Disclaimer: X-Men Tales: is loosely based on the X-Men- Evolution t.v. cartoon series, as well as the comicbook produced by Marvel Comics. ____________________________________________________________________
The X-Men are mutants, unfortunate people born with an X-gene that gives them extraordinary powers and abilities which makes them outcasts to those considered "normal" in the world. _____________________________________________________________________________
X-Men cast: (Teachers) Professor-X, Angel, Banshee, Beast, Bishop, Forge, Polaris, Storm, and Wolverine, The White Queen, Dr Mora MacTaggert,
(Students) Cannonball-17, Cyclops-17, Colossus-18, Gambit-17, Iceman-16, Multiple boy-13, Nightcrawler-16, Northstar-17, Spike-15, Sunspot-16, Thunderbird-18 / Amanda-16, Jubilee-13, Karma-16, Magma-15, Premonition (Jean Grey)-17, Rogue-16, Shadowcat-14, Spirit-17, Syran-16, Wolvesbane-15, WeaponX-16 _____________________________________________________________________________
The BROTHERHOOD: Blob-16, Mimic-17, Rictor-17, Toad-16, Havok-16, Vertigo-15, Mystique (Head Mistress) _____________________________________________________________________________
X-Men Tales: -pt26
The yellow school bus riding the students of the Xavier Institute to classes at Bayville high in Bayville County Ny, stopped just outside the building's main entrance as students began unloading. 17 year old Jean [Premonition] Grey had to concentrate hard to keep her mind shielded from the other student's thoughts. Lately, the psychic barriers the deceased professor Charles Xavier helped her put into place were collapsing, allowing for breaks in concentration that let Jean read thoughts she normally wouldn't. Holding back was becoming increasingly harder. While most students went about their day laughing and joking, Jean was on constant alert that her powers could go haywire at any moment.
Outside the school [covering the main entrance], were the boys of Chadfield's Boarding House: Todd Tolanski [Toad], Fred Dukes [the BLOB], Lance Ablerts [Avalanche], Mimic, and Havok, standing watch as the students of Charles Xavier headed for the entrance...
"er..., hi Kitty...!" said Lance, blushingly.
"Hi Lance...!" greeted Kitty BACK, giddily.
Lance looked as if he had something for say..., but didn't, as the x-students walked by on their way to classes.
"What a dork..." said Roberto [Sunspot] DeCosta under his breath as he walked in with his friends Sam [Cannonball] Guthrie and Bobby [Iceman] Drake.
"Kitty...!" called Lance again, seeing the opportunity slip through his hands.
Kitty stopped a few feet ahead, turning around with her girlfriends: Jubilee, Rhaine [Wolvesbane] Sinclair, Magma, and Rogue as acting witnesses. Lance ran up to speak with her...
"Hi..." he said nervously, noticeably jittery.
"Hi..." repeated Kitty, also nervous as she wondered what to do with her hands...?
"Do you uh..., like food...?" he asked, at a loss for words.
"Food...?" asked Kitty, trying not to giggle. "Yes..., I like food...!"
"Good..., me too...!" smiled Lance, jumping ONE hurdle. "I was wondering..., if you'd like to maybe GET some...? --Some FOOD...? --With me...?" he asked, feeling like a dweeb.
Kitty giggled nervously...
"uh..., SURE Lance..., when...?" she asked, curiously.
"This weekend, maybe...?" asked Lance, expecting a no.
"Okay." said Kitty, much to his surprise.
"You will...??" asked Lance, unsure. "COOL!" he smiled, broadly. "I'll uh..., I'll call you with a time...!"
"Okay...!" said Kitty, returning to her friends as they walked off laughing...
Lance returned to his friends, walking prouder with his head held high...
"Way to go, dickwad...!" cheered his Brotherhood friends upon his return. "Now HOW'r you gonna get up the money to PAY for your dream date...?" asked Blob.
Lance thought...
"Improvise...!" he said, cheerfully.
"What's THAT mean...?" asked Havok, curiously.
"The principle always keeps a good deal of petty cash in the school's safe for fund emergencies and equipment..."
"So...?" asked Havok.
"...so WE sneak in there after school and steal it!" said Lance.
"Stealing...??" questioned Havok, unsure that was a good idea. "What if we get caught...?"
"So...?!" said Lance. "We're MUTANTS...! We do whatever we want! We answer to no body!"
"What about the law...? The police...?" questioned Havok, "There are RULES we have to follow...!"
"FUCK rules...!" snapped Lance, grabbing Havok about the shoulders as he pulled him in for a huddle. "Look kid..., yur either ONE of us, or yur not...! Which is it...?"
