show up with them at your party."

"If you say so. Just make sure you show up with something..."

Eventually, I had to get going to my Psionics class with Jean. Since Jake shared the class with me, he said he'd tag along. I noticed Bobby tense a little, and Jake stared a little cooly at him. I could feel the emotions shift and I was really grateful that none of the others were telepathic. Because then it would be impossible to miss and we'd have to answer some very uncomfortable questions indeed. I was almost to the door with Jake when I heard Roberto ask,

"Bobby, where you goin' man?"

Bobby: "I'll be right back. I gotta"

Yeah, Bobby...real subtle.

He joined us in the corridor and it was easy to see that he wasn't comfortable with the idea of me and Jake alone. And Jake wasn't too happy about being distrusted by him. They were all out glaring at each other again. I went over to Bobby and tried to talk some sense into him.

"Bobby, we talked about this yesterday remember? He just needs a little time to adjust."

I had told him everything...yup, EVERYTHING that had happened between Jake and me. I wasn't going to hide anything from him. It could all come back to bite me later on. He was livid when he heard about our "Astral Incident"...and the time when Jake forced entry into my mind when they fought it out on the lawn. He wanted to go right up to him and kick his ass raw. I had talked him out of it of course. He whispered back to me.

Bobby: "Rick, after what he did to could you bring yourself to love him?"

"He didn't mean was all a misunderstanding, he's sorry and he's promised me that he'll never hurt me like that again. He's kept his word."

Bobby: "I just don't trust him. He's a very powerful telepath and-"

"Bobby, please..."

After a few more words he finally gave up his plan to walk with us to Jean's class and went back to the others.

Jake: "Rick, I'd appreciate it if you'd keep your...boyfriend under control."

"I'm sorry...he's just a little possesive."

Jake: "So, you went and told him about me I see."

"I did tell you about him, Jake. It's only fair..."

Awkward silence.

Jake: "So...that's a real nice bracelet. I take it-"

"Yeah, it was Bobby."

Thankfully just then, we arrived in front of Jean's classroom. As usual, she was having a hell of a time controlling all the students. She was always too easy on them, and they would take advantage of her a lot. They better be careful, she'd get fiesty as her pregnancy wore on...and she'd become a totally different person. I doubt she'd put up with much more shit from them. When she saw me come in, she came over and took no heed to the classroom situation and just hugged me tightly. I think my air supply was cut off.

Jean: "Happy birthday, Rick!"

The class went into an uproar, laughing at the sight.

Boy: "Hey, my birthday was last week, don't I get a hug Miss Grey?!"

He was actually getting up. Jean glanced at him warningly,

Jean: "Alfred, sit down!"

Alfred feigned an expression of mock hurt and anger.

Boy: "Hey, this is favoritism."

Jean: "Yeah well, I'm practically his aunt. So there..."

When she pulled away she looked at me and I could tell she was reminiscing. I'd seen the look when she saw that photographic memory of baby me in Logan's mind for instance.

Jean: "Seventeen years...where the Hell did they fly?"

Then she started to stare at my wrist and her eyes all but popped out of her head. She grabbed my hand and took a closer look. Then she started smiling in a knowing...semi-jealous...way. Oh come on, it's gold - not platinum.

"Jean, uh - Miss Grey, you can let go of my hand now."

Jean: "Rick...damn!"

Jake came in a little irritated.

Jake: "Miss Grey, we've already lost ten minutes of the period."

Jean: "Uh, yes we have Jacob. Take a seat."

She was a little taken aback with his tone. I covered for him.

{Jean, he had a little staring contest with Bobby just now, and well, Bobby bought me this bracelet.}

{Jean: I see. He just needs some time is all.}

Jean: "Alright people, let's get on with the lesson."


Bobby was taking a break out back by one of the mansion's pools. He all but jumped out of his skin when Jubilee tapped him on his shoulder. He was that absorbed into his thoughts. If he had fallen into the pool, then he would have dealt with her alright. Jubilee could sense that he was a little fiesty and resolved to determine why.

Jubilee: "Bobby, why are you so glum? I'd have thought that you'd be happy, after got what you've been wanting."

A sigh...

Bobby: "Yeah, I got him. But now I gotta worry about holding onto him."

Jubilee honestly didn't get what his deal was. He had Rick wrapped around his fingers... And he was a prize catch himself.

Jubilee: "What is it now?"

Bobby: "I don't like him hanging around alone with Jake."

Jubilee: "Why? They broke up. And Rick's real honest...he told you about him, remember?"

Bobby: "Forget it, I just have a lot on my mind."

Bobby had learnt a lot that he hadn't yet told Jubilee. And he wasn't going to as Rick had made him swear to secrecy. Just the day before they had a talk. It started out great. Rick had announced to him that they were all clear to start seeing each other. But it had been a downhill slide from there. He didn't have to worry about watcing his tongue anymore in case he let it slip that he knew who Jake was. Rick had revealed his boy- Ex boyfriend's name then and there. But it was plain to see that he was struggling within himself with something else. Bobby could tell that he wanted to tell him more, but was hesitating. So he made it clear that there should be nothing between them and whatever he had to say...he could deal with. And it all came out. How they had discovered each other... what Jake had done to him on the Astral Plane... Bobby didn't care what Rick said. If he was made to do something he didn't want to, it was rape. It didn't matter if it was on the physical plane or Astral.

Bobby couldn't see how Rick could forgive him for something like that. And he wasn't all for Jake getting away with it. If he couldn't report it to the school authorities (he didn't really think that he could go to Xavier without outting himself, the man figures everything out, he was planning on Jean), then he could deal with it himself. It was a supposedly unbreakable law at the telepathic invasion. And the worse part was...after the talk, he got the distinct impression that Jake wasn't just a horny guy in search of a fuck buddy. He must have really loved Rick. From the way he clung to him all the time. The sentimental scene he'd witnessed in Nova Roma, the way he acted when Rick "died". Bobby found it hard to believe that someone would just let someone they loved like that go. If it was him, he'd fight till the end...pull out all the stops. Puzzling... The fact that Jake really loved Rick made him dangerous. Bobby would have to make sure that there would be nothing but happiness in his relationship with Rick. He was sure that Jake would only be too happy to pick up the pieces if they fell through.

Jubilee: "I know you basically ignore girls, and yes I am a girl...but this is ME here, Bobby."

Bobby: "Sorry, like I said, I just have a lot on my mind is all. Not thinking straight."

Jubilee: "Anxious about meeting your future Mother and Father-in-laws I see."

That wasn't really any cause for concern. From the way Rick spoke, his parents were awesome. They were sure to be cool with them. Bobby knew how much it would mean to him, so when Rick asked him if he would be okay with meeting them, he agreed cheerfully. If they were cool with them and wanted to see their future son-in-law, why the Hell not? Still, to get Jubilee off his case,

Bobby: "Yeah, a little."

Jubilee: "Hey, from what Rick told me...he seems confident that his parents will be cool with you guys. He knows his parents better than we do. You'll be fine."

Bobby: "Yeah, you're right."

Jubilee: "Well duh...of course I am. He did like that bracelet right?"

Bobby: "Loved it."

Jubilee: "See, when in doubt, go with pricey jewellry. I didn't think that you'd get one so...plush for him though."

Bobby: "Hey, I'm not a cheapscate."

Jubilee: "Now, if only I could convince Ray to spend a little more on me. I'm worth it, right?"

Bobby: "Well, as a gay'll fetch a hefty price on the corner. And that's saying something."

Jubilee: "You jerk! You think so...really?"


Amara was proving herself to be one hell of a party planner. She was a natural and approached it with unmatched zeal. I kind of got the feeling that she was keeping busy to avoid thinking about her own problems, but I appreciated it just the same. After our little argument (the first time I blew up on her)...which I had apologised for, we were never quite comfortable with each other. And our friendship was suffering. When she was constantly hitting on Jake, I guess I just transferred negative emotions onto her. I couldn't blame her, she didn't know anything about us...she was just being "Amara". Things had really deteriorated with us after the failed Sentinel exercise when I brought up her deficiencies. And I wasn't the best I could be with her on the trip to Canada either. So I decided that I was going to try and patch things up. I was seventeen now... and my reason for hating her was supposed to be non-existant, Jake and me were over. And she hadn't been trying anything with Bobby...or anyone for that matter. She was so much different from the girl we knew before this whole Nova Roma fiasco.

Amara: "Hmm...okay. Now Rick, what kind of music do you like?"

That was easy enough, I don't really sort my musical taste by genre, more like by artists. Like, Madonna, The Smiths, Abba, The Corrs, Linkin Park....and a myriad of others. No...I do not fancy Barbra Streisand. But obviously I didn't tell her about people like Abba and stuff. They be too old for their taste...and I don't think playing "Dancing Queen" and having them know it was my favorite would help matters.

" about you decide?"

Amara: "Rick, I'm going to need some insight here, about the real you. It's the only way we can plan a custom party. You made me decide on the decorations too."

What was I going to and purple balloons? I wasn't into decorations, as long as the people I cared about were there.

" just do what you do so well. As long as I have a chocolaty cake there, with chocolate ice-cream, with chocolate sprinkles of course...I'm good."

Amara: "Yeah, I got that covered. Would you like a clown too?"

"You're kidding, right?"

Amara: "No, I'm serious."

"I am not having a clown at my birthday party!"

Amara: "You see. You have to input something. What if my other decisions aren't good for you."

She had a good point.

Amara: "Okay, about the music. How about we start off with a little Fifty Cents?"

[Fifty Cents:

Go, go , go, go shorty, It's your birthday, We gonna party like it's your birthday, We gonna sip Bacardi like it's your birthday, And you know we don't give a fuck if it's not your birthday.]

Okay, I did like that song. But there were several things that had to be done.

"Um...see if you can get a censored version. The swear words and stuff might not be too good with the adults...and my parents."

Amara: "Gotcha. Now, how about a little Candy Shop?"

She may no longer have been acting slutty openly, but her musical taste tended to reflect her past.

[Candy Shop:

Fifty Cents:

Yeah, uh huh. So seductive.. I'll take you to the candy shop, I'll let you lick the lolly-pop, Go head girl, don't you stop, Keep going 'til you hit the spot...whoa!

This is the disgusting part - for me that is!


I'll take you to the candy shop, Boy one taste of what I've got, I'll have you spending all you got, Keep going 'til you hit the spot...whoa!]

There was no way that I'd let her play that. No censored version existed that I could listen to in public without cringing and/or blushing. I only listened to that song in the privacy of my own room.

"No way Amara! Next!"

Amara: "Hmm...I was thinking about something. I mean you might not like it, but how would you feel about something retro seventy's and eighty's. I mean, we have a lot of old people to entertain too. And uh...I like the golden oldies... So can I?"

She was finally talking! I would have to hide my excitement though...after all, some of those songs were what some people would call "Gayish". But I could act as if I did it as a favor to her. She did say that she loved the music.

"Okay, so like what?"

Amara: "Ever hear of Abba?"

Y-Abba Dabba Doo!

"I heard some of their stuff. It ain't all that, but it's not all that bad either."

I was liking where it was going. For the first time in a long while I was enjoying Amara's company. And we started talking, about a lot of stuff. We did have a lot in common. Favorite TV shows, music, taste in men (not that I told her that one!)...and shiny jewellry.

Amara: "So, have no idea about who this girl is?"

"Not the foggiest."

Amara: "Okay, this is just eating me up."

"But I'm the one who got the thing."

She ignored me, engrossed in her thoughts. Girls so do not like to be kept in the dark, even if the stuff they're curious about isn't any of their business.

Amara: "I'll have to keep my eyes open and do some snooping. It has to be someone with money...shouldn't be too hard as most of the people here are orphans. Then it has to be someone who is close to you a lot, but who you never notice. It's obvious that she's been noticing you."

Uh oh. She went on listing the details of her soon to be launched methodical search. I was impressed by her logic. She could be smart if she was given the right stimulus. Now if only she'd apply some of that in other spheres of her existance...she'd be a force to be reckoned with. I realised that I had better disuade her, in case she really did go snooping around and started asking girls or something if they digged me. That could make me a laughing stock...or actually get me on the girly radar and then I'd have to fend off unwanted feminine attention.

"Amara...why don't you just respect this girl's wishes and let her reveal herself when the time is right?"

Amara: "I wonder what her deal is. I mean, it's easy to tell that you don't have a girlfriend. Is she that shy she like, hideous? That would be a good reason to try and win you over with expensive gifts...Oh I have to look out for a rich, shy and or hideous girl."

Enough of that.

"Amara, what did you get me?"

Amara: "You'll have to wait and see. I had a little help in deciding what to get. I can shop for a girl with ease...but I've always had problems shopping for men. So I got Bobby and Ray to give me some pointers."

"No hints?"

Amara: "Nope. But after the advice I got, and how much it cost, you better like it."

Oh, I could hardly wait until later. My parents were due to arrive in a couple of hours too. I wonder what they would bring me...


Paul: "Paulie want a cracker!"

It was a rather unique birthday present. But I loved it...him. A talking Golden Macaw.

"Wow, he's cute."

Jake: "Yeah, well. I knew you'd like him. The way you go on and on about Nature. The people at the pet shop said that he was real tame."

And he was right. Paul had taken to following me around everywhere, saying whatever I said. I quickly realised that I'd have to watch what I said around him. He was like a little kid and swear words held a special charm to him. He even followed me down to the common room. Everyone looked at me, rather amused. I suppose all I needed was an eyepatch and I could pass for a modern day pirate. I'd keep that idea in mind for halloween.

Jubilee: "Aww...he's so adorable."

Bobby: "He ain't all that."

Jake frowned openly. It was easy for everyone to see that he wasn't too impressed by Paul. After all, Paul didn't seem to like him much. As a matter of fact, Bobby had gotten pecked by him twice.

Jamie: "I wonder if he can do any tricks."

Jake: "Oh, he's real smart. Real smart..."

He glanced knowingly at Bobby. There were two reddish bruises on his arm where he had gotten pecked. Bobby was about to retalitate before I gave him a warning glance.

Paul: "Squaaawk! Paulie hungry."

Jamie made his way over with a tortilla laced with guacamole. I almost didn't notice on time.

Jake and Me: "Jamie, no!"

Jamie: "Huh, what?"

Paul: "Huh, whaaaat?"

Everyone else looked confused. I took it that they weren't all that into nature. Avocados are extremely poisonous to parrots and macaws. I took the opportunity to explain it to them.

"It's like chocolate and dogs...just don't do it."

