Xaviers Adventures in University

Published on Sep 29, 2019


Xavier's Adventures in University - Chapter 3

Xavier's Adventures in University


This story is entirely fictional, any similarities to people in real life are entirely coincidental. This page may contain sexually explicit content, particularly men who have sex with men (MSM) content. If you are underage and/or are not permitted to read such content please leave immediately.

Chapter 3 - Encountering Wolfgang

A couple of days have passed since the boys had wrestled around in the frat house for `fun'. One of the various girls that were there to watch the guys flex their abilities at tossing each other around and blatantly, but implicitly, displaying their cocks (really their helmets for the circumcised boys). Michael managed to infatuate one of the various females that attended with his performance on the mat. She was following him around the next day flirting with him, and she eventually confessed. Michael, being a good strong `straight and narrow' guy, of course, obliged to her request for him to reciprocate her love. When I heard the news I was shocked, I didn't know what to think. Michael told me that he loved me, and now those words seemed to have been retracted. Wednesday night came, Michael informed me that he didn't want us to sleep in the same bed anymore, he didn't want to fuck me anymore. I noticed when he changed outfits, he started hiding his cock from me. All of this was presumably to help him stay `true' to her. Over the last couple of days Michael turned from being a good friend, and roommate that I could depend on, to an oblivious women pleaser that bends backwards forwards and inside out. He didn't have the time to talk things through with me anymore. This was very rough for me since I was in the middle of a very stressful week. I got tests and assignments stacked up against me, and rather than cuddling with Michael, being protected by his muscle in bed, I was there, panicking in my bed, eyes open all night watching Michael peacefully sleep, presumably dreaming about his newly found girl, while I was worried about my academic career being blown.

To find relief, I started with walking around the parks on campus to soak in the preserved nature that was accessible around me. It helped clear out my mind from all the academic pressure that was stacked against me. However, on Thursday, I bumped into Wolfgang once again. I could see him ahead of me in the distance, jogging towards me, with Skyla by his side. I could tell the moment he noticed me. His eyes widened and his head was locked on me. His head slowly moving to the left as he kept getting closer to me. As they got closer to me, I could hear Skyla murmuring something in the distance.

"Wolfie, who's he?" Skyla asked.

"Someone... I know." I heard Wolfgang reply. Wolfgang went in front of Skyla as they were just about to pass me. "Yo." Wolfgang said as he passed me.

"Hello." I replied. Skyla grinned as she passed me.

On Friday, just before my aneurystic Linear Algebra test, I was in the university centre's cafeteria, I was munching on some salty french fries while working on some practice problems. I glanced up and looked around, observing my surroundings. I then noticed Wolfgang sitting at a table on the other side of the cafeteria. He was chuckling, he then looked directly at me. I gulped. I couldn't believe that our gazes crossed again. I immediately looked down to break our eye contact. I was also getting a bit frustrated that I couldn't get him out of my mind. Wolfgang was always there, I don't know if it's because of his impressive muscularity, or his really good looking face (with complimentary hair), but he was constantly popping up all over the place, seemingly trying to inject himself into my life. I shoved the last bit of my fries in my mouth and stuffed the papers in my binder. I got up and thew my binder in my bag and left. I could see from the corner of my eye, disappointment on Wolfgang's face. He turned back to look at Skyla, and I walked out of the cafeteria headed to my test.

I saw Lawrence right outside the examination room. He was texting someone on his phone.

"Ready?" Lawrence asked me.

"I don't know." I replied. "I really hate this fucking course. It's the most bullshit math I've ever done."

"Yeah, at least I could use the very basics of calculus, and functions have useful applications... This stuff is just a headache." Lawrence replied.

"I feel like I'm playing mathematical chess with all the Gaussian elimination that I constantly have to do for each of these stupid transformations and shit. It gets really tired after doing them for like 10 minutes." I replied.

Lawrence's phone buzzed, He glanced at his phone "uh," he said. I could see from my quick glance that it was Wolfgang texting him. Lawrence looked at me, "You've gotten any plans after the test?" Lawrence asked.

