Xaviers Adventures in University

Published on Nov 3, 2019


Xavier's Adventures in University - Chapter 5

Xavier's Adventures in University


This story is entirely fictional, any similarities to people in real life or locations are entirely coincidental. This page may contain sexually explicit content, particularly men who have sex with men (MSM) content. If you are underage and/or are not permitted to read such content please leave immediately.

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Chapter 5 - Moments With Wolfgang

We were both standing in Wolfgang's room. I looked at his cock, the glistening helmet was dotted with white smegma.

"Locking it up makes it hard to clean, doesn't it?" I asked.

Wolfgang looked down, grabbed and pointed his cock to the wall to get a better view. "Yeah… It does."

"I'm not sucking that until it's cleaned." I replied. Wolfgang looked at me, but he knew that my request wasn't unreasonable. Most people wouldn't want to suck a dirty, filthy cock. That's why hygiene – especially for uncut males like Wolfgang – is paramount.

Wolfgang chuckled, "But I already took a shower."

"I already took one too, I had one this morning." I replied.

"Yeah, but I just had one." Wolfgang said.

"So?" I replied. "Wouldn't you want to take a nice warm shower with me?" I asked. Wolfgang's cock caught my eye, causing my cock to grow. "C'mon," I started, "let's go, I'll clean it for you. You'd want that don't you?" I began to develop a tent in my pants. The thought of mutually cleaning each other – getting scrubbed by a ripped jock – had hardened my cock.

"Okay, let's go!" Wolfgang said. He bent over to pull up his track pants. We walked out of the room. Wolfgang locked the door, "Follow me." He said. We walked down the hallway and descended back onto the main floor of his building. We entered the men's room, a big ol' empty change room with lockers. Wolfgang promptly ripped off his t-shirt revealing his mouth-watering 8-pack once again. My tent instantly appeared again. Wolfgang fixated on my tenting jeans as he kicked off his shoes and pulled his track pants off. The skinned, hardening cock slowly untangled the tip until his meatus became visible. I grabbed his foreskin – the second time in my life doing so and felt the silky smooth redundant skin that covered his precious cherry helmet. "Lemme see yours." Wolfgang said as he pulled my hoodie right off of me, leaving me shirtless. I was stunned at the speed, I suddenly heard an unzipping sound and felt a cold rush of air on my cock's head. Something warm began stroking my dry helmet. I looked down, it was my Wolfgang, he was giving me attention. "Such a nice low cut…" Wolfgang complemented. "You think I can get an even lower one?" He asked. "I want to last…" He said. His words accelerated the growth of my cock. He spat on my cock and began to stroke it harder. Wolfgang's cock grew longer, I couldn't recall the length of his cock, but it was growing faster and longer than mine. Wolfgang gave extra attention to my dark, gomcoesque scar five millimetres north of my helmet. "It's a shame I won't get such a nice scar…" Wolfgang said. We both looked into each other's eyes.

"That's the RIC advantage." I said. "You can't get everything from an adult cut." I replied. "It's just how it is." I hoped that Wolfgang wouldn't become disappointed with reality. I am absolutely not opposed to him getting a circumcision if it is what he would choose. I groomed his chiselled abdomen, running my hand down that extremely defined, rare, 8-pack that he was lucky to sport. We leaned into each other. Suddenly, my cock became pinned against his torso, and our tongues were sliding over and under each other. Wolfgang took a few steps back, the lockers briefly rattled as he fell onto them. I pressed my body against him, feeling his warmth being pressed into my body. I finally, pulled back, "Let's get cleaned." I told Wolfgang. He nodded, and we walked towards the communal showers. Wolfgang walked ahead of me to adjust the water temperature. The initial cold blast splashed onto us deflating our cocks a bit as our bodies attempted to cope with the icy temperature. I watched the sparkling water cascade down Wolfgang's hair, down his handsome face, across his chiselled torso. Wavy lines were drawn on his legs, but my eyes were drawn to his shrunken sheathed cock. The unnecessary sheath took away the burden of redirecting and spraying currents from a man's more sensitive parts. I realized as I took more notice, I became more and more disappointed in how so many males in this world could live with such sensitive parts protected from the sensations of reality. A man is supposed to be emotionally resilient, why must he be protected from water streams, clothing, or anything that could provide friction against his manhood? I couldn't stand it anymore, I reached down and pulled what I started to find repulsive to clear it from the most important part of the human penis. I pulled Wolfgang's skin all the way back on his shaft and watched the bits of smegma get brushed off by the streams of water. I lathered some soap onto my hand and rubbed it all across his inner foreskin and his glands. He moaned so much when I brushed his glands, it was unreal. He's glands must've been so much more sensitive than mine, or any cut guy that I had played with. When I gave his helmet another good scrubbing he squirmed a little bit. It was like touching him was his weakness, it was ridiculous how pathetic his emotional control was. "Is it really that sensitive?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's almost painful when you scrub it so hard." Wolfgang said. "It's way more sensitive than yours." He added.

