Xxx Men Series

By Phoenix

Published on Oct 31, 2005


Xmen Story Chapter Eleven- "Alpha Flight"

I woke up before everyone else the next morning. The snow had stopped falling, finally. It meant that we wouldn't be stuck in the cave anymore. After my experience in a sub-terranean prison, I was more than ready to get out of the place. I got up and went outside to take a look at the surroundings. I felt a little groggy from the little sleep I'd had and I was as jumpy as Hell. Nearly flew out of my skin when I felt someone touch me on my shoulder. When I spun around and saw Jake, I relaxed. I was thinking about our state of affairs and wanted to talk to him a bit. Perfect time too, everyone else was still sleeping. He looked at me and smiled.

Jake: "Hey."

"Hey, can't sleep? The sun's barely up yet."

Jake: "Nah, I just woke up and you weren't there so I just came to see how you were. What's that?"

He was looking at my bandaged arm. Bobby's improvised bandage was rather conspicuous and blood soaked. With my attention refocused back on the wound, it began to hurt again. I grimaced.

"It's just a-"

He took the bandage off and began using his healing power. I felt the pain subside to nothingness. Before my eyes the wound was repairing itself, sealing. When he was done, not even a scar had remained to evidence that a wound was there.

"I'll never get used to that, but aren't we supposed to not use our powers? You were kinda strict about the rules yesterday."

Jake: "Yeah, well...I just made an exception."

", I want to talk to you-about us."

Jake: "Yeah? What is it you wanna talk about?"

"I want us back together the way we were. I really miss it. When I was in the cave, I thought about not seeing you again and not working our stuff out, but I'm sure that I want things back to the way they were before. I'm sure now."

He was all smiles at that. What can I say? I guess I was too.

Jake: "What made you change your mind? I thought-"

"Just the little things, like how you haven't asked me anything concerning Bobby, even though we were both stuck down there for so long. I think it deserves credit, I think you deserve credit. And I miss us. Everytime I see Ray and Jubilee together I wish we were too."

Jake: "So, you miss me huh...hahaha. Just what about me do you miss?"

"You're not going to make me say it are you?"

We laughed. I did miss him. I missed the comfort he could give me, the sense of security.

"So, can we start back where we left off?"

Jake: "Anything you, I guess if we're back where we left off, it's okay if I do-this, right?"

He proceeded to wrap me in his arms and kiss me. I missed it so much, I didn't care that it was morning and that all someone had to do was just walk outside and our secret would be out to the world. I'd just get him to wipe their memories, I didn't care, all I wanted was for him to keep doing what he was doing to me, and for it to not stop. Unfortunately, it did. I heard static and I realised that it was his radio. He growled in frustration as he reached for it. I was upset to, of all the times, Logan was probably calling to torment our asses some more.

Jake: "Yeah. I'm here."


"Um, isn't he supposed to like, answer? This is two way, right?"

Jake: "Yeah, it is. Logan, you there?"

Logan: "Jake, get over here, now, I need help, I'm being att-"

We looked at each other briefly before running back into the cave to get the others. They were grumpy as hell, but when we told them why we were waking them up, they got to their feet double quick. They all seemed very concerned. I guess I could understand why. Logan calls out of the blue, saying he needs help? Must be real bad, Logan never really struck me as a guy who'd ask for help, if he could avoid it. We rushed out of the cave with one accord and began heading back to the clearing where the Blackbird was, where Logan was. Or maybe not, when we got there and entered the jet, Logan was nowhere to be found.

Jubilee: "Where the hell is he?!"

Just then,

Jamie: "Guys! Get over here and take a look at this..."

We went out of the jet and stepped into the clearing behind it. It looked like a battlefield that had recently been bombed. The ground was seared and burnt black in some places, and it was still smoking. It didn't look good.

Amara: "You think this has anything to do with Logan's disappearance?"

We looked at her in

John: "Okay, beauty,-no brains, leave the thinking to us."

Oh great, they're starting it up again.

Roberto: "So, what do we do?"

Ray: "I'm going to go call the mansion and get help."

We went with him into the jet. While we waited, he began working the radio...thing, and tried to contact the institute. The problem was, all he was getting was static. This was really beginning to worry us all by now.

Ray: "It's not working."

Bobby: "Maybe it's just malfunctioning, you know how these thing's are..."

Ray: "I am telling you-wait-let me try a diagnostic..."

Computer: "Radio Transmission Blocked, Signal Jammed."

Signal Jammed?

Jake: "Okay, now it's time for action. It's obvious, some person or-persons unknown came here and tried to abduct Logan, only he didn't wanna go, they fought it out, but he was overpowered and lost. They took him away and they're jamming signals so word can't get out. The only question is...who"

Jubilee: "Logan could have a lot of enemies. He never told us much about his past or anything."

Bobby: "Rick, if radio signals are being jammed could you like try and reach the mansion telepathically?"

"Uh-not me. The distance is way out of my league. Try Jake."

He looked questioningly at Jake.

Jake: "Nuh uh. Even with the portable Cerebro in the Jet, it'll still be too much."

"There's a portable Cerebro here? So what are we waiting for? Let's find Logan."

Jake: "Just what I had in mind."

