Xxx Men Series

By Phoenix

Published on Sep 6, 2005


Xmen Story Chapter Nine

Sorry, no extensive thank yous this time, even though I got alot of emails, it's just that this is rush rush. My mom is being a toatl bitch and all. Just to a few people. Namely goGo for sending me that email with the passage it helped a lot. Mitsaso, for writing a great comedy that made me laugh through this time of trouble. Phil for the email. And Ian Macmillan for the excellent suggestion on how to deal with that annoying person.

Oh and no matter what. if you don't hear from me in a while, I still live and i'll be back! Just post a short message once a while so the group won't be erased, thanks. This isn't as long as I'd like it to be, but I'm working on it.

***To the Nifty readers, I am sooo sorry that I took so long, but as ya'll know, life can get complcated and throw EVERYTHING out of whack. It's not an excuse, lol, just one of life's harsher realities. Love you guys, :).

[]-Com link communications {}-Telepathic communication. Personal thoughts, not shared via telepathy


She awoke that day with her suspicions confirmed. Her thoughts kept roving back to the night before, with Scott in the kitchen. She'd never expected in her wildest imaginings that Scott would grow violent and hit her. That alone spoke volumes, it showed how truly unstable he had become. She was steeling herself, contemplating a course of action. She really didn't want to go to the Professor about this, honestly she didn't. She didn't think that Rick was in any real, immediate Danger. She was more concerned about Scott's welfare, for now. It must be pure torture for him to be working in such close proximity to Rick, to have a constant reminder of his past so close at hand, at all times. She remembered the argument they'd had. Scott had blamed her, she ruined his life, he'd said. Jean always subscribed to the belief of talking things out. She honestly believed that it always helped. She couldn't help but feel that Scott was right. It had been her fault, no matter what consolations she told herself. She regretted it, she just honestly didn't think that Joshua would react the way he did, she thought she knew him better than that. They all had grown up together, like siblings, she went on the principle that familiarity brought understanding. She thought that Scott and Joshua were as close as Brothers, all they lacked was the blood, how wrong she had been.

"You ruined my life Jean!"

She burst into fresh tears, she'd cried herself to sleep the night before. He'd hurt her the worst way he could, with the truth. So many ugly truths. He accused her of trying to get it on with Logan, and she knew he was right. That had backfired. The link worked both ways, he would naturally sense some of what she thought, she couldn't block it all out. He spat out the fact that she broke the most sacred of Xavier's Tenets. she'd invaded the mind of another without express permission. It was the one and only time she'd ever used the power of Telepathy for such a heinous purpose, excluding the field of combat of course. She wondered...Scott had asked her what her students would think of her-the woman who broke that tenet that Professor Xavier had set in stone. It stabbed at her conscience, she told them at the end of every session this most unbreakable of rules, almost with scriptural flourish. How could she hold it against Jacob in righteous indignation, when she herself was as guilty as he was, infinitely more guilty in fact, she'd damaged the Psychological well-being of someone in the process and "Ruined his Life". She got out of bed and looked at herself in the mirror. She was a mess, and there was a weal where Scott had hit her on the side of her face. She wondered if she might just take a day off. She couldn't remember when last she had some time alone to herself, surely the Professor would understand. And this weal on her face made her ashamed to be seen in public, what if someone asked? When Scott had hit her, she felt this rise of Power in her, the like of which she hadn't felt since the Phoenix Force was active within her. It was dormant, sleeping. Sleeping she thought, not dead, anything asleep could be re-awakened. She almost thought she would lose control and send Scott flying. But she restrained herself, mastered the anger, that was what had counted.

Rick had given her quite some food for thought too the night before. Apparently, he had confessed his-status-to Ororo. She'd been exceptionally understanding. For that, Jean was overjoyed. But then the news came, bad news. Rick had been thinking. It tortured him, the fact that she knew, Ororo knew and the Professor, not to mention Jacob, but his parents, his own flesh and blood didn't. What was worse, he was going to do something about it. On his birthday to boot. She felt herself compelled to do something, but what? She had never faced such a dilemma. She didn't want to see Rick hurt and disappointed, that was a given. But how could she tell him that his father was a homophobic son of a indeed? She didn't even know his mother, Julie's, view on this. She took heart however, surely they couldn't hold it against their own son, Scott was a friend, Rick was blood. So much to think about, and Rick's birthday was in two weeks, it was almost as if she'd started a sub-conscious countdown the moment Rick had announced his plan to her. She decided to go to class after-all. She had a responsibility to her students, regardless of personal issues. The Fabled Xmen Spirit of self-sacrifice. If anyone asked about her weal, it was because someone opened a door and it struck her on her face. If they wanted to know why she was in such a mood.......hell, the old PMS-on my period routine would have to do.


"What the Hell is wrong with me these days?! Amara old girl, you have got to get out of this slump."