"Well," I started. "That's not good for endurance is it?" I asked trying not to sound smug.

Wolfgang answered correctly, "Nope, that's why I want a low cut like you." He winked at me. He lathered soap on his hand and began scrubbing my cock. "I don't really need to be doing this, right?" He asked.

"Not really." I replied.

"Thought so, yours is so much more hygienic." He said. I blushed from Wolfgang's complement. It was a compliment to me, yet an insult to himself. He may have resorted to sandbagging himself for so long, but it was obvious, his only solution was going to be putting himself under the knife.

There was a brief pause, we both were busy stroking each other's cocks. I looked Wolfgang in the eye, "I love you." I said looking into Wolfgang's eye.

He placed his left hand on my abdomen and ran it up to my chest. "Xavier…" He began. I began tunnelling into his eyes, the handsome face was so desirable when he was acting seductively, "I love you too." He placed his index finger under my chin and raised my face. We leaned in once again for another kiss. We were interrupted, the door to the change room opened. Wolfgang slowly pulled back, he licked his lips to capture any remnants of my saliva. My heart melted watching his handsome face pull away from me – it felt like it happened in slow motion. A random guy walked into the communal shower, he walked over to the opposite end that we were on. He was a typical American, brown hair, white skin, high and tight with a nice gomco scar. But Wolfgang didn't care, he lathered my torso in soap and turned me around. He ran his soapy hand down my back, into my ass crack, and poked my anus. He spread my ass cheeks to let the water clear all the soap away. He whispered in my ear "do the same to me." He turned me around. I looked into his sapphire eyes, Wolfgang really caused me to melt inside. I rotated this crazy muscle around to look at a rock-solid firm ass. His gluteal muscles were tight to my squeeze. I lathered his hard ass cheeks with soap, and proceed into his ass crack. I ran my index finger circularly around his anus. Copying Wolfgang, I inserted but, I dared to go further. I went deep, down to my knuckle. I pulled out and spread his cheeks just how he had done to mine. I watched the water take away the white foam in streams down his beefy legs. I turned him around. He nodded at me to indicate we were done. He shut off the shower and grabbed my hand. He pulled me out of the shower with him.

"We didn't bring any towels." I noted.

Wolfgang threw his shirt at me. "There. You have one."

"What about you?" I asked as Wolfgang brushed droplets of water of his chiselled body.

"Don't worry about me. I don't need a shirt… Plus." He grabbed my hand, "You're into this, aren't you?" He placed my hand in the middle of his 8-pack assortment.

I blushed, "Yeah." I said positively.

He pulled up his pants, "Ready?" He asked as I struggled to put my hoodie back on.

"Yeah." I said as my head slipped through. I handed the shirt back.

"Put it in your pocket." Wolfgang said as he grabbed it and stuffed his shirt in my kangaroo pocket. He grabbed my hand. "Let's go." He tugged me to start walking. I could feel my cheeks burning as we started walking down the hall holding hands with my shirtless muscle boy.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's 2, aren't you hungry?" Wolfgang asked.

"You should really put your shirt on." I replied.

"Naw, I don't want to." Wolfgang said.

