X Roddick

By Dimitris Nikolopoulos

Published on Dec 1, 2004


Disclaimer: This story contains description of consenting sex between male celebrities and athletes.(well there's also a female participating at one point but it doesn't count as a bisexual story, ok?) This story is entirely fictional and doesn't imply anything about the sexual orientations of the people mentioned in it or anything about their personal lives. I don't know anything about the sexuality of Andy Roddick or the other celebrities and fictional characters used in this story. If reading erotic stories (or just gay stories) is illegal where you live, or the laws in your country or region say that you are underage and shouldn't read such stories, then stop reading RIGHT HERE. If gay sex between men is not your cup of coffee or even disgusts you, then this is the wrong site to be in. Please get out. Otherwise, eat your heart out! ;-) Oh, I noticed that there is no use of condoms in my stories. That's not really bad, 'cause characters in written stories can't get sexually transmitted diseases unless the writer (as in, moi!) wants them to. However in the real world I would advise you people to always use condoms, okay? I'm also trying to inject a lot of humor in my stories so that they will be funny and fun to read as well as smutty. You can always inform me if that actually works, or my attempts at humor are simply delaying the hornier parts of the story. Any comments, criticism and suggestions about the people used in the next chapters are totally welcome! Just mail me at: Mitsaso_X@hotmail.com

Note: In the first part Andy's roommate was misnamed "Martin Fish" while his name is actually "Mardy Fish". I guess it's not a big deal, since if Mardy ever stumbled upon this story he probably wouldn't mind the fact that I got his name wrong, but he'd rather focus on the being-presented-as-kinda-gay thing. :P However, sorry Mardy, wherever you are! :-)

X-RODDICK Part 2: In Athens, No one Can Here You Cum

Marat Safin couldn't believe the sight in front of his (really really shocked) eyes. His long-time rival Andy Roddick was lying on his bed with his ass on the air and some chick with a strap-on was ramming his ass for all she was worth! Well, she wasn't slamming into him anymore, because they suddenly were both aware of his presence in the room and had stopped, focusing on him with panicking eyes instead.

Marat thought of something clever to say, but his shock was too fresh to let him find something genuinely intricate and funny to say:

"Err, am-am I interrupting you guys? You seem rather busy", he said, as a great blush started reddening his otherwise pale Russian skin.

"Do we look like we're busy?!?" the girl shot at him with apparent irritation, toning each word of hers in irony. "No, thanks for asking. We were just having a friendly chat, thank you very much."

"But...but...you have a dildo up his ass!" Marat said, indicating the aforementioned ass.

"Oh my, now that still doesn't prevent us from having a friendly chat, now does it?" the girl kept making fun of his stunned situation as she resumed fucking that hot ass on Andy Roddick.

"Just--ugh--relax, man--ugh--Mandy's just--oh--teasing you--oh yeah!" Andy tried to comfort him but his sentence kept being interrupted each time the girl was shoving into him. That was when it hit him; the woman fucking the shit out of Roddick was his celebrity girlfriend, Mandy Moore! Marat tried to comment on that too but he decided not to, since that would provoke more snide remarks form Mandy's side.

"So, do you intend to stand there, or you wanna join the fun?" Mandy said, ignoring the fact that she sounded like a Fanta commercial. "Look, my ass is ready and willing, why don't you stick any kind of Russian meat that you might have available in there, huh?" Goosebumps run in Mandy's entire body as she imagine what could happening the next few minutes. Not only Andy Roddick, a big tennis stud himself, was getting his ass rammed by his girlfriend, but he would also have to watch his girlfriend being fucked in the ass by one of his greatest rivals, Marat Safin! Imagine the humiliating possibilities! Mandy's inner dominatrix was making a happy dance deep inside her mind!

"Err, no, thanks. I don't..."

"What? Are you shy or something? Come on!" she encouraged him by shaking her ass left and right, causing her strap-on to touch new places inside Andy's anal cavern, making him moan like a dying thing.

"No, no, that's not the problem...problem is..."

