Xaviers Adventures in University

Published on Sep 15, 2019


Xavier's Adventures in University - Chapter 2

Xavier's Adventures in University


This story is entirely fictional, any similarities to people in real life are entirely coincidental. This page may contain sexually explicit content, particularly men who have sex with men (MSM) content. If you are underage and/or are not permitted to read such content please leave immediately.

Chapter 2 - Wrestling in the frat house

Tuesday morning had arrived. I woke up at 6 am. Michael and I jumped out of bed in the realization of the alarm. I quickly put on my boxer briefs while Michael ran to the sink and started brushing his teeth. I walked over to the closet and chose my outfit to wear for the day. Michael put on his boxer briefs and left to take a shower in the dormitory showers. Meanwhile, I quickly brushed my teeth so that I could catch up to him. I ran out in my boxer briefs down the dormitory hallway. I burst open the door and went into the dormitory's men's room. I dashed for the shower room. At fifteen after six, there were about six other guys in the shower alongside me and Michael. I tried hard not to look at the other guys while they were washing themselves. I could feel Michael's eyes constantly glancing at me in the shower. Michael didn't seem to care about being caught looking at other guys in the shower. This is unlike me since I care a lot about not being caught glancing at other guys.

After I finished washing myself, I headed out of the shower room. I was back in the change room. I put my boxer briefs back on and then returned to my dormitory room. I put on the outfit that I had selected earlier. Michael was also there staring at the closet trying to figure out what to wear. After putting on my clothes I grabbed my laptop and dashed off to my morning classes.


After all my classes I returned to my dormitory room. Michael wasn't back yet. I put my laptop on my desk and laid down on my bed. I looked up at the ceiling and started daydreaming. I recalled that Michael asked me to come to the frat house with him last night to watch him wrestling with some friends or something like that. I thought about it a bit more. In the middle of my daydreaming session, Michael opened the door and interrupted me.

"So how was your day?" Michael asked me.

"Pretty meh, just boring lectures you know." I replied.

"Yeah, same here." Michael replied. "So you're still coming tonight?" He asked.

"Yeah, I said yes yesterday, didn't I?" I started to smile, "I wanna see you in that singlet remember?"

"Oh yeah," Michael said nearly blushing. "If you like looking at guys you're going to like singlets." He said.

"I'm excited. I can't wait to see all that power that you've been building up with all that training."

"Yeah..." Michael started. He looked at the floor "I just hope I don't lose embarrassingly."

I got up and put my hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry." I started. "Even if you screw up, I'll still be proud of you." I smiled.

Michael looked up at me, his face cheered up a bit. "Thanks, Xavier... But still, you know if I screw up in front of everyone watching..."

"Well, you said it wasn't a game right?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's just for fun. Like a guys night thing."

"So I don't understand why you're so worried about it then." I said.

"I guess you're right." Michael conceded.

"Just don't set your mind on losing or failing catastrophically, and you won't. You gotta think clearly and positively. Put your mind in the right place essentially." I continued.

"Man, what's with you and good advice?" Michael asked.

"I dunno, you've just been pretty negative recently," I started, "I'm just putting you back on course since it's not healthy for an athlete to always think negatively." I replied.

Michael didn't say anything at first, he just looked blankly at me. "Yeah, well, I guess I should be more positive... You're not wrong on that." Michael replied.

"So did you hit the gym today?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's why I was a bit late."

"Oh, that makes a lot of sense." I said, "I was waiting here for you and you're like an hour late."

"Maybe next time you should come to the gym with me?" Michael said. "So you won't look like a thin twink."

I laughed out loud. "Wow. Is that what you were thinking last night too?!" I asked a bit shocked.

Michael paused for a moment. "I'm not sure if I should answer that." He said, trying really hard to hold back his laughter. "But yeah, you do look like a twink to me. You're thin and hairless for the most part. Smooth skin, not muscular, not athletic either."

"So you want me to be athletic?" I asked.

"That's not what I said. But yeah, I mean, you could join wrestling with me and the boys..." Michael responded.

