X Mens Newest Michael

By Vincent Babler

Published on Nov 4, 2009



I do not own the rights to any of the characters in this story, and make no claims to the artistic visions of the marvel universe. I know nothing of the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If you don't like that, they you should probably avert your eyes.

If you have any questions or comments or ideas about what should happen next I'm anxious to hear them. Sorry that there's no hot crazy sex in this one but i promise there will be in the next one. This is my first story so I hope it isn't too horrible. Any comments are appreciated. Send them to vbabler@gmail.com.

"Dude that was awesome! Did you see the look on his face!?" Josh shouted in between fits of laughter as we walked down the hallway. Josh has always been the stereotypical goofball. In fact his immaturity and recklessness would probably have landed him in serious trouble a long time ago if he wasn't so damn good looking. His strong chin, perfect white teeth, bright always cheerful green eyes, messy short blonde hair, and almost rosy cheeks that got these cute little dimples whenever he smiled, all work together to give him a cute boyish charm and make it almost impossible to stay mad at him without trying. But that's not all he has going for him. He also has an amazing body. Since he was 10 years old his parents had him competing in swimming leagues every year and all that time in the water had given him a sexy swimmer's physique. I found myself walking slightly behind him just so I could stare at his tight ass as we walked.

"How could I not?" Rogue replied in her thick southern drawl, trying to hold back a roar of laughter. "The pepperoni accented his eyes so nicely I couldn't look away!"

Josh almost couldnt breathe he was laughing so hard. He took a few deep breaths before slapping me on the back saying

"My friend, you are officially either the smartest or the luckiest kid alive!" I smiled sheepishly, I was still somewhat in shock after the whole ordeal.

"If I had to guess I'd say it was luck more than anything.else. I can honestly say there wasn't ANY planning involved in that fiasco!" I said with an embarrassed grin. Josh wrapped his arm around my shoulder with a smile on his face saying,

"Fiasco!? HA! What are you talking about?! That back there...," Here he looked forward into space and made a broad, sweeping gesture with his other hand "...That was ART man!" Rogue guffawed loudly. With a gloved hand she brushed a lock of her hair from her face. If I was straight I probably would find her very attractive. Rogue is about 5'9'' and had a runner's physique. Her curly, long hair is brown except for a strange streak of white down the middle. She has pale skin and smooth features which nicely compliment her kind, dark brown eyes. Rogue has the ability to absorb people's memories and life-force and in the case of mutants, their powers through skin-to-skin contact. Unfortunately her power is uncontrollable making any physical contact with others potentially lethal. It always amazes me how she manages to stay so compassionate and caring despite her inability to touch others.

"Well I don't know if I'd go that far suga, but I have to admit it was pretty spectacular!"


We had been sitting at our table in the cafeteria eating lunch just like every other day. Josh was making a fool of himself as usual by impersonating some of the other students we'd met since we arrived a week ago. He'd done a bunch of different impressions so far but the one he did of John (Pyro) was the real show stopper. Using his powers of illusion he'd created a small flame in the palm of his hand. He sat up very straight in his chair and took on an air of cocky arrogance and spoke in a tone that oozed self-importance and condescension. It was actually pretty accurate.

"Behold. My awesome powers of controlling fire will awesomely destroy you with their awesomeness. I cannot actually CREATE fire but you're not supposed to notice that. Watch as I turn this seemingly harmless flicker of flame into a horrifying beast that will burn you!" with a great flourish of his hands Josh shaped the small flame into a tiny lizard that squeaked weakly and then puffed out of existence. We all guffawed loudly at the ridiculous display. Unfortunately, as was his habit, Josh had drawn more attention to himself than he had origionally intended and the real John started walking towards us. He stood behind Josh with a humorless smile on his face. Now that he was closer to us I couldn't help but notice that he was actually really hot! I know that he was probably going to kill us and all but still. He was about 6' tall with spikey, light brown hair with blonde highlights, and hazel eyes. His angled features, tan complexion, and full lips all coming together nicely. His outfit did a nice job of showing off his athletic body. A tight, long sleeve, black tee shirt outlined his toned pecs and arms. His faded blue jeans were teasingly form fitting, revealing a tantalizing bulge. My own pants tightened as I stared and imagined what treasure was hidden inside that faded denim. I was so focused on his looks that for a second I forgot who it was I was looking at and why he was here.

"Oh please continue." Pyro said, his voice dripped sarcasm and malice. "Don't let me ruin your fun." Josh slowly turned around putting on the biggest smile I've ever seen as he did. When he spoke his tone was void of all its previous arrogance. Instead his voice was quiet, but still somewhat sarcastic.

"Oh..uh..hiya John. We were just talking about you! I was just telling my friends here about how much I LOVE what you can do with your abilities. I sure wish I could do what you can! hehe. Wasn't I guys?" Josh turned back to us. For a second I thought he had developed a nervous twitch before I realized that he was winking at us. Rogue shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"Give it up Josh. You're so busted and you know it. As for you John why don't we just let this go. We both know that Josh here isn't stupid enough to make the same mistake again. Especially after he realizes what an idiot he's been!" She directed the last phrase at Josh her eyebrows creased. Pyro smirked at Rogue. A ridiculously confident smile that made me want to get up and punch him in the face. But that would have caused more problems than it solved so I just bit my lip and kept still.