Jake went to the front and clicked a button. A compartment opened and revealed a rather futuristic looking headset. He removed it and put it on. Then he began his Psychic search. We left him to it and went to investigate the scene outside the jet. We didn't have far to go before Amara screamed for us to come over to her position. When we got there we saw what al the hullabaloo was about. A footprint, but WHAT a print! It was HUGE. Like five times the length and girth of a normal one. The one thought that was running through all our minds was..

Jamie: "Uh...Bigfoot?"

Ray: "Sasquatch?"

We heard Jake mutter an expletive, and saw him come out of the jet, looking frustrated.

Jake: "I tried searching for Logan, but for some reason, I just can't sense him. I've never had the problem before, I mean-unless he's like asleep or unconscious or...well-I mean, he's a survivor. But still..."

Bobby: "You tried to sense if there's anyone else around here?"

Jake: "Yeah, I know there are others around here somewhere, but I just can't pinpoint them. It's like they're being cloaked somehow. And it all means we have absolutely no way of finding Logan, and we're stuck here too cuz none of us can fly that jet."

"Well, I wouldn't say we got NO way of finding Logan..."

I looked towards the footprints. The others followed my gaze.

Jake: "Damn..."

Amara: "Haahaha..."

We all looked to see what the Princess found sooo funny.

David: "What the hell are you laughing at? At a time like this!"

Amara: "Well, you know what they say about big thought....never mind. Oh come on. You know Logan, he's probably kicking whoever's asses are responsible for this right now."

For the second time we looked at her in disbelief.

The footprints led into the dark undergrowth of the forest, away from our designated area. New territory. Hope we didn't get lost or anything. Hang on Logan, here comes the rescue party!

It was approaching midday, and we were still on the trail of those prints. They were easy to follow, and our Bigfoot had left quite a trail. Throughout the forest, broken branches and snapped tree trunks attested that we were on the right path. It was creepy though. The unnatural darkness of the forest was getting to me. I was lagging a little too much, and I was supposed to be our eye in the sky.

Jake: "Rick, what's keeping you?"

"I just keep getting this feeling that we're being watched. That's all."

Jake: "Keep sharp. We might not be able to tell, these people are Psionically shielded, whoever they are. We might sense them if we get close enough, but it might be too late by then."


I flew higher up to get a better view. David joined me, soaring in his Eagle form. I could tell he wanted to talk, and as all he'd be able to do in Eagle mode was screech, I made contact telepathically.

David: [I searched all along the western part of the forest and I didn't see anything that looked suspicious. What about you?]

[Didn't see anything either, but I keep getting this zany feeling that we're being watched.]

Just then I sensed Jake giving me instructions. We were to come back down to the ground. I relayed them to David and we complied. When we landed I could see that the others looked visibly frustrated. I soon found out why. We were following the trail of footprints, but they petered out. The ground became stony and left little trace of the prints. We were stumped. What should we do now?

John: "So, what now?"

Ray: "I don't know."

Jubilee: "You think that we should split up? We'd cover more ground."

Amara: "And would probably get lost quicker too..."

"So, what else can we do?"

Jake: "Hold on. Let me try something..."

He took out the miniature Cerebro and put it on. He closed his eyes and seemed to be listening very intently. He bore a look of intense concentration.

Jake: "You guys are thinking too loud. I can sense others around here. But they're shielded. We were too far away before, but now that we're closer, I'm getting stronger impressions. If you'd all just calm down I'd be able to focus on a signal or two. Try focussing your minds on Rick. Rick, pull in their thoughts by talking to them a while, once their thought patterns are out of the way, I might have some luck."

We agreed it was worth a shot. Jake was an extremely powerful and gifted Telepath. I thought back to the time when Professor Xavier said that he reminded him of himself when he was younger. If anyone was going to get us to the ones responsible for abducting Logan, it was going to be him.

[Jamie: I swear I'll never get used to this kind of must be weird being telepathic.]

[Well I like it just fine thank you.]

[Jubilee: So you like always hear other people's thoughts?]

I saw where this was going.

[Yes and no. I hear stuff that people shout out mentally, when they're under stress and they just can't help it. What I hear in that case, I try to pretend I never heard. Other than that, your thoughts are your own. Someone like Jake would hear a lot more if you're not careful, he's Professor Xavier's protégé. But what we really get is emotions...Empathy really.]

[Ray: Oh, so you can tell if someone's sad or happy and stuff?]

[Yes, and the general "Feel" of a place from the past impressions people leave there.]

[David: What do you feel about this place?]

[I...don't know. I mean, I'm not a really talented telepath, and this is a remote place. Not many people here now, or have been recently. I just can't say. But I bet Jake will be able to crack this nut.]

We heard Amara's mental giggle in the Psychic Band. Disgusting...

[John: Amara, would you just calm down?! Rick, is there anything you can do for her?]

[I...don't know if there's anything anyone can do for her.]

Jake: "GOTCHA!"

We jumped.

Ray: "What have you got?"

Jake: "Just ahead. In that valley. I definitely sensed people there. Someone was trying to shield them, but I was close enough. Let's go!"

Ray: "Okay, we won't just barge in on them all disorganized. We group up. Me, Jubilee, Rick, Bobby and Amara. We go in from the right. Jake, Roberto, David, Jamie and John, tackle it from the left. We get Logan if he's there and we get out. Got it?"

With that we grouped up and went to our respective positions.

We made our way as stealthily as possible into the valley. We expected to see troopers, a dozen strong Brotherhood agents, Bucket Brain himself...we never expected to find...nothing.