Havok thought...
"Jean..." called 17 year old Native American Dana [Spirit] Moonstar, touching the telepath about the arm. "...can we talk...?" she asked, trying to be discreet.
"There's nothing to talk about...!" said Jean, clutching her English/social studies books as she headed for the entrance.
("Jean...") continued Dana, talking to Jean telepathically. ("...it's about last night...! We shouldn't ignore it and pretend it never happened...!")
(("Pretend WHAT never happened...?")) said Jean, walking ahead and keeping her face straight so no one would know she was talking with her mind.
("You know...!") said Dana, feeling embarrassed. ("I NEVER would have gone over to your bed last night..., if you hadn't called my name...!")
(("You're crazy...")) thought Jean, turning around dramatically as she peered straight into Dana's face through the crowd. (("...I didn't call your name last night...!"))
("Yes you did...!") said Dana. ("You were lying under your covers, rubbing yourself erotically and calling out my name softly...! Otherwise I NEVER would have gone over to your bed...! I thought you were having an erotic dream about me...! I thought it would be alright to join you...!")
(("You thought WRONG!")) said Jean, as the display case housing all the school's sports trophy's started to shake and tremble. The halls were filled with students heading to home class, and many of them saw the odd occurrence...
("I realized that when I heard you call out that man's name...!") said Dana, slowly approaching Jean as she stood in the hall. ("Who's Claude, anyway...?).
(("Nobody!")) said Jean defensively, afraid Dana might discover her hidden crush.
("Well..., for `nobody' he certainly had your body trembling last night...") said Dana, getting too personal.
Suddenly the glass casing holding the trophies shattered, sending sharp shards of glass flying in the direction of the students. Many of the students ducked [automatically shielding their faces], but many were caught off guard, and collapsed on the floor bleeding from superficial cuts.
Dana was among the injured as she fell to the floor after feeling glass shards rip across her Indian face...
"ARRHHH...!!" she screamed as she fell. Feeling as if Jean attacked her purposely, she turned to find Jean still standing in the midst of the ciaos, unaffected by the shattering. Instinctively Dana used her own mutant born powers as Spirit, to draw from Jean's mind the image that Jean feared most. And out of nowhere appeared the ungodly image of Jean, in devil's form...
"NOOOOOO...!!" screamed Jean, screaming out loud [as well as in the minds of all the school's teachers and students]...
"Dana...STOP...!" yelled Karma, using her own mental powers to psychically take over Dana Moonstar's mind and body by possession...
Dana's eyes rolled over white as the image of devil/Jean disappeared from view, leaving many of the students who saw it in total fear...
"Call Xavier's..." said Karma to her teammates... "...they're NOT gonna like this one...!"
"I'm ON IT...!" said Kurt [the Nightcrawler] Wagner, BAMFing into thin air and causing even more students to panic.
OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL, 40 minutes later...
...police, ambulance and rescue vehicles line the outside of Bayville High, scaring frightened parents who mistakenly heard that the school had been under attack by terrorists. The school's nursing staff as well as paramedics attended the injured students, taking anyone who felt it necessary to the local hospital for further treatment.
Outside the school gathered teachers from another school, one much less public and unaware...
"What exactly happened...?" asked Polaris and Beast, trying to get to the bottom of the problem.
"Well..., it all started after we got off the bus and Lance asked me to go out with him this weekend...!" said Kitty Pryde, telling HER version of the story. "We were going to class when all of a sudden the hall walls started shaking, then everything exploded..., sending glass at everyone standing in the way...! It was a madhouse...! People were screaming and crying...! And the blood..., blood was everywhere...!" cried Kitty, dramatically.
"Thank you, Kitty..., you can go back to class now...!" said Polaris, dismissing the student. ("Emma...? Emma..., can you hear me...?") asked Polaris, mentally.
(("I have psychically erased all memories of what actually happened from the minds of anyone who saw...!")) said Emma Frost [The White Queen], coming from within the school as she spoke to the X-Men mentally. (("The student's secret mutant abilities are still secret..., and the events which happened here today will remain an unexplained phenomena...!"))
("Thank you, Emma...") thought Polaris, answering mentally. ("...after everything Charles did to keep the Institute's real function a secret, it CAN'T be jeopardized now after all these years...!").
{{"I don't wish to alarm you..., but Jean's powers are steadily growing out of control...")) continued Frost, (("...I believe it's imperative that she continues some sort of psychic sessions immediately..., or face dire consequence...!"))
"Consequence like what...?" asked Polaris, wanting to know the worst case scenario.
"Irreversible meltdown!" said Frost aloud orally, stone faced.