"Well I guess I can look the other way this time. But only because you've caught me in a good mood." He gave another one of those infuriating smirks and something inside me snapped.

"Who the HELL do you think you are?! We were just having a laugh and you come over here acting like some goddamn supreme ruler! Excuse us for trying to add some light to our ruined lives. How dare you act all superior!" I suddenly noticed that I was now standing, my fingernails digging into the palms of my hands. Pyro's smirk didn't disappear however, in fact it widened. He snapped his fingers activating his wrist lighters and a fireball the size of an orange appeared in his hand. I finally realized that he'd come here looking for a fight and I'd walked right into it. He flicked his head in my direction trying to intimidate me but I didn't flinch. If he wanted a fight he'd get one.

"You got a problem newbie? What you gonna do about it?" People had started to notice us now and almost every head in the cafeteria was turned in our direction.

"You come over here, ruin our fun, act like a complete ass, and intimidate my friends! Hell yeah I've got a problem!" A kid sitting behind Pyro who had apparently been trying not to notice the activity going on behind him finally turned around, sensing the coming battle. He quickly spotted the fireball only a few feet away from him and jumped up from his seat in surprise. The chair slid backward across the floor stopping against Pyro calf muscles. Pyro looked away from me to see what had touched him and seeing my chance I acted. I sent a telekinetic push at Pyro causing him to lose his balance and fall backward over the back of the chair. Pyro was left with his legs pointing straight up in the air and his face and torso laying vertical to the floor facing up. I put more power than I meant to into the push however and Josh's lunch tray holding his slice of pizza was also launched into the air. It arced through the air and landed on Pyro's face. He quickly worked himself back onto his feet, his expression a combination of shock and rage. As he looked around trying to get his bearings the crowd erupted with laughter. Even though the pizza itself had fallen onto the floor several slices of pepperoni had stuck to Pyro's nose, cheeks and forehead. Josh, Rogue and I burst out laughing again at the sight before us, nearly collapsing onto the table. Pyro, having realized that he was now the butt of everyone elses joke, stared at me with such malice that my breath caught in my throat. Suddenly he summoned another fireball, bigger this time, and drew his arm back to throw it at me. I closed my eyes and braced myself for the pain I knew was coming. But that pain never came.

"John! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I opened my eyes to see Pyro standing with his arm still held back, the fireball glowing in his hand. I was confused until I looked to my right and saw a tall, stern looking woman with green eyes and long red hair, standing in the doorway. Her right arm was extended out toward Pyro and her face was angry but tired.Professor Jean Grey was the resident doctor at the school, my and Josh's biology teacher, and one of its strongest telekinetics.

"You told me that I could leave for my mission this morning without having to worry about you causing any more trouble! I have not eaten in two days, I am ehausted both physically and mentally and the last thing I need right now is to have to do damage control on another one of your little venting sessions. Now can I trust you to walk to the professors office on your own or do I have to put you to sleep again?" Pyro's eyes darted between professor Grey and me, gauging the benefits of beating me to a bloody pulp against the consequences of going against a teacher. Apparently the negatives won out and he let the fireball disappear. Dr. Grey sighed with relief and lowered her arm releasing her hold on him.

"Thank you John. Now if you wouldn't mind the professor is expecting you in his office. I'll meet you there in ten minutes." Pyro held back another second in order to shoot a spiteful glare at me before stomping away in a huff. Dr. Grey gave another deep sigh before walking over to us, an apologetic smile on her face.

"I'm sorry about him. I hope he didn't cause too much trouble. I don't know what has gotten into him lately."

"Well to be honest it wasn't entirely his fault Dr. Grey. Josh here was making even more of a fool of himself than usual and ended up getting us all involved. Don't get me wrong, John's the one who pushed things to far, I'm just saying he didn't necessarily start it." Rogue said calmly. I will never understand how she manages to stay so unbiased.

"Rogue how many times do I have to tell you to call me Jean?"

"How many times have you told her so far?" Josh asked.

"About five I think. Why?"

"I'm thinking you're gonna need to say it about ten more times before it hits home. It takes Rogue a little longer than the rest of us to get a grip on things." Josh laughed aloud at his own joke and I had to hold back a snicker as Rogue punched him in the arm. I turned back to Dr. Grey and suddenly remembered why she was here.

"Well no matter who's fault it was I'm sure glad you showed up Dr...uhhh... I mean Jean. If you hadn't stopped him when you did I'd be fried chicken right about now."

"Don't be so quick to doubt yourself Michael. The professor says that you have great potential to be a very powerful mutant and I agree with him. In the past week you have made more progress controlling your powers than many of my students have after months of practive! I'm sure you could have handled one little fireball." Jean gave me a warm smile before giving another big sigh.

"Well I better go make sure that John hasn't burned down the professor's office. I expect I'll be seeing you two in class on Wednesday?" Reffering to me and Josh. Josh gives her a big thumbs up.

