Xxx Men Series

By Phoenix

Published on Nov 9, 2005


Okay So I'm here again. So sorry that I take 4EVER to update...please, please forgive me. I beg of thee! Especially the ones who have been bobbarding me with email...Sorry I didn't get time to respond...but I do wanna thank Psychojoex and Chad for having my back! And to Steven P. Yes Patrick, I got yur


Xmen Story Chapter 16

Everything was pitch black. I could see nothing, hear nothing, sense nothing telepathically...but I could feel. I didn't feel pain, nothing of the sort. What I felt was cold, freezing. I wondered, "Is this what it's like to be...dead." But was I dead? The funny thing was, I felt cold, but I couldn't feel my body at all. Paradoxical, I know... It threw me. It was the strangeness of it all that was probably the only thing that kept me from going insane with fear. I was prepared to face Heaven or Hell, anything but this...nothingness. It was then that I saw it. I know it sounds so cliché and lame, but it was a bright light. How many times had I heard, "Go towards the Light". If it wasn't happening to me, I would have probably laughed. But my thoughts were confirmed...I had to be dead. Why else would all this strange shit be happening to me? It was right about then that the panic hit me. I was too fucking young to die! What about my parents, my friends...? As if my mental angst wasn't enough to deal with, I felt myself being pulled into the light. It wasn't like I could resist. I couldn't even feel a body. I tried to scream, didn't even think as to what help that would be, more of a reflex. It wasn't like any sound came out anyway. The nearer I got to the fluorescent glow, the warmer I felt. It relaxed me for a while, until I began to wonder if I would be burned when the light finally engulfed me. Too was finally here...I didn't feel a burning sensation, but I did feel like I was falling. I fell with a thud and suddenly, everything was made dark, and my surroundings altered...I could hear voices...excited voices...I could sense the telepathic impression of excitement, and worry. I could feel my body again, and man did it hurt! I couldn't find the strength to lift my eyelids, not right away...I didn't know anything except that I was obviously alive...and in pain.

Jake: Rick, can you hear me?

It was an effort, but

Yes...I can. Where am-

Jake: Don't try and talk...just relax while I heal you...

What choice did I have?

Bobby: "So, you're sure he's going to be alright?"

Jake: "Should be...I think so...although, well, near death experiences tend to change people...I don't know if he'll be just the same psychologically. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

I could hear them talking, and decided to join in. I felt a lot stronger by then. I opened my eyes and saw them all looking at me with a mixture of worry, fright and relief on their faces.


They started the group hug thing, if I hadn't just waken up from the dead, I might have been angry.

"Cut it out, enough! What are you trying to do, kill me? I need to breathe!"

They looked at me with serious glances.

"I was just...joking...Oh come on, I'm not that fragile am I? I'm fine. Tell 'em Jake. I'm healed."

Jake: " are. You're a fighter."

Bobby: "So you're okay then? Nothin' to worry about?"

"I feel Reborn!"

He smiled. So did the others. Glad that was taken care of. No way was I going to let them think I was all fragile and weak. I was a fighter.

Ray: "Okay, now that you're taken care of...we better get back to the jet. At least there we might stand a better chance of holding out against these Alpha Flight idiots. They're still unconscious, but Vindicator is still unaccounted for. He might have run off to fetch some of his pals."

"Uh, who?"

Jubilee: "They're called Alpha Flight. Their leader ran off somewhere. We don't know where exactly. We better hustle. Rick, can you give us a hand and telekinetically lift Logan? Help us carry him back to the jet. If you're up to it that is?"

"H-he's that?"

I didn't want to admit it to them. But the thought of going near Logan chilled me to the bone. I had to suck it up though. I couldn't let them see it.

"Sure, I feel strong enough."

There are just some things that you can't hide from a Psychic Link however. Jake and me were inextricably bonded. In my currently unnerved state, I couldn't catch the thought before it reached him.

Jake: Rick, you sure this is okay for you? I mean, he almost killed you, and it's okay if you-

I'm fine.

Jake: We could just carry him...

With him struggling like that, and with those c-claws of his flailing? It'll be quicker this way.