"It ends at 3 right? I got an hour before work." I replied. "You want to go somewhere?" I asked Lawrence.

Lawrence started, "Yeah, I was thinking about seeing a movie you know. But if you got work..."

"Meh, is there really anything good?" I asked Lawrence.

He looked at me a bit confused. "Uhh, I don't know? We haven't hanged out in a while..."

I rolled my eyes. "The frat house on Tuesday?"

"C'mon you call that hanging out Xavier?" Lawrence shook his head. "How many hours?" He asked.

"Not interested." I replied firmly.

"Wow, could've cut to the chase sooner. Didn't need your word salad." Lawrence replied.

"C'mon, Lawrence, let's keep it cool." I said trying to reduce the tension that I felt was building up in this conversation. The door opened and everyone started entering the examination room.

After I finished my test, I got out and headed straight for my dorm room. I wanted to drop off my bag with all my Linear Algebra notes. I walked outside until I reached my dormitory building, I entered and walked down the hall towards my room. I noticed that someone was standing in front of the door. They had their back pressed against the door, one foot was on the ground, and the other was against the door. I quickly realized that it was Wolfgang standing in front of the door. He looked up and began watching me walking towards him. I approached Wolfgang. I observed his exposed arms up close, they were muscular, with some veins popping, but his skin still seemed to be silky smooth without much hair. His legs were masked by the baggy gray sweatpants he was wearing, the drawstring on his sweatpants was untied and dangling. My eyes moved up to see his pecs bulge through his t-shirt.

"Xavier," Wolfgang said in his resoundingly deep voice. He stuck out his right hand to be shaken, "Wolfgang... You probably knew that though, didn't you?"

I shook his hand. "Yeah, I did." I took a good look at his face again. "I don't mean to be rude... But, why are you here?" I asked.

Wolfgang immediately blushed. "Uh, I kept bumping into you, and I thought you'd be a..." Wolfgang began to struggle "a, a... an interesting person to get to know... Ya know?"

I raised an eyebrow "Uh-huh, The `cute' jock the girls drool over wants to meet some random guy?"

Wolfgang's expression immediately turned to embarrassment "Uhhhh..." Wolfgang was speechless.

I still thought there was absolutely no value in getting to know Wolfgang, his presence in my life, has for the most part been entirely artificial (except for that one frat house event.)

"I don't mean to be rude, but I have work in 45 minutes," I stuck my key in the keyhole. "So I'd like to... enter..." I said.

"Can I come in?" Wolfgang asked.

I gave a deep sigh, and unlocked the door. Wolfgang twisted the doorknob and entered the room first. Despite me not answering his question.

"Xavier, how was the..." I could hear Michael start from inside the room. I then saw what had just taken place. Michael's was absolutely mortified to the nth degree. He was sitting at his desk with his pants and underwear pulled down to his feet. He had his cock in his hand, all shiny and lubed up with Vaseline.

"Wwwww... olfgggangggg??" was all that Michael could articulate. Michael's eyes were so widened his eyes could've fallen out of his bright red face. Michael suddenly slammed his laptop shut (which was playing gay porn the entire time). He pulled his pants back up. He unplugged his laptop charger from the wall. He grabbed his bag and picked up his laptop and booked it out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Wolfgang turned to me, "So Michael's you're roommate, huh?" He asked.

"Yep." I replied. "You guys got some beef or something?" I asked.

"Nah," Wolfgang started, "He's just terrified that someone with such muscle power and influence as me caught him jerkin' off."

Wolfgang's rationale made enough sense to me. "Honestly, I'm just surprised he'd be okay with me seeing him jerk off. Ever since he started dating he's been pretty protective about his cock." I replied.

"They broke up this morning..." Wolfgang said. "You didn't know that?"

I scratched the back of my head "No. I haven't." I replied honestly.

"Oh. Guess you must've been busy today." Wolfgang replied.

"Yeah, um, I had a test today." I stated.

"And you have work too." Wolfgang said. He took a couple steps closer to me. I stepped backwards, causing my back to touch the wall. Wolfgang slammed his hand against the wall beside my left ear. He leaned into me.