"But, it's cold."


"So? It's not good for you."

"Meh, we're not going to eat outside."

"You should still put your shirt on."

"Nah, first I have to cover my cock up, now my body?" Wolfgang said.

"Don't make me hard!" I replied.

Wolfgang laughed, "Circumsexual!"

I didn't know exactly what the word meant, "Am not!"

"Don't lie." Wolfgang replied. "We're both, aren't we?"

"I don't know, are you? It seemed like getting it done as an adult didn't cross your mind." I replied.

"Mmm, but, I… wouldn't go out with a cavalier." Wolfgang said attempting to discreetify our conversation as we left the dorm building. "Maybe because I was grown up here, but I really like roundheads."

This wasn't news to me. "Uh-huh, well, at least you think like an American. I was worried that eventually centuries down the line us roundheads would disappear."

"That would be terrible." Wolfgang replied. "I'm definitely on the wrong side." He admitted. "I should be a roundhead too."

"Seriously, stop it! My pants are starting to tent again." I replied aggressively.

Wolfgang laughed, we approached the University Centre building. Wolfgang went in first, "C'mon." He said as he held the door open for me. He grabbed my hand again. I noticed many leering eyes inside the busy hallways. Wolfgang's shirtlessness attracted lots of attention; people were looking at me because he was holding my hand and dragging me. We turned into one of the various narrow hallways that the University Centre building had, and then Wolfgang turned into what appeared to be a discreet pub.

"Are you mad?!" I asked angrily and surprised. "You want to get drunk at 2 pm?! Are you crazy?"

"Calm down Xavier, you don't have to drink if you don't want to." Wolfgang replied.

I rolled my eyes, "If you say so."

The Pub wasn't busy, but there were other guys there. We sat down at the booth. I was surprised at the menu, they offered various alcoholic beverages along with quite an assortment of meals on offer. "I'll pay." Wolfgang said.

"Are you sure? I can split." I replied. I didn't want to take advantage of Wolfgang. This was a top tier male, I still couldn't believe how I had managed to have attracted him, but alas, here I was.

"Nah, you're fine, I insist. I am the top after all, aren't I?" Wolfgang said.

I backed off, "Okay."

"Also," Wolfgang started, "you really don't want a beer?" He asked.

I sighed, "Fine." I said reluctantly.

Wolfgang smiled. He proceeded to order our meals and drinks. The beers came in fast, and we started sipping on them – one beer lead to another, then another, then another. I don't know how or why, but we started chugging them. Our food came, I was starving, I had nothing to eat at that point it was around 2:20. But even after our food, I was there, still talking to Wolfgang, and some other guys that jumped into our conversations. I don't remember who they were, but Wolfgang is well known, so obviously if he was shirtless people would want to say hi and have a quick chat. Around two hours later, after 4:30 pm, I was piss drunk. The party in the small pub was just starting as jocks and other males started pouring in. I still didn't realize that I was in a gay bar, but at this point, I've guzzled down 6 beers, the rest of my Saturday was toast. But after 4:30, I don't even remember what happened.

Sunday, 4:26 am – "SLAM!" was the sound that had woken me up. I had no reelection of what happened. I was in bed, my back was pressed into someone, and their arm wrapped around my torso and was on my pillow in front of my face. I heard someone taking their clothes off in the room. I quickly suspected that I was in Wolfgang's room. I wanted to make sure, and the easiest way was to check if the guy behind me had foreskin. I slipped my left hand away from my pillow and ran it between my legs. There was his cock, and yes, it had skin I could pull. I left it retracted, ‘was it Bailey?' I asked myself. I could recall that Bailey lived in the same dorm room as Wolfgang. I looked over, it Indeed was Wolfgang's face lying there behind me. Bailey was standing there with his phone flashlight on as he pulled his underwear down. Of course, I looked at his cock, it was another high and tight cut cock with a bold and dark gomco scar. I placed my head back on Wolfgang's pillow. I wondered if Wolfgang and I had sex or not. But, just two days ago I wanted to ignore this guy, now he was my boyfriend. I blushed as I thought over how much I tried to avoid him – walking away in the cafe, simplifying our conversations, not stopping to talk to him on my jogs. Yeah, there was lot's to regret. However, sleeping with Wolfgang, made me feel comfortable and relaxed. Bailey's bed squeaked as he got in. Suddenly, Wolfgang removed his hand from the pillow, my shoulders started getting brushed by a warm hand.