Jamie: "You mean he could have died? Um...sorry."

Paul: "Huuungry..."

I walked with him on my shoulder over to Bobby and sat down. Paul immediately tried to bite his ear and I had to scold him.

"Paul, either you stop biting Bobby...or...I'll put you in the oven!"

He may not have known what an oven was, but he must have figured out that he was doing something wrong by his tone.

Ray: "So, when are your parents getting over here, Rick?"

"Um, they're due at four."

Amara: "How long are they staying?"

"They'll stay the night and return tomorrow. They called yesterday...they said they have a surprise for me. I wonder what it could be."

David: "Probably a cool birthday present."

Just then Jean made an appearance at our table. She said howdy to everyone there and then dragged me away, saying she needed to borrow me for a while. I left Paul with Jamie and followed her. She may have appeared jovial to them, but I could tell from her thought patterns that something was off. As the kitchen was clear, we headed in there, and I could tell that we were headed in for a talk. I didn't know about what though. I wondered if her weird behaviour had anything to do with her pregnancy.

"What's up, Jean?"

Jean: "I want to talk to you about something."

"Okay, so talk."

Her eyes became shifty, she was actually pacing the floor and couldn't look me straight in the eyes. This was almost new to me...coming from her that is. She had acted a little like that when she told me that she was pregnant. She was normally the confident, sure of herself feminist-like, X-woman. Her constant pacing was getting me dizzy.

"Jean, stop wearing a hole in the ground and just talk to me."

She stopped, walked straight up to me, looked me in the eyes and said,

Jean: "Rick, I don't think it's a good idea to tell your parents that you're gay."

Okay, we had been through that before. She had asked me if I was ready. My response; I was as ready as I would ever be. I would have thought that she'd be a little bit more supportive.

"Jean, they're my parents, I love them and I won't keep this deep, dark secret from them any logner. It's like a burden. And it's only going to get worse. Dad goes on and on about his future keeps asking me if I hooked any cute girls... It's hard, and it will be doing me a favor as well. They love me Jean. They know what it's like to be born different. They'll understand... Ororo said so. And I believe her."

Jean: "Rick...I just want you to see things without being clouded in the judgement department. What's one more year? Give yourself some more time."

"One more year? Jean, I can't take one more year of questioning."

Jean: "Rick, t-there's something you should know."


She no longer had the luxury of time on her hands. The day of doom was finally upon her. Rick's birthday was come, and soon his parents would be arriving. She knew that she had a responsibility to protect Rick. Her sense of ethics would not permit her to be silent. She had to something to disuade him from the dangerous course of action he intended to pursue. But the problem of Scott complicated things. It was highly doubtful that Rick would believe her if she simply said that his father was a homophobic bigot. It might even turn him hostile towards her. No one would like to think such things of their parents...especially if they were role models.

She would have to say something to justify her claims. Without outting Scott to anyone of course. She decided to lie. Make up a was the lesser of two evils. It was either that or let Rick have what could probably be the worst day of his life...on his birthday too. What if she told him that his dad was something of a "Ray" growing up...cracking hostile, homophobic jokes at people he merely thought could be gay? Maybe it would give him a nudge in the right direction. It didn't take too long for her to realise how futile it would all be.

Rick: "Jean, that doesn't sound like dad."

Jean: "It's true, Rick. He was just like Ray growing up."

Rick: "Look, even if what you say is true...that was like over seventeen years ago. I mean, he was just a teenager then, and peer pressure and stuff. Hell, even I stud up on occasion. He's an adult now Jean...and those people he joked about... well, they weren't his family or anything. I'm his son."

Jean: "But Rick-"

"Jean, enough. Stop saying those things about my father. They were strangers, he didn't give a damn about them. I'm his only kid...for seventeen years."

She had tried...and failed. She could only hope that his faith in his father was well founded.


I was starting my countdown. It was three-fifty and I couldn't wait for my parents' arrival. For one thing, it would be the first time I'd be seeing the two of them in the flesh since my arrival at the mansion. Sure I had met mom's Astral identity, but it wasn't the same. And secondly, there was the surprise I was in for. Couldn't wait for that. I was in my room with Bobby waiting. My window overlooked the front gate. I'd be able to see when they arrived. My spirits were a little dampened after Jean's talk with me. How could she say those things about dad? He wasn't like that at all...well at least not now. I even saw him watch a few episodes of "Queer as Folk" with mom a couple of times. So even if he was like Ray growing up...he wasn't like that now. Bobby was as perceptive as ever and sensed my altered mood. He scooted over and pushed Paul off my shoulder and got a bite in return.

Bobby: "Fuck! Rick, won't you put that bird in his cage?"

Bobby looked mildly pissed. I telekinetically moved Paul into his cage and shut it. It was only then that Bobby risked getting any closer.

Bobby: "You know, that bird seems to match Jake perfectly. It's always on your shoulder and whenever I try to get close...he bites me."

That was true, so I said nothing to counter it.

"Bobby, how do you think your dad will react when you decide to tell him that you're gay?"

He mulled it over for a while, giving it some thought.

Bobby: "He might be a little shocked at first...but I think he'll be able to cope with it."

"I don't know...but I think I might be chickening out a little."

Bobby: "You said that your parents were cool people, right? Not bigoted or anything?"

That was certainly true. They were very tolerant people. People looked down on mutants for being different worldwide, all the time. They were raised to respect the differences of others.


Bobby: "Then, what's there to worry about? I think that their values will have to be pretty high end if they were raised here in this people like the Professor, Hank, Logan...oh yeah, let's not forget Ororo."

"I guess so."

Bobby: "And they were both orphans, right? Can't even remember their parents?"

That was true. Neither mom nor dad knew anything about their birth parents. Dad kept the last name from the last foster care couple he stayed with as an infant. So did mom.

Bobby: "Well, not having parents growing up is a life changing thing. Take it from a guy whose lost a parent. And when you never even knew yours... I think they'd want to be the best parents they could be. To make sure that you get everything that they never had...from their birth parents that is."

As usual, he'd done it again. It was impossible to feel sad or worried around him for long.

"Hey, you're right!"

Bobby: "Hmm...not very often that I hear that. Say it again!"

Just then I saw the front gate open and a car pull into the drive. I didn't recognize it as one of ours. It was a Mitsubishi Lancer I could tell. So I just ignored it. It was only when I saw someone come out that I realised that they were here. It was mom!

"Hey, look it's my mom! I'm going down."

I didn't even bother to use the stairs or anything. I just flew out the window and into the parking lot. Bobby used an ice sled and slid down with me. Pretty soon I was being suffocated by one of mom's signature hugs and begging to be let go.

Mom: "Oh, happy birthday, Ricky!"

"Thanks mom. Oh, this is Bobby. friend here at the mansion."

Mom: "Oh, hello dear. It's nice to see that Rick has been talking to people and socialising for a change."

She started talking a little with him and I went over to the car, wondering where dad was.

"Mom, where's dad?"

Mom: "Oh, he'll be here in a few minutes. He stopped off at the gas station to get a filler."

" how'd you convince him to buy you a new car?"

Mom: "Well, it's not exactly mine. Remember that surprise we said we had for you?"

I was hyped. I mean, sure it wasn't exactly my idea of a dream car, but it was certainly passable. And it would be mine! All mine! It was damned good for a first car. There was only one problem...I had no idea about driving. That could be remedied however. If Scott said that I could learn to pilot the Blackbird...I could learn to drive an automatic car. So I just jumped for joy.

Mom: "Yeah, well. He said that you were almost a man now...and you'd probably enjoy having your own car."

"He was soo right!"

Bobby: "Hey, now we can go cruising..."

Mom: "Now I know all about teenaged boys...just don't use it to do anything overly frivolous, okay?"

I wasn't hearing her. I was just fantasizing about me and Bobby in the back seat...or shining the hood. Or in the front seat for that matter. Or giving it an old fashioned wash...shirtless. I immediately caught myself. Mom was a powerful telepath. And yes, she normally didn't absorb other people's thoughts, but I knew that I had better watch myself. It wouldn't do for her to find out about me like that. The gate opened again and dad pulled up and got out of his car.

Dad: "Judging by that smirk on your face...I take it you know. Happy seventeenth son!"

Okay, warm fuzzies all around... You know how we'd all have a group hug and whatnot.

"Dad, this is my best friend, Bobby."

They shook hands.

Dad: "So Bobby, you know how to drive?"

Bobby: "Um, yeah sir."

Dad: "Forget the sir. Joshua will be fine. We won't be here to help out so...think you could give Rick a few pointers?"

I smiled. They seemed to have hit it off. Judging by the way they were talking. It was all Greek to me. I just listened to the two of them rattling off technical car jargon back and forth. I knew next to nothing about cars. All I knew was;

  1. You got in.

  2. Someone, an adult would get behind the steering wheel.

  3. You moved from point A to point B.

  4. You got out of the vehicle.

They continued on as we walked towards the mansion. Everything from sports, to X-training...girls... Bobby just said that he had someone special. Dad undoubtedly took that to mean a lucky girl. I was feeling a little left out. Sure, I couldn't exactly live a full life with my "Problem". But dad always did try to play games and stuff with me. Outdoors, soccer, baseball... I was just never interested. I did humor him a couple of times, but eventually we just both gave it up. Then there were the times that he'd try to get me to watch football games with him on tv. Or even a live game at a stadium. Once I was so turned off by the thought of a roaring crowd, I turned him down and he gave two prime tickets to the neighbors. They were meant for us, but I know the neighbors were happy they got them.

I kinda felt that maybe Bobby was the kind of son he would have liked. Don't get me wrong, he was a great dad. We were just different. Mom said that I was an intellectual...which was true. I buried myself in books and literature. So I loved to read a lot. I had been doing a lot less of that since my arrival at the mansion however. I had discovered that there were other...more important things in life.

Dad: "You got yourself a hell of a friend here Rick. You could learn a thing or two from him."

"Yeah, dad."

Then I noticed my mom giving me a stare. At...what left wrist.

Mom: "Good Lord! Rick, where did you get that?"

"Oh, this...I just saw it at my door this morning...with an anonymous note saying happy birthday."

Mom: "Oh...Okay. Any idea who the mystery girl is?"

Not even here half an hour and already, talking about girls.

"No, not a clue."

Dad: "It looks pricey..."

Mom: "It probably is. Rick, you've got yourself one hell of an admirer."

Dad: "Of course he does! He takes after me...what girl wouldn't try to catch him?"

Mom raised her eyebrow a little.

Mom: "Looks aren't everything, Joshua. What's the use of looking like a Ferrari, if you don't have the horsepower in the engine department to go with it, hmmm?"

Dad chose to ignore her taunting joke. Bobby caught his kicks though. I smiled nervously. I sometimes am a little ashamed of my parents. Especially when they say such things in public. Okay, they were still young...but...ughh.

If he only knew... I'd definitely be telling them...I couldn't live with that kind of torture much longer.

Dad: "Now, Rick. If you ever do anything, just know that I'm all about the grandkids...just a little later in life, understand?"

"Dad...not in front of Bobby."

I was blushing like hell. It even progressed to dad asking him to hook me up if my secret admirer didn't come through.

Dad: "What? He's a man."

We were finally at the front door. Well, let's get this party started!


I was a little pissed. They were just so tempting. Everyone who knew me had put their presents in the common room and I wasn't allowed to touch them until the whole thing was over. It felt like Christmas...bittersweet. Amara had expelled me from my dorm room too. She needed me out of there, something to do with my birthday present. I was even more curious, but could do nothing to disuade her. It was either I get my ass out of the room and surrender my keys...or no expensive present.

My parents were busy catching up with everyone else in the lounge. Jean had called a few days before and told them about her pregnancy after all. She didn't tell them that I knew however. Wise...especially as it would look weird if she didn't tell someone like Ororo and had opted to confide in me, a teenaged boy out of all people. She was officially breaking the news to all of the adults. I supposed my parents wanted to wait until she talked with them to tell me. Bobby was busy with Ray and Amara, organising my present, and I could hear stuff being moved around. Everyone else was rigging up the courtyard for the party, and I was under orders to stay away from there.

My party, my special day and I was being left all alone. So I just wandered along the halls. Eventually, I went out into the backyard and took a walk. It ended up with me finding myself outside one of the garages. An open garage. I peered inside. What would it be doing open? I went in and took a look around. It was then that I saw it. A genuine Harley...with flame motif and everything. I had always digged motorcycles and I couldn't resist the attraction. It was compounded by countless biker boy fantasies...with lots and lots of leather involved. Jackets and gloves and spiked bracelets and helmets and tattoos...I was compelled to touch it. I knew I probably shouldn't have been, and I jumped when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Ah! Oh, it's just you, Scott."

He wore an expression of mock anger.

Scott: "Just me? Uh huh. Hands off the Harley."

He was all dressed up in a leather motorcycle jacket.

Damn, he looks hot... Stop it! That's the leather talking!

It looked like he was going for a ride or something.

"You going somewhere?"

He shifted his gaze.

Scott: "Yeah, just for a little ride out on the town."

Of all the nights, he'd pick this one to go for a ride out on the town?

"You are coming back right...for the party?"

The look on his face told me that he wasn't.

Scott: "Rick...I don't think that your father would like me there."

"But, you two didn't face off when he was last here. And he let me become a junior member of the X-men. And you're one of the leaders. And you're the danger room instructor."

Scott: "Those were my official duties. This is a personal party...I just don't think it would be a good idea."

"But it's my party. I want you there. He won't mind."

Scott: "I don't know."

" has never yet failed to calm him down."

He paused and I could tell he was thinking. It was a free mansion. It was my birthday party after all, if it was dad's then I could understand it. All the other adults would be there. Dad had his issues with Logan too. But I didn't see him taking off. Finally, he decided.

Scott: "Oh, alright. But the moment anything starts up...I'm gone."

"Fair enough. Hey, I'm going to go get a sneak peak at my cake."

Scott: "Oh, grow up!"


"Hands off that cake!"

Logan jumped...I felt a little proud. After all, making someone like him jump was an accomplishment in my book. He looked a little shocked, but quickly mastered himself.

Logan: "I wasn't doin' anything to it. Just having a look is all."

Uh huh...that's why he had a smudge of chocolate on his cheek.

"What's that on your cheek?"

Logan quickly wiped it off and went on playing dumb. He seemed happier that day. Yes, I knew it was my birthday, but that couldn't have been it. I had actually seen him smiling. Maybe he was getting some from Ororo.