"Uhh... Don't you have a girlfriend?" I asked Wolfgang. His touched my chin, raising my head. I looked straight into his sapphire blue eyes, the more I looked at them, the more I realized...

Suddenly I felt Wolfgang grooming my cock through my jeans. "You're getting hard..." He started alluringly, "Don't you want to play a bit with me, before you go to work?" Wolfgang asked infatuatingly.

My heart started racing. "Fuck me hard Wolf..." I immediately covered my mouth. `What the fuck am I saying.' I thought.

Wolfgang smiled. "You know the difference between a cut and an uncut cock?" He asked.

"Yeah." I replied. Did he really think I was that innocent?

"Have you seen an uncut one before?" Wolfgang asked.

"Yeah..." I started. "But, not in person..." I replied.

"Ah," he started, his finger brushed the side of my cheek, "It's just some extra skin." He leaned in, our foreheads touched. "It's nothing for you to be afraid of." Wolfgang smiled again, "You'll be jealous of how nicely it glides over my helmet." He winked at me.

I gulped. Suddenly, our lips touched. I resisted his kiss initially, but then I decided to give in. `Why would I resist a popular jock if he wants me?' I thought to myself. I started responding to his kisses. I let him slip his tongue into my mouth. I felt him claw his arms behind my back, which was still pressed to the wall. He hugged me tightly. We kept kissing, our bodies were tightly joined, and I could feel his cock hardening against my leg. I'm certain he was feeling mine do the same. Wolfgang then turned us around and threw us on Michael's bed. He broke the hug and got on his knees, towering over me. He peeled his shirt off and tossed it on the floor. "Woah." I was impressed by his finely chiselled 8-pack that his torso was sporting. His ribs popped, and his nipples were nice and ovoid. he had nice thick pecs. I placed my palm on his torso and ran my fingers in the cracks of his chiselled abs. "Fuck, Wolfgang, What is all this muscle?"

"Dedication, hard work, effort." He replied. He ran his hand under my shirt all the way to my neck. "Nice twink body you got there." Wolfgang replied. I blushed. "Not a single hair?" He asked. Wolfgang then pulled my pants down, I took my shirt off. He got off the bed and pulled his sweatpants down, as well as his briefs. I saw for the first time in person, an uncircumcised cock. Wolfgang's cock was semi-hard, but his head was still fully covered by his foreskin. He got back on the bed.

"Get up." He ordered. "You know they say, that the cut guy should always be the top..." Wolfgang said.

"Do they?" I asked in return.

"Do you know why?" He asked.

"Because," I started, "uncut guys don't have to go through the pain and suffering of a circumcision?" I replied. Attempting to sound intelligent.

"Well, yes, pain endurance is very important in becoming a truly masculine man..." Wolfgang replied. He laid down on the bed and unrolled his foreskin. "Kneel over me." Wolfgang said. I placed my knees beside his thighs, I was directly below his pelvis. "Good. Now put the tip of your cock on mine." Wolfgang ordered. I did as I was told. He then pushed his foreskin up his glands and over mine. "Use one hand to pull my foreskin over your corona and onto your shaft. Hold it there."

I pulled his foreskin, sliding it over my glands, over my corona. It managed to reach up to my scar. "Like this?" I asked.

"Perfect." Wolfgang replied. "Try holding my foreskin in place while you try to fuck me."

"Huh?" I asked, confused.

"You know that motion you do when you put your cock in someone's ass?"

"Yeah..." I replied.

"Do that." Wolfgang said.

I began gently sliding my cock, trying hard not to break our docking. "Okay..." I said.

"See," Wolfgang started. "You're circumcised. Even if you don't want to be, you're naturally the top, just by function. I provide the extra skin, I'm the bottom since I can encapsulate someone else's glands. You can't do that."

"Wow," I started. "So, if you're circumcised, you're more of a top then any uncut guy by any angle?"

