Xtreme X Men

By moc.loa@seirotsnemX

Published on Nov 24, 2023


Well this is part 10, I hope ya like it, let me know alex@cementcraft.co.uk please give me some feedback so I know where to take this, even if its to say you hate it just let me know.

Disclaimer: 20th Century fox and Marvel Comics own The X Men, and this story is not intended to affect their business in any way. Also I have never met Delta Goodrem, Jaime Reyne or busted and I don't know them (I wish I did, oh god how I wish I did).

[indicates intercom conversation]

The next morning aaron woke up at 7am, he looked over to john but he was still asleep, he got up and had a shower, when he got out john was still asleep so he grabbed the ring and orbed down to the kitchen, he made a pot of coffee and sat at the table, he took out the ring and looked at it then scott, jean and jaime walked in they got a cup of coffee and sat at the table with aaron

"Is that what I think it is?" scott asked looking at the ring

"if you mean an engagement ring, then yes"

"bloody hell you've only been dating two days, aint it a bit soon?", aaron dropped his head, that really hurt him

"I know I've only just got here but scott shut your damn gob, I think it's cool" jaime said giving him a harsh look

"I agree with jaime, shut up scott" jean added kicking him, <sorry aaron I didn't mean it like that, I'm happy for you> <I know you didn't and thanks>. They chatted for a while then aaron started to leave to go see if john was awake

"aaron I've spoke to Xavier, he wants us to do some gym training with jaime in about an hour" scott said

"ok see ya there" aaron replied, then orbed out of the room, when he got to his bedroom john was in the shower, he waited on the bed for him to finish

"morning sexy" john said walking back into the room

"morning" aaron replied, he waited for john to get dressed before he asked him,

"john I really love you and I was wondering would you erm.. maybe err..."

"spit it out aaron we hent got all day" john said laughing, aaron took out the ring

"would you marry me", john couldn't believe it

"god yes" he said kissing aaron, the kiss went on for a few minutes then aaron broke it off and put the ring on john's finger, they had another kiss before aaron went off to meet scott and jaime. When he got to the gym, scott and jaime were waiting for him and didn't have shirts on

"it aint gonna be one of those sessions where ya end up really shattered is it? aaron asked

"yeah it is, hurry up and get changed" scott said laughing

"man, why do I have to be a teacher" aaron said as he used his powers to turn his clothes into a pair of shorts

"how the hell did you do that?" jaime asked

"he's a freak, he can do nearly anything" scott said receiving an evil look, they started training and john walked into the room and watched them. Nearly an hour had passed when jean turned up

"you know you'll go blind looking at him like that" she said walking up to john

"it's ok jeannie I'm gonna stop when I need glasses" he replied smiling, jean stood beside him then used her powers to levitate john and herself into a sitting position in mid air, she looked at john's hand and noticed the ring

"you said yes then" she said hugging john

"yeah I cant believe it, we're engaged and we haven't even.. well you know"

"had sex?" jean asked, john nodded and turned every shade of red possible

"aaron wont tell me how much the ring cost, he didn't have to buy an expensive one, I would marry him even if it was a candy ring"

"that's what I told him, but he wouldn't have any of it"

"so you know how much it cost?" john asked

<$1500> "devil, did I think that too loud" she replied with a grin, john was gob smacked, he couldn't believe how much aaron had spent

"jean would you come into the city with me so I can get aaron one?"

"yeah come on" she replied and they left the gym and walked to the garage,

"what car shall we take?" john asked

"well while we're there I'm gonna do some clothes shopping" jean replied

"we better take the pickup then" john replied with a smile

"very funny fire-boy the mondeo will do, do you wanna drive or shall I?"

"you better, my driving requires a sports car and race circuit", they left the mansion and drove to the mall, jean took john to the store where aaron had bought the ring, he had a look at the rings available and after 15 minutes settled on one, he paid for it and they made their way to a clothes store, jean found loads of trousers, skirts, dresses and blouses and went into a changing room she had been in there for about an hour then john called to her

"what are you doing in there?"

"I'm trying on the last dress, I love the rest of them but I aint sure about this one" she replied

"well come out here and give me a look", she came out wearing a very revealing dress

"does my ass look big in this?" she asked

"no its nice, I mean the dress"

"you sure?" she asked looking in the mirror

"yes, you could wear rags and still look gorgeous" john replied causing jean to blush

"oh I've got a perfect dress for the wedding" she said

"what wedding?"