"So, why are you so happy today?"

Logan: "Well, just assuming you don't know...Jean's pregnant, and I'm going to be a Godfather."

"Oh, cool."

I, of course pretended to be in the dark about it all. He probably thought my parents had already told me...but assumed I didn't know. But it was nice to see the sentimental side of him. He hid it well, but he was a very soft-hearted person. You may never have been able to tell from his brash exterior, but deep down...he was a teddy bear.

"So, why is it that I haven't seen a present from you, hmm?"

Logan: "I got you somethin', just - I didn't know what you'd like. So I just went along with Ororo."

"What did you get me?"

Logan: "I'm not sure I should say just yet."

"Aww, come on. I can't take it anymore. All this suspense."

Logan: "Save your dignity and stop begging. This is weird're into Tolkien?"

"As in J.R.R. Tolkien?"

Logan: "Yeah."

"Yeah...a lot actually."

Logan: "Then we're cool. We got just about everything 'Tolkien' we could get our hands on."

Great...looks like I would be catching up on my reading after all. No matter how many times I had read those books of his...they always seemed as good as new. I was never into sports...hardly into tech...and I loved books. It reminded me of my old self...before I actually had a life. Now I could learn to balance both, and had the literature to do it.

"The Lord of the Rings, The Quenta Silmarillion, The Hobbit... The Aiu-"

Logan: "Yeah...yeah, those are the ones."

"So what did Ororo get me?"

I figured I might as well grill him while the good mood of his lasted.

Logan: "She'd kill me. You'll have to wait and see."

"Not even a clue?"

Logan: "'s beautiful, long and pointed...and -"

It sounded interesting.

Logan: "-and it could be dangerous if you used it the wrong way."

Had she gone out and gotten me a dildo? I smiled at the thought...we had never really discussed my being gay ever since I told her. She could tell that I wasn't comfortable talking about it with her. Jean was different...she guessed. Ororo had to be told. Couldn't wait to see it, whatever it was. The kitchen door opened then and dad stepped in. I saw some sort of eyetalk pass between him and Logan, and wondered if they would be starting up something on my birthday.

Dad: "Um, Rick...could you just leave for a while? I want to have a word with Logan...alone."

"Okay, dad."

So I left them to their talk and went into the common room where everyone, who wasn't out in the courtyard, was fawning over Jean's pregnancy.


Jean had kept nothing back from everyone. She told them all about Jonathan's ridiculous and insensitive attitude and had gotten all the support she craved. Everyone was vying for the naming rights. Of course, I had to act as if I had only just learnt about it from Logan.

Mom: "Rick, have you heard? Jean is preganant!"

"Yeah, mom. Logan just told me."

Hank: "Yes well, back to the business at hand. Now I think Henry would suit the baby just fine."

Remy: "Henry...Hen-ry. Hen...? Nuh uh."

Xavier: "Jean, please do remember how much I have done for you in the past."

Even Xavier was trying a guilt trip.

Betsy: "Men...why do you act as if the baby is going to be a boy? What if it's a girl?"

Jean: "If it's a girl...she's going to be called Annie."

There was a moment of silence that went right around and no one challenged her statement. I remembered Scott asking her about an accident...I wasn't going to bring up anything sad, so I didn't ask any questions.

Ororo: "And if it's a boy? Are you going to use any of our suggestions?"

Jean: "Actually...I was thinking about naming him after Rick, a derivative that is. Think of it as part of your birthday present."

"'re getting off cheap."

Mom, undoubtedly not knowing about the closeness of our relationship (she being my fag hag and all) gave me a warning glance.

"Hey, I was just kidding."

Betsy: "So, what were you thinking about?"

Jean: "Well, I was thinking of Richard."

There was a round of approval. She was getting credit for my suggestion! She winked at me deviously.

Jean: "Or, maybe...Ricardo."

Betsy: "That sounds nice and latiny."

More approval.

"Um...thank you, Jean. It's a cool birthday present..."

Then there was a loud explosion of sound that made us all jump. It came from the courtyard and I could tell that they were probably testing the sound systems. The sound of tech reminded me of something.

"Mom, please tell me that you guys brought my computer and it's in the car."

Her mouth fell. Just great...well, I rather have a car than a computer anyway.

Hank: "Well, at least now I know my gift will be getting some use."

"You got me a computer?"

He nodded. Well, it had to be something good. He was our resident genius after all. After we heard another explosion of sound, we figured it was time to get out in the courtyard and get my party started. Hopefully, I would be able to get my parents alone and talk to them. Dad was busy with Logan, mom was stuck with Jean... I would have to wait a little. Eventually, Bobby, Ray and Amara came down from my room and announced that my birthday present was all ready. Before I could scoot upstairs to have a look at it however, they just grabbed me and started pulling me outside to the courtyard. Amara was pulling me outside the most vigorously. It was her present after all, she was very adamant that I not see it just then. That and she wanted me to go out and enjoy the party she had organised. When I glanced behind me to see if the adults were following, I saw mom looking at me in an amused, knowing way.

{Mom: something going on between you two?}

{, mom.}

{Mom: She's very touchy feely with you.}

{Oh, she's like that with everyone.}

Mom was not convinced.

{Mom: I wonder if she could be your secret admirer.}

It seemed as if everyone was asking about this "secret admirer". Perhaps I shouldn't have gone along with Bobby's idea and worn the bracelet in public. His excuse was turning out to be a whole new can of worms. I consoled myself with the thought that soon, I wouldn't have to hide it from my parents anymore.


It didn't take long for me to realise that I was so not a party animal. If loud, ear-splitting, headache inducing music...horny, skimpily clad girls gyrating like strippers, and general hooligan-like behavior was what partying was all about - then I had not missed much at all. I was no dancer and was constantly accosted by random offers to dance...if that chaotic motion was what they called dancing. Most of the other guys seemed to be enjoying themselves. I was constantly having to keep an eye out though. Bobby was attracting a lot of attention from the opposite sex. Girls were constantly pushing themselves up on him. As if that wasn't enough...

Amara: "Come on, Rick. I'm going to have a dance with the birthday boy."

"But...Amara, I can't any kind of music."

She was not one to be put off so easily.

Amara: "Aww...come on. It's easy, look - I'll guide you along."

"Really...I can't."

She pointed over across the courtyard. I watched as even the teachers were cutting loose and letting go. Nearly everyone was having a good time. Even the Professor, after he had complained for the billionth time about the outrageously loud music...he was still out there "dancing" in some fashion with Jean. Ray and Jubilee were tearing the place up...and the suggestive way they were dancing... John was sandwiched by two, skanky sluts and seemed to be having the time of his life. Jamie was getting it on with three different girls, undoubtedly one wasn't nearly enough. And every now and again I could see couples...and quite a few triples...sneaking off behind the infamous grove.

Amara: " gotta kick loose and start living. What better day to start than your birthday?"

"Amara, I love what you've done and all, really. But I'd just make a fool of myself, and you too."

After I begged her a few more times, she relented and sought out a solitary Jake and pushed him towards the dancefloor.

{Jake: Help me...}

{Suck it up and be a man!}

I saw Bobby fight his way out of a five girl crowd. He made his way over to me. They had tried to force him to dance with them, and his clothes were all ruffled. It looked like he had been through a fight.

"So, you look nice", I whispered.

Bobby: "Don't look half as hot as you."

Such a sweet talker.

"You don't think that those girls will find it weird that you brushed them off, and then immediately stroll over to talk to a guy?"

Bobby: "Let them think what they wanna."

I didn't like the way he was being at all. Was he being so openly courageous because he had taken inspiration from my impending talk with my parents?

Bobby: "So, I saw Amara trying to dance with you."

"She wanted to dance with the birthday boy. But as you can see, she took off with Jake."

As I glanced across the courtyard just then, I saw that my parents were finally somewhat alone. I decided, now or never. Bobby's eyes followed my gaze and nodded. I nodded back and started walking down towards them. The only people with them were Jean and the Professor, and I had no problem getting my parents away from them. I led them straight towards the fountain. It was cooler there and I was feeling remarkably hotter all of a sudden...I was sweating nervously. When we were a little distance away I told them why I had dragged them away from the din of the party.

"Mom, dad...I need to talk to you. It's real important."

I then had their complete and utter attention. I was brave all along, but when the actual moment was upon me, them looking at me expectantly...I choked.

Dad: "Come on, Rick. You know you can tell us anything."

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. I glanced quickly away while I figured out the best way to tell them. It had all seemed so remote before, I hadn't planned anything out. I thought that I could just be frank and say, "Mom, dad...I'm gay." But that obviously was not the best way to approach it. I didn't expect them to jump for joy or anything. I knew that they would probably be shocked at first, what parent wouldn't be? I'd have to ease them into it.

Mom: "'re not in any kind of trouble or anything...right?"

They were probably thinking the usual teenaged stuff, drugs, relationship trauma, unexpected pregnancies...that sort of thing. Or maybe X-team trouble.

"No, it's nothing like that."

Okay, time to be brave.

"You guys love me...right?"

They laughed at that.

Dad: "Is this a trick question?"

Mom: "Surely you didn't drag us here to ask us that...acting all melodramatic."

" But if you really love me, you'll love me no matter what, right?"

Dad: "Well, it's what being parents is all about."

"What I'm about to tell might be a little shocking."

Mom: "Oh please...we're young, and we have strong hearts."

" know how you always keep asking me if I found any cute girls at the mansion -"

Dad: "Well, did you? And if you have, when can we meet her?"

" I haven't. See, it's cuz I haven't been looking", I added nervously.

I waited a while for it to sink in... they looked at me confused, and obviously clueless. I realised that I would have to be far more direct in my approach.

"It's because I don't want a girlfriend."

Dad: "Well, I guess you're probably waiting until a little later in life...when you're better adjusted."

Mom: "You're just a late bloomer I suppose."

Just great, more dancing around the issue.

"'s not that. I think...I could I just don't feel for girls that way."

I hit the bull's eye with that one. The looks on both their faces mirrored the other. Their eyebrows raised and their mouths each formed a perfect "O". I started studying them. They didn't seem anything but surprised to me. A full five minutes passed with not a word being spoken by any of us. We all just glanced uneasily at each other...none of us knowing how to continue our discussion. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore.

"Mom, still love me now, right?"

When neither of them spoke immediately...for a few horrible moments I actually thought that maybe Jean was right about not telling them. Then relief washed over me when Dad spoke softly to me.

Dad: "Of course we still love you son. We're glad you came to shouldn't have to hold onto this alone."

Mom: "We just want to make sure you know what it is that you're saying. You do know what "Gay" means, right Rick?"

I nodded and assured them that I did indeed know what I was talking about.

"So, you're not mad at me?"

Mom: "Of course not. Honey, this is why you have family, to love and support you."

I couldn't help but feel that I had been blessed with the perfect parents. I knew Jean was wrong, I'd enjoy my "I told you so" later. I was just about to crack the biggest smile ever, and strangle them with a hug like they had given me earlier when,

Dad: "Now that you've talked to us about your problem, we can do something to help you son."

And everything positive that I had felt prior to that statement just crumbled to dust. My semi-formed smile reverted to a semi frown and I pulled away from them and lowered my arms. They knew that I was about to hug them, and when I pulled back, they looked hurt and confused.

" me?"

Dad: "Well, um...yeah."

I began to understand that I had totally misunderstood their response. Maybe they would just need a little more time to adjust to it all. I mean, it was rather sudden and I had never given them any reason to suspect that I could have been gay.

"What do you mean by 'help'?"

He explained his intentions to me in full.

Dad: "Well, it's obvious that you need professional help. Someone qualified to talk to...who can help you break free from this."

Was I in chains or something?

"But...I don't want to break free from it. There's nothing wrong with me."

Dad: " can't be gay. You just can''re my son."

Call me clueless, but I didn't see what my sexual orientation had to do with his sense of manliness. Because that was exactly what he was making it out to be.

"I didn't ask to be gay, dad. It has nothing to do with's about me."

Mom: ", Rick, just now you said that you thought you could be gay. You sound fairly sure that you are now."

They just picked up on every little detail didn't they? Mom was always the analytical one.

"Yes, I'm sure."

Dad: "How the hell are you sure? You've been messing around with boys or something?!"

And it was then that I had to accept that Jean was right on target. His tone, his irate, disgusted facial expression... I couldn't admit to that, I would deny it to the end.

"No, dad...I haven't done anything!"

The ground started to shake a little then, and mom clutched his arm to try and calm him down. It stopped and he tried to control his emotions.

Mom: "Joshua...calm down. Rick, how long have you known that you were gay? You are convinced that you're gay, aren't you?"

I felt weakened and compelled to answer their questions, even though every fibre of my being was telling me that I shouldn't divulge any more. That it was still possible to go along and act confused...that I could get away with it if I tired.

"Since I was thirteen..."

Mom: "Four years? You were going through this alone for four years?"

Why did she sound so shocked? I felt like I was going through it alone right then and there. I didn't hesitate to tell them that too.

"Whatever happened to unconditional love?", I added bitterly.

I didn't think it was wise to use that kind of tone to my parents and when dad started advancing towards me, I thought I was in for it. Not that he would get physical or anything, because he had never, ever hit me - never had a spanking...but I expected him to just start yelling at me, to try and get some of his "sense" into my head. I was taken aback when he came over and stooped to talk to me. I was sitting on the fountain's edge by that time. I didn't have it in me to keep standing. By sitting down, I was nearer to the ground. It would be easier to stare at the ground then, because looking my parents in the eyes was the last thing I wanted to do. For two reasons, one - I couldn't stand to see the odd mix of emotions on their faces and two - I didn't want them to see how close to tears I was. Dad was talking to me in a tone that I hadn't heard from him in close to ten years. He was never into corporal punishment. When I was real little and did something wrong, he'd talk to me about it. The way he was talking...I started feeling like a seven year old who had done something wrong and was more sad that he'd disappointed his dad, than afraid he would be punished.

He was doing it there too. He was making me crumble at the thought that I had disappointed them. I had to force the words out so that they would be audible and understandable through the sobs.

"I didn't ask to be this way, dad. It's not my fault."

Dad: "I know don't have to blame yourself or feel guilty for it. It happens sometimes..."

Huh? But if he knew it wasn't something I chose...why was he being so difficult with me?

Dad: "But that doesn't mean it's right. You have to see that, Rick."

I couldn't help but see an eerie parallel. Mutants didn't ask to be born that way, and they were ostracized for it. And yet he didn't seem to think that being a mutant was "wrong". You were either born a mutant or you weren't. I tried to explain it to him as best as I could. It didn't seem to reach anywhere though.