I had him there and he knew it. I was actually beginning to feel confident about the idea. But that was to vanish once they took me to where they had stashed Logan. He was actually foaming at the mouth, all consumed with rage. Logan was no teddy bear in his regular mode, but this unnerved the rest of them and terrified me. I couldn't help glancing at those claws, and seeing them stained ever so slightly with crimson...dried blood. My blood...and goodness knew who else's. I had to actually focus on keeping myself steady. Why did I hold back so much? If I could only bring myself to be ruthless when the time called for it. I might not have gotten out of the encounter completely unscathed...but I knew that I would have been able to take him. No matter how high he jumped, he couldn't fly like me. I had all five Elements in me for God's sake...and I couldn't even bring myself to use them right when it counted. Maybe it was Storm's classes...I had taken her control thing on too much and lost my spontaneity. Spontaneity that had saved me more than once. Maybe their training wasn't as watertight as they thought it was after all... I didn't want to get too close to him though. Jake must have sensed my apprehension. He walked up to Logan and I could tell what he was doing. Psychically knocking him out. Making him unconscious.

Roberto: "What the hell are you doing to him?!"

Jake: "I'm immobilising him..."

"It'll make him easier to carry, easier to focus on him...and if we have to sneak around, you try doing it with a snarling animal."

I didn't realise what I'd said until I said it. I earned a few odd stares and couldn't look them in the eyes.

"Let's just get out of this place."

John: "Yeah...right."

With that I telekinetically hovered Logan above the ground, and we started on the journey back.

Ray: "Those pylons over there, you don't think that they could be the signal jammers do you?"

Jake: "Could be...what other reason could they be doing out here? They had a powerful telepath with them. That should have been enough for communication...I don't think they'd open themselves up to the possibility of someone pulling in their signals."

He had a point...

Amara: "So it's no harm if I do this!"

With that she started searing the pylons, shattering them. I admit it was a good idea...better get rid of problems while we had the chance. I sent a bolt of electricity towards one myself and watched it crumble. Not one to be left out, Ray did the same. Bobby began sending shards of ice against them and Jubilee exploded one herself.

David: "That took care of 'em. You think we might be able to get a signal through to the mansion now."

Ray: "Should...I don't think these people can put up so many again in a hurry...of course we'll have to last till help arrives....survival training alright."

Jamie: "Why do you think they would want Logan...who would actually want Logan...we can barely put up with him."

Roberto: "We'll figure that out later, let's go!"

And go we did. We all but ran back the way we came. Thankfully there didn't seem to be any opposition to our retreat. Or so we was only after we arrived at the jet that we saw what we had to face next...


Jamie: "There's the jet, let's get inside!"

We didn't get a chance to right then though.

Vindicator: "End of the line..."

Ray: "Backoff, there are ten of us and one of you, can't win."

Vindicator: "I'm not so sure of that....Doc!"

Shingen: "Understood..."

I then saw scientist guy walk out of the gloom and into the twighlight. I instantly remembered that he was the one responsible for turning Logan into what he was. He was the reason I almost died! It set my teeth on edge. The others saw my scowl. I figured that they didn't know who this guy was.

"This is the guy responsible for turning Logan into that!", I said, pointing to Logan's unconscious body.

That was all it took.

Shingen: " you're alive I Weapon X is getting matter, there will be plenty of time for working out the kinks."

Ray: "You aren't taking him anywhere, as a matter of fact, you just might be coming with us...since you seem to know so much about what's going on with Logan."

Vindicator: "Enough! Just send them out already..."

Shingen: "Oh all people and your lack of patience."

Send them out? We wondered if they had more reinforcements...pity it wasn't just that. Before we could just figure out what he was talking about...we heard it. A familiar earthshattering seemed so familiar...and yet I couldn't place it... then we felt the ground start to shake. So familiar...but what? It was the electronic voice simulator that made us aware of what we were dealing with.

[Mutant Signitures Identifed-Initiate Immediate Termination]

Jamie: "You d-don't think that..."

Bobby: "Sentinels!"

Vindicator: "Tried to do this nice...but you wouldn't let us..."

