Xxx Men Series

By Phoenix

Published on Nov 21, 2005


Xmen Story Chapter Thirteen

[Cyclops: "More power guys!"]

Honestly, when would he shut up?! It wasn't like he was out here with us, trying to come up with a cheap imitation version of Storm's performance. She definitely made it seem much easier than it looked. I glanced over at Bobby, he was doing a fantastic job of conjuring up the cold...Rogue was still maintaining the snow and I was making the air turbulent with wind. While it was merely holding back the Sentinels, it wasn't doing any impact damage.

"I...don't suppose we could away..."

Bobby: "And live to fight another day..?"

Scott's voice boomed over Rogue's communicator.

[Cyclops: "We can't really take off with them attacking us and if we get hit while in the air...we're as good as dead..."]

Whilst we were occupied, one of the Sentinel's fired a shot of laser from it's palm. I quickly thought of Bobby and blocked it with a Telekinetic force shield.

"Guys, this is obviously not working out like we thought. We need to try something new..."

Rogue: "Any ideas...?"

[Beast: I may have a suggestion...but I'm not sure if-"]

Rogue: "Just spit it out Hank!"

[Beast: "All right...substances tend to become brittle when supercooled...Stop the blizzard and try something a little more direct. Have Rick and Bobby freeze their super-structures and if they become brittle enough, punch them to pieces.]

The Blackbird and the Hawk were hovering precariously in the clearing, preparing for evasive manouvering should the Sentinels strike. Rogue held off on the snow and informed us of Hank's plan. She would do the up close and personal bashing. Bobby and I were to maintain our distance from the Sentinels and freeze them from afar. I had no qualms about the keeping distance part. These things were scaaary...she flew off in the Sentinel's direction. I flew a little higher up, so that I could also see if anyone needed shielding as well. Bobby began charging up, the water vapor in the surrounding air started to liquefy and freeze solid. Soon, his entire body was sheathed in ice. It wasn't like his regular ice armor though. That wasn't as extensive as this metamorphosis...I wondered why he waited until then to do it...

Without warning he launched a blast at the nearest Sentinel to our position, and it actually staggered back from the force of the impact. Tendrils of pure, frigid energy wrapped themselves around it and encased its torso in an icy grip. Bobby didn't let off on the assault, channeling more energy into the beam. Just as with Ororo's blizzard, the Sentinel's armor began to buckle...but that was not all...I heard a CRACK! And I saw the torso just split open! The blue glow of the freezing ray faded as Bobby slumped to the ground, thourougly exhausted. The Sentinel was staggering, but I saw it take aim and fire another laser burst. I dove in and deflected it once again. Bobby was still on his knees. Rogue got busy however. With a huge gaping wound in the armor present, she flew straight at the Sentinel fists outstretched, went in throught the chest area and out through its back, shattering it completely.

Rogue: "Good work we got two more..."

She pointed towards the other two that Scott was keeping busy by firing salvoes at them.

Bobby: "I-can't...I'm totally drained..."

I then realised why he held off on it. It was a single-shot attack only...a one hit wonder...

She looked at me..

"Don't look at me...I can freeze if I really try, but nowhere near that strongly or as quick...but...if we get Jake out here, he can restore Bobby's energy."

Rogue: "Jake is helpless against lucky shot and..."

"I can shield him...there's no other way..."

She relented and informed Scott. He didn't like the idea anymore than she did but allowed it. The Blackbird's hatch door opened and Jake peered out. I lowered him down onto the ground near Bobby's location and he got to work on restoring his energy. Scott was manouvering the Hawk between the two remaining Sentinels, drawing their attention away from us. I saw the Blackbird, with Beast at the helm align itself with one of them, and fired a blast from the laser cannon. Didn't do anything much but ruin the paint job, but it did keep 'em off our trail.

I kept a lookout whilst Jake healed Bobby's energy. Scott had been doing an excellent job of keeping the Sentinels away from us, distracting them with the Hawk's weaponry. Soon, Bobby's mutant energy had been completely restored, and had unleashed the fury of another freezing beam, aiming it at the second Sentinel's back. As before, the extreme temperatures caused the metal hull to buckle and crack...weakening its armor to a considerable extent. It jerked erratically, then focussed its attentions away from the Hawk, and turned towards us. Rogue flew towards it, aiming a piercing kick towards its torso. The chest cavity split open, leaving its fully loaded arsenal exposed. Rogue was a little dazed after hitting it so hard...I mean it was pure seeing my chance, I sent a stream of electrically charged bolts towards its internals and sent it sparking to the ground, destroying it with its own payload. It fell with a crash, leaving a nice sized crater.

Rogue: "All right y'all! Just one more!"

The last remaining Sentinel, sensing its forerunners were destroyed, must have become, what we humans call "desperate". It stopped the attempted assault on the Hawk.

Sentinel: [Auto-Self destruct sequence initiated...destruct in 5...4...]

Well, at least the programers who programmed this thing were nice enough to give us at least some warning...I always wondered why robots felt compelled to announce to their enemies when they were going to kamikaze. I mean, it would be a whole lot more advantageous to just blow up before the enemy suspects. Go figure...The rest of them froze. It was at times like those that I was grateful of the instantaneous communication that telepathy granted. I telekinetically pulled Jake, Rouge and Bobby with me towards the Blackbird, whilst telepathically yelling to Jean to put up the strongest telekinetic force shield she could around the Hawk. I had discovered that Jake was right. In order to erect an effective telekinetic shield, it was necessary for one to have the emotional impression of feeling safe. I had found, after my shield manifested spontaneously, that all I needed to do to reform it again was to think of Bobby in the Danger Room. And, presto...Instantaneous Telekinetic shield. I thought "Bobby" again and it happened. The Sentinel exploded in a flash of blinding light. Our shields held off the heat however.

{Jean, how are you guys?!}

{Jean: We're fine, the shields are holding, the explosion itself was not the real danger. But with the entire area is in flames...the moment we release the shields, we're going to start frying.}

Scott came into our linked conversation then. Probably through the Psychic Bond that he and Jean shared I supposed.

{Scott: Rick, just focus on shielding. Get John and Amara to move the flames upward and away from the lower ground.}

I telepathically relayed his plan to them. They set to work on it and we watched the flames start spiraling upward, heading for the upper atmosphere. Then I noticed the sky darkening and it started raining. Ororo must have recovered. As soon as the flames dissipated, Jean and I lowered our shields. The Hawk landed, and I saw Peter, Scott and Jean coming out of the hatch. The Blackbird opened its hatch and could hear loud, animalistic screams. Apparently Logan had awakened from his Psionically induced sleep.

The sound of his screams, temporarily shocked me into thinking "Bobby" again for a few moments and a sphere of telekinetic energy materialised, enveloping me in a miniature shield. I quickly shut the thought out, and it faded. Not before I caught Jake eyeing me however. Panic shot through my veins. What if he sensed the thought?! It was instantaneous and uncontrolled, and with him being so close...and the link. I couldn't help it though. That just seemed to be the trigger for my telekinetic shielding ability. Ororo, Hank's and the others' voices could be heard trying to calm Logan down. Rogue and Bobby rushed into the jet to see what they could do. I lingered...feeling like a wuss...I couldn't help it if I was afraid. Jake lingered and I thought that I would be in for it. It did bite my conscience. To be thinking of Bobby like that. And confused me a little too. Hell, Jake had basically brought me back from virtual much more safe could one get? He healed me from a serious blow to the head when Scott shot my dormitory door down too. And quite a few other aches and pains as well. And yet...whenever I thought of him to try and form a telekinetic shield in the fight, the shield that formed was only a weak rendition...

"Jake...I can's.."

Jake: "It's okay to feel the way you're feeling Rick."


Jake: "You've had a very traumatic experience. You almost died...I just don't want you going into denial and trying to act like nothing major happened. I saw how you reacted to Logan's screams."

Oh...I should have guessed. But with the panicking and all. He must have only saw the shield...and not sensed the thought that powered it...

By this time, the rest of the Xmen from the Hawk had come running up to us. Scott, Jean and Peter were breathless and had worried expressions on their faces. Probably in response to Logan's feral screams. Hank, Rogue and a slightly staggering Ororo came out of the Blackbird.

Scott: "Is that...Logan?"

Hank: "It is indeed."

Jean: "Dear God..."

Scott: "Is he injured and in need of medical...oh...wait, his healing factor...what's wrong?"

Jake: "Logan seems to have gone beserk...we'll explain everything, but I think it's best we psionically subdue him first. Then get him to the mansion ASAP. It's not exactly safe here. The Professor must be updated too."

Scott: "Uh...okay. I'm sure you all have had quite an experience here. Jean, subdue him."

Jake: "I can subdue him."

Jean: "I'll fly with you guys just in case."

Ororo: "I have known Logan to lose his temper and become exceedingly violent, but never anything approaching this. And never against us. It was always in our defence. Back there, I tried to calm him down. I thought he was in pain and he tried to slash me. Thank heavens those restraints are vanadium steel..."

Jake: "I don't advise anyone to get too close...he's extremely volatile."

Hank: "Yes...he seems to have degenerated into a near animalistic stage of mental evolution."