She laughed at the fact that, here she was, seventeen, in the girl's room, talking to herself, like some thirteen year old. But she didn't laugh for long. She was a growing girl, a growing girl with NEEDS. Needs that, until recently, were not being met. She knew the day was coming, dreaded it. Looming on the horizon, a dark day when she would have exhausted the store of boys at the Mansion. It hadn't yet reached, but her recent lack of success seemed to bode ill for her. For her, it was all about the thrill, the power she had over them when they were with her. That's right, with HER, she was never with THEM. Her slump had started the week that Rick McKenzie waltzed into the mansion. Well, okay, it was in the preliminary stages before he even got here, but he seemed to be a bad omen. It accelerated. Since he came into these halls, Roberto, Bobby, and Rick himself had spurned her. She'd tried briefly at Jacob, and God knows she was not done there, lol. Sure she had eased off, she didn't want to appear desperate. The fact was, she had always thought him cute, and now...Gosh! She really believed she could actually be falling for him. To hell with that lame-ass Steve, he's so under his girlfriend's heels. Now at least she could go back to trying her all with Jacob. She remembered with fondness the day before in the Danger Room. She was preening around Jacob, trying her utmost to attract his attention, and having absolutely no luck. Then, as luck would have it, she stumbled and tripped. She thought she was going to make herself such a fool. But to her satisfaction, she tripped and instinctively caught hold of Jacob's crotch for support. She could ask for no better reward. Immediately his dick sprang to life in her grasp. She'd been with a LOT of guys, no questions there, and had yet to experience holding one so...big. She sure could think of better uses to put it to alright, lol. All in good time. There was no guy who could resist her-for long. At least no straight guy she knew of. She was the princess of prick, they'd all die to go for a ride with her. She giggled in fiendish delight. Damn, all this thinking was making her horny-that is hornier than usual. Well she'd use Steve for the night and tomorrow, a fresh start. She could hardly wait.


"We're going on a trip?! Where?! When?! With who?! Why?!", was all I could get out before I was silenced by Ray.

Ray: "Take it easy, it's not that kind of trip."

"Well, what is it then?"

Jamie: "It's survival training."

Bobby: "All in the wilderness. Some backwoods with Logan."

I didn't let their lack of hyped up enthusiasm dampen my spirits. I was all for it. The idea of going out into the wilderness with a bunch of hot guys and having to do all our changing and bathing together was highly appealing, oh and um-Nature was in my blood too. Damn! The horniness again, I knew I had better watch it. I'd caught myself popping boners like I had suspected I wood- shit-would. I mean I was never as sexually hungry as Jacob, but just having him there was like an outlet. I was beginning to think that maybe I acted a little too rashly. And Jacob had started sublime come-ons on me. A couple of times, I almost relented, but caught myself. I promised myself we had to go at least a month before I would be sure to trust him again like that. Sigh. But at least I'd have a trip in the great outdoors to help take my mind off of my current state of affairs.

"Wow. I can't remember the last time I've been camping."

John: "Heheh. I guess you could call it that."

"You guys have done this before, with Logan?"

Ray: "Yeah, all the time, Routinely that is. He takes us out to some outdoor place, in the jet, and we camp out. We have to survive on our own for a weekend."


Bobby: "Hahaha! Yeah, we're going in the jet. I mean this is official Xmen-in training business, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so. So-uh-does Logan let anyo-"

Jubilee: "Hell no, he doesn't let anyone fly the Blackbird."

We turned around to see Jubilee had entered the room. We were in Mr. Mcoy's Biology class, on Friday afternoon. Jubilee had been some time in getting here. It was odd, she was always very punctual. Anyhow, I didn't get anymore time to think of it, Mr. Mcoy came in, all prepped for class. Respiration, as dull and dry a topic as any. I knew that half the class population was just waiting for us to arrive at sexual reproduction in the textbook. I wasn't too hyped. The diagrams, photographs and drawings didn't do a damn thing for me-well at least half of them didn't. I confess I got off on SOME of them. Lol. The class wore on as we counted down our minutes to freedom. This was Friday, and the last class of the last day of the week.

Mr. Mcoy: "So, can I have a definition of Respiration? Raymond?"

Ray: "Uh-it's when a substrate like ah-glucose is combined with oxygen."

Mr. Mcoy: "Half-way there Raymond. That's oxidation. Pay better attention, you don't want to be stuck in this class, repeating it indefinitely do you? John?"

John: "It's when you burn sugar or fat."

Mr. Mcoy: "By my stars and garters...we seem to be taking a few steps back aren't we John? Robert."

Robert: "It's ah-(I decided to help him out. The text was open to the chapter right in front of me. I sent the definition telepathically to him.)-when oxygen is combined with a substrate like lipid or a sugar like glucose, with the resulting oxidation releasing energy."

Mr. Mcoy's bushy blue eyebrows did a twitchy thing. He apparently was very astonished. It didn't look like he was expecting and acceptable definition from this source for quite some time.

Mr. Mcoy: "Why, yes! Yes Robert, exactly. You see, you can succeed if you apply yourself appropriately to your studies."

Bobby: "Uh-Yes, sir Mr. Mcoy."

He whispered a "Thanks" when he sat back down, flashing me a look of pure gratitude.. I was only too pleased. After all of his support, a little telepathic trick was the least I could do. Besides it wasn't really cheating. Bobby was really smart, I could tell. He just isn't the sort of guy who does good with the theory straight out of a text book. He's more into practical solutions. Like that morning, when he helped me out with my Elemental training. He came up with a fantastic idea, on the fly. I was surprised I hadn't seen it. We had become seatmates in whatever class we were in together by now, and a lot of the times we were together it was to study something or the other. Either in class, study periods or even in our free time. I was a little confused. I mean A lot of things Bobby came to me to help him with were pretty straight forward. He seemed to understand them in class. But then again, I guess his problem was poor retention of facts and figures. Maybe he just forgets stuff really fast. Anyhow I was really glad and flattered that he'd come to me for help. It was only when he sat down that I noticed the staring eyes of Jubilee. I wonder if she suspected our little trick? I was seriously glad when class ended that day. The quicker that our trip to the wilderness would come. When bell rang, Mr. Mcoy barely had time to tell us to read up on Anaerobic and Aerobic Respiration. We were all out of there that fast.

