Xtreme X Men

By moc.loa@seirotsnemX

Published on Oct 11, 2023


Well this is part 4, I hope ya like it, let me know xmenstories@aol.com .

Disclaimer: The X Men are owned by 20th Century Fox and Marvel Comics, and this story is not intended to affect their business in any way. Also I have never met Delta Goodrem and I don't know her.

It had been nearly two years since Aaron left the x men and he had moved to South Carolina where he took up a job as a P.E teacher, every night he would orb to New York and fight crime he never had to worry about being tired as he would freeze time to catch up with sleep.

One night, as usual, he orbed to New York and stopped a robbery at a small jewellers he was about to call it a night when he sensed a large group of people, they were about 5 miles from him and some of them felt very scared he decided to check up on them. When he reached the people he couldn't believe his eyes it was the x men, it looked as tho they had tried stop a bank robbery but the robbers were surrounding them pointing machine guns at them. The robbers fired the gun and instantly the bullets and the robbers were frozen, "Jean?" Scott asked "it aint me" she replied, Aaron walked up to them "no it was me" "oh my god, Aaron what are you doing here?" jean asked "buying you time, come on get out of there" he replied, the x men did as he asked then he walked over to where they had been standing "what are you doing sugah?" rogue asked "having fun" with that he un-froze the robbers and the bullets, he raised is arms and the bullets hit an invisible wall and fell to the ground ,Aaron looked and the robbers and their guns exploded "lets get outta here" one of them yelled and they ran off.

The x men walked up to Aaron "thank you" delta said, "that's ok". Jean was so pleased to see Aaron again "love the uniform" she said, he had an all in one suit like the x men but it was a dark fire red and he had a full length black leather coat "are you gonna come back with us?" bobby asked, Aaron lowered his head he couldn't look into their eyes "no I'm gonna go back home" "but your home is with us" Scott said "not anymore it aint, I live in South Carolina now" he replied everyone went quite and then Aaron spoke "well I'm gonna go now, take care" he said then he started to orb out, "NO" jean screamed as she ran and jumped into the trail of blue light she disappeared with Aaron.

When they finished orbing Aaron looked at jean "what the hell do you think you're doing jean?, I told you not to follow me" he really screamed at her "I just don't wanna lose you again" she replied in tears "how could you be so stupid, you could've got lost in another dimension" "I'm sorry" she was crying so hard now, it was like when Aaron first left them "come here ya daft bugger" he said as he pulled her into a hug, she looked up at him "I love you" she said then they kissed although Aaron wasn't into girls he still didn't want this to end, finally they broke the kiss when a shadow came over them, they looked up and there was about 50 sentinels above them "jean you have to go" "what about you?" she asked "I'll stay and take them down" "Aaron you cant do it alone, let..." "bloody hell jean I've had enough of this, even after 2 years still you go on, will you ever stop arguing with me?" he held up his hand and she orbed out.

"are you ok jean?" Scott asked "there's a sentinel attack in South Carolina Aaron is trying to take them down but he cant do it on his own" "come on lets go" Scott replied, the jet took off and within 45 minutes they saw the sentinels, Scott took the jet in closer and was about to land her when the jet came to a sudden stop "stubborn bastard, he's froze the jet, Nightcrawler can you teleport us down there?" Scott asked "no he's frozen time, I cant get thru" they thought about what they could do then delta had an idea "storm can you fry those things with lightning?" "I'll try" she replied, her eyes turned white and the sky started to turn dark. Aaron knew that storm would be behind this <don't bother Ororo, the lightning wont make it thru just go home> <Aaron you may not have been with us for long but you should know us enough, to know we wouldn't leave someone in danger> <storm I'm not a kid I can look after myself> he was making the sentinels explode and was down to the last 4 or 5 but another fleet off about 100 was coming towards them, he contemplated letting the x men help but he didn't want to give in, he wanted to prove to them and himself that he was strong enough to take them down.

