Xtreme X Men

By moc.loa@seirotsnemX

Published on Oct 16, 2023


Well this is part 6, I hope ya like it, let me know xmenstories@aol.com please give me some feedback so I know where to take this, even if its to say you hate just let me know.

Disclaimer: The X Men are owned by 20th Century Fox and Marvel Comics, and this story is not intended to affect their business in any way. Also I have never met Delta Goodrem and I don't know her.

The next day Aaron woke up at 5am, bobby was still asleep so he went to get showered and dressed, just has he got out of the shower he heard jean speak <is bobby with you?> <yeah he didn't want to stay in the mansion so I brought him back here for the night> <that's ok as long as he's safe and Xavier said he can stay on the mission with you and delta> <are you alone jean?> Aaron orbed to Jean's room "god you could've put some clothes on", he changed the towel into clothes "speak for yourself and I need bobby's uniform" jean was only wearing hot pants and a t-shirt. "how is he?" she asked "he didn't really say much last night" "I cant believe rogue could do that to him" "oh come on jean imagine if you were stuck with her powers not being able to touch the person you love" "well she didn't have to kiss Michael did she", Aaron was starting to get pissed off "Michael is to blame too, if someone gave you a chance to have a dream come true wouldn't you take it?" "not if it meant hurting someone I wouldn't" she replied "jean you hent got a clue what you're talking about and anyway its got nothing to do with us". They had been walking to the locker room while arguing "well I better get back, I don't know if delta's telepathy can stretch this far they may need me", "bye" she replied, "don't I even get a kiss?" Aaron asked looking sad, she kissed him on the cheek "I hate it when you do that, go on sod off" Aaron smiled as he orbed out.

When he got back to the room bobby was starting to wake "how ya feeling mate?" he asked "like shit, I'm gonna take a shower" bobby got up and walked to the bathroom then there was a knock at the door, Aaron opened the door expecting to see delta "morning sweetie did yaâ^À¦" he soon realised that it was pyro "what the hell do you want?" "Aaron don't flip I need to talk to you", bobby came outta the bathroom "john what are you doing here" pyro looked at his old friend "trying to tell you guys something" "let him in Aaron" he went inside and sat on the bed "that new kid you've got he's sorta like a spy he's been meeting with magneto telling him your moves and everything, magnetos planning to attack the school" bobby and aaron just looked at him "why are you telling us this?" bobby asked "I don't agree with the professor's fight but he took me in and helped me control my powers, he even bought me my lighter on my first birthday I was there, I cant let him get hurt if you don't believe me aaron can read my mind" aaron smiled at him "I don't have to I can sense that you're sincere" "magneto will be here in about 5 minutes, I'd better go cause I'm meant to be at the school" they sat in silence for a few minutes "bobby get delta and go to the president I'll orb pyro to the school and warn them" "yes super.." aaron cut him off "you know what happened last time you called me that", bobby went running out of the room to find delta, and aaron orbed pyro and himself to the mansion, when they'd finished john held is stomach "oh god I think I'm gonna be sick".

They went to find xavier and explained everything to him, pyro noticed the time "aaron magneto should've been at the white house 10 minutes ago" just as he was about to orb out storm stopped him "aaron use the weather to attack he wont be expecting that", pyro looked at her "what are you talking about?" he asked "well what magneto didn't know is aaron's powers stretch to weather control like me" he smiled "I'm glad I'm with you guys again I shouldn't want to fight aaron, well that is if you'll have me back" "john you should know you're welcome".

Aaron had orbed on top of the white house and saw delta and bobby holding back a fleet of re-programmed sentinels, his eyes turned white and he started the strongest storm he could manage, he used the wind to hold himself then brought bobby and delta up to join him, lightning was hitting the sentinels and destroying them "when will you learn magneto you wont win" the sentinels were gone and aaron stopped the storm, he may be able to take out sentinels without breaking into a sweat but when it came to landing after using wind currents to fly he wasn't so graceful, luckily delta caught them with her powers <are you trying to show us up?>, they then noticed that magneto had a lot of followers on his side "attack" magneto yelled, instantly his lackies started running towards the three x men, they all fought well but were out numbered and some of these mutants were strong.

The president noticed that someone had teleported magneto away <falcon can you here me?> <yeah, what's wrong?> <thank god it worked, magneto has gone he sort of disappeared> she looked at arron and bobby "we better hurry I think magneto is attacking the school", "enough" aaron yelled as he waved his hand and froze the other mutants "why didn't I do that to begin with?" he asked more to himself then anyone else, bobby turned to the president "they cant move until freak man releases them so you will be safe".

When they got back to the mansion the whole school were fighting magneto, scott had hit a sentinel and it was falling over near a group of the kids, bobby raised his hand and held the sentinel in place with ice. Magneto was attacking prof x and winning, while his back was turned delta managed to sneak up behind magneto and remove his helmet, when he realised what had happened he used his powers to thro delta into a wall knocking her out, he tried to get his helmet but aaron made it explode, xavier started to attack magneto with psychic energy but the mutant who had teleported magneto to the school pulled out a gun and shot prof x then grabbed magneto and teleported themselves away. The x men ran up to xavier, "aaron heal him" storm cried, he put his hand over the wound and tried to heal him, "it aint working" he said "get in his mind like you did with jean" he closed his eyes, once he was inside Xavier's mind he looked around and saw his astral image "professor take my hand" just as they touched aaron was thrown away from xavier "what happened?" pyro asked concerned "his mental shields are up I cant get near him" everyone was in tears "phoenix help him" jean cried under her breath, with that a phoenix appeared over the school, it came flying towards aaron and went into his chest "jean what the hell was that?" he asked feeling a bit dizzy "the phoenix has inherited your body, her powers are combined with yours you should be able to heal prof x", he walked over to prof x and placed his hands over the wound and slowly it started to heal, xavier opened his eyes "thank you" aaron smiled "come on we better get you to the med bay"

"aaron I'm alright now there's no need for me to go there"

"don't argue sir".

