Xaviers Adventures in University

Published on Aug 17, 2019


Xavier's Adventures in University - Chapter 1

Xavier's Adventures in University


This story is entirely fictional, any similarities to people in real life are entirely coincidental. This page may contain sexually explicit content, particularly men who have sex with men (MSM) content. If you are underage and/or are not permitted to read such content please leave immediately.

Chapter 1 - Michael

I was working as a barista at a local, small business coffee shop. I generally work evening shifts when I don't have any classes. The evening hours that I work are generally quiet, especially after dinner hours. Late into my shift, about ten minutes before closing, someone walked into the shop. The shop was relatively empty except for some high school students sitting at a table in the corner away from my view. I turned around to see who walked in. It was my roommate, Michael. Micheal has very light coloured skin, and light blond hair. He's relatively tall being around 6' 2" (188 cm). He approached the front counter.

"What can I get you?" I asked.

"Hey, Xavier, what's up?" He asked.

I almost rolled my eyes. "I'm working can't you see?"

"Duh," Michael replied. "So nothing particularly interesting?"

"No, just another slow day." I replied.

"How long until you're done?" He asked.

"Like, um," I looked at my phone to get the time. "10 minutes until closing."

"I'll wait I guess." Michael replied.

I smiled, "I'll make you something on the house."

Michael smiled back, "Sounds good."

I made Michael a medium-sized drink for him to sip on while I was working on closing up the shop. After all the customers left, it was just me and Michael. "Okay, I'm going to lock up now. Your car is in the back?" I asked.

"Yeah." Michael replied.

"Cool." I said. I locked up the shop and followed Michael into his car. He drove us back to our dorm room. I went in with him. Michael sat down on his bed, while I was still standing at the door taking off my work uniform.

"So you're still into wrestling?" I asked as I pulled my shirt up, revealing my thin, abless torso.

"Yeah, it's been going well actually." Michael said. "I've been working out more too, my six-pack starting to show now." He said cheerfully.

"That's pretty good, you're going to be a muscular jock now?" I said.

Michael laughed. "I don't know if I want to be one."

"I think muscular guys are pretty sexy." I replied.

Michael placed his hand over his abdomen and rubbed it. "Yeah. I guess so." He stood up and took his shirt off. He carelessly tossed his shirt on the floor. He stood in front of me. "Like it?" He asked. I stood up and placed my hand over his six-pack, with my fingers pointing downwards. We were very close to each other. I stared into his dreamy blue eyes. I blinked, in an instant, we were suddenly kissing. I backed out quickly when I realized what happened and took a few steps back, pressing my back on the door. Michael scratched the back of his neck. "Huh..." Is all that he said. He seemed to be just as surprised as me. I stepped forward again, I then placed my right hand on the top of his shorts. I stepped forward again, moving even closer to him. I then ran my hand down over his pants, purposefully feeling his cock. I stopped moving my hand down when I reached his cock's head. I started rubbing his cock's helmet. His eyes were melting as he became horny. In an instant, he wrapped his arms around my back, pulling me in even closer. "Fuck, Xavier. What the fuck, it's so good!" Michael said quietly. I was only teasing, but he wanted more. We began kissing again, and this time more passionately and roughly (we're guys right? We can do rough). Michael grabbed my penis' helmet and started rubbing it through my pants much more roughly than what I was doing to him. We stood there for a good minute just doing that. Michael then pushed me back and got on his knees. He pulled my pants down far enough for my hard cock to fling out. "Fuck," he said "nice low cut dick!" He exclaimed. I had a low and tightly circumcised dick, with a bold dark scar just half a centimetre above my cock's helmet. He spat on his hand and lubed up my helmet with it. He gave my cock a good couple of strokes, from the base of the shaft to the tip. He then opened his mouth and devoured my cock. He swirled his tongue around my meatus, tasting my precum. He then ran his tongue on the underside of my cock, running the tip of his tongue against the corona. Eventually, Michael got around to the top of my cock's glands. He ran the underside of his tongue across my glands. He then let my cock slip out of his mouth. He stood up again. This time I got on my knees. I pulled down his pants revealing his cock. His cock was circumcised really high, especially when compared to mine. 2/3rds of his cock's shaft was bright pink, with the transition point being extremely thin, with a near-invisible scar. I was a bit jealous since I knew that the bright pink skin is much more sensitive than the standard penile shaft skin you would normally find since it's the remnant skin of the inner part of the foreskin. I didn't bother stroking his cock. I wanted to suck it so badly, so I decided to go full in. I placed his helmet on my wet lips and started moving my head closer. His penis started entering my mouth. I kept going, running against Michael's sensitive, remnant skin since he had so much of it. I finally transitioned into the normal penis shaft skin, but I was going for the base. I could feel his helmet starting to enter my throat, and at that moment I got his entire penis from base to tip inside my mouth. I then pulled my head back a bit, his sensitive skin was already out of my mouth. I swirled my tongue against his penis' helmet. I could taste the small bit of precum that was coming out of Michael's cock. I then started moving my head back and forth letting his cock slide across my tongue. Michael grabbed my head to make me go faster. Micheal's gooey precum was drooling out of his cock onto my tongue making his cock even more slippery in my mouth. Suddenly, Michael pulled his cock out of my mouth. I presumed that he wanted to do more things before he blew some hot cum. I got up, my cock was still rock hard. Michael stroked my cock from the tip down to the base, efficiently using the precum that was hanging off my cock. "Let's get on my bed." He stated.