"Maybe we ought to rethink allowing Emma to treat Jean...?" suggested Beast, sensing something ominous coming around the bend.
Polaris pulled Beast aside, away from Frost's ear...
"Jean was Xavier's prize pupil..." she whispered, "...you can't seriously be considering just HANDING her over to one of his greatest enemies...!?"
"When Charles was alive, HE was Jean's best chance at honing her psychic abilities..." reasoned Beast. "...but Charles is GONE now..., and like it or not, WE decided to bring Emma on to help...! So let's LET HER help!"
Polaris didn't like the idea of Emma Frost [The White Queen] having such close access to the mind of one of the earth's most powerful telepaths..., but what real choice did she have? Nearby, Emma smiled ominously to herself in secret, having mentally heard everything the X-Men said in private. Indeed she was Jean Grey's only salvation to learning to cope with her extraordinary powers.
Jean Grey found herself sitting in the nurse's office. Despite having no obvious physical trauma (lacerations etc) that some of the other students had, she still felt a mental trauma which garnered her at least a timeout in the nurse's station.
She was silently licking her wombs when...
"Jean...? Jean Grey..., is that you...?"
"Oh...Claude...I...I...I mean...MISTER DAVIS...!" corrected Jean, nervously.
"Claude's okay..." smiled the substitute teacher, taking a seat beside Jean. "Are you alright...? I heard about what happened to the students here...!"
"I'm fine..." said Jean.
"Let me make sure..." said Claude, taking Jean into the office as he started to examine her head and hair for lacerations.
Jean said nothing as she allowed the man to touch her, breathing in the scent of his cologne. Her body trembled softly as his hands guided across her forehead, tilting her head from side to side. "You seem alright..." he said innocently, with his hands on his hips.
"I told you..." she smiled, feeling warm and fuzzy inside.
"You could never be too sure..." said Claude, taking a seat beside Jean on the exam table. "...is everything alright with you mentally...?"
"Mentally...?" asked Jean, throwing up her guard. "WHY do you ask...?!"
"You always seem so..., far off, when I see you..." said Claude. "...like a million miles from home...! Is there anything I can do to help...?"
"No..." said Jean, jumping down off the table. "...I'd better get back to class..."
Claude grabbed Jean by the arm, sending electric pulse throughout her young body...
"Jean..., if there's EVER anything you want to talk to me about..., you can...! I want to be your friend...!" he said, looking deeply into her eyes.
Jean blushed...
"You ARE my friend, Claude..." she said, before running away to class...
...after classes ended and students and staff officials went home, locking up the school...
...a small group of renegade students from a boarding school in Chadsfield, NY [known as The BROTHERHOOD], sneaks back onto school grounds after dark.
"How're we supposed to get in...?" asked Havok, as they came upon the locked school's doors.
"Somebody remind this idiot what we are..." said Lance, walking up to the locked metal doors.
Fred Dukes tapped Havok on the shoulder, when the 15 year old turned around, he yelled...
Lance placed his hand up to the metal doors, then concentrated..., a few seconds later the ground began to trimmer as the metal doors began to buckle, then suddenly they burst open, crumbling to the ground in a crumpled heap.
"Waa-la...!" said Lance, presenting a way in.
"It's like mmmaaaagggiiiccccc..." joked Fred, following Lance inside.
"I don't know if this is right..." thought Havok, aloud.
"Grow some balls, why dontcha...?" said Toad, hoping along behind.
Vertigo paused at the entry way as she turned around to face Havok...
"Something tells me your balls are bigger than ANY of these, losers...!" she smiled, before disappearing inside.
Havok smiled, following her in...
"HOW do you know about the petty cash...?" he asked, when he caught up to his teammates.
"You ask a lot of questions for a newbie..." said Lance, leading the way. "...why can't you be more like Mimic, here...?"
"Isn't HE mute...?" asked Havok.
"Exactly!" smiled Lance.
"HEY..., what're you kids doing here...?!" asked a security guard, roaming the hallways...
"Shit man...the COPS!" freaked Toad, hiding behind Blob.
"Let ME handle this...!" said Vertigo, stepping out into the open as she seductively crossed her hands in front of her, causing a wave of motion to cross space and time as the security guard was instantly stricken with severe vertigo, falling to the ground nauseous.
"Piece of cake...!" laughed Lance, walking by the disabled man as he suffered in pain, leaving Havok to wonder if he was in league with the wrong group of people...? "This way...!" he yelled back at his teammates, leading them to the main office. "THIS is principle Darkholmes' private office..." he added, stopping in front of her door. "...I should know..., I've been sent here enough times...!"