Dad: "It's sinful, Rick."

Where was mom in all this? We weren't exactly the church going family. Sure we went a few times, but eventually...Sunday football was his choice, and it won out.

"But, dad...some people say that mutants are Satan's to disrupt God's natural law..."

Dad: "That's different..."

I didn't see how much different it could possibly be.

"I thought you said that you loved matter what?"

Dad: "I do, that's why I'm going to see about getting you help."

"You mean a shrink?! So what, you're going to send me off to a psyche ward?"

The thought scared me right down to my core. I started to panic and it was plain for them to see how frightened I was. Mom came over and sat down on the fountain with me and wrapped an arm around me to try and pacify me. It might have been cold...but I shook her off. How could she just stay silent when dad was saying all those things to me? He saw the terror and tried to talk to me a in more soothing tone.

Dad: "No...but we could maybe have you talk with Jean, or the Professor...they're telepathic and know all about mental disorders. They could do something to help him...right Julie?"

If I thought that things couldn't get any worse, I was so wrong. Mental disorders?! Is that what they thought I was...crazy! And they wanted to ask the Professor or Jean to do something to help me...something of a telepathic nature? Why stop there, why didn't they just commence electro-shock therapy? I couldn't believe he would even think something like try to do that to his own kid? Didn't he know how traumatic forced entry into someone's mind could be? Because he had to know that I just wouldn't sit still and let anyone do that to me. Not that I thought that Jean or Xavier would...they'd never break their ethical code. But in dad's deluded mind, he probably thought they would. No wonder he got all soft-spoken and started treating me like a fragile kid...he thought I had a "mental disorder", that I was crazy! Man, was I ever glad that he wasn't telepathic...would he have tried a little straightening himself?

"I'm not crazy! I don't have a mental disorder!"

Dad: "So you think that having sexual thoughts about other boys is normal?"

"It's normal for me because I'm gay. You think bursting into flames on a regular basis and not having so much as first degree burn is normal?"

Mom was silent all along but finally she spoke.

Mom: "Joshua...m-maybe we've been looking at this wron-"

Dad: "What?! How can you say that we've been looking at this wrong...our son is telling us that he's a fag and you're just going to take it like that?"

At the word "fag" , I cringed a little. Jean was right...he and Ray did have a few things in common.

Mom: "Don't use that word like that Joshua."

Dad: "Why not? That's what he seems to want to be...a fag."

Alright, that was the last fuckin' straw! I got up from the fountain and just let it out.

"You think I want this! I thought you understood that I didn't choose this...or is that something you just said so that you'd convince me to go along with your plan to straighten me out with telepathy? You think any sane person would choose to live a life where people hate them for something that isn't their fault? Where their own parents stop loving them?"

Mom: "Rick, we haven't stopped loving you. We'll always love you...don't say such things."

Great mom... she had just started crying. She had the nerve to cry. She wasn't exactly joining in with him, but she wasn't really doing much to stop him either. She had barely stopped talking before,

Dad: "Is this what you want?! To ruin your'll only end up with you getting hurt. Not to mention disgracing the family name."

He had hurt me so much in the last forty minutes...I just wanted to return the favor so badly. I don't know why...I guess if you push people far enough... There was only one thing I knew of that could hit him where it hurt the worst. He had given me the ammunition...the dear old family name.

"Family...aren't I family, dad? You care more about a stupid name than me? About what people will say about the good old Mckenzie clan? It's not even your damned name! But then again, you've never really had a real how would you know how to treat - "

I didn't expect him to actually punch me! In the face pretty face! What made it worse was the cut that his wedding ring gave me on my right cheek. I could feel a little trickle of blood leak down.

Mom: "Joshua! Rick...are you okay?"

She was trying to twist my face towards her to survey any possible damage, but I wouldn't let her. I was waiting to hear her tell my father that his plan to approach either Jean or the Professor for help, was insane. I was sure that if mom was holding a psychiatric degree or had experience with "mental disorders", he would have asked her to do it be a good mother. She was a powerful telepath...what would she have done? He had the right to say all those things to me and when I retaliate verbally, he wanted to get physical? While he was unsuspecting, I quickly got up and slammed my manacled bracelet against his face. It was my left hand and I am right handed, but a heavy piece of metal colliding with your face does do some damage. I saw the result when a faint bruise started forming.

He started swearing at me, and I won't even bother to say what. That attracted the attention of a lot of people...not that we realised it then and there however. We were so into it that we didn't notice that the music had stopped blaring. They were apparently ready for me to cut cake and sing "Happy Birthday"...real happy. We didn't notice them at first though. We carried right on cursing each other out while mom pleaded with us to calm down. We hadn't even noticed at the time that the ground was shaking and the fountain's water was spewing upwards like a geyser...steaming.

"Some father you are! You never had a father, so I guess you're not to blame. How can you give something you never had!"

Dad: "You ungrateful son-of-a..a, you -"

"Careful might dis mom."

Mom: "Joshua...Rick, calm down...your emotions are generating excess Elemental energy."

"Tell it to dad, mom! He can't handle the truth, so he tries to shut me up. Well I'm not going to shut up...I'm Gay, dad! Deal with it!"

Dad: "What do you think I'm trying to do? I'm trying to deal with this shit! The right way!"

"Right way?! By trying to get Jean or the Professor to mindwipe me? Well here's news for you...they already know, and they are a lot more supportive and understanding than you'll ever be. Here's more...remember that little accident back home? Well guess what? Those bullies didn't attack me because they thought I was was because they thought I was gay! So there!"

Mom gasped audibly.

Mom: "'d talk to Jean before you'd tell me?"

I realised that they might be a little mad at the Professor and Jean for not betraying the bond of trust that I put them on, and telling them. I figured that I had better not mention Ororo at all. Even though she was the one who had told me to tell them...she said that it could be good for me. What the hell did she know?

"I needed a little convincing to come to you. But I regret I ever made the choice. I don't see you saying anything to him, about his plan!"

She didn't respond to that statement, she just looked defeated.

"It's ridiculous really. I would have thought you knew all about bigotry, about being hated for something that's not your fault and can't be helped...who the hell was I kidding? You're only tolerant as long as it benefits you. If you're so disgusted, then why the fuck do you watch 'Queer as Folk', mom? And why did you join her, dad?"

Dad: "If I'd known you'd have turned out like this-"

"What would you have done, dad? Abort me? Send me up for adoption?"

Mom got in between us to play peacemaker.

Mom: "That's enough you two! Let's just calm down, go inside and talk about this like sane people...please."

At the mention of going inside...we all glanced towards the Mansion, and it was then that we saw the crowd that had gathered. Everyone of them looked flabbergasted. I was scanning faces, praying that none of my friends were there...but it was a hope in vain. The first person I saw was a glaring Ray. Yeah, he'd surely want a front row seat to witness the drama of my life. When I looked at my friends, ignoring everyone else, the only people I saw looking upon me with sympathy were Bobby, Jake, Jubilee and Amara. For a moment I thought I saw John return a sympathetic look, but then he just dropped his gaze like the rest of them. And then I knew for certain...I was officially an outcast. The silence contrasted with the ruckus which we had been raising mere moments before... which meant that we had been making one hell of a noise, and since I couldn't recall hearing music for quite some time...they had to have heard...and seen it all.

It was then that I broke down. Mom tried coming closer, pulling out a hanky.

"Don't touch me! Are you happy now? Huh? Now the whole damned school knows...", I stuttered between sobs.

Mom: "But, Rick...the blood."

"I said don't touch me, you bitch!"

Who knows, maybe she would try and telepathically straighten me out herself. They knew by then that Jean and the Professor were in the light about my gayness. And they were okay with it, so no way they would help them...even if they weren't ethically bound not to invade mental privacy. She was only trying to calm me down so that I'd give dad a chance and hear him out. So that I'd listen to him and hate my very being and existance. Well fuck all of them! She had yet to tell me that she was going to talk some sense into HIM. He was the one most in need of it.

Dad: "Don't dare use that language or tone with your mother!"

I risked a glance towards the teachers that assembled and they mirrored the students. Most of them just turned away. The only ones I could tell were sympathising for certain were Xavier, Jean, Rogue, Ororo and Scott. I knew that they would be supportive...well except Scott. They all knew my secre- former secret. I didn't get Scott, though. He didn't know at all, but I guess he was a cool guy. I guess if my father hated his guts...he had to be cool. I now knew my father for who he truly was. What hurt the most when I looked at the teachers, was when I saw Logan and Betsy just turn away from me. My rejection was almost complete.

Xavier: "Students...inside, immediately."

They made not a move.

Xavier: "Don't make me repeat that order!"

And all the students left. Among the teachers, the only ones who stayed were Xavier, Ororo and Jean. I was hurt that Rogue and Scott left, but then again...Rogue was very nervous about my sexuality when I spoke to her. And Scott was a guy who didn't even know before a few minutes I guess he was just shocked. But thankfully not bigoted.

Xavier: "Let us go inside where we can discuss this, like rational adults."


Xavier: "Joshua, I thought we had raised you better than that."

Professor Xavier had been trying to talk sense into dad for about two hours. But it was plain to see that no new ground was being broken. They were just going around in circles. He wouldn't hear about the ethics involved...about forcing entry into another's mind. Eventually, things had escalated and dad argued with the professor, telling him that he didn't need any advice on how to raise his son.

Dad: "So, you're not going to help us?"

Xavier: "You're asking me to try and change something that cannot be changed, Joshua."

Mom was sulking in a corner. Jean was the only one that I was allowing to comfort me, and I could tell it was hurting mom, but I didn't care.

Joshua: "Fine. If you won't help him, then I'll just have to get him the help he needs."

It was then that I got what he was implying.

Dad: "Rick, go pack your stuff. We're leaving."

Fuck no!

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here."

Then Jean explained it to me. I couldn't stay at the Xavier Institute. I was a minor...under eighteen years of age. My parents had custody...not the school. If I tried to stay, the authorities would drag me away. And then it was likely that my parents would be investigated as to why I didn't want to leave with them in the first place. And if I made them look as bad as they were then I could be taken away and end up in foster care for a year until I turned eighteen and was certified independent. I was crushed. I felt like they had my back...but it was then that I realised how truly hopeless it was.

Mom: "Son...go get your stuff..."

"I am not going anywhere with you. I'm not going to a psyche ward where they'll make me hate myself and try to force me to change or brainwash me!"

Dad: "Rick, no son of mine is going to be a fag!"

"Then, I guess I'm no longer a son of yours..."

Dad: "That isn't your decision to make."

"It's my decision. Apparently it's your decision whether I'm supposed to be straight or gay too."

Dad: "Don't make me put you in that car myself!"

Xavier: "Joshua, please be reasonable! He's-"

Dad: "I've heard enough! We're leaving...Julie, say your goodbyes. I'll be out front, waiting. You have fifteen minutes, Rick."

And he left. Jean walked up to mom and tried to talk some sense into her.

Jean: " can't let him do this to Rick. He's your're his mother. You have a responsibilty to do what's best for him."

Mom: "He's my husband, Jean. I don't want my family to fall apart..."

Xavier: "You think allowing Joshua to do this will keep your family intact?"

"I hate you."

I said it without raising my voice, because by then - I knew what had to be done.

Mom: "R-Rick, please don't say that..."

"I hate him...and I hate you. I - wish that I wasn't ever born to people like you, and I pray to God that he doesn't screw up and send children to people like you in the near future. You don't deserve children."

I turned to the Professor.

"Professor Xavier...I doubt I'll ever be able to look at him the way I used to. He probably hates my guts for this now. He is no longer my father...except in name only...but when I turn eighteen, that will all change. I'll be a free I have a place to come back to if I decide to return?"

Xavier: "Always...our doors are always open to you."

"I wish I had someone like you for a - Father, but I guess even God screws up sometimes. Thank you sir, for everything."

He nodded. I think I saw his lips tremble a little. Then I turned to Jean.

"Jean, I wish that I had someone like you for a mother...but unfortunately, I got stuck with someone who values her role as a wife more than her role as a mother. They named me Rick... If your baby is a boy, I don't want you naming him after me in any way."

Jean: "Rick - "

"No, find some other name. Don't risk passing on any of my luck with the name to this baby. Just do me a favor and be the best mother you can possibly be to this kid. I think you'll be a natural..."

Jean: "Thank you..."

"Tell Ororo, Rogue and Scott that I said goodbye. They were the only ones from the teachers who I could tell for sure gave a damn. And Jean, tell Jubilee, Jake, Amara and...Bobby that I'll miss them. But I'll be coming back. They can't keep me with them once I'm eighteen."

We heard a car honk at that moment.

Mom: "I-I'll be out front. You have ten minutes, Rick. We'll be waiting."

She left through the front door. I said that I was going to grab my things from my room, and made as if to go upstairs, but left through the back entrance. I was serious when I said that I wasn't going anywhere with them. I had effectively disowned them. If I couldn't stay with the Mansion, then I'd rather run away and live on the streets that stay with them. I was a powerful mutant, I could make a living. If I had to resort to petty crime for a year...then so be it. I looked about the place one last time. My heart throbbed painfully when I realised that I was leaving without saying goodbye to Bobby. In my emotional state I couldn't trust myself to call out telepathically, everyone might hear and my plans would be squelched. Dad must have been getting impatient, because I then heard the car honking like mad. I still had five fucking minutes! I heard another honk and looked towards the hall's direction and saw Bobby running up to me.

Bobby: "Rick, what's going on? What did you guys decide?"

"They want to take me away, Bobby. They want to try and make me go straight."

Bobby: "You're not going with them are you? Y-you're not leaving with them?"

I explained the legal dilemma I faced.

"Bobby, promise me something."

Bobby: "Huh? What, why are you talking this way?"

"Promise me that you won't come out anytime soon. Not until you're strong enough, independent and ready. Spare yourself..."

He ignored my request.

Bobby: "I don't like the way you're talkin'. Rick, what are we going to do?"

"We aren't going to do anything. I'm leaving...but not with them. It'll only be for a year...then I'll be eighteen and I'll be able to come back."

Bobby: "You're running away?! Stop talking this shit. We can work through this...when they see how much we love each other they-"

"Bobby, please don't make this any harder...I don't have any choice. God, I love you so much, I'm doing this for us...please tell me that you can wait for me."

Bobby: "I won't have to, I'll go with you."

