Xxx Men Series

By Phoenix

Published on Jan 17, 2006


Disclaimers (A little explanation is in order.)

The X-men are legally owned by Marvel, Stan Lee created 'em, not me. I'm just screwing around with the Comicverse, or Multiverse rather, where our version of Earth is Earth 616. With the Movieverse (Co-owned by Marvel and Twentieth Century Fox) and with the various Animated Series that have come out over the years. In case you haven't noticed, many facets are mish mashed. So, if by any small chance any Marvel officials are reading this....please don't take any legal action or anything, I can assure you that I'm not making money because of it. (By the Way, Marvel has taken small steps in the direction of reducing homophobia. For those of you who know Northstar, yeah, the cutie glowing, flying, speedy twin brother of Aurora (I named her Southstar here), he IS gay for real. Check it out. The comicverse isn't the only place it's happening. Movie Magneto = Gay activist! Oh, and I'll get an article for those who're interested to show how the X-men writers have tried in their own way to promote understanding. You know the Legacy Virus, well the article shows its eerie parallels to HIV and compares Legacy to HIV and Mutants to Gay guys. Yup, interesting stuff. Okay enough of that. I'm really just rambling because of the next item of business. Deep breath...

Okay, now I know in chapter two, I told everyone that I didn't care about age so much, as long as the people reading it were mature enough psychologically. Yup, I know all about the difference between physical age and mental development, believe me. The truth is...I never really started writing this to make it an erotic story. I LOVE the X-men. And after I read a few articles that showed me the "eerie parallels" I spoke of before, and their message of Universal Respect despite differences...I decided to write a story where gay guys aren't victimised or anything. Where gay people can be comfortable reading it, because I've known for a fact, whether gay or straight, or bi for that matter, boys will be boys and most of the boys I know (although they play macho and never admit it to me again, doesn't stop 'em from watching the movies though lol), Love the X-men. As such, you'll see me following realistic-well, as realistic at it can get at the Xavier Institute anyway-plots. Firstly, all the men aren't Gay. We have to be real... Oh, there will be some in the closet ones and stuff...we'll see, sooner or...later, lol. I remember one particularly disappointed email I got. The guy was heartbroken that I didn't make Logan gay. Well, personally, Logan (Comics, Movies or Animated) doesn't do anything for me, but I just couldn't make Logan gay. I wanted to follow one of the comic plots and one of the animated series-(The Saban series that they used to show on the then Fox Kids was off the hook! The BEST by far. Gosh, I'm still hooked on the Dark Phoenix Saga!)-and hook him up with Ororo. Especially this one episode where they were all in the mansion gardens and she called a butterfly beautiful and Logan was in a tree and he teased her about her calling him They were such a cute couple...:). Now there will be some sex. But this ain't all about sex. I wanna screw around with the X-men multiverse and have some fun. And add my own drama and stuff to it. Which there will be soon. Lord, I'm rambling again...

Everytime I sit down to write a sex scene, a halfway decent one anyway, I always get this weird feeling. A cross between wicked excitement, and extreme nausea. Yeah dudes, laugh it up. I don't know what it is, but it takes me forever to do as I have to constantly get up and take a breather. Now it's not disgust or anything, more like extreme shame, mixed in with guilt. I confess, the Lesbian story, hardcore kink-You'll see it sometime, well I call it hardcore, but then again, my version of hardcore is rather weak, anyhow THAT was real easy to write. Then again, I was real motivated ;). So please, don't anyone think of me different because of the sex thing in the beginning of this chapter. I think it's my ultra-trad, conservative upbringing. I was practically straight until January of this year. I'm working on losing these ill-founded inhibitions though. So, please bear with me. Sigh... actually, I think I might be more bi than gay, although I seem to be swaying from straight to gay, gay to straight. That's another of the reasons why my updates are so erratic. I sometimes have to wait until I'm "Gay" enough! Lol...confusing, I know. Almost like an alter ego. It's where I got the idea of a Rick-Eric complex (And I originally toyed with the idea of making Eric the straight one. But it would have been illogical, since Rick's Psyche created him to protect him where he felt vulnerable, and being Gay was one definite area that he was/is ill at ease in. So Eric had to be Gay to understand him better).


X-men Story (When Will a Proper Title for this come to Me?! If any of you have ideas for one, let me know, 'kay?) Chapter Fifteen

There we were, having hot, sweaty gay sex, like two ruttish, stray dogs on the street. I locked the doors and flung myself wantonly upon Jake, giving no heed to whatever misgivings Rick's subconscious threw at me. Jake needed no more encouragement either. It was plain to see that both of us were looking forward to this for quite some time. He pulled my T-shirt roughly off my torso, while I divested him of his attire telekinetically. As you can imagine, it wasn't long before we were as naked as we were born, with nothing but skin and sweat between our, toned, sculptured bodies. The idea that we were having sex in a Royal Palace added to our passion. It started with a kiss. We locked our lips together, tongues battling for supremacy, whilst his hands roamed free, rendering my body deliciously awake and eager. His tongue slides into and out of my mouth, in a soothing rhythm, while I run my fingers lovingly through his black, silken hair. All too soon, he breaks the electrifying contact of our lips and I almost complain, until I feel his talented tongue playing against the pulse point of my neck, and I semi-laugh, semi-grunt, because we both know that I'm ticklish there.

He laps at my skin, eliciting giggles all the way. Until they give way to uncontrollable moans of ecstasy when he begins sucking my flesh into his mouth and gently commences nibbling. His mouth continues on, heading further and further south, leaving a marked, slick trail as evidence of its excursions. He pauses over my left nipple and teases me with his hot, gasping breath. We speak not a word, as the look of need I flash him beckons him onwards to the task at hand. His lips descend upon my hardening nipple and he tentatively flicks his tongue over it. I feel white heat flush through me, and it encourages him, as his ministrations become more daring, and I start writhing upon the bed, trying not to scream out in case there was a guard patrolling. I feel a sharp sensation, and I realise he's nibbling.

"You...bit me?"

Jake: "Uh...well.."

"I...kinda like it."

He continues onward on the journey, alternating kisses and sucking actions until he reaches my belly button. All this foreplay and delay, both makes me hornier and exhilarates me at the same time. He explores its depths and this time, I can't help it, I burst out into laughter, and so does he.

Jake: "Like that huh?"


Jake: "Well, the best is yet to come..."

I shuddered at the mere thought. He stopped the foreplay and got down to the main point of business. He takes my swollen cock into his mouth, all in one go, and I gasp, it's so sudden. He had sucked me off only once before, and he didn't succeed in taking my rock hard seven and a half inches in one go then. The wonders that lust could perform... His tongue slides up the underside of my shaft and brushes my engorged mushroom cock-head. I'm so sensitive, I can feel the precum spill out of my piss-slit, and he laps at it, like a man possessed, as if it's some sort of sweet nectar that's intoxicating him. Soon, his head is sliding up and down along my length, and I listen to myself, in disbelief. Is that me, whimpering like a fucking dog? Swirling his tongue across my swollen member, he has me right where he wants me, and we both know it. My fingers dance within his curls and urge him on as I slowly begin pumping myself into him, eyes closed, enjoying the moment...the moment I've waited so long and patiently for. Sliding his head down further, he's deep-throating me, making swallowing motions that squeeze my cock just right. I hiss sharply and can't help whispering out,

"Fuck, yeah Jake baby! Don't stop..."

in a thick, hoarse, lustful voice. After only a few moments, we both know that I'm close. To my disappointment, he pulls off. I'm so worked up now, I can't hold out any longer, and make to grasp my cock and jack myself off. He knocks my hand away gently and I whimper a little and look at him with pleading eyes, begging him to let me cum. He moves back up and commences kissing me again, and I taste myself on his tongue. He pulls off and tells me to wait a while and it'll feel a whole lot better. I pout a little, until I realise that his hands are reaching over for a tube of lotion that John must have left on the bedside counter from his jackoff session. He splashes a liberal amount of lotion onto his palm and spreads my legs wide, and tells me to relax...and just breathe. It's been so long since our-my body's had sex, I know he'll have to open me up. I close my eyes and mentally prepare myself for it. He slips one, long finger into my tight, only once before used, hole, and I squirm whilst I adjust to the feeling. Soon, two fingers are penetrating me, twisting and turning, stretching me, preparing me for his huge fucktool. The thought of it, all nine inches, fucking me, makes the discomfort worth it. He pushes them further and further into my depths and I feel them brush against my prostate. My cock jerks up forcefully, and starts leaking again like a faucet, demanding his attention. Once again, his mouth descends upon my dick, sucking the sticky, man juice out of me. He forcefully finger fucks me while distracting me from the discomfort by the suckjob he was treating me to.

Abrubtly, he stops both the sucking and the finger fucking. And I know that we're now both ready. He pulls a pillow and I lift my ass up so he can slide it under me. It positions my hole slightly up. He knows that I'd prefer to be fucked on my back, where I can see the look on his face, and he can see the look on mine when he proves to me how much he loves me. He positions himself over me, and I can see the love in his eyes. He locks lips with me once again, and I can feel him aiming his cockhead, ascertaining the location of my hole. He misses once or twice, and my cock twitches with anticipation, not knowing which time he'd succeed in getting it in. After a few, futile attempts, he succeeds and I practically yelp in both pleasure and surprise. He starts off slowly at first, building up a comfortable fuck rhythm that's pleasurable for the both of us. I feel him inhale on his withdrawal and exhale into my mouth when he fucks his cock into my slicked up love chute. He hits my prostate repeatedly and I grunt in sweet bliss. I can feel my cock spewing out precum, coating both our abs. The wetness of it provides ample lubrication as it is sandwiched between our grinding bodies. He's pulsing his tongue into my mouth, in time with the fucking he's delivering, and I make to jack myself off. For the second time, he pushes both my hands away, stretching them up over my head and pinning them there.



His pace quickens and he starts drilling his cock into me. Slamming into my ass with deep, powerful thrusts. I can hear, and feel his nutsack smacking against my ass cheeks, beating out a regular rhythm. The force of his dick striking my love button sends my prick into overdrive. It had been so hard for so long, it was starting to hurt. I needed release and Jake had my hands pinned behind my head. The dominating and submissive aspect of our lovemaking awakened something inside me and I knew that no matter what, I'd give into whatever the fuck he wanted from me. He shifted my right leg over his shoulder, and I could feel him sink deeper into me. The fact that my dick was as hard as it ever had been, and I wasn't able to do anything to relieve myself from its throbbing pain, had me almost in tears. I couldn't even see straight. I was that sexually aroused. With each forceful fuck, he'd hit my butt knob, and my dick would twitch. I know it wasn't possible, but if felt as if it was getting harder and harder all the time. His pistoning motions become erratic and I know he's close. I was close for quite some time. Then, when his cock strikes my love button one more time, I gasp, it feels like I'm about to cum without either him or me touching my dick. His breath is uneven and heavy, and I know for sure then that he can't last much longer. Just when I think...when I KNOW that I can hold out no longer, he grabs my precum soaked cock and starts stroking it roughly and mercilessly. After just eight vigorous strokes, I cry out incoherently while the tears stream down the side of my face, spilling my seed into his fist in rapid, powerful bursts. The sensation of the hot man cream hitting him drives him over the edge apparently and I feel his entire body shudder uncontrollably. He's so taken up with his orgasm he doesn't stop jacking my cock, and the sensitivity causes me to wince under him. He jackhammers into me rapidly for a few more beats, and then I feel him shoot his load off inside me, I feel his cock pulsing, sqeezing out every last drop of his essence and offering it up to me. He lets out a suppressed masculine growl, eyes closed and face contorted. He finally releases my prick and collapses on top of me, trying to regain his strength.

I feel crushed and powerless with his weight on top of me. But I wasn't going to do a damned thing to move him. His eyes are closed, and there's a look of utter contentment on his handsome face, and I take it all in, staring in awe. He opened his eyes then.

Jake: "Gosh, I'm crushing you...sorry, I was just-"

"It's fine."

Jake: "You're crying...wait did I hurt you-was I too rough?!"

You see why I love this guy?

"No, you were...perfect."

Jake: "Then, why are you-"

"It, just felt so damned good is all."

He smiled cockily at me and kissed my eyes. The thought that I'd soon have to surrender bodily control to Rick again, and be forced to just watch like a spectator and not actually be the one to play the game was enough to make the tears start rolling down my cheeks once more.

Jacob: "Something's wrong..."

"I know that I'm not the boyfriend of the year or anything-"

Jacob: "Hey, you were right about me spazzing over Bobby and-"

"No, I've been treating you bad. And I know I might not act like it sometimes, but I love you okay? I really, really love you. I don't feel for anyone else like I feel for you. And I don't ever want you to forget it, no matter how crazy I might behave sometimes or anything, alright?"

Jake: "You don't behave crazy. You're just a...complex kinda guy."

I leaned over and captured his lips in a searing kiss.

Jake: "W-what was that for?"

"For understanding me."

Hopefully, I had repaired some of the damage Rick had caused, and maybe even did some preventative damage control at the same time. We cleaned up the bed and took a shower. He had to go recommence scanning for Queen Alicia with the Professor and Defence Minister Sonya, and I was tired after our sex play. I knew that I had to surrender control to Rick, and began mentally focussing for the task. I had never seized control for so long a time frame. I'd have to cleverly disguise it. Make it seem like he came back real horny, like I was. He might be a little dazed, but that should be all. After all, it wasn't like I was new to guiding him along anyway. By the time our body reawakened, he would be back in the driver's seat, and I'd be passenger again. I just hope he'd listen to me and take directions...


I woke up feeling like I had been run over by a train. Jake had since left, so no quick fix right then and there. My head was pulsing painfully and I felt sick to my stomach. I hadn't a clue as to why. My head was spinning and when I stood up, I almost fell down. I had to support myself telekinetically. I glanced at the clock on the wall. Seven-thirty p.m. The room was empty. The others must have been around the Palace somewhere. Ever since the attack the night before there was an hourly shift, where we all had to take turns patrolling the area. I was feeling hungry, so I made my way down to one of the kitchens. The cooks there decided to give me a problematic time.

Chef: "I'm sorry sir, but you're not allowed in here. If you'd wait outside in the dining area, we will be happy to serve you-"

"No, it's okay really. All I want is a quick-"

Chef: "Nonsense. It is our duty."

"But I can't eat anything heavy. I, just need something light."

