X Redemption

By ac.oohay@88remmusrevlis

Published on Jun 4, 2012


Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any of the characters in this story other than those that I created. This story will contain homosexuality and I do not make any claims regarding the sexuality of anyof the characters in the story. All of the X-Men and Villains presented in the story (other than those I created) are the property of Marvel Comics.

Author's Notes:

With the disclaimer out of the way; I just want to say that this is my first submission to Nifty and would really love to get some comments about it. If you like the story, if you hate it, whatever send me an email silversummer88@yahoo.com. I forgot to mention in the previous chapter but I've taken some liberties with the ages of the X-Men and Brotherhood characters in the story . I'll be mixing in some really popular characters and some relative unknowns as well, so if you're an X fan you can skip the character section, if not then you may want to check it out for a bit of background.


Conner -- 16 year old high school student, our main character

Pyro -- 19 year old member of Brotherhood of Mutants, Australian, pyrokinetic

X-Redemption Chapter 2:

I eventually find myself walking towards a train station. Thankfully it's dark and there are very little people around at this time of the year to begin with. I decide that before buying a train ticket I probably need to at least deal with some of the bruises and see what kind of damage was done.

I stepped into one of the washrooms, which was thankfully empty and proceeded to the sink. I look up and for the first time I see myself after the events at home. There's no major swelling other than my cheek, there's a bruise on my neck and one on my upper torso that's just visible from my shirt collar. My right ear is slightly swollen and there are the remnants of a small cut above my left eye. I lift my shirt to assess what other damage was done and can see a few large bruises around my stomach area as well as one on left side. Thankfully there don't seem to be any broken bones or major internal damage. I try to sit down and see if there is any further damage to my lower body but as I lower myself I feel it..a pain run up my spine from my ass. The memories and images rush back to me...my father holding two large rods and sticking it in me...he may not have had the chance to stick his cock in me but he pretty much tore me apart anyways. I look at the mirror again and I finally breakdown. I can't look at myself anymore and I punch the mirror, adding cuts to my fist seemed like something minor considering the other injuries I had already accumulated.

I begin to question out loud "Why couldn't he accept me? Why did he need to do that?...Why couldn't I just have been born normal?...Why do I need to be gay?" Looking back I knew the answers to all those questions, but I felt the need to voice my frustration.

As I step out of the washroom though I feel another pain to my left side. This time though the pain is more sharp and there's a coldness that comes along with it. I look to my left and I see a hand holding what can only be a knife handle driven up against me. I look up and I see the face of my attacker. He's probably in his late 20's or early 30's with a very dishevelled face and unkempt hair. He reeks of booze and as he opens I can tell that all his teeth are pretty much rotten.

"I was just about to use the toilet there boy when I heard someone whining. Someone saying that they were gay and asking why that was the case. Then I see that you's the only one in there so I guess fag boy be you, eh? Well guess what...me and my friends don't like you faggots prancing around here's parts. And well we can help you's out with your identity crisis as well." And with that he shoved me back into the washroom.

As he enters after me I can tell that he's not alone. With him are two large guys both holding 2x4's. I know what they have in mind ...these guys don't want to just hurt me...they want to end me. After all that I had to go through today I can barely stand and defend myself. I feel another swift kick to my gut as one of the larger guys begins his attack. In the background all I can hear is the laughter of the little guy with the knife. I somehow find myself in the corner of the washroom as one of the large guys rushes at me with his 2x4. As he gets closer I realize that the waves I saw in my dad's room had returned; I could see them again. Just like with my dad I could see that the waves were coming from 2x4's chest, this time though I felt like I could see the source.

I couldn't understand it but it felt as though the waves were coming from this guy's heart. I suddenly realized that I had some control over the waves. I somehow understood that I could change the speed that the waves happened. It was then that I had an idea...I rapidly sped up the waves that were coming from 2x4's chest. I kept speeding them up and speeding them up until, just before he was about to swing the 2x4 he was holding at my head, I felt his heart completely give out. He collapsed on the floor dead.

It was then that I heard knife guy yell out; "He's not only gay, he's a fucking mutie!"

"Mutie" I had heard that term before in a news report. It was one on mutants, people born with extraordinary powers. Was I one? I couldn't really believe what I heard but then how am I able to explain what just happened to the guy that was coming at me? Maybe I am a mutant, well at least this makes this fight a little more fair.

"What are we going to do, Rick? Can we fight a mutant" said the other 2x4 guy.

"What do you expect? He's weak and he just killed one of our own. We need to take him out."

Considering that these guys just saw me kill one their friends without lifting a finger, their decision to still attack me was either brave or extremely stupid. Once again I tried to focus on either of their hearts.

It was then that I realized that Rick's plan may not be all that bad after all. I was certainly too weak and the loss of blood from my side meant that I was certainly losing consciousness. I couldn't muster the strength to activate my newfound power. It was then that I knew that this was probably it. I was going to die at the hands of two homeless guys in the restroom of an old train station...how my life had really fallen. I decided that if this was the moment though then I was going to at least face it like a man and look my attackers in the eye.

I'm glad that I decided to do so because as I looked up I suddenly saw what could only be described as a dog made completely out of fire suddenly engulf the other man with the 2x4. If you've never heard a man burned alive before then be glad because it is one of the most bloodcurdling moments you will ever hear. The scream that escaped from this guy was soul shattering. Almost as soon as his scream was over his burnt corpse collapsed to the ground. It was then that I saw who it was that saved me. In walked this dirty blonde haired guy, his hair was cut into a faux hawk and he was wearing a gray hoodie and track pants. In his hand he was holding a lighter which he was flicking open and close.

"G'day there mates. I was only passing along when I could hear a little ruckus happening o'er here. Now you there mate , you better put away that bodgie knife of yours before one of us blokes gets hurt."

"Who do you think you are? You another one of them mutant sympathizers?"

"Mutant sympathizers?...ME?! Did you even see what I did to your mate over there I don't think I'm any ordinary bloke now am I? Now you better rack off before I decide to give you the same treatment as your mate."

With those words Rick made a beeline for the door and started running away. As he exited the door though my hero turned to me and said; "Know what...I don't really like that bugger." And with that he flicked his lighter open, ignited a flame, and with a wave of his hand the flame took the shape of a bird and chased after Rick. A few seconds later all you could hear was the screams of another man being burned to death.

The guy who saved me then got down to my level on the floor and began to help me up. "My name's Conner. Thanks for saving me" was all that I could muster to say.

"Don't mention it. My name is John but everyone in the Brotherhood simply calls me Pyro."

I look over at my hero slightly confused; "The Brotherhood? What is that?"

He looks at me with a sly grin, "You'll find out soon enough."

Next: Chapter 3

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