"No...your dad will have to be called in, and you'll eventually end up just like me. I won't put you through that. Take care of Paul for me."

Bobby: "You can take care of that damned bird yourself! I can't believe you were going to just leave without telling me goodbye!"

"There isn't any other way. I knew you'd try and stop me. If I go with my parents, we still won't be together...and it'll be worse for me. I can't do it - I'm not that strong to live with them after today."

He tried to pull me back into the hall. He thought that if he tried talking some sense into my parents, it would all iron out, and everything would be okay. I knew a lot better and resisted.

"Bobby, no! Let go!"

Bobby: "I'm not letting you go out there on your own! We just got together, it's not fair!"

"You have to! They'll come in here in a couple minutes and catch me. Please..."

Eventually, he relented and buried his head in my chest. He looked at me closer in the pale light and saw my bruised cheek.

Bobby: "What happened...wait, did he hit you?!"

"Yeah...but I probably deserved it. I dissed him bad, man. Nothing hurts him more than hitting his sense of family."

Bobby: "He's a fuckin' asshole. I'm going to have a talk with his crazy ass."

"No! You mustn't. You have to think reasonably. If you do that, you'll out yourself...promise me, Bobby. If you love me, swear it."

Bobby: "I do love you, but shit..."

"Swear it, Bobby. If you go and out yourself, we're over - and I mean that."

Bobby: "I won't say anything, I swear."

We only had time for one last, forceful kiss, and then I broke free and started towards the back door. He tried to follow me however. He said he'd let me go, but only if he came along with me. All my explaining had done little good.

"I'm sorry, Bobby. But this is for your own good."

"Huh, what?"

With that, I called upon my Earth strength and gave him a punch, knocking him out so that he wouldn't be able to follow me. The last words I heard him say were,

Bobby: "Don't"


The Park

I leaned back on the park bench and wondered what my next move would be. I had no doubt that they would try and search for me. I was grateful to the "Defenders of Humanity" for one thing. When they had infiltrated the Mansion, they used an Electromagnetic pulse to disable all the technology. Even Cerebro, the telapathic amplifier, was hit. Hank was still only halfway through in repairing it when I had left. Xavier's telepathy may have been powerful...but I knew that he would need a Cerebro unit to scan for me amidst millions of other city dwellers... and he didn't have one except for the Blackbird's version of Cerebro. It wasn't as powerful as the stationary one. They would have to move around to scan effectively, like they did on Nova Roma, and flying around the city in a jet like the Blackbird would attract attention. They wouldn't be able to risk it. I decided that settling down just then was probably a bad idea. If they were searching for me...they'd find me if I stayed put. I needed to move around until they gave up the search.

I got up and started walking away from the secluded park area I was in. As if the screwed up day I had wasn't enough, I had to be accosted by a vagabond...a vagabond wielding a particularly wicked knife. He just jumped out of the shadows at me. I was surprised yes...but not scared. A month and a half ago, I'd have sent him flying...but after fighting two storey Sentinels, Brotherhood thugs and facing off against a roaring mudslide...he was nothing. He swung the blade menacingly at me and croaked out his demands in a husky voice.

Thug: "Arriight kid...pass over the shiny bracelet...and don't try nothin' smart."

"Listen dude, you do not want to mess with me right now. Why don't you just go and try to snatch some little old ladies purse, like all the other street thugs do?"

He growled.

Thug: "A wise guy eh? There ain't no little old ladies out this time 'o night. And that band looks genuwyne."

He had a grab and swung the knife at the same time. I sent the knife hurtling out of his hand and telekinetically hovered it over his chest, whilst restraining him mentally. He started crying and begging me not to hurt him.

Thug: "Please...come on kid. I didn't know you was a"


Thug: "Yeah...sorry. I won't try it again!"

"So what if I was just a regular kid?"

He didn't answer. He was so scared, he pissed himself. If I was "normal", I'd probably be bleeding to death right then and there. I tossed the knife aside and ripped chains off a swing, tying him to a tree so that he could think about what he had done.

"What you need is a time-out!"

With that, I left...glad that the city was a little bit safer. My next point of business was to find shelter. If I could survive in the Canadian wilderness...a city shouldn't be too hard. Granted, I'd have to do it for a year...and I didn't have a bad full of goodies or any money in my pockets. I began to ponder the possibility of finding a job. Maybe my parents would leave and I might be able to go back to the Mansion. I cancelled that idea out...they'd organise to have it checked repeatedly. My father was an attorney, and whilst he specialised in Corporate Law...he had a lot of other friends who would be able to help. And they'd probably be out searching for me. He wouldn't let me just win against him...I was sure that he'd want to match my defiance, and come out on top.

Maybe I could lie about my circumstances and get a little job. I was seventeen...I could say that I was doing it to satisfy my parents. That they wanted to see their son get a little responsible in life. It could work... I'd seen stuff like that on tv. Ugh...but having to actually wasn't something I was used to. I stole from a grocery store earlier because I was hungry, and I started feeling a whole lot guilty at that time. I knew I couldn't keep doing that. But when I left the Mansion, I didn't care about consequences, I just needed to get away. And I did...

The city was beautiful at night. The streets were a little was after one in the a.m. after all. And I loved the lights. I was just walking about aimlessly, pondering my goddamned situation, and thinking about how best to resolve it. I didn't even notice where I was going. I didn't know my way around. I just remembered a little of the surroundings from the time we went out. That park was where we had fought Lance and his goons. And I could see a closed McDonald's. Eventually, I found myself in a shady area. And I do mean shady...there were a lot less streetlights and stuff. I turned around, hoping to backtrack my steps and get out of there. It was no use though...I thought that it would be easy to do. Weren't the streets supposed to follow a grid pattern? I only wounded up getting more lost. I didn't like the looks of the place at all. People seemed to be lurking in the shadows all around. They didn't look like harmless, homeless folks. And there were women on the sidewalks. I wasn't a bit naïve. They were hookers...and they were on patrol, soliciting clients. Every now and then a car would stop and one or two would get in and drive off.

I decided that anywhere else was better than there and turned around. There were two skanky women approaching me and I stiffened. I am not grossed out at the thought of women... but these two were really pushing it. They had false bleach blonde hair, and I know for a fact that breasts weren't supposed to be that big. God did not manufacture them in those sizes...cosmetic surgeons did. Hell, they were larger than Emma's and bulged obscenely from their too tight, exposed tops. They walked right up to me and wasted no time in trying to advertise their wares to me. They probably thought that I was a nervous teenager, horny and in the mood for some unconditional sex. I realised that it wasn't wise for me to be there, dressed in designer threads, wearing an expensive ticker on one wrist, and a heavy gold bracelet on the other, with poverty stricken lurkers around. I slowly put my hands behind my back and slipped them into my pocket. I didn't think they were seen. Like I said, there weren't many streetlights on that street...shady.

Hooker1: "Why you lookin' so scared honey?"

Hooker: "We won't bite...not 'less you want us to that is."

They giggled in a lascivious fashion.

"Um...look, got the wrong idea. I'm not here out whoring, I-I mean cruising for sex."

Hooker1: "Aww...give us a chance hon, we'll rock your world."

Hooker2: "Make you feel real good..."

"Listen, I said I don't want to fuck you!"

Their tone changed from seductive to irate.

Hooker1: "What, we not good enough for your pampered ass!?!"

Okay, hooker number1 was scary.

Hooker2: "What the fuck are sayin'?!"

What was her deal?

Hooker1: "Well, I'll be damned! You wanna fuck us blue in the face and now you don't wanna pay?!"

Oh my God...they were trying to attract attention, probably from their pimps. They going to lie and try to extort money from me! Money I didn't have.

Hooker2: "You mean to tell me after all the kinky shit you made us do, you ain't shellin' out?! See Trina, this what you get when you do little boys a favor!"

I backed off a little, ad bumped into two muscled up men. Okay, I took it that they were the pimps. The rest of the street's denizens were looking on by then.

"Uh, listen...I didn't do nothin'."

Pimp1: "Listen kid. I'm sick and tired 'o you pretty boys fucking my bitch and then not payin' for the pop! So dish it out!"

Pimp2: "Trina, much money do you think he owes? Did y'all give him a good time?"

Hooker1: "He owe us like five-hundred dollars, Vince! And that's cheap, we were doin' him a favor. Right, Misty?"

Hooker2: "Yeah Trina...he better pay it. My pussy is so sore, I don't think I can work tomorrow. And I needs my cashflow, okay!"

I was a little intimidated. I mean, using my powers against one small time robber was one thing. He was just one guy. But there was an entire street full of witnesses there. And if I did, it would cause a panic and then I might be responsible for giving mutant kind a bad reputation - well, worsening our public reputation anyway.

"Okay, um...sir, I'm telling you I didn't fuck these women. They...aren't my type."

That didn't do a bit of good. In their world, people lied all the time. It was an integral part of their existance. So they no doubt thought I was lying.

Pimp1: "Okay, here's what's going to happen. You're going to reach down into that pocket of yours, pull out your wallet and take out five-hundred dollars in cold hard cash."

I didn't have any money.

"And what if I don't?"

Pimp2: "Then, you're going to have to work out your debt."

I didn't see any dishes to wash. Or any odd jobs that I could do. That's what people usually did to "work" out debts, right? I got the feeling that it wasn't what they had in mind.

"What do you mean ^work out my debt^?"

The pimps explained it to me. Apparently, they ran a slick operation and catered for All types, deviant perverts included. Basically, if I couldn't pay my way directly...I would have to become a boy whore and service horny men until I came up with five hundred dollars for them. And if I didn't...well you know - they'd beat me up real bad and leave me for dead.

Pimp1: "You ain't a bad lookin' dude. Not bad at'll make five hundred, real quick. If you treat your clients good, maybe in three pops."

"I don't think so."

Pimp2: "If you don't get your ass out on that corner you'll just hafta - Officer Hansen!"

I turned around and saw a cop walking down the street towards us. Thank God...I didn't really want to have to resort to my mutant abilities.

Officer Hansen: "What seems to be the problem here?"

Pimp1: "N-nothing officer. We, uh - were just givin' this kid directions."

They couldn't press charges for my "crime"! Haha! I was free...

"Um, yeah sir. I was lost..."

Officer Hansen: "Follow me kid. It ain't safe to be around this alleyway this time of night. Or in the daytime for that matter. "

"Yes sir."

I started walking with the officer away from the thugs, while tossing them a teasing glance. Their faces bore nothing but suppressed rage. At least I didn't have to resort to mutant powers...or putting my ass up for rent! I might have wrecked the place, destroyed public property, hurt people and get arrested or something. Or caught something if I'd had to go out whoring myself.

Officer Hansen: "So what are you doin' out so late, kid? It's two-fifteen, I know that's way past curfew."

I better come up with something quick.

"I was out partying and well...I got a little lost. Man, my parents are gonna freak when they find out."

He didn't look like he bought it. I thought he should have...I mean, I'm not actor, but there was nothing wrong with my performance.

Officer Hansen: "Uh huh...why don't you let me give you a lift home. It's dangerous this time of night."

" It's fine, I can find my way around just fine from here, sir. Thanks for the help."

I made to walk away when he reached out and stopped me.

Officer Hansen: "Why'd you do it, kid?"

"Do what sir?"

Officer Hansen: "Run away?"

Huh?! Was I that obvious? I didn't think it was stamped onto my forehead or anything.

"I-I don't know what you're talkin' about, sir. Look, I really gotta get home."

Officer Hansen: "Back to the Xavier Institute?"

What the Hell did he just say?!


Officer Hansen: "Around six-thirty, we got a missing persons report. We were just told to keep our eyes open and if we saw a kid matching the description anywhere, to notify. We got a photo to boot..."

He reached into his pocket, pulled out his wallet and gave me a small slip of paper. It was the exact same clothes and everything!

"It's from my birthday party earlier...Jean went camera happy", I said absently. It was spontaneous.

Officer Hansen: "That was today? Hmm, you looked happy too. Why'd you run away, son?"

At the mention of the word son, I choked slightly.

"I-I didn't run away. I...just went for a walk, got lost...and now I'll just go back home to the school. Thanks...but you don't have to notify anybody."

Officer Hansen: "You think I don't know a troubled teen when I see one? I see troubled teens everyday...heck, sometimes they're my own kids. So, again, quit the lying and tell me why you ran away. That school's pretty high end..."

They must have put out a report stating that one of their students had gone missing. I was right...they would have trouble tracking me without the full version of Cerebro. So they were using the police.

"I just told you, I didn't run away! I went for a walk, that's it...sir."

Officer Hansen: "Do they treat you bad there..."

"No, I had great teachers, great friends...I had it all."

Officer Hansen: "So what happened to change that?"


Officer Hansen: "You said ^had^, so what happened to change that?"

He must have picked up on my subconscious use of the past tense. The remembrance of everything that had happened was just a little too much. I was outside in a strange city, cold, scared and I wanted Bobby. I almost wished he came with me. Then I realised how selfish I was being...he shouldn't have to ruin his relationships with his friends and family on my account. A quick tear slipped out, but I wiped it away fast. The cop must have seen the bruise on my had become pretty wicked looking, and it had started to hurt a little bad. I shifted my face to hide it, but it was too late.

Officer Hansen: "Who did that to you? And don't tell me that you fell down the stairs or got hit by a door."

I remained silent.

Officer Hansen: "I can't help you son, if you won't let me."

"Stop calling me that...I'm not your son, and you're not my damned father, alright! And I don't need your help."

I couldn't stop the emotional outburst. I didn't want to hear him or anyone else call me "son". He wasn't dad. My own parents had forsaken that right, and I wasn't going to give anyone else the privilege. Officer Hansen must have been one smart and intuitive cop. But then again, who knew how many teenaged cases he'd had.

Officer Hansen: "Was it your dad?"

B-I-N-G-O, and Bingo was his namo.

"What makes you say that?"

Officer Hansen: "Judging from your don't like me calling you son, and the way you scowled when you mentioned your ^ Damned Father^."

He was a smart guy. And he seemed nice enough. There was something about him that reminded me a little of Logan...or how Logan used to be. Because he had surely changed his perception of me by then. He couldn't even look me in the eyes. But I was reminded a little of how he was at our first meeting.

"Who reported me missing? My parents or the school?"

Officer Hansen: "The was a Professor Xavier."

Xavier, maybe my parents had given up and left. They so didn't want a gay son after all. Maybe I could go back.

Officer Hansen: "But he said that you're parents are worried sick, so- uh kid."