Ray: "Anybody wanna hit downtown?"

John: "And be too beat for training tomorrow? You know how Logan is."

"He's rough on you guys?"

John: "And then some."

"So, what do you all actually do?"

Jubilee: "Well, we have to find shelter and-"

"What do you mean FIND shelter? Don't you all carry tents and stuff?"

Jubilee: "Actually we don't. We have to improvise, it's really survival training."

"But you do carry food right?"

Bobby: "Of course we carry food. Hahaha-but we don't usually eat it."

"What?! What kind of crap are you talking?"

Ray: "Usually Logan polishes it all off. If he's in a good mood, he shares. We have to hunt our own food. We have to act like we're stranded out there and find ways to stick it out until "Help" arrives."

"I am not hunting and killing any woodland creatures out there, and that's a given."

Bobby: "Well, what will you do for food?"

"I'll-I'll sneak some stuff in with me, maybe in my sleeping bag."

John: "You ain't gonna get a sleeping bag. We sleep on the ground too."

"Wait, uh-what happens if we have to go to the..." I let my silence lead them on to what I was asking.

Ray: "What do you think happens?"

"Okay, now you're scaring me."

Bobby: "Logan doesn't like us to use our powers either. I think he does it because all he's got are those two claws of his. If we used our powers it'd be too easy. He has to get up close and personal, we don't."

"This is starting to sound a lot less fun than I thought it would be. No chance I can get out of this, is there?"

Bobby: "Nope, it comes with the job."

"If I had known alla this yesterday, I might have really left the team."-I joked.

Bobby: "You,-don't really mean that do you?"

"What! No! Just kidding, You're stuck with me."

Bobby: "Well, I can't think of any other person I'd rather be stuck with this weekend."

Okay...this was sounding seriously strange. I mean if I didn't know Bobby better I'd think- I mean, I do have an overactive imagination, maybe I didn't hear that quite right. No one else seemed to take it too seriously. I decided to erase any possibility of it sounding too gay-ish.

"Yup, you guys are all stuck with me."

Hopefully that did the trick. We couldn't go out that day, with a stressful two days of training on the weekend, so we figured we'd kill time in the Rec-Room, after dinner that evening. I didn't have any problems with it. I figured I might as well pack on the pounds too, if Logan really treats them that cruelly, I was going to need every protecting pound I could get. I'm not a big believer in hunting and slaughter, and I guessed I would have to starve if it came to it. I went up to my room to change for an evening of fun, hopefully. As I was about to enter my room, I felt someone tap me on my right shoulder. Instinctively I looked right. When I didn't see anyone there, I knew it was Jake. I turned and saw him on my left.

Jake: "Hey, so how was your day?"

"Great, yours?"

Jake: "It was good. So, I guess you know by now about your trip tomorrow huh?"

"They told me about it just a while ago. At first I was hyped, like on a sugar high, but then they let me in on all the other details, and I gotta say, it isn't all too appealing to me right now. I wish I could skip it."

Jake: "Well, just pretend you're sick and stay here with me tomorrow."

Huh? Wait, he asked my if I knew about MY trip..

"You're not going?"

Jake: "Nuh uh, I passed that course already. A while back. I don't know what's up with the rest of them, they always seem to break the rules, or get Logan mad or something. They failed it like three times already."

"Three times. Hmmm...I don't think it'll look too good if I stay away tomorrow. Besides, I might as well just go and get it over with."

Jake: "Well, you do know if you don't go this time, they'll make you go some other time right? Just ask for some time off, besides, if you go with that bunch, you just might end up wasting your time anyway, they may be killer in the Danger Room, but out there, without powers, hehehe, they have much to be desired."

"No, I think it'll be better if I go. After what I said and stuff, I wouldn't want it to look like anything's changed."

Jake: "Oh-I understand."

"Something wrong?"

Jake: "No, I was just thinking that maybe we could spend some time together, that's all."

"Jake ,you know what I said yesterday when-"

Jake: "I'm not talking about that, I just meant some time together, guy time is all."

"Well, why don't you come with us tomorrow?"

Jake: "Uh, well I passed it already and I don't know if Logan would let me."

"Just...act like you liked it, fun in the great outdoors."

He shot up his eyebrows.

Jake: "Well hunting and killing your own food, sleeping on the floor, getting bitten by mosquitoes and having to use bushes for a bathroom isn't my idea of fun. I don't think he'd buy it."

"Well, why don't, hmmm, why don't you act like you're doing it for the good of the team. I mean, you passed it right? And they always seem to have trouble, maybe you could go along as a kind of trainer."

Jake: "You know, that does sound like it could actually work."

"So you'll do it, then?"

Jake: "Of course I'll do it. You don't think I'd miss the chance to spend a weekend with you in a secluded scenic locale-"

"With everyone else on the team and hardass Logan on all of our cases and-"

Jake: "Okay, you just ruined the moment. I better go talk to Logan about it. See you at dinner?"

"Yeah, I was just going in to get ready."

Jake: "Well, see ya later."