Rogue: "Maybe the Professor will know what to do. I mean, before when he lost his temper...I know it was never anythin' near this, but the Professor used to calm him down."

Peter: "Does anyone know what caused his mental change?"

"Someone's done something to him. A scientist guy...we'll explain. Something about surgery..and an implant."

Hank: "Implant...fascinating. Let's get back to the mansion. I need to study the situation."

Scott, Rogue and Peter headed back into the Hawk, whilst Jean, Hank and Ororo went into the Blackbird with Jake and I. When we got in we saw Logan thrashing in his restraints while Jubilee was trying to talk to him. The others were behind her, looking on. He had stopped the screaming. That was to change however. As soon as he saw me, his enraged demeanour returned full force, and he began roaring like some sort of savage beast. I cringed somewhat and backed a little behind Jake. Jean regarded me a little oddly then walked up to Logan. I could tell she was trying to link with his mind. Judging by the frustrated look on her face, I could tell that she was having no luck whatsoever.

Jean: "It's like he's his body is alive but that's it."

Jake: "I know. I'll just put him under."

Hank: "We'll have a full debriefing when we get back to the mansion, to discuss exactly what happened here. Everyone please take your seats."

With that he headed to the controls, to pilot us home.

Whilst Jake was subduing him, I went and took a seat on the on the other row. As far away from Logan as possible. Jean walked on over and sat down. She looked down on me sympathetically.

Jean: "Hey, what's wrong?"


Jean: "Come on...don't give me that. I sensed a level of fear in you that I just don't get from the others."

"Maybe I'm just..a coward."

Jean: "I don't think it's that. They're scared. You were...terrified...and Logan had calmed somewhat...but when he saw you...he went feral..screaming..."

Silence. I didn't want to tell her. And was glad that the others hadn't said anything either. I didn't want her to feel sorry for me. She was already prone to that. Maybe that was the problem...growing up..parents babying me all the time...made me weak. I was weak when those bashers back home tried stomping on me. I didn't need that here. I was weak when it counted, when I was supposed to be strong...and I almost got killed. She helped me break the rules and smuggle food on the training mission. Another sign of my weakness. From then on out I was going to be strong. No one was going to hurt me like that ever again...

Jean: "Rick..why did Logan react to you like that? Do you know?"

"I don't know."

Jean: "Tell me exactly what happened."

Good God. This would all come out at the mission briefing. Then they'd all know everything. I was real beat.

"Jean, I'm a little tired. You'll hear it out at the mission briefing...I just want to rest."

Jean: "But-"

Jake: "Just let him rest Miss Grey. He's...he's been through a lot today."

She regarded him with a semi-confused expression, but thankfully I was spared and slipped into sleep.


The ride home seemed to drag on forever. Jean was confused at Rick's lack of answers to her questions. And she felt that he was hiding something from her too. Like he didn't want to lie to her, but preferred to just not talk. She never did like being left in the dark. As soon as Rick was asleep, she went over to where the others were sitting. She was going to get some answers. Screw the debriefing...she was going to get answers now.

Jean: "Anyone knows what's up with Rick. I have never sensed anything from him like I sensed just now, and even without telepathy, I can tell that something is wrong. He seems off. He basically refused to talk to me about whatever it is, and that never happens, so if you know anything..spill."

Ororo: "He has been strangely quiet. And yes, he does seem a bit off."

Bobby: "It's cuz of Logan's condition.."

Jean: "I figured as much. So, did Logan attack him or something?"

Jubilee: "He attacked all of us."

Jean: "But all of you aren't as shaken."

Ray: "Well, here's the thing..."

And the entire day's happenings were revealed. All about the distress call at the dawn, to the Alpha Flight team and their fight. To Rick being sent to the campsite to find Logan his fight with him. To how they found him motionless and bleeding...

Amara: "We all thought he was dead. Even Jake couldn't sense him or heal him..."

Jean had to sit down. She glanced over at Rick sleeping. Suddenly it all made sense. The feelings she had been having at the mansion...they were psionic in nature after all. She must have been sensing the day's happenings. No wonder he was all that shaken and hid behind Jacob when they came into the jet.

Jean: "Did this...happen..with Rick I mean..was this like after midday...maybe about 1:10 or so?"

Bobby: ""

Jean: "I had been having feelings...bad feelings, and-"

John: "Were you on Cerebro?"

Jean: "That's the thing...I wasn't. But there is no way that I should have been able to sense it. Even with real specialty is telekinesis...I am a telepath, and a strong one...but this is just..."

Bobby: "Maybe you sensed Jake trying to make contact."

Jake: "I can't reach that far. And then even with the distance, it works best if the person is actually listening for the message."

She thought back to the mansion. She had been feeling sick since the day before too.

Jean: "Did anything else happen like say yesterday? The feelings started then."

Roberto: "Well, we were in a cave and Amara ran off and-"

Amara: "Hey, you guys were teasing me. Don't make it my fault that they got lost."

Jean: "What?"

David: "Amara went off and Jake went off to find her and they were taking so long to get back and Rick got worried and decided to go look. And Bobby went with him to help."

Jean: "Only them? What were the rest of you doing?"

Jubilee: "Stuffing our faces. Rick sneaked food in and we were hungry and it was snowing out. Thank God.."

Jean: "No, thank me."

Jubilee: "You, snuck food in for him? You never did it for us."

Jean: "Well, you all have been here before twice and he hadn't. And Logan wasn't taking that into account and he'd have enough trouble with the training Bobby and Rick got lost?"

Roberto: "Yup...for hours, but we found them eventually. With Jake's telepathy and all."

Jean: "I wonder if I was sensing that too? I was feeling weird yesterday, and up to...well our flight here. But now, it's mysteriously over. I wasn't trying to sense anything though..."

Bobby: "You don't suppose that maybe...Rick was-I don't know, sending some sort of impression?"

Jake: "But he's not nearly as strong as I am in the telepathic department...and I couldn't cope with the distance."

Ororo: "We must not forget that Rick is not exactly a run of the mill person. The alter ego...Eric..Maybe it tried to reach you. You did say Rick's Psyche created that persona to protect him...did you not Jean?"

Jean: "Well...yes."

Ororo: "And Rick doesn't really know when this other persona is influencing him. It all happens subconsciously. And this entity has shown itself capable of greatly increasing his abilities. We all saw what could happen."

Jean: "You...could be right. But Rick has not demonstrated any really powerful telepathic potential. He is a hell of a telekinetic. But his telepathy leaves much to be desired."

Jake: "He's not a weak telepath...but it is best if he just uses it for communication. You saw how easily he absorbs other people's emotions, like with Juggernaut, right Miss Grey?"

Jubilee: "Yes...and when we all went out that night, he tried knocking out Wanda, and he absorbed some of her rage."

Jake: "Right. A powerful telepath would be able to guard against that happening. They'd be able to put up a telepathic barrier to shield against it."

Jean: "Speaking of shields...when did he learn to shield telekinetically like that. Did he tell you?"

Bobby: "We were surrounded by sentinels just before you guys came. And we had an Earth and Ice barrier up. But they were breaking through it, and no matter how much energy we used, holes kept appearing. Well, one of the holes was in line of sight with him, and a Sentinel fired a barrage of micro-missiles and the next thing we knew...shield. He was just as shocked as we were."

Ororo: "So it must have been his first shield then...must have been the panic and fear that brought it out."

Ray: "But, if that's what did it? Then why couldn't it have happened when Logan attacked know? I know I'd be scared shitless...uh sorry.."

Jake: "We all know that Sentinels either capture or kill any and all mutants. But I think that deep down...Rick didn't think that Logan would do that to him.'s a lot easier to be scared of a two storey robot too."

Ororo: "Poor child..Still I am grateful that his mother was such a strong least his telekinesis was able to guard him from the attack."

Jean: "Quite a powerful telepath too. I would have thought that Rick would have inherited at least some of her potential."

Jake: "You know what else is confusing? When he lost control and tried to...well attacked Bobby...and you and the professor tried to take him down on the Astral Plane...Eric was strong enough Telepathically to trap both you and the Professor."

Jean: "My God, you're right! I wonder...creating an entity as strong as Eric, must have required a lot of telepathic power to create and sustain. Rick wasn't a strong telepath...but Eric could have killed us if you hadn't showed up Jake."

Bobby: "Jake was in Rick's mind that time? I always thought that you and the Professor calmed him down."

Jean: "Uh-yeah. Me and the Professor were being overwhemed, so sensing that Jake was alright, we uh- called for backup."

Bobby: "Oh.."

Ororo: "You think that maybe Eric has access to the greater part of Rick's telepathy? Perhaps keeping Eric in existance is what is using up the majority of his telepathic power."

Jake: "It would make sense...since it takes a lot of telepathic power to create an alter ego. Maybe most of his telepathic power is "locked" within the Eric persona."

Jean: "The Professor will have to explore this phenomenon. I will have to talk with Rick. Denial is certainly not a good way to deal with a near death experience."

Jake: "I tried to tell him that. But he's put up some sort of a strong front. Probably trying to convinve himself that everything is okay."

David: "How do you know all of this?"

Jake: "I-uh-sensed it. With the panic and all...he's-uh-just radiating his emotions..."

