Xxx Men Series

By Phoenix

Published on Dec 2, 2005


Phoenix here. About those sex scenes...Lord, lol. I have held off on them for more than one reason, the most impacting one will be revealed today, for those of you who have not guessed it. Also because I have next to no experience with Gay stuff yet. Almost none... my Gay encounters have been rather limited. But yes, in chapter 15 there will be some sex as...well you'll see.

And there will be some drama coming up soon, personal angst for Rick...and possibly others.

To Vince and Chad, thank you for the support about the sex thing. Yup, people I know it's been a while since there's been any sex, that may be critical for the storyline time you might see. Have not determined whether I'll let it run the way I plan though.

Mitsaso, thanks for the props! And I read your latest chapter! Guys, I've said it once and I'll say it again, Go Read Slutty Xmen! It's on Nifty and it's under the Gay Male, Celebrity section. I wish I could write comedy and sex like he can....sigh... Oh and feel free to Post comments and feedback at my yahoo group ( or email at either or


Xmen Story Chapter Fourteen

"Logan sure knows, or maybe knew (Some of the people in the photographs looked old), a lot of people, doesn't he?"

Jean: "Well, due to his healing factor, he has had quite an extended lifetime. I would expect that he has met quite a variety of people in his time."

Emma: "Oh, I'm getting so bored..."

Mom: "Why? Is it because none of the men in these photographs are nude?"

Emma glared at her whilst Jean and Betsy shared a small, poorly concealed smile.

I giggled. We had been going through an awful number of photographs. Apparently they represented memories. The processes of the human mind are complex beyond measure and as such, his thoughts were being presented to us in terms we could understand. Hence the photographs. Still, I had to agree with Emma. We had been in the cosy room for quite some time. Since this was the Astral Plane we were on, I couldn't say with any certainty how long exactly...but it did seem like quite a stretch had gone by. Jake and the Professor were in a corner, browsing over some trophy looking things that were on a shelf. Jean, Mom, Betsy and Emma seemed on the verge of a catfight with the way they were looking at each other, so I decided to peel off and join the guys.

"Professor, we've been in here for a while, but nothing's happened. I mean in the first room, there was a door for us to take. And when we stepped out of the forest, the scene shifted, but we somehow ended up in this room, there are no doors and no windows. What do we do now?"

Xavier: "Sometimes, a trigger is required. The different aspects of the mind do not work seperately. They are linked and work in tandem. We are in his Pleasure Centre now, so we need to find something that will trigger a response from his mind to change the region we are in."

He then called everyone over and explained the situation fully to them.

Xavier: "Alright. Everyone, scour this room, do not miss anything. Every photograph, trophy, toy..."

Presently we commenced searching again. The ladies went through the photographs whilst us men sorted out the trophies and other paraphernalia. Presently, we heard an, " adorable!" from Emma and we went over to see what she had found. She had a framed photograph in her hand. She was looking at me a little probingly. I shifted uneasily.

Emma: "Hey!.."

Mom had snatched the photograph from her hands. The rest of us went over to see what was up. Jean, Betsy, Mom and the Professor were smirking...

Betsy: "Aww...Santa's Little Helper..."

I leaned over and looked. I recognized it immediately. A baby picture. A baby wearing an oversized Santa Cap with a toy Rudolph to boot. Me... Logan must remember it. I wonder who's fucked up idea it was to dress me up like that. I was a helpless baby too. And now I'd never live it down. Mom had a photograph that resembled it back home. A photograph she was constantly showing her friends. Especially during the Holidays. I don't think I got away from it any Christmas that I could remember.

Mom: "Oh..Rick, it was your first Christmas..."

Jake: "Hahaha...Oh, God, this is rich!"

"Shut up! Come on stop it....stop looking at me like that!."

Emma: "Well've certainly come a long way since then...hmm..."

I tried grabbing the frame from them, and was having no luck. I was getting a little pissed.

"We are supposed to be here, trying to help Logan, remember. We're wasting time!"

That got their attention and whilst they were distracted, I grabbed the photograph from Jake. As I did so however, a weird thing started happening. The image started to blur and change. That sure got my attention. I mean, sure, we were on the Astral Plane, but the other photographs hadn't done that.

"Um...guys, something's happening to the's changing."

They came over to me and looked at it.

Jake: "It looks like a scrambled porno...without the sound of course."

Emma: " sorta does..."

Betsy: "I don't suppose, that you two could have just said that it was blurred..."

They grinned sheepishly. Well Jake looked sheepish...Emma looked as cool as ever. Soon the picture became comprehensible. It was still me. But the regular, sixteen year old me. In my X-training uniform too.

Jean: "Oookay...that was weird...does anyone else think that was weird?"

Xavier: "I don't suppose that-"

Mom took the picture back, and as soon as she did, she shrieked and dropped it. We turned to see what was the matter. She had a horrified look on her face and instead of answering, pointed at the ground. The photograph was mutilated, scratched and the floor around it was stained red. The red was spreading.

"Mom, did you cut yourself on the glass?"

Mom: "N-no, it just shattered and...look, the PHOTOGRAPH is bleeding...not me...what does that mean?"

Emma and Mom had bewildered looks on their faces.

The rest of us had some idea as to the cause though. It turned out that if a trigger was what we had needed, that photograph, was what was required. A door materialised from the wall. I telepathically made contact with the Professor.

{Professor, what exactly did you tell my mother?}

{Xavier: I told her that you and the others went on a training mission, left Logan to commence the survival segment of it. That you received a broken message from him. I told her about the Sentinels, Alpha Flight, and about you and the others finding Logan with the scientist...not about your personal confrontation with him...or the incident. She knows about the scientist and the implant.}

{You saw what just happened, she is going to suspect something. Logan's mind did that to the photograph...or maybe his aggressive new persona did.}

Xavier: "It appears our way is clear. Let us commence."

Mom: "Wait, just before we go. Does anyone here know what that was all about?" was a pretty strong telepath, and she had always shown that she had the infamous Woman's Intuition. She'd know if someone were lying to her. And the expressions on our faces were probably not going to help the situation any. She became more urgent when we didn't answer her.

Mom: "Rick, honey, do you know why Logan's mind reacted to you like that? Did you two fight or something...maybe over your father, I don't know how they feel about each other..."

"I d-don't know mom...I don't know why-", I started to go panicky, and shifted my gaze a lot. I'm a horrible liar, especially to my mom, she has a way of piercing you with her eyes, you feel like she can see right through you.

Mom: "Rick, look at me, and stop have been behaving yourself over here, haven't you..?"

Jean: "Why yes, he hasn't been any trouble."

Mom: "Then why are you all evading my question? Why is Logan so angry at my son? His mind tore up his photgraph, and it is bleeding...what aren't you telling me?"

Xavier: "Logan is extremely volatile at present and he has been raging at everyone."

Betsy: "His mind is no longer fully under his control..."

Mom: "His mind did not react to everyone else's impressions like that."

Jake: "We better go, the longer we stay here the-"

Mom: "No, I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what is going on. I know at least one of you knows something, I can see it by the way you're looking at me. More importantly, I can feel it. I'm strongly telepathic in case you've all forgotten..."

Betsy: "Julie...we don't have the time for this right now..."

Mom: "Oh, so you do know something...make the time. I have a right to know, it's the least you can do after calling for my help here on the Astral Plane...and I'm serious, I'm not leaving this room until you tell me...and neither is Rick..."

Emma: "You people and your melodrama...come off it dear. Drama is MY know you people could never quite pull it off..."

Jean: "Shut the fuck up Emma and stay out of this!"

Xavier: "Jean..."

Emma: "Oh no she didn't! You want to start something princess? The Queen is ever ready..."

"Okay, uh-could everyone just calm down?...Please.."

Emma: "Leave this for us grownups to handle..."

"Unless you haven't noticed, Emma...(That's right, Emma, not Miss Frost. She was NO lady and so I wasn't going to be a gentleman.) I am actually more a part of this than you are..."

Emma: "You may be cute dear, but you are starting to act like an annoying little shit."

Mom: "Who in the bloody Hell do you think you are, talking to my son like that?! Bitch, I will kick your Astral Ass so hard when you wake up, your lipo-suctioned butt will have a mar-"


Xavier: "Oh dear...not again..."


Xavier: "They could never quite get along, it seems they fight as much on the same side as on opposite quarters..."

Betsy: "Julie, calm down...I don't think you're setting a good example for your son."

Emma: "Yes Julie, do calm don't want to push this. It won't be nice for the poor boy to see his mother getting her ass handed to her..."

Jean: "Oh come off it Emma! You know you'd lose...or have you forgotten the time when she (Jean eyed me and checked herself) know what..."

Emma looked genuinely embarrassed.

"What? What did mom do?"

Mom: " Betsy, explain it to me..."

"Wait, I'll do it..."

Oh boy...

"Mom, you know what happened this weekend, right?"

Mom: "Well, yes...the professor told me."

She then went over the version she got from the Professor.

"Well, there was just a little bit more he didn't tell you, that happened."

Mom: "You lied to me? Why?..", she was eyeing the Professor.

"He didn't lie mom. It's just that we didn't want to worry you, and then with the way dad thinks of him and...okay, here's the thing. I actually found Logan first, and well, the implant he got, it made him do whatever the scientist told him to. And he sort of told him to...kill me...and-"

Mom: "No...he didn't, he wouldn't ..."

"No he didn't, that's important thing. I did get hurt... (Okay, so a little white lie. I technically wasn't quite dead. Thankfully in her distraught state she wasn't probing) I guess it was kind of my fault, I should have fought a little harder, but I didn't want to hurt him...and"

Mom: "How bad did he hurt him?"

Jean: "It wasn't exactly Logan, remember?"

Mom: "How bad?"

Jean: "He almost died..."

She gasped and came over to me holding me in an iron grip...way to go Jean..

"But Jake healed me. Right Jake?"

{Say something now! Now Jake, before she gets too emotional!}

Jake: "Uh-yeah...I healed him. Good as new, not even a scar!"

Betsy: "Don't blame Logan, Julie..."

Mom: "You know I wouldn''s just that, with us so far away, I'm always worrying, and then when he joined the junior team...I just want you to be safe...right Rick? We're going to have to talk some more about this X-training of yours."

"Mom, I'm fine."

Mom: "This time...but what about the next emergency..? I was always worrying when your father was on the team too...and now you."

"Mom, I'm learning to control my powers better...and I can shield now too, and I have my team-mates to bail me out, and Jake here can heal in a snap...and..."

Mom: "I won't say a word to your father, for obvious reasons...but I don't want you to be put in situations like these."

Xavier: "It was unforeseeable Julie..."

A frightening thought came to me.

"You...won't make me leave the school...will you mom?"

Mom: "I don't...know if I should.."

"It's not fair!"

Mom: " I don't understand...You didn't even want to come.."

"Yeah well...things change, and now I like it here. Where I can be open instead of hiding what makes me different...I'm not going to go back home and live a lie much safer am I know what those bashers tried to do..."

Jean: "He has a point Julie..."

Xavier: "This isn't an easy world to live in Julie. Especially for someone who's different. Will you take away his sense of belonging and security? He has gained remarkable control of his abilities since coming here, and I believe a great part of it is due to the greater mental stability the school offers. As well as the support of other teenagers who know exactly what he's going through. Think back to when you were a student...try and understand."

"Back home, I never even got to go out and have any fun. You'd always make me just go to school and come right back home...I have friends here mom...and I'm happy..."

Betsy: "You cannot keep him shielded forever Julie...eventually you'll have to let's a tough world for mutants out there, and he had better be prepared for it..."

Mom: "Sigh...fine. You can stay...but-I never want to hear about you playing hero and taking unecessary risks...and take your training very seriously, it's there to keep you safe. Jean, out for him..."

Jean: "You know you don't have to ask..."

Betsy: "Same here...Hell, I'll even train him in Ninjutsu style fighting if you'd like."

" mean it? You can make me a Ninja?"

Mom: " couldn't hurt..and Jack..."

Jake: "'s Jake, Mrs. Mckenzie...Jake Spencer..."

Mom: "Yes, well...thank you dear...for healing him. You don't know what it means to me...what it would mean to any parent."

Jake: "Aww...well, it was nothing..."

Mom: "Nothing?! Of course it was something dear...think of how your parents would feel if the situation were reversed..."

Jean: "Um...Julie.."

Jake's face tensed a little...and I swear I saw a glimmer of sadness there...I would have to talk to him later. He never mentioned anything about his parents or anything..Strange.

Jake: "Yeah, you're right..."

Mom: "Of course I am. Well, I guess we can go now."

Emma: "About damn time! I do have a day-job you know..."

Betsy: "Hmm...I do so wonder what her night job is..."

Jean: ""

Emma frowned and before things got worse,

Xavier: "Alright everyone, we have tarried enough in here. Let us see what else Logan's mind has in store for us, shall we."

"Yup...Ladies first..."

Jean, Mom and Betsy walked towards door. I decided to have a little poke of fun on Emma's expense. The woman did call me an annoying little shit after all! Just as she was about to walk towards the doorway, I jumped in front of her.

"Nuh uh uh. I said, LADIES first..."

We laughed, well everyone except Emma and the Professor that is.

Emma: "Charles, the next time you have an Urgent Need of My Talents...make sure it does not involve any Astral Missions with these coarse, commoners!"


Jubilee: "So, now we're finally alone. Gosh, the wait was killing me! Now, you were alone with Rick for like hours...what happened?"

Bobby: "Well, obviously I didn't tell him Jubilee. I just want to feel him out a if things go wrong, then at least we can still be friends. I wanna know how he feels about gay guys first."

Jubilee: "I know what you mean. What a about drama. But seriously Bobby, you were alone and lost in a creepy cave with the boy you're in love with and you could have died and you didn't try anything? To at least feel him out...or feel him up, eh?"

Bobby: "Haha...very funny. Well, I sorta had it in the back of my mind that we'd be found. I mean, with him being telepathic and Jake being an uber-telepath. It was just a matter of time. I don't know about you, but I've seen it in movies and stuff where people do crazy shit they regret for the rest of their lives just because they think they're gonna die. But we did talk and stuff...granted mostly about me and my former dream, the doctor thing, but it's a start..."

Jubilee: "I was so scared of how you were gonna take it if he had died. Thank God Jake was there...if he hadn't decided to come on this trip to act as a personal guide to us..."

Bobby: "I was scared shitless, Jubes. And I did tell him how I felt. Everything...when he was unconscious...I thought he was...well, basically dead."

Jubilee: "You did? Wait, does he remember? They say that sometimes, they can hear you, and sometimes it's like on a subconscious level.."

Bobby: "Really...well he said all he remembers is a bright light and falling...God, you don't know how relieved I am."

Jubilee: "We all are...Jake took it real hard too."

Bobby: "Really..?"

Jubilee: "Yeah...we couldn't do a thing to beat Logan. Jake went all out Psycho, he stunned Logan with these Pain Bolts, and he was going to kill him...I think. Cuz when Ray told him to stop, he didn't and said he didn't care if he killed him and...oh my God!"

Bobby: "What? Wait, Jake did all that?"

Jubilee: "Um..yeah. When it was over he broke down too. And then we heard you screaming that Rick was alive."