"duh yours and aaron's" she replied giving him a, you dumb asshole look

"Christ Jeannie we've only been engaged for 3 hours, it'll be a while before the wedding"

"I know but a girl has gotta be prepared"

"go put it on so I can see it" he said

"no way" she replied in a firm tone

"why not, is it cause you don't want me seeing until the day?"

"no it's because I'm wearing sneakers and I'll look stupid, which reminds me I better buy some shoes", john smiled at her, she got all of the stuff from the changing room and paid for them, they left the shop and jean soon found a shoe store

"I'll go put your bags in the car" john said taking the bags from jean

"thanks honey, where shall we meet?"

"Mac Donald's, I'll pay"

"ok, thanks", jean walked into the shop and john went off to the car, he had just put the things in the trunk when he heard aaron <where are ya?> <thank god, I thought you'd done a runner> <don't be stupid, we'll be back soon Jean's buying shoes, love ya> , as john was making his way to Mac Donald's he saw a few trouble makers harassing a teenage girl, she looked scared so he walked over to them to help

"why don't ya just leave her alone" he said

"what the hell has it got to do with you, do ya fancy her or something and want to look tough?" one of them replied

"dont talk like a twat i'm engaged, I just hate seeing people being harassed that's all"

"so you thought you come over here and stop us"

"yeah" john replied

"well lets see there's 4 of us and one of you, we're twice your size and we like guns" the thug replied as he pulled out a gun and pointed it at john and the girl, john went to take out is lighter but it wasn't there <jean where are you, I need help> <I'm just round the corner from you, I'll be there in a minute>, jean walked round the corner and saw what was happening, she dropped her bags and ran over to them <I've lost my lighter can you provide some fire for me>, she used her powers to raise off the ground then let the phoenix form around her body, john raised his hand and took some of the fire from jean and turned it into a cage around the thugs

"if I let you go are you gonna leave this girl alone?" john asked

"yes just stop this you freak", john made the fire go out and the thugs ran off

"thank you" the girl said giving john and jean a hug

"that's alright, will you be ok?" jean asked

"yeah, I'm fine", the girl hugged them again then walked off

"shall we get something to eat?" john asked

"oh yes, I'm starving" jean replied, they got something to eat and decided to head home

"I just seen something I've gotta get, meet ya at the car" jean said as she walked into a store. John got back to the car and put the rest of Jean's bags in the now full trunk, 30 minutes later jean arrived, but she didn't seem to have anything

"thought you were getting something" john said

"yeah and I've got it" she replied as she pulled a small box out of her pocket and gave it to john

"what's this"

"bloody hell you're being dumb today, it's a present" she replied laughing at him, he opened it and pulled out a lighter with a picture of a phoenix on it, he turned it over and it had 'to john, I'll always be with you, love jeannie engraved on it

"thank you so much" he said giving jean a hug

"that's alright, it will never need re-filling"

"how come?" he replied

"because I filled it with flames from the phoenix, as long as I'm alive the lighter will always have the flames in it"

"well what it says is right, you will always be with me, but in my heart too", they had another hug then went back home. When they got home jean went up to her room to put all the clothes and shoes away, scott was in the shower

"hey how'd training go?" she called to scott

"not too bad, jaime has got a lot of strength Xavier is doing tests on him to find out what his powers are, ya know you and john had aaron worried earlier, that man is paranoid"

"tell me about it, we had fun at the mall a girl was being harassed so we helped her, I've bought loads of stuff and a new lighter for john cause he's lost it"

"was the kid ok" scott asked as he came out of the bathroom

"yeah just a little shaken that's all, I'm gonna go find rogue, did ya know she's now kept aaron's healing powers"

"no, why do ya think she's keeping his powers"

"I think its cause of the pigeon, either that or she secretly loves aaron and wants to be with him 24/7"

"not even remotely funny jean" scott said smiling, jean gave him a quick kiss and made her way downstairs and used her telepathy to find rogue, she concentrated and found rogue in the gardens

"hey are ya alright?" jean asked sitting beside rogue, rogue looked at jean and started crying

"jean it aint fair, why am I keeping everyone's powers?" she asked between tears

"it's only aaron's powers you're keeping sweetie"

"no, I accidentally touched scott earlier and now I can let optic blasts out of my eyes whenever I want and of course I kissed bobby and guess what"

"you can freeze things" jean asked

"you got it sugah, damn this aint fair I just want to be normal like you" rogue said in tears again

"rogue your powers may be crap but you are normal, you're pretty, you've got a boyfriend who loves you very much and although you cant touch him for too long, he's slowly building a resistance to your powers and will stand by you no matter how long it takes"

"thanks jean" rogue said hugging jean.