John: "What the hell?! I thought you were sure that there were people here Jake."

Jake: "There are. It's an Illusion. Watch this."

Jake began staring at the scene and his eyes took on an ethereal glow. The scene in front of us began to blur and change before our eyes. It struck me by surprise. It reminded me of the time when Jake took me into the Astral Plane. It looked exactly like that. Except this was on the Physical Plane. I wondered who was responsible for creating such a powerful Psychic Illusion. The Fact that Jake was taking so long to clear our minds of it meant it had to be the handiwork of someone quite talented. The scene was really falling apart now. We could make out a few tents and several fires.

Jake: "She knows we're here! When I cleared your minds of the Illusion, she sensed it. I'll have to try and shield us from her scans. It won't be too effective...we're so close. And there are ten of us to shield...okay here's the deal. I'll shield one of us. That way the shield will be effective and we'll deal with the people down there. The person I shield can go look amongst the tents for Logan...I know I sensed him there...a little weird and vague, maybe nearly unconscious or something. Blurry thoughts, but he's there. We gotta act quick, she's informing them."

Amara: "She?"

Roberto: "Isn't it obvious? The Psychic who was shielding them."

Amara: "....Oh...I knew that."

Jake: "I think it'll be best for me to shield Rick. He'd be able to find Logan quickest. Rather than just look by trial and error, he can sense him out Telepathically. Okay?"

Bobby: "Sounds like a plan. I can hear `em now. Let's go!"

[Jake: Take care baby...just get Logan and get out, okay?]

[Right, let's get this over with.]

I felt a warm tingling over me and I realised that I was being shielded Psionically. I'd be off the Telepathic Radar...which meant I'd have to stay out of sight too or my advantage would be gone. I left them and levitated myself into the cover of the tree branches. I could hear rustling and knew it would have to be from whoever it was that took Logan. I went into the now empty campsite. It looked military to me. All the Camouflage netting sort of gave it away. They sure weren't taking any chances. Camouflage and Psychic shielding. Why go through all this trouble?

I lowered myself almost to the ground, to have the benefit of being low and still levitating to avoid noisy footsteps. I opened up my mind and tried to sense Logan. I got several vague readings, definitely Logan's, but off somehow. I settled for it though, A reading was better than NO reading after all. I went in the direction of the reading. I was about to enter the tent but didn't have to. Logan walked out of it himself. I was relieved he was alive and despite the glazed look on his face, he seemed fine. He must be tired as hell, he had this listless look.

"Logan, we gotta get out of here."

Shingen: "I'm afraid I can't allow that young man. No one is going to run off with my multi-million dollar prototype."

A Japanese man stepped into the semi-gloom of the forest floor.

"What the hell are you talking about?! Logan, come on, let's get out of here. The others are distracting the rest of people away from here."

Shingen: "I tried to be nice to you children. I waited until after he sent you away. But you just won't take a hint. Very well then, whilst you're here, you might as well be of some use. Weapon X, terminate!"

I didn't get what he was saying at first. But then I recognized that he wasn't trying to order me, he was talking to Logan. Terminate what? It was only when I heard Logan's feral growl and saw him extend his adamantium claws that I realised what was going on. But why was Logan listening to him? I didn't understand. The look of pure rage on his face. All I sensed from him was pure rage, directed at me. Before it was as if he was emotionally dead, made him hard to find. Now it's like all he was capable of feeling was the ability to feel anything else was just wiped away. Maybe it was some sort of mind control. I remembered that there was a powerful Psychic around. I was thinking too long. Logan pounced. I barely dodged and levitated into the air. I came here for Logan and I wasn't leaving without him. He most definitely needed help!

"Logan, come on snap out of it. You gonna let that idiot order YOU around?! Kick his ass!"

Shingen: "Logan is no longer here. There is only Weapon X. And about kicking my ass...Weapon X Terminate, with Extreme Prejudice!"

Logan: "Grrrrrrrrraaaagh!"

I could sense the Rage building. Logan leapt into the air. I had no idea that he could jump like that. He caught hold of my foot and pulled me down. I sent my temperature soaring, hoping to make him relinquish his grasp due to the heat. I knew a little burn or two would be nothing for him to heal. But it didn't take. I would have expected his hand to be burnt at least a little, but nothing was happening to it! It was as if all the Rage had upped his power from Super Healing to Invulnerability! I pried his fingers open from my leg and pushed him back whilst propelling myself backwards, in an effort to put some space between us. It barely had the desired effect as Logan was gearing up again. God help me...

Ray: "Just what the Hell has Logan done to make these people so pissed at him?!"

Jubilee: "Cover your eyes!"

Jubilee summoned every ounce of power she had at her disposal and set the area alight in a blaze of pyrotechnic display.

Jamie: "Think that'll keep `em back?"

Amara: "Don't think so, here they come, again!"

Man: "Walk away and we'll forget you ever barged in on us. Believe me, it's the best choice you got."

Bobby: "And just who are you?"

Vindicator: "I'm Vindicator, the leader of Alpha Flight. We're covert and you kids aren't supposed to even be here. So walk away and we'll just drop this."

David: "We know you people took one of us and we're not leaving without him!"

Ray: "Damn straight! So hand him over...believe me, or you'll regret you ever messed with the Xmen!"

The members of Alpha Flight began to chuckle amongst themselves.

Ray: "What the fuck is so funny?!"