Bobby: "Oh, well...After I told him, he was still unconscious and I sorta...kissed him, and then I felt his tongue move and saw his finger move, and then he started bleeding again. Weird, I guess Jake's powers had finally started to kick in."

Jubilee: "Wow...Jake and Rick are real close aren't they? I mean, like brothers."

Bobby: "Yeah...I guess. Just like brothers..."

Jubilee: "You don't like him?"

Bobby: "What makes you say that?"

Jubilee: "The scowl on your face..."

Bobby: "I am not scowling...and no, I'm not too fond of him..."

Jubilee: "Why?"

Bobby: "I never told you guys this, cuz Rick made up with him and I didn't want any awkward feelings for anyone involved...they had this fight way back when, David too...and well, somehow they made up, maybe with Jake healing him after he hit his head...and then suddenly we're all hanging out together..."

Jubilee: "Oh, well. Since they sorted out their differences, I guess it's all good. I kinda thought something was odd."

Bobby: "What do you mean?"

Jubilee: "Well, the night we all went out and fought Lance and the others...the morning after, when Professor Xavier mentioned Jake and such, Rick said he was a swell guy, and the professor said he was glad that he was mature enough to set aside differences."

Bobby: "Yay for him..."

Jubilee: "Are you jealous?"

Bobby: "Of what? They're just friends."

Jubilee: "They do spend an awful lot of time together..."

Bobby: "What are you insinuating?"

Jubilee: "Nothing...just that you are undoubtedly his best friend, so don't hold anything against Jake. People can change."

Bobby: "Yeah, they can. For the worst...Anyhow, he did tell me something just this morning. Rick that is."

Jubilee: "So, spill..."

Bobby: "Okay. I was talking to him and I told him how scared I was that he could have died back there. And I asked him if he remembered anything in between the time he was knocked out and when he woke up...and then we got to talking about the sentinel attack and his telekinetic shield..Here's the juicy part. Apparently, to make a decent telekinetic shield, you have to be able to feel safe. To think of what makes you feel most secure and channel it into the shield. Guess who makes him feel the most safe?"

Jubilee: "No..."

Bobby: "Yup, yours truly. He called me the knight in shining Ice Armor. I blocked a sentinel attack on him in the Danger Room and that's the memory that he uses to make his shield..."

Jubilee: "He told you that?"

Bobby: "Uh huh..and I said, "I guess you're going to feel safe for a long time then." And he said friends till the end. Didn't take the bait...poor sign."

Jubilee: "Well, Bobby, it pays to advertise..."

Bobby: "I just wish I knew if he was gay or at least bi...damnit...why the hell couldn't I be psychic?"


Upon walking through the doorway, we found ourselves in some sort of Laboratory. The place was wrecked, totally trashed. It didn't look like anyone had been in there for decades.

Emma: "Another memory I suppose..."

Xavier: "Yes...a laboratory...and a pretty old one from the looks of it."

Jean: "I am beginning to wonder...Professor, could this be the place where Logan was implanted? Maybe some sort of ruins in the wilderness they took him to? I mean, it is a lab...and the guy responsible was a scientist."

Xavier: "I wonder...let's have a look around, shall we?"

Mom: "Stay behind us Rick.."

"Yes mom..."

The place sure had a lot of aisles, almost like some sort of maze. One could definitely become lost in there. We were all walking at a fast clip, when Betsy slowed down.

Betsy: "Look at this...the walls, they're covered in blood...Rick, some light."

I did the Fire thing again, and lit the area up.

Jean: "Everyone, on your guard, it looks fresh..."

Jake: "Damn...think Logan is responsible?"


"That answer your question?"

Xavier: "It came from our left...the door...someone, open it telekinetically."

Jean was about to when we heard a slicing sound and saw claws rending through the metal doors like butter. An enraged Logan entered the room and we all shifted into defensive stance. I saw armor form onto Professor Xavier's, Emma's...hell, everyone else's Astral body but mine. I chose to levitate telekinetically instead.

Mom: "So this is what he's like."

Xavier: "This must represent the implant's hold on him...we must destroy it...everyone on your guard and attack!"

Jake sent a bolt of pain heading it's way, but he dodged. Logan, or rather, Weapon X rushed Betsy, and I got to see her Ninja fighting skills in action. She did a backflip, lunged off a wall, and kicked him straight across the room. He fell down momentarily dazed, then got back up and headed for Emma. Her eyes started to glow and the ground started to blur. I almost forgot how powerful telepaths could reshape the Astral Plane to their wishes. Three spikes erupted from the ground caging Logan in. He began to claw at them, and they were cracking. Presently he broke out, and was about to lunge for the professor, but Mom and Jean sent a dual Telekinetic Bolt at him and sent him flying straight into the room he came out of. I thought of Fire and sent a stream of flames into the direction he was sent flying into. Then I heard an animal-like growl.

Xavier: "Careful Rick, do not get too close, his standing orders make killing you a top priority, remember that."

"Yes sir."

They ran into the room, whilst I followed from the air. Jean and Mom were conserving their energy, laying off the flight to have maximum power for their attacks. Jake and Betsy had formed blades of Psionic energy that they were wielding as deadly weaponry. Emma was wielding what looked like a chain whip of some description. Hmmm, a whip? Betsy did say she was doing something kinky with the Professor on the Astral Plane, when she caught them... I had to rely on my regular, well, the Astral Equivalent of my regular powers. I was nowhere near as skilled to reshape the Astral Plane. I got into the room after them and scouted around while they kept Weapon X busy. It was then that I saw it. A cage. More importantly, a cage, with what looked like a near unconscious Logan in it. I glanced around to see if it was safe for me to go near the ground. I was on the other side of the room from them so I chanced it. If that was the Feral Persona...Weapon X...then this had to be our Logan's Psyche...I tried to open the cage but it wouldn't budge.

"Logan...Logan, get up.."

Logan: "Ugh...Rick, you're okay, I thought I killed-"

"It's okay...I understand everything...but wait, didn't you see me like afterwards in the Jet? The scientist guy said that you could see what was going on, but couldn't stop it.."

Logan: "It has gotten stronger, blocked me out entirely...Thank God you all came...tell them to stop.."

"Huh? Stop?"

Logan: "They mustn't destroy him...if they do we both die...we're bonded now..."

"Uh...Okay...I'll tell them. Hang tight.."

{Guys, I found Logan. He's in a cage, behind the console, directly opposite to you guys. He says you must not destroy his alter ego, they're bonded. You'll kill him too..}

{Xavier: Of course...metaphor. Hank did say that the implant had fully integrated with his brain, and that removing it would probably kill him. This is the Astral Equivalent of the's the same thing. He's in a cage you say?}

{Yes...I tried to, but I can't get him out.}

{Xavier: It must be a Psychic Block of some sort or the other. We'll force him over there. We'll try to open the cage and lock him in it whilst removing Logan.}


I channelled all my energy into telekinesis and shattered the consoles so they could see where we were. I saw Emma lash Weapon X with her whip, restraining his left hand. Jean and mom had telekinetically grabbed his right arm. Betsy and Jake blasted him with two Psi-bolts. He was temporarily dazed. Professor Xavier's right fist began glowing with Psychic Charge and with a single punch, Weapon X was sent hurtling towards my direction. I jumped out of the way and added my own telekinesis to slam him against the cage. The others came running over. Weapon X got back up, he just refused to stay down.

Xavier: "Jacob, work on opening that cage. Rick, guard and protect him while he's working. Jean, Julie, help me attack him...Betsy...Emma-distract him as much as possible. Go!"

I kept my eyes on the battle whilst Jake was focussing on the cage. There was no lock or anything. Just bars...obviously, the programming of the Implant did not intend that Logan should ever get out. So no lock to open...and as this was the Astral Plane and the cage really represented something telepathic in nature, and I sucked as a telepath, I couldn't bend the bars open telekinetically. They would resist it. The bars did begin to reshape however, though I could see the effort it was taking Jake to do it. I glanced over at the battle. Emma had again grabbed Logan's arm with her chain whip, but this time he had the advantage. He used her own whip and swung her into the air, and into my mom. They were both dazed and he was approaching them menacingly. When Professor Xavier tried to attack him with a Psychic lunge punch as before, he caught his fists and looked like he crushed it. He slumped down in pain. Betsy did a flying kick thing, but he caught her leg and threw her into the subdued Professor and they both went down. Jean was left standing. She started charging up her power and was levitating a few feet off the floor. She raised both her hands and projected a shield of telekinetic energy. Weapon X started clawing at the field. It was plain to see at the rate he was attacking, Jean would not be able to maintain it for long. I had to do something.

"Keep working on the cage Jake...the others are down. I have to do something.."

Jake: "What?! No-don't!"

"He'll just finish them off and come here and attack us too. Work on the cage..."

I flew up behind him. Hoping for a surprise attack. I found myself thinking..

(Come on...don't hold back, not now...if you're listening is the time to act...I know you're independent and I know you can hear lend me your power now!)

I felt weird all of a sudden and actually shuddered. I could feel a whole new set of emotions flooding through me. More confidence...When I thought of Fire, I expected the usual fireball to materialise from my palm. This time however, an all out Inferno erupted from my fists and it was directed straight at Weapon X. He howled in pain. What was more, it had actually set him alight. He was burning...until he did the stop, drop and roll thing. When he got back up, he was seared and, was actually foaming at the mouth. Jean used the time to recover her energy and shake Emma and Mom awake. Weapon X lunged at me. I projected a telekinetic shield and he collided into it. It had the same effect as running into a brick wall. He then began clawing at the shield like he had done to Jean's. It wasn't long until I began to weaken as well. Fortunately, once again, Emma restrained one of his arms with her whip (She does enjoy using that thing doesn't she?), Jean and mom telekinetically secured the other. I saw Betsy and the professor launch two Psi-Bolts at his back and he slumped down, weakened.

Jake: "Guys, I've got Logan out, get him in the cage now."

While they had him restrained, I slid him as far as I could in the cages direction. Betsy started to glow with blazing, crimson light. She unleashed a bolt that paralysed Weapon X. With one more of the Professor's Psychic Punches, he was in the cage. Jake bent the bars back into place. Logan was slumped on the floor.

"Good, that's taken care of."

Xavier: "Not quite, we can still hear him. Metaphor is at work here. Hidden meanings abound. If we can still hear him, it means that he might be able to influence Logan after we leave. Make him do things by whispering suggestions into his subconscious, even though he's trapped and cannot assume control on his own. We must seal him in."

They all started concentrating and the metal bars on the cage became much more extensive, until there was not even a space between them. We could no longer hear the screams either. Spikes erupted from the ground, thoroughly encasing the cage. We all looked at each other, relief on all of our faces. The others ran up to Logan's position...

Logan: " came..."

Mom: "Yes, of course I came...are you alright?"

Logan: "I...will be. Rick, thank God you're alright, that you're all okay...Jake, thank you for stopping me- him, back in Canada..."

Jake: "I almost...killed you..."

Logan: "I would have rather have had it that way...than hurt any one of you kids."

Emma: "That was one hell of a fight...all of us against him and we still nearly lost."

Betsy: "I'm just glad it is over."

Jean: "Well, it looks like Charlie's Angels save the day again! Good work girls.."

"Another one of your aliases?"

Mom: "Yup...CHARLES Xavier...and we were the three most promising female students..."

Xavier: "Indeed..."

Betsy: "Do any of you think I look like Lucy Lu?"

We laughed. It felt good to do so after such a fight.

Mom: "Well, Rick, I guess this is goodbye, until your birthday that is...stay safe okay. And Jean, Betsy...Logan...look out for him, okay?"

They nodded their approval.

Xavier: "I will create a portal out of here."


After we stepped into the portal that Professor Xavier opened, we found ourselves back at the War Room's console. Everyone had a look of relief on their faces. Just then the door slid open and an excited looking Ororo and a relieved Scott rushed in.

Ororo: "Everyone! Logan woke up, and he's no longer feral! Come and see, quick!"

Scott was eyeing her, with a rather amused expression on his face.

Emma: "Oh...down girl, down! Hahaha!"

Jean: "Emma!"

Ororo regarded us a little oddly, then she checked herself.

Ororo: "I'm sure the Professor-will, um-want to discuss this weekend's events with him...and I thought you'd want to know if your excursion on the Astral Plane was successful...and-"

Xavier: "Yes, Ororo. Thank you for...informing us...we'll be there shortly."

Ororo: "I'll just go back to see if he...needs anything."

She left us.

Emma: "Yes do go see if he needs anything, anything at all....hahahaha!"

Xavier: "Emma, remember, we are not to divulge anyone's secrets."

Scott: "What secrets are you talking about?"

They ignored him.

Jean: "Yes...who else thinks we should wipe her mind clean of this encounter?"

Betsy: "Wipe her mind we have enough telepathic power to do that?"


Scott: "You two sure you want to venture into her mind? You don't know where it's been.."

More laughter.

"Guys, come on...she did help us get Logan back..."

Emma: "At least someone in here realises it...sooner or later they will realise that it is not wise to insult the White Queen."

{Betsy: I see she has finally gotten to you too, Rick..}

{Oh come on know she helped...}

{Betsy: You're right...I guess we can cut her some slack...}

Scott: "Well, let's go see Logan already."

Xavier: "I will alert the others telepathically, and tell them to meet us in the Infirmary."


Hank: "Okay, so let me get this straight? You were attacked by these Alpha Flight people, and taken captive. Then they carried you with them into their encampment...but you don't remember them anaesthetising you, or any form of operation or-"

Logan: "No. They tied me up, then brought the scientist guy you met. The way he talked to me, it seemed that he knew me. Which is weird, because I don't remember him.."

Xavier: "There is much about your past you do not remember."

Logan: "He said that I was an ungrateful wretch...after all he did for me. He made me superior."

Jean: "He said that?"

Jake: "So you were conscious the whole time, but don't remember anything about them operating on you? Hmmm...maybe his mind was wiped?"

Xavier: "I detected no recent tamperings with his short term memory."

Jake: "But then if this implant wasn't put in this weekend, then when was it?"

Betsy: "Must have been further back in his past."

Logan: "After he talked to me, he took some sort of remote, switched something on, and the next minute, my body was under his control. Whatever he told me, I did. No matter how much I tried to stop it."

Ray: "Just who the hell are these Alpha Flight people? I mean, we don't know them, but they know us?. Their leader said he didn't see any Xmen there, just a bunch of wanna be kids."

Xavier: "This is most disturbing. It could mean that we are being monitored by some external person or persons unknown."

Jubilee: "You think we could have a mole here at the Mansion?"

Xavier: "I don't know. I haven't been sensing any unfamiliar thought patterns. But then again, we aren't in the good ol' days anymore. There are Psionically Shielded Armors available now."

Jean: "He made you superior...? After all he did for you?.."

Ororo: "What is it Jean?"

Jean: "Logan, we have always known than your adamantium skeleton was not natural. That it was surgically infused...your true mutant abilities are your heightened senses and your healing factor...if he said he made you superior, was he talking about the implant, or your adamantium skeleton...could he be the one responsible..? I mean, that's the only real 'Improvement' I can think of."

Xavier: "Interesting concept..."

"So, you mean he wasn't born with his claws?"

Hank: "Yes, but they were apparently bone claws. But we know through scans that his skeleton was artificially infused with Adamantium, the hardest substance known. So his bone claws became encased in adamantium as well."