I laughed, "Yeah, I don't know... We'll see." I said.

Michael looked at the watch on his wrist, "It's like fifteen to six." Michael said. "I gotta change." He said.

"To a singlet?" I asked.

"Mhm." Michael said. He opened the closet door and started rummaging inside the closet. He pulled out his singlet and laid it on his bed. He started undressing. He removed his shirt, jeans, and boxer briefs leaving him completely nude. I looked at his penis again, it was flaccid with a wrinkly dry exposed head. Michael put on his singlet. The singlet was skin tight, allowing me to see traces of his pecs, nipples, and even his abs. I was most amazed by how visible his cock was. You could clearly see the shape in the bulge, and the head was so clearly traced. Michael flexed his biceps, attempting to show off his muscularity.

"Geez." I said.

Michael looked at me slightly confused, and a bit worried.

"It's like so close to being nude." I said.

"What do you mean?" Michael started, "Compression shirts are normal athletic clothing..."

I cupped his cock over his singlet, "Yeah, but your cock..." I gave it a rub "It's so visible."

"So?" Michael replied. "If you have a better package it's a great imitation tactic on the mat."

"Tsk. Is that really how you think up there?"

Michael patted my head, "You're too much of a bottom to understand Xavier."

I started blushing, I felt his cock growing inside his singlet as I kept rubbing hit. "Well... I'm versatile." I said. "Don't forget I fucked you too..."

Michael pushed my arm down, "Mhm..." Michael started, "we should get going." He said. We left the dorm and headed across campus towards the frat house. We entered the place through the front entrance and descended down the hallway. We stopped at a room called `Athletic 112', Michael opened the door and walked in. I followed in behind him. I could see nine other guys standing around in singlets, many of them mouthwateringly sexy. I quickly realized that some of these guys I knew (or at last saw) from some of my classes. There was another Michael, a Jacob, an Evan, and Ethan that I've talked to before. They're all standing right there in the middle of the room in singlets. There were also other guys that I didn't recognize, but one particular guy got my attention. I also noticed Lawrence in the audience, not wearing a singlet.

"Hey." I said to Lawrence.

"Oh hey, Didn't expect to see you here." Lawrence replied. "Michael dragged you in here?" He asked.

"Kinda, it was voluntary." I said. "Isn't it just for fun?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I have nothing better to do, so I'm just here to cheer on Jacob."

"Do you go to the wrestling matches?" I asked.

"Mhm." Lawrence replied. "Gotta cheer on my roommate. He does the same when I've got a soccer game, so I'd be rude not to ya know?"

"Yeah, I get it." I replied. There was a brief moment of silence. "So, who's that really tall white guy?" I asked.

"Oh him?" Lawrence started, "That's the Wolfgang..."

"Huh?" I asked.

"Apparently he was a legendary bodybuilder in his high school. He just roflstomps everyone in his way."

"I mean, just look at his body... His arms are so muscular, and the veins are just popin' on them arms. His pecs are frikin huge!" I said.

"Yeah... I guess." Lawrence replied, somewhat awkwardly.

I started checking out all the guys in singlets more closely. I could see varying amounts of muscle between the guys, but I also used the singlets to be a bit more `naughty' and looked at all the boy's cocks. I could tell that all of them where neatly circumcised, since the fine tracings of their penis' heads on their singlets were dead giveaways. However, Wolfgang, the guy that keeps getting my attention only had a bulge. I couldn't see his penis' head. I thought that maybe his singlet wasn't as tight as the others... but I realized that conclusion wasn't very logical considering that his huge pecs and thick abs were bulging nicely on his singlet. I ran my eyes back up to his face to get another look at his nice, dark blond (almost brownish) long hair. I ran my eyes over his head and stopped at his eyes. My face turned bright red, he was staring at me, and our line of sight had intersected. I thought I was caught checking him out. The feeling of being caught checking a guy out has always terrified me, this muscular bodybuilder jock... is he going to be pissed at me? Is he going to beat me up for blatantly looking at his bulge? He turned his head away, and talked started talking to a guy I didn't recognize in a singlet. I turned back to Lawrence. "Do you know anything else about Wolfgang?" I asked.