Amara: "You can't have Sentinels! You're a mutant too! They'll hunt you down as well as us!"

We were all shell-shocked! A cogent point from Amara?!?

Jamie: "She's gotcha there!"

Vindicator: "Afraid're not wearing one of these."

He pointed to a blinky thing on his belt. We figured it must have been some sort of masking device, shielding his DNA from the scanning technology of the Sentinels.

Shingen: "Courtesy of me. Now hand him over."

Jubilee: "You might as well as send them out now, cuz we ain't doing a damn thing you tell us to!"

Shingen: "As you wish my dear..."

We heard the footsteps advance closer to us, and then we saw them. Two storeys high, with eyes that radiated red, raging light. These Sentinels looked tough...the only experience we had was with the early prototypes. They stepped into the circle and Vindicator and the doctor stepped out of it. I'm sure they wouldn't want to get caught in the crossfire.

Sentinel: [Cease all mutant activity.]

Ray: "You ain't seen any mutant activity yet! Everyone fan out! Rick put Logan aside, safely, in our plain sight so we can see if they try anything."


Jamie: "What are you guys waiting for? Attack them!"

Bobby: "With pleasure!"

I saw him close his eyes and a blue glow surround him. He formed a massive ice-spike and glanced at me with a devious grin. I caught what he was saying. For us to drill into the armor of the Sentinels like in the Danger Room. I started rotating the shard like a drill and sent it streaking at the Sentinel's Torso. It didn't take. The shard merely shattered. We both looked at each couldn't be a good sign. Nearby I saw Amara all morphed into her Magma form, repeating the same actions she did in the Danger Room in such a predicament, "Protecting" Jake. I wasn't going to let her do it for long though. I had almost died because I couldn't toughen more. You have to break a few eggs... with that, I focused on Earth and sent razor sharp earthen shards erupting from the ground, it didn't do damage to the Sentinels, but it staggered them.

"Everyone, don't hold back! Give it all you've got...!"

Ray primed up an electrical attack and sent it hurtling towards a Sentinel. I thought that it would be as useless as it had been in the Danger Room. The Sentinel actually took some damage from it though.

David: "They must have so much metallic armor on, that they can't possibly be grounded sufficiently, like giant lightning conductors..."

Jamie: "Hey, over here!"

With that he multiplied up to his ten clone limit, and started running along in all directions. David morphed into his Eagle form and took to the air. Roberto transformed into his Fire Form and sallied in with an assault of super powered punches and kicks.

John: "Amara, give me a light!"

And we were off.

I flew into the air and decided to take advantage of the fact that these Sentinels weren't grounded. I took a deep breath and tried to feel the essence of Electricity and hurled a bolt that I think might have made even Ray proud. I aimed for the head, going for a quick kill. It didn't fall off the body or anything, but the head began to spark and its motions became erratic and unpredictable. Ray saw that the Sentinel was wounded and hurled a bolt of his own, the sparking increased. I tapped into telekinesis and lifted a conveniently placed, conveniently jagged rock into the air and slammed it repeatedly into the head, tearing away its armor. I flung the rock aside and went in closer. Its insides were exposed and sparking. I called out to Ray. We primed up our bolts and unleashed them simultaneously at the ripped portion of the Sentinel. I pulled back just in time and got out of the way of the falling metal body. It went down in flames...

Ray: "Oh yeah!"

I looked to my right and saw Amara and Roberto in their Magma and Fire forms, simultaneously kick at the superstructure of the Sentinel. I saw a small hole in the armor.

"Bobby, aim an ice shard at that hole!"

With his ice shard, my telekinesis and an already existant hole, it wasn't too difficult to widen it into an all out gaping wound in the superstructure. Jubilee had been witnessing what we were up to, and as soon as the hole was big enough, she sent her energised plasma streaming into the main body. The Sentinel fell down to its knees, twitching. We jumped out of the way. We didn't expect its eyes to energize, glow and then release a blast at us though. The ground that suffered the blast had an enormous, smoking crater compliments of the Sentinel. Those models really packed a punch. But we weren't doing was actually amazing how much we could accomplish when we worked together as a team without the squabbles we had in the Danger Room. It was then that I remembered Jake. He was pure telepathic, not much use against Sentinels. I went over to his position and hovered above him.