"What?" she asked. She was living her ultimate fantasy, no 'problems' were supposed to occur!

"Well, since you already seem open-minded to such stuff it wouldn't hurt telling you...I'd rather do the other ass available in this room right now." the Russian giant said as he blushed a deeper shade of red.

Something in Mandy's pussy started tingling as she re-imagined the Andy-Mandy-Marat sandwich she had thought of before, just without Mandy in the middle this time.

Andy Roddick being fucked in the ass by his rival Marat Safin!!! That was so much hotter that what she had though of before! Even the humiliation was more straight-forward! As her pussy was suddenly flooding with juices, Mandy shoved one last time in the hot blonde-haired ass in front of her and used her nails to claw in Andy's right cheek a la "Basic Instinct". Andy didn't realize that his ex was going wild because she was cumming and he started yelling:

"Owwww! What was that for?!?"

Mandy slapped his with the same hand that had just marked his ass with four faint red scratches. "Shut up you little cunt! Who told you to protest? You're my bitch and your ass is mine, so I had every right to mark it as mine!"

Andy looked back at the mattress sheepishly. "Oh, okay." But the truth was that he liked being a little bitch, now with his own scratch-mark! Mandy's orgasm kept going and as a climax she plunged her dildo even deeper in Andy's seemingly bottomless hole.

"HELL YEAH! GIVE IT TO ME!" Andy screamed as he felt his first orgasm as a cock-loving whore approach. Mandy shoved in a few last times and that caused his cock to erupt into a stream of sperm, making a mess on the sheets and Andy's tummy. His cum mixed with the hair that formed his treasure trail and the creamy white liquid made a nice contrast to all that dark hair.

Mandy plunged her strap-on outside Andy's brutally fucked hole and turned her attention back at the hunky Russian who was just standing there, looking uncomfortable. "Come here. Make yourself comfortable. What were you supposed to be doing here in the first place? These are the quarters of the American athletes, you know."

"Oh, I know. I was passing right outside your building, on my way to the restaurant, but then I heard some yelling and stuff and I was worried that someone was being raped or something. So I got here and found out that the bitch that had been yelling wasn't being raped at all, on the contrary, it looks as she was the one doing the raping."

"Don't worry, our actions were absolutely consensual, really" Andy said with a warm smile as he rubbed his marked asscheek. Marat smiled back at him, and Andy instantly got horn again. He now wanted to take the next step and get some real cock into his hole, one that would actually shoot sperm into it and baptize it as a cum-dump.

"Okay, boys. Enough talking. All talk and no play, makes the cum flow away."

"That's not the way it is said" Andy interrupted. "The actual phrase is--"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" Mandy said as she threw her disposed strap-on right on his head. Andy shot her a puppy look as he rubbed on his bruised forehead.

"Don't you give me that look!" she kept yelling hysterically. "Look at the mark on your ass, Andy--What does it say?? What does the mark on your ass indicate??"

Andy bowed his head in shame. "It says I'm your bitch."

"Exactly! Now stop interrupting me and messing up my one-liners 'cause you don't wanna know what I do to naughty bitches such as yourself!" she shook her head in irritation, then spoke to Marat again:

"Why don't you fill his mouth with something before he says something that will bring him into a more embarrassing position?"

"All right" Marat laconically said and bent over, lightly holding Andy's chin, then lifted A-Rod's head upwards to give a passionate kiss in the mouth. Their tongues got lost into each other's mouth as they explored their oral cavities.

"I was thinking of something more cock-sucking and less romantic, but that will also do" Mandy said as she sat on a chair to watch the action from a comfier position.

Their kiss had began romantically, but now Marat was growing more aggressive and he practically devoured Andy's cute puffy lips with his larger mouth, and he sat on the bed as he pressed his body onto Andy's to force him to low down. Soon Marat Safin was straddling Andy on the bed as they made out like there was no tomorrow. Marat was running his fingers through Andy's messy hair as the blonde little studmuffin took the chance to place his hands on that gorgeous Russian globes of meat that were also known as 'Marat Safin's ass'. Finding that the light fabric of Marat's tennis shorts wasn't making a big difference on feeling the asscheeks beneath it, Andy squeezed the butt in his hands with a vengeance and massaged it with large circular motions. He pulled that butt downwards and felt the growing bulge into those shorts pressing his naked crotch. Ohh! There was some serious Russian treasure inside these lowly shorts!