Logan: "I don't really remember anything about my life before Professor Xavier found me. I know I'm old, real old...taking the Healing Factor's age suppression into account."

"Found you?"

Xavier: "Yes. I was younger then, travelling the world, seeking to learn as much as I could about mutant phenomena. I was in Canada then, and there were wild rumors about a Beast Man who was terrorising the streets at night. Breaking into homes and such. I thought that maybe it could be another mutant. So I investigated. In light of these recent events, it seems that Logan has been the victim of these people, goodness alone knows for just how long...considering that this implant may not have been incorporated over this weekend."

Logan: "I was homeless then. How I came to be that way, I don't know. But I secretly took shelter in alleys, broke into houses and stole to survive. I was a lot wilder then too. But I've calmed a bit since then."

Ororo: "Yes, you have. You have a home now....and people who love you...a family."

They started some sort of almighty eye-talk with each other. They rest of us who had been on the Astral Plane glanced around at each other with knowing expressions on our faces.

Bobby: "So, Logan's back to normal now, right? For good?"

Xavier: "With alter-egos it is hard to tell. Especially as this one is the result of a mechanical implant. But I do not see why he should not be able to restrain himself, with the proper self control. The alternate persona is contained."

The rest of us took a moment to take it all in. Then Logan spoke with a soft voice.

Logan: "I want you all to promise me something...if I ever go crazy like that again, and any of you are put in a situation where you can't either knock some sense into me, or at least knock me out...I don't want you to hesitate to defend yourself from me."

Ororo: "Logan-"

Logan: "No! No exceptions. Do whatever you have to protect yourself from me. Promise me you will..."

We all muttered our half-hearted agreement.

Xavier: "We will try to dig up some dirt on this Alpha Flight. I can't promise anything other than we'll try our best to find out when, and what they've done to you, Logan. I think we had better leave Logan to his rest. Come along.."

We started walking out of the room. Interestingly, Ororo hadn't moved an inch. I couldn't help but smile. I wonder when he would tell her. I mean, this was a straight relationship we were talking about. None of the complications that a gay one would have. Wondering if the other person was gay or bi, or if they'd hate you or anything... I never noticed Ororo acting like this before, but now, it was plain to see that she really liked him. The way she ran into the War Room, looking like she had struck gold. The way she was practically lying on the infirmary bed with him. The mushy eye-talk she and Logan seemed to be sharing...and the fact that she didn't seem to want to leave the room. It was cute. Like two teenagers. Oh, I so needed a nap myself. The lack of sleep from the night before and the Astral Adventure had taken its toll.


I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door. Scanning telepathically, I sensed that it was Jake. Without even bothering to get up from the bed, I opened the door telekinetically. Hell, nature gave us these abilities for a reason right? And in nature, it's Use It Or Lose It. I do suppose I was getting to be a rather lazy boy. Jake looked behind him a little uneasily, then entered my room. It was then I realised that I had totally lost track of time. I was tired and went to take a nap. I must have overslept.

Jake: "Hey."

"Hey, yourself. What time is it?"

Jake: "Past dinner time, that's for sure. It's like nine o' clock. I was wondering what you were doing."

"I was sleepy, didn't get much sleep last night."

Jake: "Oh. You missed dinner and I wanted to come check on you."

"Why were you sneaking in here? The others up? I would have thought, that they would want to really rest up for classes. We have to start again tomorrow."

Jake: "Yeah, they're up. When last I checked, they were downstairs chillin' out. Which means, we're all alone on this level, well on this wing at least. Got any ideas."

He was smirking at me.

"I'm sure I don't have any idea of what you mean."

Jake: "Oh Hell, wanna mess around?"

"I am not doing anything on an empty stomach."

Jake: "Hey just kidding..."

He snuggled up to me on the bed and wrapped his arms around me. I missed having someone holding me like that, and I leaned back into him. He started to stroke my hair playfully.

Jake: "You were real brave today."


Jake: "Uh huh. I didn't think that you'd want to come with us to the Astral Plane."

"Yeah, well...I'm an Xman in training, it's my duty."

Jake: "All the same...I'm proud of you, and how you don't hold anything against Logan..."

"I wouldn't hold anything against Logan...I understand now exactly what was going on."

Jake: "I admit. I was worried about you. About how you might have reacted...and I still am a little."

"Don't be."

Jake: "It just seems to me that you're putting up some kind of front. Trying to be something you're not. You aren't made of stone, Rick. You have emotions, and it's not a sign of weakness to show then."

"What do you want me to do? Break down in tears?"

Jake: "No...but we could at least talk about this, so it doesn't come back when you least expect it to bite you in the ass."

Time to evade.

"Jake, Logan said he was glad you tried to stop him back in Canada. And you said you almost killed him..."

Jake: "It's just, I saw what he did to you and lost it. I hope he doesn't hold it against me any. I was frustrated, I had tried healing you and it wasn't working and-"

"It didn't work?"

Jake: "Not at first, and then when we had restrained Logan, Bobby started screaming that you were alive."

"Oh...and it worked then, right?"

Jake: "Yeah. God, I'm just so glad you talked me into going with you guys this weekend."

"Me too. Gosh, it's a damn good thing, for all our sakes. I guess things do happen for reason."

Jake: "Uh-huh. It's amazing how things just happen to play out for the best sometimes. Like that awesome shield you threw out for those Sentinels."


Jake: "And you learned to control it so fast too. So what did you think about...must have really been something to generate one so strong. So what was it?"

"It-was...", I paused. He would be able to tell if I lied to him. And that would have been far more damaging.

Jake: "It's okay...if it's a personal memory or...anything."

"I'm sorry."

Jake: "Nah, it's fine. I guess there are just some things you just want to keep to yourself."

" that."

Jake: "So, did you mean what you said yesterday, about us starting over?"

"Yeah...just slower this time."

Jake: "Slower?"

"Yeah. The last time, I don't know how we went so far, so fast. I barely knew you, and you barely knew me, and the next thing, we're together, and then we're having sex, and then we hit a problem with the Bobby thing. It's just that, I've never been involved with anyone, period. Back home, with the mutant paranoia, and the over-protective parents I have, I barely even had a friend, and I'm still learning to cope with whatever we are."

Jake: "We'll take things as slow as you want."

"I'd like that. I still don't know for sure how I feel. I mean-"

Jake: "What are you saying?"

"I know I like you. But let's be honest with each do we know if this is really love?"

Jake: "Because I can feel it.."

"I'm just saying we have to be open to the many people end up living the rest of their lives with their teenaged crushes?"

Well, okay, my parents for one...but that was beside the issue.

"All I'm saying is, we take it easy and see where it goes, okay..."

Jake: "Yeah, okay..."

"So, how'd you like my mom?"

Jake: "She seems cool."

"Yeah, for the most part she is. Except when she over reacts and these crazy notions, like possibly taking me out of the school, jumps into her head."

Jake: "Don't talk about your mom like that. You're very lucky to have her..."

"I guess so. So, what are your parents like?"

Jake: "They were great...perfect.."

"Were...oh my-I'm sorry, I didn't know..."

I should have guessed. So that was why he acted the way he did when my mom spoke to him on the Astral Plane. He smiled slightly.

Jake: "No, they aren't dead or anything. They were perfect, until my powers started manifesting."

"Oh...what did they do?"

Jake: "I was thirteen, and they couldn't handle a kid who claimed to be hearing voices. So they sent me to a shrink. He didn't know shit, so he recommended St. Andrew's."

"St. Andrew's? Um..."

Jake: "A mental institute for teens and young adults. It was hell. Sure, they'd come visit, all the time at first. Then the visits started becoming less and less frequent. Anyhow, they used to dose me with medication there, and I never wanted to take it cuz it made me woozy, and I used to act out a little violently to them. Okay, a lot violently. That did more to convince everyone that I was crazy. My powers started growing greatly after a year at St. Andrew's. One day, the voices were simply too much for me to take...I could hear thoughts so clearly, I couldn't distinguish what was a thought and what was a voice. I just exploded and yelled for them to just shut up. It sent a telepathic shockwave, blanketing the area. I later found out that virtually every psychic in New-York sensed it. Most importantly, Professor Xavier sensed it. It scrambled everyone's mind in the building too."

"That must have been terrible. What else happened? How did you get out?"

Jake: "The Professor started making mental contact with me. At first I thought he was just another voice and I tried to shut him up. But I couldn't. Then he explained to me what had just happened and what I was going through. I knew about mutants and stuff. But I didn't think that I was one. I mean, I didn't think I was all out insane, but lots of people hear voices...anyhow, he and Miss Grey tracked me down and came to St. Andrew's. They saw what I did to the staff and the other patients. They restored some order to the staff, but couldn't do anything for some of patients. Most of them were crazy already anyway. But some of them actually regained their sanity, the brain-damaged ones that is. Their psychosis was due to a physical cause. Turns out I had healed them. We didn't know that at the time though. Anyhow they took me out of the place by telepathically manipulating the staff, and then they took me home, to have a talk with my parents."

"How did they take it?"

Jake: "Not good. They would have rathered that I was the crazy son in the family than a mutant. To them, mutations are like impurities. It tore me up, and I was depressed for the whole year after that. The Professor had already explained to them about the school and such too. So after he saw how they reacted, he had to wipe their minds clean of that. He didn't want to, but I also made him wipe their memories of me too. I knew they didn't want me anymore, and I didn't want them."

"I was really lucky, both my parents are mutants, grew up right here too. I won't ever take them for granted again."

Jake: "Yeah, well. I'm all the better for it. If they could treat me like that, for something that is no fault of my own, they couldn't really love me anyway. Even when they thought that I was just crazy, they started to distance themselves from me."

"Yeah, well, it's their loss."

Jake: "Yup, their loss. So, you wanna go downstairs and get something to eat now, right?"

"Um...yeah. I am sorta hungry."

Jake: "Well, I'll see you tomorrow then. I so need to sleep. I have to go to class early to catch up on what I missed today."

"What, no kiss goodnight?", I pouted.

Jake: "Oh, I beg your pardon. Forgive my gross incompetence."


Just what would it take to pacify her? He'd tried slipping notes under her door, sending her flowers, calling her repeatedly on the phone...trying to ambush her as she walked down the corridor, to talk to him. He honestly couldn't remember doing any of that in ages. If anyone knew, they would have thought that they were still dating. Jean Grey was one of the most patient, compassionate and forebearing people you could ever hope to meet. It took a lot to get a rise out of her, but once you ruffled her feathers, you better watch the hell out! She had mastered the art of Passive Aggressiveness. He'd never really gotten on her bad side before and that made it hurt all the more. Scott knew he had hurt her. Hell he had hit her. But both he and she knew it was his words that caused the most damage. Perhaps he was too harsh. She was only trying to look out for him way back in the past, when she insisted he talk to Josh about his "Special Feelings". He'd try again. He couldn't take it that she wasn't talking to him. He'd try talking to her again. But first, he'd have to find her.


As soon as Jake left, I freshened up and headed down to the kitchen to grab something to eat. It was like ten-thirty, and the place seemed pretty deserted. Just the stray student here and there. I left the school section of the Mansion and went to the living quarters, heading for the kitchen. When I walked in, I saw that I was not alone. Well, more like heard that I wasn't alone. Now don't hold this against me, I am not an eavesdropper. I mean if a guy is hungry and making his way to the kitchen, and people in there decide to speak a little loudly so that the sound of their conversation makes its way out of the said kitchen...okay, so maybe they thought that the place was clear. But I was a curious boy. Anyhow, I was almost in the room when I heard two voices, not just any two voices, but Scott and Jean's. They sounded a bit angry at each other too. Those two arguing?

Scott: "I said I was sorry Jean! Come on...stop being this way."

Jean: "How am I being Scott? You can send all the flowers and candy you want, call me from now till doomsday, it doesn't change what happened. I think you should be glad. After all, who would want to hang around the person who ruined their life? You said it yourself...I ruined your oh so perfect life."

Scott: "Jean, I didn't mean it like that. It's just that I was frustrated at what you were saying, and it came out."

Jean: "I get frustrated too, but you don't see me lashing out at people like that."

Scott: "No you don't. And I know I was wrong. Please, let's just go back to the way things were..."

This was interesting, but come on. I have a high metabolism and I was hungry, so I made a few noises with my feet as I continued to walk to give them adequate warning. I heard some shuffling around in there as I walked in. For good measure, I yawned and rubbed my eyes. They both had a pretty strained look on their faces. I hoped it wasn't anything serious. I definitely had my suspiscions. I mean, come on. I knew how close they were, and how Jean still has some feelings for him, and no doubt he still had some for her. He had broken her heart by trying to chase some skirt who didn't really love him...and this quarrel between them, just happens to occur when one Emma Frost is in the building.

Scott: "R-Rick? What are you doing here?"

"Um...the kitchen is where you go when you're hungry...and the cafeteria is's like ten-forty.."

Scott: " long were you in this area...?"

"Oh...relax fearless leader. I just came in."

Probably wondering how much of their quarrel I had heard.

Scott: "Right. I'll see you around Jean."

She nodded her head. He walked out of the kitchen, leaving me to ponder. What had he just said? Please, let's just go back to the way things were? Oh my God! He had realised what an ass he was for hurting Jean like that, and now he was coming back to her! All the talk about "Flowers and Candy" and "Calls till doomsday"! I waited until his footsteps could no longer be heard. Which was stupid, since I was telepathic. Still, for some reason, it made me feel more secure. To wait until he was gone.

{Are you going to take him back?}

She looked mildly confused. Probably toying with me. After all, every girl has her secrets. I wonder if she has a reputation to maintain.

{Jean: What are you talking about?}

{Okay, I confess, I heard a little of your...conversation. The part about flowers and candy and him calling you till doomsday. Is he coming back to you?}

{Jean: Oh...that. No, it's not like that at all.}

{Oh. I thought you too were arguing real bad at first. Thought Emma Frost was the reason too. I thought, maybe the person Scott ran off with was her. I mean you did tell me on more than one occasion, that you pretty much hated her, and that she was a slut and was whoring around with the menfolk and-}

{Jean:! Rick...sweetie, you do come up with some theories...yes she's always whoring with the men. And yes, I hate Emma. But it's because of what she did to me when I was controlled by the Phoenix.}

{ it makes sense. They told me about that.}

{Jean: Besides, I'm never going to get back with Scott.}

{He has some nerve. And he has the balls to tell you, that you ruined his life?}

{Jean: Huh..what?!}

{ did say "After all, who would want to hang around the person who ruined their life?" I personally don't understand it. I'd think you were the one who was hurt more. After all, you had no choice but him leaving you. He chose to leave you for what's her name, and got hurt indirectly because of it.}

{Jean: life wasn't ruined. I've moved on...and I do have someone...sort of.}

{You do?! Who?}

{Jean: He isn't anyone from the School or anything. He's a regular guy...I met him at a Psychology conference.}

{Does he know that you're a mutant?}

{Jean: No Rick. He thinks I teach at a school for exceptionally gifted kids.}

{So, uh what's his name?}

{Jean: Jonathan Lennox...he's a Professor of Psychology at Virginia State...}

{How often do you see him?}

{Jean: Every now and then. He even considered moving here to Westchester. He's always asking me if I can swindle a job for him here, so we can be together...}

{Yikes...sounds like he really wants to be with you.}

{Jean: He does. I can sense it from him. But I have no clue how he feels about mutants.}

{Well, you could tell him, you never know, he could be perfectly understanding. People can surprise you. Like, thinking back on it, when I first decided that I was going to tell my parents, I was scared. But they are my parents, they'll love me no matter I'm going to do it. who knows, I can gain so much.}

{Jean: Rick, was it your own idea to tell your parents, or did Jacob convince you?}

{Oh, I was a little hesitant. But when I told Ororo about me being gay. She thought it would be good if I told them.}

{Jean: It's a big step. Maybe you oughta wait a little.}

{But I'm ready. Everyone I've told has been real supportive. I mean you, the Professor, Ororo...this tolerance stuff must work wonders! I mean sure a certain leader of the junior team has a little way to go...but he's not that bad a guy in other respects...and these are my parents here.}

{Jean: Why the rush Rick? I mean, your birthday is like, next week Wednesday...will you be ready by then?}

{I'll make myself, enough talk, time for me to eat. What have you got on tonight?}

{Jean: You'll have to make do with macaroni and cheese.}

{What? I thought you were like a gourmet chef.}

{Jean: Well, the people who were actually there at the dinner table took all the good stuff. Hmmmmm...that Cornish Hen was sumptuous}

I grumbled a little whilst she put the water on the boil.