It was pointless, so I just mind moved a cream filled croissant and left. As I stepped out of the room, I saw a nervous looking Bobby walk by. He spotted me and rushed over.

Bobby: "Hey, where have you been? Dude, you don't look so good."

"Well, it's nice to see you too Bobby. I've been in our room."

Bobby: "What were doing there all afternoon?"

"I've been...sleeping. I don't feel so good. I think I might have pushed myself a little too much with the mudslide. My head's pounding."

Bobby: "Maybe you oughta let Jake see if he can heal ya up?"

"I think he's busy, using maximum power to help the Professor with the telepathic scanning."

Bobby: "Maybe we better go get, like a Palace Doctor or something?"

"I don't know..."

But he was already off, asking one of the Palace officials where we might find a Doctor. He came back up to me with directions. After him going through the trouble finding out, it would seem damned ungrateful for me not to go. He wanted to come with me too though. While we were walking, I couldn't help but notice how edgy he was being. Constantly glancing over his shoulder, looking around corners nervously...

"Something wrong, Bobby?"

Bobby: ", nothing's wrong."

"Why are you glancing around like that? Wait, you aren't blowing off your patrolling shift or anything to come with me to the doctor, are you?"

Bobby: "'s just. Well, this girl kept trying to follow me around this afternoon, and it's creeping me out. It's like the girl's stalking me or something."

I looked at him with an amused expression. A girl stalking Bobby...hell, if I wasn't tied down, I'd probably be doing it too.

Bobby: "Don't laugh. It's not funny. Think of Amara...I wonder if alla these Novarian girls are like her."

"Maybe the volcano makes them all hot-blooded and fiery...grrrr!"

Bobby: "That's logical... but this girl seemed like the type to jump my bones when I'm least expecting it-ah!"

"Huh! What?"

Bobby: "That's her, she's comin' down this way! Oh God..."

I glanced down the Hall and saw a beautiful, dark haired, teenaged girl come walking down our direction. She walked right past us then stopped. She glanced a little hardly at Bobby, as if she were trying to identify him, then called out.

Girl: "Hey...Bobby, right?"

Bobby: "Uh huh."

Girl: "Something wrong?"

Bobby: "Huh?"

Girl: "Doctor's office. Are you guys feeling sick or something?"

Bobby: "It's my friend, Rick here. He has a headache, dizziness and stuff."

Girl: "Really? Me too. I just went in to get a vitamin shot and some antibiotics. I sure hope it's not a new bug going around or anything. Anyhow, hope you feel better...Rick. And thank you so much for all the help that you X-men are giving us. I only hope that we can find the Queen and Chief Minister. Well, bye."

We wished her goodbye and humbly accepted her thanks. I looked at Bobby incredulously. He was glancing at me a little sheepishly and confused. Then I started laughing, and he turned a little serious.

Bobby: "She was behaving real different this afternoon. I swear!"

"Bobby, I find it hard to believe that a nice girl like that could be treating you like prime stalker prey. It looked to me like she barely even knew who you were."

Bubby: "But she was. I had just barely escaped her before I ran into you at the kitchen."

"Yeah, sure. Look, I'm just going to go in and see the doctor, okay?"

"Hey, wait up! I'll-uh-I'll go with you."


We waited our turn and then we were led into the doctor's office. There was only a middle-aged woman in there though. We waited expectantly.

Bobby: "Hey, yeah...where's the doctor?"

The woman pointed impatiently to a certificate on the wall behind her. She had a semi-irritated look on her face.

Woman: "I AM the doctor. Doctor Cheryl Yee Linn."

We both shifted, slightly embarrassed. We thought she was like the nurse or something. Anyhow, I hoped that she didn't think we were sexist or anything.

Doctor: "Well boys, what seems to be the problem?"

Bobby: "Uh, dizziness, headache and nausea."

Doctor: "How long have you been feeling this way?"

Bobby: "Oh...well, it's not me really, it's-"

"Yeah, it's me. I just started feeling this way when I woke up about forty-five minutes ago. I think it might be because of how I pushed my telekinesis farther than I've ever before."

Doctor: "Telekinesis? Hmm...the symptoms match. Headache's, nausea... I remember the first time I was at my limit, well near to it anyway, migraine for days, let me tell you."

Bobby: "So, you're..."

Doctor: "Telekinetic, yes. Still, I think I better examine you, just in case we have an outbreak of some kind on our hands or anything. Would you take your shirt off please?"

I was a bit nervous here. Okay, nervous as hell! For one thing, I'm very shy and then there's the fact that Bobby's right there and for some fricked up reason, that mattered a lot. But the most important one was....hickies! Oh God... I remembered last night. I couldn't remember when last I was so goddamned horny. I was practically a male slut. And the base of my neck had two, fairly large hickies adorning them, and... one of my nipples...Jake had nibbled on it! Oh Lord... now she was asking me to remove my shirt. I'd made sure that I wore one that covered my neck. I wasn't on any orders to wear uniforms for the time being anyway. It wasn't my patrol shift. And the Palace people had provided our clothes too. I might as well wear the damned things. They were actually kind of trendy. Anyhow, if I took off the shirt they'd...the open for both of them to see.

Doctor: "Sir...?"

" know what? I think I'm starting to feel better already. The headache's gone...and the nausea's really chilled down, and I don't really feel all that dizz-"

Doctor: "Sir, I'm afraid under standing Palace Health Regulations, I have to certify you physically fit for you to stay here. You've come from a foreign country, and, don't take this the wrong way, but I want to ensure that you pose no Medical Threat to Novarians. Specifically, the ones in this Palace. It's either you comply or...I'll have to quarantine you."

Bobby: "Quarantine? Yo, Rick, take off the shirt man."


I hesitantly removed the shirt and closed my eyes, waiting for their reactions. I didn't have to wait long either. I heard scandalous, feminine laughter, and opened my eyes a little, to see her laughing it up. She had to hold onto her desk for support. I was surprised that Bobby wasn't laughing, with his sense of humor? I glanced at Bobby, he had a serious look on his face, and when he saw that I was watching him, he looked away. Anyway, he was probably being a great best friend and not laughing because it would put me even more on the spot.

Doctor: "What, young man, may I ask are those?"

"Uh...I'm bites, yes. You really oughta have pest control come and take a look at this Palace."

Doctor: "Hahaha...oh my! These...mosquitos...wouldn't happen to be of the five-foot eight, dark-haired, slutty, island variety would they? Hmm..."

"What are you getting at?! I said I'm allergic to mosquito bites!"

Irritating bitch!

Doctor: "Sure you are, dear. Looks to me like they almost ate you alive. You poor boy. Well, I'll just go on with the examination then. Mosquito bites indeed...By the way, did these mosquitos happen to...bite you anywhere else hmmm. I can prescribe a great hypoallergenic lotion tha-"

And I had to endure the giggles from her and the strange stares that I would catch Bobby throwing my way.


I couldn't look at Bobby without feeling a deep, lacerating sense of shame. The door to the doctor's office closed with a resounding thud. We were walking down the hallway, heading back towards the meeting room, not saying a word to each other. I knew perfectly well that my excuse of being allergic to "mosquito bites", didn't fool either him, or the doctor. Who was I trying to fool? Myself, if I thought for a second that they'd actually buy it. If only I had gotten Jake to heal the damned things. I sure hoped Bobby wouldn't say anything about it, to anyone. If anything, with his kind of attitude, he's probably joke about it to all our friends every chance he got. We were in the central section of the second floor when he spoke. I never expected that kind of reaction from him. He was mad. I thought he'd laugh it up, and if anyone was going to get mad it would have been me. Not so however...

Bobby: "So that's what you were doing all evening huh?"

His tone was

"I...was sleeping, Bobby."

Bobby: "Don't fucking lie to me! I'm not as dumb as you think I am. God, and you had the nerve to tell John off about his lesbian porno? We're here, trying to keep a nation from falling apart, and you decide to mess around with some girl...while the rest of us are working our asses off patrolling too. Some priorities you've got."

"What the Hell is up with you?!"

Bobby: "I just hope our room's not all messed up or anything."

"Listen to yourself. You're telling ME about my priorities? Who was the one who thought a chance to spy on Logan and Ororo would Be Too Good To Miss ?"

His face looked a little shocked that I brought that up. Good, why the hell was he on my case about my alleged love life? I didn't bother him about his. I took his side with the Amara Incident and never pestered him about the hidden identity of his girlfriend...or secret crush on a mystery girl rather. I just didn't get the mood swings. I remembered that he had them before too. At the mansion, when I'd told him that Amara could just have had some problems, he all out exploded on me and told me that he had problems too...and that it was nothing that he couldn't handle. His arm waving me off broke me off my trip down memory lane. He was walking away from me, down the hall, towards the elevator. I wasn't going to let him get away from me that easy. Something serious, had to be wrong. He was the joyful one, the fun and the laughter bringer. His mysterious behavior was going to be cleared up now. We had a few little squabbles before... He didn't want me to be friends with Jake because of the little fight we had in the mansion hall for example. But he'd stuck by me in worse shit. Far worse... I took to the air to chase him down, calling out his name. He heard me, I knew. He didn't stop or slow down his pace, no, he quickened it. I landed just behind him and grabbed his shoulder, spinning him around to face me.

"What's wrong, Bobby? Don't you lie to me, spill it, now!"

Bobby: "Let the fuck - go of me!"

He spun his arms and broke my hold on him. I wasn't too sure where all of this was coming from, both his behavior and mine. It was like, I knew that I was doing the right thing by trying to make him talk to me, but I still had a little misgiving tugging at the back of my mind. I grabbed him again and pushed him against the wall, pinning him down, making him look at me. His eyes started tearing up a little and I realised that I must have been using too much force. He turned away from me. Anyhow, at least then his ear would be facing me directly, no choice but to listen. I tried to soften my tone up a little.

"Bobby, what's going on? You've been acting a little weird recently."

Bobby: "Man ain't nothin' wrong with me, okay."

"No, you're not telling me the truth. Your friends know you a lot longer than I do. And Jubilee, she says you've been acting a little strange recently. I remember her asking you since when you've become an irritating prick...I remember how everyone was shocked at how you treated Amara. Why would they be shocked if that was how you normally behave...huh? And you told me you had...problems. What kind of problems?"

He didn't say anything at first. He just kept staring at the air, not even bothering to look me in the face. I didn't know how to deal with a situation like this. How would a straight guy do it? He was...crying. I was never put in a situation where I had to be a pep talker before. I was an only child, back home, none of the people who could have been potential friends could stand my absence from social events, and so, I never had any friends needing a pep-talk. I kept wracking my brain to figure out why he had reacted that way. It was obvious our mission here was important to him. I wondered if maybe he wasn't honest to all of us about his true feelings for Amara. Maybe, he did like her, and it was just her slutty attitude that was his problem. And this whole ordeal was causing personal anguish for her. Maybe he saw our mission here as a way for him to make up for how he had been treating her. The missing Queen was her mother after all. Maybe that could be it. Sometimes, I amaze myself with my deductive reasoning, and the theories it allows me to come up with. And maybe me supposedly getting it on with some girl when the situation was so grave...made him mad. He broke me out of my train of thought.

Bobby: "You wouldn't understand, none of you would understand. I'll deal with th-"

"You'll deal with them? By blowing up on everyone every once in a while?"

Bobby: "Well, maybe if people would open their goddamned eyes, I wouldn't have to go through the trouble, of trying to figure out a way to say what the deal is. You know what?"

He knocked me off of him and started walking back towards the elevator.

Bobby: "I'm tired and I could sure use some sleep. See you around."

He left me standing there, dumbfounded. I was glad the entire hallway was secluded. It wouldn't be a good impression on the part of the X-men if our hosts saw our little stand-off.


Bobby Contemplates

He couldn't believe he'd lost his cool like that. Things just seemed so different now. He felt like whatever self-confidence he'd built up, was just shattered. The prospect of having Rick the horizon before. Far, remote yes. But still in sight, the possibility, no matter how improbable, it felt like it could have been there. But now, he was basically out of sight. He didn't know how Rick felt about the idea of gay love or anything. And maybe he was deluding himself. It just hurt him to see the bodily evidence of Rick's encounter. But it shouldn't have surprised him. Rick was a great looking dude. Why would he refuse it if some girl wanted to push herself up on him? Well, he was a little surprised that Rick had spurned Amara, but then again, maybe she wasn't his type. Still, Rick had never seemed like he was into the player scene or the like, but those marks on his skin... There were only a few things that came to mind that produced such bruises. And the fact that he'd seen teeth marks on his flesh... He never thought Rick would be into one night stands or the like. He didn't seem the type and he never gave off the impression that he was sex crazed or anything of the sort.

Well, people were certainly full of surprises. He wondered what everybody would think if they found out. Not that he would be the one to tell them. If anything, he just wanted to forget that he ever saw it. And he knew Rick was guilty as charged, the look of dread and embarassment on his face, when the doctor asked him to remove the shirt, said volumes. It hurt him that Rick would try and lie to him. He wasn't stupid. Who did he think he could fool with such a cheap ass lie, "Mosquito Bites". He wouldn't have lost it like that if he'd just have admitted it. Hell, he might have been able to lie to himself, laugh it up, engage in a little senseless machismo. It would have been better than having your best friend lie to you like that. What Bobby didn't get, was why he felt he had to lie about it. If he wanted to engage in a little, who was he to stop him or criticize him? The best thing would be to put some distance between them. If this proved anything, it was how pointless it was to love a straight guy who couldn't ever love you back the way you needed him to. In a way, he was glad. At least he could cut his losses now, before some shit happened and he came out to him and, either had his best friend hating him, or had his heart broken....or both. That was his mistake, he let Rick get under his skin, way under. Putting some distance so he could get some breathing space was for the best. Since Rick came into his life, he was like a drug. If he all out just knocked him out, painful withdrawal symptoms could occur. For both of them. He shouldn't have exploded like that. He didn't want to hurt him, so he made sure he addressed whatever he said to his friends as a whole. "None of you would understand, Maybe if people would open THEIR goddamned eyes." He'd try to go slow...