"Yeah, see you then."


Jubilee: "Bobby, can I talk to you for a while? It's important and I really need to get this straightened out."

It seemed innocent enough. At the start. So, how could he refuse her? He had decided before to change his ways to keep Jubilee off his case. Especially as she had been so helpful and got Ray to change his attitude to Rick. So, he accepted. Hell, he could bear whatever she had to say, maybe even her talk of reconciling things with Amara.

Bobby: "Yeah sure, what's up?"

Jubilee: "Come with me outside for a while. It'll be better if I can talk to you alone."

Bobby: "Okay. Let's go by the pool, no-ones there. But I gotta say, I don't get why you're acting all dark and mysterious."

So they walked out to the pool. Bobby got there quite a bit in advance of Jubilee. She was walking in an uncharacteristically sluggish gait. He wondered what was up. There was this troubled look on her face, he'd never seen anything like it before, not on her face. She was the tough talking chick around here. She could arm wrestle with the best of them and drink any guy under the table. Now she seemed-forlorn and worn down. He really hoped this wasn't anything serious, like pregnancy or anything. So he just anxiously awaited her arrival. She walked up presently and took a seat on one of the pool's recliners.

Bobby: "So-uh what's wrong with you Jubes? You don't look to happy."

Jubilee: "Nothing's wrong with me Bobby. But I am a little worried about you."

Bobby: "What, me?! Hahaha! I'm fine, really. Why do you say that?"

Jubilee: "Well, it's just that you've been acting so, strangely for a while now. I'm just wondering if everything's all right with you, that's all."

Bobby: "Oh please. I am not acting strange. I'm"

Jubilee: "No Bobby, you may not see it, but others do. Why did you argue with Ray like that yesterday, Bobby? I mean, I know he was outta line, but you went outta line too. Way outta line."

Bobby: "You heard what he told Rick, you saw how he treated him Jubes. Don't raise this again. Ray's calmed down now, and it's all better anyway."

Jubilee: "Bobby, that was Rick's business. You saw that he handled it himself. I'm not saying that you shouldn't have...talked to Ray about it, but Rick took care of it himself."

Bobby: "You call stomping out of the room, and planning on quitting the team taking care of it?"

Jubilee: "Do you really think that Professor Xavier would simply let him quit without checking in on all sides of the story?"

Bobby was taken aback. He hadn't once thought about what the Professor would say about it. This added a whole new dimension to the issue. All he knew was Rick was leaving, Ray was to blame, and he wasn't going to just let it slide just like that. Jubilee seemed to have thought things out better than that.

Bobby: "He's my, friend Jubilee, I couldn't let Ray say all of those things to him and stay quiet about it."

Jubilee: "Isn't Ray your friend too, and for a lot longer? Did you think of how you made him feel? Bobby, this was what we were warned about, not to let personal matters cloud our judgement and hinder the team. It was Xmen business, the Professor would handle it. It stays on the team and doesn't leave it. You know that."

Bobby: "On the team conflict left the team with Ray, he started it Jubes. When were taking on the Juggernaut and you got injured, Ray blamed Rick for it. When I got injured in that accident, he did it then too. He let team conflict out into our personal lives and HE'S THE LEADER. It was always Rick this-Rick that, behind his back too. Didn't even have the decency to say it to his face, instead of badmouthing him behind his back when he wasn't there to defend himself."

Jubilee: "You know that Ray doesn't hate Rick, right Bobby? It's just that he worries about the people he cares about. I like Rick a lot too, but you have to admit, he's one powerful kid with some control issues. And sometimes it does scare me. You have to see that, right."

Bobby: "Rick would never hurt us. When he loses control it isn't him that's doing it. Or have you forgotten when the Professor explained it to us? You think it was all hunky-dory for Ray to say that he could end up killing us all?"

Jubilee: "Well, I've only seen him lose control a couple of times, but I'm wondering. Nearly everyone who comes here for help, comes here after something bad happens, that's how they know they have a problem. Do you realize that? Rick hasn't even told us what let him know that he had a control problem. I mean with other mutants it's usually something simple like they set something on fire or made a little kaboom, and they talk about it, but Rick hasn't said anything and it does worry me."

Bobby: "Well, take it from me. He only loses control when he's really scared of someone hurting him or people he cares about, that's all. Ray doesn't know squat and he was all about accusations."

She eyed him a little oddly here.

Jubilee: "So, you think you Rick better than us? All I'm saying is we really don't know all that much about him, so just give Ray some time to figure him out."

Bobby: "Well, I've figured him out. And Ray seems like he has too. They look like they made up all right."

Jubilee: "You really do like him huh?"

Bobby: "Yeah, he's a great friend. The best."


Jubilee: "Bobby, I can't help but notice how you've changed recently. I mean with Amara."

Bobby: "Oh..."

Jubilee: "I mean so what if she came on to you a little strong? You know that's her way. I mean I thought about it and, well-"

Bobby: "Oh, well I'll think about apologizing if that's what you're asking."

Jubilee: "It's not just that. I mean-were you so hard on it because, there's-someone else you're interested in?"

Bobby: "Sigh. I guess maybe you could say so."

Jubilee: "Having any luck with-her?"


Jubilee: "Bobby?"

Bobby: "I don't want to talk about it Jubilee."

Jubilee: "Bobby, it's obvious to me that you're going through something and it seems to be related to this. I think it might help to have someone to talk to."