"If you're talking just about the penis, ignoring length, yeah." Wolfgang said. "Pain, endurance, the scar, the functionality. It all points to the same conclusion." Wolfgang stated. "Didn't you say you had to go to work?" Wolfgang asked.

"Uh, yeah. What time is... THREE FORTY-FIVE!" I said shocked. "I don't know if I can make it on time."

"You want a lift?" Wolfgang asked as he got up on his bum.

"Yeah, that'd be nice." I said. I got off the bet and started putting my clothes. Wolfgang also got off the bed and started dressing as well. He slipped on his briefs and pulled up his sweatpants. He tied the knot on his drawstring.

"Mkay, ready?" Wolfgang asked.

"Yeah." I replied. We stepped out of the dormitory room and I locked the door. We walked out of the dormitory complex and walked over to the parking garage. We took the elevator to the third floor and walked over to Wolfgang's car. "Honda Civic?" I asked.

"Yeah, used. It gets the job done." Wolfgang said. We got into his car. Wolfgang took the driver seat, while I took the passenger seat.

"You keep your car cleaner than Mike." I told Wolfgang.

"Thanks." Wolfgang replied. We drove off. After a bit we arrived at the local coffee shop that I worked at.

"Hey, um... Wolfgang." I started.

"Yeah?" Wolfgang replied.

"Do you mind picking me up at seven?" I asked.

Wolfgang chuckled. "No, I don't mind. Seven huh?"

"Yeah." I replied.

"'Kay, I'll see you at seven." Wolfgang said, smiling. I got out of the car. I turned around and saw Wolfgang waving from inside the car. I waved back, and he drove off.

* * *

Seven o'clock came after a busy Friday shift. Lots of senior high schoolers stopped by to hang out with their friends while sipping some coffee and munching on some pastry. The girls were constantly chuckling on what sounded to me like some boring high school gossip. When my replacement arrived, I got out through the staff door the back. I saw Wolfgang's Civic parked in the corner, but I decided to check my phone to see if Michael was up to something. When I realized that Micheal hadn't sent me anything I turned the screen off and put my phone in my pocket. I walked over to Wolfgang's car. I opened the passenger door and sat down.

"So." Wolfgang started. "How's work?"

"Meh." I replied.

"Hmm." Wolfgang said. "You have the weekend off?" He asked.

I looked at him. "Shouldn't you be taking her out?" I asked.

Wolfgang chuckled. "You know." He started. "Not to brag. But when you're chiselled like me, they want you as a trophy."

"Then why don't you break up with her then?" I asked.

Wolfgang sighed. "She's not my first. I feel like I should tell you that."

I looked at Wolfgang's crotch. He glimpsed me look at it.

"You're getting the wrong idea." He started.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"She's not my first girlfriend." Wolfgang replied.

"So?" I countered.

"So?" Wolfgang said. There was a brief silence. "Sure, girls touched my cock... But I swear, my glands haven't penetrated any pussy or anus. Male or female."

I laughed. "Don't lie to me." I said sternly. "There's no way you would've been so sexual with me if you were a virgin."

"Why not?" Wolfgang asked genuinely.

"C'mon really? You basically hooked up with a random guy and docked with him. If you could do that with a virtually random guy, you really think Skyla wouldn't make you penetrate her? I call bullshit Wolfgang."

Wolfgang sighed. We drove into the parking garage. "I'll need to get something from my dorm room for you to understand."

"MMMKay... If you say soo..." I said, disbelieving Wolfgang. Wolfgang pulled up the car in his parking spot. We got out of the car.

"So." Wolfgang started. "You're interested, or you just want the evening to yourself?"

"I'm curious, yeah... I'm interested." I replied.

"Good." Wolfgang smiled. "You'll be surprised."

"I'm sure I will." I replied with a hint of sarcasm. We walked over to Wolfgang's dorm complex, and then eventually to his dorm room. It was on the fifth floor, at the end of the hallway. Wolfgang unlocked the dormitory room door, opened it and walked in, I followed suit.

"Hey, Bailey." Wolfgang said. I glanced over, there was a guy with dark hair sitting at a desk. He got up. He was wearing only black coloured briefs. I checked out his neat abs and muscular arms.