Marat moaned, and at the same time Mandy also moaned, finding the whole sight too much to handle. She was barely able to not wander her hands downwards and start masturbating. And the funny thing was that Marat wasn't even naked yet!

As if he had read his ex's thoughts, Andy slowly put his hands inside the shorts and felt the smooth skin of Marat's ass, feeling almost electrified by the touch. He began to knead them but the cloth above his hands was now being something of a disturbance. Looking into his eyes, Marat understood what the next move should be.

Safin sat on the edge of the bed and started playing with his waistband. Andy followed by, placing his head at Marat's crotch level like an eager puppy. Marat abruptly pulled his waistband down and a rock-hard eight-incher lashed out and slapped Andy's face, leaving a trail of precum over his cheeks.

"Ohhh goody goody!" Andy yelped happily as he grabbed the fat Russian prick in front of his eyes. But the truth is that he didn't really know how to suck cock, so he just held the prick and looked at Marat's eyes with confused puppy eyes.

"Uh.... how am I supposed to do that, again?" he said, really willing to learn how to do it right.

"Mister! Mister! Can I show him?!?" Mandy raised her hand, giggling like a schoolgirl. She knew that the thing would be a lot hotter if she didn't intervene, but that cock of Marat's looked really intriguing, she wondered what it would be like to suck it herself!

"Thanks, but no, thanks. You probably misunderstood the whole 'gay' thing." was his response. The truth is that Marat just wanted to get back at her for her previous ironic comments. "I can show him how to do it by myself."

"What! You gonna suck your own cock!?!" Mandy had never seen such a thing again. Now THAT should be intriguing!

"Well, duh, no! I can't suck myself! I'm a tennis player, for god's sake, not a gymnast! I meant I could give him my fingers to practice on first, then he can try sucking on the real thing!"

"Uh, okay", she responded, but also made a mental note to get to meet some gymnasts in the very next days.

Marat caringly placed his middle finger on Andy's succulent lips, and the little stud wrapped his lips around it in an instance!

"Remember, no teeth!" Marat said as he wished he had a cock where his fingers are...no, actually that would be weird.

Andy wasn't exactly sucking like a pro, but he was pretty good, to be truthful he was incredibly good for a beginner. "That's easy. Now I know why all these big-titties in straight porn are so eager to do that!" he mumbled around Marat's fat digit.

The Russian hunk pulled his finger from Andy's mouth and rested it along the length of his hard cock. "You still get to suck on my finger..." he winked to Andy.

Andy opened his mouth wide and took both cock and finger into his mouth. He wrapped his lips somewhere at the middle of the cock's length and began sucking back and forth, making sure he was applying a lot of saliva to keep it slicked. Soon the extra finger was being in the way of the other things he wanted to do with that beautiful cock so he pushed it away. Marat inserted his own finger in his mouth to feel the combined taste of Andy's spit and his own precum.

"Don't suck on your own finger! Put in somewhere more worth it instead!" Mandy grunted from her seat as she furiously masturbated.

Marat took it as a great advice and reached with his huge athlete arm to insert the very same middle finger in Andy's previously well-fucked asshole. In the meanwhile, A-Rod had took the nice Russian cock out of his mouth and was licking the big hairy balls that demanded attention underneath. He felt Marat reaching over for his asshole and pushed his torso forward, making him lie on his back on the mattress, then resumed to sucking his cock as he stroked the big testicles beneath it.

Marat just comfortably placed his palms on the back of his head and enjoyed the blowjob this cocksucker-wannabe was providing him. He closed his eyes and relished on the thought that the guy that has won over him so many times in the court, the cause of so many of his professional frustrations was now servicing his cock, bobbing his blonde head up and down at his crotch. Marat lightly placed his right hand on Andy's hair and stroked his dirty blonde locks, showing him how much he appreciated this service.