Aaron had just finished changing and was leaving his room when he saw jaime

"alright, did prof x find out what your powers are?"

"yeah, apparently I can create any technological device my mind can conceive, what ever that means" jaime replied

"I think it means if you were to think of something like a jet and concentrate hard enough it would be created"

" well that sounds like it's the easy part, the hard part is he wants me to come up with a code name" jaime said smiling

"how about Forge?" aaron replied

"yeah that sounds good, well I'm gonna take a shower, I gotta meet delta in half hour and I'm beginning to offend myself"

"ok speak to ya later mate" aaron said walking off, he went down to the gardens and found storm laying on the grass reading a book

"mind if I crash?"

"no go for it, are you ok? ya look shattered" storm said leaning to face aaron

"yeah, I just had a 3 hour training session with scott and jaime that's all"

"I don't envy you, how is he settling in?"

"not to bad but he's a control freak, you'd think he'd relax a little" aaron replied smiling

"very funny, I meant jaime not scott ya dick"

"how'd ya know I was talking bout scott?" aaron replied smiling

"are there any other control freaks on the team?"

"well jaime seems to be enjoying it, his mutation means he can create any technological device his mind can conceive" aaron replied after yawning, he looked over to storm, she was giving him a funny look

"what's wrong with your face" he said

"is it true that you and john are engaged?", Aaron went silent for a couple of minutes, not because he was embarrassed but because he wanted to annoy storm

"yeah we are", storm screamed and jumped on top of him and gave him a hug and kiss

"oh my god, I'm so happy for you" she said giving him another kiss

"ok calm down" he replied smiling, while storm had been going mad neither of them noticed john walking up to them

"storm if you're trying to have an affair with my fiancé I'm gonna have to burn your sexy little ass", storm looked up at him and jumped up off aaron and hugged him <I just told her we're engaged, she's kinda gone mental> <ya don't say">, storm carried on hugging john for a few minutes longer then they heard Xavier in their minds <all x men, please come to my office>, aaron orbed them to his office and obviously they were the first ones there

"ok if we're getting married, you're gonna have to come up with a way stop me feeling like I'm gonna throw up, if not you're sleeping on the bloody sofa" john said holding his stomach

"what are you two engaged?" Xavier asked

"yeah they are, aint it cool" storm said before either of them could open their mouths

"well congratulations" Xavier replied smiling at them

"damn this is getting annoying, I wish we could just call a school meeting and tell everyone in one go" john said

"no offence john, but that's a stupid thing to say when your in a room with the worlds most powerful telepath" prof x replied smiling <ok to stop anyone else having to ask, john and aaron are engaged>, the rest of the team had just walked into the room

"why don't ya tell the whole world sugah" rogue said as she took a seat,

"the reason I've called you all here is because tonight is the New York fireworks and laser display and I've been asked if the x men will attend, in uniform"

"so it's like a P.R event for mutants?" scott asked

"in a way yes it is" xavier replied

"no offence professor but aint that a bit lame?" jean asked, and the others agreed

"no I dont think so phoenix, mutants need all the help possible to get humans to see we aren't all bad, I have a feeling magneto will be there to cause trouble so obviously be on the look-out and if you need to use your powers, put on a show and make it look good"

"what time do we have to be there sir?" bobby asked

"around 4pm so you've still got 4 hours before you need to leave, also from now on I want all students, teachers and x men to use code names no matter where abouts you are, jaime did you think of a name?"

"aaron came up with forge" jaime replied

"good, now I'll leave you alone to chill out before tonight, psyche please could you get forge a uniform" xavier replied, they left the room jaime and aaron went to find a uniform and the others went back outside. They got to the lockers and aaron found a uniform, jaime went into a changing room and tried it on

"you guys actually go out in these things?" jaime said as he came out of the changing room wearing the uniform

"what's wrong you look cool" aaron replied

"I dont feel it this is bloody tight, why does it have to be leather and black, I mean how boring is that"

"well look at it this way when we're out on missions imagine saving a young girl, she falls in love at first sight seeing that thing clinging to your ass, and what's your favourite colour?"