Bobby took off and I was worried. He said that he wanted to get some sleep, but he wasn't in our room. And I should have known that he said it as a chide to me. Besides, I knew that we would have to keep busy and help out with the Palace Patrol. His last outburst had left me quite stupified, and it was only because of that reason, that I didn't recover quickly enough to chase him down right then and there. I tried scanning telepathically for him, but I couldn't locate his exact position. I could tell he was on the premises of course, but with all the nervous energy that people in the Palace were generating, the background Psychic "Noise" was just too much for me. Switching into uniform, I decided to look the old fashioned way. Everyone else would call it patrolling, and at the same time, I'd be searching for Bobby. Hit two birds, with one stone. He was downright torn up when he left. I'd have to try and maybe put myself in his shoes. If I were Bobby, where would I go in such circumstances? Out of the blue the thought hit me. I remembered the Mansion's outdoor grove. He said he went there to think. So did I for that matter. And the largest Garden on the premises was in the huge Palace "backyard". I sped onwards immediately. I saw him sitting down at the side of the pool. I landed silently and approached him tentatively. He's a sharp dude.

Bobby: "I heard you land, you know."


I walked over and took a seat next to him and for a few minutes, neither of us said anything, just stared stupidly at the stars reflected in the pool. He had stopped the crying by then. I never thought that I would ever see him cry. I mean, I thought that the boy had nerves of steel or something. I'd almost killed him with an ice tears. Sentinel attack on our survival training exercise...I'd gotten us lost in a sub-terranean maze under a tears. Hell, he had actually laughed that time. I was the one who wanted to cry on all three occasions. And those occurences were life and death. If those didn't break him, what was doing this to him? That was the reason I was scared. Not knowing what could reduce him to this level. I still had my "Amara" suspicions, but what if it was more than that? Family issues or such. Bobby was quite a bit different from the majority of students at the Xavier Institute. He had a fully functional family unit back home. He was like me in that regard. Well, his mom wasn't around anymore, but he did have a younger brother and a dad. Could something be wrong there?

"Is everything...alright at home? You know with your family?"

He sighed.

Bobby: "Yeah, everyone's fine at home."

"Is it anything about the school, or...the people at the school?"

Bobby: "...maybe."

"Any of your friends...or anything?"

No response.

"Bobby, you said that if people would open their goddamned eyes, you wouldn't have to say what's bothering you. Are the people you're talking about us, your friends?"

He suddenly shifted and looked me dead in the eyes. It was a completely different change from how he was behaving before. Before, he didn't seem to want to look me in the eyes and he'd constantly shift his gaze away from mine. But he was looking at me now all of a sudden and it took my breath away, I had to remind myself to breathe. It was like he was contemplating whether to open up and talk to me. I could see a whole slideshow of emotions just play across his face. And being so close, I detected...fear. What was he afraid of?

"Why are you scared? What are you afraid of?"

His eyes shot wide open.

Bobby: "Stay out of my head!"

"I-I didn't. I couldn't help sensing it, you were just radiating it out."

And we were back to square one, with both of us sitting down, watching the stars reflected on the pool's still dark surface. I had to get him to open up. Maybe if I talked to him and tried a tactic akin to a guilt trip or something.

"You know something, Bobby?"

Bobby: "What?"

"You're being a little unfair. You exploded on me just now, and you won't even try and explain why you did it. You know how many things about me I shared with you?"

Bobby: "Don't-"

"No, it's true. You know, aside from the Professor and Miss Grey-(I knew better than to mention Jake, he was more than a friend)- no one else but you in the whole school knows exactly what I did to those...mutant bashers back home?"

Bobby: "No one else?"

"No. I was, and still am I guess, afraid of what people would think of me. That people would hate me for it. I got even more nervous when I saw how much the school looked down on mutant violence against non-mutants. None of the teachers know because the Professor and Miss Grey wouldn't tell them without my permission. So, I trusted you with it. Have you told anyone?"

Bobby: "You know I'd never."

"Right. If something is bothering you so bad, and you talk about it with me, you know I'd never ever tell anyone else, right? Not without your express permission."

Bobby: "This isn't anything like that. Why do you care so much? Hardly anyone else is putting me under interrogation like this, and they've known me a lot longer."

"Maybe it's the empathy that being telepathic grants. Or maybe it's the fact that I don't like people exploding on me for no apparent reason. Oh, and there is the thing about you being my best, and well the first real friend I've ever had, and I ain't exactly enjoying the sight of you like this, hmmm?"

Bobby: "Best friend? After how I-"

"Yeah, best friend. At the risk of sounding like a nine year old, "Best Friends Till The End". Besides, after all the crap I've put you through...I'd be an idiot to complain. So are you going to tell me what it is that's ailing you?"

Silence. All right, this vicious cycle was getting annoying. How can I help someone who doesn't seem to want it? You know they might very well need it, oh yes. But, sometimes, you just have to wait until they tip their hand a little.

"Okay, you know what? If our friendship means so little to you, forgive me for asking. I share the most serious stuff in my life with you, and you're worthy enough to hear it. And you won't tell me a damned thing about what's bothering you, no, why? It's because I 'wouldn't understand'...or at least that's what you say."

I was surprising myself. Since when did I become so forthright with my thoughts? I never expected that I would try pinning him to the wall, and try to force him to talk to me either. I didn't know for sure where it was coming from, but it felt...right somehow. His voice snapped me out of my personal psycho-analysis.

Bobby: "You...our friendship means a lot to me. It's why I don't want to talk about it. I-if I tell you, you wouldn't like me anymore."

If he told me, "I" wouldn't like him anymore? I began to ponder. Was this in anyway linked to me? And if so, how? The only things that came to mind were the horrible situations I had put him through. The Danger Room incident where he'd almost been killed, the Cave... I'd caused both of those incidents, and they were serious stuff. I knew it. How could someone, especially someone so young, I don't care what Scott said about them being used to Danger, how could they go through such ordeals and not have any repercussions. Teenagers weren't usually supposed to deal with stuff like that. How could I not see it? His drastic mood swings seemed to revolve around the Danger Room incident too. I know how he stuck up for me against Ray. I know he had a hell of an argument the day we fought sentinels in the Danger Room and Ray blamed me for failing...almost resulting in me quitting the team. Then there was the Jubilee thing, where I was stupid enough to try and knock out Juggernaut, gotten possessed by his hate, and fractured her spine...if Jake wasn't there that time... Ray had brought that up the day of the Sentinel trial test too. And I didn't doubt that it came up in their argument. He'd stood up for me against Ray, a long time friend...was I causing problems with his friends or something... They all seemed fine with me, but I know Ray used to talk about me behind my back too. All of that came out that fateful day. It couldn't be Amara. This newest turn kind of threw that possibility out the window.

"It's me, isn't it?"

Bobby: "Wha-"

"It's cuz of all the shit I've put you through. I know how you say it's okay, but you can tell me. There's the fact that you almost got killed that time in the Danger Room, and the cave. I made you fall out with Ray, I caused you problems and-"

Simply ridiculous. I can't pretend to know what was going on with me. And there we were, like a couple of girls, sitting next to the pool...crying. Oh, not wailing our lungs out or anything that effeminate, but yeah, waterworks were leaky. I never was with anyone in my life before. Well maybe with ONE other person, but no one else. Not even with my parents. I couldn't even stand to have my mother hug me in front of the Astral team, far less than cry. It was then that I felt his hand make contact with mine. It shocked me a little and I pulled it a little away, but then I felt him grasp it again, tighter. Handholding...okay, stay calm. He's a very touchy-feely kinda guy. We were still staring into the pool, not daring to look at each other. Big boys don't cry. Only girls did that, and we weren't. I knew something important was happening, I could feel it.

Bobby: "Don't worry about Ray. What if I told you, that you...mean more to me than he does?"

The tables had turned indeed. Now he was the one talking, and I was stupidly silent and staring. My mind was all engaged in trying to process exactly what was going on. His grip became a little less tight, but I felt his hand start to tremble slightly. He probably meant that I meant more to him as a friend. Which I didn't get. He and Ray knew each other a lot longer.

Bobby: "Promise me something."


Bobby: "After I tell you this, you won't change how you treat me. You can think whatever you want about it, it's your right. But I don't think I could take it if you you treat me that is."


Bobby: "And whatever I tell you, it stays between us, no one else is ever gonna find out, no matter what, okay?"


Bobby: "I don't want you thinkin' that our---friendship means nothing to me. You don't know how much you hurt me when you said that."

"I'm sorry. It was stupid. I just wanted you to talk to me about what's bugging you."

Bobby: "I'm going to tell you, but I want to make sure you listen to it all, I don't want you running off when I'm only half-way through or anything."

"I won't."

Running off? Why the hell did he think that I would run off?

Bobby: "We boys, right? Best friends?"

"You know it."

Bobby: "That's how you think of me. So, what if I said, that you mean more to me than that?"

Words cannot begin to describe the cocktail of emotions that went spinning through my mind when he said that. It sounded to my mind (wishful thinking no doubt), well, it sounded like everything I'd wanted to hear him say. But it could just be something else completely. What if he meant, like, family or something? One could not take something like this lightly. He was very emotional, we both were. Situations like these tend to be volatile and unpredictable. And easily misunderstood...

Bobby: "So, what would you say?"

I didn't think that he actually expected an answer that time. What would I tell him? That I felt attracted to him the very first day we met? That he meant more to me than a friend, so much more? That even now, I still have guilt stricken thoughts, dreams and fantasies about him? That I had a boyfriend, a boyfriend who I thought was lost in a cave, and yet, when we were trapped down there together, I still couldn't help lusting over him, even if it was for only a few mintues?

"You mean a lot to me too. Do you think of me like...a brother or something?"

Bobby: "Not like a brother...I thought it was something like that at first."

Okay, okay...stay cool. This could be something completely different from what your wanton mind is thinking. Yes, it sounds like everything I've ever wanted to hear him tell me, but what if it's not?

"So-what is it like then?"

His hand started to shake again, more forcefully now.

Bobby: "It's like, you just walk into the room, and I can't think of anyone else. All I see is you. I know, you probably think I'm crazy or something. But I can't help how I feel..."

My absolute, mind-numbing shock must have just bled out onto my face. I could feel my facial expression shift, and the way my eyes shot open. He must have seen my flabbergasted expression and misinterpreted it, because the next thing I knew, he pulled away his hand from mine and stopped looking at me.

Bobby: "S-see, that's exactly why I didn't want to say anything. I know you'd-"

"I just, want to make sure I know what it is that you're saying", I said, carefully.

He became volatile then.

Bobby: "God dammit, Rick! Are you blind, deaf or something, or just dumb?! I'm sayin' that I think love you! Not like a friend or a brother either. I'm gay, okay. Gay, as in I rather have a dick than a chick. Not Gay as in "Happy" or anything, just in case you think that's what I mean. I-don't mind if you don't feel for me like I feel for you, I just want to know that we're still cool..."

No! He couldn't be gay! How could he be gay without me knowing? Well, okay, I never had the cause to even test my Gaydar, but he didn't the Gay type. Not that I expected every Gay guy to talk all flutie or wring wrists or swing hips or anything, but he just seemed to have "Not Gay" written all over him. I wasn't the stereotypical gay guy either, although I did have my moments where I'd have to suppress my Gayer impulses.

Bobby: "You could at least tell me what you think about this, instead of just staring blankly."

"I'm not spazzing or anything...uh...see the thing're sure you're gay? Cuz you could just be, curious or, confused or something. Just because you think you feel something for a guy doesn't mean that you're gay. It could just be tha-"

Bobby: "I already have to put up with hearing homophobic shit from Ray. Please don't let me have to hear it from you too. I know what I am, what I've felt since I was like twelve okay?"

"I'm not homophobic. And I...guess-this isn't some kind of joke or anything right? I mean you're serious, you really are...Gay?"

Bobby: "What do I have to do for you to take me seriously? Prove it? Fine..."

The next thing I knew he was closing distance, and I felt his mouth make forceful contact with mine. He pushed his tongue in, explored around for a moment, then pulled away with a resounding "smack". The boy certainly knew how to prove a point. No straight guy would do something like that! And he said he thought he loved me! Oh God, I'm spazzing... I couldn't believe that it was really happening.

Bobby: "Do you believe me now, or maybe I have to fu-"

"I believe you. Okay, your turn to listen now. Hear me out, when I told you that I fought off those bullies back home, that they were mutant bashers who decided to pick on me...I kinda lied. See, the thing is-"

Bobby: "You lied to me?! Made me think that-"

"Listen to ME now! I did do alla those things to them, but they weren't mutant bashers."

Bobby: "So why did you react to them like that?"

"They, were...bashers, but Gay bashers..."

Okay, there, let's see how that plays out. I couldn't just come out and say to him that I was gay. I just didn't seem to have the strength, which was crazy, because he had all out confessed to me that he was. I don't know why I'm such a coward, or so damned shy.

Bobby: "They thought you were gay or something? Is that why you're uncomfortable with me being gay? Because those jerks thought you were, and tried to beat up on you?"

Good lord! And he had the nerve to say that I was dumb just now?! Why do people have such trouble communicating at times? Then again, it could have seemed like that too. All the tension was screwing up with my thought processes.

"Yeah, they thought that I was gay...and they were, right."

Bobby: "You're gay too?!"


Bobby: "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Why did you wait so long to tell me, when it was obvious that something was eating you?"

Bobby: "I was afraid that you'd be disgusted with me, or hate me for it or-"

"I was scared of that happening to me too. I could never hate you."

Bobby: "But, I thought you would have at least guessed or-"

"Oh, that's what you meant by, 'if people would open their eyes'. So why didn't you guess about me then?"

Bobby: "You, don't seem like the gay type..."

I don't seem like the gay type!?! Well, I do try.

Bobby: "And, when I think back to all of the things I said and did around you...the way I've been acting, especially around you, I think maybe you should have figured it out. Jubilee did. I didn't really notice how I was behaving until she brought it up."

"Jubilee knows?!"

Bobby: "Yeah, she figured it out by watching and listening to me. Thinking about it, I'm surprised that no one else has. Now, you're telling me you're could you not see it if you are? They could have counted as signs..."

"I don't know, I just-"

Bobby: "Or...maybe it's cuz I'm not attractive to you?"

Not attractive to me?! Forget that, Not Attractive was not something that anyone could accuse Bobby of.

"No, you are. Very... I have, you know 'dreams'...I get dreams about you sometimes."

Oh God, how embarrassed I felt right then. But as we were coming out to each other right then and there, get it all out. I felt guilty for telling him that. I had a boyfriend. A boyfriend who I'd had passionate sex with only hours ago.

Bobby: "I dream about you too, all the time."

I know we were both just saying pointless shit so we could avoid the awkward silence that threatened to overcome us.