"Let me handle THIS one...!" said Todd Tolanski, taking the lead as he made a running start, then kicked in the door to the principle's private office.
"Good work...!" said Lance, looking about the room. "Now WHERE would she keep the safe...?" he asked. "Spread out...! Look around...!" he ordered.
The Brotherhood began searching the office for a safe, when Havok decided to check behind the principle's giant life size portrait of herself in her office.
"Here it is...!" he announced.
"Good work Havok..." said Lance, as the team gathered around. "...and since YOU found the safe..., YOU get to open it...!"
"No..." declined Havok, backing off. "...YOU do the honors...!"
"Look..." said Lance, as the Brotherhood closed in around Havok in a tight circle... "...yur either one of us, or not...! Open the fuckin' safe!"
Havok looked around at his teammates nervously, before stepping back in front of the wall safe. Placing his hands up to the cast iron box, he closed his eyes and concentrated on summoning his mutant born powers. The Brotherhood watched as his hands began to glow and crackle with energy. A few seconds later, the energy shot out from his hands, blowing a large hole in the wall as the safe blew out into the parking lot.
"DAMN..." cheered Lance, as they all looked through the hole to see the safe crash into the lot. "...now THAT'S how you open a safe...! Good work, Havok!" congratulated Lance, patting him on the back before running out of the office.
The rest of the Brotherhood ran out with him, leaving Havok in principle Darkholmes' office, staring down at his smoking hands...
"Great work, John Doe..." said Vertigo, kissing Havok on the cheek before rushing out the door to catch up with her team. Havok blushed as he touched the spot Vertigo kissed..., then ran out after her.
In the parking lot, they found the safe badly damaged and dented, as if blown up by a bomb. The door was blown open, and money and private documents littered the school's parking lot as the Brotherhood began picking up bills and stuffing them in their pockets...
...principle Darkholme stood over her ruined [empty] safe, along with county police and her office staff. "Looks like they used some sort of high explosives...!" said the fire marshal, surveying the damage done to the school doors and the large hole in Darkholme's office. "This looks like the work of professionals..." he went on to surmise. "...but WHO would want to break into a high school, and rob a principle's safe...? Were you holding some sort of secret test scores in there or something...?" he laughed, inappropriately.
"I'm glad you think the vandalism of my office and school is funny marshal..., but I see it as no laughing matter...!" chastised Darkholme.
"uh...yeah...right..." said the marshal, walking away [with his tail between his legs].
"Who could have done such a thing...?" wondered principle Darkholme's staff, as they looked in amazement...
"I want WHOEVER did it caught!" yelled Darkholme, heading back to her office.
Slamming what was left of her private door [after Toad kicked it in], she walked over to the large hole in her office wall, staring out at police across the parking lot.
"It seems our students are ready for bigger and better things...!" said a mysterious voice behind her. Darkholme spun around, caught off guard by the man suddenly standing behind her [his feet levitating off the ground].
"MAGNETO...!" she gasped, frighten.
"How many times must I tell you, Mystique..." said Magneto, lowering himself to the ground. "...that when we're incognito, you call me Eric...!"
"Sorry...sir...!" said Darkholme, changing her form to Mystique.
"This..." said Magneto, walking over to the wall. "...was the work of our students...?"
"Havok's handiwork, no doubt..." said Mystique, angrily. "...influenced by Lance Alberts!"
"Then it's TIME!" said Magneto, impressed by the damage and control the students displayed.
"Time...?" asked Mystique, in the dark. "Time for what...?"
Magneto turned towards his servant...
"I'm not interested in teaching young mutants how to become model citizens like my old deceased friend Charles Xavier..." he said, his eyes narrowing into angry slits. "...I have NEED of your students, Mystique...! I have a JOB for them!"
"I don't think they're ready for a job on YOUR level yet, Magne..., uh..., --Eric...!" said Mystique.
"You're not PAID to think, Mystique..." said Magneto, pulling rank. "...that is MY job! All you have to do is make sure your students are at the appointed place at the appointed time..., and leave the rest up to me...! Is that clear...?"
"Crystal." said Mystique, unhappily.
"Good..." said Magneto, turning back to admire Havok's handiwork. "...I have a feeling your students may be KEY in this particular operation...!"
If you would like to read more XMEN TALES, hit me up @ NPhillydogg@aol.com or message me on my Facebook page under the same name with your questions & comments!
((((( P.S...for those looking for The DAZZLER storyline, I couldn't figure a story involving her worthy of this series, that wouldn't have pulled the storyline AWAY from it's current direction. So unfortunately she will not be making an appearance in this series. Sorry to disappoint any Dazzler fans. --DOGG )))))