"Stay behind me."

Amara: "It's okay, Rick. I got him covered."

The nerve of her. I didn't even know how to respond. Maybe if I sent her off to-

Amara: "But Jamie could use some cover though."

Damn bitch beat me to the draw! With reluctance I flew over to the real Jamie. He himself had observed Amara's actions. Here I was once again, covering Jamie, when that was supposed to be Amara's job. She was closer.

Jamie: "Déjà vu, eh? Let's hope it doesn't end here like it ended in the Danger Room."

I remembered how he was knocked unconscious in the simulation...I hoped not. But as luck would have it, things started to get interesting.


Vindicator: "I thought these things we're expert mutant hunters!"

Shingen: "They are, they were programmed to be ruthless, but when we reprogrammed them for our purposes we had to "tame" them quite a bit so that they wouldn't kill us."

Vindicator: "I never thought a bunch of children could be so much trouble...temporarily disable their "tamed up" programming...I want to see what these things can do!"

Shingen: "But Sir..."

Vindicator: "Are you getting a conscience now Shingen?"

Shingen: "I couldn't care less about those brats...I'm worried about us. They were reprogrammed to not attack us because of our masking devices...but if I disable their programming, all that protection will be gone..."

Vindicator: "Do can always re-enable it...right?"

Shingen: "Theoretically..."

Vindicator: "That's good enough for me, we must recover Logan at all costs."


The sentinels suddenly stopped. They froze in mid-motion and the glow behind their eyes faded. We were all confused. We were all under the impression that Sentinels were supposed to be a lot harder to defeat, but these sentinels were a little too easy to beat. It was to change though.

Jamie: "Uh...low batteries....?"

All of a sudden the sentinels sprang to life once more. The glow behind their eyes returned once again, and it seemed a lot hotter and fiercer now. They seemed a little faster too. It was only when they started using decent attack mechanisms that we realised that some fundamental switch had taken place. There were three of them remaining and they started advancing. They even seemed smarter, all of Jamie's clones seemed to be having no luck in distracting them, neither were David's antics. One of them shot a blue beam out of it's eyes towards Jamie. Remembering the beam that the Sentinels shot out before, the one that incinerated the ground, I morphed into the Fire element and dove into it's way. I expected to feel heat, but it turned out that I was merely a tracking laser. Once it hit me, I became a target. The real problem were the homing micro-misiles that it deployed against me. I saw them coming against me and took off on an erratic flight path, in a desperate evasive manoeuvre to try and shake them off my trail.

Another Sentinel swung a massive fist towards Ray, he dodged and fired an electric bolt against it. The Sentinel merely paused.

Sentinel: [Ananlysing Mutant Subject...]

It then shot out some sort of plasticated looking gook at Ray. It hit him square sending him staggering backwards. He got up and prepared to shock the Sentinel into submission. Only problem was he couldn't get his power to work.

Ray: "What the fuck?!"

David: "It must be some sort of plastic polymer.."

Ray: "What...what are you talkin' about?!"

David: "You're insulated and it's absorbing your charge! Guys this isn't good. It seems like the Sentinels are observing our powers, and attacking us based on the powers we're using..."

He was right. Another Sentinel sent a beam onto Jamie.

Sentinel: [Mutant target identified..]

David: "See it knows which Jamie is the real one.."

It was then that we realised the danger we were in...


Jean was relaxing in the lounge. Or, rather, trying to. She wasn't sure why, but for some reason, she didn't feel right since the night before. She tried to shrug it off and figured that it must have been one of her telepathic quirks again. Living in a mansion, filled with hormonal, hyperactive teenagers...she must have been picking up some of their emotional energy. Probably why she was feeling so goddamned queasy, they all like to think that their lives are so dramatic and that their world is always coming to an end. She sighed...just the con of being a telepathic mutant. That idea of her's didn't last too long however. She was alerted telepathically by the Professor. She could sense the urgency in his transmission.

