X Men Tales

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Sep 19, 2017


Disclaimer: X-Men Tales: is loosely based on the X-Men- Evolution t.v. cartoon series, as well as the comic book produced by Marvel Comics. ___________________________________________________________________

The X-Men are mutants, unfortunate people born with an X-gene that gives them extraordinary powers and abilities which makes them outcasts to those considered "normal" in the world. ___________________________________________________________________

The New X-Men cast:

(Team) Cyclops, Bishop, Iceman, Legion, Nightcrawler, Phantasm, Smoke, Sunspot, Weapon-X,

(Teachers) Professor-Xavier/Legion, Angel, Beast, Caliban, Darwin, Forge, Mother Mayhem, Storm, Wolverine, Healer,

(Students) Jubilee-15, Magma-17, Shadowcat-16, Wolvesbane-17, / Fish-16, Mole-16, Multipleboy-15, Bluebird-15, Blur-13, Bolt-14, Bulletproof-17, Bumblebee-13, Deepthroat-16, Merlin-17, Mole-16, Nuke-16, Octo-Boy-13, Pheromone-16, Ruckus-15, Spoor-14, Switcharoo-17, Tempest-17, Trance-17, Zombie-15, 4eyes-15, 10k-16,

OTHERS: Cable, Domino,

X-Men Tales: -pt92




An airlock is blown inward on an orbiting space station by a red optic blast, the power signature of The X-Men's Cyclops...one of the leaders of: The New X-Men..., as he and the rest of his team [Bishop, Iceman, Nightcrawler, Phantasm, Smoke, Sunspot, and Weapon-X] follow him onboard...!

The space station; which had been orbiting about the Earth for the last 2 decades, suddenly lost power and communications a week ago...leaving The New X-Men to fly in and find out what went wrong...?

"I...don't like the LOOKS of this..." said Iceman |aka: Bobby Blake], as they walked onto the derelict craft! The station was dark and desolate...with only the flashlights connected to The New X-Men's spacesuits as their only sources of light! But inside they could see extensive damage done to the station, with metal wall panelings missing and scattered about, exposing vital wiring and busted pipes...leaving debris everywhere!

"...is it just me, or does this REMIND anyone of anything in particular...?" he asked, getting an eerie feeling!

"Yeah..." answered Smoke [Omar Johnson], "...it reminds me of that SPACESHIP we once found in Bayville...!" he recalled {back in chap-76, `The Brood'}!

"Remind me of THAT story again...?" asked Phantasm [aka: Joseph, aka: the clone of Magneto], using his magnetic powers to remove some of the metal debris out of the walkway as they proceeded forth!

"That's a tale for another day..." intervened Cyclops, "...for NOW, let's just focus on the task at hand...! There could be survivors here...!...folks that NEED our help!"

"That's what Omar said to LURE us into that spaceship!" recalled Iceman, feeling a WARMTH run up his spine!

"Give it a rest, dude..., that was like AGES ago!" argued Smoke!

"Can we CONCENTRATE people, please...?" asked Cyclops, getting frustrated!

"Bishop, do you get any `live' readings...?"

Bishop [aka: Bishop] took a look at the locator' on the forearm of his spacesuit, punching in data-codes...! "I'm getting...SOMETHING...!" he said, unsure what it' was he was looking at...? "There's SOMETHING alive on this ship..., but I can't determine if its `human'...?" he reasoned!

"I've found the control panel...!" said Phantasm, shining his light on it! "I should be able to restore power to the ship within moments!" he assured, using his magnetic gifts to rewire the ship's copper based wiring to regenerate power...!

Suddenly the LIGHTS came on..., giving the X-Men their first real LOOK at the damaged space station...as well as the remains of its mutilated crew...!

"ohmygod..." gasped Sunspot [Roberto DeCosta], as he and his fellow X-Men stared in horror at all the bloody bodies littered about them...!

"Their dead..." said Nightcrawler [aka: Kurt Wagner], reeling back in fright! "...they're all DEAD!"

"WHAT could've done this...?" asked Bishop [mortified]!

"Scott..., what should we DO...?" asked Iceman, as all eyes fell on their leader...!

Cyclops thought for a moment...

"Proceed with the original plan..." he said, "...we HAVE to see if there are any survivors...! Bishop's locator detected `something'...!...lets find out what it was...?" he ordered, as The X-Men pressed forward!

"Smoke, you're safer in your `smoke' form...! Scout ahead..., but keep in radio contact!"

"Right!" said Smoke [dutifully], switching into his `smoke' form before disappearing into the air ducts to reach other parts of the ship that were immediately cut off to them!

"Everybody stay on edge..." warned Cyclops, not liking this mission so far! "...be prepared for anything!"

"Exactly HOW does one `prepare' for anything...?" asked Iceman, just as a paneling popped open and out fell a human survivor [shocking everyone]!

Phantasm was the one that caught the woman in his arms..., gently lowering her frightened and shaking body to the floor...as The New X-Men gathered in around her curiously...!