They started to take xavier and delta to the med bay "aren't we forgetting about something?" rogue asked they just looked at her "we haven't sorted out that little shit who helped magneto plan the attack", she walked up to delta and touched her face "aaron orb him here now" he wasn't sure if he should or not jean sent to him, then Michael appeared in front of them before anyone could say anything rogue started "you lying, two faced, back stabbing bastard" she closed her eyes and let delta's powers flow from her body, the sky had turned pitch black and there were balls of psychic energy flying around rogue, she held her hands out and directed them towards Michael, he was in a lot of pain and jean was about to stop her but delta's powers run out. Rogue looked at him "pack your things and get out", he tried to move but was in too much pain, Xavier looked at him "you can stay tonight to get your energy back but tomorrow I want you out of my school".

Aaron was feeling ill after having the phoenix enter his body, he was on his way to his room when pyro came up to him "hey arron how ya feeling?, that was amazing what you did back there!" "thanks mate I just feel really sick I hope that bloody pigeon gets outta my body soon, and I've got your old room but I'll move into Michaels tomorrow" "don't worry I can take his room but could I stay on that sofa in yours tonight please" aaron smiled at him "yeah course you can", by this time they had reached aaron's room "well I'll leave you alone to sleep, hope ya feel better soon" with that pyro went to find bobby.

It was about 6pm when arron woke up, he had a quick shower and went to find the others "how ya feeling sugah?" rogue asked as he walked into the kitchen "not to bad just a bit dizzy" jean smiled at him "that's only because the phoenix is adapting to your body" "god you mean its staying" "yeah but soon you wont even know she's there". Aaron then noticed bobby and rogue were holding hands <you forgive her then?> , "guys is the Blackhawk still in Washington?" he asked "shit I knew we forgot something" jean replied "that's ok I'll orb there and bring it back, do you wanna come john?" "yeah can do" with that they orbed to Washington to get it. When they had finished orbing john was holding his stomach again "am I always gonna feel sick when you orb me?" aaron laughed "no you will get used to eventually", they walked over to the jet and the president was standing there "psyche how did it go and I mean no offence but aren't you one of the bad guys?" he asked pointing to pyro, john was about to answer but aaron stopped him "no sir pyro is an x man, that was just mystique taking on his appearance and the fight was tough, one of magnetos followers killed professor xavier but I brought him back to life" the president stood there gob smacked "you are a very powerful person psyche" "well I had help and as you can see we're not in uniform so you can call us by our real names", the president smiled "I would but you never told me what your names are" "oh sorry I'm Aaron Davies and this is John Allderyce". They chatted with the president for a while then decided they better get back to base, "why didn't you tell him the truth about me?" john asked, "because if he knew you were with magneto he might lock you up or something, well if he had tried I wouldn't let him" john was surprised "you really mean that?" "cause I do ya daft bugger, you aint a bad person" "thank you". When they got back to the mansion the only person who seemed to be awake was jean "hey guys what took so long?" she asked "we had a talk with the president" john replied, jean noticed arron eying john up <does john know you're gay?> <no why?> aaron snapped out of it and decided he better say something before john realises they were thought speaking, "jean did you save us any grub?" "yeah there's something in the oven" arron and john walked over and took out burger and fries, "hey what do you mean grub?" she asked "well look at it Jeannie, you can hardly call your cooking food" "if you think you can do better, you can cook tomorrow", pyro smiled "cant do much worse" he said "sod the both of you I'm going to bed" "night jean" they replied <don't stare at him tonight> <I wont, night Jeannie>. Once they had eaten they headed up to the room, pyro went to sofa "what ya doing?" Aaron asked "well as its 1am I'm gonna go to sleep", Aaron smiled at him "I know that you eejit what I meant is you can take the bed" "you sure?" john replied "yeah it was yours anyway" "thanks". Pyro started to get changed and aaron just used his powers to turn his clothes into boxers and t shirt, neither of them said anything for a while and aaron was nearly asleep when john spoke "arron when you said that you didn't need to read my mind you could sense I was sincere, what did you mean?" "my powers let me sense what people are feeling" he replied, "can you sense what I'm felling now?" "no I block it out until its needed" they both went silent for a while then john spoke again "there's something I want you to know but I cant bring myself to say it, could you just sense it please?", aaron let his powers flow and picked up what john was feeling he didn't say anything for a while "you're not gonna kick my ass are you?" john asked him "don't be stupid cause I aint, I was just trying to figure out how I tell ya that I like you too well sod it I just did", again the room went silent "instead of sleeping on sofa do you wanna share the bed?" "john I don't wanna force you into doing something you're not ready for" "you're not", aaron got up of the sofa and got into the bed instantly john pulled him into a hug "I mean it arron I do love you" "I love you too", they had a long kiss then fell asleep in each others arms.

I hope you're liking this please could you let me know and if you've got some ideas let me know- xmenstories@aol.com

Next: Chapter 7

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