"I guess, I know why you've been treating Amara like you've been now, huh? Cuz you're gay."

Bobby: "That, and how I feel for you. And I guess I know why you 'dumped' her in the first place. Do you think you like me that way?"

"I've felt something, a lot of things, since I met you... I still feel it. Even more, now that I know how you feel."

I felt like kicking myself raw. Why hadn't I seen it?! Now I'm all confused and guilty. Confused, because I don't know what I should do. I've wanted Bobby from day one. I just never thought that I could have him. And I tried to compensate for it by accepting his friendship whole heartedly. Now it all made sense, why he'd stick up for me so much. Why he never said a bad word to me about our...incidents, why he'd thrown off Amara. The fact that he always seemed to know what I was feeling, and how to cheer me up. I had no doubt that his feelings were genuine. And now, he had mustered up the courage to tell it to my face. He said he thought he loved me. And not that he thinks he might be bi, or straight and confused or anything. He was adamant that he was gay. This was no recent teenage flight of fancy either, he said that he knew how he felt since he was twelve. I thought back to all the things he'd do for me, stuff I'd played off as mere friendship. Now it just...made sense. How could I not see that he would have treated his other friends...friends he'd had a lot longer, just the same if it were just that? Knowing what I'd missed out on, what I had suffered my heart out for, was right there for the taking all along, made the tears come flowing right back out. I felt his arms embrace me, and I didn't even bother to resist. I'd wanted him for so long, I just buried myself in his arms and listened to his heartbeat. I didn't care that someone could come crashing in on us, the Palace was being patrolled after all. Then again, I had told him that he made me feel safe, go figure.

He tilted my head up and once again, his lips were upon mine, and I didn't even bother to resist him. I just gave into it, gave into him and surrendered to the awesome feeling. He paused just a moment to tell me that my mouth tasted like blueberry, thanks to the cream filled croissant I'd had no doubt, and then we were tongue tied once again. I kept having flashbacks, seeing everything that we'd been through together through new eyes, and it was then that the guilt hit me full force. I felt guilty because I already had a boyfriend. A boyfriend I knew would be hurt if he found out. I felt guilty because this was exactly what he'd warned me about, what had caused a rift between us. What I had fought with him for, to make him believe that his fears were ill founded. And I felt guilty because I now knew that he was right. But most of all, I felt guilty because I now knew exactly what I had to do. Which was exactly what he was afraid might happen all along. How could I lie to him, lie to myself most of all now? I've felt the attraction for Bobby since I've met him, and had enough trouble trying to suppress it then. Now, knowing that he's gay and how he feels about me...I can't anymore. I'm not strong enough to lie and say that I don't want him, I can't ignore how I feel. Most importantly, I'm not strong enough to lie and act like I don't want him. I broke the connection and pulled away from him.

Bobby: "What's wrong?"

"It's complicated. Just give me a little while. There's something I have to do first. I have to talk to someone about this."

Bobby: "Why, why is it complicated? I like you, you like me, what else is there to understand?"

"There's someone else..."

He was crestfallen.

Bobby: "You mean, you're not going to-"

"No, it doesn't mean that. I mean we have to wait a little. I don't want him to get hurt. I want to figure out a way to explain it to him first."

Bobby: "Oh..."

"Is that okay?"

Bobby: "Yeah, that's cool. I don't really want to do anything behind someone's back. So who is he?"

"I can't say. It wouldn't be fair. It's up to him if and when he comes out."

Bobby: "Sorry. I should know better than to ask. But I don't mind waiting, as long as you're there for me when the time comes."

"I know he's gonna be hurt, bad. It's crazy, but he...well-looking at things differently now, I think he knew about you."

Bobby: "Say what?"

"Yeah, and we had a little falling out, and we've only just reconciled. He mightn't take it too good. I don't know how he could see it and I couldn't, I guess my Gaydar is just defective or something."

Bobby: "Well, I didn't know about you either so...we're just two of a kind."

Two of a kind...

"I need advice. I have to go call Jean, she'll know what to do, and how to do it."

Bobby: "Jean? She knows about you?"

"Yeah, you have Jubilee for a fag-hag, I got Jean...and well, Ororo knows, but I feel more comfortable talking with Jean. She sort of guessed about me, based on the fact that I didn't seem to be attracted to her and she didn't sense lust from me. Too weird for a straight teenaged boy. And well, the Professor knows, but obviously, I ain't going to him for shit like this!"

Bobby: "Damn, so you could tell alla them and not me?"

He had a hurt expression on his face.

"The Professor found out by accident...I don't wanna talk about that. And yes, I did tell Ororo and Jean, but it's different with you guys. For one thing, I felt like I had a whole lot more to lose. And, after I saw how Ray feels, and all the stuff he said about Lance, it had me scared."

Bobby: "Well it's all out now. So don't be afraid to come talk to me about anything." He chuckled slightly.

"What's so funny?"

Bobby: "Oh, nothing. I was just remembering the first morning you came. I told you that if you ever needed to talk to me, that my door was always open."

I thought back to that first morning. I couldn't understand what was so funny.

"I don't really understand."

Bobby: "Well, you said that it wouldn't do any good, cuz you didn't know where it was."

"Oh, and you said you had to make sure I knew where it was! I did kinda think something was weird then. But, I just let it come up to hormones and wishful thinking."

He pulled closer to me and his voice lowered to an urgent whisper.

Bobby: "T-there's so much I wanna tell you."

"I know. There's a lot that I want to-"

John: "Oh, there you guys are! Come on, they want to tell us the info they beat-uh- got out of the spies!"

We jumped in shock. When we turned around, sure enough, there was John with an urgent expression on his face. We both looked at each other, wondering how long he had been standing there, and what, if anything he had witnessed. It didn't seem like he knew what was going on though, because he said,

John: "Sure, I have to go around patrolling, and you two take off and relax by the pool without calling me!"

I called out to Bobby telepathically.

{I'll talk to you later, after I talk to Jean. This is just happening so fast.}

Bobby: {I know, it's okay. It's like a dam breaking I guess.}


There is a God! There really is! Those were the thoughts echoing through one, Robert Drake's mind. Just when he had decided to try and break away from his obsession with Rick...IT had happened. He never thought that Rick could be Gay. He was honest when he said it. Rick so did not seem the Gay type. But he was! That was the most important thing. Jubilee was so right, it does pay to advertise! He had meant to go through with his original plan. Try and work Rick out of his system. But as usual, Rick had a way of turning his world upside down. How was it that someone could have so much control over another? Damn, he really must be in love! The darkness of night, the water in the pool, the stillness, and Rick's words had worked their magic.

He'd come searching for him. To talk to him about his "Problems". Well, he certainly knew what those "Problems" were now. And, while he wasn't going to get instant relief, the fact that he knew it would eventually come, was more than enough. And it seemed that Rick could suddenly read him all too well. He could tell that he was scared of something. No matter how hard Bobby had tried to cover up his true emotions with false anger. What caused the sudden shift, Bobby did not know. And yes, it did feel like a dam was breaking and everything building up to this, was about to be unleashed. He remembered the outbursts he'd had during the last few weeks. And it was obvious that Rick had definitely noticed, especially as he'd blown up on him and revealed that he had "Problems". Why, if he had known that something was up, had he waited until so long to something about it? It was all so sudden.

And then there was the problem of the boyfriend Rick had. Bobby would sure as hell liked to see who Rick felt to be worthy enough for him. It must have been the high-strung emotions he felt when he was with Rick, that messed with his thought processes, but when he got some time to himself, he began to cogitate, and he had a-should have been obvious-conclusion. Rick was definitely not-for want of a better term-Male Slut. He was decent enough to want to wait until he could talk to his boyfriend before doing anything with someone else. He wasn't going to do anything behind anyone's back. And those marks on him, they must have been hickies and they must have put on him by this Mystery Man. They definitely looked fresh. He could tell. As a matter of fact, everyone in their circle of friends could tell when hickies were fresh or not thanks to Amara's reputation. If they still had their reddish color, they were fresh, real fresh. But if they started to go slightly bluish-purple, then they were put there some time ago as they were starting to heal. The latter was not Rick's case. So they were fresh. They'd been in Nova Roma barely a day plus some hours... And they were fresh so... could the person-guy who gave them to here, right now? Rick couldn't have meant someone in a long distance relationship back at his hometown or anything right? After all, he wouldn't mess around with someone behind this guy's back. He'd proven that he had integrity. It was possible that he could have...done stuff before they all left for Nova Roma, and maybe Bobby just didn't notice the hickies before. But when would he not notice something like that? He noticed everything about Rick, including his eating habits. And he sure as hell didn't see them there earlier. And, what the Hell?! Rick had been mysteriously gone all afternoon... He said he was sleeping...but that was before they had their talk. He wouldn't have confessed about it then. So he could have been...doing things with this mystery person after all. Most importantly, this person could be with them right now, on Nova Roma! They could have been doing something up in the room all along... So this guy could be someone from the Mansion who could have come along for the ride, the "suspects" were few...time to ponder.


No! Fuck no! What had I done?! I've ruined us! Why do I always think with our dick and not our head? Once again Rick was in the driver's seat and I was playing passenger. But it was different this time. Very different. I had never before assumed control of Rick for so long. Since coming to Xavier's school, we've sort of fused even more. And it's helped out a bunch. I've been able to guide him right a lot easier too. But forcing him out of conscious control for so long, and then trying to fuse our separate personas again, so that he'd be driving and I'd be navigating, was hard. It was taking time to re-establish my place in his psyche, where I could most easily influence him. And whilst I'm out of the way, all my hard work is unravelling. If only I didn't possess him directly before for so long, then I could have prevented this horrible chain of events. He's starting to pick up on, that's putting it damned mildly!

He knows! He knows about Bobby! And no matter how hard I tried to salvage the situation and make him nervous about telling Bobby that he's gay, he told. Now they both know about each other! I tried to make him feel the guilt he should be feeling, but it just didn't take. He does feel guilty, but he's going to follow through on his feelings with Bobby. Apparently, talking to Jake first is enough to assuage, what passes for his conscience. I'm too weak for now and I can't possess again for the time being. There is no telling of the damage he could do in the meantime. I would have rathered not having sex than this...obviously. And I was forced to watch them too. Why didn't I get Jake to heal the damned hickies? How could hickies cause all of this trauma? I had planned on making that girl latch herself onto Bobby the whole time we were here, but the moment I surrendered control to Rick, my influences have been unravelling. She was back to her regular self, with headache and nausea. The same headache and nausea that Rick had. If only those were my only problems. And now Rick has been succumbing to his foolish lust and- then again, I shouldn't talk. I can only hope and pray that he doesn't fuck us up too bad. Please let their be pieces for me to pick up...


Jean was in the lounge, catching up on "The Young and the Restless", when the phone rang. She levitated the phone over and answered it, expecting the same foolish person to ask for the Manager of Astra Insurance again. Her tone was rather irate. Not only did she have to put up with an idiot who couldn't dial right over and over again, but they were interupting her favorite soap opera too.

Jean: "Listen Sir, I told you like five friggin' times before, this is a number for The Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, not Astra Insurance okay! So stop being such a dumb-ass and quit dialing this number!"

"I was brought up to believe that people who use offensive language like that, do so because their vocabulary is rather limited. And this is supposed to be the Xavier Institute, For HIGHER Learning? What are you, the cleaning lady or something? You know, if you talk to people who accidentally call one of the Institute's numbers like that, you'll ruin the school's public image."

Jean: "And who the hell might you be?"

"Why dontcha take a guess?"

Jean: "Alright, listen wise-guy, I have got better things to do than listen to some anonymous idiot talking to me over a bad phone connection, so good-"

"Wait! Jean, don't hang up! It's Rick."

Jean: "Rick, wait a minute...I can barely hear you right. Is something wrong on your end of the line?"

"No, I hear you just fine, must be your phone."

Rick, calling her from Nova Roma. She was aware that they now had the problem of the chief minister's kidnapping. She'd heard about his "rescue" of an entire settlement. But surely he would have been calling her to talk about that. Official updates like that would come through the proper sources. It wasn't his job to inform her. Maybe it was just a social call, or maybe he was feeling homesick or something. Or maybe he wanted to be the annoying teen he could be and taunt her about all the five-star VIP treatment they were probably getting over there, in beautiful Nova Roma, whilst she had to settle for cookie dough and tv at the Mansion.

Jean: "So, how has everything been at Nova Roma, hmmm?"

"Oh, know about the Chief Minister right?"

Jean: "Yes, and about you, diverting an entire landslide!"

"Well, it wasn't me alone exactly. I just felt...stronger all of a sudden, and I could stop it from moving, but couldn't push it back and then some of the Telekinetics of the town helped boost me and we moved it together. Something to that effect."

Jean: "Wow... Sure wish I could have been there to have seen it."

"I don't think I've ever felt such raw power, like there was nothing I couldn't do if I tried hard enough...or this damned headache either.

Jean: "Haha! I know exactly what you mean. Lord...when the Phoenix Force was active within me, I felt like I could reach out and touch the moon, and crush it to moondust if I had wanted to. But don't you worry none about the headache, you probably never dared to use that much energy before, and you body and mind are adjusting to it, that's all."

"Yeah, you could be right...anyhow, that isn't why I called."

Jean: "Why did you call then?"

An awkwardly long silence commenced. Jean was beginning to wonder if he had been dropped off the line or something. The connection was weak to begin with and she could have barely heard him in the first place. She tapped on the mouthpiece.

Jean: "Rick, you still there?"

"Yeah. It's just that I don't know how to tell you this right. I don't want you thinking any different of me. I don't want you to see me like Emma or Amara, I'm not a-slut or anything. You see something's happened and-"

Jean: "Oh my God! Rick, were you...unfaithful?"

"What?! No, not exactly."

Jean: "What do you mean not exactly?"

"Okay, here's the thing..."

And in a matter of three minutes, Rick had stammered out everything that had happened during the last few hours. Now, not all of what he told her was shocking. Jean had in fact, known for quite some time that Bobby was probably gay. Now, she had always suspected it, based on his lack of either physical or mental reaction to her presence, unlike most other teenaged boys in the mansion. The same way she had been put into suspicion about Rick's sexuality. In Rick's case, she had to wait until he told her to be sure about him though. And now that Bobby had apparently confessed to Rick that he was gay and in love with him, she was sure about her suspicions there as well. And, considering Jacob, there was reason for Rick to be torn up. She couldn't help but wonder if Jacob hadn't been sensing, subconsciously of course, Bobby's feelings for Rick. After all, Rick had confided in her of their Rift and all. And now, he wanted advice.