One by one the sentinels were exploding but more of them were coming, Aaron held up his hands and a red light started forming above him, it was getting bigger and bigger he was feeling bad about giving jean a hard time, after all it was only because she cared about him <sorry Jeanie I didn't mean to flip at you> <Aaron what's happening> <I'm gonna build enough power to take out all the sentinels in the country> <is it safe?> <I aint sure but if I don't make it please remember I love you> jean started crying again "what's the matter jean?" bobby asked "Aaron's going to destroy every sentinel in the country, he aint sure if he'll survive". They looked down at Aaron, his eyes were glowing very bright and he looked in a lot of pain, then rogue saw a very familiar sight 2 strips of his hair were changing colour like hers did when magneto put her in that machine, but his were red. Aaron looked up at the jet then the sky returned to normal, he was done the sentinels had been destroyed he un-froze time and the jet started moving, there was only one problem some off the sentinels had been frozen above him and the debris was falling down towards him but he didn't realise until it was too late "oh my god" Scott yelled and quickly landed the jet, they walked over towards him jean used her powers to move the debris out of the way. When they got to Aaron he was hurt badly Logan checked his vitals, he was breathing but only just he wouldn't hold on for much longer, "out the way honey" rogue said to Logan as she walked forward removing her glove "rogue what are you doing" Scott asked her "Aaron's powers let him heal people but he cant heal himself" the rest of the team looked at her like she had gone insane "I'm gonna absorb his power and try to heal him" she touched his face and felt the power inside her, as he was weak she only held on long enough to get what she needed then she raised her hand above his body, nothing happened to begin with but she pushed harder to heal him as she wouldn't have his powers for much longer, then her hands started to glow and his wounds started to heal rogue had lost his power but he was nearly completely healed, Aaron opened his eyes and they were still red and very bright, it didn't hurt anyone but it dazzled them very badly "Aaron sugah get rid of the candles" rogue said, he closed his eyes after about a minute he spoke, "I cant" he said "what you talking about" bobby asked "I cant stop it" "let me get in your mind I'll try help you" jean said, she closed her eyes and put her hands over his head "it's still there" he said they tried again but still couldn't get rid of it Aaron was crying now, Scott took out a spare pair of his glasses and gave them to Aaron "here mate put these on, maybe the professor can help you" "I'm only gonna come back with you if I can keep this uniform cause it's a lot better than yours" Scott smiled "ok weirdo".

A week had passed and Aaron still couldn't stop the light from his eyes but he could dim them down enough so an ordinary pair of sunglasses would block the light out plus he could make them bright again if he wanted, it was a Sunday and the team were laying around in the gardens Xavier came outside "bobby, Aaron I know its Sunday afternoon but could you two do me a favour please?" he asked "sure" bobby replied "cerebro's found a mutant his name is Michael and he seems very powerful but he's also very scared could you pick him up please?" "ok sir, where is he Aaron can orb us there" Xavier smiled "normally I'd say yes but it may frighten him more, you'll have too take a car I'm sorry but it's a 14 hour journey, you can take any car you want" "ok bobby replied then him and Aaron walked off, they got to the garage and stood in front of all the cars the school had 30 cars so at least they had good variety "you volunteered us for this so I get to drive and choose the car" Aaron stated "hey that aint fair" "it's your own fault and I'm the oldest too" bobby eventually gave in, Aaron chose the convertible Mercedes "at least you've got good taste in cars old man" bobby said, Aaron gave him an evil look "shut up and get in kid" he said.

They had been on the road for about 9 hours and decided to stop in a motel for the night "do you wanna room of your own or shall we share?" Aaron asked "we might as well share" bobby replied "but don't get any ideas while I'm asleep gay boy" Aaron laughed "don't worry mate I'd rather shag a girl then you" "asshole", they booked in then went to grab some food before bed once they'd finished eating they went back to the room it was large and had two double beds, as Aaron was used to being on his own he kept his shades on until he was nearly asleep so he didn't accidentally open eyes and disturb bobby with the lights.

Aaron woke up at about 7am and put his glasses back on, he looked over at bobby and realised he looked cute when he was asleep, as the room only had 1 bathroom Aaron decided to take a shower before he woke bobby. The time he'd had a shower and a shave it was about 7:20, "hey bobby wake up mate" he said bobby hardly moved "wake up you lazy git" still bobby didn't get up so Aaron raised his shades, instantly the room was filled with a bright red light, bobby sat up "oh god Aaron put your shades on", Aaron dropped the glasses back over his eyes bobby then realised he had only got a towel rapped around his waist "and put some clothes on too" Aaron laughed "come on mate we need to get going", bobby was in the bathroom for nearly an hour "what the hell took you so long?" Aaron asked "I was doing my hair" he replied.

