X Men Vampire

By James cockburn

Published on Apr 29, 2008


disclaimer I do not own the rights to any character in the x-men except the character of Kris. I make no claims to the visions of the marvel universe. I know nothing of the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters in the marvel universe. This story has gay characters. This work is only fan fiction and contains sexual situations of the homosexual nature. This story is not suitable for minors. If you do not like gay material then this story is not for you and you should probably leave.

The X-Men Vampire chapter one

I come from a huge family that we can trace back for generations and thats because most of our ancestors are still alive, so to speak, they are vampires just like me except for the fact that I am not undead yet. I have redish black hair and my eyes are greenest anyone has ever seen unless I'm hungry then they turn black has the darkest night and I have the body of a gymnast.

I grew up thinking that i waas exactly everyone else in my family but i was totally wrong and i found out how wrong on the day i turned 18.

I woke up like i did everyday to the sounds of my house half of night settleing down for the day the other half waking up for the day when suddenly i could feeling everybodies emotions and hear all their thoughts had as everything was building up i could the i was no longer on my bed so i opened my eyes and saw that everything in my room was float the i looked outside and saw that the neighbours cars were float ing has well when i heard from downs stairs "Why the hell is everything floating." it sounded like my mother said that then just as it all began it ended and everything that was floating fell to the ground. Now i have always had been a bit empathic and all vampires are telepathic but never to this extant and never has telekinesis been involed and this was when i realized that i was a mutant. FUCK!! I'm a mutant my parents are going to kill me twice since even though it sounds funny that vampires should be like this but my whole family despised mutants they were fine with my being gay but if i told them i was also a mutant i'd be trully dead before it could blink once. I heard someone coming up the stairs so i just started to think that if i was not able to be seen when they got here then maybe i could have enough time to leave without finding out that i'm a mutant but when his mother opened the door he could have swore that she looked right at him but didn't say a thing "Where the hell is that boy. He better not be out bite or fucking someone again." then she closed the door and stormed back down the stairs.

After i left the house with the little possessions i could i went to New York city which we lived right on the outskirts and since i had to walk it was already almost dusk and i was getting really hungry so put a pair of shades since i knew my eyes would be black. I decided to hide in the nearest alley and wait for someone to walk through i went up against the wal and decided to try out the power that i seem to have which i have no clue what it is. I saw a handsome men walking towards the alley he was around 5'10 with dirty blonde hair with goregous brown eyes and the build of a surfer but the definintion of a swimmer. As he came into the alley i came out of the shadows and use my empathic powers to make him fell like he wanted me so i went up behind him and bit into his neck his blood tasted amazing and yet it was some how a bit colder then usual i just finished having enough blood when i heard a shout from behind me "let go of him." so i did but as soon as i did i turned around just in time to see a huge red laser hit me square in the chest and i sent me flying back to the end of the alley where i hit the wall and almost went right through it.

"Ouch! That really hurt and now I'm really going to hurt someone." I yelled as i was getting up from the ground. Once on my feet i saw that there was another man a two other women standing in the entracne of the alley. The man standing also had brown hair but over his eyes was a visor of some sorts and he was definitly over 6'. the two women one had white hair and the other had red hair but not as dark as mine.

I started to wlak towards then when i felt a strong wind pick up andi could feel it directed at thats when i noticed that the woman with the white hair had glowing white eyes.

"Do you really think a little wind will really scared the likes of me."

I decide to use my vampire speed and with out them knowing i was right beside the white haired woman so i used my new telekinesis along with a shove to push her into the wall closet to her each sort of knocked her out and before the knew it i was right back where i was before i moved.

"Damn it why do some of the newer mutants always think that we are thrying to hurt them when all we want is to talk to them." said the guy with the visor which as soon as he was done he shot a laser at me which i decided to put my new power to the test and i put out my hands and gathered the dark that was around me into a solid shape like a wall and the beam was hitting it and i seemed like this time the visor was not going to let up when i heard a voice in my head.

"Please stop. We don't want to hurt we just wanted to find the mutant whos powers spiked this morning and the machine we use tohelps us find mutants led us to you we are sorry that we attacked you but to us it looked like you were attacking our friend." the voice was a womens so i figured that it was from the red head well since i had telepathy to could play at that game.

"Sorry about you first friend but i needed to feed and well your second friend was i just wanted to show that i wasn't a push over. I'll stop everything if your boyfriend will quit with his optic beam."

"See the whole things is that we were told that if you put up a fight to knock you out then bring you back with us so i'm sorry to do this but i have to shut off your power now."

Then without warning the dark wall be came like a shadow and the beam went right through and knocked me out cold.

I woke up with my whole body aching but especially my head. I looked around and it seemed like i was in a bedroom but I knew it wasn't mine. I was just getting out of bed when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in" I told the person

It was the red head woman from last night who was at the door.

"Hi, I'm Jean and I'm sorry for turning of your power in the alley but it was part of our orders. So I was hoping there is no hard feelings and I was wondering if you would like to come down for some breakfast."