Jean: "Would it make you happy if you're with Bobby?"

"Well...yeah. I've felt all crazy about him, since I met him. You know that."

Jean: "Then do it."

"You're sure? For real? You won't think that I'm a slut or anything?"

Jean: "I'm flattered that you think my opinion matters."

"It does matter. It's almost like, I don't my mom or something. Or rather, how I'd like her to be when I tell her that I'm gay."

Jean: "Yeah...well, thanks. It means a lot to me that you trust me like that. Now, I want you to be honest with yourself. Do you love Bobby?"

"I think so. I really, really think so. I feel guilty saying it, but he just gets me in a way that even Jake doesn't. I...fantasize about him. But I don't want to see Jake hurt."

Jean: "It won't be pretty, but it's a fact. You're both very young and the overwhelming majority of people do not meet their soulmate in their teenaged years. And the first person they hook up with, is almost always never the One. You have every right to keep searching if that's what your heart tells you. Your heart, not your dick, you got that?"


Jean: "Now, I have to say, it's not too much of a shock that Bobby is gay to me."


Jean: "The same way I suspected about you."

"I think I might have the dumb blonde syndrome. It seems that other people could tell or suspect, and I couldn't. Apparently Jubilee thought that Bobby was acting weird around me and because of me and she figured him out. And you obviously had your suspicions and Jake...Jake, you know all about him and his suspicions."

Jean: "Yeah..."

"I don't know how to tell him. It was exactly what he was telling me and that's what makes it so hard. How can I tell him? Please tell me you have an idea. You have broken up with someone before, right?"

Jean: "Uh...well, no. Not exactly."

"But Scott...didn't you? Oh wait, he left you...oh sorry. I'm just all torn up. Someone else maybe?"

Jean: "Well, no. Well, okay, there was that brief Logan stint I had, don't ask- but he sorta left me...age thing, and the fact that he helped raise us all. It seems that men leave me. And then again it was nothing like this. Scott left because he loved someone else, but I didn't even suspect at the time. Jake did suspect, right-complicated."

"I'll have to wait until we're back home. Can't risk anything to the mission. And I want to do it before next week Wednesday."

Jean: "Before the big birthday huh?"

"Yeah. Birthday...emotional event. It'll only serve to get him more attached to me and make it more painful when I do tell him."

Jean: "Just tell it to him straight up. Do not beat around the bush. I haven't broken up with anyone, but be warned, do not say anything to the effect of "We can still be friends", okay? That goes without saying. If it comes down to it, you think that you love Bobby more than Jake, right? Except that you thought that you didn't stand a chance?"

"That's why I feel so guilty."

Jean: "Don't feel guilty. It's one of the harsher realities in the love game. Be prepared to console though, take it from me, being left by the guy you love, because he loves someone else more, is going to hurt. And in Jake's case, more, because he actually had suspicions, suspicions that you told him were false."

"He's done so much for me...more than anyone else. Practically brought me back from virtual death and-"

Jean: "You owe him nothing more than honesty about your feelings for Bobby. You can't ignore them. It wouldn't be fair to either you or Jake. You wouldn't be able to give your best with him knowing about Bobby. And I know you may not want to hear this, but the possibility would exist that you might be tempted to act on those feelings behind his back, and he could find out and that'd be a whole new can of worms, and then you would be faced with having to deal with-"

"I'd never! What kind of a person do you take me for, Jean?"

Jean: "I'm just saying with these sort of things, anything is possible."

"You know, I'm so glad that I called you. You really are a great counsellor."

Jean: "Psychology, remember? That and I've had to talk to so many different kids with personal issues, I don't think that there's anything I can't deal with in that department."

"That's a bit arrogant, isn't it?"

Jean: "It's true. Now, that's all that's bothering you?"

"Yeah, why?"

Jean: "Not to be rude or anything, but I gotta go. You just cost me half and hour's worth of daytime drama. Bye!"

"Isn't my personal drama good enough for ya?"

Jean: "Of course not! What do you have on Victor Newman's love life? Don't be such a drama queen!"

"Drama Queen! Jean, what in the Hell are you smokin-"

She cut the connection with a smirk. He always hated it when she called him a drama queen. Still, she sure hoped he'd figure everything out. It was indeed a pity that she couldn't help him more, but it was true, she'd never broken up with anyone before. She had only three men in her life, Scott, Logan and currently, Johnathan. Well, he'll get over it. Jake's a big boy, he'll be able to face the music, best he learn to deal with some of life's harsher realities while he was still young and could bounce back.


Jean was right. But then again, in the time I've known her, since when have I known her to be wrong? I will have to tell him and soon. Still had no idea how to go about it though. But I'll just have to hope and pray that something comes to me. And before next Wednesday to boot. I never ever thought that I'd ever be in a position to be with a guy, far less be in a position where I'd have to break up with one. Defence Minister Sonya's voice snapped me out of my musing. We were in the meeting room, discussing whatever the Palace Officials had tortured out of the intruders.

Sonya: "The underlings we captured knew nothing about where the High Command is located. They were trained away from their headquarters, so that in the event they were captured, they would know nothing revealing and hence would not divulge any secrets. We have not been able to get anything out of them that would lead us to their headquarters."

Jerick: "So now they have my wife, the Queen and the Chief Minister, my brother..."

Sonya: "Yes, they are trying to force your hand Your Majesty. I say we cannot wait any longer. We can't seem to break their Psionic Shielding, even with the aid of Cerebro at this distance. We always suspected that their base of operations was located somewhere in the western portion of the island. I say, we go on the offensive and launch a strike team into there and search thouroughly. Forget their threats, they've been saying that they'll kill, but they keep delaying. They claim to the international community, that they're freedom fighters and want democracy, so I figure it wouldn't look good on their part if they kill off their hostages. After they get their "Democratically appointed Government", it's going to have to work with others worldwide. Kidnapping sovereignsand using them as bargaining chips, will be a lot easier to forgive than murdering them. Remember, the Government they form will have to have the confidence of all of Nova Roma's allies if they wish to keep power."

Jerick: "So you think they're...bluffing?"

Sonya: "We might as well all be behind a poker table."

Logan: "It makes sense. If they were going to kill, I'd think they'd execute the Queen by now, then send proof, and then threaten the execution of your brother."

Scott: "And the political nature of this whole affair really supports the Defence Minister's theory."

Jerick: "I don't want my family hurt."

Minister: "Your Majesty, please do not take this the wrong way, but as sovereign, you are as the guardian of all Novarians. It is the cost of rulership, personal issues must be set aside for the good of the people, and this is no different. Your people are at risk. I support Sonya. We may just end up rescuing your wife and brother, and it may all just work out for the best. And yes, it might not, but the facts speak out. We cannot locate their position telepathically, so naturally we must search physically. The area is densely forested, and it is easy to understand why they may be based there. Uninhabited also. It will have to be covert though, we can't just send the entire army, or what's left of it rather."

The king's face grew heavy with worry. I could only imagine what a choice it must be for him. I guess being Royalty was a lot more than Palaces and riches.

Jerick: "Very well. For my people. X-men, since my best trained soldiers have all joined the Rebels' cause, you will be our only hope. Can I ask your-"

Xavier: "Of course sir. So, Minister Sonya, when do you think we should pursue this course of action?"

Sonya: "Soon, soon as in tomorrow."

Xavier: "Very well. But, I don't think it wise to send all of my fully trained X-men to the West. It would be prudent to leave one or two here."

Jerick: "Indeed."

Xavier: "And I had better go with Cerebro as well. I may be able to break through the shielding if I get close enough."

I stared a little at the thought of a wheelchair...well Hoverchair bound Professor Xavier in the heat of battle. And I was a little worried. He saw me staring and I changed my expression.

{Don't be so worried Rick. I'm differently abled, not disabled. I was a soldier before you know.}

{Really? I'm sorry.}

{It's okay. I get it a lot.}

Xavier: "I don't want my juniors involved in this, that much is certain."

Naturally, we grumbled.

Xavier: "I brought you all here for the practical experience and to assist with damage control. That is all. I don't want you put in unecessary danger."

Jake: "But Professor, it may involve a fight, a bad one if you all turn out to be right about the base being in the west, right?"

Xavier: "Yes."

Jake: "And you said that you might be able to break the Psionic Shielding if you got closer?"

Xavier: "Well, yes but I hope that you aren't thinking that you can com-"

Jake: "But I might be able to help you break it."

Sonya: "I shall be accompanying him. I will assist."

Jake: "No offence Miss Sonya, but I am a lot more powerful than you are and I have the experience, and if anyone gets hurt, these are mutant hating, TRAINED soldiers after all, I could heal if things got too bad."

They all seemed to mull it over for a while.

Scott: "You know Professor, he does have a point."

Logan: "And he ain't a little boy, he's nineteen. That's a man in my book."

Jake: "Gimme six more months and I'm twenty. Age is unimportant, skill is. You always warned us against confusing age, with wisdom and skill Professor."

Xavier: "Very well. I see you've all teamed up on me, using my own words against me to boot. And yes, your healing abilities may definitely be required."

Jake: "Yes! You won't regret it Professor."

John: "You know, we could wreak some havok if-"

Xavier: "Don't even ask John. You, Bobby and Rick will be staying in the Palace. It will still need protection. You still have a purpose. And we need you for damage control, in case of natural disasters. You three are Elementals. Ororo, Rogue, you two will stay with them."

Ororo: "Yes Professor."

Rogue: "Um, Professor, don't you think that I'd be better coming along with ya'll? You did say that you needed my strength. I mean, if it's a fight they want..."

Xavier: "It's quite alright Rogue. Hank's super-strength will be sufficient."

He was squirming a little.

Rogue: "But sir..."

Xavier: "Rogue, this mission will have to be done quietly and well, you do go a little to the extreme. Now now now, that all has it's place, but I think it best that you remain here. For now at least. Our main priority if getting the Queen and Minister out of the clutches of the rebels, not wiping them out right then and there. Once they are safe, you will be free to-"

Bobby: "Kick some serious rebel ass! Uh..sorry."

Jerick: "Oh, not at all. I echo your sentiments, believe me. Please, handle the situation delicately."

Xavier: "We'll try our best. And we are rather good if I do say so myself."

Jerick: "Well, let's discuss this plan officially. You children-uh-juniors, who aren't going are free to go."

John, Bobby and I got up to go. As Jake would be going with them, he stayed behind, naturally.

{Jake: Hey, see you later, right, Love Ya!}

It stabbed me painfully to reply to it. We only had a few more days together. Before I would be forced to have that talk with him.

{Yeah, I love you too. See you.}


Betsy was walking down the corridor, heading to one of her afternoon classes when the announcement came over the school's intercom. It was sucking major ass to have Emma Frost acting as Headmaster of the school. But, it was unavoidable with the Professor currently occupied.

Emma: "Hello dears, this is your Headmistress speaking. As a special treat, classes this afternoon have all been cancelled, you can thank your Aunty Emma for that. Now why don't you all head down to the Auditorium and see the surprise that I've planned out for you all. Oh, and don't let me hear of anyone not going to the auditorium and enjoying the thoroughly bitchin' party I've thrown. Oops, there goes my surprise! Ah well... If you want to be ungrateful, after all my hard work and planning, and hiring the strippers and all, classes will just have to recommence. And don't think I won't know, I do happen to be an extremely powerful telepath. Don't hurt Aunty Emma's feelings, dears! Have fun! "

Has she gone insane?! Betsy was about to head into the Headmaster's Office and knock some sense into her when she saw a crowd of excited students rushing towards her, heading for the auditorium no doubt, with enthusiastic, horny expressions on their faces. A lot of the boys were checking their wallets, to make sure that they had enough bills too! She had to lunge out of the way for cover. Strippers?! Just then she sensed Emma making contact with her mind.

{Emma: X-men, come to the Headmaster's office immediately. We may have a problem.}

{Besty: What problem could there be Emma, besides you sitting on Professor Xavier's Throne of course?}

{Emma: Braddock, I'm serious, I don't have time to deal with your shit right now! Don't blame me for consequences.}

What on Earth could be so important that Emma would drop her regal attitude, and resort to common, coarse language? Well, time to find out.


Remy: "So Emma, what seems to be the problem?"

Emma: "Well, I noticed through the monitoring station in the office that we've been having, shall we say, some technical difficulties."

Peter: "Technical difficulties? What do you mean?"

Emma: "Well, I noticed that several of the security grid's systems have been resonating badly, switching on and off. And there's nothing I can do about it. Other systems have been glitching as well. I don't know what is going on. Technology isn't really the area where I'm most talented."

Jean and Betsy exchanged amused glances.


Kurt: "Sorry I am late. What is so urgent?"

They filled him in.

Kurt: " is a pity that Hank is not here. He does all the maintenance work around this place."

Peter: "Well, I suppose it could be, like some bad wiring or something."

Jean: "I guess. Well, you men will just have to make yourselves useful, now won't you?"

Remy, Peter and Kurt looked at her incredulously.

Kurt: " you know how much wiring it is that you're talking about?"

Remy: "Can't we like, call electricians or-"

Betsy: " You don't think the fact that we consume one eighth of the state's total energy output, and that's without the Shi'ar generator, not to mention the futuristic looking technology, the fact that the majority of the wiring is in our SECRET underground headquarters, will seem a little suspicious to them?"

Remy: "Couldn't you like, wipe their minds aferwa-"

Emma: "Will you all think reasonably?! Loose wiring? Charles has pumped massive amounts of funds into this place, not to mention...your ^other^ financeers. I do think that it would take a whole lot more than, "loose wiring", to cause glitches in the mansion's systems. Don't you realise that I'm concerned about the safety of the school and it's students here? Why else do you think I've cancelled classes and did all I could to ensure that they'd be out of the way without causing a panic?"

They then realised what she was implying. They never really thought that Emma Frost could be so capable a headmistress. That party going on in the Auditorium must have been to keep all the students in one, safe place, without them suspecting anything. Crafty... And the strippers, of course teenagers would fall for it. Then again, Emma used to be in the governing sector of the Inner Circle... a leader. She must really have thought that the students could have been in Danger. And mysteriously malfunctioning equipment...could be the work of-

Peter: "Saboteurs?"