Tuesday morning was here at last. The official start of yet another glorious week here at the Xavier Institute. I envied the other guys. No doubt Jake did too. They had all of the day before to de-stress and unwind from our hellish weekend. Me and Jake however, had to join the Professor on the Astral Plane, to help with the effort to restore Logan to sanity. It really took a toll on us. That and I did the wrong thing and woke up a bit late the night before too. Consequently, I felt like I could barely wake up when my alarm went off.

Beep, beep, beep.... Okay I'll just hit snooze and wake up in five minutes. Which I didn't, I just kept telling myself that. Until the bloody thing's beeping drove me temporarily insane and in a semi-sleepy rage, I telekineically crushed it. It let out one last, long beep, and then was silent. I got up then, cursed myself for breaking the damn thing and started to get ready for classes. Thankfully, the first class of the day was not an academic one, but a mutant training exercise. I might be able to just ease myself through. I hoped that it didn't require any real sort of focus. If it was an academic class, then actual thinking would have been required on my part. I grabbed my schedule and checked it through. Okay, Psionics with Miss Grey. None too shabby, the most I'd have to do would maybe move whatver tickled her fancy, maybe she'd want to test my newfound shielding abilities. What else was there to telekinetic power anyway? Or maybe she'd test my telepathy. I was a bit...okay, a lot inexperienced in the telepathy department. And both she and the Professor seemed convinced that my telepathy was being masked, for the most part, by Eric, my alternate persona. I realised I had better hurry, I was almost two minutes late already.

As I walked down the hall, I saw Roberto, Bobby and John heading into the study room. I waved them out and rushed on my way. A free...uh...Study Period first thing today? Damn, they really are lucky! Just my luck, the entire quadrangle was crammed with students, rushing hither and thither. I was about to take to the air and just fly across the quad when,


A shortish blue...demon appeared right in front of me, from out of nowhere! The thing had deep blue skin, a long, forked, serpentine tail...I instantly reacted. I had a flashback to right after the Juggernaut episode, when the Professor said that we could be in for possible spies, or saboteurs...I sent him flying in the direction of bust of Caesar. He yelped and simply vanished and reappeared in front of me.

Blue Imp: "Wait mein fruend!"

A heavy accent. Sounded German...or Transylvanian... Then I noticed the familiar X logo on his chest. The symbol of the school. He must work here. Gosh, what is it with me sending blue guys flying?

"I-I'm sorry sir. You startled me. (Word it carefully)...saw a power like that before."

Blue Imp: "Uh Ya. Well, I do suppose my, rather Demonic appearance scares people. My apologies...I am Kurt Wagner."

"Kurt...Wagner...Hey! You're the Xmen Delivery Man! You carried a Miniature Cerebro for my mom, Julie!"

Kurt: "Haha yes, well, that is one use they put my power to. When I'm not battling on the front lines that is."

"You're an Xman?"

Kurt: "Codename, Nightcrawler. And I believe you are a new Rick Mckenzie, not so?"

"Yes...I seem to vaguely remember your name too."

Kurt: "Perhaps you have heard of my Circus days."

" I think it was Jubilee and the rest of were in a Circus?"

Kurt: "Ah, ya! It was another lifetime. I do so love the spotlight. I was just coming over to give you a lift...the quad is rather packed and you were looking across it like you wanted to get to the other side."

"Oh I was going to, but I was planning on flying over...but I'd still take you up is it called?"

Kurt: "Teleportation. I think of a place I'd rather be within a two mile radius and I'm there. So, take my hand."

I admit. I was a little squeamish. It's just how we're brought up, taking everything in the material world at face value. He was real cool about it though. I guess both he and beast must get it a lot. And it's cool how they give everyone time to adjust to it. I took his hand lightly and it was like, I just blinked and the scene just changed. I looked behind me and saw where I was just standing a second ago. Wow!

"Damn...that's some power."

Kurt: "Well, yes. God has truly blessed me with this gift."


Kurt: "I'm sorry if I offended faith just spills out sometimes. Well, it was nice meeting you. I have things to do, places to go, as I'm sure you do."

"Yeah, uh-thanks Mr. Wagner."

Kurt: "Everyone calls me Kurt. Well...Auf Wiedersehen!"

"Um yeah, Auf...wederzane..."

Kurt: "Hahaha."

Bamf! And he was gone with a wisp of smoke. I hurried along to the Psionics room and saw that Jean was just about to start the class. She regarded me a little condescendingly and I looked around for Jake and took a seat next to him. He smirked. So, I have a little problem with being punctual. The class commenced.

Jean: " we'll have a little discussion. First I want the class to divide according to power. Since the only Psionic abilities here are Telepathy and Telekinesis, I want you to separate, telekinetics on one side, telepaths on the other. If you're both, choose the power you're stronger with. Okay go."

It was an easy choice for me. My telepathy sucked. It did mean that we would be in different divisions though. I was a little surprised when I saw Betsy..uh-Miss Braddock walk in through the door. A rather sheepish expression on her face. Well, lookie here, guess I wasn't the only one with a punctuality problem. Jean was regarding her a little cooly too. I gave her a look of superiority.

{Uh, huh Miss Grey...guess I'm not the only one late, am I?}

{Betsy: Well, Rick...I am an instructor, you are a student. I'm higher up the school hierarchy...besides...Jean won't dare reproach me would you Jean?}

{Jean: Betsy...I didn't say anything. I wouldn't dare reproach a Ninja...}

Jean: "Okay class. Today, Miss Braddock here will be taking command of the Telepaths and I will instruct the Telekinetics. But first our discussion. Now, all those who are both telepathic and telekinetic show by raising hands."

There were quite a few. From both divisions.

Betsy: "And does anyone know why it is uncommon for those with both Telepathy and Telekinesis to be equally adept at both skills? Why they are usually better than on or the other?"

I certainly didn't. I knew mom seemed to be equally skilled at both though. But I on the other hand was a cheap imitation. Drats! Jake on the other hand was with his hand in the air.

Jean: "Oh, well, since no one else knows...Jake."

Jake: "Both Telekinesis and Telepathy are governed by the same segment of the brain. A person's Psionic energy usually manifests in one or the other. Sometimes however, it channels through both pathways. Usually the person is far better at one or the other though, although some people seem to be able to use both equally effectively. It's kind of like right-handed and left-handed people...and people who are ambidextrous."

Betsy: "Excellent analogy Jake! I don't think that I could have put it better myself."

Jake: "I know...I mean I know that it was a good analogy...thanks."

Jean: "Yes. Exactly so. I for example, am both Telekinetic and Telepathic. I'm good telepathically, but I really shine telekinetically. Some of you are the reverse, and some of you are equally good at both. Actually I'm a bit of a mystery myself. What would you say if I told you that I was not born telekinetic, but telepathic instead...hmm?"

Boy: "What?! Come off it. You're of the strongest telekinetics known Miss Grey."

Betsy: "Emphasis on One Of."

Jean: "Oh please Betsy, you're just jealous of what I've got. Yes, thank you. But I was telepathic as a child and well, it just grew far too rapidly and after an accident my friend was in-God rest her soul-I couldn't restrain it. When I came to the institute, the Professor had to telepathically suppress my own telepathy, thoroughly negating it. Since both telepathy and telekinesis are governed by the same region of the brain however, all my Psionic energy was channeled to that once inert region and...there you have it. The wonder that is Jean Grey!"

{Drama Queen...}

{Jean: Hmpf! Keep that up and I'll dock 10 points from your end of semester exams Rick.}

Girl: "But Miss Grey, how did you get back your telepathy?"

Jean: "When I was old enough, the Professor unlocked it. But it was nowhere as strong as before, all my Psionic energy was being routed to telekinesis."

Betsy: "Yes...telepathy actually requires some skill. Don't you agree class?"

The students who were better at telepathy, not to mention the pure bred telepaths cheered at that. Betsy and her partisan statements.

"What? How can you make such a generalised statement Miss Braddock? I think it is a matter of the person using it. Look, I can do both and sure I suck as a telepath...but um...I'm sure I've seen people in here with both powers who are better at telepathy and suck at telekinesis."

The telekinetic sympathizers cheered. Hell yeah!

Betsy: "My, but aren't we in a debating mood today!"

Jean: "I happen to agree. There are times when telekinesis is more applicable and there are times when telepathy is the better choice."

"Besides, not to bash the telepaths, but um-what about Robotic threats...let's say Sentinels...they have no minds to attack...what would a telepath do...?"

Boy: "How about, call his super-telekinetic girlfriend!"

Girl: "What about Astral Entities, with no physical bodies to attack? Hmm...what would a telekinetic do?"

How about call his super-telepathic boyfriend...

"Yeah, well, how often do you come up against one of those? And now there are Psionically Shielded armors...they almost completely block telepathic powers...but not telekinetic ability...duh!"

Boy: "Yeah, but what do you think about Professor Xavier huh?! He's pure telepathic! Hahaha."

Irritating fuck.

Jean: "Actually, Professor Xavier possesses all the Psionic abilities."

The class drew to a hush.

Betsy: "He very rarely uses them though because he fears that he may lose control if he doesn't use them sparingly. That and his sense of ethics will not allow him to exercise such powers to anyone's disadvantage. So he sticks with telepathy. But he also has telekinetic, psychometric, empathic, clairvoyant and precognitive powers. He's an omnipath."

I looked at the irritating boy.

"You were saying."

Some of the class looked confused.

Jean: "Psychometry deals with reading Psychic Impressions left on a physical object or place, to find out where it's been, who used it...stuff like that. Precognition taps into the Universal Order to read probabilities and determine the most likely outcome of a future event. And clairvoyance is another form of Extra-Sensory -Perception that is not under conscious control where he gets visions of past, present and future events, experiencing it as if he was there, with one hundred percent accuracy. Empathy allows him to determine the precise emotional state of individuals, no matter what they say, do or think."

"Damn...dude must have some self-control. Imagine the possibilities with such power."

Betsy: "Indeed. Pity...some of us, who are far less powerful, still misuse ours, from...mind controlling businessmen...gleaning financial information for personal cheating at the poker table..."

{Jean: That's Emma Frost again dear.}


Betsy: {...using and abusing men...making people think those falsies are real...}

{Would you two get back to teaching...?}

Jean: "So I guess it's safe to say that telepathy and telekinesis both have their advantages and disadvantages...yes?"

The class muttered their approval, though I know we were all still taking sides.

Jean: "All right. Telekintics, come with me. We're going onto the Mansion Grounds today for a little exercise and maybe a little fun too. Telepaths, Miss Braddock will be teaching you the relaxing, and Psionically boosting properties of the ancient art of yoga."

I heard them groan. Hahaha...served them right. Although, mom did it back home and tried to get me to do it as well. The breathing excercises and mantras and stuff...but no way was I going into the physical stuff and twist myself into myriad shapes. As far as I knew, mom did not have the ultra-rare healing gift.

Jake: "What! Cool."

I knew he was into the stuff. Hope he enjoyed it.

Girl: "We don't have to like, bend ourselves into a pretzel or anything right?"

Jean: "Oh don't worry kiddies...if anyone snaps anything, Jacob is right here...hahaha!"

Betsy: "That's for physical exercise, health and flexibility dear, this form is for the mind. We have breathing excercises and mental focussing to do and oooh if you're all real good, I'll do the Candle Visualisation where we all stare at a candle flame for minutes at a time, and calm our minds. I tell you, there's nothing like a good tratak first thing in the morning."

"Have fun with those chakras of yours. And try not to let the candle burn you!"

Before I could get a comment I was out of the door.


The Mansion Grounds were extremely vast. I had been there a few weeks and I hadn't even gotten around to thoroughly exploring the place or anything. Okay, there was the front courtyard I knew of, with the big water fountain, and the infamous Lovers' Lane with the clump of trees out at its sides. There was a huge Lawn with tennis courts, basketball courts, swimming pools... and there was a maze crafted completely from topiary shrubs out back. And I don't know what it was with whoever designed the place, but I think they really overdid it with all the marble statues. I was pausing regarding one that looked like a Roman Legioneer.

{Jean, who the hell did the exterior decorating...not to mention the landscaping? And what is it with all these statues?}

{Jean: They are really casings for auto-canons Rick. In case the school were to be attacked. They are automatic and fire continous rounds at attackers.}

{Oh...umm...does National Security know about this?}

{Jean: I sure hope they never find out. Besides Cerebro controls's the Mansion's Main computer and cyber-intelligence, not to mention telepathic amplifier.}

She led us to a fairly open space on the lawn and had us sit down, before she explained the purpose of the day's exercise.

Jean: "Okay, today we're going to put those telekinetic abilities of yours to a little test. I want everyone here to leave class today with the ability to at least form a telekinetic shield, no matter how weak. It's a vital skill, and may even save your life, or the life of a friend some day. Now, show by a raise of hands, how many of you can matter how weak."

It was just me and about six others.

Jean: "Okay, split into groups and gather round one of these students. Evenly please...they're going to be my teaching assistants today."

Girl: "Do we get extra credit for this Miss Grey?"

Jean: "No...this was supposed to be taught to you later on---don't get scared, it's not as hard as you might think. But, the Professor insisted that I teach all my telekinesis capable students how to shield pronto."

{Does this have anything to do with everything that happened this weekend, and the possibility of a spy on the grounds being even greater now?}

{Jean: Yes Rick. We don't want to panic anyone though.}

She then went through the theory. About how self-confidence was necessary and what not. About feeling safe and chanelling the emotion into the shield. About how actually visualising the energy around us helps. Quite a few people did get it right from the other groups. Their shields were unstable at first, but eventually they managed to sustain it for a few minutes before needing to take a breather. My group on the other hand was a sorry affair. I had about ten students to tutor.

Boy: " you think of something that makes you feel safe and that's supposed to do the trick right?"


Boy: "Okay, so I'm thinking of an AK-47 in my hands right now and nothing's happening..."

Girl: "Nothing with pepper spray either..."