"Not really," Lawrence started, "He has I girlfriend."

`Shit.' I thought in my head. `He's gonna be pissed I was staring at is cock.' "It must be pretty for him to get whatever girl he wants." I said.

"Yeah, you can say that again." Lawrence said.

"How tall you think he is?" I asked, "Around 6' 7"?"

"Bingo." Lawrence said. "One of the tallest white guys I've seen around." Lawrence briefly pointed to a blonde hair girl that was in the crowd. "You see her?" Lawrence asked.

"Mhm" I responded.

"That's, Wolfgang's girlfriend. Skyla."

All the sudden, I heard a loud whistle being blown, which caused me to jump. "Let's get this party started!" The referee exclaimed. He started distributing the guys to their respective weight classes. He started with facing off the guys from the lower weight classes, and slowly worked his way up. I will admit, it's fun to see guys grapple each other, and try to pin each other to the ground. It was a huge turn-on for me, I couldn't keep my little friend flaccid while watching the guys twist, tumble, turn, flip, fling, pin, hoist, dash, you name it. You could see the guys wrestling themselves into accidental brushes and interesting positions that caused my mind to go wild. I haven't realized how dirty my mind was before today. It was finally my roommate's turn to get up on the mat. The ref put Hunter Hackney up against my Michael. Hunter was shorter than Michael and had much darker, olive coloured skin, dark brown hair, brown eyes. Hunter dashed himself into Michael, but Michael easily countered, I felt my heart pounding. Unlike the others, which I had no real preference for the outcome, this was different. I could finally understand what Michael was so worked up about. It's still a big deal, even if it's only for fun. But, that's of course, only if I let it go to my head, and if he lets the outcome get into his head. They kept wrestling, Hunter was giving Michael a good fight, but Michael always had comebacks for Hunter. After a couple of minutes passing by, it became obvious that they were starting to get angry. Hunter became much more aggressive now, grappling with more force and anger than before. Michael's face started to express enragement as he responded to Hunter's every move. There heads both started to turn red, Michael's cheeks become rosy, and they were breaking sweats. Eventually, in a close call, Michael pinned Hunter to the ground and locked him in there. The referee started counting down. Hunter couldn't do anything to break out of Michael's pin, he was beaten. When Michael was declared the winner, he leaped upon his feet and raised his fists high above his head. I was happy for him.

A couple of other, less interesting matches happened. I kept watching them just for the satisfaction that I got, but it wasn't as important to me as Michael's match. Finally, we arrived at the final match of the night, and that included the towering monster: Wolfgang. Wolfgang got up in his singlet with his bold pecs sticking out, and his cock bulging. He approached his opponent, who I didn't even know. It was fairly obvious that Wolfgang was going to win this one. The other guy was shorter, and although he was arguably more muscular than Michael, he wasn't in the same league as Wolfgang. The match started, and Wolfgang immediately went in, and nearly squashed the guy. It seemed that Wolfgang was going easy on him, as he loosed up to let the other guy escape. Wolfgang kept doing this over and over again, he was just so good at resisting his opponent's attempts to pin him to the mat it was crystal clear that the other guy had to lose. He failed with head locking Wolfgang, he failed to do much with his tackle, he failed in destabilizing Wolfgang's legs on the mat, and the failures just kept coming. I was more interested in staring at the opponent's cock since it was clearly traced on his singlet. I basically zoned out, and then all the sudden, Wolfgang had won the match. I watched Wolfgang get up on his feet. I was the first person he looked at, he then turned his gaze onto his girlfriend and walked towards her. She hugged him, and Wolfgang once again was looking at me while her head was buried in his chest. I felt a bit uneasy, I thought it was best just to ignore him. Suddenly, I felt a hand slap my shoulder. "Hey, what did you think?" Michael asked.

"You did well out there, I'm proud." I said.

