Xtreme X Men

By moc.loa@seirotsnemX

Published on Oct 5, 2023


Sorry for deleting my first attempt it was brought to my attention that it was very similar to another story in the archive (thanks Brent), so this is my second try I hope its better this time, please let me know what you think of it good or bad my email is xmenstories@aol.com and I'm Alex.

Disclaimer: The X Men are owned by 20th Century Fox and Marvel Comics, and this story is not intended to affect their business in any way.

Well that's the legal crap outta the way and here's the story.

It had been just 4 days since Jean Grey had died and prof x had already found a new telekinetic/telepath to replace her, his name was Aaron Davies he was 22 from England, was a P.E teacher but had been on the run since his family found out about his mutation. Everyone had liked Aaron from the start even tho he was gay, but Scott couldn't come to terms with the fact that Aaron was here to do Jean's job and no matter how hard Aaron tried Scott wouldn't except his attempts of friendship, no one, not even Aaron realised that his powers were more than just telepathic and in time he would become one of the most powerful mutants in the world.

The X men were having an early morning training session in the danger room and after 2 hours had finished, they left the room and were greeted by prof x, "good work team" he said "Aaron your powers are becoming very strong, you're gonna be a good person to have on the team" This caused Scott to flip and before anyone realised what was goin on, in his anger Scott shot a small optic beam at Aaron sending him flying down the hall way, prof x stopped Scott from walking off and started having a go at him Aaron broke Xavier's hold of Scott, <its ok professor he's still grieving, it'll take him a while to get used to me doing Jean's job> he sent <if you're sure> Xavier replied.

Later that day rogue went to Scotts room to see if he was ok, she knocked on his door "come in" he said rogue went inside "how ya feeling sugah?" she could see Scott had been crying "I'm ok, i just feel bad I didn't mean to hurt Aaron" he said "we know, you should try to get along with him sweetie, he's a nice lad" she replied "oh god rogue you're right its not his fault what happened to jean, how can I make it up to him?" "well he hasn't said anything but he's been eying up the blackbird why don't ya ask him if he wants to learn to pilot her" she stated

Scott agreed and went to ok it with Xavier. He got to Xavier's door he sounded angry "professor I had a chat with rogue and I'm gonna make friends with Aaron, well that's if he still wants to be after what I done to him earlier, and I was wondering if I could take him out in the jet and teach him how to fly her"

Xavier thought for a minute then spoke "of cause you can Scott and I think he will want to be friends, he thinks a lot of you and he did break my hold of you", this surprised Scott "but I thought it was you" "no he's a very powerful kid somehow he managed it, and he's in the gardens somewhere" with that Scott went to find Aaron, he went outside and saw him leaning against a tree so he sat down beside him "Aaron I'm so sorry for what happened earlier I never wanted to hurt you" Scott said, "I know you didn't mate, I understand that you miss jean" "It's just I get lonely at night, the room seems so big and empty I want someone with me" Scott was nearly in tears by this time "hey you're a good looking bloke you could have any girl you want" Aaron said trying to cheer him up a bit, Scott smiled "thanks and you could too" "yeah that's the problem its not the girls I want" Scott laughed "anyway rogue tells me that you like the blackbird" "damn right who wouldn't" "well come on then I'll show ya how to fly her" "cool" Aaron replied really excited. They went to the hanger and got inside the jet "right push that button there to start her up" Scott said when Aaron pushed the button he got a scary sensation running thru his body and he saw an image of jean just before she released the water and died "are you ok mate" Scott asked, Aaron didn't want to tell him what he saw "um yeah just nervous" he replied, Scott explained what the controls done and they took off.

They had been flying around above the mansion for about 30 minutes and decided to call it a day Scott radioed in for permission to land and Xavier replied at the other end "do you want to land her" Scott asked Aaron "yeah I'll give it a go" he replied, just as he initiated the land gear he got another sensation but this time he heard Jean's voice Xavier had felt how scared Aaron was 'what is it Aaron' he said over the intercom, he didn't want Scott to hear so he talked to Xavier telepathically <I know this sounds strange professor but jean is alive, I cant explain but she is and we need to go now there aint time to land and get the rest of you please believe me> there was a silence and Scott was worried as he didn't know that Xavier and Aaron had a telepathic conversation, then prof x spoke over the intercom 'ok leave immediately' Aaron lifted the jet above the mansion and left at top speed, "what the hell is going on?" Scott asked "lets just say you're gonna have some company tonight mate" Aaron replied "what you talking about?" "Scott jean is alive" again there was an uncomfortable silence then Scott flipped "I cant believe I was trying to become friends with you how could you say something like that" Scott was in tears now "I know its a lot to take in but she is alive" "jean died you weren't there I saw it happen she's dead and she aint coming back, you're lying, you're sick" Scott was now shouting at Aaron, "well as I understand it you lot didn't even bother to stay around and find out jean saved all of your lives and when she let the water go you lot just flew off, I thought you loved her but you couldn't have that much" Aaron put the jet on auto pilot and went to the back to change into his x men uniform, When he got back Scott was still crying "I'm sorry Scott I didn't mean that but she is alive, as I was about to land the jet she asked me to help her, please believe me" "you've got nothing to be sorry about you're right we should've stayed", by this time they were approaching the lake, they looked around but couldn't see her "Scott take over I'll use my powers to find her" he stretched his mind out across the lake then he spoke "to the left, she's on a rock" Scott took the jet round and then they spotted her, she started to slip off the rock "keep flying" Aaron said, he used his mind to put the belt around Scott then opened the hatch "what are you doing Aaron" there aint time to land I'm gonna jump" he walked to the back then dived out, Scott quickly landed the jet in an opening then waited. All of a sudden Aaron came flying out of the water with jean in his arms, he landed next to Scott and checked her vital signs "oh god she aint breathing" Scott was about to start CPR "no wait I can get in her mind and bring her back", he closed his eyes and put his hands over her head, he saw jean but she looked nothing like her body then he realised he didn't either "Aaron thank god you came, but where are we?" she asked "jean we hent got much time you're dying, take my hand" she did as he asked and then they disappeared and at the same time they opened their eyes, jean looked at Scott "miss me?" she asked and they hugged "come on lets get home" Aaron said, they started to walk to the jet when Scott noticed jean was walking fine "jean didn't you hurt your leg?" he asked "yeah but when Aaron brought me back to life it healed my leg at the same time". Aaron said that he would fly the jet so Scott could sit with jean, then they set off home.

Well that's part 1 I hope ya like it, let me know what you think- xmenstories@aol.com

Next: Chapter 2

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