Emma: "Exactly. I have not sensed anyone foreign, but if there are saboteurs, they could be shielded. They could even be psychic for all we know. Don't you and the Brotherhood have a permanent feud going on?"

Jean: "We had better start searching immediately. This coming so soon after Logan's abduction. What if it's those Alpha Flight people? They know all about us, and we don't know squat about them."

Betsy: "Or, what about the Brotherhood? Could it be that they're trying to retake the Shard of Cyttorak?"

Kurt: "With Professor Xavier out of the way, this would be the perfect time for Magneto to try some underhanded scheme too."

Emma: "Good, chop chop. I'll just stay here and monitor the situation in the Auditorium while you search the grounds and such.

Their eyes all shifted to one of the monitors. Male strippers, strutting their stuff...

They all looked at her hard.

Emma: "What? I have to make sure the students are okay."

Jean: "Emma, you are destroying those children's innocence."

Emma: "Oh please, they're all teenagers, and judging by the stray thoughts I pick up from some of them at times, you have quite a few kinky ones here too."

Betsy: "Come on everyone, we'll deal with this later. Let's round up the juniors and search the Mansion."

Remy: "Who died and made you leader, chere?"

Betsy: "I am the most qualified one here. I am a Ninja, an assassin, a thief and a spy, ALL in one. You're just a two bit pickpocket. Now, come along."

Remy: "Pickpocket! I'll have you know that-"

Betsy: "Professor Xavier didn't even trust you with a portion of the keycode, sealing the Shard."

Remy looked crushed. Betsy sure hit below the belt. He grumbled and decided to follow her orders for the time being.


Tomorrow was going to be his first real mission with the big boys. Scouting around the western quarter of the island, scanning for the rebel base, and the missing members of the Royal Family. Jake was excited, to say the least. Being the oldest member of the junior team (a few months older than Ray), he always felt that he had to prove his worthiness, his maturity. And tomorrow was going to be his big break. Still, he could understand Rick's lack of enthusiasm. He and the others were a little pissed that they weren't allowed to go along. He had succeeded in getting him away from Bobby and John, who were sleeping, and into a secluded patio down the hallway. They'd had mind numbing sex earlier that day, and never got a real chance to talk afterwards. He had to be off helping the Professor with his mental scans, and Rick was drop dead tired. After pushing his telekinesis so far, and not to mention the sex, he had a right to be. Still, having Rick there in his arms, all alone, doing nothing but taking in the peaceful sights of nightime Nova Roma, was heaven. He squeezed him tighter and drew him closer into his chest. Call him him whatever, but he loved the way Rick smelled. Yes, smelled. Maybe it all came down to pheromones, but he just wanted to take it all in. Strangely, Rick pulled away slightly from him.

"What's wrong, Ricky?"

"Nothing, just felt a little crushed is all", he replied.

"Sorry babe, I just love holding you close. Almost lost you once or twice, and well, I guess I'm still coping with it. I'm never going to lose you again.", Jake replied, kissing Rick's forehead.


Ordinarily, the idea of sneaking out of our room while Bobby and John were sleeping, to chill out together in some secluded area, would have elicited a "No" on my part. But I couldn't deny him knowing what I know now. Come next week Wednesday, well if we were finished here by then, our relationship would be over. Hopefully on mutually good terms. All the while we were together, he'd be talking but I wasn't really hearing much of what he was saying. Every now and then I'd squeeze his hand. I was busy running through my own issues. I felt as if I was cheating on two guys. Yes, I know that all I had done was kiss Bobby behind his back, but it was still a kiss, a kiss that I barely had the strength to stop. If he were a girl, I wouldn't have hesitated to tell Bobby who I was with either, but the complicating factor of "Outting" someone made things even more screwed up. So Bobby didn't even know who I was with, or that I was here with him on a patio for that matter, while he was sleeping. So they were both somewhat in the dark, and I felt a little low, like I was cheating on them both. I was broken out of my thoughts by his hugging. It had grown very tight and whilst I'd ordinarily enjoy it, my feelings for Bobby made me loosen his grip a little.

He asked me what was the matter, and I made up a realistic excuse to pacify him. I didn't count on his reply though.

"...never going to lose you again."

I couldn't trust myself to speak a word. I just closed my eyes in case they betrayed me to him, squeezed his hand, and focussed on suppressing my thoughts, just in case they leaked through to him.


Bobby felt low and ashamed of himself. But he couldn't help it if his curiosity got the better of him at times. He was just lying on the bed, tired yes, but unable to sleep. For several reasons. One being their close proximity to the volcano. Call him a wuss, but being a Water elemental, he was averse to Fire, and that glowing, rumbling, smoking volcano was not helping. Ever since he watched "Dante's Peak", the thought of red-hot, molten destruction from beneath gave him the heeby-jeebies. And yes, he was very ashamed of the fact that he was a seventeen year old boy, and scared of stupid shit like that because of a movie. So he just lied on his bed, pretending to be asleep. Everyone else looked to be asleep. John was even snoring. Big deal, he's a Fire elemental. The thought of everything burning to a crisp would probably turn him on bigtime. Jake looked to be asleep too. Although he was turning about restlessly. And Rick was sleeping like a baby, even had a cute little drooling thing going on. Bobby secretly smiled at how sentimental he was being. He didn't smile for much longer though.

Jake got up and sat upright on his bed. He light was dim, but Bobby could plainly see his outline. He got up and started pacing around. At first Bobby thought that he was up to either drink something, or take a leak. But then he saw him go over to Rick's bed, bend down and shake him gently awake. They got up, and went outside. In light of recent events, Bobby felt he had every right to be suspicious. He knew where Rick stood about telling him who he was with, but he couldn't help wondering. It could be something completely innocent, and then again, it could be something completely not. There was only one way to know for certain, follow them. He waited until they covered a little ground. Better give them time, in case they saw him as soon as he opened the door. They were telepaths too, so all it would take would be a stray sound, and that would alert them, they'd scan for his presence, and he'd be in one very sticky situation.

When he cautiously opened the door, he saw an empty hallway. Since their room was the last one in the corridor, and at the dead end, he didn't have to worry about trying two separate routes. He made sure that all he had on his feet were socks, to hide any sounds and went down the hallway, looking around corners cautiously. As luck would have it, he didn't have to skulk around much more. He heard soft voices emanating from a patio. Perching himself sliently in the doorway, he held his breath, and peered in.


He was kissing him, sliding his tongue into his hot welcoming orifice, but Rick was strangely non-responsive. Jake didn't know what was up. He was so different from the passionate boy he had sex with earlier. And he told him so too. Honestly, it seemed like he was going through some sort of moodswing. What Jake didn't get was...why?

"You on your period or something?"

That earned him a stinging punch on the jaw.

"I just have a lot on my mind", Rick replied softly.

So something was bothering him. He couldn't have him stay this way. It was a little unnerving. All the while he was hugging him and kissing him, he was doing nothing back in response, like he wasn't really there at all, or maybe wasn't really enjoying it. And the vacant expression on his face was a little unnerving. He had to find out what changed him so drastically in a matter of mere hours.

"Don't give me any lame answers, tell me what's wrong. You look like something's eating you, and I'm not moving until you tell me what", Jake demanded.


It always stabbed him whenever he asked Rick what was wrong and got a "Nothing" in reply. He never could shake the feeling that Rick still didn't trust him fully. It all stemmed from that first time on the Astral Plane. He was so sure that Rick wanted it. He could feel it with a certainty, but Rick then claimed that he didn't. And there was the time when he was being an absolute dick and thought that something was going on between him and Bobby, even pried into his mind to try and see for himself. That one really set it off. Both incidents had left Rick very apprehensive about fully restoring their mental link. For a telepath a relationship is much more than what it is for other, non-telepathic people. They don't feel any loss because they don't have the ability to communicate at the highest possible level. Telepaths know that each and every sentient mind is connected to a Universal Group Consciousness. And they need much more than mere physical contact, they hardly ever feel flufilled unless their very mind is linked with their lovers, to the point that they cease thinking in terms of "I" but start thinking in terms of "We". Where each thought is shared. Jake missed how their relationship used to be. He only had a couple days where he'd experienced that kind of bonding, and after he made the mistake of forcing his way into Rick's Psyche, he never had the experience again. He had to try again. He didn't know how long he could go on like that. Maybe if he had never experienced the bonding in the first place, he would be okay with it. But he had, and the withdrawal was pure torture. He leaned in closer to Rick's ear. Better talk to him the old fashioned way, not telepathically. Allow Rick to decide if he'd let him have even that low-level access to his mind.


He was putting me through pure torture. That's what it was. And I couldn't hold it against him. He only thought that he was saying all those things to me for my own good. I was grateful that I had my eyes closed. By keeping them tightly squeezed shut, the tears didn't spill out. It stung, but the truth would be told best when we were back home. But he wouldn't stop, it was like he was pleading with me, begging me to not only trust him physically, to tell him with words, but to re-establish our link in its entirety. I knew all about the mental link. And yes, I missed it. Being bonded was very addictive, but I never ever dared restore it. He knew from the night I went out with my friends, that I had some feelings for Bobby. But that was all he knew. That I just had some feelings. But when he became so adamant that Bobby was out to stake claim on me, probably had excellent gaydar, or sensed things subconsciously, I knew I would have to shield myself. It's crazy, but I was actually a little thankful for the excuse to lower the priority of the link, to keep those feelings and fantasies about Bobby as far away from him as possible. Back then, I felt that I had no chance with Bobby, and if Jake found out, I might lose him too, end up with no one and be alone. And now here he was begging me to open up my mind to him.

"I can't."

Jake: "Why? I promise, I won't ever take advantage of you like that again, I won't ever hurt you like that. But I need this, I need to feel that I'm with you, body and mind."

"It's complicated. I'm not ready yet for that."

He stopped talking then and just breathed. I felt something wet drip onto my forehead then, and I realised that he was crying. It both worried and scared me. For all he knew, we were still together and going strong. All that was lacking was our fully functional Psychic Bond. He felt our physical connection. Before I found about Bobby's feelings for me, I let him have his way with me, to show him that I loved him. All that was lacking was the mental glue... if that was causing him to react like this-How would he take it when I withdrew from him physically as well?

Jake: "Don't you miss it? Miss us being together that way?"


Jake: "What if I go first? Open my mind up to you, everything, no secrets, anything and everything you want to know, all my knowlegde, memories, thoughts, emotions, you name it-yours for the taking?"

"I don't know. I have-"

Jake: "You don't have to show me anything if you don't want to. I'll do it so you see how much I love you. That you can trust me, like I trust you."

The thought of it was very tempting. I'm telepathic, and the idea of mind merging with someone so fully was a great lure. But it would have been pure selfishness to follow through on the temptation. Especially as he was planning to do it for us and our soon to be non-existant relationship. I couldn't answer him right then and there though. He'd think it strange if I just all out said No. I'd definitely need some time. That would be more convincing.

"Could I have som-"

Jake: "Take all the time you need, but just promise me that you'll give it careful consideration."

"I will. I promise."

He abrubtly changed the topic, probably sensing that it was upsetting for me.

Jake: "So, I'm finally getting treated like an adult around here, huh?"

"Yeah. It's great how you used that Age and Wisdom argument against the Professor. Smart."

Jake: "I know. If it's one thing he can't stand being is a hypocrite."


"Be...careful out there tomorrow, okay?"

Jake: "It'll take a force of Nature to keep me from coming back to you."

That did it. My eyes stung fiercely, and I felt the tears stream out. I shifted my face away from him, but he had already seen it. I got up, to put some distance between us, to get some air. Being in close proximity to him made it a whole lot worse. I didn't get away though. He just grabbed me and pulled me back down into his arms.

Jake: "I don't care what you tell me. I might not be fully linked with you anymore, but I know when something is bothering my boyfriend. When I come back from that search mission, we're going to have a little talk okay? Just you and me, hell-it'll be tough with John and Bobby always around, but we'll make time and space. I can't help but feel that there's something I'm just not getting here."

I just nodded slightly. We did need to talk. But when we were home, not right after he set foot back in the Palace, from the search mission. He jumped to another topic, again he must have been trying to evade whatever it was that made me react like that.

Jake: "So, what do you want for your birthday? Next week Wednesday. We are in Nova Roma, a Mediterranean Paradise. Maybe something exotic?"

"I don't know."

He started sucking on my neck again. Probably causing more hickies that I'd have to hide.

Jake: "Then how about about something erotic, hmm?"

I shrugged him off, and shifted so that his lips were no longer touching my skin. He sighed and went back to hugging me again.

Jake: "Yeah, we're definitely going to have to talk as soon as we get some time. It seems like all of a sudden, everything I do makes you sad. I don't know what changed you from sexy boy toy to this. But I sure as hell would like to know how to change you back though."

"Can we go back to the room? I'm tired and want to sleep. And you should probably get some rest, big mission and all tomorrow."

Jake: "Yeah, you're right."


It was a lot for Bobby to absorb. The parts he heard anyway. He saw them getting up and he ran back down the corridor towards the room. He jumped into bed and pulled the covers tight. The door opened, a stream of light flowed in from the hall, and then the room grew dark again as the door clicked back into place. He didn't dare open his eyes, but he heard a soft, wet, clucking sound, and he knew that they were kissing. He felt a slight surge of jealousy, but he mastered himself and tried to see all aspects of the situation. He'd seen Rick's reactions to Jake's attempts at intimacy, and he was convinced that Rick would go through with telling Jake about how they felt about each other. That gave him some solace. But it was very hard to listen to them talking to each other, and even harder to watch. He couldn't believe that someone who had known Rick for less time than he did, someone who had tried to beat up on him no less, could just swoop right in and take him away. All because he was too much of a coward and didn't have the balls to be a man, and claim what was meant for him. He made a silent pact, to never hesitate to tell the people he loved, how he felt about stuff that mattered so much to him.