Jean: "Still, I wonder why Logan regressed into his feral state when he saw Rick. I don't understand it. You all fought him right?"

Jamie: "Well yeah.."

Jean: "But he didn't react the same way with you as he did with Rick. Sure he was thrashing...but when he saw Rick, he looked just about ready to rip his head off..."

No one could provide any explanation, and as Rick was already asleep after his ordeal, Jean realised she would have to wait until the debriefing for answers after all.


I woke up, greeted by the sympathetic faces of Ororo and Jean. It didn't take telepathy to figure out that they knew. It was practically bleeding out of their faces. The others must have told them. I should have known that Jean would grill them for answers. Before I could shake the cobwebs out of my head, I felt myself being hugged by not one, but two emotional women. Good Lord...and I thought that the group hug thing earlier during the day was bad enough.

"Ororo...Jean...come on stop it. Not in front of the team..."

Ororo: "Rick, thank heavens you are alright!-"

Jean: "Why didn't you tell me?-"

"What use would it be? It's over now anyway and I'm all healed up."

Jean: "We'll have to talk about this...later. When you're ready."

"But I'm fine. I don't have "Help me...I'm traumatized" written all over my face do I?"

Ororo: "But Rick, it'll help you feel better."

"I am feeling better, no aches, no pains and best of scars to ruin my body!"

Ororo: "My, aren't we vain."

"If you have it, flaunt it."

It was then that I noticed how quiet it was. Looking around, I saw that the Jet was empty too. Before they had practically smothered me so I couldn't even see my surroundings.

"Are we home?"

Ororo: "Yes, we just arrived five minutes ago. We woke you up for the debriefing. The others are in the War Room."

"Where's Logan?"

Jean: "He's restrained in the Med Bay."

"Well, let's go to the debriefing. I figure I have some explaining to do."

We left the Jet and headed for the War Room. Everyone else was already there, with the Professor at the head of the table. Betsy and Remy were also there. I wondered why they didn't come with the others on their rescue mission. Anyhow, it's not like they could just leave the school defenceless after all.

Xavier: "Rick, Jean, Ororo, please have a seat. We must discuss this horrendous situation immediately. Now fill me in on exactly what happened from the time of your arrival."

Jake: "Yes Professor."

Jake established a mind link with the Professor and he relayed the information so that everyone could benefit.

Xavier: " Rick. I want to know what happened when you went in search of Logan."

Not being as skilled in telepathy to instananeously communicate what happened, I had to rely on words. There was a general shudder amongst all present when I filled them in on the situation. I guess they were all as shocked as I was.

Betsy: "Dear God...thank heavens you all are alright."

Remy: "What has gotten into him?"

"The scientist guy...said something about a neural implant. It was obvious that he was the one responsible."

Hank: "A neural implant? I will defintitely have to examine his brain, scan to detect its presence."

Xavier: "There is no telling what effect, other than this untamed aggression, that it could have had on his mind."

Jean: "Professor...I noticed that Logan was relatively calm when I entered the Blackbird to see what was going on. But when he saw Rick, he all out went beserk. I don't understand."

Scott: "Rick, you said that this scientist guy...he was calling the shots...right."

"Yes..he was ordering Logan and Logan was obeying without question."

Scott: "And he told Logan to kill you, right?"


Scott: "Then it's simple. Logan was acting on his orders. He has not yet killed you, and is still under the impression that he has to, under his "Master's" orders. Perhaps that is why he is reacting to you like that. Because he was directly ordered to kill you and has failed...albeit narrowly."

Jake: "True...the scientist was not there when we arrived, he knew nothing of us being there at the time. So Logan wasn't ordered to kill us, I'll warrant. So that's why he's not even half as aggressive towards us as he is with Rick. He'll attack us, no questions asked, but his priority seems to be in killing Rick...his last Order."

Xavier: "It is obvious that this implant is responsible. Hank, do you believe you can remove it?"

Hank: "I will have to run some tests. If it has so fully integrated with his brain, to cause such an animalistic archetypical change in mood, there is no telling what removing it may do."

Xavier: "The human brain is comprised of an older...Limbic system, where the lower functions of survival, aggression, defence and procreation are based. And the Neo-Cortex, where the higher functions, like memory, emotions and sentient thought are located. This implant, judging from its effect, seems to have shut those functions down and left him with only the Limbic system overly active. When I tried to make contact with his mind, I felt nothing but rage."

Jean: "As did I. Jake reported the same thing."

"Me too. But the scientist did say one thing. He kept saying that he unlocked Logan's true self, that the Logan we knew was just the reflection of the object. When Logan was about to...kill me-he said that the other Logan was in there...somewhere, and if I wanted to say goodbye, I had better hurry."

Remy: "Sounds like one twisted, sick bastard."

"Yeah, I got that feeling too. All the while I was trying to fend Logan off, he was taking notes like he was monitoring an experiment. All the time blabbing...ooh weapon x terminate...with extreme predjudice."

Hank: "Weapon X, you say? That is how he addressed him? Not by "Logan"?"


Xavier: " seems like this implant has resulted in the creation of an alter that is completely based in the Limbic System...while locking out our Logan persona in the Neo-Cortex..Hank, commence testing immediately."

Ray: "Be careful, his healing abilities have gotten a major power up."

John: "Yes, all of us had a hell of a time fighting him."

Xavier: "I will join Hank to ensure he remains unconscious. We will hold a meeting when this is sorted out. We still have to determine exactly who these Alpha Flight people are. That and the fact that they had access to supposedly decommissioned Sentinels is cause for concern. Mutants using Sentinels for their own purposes...most disconcerting indeed. Considering your ordeal, the least that I can do is grant leave of absence from classes tomorrow. Until further are all dismissed."

And with that we left the War Room.


The first thing I did on leaving the War Room was to head on up to my dorm, and just rush into the showers. I so needed a proper bath. God, the wilderness thing so did not suit me! I never even wanted to hear about camping again either. After that I headed on downstairs for dinner, I figured that the others would be there too. The last time I'd had something to eat was before dawn, and with the fighting and all, I was famished. I rushed into the kitchen, grabbed a Broccoli and Cheese dinner from the freezer, microwaved it and went into the common dining area. The place was pretty empty, considering that the mansion had long since served dinner. But I was right, the rest of the guys were there. I made my way over to them and took a seat. Obviously the topic of discussion was our trip.

Jamie: "Man, what a weekend! Who would have thought that this time would have been any different.."

Ray: "Damn, sure was "Survival Training" Rick?"

"Yeah...sure was."

Jubilee: "Ray..."

Ray: "Oh...sorry..I"

"Don't sweat it. I "survived" didn't I?"

Silence...hey I made a funny...

Amara: "I wonder if they found anything new about Logan."

David: "I'm sure they'd have told us the moment they knew anything."

Roberto: "I cannot believe those people would use Sentinels against us. Fellow mutants...I mean, there has to be some level of ethics involved here, right?"

Bobby: "I guess we just have to learn to expect anything from people these days."

John: "All fucked up if you ask me. Here we are, trying to make a better world for mutantkind, and our own people turn on us with Sentinels, machines designed to kill us all off."

Jake: "And then, mutants like them, blame humans for designing them, but have no qualms for using them against their own."

Ray: "I hated this variety. Damn things had me in that gook. Do you know how hard it was to clean off?"

Jubilee: "You shouldn't be the one complaining...I was the one doing all the scrubbing."

Ray: "You damned near scrubbed my skin off."

Amara: "Pity...the skin's the best part..."

We all smiled slightly. Anything to get our minds off the current state of affairs.

David: "Hello...I'm eating here..a visual of Jubilee scrubbing off Ray is not going to do anything good for my digestion."

Amara: "You guys sure took long enough getting down here. Are you sure that all she was doing was scrubbing him off, hmmm? What were you doing Jubes, giving Ray a "Proper De-Briefing"? haha!"

Jubilee: "Ugh..Amara, you are such a slut!"

Amara: "Don't bash it till you try it.."

Ray: "Nuh uh...don't you even think it baby. Amara, you my girl and all, but I have to put my foot down on this one."

Jubilee: "Oh...I dunno Ray...sluts do have more fun..."

Ray: "Babe, you're with me. How much more fun do you want?"

She whispered something into his ear, and he grinned.

Ray: "Well I can certainly try, can't I, after all I do aim to please."

Bobby: "Oh get a room!"

Jake: "Or at least stop teasing us and Get It On...Oww!"

Jubilee had slapped him.

Jubilee: "Guys...cut it out...impressionable minds...I think you are a little too young for all this talk Jamie."

Jamie: "I'm fifteen. I can handle it. Besides, Ray's been letting me borrow me his porno tapes since I was twelve, so there!"

I saw Ray shaking his head, no, no, no...

Jubilee: "Porno Tapes! Ray.."

Ray: "Way to go Jamie...I guess you know there's no way I'm letting you have them anymore right?"

Jubilee: "Porno tapes...I should have known...and after all I do for you.."

Amara: "Ohhh, do tell girlfriend.."

Jubilee: "Shut up.."

Ray: "Oh...come on Jubes. You know you benefit from 'em too. How do you think I became a Sex God?"

I started laughing then. We all did. We laughed till we cried. It was almost like therapy after our weekend from Hell.