"Brought a friend over?" Bailey asked.

"We're about to leave." Wolfgang said as he was rummaging in the cubby in his desk. Wolfgang pulled out a big 12" maroon coloured dildo and closed the cubby. "Okay I got it." Wolfgang said. "Cya later." He said to Bailey.

"Cya." Bailey replied.

"Wait you're not just going to walk out with that in your hand..." I said.

"Okay..." Wolfgang said. He grabbed his book bag and placed it inside.

"Okay. Now we can go?" Wolfgang asked.

"Sure." I replied.

"Michael's not back yet, right?" Wolfgang asked.

"No idea." I said.

"Well, let's go to your dorm." He said.

"Okay." I replied. We walked over to my dorm room. I unlocked the door and we both went in. "So what's so special about that dildo?" I asked.

"It's not a dildo." Wolfgang said. "It's a sheath."

"Huh?" I replied.

Wolfgang pulled my work shirt off my back, leaving me shirtless. "I have to show, not tell." He unzipped my pants. "You're okay with that right?" Wolfgang kissed me on my cheek. "Pull those boxer briefs down." He ordered. I pulled them down to my feet. He touched my cock, starting at the exposed glands, and then up my shaft. "Cut cocks are so hot." He whispered in my ear. "You should be happy your parents got you cut..." He pushed me on Michael's bed again.

"You know, we can use my bed..." I suggested.

"Where's the fun in that? I'd rather use a wrestling buddies bed." He winked. I thought he was so slick. He peeled his shirt right off and tossed it on the floor carelessly. He pulled down his sweatpants and then his briefs.

"Wait, why are you wearing that?" I asked. "Why are you wearing a chastity?"

"Cuz I'm a good boy." Wolfgang said. "A really, really good boy. I'm clever." He went over to Michael's desk to get some Vaseline. "Before you say anything, I want to use his Vaseline." He slathered it on his metal springy chastity, and then on the maroon coloured sheath.

"I don't understand why you don't use your cock." I said.

"I don't deserve to feel flesh rub against my glands." Wolfgang said. He slid his chastised cock in the maroon sheath. He got on the bed on his knees and pulled my legs to my torso, giving him easy access to my anus. "I don't deserve it, because I didn't go through the ultimate masculinity test of pain, suffering, and adjustment." He aligned his sheath and started penetrating me. The girth of his thick sheath got to me instantly.

"UUUUHH" I moaned just as the fake penis head was entirely absorbed into my body. Wolfgang kept pushing it in, "FUCK. IT'S SO THICK! DAMN." I was almost losing my breath. My eyes were shut and I could feel sweat form on my forehead from enduring the experience. "Oh my GOD." I felt our noses bumped into each other, my eyes were still shut. I felt Wolfgang's lips on mine and we started kissing as he kept pushing his, what essentially was a dildo (to me), deeper into me. The stiff, cold hard silicone provided no relief. My ass could've been bleeding by now if it wasn't lubed. Wolfgang finally pushed it all in.

"How is it?" Wolfgang asked.

I opened my eyes. "Fuck." I replied. "Michael didn't even come close." I said. We kissed each other again.

"The chastity keeps me soft." Wolfgang said. "I'll leak, but I won't cum. I'm horny, but it's all emotional for me. Between us, only you deserve physical pleasure. My job is to give you that without feeling anything physical. It'll make our bond stronger." We kissed again. "Xavier, I love you. I'll fuck you all night just to make you happy."

"Wow." I replied. I really liked what Wolfgang's was saying. It made me feel really fuzzy inside knowing that he cares about my pleasure more than his. I moaned again from thinking about what Wolfgang said. "Won't you get tired if we go all night?" I asked.

Wolfgang got back on his knees. "Look how much muscle I have here, you think I'm gonna get tired easily? I train for this man."

I chuckled. "Wow... So the real reason you hit the gym so you can fuck with a dildo all night?"