Now, he could see it all. Rick's moodswings when Bobby told him what he thought of Jake. The way Rick reacted when Bobby accidentally speared Jake in the Danger Room. Didn't Jake reveal that he had been in Rick's mind, along with the Professor and Jean, to help them quell Eric? Damn, and Jean knew about Rick. No wonder she was so antsy about that when they were in the jet. She must know about them. Maybe the Professor and Ororo knew too. They knew that he was gay. And Jake's own behavior made sense. He heard them talking, everthing, and the incident that happened out in the grove came up. No wonder he attacked so fiercely. He thought that Bobby was a threat. And he was right. It's going to be rough. Rick said that his guy suspected something, and was only just coming around to the idea that he could have been wrong. Didn't Jubilee say that Jake broke down crying when they all thought that Rick was dead? And didn't Jubilee say that he went crazy and tried to kill Logan with painbolts?! She did say that they spent an awful amount of time together... he wondered if Jubilee suspected something she wasn't letting on. When he got a chance, he was going to have to call her. Might as well ask her what she thought Rick might like for a present too. His birthday was next week Wednesday after all. And it was just his rotten luck, just as he was about to tell Rick everything he'd been keeping back, John had to walk in on them. But tomorrow they'd be there, without Jake, and hopefully they might be able to lose John, and then they could talk, face to face some more.

Speaking of talking, he'd heard them talking about their Psychic Bond. Apparently, Rick felt violated when Jake forced himself into his mind that morning when they'd fought, and couldn't forgive him enough to make it stronger for some time. He'd never force himself on Rick, in anyway. He made a mental note to remember how important an issue trust was with Rick. He mustn't ever know that he was watching them. He'd have to pretend to be in the dark still. But now, he could at least rest a little easier with his main question answered. The thought of Rick fooling around with someone else wasn't good at all, but it seemed that Rick was resisting his advances, and Jake was suspicious as to why. Hopefully it would all iron out soon, in everyone's best interest.


Another day here in beautiful, but troubled Nova Roma. The members who were to take part in the Western Search mission had left before dawn. So when I woke up, Jake was already gone. Servants would be up, but I was just straightening the sheets-I'm something of a neat freak, and it really comes out when I'm stressed-when a tiny slip of paper fell out from my pillow case. I knew it had to be a little goodbye note from Jake, and as I felt both Bobby and John's presence behind me, I folded it and quickly stuffed it into my pocket.

John: "What's that, Rick?"

"It's nothing. Just a tag or something."

John: "But these sheets ain't got no tags, and it looked like paper to me, not cloth."

Bobby: "Would you stop being such a nosey fuck, John? Damn, only girls enjoy pestering people about their personal business like that."

John: "How'd you know what girls enjoy doing Bobby?"

"Well, hang around Jubilee long enough and you'll soon see."

John: " have a point."

I glanced at Bobby and mouthed a silent "Thank You" and got a "No Problem" in response. We both smiled a little at each other, and I think that we'd all have to be careful because just then,

John: "What the heck is so funny? Why is it that I miss out on all this fun you two have been having? Last night you ditched me and went off poolside, and now you're both laughing at some private joke. I sure hope it ain't me you're laughing at."

Bobby: "What, we didn't ditch you. We just-"

"Got tired and decided to cool our heels by the pool. It wasn't like we were having a pool party or anything."

John: "Yeah, whatever. Say, I'm going down for some breakfast. Y'all comin' along?"

Bobby: "I'll be down in a few."

"Me too."

John: "Suit yourselves, I'm starving."

He lingered around for a little while longer, and we wondered just how hungry he could really be. He certainly didn't seem like he was in a rush to go anywhere. When he finally went out the door, we both breathed an impatient sigh. Bobby went to the door, glanced around as if to make sure that he was really gone, then shut it. I sensed that he wanted to talk, so I sat down on the bed and waited for him to start. He came over and sat on the the bed next to me, twiddling his thumbs. A sure sign of shyness. He never really struck me as the shy type...because for the most part, he really wasn't. He was the most out-going, extrovert I knew.

"So, what's the deal?"

He glanced at me, specifically my neck, then looked away.

Bobby: "Those are-"

I got what he was implying.

"Yeah, they are."

Bobby: " been messing around...or...have you gone all the way?"

I knew that having to answer that question would be inevitable. Still, I didn't even think that I'd have to answer so soon. I thought he'd at least have waited until I sorted everything out with my current boyfriend first. I didn't even know where he stood on all of this. Of course I knew that a lot of people prided themselves on taking their lover's virginity, but if that was what he wanted from me...tough luck. Someone else got to me first. No relationship that was expected to endure, could be based on lies. My resolve was firm, tell him the truth. It doesn't mean that I would enjoy telling it though.

"I've done both. You?"

He was staring at the floor and his voice was very low, almost inaudible.

Bobby: "I haven't done anything with a guy."

"Really? You haven't?"

Bobby: "No."

"Wait, you said with a guy. Did you do something with a girl?"

Bobby: "It was back before Ray came along. Jubilee tried to stake claim, and well, I had a secret to keep. We messed around, but nothing serious, just a little kissing and fondling. It meant nothing to me, I swear, she was just-"

"I'm sorry, but I can't lie to you and tell you that what I did meant nothing to me. It meant a lot. And I'll never be able to forget it, or pretend it never happened. I know some guys want a virgin and all, but I'm not. I'll say this though, I've only had real sex twice. So I'm not all that used. Is that a probl-"

Bobby: "No, no it's not. I don't give a damn about what you've done with anyone else, as long as you want to be with me now, that's all that matters. I never believed in that Virginity and Purity shit anyway. But, uh...I hope you don't mind me asking this, but-when you had sex, were you like, the top or the bottom?"

I felt the heat rise to my face and I knew that I must have been blushing a million and one shades of vermillion. He kept glancing at me curiously.

Bobby: "Top?"

I shook my head to say, No.

Bobby: "Oh. What did it feel like?"

"Hey, listen, don't take this the wrong way, but I don't really feel like talking about alla this right now, okay? I'm still trying to gain the strength the tell him, and thinking about us having sex is making it a whole lot harder."

Bobby: "I would expect, that thinking about it would make IT harder."

He smiled slightly at me. I rolled my eyes in slight irritation.

"I mean making it harder for me to tell him, without feeling too much pain for both of us. Don't joke about it."

Bobby: "Sorry, it was stupid."

"When...we get together, we're going to have to work on that sense of humor you've got."

Bobby: "Yeah...and I'll have to see if I can't get you one while we're at it, huh?"


The situation at the Xavier Institute had taken a turn for the worse. The mysterious malfunctions had begun to make there presence felt. The mansion's computer controlled lighting system was the first to go. Then shortly after...everything else. Currently the entire mansion was cloaked in darkness. Jean could sense the growing sense of panic emanating from the auditorium. The students were restless, as were Emma's strippers... She hoped they wouldn't have to do any telepathic memory erasal. Something was definitely up. Every system was currently disabled, including the communications networks and Cerebro. They were effectively cut off from the rest of the world. Far too coincidental. Then again, hardly anything that ever happened in X-Land ever was. Jean had tried scanning the entire grounds, so had Betsy. They knew that Emma was an advanced telepath, but better safe than sorry. They sensed nothing out of the ordinary though, and now, all the remaining members of the X-men, both junior and senior were engaged in manually searching the grounds for anything out of the ordinary.

Ray was currently grouped with Jubilee and David, patrolling the mansion's backyard when he sensed something was up. He paused and stopped Jubilee and David, urging them to be silent. They were confused at his reaction, the entire backyard was deserted, no one there...or so it seemed. Jubilee whispered softly,

"What is it Ray?"

"It's weird, everything in and around the mansion is disabled, but I think I'm sensing electrical activity out here", he replied.

"For real?", David asked.

"Yeah, I'm definitely sensing electrical impulses."

"Well, maybe it's like, our nervous system, or animals' nervous systems or something. Nervous impulses are electrical in nature you know", was David's response. The ever all-knowing David was quick to give a logical explanation.

"No. This feels too strong. It's coming from near those trees."

Ray started walking over to investigate. Jubilee and David followed him. It was night and very dark, they could barely see into the grove. Suddenly they heard a noise and Ray jumped.

"The electrical signal! It just shifted, whatever's radiating it, just moved."

"Okay, this is getting creepy." Jubilee clutched Ray's arm, obviously a little panicky.

"I wonder...", David mused, before transforming his body into a feral, wolf form. Jubilee and Ray stood by as he made his way closer, sniffing the air. His wolf ears were twitching, trying to catch the slightest sound upon the wind. But it was the scent that got his attention. Quickly he morphed back into human form.

"There are people in there, I smelt them! Guys attack!"


Jean was on one of the back porches when she sensed it. Fear... Jubilee's distress reached her via the telepathic link that she, Betsy and Emma had in operation. With all the equipment currently disabled, it was the only means ny which they could communicate.

{Jubilee: Jean, can you hear me?!}

{Jean: Yes, what's the matter Jubilee?}

{Jubilee: It's David! We were out in the backyard and he sensed electricity and then David said something about animals and nervous sys...forget it. These soldier looking men just came out of nowhere, they were like invisible, and David's been shot!}

{Jean: Dear God! Is he conscious?}

{Jubilee: No! We couldn't fend off the bullets! We're inside, in the ground floor lobby.}

{Jean: I'm on my way!}

She then projected her thoughts to every other X-man on patrol.

{Jean: Everyone, we have intruders. They're not just cloaked Psionically, they're invisible too. Ray said he sensed Electrical activity. Probably found them out and they attacked in retaliation. Watch your backs, David has been shot! Jubilee said they looked military, they could have special training...}

{Betsy: Damnit! Kurt, we'll need you to teleport him to a hospital immediately, even our med-wing is non-operational."

{Kurt: But my holographic inducer isn't working either. It went out along with everything else.}

{Jean: Just get him to a hospital and make sure that someone notices a bleeding teen, we'll deal with it later. These people sure know what they're doing. They must obviously be the ones responsible for disabling our technology.}

{Emma: Raymond, you sensed electricity about, did you not?}

{Ray: Yeah.}

{Remy: And you said that they were invisible, right Jubilee? Then they appeared from nowhere...sounds like some sort of technology to me. Their tech's electricity is probably what you were sensing.}

{Peter: Yes... It makes sense. Which means that you can help us locate them, even if they are off the Psychic and Visual radar.}

{Betsy: Alright team, let's get to work.}


It was aggravating. It seemed like we couldn't get any time to ourselves. Ever since the day before when we confessed how we felt for each other, Bobby and I wanted to have some time alone to talk to one another. No matter how much we were tempted, that was all that we were going to do, talk. But it seemed that the Universe was conspiring to keep that from happening. For one thing, John seemed to have latched on to us and wouldn't let us out of his sight. We thought we lost him a couple of times, but sure enough, whenever we looked around, there he was coming right back up to meet us. Our frustration was probably starting to show too.

Bobby: "Oh Hell, John. Can't people get a moment to themselves?"

John: "Hey, I thought we were all a team here."

"We'd cover more ground effectively if we all split up."

John: "Oh please, just how much more patrolling do we have to do? What else do you think could happen around here? Hmm...they got the King barricaded, they have their own defence force, a lot of them mutants by the way...who could succeed in carrying off the king now that they're prepared? Besides we all know the real reasons we got left behind, it's so we won't get hurt...and to help with any natural disasters that might flare up. So what do you say we go have some fun while we're here in Nova Roma?!"

Well, in all our patrols, what exactly did we discover? These people had Psionic shielding on a level, that even telepaths the like of Jake and Xavier couldn't sense or attack them. What the hell could I do in that regard? We couldn't even see them either, well except is we made the entire area energetically unstable, but since that had a way of destroying everything in the area...we couldn't unless we were sure that there were intruders. I do suppose that the Royal Family would want to keep their Palace when this was all over. And with none of us having Logan's scent skills... these people weren't going to be found by us. And, everyone else seemed to think that we were only fit for damage control too. Maybe they just wanted to keep us out of trouble.

Bobby: "What exactly is your idea of fun?"

John's face lit up with a devious glow.

John: "Are you kidding?! Bobby, Rick, we're on Nova Roma dudes! Island Paradise in the girls on beaches where they're allowed to show alla the skin they...and we...want!"

Bobby and I glanced at each other, a little apprehensively. Speak for yourself John. We should have known better than to ask.

Bobby: "Right, John, I don't think we're supposed to leave the Palace grounds."

"Definitely not. Besides these Palace people, what about our two baby-sitters hmm...Ororo and Rogue?"

Apparently John had thought of everything.

John: "Hey, no sweat. While you were out chillin' yesterday, I did some exploring. The Palace has it's own connection to the waterfront. And it looks like its always full too."

"John, those are probably Official's and Ambassador's daughters and stuff. We could get into trouble."

Bobby: "Or spark some international misunderstanding or somethin'"

John: "Bobby, since when did you become such a saint? Rick, come on man, tell me you're up for this."

"Uh, no. I'm not risking any trouble with the seniors. I had to beg to come in the first place."

John: "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm gonna get me some pussy while I'm here, and still young. See you guys around. Maybe if you grow a pair, I'll see you down there. Oh, and if Rogue or Ororo asks, I'm patrolling the gardens, okay?"

It was with mixed feelings that we bade farewell to John. Yes, he was breaking the rules, and yes, we would have to nervously cover for him with Rogue and Ororo. But he would be gone, gone for a while and we'd have a little time to ourselves to talk. I tried to hide a slightly conspiratorial smirk. I saw that Bobby was doing the same.

Bobby: "I was wondering when he'd just leave."

"Yeah, he's too clingy."

Bobby: "Trouble loves company, and John's trouble, believe me."

Awkward silence... It was a little silly how much we were behaving like bashful little boys. If only idiot John hadn't ruined our heart to heart! It seemed like that moment was the perfect time to spill everything out.

Bobby: "So, we're rid of him finally, wanna go off somewhere and talk and stuff?"

"Yeah. Our room's empty now I guess."

And so we headed back up to our room, calling our patrol temporarily off.


They were all brought up being scared of things that go bump in the night. And things were certainly going bump! Jean had gathered all of the team's members together. There were bullets involved, and aside from Colossus, who could transform himself into an Organic metal, they were not going to be able to withstand the bullets. Telekinetic shielding would be required. And as she was the only telepath of any real power on the team...she'd have to do it. To surprise, Emma Frost decided to come out of hiding to join them. Aside from being a very powerful telepath, she could transform her body into an organic diamond form. Strong enough to withstand bullets, with super strength and durability to boot.

Betsy: "Emma, what are you doing here? I thought that you were busy seeing to the students."

Emma: "It's obvious in light of recent events that my assistance is required."

Peter: "Our infiltrators are on the move. We may not be able to see them, but apparently they can't see very well in the dark either."

Jamie: "Ray, you better see what you can do about locating them."

Ray: "Right."

They waited a while, until Ray announced with a trembling voice.