They got some breakfast then hit the road it only took them 4 hours to get there, "how are we gonna get him to come with us?" bobby asked "I know this sounds nasty but hopefully he'll be so scared that he'll just want to come" they walked up to the house and then Aaron got a bit of a pain in his head "you ok mate" bobby asked "yeah I don't know what his powers are but he's definitely got a bit of psychic in him", they knocked on the door but there was no reply they tried again but still nothing "he's in there but how do we get him out?", Aaron thought for a while "well he's already scared maybe we should scare him a bit more" bobby looked at Aaron really confused "how are we gonna do that gay boy?" he asked, Aaron smiled at him "make him think something is in the house with him" with that Aaron started, first he made a few things explode then he mentally projected his voice even bobby could hear it <where is he, I will find you, you cant hide from me, there's no escaping, surrender and join me> the next thing they knew Michael came running outside from the house, Aaron raised his hand and lifted him in the air and turned him round to face them "who are you people?" he asked them "we're here to help you, this is Aaron and I'm bobby" Michael looked at them he felt he could trust them "ok but we need to get away from here, there's something in that house after me" he looked so scared Aaron felt bad about getting him out of the house like that "no there aint, we had to get you out of there somehow so I tricked you" Michael looked at him "but things were exploding inside and I heard someone talking" "you're not the only one with powers kid, Aaron can make things explode just by thinking about it, he's also a telepath amongst other things, do you trust us?" Michael nodded "don't be scared you're not gonna get hurt" Aaron said he then repeated the things he'd said but this time he moved his lips so Michael could see it was him "we came here to see if you wanted to join us at a place where mutants can learn about their powers and control them" Michael agreed and they walked back to the car "I'll just call the professor and let him know" bobby said Aaron could sense that Michael had calmed down now "what are you're powers" he asked "I'm not sure all I know is I'm a mutant" Aaron smiled at him "I could find out if you want, I'll just have to read your mind it wont hurt" Michael nodded "wow you can do two of the things I can do" "what's that" "well you can freeze time and make things explode" Michael looked at him in amazement "how many powers have you got then?" he asked "too many, its hard to explain but I can show you some" he stood up then orbed away and back again "that's cool, what else can you do" Aaron calmly said "knife" then a penknife appeared in his hand "that's another part of them, I can orb things to myself" bobby had finished the call then walked over to them <Michael wants to see my powers could you cut yourself with this knife so I can heal you?> bobby picked up the knife and cut a large gash in himself, Michael look worried "don't worry" Aaron said then placed his hands over the wound, they started to glow and the cut on bobby's arm disappeared "what can you do bobby?" Michael asked, bobby raised his hand and made an ice slide "bloody hell", "some of the mutants have codenames based on their powers, bobby is also called Iceboy" bobby smacked him "actually its Iceman" he said "what's yours Aaron?" "he's such a freak that he hent got one yet, although I reckon we should call him super faggot" "don't take any notice of him he's just acting his age again", Michael smiled "considering you're meant to be best friends you're being rather bitchy to each other".

Just as they were about to leave another shadow came over them, bobby turned around "sentinel" he said, Aaron waved his hand and it exploded "didn't take them long to get some more out" Michael looked at them "I take it you've had run ins with those things before?" bobby smiled "shit I knew we forgot to tell you something, we're x men" Michael laughed "yeah whatever" he said, "uniforms?" Aaron asked "yep" with that Aaron changed their clothes into the X Uniforms "ok I believe you".

They got back to the mansion 2 days later and Michael settled in well, he had daily lessons in the danger room with Aaron to learn to control the freezing time and exploding things then he would have sessions with prof x and jean to expand the small amount of psychic power, after a week or so he was given a uniform and became a member of the team.

Again I know it's a strange place to finish but I'll get the next chapter out soon, If you've got some ideas let me know- xmenstories@aol.com

Next: Chapter 5

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