"WHO are you...?" asked Cyclops [wanting answers]! "What's your name...? What HAPPENED here...?" he insisted on knowing!

"Pa...Pa...Pattie Coleman..." said the woman, in shock! "...I...I'm the sh...sh...ship's 3rd Officer..." she managed to name her rank! "...thy...they come out of nowhere..., invisible to the naked eye...!" she added, before passing out!

"Invisible...?" questioned Bishop!

"Nightcrawler..., `Bamf' the woman back to the ship..." ordered Cyclops, "...hook her up to the ship's med-lab! We'll keep going to see if there's any more survivors LIKE her...?"

"On it!" said Nightcrawler, touching the unconscious woman's arm...before BAMFing the 2 of them to The X-Men's ship [which had docked with the space station at the airlock]!

The X-Men forged on..., with Phantasm using his magnetic powers to open each locked metal door...allowing them to go deeper into the station! JUST THEN there was a tiny crackle of noise...!...not enough for the human ear, but definitely loud enough for The X-Man Weapon-X [aka: Yuro Oyama] to ear: like the cocking of a gun!

"Get down!" he shouted, leaping forward to tackle several of his teammates [including: Cyclops, Iceman, and Bishop]...!...just a BLAST was suddenly shot [as if shot from a cannon]...piercing straight through Phantasm, practically cutting him in half!

The clone [from another dimension] grabbed his pained stomach..., then held up his hand to find it dripping with his own blood! All of a sudden he felt his body run COLD, as he hit the floor, dying!

"ohgod...Joseph!" cried Scott, as Weapon-X jumped up and run through the corridor [towards where the blast came from]! "X, don't..." yelled Scott, watching as Weapon-X disappeared around the bend!

"Bobby, ICE Joseph...!" ordered Cyclops, trying to save his teammate! "Kurt..., BAMF back here and teleport Joseph back to the ship! He NEEDS med-lab now!"

`Copy, Scott!' said Kurt, over communications!

Bobby incased Phantasm's body completely in a block of ice, freezing him on site, slowly his death rate until they could figure out a way to SAVE him! Nightcrawler teleported in, grabbing Phantasm's body before BAMFing back out [leaving behind the smell of fire and brimstone]!

"The REST of you get SMOKE and go back to the ship..." ordered Scott, "...I'm going to look for Yuro...!"

"No Scott, we're a TEAM..." argued Bishop [wanting to go where Cyclops went]!

"NO!" insisted Scott! "This mission is a BUST! There are `unknown hostiles' aboard! Find Smoke and get back to the ship! Be prepared to take off as soon as Yuro and I return! Hurry!" he demanded, before chasing after Weapon-X down the hall!

"You HEARD him, X-Men..." said Bishop, calling back Sunspot and Iceman! "...retreat!"

The X-Men went ONE way, while Cyclops went another! Adjusting his eyebeam to a powerful `stun'...he traced Yuro through the corridors, taking the paths most likely until he found himself facing a locked air-lock! Backtracking, he turned down the least likely corridor and found himself entering a heavily damaged area! It was obvious a big battle had happened here, as much of the area was destroyed and hanging by a thread!

Scott snuck through, being extra quiet...when a HAND suddenly grabbed him from behind...!...covering his mouth as a strong arm wrapped around his waist, pulling him back into a dark corner!

"shh..., don't SAY anything, -stepdaddy..." whispered Weapon-X, holding onto Scott tightly [to keep him from making any unnecessary noise]! "...LOOK!" he pointed, in the near distance...as Scott's eyes focused [through his red ruby-quartz visor] at the dead body of Omar Johnson [SMOKE] lying facedown on the ground!

"ohmygod..." whispered Scott, wondering WHAT could have killed Omar in his smoke form...?

"That's not all..." whispered Yuro, holding Scott closely with his back against him [crouched in a corner]! Even through the terror facing them, Scott couldn't help noticing his teammate's HARD body against his back...!...his strong arms wrapped tightly about him [reminding him of Yuro's father: Wolverine]!

"...THERE..." pointed Weapon-X, in the distance! "...SEE it...?" he asked, as Scott focused his eyes [seeing nothing]!

"No..." he answered [lost]!

"THERE..." said Yuro, "...follow my finger..." he directed...as something became noticeable in the distance...!...something `invisible' to the naked eye...as Scott started to make out a distorted image...highlighted by its YELLOW eyes!

"I...I see it..." he said [realizing `it' must be what the woman was talking about]! "...what IS it...?" he asked, unsure!

"The enemy!" said Yuro! "I detect 3 of them..." he went on to say, "...all hunters..., PREDATORS! It looks like they kill for sport!"

"How do we TAKE them...?" asked Scott [relying on Yuro's combat training for advice]!

"Not head-on..." advised Yuro, "...a sneak attack would be more efficient...! We're not sure what their arsenals are..." he reminded, "...but they were powerful enough to take over this space station and kill everyone onboard...!"