Bobby: "If I thought that talking would help it, I would have."


Jubilee: "Bobby, how long have we known each other?"

Bobby: "About, maybe eight or nine years, why?"

Jubilee: "Have you ever known me to be bigoted or judgmental to anyone about anything?"

Bobby: "What are you saying? I don't understand why you'd bring that up."

Jubilee: "I'm just trying to tell you that you can come to me to talk if you need to about anything, I won't try to judge you or tell you what's right or wrong or anything. About this-person you like, does-this person know?"

Bobby looked at her for long time. The way she was talking was seriously unnerving him. He couldn't help but feel nervous around her now. He detected the subtle shift in the way she referred to his "Crush". First it was-"Having any luck with HER?". Then Jubilee started using "This PERSON." And all the talk about her knowing him for years and her not being a bigot and judgmental...He realized he was so caught up in his thoughts he stopped breathing. He hadn't said a word in reply yet to her question. What if she suspected something? Was he really that conspicuous? He thought back to all of the things he could have said and did to make people suspicious. Why, just that morning he told Rick that he couldn't think of anyone else he'd rather be stuck to, for the weekend! Damn! Why'd he say that?! He couldn't watch himself all the time, not every minute of everyday.

Bobby: "What's it to you Jubilee? I can handle it by myself."

Jubilee: "I don't think you are handling it okay. Now, does this person know?"

Bobby: "I don't have to tell you anything. I don't interrogate you and Ray do I?", The panic was getting to him. He sounded a lot more defensive than he intended. And Jubilee, being the smart-ass girl she was, might probably pick up on it.

Jubilee: "All defensive are we? This-girl-must mean a lot to you. I can't remember the last time you had a girl on your mind. I thought that after you called it off with-what's her name-you had called it quits. Hmm...I was beginning to think you had been serious when you said you were swearing off women."

He had meant that as a joke! They had taken it as a joke too. Everyone knew what a control freak Jenny was. But Jubilee was bringing it up again, and he didn't like the tone she was using. Did she suspect anything? Was she sure about him, or was she merely groping in the dark? If she wasn't sure then maybe he could-"

Jubilee: "Okay Bobby, I tried to do this as easily on you as possible, but then again I guess there's no easy way to ask this. Bobby, is there something going on between you and Rick?"

Shock! Panic! Terror!

Bobby: "W-what do mean Jubilee?" (Was that HIS voice, stuttering?!?).

Jubilee: "Bobby, you know I'd never judge you, I'd never be a self-righteous bitch. I'm not like Ray that way and frankly, I don't like that about him either."

The fact that she brought Ray's attitude into this could mean only one thing. Sure, if she'd said it in isolation, he'd think she was talking about his "I'm right, You're wrong" complex, but the fact that she asked if "Something was going on between him and Rick" meant his OTHER attitude. Still, maybe he could act dumb. If he pretended to be clueless he could probably salvage the situation.

"I have no idea what you're talkin' about Jubilee. Would you listen to yourself?"

Unphased Jubilee went on,

Jubilee: "I've been listening to you, recently, and watching how you behave too. And I want to talk to you about the things I hear and see. Like today for instance. I heard you say to him that there's no one else you'd rather be stuck with for the weekend. Bobby, I think when Rick said we were stuck with him, I think he meant WE, the team were stuck with him. Why'd you think that he was referring to you?"

Damn her! She had him there and he knew it too. Just how long had she been observing him like that? How extensive was her knowledge, really? He tried to think back to Rick's arrival, specifically, to all the things he might have said or did that could have aroused Jubilee's suspiscions. Damn! Hindsight is twenty twenty, there were so many things that an educated observer could have picked up on, where could he start? Still, if she wanted to make a big deal of it, she could have brought it up with the others around, but No, she made sure and lured him away from them, out into the lawn too. She made sure they were alone. He hoped that these were positive signs. He'd known Jubilee for a long time, that was true. She'd never struck him as the kind of person who could turn bigoted or self-righteous. That was also true. All the times that Ray acted in his usual homophobic way, she usually expressed disapproval, usually. Call him crazy, but he was deciding whether or not to confide in Jubilee. Especially as she seemed on the verge of discovery all on her own. It would probably be better for him to tell her than having it forced out of him. That way, he'd be in control of the situation. Jubilee was a very, very persistant girl. He remembered a few years back, when she was single, and on the prowl. She had decided to stake claim on him. He was caught too, for a while. He was always grateful that Ray came along and he was able to subtlely ease her along in the right direction. Away from him, and closer to Ray. Of course, he had to act like he was devastated that he'd been dumped. Had to, Have to keep up appearances.

Jubilee: "Well, Bobby? Something you want to tell me?...I really think it would be good for you to get this off your chest and share it with someone."

Okay, okay he could do this.

"Jubilee, I have somethin' to tell you, but if I tell you, it stays between us, only us. And if I don't want to talk about it anymore, you'll drop it, and pretend that this conversation never happened."

Jubilee: "Okay, that's fair. So what is this big, bad secret?"

"Jubilee, I'm-gay."

Jubilee: "You're gay?"

"Yeah, I'm Gay."

Jubilee: "You're sure you're gay? Not just Bi-curious or anything?"

"I'm sure. Been sure since I was around twelve-thirteenish. Is that a problem? I mean are you okay with it?"

