X Men Vampire

By James cockburn

Published on May 4, 2008


disclaimer I do not own the rights to any character in the x-men except the character of Kris. I make no claims to the visions of the marvel universe. I know nothing of the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters in the marvel universe. This story has gay characters. This work is only fan fiction and contains sexual situations of the homosexual nature. This story is not suitable for minors. If you do not like gay material then this story is not for you and you should probably leave.

The X-Men Vampire chapter two

I decided to take Bobby, Jamie, Kitty and Rogue with. both me and Rogue had to wear sunglasses, her for her red eyes and me incase i get hungry. The first place we stopped at was the hospital since the vampires have a relationship with all hospital so all i have to do is show a card and the give me enough blood for a week.

Once we arrived at the mall me and the guys went one way and the girls went another agreeing to meet in the food court in 2 hours. The first store we went to was American Eagle were i pick up a bunch of shirts and pants and other clothes, we hit about 3 other clothing stores then finally broke down and went into a game store. There i bought a X-Box 360 and five games to go with it the others just bought a game each since i told them it was a system for all the senior students. 2 hours passed quickly enough so that before we knew we were eatign with the girls and chatting about what we got when out of no where the glass ceiling above us shattered and we all ducked under the table to avoid the shards.

When the glass stopped falling we moved from under the table and saw that there was a man in a red and purple outfit with a helmet that looked totally stupid. As he lowered him self two other people jump down into the hole one was a women with ruby red hair almost like blood and blue skin she was wearing a tight black outfit that made her look like a secret agent. The other was a man who look wilder then Logan and way more visious. "Give me the boy and no one will get hurt." demanded the man in the helmet.

"You can have me when i'm twice dead." I responded since i can tell that he was talking about me from what i could hear from his friends heads.

"So be it." said helmey head.

Once he said that the wall to our left smashed and through it can the fatest guy i have ever seen and behind him was a guy that looked alien mainly because he was all green skinned.

"I'll take Blob." Kitty said and ran toward the fat guy.

"I'll take Toad." announced Rogue running toward the green guy.

"Mystique is mine." Jamie said while running towards the blue woman.

"I'll take Sabertooth." Bobby said heading towards the feral guy.

"Left overs are fine with me." I said looking at helmet dude.

"Left overs. Ha. Do you know who i am. I'm Magneto leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants."

"That means nothing to my." I said as i ran towards him and before he knew it i was behind him kicking him towards were the hole in the wall was. As he flew through the hole the pieces of the wall with metal in them lifted of the floor and flew towards me so i jumped out of there way and kicked each piece breaking them up then ran to follow Magneto out into the parking lot. When i got outside i saw that he was floating in the air so that stopped my hand to hand ablities but not my mental ones. I tried to get in to his head but the helmet must block something. So i used my telekinesis and threw him to the ground the ran up and started to kick and punch him so fas that he couldn't even tell what was happening the he used his power to move me back by using my belt buckle. When i looked at his face it was all bloody and had then he picked up two lamp poles and then he sent them toward me and just as i was about to dodge them i felt something go through my stomach when i looked down i saw one of the metal bars that where in the wall in my stomach.

Next thing i knew i was up against the wall with more metal bars keeping me against the wall with Magneto hitting me with the lamp post. Once the post broke he walked up to me and started to pound on my face with his fists. Once i was nearly unconscious i remebered i have another power and i saw that there where shadows nearby so in focused on them and i used them to make a barrier around me. As Magneto kept trying to break the barrier i use the shadows to remove the metal and throw it out of the barrier. I saw that Magneto was getting tried and when he punched the barrier i let him get through and once he was in i closed the barrier and wrapped my arms around his neck and removed his helmet.Once it was off i said. "Do you know what i am."

"Yeah your mutant with great powers." Answered Magneto.

"Yeah thats true but i'm also a vampire and guess what to heal all the damage you just did all i need to do is this." Then i bit into his neck once i took enough blood i dropped him to the floor and kicked him out of the barrier. I let the barrier fall then i felt the weirdest feeling as if i could feel all the metal around me. When i saw that Bobby was having trouble.i got upset and then i saw all the fallen metal bars surge toward Sabertooth. I manage to get control of them before they scured him so i decided to use them to beat him up and once he was hurt enough he ran for it.

"Thanks but how... you cant control metal?" wondered Bobby.

"I must have gotten Magneto's powers when i bit him to heal myself."

When the other three realized that Magneto was down Blob grab him and they all ran and as soon as they did i started to feel light-headed and then i started to fall when i saw that Bobby had caught me and the last thing i saw was Bobby's ice blue eyes staring down at me.

I awoke with a throbbing head ache in my head and when i looked around i was in a all white room that look like a hospital. When i realized this i sat up right which sent my head ache more and pointed out even more aches in my body especailly wear i was skerwed by the bars. "Don't get up give yourself time to adjust." said Bobby who was sitting beside looking a little tired.

"Where are we." i asked

"We're in the mans in the medbay."Bobby answered with a smile.

"Whats the smile for and could you ger me some of the blood i bought today?"

"I'm smiling cause of what you said while you were unconscious and sure i'll be right back." Bobby said while leaving the room to let me think about what i could have said.

As soon as he came back i asked "what did i say."

"Nothing much besides that your gay nad that you like me. Before you get all defensive." he came up right beside."I like you too." he said then kissed me on lips with a lot of care but then i put more force into and soon were semi making out when i noticed a taste of blood in my mouth so i pulled back and sollowed and the breathe out a that was cool like in winter. "Cool".

Just then the door opened and Jean came in wearing a lab coat carring and mug that smelled like blood.

"Is that sweet nectar for me." i said already knowing that it was.

"Of course only you drink this stuff." Jean said with a wink.

"Jean can i take Liam upstairs?" Bobby said with a mischeivous grin directed at me.

"If after i check him out and see if he is alright." Jean answered with almost a knowing look.

Once Jean checked me out and made sure i drank all the blood she finally let me go upstairs with Bobby. Once we got to my room we fell to the bed adn started making out. The feel of his tongue in my mouth was excillerating.

"Wait a sec i want to get something straight first this doesn't mean we are boyfirends cause i dont need one of those yet i just somebody i can turn to when i need some consoling and if that involves sex well then so be it." I said with totally determination in my eyes.

"Same here i'm not even totally out yet so why would i want to tie myself down when i haven't played the field yet." Bobby agreed.

We went back to making out and then i put my hand under his shirt and felt his amazingly defined abs and pecs which weren't the typical six pack abs that everyone thinks that every man should have but there was enough. I broke the kiss and took off his shirt and started my way down his body and started to kissed his collarbone since i figured that me kiss the neck would be a bit scary. As i moved down to his nipples his moanin started to get louder "Well i should turn the radio on if your gonna moan so loud." I said as i used my telekinesis to turn it on and it just happen to be the song "Addicted" by Saving Abel so i started to sing along "I'm so addicted to all the things you do, when your down on me in between the sheets." After that i went lower on him sucking his nipples till they were rock hard and then i moved and started to kiss his abs as i was trying to take of his pants. when i finally got them undone i moved down there and quickly removed his pant with his briefs. I kneeled there taking in his sexy body went i could no longer hold it in and i went straight for his 8" cock and swallowed it whole the first time which nearly sent him over the edge but i stop and slowly went up and down on him when i had been doing this for awhile i let his cock drop out of my mouth "Bobby will you please fuck me." i asked with hunger in my eyes.

"Anything you want." He answered with hunger in his eyes

Sorry it took me so ong to send this out but it took me awhile to figure out how i was going to get them to fuck so and tahnks to all the emails they were great. and please send more.

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