Prof Xavier: [Jean, I need you in the war room, immediately...we have a potential problem...]

With that she headed down to the War Room, wondering just what could be the matter. As she rushed down the hall in hot haste she ran into Scott. She was instantly on edge. Ever since their incident in the kitchen, they hadn't said a word to each other. She ignored him and continued on her way, perfectly content to let things go on the way they were going. It seemed like they had been avoiding each other since then anyway. Scott however had other ideas. He tried making conversation.

Scott: "What do you think has got the Professor so riled up?"

Obviously the Professor had contacted him as well.

Jean: "I'm sure I don't know."

Her short, uninviting response seemed to be enough to let him know that she wasn't up for ingnoring what had happened. Within a few minutes, they were in the war room. Ororo, Rogue, Colossus and Beast were there. Jean went in and took a seat amongst the council. Scott followed her in and they awaited the commencement of the Professor's explanation as to why he had them all assembled here. He began presently.

Xavier: "Some time ago I received this rather disturbing radio trasmission from the Blackbird" He flicked a switch and an audio emission manisfested.

Logan: "...under attack...need.."

It instantly got their attention.

Scott: "How long ago did you get this?"

Rogue: "About 45 minutes ago."

Jean: "So it's recent?"

Xavier: "No. It was a recording. Logan recorded that into the Blackbird's computer audio logs and it has been trying to deliver that message to us for sometime now."

Colossus: "Trying...I do not understand."

Beast: "I have succeeded in establishing a wireless connection with the Blackbird, and accessed the computer logs. Since this morning, 5:30 am, each and everytime that the computer tried to send the message, it had been blocked. For some reason, it finally got delivered just now."

Xavier: "What is disturbing is the fact that Logan has not made contact since, neither have the recruits...and judging from the heightened emotional tones in the message...I fear the worst.. which is why I am sending you with the Hawk to discover what is wrong. We all know how strict Logan is about maintaining radio contact. Using the wireless link you should be able to track the Blackbird if it has been moved from it's assigned location."

Jean bore a thoughtful look on her face.

Scott: "Something wrong Jean?"

She didn't explain anything to him directly, but spoke to the group at large.

Jean: "It's just that since yesterday night, I've been I don't know how to explain it. I mean I kept telling myself that it was just all the emotional energy of all the teenagers in the mansion...but light of these events...I can't help but wonder if maybe it isn't some kind of intuitive sensing that's going on with me. It was worse today...I mean...I felt sick to my stomach, like I was going the throw up..."

Ororo: "Do not worry Jean. It does no good to do so. Far better to pursue appropriate action."

Jean hoped that she was right.

Rogue: "But Professor, what about Cerebro? Can't you locate them with its help."

Xavier: "I tried Rogue. I can't pick up a reading on Logan or the recruits...I don't know if they are being blocked from me psychically or not. After a while I gave up telepathic means and with Hank's help, had some success electronically. It could also be the distance...I'm not sure...but I wouldn't rule out the handiwork of another telepath...Perhaps Jean will have more success at a closer distance. I will keep trying with Cerebro though."

Xavier: "Ororo, Scott-you two will be in charge. Bring our people home."

Scott: "Yes Professor.."

Ororo: "As you wish."

Beast: "With the supersonic engines of the Hawk, we should be at Logan's drop off point in an hour.."

They had their mission, and they were on their way.


We were getting our asses handed to us. The sentinels seemed to be able to figure out a way to deal with every possible attack strategy we could come up with. Ray was coated with a sticky goo that absorbed his electrical blasts and effectively grounded him...we didn't even have the advantage of Jamie's clones to distract them as the sentinels seemed capable of senseing mutant DNA pretty accurately. Their armor seemed capable of changing as well, to match almost any assault. Roberto, Amara and me tried super mutant powered punches...nada...impervious to physical force. Jubilee blasted it with her energised plasma, I launched a fire based attack right along with Amara and John...Burnproof...

David, Jamie and Jake had to stay behind us as their powers were only defensive at best in dealing with mechanised threats of this magnitude. Bobby was in his Ice Armored mode, constantly rushing in front of one of us to shield us from the sentinel's micro-missiles. Ray was pretty much out of commission and of no use. I gave up on the Elements and tried pushing the sentinels backwards, I succeeded in only mildly slowing their advance.