Vindicator: "It's just that we don't see any Xmen around here, just a bunch of wanna be Heroic Kids. Now, run along back home."

If there was one thing that aggravated Ray was being referred to as a "Kid". His rage started to build as tendrils of raw Electric Power began to spiral around him. To show his point he sent a burst of Electrical Energy in Vindicator's direction. He just stretched forth his hands and generated a force shield that absorbed it though.

Vindicator: "Well...if that's the way you want to play it. Keep them away from the base at all costs. We've waited too long for this!"

The Alphas began advancing. There were seven of them.

Ray: "Jake, what are we dealing with?"

Jake scanned them Psionically. He relayed the information telepathically.

[Jake: Vindicator generates Force shields and bolts, also possesses Flight. The two people looking like twins, they have Flight and agility. They can also blast energy rays. They're called Northstar and Southstar. They're strongest when they're together, so keep them away from each other. Our "Bigfoot", they call him Sasquatch. Specialty, super strength. The old guy, they call him Shaman. He can manipulate the vital energy of living creatures, plants, animals, you name it. He drains the energy of living creatures around him and does what he wants with it. He can also manipulate the growth rate of living tissue, speeding it up or slowing it down. The woman in red, she's Mirage, the Psychic I told you about. I'll have to handle her. The guy with the spiky hairdo, he's Jet, watch him, he's a powerful Telekinetic.]

Ray: "You heard him, let's go. Jake's taking on Mirage...we handle the rest."

An all out Brawl ensued. Northstar, Vindicator and Southstar took to the air, encircling their adversaries.

Roberto: "We ain't got a flier, well except David...just our luck."

Vindicator charged up a force bolt and shot it towards Ray to return the favor. Ray nimbly jumped out of harm's way and sent an Electric spark in return. Unfortunately, he jumped right back into the arms of Sasquatch, who immediately began to squeeze the air out of him.

Bobby began condensing water vapor and sheathed himself in Ice Armor. Just in time as he took two shots, courtesy of North and South Stars. He began sledding around the area avoiding their assault. It wasn't flight, but it was getting the job done. As soon as he was close enough, he jumped onto Northstar and grabbed him in a freezing clutch. Northstar began struggling, then he crashed into the ground, almost unable to breathe due to extreme Cold.

Bobby: "Oh yeah!"

Unfortunately, it didn't last long. Shaman had come to his fallen compatriot's aid and using his Power, sped up his metabolism, warming Northstar back to optimum temperature. North and Southstar took each other's hands and sent a blast in Bobby's direction that sent him flying into the bushes. He literally saw stars.

Amara saw Bobby go flying into the bushes and was about to go see if he was all right, but was confronted by the Spiky haired boy. He was kinda cute, pity, he was the Enemy...she morphed into her Magma Form and set her surroundings on Fire. John was nearby and when he saw this, he began manipulating the flames, sending sparks in Jet's direction, to help Amara. It proved ineffective. All Jet did was create a telekinetic shield that absorbed the flames. Amara tapped into her Earth Elemental power and began stirring up Seismic Waves that would have made Lance proud. She directed them towards Jet. It toppled him briefly, but he began levitating presently. Forcing them to try and come up with another way to deal with him. They weren't thinking fast enough. Jet eyes got that Ethereal Glow that all Psychics get when they're channelling powerful energies. He simultaneously lifted John and Amara and sent them spinning round and round the battlefield.

Ray had had about enough of being squashed nearly to death by Sasquatch. As soon as he caught his breath, he yelled out for Jubilee. When she saw her boyfriend in the arms of another, it threw her into a righteous feminine Rage. Fierce energy began to Etherealise around her fists. She snuck up behind Sasquatch and sent a stream of searing blasts, burning his flesh, skin and hair to cinders on his back. Anything to get him to stop attacking Ray. It sent him howling off away from Ray. But an animal is most dangerous when it's wounded. It proved true here too. He turned away from the gasping Ray and set his gaze on Jubilee. She cringed a little when she saw the look of hatred he was throwing her. Sasquatch began advancing towards her and no matter how many times she blasted him, he just kept on coming. This went on until he was near enough to clutch her throat, which he promptly began to squeeze. Just then she heard yells and a howl and realised that multiple Jamies and a Wolf David were trying to pull him off of her. They were having little success however. Until, Ray saw what was going on and called them off. The air began to crackle with sparks. Ray got up close and personal with Sasquatch and grabbed him, he pulled out a dagger from his pocket that was part of their survival gear and sent it to the hilt into the back of Sasquatch's neck. His neck was so thick the dagger didn't do much damage, but that wasn't his plan. With a direct link (Through a perfect metallic dagger conductor) into Sasquatch, it wasn't long before he buckled under the Electrical Shock to his system. Ray grabbed Jubilee and got her away from the now gasping hulk before them.

Jake had been standing off with Mirage for a long while. They were both studying each other. Neither of them had made a move to attack yet. Neither knew what the other was planning.

Jake: "So, you were the one responsible for hiding this place?"

Mirage: "What of it?"

Jake: "....Sloppy, I could have done it a whole lot better.."

It had the desired effect. It made Mirage mad and got her to attack first, sending a Psionic bolt in his direction. Her intention was to try and stun him. But Jake was ready. These bolts were mental energy. Not physical. As long as the Will was strong enough a person could resist them.

Jake: "I'm not like the others, it won't be that easy."