Oh lord...mushy stuff...

"Well, try thinking of a...person who makes you feel safe. It worked for me."

Several blushes started going around the group.

Girl: "So who'd you think of?"

"No offence...but I really don't think that it's any of your business. Okay...we're thinking, we're thinking..."

Boy: "All this thinking, you'd think we were telepaths..."

Girl: "Hey! Some of us are telepathic too you know!"

"Alright people, calm down...we don't want to have Miss Grey breathing down our necks..."

Boy: "Hahaha...speak for yourself...I wouldn't mind it at all.."

Girl: "Pig..."

Five...ten...fifteen...thrity minutes, no shields.

Boy: "How 'bout a little demonstration. Let's see..."

He levitated a rather large rock and flung it at me. I reacted and a blue orb materialised around me and the stone shattered.

"What the fuck do you think you were doing?! You could have hit me on the head!"

Boy: "I just wanted to see you shield strong it is..."

"It's strong enough, believe me."

Girl: "Ooh, let's see how strong."

The stupid bitch threw another one. Jean was on the other side of the lawn, and I so wasn't going to call her to deal with these irritating idiots.

"I think you had better stop that. I can shield, but you can't what if I were to-"

I encased them all in a shield that acted like a cage and took a sick sort of pleasure to see them scream. The shield was apparently soundproof too. They all had their mouths open and nothing seemed to be emanating. I was laughing like crazy when I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw an angry looking Jean standing over me. I released the shield. She was pointing the finger...oh oh.

Jean: "Rick, what have you learnt about abusing your gifts?"

"But Miss Grey, they started throwing rocks!"

Boy: "He said he could shield and wasn't even showing us a demonstration...what kind of teaching assistance is that."

Girl: "He wouldn't even tell us what he thinks of to form a shield so we can have some idea."

"I told you, think of someone who makes you feel safe! Mom, dad, Granny...girlfriend-boyfriend whatever!"

Boy: " that's why he was so uptight!"

Jean: "Well,'re all just too immature for it...for now. Maybe in time. Or something spontaneous could be needed. To make you feel like you're in danger, to force it out of you. You know, mother Eagles push their young out of the nest, and it's either fly or fall...and die. See what you can do Rick...safely of course."

"Oh of course Miss Grey."

She went back across the lawn. They all looked terrified, I realised I was grinning evily, and wiped it off real fast.

"Okay, just enough to make you feel in Danger, right? You heard her yourself...after all, panic brought my shielding out. So how about a little duel eh? To make it fair, all of you, against one of me. Hmmm..."

Boy: "Come on guys! We can lick him!"

Poor misguided fools...


Jean: "Rick, are you sure you had to push them so hard?"

"But they all learned to shield Jean. Wasn't that the idea?"

Jean: "'re starting to remind me of Logan...anyhow, I do suppose it's for the best."

"Yup-well I gotta go now. I have a study period next. So at least I can rest up a little there."

I was on my way to the study hall when I was pulled aside by an extremely upset looking Jubilee and Amara. I wasn't really concerned about Amara though. Some boy probably had had his fill of her. It was Jubilee I was a little concerned with. I wondered what was up with them. They looked just fine they day before.

"Okay...who died?"

Amara, to my surprise burst into tears. Jubilee was shaking her head and trying to console her. I was getting very worried by now. I mean, sure this was our very own drama queen here, but this did seemed serious.

"Okay, Jubilee, Amara, what's wrong?"

Jubilee: "Amara's mother, Queen Alicia, is missing. It's all over the news...Amara...sweetie...come on, we don't know what happened yet."


Amara: "I just know it has to be those damned rebels! They were always fighting against my father's rulership and pro human-mutant policies."

"Your father, allowed full mutant rights...on Nova Roma?"

Amara: "Yes...and the members of the High Council who were against swore vengeance and formed a rebel underground movement that the security council has not been able to deter to this day. I bet they plan on ransoming her if he abdicates the throne and lets them take over leadership...Defenders of Humanity..."

Jubilee: "We don't know that Amara..."

Amara: "They haven't done anything in a while. Father was beginning to think that things were calming down...I suppose they were all just building up to this..."

"What are you planning on doing...?"

Amara: "I'm going home. Father needs me. The kingdom must be in shambles...the way the fucked up media is behaving...I bet they're just enjoying the damn drama."

Jubilee: "You know we're all here for you, right...? The Professor is trying as hard as he can to locate her presence..."

Amara: "And he's the most powerful telepath there is, and still nothing...oh God...Father only made those laws because I was born...he couldn't let things go on when the heir to the throne was a mutant...if he didn't then those rebels wouldn't have..."

Jubilee: "We'll have to wait and see who claims responsibility, then we'll have our culprit. High profile kidnappings and such don't just happen because someone does it for's usually to prove a point..."

"Don't worry Amara if the Professor can't locate her for now. If these rebels are anti-mutant, they probably know their stuff...they could have Psionically shielded headquarters...and I think they might find your mother more useful to them alive..."

Jubilee: "The rest of the Xmen are working on've got the best. They're going to Nova Roma, some of them. Even the Professor..."

Amara: "I don't care what Father says, I'm going home with them."

"Amara...if your mother was really kidnapped...I don't think it might be a good idea for you to go back home for now. Does the nation know that you're a mutant?"

Amara: "Y-yeah."

"The the rebels will too."

Amara: "I don't care...I'm going to pack. When we find those rebels, I'll give them something to shut their asses up for a while...I don't care if I have to wake Mount Nova up to do it!"

She stormed off.

"What's Mount Nov-"

Jubilee: "The volcano that Nova Roma is named after...the day Amara was born, it reacted with her powers and almost erupted. It's calmed since then, and that's part of the reason she's so far from home too. It's still linked with her and her emotions..."

"You mean, it could erupt if she lost control..."

Jubilee: "If she's near enough to it...yes. I'm going to go find the others and tell them. We have to convince Amara to stay. It's for her own safety."

She went off to find the rest of the guys. Is there no rest from drama in this place? We barely came back from a tortuous weekend. Battled an enranged alter-ego the day before, and now, a high-profile suspected kidnapping of our very own Princess's mother happens. By a mutant-hating terrorist group to boot. I wonder how professor Xavier copes with all of it.

{Xavier: Xmen, both Junior and to the War Room, immediately. We have an emergency...all will be explained there.}


Logan: "Just look at them, frickin' media circus."

We were all watching the display. It showed the front of the school. It was swamped by photographers, journalists and reporters. They were yelling and pushing each other, buzzing on the intercom...acting like animals. All for a story, caring nothing about the people or lives involved. I was a little confused though. I wondered just how much they knew about the school.

"Professor, why are all these people here, how much do they know about the school?."

Xavier: "They know that Amara is a mutant, yes. She's a high profile personality. A princess...but they also think she is an extremely gifted intellectual. That's what they think this school is for, a school for gifted individuals. When her father brought her here, we thought that we could keep her presence secret. But it somehow leaked out. They were probably followed by the media from the airport. To the outside world, we are a school for the gifted..."

Remy: "I bet they all think the only reason we accepted Amara was because she's a Princess and rich..."

It made sense. It was irritating. Presently we saw some clouds slowly gather outside and it began raining. It did nothing to disperse the media however. Ororo came into the room then, an angry look on her face. The rain was obviously her handiwork. Logan went over to her and gently squeezed her shoulders...damn, he's moving fast...

Ororo: "If we didn't have to make it look natural, and had a cover to maintain, I'd have summoned the worst blizzard to hit Westchester since-"

Logan: "Shh...come on. If you keep that know how the weather reacts to you..."

Rogue: "Yeah, Ororo...calm down. We'll just ignore them for now."

Ray: "Where's Amara?"

Jubilee: "She's packing. She says she's going home. Jean, Betsy and the rest of the guys are trying to calm her and are having absolutely no luck. She's freakin' pissed."

Xavier: "She's masking her sorrow with anger."

Rogue: "Professor, are you sure that these rebels are responsible for Queen Alicia's disappearance?"

Xavier: "King Jerick seems to believe so. Nova Roma may be an extremely small state, but it represents hope. That humans and mutants can peacefully co-exist. There is almost no mutant/human conflict there amongst the regular citizens. Only from the side of the rebel underground. And everyone hates them, the regular humans and mutants, for all the damage they cause. And because they rate mutant sympathizers the same way they rate mutants. Ever since King Jerick made those constitutional reforms, the international media has used Nova Roma as a model state to show what could be possible in all nations one day...mutant and non-mutant, working together for the good of all. Now that dream, that has inspired millions is under threat. I called you here because of a message I received from King Jerick a short while ago. He has recevied confirmation from his Chief Minister...the Defenders of Humanity...the rebel underground has claimed responsibility for Queen Alicia's disappearance. They want the King to abdicate or they will never see her alive again. Cliché, but effective..."

Scott: "And that's not all they're doing. They claim that they want a Democracy...which in itself is a good thing...but they're using this situation to try and overthrow the Royal Family. The people are pleased with their rulership so far. King Jerick has agreed to form a democratic government, even though no one complains about his rule. But he will not undo his Pro Mutant-Rules before he abdicates. And the people don't want him to resign rulership either. There has been a massive show of solidarity."

"But if the people themselves aren't anti-mutant, then why the fear, won't they just re-elect King...Jerick?"

Xavier: "The situation is a bit more complicated. When it became known that Amara, the Royal Princess was a mutant-moreover-that she was responsible for nearly precipitating the destruction of the island by awakening the long Extinct Mount Nova...there were riots. Severe anti-mutant riots. The people learnt the reason why the king was always so sympathetic to mutants. Many people lost property...and land prices in a Mediterranean island like Nova Roma are not cheap. They rioted, and king Jerick was forced to exile them. They far outnumber the current population. The rebels, masking their true intentions with cries for democracy, will try and have all the Novarian people together, including the exiles, for a free and fair election. I take it you know who would win."

Hank: "Once in power, they will have the ability to over-rule the pro-mutant rights laws. A dream will die..."

Xavier: "Mutant rights are being threatened there and it will have repercussions worldwide. Governments may feel that granting equal rights to mutant minorities would precipitate situations such as this from the majority anti-mutant populace. Several nations have already been applying pressure on King Jerick to abdicate and spare the country from losing face internationally. Especially from countries with heavy financial investments in Nova Roma. Like ours for example. The president has been supporting the call for democracy whole-heartedly I'm afraid."

John: "So, um-who goes and who stays?"

Scott: "We're not letting most of the senior team leave this time and just leave the juniors to defend the school like last time. That was a close call with the Juggernaut and all..."

Xavier: "No, we will have an even mix this time around."

Hank: "All these crises are disrupting classes repeatedly."

Remy: Some things are more important than classes, Hank."

Ororo: "Yes, a few things are and this definitely rates."

Jean and Betsy came into the room then. They both had extremely somber expressions on their faces. I take it they hadn't achieved anything of significance with Amara. They confirmed it.

Betsy: "She insists that she's going home and if not with us, with a commercial flight carrier."

Jean: "She says nothing we can say or do will stop her either."

Logan: "Professor, you said that when she was younger the volcano reacted to her, almost erupted. The kid's so worked up now.."

Xavier: " would be very dangerous. The volcano could become even more unstable with all the emotional energy she is generating. Even with her here, it's acting up."

Scott: "But we have to try and see things from her perspective too. She's has learnt a lot about self-control...maybe she is ready...she sees it as her personal responsibility to find her mother...after all, these Mutant Reforms were made because of her. She might be blaming herself."

Xavier: "It isn't just that. If she were to go home, no doubt the ungerground would learn of it. If they manage to get a hold of her as well as her mother, King Jerick would be completely at their mercy. They are mutant haters and I don't doubt for an instant that they have specially trained people who sympathise with them. I myself will go to try and scan more effectively. Ororo, Logan and Scott will come. Hank, your technical expertise may be needed. Jean, Betsy, you will remain at the school. Jacob will go with me. His telepathic and healing abilities may be greatly needed. John will come with us. If the volcano causes flash fires, he can re-route them. Roberto, David and Jamie stay at the school. Peter and Remy will stay to defend the school. Bobby may be needed as well. His Ice Manipulation could come in handy with fires. Rogue, your strength has pulled us through on more than one occasion, you're coming with us. Everyone else stays. I've asked Emma Frost to assume control of the school whilst I am away."

Betsy: "Emma...Professor.."

Jean: "Why?"

Xavier: "Just the academic matters, anything else, you two will handle. Rick, I would have liked to carry you along...there are tremors due to the volcano's activity and your Earth power may be needed...but your mother..."

Rogue: "Professor, isn't Nova Roma a wealthy state, don't they have like, proper disaster control and infrastructure and stuff?"

Hank: "Yes well, the underground rebels have been acting up since the kidnapping and much of the infrastructure has been damaged. On top of that, nationwide paranoia has gripped the land."

" parents don't have to know anything. I mean, mom said I could stay on the X-team, and this is X-team stuff. You aren't worried about the others' parents or-"

Ray: "Um...Rick, most of us...don't have any parents..."

"Uh-sorry. But you said it yourself Professor, Amara is here, half-way across the world and still her emotions are causing the volcano to act up. The country's infrastructure is damaged and everyone's paranoid. And it's not like the populace is blaming mutants."

Scott: "He has a point Professor. Those seismic tremors are worrying. We don't really have anyone else on the team besides him and Amara who can influence Earth. And in Amara's current state...what choice do we have?"

"I can come in useful other ways too...I am multi-elemental, with Psionic abilities..."

Xavier: "Very well...but you, Jake, John and Bobby are to obey orders without question. Understood?"

I nodded my assent. The others weren't here anyway. They were with Amara. All except Jubilee and Ray.

Jean: "There is the problem of Amara being determined to go."

Xavier: "It won't do anything to help the volcano's current situation, her emotions will still affect them...but it'll stop her from coming with us. Put her in a telepathically induced stasis. It is for her own protection."

Betsy: "Good idea."

Xavier: "I will telepathically inform everyone of our plans. Everyone here who is going to Nova Roma, get ready, we leave at 13:00."


Amara was being stubborn. She showed up at the hangar, all suited up in uniform, with the most convincing bad girl attitude I've ever seen. Jean and Betsy tried one last time to talk sense into her. About how dangerous it would be for her to leave the school. About the volcano's threatening behavior and the fact that going home would make it worse. In the end, they had to telepathically stun her and carry her to her room to rest. It would be a long flight to Nova Roma. The Professor set the jet on auto-pilot before addressing us.

Xavier: "Remember, this is not a run of the mill mission. Much is depending on this. We are going to be diplomatic guests of Nova Roma and as such, please show the utmost respect for the Royal Family. We will be staying in the Palace after all and will be working very closely with the Security Council. Remember they are not mutant haters in the least, so that should not be a problem. I only hope that I can locate Qeen Alicia with Cerebro...I have failed utterly so far. But it could be the distance and psionic shielding. I do not believe that she is off the island. I don't see how any unauthorised flight or ship could leave a small country like Nova Roma. We might have to deal with the volcano's fury as well. Ororo, I have faith that you have trained your Elementals well. Your weather manipulation will be most useful."

Ororo: "Thank you Professor."