"Guys get back close to the jet, I wanna try something!"

They were only too happy to comply...we were desperate for any idea.

I focussed every iota of energy I had, calling up a cage of stone from the ground, surrounding us and the jet in a circular shield. Bobby saw that I was trying to build up a barrier around us. He caught on and sent freezing energy spiralling around us, casing the stone in a cage of ice, adding to it's defensive value. Amara came forward, and used her link wit Earth to send even more spikes erupting from the ground, to bolster the shield. We could hear the sentinels pounding on the barrier, and feel it too. The vibrations were off the charts! We realised that all we could do at the moment was try and keep up a defense against them and bide our time until we could go offensive again...we hoped we could go offensive again. I glanced at Amara and Bobby and I could see the strain on their faces, the same strain I was also feeling...we knew that the others were depending on us. It was up to us the maintain the barrier for as long as we could.

Ray: "I'm going to try and contact the school with the jet's radio...that and try and figure out how the jet's weapon systems work...I hope this thing has decent weapons..."

Jubilee and David went with him. Jake came up behind us. Ready to heal our energy if necessary... even with his help, I wondered how long we would last. It was then that we felt it. The strongest vibration by far, and we saw the barrier of stone and ice crack in a spot. We focussed on the spot and repaired the damage, Jake restoring energy all the while. But just as we repaired one breach, another one appeared...and was apparent that we couldn't repair the breaches as fast as they were appearing. It seemed as if our refuge was disintegrating before our eyes. We could see the sentinels about to launch a micro-missile attack, and we panicked. Bobby sent out a volley of ice shards that deflected some of them before they reaced us. Amara seared a few of them herself. I was taken a little by surprise, was still trying to repair the shield and such...when I saw three of them heading my way, I just went out of it. I cringed and closed my eyes, knowing that there was no way I could react in time. I expected a heavy dose of lethal pain, but when I opened my eyes, I saw that the barrier was now encased in an orb of glowing blue light...

Bobby: "Is that a-"

Jake: "A telekinetic shield..."

Amara: "Thank God...nothing says defence like a TK force shield..."

Bobby: "Damn Rick...when did Jean teach you how to do that...?"

"She didn't, I just saw the micros coming and it sorta happened..."

Jake: "Spontaneous...all it needed was a trigger...a textbook case..Damn good thing too...think you can hold on to it?"

"I'll try...but it seems to have a life of its own.."

Jake: "You have to believe in have to feel confident that you are safe...think of what makes you feel secure and channel it, the emotion, into the shield!"

The shield was fading, its blue light was ebbing. I tried to do what Jake said...tried to think of what made me feel most safe. I thought of my parents, when I was younger and scared of the dark, how they'd let me sleep with them and even keep on the nightlight, even though I knew that it kept dad awake and he never got a good night's sleep....

Jake: "You need to try harder Rick!"

I thought of Jake and he sense of security his healing powers and telepathic link gave me... knowing that if I was hurt, he be there to help me...I glanced at the shield, it glowed a little brighter...A fist from a Sentinel had it's power diminished again though..I was stumped. I didn't know what else to try and it was apparent that a telekinetic shield was just what was needed in a situation like this...I started to feel like I was failing them...because I was failing them. What kind of telekinetic can't put up a decent telekinetic shield? My fall in morale further weakened the barrier. I saw Amara look at me a little disappointed. When I turned to Bobby, he just smiled weakly.

Bobby: "You gave it your best shot...we'll just have to try harder, that's all."

I pondered his words. It was only when I saw a sentinel fist descending that it came to me. I had a flashback of the time we battled sentinels in the danger room. I had been busy moving Jamie out of harm's way and didn't notice it when a sentinel fist was heading my way. In the real world it would have been enough to kill me. But Bobby had morphed into his Ice Armor and pushed me onto the ground, absorbing the brunt of the blow. I never felt so safe before...fuckin' cold, but that was the thought I held onto...

Amara: "Oh yeah! That's what I'm talkin' about!"