"He's got you there Jubilee. You shouldn't be complaining...oh hell, all guys stash porn."

Jubilee: "So where do you keep yours...?"


Jake: "A girl has no right asking a guy that."

Bobby: "'s just a fact of life, accept it."

Jubilee: "Well...I do benefit from it...and as long as I'm the only one benefiting from it..aside from Ray that is..."

Ray: "So I can keep my porno library?"

Jake: "Library?.."

Jubilee: "As long as I don't find it."

Ray: "Oh you won't...and neither will you Jamie. Thanks a lot."

Jamie: "Aww come on. You know I'd never sick Jubilee on you.."

Jubilee: "Jamie, what would your mother say if she knew what you watch?"

Ray: "If she saw some of the kinky shit tha-"

Amara: "Kinky?! kinky..?"

Jubilee: "Kinky...?"

Ray: "Disregard that last part.."

Jubilee: "You know, I think as soon as we get some time, we're going to have to sort those pornos out to see what stays, and what goes up in flames."

Ray: "Flames?"

David: "Yup, you know you'd just go through the trash like the horny dog you are, if she just threw them out."

Jamie: "Maybe you could just sell some to me Jubes...I'd pay good money, just don't burn, Legs Wide Shut."

"Legs Wide Shut?!"

Jamie: "Uh huh. You have to see it to believe it dude! There was this girl right. And the guy couldn't get it in, and-"

Amara: "Oh, I know, I know!"

"This isn't a classroom quiz Amara.."

Jean: "Eh hem!"

We jumped. Jean had appeared behind us and none of us knew how long she was standing there. She was wearing a semi-smile on her face though, so it was safe to say she had been listening for at least a little while. Just where do people get off appearing from nowhere in this place?

Jean: "Meeting, War-Room, now. The Professor's Orders.."

Well, that was the end of dinner...


Hank: "What I have discovered, is that the implant has fully integrated with Logan's brain. With our current technology, it does not seem likely that we will be able to remove it."

Rogue: "So you mean Wolvie's stuck like this, for good?"

Xavier: "I believe there is a way to restore him. If we cannot physically remove the implant, to restore his higher functions that way, then we may be able to do so on the Astral Plane."

Ray: "Explain this to us non-psychic people please sir."

Xavier: "This is the physical plane, where the physical body and physical energy interacts with the universe. But all sentient lifeforms-"

Ray: "Uh what's sentient?"

Jake: "Life-forms capable of thoughts, Ray."

Xavier: "All sentient lifeforms possess a Mental Body or a spritual body as well, that can, interact on another plane of existance. The Astral Plane. Ordinary people cannot sense it, but it is the repository of all thought, conscious and unconscious. It links all minds together in one group consciousness. All knowledge is stored there. That is why when Psychics read minds, they extract information from that realm. All our minds function there, whether we know it or not, even yours. But psionics can sense it and alter it to their wishes. Logan's core consciousness is being restricted and if we journey to the Astral Plane, we might be able to free his psyche there, if we cannot do it on the physical plane with surgery."

Jean: "The Astral Plane works completely on metaphor, so anything is possible there, and judging how strong an effect this implant has had on Logan, we don't know what to expect or how difficult it is going to be."

Xavier: "I propose a journey into the Astral Plane, to discover more of the situation. And perhaps, to determine a course of action."

Peter: "Who will you take?"

Xavier: "We may need all the help we can get. I, of course, will go, Jean, Betsy, Jake...and Rick...if you are up to it."

"Me, you want me to go to the Astral Plane?"

Xavier: "We may need every telepath we can get, and as you are already in the junior program.."

Bobby: "But Professor, you can't be serious, after what Logan...well, Implanted Logan, did to him?"

Time to be strong. Before I even joined the junior team the Professor did say I would have to face my fears.

"It's okay, I'll go. It's not like I'll be alone this time. And I have had Astral experiences before...kinda like virtual reality. Although I'm not sure how much help I'd be. I'm...not exactly the best at telepathy."

Xavier: "Actually Jean and I have had a discussion. She told me how she sensed what was going on today, and yesterday too. Your getting lost, and your fight with Logan..."

What? He and Jean filled me in.

"You don't think I was the one doing it do you? I couldn't even contact Jake at first when we were lost and he was actually listening. And then the distance.."

Xavier: "I believe that the majority of your telepathic power is indeed locked within your alter ego Eric. And when you started panicking, Eric sent that signal to try and bring help to you, by an attempted link with the mansion. I simply cannot comprehend how your telepathy can be so limited in contrast to your mother's. Of course, children do not always inherit the exact mutant ability of their parents, but when they do, it's of comparable strength. Your mother is quite a telepath and telekinetic. You inherited your father's abilities and your mother's telekinesis at roughly the same power levels...but the telepathy is an enigma. But when we take the alter ego into makes sense. So it would be a good idea for you to join us on the Astral Plane. I have also taken the liberty of calling for additional help. I have contacted Emma Frost, requesting her aid in this predicament. She has agreed."

Jean: "Emma?! Her..honestly.."

Betsy: "Hmpf!"

"Something wrong?"

{Jean: Emma is an absolute slut. She enjoys breaking the rules and sneaks into people's minds for fun. She's not an Xman. She finds our, I'm quoting her now, "Our rather prudish code of ethics much too confining. She doesn't enjoy being tied down to any one group too long". She's always whoring with the men too.}

{Do I detect some hostility here...or maybe...jealousy?}

{Jean: The blonde bitch has nothing on me, believe me. Take my word on that.}

{Hey...don't bash us blondes!}

{Jean: Sorry sweety, you're one of the few blondes I can stand.}

{How comforting..}

Xavier: "-your mother."


Xavier: "I've called your parents and told them of our situation. I have not said anything about your fight with Logan, do not despair. But I have requested her help. I told her everything else, except the part about you almost dieing."

"Oh...good. So she gets here tomorrow then?"

Xavier: "No. I have sent a portable Cerebro amplifier to her. To save her the trip. The Astral Plane is Universal, distance does not matter. Once a psychic is on the plane, communication is instantaneous. Getting there can be a little problematic sometimes however, and with our crisis, we all will be using Cerebro headsets to amplify our power, just in case."

"Sure hope Cerebro reaches her in time."

Xavier: "Oh it will. I sent it FedX of course. It pays to own a transport service.."

"You own FedX?"

Xavier: "Well, to run this school, we do have to provide some funding on our own, you know. What do you think the "X" stands for?"

"I always thought it meant in Express delivered."

Xavier: "Haha, yes well, I was just joking. But yes, it will reach her in time. Our personal delivery man Kurt Wagner is on the Job."

"Oh...I didn't know that-"

The rest of them laughed.

Xavier: "I joked? Oh honestly, the young people of today...most of the students think that I am such a stiff...anyhow, come tomorrow we will journey into the Astral Plane and attemp to make contact with Logan there. Emma should arrive here by tomorrow morning. Whilst I am on the Plane, Ororo and Scott will be in charge."

Remy: "So Emma is gonna be payin' us a visit eh? I wonder if she'll be leaving right after this whole thing is sorted out, or if she'll maybe stay a while and catch up on old times?"

Rogue: " You better not let me catch you hangin' around that wench Remy."

Betsy: "With all due respect Professor, do you think it is wise to have Emma along on this mission? The woman lacks any sense of Responsibility and Morals..."

Jean: "You forgot, Decency..."

Professor: "And what she lacks there, she makes up for in immense Psychic Talent."

Remy: "And that not be the only thing she...sorry chere."

Rogue was staring him down with looks to kill.

Betsy: "I'm more powerful than she will ever be and I don't think that I will be joining you on this mission then, thank you very much."

Xavier: "Elizabeth...we don't know what we might have to face. I just want to be safe instead of sorry, please try and understand."

Betsy: "She is part of the reason that I am trapped in this body and you want me to work with her?! She has no loyalty to anyone but herself, only as long as her secret agendas are fulfilled and you all are too blind to see it. You may think she has changed but I know better! And whenever I speak out, I am the one who should "try and understand" I was a loyal member of this team when she was the whoring White Queen of the Inner Circle...and now she's the whoring Emma Frost-Bad girl gone Good, and her credibiltiy is better than mine?"

Jean went over to Betsy and wrapped an arm around her. Betsy was crying. I sure as hell didn't understand what was going on. I gathered that Emma was a former baddie. Didn't know what the Hell the Inner Circle was. But I did get loud and clear that Emma was in some way, unknown to me, responsible for Betsy being trapped in a Japanese assasin's body.

Betsy: "There is n-not a day that I don't have to think about what she did to me. Every goddamned time I look I look at "myself" in the mirror! Do you know how I felt when I saw my own body being lowered into the grave the day we buried it?! Say what you want, but I am not going onto the Astral Plane if that bitch is going to be there!"

She then stormed out of the room with Jean and Ororo rushing after her. The professor had a sad look on his face.

Rogue: "Professor, don't you think it is a little too much to be askin' her to work with Emma? Lord knows I'd have killed her if she did something like that to me."

Remy: "All you X-women just jealous of the gal."

Rogue: "Remy, don't make me kiss you!"

Remy: "Okay, 'kay...I was just joking."