"I doubt it, sir. Very much doubt it. They aren't my favorite people in the whole world right now...and - Professor Xavier, he's just saying that so that I'll go back, but I am not going back. I won't...I won't."

At that the memories came rushing right back and I had to lean onto a post for support.

Officer Hansen: "Whoa, whoa...take it easy, kid. It's never as bad as you think it is."

"Yes it is. You don't know what happened."

Officer Hansen: "So tell me. What was it, real bad grades... Or did they have problems with certain friends of Mari-Juan and Ana? Or did you go and get some girl knocked up?"

At the last suggestion, I actually smiled a bit bitterly. I wish...

"No, if it were that, he wouldn't dare reproach me. He was guilty of some of those things when he was my age...younger in fact."

Officer Hansen: "Oh... So what else could it be?"

"My parents hate me, my ex-friends hate me, my teachers won't look me in the eye...I only have a handful of people left who actually give a shit where I am right now...and I'm not going to have a policeman on my case too, okay?"

Several minutes of silence passed before he spoke again. He seemed to be thinking deeply. When he did speak, it was in a reminiscent he was talking partly to me and partly to himself...remembering. I got a sudden flash of sorrow from him telepathically, then I forced the impression out of my mind.

Officer Hansen: "Take it from me, kid. Parents don't ever hate their children. They might forget how much they love them...for a little while or a lot longer, but they never really hate their matter how bad they treat 'em."

"Yeah, how do you know that?"

Officer Hansen: "Cuz I've been down that road. I got two kids myself. A son and a daughter. Tyler...kid's super smart. Takes after his mom. He's probably gonna win a Nobel Prize someday. Two years ago...I forgot how much I loved my son."

"What happened? Real bad a B+ instead of an A? Or did you catch him fraternising with Mari-Juan and Ana? Or maybe he knocked up some girl?"

He chuckled, amused.

Officer Hansen: "No. It was a Tuesday was raining. He came inside all soaking wet. I thought it was raindrops leaking down his hair and onto his face...not tears, you know?"

"Um, yeah...I guess. What was he crying about?"

Officer Hansen: "He didn't say anything to me right away. He waited until Katherine came home, my wife...his mom. Then he said he wanted to tell us something real important. He needed to talk to us alone..."

"Was he in some kind of trouble?"

Officer Hansen: "No, not really. Not then anyway... But he told us something that just...well shocked the hell out of us. Out of me mostly. I it doesn't matter what exactly. But I couldn't handle it very well, and we had a real bad fight. His mother and I had a fight that night too. I ended up throwing him out of our house... I ended up being kicked out by my wife and daughter for it too."

He didn't seem the type at all. Like I said, he seemed like a teddy bear, like Logan was.

" don't seem like that kind of guy to me."

He looked touched, and at the same time embarassed.

Officer Hansen: "I still can't believe I did it. I went to stay with my partner's family for a few days, in their basement. They thought that Kat and I were having a little relationship trouble. Anyhow, a few days later I got a call. It was from my daughter, Jenny. I can't stand to see or hear my baby girl cry, but she was all torn up, and I could hear Kat screaming in the background...and sirens."

"Sirens?! What was up?"

Officer Hansen: "He'd come back home. But not to stay...he'd come to say goodbye to his mom and sister. He took one of my guns and shot himself with it. I had heard the ambulance's sirens going off. He was in a coma for three months...he almost went under a few times. I never forgave myself for throwing him out... I'm surprised that he or anyone else can."

"Did he do something that bad?"

Officer Hansen: " wasn't bad or nothin'. I just couldn't handle it at the time is all. I was hurt...and that's why I did it. But I never hated him. When you're say and do a lot of things you regret."

"I don't mean to...well I don't want to say that what happened wasn't bad. But I...did something that my Dad will just never be able to forgive me for. It can't be changed, and he insists on trying to change it, and he won't love me like he used to unless it can be changed...and it can't. But he wanted to try and force me to change who I am."

Oh no! Change who I am? Had I rambled too much?!

Officer Hansen: "Change who you are? What do you mean by that, kid?"

Thinking quickly...

"Um...I'm not like other teenagers."

Officer Hansen: "Everyone's different. What do you mean he wanted to change who you are?"

"It's nothing."

Officer Hansen: " about I tell you my secret...and you can tell me a trade?"


Officer Hansen: "My kid, well he won't mind. It's not a secret anymore, really. Practically everyone in our neighborhood knows. And you don't seem like a judgemental type...he told me that he was gay that Tuesday afternoon."

No fucking way! The shock on my face no doubt startled him.

Officer Hansen: "Okay...I take it you're not comfortable with this..."

"H-he's gay...and you're okay with that?"

Officer Hansen: "I learned to see past it, and see that he was my son first and foremost. I remembered how much I loved him. Don't look so thrown off, kid. Damn, if I'd know it would shake yuh up like that-"

"'s not that at all. It's just"

I looked up at him and he nodded slightly.

Officer Hansen: "Yeah...remember, we had a deal."

"I sorta told my parents that...that I was gay this afternoon too. And we had a big fight, almost the entire school knows."

His eyebrows raised slightly...but to his credit, he quickly lowered them.

Officer Hansen: " it make sense. So how old are you today?"

"Seventeen...maybe I should have waited 'til I was eighteen, huh? I just never thought that they would react like that... Well, mom's just going along with whatever he wants. But he won't stop until I'm straight, and that's never going to happen."

Officer Hansen: " back there...with those whores...were you trying to make yourself go straight?"

Interesting concept. I think they could have converted a straight guy...

"No...I was telling the truth when I said I was lost."

Officer Hansen: "Oh. Just remember what I told you. Your parents can never stop loving you. Not really..."

"I hate them. And that's never going to change."

Officer Hansen: "Don't say that, son...sorry. Force of habit..."

"No, it's true. And that's why I'm not going back. I can't stay at the school cuz it'll get them, the School Staff, into trouble. I'm seventeen and my...parents have custody. I have to wait 'til I'm eighteen to stay there."

Officer Hansen: "So what do you plan on doing? Running for a year? The streets aren't kind. Why don't you go talk it over? I know I secretly wished Tyler would have come back and talked to me. But I didn't want to look weak, like I was the one who went looking for him."

"I don't want to see them again. I---think he regrets that I was born."

Officer Hansen: "Huh?"

"He got mom pregnant when they were both fifteen. And he told me that if he knew I was going to turn out like I did...well he didn't say what he would have done, but I can deduce."

I began to wonder if he really would have asked mom to have an abortion. Would she have gone along with it? Or would I have been sent to foster care?

"So what are you going to do? Are you going to notify me?"

Officer Hansen: "I just...I don't know what to do. I think you should call though, call and tell the Principal that you are at least alright."

"I...don't have any money."

He started thinking.

Officer Hansen: "Here, look...take these, and there's a phone booth right over your right, next to that hydrant. Can I trust you to still be here, I'll just be gone a few minutes?"

I took the quarters and asked,

"Can I trust you not to notify once my back is turned."

Officer Hansen: "I won't. Promise...I'll be right back."

He left and walked around the corner. I meanwhile, made my way over to the phonebooth. Placing the quarter into the slot, I steeled myself. I prayed that I didn't hear dad or mom's voice on the other side of the line. God was with me...

Jean: "H-hello?"

"Jean, it's Rick. Don't say it's me. I just want you to know that I'm okay. Is anyone in the room with you?"

Jean: "No, they're all out, looking for you honey. Sweetie, please come back...please don't do-"

"Is Bobby okay? I know I hit him hard."

Jean: "He was just unconscious...he's out there with them now, searching for you."

"Who's looking?"

Jean: "Every member of both the Junior and Senior teams, except me and Hank. I stayed behind in case you called...and Hank stayed behind to defend the school.

"Don't bother looking. I'm not coming back, not unless I don't have to go with my parents. Feed my macaw...just stay away from avocados and swear words, okay? I love you, Jean. Goodbye."

Jean: "Rick, no...wait-"

I hung up before I weakened and actually started considering listening to her. They were out looking for me? It wouldn't be wise to stick around in plain view, on the street no less. It was a big city yes... But I said that I would wait until Officer Hansen came back. After how cool he'd been to me...I couldn't just run. No matter how much I wanted to. A car passed by then. A police car. It slowed and stopped. I peered at it and saw Officer Hansen at the wheel.

Officer Hansen: "Hop in, kid."

"N-no. I'm not going back."

I started to back away a little.

Officer Hansen: "Whoa! I'm not taking you back to the school, or to a police station. At least not just yet. It's cold out, damned late, and you should be undercover with a roof over your head. You're coming home with me, I just called Kat and she insisted."

I approached the car carefully. It would be a good hiding place. And it was cold, and I was tired. So I got in. He handed me a parcel of something.

Officer Hansen: "Here, you look hungry. There are cream filled, and plain."

"Um, doughnuts?"

Officer Hansen: "What cop worth his badge wouldn't keep extras...just in case?"

He winked. I was a little hungry. The Pringles had worn off by then.

"Thanks, sir. For everything..."


The Hansen Household

It was close to three when we pulled up to Jimmy Hansen's house. It wasn't as big or plush as mine. But it looked cosy and it had a nice lawn.

"Nice place you got here."

Jimmy: "Thanks. It ain't much...but home is where the heart is."

He led me up to the front door and rang the doorbell. A middle aged woman answered the door. She looked to be around his age, late thirties. I could tell that she was a kind sort. It was more than the expression on her face. I could sense her concern.

Katherine: "Oh, come in honey. It's a little chilly out."

She pulled me inside and Jimmy closed the door. They did a little hug and kiss thing, and then she surveyed me. In the bright light of their living room, the bruise was pretty visible. She visibly cringed..

Katherine: "Oh my! Um...hello, there. I'm Katherine, what's your name?"

"It's Rick, Mrs. Hansen."

Katherine: "Kat will be just fine, dear. How did you get that bruise, Rick? Were you in a fight?"

I looked away.

Jimmy: "Kat..."

She took that to mean that it wasn't wise to bring it up. But she did show me to their bathroom and let me use their first aid kit to clean it up. I had a bath, which I really felt I could do with, and they had some clothes for me to wear when I got out. Tyler must have been my size.

Kat: "Come on, it's straight up to bed with you young man."

And I was led up to their guest room. I promptly got between the covers and fell asleep.


Earlier - The Xavier Institute

Bobby woke up with a splitting headache. He'd better not get on Rick's bad side...ever. Rick had run off somewhere, and he was all alone. His asshole of a father had hit him too. His mother had done nothing to stop his dad. And they wanted to try and force him to go straight. He stood up and tried to shake out the cobwebs from his head. Whilst he was doing that, he heard shouting. It was Rick's father.

Joshua: "Rick, that's it boy! Get your ass in that car, now!"

Bobby wanted to just go over and punch him until he knocked some sense into him. But he had to resist and not act suspicious. He had promised that he wouldn't risk outting himself. If he did...Rick said he'd leave him. He didn't know if it was a bluff or not...but he wasn't brave enough to take the chance. Jean's voice could be heard next.

Jean: "Joshua, calm your ass down! He's probably saying his goodbyes or something. I'll go get him."

He heard her go up the stairs and he went after her.

Bobby: "Jean, wait up. He isn't there."

Jean: "Where is he?"

He explained it all to her and she started freaking out. She closed her eyes and he could tell that she was communicating telepathically with someone. Either that or scanning.

Jean: "I can't feel him anywhere. He must be a good distance away! I'll get the Professor and notify his parents."

Bobby: "What the fuck do they care?"

Jean: "Bobby, if we don't tell them...we could get brought up in court. I'm sorry...I don't want them to go through with it either. But we have to."

Bobby: "It isn't fair...we only just got together yesterday! And now his parents... He was so excited, Jean. You should have see how happy he was..., especially for his dad. He was gonna see him for the first time since he came to stay here.."

Jean gave him an affectionate hug and then went off to notify everyone about the discovery. Bobby went along with her, back downstairs where his parents were anxiously waiting.

Joshua was pissed.

Joshua: "Well, where is he? Judging by the way everyone was looking at him...he can't have that many friends to say goodbye to."

{Bobby: He's an asshole...hard to believe Rick's his son. They only look alike.}

{Jean: I know...}

To their shock, Rick's mother intruded into their conversation. Bobby had been the one to initiate it, she must have heard his call to Jean. They silently gave thanks that they had not revealed anything more than support for Rick...or Bobby would have had some explaining to do.

{Julie: He's not a bad person. He loves his son. He just wants what's best for him is all.}

Jean: "He's not here, Joshua. He's not in the Mansion, or on the grounds."

Joshua took a moment to process her statement. The first thing that he thought of, was that they were trying to cover for Rick and hide him from them.

Joshua: "What, you're trying to cover for him? Hiding him? Listen, Jean...I'm a lawyer, I'll be able to get my son away from you people. By tomorrow, this place will be swarming with-"

Xavier: "We are not hiding him, Joshua. Julie, perhaps you will scan for him yourself?"

She did.

Julie: "They're right, Josh. He isn't here. I can't feel him anywhere."

Bobby: "I saw him run out. He said he wasn't going anywhere with you."

Julie: "God, we have to go find him! Professor, take me to Cerebro."

They explained the situation. Cerebro was under repair, after a certain electromagnetic pulse disabled it. All they had was the Blackbird's version, and it was far less powerful. They would have to fly around, and that would be very suspicious. They might even be thought of as terrorists...high tech Jet...flying back and forth over a major city at night...far away from any commercial flight paths.

Xavier: "We have to notify the police, use any and every means of finding him. Then we can go civilian guise of course, and search for him. Physically and telepathically."

Just then Jacob came into the room, breathless. It was obvious he'd been running.

Jake: "Professor, something's wrong...I can't-"

He looked around and saw that Rick's parents were in the room.

Jake: "Um...I can't find Rick. He isn't in his room. I went to return a CD and he wasn't there."

{Jake: Professor, I can't sense him anywhere! He must be out of range or...God, you don't think he could have tried anything, I mean-hurt himself because of this...right?}

Xavier took the time to explain the situation fully. Then he contacted the rest of the team telepathically and alerted them of the current crisis of sorts. They were to get dressed and be ready to go out searching the city in half an hour. Xavier knew he could have covered a lot of ground if he decided to fly off somewhere. But he didn't think he would just then. He would be homesick...he would be missing Jake, maybe would not want to leave then and there. It was obviously unplanned...Robert said that he ran off. He'd be indecisive. They would have to use his indecision to find him and find him quickly. He left to place a call to the local Chief of Police.