Wolfgang chuckled, he began pulling in and out slowly. "No, but I'll let you believe that's true." He got over me again to kiss me. Our faces were alluringly close. He had such a fucking handsome face, seeing it immediately in front of me while he was pegging me made my cock rock hard. Precum was gushing out of my cock slathering onto Wolfgang's torso. I moaned deeper. "Moan for me Xavier." He kissed my lips again. "Moan for me... tell me how good it feels." He whispered.

I moaned deeply again. "You're so fucking good." I said nearly breathless. I saw Wolfgang smiled.

"Good." He replied. "Remember, it's all for you."

I moaned again. "You're spoiling me Wolfgang." I was blushing really hard. Wolfgang caressed my cheek.

"You're making me crazy." Wolfgang said. He moaned himself. "You're making me so horny." He said.

I don't know why, but I started thinking how hot it was that Wolfgang wasn't actually getting any pleasure out of this. He was horny, and his dick was being compressed in his tiny 1 and ½" chastity cage. The chastity prevented him from actually discharging his hornyness physically like how most of us guys do. He was essentially bottling it all up inside him. I stared into his eyes, he wasn't lying, they were screaming horny. I'm sure if he wasn't principled, he would've instantly grabbed his key, freed his cock and rammed me harder than what I could come up with in my wildest imagination. My heart was melting thinking about Wolfgang's chastised state, and not caring about himself. I felt like I was on cloud 9 or if I was high from some crazy drugs. This is arguably the best moment in my life, and I was cherishing the pleasure and the fuzziness inside my body. I realized that Wolfgang knew how to play this game, he was appealing to my emotions, and to my physical pleasures simultaneously. He kept on pegging me, it was a smooth, constant rate, radically different from a real cock. Suddenly, I heard the door unlocking. Wolfgang didn't care he kept on going. The door opened, Michael walked in. He quickly noticed what was going on and slammed the door shut behind him. Wolfgang ignored what was going on and kept pegging me at that same constant rate. Wolfgang was dedicated, even if it was the paparazzi walking in to see what he was up to, Wolfgang would've kept going until I told him to stop. Michael walked over to his desk and placed his bag on it. He looked at us, he could definitely see that Wolfgang was using a sheath to bang me since Wolfgang was on top of me and both of our asses were pointed at the door. I got a better look at Michael's face, and he was clearly frustrated. I was waiting for him to snap. "Wolfgang, I think we should stop now." I said. Wolfgang slickly threw himself back causing his sheath to slide out of my anus, he got on his feet, standing on Michael's bed towering everyone, and then jumped off. At 6' 7" (201 cm) he towered over Michael (6' 2"). Michael was fixed on Wolfgang, he was staring at him. I got off the bed and stood in front of Wolfgang.

"I'm not even going to get mad." Michael started. "I'm not." He continued. There was a brief moment of silence. "WHY! ON MY BED! YOU LET MY RIVAL FUCK YOU!?" He screamed at me.

"It was my idea..." I started, trying to cover Wolfgang's ass. I felt Wolfgang place his hands on both of my shoulders. "I wanted to tease you a bit as punishment for pushing me aside."

Michael sighed in disappointment. He facepalmed.

"We used you're lube too." I said smugly.

He dragged his palm down his cheeks causing his eyelids to stretch down (and make his eyes pop). "WHY?!" Michael started. "ISN'T HE UNCIRCUMCISED?!" Michael was so angry and frustrated. It was almost hilarious. This was the first time I saw Michael this angry.

I chuckled, "We were using the sheath... didn't you look?" I asked.

Michael didn't answer. He turned around and walked to his desk. I looked back at Wolfgang. Wolfgang bent down and whispered into my ear. "He's pretty pissed. I probably should get going."

I nodded in agreement. He tapped my right shoulder and moved beside me. He pulled the sheath off his chastised cock. As he removed it, a long, thick strain of clear, transparent, gooey precum was going from the tip of his chastised cock to the inside of the sheath. I gave him a tissue to wipe the precum off of his small metal cage. I glanced at Michael's desk to see him sitting there, on his laptop reading Reddit. I took the sheath from Wolfgang's. "I'll clean it." I said.