Jubilee: "Of course it's not a problem! I'm just glad I got you to admit it. I thought you could be in denial or something, and if that were true, you could be causing yourself all sorts of trauma."

"You-mean you knew?"

Jubilee: "I didn't know for sure but-"

"So I told you for nothing?!"

Jubilee: "I wasn't putting you under interrogation or trying to satisfy my curiousity. I did it for you. To ease up your burden so you know you have someone to talk to. And I didn't know for sure, but I had a damned good inkliing. It was easy to see if you looked at the situation right. So...does he know?"

"Does who know what?"

Jubilee: "Back to being dumb are we? Rick, does Rick know how you feel about him? Don't deny anything now, I've seen the way you act around him, heard the things you say and the way you look at him, so spill the beans."

"Why do you women always have to be so controlling?"

Jubilee: "It's in the genes, you men can't do anything right. Got two heads and still can't think things out."

"Yeah, well you got two sets of lips, and no matter when they're supposed to be closed, at least one pair of 'em's always flapping."

Jubilee: "Okay, since you're so hesistant to tell me about Rick, I guess he doesn't know anything about how you feel."

"Don't you even-"

Jubilee: "Of course not! What am I going to do? Hey Rick, Bobby has the hots for you, you make his heart melt, so go get him while the gettin's good? It's up to you, whether you tell him or not. But don't let this eat you up inside. Now I guess I understand why you've been this way all of a sudden. Especially with Amara, you're in love!"

A look of sudden understanding flashed across her face. Then sadness.

Jubilee: "Bobby, do you remember when we used to date?"

"Yeah, I remember."

Jubilee: "Did you know that you were gay back then?"

"Yes, I knew."

Jubilee: "So were you using me for a cover up?"

"No, I tried to break it off. And then well, Ray came along. And, well-"

Jubilee: "I-understand. But-"

"If I were a straight, I'd probably end up marrying you."

Jubilee: "Oh, haha. Sigh."

"Provided you changed some of those ways of yours, the nagging, the controlling, the prying. I swear if we got married you would be the one trying to wear the pants all the time."


"Oww!what was that for? It's true!"

Jubilee: " Let's get back inside. Before everyone thinks were messing around with each other out here."

"Ewwwwww....spare me the image, Please!"




Jamie: "Ugh..meatloaf, again!?! You'd think they could be a little more creative with the food here. I'm a growing boy, with needs!"

John: "So eat your meatloaf little boy!"

Roberto: "Like a good little boy."

Jamie: "Hey, I ain't little!"

Amara: "Um hmm. Give him a couple more".

Slut Slut Slut!!!

Here we were at the cafeteria table, having Dinner. We were all there, including the Slut. Well, except for Jake. Everybody was enjoying the last bit of relaxation we would be having this weekend. Come the next two days, and we would be off to whatever wilderness peckerwoods Logan had planned for us. Living like savages. Lying up in caves, groves, bushes. Catching and eating whatever we could get our hands on. Well, they would, I wasn't planning on hunting whatever poor unfortunate wildlife was out there. They might do it if they got hungry enough but I certainly wasn't going to.

Ray: "Whoa! Rick, take it easy! You act like you've never seen food before."

"Well, I'm stocking up for tomorrow. I won't be seeing a real meal until maybe, Sunday evening. I'm still thinking about sneaking some stuff in with me too."

Jubilee: "Wouldn't work, I think he'd smell it before you even smuggled it aboard."

"I didn't even think of that."

Just then Jake came up to the table and took a seat next to me. He was smiling. I wonder...

{Did you...}

{Jake: Yeah, I asked Logan and he thinks it's a great idea. So I guess i'm going with you guys tomorrow.}

When he announced it to them, they seemed pretty happy. I KNOW Amara was thrilled at the idea. Her thoughts patterns came through loud and clear, as if her facial expression wasn't enough. I didn't get just how happy she was until a little later on though. But I shifted my attention to Bobby. For some reason he seemed to be happier than normal. I could just sense it. Hmm...I wonder what could be behind it? Maybe that girl finally came around to her senses.

Jake: "Okay, so tomorrow, no funny stuff okay. This'll be the third time if you guys mess up."

They looked at me.

"Okay, okay, I suppose I could just starve. I won't try and sneak food into the jet. Happy?"

Bobby: "You know what's the worse thing? The last time, we had to eat barbecued owl...and Logan had pizza stocked up in the jet all along."

"Barbecued owl?!?"

Jamie: "People, I'm eating here."

David: "You always eat. As I recall, you finished off the owl last time. Hardly was any left for us, not that I was thrilled about owl."

Jamie: "Hey! I'm eating for ten here."

Haha. I guess that was one way to justify it. Multiple Jamie's, multiple appetites. It was then that I felt it. Someone's bare foot was sliding up my side. Up Jake's leg! I saw him visibly squirm. Trying to act like nothing was happening. I glanced at the table. Who else, Amara. She was pretending to be eating too. Oblivious of everything and everyone else. I watched Jake squirm. If she kept this up, pretty soon he'd squirt! But what to do?