What a threat.

"Oooh scary.."

Rogue: "It better be, he knows what happened to the first and last guy I ever kissed."


Rogue: "Coma, for nine weeks."


Scott: "Professor, maybe you should go talk to Elizabeth."

Xavier: "Believe me, I am the last person she wants to see right now. Before she left, she politely cussed me out telepathically so that you would not hear it. Jean and Ororo should be able to pacify her."

Jake: "Professor, I think you should have a talk with Miss Frost though. Tomorrow is not some sort of field trip to the Astral Plane. It is a serious mission and we will need her attitude to reflect it. I may not be as averse to her as Miss Braddock is, but I do want to make sure that we're as safe as we can be. Emma is known to be overly "playful", if you catch my drift."

Xavier: "I will have a talk with her as to the exact nature of our mission. Any questions?"

Now or never.

"Uh, yeah. Just who is this Emma Frost woman and what is the Inner Circle?"

Xavier: "The Inner Circle is the central leadership of the Hellfire club. The club is a group of extremely powerful mutants and domineering, wealthy individuals who strive to control others to achieve their own machinations. The Inner Circle is the American branch and it was run by a select few of the Hellfire club's chosen members. Emma was one of them. She served as their Queen, and was quite an asset to them with her psychic ability. She fought the Xmen quite a few times with the rest of the club and their minions. But she eventually realized what she was doing was wrong, and while she didn't join us, she left the club. She has provided invaluable assistance to us in the past though."

Rogue: "As well as major trouble. Forgive me Professor, but I cannot bring myself to forgive her after what she did to Jean and Betsy."

"Jean..what did she do to Jean?"

Scott: "When Jean wasn't exactly herself, she was possessed-"

"The Phoenix, yes, she told me about it. I don't pretend to understand but I get the alter ego thing. Personal experience, remember?"

Xavier: "I will explain it all eventually, but the Phoenix is a cosmic entity. A force of nature, even now it sleeps within Jean."

Scott: "Well Phoenix was controlling Jean. And Emma and another mutant, Mastermind, lured her psionically to them to try and convince her that she was Mastermind's wife, in an effort to have her power for the Inner Circle. But when they saw how powerful the Phoenix was, they made Jean their new Queen and Emma was livid."

"I don't think I'm going to like her very much."

Xavier: "Please do not hold her past actions against her."

"But Emma did all of that on her own, without being possessed or alter egoed or anything. No wonder Betsy can't forgive her. How is she to blame for Betsy's condition?"

Rogue: "Well the Inner Circle fought the Xmen many times. And aside from the Professor, the only telepath who rivalled Emma's powers was Betsy. She would foil Emma's attempts, and the Inner Circle's by extension, time and time again. Back then Betsy was in her own body and telepathy was all she had. No ninja fighting skills or anything. Emma wanted her out of the way. So she contacted a lead assasin group. A pack of ninjas, Shadow Wolves, and they sent a ninja called Kwannon after Betsy. Kwannon was about to kill her but Besty managed to mind link with Kwannon, to try and knock her out."

Remy: "Betsy would have won too, but Emma would not have it. While Betsy was distracted, Emma psionically attacked. The shock sent Betsy's mind into Kwannon's body, and Kwannon's mind into Betsy's. Through the link, you know?"

Scott: "Emma did not realise it at first, and thought that they had both survived. So she attacked Betsy's body full strength. Kwannon's mind was in it and as she had no psychic defence, she died, and Betsy's body died with her. The real Betsy lived however and when Emma realised it she ran. After expending the energy to kill someone, she was weaker than Betsy. Betsy would have killed her."

Xavier: "She appears stable now. But it was traumatic to no end for her. We buried her body, and she went into a deep, wretched depression. She tried to take her own life the day after. But eventually, some semblance of sanity reached her. She gained the assasin's martial arts skills and she kept her original powers."

"But isn't the source of our powers our X gene? Wouldn't Kwannon's genes be different?"

Xavier: "Yes well, in Betsy's case, she is not a true mutant. Her powers come from her father. They are mystical in origin, like Juggernaut's was, only with no artefact involved. Her father came from an alternate reality. We call it Otherworld. So that is how she kept her powers. They simply transferred together with her mind."

"Damn...this Emma won't be staying long will she?"

Xavier: "I doubt, she usually just comes and goes."

"Good, I don't know anything much about her. But I do know Betsy a little, and I don't think I like the idea of what Emma's presence her could be doing to her."

Xavier: "That is very thoughtful. But I am sure everything will be fine. Now until further notice, you are all dismissed."


Jake: "Get some rest okay. Tomorrow could be stressful. And guard your mind around Emma, she really does like sneaking into people's minds."

"Yeah, sure."

Jake: "Yeah well, I'll see you tomorrow. Okay, but if you need to talk or anything, just come over and wake me up okay?"

"Yeah, okay."

He kissed me and left me to get some sleep. Which I so did not get. The first thing was the phonecall from home. The parents were nervous and worried when they heard about Logan's condition. And they kept asking me about the Sentinels.

"Mom, it's no big deal really. We did them in the Danger Room, for training."

Mom: "But this is a Sentinel attack we're talking about."

Dad: "As long as you weren't hurt or anything.."

"I'm fine. Besides, I made my choice like you did when you were around my age. I have to live with it. This isn't a nice world and that's why we do what we do. Anyhow, one good thing did come out of this."

Mom: "What?"

"I now have the ability to shield telekinetically. The panic with the sentinels brought it out."

Mom: "That is excellent!"

"I know, so I am a lot safer now anyway."

Dad: "I wish I could come tomorrow, but I have to work. And I'm not exactly psionic."

"And still holding stuff against Logan?"

I was glad that the Professor had not told them about my own experiences. He told the others not to tell them too. For one thing if they felt that I was in Danger from my own teammates, they might have stopped me from staying here. That and with dad's anger issues and past with Logan...goodness knew what could have happened. That and the time Scott blew my door down, hitting me in the process. I so knew that dad didn't like him and if he found out about that one...

Dad: "Rick..don't.."

"Look, I'm tired and I have to get some sleep for I'll talk to you guys some other time, okay?"

Thankfully, they let me off the hook. That was like five hours ago. And still sleep had for the most part eluded me. I did get a few winks here and there, but no real deep sleep. I glanced at my clock. It was 1:45 am. I got up and decided to go fix myself a midnight snack, maybe some warm milk or something. I heard that it worked wonders for sleep. I was going down the hallway towards the kitchen. I had to pass the den, and I thought I heard soft crying. I peered in and sure enough, there was Betsy, sitting alone in the dark, with a half emptied bottle of vodka on the table. It would have been heartless to leave her alone like that. So I walked over.

Betsy: "For the last time, I will not teach you Ninjutsu style fighting..oh, it's you Rick.."

"Um, hey Miss Braddock.."

Betsy: "Oh, no formalities...I told you before you could call me Betsy.."

"Thanks, Betsy. So, what are you doing here so late, alone in the dark?"

Betsy: "Trying to drown my sorrows...and having no luck...curse this body!"

I walked over to sit down and heard a clink. I looked down and saw two empty tequila bottles and a flagon of rum.

"Damn! You drank all of that, and you're still awake?"

Betsy: "Yes well, this body can't get drunk. Apparently Ninja training focuses the mind to that extent. Just another release that I'll never have. But don't you worry love, I've grown used to it."

"I heard what happened, because of Miss Frost I mean. And I understand why you feel the way you do."

I didn't want to say that I was sorry. That had to be the single most irritating thing that she could have heard. She confirmed my thoughts.

Betsy: "Thank you love. I wish the others would. It's always the pity they show, never the understanding, they're soo awfully sorry. It seems that Emma has won nearly all of them over with her false charm, false diplomacy and false breasts."

"False breasts?!"

Betsy: "Oh yes. She enjoys sneaking into people's minds all the time, and she tried to do it to me. Remember when I told you that she wouldn't dare do it again?"


Betsy: "Well I entered her mind and learned that she bought them in L.A. from some plastic surgeon or the other. They are silicon darling. Cost her a hefty raise too. I wonder how much of it was the Inner Circle's dirty money..."

"But Jean has your back..and Ororo too I guess. They went out to comfort you. And Rogue wasn't too trusting of Emma either."

Betsy: "Yes well, most of the men-folk are under her heels...including the Professor. He thinks I don't know about their little fling, but I do."

Good lord...Professor X was a player?! With Emma Frost? No wonder he defended her so much.

Betsy: "Then again, he is a man. What else is there to expect? I hope you don't fall for her tomorrow."

"After learning about what she did to you and Jean, I doubt I will."

Betsy: "It's not just that. It's about the multitude of people that she has hurt. She thinks an "I'm sorry" is supposed to make it better. But if it's one thing I have learned, is that Karma is a Bitch, and when she bites ass, it's gonna hurt. I don't even think she is sincere either."

"So you think she's keeping secrets, and being unsincere?"

Betsy: "Well, she hasn't told them all her biggest secret yet."

"And that would be?"

Betsy: "Between you and me, Emma Frost was born one Emmett Frost."

"You mean?!"

Betsy: "That's right dear. Emma is a man.."

"No fucking way! I uh..I mean, are you for real?!"