"Sure, and I don't blame you for last nightsince i started it by hurting your firend and by the way the names Liam."

As we entered the kitchen there was a guy standing by the stove her was well over 6' and had the most developed muscles I'd seen yet he had black hair and blue eyes also i could see the way his arms and chest were rippling with muscles cause of his tight white t-shirt.

"Anything your want we can make for isn't that right Piotr."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." He said with a tinge of a accent that i couldn't put my finger on

"Do you have any blood? Any kind will do it doesn't even have to be human."

Both of the people looked at me with the biggest expression of shock Jean was the first to speak.

"What do you mean blood? You, actually drink bloo"

"yeah, I thought you figured that out since when you saw last night. I'm a vampire or i guess what you could call a living vampire."

"I guess i could get some blood from our medbay but it could only be one bag cause we usually need all the bags we have. I'll be right back, why don't you go out into the dinning room and get aquainted with your class mates." Jeean said as she pushed me through the doors into the dinning room then left.

As soon as was in the room everyones head turned towards me and there had to be at least 150 if not more all loking at me. "Hey, over here." called the guy i feed on last.

I walked over to their table and sat next to him sonce he was at the end.

"Hey, i'm told i met you last night but i can't remember you. I'm Bobby."

"I'm Kitty." said a girl with brown hair and hazel eyes.

"I'm Rogue." said a girl with brown hair with her bangs white and eyes that glowed red.

"I'm Betsy." said a girl with black hair that had tinges of purple going through and purple eyes.

"I'm Jamie." said a guy with brown hair and blue eyes.

" So whats your name and what are you powers." asked Bobby.

"Well my name is Liam and my powers are telepathy, telekinesis, I'm empathic and cethinkinesis."

"Whats cethinkinesis?" Kitty asked

"Well from what seem to understand its like pyrokinesis but with shadow or darkness and thats when i call cethinkinesis cause cethin is Welsh for dark so i decided to call it that."

Just then Jean walked up to me and handed my a glass that wasn't clear.

"Here i hope you like it i even warmed it up since it orginally comes warm." she handed the glass to me.

As i drink the blood i could n't help the that the blood tasted going down my throat and when i was finished i saw that eveyone was looking at me.

"Um, Liam why are your eyes black?" Bobby asked with a bit of worry in his voice.

"Opps i forgot to tell you guys that not only am i a mutant but i'm a vampire as well or a living vampire."

"What the hell do you mean a vampire you aer in the sunlgiht why arent's you exploding into dust or catching on fire." Bobby said with his voiced raised a bit.

"As i said i'm techniqually a living vampire or a vampire that has a soul and hasn't become undead yet. So what is everyone elses power."

"Well i can create multiple clones of myself so they call me Multiple Man." said Jamie.

"I can create a telekinetic katana as well as use my telekinesis to make it seem like i have super strength, also i'm immune to telepathic probes and attacks, i can also travel vis shadows and i can create force fields, fly, telekinesis and generate energy blades." Betsy said with pride.

"I have the ability to phase through solid matter." Kitty said while sticking her hand through the table.

"I use to be able to absorb the life force of people throughte touch of my skin but now i can only manipulate kinetic energy in objects." Rogue said with a slight smirk.

"I'm albe to create and control ice." Bobby said turning his fist to ice then turning back to normal.

"That must of been why your blood was slightly colder then normal last night. I sorry for bitting you last night but i was really hungry and i needed to feed i hope you understand Bobby."

"No problem we all have to do to survive just as long as you don't do it again."

"ALL STUDENTS PLEASE COME TO THE ENTRANCE HALL." said a voice over the p.a system. Jean came walking up to me and said "Go with the other students to the main hall please Liam."

As i followed Bobby and the gang to the main hall i noticed how amazing Bobby's and Jamie's asses look a couldn't help stare the i bumped into both of the guys when they stop which snapped me out of my trance. "Sorry wasn't paying attention."

"No problem." the both said.

I saw that in front of everyone there was a bald man in a wheelchair who started speaking.

"Students i wanted to let you all know that i and most of the teachers will be leaving for a week on a special assignment involving the X-Men so i'm leaving the senoir students in charge and that also means that your teachers will be giving you assignment that will be due when a day after we get back which should be about a week.

The rest of the day went by fast as i went from class to class learning who my teachers are and getting the assignment for each class.

My first class was phsyics with Prof. Xavie(the bald guy in the wheelchair). Then i had history with Ororo (the white haired woman form last night) and love history so i was glad i had it. Then was ethics with Emma Frost a woman with blonde hair who loved to wear all white. Then i had gym with Logan a man that looked wild but totally sexy. Then there was lunch. After lunch i had science with Dr. McCoy who was literally a big blue beast man. Then my last class was english with Jean.

As i was exiting my last class i went to Jean and asked "Can go to the nearest town and get some blood for myself`so i dont keep depleating your supply."

"Sure as long as you bring to other people with you."


so thats chapter one im sorry there is no sex but im planning there being some in the next one. If you have any ideas about who that should be then please email me your ideas.

Next: Chapter 2

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