X School Boys


Published on May 14, 2003


Ok i have nothing to do with X-men, or marval because this story is just fake. Hope you like it, if your not over 18 than or dont like gay sex dont read this

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ X school guys CHAPTOR 1 (the secreat) * * * * *

"Rogue I just can help the way I fell, will you still be my friend?" Bobby pleaded to Rogue. He had something important to tell her and he could not hide it anymore. They went to her room who she shared with Kitty, Jubilee, and Boom Boom. They sat on her bed with her postcards hanging above their heads. She looked at him in the eyes and saw fear that she would not love him anymore "Bobby, I love you, were best friends I don't care if you're gay, and nothing will ever change that."

"Thank you Rogue, you're the best" he said getting up off the bed with tears in his eyes. "Oh Bobby don't cry" Rouge said. She grabbed his hips and pulling him into a hug rapping her arms around his back and putting her face into his chest felling his warmth mixed with his ice mutant power. He smelled of Polo Sport Calone. She put her cheeks between his pecks that stood out thought his shirt. She let him go and they both fell on the bed.

Rogue rolled on her side to face Bobby's cute face. His beautiful crystal blue eyes and messy blond hair made her love him more. With a grin on her face she asked "so...who do you like?" Bobby had to think about that for a minute. "Johns cute." Rouge sat up in shock "YOU THINK JOHN IS CUTE!" she yelled with a laughing. "Shhhhh not so loud I don't want anyone to hear." "Hear what?" a voice said. It was Kitty she forgotten her books for class and had to come back. "Oh nothing, just talking about class". "Ssssuuuurrrreeee" she said rolling her eyes. Kitty ran to her bed, got her books, and ran through the wall. "That was to close" Rogue said with a scared look on her face. "Rouge what if she herd and is going to tell someone, what if john hears" Bobby was freaking out about this. "Clam down, she didn't hear a word. Ok" "ok" Bobby, said sitting down on the bed, putting his face in his hands starting cry, "Why do I have to be gay and a mutant" he said with the tears streaming down his face. "Come on Bobby, take a nap and then we will go get something to eat" Rouge said pulling Bobby down and putting her arms around him making sure not to touch his skin. He closed his eyes and tried to go to sleep but couldn't stop thinking if kitty her them.

"Bobby come on wake up". He hard a voice and felt someone pushing on his abs. He opened his eyes and saw Rouge in front of him. "Come on I'm hungry, let get something to eat". Ok he said pushing himself off the bed and they walked out the room together. "How long were we sleeping?" he asked rubbing his eyes. "About an hour". They walked down the stares when Rouge stop "Hey I forget my necklace, you go ahead ill catch up with you" she said as she ran back. Bobby walked into the dinning area where everyone was. He looked around and saw people talking, pointing, and looking at him. Rouge ran in and stopped dead in her tracks. "Why is everyone looking at us?" she asked as she looked around. "Because Kitty told," he said turning around and running into Dr. Gray. "I'm sorry Dr. Gray, I didn't see you there" he said as he started to walk away.

"Wait Bobby, what's wrong?"

"Nothing I just...hey can you find out where Kitty is?"

"Yes just give me a sec," Jean said putting her hands on her head and searching for Kitty.

Jean told him telepathically.

"Thank you" he said pulling Rouge by the hand and running off to the library. They walked through the doors and saw Kitty talking to Pyro. Bobby froze in his track, scared to move John looked at him and looked back a Kitty. Bobby had nothing to say all he could do is run so that's what he did. He ran to his room, tear flowing down from his eyes, and freezing on his cheeks. He went into his room and locked the doors no one else was in there. He shares his room with Spike, Nightcrawler, and Gambit. Their clothes were everywhere, Bobby's boxers where lying all around his bed. Bobby ran and jumped on his bed and put his face into the pillow hoping that Pyro wouldn't say anything to him. He was scared, what did she tell him, what's going to happen to him now. He felt himself slipping into a deep sleep; he closed his eyes and slept. "Can you blow open the door for me?"

"Sure, no problem". Bobby woke up with the voice of Pyro and Boom Boom talking outside his door. Boom Boom put her exploding energy balls in the door lock and with a loud BANG and the doors flu open. "Thanks Tabitha." John said as he walk over to Bobby's bed and Boom Boom walk off down stairs. John sat at the edge of the bed.

"Hey Bobby"

"Hey John, what's going on?" Bobby said with a scared look on his face

"I wanted to talk to you about something that Kitty told me"

"What did she tell you" Bobby asked pulling the covers over his head. John pulled them off and looked at him right in his baby blue eyes. "She told me that she her you and rogue talking and she herd everything"

"Everything" Bobby said with a Scared look on his face. "Everything, so I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movie with me Friday, ill drive"

"What?" Bobby asked with a confused look on his face.

"That's only if you want to you don't have to go" John said looking kinda disappointed "NO, I would love to go!" Bobby said in a happy voice and a big smile on his face. "Ok I guess ill we will leave at 7:30.OK" "OK". John left the room and Bobby fell back on his bed and called Rogue in his room to tell the good news.

Next: Chapter 2

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