Mirage: "You're right. I'm going to have to give you the special treatment."

Jake: "Special treatment?"

Mirage closed her eyes and before Jake knew what was what, he found himself being attacked by an angry looking David and five mean looking Jamies.

Jake: "Guys, listen to me. It's Jake...she's making you see me different...snap out of it."

Mirage: "Won't help. They're hearing you differently too. You really should watch the language you use! Hahaha!"

Jake: "Oh no..."

Mirage: "That's right. Let's see if you're willing to fight your friends to get to me...hahaha!"

Jake knew that he could try and snap them out of the illusion himself, but that took time. And it didn't look like Jamies and David were going to give it to him. And it took power, power that he was using to shield Rick from Mirage's telepathy. He looked at Jamies and David with pity.

Jake: "Sorry guys, but...."

He entered their minds and sent them out of the conscious plane. He'd heal them afterwards. He had to deal with Mirage first and foremost.

Mirage: "You actually...attacked your-why?"

Jake: "So I could have the pleasure of doing THIS!"

Whilst she was confused he primed the most powerful painbolt he could and sent a shock to her nervous system.

Mirage: "Owwwwwwwww!"

Jake: "Fun messing with people's sensory system, ain't it?"

Bobby had recovered by this time and came back running into the scene. He saw Jet tossing Amara and John aside and decided to put a stop to it. He sent four sharp ice spikes against Jet. It forced him to drop Amara and John in order to focus and stop the spikes. Amara got up to her feet quickly and whilst he was occupied sent him crashing into a nearby tree with a seismic blast. John gathered up the stray lingering flames and sent them spiralling around him burning and damaging him. It was rather fun, in a sick sort of way, to hear him scream in pain.

Roberto was having a hard time with Shaman. He was in his Fiery Form, trying to use Mutant Powered Smash Punches and Kicks to attack the Shaman. But every time he connected, Shaman would shield himself in a field of green energy. Roberto couldn't understand how a guy THAT old could have all that energy to shield all his blows. It was then that he remembered what Jake had said. He took his energy from living things around all the trees in the nearby area. He called out to John. With his help he demolished all the trees in the surrounding area, burning them to crisps. The shield around Shaman weakened and went out. John and Roberto looked menacingly at him.

Shaman: "You...wouldn't strike an old man, would you?"

They looked at each other, and sent him flying with synchronised kicks.

Northstar went down to check on Sasquatch, whilst Southstar did the same for Jet. Now that they were separated, they were not as strong as before. Ray and the others began to advance upon them. Bobby, Ray and Amara attacked Southstar with a three-way combined Ice, Electric and Fire attack all at once. It rendered her unconscious. Roberto, John and Jubilee ganged up on Northstar and it wasn't long before he was out cold too. Jake came up to them panting, exhausted after taking out Mirage. He saw David and Jamie still unconscious and snapped them out of it. They woke up rubbing their eyes and looking groggy. Everyone was pretty much exhausted. Sasquatch began to stir, but was repeatedly shocked by Ray into his long sleep.

John: "What is taking Rick so long? Is he THAT bad a telepath?"

Jake: "No, he's not. He's a regular telepath. Nothing to write home about in the telepathic department, but no slouch either."

Ray: "Say, where is that Vindicator guy anyway? Wants to challenge us then takes off when the fighting starts, some leader."

Bobby: "I don't like the feel of this. Why won't Rick just call or something? Telepathically..."

Jake: "If he did, it would be like shouting out for Mirage to hear. I'll contact him and tell him she's out cold."

Jake went silent.

Ray: "So, did he find Logan?"

Jake: "I don't know. He just said to get to the campsite as quick as we could...he...didn't have time to explain. All I caught was that he was nervous and wanted us there...bad."

Bobby: "Let's go! These idiots are taken care of anyway."

Jubilee: "We don't know if and how many more there are at the base."

Bobby: "What does it matter? Rick needs us! You heard Jake."

Jubilee: "I didn't say we wouldn't go...I'm not the leader. I just mean, let's just be ready for anything, that's all."

They agreed and started running towards the Alpha Flight camp as fast as they could go.

I had been trying to talk some sense into Logan for the last hour. Nothing I said seemed to get through to him. And this Japanese scientist looking guy was just standing there taking notes, taking fucking notes while I stalled for time! It was seriously unnerving. What kind of a man would go about so calmly, taking notes like it was some highschool science experiment, whilst a fight that seemed to be life or death, was going on?

"Logan, please, I don't want to hurt you..."

Shingen: "I don't think that will be a problem."

"Shut the fuck up!" I yelled and sent a stream of flames in his direction. Logan jumped in the way and the flames merely seared his clothing. Not even a scratch.

Shingen: "Makes one hell of a bodyguard I'd say. Enough toying around...finish him...slowly. I want to enjoy this."

Logan began advancing again. I began pushing him backwards telekinetically. Or tried rather. He was moving so fast that I couldn't keep a Telekinetic "grasp" on him for long. It made him an incredibly difficult target. I could do nothing when he got up close to me and extended a claw, slicing my right arm. I screamed out in pain and jumped back. My arm was bleeding profusely and the sight of the blood seemed to excite Logan even more. I figured if I wanted to make it of this alive, I'd have to fight him off, but pull my punches just enough so that Logan wouldn't be too seriously hurt. I started focussing on my Elemental Powers and lifted myself a few feet off the ground.