"blue, why?", aaron closed is eyes and jaime's uniform turned from black into dark blue and the X's turned a lighter shade of blue with a black outline

"there what ya think of that?" aaron asked

"it's brilliant but isn't every one meant to be in black?" jaime replied

"no some of them are but jean's is red and gold with a phoenix in front of the x and john's is black but got a flame with the x in front, and you've seen mine"

"thanks mate, oh I've created two stun guns and need some where to hold them, is there a belt or something in the locker?", aaron knelt down and put his hands next to jaime's thighs and created a holster on either side, they were the same as the rest of the uniform, dark blue with a lighter blue x

"sorted, come on get outta that and lets join the others" aaron said, jaime quickly got changed and they made their way to the gardens

"do you know everyone's code name?" aaron asked

"no" jaime replied

"ok, scott is cyclops, jean is phoenix, ororo is storm, logan is wolverine and stay away from the claws they sodden hurt, delta is falcon, bobby is iceman or iceboy if ya wanna annoy him, rogue is well rogue, john is pyro, kurt is nightcrawler and i'm psyche"

"thanks, oh and what you said about girls seeing me in uniform and falling in love, it doesn't matter I've got my heart set on someone"


"you're telepathic, like you need to ask" jaime replied smiling

"but I dont go around reading peoples minds for the hell of it" aaron replied snapping a bit

"sorry, I was only joking, I didn't mean it"

"no i'm sorry it's just I know alot of telepath's do, when we're on missions I often feel a tingling in my mind and it fucks me off"

"what do you do?" jaime replied

"throw a mental bolt of energy at their brains, that stops the bastards"

"well it's delta anyway"

"does she know?" aaron asked

"dont think so, I wanna ask her out but cant bring myself to do it", by this time they had reached the others

"alright guys" bobby said as they sat down

"not to bad iceboy" jaime replied, everyone smiled

"aaron you're an asshole" bobby replied

"I know, that's why i'm your best mate". They were lazing around and idly chatting then xavier came out

"there's another sentinel attack in L.A, psyche, rogue please could you take the blackhawk and deal with it"

"why just us professor?" rogue asked as they got up

"I want you to use the phoenix to take them down, call it on site training"

"sir, neither of us have really had much experience with the pigeon, what if we cant handle it?" aaron stated

"if you find it hard with the pigeon then you've got plenty of reserve powers, psyche you took out every sentinel in the country surely 100 or so wont be too difficult"

"suppose not"

"I'll send you the co-ordinates as soon as your in the air, when you're done in L.A meet the rest of the team at the display".

They changed into their uniforms and within 10 minutes had left, they were heading towards L.A when xavier spoke over the intercom [i'm sending you the exact co-ordinates now, good luck], rogue was monitoring the situation using the on board cerebro while aaron was flying the jet, he decided to try flying it using his powers and took his hands of the controls, the jet raised higher and started to speed up, rogue hadnt noticed anything until the lights on the control panel started to flicker on and off, then the engine failure signs came on

"aaron, what are you doin?" she asked, aaron realised what was happening and quickly made the jet go back to normal

"sorry, I just wanted to see if I could fly the jet with my powers"

"are you ok sugah you seem different lately"

"yeah, its just I keep feeling something very powerful inside of me" aaron replied

"sweetie that's probably just the phoenix"

"yeah you're right", they carried on flying for a few minutes then the radar picked up 4 sentinels heading their way, they got closer and started firing at the jet

"damn, why hent this heap got weapons at the back" aaron said trying to dodge the blasts, rogue had gone quiet and had her eyes closed

"rogue what's wrong"

"i'm using my telepathy to re-program and control one of those things"

"dont it's too dangerous"

"just fly the jet sugah" rogue replied, aaron did as she said and tried to dodge the blasts without much luck, all of a sudden one of the sentinels disappeared off the radar, aaron looked over to rogue and her eye's had turned into flames, then another two sentinels disappeared off the radar, the last one had moved in front off the jet

"blow the bastard up sugah" rogue said, her eyes were still flames

"stop controlling it and I will" aaron replied, rogue done as he asked and the sentinel started to fire at them, before it could do too much damage aaron fired the lasers at it.