{Jake! Get up and say you gotta go to the bathroom or something. Now...Jake?}

{Jake: But, won't Amara think it suspicious?}

{Are you enjoying this?!}

{ I'm going.}

When he left, I couldn't help but see and sense Amara's disappointment. I was happy. She wasn't able to finish up her handiwor- uh-fancy footwork. I'd have to probably keep a careful eye on her for the weekend. We'd be out in the wild, which meant Amara might be more on the prowl than usual. Sigh...if only Amara were a Lesbian...Nah. That'd just shift the problem to the girls. But it would be damned funny though. Imagine Amara going after Jubilee or We finished up dinner and Amara hastily made her exit. I knew what, who she was after. She was headed in the direction that Jake had used to get out of the room. I got up and clandestinely followed her. I had to see what this bitch was up to. Aha! As suspected, she followed Jake to the little boy's room, and began her stakeout. Pacing the floor, back and forth, like a lioness on the prowl. Humming in that annoying way of her's, enough to make my blood boil.

"One way, or another.....I'll getcha, getcha, getcha!! One day or some other,.......I'll getcha, getcha, getcha!"

Bitch had me humming it too! I developed an immediate dislike of the song, lyrics, melody, singer and all. The way Amara was pacing outside the boy's room, I was expecting her feet to carve tracks on the flooring. I looked on in silence, hidden just around the corner. Presently Jake appeared, stepping out of the bathroom. Amara immediately pounced upon him. I wasn't on the recieving end of her, "affections", but even I flinched. The fact that the hallway was currently abandoned seemed to give her extra slutty license. She threw Jake flat onto his ass. Poor guy, I was lucky, Amara never managed to do that to me.

Amara: "So, you're coming with us tomorrow huh? Any special reason why? You passed this course already. Maybe you'll like to keep me company, I'll be all on my lonesome."

Jake: "Uh-Amara, I'm coming to make sure the team passes the course this time around. That's all really and-(He eased her off and got onto his feet)-I don't think you shoulda done that back there."

Yes! Tell her some more!"

Amara: "Huh? Didn't you like it?"

Jake: "Well, yeah, but-look, you're a great girl. But you gotta learn to have some respect for yourself. Stop throwing yourself on guys. And I don't think that I'm the guy for you. If you behave like this guys are going to use you, leave you, then go for the good girls. I don't think you'd want that. You'd be nothing more than a cheap thrill. You deserve better than that."

Okay, well said. But I wished he said something a bit more scathing. Like, "You filthy Bitch! Get offa me, go find someone in for nasty breeder sex and leave me alone!" Anyway, this would work too. Or...would it? Amara became all teary eyed and soap opery.

Amara: "No one's evet talke to me like that before. Sniff Sniff."

The cheap breaking down into tears ploy. Haha! Try something else sister, my guy ain't falling for it. Wish it were true though. Because the next thing I knew, Jake had his arms around her trying to "console" her. Hmpf! When she tried that teary shit with me, I consoled her just fine without hugging her. Anyhow, Jake is a big pushover. He was hugging her innocently, but I didn't like the way that Amara's hands were dancing over his back. From the way she was hugging him, it was easy for a casual observer to get the idea that they were-

Bobby: "Haha! Cute."

I jumped. Bobby! Here, behind me. My gosh! Just how long was he standing there?! Did he see the vicious/envious scowl on my face? Damn, caught eavesdropping.

"Bobby, um-what are you doing there?"

Bobby: "I should be the one asking you that."

"Well, i was going to the bathroom."

Bobby: "Really, here in the hall? The bathroom's over there (he pointed in the slut's direction)."

"Well, I-uh-was going there, byt I saw-them-and I didn't want to just barge in on them."

Bobby: "Ohhh...haha, yeah. So that's why you're here spying on them instead."

"Hey! I wasn't spying. I was just...say, if I was spying on them, what were you doing, spying on me?"

Bobby: "Well, I was um-let's just drop it."

"Fine by me."

He looked on with me. He was amused, I was angry. Presently he whistled.

Bobby: "Damn. Just how long have they been at it?"

"THEY, haven't been at anything. It's just all Amara. Jake's a smart guy, he can't be fooled by her games."

Bobby: "Well, at least she's moved on to him and left us alone, right?"

"Yeah, I-guess. Hope Jake knows what she's up to."

Bobby: "Ah, he can handle himself."

I was still watching on in silence. Took some time before I noticed that he was watching me.

"What's up now Bobby?"

Bobby: "Aren't you going to take a leak or something?"

"Well yeah, but-uh-they're still..."

Bobby: "It's a free school. If they wanna play hanky panky in public, it's their look out. Besides, it's not like Amara will mind. Did you see the way she grabbed his dick when she fell in the Danger Room?"

"Yeah I saw."

Bobby: "It was kind HARD to miss, haha. Well I don't know, about you, but when I gotta go, I gotta go."

And with that, he was gone. Jake jumped when he announced his presence. Amara giggled in feminine superiority. I scowled. I just walked away from the sickening sight and went into the lounge to relax a little before bed-time. Jean was there. Watching televison. The news. Normally, when she sees me, she calls out. She didn't this time though, so I decided to take the initiative. I walked over and sat down on the sofa. Hmmm...still no response.

"Hey, Jean."

Jean: "Hi Rick. You prepped for your excursion?"

"Not really. The others have been vague. But one thing I got loud and clear was that we're supposed to ,uh-eat whatever we can find and lay our hands on?"

Jean: "Yeah. Without the use of powers."

"But-um-I heard the main course was barbecued owl the last time and I don't think I can eat like that."

Jean: "Well, we had to resort to-ugh-snakemeat kebabs."

"Please, spare me the details..."

Jean: "And you'll have to start fires without powers, matches, lighters and stuff. By pure friction."