Wolfgang smiled. "Thanks." He patted my head. "Return it to me tomorrow." Wolfgang said. He grabbed his clothes that he tossed on the floor earlier and started dressing. I looked in the sheath to see how much precum Wolfgang's compressed cock secreted. Wolfgang finished dressing. He waved at me. He then opened the door and left. I looked back inside his sheath. I placed two fingers in the sheath and scooped up a lot of Wolfgang's sticky precum. I licked the clear precum off my fingers, it was a bit salty, but it didn't have as much flavour as cum normally would. It was the closest thing to cum that I would actually be able to taste from Wolfgang. I got the majority of the precum out of Wolfgang's sheath and consumed all of it. I placed it in the sink and I started dressing. After I finished dressing, I returned to the sink and started cleaning Wolfgang's cock sheath.

"So," I started. I waited a moment to see if Michael would say something. He didn't say anything. "Is it true?" I said, hoping he'd fill in the gaps and start talking... Once again, Michael didn't say anything. I finished fully cleaning the sheath. I grabbed a towel to dry it up. "I heard you broke up..." I said, trying for the last time to get Michael to talk.

"Why would you care?" Michael asked firmly. "Getting the big jocks to bang you on my bed."

"Can't lie, it's a good life." I replied smugly. "But seriously, bad day, eh?" I said.

"Yeah, but what you're doing is an insult on top of injury."

I placed the sheath pointing upwards to allow any excess water to drip down onto the counter. "Yeah, well. You didn't want us to be a thing anymore. Wolfgang was hitting on me, I'm not going to resist him, he's a keeper. Especially when you're pushing me away."

I could hear Michael sighing. "I wanted to be faithful." He said. "I'm not a cheater. We weren't dating. We were basically fuck buddies, friends with benefits if you wish."

"Uh-huh." I replied.

"You could argue, I'm more trustworthy than him."

"Oh?" I said intrigued. "What do you mean?"

"He's dating Skyla right?" Michael turned in his chair to face me. "And he comes to you to bang you... What does that tell you about him?"

"Um, I don't know. He needs to sleep with a guy once in a while?" I said.

Michael facepalmed. "You don't get it." He said. He took his hand off his face and looked me in the eye. "He's a WHORE!" He said. "Or a cheater. Or uncommitted. Or something along those lines... He has no shame in banging someone else while with someone. This, what you guys just did, is a case in point."

"If he's a whore... wouldn't he be after sexual pleasure?" I asked.

"He's not using his cock as an excuse. He gets off to being locked up and using that thing!"

I rolled my eyes. "Mkay, if you say so." I felt that Wolfgang's eyes, back in that moment when I was looking at them, they were screaming so loudly with hornyness... why would he deny himself pleasure if he had no shame, and could go for anybody? Michael's argument wasn't compelling.

"So how long were you going for?" Michael said, breaking the silence.

I was surprised he was interested. "Well, we got here at around 7:30." I told him.

"Wow, 3 hours." Michael said. "If you guys were roommates, he'd be pegging you all night."

"Those are literally his words." I replied.

"Yeah, well, I guess congratulations." Michael said. He seemed to have begun to soften up now.

"For what?" I asked.

Michael chuckled. "You got the big honcho bodybuilder jock to fuck you. You know how many girls hit on him every damn day? It's an achievement." Michael winked at me. "Can't be mad that you got a better guy. It's just how the world works."

"Damn, why are you such a negative person?" I asked. "You're doing it again."

"You're right, but... I screwed up. I can't be positive about that."

"Do you have a crush on me or something?" I asked.

Michael's eyes widened. "No."

"Good, then there's no loss here then." I replied.

Michael looked at the floor. "Do you mind if I go to sleep early?"

"I'm just gonna book a study room in the library." I said. "Go ahead. You had a long day." I grabbed my laptop from my desk and the charger. I placed both of them in my bag. I zipped up my backpack and put it on my back. "Cya, sleep tight. I'll be back around midnight." I said.

"Okay." Michael said. I opened the door and left for the library.

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