"are you ok babe?" aaron asked turning to face rogue

"yeah that was easy, bring on the rest of them" she replied smiling, it didn't take them long to get to L.A and after bout half hour all the sentinels had been destroyed, as they set off for New York, xavier came over the intercom [well done, while you're that way please could you pick up an old student of mine, her name is Elizabeth Braddock she lives near-by] [ok sir, do you want us to bring her back to the mansion before we meet the others] [no rogue that's ok, I've told her about tonight's event and she would very much like to join you], they landed the jet and put it on cloak, aaron turned their uniforms into ordinary street clothes then they walked the rest of the way to meet Elizabeth, as they got closer to the rendezvous point they saw a very attractive lady sitting on the bench, they walked up infont of her

"can I help you?" she asked

"hi, i'm aaron and this is marie, are you Miss Braddock?"

"yes I am, sorry I didn't realise you are x men, I thought you'd be in uniform and please just call be betsy" she said standing up to greet them

"I turned our uniforms into ordinary clothes so no-one would see you leaving with mutants"

"well that's very kind of you aaron, but everybody around here knows i'm a mutant"

"guys I dont mean to be rude but we better get goin, we're already late and the others will be pissed if they have to do this P.R on their own" rogue said, as they walked to the jet aaron turned their clothes back into uniforms, and they quickly left, while aaron and rogue were flying the jet betsy went to the back and changed into her old uniform.

The rest of the team were at the display waiting for it start

"where the hell have aaron and rogue got to they should've been here an hour ago" scott said in a pissed tone

"well they've got to go and pick betsy up remember and dont worry we've still got 2 hours left before the display starts" jean replied, they chatted for a while then the event organizer came up to them

"alright, could you guys go on stage to do a Q&A in about 10 minutes please" she asked

"sure we can" jaime replied

"thank you" she started to walk off then turned around again "hope ya dont mind me saying but, jaime you look really hot in that"

"thanks" jaime replied blushing, the rest of them smiled at him, they started to make their way over to the stage but delta stayed behind a bit to talk to jean and storm

"she's right he does look hot dont he"

"suppose he has got a nice ass" jean replied

"it may just be me but I'm thinking you fancy him Miss Goodrem" storm said

"maybe I do Miss Munroe" delta replied giggling, scott, logan, john, bobby, jaime and kurt hadn't noticed the 3 girls were staying behind them until they heard delta's laugh

"oh god they're talking about one of us" logan said

"they may not be" bobby replied

"kid they're women and they're laughing, of course it's about one of us"

"this doesn't usually happen but I agree with logan" scott said joining in on the conversation

"anyway bobby we got notin to worry about, it's obvious they're talking about jaime" logan added looking over to jaime "how come me?" he asked

"well what that fit bird said about you, they're probably agreeing with her, why dont you get in there with her?"

"because I've got my eye set on someone, and I aint tellin you lot who" jaime replied causing them all to look at him

"why not" scott asked

"cause you'll pull the piss"

"no we wont bub" logan replied

"ok it's delta"

"well ask her out then you fool" bobby said

"no I dont think she likes me in that way". Scott looked over to jean <well she's the same, dont tell him that but get him to ask her and I'll try the same with delta>.

"ok jaime, as team leader i'm ordering you to ask her out" scott said in a firm but gentle tone

"and as a team member i'm disobeying and telling you to get bent"

"jaime just do it" john said pulling out his lighter and making the flame go towards jaime causing him to walk to delta, she turned around after laughing and jaime was practically in her face

"oh, hi" she said still giggling

"delta before I say this promise you wont mentally attack me"

"I promise" she replied trying to figure out why he would say that

"well I really like you and was wondering, would you go out with me?"

"I wont mentally attack you but I am so gonna kiss your face off"

"so is that a yes?" he asked

"of course it's a yes ya daft pratt", they had a long kiss then realised the rest of the team were looking at them

"perverts" jaime said smiling, they heard rogue in their minds <alright guys, we'll be there in 5 minutes> <took ya bloody time, land the jet next to the other one> jean replied, they made their way to the back of the stage and waited to be called on, after a long introduction by the presenter they walked to the front of the stage and the questions started

"why do you protect humans when most of them hate you?"

"we believe that humans and mutants will one day be able to live together in a better world" jean replied to the young girl

"how many x men are there?"