Scott was shell shocked!! How the hell did he miss that one? Rick didn't seem the gay type. Then again, there was no such thing. It wasn't as if Scott himself talked all fluty and hgh pitched, or walked with a seductive wiggle of the hips. He was a gay guy, didn't he have gaydar? As if that wasn't enough of a shock, the way Joshua treated his own son... Sure, Scott was a friend, but Rick was his flesh and blood. He was in his room going through the events when he felt Xavier's telepathic presence invade his sanctuary. Rick was missing, most likely, he had run away. What angered him most was what Joshua proposed to "cure" him of his "Sickness". It was one thing to treat him like a disease, but to do that to his own kid? Scott wasn't going to stand for it any longer. He was going to have a man to man talk with Joshua. It would be the first time they had spoken in years.

He got himself ready to go out for the search that Xavier proposed and went downstairs. He would have to approach it carefully, the last thing he wanted was to be outted to everyone else. He'd need to get him alone...that could prove problematic. But he got lucky, whilst everyone else was inside getting ready and going over which parts of the city they were to search, Joshua was outside...on the veranda. He walked over to him, but kept his distance.

Scott: "Josh - (better call him by his full name) - Joshua?"

He turned. Scott expected an immediate and violent reaction. They had made a deal when he came out. Scott would stay away from him, and his shameful secret would stay just that - a shameful secret. But he wasn't violent...he didn't look happy at seeing him, that was for sure. But he seemed the broken shell of a man. Scott didn't doubt for a second that if he had the strength then and there, he would have fought him. But it was plain to see...he was tired.

Joshua: "What did you come to do? Gloat...haha, look at me, couldn't even raise my own kid right?"

Scott: "I didn't come to gloat. I came to talk some sense into you."

Joshua: "I don't need any input from you."

Scott: "Do you want your son to keep running from you?"

Joshua: "N-no...God no."

It was certain that he didn't want that. He may have acted like a tough guy. But they had shared everything growing up. If it was one thing that Joshua valued above all else, it was family. And Rick was family.

Scott: "Then do the the right thing!"

His temper flared.

Joshua: "What?! Sit idly by and watch my son start dating other boys?!"

Scott: "No! Look past it and realise that he didn't change, it's only your perception of him that did! The problem doesn't lie with him, it's on you."

Joshua: "Where do you fags get this stuff?"

Fag?! Oh, now it's so on!

Scott: "What the fuck did you just call me?!"

And there they were, settling it out like men. Scott threw the first punch and it felt good to see him fly back with the force of it. It wasn't long before he got one in return, but he wasn't rusty like Joshua. He had kept up to date with his training, he easily blocked it.

Scott: "Rick didn't ask for this, Joshua. Deal with it. It's never gonna change, and if you expect to have anything resembling a relationship with your'll have to come to terms with it!"

Joshua: "I am not losing my family to this! I want to have grandkids some day, Scott. I want to grow old and still hear the pitter patter of little feet!"

Scott: "Oh, well in case you don't know, you're young enough to have more kids. If Rick doesn't want to that is. But it'll be selfish of you to if all you have them for, is for grandkids. Pushing away an existant kid for non-existant don't see how crazy that is?"

It did make a crazy sort of sense. He wanted grandkids... It was his sense of family that could have been causing the problem.

Joshua: "What the hell do you know?"

Scott: "I know a lot. Remember what we used to talk about when we were teens?"

Joshua: "I remember you telling me how much you wanted to kiss me."

Scott: "Wrong memory, but I'm flattered that you'd remember that memory instead of the more relavant ones."

He scowled.

Scott: "What I'm talking about sounds more like this. Remember how we used to tell each other that when we had kids, we were gonna be the best goddamned dads ever? Remember how we said that we'd give them everything we'd always wanted, but never had? What happened to alla that?"

Joshua turned away. It was a while before Scott realised that he was crying. At least some part of him could be reached.

Joshua: "H-he won't want anything to do with me now."

"So, you're too much of a coward to even try?"

Right on target. No one calls Joshua a coward and gets away with it.

Joshua: "I'll make things right...I'll make things right again."

Then there was an awkward moment of silence.

Joshua: "Thanks...Scott."

Scott: "No problem."

Scott turned to go back into the building.

Joshua: "Scott?"

Scott: "Yeah?"

A surge of hope...was it going to finally happen?

Joshua: "It's...nothing, never mind."

So much for that. What was he expecting, a big mushy plead for forgiveness? Rick was his son, they were family. What was he beyond an ex-best friend?


Hansen Household - Morning After

I woke up at around seven-fifteen that morning. It was surprising how at comfortably I had slept. I was normally very nervous around strangers, but Jimmy and Kat just radiated something that comforted me. I walked tentatively to the door, opened it and peered out. Jimmy and Kat were adults, but there were two teenagers there too. A boy and a girl. They should be nice, with parents like them... Still, I knew that I had better be careful. I was glancing towards my left and when I turned right,

Girl: "Boo!"

"Wha! Uh-I mean-"

Jenny: "Whoa, hey - I was just teasing. I'm look, mom asked me to give you these."

She handed me a toothbrush and a cup. I thanked her. There was something about her that just reminded me of Jubilee. I stared at her a little absently.

Jenny: "Ooh, that's a mean looking bruise there."

"It's nothing."

Jenny: "Oh, okay. Mom says to hurry and come down to the breakfast table, or there won't be anything left...I swear - the way Tyler eats. I'm surprised we can afford to feed him."

Tyler...I smiled. She returned it and went back downstairs. I was planning my course of action. Today, Jimmy was going to let me in on his decision. Would he decide on turning me in, make me go back to the school...and my parents? What would I do if he did? I walked as silently down the stairs as I could. Then I stopped at the entrance to the kitchen and listened in on them. They were talking.

Tyler: "So come on, Jenny. Tell he hot?"

Jenny: "Oh, stop pestering me! You'll see for yourself."

Tyler: "Stop being such an aggravating bitch and tell me. You know we have the same taste in men."

Jimmy: "Tyler, don't call your sister a bitch!"

Kat: "Jim, don't raise your voice...we have a guest in the house."

A few moments of silence passed, then the talk continued.

Tyler: "So what did this guy do, dad? Oh he a bad boy? Cuz you know I dig bad boys!"

I heard Kat stifle a laugh and Jenny sighed angrily. Jimmy sighed along with her...but more tired than angry. We did come in at three that morning.

Jenny: "Is that why you tried putting the moves on my boyfriend, Ty? Huh?"

Tyler: "Hey, when he was over here we talked. You weren't even trying to give up the pussy, or even give the poor dude some head. He was hot, horny and was I. What did you expect me to do?"

Jimmy: "Tyler...please, son. We're eating over here. And Jenny, good girl. If he couldn't keep faithful to you because you wouldn't um...give into his demands, then he wasn't the boy for you."

Tyler: "And it wasn't like I knew you were boyfriend/girlfriend at the time. You swore that he was just a friend. And when he started talking about that stuff, I thought he was trying to become ^intimate friends^ with you. You know, like a fuck buddy."

Kat: "Tyler, boy - I will wash your mouth with bleach!"

Jenny: "Yeah mom, it's due to be disinfected. You so do NOT know where it's been. And you let him kiss you?"

I heard a scuffling sound and Jenny laughing heartily.

Tyler: "Oh...Jenny, you better sleep with your eyes closed!"

Jimmy: "Stop threatening your sister, son."

Kat: "Um...Tyler, sweetie, we talked about-"

Tyler: "Please let's not talk about my sex life. Not at breakfast okay?"

I decided to just go in then. Before I'd have to walk into the room at a more awkward moment. They immediately hushed up and were all smiles. The sudden shift in their emotions was damned funny. I took a look at Tyler. There was something about him that made me think of John. A gay version of him, obsessed with sex, but just with boys instead of girls. Come to think of it, Kat was like an even mix of Ororo and Jean. She had Ororo's motherly attitude, and Jean's fiery tenacity. I realised I was staring again. Kat made to walk over and guide me towards the table. But Tyler beat her to it. Real subtle... I saw his supposedly hidden smirk at Jenny. They obviously didn't know that I knew that he was gay. But that didn't seem a problem with him though, because he just about blurted it out himself.

Tyler: "So I was in gym class, right? And then when it comes time to shower, Andy comes up to the shower next to me. And he ALWAYS showers next to ME. So I'm thinking gay or at least bi. But I'm almost convinced that he's gay. I think he could be the one."

Jenny: "It doesn't prove anything...he doesn't HAVE to be gay. Andy Walker has a girlfriend."

Tyler: "So did I, until I came out. Besides, why does he keep dropping the soap and bending over all the time, giving me a nice view? Hmm..."

I was just so shocked that he could be so open. Kat and Jenny were looking apologetically at me.

Kat: "I'm sorry if you find this a little too much dear. Tyler, cut it out."

Tyler: "What? what's your name?"


Tyler: "You aren't um, homophobic or anything are you, Rick?"

"No...definitely not homophobic."

Jimmy looked amused. I took it as a sign of encouragement.

Jenny: "You sure you aren't? Let me tell you a little about my brother here. You might want to watch him after that."

Tyler: "Jenny! Don't you mind her, Rick. She's just jealous...every boy who's dated her, has only done so to get closer to me...isn't that right Jen Jen? Hahaha!"

Jenny had no comment. I took it he was right. He was real Bobby, but no slouch either.

Tyler: "What was that, Jenny? I don't hear your witty comeback."

Her expression was a cross between sheepish and pissed.

Jenny: "Oh I can get a man, Ty. But he'll be someone who can accept me for me...not because of sex."

Tyler: "Good luck with that! Personally, I don't get how guys can trust something that bleeds for days at a time, on a monthly basis by the way...and doesn't die! How do you stand it, Rick?"

Jimmy burst out laughing. Kat looked confused and mildly annoyed at Tyler's anti-female comment. Tyler must have had faulty gaydar if he thought I was a straight...but then again, so did I.

Kat: "Well son, in case you've came into the world through one of those bleeding holes."

So, eeewww! What made it worse was the fact that she had brought up blood whilst I was enjoying pancake syrup.

Jenny: "Dad?! You're just gonna let him talk to me that way?"

He just continued laughing and nodded to me encouragingly.

Tyler: "Yeah, so like I was asking, how do you stand it, Rick?"

"Um...I don't."

That got their attention alright.

Kat: "Are you saying that-"

"Yeah...I'm gay."

No lightning, no thunder. Just us chowing down on pancakes until.

Tyler: "Okay, so how old are you, what's your sun-sign and are you a top or a bottom?"

There were groans all around. I of course tried to act good natured. They seemed to be used to it. I didn't answer the last question though. But he decided that I was "versatile".

Jenny: "Forgive my brother here. Tyler, what ever happened to Andy Walker being the one?"

Tyler: "Oh, he's cute but...gosh, you know I dig blondes more!"

He turned to me.

Tyler: "Okay, so is that hair really blonde, or did you dye it? Cuz if it's dyed...dude, you gotta give me your secret! I've been thinkin' of doing something with mine. Red is just so not me."

Jenny: "So was black, green and light brown..."

Tyler: "Are your eyes really that shade of green, or are they contacts? Cuz man, you are smokin'! Dad, how long is he staying? I think I'm in love!"

At that question, we all got a little quiet.

"Um, Mr. Hansen...have you decided what you're going to do?"

The rest of them looked confused. They were apparently in the dark about exactly why their father had brought me home exactly. They must have thought that I had done something wrong. And that he had found me skulking around at night. Or that maybe I was a juvenile delinquent that he had let stay the night on the way to the proper authorities. I decided to enlighten them.

Kat: "You ran away?"

It brought back bad memories for all of them and I felt the sudden shift in Tyler's emotions. I explained about the legal ramifications, exactly why I was forced to run away.

Jimmy: "So, let me get this straight? The school is willing to let you stay with them, but it's your parents that aren't?"

"Yeah... I mean, there a few teachers there that are way cool. My parents were orphans, and they grew up there. I guess you could kind of say that they could be like family. Like the principal, Professor Xavier - he's like a great grandfather or something. And I have like two virtual aunts...well one of them I can count on. And a virtual uncle I guess...but dad hates him. But he's cool. Professor Xavier said that I could stay with them when I'm older. But I am not staying with my parents. They'll try to starighten me out, and make me hate myself. Plus dad probably hates my guts now."

Jimmy: "This changes everything."

"It does?"

Jimmy: "If you can get your parents to sign over custody to one of them, you could stay with the school."

"But they won't. They want to straighten me Help me."

Kat: "I think if they didn't really love you, they'd have just disowned and left you. They do love you, but just don't know how to deal with this right. They want to help, but they think...straightening you is the way."

I never thought about that. My parents never spoke to me that way before. What else was I to think? Still, they had to have known how much they were hurting me. So that was no excuse. They knew they were traumatising me, and they still went through with it. I couldn't see how I'd ever forgive them.

"Even so...I can't see myself forgiving them. But I'm not going back. If you send me back, I'll just run away again."

Jenny: "I think that maybe your running away, may have made them see how serious you are about this. They may have weakened a little."

"You think?"

Tyler: "Go back home...and try to work it out. Take it from me..."

"I wouldn't know what to say. I can't see myself apologising."

Kat: "It is your choice, right Jimmy?"

Jimmy: "Right. I won't force you to go back to the school. It's your call..."

"Thanks sir. For not notifying me, and for a place to sleep overnight. I gotta go."

Tyler: "Home?"

"I don't know yet."

I went back upstairs and got my stuff, changed prepared to leave.

Kat: "Here...whatever you decide, you call us and let us know how it all worked out, okay?"

She handed me a phone number.

Jimmy: "Yeah, and if you need a hot plate or a warm bed to lie on, it's okay if you drop by."

Tyler: "Uh huh. You can lie in my bed anytime! I'll keep you warm and toasty just fine."

Jenny: "Ugh, Tyler!... Take care. It'll work out, you'll see."

I thanked them, and after hugs and handshakes, I was out of their house. They lived pretty near to where Jimmy had picked me up the night before, so finding my way back to the park wasn't any problem. Was it possible for me to convince my parent to sign over custody? I went over to the swings. Anybody would think that I was crazy, but I enjoyed it. I might as well get used to alternative entertainment...there might not be much tv and video games for a while. It was early in the morning, and the park was pretty empty. The swing slowed down and I was about to give it another kick off, when I felt someone push me forward from behind. The swing started moving again. Startled, I glanced back quickly.

"Lance?! Back off!"