"You can count on it Dr. J. Wouldn't miss it." He said with a grin.

"Same thing goes for me. We'll be there." I smiled and then mouthed 'I'm sorry about him' and jabbed my thumb in Josh's direction. Jean just laughed.

"Don't worry I'm used to it by now. Well I've got to head out. Wish me luck!" With that she walked out leaving us alone at our table at last.

...End Flashback...

We stopped at Rogue's dorm room and said our good-byes. She gave each of us a quick hug, careful not to let our skin touch.

"Well I'll see you fellas later." She said with a grin. "I got a big test tommorrow and if I don't study I'm sure to fail." With that she spins on the spot and enters her room closing the door behind her leaving Josh and I to continue on alone.

We talk some more about nothing in particular, just passing the time until we reach our shared room. It had been a long day of classes and I was ready to just lay down with a good book and drift off to sleep. Josh appeared to have different plans for the evening however.

"Well I'm gonna grab a quick shower and then I'm off." I raised an eyebrow inquisitively and smirked.

"Since when do YOU have anywhere to go at night?" Josh's face contorted in mock indignation.

"As strange as it seems I am capable of having friends other than you and Rogue. I happen to be a very likeable guy." He crossed his arms and pretended to stare daggers at me.

"You're right. It does seem strange!" I said and laughed. He tried to look hurt but I could tell he was trying not to laugh because his face turned beet red from the effort. After a few seconds he gave in and we both started laughing again. I was still laughing when I walked over to my bed and sat down. Once we'd both recovered from the mock drama I asked him who he was going out with. His face suddenly widened into an even bigger smile than before revealing his adorable dimples. God I loved that smile.

"Well I was down by the lake the other day enjoying the nice weather and I ended up meeting this really nice guy named Bobby. We talked for a while and we got along pretty well so he introduced me to some of his friends. So we all got to know eachother and later they asked me if I was busy tonight and the plans were made from there. I'm meeting up with them around six for a game of poker. Then later we're going into the city for some good old fashioned fun!" Josh illustrated the last few words by showing off some of his dancing skills (a short moon walk followed by a rather impressive version of the robot, Man he was cheesy sometimes)

"Sounds like a great time. You'll have to give me the details in the morning."

"Oh no! You're NOT spending another night cooped up in here. It's time for you to put yourself out there. If you spend anymore time alone up here in this room you'll turn into some kind of hermit! Now I'm not taking no for an answer." Here he waved his finger in a tsk tsk motion. I gave a deep sigh trying to sound like I was resigning myself to something even though we both knew I wanted to come along.

"Oh allright. I can tell by that glint in your eye that your serious and I'm too tired to fight you. Go ahead and take your shower and I'll change clothes." Josh smiled that gorgeous smile again and I couldn't help but smile back. Josh quickly got undressed and threw his old clothes into the hamper by the door. As he stood there in only his black briefs I drank in his sexy swimmer's body. My eyes scanned the smooth, hairless chest with its toned pecs and perfect nipples which seemed to beg to be licked, down to his perfect slab of a stomach that just hinted at a six pack. His toned biceps flexed as he placed his fists on his hips. His legs were well muscled (a result of his daily runs around the school grounds) and his rippling thighs gave way to well defined calves. The real sight was his briefs however. The tight cloth revealead a nearly perfect ass, perfectly curved and tight at the same time. The kind of ass that any gay guy would kill for. Looking at it I had to actually stop myself from reaching out and grabbing it. On the other side of that cruel underwear was a big beautiful bulge. I could tell that it was huge even in its flacid state and my pants nearly ripped from the strain of my raging hard on. Damn it why is it that all the hot ones have to be straight?

"Well if you're done drooling I'm gonna go wash up." I instantly turned deep red.

"Was it really that obvious?" I asked sheepishly.

"Are you kidding? You could fit a circus in that tent!" He laughed referring to my pants. I blushed an even deeper shade of red and readjusted myself to make the bulge less noticeable. Josh laughed again as he dashed into the bathroom shutting the door behind him. I heard the water start running from the shower and after a few minutes I forced myself out of bed and undressed down to my blue boxers. I went over to the mirror and looked at my nearly nude 5'10'' frame. I may not be as cute as Josh but I'm definitely not ugly either. I have short, cropped, dark brown hair that refuses to be tamed, creamy skin, very kissable lips, and gorgeous grey eyes that shine silver when the light hits them. I can't remember how many times people have told me my eyes are hypnotic or how many times I've lured men into bed with them. I smile as I see that my daily exercises are actually paying off giving me rather athletic build. My biceps had grown to about the size of tennis balls leading into strong toned forearms. Strong shoulders and defined pecs resting above a visible six pack. My legs are strong and muscled from my workouts on the treadmill and you could bounce a quarter off my rocking ass. I took a few more minutes to admire my hot body before turning to my closet. As if sensing that where I was I heard Josh call from the bathroom:

"And don't wear anything stingy, Dress up a little. Wear something hot."

"What do you mean. Where are we going anyway?"

"Don't you get it? We're going clubbing!"

Next: Chapter 2: X Mens Newest Michael 2 3

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