"there's 12 of us, the other 3 should be here in a few minu..." scott stopped half way thru the sentence when the blackhawk came roaring into sight "never mind" he said, they waited for rogue, aaron and betsy to join them before they carried on, aaron landed the jet next to the blackbird and they walked up to the stage to join the others, the stage was about 12' high and when they got closer they used their own powers to raise up

"nice of you to join us, at last" jean said smiling

"surely you didn't want me to break the speed limited phoenix?" aaron replied, they quickly got back to the Q&A

"cyclops, why do you have to wear that visor?" a teenage boy asked, scott dropped his head for a moment before speaking

"because when I was a kid I had to parachute out of my dad's plane and when I landed I suffered slight brain-damage, so when my powers emerged I couldn't control them"

"surely with all these powerful mutants around someone could've helped you"

"when I met professor xavier he tried to repair the damage but couldnt, I figured if the worlds most powerful telepath couldnt do anything then no-one could", aaron waved his hand and froze everyone in time except scott and himself

"why the hell didn't you tell me anything before?" he asked scott

"because you didn't need to know"

"but some kid you've never met did"

"sorry aaron but it hurts talking about that, you dont what its like to not be able to look at anyone properly without the risk of killing them"

"I know I dont, but I do know what its like to care about someone, if I can bring people back from the dead I should be able to heal you" aaron said

"ok you can try but I doubt it will work after all this time, and un-freeze time first, it'll be hard to explain if people dont see it". Aaron done as scott asked and released time, someone started to ask another question

"could you hang on for a moment, i'm gonna use my powers to try and heal cyclops", the crowd went quite and the rest of the team turned to look at them, aaron put his hands over scott's head and closed his eye's to find the part of scott's brain that was damaged, after a few minutes he found it, the blue light came from his hands and he started to heal scott, it didn't take long before the red glow from scott's visor faded, scott closed his eye's and took the visor off

"before I open my eyes could you guys put a T.K shield up", rogue, delta, jean, betsy and aaron held hands and the air in front of them turned into a spectrum of colours, scott opened his eyes and nothing happened

"I dont believe it, lets see if I can turn them on, you guys ready?"

"go for it sugah" rogue said, scott thought of the optic blasts and they came out, it hit the T.K shield and pushed the team back about 6ft, he stopped thinking about them and they shut off.

"thank you aaron" scott said and gave aaron a hug, the audience had been silent but started clapping. They spent the next 15 minutes answering questions then left the stage, they started to walk back to the jets until the display started then delta heard someone call her name, she turned round and saw busted

"oh my god what are you guys doing here?" she asked giving them a quick hug

"well we're supposed to be performing the new single but the guitarist, who was also the supporting act hasn't turned up so we're boned" charlie replied, delta looked over to aaron with a smile

"I know what you're thinking and no way" aaron said

"oh come on psyche, you done it for me" delta replied

"what are you talking about?" james asked

"before I joined the x men, they had a mission at one of my gigs and aaron played the guitar undercover"

"ah man could you help us out please"

"no offence but I've never really listened to your stuff, I'd only mess up"

"psyche, you're telepathic, have heightened senses and a whole load of other crazy crap going on, how the heck can you mess up something as simple as this, again no offence" betsy said

"none taken" charlie replied "sorry guys but no, I aint doin it"

"go on aaron, please" john said with a smile knowing aaron would if he asked

"ok, when are you meant to be on"

"in 5 minutes, here's the music and lyrics" charlie handed a sheet of paper to aaron, he looked at it then gave it back to charlie

"aint ya gonna read it?"

"I have, i'm a mutant remember, do you want me to take on your.. whatever style you call that or will ordinary street clothes do?"

"neither, your uniform will do its brilliant, are you gonna be alright doing a solo act?" mattie asked

"yeah, what song have I got to do?"

"whatever you want", aaron thought for a while not sure what he could sing

"why dont ya do one of mine, not many people remember them now" delta suggested

"ok, I'll do Will You Fall For Me"

"why that one, it's slow" delta asked confused

"think about it if I do a slow one, when busted do theirs it'll look and sound better and give them more sales"

"thanks man" charlie said, the four guys went on stage, the presenter explained the situation with busted's supporting act and aaron came on stage and started the song

"god is there anything this guy cant do?" james said as he and the rest of the band waited at the back of the stage, aaron finished the song and much to his surprise the whole crowd were screaming and clapping, busted came on and they started Crashed The Wedding, they came to the first chorus and busted went to do their trademark jump but charlie tripped over the lead to his guitar, before he fell flat on his face aaron raised his hand and caught charlie in mid air, james, mattie and aaron were in hysterics and most of the audience were laughing too,

"do you wanna let me go now" charlie said

"ok" aaron replied, he let charlie go and he started to fall to the floor, aaron caught him again just before he hit the deck, james and mattie were laughing even more now