Betsy: " dear, I'm just joking with you. Except about the breasts, that's true. They have more silicon in them than Silicon Valley. Jean was right, you are gullible! Which is exactly why I want you to be extra careful around Emma. Appearances can be decieving."

"Well, Emma might not stay long. The Professor said that she usually just comes and goes."

Betsy: "It's just the reverse dear. He comes and she goes."

"So the Professor really had a fling with Emma? But he's like wheelchair bound."

Betsy: "We are talking about two powerful telepaths here the math."


I remebered when Jake and I had Astral Sex.

Betsy: "I was on the Astral Plane. Now, I go there to meditate. It calms this body. Anyhow, the surroundings started to blur and change and the entire place started to rock and roll. I thought some malevolent Astral Entity was going to attack me. I opened my astral eyes and wished I'd kept them shut. I saw..them..getting their freak on...and damn, was it kinky..definitely X-rated material if you catch my drift."


Betsy: "Oh yes. But I am not saying anymore than that. You are a minor after all."

"Tease! But are you sure they didn't see you?"

Betsy: "With all the thunder and lightning they were making, I think not."

I know it's hard for you, but won't you reconsider coming with us tomorrow on the Astral Plane? I mean, it is Logan you know.."

Betsy: "Yes, I know..."

"And staying away will be like letting Emma win."

Betsy: "You know what? You're right! You are absolutely right. She wanted me dead and I almost gave her, her wish too. Screw her. I will go tomorrow, for Logan's sake. I'm more of a telepath than she'll ever be anyway."

"You go girl!"

Betsy: "You know, you are one hell of a pep talker. I actually feel better."

"Oh well, I get that a lot."

Betsy: "You wouldn't by any chance be trying to hit on me would you?"


Betsy: "I know all about you schoolboys and your adolescent fantasies about older, more experienced women."

"Really, it's not like that at all. You got me all wrong."

Betsy: "So you say...but I know better. I'm always having to tell off you boys about it. Don't worry dear, I'm accustomed to men being hung up on me. But I already have a man. And if he catches you hitting on me..."

"You just delude yourself. So who's the lucky guy? Oh wait, let me guess, Peter?"

Betsy: "Nuh uh. He's not here right now. But he'll be back sooner or later. He has a company to run."

"Not here right now? So...he's a member of the team?"

Betsy: "Uh huh."

"What's his specialty?"

Betsy: "Flight. We call him Archangel- or Angel for short on account of his wings."


Betsy: "Why yes! I remember the first time he saw Ororo flying, he was all, How can you fly without wings...when we first met, he swept me clean off my feet, literally."


Betsy: "I broke into his mansion to steal...don't ask what or why...and he came out chasing me. He was wingless at the time. I did a Ninja jump and thought I'd lost him, when Lo and Behold he sprouted wings and chased me. It ended with me falling off a cliff and him swooping down to catch me. I was knocked unconscious from the fall, and woke up in his bedroom. He didn't know that I had powers or anything, he thought I was a regular human. He's a real joker, seriously a sense of humor that needs curbing. Even now, he'll say, "Fear not, for I bring thee tidings of Great Joy" in the bedroom, and I think you know what he's talking about."

"Hahaha...yeah, I'll bet. I think that might be considered blasphemous, or kinky at the least."

Betsy: "That's what I always tell him. Doesn't do a bit of good though. So, enough about me. Who's the significant other in your life?"

"Oh, well-I don't have anyone...yet."

Betsy: "Oh..."

"Uh huh. I am going to take things slow and not rush in line for a relationship. When it comes, it comes."

Betsy: "I hope you find Miss Right someday."


It was the thought that counted...

Betsy: "It's late, why don't you get to bed?"

"I was coming down here for some warm milk. I was having a little trouble sleeping. I'm...honestly a little nervous about tomorrow."

Betsy: "I understand. It's about Logan isn't it?"

"I know that the real Logan would never hurt one of us like that, and I know all about alter egos, believe me, but I can't help but be scared. You didn't see the way he reacted to seeing me."

Betsy: "Logan may hide it well, but he is a teddy bear, with razor sharp adamantium claws...but a teddy bear none the less."

"I guess. Still I am glad you will be there tommorrow. One more person, much more safety. Besides, you can keep an eye on Emma."

Betsy: "You know it. And do you know what's good for sleepless nights?"


She took a glass from the cabinet and poured out a shot of vodka.

Betsy: "Why, vodka of course. Drink up."

"You are so corrupting me. You know that I'll resist for like twenty seconds then down the glass."

Betsy: "Ever had a shot before?"

"Officially or unofficially?"

Betsy: "Both.."

"Okay, officially, the only shots I've had were in a doctor's office. Unofficially, I have been known to down a few, on occasion. You better not say a word to my parents though."

Betsy: "Lips are sealed. Besides, it's not like they were completely innocent. And it's better you learn something about responsible drinking here and now, than finding out about it too late after you've ruined your life."

I downed the glass. Yech!


Betsy: "I thought you had alcoholic beverages before."

"Well, not vodka, it was like um-alcoholic fruit punch."

Betsy: "I figured as much. You and straight alcohol, ha!"

"Then why did you pour out a glass for me?"

Betsy: "I saw the way you were eyeing that bottle and wanted to set you straight right now. Alcohol is not for you. I can down it, I can't get drunk."

"Well that is an advantage. You know things could have been a lot worse for you."

Betsy: "How so?"

"What if the assassin Emma sent after you was like, a man?"

Betsy: "Ooh, I see your point. To be honest I never even thought of that."

"Would be funny though, a woman trapped in a man's body. Hahaha...and there you were trying to make me believe that Emma was a man called Emmett."

We both had a good laugh at that. A little too loudly perhaps.

Scott: "Just what is going on here?! Rick are you drinking? And Betsy, you're letting him? I don't believe this. Rick, your mother is due to meet you on the Astral Plane tomorrow-uh-today."

Just what was it with people sneaking up on others in this place? I decided to play along.

" was just one, two, three...uh, what comes after three?"

Betsy: "Um...five.."

Scott: "That's enough you two. Betsy, you should know better than this. two drank enough liquor to row a boat on..."

Betsy and me: "^Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream...^"

Scott: "If your mother could only see this..."

Betsy and me: "^Merrily, merrilly, merry-lilly, life is but a dream...Oh Row, Row, Row your boat..hahah...buuuuurrrpp!^"

Scott: "Alright that's it. Get to your room, Rick."

I decided to have some fun with Betsy.

{Watch this...}

"Yes, mister...uh, mister..?"

Scott: "Summers.."

I got up and pretended to be shaky and promptly fell onto my feet. Scott lifted me up and steadied me.

Scott: "Christ.."

He helped me get to the stairs and then knelt a little. Betsy was following us. Silently laughing at the scene.

Scott: "Grab on."


Scott: "Summers. Grab onto me."

"Mister Summers! I'm afraid I'm not that kind of boy..."

Scott: "Oh fuck! You can barely walk, how are you planning on getting up those steps? I wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't lift a teacup in your condition."

So I grabbed onto him as he carried me up the stairs. Betsy supressed little giggles, vanished for a minute then came running back with a camera, videotaping the entire thing for posterity. I noticed her zooming in on Scott's posterior too.

{Betsy, I thought you had a man?!}

{Betsy: Well I can't help it, the guy does have a cute butt. You wouldn't understand.}

Oh don't be so sure...

Scott had finally made it to the top of the stairs, still not noticing Betsy. She had on a devious girly grin.

Scott: "Alright, get off."

"Aww...I don't wanna "get off" so quick."

That did it and Betsy cracked up laughing. Scott dropped me and I landed flat onto my ass, but laughing none the less. He turned and regarded us for a moment.

Scott: "So you're not drunk?!"

"Hahaha, do I look it?"

Scott: "Well, not now...Hey! Is that a camcorder?! Betsy?!"

Betsy: "Blackmail material!"

Scott: "Give me that."

Betsy: "Rick, catch!"

She flung it to me and I caught it telekinetically. Teasing Scott by hovering it just above him. It was fun to see him jump and try to catch it, like a little kid. Eventually though I let him get it and he promptly took out the tape and ripped it. My only real concern was to cheer up Betsy and judging by the way she was laughing, it looks like I did the trick.

Scott: "Well that's taken care of. And if you two know what's good for you, this stays between us."

Betsy: "Hahaha...Rick, you are too much. I have not had a laugh like that since the first time Angel treated me to a rendition of Fear Not."

Scott regarded us with a slightly confused look.

Betsy: "Well, I better go get some sleep...Astral mission tomorrow. Thanks for opening my eyes Rick. Good...morning."

And with that she left us.

Scott: "Astral she's joining you guys after all."

"Yup, I am a hell of a pep-talker aren't I?"

Scott: "Well, you did learn from the best. That's me by the way."


Scott: "It was not many days and nights ago that a certain Rick Mckenzie threatened to quit the junior X-tean after an altercation with a certain Raymond-"

"Okay, I get thy point."

Scott: "How much of that Vodka did you drink?"

"Just a glass. And don't look at me that way. Betsy was teaching me a lesson about responsible drinking. She's a real cool person. She taught me a lot."