Jake:[I knew you had it in you...]

Bobby: "If only Jean could see you now!"

"Now I just have to focus..."


Ray entered the jet and went straight to the computer console. He checked the display and noticed a new development.

Ray: "Guys...the screen's sayin' Radio Message Delivered...Dave, get over here, you know you're better with these things than I am.."

Dave: "Computer, play sent message..."

They heard Logan's transmission...

Computer: [Wireless connection established...Hawk now connected..]

David: "It's connected with the Hawk! They must be coming for us! When we destroyed those pylons, it must have negated all the signal jamming going on...let me try and contact them..."

He started fumbling with the console whilst Ray tried accessing the weapons systems and having absolutely no luck.

David: "Hawk...this is Balckbird, is anyone there...?"


David: "Hawk-"

Scott: "David?..We're hearing you loud and clear, what the hell is going on?! Where's Logan?"

Ray: "We'll fill you in later Cyke...can you track us?!"

Scott: "Yes."

Ray: "Then hurry, we have a sentinel problem on our hands!"

Scott: "Shit! Anyone injured...?"

Jubilee: "Something's wrong with Logan...but it ain't sentinel related just close are you?"

Scott: "We'll be there in ten minutes, try and hold out till then..."


Even with a telekinetic shield, defending against the combined attacks of three juiced up super sentinels was not easy. Hearing the words that Jubilee was screaming out was music to all our ears...if we could wait for a few minutes more, we'dhave help from the mansion. It seemed to make me feel rejuvenated, and the shield reflected this...hopefully if we couldn't be offensive enough to deal with this, the X-team were. I couldn't take my mind off the shield to try and sense their closeness, so I had Jake do it.

"How close are they?"

Jake: "A few minutes..."

When we heard the scream of a supersonic jet we knew that deliverance had finally arrived...I sensed Jean making contact with me.

Jean: that you doing that?

Yeah...don't ask how yet, just get these things away from us. I'm weakening and there's only so much more that Bobby and Amara can take..

Jean: Right..

I saw a shadow engulf us and when I looked up, I saw a smaller version of the Blackbird hovering above us. A hatch opened and I saw Ororo fly out, all decked out in her black X-team uniform. I could feel the Energy building...she was gonna put on a show. I felt it fair to warn her though.

Storm, be careful, these sentinels seem to be able to tell our weaknesses, depending on the power we use or our DNA, they adapt...

Ororo: I understand...but they have yet to feel the full force of the Elements!

The previously clear sky turned black and we felt the air grow bitterly cold, even colder than it was, when the snowstorm from the night before, was at full strength. Ororo directed the bitter winds towards the sentinels and we could see their frames visibly shaking from the onslaught. Even Bobby was in awe. I don't think even he could manifest such extreme cold. The Sentinel armor we deemed impervious was just beginning to buckle.

Bobby: "Talk about windchill factor..."

Amara: "She'"

Jake: "Yeah...a Goddess alright..."


Unfortunately, Storm saving the day was just a little too easy. The sentinels had shifted their attentions and attacks from us but had moved on to the newest, and most potent threat...Storm. She was forced to fly lower and lower and I could see that Jean was shielding her from several hits. The Hawk was landing by now.

Jean: Where are these Alpha people?

I took it Ray had explained it to them via radio.

There was there leader and a scientist guy out there, don't know where they went to now though. They did something to Logan...he's changed, he's become very aggressive and violent..

Jean: Is everyone okay?!

Y-yeah...we have him under telepathic stun.

The jet landed and I saw Scott, Hank, Rogue and Jean and that Peter guy run out into the clearing. I let down the shield so we could go out to help them. Storm had to hold up on the blizzard to evade the sentinels' attacks. She was just hovering near the hillsides when it happened. I didn't get it at first. I mean, Jean had shielded her in a bubble when the micro-missile assault sent all the rubble cascading onto her, she should have been safe. But her thought forms became chaotic and I never felt such fear before. Jake seemed affected as well, so did Jean.

Ororo, are you hurt?!

Ororo: Let me out! Please...please I can't breathe! Let me out! No....I'll be good...I swear...I be g-good!

