X-Wing, .

By Sean Hoke

Published on Feb 4, 2009




This story is a work of complete fiction there is no truth in this story at all. X-men and all related characters are property of Marvel. This is simply a fan fic written by me. I don't know the sexual preference of character in this story. Please enjoy my story and fee free to drop me a message with suggestions or ideas who knows I might take you up on it, giving proper credit as well. Enjoy.

Chapter One

All my life I have had just one wish, you know that wish that is impossible. Something so unrealistic but you just can't let it go. My secret wish is to fly, not in a plane, I mean to fly free of everything just me and sky. That was my dream, the one the annoying alarm clock was butting into. Finally I woke up and shut it off. I was excited after all I was sixteen today. Not that it meant much; my family couldn't afford to give me a big extravagant party or anything, just a few friends over for diner and cake, nothing overly fancy.

But before I could get to that, I had to make it though another fun filled day of high school. School wouldn't have been that bad if my older brother wasn't a senior, while I was just a sophomore. See I had a secret and he knew it. I had come out to my parents and brother, last year; they took it as well as could be they still loved me. However Travis, my brother, reacted exactly how I had expected him too. He freaked out, screaming about how he didn't want to share a room with me anymore. My parents were saddened by that fact but understood; after all we were a bit old to still be sharing a room. So I got to move all my stuff into the little room that use to be my dad's study. At home my parents forced Travis to treat me with a least a little bit of respect. However school was a whole different world. Travis wasted no time at all in spreading my secret to everyone; he has driven almost all of my friends away. Those that stayed by my side quickly make themselves scarce when Travis is around. Though Travis lives to humiliate me, he has never tried to actually hurt me in any way. His thug buddies didn't like that fact but knew when to back off.

Let me take a moment to describe myself, I am thin and wispy, wimpy is what Travis says. I am all skin and bones, standing just five foot four inches; I am the shortest guy in my school. My mom says I eat like a bird that I just peck at things rather then eating it outright. Little does she know that my lunch money is often stolen form me by Travis and his thugs. I have sandy brown hair that I keep tousled and shaggy and dark green eyes. I think that besides my height that my eyes are my most striking feature. I do really well in school, which is just another reason for Travis to hate my guts.

The day at school seamed to fly by, and soon it was lunch time. I was hiding out by the soccer fields, trying to avoid my brothers and his crew.

"Look guys the little fairy is invading out turf." I heard a voice say behind me. Turning around I was horrified to see Tony the soccer captain and three of his buddies. Tony and I had been friends before my secret had come out.

"Come on Tony you don't really be leave that shit Travis spreads do you?" I said, hoping to find a way out of this disaster.

"Yeah, fairy, I do. Even if it wasn't true, Travis would make my life hell." Tony responded.

"Dude, we use to be friends, doesn't that mean anything to you?" I asked,

"Yeah it does." He said. I saw a glimmer of light. "It means you have ten seconds head start before you pound you into the ground." He said. I knew they were serious so I took off running. I headed towards the woods hoping to loose them in the forest. I never even made it that far; I was half way across the soccer field when I was tackled to the ground. After that they rained down punches on nay part of me they could hit. After a bit of this, I guess they got worried about being scene, so they lifted me up and dragged me into the woods. Part of me hoped that they would just leave me there to my pain and suffering. That wish was to go unfulfilled.

"What should we do with this fairy now?" One of them asked.

"Anything we want." Tony replied. I was pushed up against the ruff bark of a tree. I was petrified to say the least. With the four of them surrounding me I knew the only escape was up, however I couldn't fly.

"Maybe we make him do what all fairies want to do, suck dick." Another guy said.

"Dude that is sick. He would probably bite your dick off." The last one said.

"No way dude, he wouldn't do that. Not if he knows what is good for him." Tony said. "Right bitch boy, you wouldn't want to hurt any of us would you?" he said with a sneer.

"Fuck you." I shouted at him. It was a mistake as he socked me right in the gut, as I doubled over in pain he landed several more hits to each of my shoulder blades that eventually drove me to the ground. They kicked at me till a scream of pain ripped its way out of me. I felt like I was being ripped in half.

"Shit, dudes I think we might have really done some something." I heard of my screams of pain.

"Dude I am out of here. I can't afford to be in any legal trouble." Another voice said.

"Yeah let's split." I was dimly aware of them leaving, but mostly I was focused on the pain in my back. It was centered right above each of my shoulder blades. It felt all the world like that huge bumps were pushing up and out of my back. I don't know how long I was screaming but I was sure after a certain point that I had two large lumps or something coming out of my back. Soon enough my tee-shirt was ripped to shreds I reached behind me to try to feel what was going on, but the pain prevented me reaching back that far. Suddenly it dawned on me, I knew what was about to happen. My flesh could only stretch so far; I braced myself for the snapping point. With a rip and a pop I loosed the largest scream I had in me before blacking out there on the forest floor.

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