"Is Logan trying to take us back to the Stone Age or something, Jeez."

Jean: "Well, the Professor once tried to hint that Logan's methods were a bit extreme, but it didn't take. Logan didn't take the hint. And you're lucky, we got a desert locale. You're going to a coniferous forest somewhere in Canada."

"Canada? Like mounty Country? Hmm...with Bears and stuff. This sure won't be the picnic in the woods I thought it would be."

Jean: "Well tough luck. You're and Xman in training and it's only going to get harder from here on out. So you gotta be prepared and suck it up."

"Yeah, I know. I can handle the mosquitoes, hell, using bushes for a bathroom, sleeping on the bare ground, but what I cannot handle is the food. I mean, don't really wanna-kill-anything and-I think the vegetarian in me is fighting to get out."

Jean: "Well I could maybe, nah."

"What? You got an idea?"

Jean: "Well, okay. Here's what to do. You'll be given a backpack with ropes, knives and such tomorrow morning. So prepare tonight. Get sealed food only, airtight so Logan won't be able to smell anything."

"I get alla that, but how will I sneak it in? I'm a talented guy. But turning stuff invisible isn't one of my talents unfortunately."

Jean: "Well, there ars toage lockers in the Jet, that us Xmen use. One of them's mine. The last one by the left window, looking into the room, from the doorway. You can hide stuff in there, I'll give you the code-key."

"But, I can't get into the hangarm don't have the clearance."

Jean: "Well, I am going to give you that code too you know. Sneak stuff into my locker tonight. Tomorrow, when Logan's flying the Jet and is too busy to look in on you guys, move the stuff into your bakpack. He does the checking on those before you even se foot on the Jet and he won't even suspect that there was anything on the Jet before. Got it?"

"Haha. Yeah, I would say it's cheating, but I heard from Bobby that he taunts them with pizza when they haft eat owl."

Jean: "He's cruel. That's the only reason that I'm helping you sneak something decent to eat onto the jet. This is your first time at this too. You'll have enough of a challenge with the other stuff without worrying about food. Hmpf! Trying to catch food powerless. If we were in a real situation, we could use our powers to make things a lot easier. Survival training my ass! Nature gave us these powers so it's fair. Uh-um, Rick?"


Jean: "Don't mess around with anything else in my locker, okay? Just put your food in and take it out in time."

"Yeah, sure. But uh-what do you keep in there?"

She gave me a devious, girly grin.

Jean: "Just a little something to keep me company on those long stakeout missions. Tee hee hee!"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Jean: "Hahah! If you have to ask, you're too young to know litle boy."

Tick tock, tick tock.....eeeewwwwww! My thoughts must have projected subconsciously.

"I don't think that I'd be all that comfortable putting food in there"

Jean: "Pervert...I was just kidding. I don't keep stuff like that there."

"Oh...I'm sorry."

Jean: "I keep those in my room, and there's NO WAY I'm telling you the combination to THAT lock!"

"Are you trying to make me barf?!"

She started laughing, shaking her head from side to side. It was then that I saw it. A red weal on the left side of her face. Her right side was facing me before, so that must have been why I missed it. When she shook her head though it was revealed. Looked pretty nasty. I wonder how she got it.

"Whoah, Jean, that's one nasty looking weal you got there on your cheek."

Her laughter stopped immediately.

Jean: "Yeah. I know. Hmpf! Telekinetics class today. You know how things can fly when telekinetics get angry."

"Haha. Yeah I can relate. Still, maybe you should get Jake to heal it for you. It ruins your pretty face."

She eyed me, amused.

"Hello, Gay, not blind. When you go gay, you're there to stay. Gay guys do not go straight."

Jean: "Oh, for minute there I thought you were going straight on me."

"Oh, I can assure you that will never happen."

Jean: "Heheh. Yeah I guess. Uh- the keycode for my locker is 628*."

"Any significance to those figures?"

Jean: "Haha. Yeah actually. Um..."

Girly grim again.

"Well, what do they mean?"

Jean: I'm not sure if it's for virgin ears."

"Hey, I think you're forgetting, I'm no longer innocent."

Jean: "Yeah, I guess."

"So tell me already."

Jean: "It's the measurements of the first guy I ever dated. He was 6 feet, two inches tall."

"Oh. What's the 8 for?"

Jean: "What do you think it's for?"

"Hmm..OH! Hahaha! Jeez. Oh wait, the STAR is cuz you saw stars huh? Haha!"

Jean: "Haha, yeah. Exactly."

"Hmmm....Scott seems about Six Foot two to me."

Jean: "Yeah, it was Scott, sigh."

"Sorry. Well I gotta say, I was luckier."

Jean: "How so?"

"Well, just think...599***."

Jean: "Oh...I see, lol. Although, it's not the size of the boat, it's the motion of the ocean that counts."

"Well, I don't claim to know much, but bigger is better for me."

Jean: "Well, if it ever reaches double digits, I'm running away from that weapon."

"Where would you go to, that closet in your room?"

Jean: "....Yeah."

"Hmmm I can only imagine."

Jean: "Enough, go get your food suppiles already. To get inot the hangar, at the subbasement panel, just punch in 14030."

"Any significance there?"

Jean: " Just go stock up on your food."

"Okay okay....and thanks. 628* , hahah!"

Jean: "Don't mke me change my mind about this!!"


Next: Chapter 11: Xxx Men 11

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