Andy grunted with content around the Russian slab of meat he was treating himself to. He spat it out and grabbed it, jerking it furiously as he teased the cockhead with the tip of his tongue.

"No, Andy...ugh! Please stop whacking me off!" Marat spat out as he felt close to cumming.

"Why? You're afraid I'll get a tennis elbow?" Andy said, smiling right above Marat swollen cock.

"A-ahahaha!!! That's hilarious! You got it? 'Tennis' elbow??" Mandy started giggling as her hand kept grinding on her clit and pussy.

Marat also smiled, but that wouldn't solve his 'problem'. "You're going to make cum if you keep stroking me like this. I thought it would be so much better if I came in your ass."

"Ohh, now that's a proposition that sounds promising!" Mandy interrupted again.

"Oh, shut up! You're not the boss of us and you won't make all the decisions about the fucking in here!" Marat shot at her with an evil look, just as Andy stopped stroking his eight-incher.

"But...but I'm the one responsible for this get-together!" Mandy complained with a pretentious sad look.

They would have continued their argument, but it seemed that Andy had already decided for himself. He had already hopped on the bed and lied on all fours, ready to be taken doggie-style. He even reached around with one hand and slapped his own ass, inviting Marat to baptize his rectum with fresh, hot Russian cum.

"I can't believe I let go of such a willing, cock-hungry slut!" Mandy mumbled to herself in awe.

Marat wasn't willing to wait for long; he climbed on top of Andy's well-lubed ass and teasingly poked his bunghole with the tip of his fat prick. Mandy had done exquisite work on that ass with her 6-inch star-on previously and taking all eight inches of real cock wouldn't be that hard for Andy...after all, it was stretched out to accommodate more than six inches, considering the force with which Mandy had been slamming into him earlier, when he walked into them.

Andy's head turned around and looked straight at Marat's eyes in a sexual haze: "Fuck me. Ram that babymaker in my ass and carve a pussy out of it. Make me scream and beg for more. Make me your bitch. I want to--OOOWW DEAR GOD!!!" he screamed as Marat plunged half of his cock into Andy's hot tunnel with no warning. "That's the spirit!" He added as soon as he got his breath back.

Marat squeezed both of Andy's asscheeks with his hands as he slowly inserted the rest of his cock down that warm, welcoming tunnel. In the end he could feel his dark, thick pubes scraping Andy's tender buttcheeks.

Mandy was so horny right now that she forgot to resume masturbating.

Marat started to pull out slowly and felt Andy's anal walls clinging to his cock, grabbing it like they wanted to come out of that ass with it. Then, just as his cockhead had almost reached the ring of Andy's ass, he rammed in with only one stroke! But Andy, instead of biting into his pillow or something, just commented with a mock-snobbish expression:

"Is that the harder you can do? Faster, if you please!"

He answered back by slapping the perfect bubble butt in front of him, making sure his palm was open so that it would leave a larger mark. Andy yelped with slutty obedience as his ass started flushing. Marat slapped his ass once more and then rammed again into it, but harder this time.

"That was nice. If only you could repeat it, like, two hundred times so that we could both cum..." Andy's comment was interrupted by yet another slap in the ass.

"Who said you could talk?" Marat asked with a smirk. Then he stroked the nail marks that Mandy made on Andy's ass earlier, and slapped him once more. Marat leaned his head next to Andy's and licked his ear as he started pummeling into his hot, sweaty asshole with forceful, repetitive strokes.

Andy clenched his teeth, as he thought that the Russian invasion taking place at his ass was going to rip him in two parts. The truth was that he secretly loved taking that big cock into the unexplored depths of his bowels. He loved being torn between pleasure and pain, but he tried to remain calm and not express it too much because he didn't want to be thought of a cock-loving slut. The fact that he actually was such a thing was a tiny little detail right now. His mind wandered to some really frightening thought, however. It was less than an hour ago when he inserted a tiny little unimportant finger into his asshole for the first time, and now he rapidly had upgraded to taking a whole 8-inch cock into that same anal cavity. Maybe that little finger had somehow provoked the gods of fate to unleash some gay curse on him? Because going from a little finger to a full hot cock in an hour was pretty fast.