What in the hell?! With Ororo gone, the sentinels focussed on us.

Jake: "What's wrong with Ms. Munro?!"

Jean: "She has severe claustrophobia, we must get her out of there! move the rubble!"

Peter: "Yes comrade!"

I flew over and away from the sentinels, leaving Scott and the others to keep them at bay. Peter started flinging boulders away from the pile. I sent them flying with telekinesis. Soon we saw Ororo, still encased in a telekinetic bubble. At a signal from Peter, Jean released the bubble and I levitated her out. She had a distant look on her face and she was muttering to herself...sounded like she was praying...begging to me let out...

"'re out now...Ororo..."

She didn't even respond.

Peter: "She is alright?"


I glanced over at the clearing where the rest of the guys were trying to deal with the three super sentinels. I saw Scott's beams firing rapidly at them. The most they did was make them stumble. Jean couldn't do much with telekinesis, she basically had to take on a defensive role and shield. I saw Rogue take to the air and begin fist fighting with them...super strength was not the answer...Ororo was.

"Ororo...we need your help! You're the only one who can stop these things...please snap out of it.."

She continued muttering.

Peter: "Look after her...I must go to the others..", and he was off.

I called out to Jake.

Jake, get over here, Ororo needs you! You gotta get her back to normal!

Jake: I can't...I don't know how to heal anything but physical wounds...

I lifted Ororo telekinetically and went back to the relative calm of the Blackbird. I put her down on one of the seats.

Ray: "I think I figured out how to use the forward laser! I have a shot, I'm taking it!"

A canon shaped device shifted out of the Blackbird's nose. It started to make the air glow red, right before it sent a burst of coherent laser energy searing towards its sentinel target. The sentinel visibly staggered, but that just made the situation worse. Before it was ignoring us, now it started advancing.

Ray: "Shit.."

Jean: How is Ororo?

Out, totally out Jean...she isn't responding. It's like the sentinels sensed her claustrohobia..

Jean: Well, it looks like we have to use plan B...Rogue.


Jean: Yes, she can absorb Storm's power for a bit and try and start up a Blizzard again...she won't be able to absorb much though, or she'll lose control, or hurt Storm...that's where you and Bobby come in..

Bobby: Me..

You can hear her?!

Bobby: Uh, yeah..

Jean: Listen...they obviously cannot stand cold, and I mean EXTREME cold...if Rogue has some of Storm's essecnce...and Rick you do Wind, Bobby you do Chill-we are talking serious Windchill, it should be enough...right Hank?

Hank: It seems Rogue?

Rogue: I'll give a try, but I'll have to careful, I've had 'Ro in my head before...and it was overwhelming...

Scott: I'm not having any luck here and neither is Peter, these things are impervious! Rogue, go do it now!

Rogue: Right!

I glanced outside and saw Rogue approaching. She came in and looked around frantically for Ororo, and pulled off her gloves. She walked up to us and touched Ororo's face. I saw a yellow glow where she made skin contact and the next moment her eyes glazed over and became a pale, almost luminescent white.

Rogue: "That's quite enough for me I think...Bobby, Rick, you ready."

Bobby: "Let's go!"


Scott's voice boomed over the telepathic network that Jean had set up.

Scott: everyone except Rogue, Rick and Bobby, inside the Blackbird! Beast is coming over to fly it out of here...we'll be in the hawk...good luck guys...

The field was clear, there was no one to worry about getting hurt by the blizzard we were going to recreate. I and Bobby were oblivious to cold and as long as Rogue remained possessed with Ororo's power, she should be fine. Rogue flew out of the blackbird and once again I felt the energy rise. The sky grew dark and snow began to fall. I levitate Bobby and myself into the clearing and he started to focus on freezing while I began generating pumelling winds.

Scott: We need more than that guys, the sentinels are only slowing.

Rogue: I'm tryin'! this ain't exactly MY one does it like 'Ro..

Well, we had better learn her secret quick....

End of part 12. be sure to send me a comment at Feedback is everything. Yes Patrick, I got your

Next: Chapter 13: Xxx Men 13

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