Ray: "Auditorium! They're heading for the Aud, where the students are."

Betsy: "What could they possibly want with our students?!"

They instantly started running towards the Auditorium.

Emma: "Wait a minute. They were skulking around, they must have been here a while, judging by the length of time these glitches have been occuring...watching us. And then, when we quarantine the students...they ignore us, the real threats and go sneaking towards the students?"

Kurt: "You don't think that they're targeting the students?!"

Remy: "I don't think so. Their technology is unaffected, if it were that, with all the time they had, they could have set off a load of bombs, kidnap or such."

Perplexing indeed. The X-men had so many enemies, it was hard to decide who wanted what with them, most of the time.


We were laughing our asses off. I can't believe how totally dumb and unperceptive I was all along! Let this be a lesson, never let your preconcieved notions override the priority of your instincts. There were so many things that I'd just summed up to my horniness and wanton mind, and didn't even let myself think that Bobby could have been possibly testing the waters. Even if it was just subconciously. And I was supposed to be able to percieve at a higher level, being telepathic?

"You mean, you were letting how you felt slip out?!"

Bobby: "Yeah.."

"And the thing is, a couple times, I thought they were a bit weird, but I always convinced myself that the problem was with me. Do you remember that first time I went to the Danger Room, with you and Scott. And remember that I went to the shower head, all the way down to the end and didn't want to-"

Bobby started smirking first, then doubled over laughing.

Bobby: "You were trying to get away from seeing us and getting a hard on?! You mean that Steam bath was just to hide your-"

"Uh huh. Okay, it's not that funny."

Silence. Soemthing in the mood shifted, and he lowered his voice, smile tuned down.

Bobby: "So, were you feeling stuff for me way back then?"

"Yeah. I don't think it was just hormones...I just liked having you around."

And then it started happening again. We were edging closer to one another, it seemed that it happened at a subconscious level, because it was some time before we realised just how close we were. If someone had walked in then...

"Why did you come to the Danger Room with me and Scott that day?"

Bobby: "It was right after I hit you with that Ice Bolt then night you came, and well for a time I thought that I mighta almost killed you or something. And the Professor wanted to have a senior in there with you, and that meant either Scott or Ororo, one of the leaders. And he wanted to have someone closer to your level, a junior. Ray was probably going to, he's the junior leader, but I wanted to go cuz I thought I owed it to you. I mean, I did make your entry a little rough with that attack and I wanted to be the one to set you at ease."

"It worked. I meant it when I said it. You make me feel safe, in a way that no one else does. Not even him...which is weird. When I tell you all about him, you'll understand why."

Bobby: "Yeah, whenever you're ready. No pressure."

"Besides, it was more comfortable because of another reason. So don't let it get to your head."

Bobby: "Yeah, why?"

"Well, I had already failed and fell flat on my ass when....hey wait a sec. When I told you about Amara always watching my butt, you said that I had a cu-damn, I must be a total idiot."

Bobby: "I meant it though. Boy did I ever mean it!"

"Anyhow, like I was saying, I had already made a fool of myself and failed that first night in front of you Jean and Scott, I don't think that I would have liked to fail in front of Ray too."

Bobby: "But you didn't fail. You turned those droids to scrap metal in record time."

"Yeah, but I lost control of the energy in the process, you and Scott had to run out of the room."

Bobby: "You've come a long way since then."

"Yeah, I know. A lot of it thanks to you."

Bobby: "Me?"

"Yeah. You went along with my idea that day in the danger room, with the sentinels. You came up with that great idea in Ororo's Elemental class, where you helped me make fog. Hell, you're the only thing that seems to bring out my telekinetic shielding. And all the little things you do."

It was so goddamned cute the way he could act all badass one minute, then blush furiously the next.

Bobby: "Rick, do your parents know anything about you being gay, the truth about the entire incident back home?"

"No, not yet. But next week Wednesday, they'll be coming for my birthday, and-well I'm going to tell them then. No more hiding. It might shock them, but I got the best 'rents in the world, they'll recover. Does any of your family know?"

Bobby: "No, not yet. But I made a promise to tell them soon. Everyone, friends included. My deadline is set in less than a year."

"Deadline, you actually made a deadline?"

Bobby: "I swore my time would be up when I turn eighteen."

"You shouldn't set a deadline. You should wait until you think that you're ready."

Bobby: "Yeah, well, I'll make myself ready. The earlier in life I do it, the more time everyone will have to get used to the idea. I just don't know how everyone else will take it though. The guys..."


Bobby: "Yeah, Ray. I just don't get why he's so bigoted though."

"I remember that night we all went out. And the things he said about Lance. I don't know, but thinking about it, I only think I've heard him talk that way about Lance. Maybe it's because he's all badass and Brotherhood."

Bobby: "No, it ain't that. He says things about other people too when the mood suits him. He's calmed a little now thanks to Jubilee. I think she's the best hope that we got that he'll change."

"I don't think that I'll be coming out to them anytime soon. I'm scared of how Ray might act. They all seem to go along with whatever he says and does."

Bobby: "You don't have to do that. You know I wouldn't try and get you to come out with me, right?"

"Yeah, but then you'll have to go through the pressure all alone."

Bobby: "They'll come around. Might be a bumpy ride, but I'd trust my life with them."

And so it went on, all day in fact. Telling each other everything, that we both wanted to hear each other say. We had completely lost track of time.


Ororo's mind was preoccupied. She had a weakness that always made her worry so. For one thing, her current beau was on a mission on the western segment of the island, quite possibly a critical one, full of danger, and she was not there with him. Of course, Logan was not a junior who needed constant monitoring and protection, but she felt her skills could have been put to better use. To make matters worse, her juniors were currently unaccounted for. She had been trying to contact them for the past half hour and had yet to elicit a response from any of them. She decided to seek the assistance of Rogue.

[Ororo: "Rogue, this is Ororo. I'm over at the front gate, where are you?"]

[Rogue: "I'm on the fourth floor. What's up 'Ro?"]

[Ororo: "I've been trying to contact the juniors for the last half hour and haven't been getting any responses. Could you go look for them? I sure hope that they haven't gotten into any sort of trouble."]

[Rogue: "Sure thing. I'll straighten them out when I find 'em."]

The first place that should be logically checked would be their room. Rogue began flying over. Just her luck to be left behind, baby-sitting when there was ass to be kicked.


I don't know when we did, but we had fallen asleep. That wasn't the problem though. The problem was the suggestive positions that we had fallen asleep in...together. The last two days were killer. We didn't even get the time for our bio-rythms to recover from the jet lag, and we were kept constantly busy ever since. We were beat. The problem was, we had been asleep, hadn't heard Ororo's constant attempts at contacting us, and now we had a very nervous, rambling Rogue in our room. She had apparently been sent to find us, and when we didn't answer her knocks, came bounding in with a,

Rogue: "Oh my God, sweet Jesus, oh my God! Okay ya'll, I'm so sorry... shit, shit, shit! I didn't see nothin', okay. It's alright, really, ya'll don't have to explain nothin' to me. Ya'll growin' boys...shit."

She promptly flew out of the room in a panic. Panic I was sure that both Bobby and I were sharing, judging by the nervous expression on Bobby's face. This couldn't be left to just run it's course.

Bobby: "Fuck, why the hell do women have to always go and push their damned noses where it doesn't belong?"

"It's not her fault, they were probably worried. We have to go talk to her."

He was spacing out.


Bobby: "Huh?"

"I said we have to go talk to her."

Bobby: "She said that we didn't hafta expla-"

"I'm going to find her. You coming?"

Bobby shook his head, no.

"Coward. Fine, I'll do it myself."

I grabbed my communicator and headed out. First thing's first, I called Ororo, to let her know that we were fine, in case Rogue in her haste had forgotten. Then I tried to get Rogue on a linkup.

["Rogue, this is Rick. You there?]

[Rogue: "I-I'm over at the balcony."]

Well, at least she was easy to find. When I arrived at the balcony, she was flying to and fro, the equivalent of pacing.

"Listen...Rogue, about what you saw-"

Rogue: "I didn't see nothin' out of the ordinary. Just two very tired, boys who decided to sneak in forty winks."

I couldn't help but smile at how cute she was, flitting about like mad, but still not homophobic and threatening to out us.

"Thanks Rogue. But I think we both know what you saw. Now, I hope it didn't shock you too much or anything."

Rogue: "Nothing shocks me anymore...just a little surprised is all. I mean, I never, Bobby..."

"Never thought what?"

Rogue: "Don't make me say each other that way."

"Is this a problem? I mean if your psyche is scathed or anything, I can arrange for a telepathic memory erasal."

She smiled slightly.

Rogue: "Oh Hell no! I'll cope, I just thought that somethin' could have been wrong, you weren't answering either me or Ororo. So I rushed on in. then again, I guess I should have known better, than to just rush into a room that belongs to teenaged boys, without bracing myself for what I might encounter. Don't worry, I won't tell nobody. Does anyone else know?"

"Well, I can only speak for myself, Jean, Ororo and the professor know about me."

Rogue: "Oh. I see. Well, I guess I better go find John. I sure hope I don't witness anything I shouldn't with him."

"Uh, Rogue, could we act like this whole thing never happened?"

Rogue: "Yup, fine by me. Later sugar."

And she was off to find John.


Bobby: "What happened? What was she like?"

"It's okay. Everything is going to be just fine." I pulled the straightest poker face I could muster.

Bobby: "Don't play around Rick, answer the question."

"She won't be a problem, especially after I was through with her."

Bobby: "What are talking about?"

"Telepathic memory erasal."

Bobby: "What?! No way, you couldn't."

"I can be very, very ruthless."

Bobby: "Yeah...what I meant was, as a suck! You can barely communicate at times using it. And you expect me to believe that you mind wiped her? What happened, really?"

"Okay, so she's more or less shell-shocked, but will try and cope. I asked her to pretend that this whole thing never happened and she was only too glad to comply."

Bobby: "That disgusted huh?"

"No, more like totally shocked, she wasn't expecting anything near that."

Bobby: "I think we gotta be a little more careful."

"I mean, we just popped off to sleep, but to them, it could have looked know."

Bobby: "I wonder what's taking John so long. It's almost dinner time and he's still out? I mean, yes, it's John, but he should have been back by now."

"Rogue took off to look for him. I didn't tell her nothing about the beach though. This is a huge place, she's going to be gone a while. She said that we weren't answering her and Ororo."

Bobby: "Wait, we were asleep, we couldn't hear them. But John's at the beach. And he wouldn't ignore their calls, he might lie and say he's in the Palace or something but-"

"Well, he is a wild child."

Bobby: "Right, he wouldn't ignore them so that they'd come looking for him and ruin his fun. No, he'd answer them, lie and that way they'd think he was off somewhere patrolling."

" don't think that something could have happened to him do you?"

Bobby: "He's been gone eight hours or so. Not answering Ororo, Ororo as in leader..."

"I think it's time we told them where he went."

Bobby: "Right. Just let's try one last time to reach him first, in case he really has lost his mind and ignored them."


John woke up in a daze, vision blurry and head pounding. All he wanted was some fun in the sun. It had been so long since he had any, and he was an Aussie dude, a surfer too. And he did have fun for a time. He couldn't tell where the bathrooms were and needed to take a leak. So he had snuck off from the two hot surfer chicks he was flirting with into a secluded area. His curiosity had gotten the better of him when he saw an odd looking precipice that seemed to lead into a cave of some description. He had glanced away, and when he looked back, the cave's opening was gone. Considering all the weird visual stuff they'd seen since they arrived, including vanishing soldiers, this was definitely cause for concern. He tried contacting Rick and Bobby, no go. He tried Ororo and Rogue, no success. Frowning he decided to check it out solitary.

He climbed down towards the mouth of the cave, well, where the mouth was and regarded it closely. It looked like a plain old rock wall now. But he could have sworn that it looked gapingly open before. He took up a stone and threw it at the "wall", expecting it to collide. It went straight through! He had found something after all! He was smart enough not to go in on his own. Who knows what could be lurking in there. No, he had to get backup. The damned communicator had picked the worst time to start glitching. He had no choice. He'd have to walk all the way and try finding them manually. He sighed and turned around, steeling himself to make the long trek back when,

John: "Girls! Hey, sorry I took so long, miss me?"

The two blondes looked at each other.

Blonde1: "Something like that. You vanished so long, we had to come looking for you."

John: "Sorry ladies, but uh, duty calls, I gotta go."

Blonde2: "Ooh we can't allow that baby."

They started fondling him, kissing his neck, and their hands were roaming in all the right places too. He was hardening.

John: "Ooh Girls, I'll be back, promise. But I gotta-"

The next thing he knew, he felt something hard collide with his head, and saw stars before everything went pitch black. And here he was. Lying bound and gagged on a rocky cave floor with two guards watching over him. He didn't have his lighter either, so he was powerless to do anything to help himself. This was undoubtedly rebel related, he knew that, and he had obviously been set up by the blondes too. A male voice then shattered the silence of the cave.

Male Voice: "You X-men don't know when to mind your own goddamned business do you?! Meddling in the affairs of a soverign nation. Guards, keep an eye on him, while I decide how he can be of most use to us. If he tries anything, shoot first, to kill, got it. Our base must not be discovered."

Their base? Of course, what better place to hide their base than right under the defence forces' noses, where they'd never think of looking? And he had stumbled upon it. These people must be Defenders. And those people on the beach, they must be undercover defenders. Beach boys and girls who spied to make sure that the hideout wasn't discovered...disguised as surfer chicks and dudes. Brilliant, no one would ever guess until it was too late. Shit, he hoped that the others were getting suspicious of his absence. He had been trying to scream out mentally for the last few hours, in the hopes that Rick, or at least one of the telepaths in the Palace would sense his call. He knew that the place was probably shielded psionically, but at least it gave him something to do, to take his mind away from the situation he was in.


Okay, hi again folks. I'm soo very sorry for vanishing again and not answering Email for so long. Rest assured I read them though. The holidays bring many unwanted people into your life and I was coping. Thank you all. Especially you Guilherme. I'll definitely try and follow your advice. And Chad, I hope all goes well with you and your venture.

And aishalover, I hope that I'm worthy of the compliments you spew!

I'll try and have Say You Love Me out soon too. But like I said, the holidays bring people you do not wanna see into your life... I'll try.

And thanks for checking up on me deeze!

Email at or

Next: Chapter 16: Xxx Men 16

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