His trail of thoughts went to limbo as soon as he heard the door of his room re-opening and someone new walking in. Oh Hell, does the word "knock" mean anything to any of those people!?!?

A really cute guy with the trademark shirt of the Olympic Games' volunteers walked in and almost had a heart attack at what he saw. He tried to mumble something as he started walking back out, but he miscalculated and bumped his back on the doorframe. Mandy started laughing.

"Hey, Andy, this is the guy who was guarding the entrance and let me in! Remember me telling you about him?"

"Hey, ummm, I'm sorry Mr. Roddick, I found the door open and thought I could walk in without asking first, I'm terribly sorry..." the cute guy said as he turned his back and tried to excuse himself from there. Marat just laughed the situation off and kept power-fucking the hot little ass he already had access to. Knowing Mandy, the newcomer was soon going to join in the developing orgy, but there was no way any newcomer could claim Andy Roddick's luscious bunghole before he was finished with it! As he thought of that he possessively put his arms around the white ass he was banging, kinda marking his territory.

And indeed, Mandy hadn't said her last words in the matter yet. "Where do you think you're going?" She yelled (as gently as she could) to the cute guy. "Do you remotely remember what you were doing here in the first place?"

The guy stopped dead on his tracks and turned around to face her with shame. "Yes...you told me to come by in 30 or 40 minutes after you first talked to me."

"Exactly. So that you could get that autograph I promised you from Andy. Unfortunately I had calculated that I would have been done with him in half an hour and that's why I told you to come by now so soon. But as you can see someone else joined the fun and the thing's duration went way past the initial thirty minutes. That's why you caught us red-handed." she grinned.

"W-well, it's okay, really. I'll just go away now and let you have your fun, and it's okay, I can live without Mr.Roddick's autograph. Thanks." he responded and moved to face the door again.

"But you wanted that autograph soooo much! You're Andy's biggest fan!! You told me so!" Mandy argued.

"Really?" Andy smiled between two hard thrusts of Marat. "What's your name?" he asked, forgetting about being embarrassed that his greatest fan caught him taking it up the ass.

"Mike." the cute guy said instinctively, still shocked that his idol was talking to him, never mind that he was taking some serious cock up the ass. With his girlfriend's participation, nevertheless!

"But you're Greek. Mike isn't a Greek name."

"Yeah, but my name is the Greek equivalent for Michael, so my friends call me Mike anyway." he kinda smiled, warming up to the whole situation. The cute guy was really cute. He seemed the intellectual kind of guy, with short, jet black hair and a small goatee. He also had a pair of glasses on who suited him surprisingly well and made him look hotter. But his greatest asset was his big honey-colored eyes. Mandy (and probably Andy as well) felt like she wanted to pick him up and give him a nice home. Except that he wasn't a puppy.

"So, Mike, we still owe you that autograph. Without your help, this little fiesta on that bed wouldn't be happening now." Mandy said with a smirk.


"But what?!? Andy is taking it up the ass? So what? You're not bothering us, you know! And the fact that he's getting filled with cock doesn't mean mean that he can't give you an autograph while being fucked! Just get there and get him to sign it, now that he's still on all fours and can actually see what he's putting his signature on." she proposed with an evil smile.

"Yeah, c'mon, just get me pen and paper cause I can't reach for myself any of those right now!" said Andy, trying to encourage the guy.

"Uh..okay..." Mike agreed as he started blushing like his pants were on fire. He walked over to the side of the bed and placed a magazine with Andy's picture on it. Then he let a pen on the magazine, expecting Andy to reach it for himself and put his signature on the picture.