Xavier: "Logan, once the Queen is located and we come up with a rescue plan, in conjunction with National Security...your tracking and fighting skills will be needed. So will yours Rogue. King Jerick informs me that they have quite advanced technology, pilfered material that the High Council's corrupt members stole from the country's arsenal back when they were in power. Back then, they sold weaponry on the international black they are using it for their Genetic War."

Logan: "Just give me a location...and that's all I'll need."

Xavier: "Jacob. You will be joining me. Your telepathy, is in a class of its is up to us to determine Queen Alicia's whereabouts."

Jacob: "Yes sir."

Xavier: "Scott, your experience in logistics and field command will be needed in combat. Our presence here will not go unnoticed and have a feeling the Defenders of Humanity may have a problem with that."

Scott: "So we may have to fend off mutant hating para-military..."

Xavier: "Yes...those members of the armed forces that supported the High Council now form the main fighting force of the Defenders. Logan, Scott, Rogue, Ororo, will handle the Defenders as much as possible. Juniors, John, Bobby, Rick and Jacob, I want you to handle damage control as far as possible."

We all nodded our assent.

Xavier: "I suggest you get some rest. We arrive in four hours."


It was night when we arrived at Nova Roma's Royal Airport. Yes, the Royal Family had their own Airport for their personal fleet of helicopters and planes. The first thing that caught our eyes was the breath-taking Royal Palace. And I thought the Xavier Mansion was plush and extravagant! We were all staring at it when a black limousine pulled up and two armed guards escorted a middle aged man out of the vehicle. He had a look of urgency on his face.

Man: "Good-night. I bid you welcome to Nova Roma. I am Derrick, King Jerick's younger brother and chief minister of Nova Roma. I'm sorry that you couldn't have visited us under better conditions. If you'd follow me, I will escort you to the King. He and the Security Council are awaiting your arrival. Terribly sorry, I know you must be jet-lagged...but we simply cannot wait."

Xavier: "That is quite alright. Please, lead the way."

We followed him and took the chance to survey the place as we did so. We had to talk in hushed whispers in case we offended anybody too. The Professor said we were to be on our best behavior after all.

John: "Damn...Amara's folks must be loaded..."

Jake: "Well, they are the monarchs of their own country, I should think so."

Bobby: "And she's gonna be queen someday?" he whistled.

"What's the matter Bobby, thinking of courting her and ruling at her side...then you'd be King.."

He playfully punched me and we earned a stare from Hank. Presently, we arrived in front of a massive Archway. It led to a spacious hall, and I could hear voices inside. The entire place was decked out too and servants could be seen scurrying about. Everyone would nod friendly to us, so it wasn't bad at all.

Derrick: "Please wait here, I will announce your arrival."

He vanished into the room. The rest of us stood there waiting.

Logan: "This place is..."

Ororo: "Stunning...the architecture appears to be moulded in the late Renaissance style too. The arches and carvings clearly indicate so."

Hank: "Yes...and would you have a look at the artistic style of that fresco?"

The rest of us, including Professor Xavier I might add, regarded them with somewhat clueless expressions. We knew next to nothing (putting it mildly) about art or architecture.

Ororo: "'s a hobby of mine..."

Logan: "And I thought all you did was're just full of surprises..."

Ororo: (Underbreath) "Logan...not here..."

We all rolled our eyes. It was becoming more and more obvious, even to those of us who weren't on the Astral Mission, to see what was going on.

Presently the guy returned and led us into the room. Everyone present immediately stood up. I thought, Oh no, they so have a problem with us being here...but it was actually a mark of respect. Even the person on the throne, yes an actual throne, stood. So he must be King Jerick, Amara's father. We took the seats prepared for us, directly opposite the Security council's and after introductions, the meeting commenced. We were first shown a map of Nova Roma and its main features. Particularly, the volcano, Mount Nova. Apparently, everyone knew Amara's mutant status and why the volcano was springing to life once again.

Xavier: "I apologise your Highness, but to keep her from returning, I had to have her telepathically sedated. I'm afraid it will do nothing about the volcano though. Her emotions are that strongly bonded to it."

Jerick: "It is understandable Professor Xavier. Please, call me Jerick. None of the formalities. I can't even imagine what she must be going through. When I spoke to her, she blamed herself for the formation of the Defenders of Humanity, and her mother's kidnapping. Aside from locating Alicia, we have the safety of my people to think about. Earlier today, seismic waves from the volcano caused a land subsidence in the East quarter of the island. Here, let Dr. Enfield explain. He's the seismologist."

Dr. Enfield: "Yes, well, the land surrounding the East quarter sank, burying an entire community, thankfully it was not a spontaneous occurrence, so we had time to pursue appropriate evacuation protocol. However, if things continue at this rate, it is merely a matter of time before we have serious casualties. Besides the actual eruption that may occur, we have other secondary threats that are occuring. Mudflows, landslides, flashfires, nuee ardente, pyroclastic flows, and continuous ash fall to worry about. Much of our road network jas been damaged by rebel attacks and earth movements."

Logan: "Rebel attacks..."

Jerick: "Yes, they have decided to try and force my hand by targeting my people. Infrastructure like power plants, desalination facilities, hydroponics bays have all been under continuous attack. I have deployed the army to defend my people, but I fear it is not enough. When the High Council left, most of the Armed Forces left with them...with much of our nation's weaponry as well. I have been put through tremendous international pressure to abdicate, but I will not not undo my Mutant Reform."

Ororo: "That is most honorable Your Highness."

Jerick: "Thank you. Now, as to defence council believes that she may be incarcerated somewhere in the West Quarter. The Defenders first rose in power there. Their stronghold may be based there. I understand that you plan on using advanced telepathy to try and locate her Professor Xavier?"

Xavier: "Yes indeed. I have brought along my most promising telepath, Mr. Jacob Spencer, as well as Cerebro, a telepathy boosting device."

Jerick: "My Defence Minister...Sonya is a most gifted telepath...perhaps you will allow her to assist you, if she can?"

Xavier: "We will welcome the help Your Highness."

A woman stood from the Security Council's section.

Sonya: "I have heard of your work Professor Xavier. I look forward to working with you. At last I shall be able to witness the fabled Cerebro in action, eh?"

He nodded his assent.

Jerick: "Please, you must be tired. The servants will escort you to your quarters. Consider yourselves honorary guests of the palace. Tomorrow, we shall commence our efforts."


John: "It's not fair! A whole Palace and we four have to share a room!?"

Jake: "Well, at least it's a big room.."

Bobby: "Not so loud guys, I just heard a guard walk by."

"We don't want to offend...remember?"

Jake was right. The room was very large, and we each had our own king-sized bed too. And there was a big old plasma big-screen TV for entertainment. With a sound system and an X-box with a ton of games. A mini-bar, non-alcoholic of course...the works...Amara sure had the high life. Looking at my surroundings, I was actually giving her some credit. It was amazing that she wasn't stuck up. I mean she was a little self-centered and definitely slutty...but considering all she had, and was worth...she definitely was not as stuck up as she could have been.

John was flicking through the channels.

John: "Cartoons, news, news, HBO, Cinemax....Hello Exxxtacy!"

Female Voices: "Oh...ugh...ugh....oooooh...mhmmm..."

John: "They've got the works and best of all, it ain't scrambled! Ooohhh...a lesbian flick!"

I watched the screen, extremely disgusted. I just went to the sound system, found a decent radio station. There were Bluetooth headsets and I grabbed one with the remote. Turns out, only John was really getting into the porn.

Jake: "John...we're here, on a msission to find Amara's mom. The nation is in turmoil, there definitely are going to be natural disasters...and you're going to watch porn?"

John: "Uh huh, and if you guys weren't in the room, that's not all I'd be doing...oooh nasty girl..."

Jake: "Give me that! I wanna watch something else..."

John: "What, no! Jake!"

They began tussling for the remote.

Bobby was looking out of the window, staring out towards the ocean. He was very quiet since the meeting. I wondered if something was wrong. I went over to the window.

"Hey, why are you so quiet?"

Bobby: "Just a little jet-lagged. That and the stuff that's going on out here. Hey-look out to our's the volcano."

"Hey, yeah...and it's glowing..."

Bobby: "I sure hope that thing doesn't blow up. We're on an island after all, and a small one. And the people here refuse to move. I don't think we'd be able to evacuate everyone."

"Well, at least we can help with damage control."

Bobby: "Yeah, but there's only so much we can do against a force of nature."

"True...but remember, we have our very own Goddess to deal with that. And she is a force to be reckoned with. I think she might be able to take on Mother Nature herself.."

Bobby: "You're right. But don't tell anyone this...I'm as sleepy as hell right now, but I'm scared to sleep with that thing so close to us."

"I know what you mean. But I'm sure they have it under constant surveillance."

John: "Aha! Victory! Lesbian porn it is."

Jake: "You know what, I'm not all that sleepy, what do you say we explore around, huh Rick?"

" think we should, I mean-"

Jake: "The king did say we could help ourselves to whatever the Palace had to offer. And when else will we get a chance like this?"

"I guess...hey Bobby wanna come?"

{Jake: Rick...}

{What, we can't very well do anything anyway and look at him there, just staring at that volcano.}

{Jake: Oh all right...}

Jake: "Yeah, wanna go look around."

"It might do you some good. And we can't sleep anyway."

Bobby: "Yeah, I guess it might do me good."

We were about to exit the door when we looked back at John. The boy was practically drooling over himself. We were barely out of the damn door when we heard the zweeep of his zipper. He yelled so we could hear him through the door.

John: "Don't forget to knock before you enter!"

We walked down the corridor and barely made it past the corner when we collided with a guard.

"Uh..we're sorry, sir. But um-"

Guard: "It's quite alright. Please, make yourselves comfortable. You are the king's guests."

That was it? Damn, I guess we really had free license.

"So, where to?"

Jake: "I think I saw a really big courtyard, pools...the works."

Bobby: "Wasn't there a basketball court somewhere out there?"

" wanna go play-"

Just then we heard a slight female giggle and a male laugh. We hid in an alcove and saw Logan and Ororo sneaking out, going down the hallway. They were constantly looking over their back and acting like underaged teenagers. It was seriously funny. I glanced over at Bobby and Jake. They were both grinning.

Bobby: "I knew it..."

Jake: "Well guys, I think we've found our entertainment for the evening. I say we...follow them."

"What! But Logan has heightened senses...he'll know."

Jake: "The man is so taken in with Ororo...he's oblivious. Besides I'm not talking about getting close. We're tourists, lets like go ask around for binocculars...that way, Logan can't hear or smell us. And we'll be just far away enough to get in on the action."

I expected more of Bobby.

Bobby: "This is too good to miss. I'd go call John, but I'm afraid of what I'd walk in on. Look there's a servant! Um hey do you know where we can find a pa-?"

"Jake, have you no shame? Spying on them?"

Jake: "Don't act like you don't wanna. You know you wanna...come on, come on..."

"Oh alright. I'm just afraid that we'll get caught."

Jake: "We're just some schoolboys having some fun. Sure wish I had a camera. Do you know just how much this would sell for?"

Just then, Bobby came running back with three pairs of binos.

"That was quick."

Bobby: "Yeah, they stock up for Palace tours. They have a great view and visitors usually want to enjoy it."

Jake: "How convenient..."

We each took one. Now to find out where they went. Jacob did a telepathic scan and located them out back in the courtyard. I glanced at my watch. 11:45pm. There was only one thing they could have been sneaking out to do at that hour. The staff of the Palace took no notice of us, as we were the king's guests. I even saw that quite a few were mutants too. They were using their powers to aid them in their domestic tasks and the non-mutants were not the slightest bit pissed. We were out in the courtyard, and we could hear them giggling like two guilty adolescents having an illicit encounter. I saw a ledge on high that would give us a good view. I pointed to Jake and Bobby.

"Don't make a sound."

I levitated us all up to the ledge and we put our binos on, scanning for them. Presently,

Jake: "Oh, look, poolside..."

We zoomed in.

Bobby: "Dear God, what is Ororo wearing?!"

"Some sort of thong bikini...well we are in the Mediterranean..."

Jake: "Good Logan...skinny dipping?"

Bobby: "It doesn't look like he has anything on to me!"

"I wonder what everyone else would think?! Oh, look he's holding her..."

Jake: "Go for it! Go, go, go!"

Bobby: "I wonder what they're saying to each other.."

Jake: "Probably dirty talk..."

"Okay, this is enough. We've seen enough. Let's just go..."

Jake: "I wanna go closer..."

Bobby: "But Logan will smell us if we go any closer."

Jake: "Not if one of us makes a slight updraft of that we're upwind."

They were looking at me.

"Oh all right. But five minutes is all I do."


We had to hide behind a bush and couldn't see a damned thing. But we could hear though. We all had to suppress the giggles that threatened to erupt.

Ororo: "Oh! Oh! L-Logan...You animal!"

We heard a guttural grunt from Logan.

Ororo: "Oh Lord! I've never seen one so big! A girl could hurt herself playing with a thing like that!"

Another guttural grunt.

Ororo: "Oh well, let's live dangerously I always say!"

Then we heard a ton on glurps, slurps and giggles. We glanced at each other. One thought was in all our minds. We just had to peek! To see exactly what they were doing. We counted to three with hand gestures and simultaneously peeked out of the bushes. We were immediately greeted by a fully dressed Logan and Ororo. Logan had a smirk on his face and Ororo had a weird mix of disappointment, anger, embarassment and wicked laughter for the trick they had just played on us. The first thing that came out of our mouths was,


Logan: "I knew it. I knew we were being followed!"

Ororo: "That breeze was a bit too drafty, in a Mediterranean climate...and convection cuurents at NIGHT!"

Jake: "Mr. Logan...ah...Miss Munro...we were just going for a walk and..."

Logan: "Walk huh? With those?"

He pointed to the binocculars. Criminal evidence.

Ororo: "I am ashamed of you three. I can't believe you'd do this Rick. Honestly..."

Bobby: "Permission to speak freely?"

Ororo: "Hmmm...okay..."

Bobby: "What we did was wrong and we're sorry. But we're teenaged weren't acting very mature for playing that trick on us. You obviously knew we were watching for a while. You had enough time to get dressed. Technically we didn't see any of the nitty gritty."

Ororo: "There was no nitty gritty!"

Logan: "Ororo..."

Ororo: "Oh, hush Logan..."

Jake: "Uh what were we supposed to think when you said stuff like...Oh, oh Logan you animal!"

Bobby: "Or, I've never seen one so big!"

"Or...a girl could hurt herself playing with a thing like that! You wanted us to hear that!"

Ororo: "Well-I was trying to teach you a lesson. Don't always jump to conclusions based on what you see. Just because two people go for a midnight swim, doesn't mean that anything sexual was in the works."

Logan: "So you drag me out here in the middle of the night, and all the action I was gonna get was a midnight swim?!"

He winked at us. That had us all laughing at poor Ororo's expense.

Ororo: "! Logan, we're going to have a talk about that tongue of yours."

Logan: "You wanna talk to me about MY tongue?! Listen baby, all I did was grunt okay. You were the one saying the lewd-"

Bobby: "Hahaha!"

Ororo: "I suggest you stop laughing Robert...before I have the Professor down on all your cases."

Logan: "Oh cut 'em some slack 'Ro. Boys will be boys...besides you know we used to spy on the kids when they came back from their dates...come on don't play innocent...hmm."