"very funny" charlie replied as aaron was turning him the right way up and set him down, charlie looked at aaron with a grin "you're dead" he said and ran up to aaron and got him in a head lock, aaron orbed out of his hands behind him, now he got charlie in a head lock and started rubbing his knuckles on charlie's head,

"guys" james said pointing to the audience

"oh right, shall we start from the beginning?" charlie asked, they all agreed and started the song again, they had nearly finished it without any cock ups when they saw a large fleet of sentinels heading their way, the x men quickly re-grouped and started fighting the sentinels, the audience were screaming and running all over the place, busted were still on stage when a sentinel fired at it, aaron noticed it and orbed them away just before it blew up

"you ok?" he asked

"yeah, thanks" mattie replied, just then they heard a loud noise, they turned around and saw the blackhawk raising into the sky [psyche, sort it out] scott said over the intercom, aaron started to orb but instead of the blue light disappearing everyone could see it fly up in front of the jet, aaron raised his hand and used his telekinesis to stop it moving, the front of the jet started to glow and before aaron could raise a T.K shield the lasers hit him, he went flying back and fell to the ground about 10ft away from busted, they ran up to him to see if he was alright

"aaron are you ok mate?" james asked helping aaron up

"yeah, those bastards wont be in a minute tho", his eyes turned white and he used the wind to fly up to the jet, he had lightning around his body, he got to the same level as the jet then projected his voice into the air , the rest of the team looked up at him and saw the jet being spun around in a tornado, aaron kept this up for a few minutes then returned the sky to normal, the blackhawk's engines had failed and it started to fall to the ground, aaron caught it and landed it gently, he lowered himself and walked up to jet, using his telekinesis he opened the hatch

"next time you decide to try and steal a jet, make sure it doesn't belong to the x men" aaron said to the group of teenagers as they walked out of the jet, [psyche to blackbird & blackhawk, put your shields up], aaron got back to the fight with the sentinels, it took them nearly an hour to finally destroy the sentinels, the crowd started to calm down a bit then they heard a gun shot, jean closed her eyes and used her telepathy to find where it came from

"dear god, aaron get over here" jean called as she started running into the crowd, aaron followed her, he got closer and saw someone on the floor

"john" aaron cried and ran faster, he knelt down by john and picked him up

"john, come on baby" he cried as he tried healing him

"I didn't mean to do it, it was an accident" a young man said holding a gun, aaron kept trying to heal john but nothing was working, he had tried everything he knew

"please john wake up, don't die, please don't die, I love you", the rest of the team and busted had joined jean and aaron, they kept back a bit while aaron kept trying to heal john, he had carried on for ten minutes, the rest of the team where crying then jean and rogue grabbed their heads in pain, they were thrown back about 20ft

"jean, rogue what's happened?" scott asked

"dark phoenix is coming" jean said standing up, they all looked at aaron, he gently laid john on the floor and stood up, everyone heard a loud cry and aaron raised into the sky, his hair turned jet black, his uniform changed and looked like jean's but it was black and gold, he had black flames around his body and his eyes were black flames too, he started to speak but sounded different

"hear me x men, no longer am I the man you knew, I am fire and death incarnate, now and forever, I am Dark Phoenix", he started to fly down to the man holding the gun, betsy waved her hand and sent him flying back

[betsy to blackbird, return to the mansion and get professor xavier], the jet rose into the air and flew off at top speed. "guys, protect this man, dark phoenix will try to kill him and don't go easy that aint aaron anymore believe me he's gone, I've fought the dark phoenix before and it's controlling his body, he cant stop her no matter how hard he tries, jean, rogue help john, aaron couldn't use the phoenix while using his healing powers but between you, you can", they all done as betsy said, dark phoenix came down and tried to attack again but betsy stopped it with her powers

"dark phoenix, I've defeated you before and I'll do it again, now get your evil arse out of aaron's body"

"why would I do that Elizabeth, you may have defeated me last time we met but your friend here is the most powerful mutant I've ever took over and he is never coming back", they continued fighting with dark phoenix then the blackhawk started to attack it too

"what's going on, who's controlling the jet?" scott asked

"it's cerebro, she knows what's happening" betsy replied, after about 20 minutes the blackbird came into view, it landed and xavier came out

"thank god you're here Charles"

"everybody join hands, we need to find aaron", all of the x men took hands and busted joined them, they were about to start attacking dark phoenix when it cried out in pain, the flames were being drawn away from its body, they turned around and saw john standing next to jean and rogue