Shingen: "My, this is getting interesting..."

"Logan, I came here to get you back and I'm not leaving without you. If I have to beat some sense into you, I'll do least then we'll be able to get you to the Professor for help that way."

Logan leapt into mid air and attempted to clutch me again. I was ready and evaded his rending claws and sent him flying into the ground with a telekinetic bolt. He landed face down and when he got back up and looked at me, I saw a gash on his face. He must have gotten it from the fall. I wondered if I was being a little too forceful. That thought didn't last long however. It began to seal as I looked on and then Logan was as ready as he was in the beginning to attack me.

I tried scanning his mind, to see if he was being controlled Psionically somehow. There was another Psychic here after all. But his mind was locked to me. No matter how hard I tried to make contact, it didn't give. It was as if he was...dead inside and only his body was moving, but no mind, no...soul. I tarried too long, barely had enough time to deflect his next dual claw attack.

"Logan...don't make me do this..."

Shingen: "How many times do I have to tell you that Logan is no more. He's as good as dead."

"I don't have to believe a word you say!"

Shingen: "Suit yourself...but if that's Logan, would he slash his own friends like that?"

He pointed to my bleeding arm. This guy was obviously calling the if Logan wasn't being Psionically controlled, then what was it that was doing this to him?

"You, you're responsible! What have you done to him?"

Shingen: "I've done him a favor. I've realeased his true nature."

"That's not the Logan we know."

Shingen: "You're right. That was just an illusion, a mere reflection of the object, THIS is the real Logan. Quite a piece of work wouldn't you say? Isn't technology a wonderful thing?" he was a scientist. I checked him out a little more closely and saw that he was holding a sort of remote control in his hand. I was willing to bet that it had something to do with Logan's condition. I made up my mind, I was going to get it from him. I swooped down and attempted to grab it. Success. At the same time Logan made another lunge and this time he succeded on pinning me with my face down, onto the ground.

Shingen: "Excellent! But you do look like you have some potential, I could spare your life, of course, you'll have to join your friend Logan here and work for us."

"I'd never.."

Shingen: "It's not like you'll have a choice in the matter. Think Logan did? We'd just put you through surgery and you'll awaken to your new life."

"S-surgery? You mean, you brain control people with surgery..?"

Shingen: "Well the proper term is a Neural Implant, but yes, basically. So what do you say? Wanna live or do you want to die?"

I looked at Logan's now expressionless face.

"You call this Life?!"

Shingen: "Oh the other Logan is in there...somewhere deep down. He can see everything that's going on...just can't control it. So if you want to say goodbye to him, you better do it now. Weapon X, finish him off, slowly."

He walked up towards us and took the remote off the ground. With a turn of a dial, Logan went from Expressionless to Feral again. I tried to push him off telekinetically, but without being able to fully see and focus on him, I wasn't having much luck. I tried Morphing into my Earth Form, pumped so much power into into it, I made myself Stone. I thought I'd be safe, wrong again.

Shingen: "Ah, so you're an Elemental? Think turning to Stone is going to save you? Do you know just how Strong Adamatium is?"

I was being suffocated by Logan's weight by now.

"What, th-the hell is adamantium?"

Shingen: "It's what those claws of his are made of. I'll save you the trouble. Forget Diamond...and listen to what I'm telling you. Adamantium is the hardest and Strongest substance known, harder than any rock!"

And he was right. I could feel his claws cutting into me. Slowly, but painfully. I wasn't going to scream out like a wuss and give the sadistic bastard the satisfaction. I wasn't... I felt everything going black...I was barely able to respond when I sensed Jake trying to make contact. I wasn't able to keep conscious much longer after that. I could only hope that they'd reach me in time, and more importantly, that they would be able to do something that would affect Logan and get him off of me...

Jake ran into the base clearing. He was no longer sensing Rick via their link. When he contacted Rick earlier he sensed the urgency in his thoughts. He was more than nervous, he was scared to Hell! Jake didn't want to scare the others, but now it was becoming apparent that something was wrong. He suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his chest. He stumbled and the others stopped.

Ray: "Jake, what's wrong?!"

"I can't sense Rick, and I just felt a pain, in my chest...I don't know but I think it was from..."

He didn't finish the sentence. Just got up and continued onward with the others following him at his heels. Bobby ran up to him and questioned him while they frantically searched for Rick.

Bobby: "Uh-if you can't sense him, what could that mean?"

Jake: "It could mean he's unconscious, asleep or....he...could be...dead.."

The look on Bobby's face told him that the severity of their situation.

Jubilee: "Guys, listen...I'm hearing something moving over the left."

They all listened and realised that she was right. They began stealthily making their way over to the spot. When they got there they couldn't believe what they saw. Rick was lying unconscious, in a pool of darkening blood, completely motionless. But what was even more disconcerting was the dark shape of a man standing menacingly over his body, retracting blood stained claws.

Bobby went into a rage and charged up every ounce of Frigid destruction at his disposal and blasted it towards him, it sent him flying into the clearing and revealed his identity. They were dumbfounded.

Bobby: "I...thought he was...Vindicator. I-didn't know-what does it matter, look what he did to Rick!"

Logan turned towards them and his eyes bore a look of blackest malice, especially at Bobby.

Jubilee: "Logan...calm down...we can talk this through.."

Ray: "That ain't Logan, can't be. Our Logan would never do that to Rick."