Andy reached the pen and tried to sign on the magazine, but Marat's hard and quick shoves were making his hand unsteady (just like the rest of his body) and his signature came off looking like something a 2-year old child would write.

"Dammit Marat!" Andy yelled at the hot Russian babe that was drilling his ass, "how will I give this guy his autograph if you keep going at me like that?

Mike then realized who the guy on top of Roddick's ass was. "Oh my god! Hello Mr.Safin."

"Nice to meet you." Marat responded nicely as he took his right hand of Andy's right asscheek and shook hands with Mike. Mike made a mental note not to touch anything with the hand with which he shook Marat with. At least until he got it washed.

"Marat, I'm talking here! Could you stop fucking me for a second? I need to sign this guy's autograph! Your hammering makes me get my signature all trembly!" Andy intervened with a raised eyebrow as he rotated his head to face the stud on top of him.

"Eeer, let me think. No."

"MARAT!! You're being unreasonable here!"

"Your ass is too hot to allow me to pause my fucking. The boy can have his autograph when I finish." Marat said with a cheeky grin.

"Uhm, I suppose I could wait outside..." Mike tried to make things easier, but Andy interrupted him by asking Marat:

"Well, is this going to take long? The man needs to resume his job, you know!"

"I jerked off right before coming here. So yes, it's going to take reaaaaaally loooong" teased Marat. "You don't need to wait outside, man! Andy is a quite capable cocksucker, he can keep you busy until I get done with his ass."

Mike gawked his eyes and staggered backwards. "Uhm, no, thanks...you know..." he blabbered. "The thing is...I'm not into guys".

"Well, you're not the only one. Andy here didn't use to be into guys until today, but look at him now, there's certainly a guy into him! Hahahaaa! Get it? Into him!!!" Mandy started laughing like a hyena thinking of the crack she just made. She walked over to the bed and high-fived with Marat, who would be rolling on the floor right now if it wasn't for the hot little ass he just couldn't abandon.

"Maybe we should get her and fuck her ass. All three of us. At the same time!" Andy commented, pissed off at having Mandy cracking jokes at him all the time. Wasn't she supposed to get off queer guys, anyway?

"You're not supposed to propose things. You're just the little bitch who's gonna take us all up his ass!" said Marat, plunging his fat cock deeper and harder than ever into Andy's well-fucked ass, just to make sure who the boss was in there after all. "So, come on Mike, show us what you got! I'm pretty sure these pants of yours are hiding a big Greek salami inside" he said, turning his attention to the cute local guy, whose cheeks were flushing deeper and deeper by the minute.

"Yeah, so what if it's guy? A mouth is always a mouth!" Mandy added. She would like to use this guy's 'straightness' in order to get her own hands on him, but getting Andy power-fucked at both ends seemed more important to her right now. Not to mention that she would get to see another 'straight' guy being corrupted and initiated into gay sex.

"Well, since it's going to take so long..." Mike said and began unfastening his belt. That was pretty easy for a perfectly straight, non-gay-friendly guy. He stopped. "Maybe I should have a drink first." he said.

"Right away!" Mandy said happily, reaching for her purse that was conveniently placed right next to the door. She began digging into it and eventually fished out a flask of some alcohol beverage. Or at least that was what everyone else thought. When Mandy decided to get in there and seduce Andy into offering her his virgin ass, she was unsure of Andy's initial comprehensiveness, so she made sure that she brought this little flask with her. It contained a special mix of different drinks like vodka and rum, not in any way drugged, but specifically brought together in order to form an extra intoxicating mix. When Andy had agreed to let her fuck him in the ass, Mandy was internally dissatisfied that Andy turned out so slutty. Now she would get another chance to use her special drink and "help" a self-proclaimed straight man with his descent into Gayland.

Mike gulped down half the flask as soon as Mandy handed the thing to him. "Bottom's up!!" Both Andy and Marat cheered from their fucking position.

The drink would probably need a few minutes to warm Mike up for what was coming next, so as he started unfastening his belt again Mandy jumped up attempting to slow down the process of stripping for him.