"dark phoenix, get the hell out of my fiancé" john said as he kept drawing the flames away from dark phoenix making it weaker, its eyes went back normal

"jeannie please make it stop" aaron said then his eyes turned back into black flames

"hell, your friend is stronger than he looks"

"I'm serious dark phoenix get out of aaron now" jean screamed as she let the phoenix come out of her body, the two birds battled and dark phoenix was winning until rogue joined in the fight

"john, mess about with its flames, it'll get weaker"

"jean, rogue get away from it" john said as he started to manipulate dark phoenix's flames, the flames disappeared and aaron fell to the ground, he looked at his team mates and started to run, scott followed him into the nearby woods, he managed to catch up to aaron and stop him

"scott I'm so sorry, I could see all of you but couldn't stop myself, I'm sorry" aaron said in tears

"it doesn't matter" scott replied hugging aaron

"I could've killed you all, part of me wanted that man dead after what he done to john"

"it wasn't your fault, dark phoenix was controlling you and john is ok now, come on mate lets get back"

"I cant go back with you, I'm too dangerous dark phoenix is still in me, I can feel it"

"aaron it's ok betsy knows how to deal with it, she'll help you get thru this, we all will", they walked back to meet the others, as they got closer scott could feel that aaron was scared

"it'll be ok, I'm here for you" scott said putting his arm around aaron, they got closer to the rest of the team and heard cerebro [WARNING, DARK PHOENIX DETECTED] and the blackhawk fired it's lasers at aaron

"Cerebro, stop, that's aaron" prof x said, the glow on the jet disappeared, they all looked at aaron, he seemed to be deep in thought, he finally spoke to them

"when the phoenix takes over someone, it stays inside that person for the rest of their life, it knows when they are about to die naturally and leaves their body, if it stays inside it too will die, as time goes by I'm going to be made angry or sad about something, it doesn't matter how small it is, it'll build up inside me and eventually I will inevitably become dark phoenix again"

"what are you saying aaron?" jean asked

"the only way to stop dark phoenix from ever hurting anyone again is to destroy it, I have to die, please kill me"

"no way, aaron I'll help you, dark phoenix wont take over you again I promise, please don't do this"

"betsy you wont be around forever, even if it doesn't take over me again it will go to someone else, I can stop this, I have to"

"we're not gonna be able to stop you are we?" jaime asked

"no, I have to be quick, it's trying to escape", aaron walked up to them one by one and said goodbye, he came to john last

"I was waiting `til tonight to give you this, its not as nice as the one you got me but I just wanted you to know how much I love you, suppose it don't matter now" john said pulling the ring out of his pocket, he looked at it and threw it away, aaron raised his hand and used his powers to catch it and put it on his finger

"my love for you is eternal, I'll always be with you" aaron replied kissing john, he started to walk away when he realised that scott was crying nearly as much as john, aaron walked over to him and hugged him

"you brought jean back to me and gave me back my true sight, all I done was have a go at you"

"no you didn't, you are more than just a friend to me you're my brother, heck without that goofy visor we could pass as twins... bye red eyes, I love you"

"love you too freak", they had another hug and aaron walked back to john

"my heart belongs to you, I'll never forget you" john said, they had one last kiss and aaron walked away from them, he looked over to wolverine <I promise I wont let anything hurt him, you're one of a kind kid, I'm gonna miss ya> <I'll miss you too, thank you>, he walked well away from everyone and raised into the air, he noticed that busted were crying too

"hey charlie, next time you fuck over a lead, do it with style", charlie managed to give a smile thru the tears, although they had just met, it hurt them to see aaron doing this. Aaron let all of his powers open up, he knew that if he used them all at the same time his body would burn out, there was a white light around aaron and it was getting brighter, the x men and busted were looking up at aaron and crying, the light got brighter and bigger, it seemed to stretch across the whole city, they heard the phoenix cry in pain and then aaron spoke to them for the last time , the light disappeared and no-one could see aaron

"he's gone" delta cried

"no he cant be, professor, jean find him" john screamed, xavier and jean took hands and closed their eyes, after a few minutes they finished

"he has gone" xavier said

"no you're lying, he cant be dead, he just cant be"

"john, when aaron saved my life somehow we had a mind link that neither of us could break, but the tingling has gone, there's nothing there anymore

I hope you're liking this please could you let me know and if you've got some ideas let me know, I've got a new email address but you can still reach me on the old one. alex@cementcraft.co.uk

Next: Chapter 11

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