Ororo: "That was different...we did it in a parental sort of way..."

"Ororo, Logan, we're really, really sorry. I didn't want to...but you know peer pressure. It was all Jake and Bobby's idea. I was the innocent, weak-willed one they co-erced."

Ororo: "Oh alright...but this stays between us. Got it?!"

We could only nod.

Logan: "I always knew you were ashamed of me...anyway, it'll be our dirty little secret!"

Ororo: "Logan, not in front of the children!"

Logan: "Children?! I doubt they were innocent before they decided to spy on us tonight and after your slutty monologue, they sure as hell ain't now!"

Ororo was red in the face.

I know he was right in mine and Jacob's case, and judging by how hot Bobby was, I knew he had to have had some sort of encounter.

Ororo: "Let's just go back inside...I'm sure-"

Logan: "Sh! Quiet! I heard something..."

We all shut up. Jake and I scanned telepathically. When Jake said he sensed nothing, I didn't even bother trying again. Bobby was glancing around nervously. Logan had his eyes closed, sniffing the air. Ororo was staring at him with a confused expression. Logan opened his eyes and was staring at a corner rather curiously.

Logan: "It's nothing."

He said it was nothing and we turned to walk back towards the Palace. As soon as we did so however, I heard him think to me.

{Logan: Rick can you hear me?}


{Logan: Turn around and send out the biggest spout of flame that you can make, now!}

{I don't understand.}

{Just do it.}

Without warning, I turned around, morphed into my Fire Form for extra power and sent a raging inferno towards the courtyard. The area started burning. I sure as hell hoped Logan knew what he was telling me to do, because burning up an expensive Royal Courtyard was not a good thing in my book. It turns out, he did. We heard several yells and saw a few electrical sparks go off and a group of military looking men, clad in futuristic looking body armor materialised before us. We instantly shifted into defensive positions. Me and Ororo took to the air, Jake charged up his psionic blade, Logan unsheathed his claws and Bobby's Ice Armor materialised. There were like twenty of them...the ones that we could see anyway. They wore masks and what I thought were gas filters. I was right because on of the men threw down a spherical canister and it started spewing out some kind of vapor.

Logan: "Don't breath!"

Ororo: "I'll handle it!"

Here eyes clouded and a violent wind swept the gas up and away from us. Several of the soldier looking men headed into the palace, fading from sight as they did so. The rest looked ready to spar with us. In a second they had taken out wicked looking machine guns and began to spray the area with bullets. They rebounded off of Bobby's Ice Armor. I formed a shield in front of us and blocked the rest. The men didn't seem shocked at our powers in the least. They must have been Defenders...

Logan: "Rick, take those damned guns away from them!"

I telekinetically complied and lowered the shield. As soon as I did so, Jake discharged a pain bolt at one of them. It hit the guy, but had no effect.

Jake: "Their armor must be shielding them Psionically!"

Bobby: "Won't work against me!"

He sledded into the tight group of men and dispersed them. Two of them seemed to realise that Jake wasn't much of a threat to them and started to advance on him. I flung one backwards. He shifted and landed on his feet. Jake did a roundhouse kick and stunned the other with an added uppercut punch. Ororo had begun summoning up a mini-vortex and had about ten of them spinning until one of them threw a bolas at her and she fell down to the ground. Logan was sparring with one of them who seemed to know martial arts. He was wielding a blade that had to have been made of adamantium to withstand Logan's claw attacks. Logan had his hands full. I was about to fly over to Ororo, to release her when I saw one of the Defenders approaching me with a blaster. I instantly raised a shield and I expected it to block the energy bolt. It didn't completely however and some of it pierced my shield hitting me. I lost focus on the shield and landed on the ground. They must know how to partially penetrate telekinetic shields...not good. I shifted into my fire form to withstand further energy attacks and set the man who attacked me on fire. He ran off screaming fierce swear words and plunged himself in one of the pools. I heard several yells of pain to my right and I saw that Bobby had Ice shattered some of their armor.

"Jake! Stun the ones over at Bobby's!"

He complied. And with them unconscious, we had only three more out here to deal with. Ororo had succeeded in freeing herself by them and sent a freezing wind against them, blowing them into the courtyard's wall and freezing them in place.

Ororo: "Bobby, crack their Armor, Jake render them unconscious! They must not escape...Logan Rick, with me, some of them are in the Palace!"

"How will we find them?!"

Logan: "I can smell 'em! I've already got a trail!"

He lead the way whilst Ororo and I followed him in the air. We re-entered the palace and to our dismay, we saw several people lying on the floor, bleeding... One of the guards was tending them. Ororo called out to him.

Guard: "Soldiers came in here just now! These workers were mutants...they were Defenders of Humanity, the castle has been infiltrated. They attacked these workers, then just vanished. I don't know where they went. Security is on the job, but we can't locate them. Your team-mates have been alerted. The entire castle is on alert and only essential staff are active at this time."

Logan had forged on ahead of us, down the hall. We heard him call out.

Logan: "Guys! They went in that elevator! I can smell their stink..."

Ororo: "Where does that elevator lead to? The one down the hallway?"

Guard: "It's the-Oh God! It leads to the Royal Family's personal section of the castle...I have to notify security!"

He sped off. So did we. It was obvious that we'd have to use the Elevator. It required a keycode though, and none of us knew it. The guard had since gone. Logan slashed the panel repeatedly and presently the door opened. He hadn't even looked in, just leapt...and fell.

Ororo: "Logan!"

I caught him telekinetically and set him beside her. There was no elevator, at least not now. Just a black chasm. I levitated a ball of flame and it threw some light at the bottom. The Elevator was at the bottom, wrecked.

Logan: "The bastards cut the cable!"

"So we fly!"

Ororo took to the air and lifted Logan up with me. There was only one exit door from the elevator tunnel. It was apparently devoted to being the exclusive means by which to access the Royal Family's quarters. When we reached the door, Ororo blasted it down with bolt of electricity and we flew out. Logan jumped to the ground and started sniffing the air. Presently we were on the trail again and found ourselves in front of a rather ornate door. We heard struggling inside and I telekinetically attempted to blast the door down. No effect...Logan sliced it, and it partially cracked. With it weakened, my second attempt threw it down completely and we walked into the lavish bedroom suite. We saw King Jerick backed up into a corner with three soldiers in front of him. Before they could do anything to harm him, I pulled them away from him with my mind. One of them dropped a sphere on the ground and it exploded in a bright flash. When we opened our eyes...they were gone. Thankfully, King Jerick was still there.

King Jerick: "Thank you, for my life! Dear God, how did they infiltrate our security perimeters...?"

Ororo: "Your majesty...are you unharmed?"

King Jerick: "Yes...I'm quite alright, thanks to you..."

Logan: "I'm sure that I saw more of them run into the palace..."

He started sniffing around again, he was walking about on his own, down the hallway. The three of us followed him. Behind King Jerick of course...not wishing to insult Royalty...presently we arrived at the opposite wing. The door to one room was broken off the hinges and the room was in shambles...the king looked terrified...

King Jerick: " brother..."

Ororo stepped into the room and looked around. So did I. I noticed a small reflection of something on the bed and went over to have a look. It was a compact disk of some description. I showed it to Ororo.

Ororo: "I believe our infiltrators left this for us...or for you your Majesty."

Logan: "They must have gotten away through the window...look. It sure has one hell of a view...and they could have escaped the castle boundaries by jumping...maybe they had parachutes..."

King Jerick: "Let us gather together with the security council and view the contents of this disk..."


The situation was very tense in the Security Council's chambers. Apparently the castle had top notch security technology and protocol in order. Judging by the shocked emotions just bleeding out of everyone, it was unimaginable how anyone could breach them and not at least be detected by the scanners and heat sensors. We, the juniors, were basically in our seats, whilst the seniors conversed together. Well, except for Jake, he was the oldest of us anyway and a lot more mature, that and he, together with the Professor and Defense Minister Sonya, were busy telepathically scanning the entire castle for intruders. The king and the rest of them were viewing the DVD for the third time. Or rather listening to it. There was no video, just audio. A warped, electronically altered voice making demands and threats should the king not abdicate and repeal his pro-mutant laws. The voice did confirm that Queen Alicia was alive, but threatened that she would not be for long if the King persisted in being stubborn. Now these rebels had even more leverage...the kingdom's Chief Minister...the King's brother, Derrick was missing and they were claiming responsibility. And no one doubted that fact either.

John: "I didn't know what to think when a guard came knocking down our door. The first thing I thought was that you all had gone off and gotten into some kind of trouble."

"What kind of trouble could we have possibly gotten ourselves into?"

Bobby and I shared a small conspiratorial smile.

John: "Damned good thing that Logan and Ororo were out there."

Bobby: "Yeah...if they weren't...being vigilant and started up a rotating watch...who knows what could have happened..."

I yawned a little. We had only gotten a few hours sleep after the attack. The castle was on high alert, but I couldn't trust myself to sleep with the possibility of invisible lurkers being up and about. Hank's voice snapped me out of it.

Hank: "This gear you commandeered from very advanced indeed. generates a field that bends light around the wearer...none is reflected...rendering the wearer completely invisible. The field appears to be very delicate though...Rick's flame disrupted it. Energy influx..."

Sonya: "That still does not explain how they breached the castle. They may have been invisible...but their bodies still give off heat...our infra-red scanners should have detected their presence."

Hank: "I will have to run diagnostic tests to determine if they have been tampered with."

Xavier: "Our telepathic scans with Cerebro have revealed no intruders, however, we cannot be certain as they were obviously Psionically shielded."

Scott: "They abducted the king's brother, and they were into the king's chambers, perhaps they were going to try and abduct him as well."

King Jerick: "No, they need me here, to repeal my laws and abdicate the throne, for the formation of a democratic government."

Just then an aide ran into the room and went straight to the king, bowed and presented a document of some sort. The king read it and his face was panicky. He revealed the source of his distress.

King Jerick: "There is a problem in the East Quadrant. There have been fires...Earth movements have ruptured a gas pipeline and an inferno is in progress. Our disaster control is practically non-existant at the time. I fear my daughter's emotions are making their presence felt. I must ask for your assistance my friends..."

Ororo: "Wasn't the East Quadrant under the effects of land subsidence?"

King Jerick: "Yes...the road network is severely of our helicopters will-"

Ororo: "That will not be necessary your Highness..."

Aide: "Will you be using your aircraft?"

Ororo: "No, I can fly. I do not think it will be wise to be so conspicuous and use an aircraft."

King Jerick: "True. It is not far. Nova Roma is a small island. But please be careful. The Defenders are usually silent in the daytime, but things are different with the Xmen here. They have never attacked the Palace like this before."

Ororo: "I will. Are the fires threatening human life?"

Aide: "Not right now. But if they progress, the Caledonia settlement will be under threat. The hills may give it some protection, will only slow the fire's progress."

Ororo: "Rick, Bobby, John...suit up, you will be coming with me."

Xavier: "Juniors, be careful and obey Ororo..."

John, Bobby, Me: "Yes sir!"


John: "How the hell am I supposed to go?"

"You know...I may suck as a telepath...but I am very strong telekinetically...I could just lift you.."

John: "Oh...I forgot."

Not much behind that pretty face is there?

Bobby: "Well, I can sled around just as fast as you and Ororo can fly."

We were waiting outside the front gate for Ororo. Presently she arrived, and with a few last minute instructions, we were off. Her instructions were to keep as close to the ground as possible. The castle was on a hill, surveying the surroundings. We had to pass through an urban area to reach the Eastern Hills. People actually looked out and waved at us. It was gratifying to be able to use our powers openly, and not have any angry responses, or frightened crowds forming. I guess the entire island knew of our presence and purpose by then. The sun was something else too. The was morning and we were heading into the Eastern part of the island. Ororo, Bobby and I were upset...John however was lucky. He was packing a pair of sunglasses. I was perfectly sure he was thinking more style than service when he put them on too. I telekinetically lifted them off his face and put them on.

John: "Hey, give those back!"

"I'm the one flying and carrying you. My eyes are watering up with the glare...besides, they look better on me anyway..."

"Says you...", he grumbled.

Bobby: "Hey, alla that smoke, or clouds...?"

Ororo: "That's smoke alright!"

The Eastern Part of the island was thickly vegetated. It was pretty mountainous too. The forest was feeding the flames. Birds could be seen flocking away from their nesting grounds, flying in erratic movements. The smoke was billowing so thickly, that we couldn't even see the fire. Ororo warned us about getting too close, and about the dangers of smoke inhalation. Ororo would do her best to stop the flames with rainfall. John would absorb and manipulate the flames away from the ground. Me and Bobby would try and directly extinguish the flames. Ororo flew closer to the ground and began gently moving the excess smoke with a wafting breeze. It revealed that the entire forest floor was in flames.

Bobby: "Damn! And we have to put out alla that?!"

Ororo: "There are no adequate emergency yes."

I dropped John down and he immediately went to work. He diverted the flames, clearing a way for us to get into the buring forest. Bobby quickly froze the ground, extinguishing the lingering flames. The trees were on fire, and branches and stuff kept falling. I put up a shield to protect them from falling, burning debris. Ororo was over the hill, summoning rain clouds. She was going to make it big, I could tell. To put out a fire of this magnitude, it would need a lot of water. She presently communicated to us via our wireless headsets.

[Ororo: "Xmen! Get on the hill, Caledonia is on the other side of it, in the valley. Clear anything that looks like it could burn from the hilltop. The rain will not stop the fire instantly."]

"I'll move us!"

We got down on the hill and proceeded to follow Ororo's orders. I tapped into Earth and created a canal. Bobby caught on and filled it with ice. Hopefully, it would form a barrier that would at least slow the flames down. The sky was darkening and a few drops began to fall.

John: "What is taking so long?"

"It's one thing to create localised phenomena and another to affect the weather on a broader scale I guess...compared with Nature's rate...this is happening at breakneck speed."

They looked at me slightly amused.

"Okay, so I like Physical Geography..."

Bobby: "The fire, look, it's comin'!"

John: "I don't know how much more I can absorb...I'm all charged up, I could probably make a candle-flame into an inferno."

The fire was feeding on the vegetation, specifically, the trees. Fire cannot burn without fuel... Could I telekinetically remove the trees?

Bobby: "It's no good! The flames are just licking up my Ice...steam's the only thing happening...Rick, could you project a shield and block the fire?"

"Nuh uh. No way I could project a shield as big as a hillside."

Just then the rain started to come down in torrents, and I mean really pour. It was like a bucket a drop. The flames reacted to the sudden drenching of the woods by belching out think clouds of smoke. I looked up and saw that the sky, as far as the eye could see anyway, was completely dark grey. The wind was picking up too, blowing from the east, sending the flames away towards the west and the interior of the forest. Our moat filled to the top and started to spill over.

John: "It sure as hell pays to have our own personal Goddess..."

Bobby: "Sure makes our job a whole lot easier."

The fire was being extinguished alright. We were getting a good soaking, but I rather have had that than an inferno. But I was getting a little worried. All this water, in a sudden downpour, with the majority of the trees destroyed by fire...downhill... It was perfect conditions for a-

"Oh no!"

We felt the earth shift beneath our feet start to move.

Bobby: "What the hell?!"

John: "The hills are alive, with the sound of-"

I reached for my headset.