"No, let me do that for you", Mandy said, wanting to participate even at such a small level. If a woman got to undress him, Mike surely wasn't going to flinch, now that he still had a few moments of stiff straightness. She ran behind him and put her hands on his waist from behind, grabbing his shirt and pulling it upwards. His jeans were low-cut and the first thing to be revealed was his navel and the beginnings of Mike's dark pubic hair who was continuing under his sky blue jeans. As the shirt kept going up, Marat and Andy were treated to a dark, thick and perfectly straight treasure trail who was slowly leading up to Mike's well-toned pecs, entirely covered by a light coat of short black hair, who were only leaving a small circle of spotless skin around his incredibly pink nipples.

Andy almost forgot the severe pounding his shitchute was getting as he stared at that chest, which had the ideal amount of hair. Mike's two pecs was covered in hair all over, but the amount of hair wasn't so much that he could pass as a "bear", and it had the same thickness all over. Andy felt like he wanted to bury his face between those pecs and lick his way to each hard and waiting pinkish nipple, but as Mike got his hands up in the air to allow his shirt to come off entirely, his newly-revealed armpits drew his attention. The dark, perfect line running from Mike's armpits to the underside of his pec made Andy almost shudder with horniness.

"Ohhh gimme some of dat!" Marat teased as he whistled towards the general direction of Mike and Mandy.

"Here you are" Mandy tossed Mike's shirt right at Marat, who got blind for a bit as the shirt covered his face and he couldn't take it off cause his hands were occupied squeezing the blonde ass he was currently drilling. "That's not what I meant!" He yelled to nobody in particular, but kept blindly fucking Andy's sweet ass anyway.

Mandy was providing a show for Andy, as she was still behind Mike and she brought her hands forward to stroke his shoulders and then his pecs. She massaged Mike's chest as the light hair tickled her fingers and then she grabbed both his nipples at the same time and tweaked them. Mike mumbled something like "ooh yeahh", which she took as an allowance for her to start nibbling at the back of his neck. Her palms traveled lower, making sure that they stroked everything on their way until the previously unfastened belt, and the now-exposed buttons of his jeans.

Andy purred and licked his lips when Mandy unbuttoned all of Mike's buttons at once (reminding himself to later ask her where did she learn that trick, why hadn't she even demonstrated it at him before and if she could teach it to him too) and revealed that Mike was going commando. A nice and big floppy dick sprang out and both Mandy and Andy reached for it, eager to grab it and do nasty, despicable things with it. In the end, Andy slapped Mandy's sneaky hand away from the dick he so rightfully deserved. After all, it was his first time with a man, so he deserved to have this night developing his way.

Mike's incredibly large dick was quite a handful for Andy's fist, even though it was only half-mast yet. Andy pulled Mike from the dick and brought him closer, forcing him to kneel on the bed right in front of him and bringing that tasty-looking uncut monster in the range of his unforgiving tongue. He pulled the foreskin back and exposed a pink, oozing cockhead.

Mike was now breathing heavily. Andy Roddick, his tennis idol, was breathing hot air on his exposed cock and the ironic thing was that he wasn't even lusting about this handsome tennis star up to now! Mandy Moore's hands cupping his pecs and caressing his back made the whole experience even weirder... Getting hotter by the minute, Mike's cheeks flushed a faint shade of red and he decided to go with the flow and let things just happen.

When Mandy saw that Mike was enjoying Andy's caresses, she congratulated herself for her resourcefulness. Her special mixture seemed to be easing Mike up and make him ready for everything. Or maybe it wasn't the drink that was doing all that??

"Who fucking cares!" she thought as she helped herself to Mike's nice and round asscheeks, which she cupped with both palms. Mike gasped, because at the exact same moment Andy was going down on his cock with enthusiasm. The warmness and wetness that suddenly enveloped his babymaker were unbelievable...

Marat almost came right then and there feeling the ring of Andy's ass twitch on his cock. It seemed that Andy was totally getting off at having a cock in his mouth and another one in his ass at the same time. That Mike guy was also damn hot! Maybe he should save some of his cock for that guy too...screw his supposed straightness!