Scott: "Psychic secrets?"

"Well no. But did you know that Emma Frost's breasts are fake, fake, fake?!"

Scott: "I always thought those things were a little too big to be natural."

"Well that's true, but she almost had me believing that Emma was a man named Emmett once, hahaha."

Scott: "I never knew Betsy to be such a comedian. Probably the alcohol. Hahah..don't ever let Emma get wind of that though. She's not the kind of woman who'll take that sorta thing sitting down."

"I don't think I like this Emma Frost character much. She sure hurt Betsy. I was just going down there to get some warm milk-"

Scott: "Warm milk?"

"Well, yeah, I couldn't sleep. Anyways, I was passing the den and I heard someone crying and when I walked in I saw her there with the rum, tequila and vodka bottles scattered around her. Oh she can't get drunk by the way. The Ninja body thing."

Scott: " this was all a joke to you huh? You Mckenzies and your sick sense of humor."

"I'm sorry.."

Scott: "It's alright..."

"I just wanted to make Betsy feel better."

Scott: "And it looks like you did. She's a very strong willed woman. It takes a lot to change her mind. But you sure did. I know the Professor will be pleased."

The Professor...the Player...Professor XXX.

Scott: "So...having problems sleeping?"

"Oh, it happens on occasion. You know how it is.."

Scott: "This wouldn't happen to have anything to do with Logan would it?"

"I guess I am nervous about heading onto the Astral Plane...well, not the Plane per se, but more like Logan's mind. The professor thinks that it's a good idea for me to go."

Scott: "I would go along with what he says. He's a very qualified adviser."

"I haven't told anyone else this. But I'm scared of him Scott. I know I shouldn't wasn't him who tried to hurt me. I should know better, after all, my alter ego tried to do the same thing to the...bullies back home, to Bobby, to Jean and the Professor. And I can't help but think that maybe deep down, they kinda hold it against me..they say they don't, but they could just be trying to be nice. I mean, not the bullies. They got their memories wiped and they were never on my fan club...but do you think maybe deep down Jean or Bobby or Professor Xavier, might-"

Scott: "No. They were used to the concept of danger a long time ago. It's still new to you. That's why you feel this way and it's normal."

"Now it's like I can't seem to feel safe if Logan's in the room. When I heard him scream out yesterday, my telekinetic shield came on involuntarily. And it seems like he has a standing malice against me, with his current orders to kill me unfulfilled. I hope we can reverse this tomorrow. I want him back the way he was before...the grilling, stubborn, hardass Logan."

Scott: "I never thought that I'd see the day when I'd be wishing to have him stay that way. So, if you don't mind me asking..what was it like? Almost dieing and coming back that is? Oh wait, did you come back with the ability to hear Ghosts?"

"What no, but I must confess."

Scott: "What?"


Scott: "Uh huh.."

"I...see...dead people.."

Scott: "Really...Rick when?"

"All the time..they're watching us too you know."

Scott: "You're not joking are you?"

"When we wake up, when we go to sleep..."

Scott: "Good lord.."

"When we take out the little black box we keep in our sock drawers.."

Scott: "You! What has gotten into you? You sure you only drank one glass of vodka? You've been awfully jovial."

"Well, I'm happy to be alive. And remember, not a word to my parents about that little incident with Logan."

Scott: "I know, with your father's and Logan's feud..."

"Or about my having drank a shot sized glass of vodka.."

Scott: "What vodka?"

"Good. You know, you sure are different from what I expected you to be when I first came here."

Scott: "Oh, and what did you expect me to be like?"

"Oh, a no-nonsense, royal pain in the ass."

Scott: "Hahaha...well, people can surprise you."

"Yup, I just hope the surprises are good that's all."

Scott: "They can be, if you let them.."

"I guess.."

I really had no idea what he meant by, They Can Be If You Let Them, then again the vodka could have been messing with my head. Betsy was so right. Alcohol and me just did not mix.

"I better get to bed. Big day tomorrow and all.."

Scott: "Yeah, I-I'll see you...later in the morning."


By this time I was actually feeling sleepy and had no trouble falling asleep. Betsy may have also been right about there being nothing like vodka to ease a sleepless night.


Bobby: "You look like you haven't had a wink of sleep, Rick."

"Well off and on. I really only got some shut eye after three this morning."

Bobby: "What the hell? But you have to journey with the others to the Astral Plane today."

"Oh the body tires Bobby, not the mind. The Astral Plane is like a dream anyway, except, a whole lot more lifelike and real. It's as real as you believe it to be. Besides, I'm a morning person."

Bobby: "Sounds like a seriously cool place. You said it was like virtual reality yesterday."

"Well yeah, that's a good analogy."

Bobby: "So can non-psychic people go to the Astral Plane?"

"I don't know. You'll have to ask someone like Jake, or the others, they know a whole lot more about it than I do. But what's really cool about the Astral Plane is how psychics can reshape its structure to whatever they can think of. The more powerful the telepath, the more extensive the change."

Bobby: " can literally make your dreams come true there huh?"

"Yeah, I guess. Imagination is the limit."

Bobby: "So, what kept you up last night?"

"Oh, just a little nervous, but I'm over it now."

Bobby: "Oh..okay. So you're really okay about going into Logan's mind?"

"It is a little unnerving, but it is a step to bringing him back to the way he was before. So we'll all have to be brave."

Bobby: "I was so...scared when I saw lying like that on the ground...bleeding. You,-uh-don't remember anything between the time Logan knocked you out...and when Jake healed you..?"

"I-well-no. Well just a light and falling...Am I supposed to remember something?"

Bobby: "Aww, no. It's nothing. I just wanted to know if you were at least partially conscious."

"All I remember was going towards a light-do not tease me about that-and falling with a thud-and waking up."

Bobby: "Oh...well..I'm just glad you're safe. I wish I never let you go off on your own like that."

"You didn't make that decision Bobby, it was a team thing. Stuff like this is in the job description I guess."

Bobby: "Yeah, I guess so. Still, watch yourself on the Astral Plane. Stay safe...I wish I could come with you guys..but unfortunately, I'm not psychic."

"Oh, don't worry about me. I'll have Professor Xavier there, Jake, Jean, Betsy, this Emma lady, and most importantly, my Mommy. Couldn't be safer. Besides to top it all off...I can now shield telekinetically."

Bobby: "So I've seen. Sure picked it up at a damned good time too. How'd you manage to learn to control it so quickly? I mean, Jake said you had to think of something that made you safe and channel the emotion into the shield. So what did you think of?"

Oh boy..

"It's actually kind of funny that you'd be the one asking. Well, remember the time in the danger room, with the sentinels?"

Bobby: "Yeah..."

"Well, remember how I had moved Jamie out of the way of an attack, and my back was turned towards a sentinel, and how it swung a fist at me. I thought I would have been eliminated but you morphed into the knight in shining Ice Armor and dove in, shielding me?"

Bobby: "Uh huh..."

"Well, I had a flashback during the fight and the next thing I knew, shield...I guess...I just feel safe around you.."

Please don't let that sound too Gayish...

Bobby: " Well, I guess you're going to feel safe for a long time then."

"Yup, friends till the end!"

Bobby: "Yeah...friends...till the end."

"Oh, I better hurry. It's almost time for the briefing."


We walked into the War Room to attend the mission briefing. The room was comparitively empty. As a matter of fact, from the senior division, only Jean, Betsy, Ororo and Scott were there with the Professor. Jake was sitting in a corner, wearing an impatient expression on his face. Jean and Betsy were looking mildly annoyed. The professor and Ororo were their usual calm selves. They looked up when they saw me. I do hope they weren't mad at me.

"Sorry I'm late...I sorta didn't get much sleep last night and then I was talking with-"

Jean: "Oh, it's not you Rick. You're a junior member of the team. We can cut you some slack. Unfortunately Emma as usual has everyone waiting."

Jake: "Fashionably late she calls it.."

It was then that I noticed that it was just us. I guess I never really cared about meeting this Emma Frost.

"What about my mom?"

Xavier: "We will meet her once we are on the Astral Plane itself. The Briefing will be there...once Emma arrives.."

"Which she has! Relax darlings, the Queen hath come to set her kingdom in order.."

All our eyes shifted towards the door. Dear God... She was tall, with legs for miles..even I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She had long blonde hair and a face that one could not help admiring.

Scott: "Cut it out Emma."

Suddenly, I felt something release in my mind, and the strange fascination ended.

Emma: "Oh, you are just no fun."

"You mean she was messing with our heads?"

{Jean: That's Emma Frost's style..}

Emma: "I prefer to say, I was helping you appreciate true beauty dear."

I did wonder why I was so enthralled. I mean she was hot, granted, but come on, this was "me" here...

"Uh, shouldn't you be in some sort of uniform, Miss Frost?"

Emma: " in uniform."

I stared in disbelief. She was wearing something that looked like a bra, with tight, fitted white pants that left nothing to the imagination. It sure showed off her body, in all the right places.

Emma: "Besides, we are going to the Astral Plane, what does it matter darlings?"

Xavier: "She does have a cogent point."

We all looked at him a little cooly at that. I could see Betsy frown.

Xavier: "All right. Now that we are all assembled, please, have a seat at the consoles."