"Okay." I replied. We both properly took our pants off. I also had to take my boxer briefs off since I wasn't freeballing like Michael. He sat down on his bed first. He pulled his left leg up to take his socks off, and then he did the other without placing his left leg back down. His anus was clearly visible.

"Put it in." He said. I was a bit surprised that he wanted to bottom. I was expecting that he'd want to dominate me, especially since he was more muscular than me. I grabbed the base of my cock and loosely aligned the tip of my penis' helmet with the centre of his anus. I gently touched the tight anal opening with the tip of my cock. I slowly pushed it, watching Michael's anus open up to suck my cock in. It quickly sucked my penis' head, and then after a blink of the eye, my pelvis was pressed against Michael's ass. Michael was moaning as I inserted my cock in, and when I realized that I was entirely in, I looked at his face to see that it was all screwed up, as Michael was coping with the initial pain of having a cock up his ass. I paused with my cock entirely inserted. After a brief moment, Michael recovered, and he smiled at me. I smiled back and began to pull my cock out. I pulled it out about halfway and then started pushing it back in again. I started doing this faster, now at a more reasonable speed. I was still going slowly to not put Michael in too much pain, but still fast enough to actually feel like I'm having sex. After a couple of bangs, I started speeding up. Michael started moaning again, but this time it was because of pleasure, not pain. I pulled my cock entirely out. I hopped onto the bed. Michael turned himself so that he was facing me again, and then I stuck my cock in his anus again. I bent forward so that my head was directly above his chest. I resumed at the speed that I was going at before I pulled out. Michael was staring at my face. I lowered myself and started kissing him. We kissed several times (while I was still going of course), then I straightened my back so that I wasn't leaning over him anymore. I wrapped my left arm around his right leg. Michael started jerking off his already hard cock. His moaning became much louder and more frequent. I increased my speed substantially trying to get myself to orgasm. I started going faster and faster as I was approaching the runaway point. I pulled my cock out so I wouldn't blow in his ass. I touched the tip of my cock with the bottom of Michael's cock, where his frenulum would be if it wasn't excised. I jerked my cock off until it was about to blow. I quickly pointed it at his abs. Hot white cum was spraying out the tip of my cock and was landing right on Michael's abs. I watched the shots of cum slide down the main part of his abs and pool in the depressions around them. My cock shrank as it returned to its flaccid state, Michael was still beating off his cock trying to make it cum. I watched him as he tugged his cock more roughly and quickly with each stroke. He started moaning once again, I knew his climax was approaching. I snatched his cock from him and stuck it in my mouth, just in time to taste the hot sticky cum that was spraying from his cock. I sucked all the cum that came out of Michael's cock and then let it slither out of my mouth. I grabbed his cock with my hand and gave it two last strokes before letting it shrink. I laid myself on top of Michael, getting my torso wet with my cum, and started kissing him. When he opened his mouth I made sure to share his cum with him. After pouring some of his cum in his mouth, pulled my head back sat upright. I was now sitting right on top of Michael's pelvic region. Michael grabbed my ass cheeks and spread them. I could feel that his cock (that I was sitting on) was hardening again. He pushed me up his body to allow his cock to fling out. His cock was rubbing my ass crack just above my anus. He took his right hand off my ass and started manually rubbing his cock against my anus. I felt his cock's head poke through. I winced and looked at the ceiling. He pushed himself in rather quickly, and then started ramming me. The pain shocked me at first, causing me to release a loud yelp, but the pain quickly subsided in favour of my favourite feeling... pleasure. I started manually grinding on Michael's cock, going up and down. I looked down at my flaccid cock flinging itself around as a direct result of my motion. Michael lubed up his right hand using my cum that was pooled around his abs. He neatly slid his hand down my penis' helmet, scar, and shaft, all the way to the base. He went faster and faster with each stroke while I put more effort into speeding up and tightening up my asshole to return the favour. My cock was hard now, deep into its erection. Michael started playing with the pink skin that I had north of my helmet, rubbing his nails and sliding his fingers across the sensitive flesh. He then eventually returned to the most pleasurable part, the corona. Michael ran his fingernails across my corona caused my head to instantly rise to view the ceiling. My eyes were shut tightly. My jaws dropped to release the sounds of deep moaning.

"Fuck! Michael!" I said. "You're doing it... So fucking good!" I exclaimed, nearly breathless.

Michael chuckled. "That's my boy." He said.

"Oh fuck yeah... Daddy." I said, somewhat jokingly. Micheal, a mostly thin, muscular guy wasn't the stereotypical `Daddy' type.