As Andy slurped on Mike's massive cock, he considered that his first cock was Russian and his second one Greek. Multi-ethnicity was a good thing, but he was realizing that he hadn't gulped an American cock yet and that was an affront to his country. should have probably tasted his homeland's cock before going off to offer his ass and mouth to foreigners. So he made a note to himself to get an American cock as soon as possible.

Suddenly he felt Mike's homemade salami growing to its full length into his hot mouth. He spat Mike's cock out and seized it with his hand. Yeah. Should be ten inches, more or less. "That is a mighty fine boner there, you fucking piece of hunk." he whispered sultrily to Mike who watched him from above, as he fisted the whole slippery length of Greek cock he had in his hands. He started licking the underside of the cock and then got down to Mike's hairy balls, which he only lapped for a second before Mike grabbed his pointy blondish hair and forced him to gulp down most of his precum-oozing monster.

Mandy herself was suavely caressing Mike's butt with one hand and then sneakily ran a finger at the whole length of his sweaty, hairy crack, in order to test his current eagerness. Mike didn't flinch or react at all, since he was more focused at fucking Andy's skull as deep as he could. She was ready to poke a finger at Mike's straight, pure and virgin asshole, but then a new voice interrupted her.

"For God's sake!! I'm trying to sleep you fucking horndogs! Not everyone is at that stupid Opening Ceremony you know, some of us actually have to compete tomorrow morning and therefore wake up when everybody else will be going to sleep!"

The ongoing ranting was abruptly stopped as soon as the person mouthing it reached the (yes, still open) door and walked in. Michael Phelps walked in and just stood at the door to take in the sight in front of him. His hair betrayed that he had been sleeping, not to mention that he only wore his boxer briefs and the swelling in his pouch seemed to reveal a morning (or nocturnal, to be more accurate) boner.

Marat remembered reading somewhere that most swimmers wouldn't attend the ceremony because they would have to wake up early in the morning and begin their preliminary races or something.

"Yay!! American cock!" Andy said, but the cock filling every inch of his mouth made it sound like something intelligible. Mike ignored Phelps. Pfft! Just another celebrity that was conveniently going to join them, big deal. He had gotten used to it.

Mandy was pissed off. "What the fuck?!? This whole thing is just like that scene from 'There's Something About Mary', where, like, a million people, one by one, walked into that bathroom to see Ben Stiller's little "accident"...only in this case in a gay dreamland version."

"What is she talking about?" Mike asked Andy and Marat who were in his sight, as he kept slamming his cock into Roddick's welcoming throat.

"Dunno" a sound escaped from Andy's cock-stuffed lips. He was getting both his ass and mouth fucked. Did he also have to answer all the stupid questions in this damn place!?!?

Michael Phelps put his hands on each side of his waist and broke the relative silence.

"Won't you invite me in? Now that the damage is done and I got woken up, I might as well get rid of that boner in here" he said tugging on the very intriguing bulge inside his boxers. "It will surely give me a sweeter sleep afterwards."

Andy, Mandy, Marat and Mike all looked into each others eyes and smiled. Then they all turned their heads to look at Michael and fluttered their eyes at him in unison.

"Cum and get it, sexy." Mandy said.

Phelps walked in and started playing with the waistband of his briefs.


****************************************************** (Author's Note:) Mike (the autograph guy) is not a self-insertion of myself in this story, in case you wondered. I'm not Mike. I don't look like Mike. Mike is simply a symbol for every single fan (or groupie :P) of Andy's who would really like to get his hands on Andy. So, okay, Mike is straight in this story, but I made him so because I wanted Mandy to crack that "into guys" joke! And Andy should also get screwed with non-celebs, right? Not to mention how hot it can be when Andy gets fucked by unimportant people who barely know him! I based Mike's appearance on a guy I know and would really like to get my hands on! :-) :-)

P.S: I hope my story made you cum. Many times. Well, unless you were reading this at work. In that case, I'm terribly sorry :P :P

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