"You wanna go out and get a pizza together?" Michael asked. He winked at me. "I need to put this bag `o stuff away first though." He raised a plastic bag that had his sweaty singlet in it. Michael's hair was still wet from his shower, and he was wearing fresh clothes.

"Yeah, I'll get a pizza with you." I said with a grin. Michael headed out, and I was following him. I glanced from the corner of my eye that Wolfgang was slowly walking towards me, but he stopped when he realized that I was heading out. From that same glance, I noticed his facial expression switching to disappointment.

We stepped out of the fraternity house and took a couple of steps on the sidewalk. "So, who's that Wolfgang guy?" I asked.

"Who?" Michael asked.

"Wolfgang... the really tall guy." I replied.

Michael placed his hand on his chin, "Yeah... I've seen him around before. He's really popular actually. He's the star of the wrestling team actually. I see him a lot in the gym."

"He's pretty muscular, isn't he?" I asked. "Isn't that your goal?"

"Hahaha," Michael laughed. "I want to be muscular, but I don't want to spend my entire life in the gym." Michael replied.

I chuckled, we entered our dormitory building and headed down the hall towards our room. Michael went in, but I decided to head to the washroom and meet Michael in the lobby room. When I finished using the washroom, I returned to the lobby room of our dormitory building. Michael approached me.

"Ready?" Michael asked.

"Yep." I replied. We headed out to his car and drove off to a pizza shop to celebrate.


After we finished celebrating, we came back and chilled out in our dormitory room for the night.

"Hey, Michael?" I asked.

"Hmm? What's up?" Michael responded.

"Are you ready to hit the sack?" I asked.

Michael checked his phone. "Yeah, I am."

I smiled. "Good." I took my shirt off, then my pants, underwear, and socks. Michael got up from his desk and started doing the same thing. I approached Michael and ran my index finger over his dried, exposed helmet. Michael looked at me, blushing slightly. "Follow me." I said. I went over to his bed and slid myself under the blanket. "C'mon," I patted the mattress. Michael copied, and slid his body under the blanket.

"We're out of lube." Michael said.

My smile immediately faded. "Huh?"

Michael licked my ear and pushed me to lay on my side. I felt his cock's helmet rub my ass crack. Michael pushed me over again, I was now laying on my stomach. He placed himself on my back. His cock fit snug in my ass crack. I felt his arm leave my side. Michael adjusted his cock, and it finally was head-on with my anus. Michael started penetrating his dry, unlubed cock into me. He started licking my left hear. "Xavier..." Michael whispered. "I love you." He continued. I closed my eyes and focused on the somewhat painful sensation that Michael was generating.

"Uhh." I let out a little moan. "You're cock is so nice." I told Michael. Michael kissed my cheek. He finally got his cock in as deep as he could. He started ramming me similar to yesterday, fast and rough. I didn't mind, but not being lubed really made the experience a more painful then it should've been. Michael got faster and faster. He started breathing heavier as he got faster. I started moaning louder, and more frequently as he kept going.

"Fuck yeah!" Michael exclaimed. He started ramming me even harder now.

"Harder!" I said. Michael heeded, he rammed his cock in faster. I could feel more precum come out of his cock oozing into my ass. I could tell that Michael was going to climax soon. He kept going faster and faster, rougher and rougher, desperate to orgasm. His cock started pulsating...

"Uhhh." Michael said, pretty loudly. His cock started shooting hot streams of cum into my ass. His cock pulsated several times filling my ass with cum. "I hope you don't mind." Michael stated. "I'm gonna leave my cock in you for the night." Michael said. After a brief moment, Michael flipped up around so that we were now laying on our sides. Michael once again wrapped his hands around my torso and pushed me in against his body. I liked feeling the warmth of Michael's body on my back. I found it to be rather soothing, and comforting, knowing that I had a guy that would be able to use his physical strength to defend me. I closed my eyes and started thinking about Wolfgang,

`Nah, I'm not going to see him again.' I thought to myself, `I just need to forget about it move on with my life.' I cleared my mind, after a few minutes I was already fast asleep.

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