Jake was quiet all this while. He was trying to keep himself in control. Logan had attacked Rick, how badly he couldn't tell. They dared not go near Rick until they could at least distract Logan. Jake tried to make contact with his mind, but sensed nothing. That wasn't Logan...couldn't be. He couldn't keep it in any longer. He charged up the most powerful Pain Bolt he could and hit Logan with it, sending him backwards.

Amara: "Hey!"

Jake: "Ray's right. That's not Logan we're looking at. It might be his body, but not his mind, not his...soul. This thing would kill us if it could. Watch yourself...don't say I didn't warn you. If you want to handle him with kid gloves that's your lookout...if you need any clarification, look at what he did to Rick! Then tell me I'm wrong. Here he comes, don't hold back, it's him or us! Go! Keep him away from Rick, I need to see how bad he's hurt. Hurry!"

Bobby: "You heard the man! Get him away from Rick!"

David morphed into Wolf form and lunged at Logan. He was caught by the throat and sent flying into Amara.

Jamie: "Since when is Logan so strong?!"

Bobby sheathed himself in Ice Armor and sent three spikes against him. Logan unseathed his claws and sliced them into icicles. Bobby jumped out of the way as Logan came rushing at him. Jubilee primed herself up and sent a blast of energy and attempted to blind him. He paused and they saw his eyes were glazed.

Jubilee: "That should keep him busy a while, even with his healing abi-"

She stopped in mid sentence. They saw the white film across his eyes clear momentarily.

Jubilee: "What the hell?!"

John: "His healing abilty seems to have gotten a power up."

Jamie: "Hell yeah..."

Bobby: "So we hit harder and knock some sense into him."

Amara started shaking the ground between his feet, toppling Logan whilst Bobby froze the ground beneath his feet to make a smooth slippery surface. It sent him crashing into the base of a tree. Ray stood in front of Jamie, he was the one in most danger. Whilst the rest of the team was keeping Logan distracted, Jake ran up beside Rick. He tried to sense Rick but just couldn't sense anything. He started to focus the healing power onto Rick.

Jake: "Rick, come on, wake up. I know you're there. You can't die on me...cuz I'm not going to let you. Come on, I know you're strong, you're a fighter...all you gotta do is grab hold."

He still felt no sign of life from Rick. He knew Ressurection was beyond his Power. He just hoped that there was at least some Life within Rick, some anchor that he could hold onto. Once he had that, he could heal him. If he didn't...he didn't even want to think of the consequences. But he was focussing the Power for a full five minutes and there was not even so much as a thought issuing from Rick. Why wasn't he healing?

Jake: "Ricky...."

Bobby saw Jake panicking next to Rick's lifeless body. He rushed over to him.

Bobby: "So, heal him already!"

Jake: "I've tried to...he's gone. He's...he's dead..."

Jake could feel a tight lump forming in his throat. He wasn't far from tears...he knew. He stopped trying to heal Rick. His eyes glazed over with a malice that rivalled the hate pouring out of Logan's eyes. He gently lowered Rick onto the ground, moved the stray shock of hair from his forehead and got up. He never felt such hate in his life before. All he knew was the man before them had done this to his Rick...whether it was or was not Logan, made no difference to him. All he wanted was vengeance and to make him suffer as much as Rick had. Bobby saw him get up and walk into the clearing, away from Rick, and into the battle.That Jake had stopped trying to heal him meant that Rick had to be gone...dead. He couldn't bring himself to move right away.

Jake walked past an injured Roberto, he stretched out his hand and healed the gash on his face.

Roberto: "Thanks..."

He didn't respond. Instead he waited till Ray was out of his line of fire, and primed up the most powerful shard of Psychic Energy he had ever dared to form...he visualized what it must have been like, to feel the pain of dying at the mercy of those claws and unleashed the bolt towards Logan. It went right through him, sent him sprawling onto the ground and by the looks of it, was the first thing they did that had really hurt him.

Ray: "Okay, let's see if it knocked some sense into-"

Before Ray could finish, Jake had formed another bolt and sent it streaking towards Logan. He was sent sprawling yet again. He looked up at them and they could see that there was a gash on his face. But unlike his other wounds, it wasn't healing.

Jubilee: "Why isn't his wound healing?"

Jake: "You think, therefore you are. This wound isn't physical."

Amara: "So it isn't real?"

Jake: "Oh it's real, just not physical. You can hurt someone through the mind or the body. He can only heal the body. I'm attacking his mind. It's manifesting as wounds, but since it's his mind, there's not a damn thing he can do about it!"

Logan got up, and attempted to lunge into the cover of the bushes. He was not quick enough, and Jake's next bolt caught him between the shoulder blades. He fell onto the ground.

Jamie: "Jake, you're killing him!"

Jake: "Does it look like I fucking care!?!"

Ray: "You gone mad?!"

Jake: "Rick's dead! The bastard killed him!"

Jubilee: "W-what?!"

Jake: "I can't say it anymore plainly than that! I tried healing him, over and over again! He's dead and there's nothing that I can do about it...except make sure that he-it doesn't hurt anyone else again...he's not Logan, not anymore."

Logan was writhing on the ground by now. He was obviously of no further threat. Jake was about to finish it and began charging his fists, forming a spike of fatal Psionic Energy.

Ray: "I'm sorry Jake, but I can't let you do that."

Jake: "You want to try and stop me? Fine then, try."