"Faster!" Michael exclaimed, "I'm gonna blow!" He said. He abandoned my cock and flipped us over. I was now laying on the bed and he was the one on top now. Michael took control of the situation, ramming his cock into me. I grabbed my cock and started jerking it off. Michael rammed himself into me causing me to slide towards the headboard with each thrust. Michael was moaning a lot, his cheeks were rosy from putting all that unnecessary force into his thrusts. I felt his cock starting to pulsate as he was pulling out for the next thrust. He then thrusted himself into me really hard, making his previous slammings feel like a gentle slap. His cock suddenly shot a load of cum into my ass. I could feel the warm liquid hitting the walls in my rectum after each pulse. After a couple of pulses, Michael wrapped his index finger and thumb around the base of his cock. He started pulling his cock out, using the ring he made with his fingers to get the cum off his cock. When it crossed the tip, he got on his knees and let his cock flop down between his legs. He used his thumb to wipe the excess cum off his index finger. He shuffled his knees to get towards my head. His cock was dangling in front of my face, he was still towering over me. He bent over to stick his thumb in my mouth, allowing me to taste his cum again. I used my tongue to wipe all of his sticky cum off his thumb and pushed my head back into the mattress to force his thumb out of my mouth. He then sat on my chest, with his now flaccid cock's bare head touching my skin.

"That was fun Mike." I said calmly.

Mike leaned back a little bit, placing his hands on the bed to support him. "Yeah, it was... wasn't it...?" He said. "We don't need two beds in this room do we?" He asked, "I think we can manage with only one..." Michael continued, "Also, I think we should throw out all our pajamas, what do you think?" Michael winked at me.

I chuckled, "Yeah, I'd sleep with a guy like you. I thought it was obvious." Michael got up off the bed. He grabbed his pants that he tossed on the floor earlier. "Why are you putting those on?" I asked. Michael looked at me without a clear expression. "I really like looking at you." I said in a flirtatious way.

Michael walked towards the bed. "I don't want to make you jealous."

I grabbed his cock and started running my fingers on his sensitive skin he had so much of. "I'm not... Really, I'm not." I got up off the bed and stood beside him. I cupped his cock and balls. "I can always work out," I started, "I guess I can't get circumcised like you though." I said.

Michael grinned and let out a quiet chuckle. "I wish I had an impressive scar though." He said.

"But yours looks very neat and clean." I contested.

"But a bold scar is always a symbol of manliness... It represents a story of pain and suffering that lead to greatness. In this case, shaping a man." Michael placed his hand on my shoulder. "It looks good, don't be jealous of others."

"I told you I'm not jealous of you." I stated firmly. "You're jealous of me!" Michael's face immediately turned red after I had accused him. I gently punched his abs. "You saw what I punched?" I asked Mike.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Look at your arms too." I said. He glanced at his biceps. "Keep working out, and don't be jealous of anybody's else muscles." I instructed Mike. Michael was clearly projecting his jealousy of what I presume to be the more muscular jocks working out in the gym onto me.

There was a moment of silence, we were both standing nude in the middle of our dorm room. Michael broke the silence, "Oh, by the way." he started. "There's going to be a friendly, wrestling showdown at the frat house tomorrow evening." He said.

"What? At the fraternity house?" I asked.

"Yeah, the jock one. It's not a real thing, it's just for fun with some of the other boys." Michael said. "Thought you'd be interested in watching."

I sat down on Michael's bed. "Yeah, I don't have work tomorrow." I recalled. "I can come to watch you. Haven't seen you in a singlet yet."

Michael patted my head. "I think you'll like seeing guys in a wrestling singlet." Mike scratched his head with a grin, "I know I can't keep my cock flaccid when I see guys in those. They're skin-tight, the singlets." Michael bent over and pulled his phone out of his pants that was tossed on the floor. "Hey Xavier, it's getting late, we probably should hit the sack soon."

"What's the time?" I asked.

"Fifteen after midnight." Michael answered.

"WHAT?!" I said in shock. "We spent all that time fucking around?!?"

"Yeah." Michael said calmly. "I'm gonna brush my teeth. You'll let me go first right?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, sure. I don't care." I replied. Our dorm room had a small sink on the counter in the corner that's supposed to be the "kitchen" of our room. Though really, the only thing that made it "kitchen"-like is the counters, cupboards, sink, and mini-fridge at the end (which thank God is nearly silent). Michael and I used the little sink for brushing our teethes, or washing things up when we didn't want to head out to the main dormitory's washroom.

After some time has passed, both Michael and I were all washed up for the night. We didn't put on any clothes after our encounter, so Michael and I just slipped into bed without any clothes. Michael wrapped his arms around my torso and pushed me in towards him. I could feel my back pressing into his pecs. Michael moved even closer to me, he kissed my cheek.

"Goodnight." Michael whispered into my ear.

"Night," I replied.

Looks like you have reached the end of this chapter.

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Next: Chapter 2

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