I jumped off the swing and assumed defensive position. It had been a while since we had to deal with Brotherhood agents. Or goons for that matter. We did fight it off right there in that park after all. And he said it was his turf... I glanced around and started scanning for the presence of others.

Lance: "Take it easy hotstuff...aren't you at least a little happy to see me?"

He was getting closer. I threw a bolt of electricity that fried the ground in front of him.

"Don't get any closer! I've gotten a whole lot more powerful since we last met."

Lance: "Hmm...and a lot more bitchy too! Say, where did you get that bruise? And what the hell are you doin' out of the Mansion grounds? It's way early?"

"Don't you have some place to be?"

Lance: "Actually, I'm a bad guy...we do tend to lurk around, at all hours and at all kinds of places. So...what are you doing here? I used to be a student there, you know. Wait...they don't know you're here do they?"

I backed away slightly.

Lance: "They hardly ever let students out. Maybe it has something to do with baddies like us being around."

He was watching my bruise more closely.

Lance: "So you ran away, huh?"

Lance was smarter than I gave him credit for.

Lance: "Anything to do with that bruise...what, boyfriend trouble?"

"It's none of your damned business! Now go, or I'll make you."

Lance: " really think you can? I'm pretty powerful...they didn't tell you about the time I held all of California State at ransom did they...thanks to my powers and the San Andreas fault?"

Hearing that, I stepped back a little more. I was trying to not let him intimidate me...and he was intimidating.

Lance: "Now, since you're out here...looking real unhappy like by the must have done something so bad, that you just can't go back, can you?"

Real smart...

" wouldn't be here right now, would you?"

"If you don't just go, and leave in peace by the time I count to ten-"

He ignored my threat.

Lance: "So, if you can't go back to Xavier's...why dontcha come home with me? I'll treat you right...I swear."

"You that deluded?"

Lance: "No...seriously. We could always use some new recruits. And Magneto is one hell of a leader. Look at me, I'm gay and I run one of his junior teams...equally opportunities baby. And they don't discriminate against former X-men either. So what do you say?"

"I don't think so."

Lance: "Well, I asked nice. I suppose I could just fight you, knock you unconscious...and carry you back for Mastermind to work his magic on you. But I'm telling you this kid, you'll go far. Mystique has her eye on you, and that woman knows talent."

"Who the hell is Mystique?"

Lance: "Oops, that slipped out...disregard that last part. You're a piece of know that?"

"I don't appreciate your come ons."

Lance: "Well, you are sexy as hell, but I wasn't talkin' 'bout that this time around. You don't know how special you are...your powers. Sure, psychic and whatnot. Those are common powers. But that's something."

"So I'm multi-elemental, big deal."

Lance: "How many other people do you know who can control all of them?"

"What about Storm? I heard she gives you guys hell."

That seemed to anger him.

Lance: "That's different. Elemental yes...but not in the pure form. What I'm talking about is raw elemental power."

I thought about it. I couldn't think of anyone except dad. There were a few people from my Elemental class who could control two or three...but not all five.

Lance: "See what I mean. You've got talent. Word around is you could be the one that makes the rest of us Elementals obsolete, when your powers fully develop that is. But you got a little control problem dontcha? Now, do you know how much it could push me up the ranks if I bring you in for re-education? I'd be promoted big time if I got you re-educated."

"You mean brainwashing?"

Lance: "Oh potato-potato. Hey, maybe I could even ask for Brainchild to make you my obedient boy-toy as part of my reward!"

That sent me over the edge. I telekinetically ripped out the chains from the swing and tied him up with them. He merely laughed. He was an Earth elemental. He had extreme strength, durability and the ability to influence the earth. He broke the chains with ease.

Lance: "I've been working out! My turn."

He was a lot more creative with his powers than I was. The ground started rising in three places. Lumps of earth were twisting into humanoid shapes. They were each at least ten feet tall, and very well built. With clubbed fists and spikes growing out of their clay skin.. And they were moving towards me. Lance completed his minions by forming stone armor around them. I transformed into fire and seared them with the highest degree of heat I could muster.

Lance: "That's right babe. Bake them they're like pottery...water resistant and rock hard. What has Ororo been teaching you in that Elementals class?"

I realised that he was right...if I had gone with water first instead of fire...they'd be nothing but mud by then. Instead they were now rock hard and resistant to water. And being earth, they would be immune to Earth attacks. They were so big and heavy, wind was not going to be much help. And they were grounded from electricity. Fire would now be useless... I didn't think I had it in me to melt the rocks that composed them to a molten state. My only hope in the Elemental department was Water...and I had botched it! Lance was smirking...I had underestimated him...he was smart.

Lance: "Uh huh...Power is beautiful and I've got the Power!"

I ignored him. It seemed that he had to keep his focus in controlling his creations. One of them swung a fist at me. I formed a shield and blocked it. I was then surrounded with three stone creatures banging on the shield. Pushing the shield outwards and expanding its radius made them stumble backwards a bit. I collapsed the shield and flew away from them. I hovered a little distance away, next to a pool of water. I had to deal with them. I may have ben away from the Mansion, but I was still an X-man. What if those things caused some serious damage? I decided to create my own water, supplement it with water from the pool and try to reduce them to mud. They were water resistant...not water proof. With enough pressure washing, the toughest stone would crack. It was Elemental weakness. I hoped I was right.

My presence drew them towards the pool. They were approching closer to the water's edge. I had started condensing water from the air, soaking them.

Lance: "Don't'll be painless, I promise. Well I think it will be, babe. But if it does won't remember it afterwards. Brainchild swears on that."

Calling upon my telekinesis, I started chanelling the pool's water into a forceful beam and hurled it full pressure against the three Minions. It was succeeding in pushing them backwards...though it didn't disintegrate them into mud at all.

Lance: "You can push them back for now...but can you keep moving that water indefinitely? I don't think you can."

"Shut up!"

I was even more angry because he was right. I couldn't keep pummeling the Minions with water forever. If only I had used the water element in the first place!


A new day had dawned and the entire search party was beat. They had been up all night combing the streets, alleys and parks for Rick. And they had little success. They did come across a tramp tied to a tree and had helped him down. He mumbled something about a demonic boy who could move objects without touching them. Upon further discussion with him, they believed he was indeed describing Rick. They even managed to find out what direction he had headed in after he had tied the man to the tree. Then he had gotten scared and ran off. They were now on the outskirts of the park.

Xavier: "We have to keep searching. We have a scared, extremely powerful mutant out there, loose on the streets."

Ray: "Yeah, the fruit will probably piss himself and blow up the neighborhood if he thinks he's in any trouble."

{Keep cool, keep cool. Don't beat him into a bloody pulp...control...}, Bobby thought.

Xavier: "Raymond, I'd appreciate it if you don't use those comments in my presence."

Jubilee looked at him warningly.

Ray: "Sorry sir."

At that point John, Jamie and Roberto came running back with hotdogs they had bought from an extra early vendor and they all hurriedly had breakfast. Julie wondered where Rick could be, if he was cold, alone and hungry... Most of the other members just ate in silence and had sympathetic expressions on their faces. But Ray didn't. He was confused as hell. How could he have missed it? How could there have been a fag in his midst all along, and he didn't know about it?

Xavier: "Wait...I have something..."

It was a while before Xavier reported that it was indeed Rick he had been sensing. Apparently he was being extra active with his powers. He could sense telekinetic energy. The use of his mutant abilities to a great extent had put him on the telepathic radar.

Joshua: "Where is he?!"

Xavier: "Close, over there."

He waved in the general direction of the park's hub. Xavier contacted the other members of the search party and they all congregated together, beofre they headed back into the park.


I was running out of power. I didn't have it in me to use any Elemental powers and was down to telekinesis. The pool was running out of water too. And I didn't think that just telekinesis was going to do the job. I was about to give it up and run away when I heard a shout and several blasts. When I stopped it with the water to see what was up...I saw a pile of smoking rubble and a shaken Lance running away for all he was worth. When I looked to my right...I saw them. Every X-man known to me...both junior and senior, and my parents. Dad started walking towards me.

"Stay back...don't come any closer."

Joshua: "Son-"

"Don't call me that! You didn't want a fag for a son, and I don't want a homophobic bigot for a father!"

He kept on walking towards me. I turned away, walking backwards slowly.

"I'm not going back...I swear I'm not. And I'll fight you to the end if you think you can force me."

Joshua: "Rick...please come back. We can talk this over."

"We had a nice talk yesterday. And you saw how well that went."

Joshua: "I'll listen to you this time, I promise. Just don't push us away...please-"

"Push you away?! I fucking begged you to're just trying something, some kind of trick, so that I'll let my guard down. Then you'll drag me off to the looney bin. Well, I'm not letting that happen."

Mom then started advancing. I could tell that she was going to plead, on both their behalf.

"Save it mom. I needed you to be my mother yesterday. But you chose to be his wife instead. Well, you can just go back home with him-cuz I'm not going with you."

Jubilee: "Rick, sweetie...please come back. You can't live on the streets for a year."

"Sorry Jubes, but I'll take my chances."

Xavier: "Like you took your chances last night? With that tramp...he had to have done something for you to tie him to tree. How much longer before you're up against something you cannot just now?"

I knew he was right. But I owed it to myself to act tough and be a good negotiator. I thought back to what Jimmy had told me.

"I'll come back...but on one condition."

Joshua: "Anything...just name it."

"Anything...alright. I got a shitload of witnesses. Y'all heard him...anything right?"

I didn't know how long his supposed change of heart would last. But I was never taking any chances and opening my heart to either of them again. I had gained nothing but hurt from it. And I wasn't going to let anyone hurt me like that again. I remembered that I made a promise to never let that happen again, and I had let it happen. He probably thought that I'd ask for him and mom to be understanding and then everything would go back to normal. Then he'd fake it and as soon as my guard was down, I'd be sent to a shrink... but I had trapped him. Before that morning, I didn't even know that it was possible to transfer custody like that outside of adoptions and social services taking kids away. But now, I had a game plan.

"I want you to sign over custody to the school, to a legal guardian...and I'm going to be the one deciding who that guardian will be."

I heard them all gasp and mom cry out. They never thought in their wildest dreams that I'd ask for that. And he had promised me, in front of them all.

Julie: "Rick, no!"

Joshua: "Son...please. I'll accept you, I swear...just don't make me do this."

"You both swore you loved me unconditionally yesterday, what a farce... and you promised just now."

He tried to get out of it.

Joshua: "What if I let you stay at the school, without the paperwork?"

"I'm not a lawyer like you, dad. But I'm not dumb. If you don't sign over the can come back anytime before I turn eighteen and take me away. I won't have it. So I want those papers signed by today's end. Got it?"

Xavier: "Rick, perhaps you are taking this too far. What if he was to give you his solemn word?"

"His words don't mean squat to me. I want it down in black and white. And I need a cellphone. I have a call to make."

Jubilee tossed me her cell phone and I immediately called the mansion. There was only one person who I trusted to be my guardian, and I needed her permission. They were all probably in the dark as to what I was about to do. I dialed the Mansion's residential number. Hank answered the phone. He didn't sound angry at me.

Hank: "Hello?"

"It's Rick, Mr. Mcoy. Could you put Jean on the phone?"

Hank: "Rick, by my stars and-"

"Mr. Mcoy...please just put Jean on."

Hank: "Yes, indeed."

Jean: "Hello?"

"Jean, it's Rick. I need to ask a favor of you. You're the only one I can trust with this."

Jean: "Anything. Just come back home and let's deal with this right."

"I plan on doing that. But I want to be sure that I'm safe from my parents. I sorta pulled a sly one on dad. They're all hear with me right now. He promised me anything. Please don't preach to me about this...I know what I'm doing. I asked him to transfer custody to a legal guardian...and well...could you-"

Jean: "If it's what you want. As long as you stop this running away nonsense and come back home where you belong."

After I thanked her, I levitated the phone back to Jubilee.

"Alright, I just called Jean. And she's agreed to be my legal guardian. So I suggest you go out and get those papers from wherever it is you get them."

Let them cry...let them feel what they put me through. I was a new person now. My eyes had been opened and I wasn't going to just take people's responses to my sexuality...or anything else for that matter, for granted. You know what they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I walked towards the group, carefully avoiding close proximity to my parents. I didn't even take my eyes off them for a second. I felt as if I couldn't trust them not to just knock me out telepathically, and drag me away. I saw Bobby smile slightly at me, and I was sure that I had made the right decision in choosing him over my parents. I resisted the urge to just rush into Bobby's arms then and there. That would have meant outting him. I saw Jake glance and felt my bruise healing. I nodded a thank you that meant far more than for the healing. I think I was feeling what he felt when his parents disowned him. He'd know exactly what I was going through. I saw Amara faintly smile at me, and I knew then that no matter what I had thought of her before...she was as good a friend as I'd ever have. Jubilee broke away from the group and hugged me. I allowed myself to enjoy the feeling. They would be my new family, mu future after all. I was going forward with my life, and I wasn't looking back.

I heard Ray scoff, but right then...I didn't care about dealing with his shit. I'd deal with that later. At the time I all I needed to feel was that I still had friends who loved me no matter what, and that was what I did. Then I glanced at the teacher's direction... Rogue and Ororo immediately rushed forward and more hugs were exchanged. I looked at Logan and Betsy...they timidly started advancing. I could sense their sincerity. I got the feeling it was more the shock that threw them. And I guess maybe they didn't want to risk angering my father whilst he was arguing with me. We were making the ground quake and causing a lot of steam when the quarrel was going on. Enough to scare people.

Betsy: "Rick, I'm sorry that I-"

"It's okay, Betsy... I understand."

Logan: "I can't say that I'm not shocked as hell. And I can't claim to understand it all...but I'll try to be supportive. If you'll let me. It was more than the shock...but I'll need to talk to you alone about that."

More than the shock...he needed to talk to me alone.

"It's okay, Logan. Yeah, I'll let you. I'll need all the support I can get."

Scott came up next.

Scott: "Rick...I'm glad you're okay and coming back...but, maybe you should cancel this idea of yours. I mean, they are your-"

"I appreciate your support, Scott. But I can't bring myself to think of them like that anymore."

I glanced over to where they were standing. Professor Xavier was trying to console them.

"Can we go home? I only got to sleep about four hours last night."

A few of them went to get the vehicles. I was going home...


It's starting to sound like a stuck record, but I have a lot on my plate right now. Nevertheless, I will try. Thank yous to everyone who's emailed their support. Have a prosperous New Year!

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Next: Chapter 18: Xxx Men 18

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