We took our individual seats and a compartment opened at each, revealing a futuristic looking helmet, that must have been the Cerebro amplifiers that the professor said that we'd be using on the Plane.

"How do these things work?"

Xavier: "Once you put it on, Cerebro will automatically initialise, and attune to each of our mind's individual Psychic Strength. It shouldn't be any trouble to control. These are special models that Hank has redesigned from the original version. They aren't as powerful as that one, but then again, we aren't exactly performing an all out planetary scan here."

Xavier: "Ororo, Scott, I am leaving both of you responsible for the running of the school. However if anything dire arises, use the failsafe and bring us out of the Astral Plane."

Ororo&Scott: "Yes sir."

They left the room.

Xavier: "Now, everyone, activate Cerebro..."


"Mom, please! Not in front of the team..."

Mom: "Oh you're not too old to give your mother a hug now are you?"


Thankfully Jean came to my aid. She and mom did the hug thing that women do when they meet up. You know the drill. I glanced over and saw Jake smirking.

{You better wipe that grin off your face Jake!}

My weak threat just made him laugh harder. Betsy came over and they all started doing the hug thing, leaving me, Jake, the Professor and Emma waiting.

Emma: "Well, if it isn't a reunion of the Weird Sisters..."

"Weird sisters..?"

Jean, Betsy and Mom stopped the hugging and looked at Emma with icy stares.

{Jean: It's know the three witch sisters...weird can mean Fate as well...the bitch always used to tease us about it.}

{Mom: If this wasn't Logan we're dealing with here, I'd never have agreed to this. Keep your gaze low dear, I don't want you losing your innocence because of her skimpy attire, and don't make direct eye contact with her...God, where does she buy her clothes..?}

{Betsy: Or lack thereof...}

The three of them started giggling telepathically. I rolled my eyes, Jake looked impatient, and Emma looked pissed.

Emma: "I can hear you three, you know."

Jean: "Good, then that will save us the trouble of pretending to be pleased that you're gracing us with your presence."

Emma: "I go out of my way, take time off from my busy schedule to help you people and this is the gratitude I get?"

Betsy: "I didn't know you were still 'on call' Emma."

Xavier: "Enough...let us get down to business. We all know why we're gethered here today...let us please try to put aside our differences and work together, for Logan's sake if for nothing else."

Mom: "You're right Professor..."

Jean: "Yes girls...I guess we'll just have to lower our standards, just this one time..."

Xavier: "Alright...we are on the outer fringes of the Astral Plane. I have independently located Logan's mind, and now it's just a matter of entering that doorway. Once we do, we will be within his consciousness."

The Astral Plane is an enigmatic place. It takes a form according to the dominant personalities within it. When we put on the Cerebro headsets, we were automatically pulled into the plane. The surroundings altered and we found ourselves in a room that looked strangely like one of the mansions waiting rooms. I guess since Logan was here, subconsciously, he was aware that he was home. The scientist did say that he was deeply submerged, able to see what was going on and able to do nothing to stop it. There was a single door that led out of the room, and it was plain to see that we'd have to take it. I was aware from personal experience, how the Astral Plane could restructure itself in the blink of an eye. So I wasn't too surprised when the scene changed abrubtly. One minute we were in a plush room, the next, in a hellishly dark forest.

I thought of Fire and levitated a ball of fire over us. It shed some light on the area.

Mom: "Is this dark place...Logan's mind?"

Xavier: "So it would appear.."

Jean: "But I don't feel anything of Logan in here."

Betsy: "The Implant must have warped his consciousness to that extent."

Emma: "Well, we have some exploration ahead of us people. This is obviously just the boundary of his consciousness."

Jake: "We have to go deeper into his core and apparently, the only way there is through these woods..."

"So let's go. We'll just have to keep an eye out."

We commenced walking through the woods. Professor Xavier led the way, scannng ahead of us for any sign of trouble. He stopped abruptly. He was staring at something on the ground, a look of horror on his face. The rest of us ran up towards his position to see what the matter was. Stretched out across the ground, lay the body of a vastly mutilated beast of some sort. None of us could tell what exactly it was, but it looked like it was fierce.

Jake: "Damn.."

I bent down to have a closer look at the body. There were claw marks on it. Claw marks that I had become all to familiar with.

"Professor, these are Logan's claw marks."

Xavier: "Yes...they appear to be so."

Jake: "Do you think one of his Personas was here?"

Jean: "This has the feel of a memory to me.."

Mom: "Rick, perhaps this is the forest you and the others went to. Perhaps he did this before you children found him."

Rick: "N-no mom. The trees were snow covered there, and different. There's not a snowflake in sight here."

Xavier: "Then the memory must be from further back in his past."

Betsy: "But what would Logan be doing in a forest hunting down woodland creatures..?"

Emma: "Look, there's a path over there with a light at the end."

True enough, there was a pathway that looked like it led out of the woods. We decided to follow it in the hopes that it would take us closer to Logan's core personality. We stepped out of the brush and found ourselves on a vast, urban looking area. The surroundings began to blur and then loud sounds began to fill the air. A few shadows covered us and then we heard the distinctive sound of aircraft. When we looked up, we saw several old fashioned looking planes approaching. Without warning, they started to drop several spherical objects...

Xavier: "Bombs..!"

Jean, Mom and I formed a telekinetic shield around us for protection. The field was set on fire, and although we couldn't see anyone else, we could hear tortured screams. People screaming out in some foreign tongue that I couldn't make out.

"What the hell?! It's like some sort of-"

Jake: "War..."

Mom: "We haven't had a real war since..."

Xavier: "This was World War II. Look at the insignia on that plane."

Betsy: "A Nazi Svastika..."

Jean: "But this is a...memory.."

Emma: "Logan, does have extensive healing abilies that make his age impossible to determine. Perhaps he witnessed this scene."

The scene shifted and the street we were on faded. We found ourselves in a cosy room, with a fireplace and all. Over the mantlepiece, there were a series of framed photographs. I went over and picked one up. In it was a picture of a girl with flaming red hair, a girl with a familiar shade of blonde hair, and facial features, a brown haired girl with an ice cream cone and two familiar looking boys with their faces painted. They were all grouped hugging and smiling. I looked at it more closely.

"My God..come take a look at this."

Jean: "Hey, Julie, Betsy, look that's us! When he and Ororo took us out to the carnival for a summer treat.."

"You mean that's dad and Scott, and the Blonde girl is mom, redhead is you...and hey, Betsy, you were cute..."

Betsy: "Why, thank you...I was the youngest...I was at the mansion off and on though. I only came to stay in my teenaged years."

Emma: "This must represent his happy memories...what makes him contented. Sure has some strange tastes."

Mom, Jean and Betsy frowned.

I saw an odd looking box lying in the corner and went over to it. I picked it up. It was light. And locked. When I shook it, all I heard was some rustling. Knowing that it could be a clue, I tried with might and main to open it. all in vain. Jake came over.

Jake: "The Astral Plane is based on metaphor, remember. Everthing here has an alternate and deeper meaning. That box represents some sort of mental block. As you're not as strong a telepath, you may not be able to open it. Here, let me."

He took the box from me, and after straining at it for some time, it opened. An enclosed envelope fell out. The others came over from the fireplace.

to join us.

Emma: "What is that?"

I picked it up, opened the envelope, read the contents and started blushing. I put it back into the envelope and was about to hand it to Jake when Emma snatched it out of my hands.

"Hey, give that back! It has nothing to do with his current situation!"

Emma: "I'll be the judge of that...let's see.."

She began reading the enclosed slip of paper. Basically it was an extended love letter that he had written. Or maybe thought of writing. He virtually had poured out his heart into it, declaring his undying love for Ororo. Judging by how hard the box was to open, he must have held onto that secret for quite some time. I don't think Ororo knew anything about it. Their relationship had always seemed strictly business to me. Perhaps he wrote it and just never sent it to her.

Emma: "Damn...hahaha this is rich..You turn my Rainy Days into Pure Sunshine...Mighty as a Hurricane, Gentle as a Summer Rain...hey!"

Jean: "I'll take that! It's just like you to stick your nose where it doesn't belong Emma."

Emma: "That letter was pitiful, it sounded like it came out of the mind of a love sick schoolboy!"

Mom: "Well Emma, I think it's because he's in's always easier to lie to the ones you don't love, fill their ears with deceit, and still have trouble telling the one you really love how you feel."

Betsy: "Something I'm sure you know all too well.."

Jean: "I think it's sweet.."

She was eyeing the Professor, who shifted slightly.

"Just put the letter back, and don't ever reveal anything else we learn about Logan here. Ethics people.."

Xavier: "Quite right Rick. We must not reveal his secrets, and we must not treat him any differently. He has not changed, remember that. Only our Perception of him has changed."

Interesting concept...that could well be applied in many other contexts as well...This was going to be an interesting foray on the Astral Plane alright...

Okay, that's chapter thirteen. Hope y'all like. And the Email Addy's like and

And my group address is:

And if you want, you can check out my other story Say You Love Me on the highschool section or on my yahoo group. And thankyou for all the emails guys. Keep me writing! Bye and stay safe!

Next: Chapter 14: Xxx Men 14

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