Ray: "Jake, please...we have to get Logan back to the mansion."

Jake: "How?! He's the only one who can fly the jet! Think he's going to help us fly himself to the mansion for help?!"

Ray: "Guys, stop him. Don't hurt him, just restrain him, we'll deal with this when we're calmer."

Jake: "He killed Rick!"

Jubilee: "Do you think Rick would want him dead? It's obvious that someone has done something to Logan, made him this way, do you think Rick would want him dead knowing that?"

Jake lowered his fists and the glow lessened and then diminished completely. He knew they were right. He could never see his Rick doing anything like that, wanting death for someone when they were totally unable to stop themselves from doing something like this. He looked away from them and could do nothing as the tears started to fall. He didn't care what the hell they thought. He saw Jamie and Roberto help David tie a now barely conscious and bleeding Logan up, to restrain him. He looked past them and started walking back into the cover of the bushes where Rick lay...The others looked at him with pity...they never knew that they were so close. A black mood descended upon them all. He stopped midway and just sat down beneath a tree. He couldn't bear to go look at the body again.

Bobby looked at the lifeless body before him. His mind was a blur, he didn't know how to register what he was seeing. Why wasn't Jake able to heal Rick? Was he already dead before they got to him? Bobby knelt next to Rick and touched his forehead. He was already starting to go cool. Bobby felt his throat catch. And the regret hit him. Why hadn't he told him how he felt? Why...he had all those hours in the cave, all those fucking hours! All the time when they were at the he'd never know. He looked at the pool of blood on the ground. He was instantly taken back to the time that his mother died, in that hospital. His father made sure they were all there to see her, on her deathbed. He never felt so weak, so helpless in his life. The sight before him made him feel the exact same way. Why does life have to be so unfair? What did Rick do, to deserve to die so young, so violently?

He started to shake slightly. Rick might not be alive anymore, but he was going to do what he should have done a long time ago. He bent down and brought his face next to Rick's. If he didn't know any better, he would have thought he was just peacefully asleep. Seeing him lying unconscious took him back to the first night that Rick had come to the Mansion. Bobby had attacked him with a basic ice bolt, but had knocked him out due to Elemental weakness. He thought he had killed him. He took in a deep breath to steady his shaky breathing and began.

Bobby: "The first day I saw you, I knew you were something special...I knew that I just had to get to know you. I've felt stuff for other guys before, but never like what I felt-feel for you. you. I know you might have hated me for saying it-if you could have heard me say it...but I love you..."

He looked at Rick's face...already starting to go pale. He wanted to kiss him so bad, and now, even though he'd never be able to feel him kiss back, he didn't care. He remembered back to when Rick fell asleep on his lap. He wanted to then, but was afraid of scaring him if he woke up. "He's never going to wake up now...", he thought bitterly. He leaned in closer and planted his mouth on Rick's, giving him the kiss he longed to give him from the very first time he saw him. He passes his hand tenderly over the wound on his chest. It was then that he felt it. He felt Rick's tongue move slightly. He instantly pulled back and looked at the "corpse". He saw Rick's finger move...ever so slightly, but it was an honest to God movement! He saw the wound start bleeding again and it broke him out of the daze he was in.


They were done tying Logan up, to restrain him. He was conscious by then, growling.

Ray: "I don't think it's smart to stay here, we don't know how long these Alpha people are going to be knocked out. We better get back to the jet. There, we can at least have some cover, and have it's defensive systems to help us out."

John: "Yeah, let's get him out of here."

David: "Roberto, Jamie, come give me a hand with Rick's bod-come help me carry Rick..."

Jake: "I'll handle it. Get Logan out of here."

Amara: "You're sure? I mean he's-"

Jake: "I said I'd handle it..."

Jubilee: "What could have made Logan this way...made him do...that..t-to Ri-"

She started crying and Ray went over to comfort her. Just then a scream pierced the uneasy silence.


Jake eyes shot open and the next minute he was running at full speed to the cover of the bushes, in Rick's direction. The others followed in quick haste. When they got to the site, they saw an excited Bobby, holding a bleeding Rick.

Amara: "He's...still bleeding?!"

Bobby: "I-I just touched him and he started moving! His finger moved...and then his wound started to bleed again."

Jake got down beside the body and chanelled every iota of healing energy he could into Rick. He didn't understand why it didn't work the first time, and he didn't care, now that Rick had at least some life within him, he was going to hold on, and he was never going to let go again. Maybe it was because he didn't wait long enough the first time. It didn't take too long before Rick's color started returning, and his chest began to rise and fall with renewed breath.

David: "He's doing it!"

Jamie: "So, Rick's going to be okay?"

Jake: "Just a little more...a little more...and he'll be as good as new."

Bobby watched as the wound sealed itself. Rick's eyes began making some rapid movements, almost blinking. He felt a surge of joy, like he had been given a second chance. A second chance to play this right. As soon as Rick recovered from this ordeal, he was going to have a talk with him. Tell him everything that he felt, do what he should have done a long time ago. Life was too short to waste...


Well, that's chapter eleven. I hope you all like.

I have to apologise to the people at Nifty's...I have been neglecting to update quickly. I'm sorry, but it can't be avoided. I'm not going to just drop this story...promise.

Thanks to everyone who's emailed so far. Thanks for the feedback! It's what keeps me writing...

Next: Chapter 12: Xxx Men 12

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