"You up?" Wolfgang whispered.

"Yeah." I replied softly.

He moved his hand onto my chest and softly groomed me. He licked my ear, causing a tingling sensation to go down my spine. "My Xavier…" he started. "I love you…" he continued. He ran his hand down by abdomen, and then down my tightly cut cock onto the hard, bare head. "Nothing happened." Wolfgang informed me. "Nothing involving these things." He added. "You're hangover kicked in yet?" He asked, still whispering.

"No." I replied. "I think I'm still a bit tipsy…" I whispered. "When did we fall asleep?"

"Uh, I think like 9 pm. Or slightly after."

"What did we do after the pub?" I asked.

"I took you here, after 6. Things started getting crazy. You were really drunk you had like 9 beers I think." He told me. "I only had 7. Funny, cuz you didn't want to drink, remember?" Wolfgang chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, "Ha-ha, very funny." I replied unamused.

"What do you want to do tomorrow, er um, today?" Wolfgang asked.

"I don't know man." I answered. I finally realized we were nude in bed. "Why don't we have any clothes?" I asked.

"C'mon Xavier." Wolfgang started. "There's no fun if you're clothed in bed… you wouldn't be able to pull my foreskin up, would you?"

He wasn't lying, "Yeah but you're giving me a hard-on."

"Don't lie, it's morning wood. I'm just teasing. Tease me if you want." Wolfgang said. He kissed me softly on my cheek. I turned around so that I was facing him. His handsome face was right in front of me. Our noses touched. Wolfgang grabbed both of our cocks, "I promise…" He started. "I promise I'll be like you." He said softly.

"Huh?" I asked.

"I'm going to go under the knife." Wolfgang answered.

I smiled. "Ah, good choice… You'll fit right into the brotherhood, I promise."

Wolfgang smiled, he started playing with my hair. "I'll be able to please you better than if I keep it this way."

"You know, you don't have to do it." I replied.

"No, I want to please you."

"But wouldn't you deserve it now, if you got the cut?"

Wolfgang fell into brief silence to organize his thoughts. "Yes, I guess, but, uh, you know, you're still done at birth. I wasn't, that makes me a bit inferior doesn't it?"

"Don't degrade yourself so much, I love you."

"Well, uh, I want endurance. How's that?" Wolfgang asked.

"Much better." I replied. "Look at yourself, when your cut, you have to act like you were always cut. Don't make yourself a second class. Nobody wants that. You're either all in – or you're not."

I noted how alluring Wolfgang's face was once again. He gave a slight smile. "I understand. Thanks Xavier."

"I think you're confidence will improve." I replied.

"Yeah. It will." He replied.

Wolfgang pushed me over and rolled onto me. He rotated his head to move his nose out of the way. We kissed once again. Our tongues infiltrated each other's mouths. I loved kissing with Wolfgang, it results in such a powerful emotion inside me, lust, love, infatuation. It was true, I'm infatuated with Wolfgang, and he seems to be infatuated with me. How long can this last? Weeks? Months? Years? Forever? I didn't want to think about losing Wolfgang, I don't even know why this thought had popped up while kissing him. Our kiss broke as Wolfgang lifted his head.

"I'm still tired." I stated.

"Okay, you wouldn't mind me wrapping myself around you like before?"

"Not at all, please, I insist you do it."

Wolfgang chuckled. "Okay, my Xavier will get what he wants." I rolled back to my right side, and Wolfgang pressed his chest and abdomen into my back. His arm slithered over my body to protect me. He kissed me on my cheek again. "I love you." He said once again softly, into my ear.

‘Wolfgang is such a keeper.' I thought to myself. "I love you too, night." I responded. I closed my eyes once again, and slumber ensued.

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