["Ororo, stop the rain! We're having a landslide!"]

[Ororo: "I can't just stop took time to create something this big and it will take time to make it dissipate. If I just stop influencing the flow of climatic will spiral into a hurricane! Rick, you and the others do what you can to slow the landslide down...hurry, Caledonia is populated! Why didn't I see this coming?"]

["We'll try our best Ororo!"]

"Listen guys, this hill is unstable and look-"

Already, massive amounts of debris and mud were sliding down the hill, towards an unsuspecting township. It looked like a sand-castle crumbling from the onslaught of a pail of water. Chaotic and scary...

"We have to stop this landslide! Bobby, try freezing its movements as much as you can, John, I'll levitate you along with me. Use all that energy you absorbed. The torrential rain might lessen the effect, but try and bake the mud solid on the other side."

I was flying over the huge moving mass of mud. John was attempting to solidify the mud. He was having minimal success. As soon as it was dry, the rain made it wet again. I knew he wouldn't be able to stop the mudslide, but at least he could slow it down and bye us some time. Bobby was sledding over to the right side of the hill. He was having some more success. The water in the mud was freezing solid and the mass of material on his side was slowing. Unfortunately, we now had a slower moving, but larger icy mass over at his location. But at least it was slower moving. I glanced towards the township of Caledonia and was surprised to see it surrounded by a glowing orb of energy...a telekinetic shield. I had forgetten that mutants weren't victimised for the most part here. The telekinetics of the town must be trying to protect it. The rain had stopped by then and an exhausted looking Ororo flew up beside us. She forged ahead and tried to divert the moving mud with wind. It was pointless however.

"Ororo...I don't see what we can do!"

John: "Will that shield hold?"

Ororo: "I doubt that they will be able to sustain it for long. Not against the mass and mometum of the slide..."

Bobby: "Rick, what if you tried combining your power with them and try to move the mud?"

"I could contact them telepathically, but if we try and do that and fail, we'd be too drained to put up a shield again and then the damage and...casualties will be worse..."

We all looked at Ororo. She was our leader. Her job to weigh the options. There was nothing we could do on our own to stop the slide. And the shield around the town would offer some protection. There could be a chance to avoid any damage, but we could end up wasting valuable energy and leaving the town even more vulnerable than it was before.

Ororo: "Contact them Rick. Do what you can... we will keep trying to slow the slide down."

"John, you're going to have to ride with Bobby on his"

I threw him towards Bobby and he grabbed on. I flew towards the town as with all the speed I could muster, calling out into the telepathic frequency, explaining what happened and what could be done. As probability dictated, some of the telekinetics who were sustaining the shield were telepathic and heard me. Some were in favor of trying to stop or divert the mudslide, whilst some were in favor of trying to maintain the shield. That was just not logical. We couldn't do both... it was all or nothing. I tried to explain it to them, many were understanding, quite a few were irate.

{Citizen1: You caused the damned landslide in the first place!}

{Citizen2: Now instead of getting' burned to death, we're going to be buried alive... Cremation or burial anyone...which is preferable?}

{Citizen3: Would both of you shut up! They were trying to help your sorry asses! I say we try and link our power and move the damned thing. It's theoretically possible...with enough telekinetic power. Maybe we could telepathically broadcast a message to the rest of the town, to the all Earth Elementals who can control their powers...maybe they can help too-}

{Citizen4: Seismic force is going to destabilise the hillside further, bringing even more debris upon us. It's up to the telekinetics to save the day...I say move the bloody thing! If we shield, we'll just be buried with a telekinetic shield as a temporary coffin. How much breathable air do you think we'd have to us? We couldn't sustain it indefinitely anyway. And many people would still be left behind to die when we couldn't sustain it any longer.}

{Citizen3: Yes, if there is a chance to save everyone, we must take it...}

I waited while they deliberated. Unfortunately, not all were agreed to try and move the slide. But some of the ones who agreed contacted me. I noticed that the shield was glowing less. They had stopped pumping their power into it.

{Citizen3: Alright kid, we're going to need you to be our focus. You'll have to direct the energy for us, we'll be mentally charging you with all the telekinetic energy we can old are you?}

{I'm...sixteen...almost seventeen...}

{Citizen5: Oh of us can't come out there and be the foucs because those idiots still insist on trying to shield the town...}

{I know what to do...I have experience on the field.}

{Citizen4: Let's hope so, everyone, channel energy into the focus, now!}

I felt someone making a link with my mind and the rest of the telekinetics sending energy coursing through me via the link. I knew it was dangerous, there was the chance of my mind being overwhelmed with too much power. There was only so much my brain could take. Wasting no time I turned towards the landslide and exerted a telekinetic force towards it. The mud began to visibly slow and dam up. Try as I might I couldn't send it back further however.

{It's n-not enough, you have to try harder. You have to grant me more power...}

{Citizen5: Th-that's all we can do...the others won't release the shield and help us...}

Mud was starting to move again...I fought back the migraine headache that was developing and called out telepathically to try and reason with them. The hill above the mud front looked bare. Much of the hillside had come crashing down with the slide.

{Please, stop shielding and help us! We have succeeded in holding it back...if you'd just channel your energy, we could divert it-}

They didn't even respond. I could feel the massive power boost fading as one by one, the telekinetics who had been supporting me fell unconscious with the strain. I was getting exceedingly angry. We caused it! Hmpf! I wished we had let the fire descend upon them, and burn them to cinders! How the hell could these fuckers not see reason?! Were they honestly that dense or just- I stopped then and realised just what I was thinking...those thoughts couldn't be mine, could they? I was so worked up I didn't notice the mud was moving again until I felt it engulf me and pull me under its murky depths. I was low, near the ground. I had to be, to conserve power, to hold the mass back. Flying higher would have consumed energy that would be needed elsewhere. I barely had the time to surround myself in a telekinetic bubble before I was pulled under. Shit...


Ororo: "Rick!"

They had seen him apparently stop the flow of mud, using the telekinetic power of multiple psychics from Caledonia. The sight of all that mud stopping had given them hope that diverting it was not only possible, but probable as well. Bobby and John had triumphant looks on their faces and Ororo was relieved. She felt wholly and solely responsible for the mudslide. The widespread destruction wrought by the fire had driven her into a panic and she had tried to stop the flames by any means necessary. Her judgement was impaired. She had realised that there was nothing that they could do and was afraid that lives would be lost because of her lapse in judgement. But when she saw the mud stop, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She had only to wait ten minutes before her panic would return, infinitely more severe. Something had gone wrong and she saw him buried under the moving mud. When she glanced at Caledonia, she saw that it was still encased in a telekinetic shield, albeit, a slightly less potent looking one. She then realised what went on.

John: "They didn't help him?!"

Bobby: "Some of them did, the shield looks weaker...but it wasn't enough! Hold on John. We have to go get him!"

Ororo: "He surrounded himself in a telekinetic shield before he went under...I will try and blow away the mud from the area where he fell. If you see him, get close and grab him!"

The three of them sped toward the mud front. Ororo was about to summon a whirlwind, Bobby and John were surveying the area when they saw it. It looked like a bubble of liquid mud. The orb rose above them, the mud dried and the sphere exploded. They saw the form of Rick emerge. But he was surrounded by blue, flaming halo. When they took their eyes off him, they realised that the mud had stopped flowing again.

John: "What's that light around him?"

Ororo: "It's an aura...everyone has one, a lot of psychics can see it..."

Bobby: "But we aren't psychic..."

Ororo: "When psychics channel massive becomes visible...I have seen it happen with Jean and a few others, including the Professor...remember the Phoenix?"

Bobby: "The Firebird thing?"

Ororo: "Yes...when Phoenix possessed made her aura manifest visibly, except in her case, Phoenix made it take the form of a flaming bird..."

John: "You think he can stop this mudslide?"

Ororo: "Let's see what he's got."

They saw him bring his hands together and the mud started to flow again.

Bobby: "Oh no! Look, it isn't working..."

Ororo: "Have patience...I remember when we had a nuclear crisis once... at that time, the Phoenix was not yet a malevolent entity...Jean used its power to boost her telekinesis. She lifted the entire reactor core and flung it into outer space, preventing a nuclear holocaust."

John: "Damn..."

Bobby: "I only got to see the Dark Phoenix..."

Rick brought his hands together and the mud paused once again...they could see the strain etched on his face. They could do nothing else, so they waited...


I didn't plan on dieing there and I wasn't going to let Rick suffer either. I had already let him down over the weekend and we both nearly had our asses killed. It's bad enough that I get sent to Nova Roma, and it's not even for a nice Mediterranean getaway, but to stop natural disasters and take on mutant hating scum. He cares too much. Personally, if they didn't want to trust me fully, and channel their power to help me stop a raging mudslide (that was primarily a danger to them by the way) and got buried, I wouldn't be losing any sleep. Blaming us for it too when we were trying to save them from getting charred to death. Still, I couldn't just let the damned thing happen and have him feeling like it was his fault. And I thought Munro was supposed to be the Nature girl! So as soon as he was pulled under, I took over. I levitated us above the mudslide and released a burst of energy to get the populace's attention. Not to mention getting that nasty mud offa me. Even with a telekinetic shield it was disgusting. I stopped the flow of the slide and called out to the fools who were still holding up their shield, thinking that it would save them.

{Alright dipshits! One last either give me some of that juice you been holding out on, or get buried. I can hold this shit back, but only temporarily...or as long as I can fool myself into believing that I actually give a damn about y'all...but I need a little bit more juice, whatever little you got going into that pathetic shield anyway, to divert it. So are y'all gonna be reasonable or keep acting like scared, dripping pussies?}

I sensed them go irate and was flooded with angry protests. Most of these people were snobs and were never spoken to like that before. So to prove a point, I let the mud flow again. I immediately sensed their fear and then their grudging approval. I brought my hands together and waited. I felt their energy drain into me and saw their shield flicker out. It was just what little more energy I needed. I flung my hands out and the mud flowed to my right and left, completely missing Caledonia, and instead forming a delightfully scenic swamp on either side. I bet that would just work wonders for the tourist industry. Well, I did good, if I do say so myself. I wonder when Rick will grow a pair and realise that he could do it too, if he'd just believe in himself a little bit more.

I try to help him along in the right direction. But he does resist it so much when all I'm trying to do is look out for our best interest. He's got a hard head. Heck, I guess that's where I get it from. Back home, I wanted to kill those stupid bullies for what they did to us. He just didn't realise that people like them are never going to change. Even with wiping their memories, their asswipe of a personality is going to remain, and they're going to hurt other innocent people and it would all be best if they simply didn't exist anymore. Pity...maybe he'll see sense one day. Okay, so maybe I was a little extreme with wanting to kill Bobby, Grey and Xavier...I admit that. But I thought that my boy was murdered! Come on, cut a fella some slack! I know his subconscious is still resisting me in the relationship department...but eventually he'll see sense there too. No matter how much I try to show him how Jake could be the best thing that ever happened to us...his subconscious just cannot seem to get rid of this ridiculous "Bobby" fascination. This weekend, when he learned to shield, it was only Bobby who could bring it out of him. Which is all fucked up! I mean, Jake can heal, and he practically brought us back from virtual death! Why not him?! Okay, so I admit, he was a little cute when we first came to the mansion. But from the time Jake took us onto the Astral Plane, I've known it. Jake is the one! I've been trying real hard to convince least I convinced him to call off his stupid hiatus. Do y'all know how long it's been since I got any?! I'm a growing boy with needs!

And do you want to know the worst part? Bobby is Gay! Do y'all know how hard it is to suppress gaydar? Tough, let me tell you. And suppressing a telepath's gaydar is even tougher. Oh, it's driving me fuckin' insane... I have to constantly monitor what he hears and sees, and choose what to let him process, all to throw him off the trail. And I have to be careful and subtle so he won't know. He's a smart dude...hope he doesn't find out. If he ever finds out that Bobby is gay and worse, wants him...Jake and us are through. Can't let that happen. Lord, when we were in that cave on Saturday, he almost lost it when Bobby conveniently fell on top of took all my will-power to make him push Bobby off. This kinda stress is going to get me old before my time. He'll come around. After all Jake has done for can he not? Hmm...maybe I'll have some fun here after all. We deserve it! Heck...he'll thank me for it one day. Besides, I have just as much right to sensory input as he does. But I'll have to play this right. So he won't know...


Ororo: "Rick, that was-that was magnificent! I haven't seen telekinesis on a scale like that since Jean was possessed by the Phoenix Force!"

Well Munro, don't give me all the credit. If you weren't stupid enough to cause all the damned rain in the first place, there wouldn't even be a massive, threatening mudslide for us to move, now would there?

Bobby: "Yeah dude! You were awsome!"

Save it loser, you are so NOT getting into our pants! Oh, right, individual thoughts. MY pants. There...this kind of living is so new for me.

John: "Man, you practically saved the town all on your own!"

Well why don't we all just state the obvious? How does Rick put up with these people? This is going to be a stretch, but here goes,

"Thanks, but it wasn't really me alone. Eventually, the town's telekinetics came around and focussed their energy on me. And well, it happened..."

Ororo: "Well, crisis averted. I think we better head back to the Palace."

Oooh, we're going back...back to Jake. Oh, I so need to get laid!

"Good. I'm so tired after that, I could just...sleep...all evening."

John: "I bet.."

And we were off. I took the time to study my situation. There's only one problem. We share a room...I'd have to think of something. The real problem would be to have some privacy. There was a lot of space in the palace. I just needed to escape them. If I left it up to Rick I'd never get any. His subconscious feelings for Bobby...they keep him from wanting sex with Jake. The Astral Plane was definitely out of question. I could feel that anytime. I wanted to fuck in the flesh. But how to get rid of them? Bobby sticks to Rick like a goddamned leech. Hmm...Give John a good lesbian porno and he'll stay put. But Bobby... Hmm...well it's about damned time I put my telepathy to good use. All I need to do is find a nice young girl in the palace...someone sexy, preferably slutty...easier to coerce...

Bobby: "Rick, you okay? You've been staring for like-"

"It's called watching where you're flying Bobby."

He had a hurt look on his face. I didn't realise how roughly I'd said it. I was caught off guard. Thinking quickly I put on a goofy grin and he laughed too. See, he's such an idiot! Thought I was making a joke. We could see the palace by then. My cock was already swelling with anticipation.


Jake: "Rick, what has gotten! We're supposed to be downstairs, listening to-"

"A bunch of soldiers torturing some rebels."

Jake: "It's called an interrogation de-briefing."

"I wanna de-brief you!"

I knew he couldn't resist me for long. Oh, I love it when he takes control! I suppose with me being suppressed alla the time by Rick, it's no wonder that I'm submissive. Watching human rights infringement was not really appealing to me. They treat us like we're just kiddies who came along for the ride here. Sure, they act nice, but they don't show us half the respect that the older Xmen get. I had succeeded in losing John. All I had to do was implant a feeling of horniness into his psyche and he was out skirt-chasing. Bobby was a little more than problematic. I had telepathically convinced one of the security councilor's daughters into latching her slutty arms onto him. She was hopefully off raping him somewhere by then. I made my way over to the door and latched it and looked at Jake with a devious, suggestive grin. Let's get it on...or off rather!


Next: Chapter 15: Xxx Men 15

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