"Including Smoke and Phantasm...!" mourned Scott! "I'll follow YOUR lead on this one, Yuro! YOU take point!" ordered Cyclops [knowing Weapon-X had more experience in this department]!

"A kiss...for luck?" asked Yuro [unexpectedly]..., as Scott turned to LOOK at him [seriously]! "Just kidding!" joked the 17yr old, before shoving Scott out of the way and charging the `invisibles' on his own!

"Yuro..." whispered Scott [into his communicator], "...we were supposed to sneak attack'...!" he reminded, as Yuro caught the invisibles' attention as the suddenly came out of their cloaked states!

"We ARE..." assured Yuro [knowing it was a one way ticket for him]...! "...'they' don't know yur here...!" he reminded, extending his Adamantium claws [with a SHINK sound], as he rushed the first `invisible'...stabbing straight through his body armor to pierce the gray alien flesh underneath [causing green blood to spew forth]!

The other 2 Predators opened fire on Yuro, shooting him multiple times with metal projectiles from their handheld weapons! When that didn't kill Yuro [as he leaped in to decapitate another alien]...he was suddenly hit with a metal NET...which sent him soaring backwards into a wall! But before he could CUT himself free...the netting started to shrink IN around him...its razor sharp edges slicing through his skin, cutting into him in every direction at once! Cyclops heard his screams as HE came out of hiding and power-blasted one of the aliens with his most powerful beam! The alien armor ripped from the creature's body as he went flying backwards into a wall, bleeding heavily!

The second alien aimed its shoulder-cannon at Scott's back..., firing a powerful blast of his own just as Yuro jumped in the way, getting shot down as half his organs went flying everywhere! Scott spun around and took cover behind a metal wall [as Yuro lay crawling], [a bloody mess]!

"Bishop, are you at the ship...?" asked Cyclops [as the last alien started shooting HOLES in the wall, trying to get at Scott]!

Yes...' answered Bishop [over communications], ...but we weren't able to FIND Smoke...! Is he with YOU...?' he asked, hopeful!

"Don't worry about that right now..." informed Scott! "...take the ship and get OUT of here...! Yuro and I have come across the hostiles...and we won't be able to make it back!"

`Fuck that! We're coming to GET you...!' said Bishop!

"NO!" demanded Scott! "We KNOW what has to be done! Get the ship as FAR from here as possible! Don't let these things get to Earth! Scott out!" said Cyclops, looking around the corner before SHOOTING OUT the outer hull...!...causing everything [and everyone] in his area of the station to be sucked out into space!

"Scott's communicator just went dead!" informed Sunspot!

"FUCK!" shouted Bishop! "There HAD to be another way!" he argued, as the ship's safety indicators started to go haywire!

"The space station's starting to fall apart...!" warned Nightcrawler! "We HAVE to detach from the station of be pulled down WITH it...!"

"Close the air-locks!" ordered Bishop [now in command]!

"Can't..." said Iceman, "...the lock's jammed...!" he informed, unable to close it off!

"It must've gotten damaged when Cyke blow the lock earlier...!"

The ship started to shake apart with the rest of the station! "We're gonna DIE!" screamed Kurt [nervously]!

"Not necessarily..." warned Sunspot, "...I could BREAK the locks and cause us to drift away from the station...!"

"AND I could close off the air-lock with a giant ICE-DOOR, keeping us safe inside...!" added Iceman!

"Until we start to reenter Earth's atmosphere and the ice melts when all the heat and radiation starts to burn into the ship!" challenged Kurt!

"Our SUITS will provide us with some protection..." argued Bishop, "...but we'll DEAL with that problem later..." he added, before turning to his teammates! "...DO IT!" he ordered, as Sunspot rushed over to the air-lock and started to physically TEAR the metal apart from the ship [breaking it with his bare hands]!

In med-lab, the woman they saved earlier suddenly jumped up from the machine she was attached to...!

"It's HERE..." she sensed, looking pass the air-lock...into the darkness that once again consumed the space station! "...its coming to kill us all..." she rambled, "...it wants to eradicate our species!"

"WHAT does...?" asked Bishop, seeing nothing in the direction she was looking!

"THAT!" pointed the woman, as one of the 7foot alien Predators came running down the corridor after them! Sunspot had just broken away the last lock...as the ship started to slowly drift apart!

Bishop got out of the pilot's chair and started firing on the alien [as it became visible]!

"It's not stopping!" yelled Nightcrawler!

"Leave that to me!" volunteered Sunspot, leaping off the ship and into the air-lock to block the creature's path!

"HE can't stop it alone...!" said Bishop, leaping off the ship after him! "Iceman...SEAL the air-lock...!...get the ship out of here!" he shouted over communications [sparking his last order]!

Iceman sealed up the air-lock, stabilizing the ship before rushing to the controls [to pilot the ship]! They watched as the space station got smaller and smaller...then saw it suddenly DETONATE in the distance [as The Predator blew it up with the mini-nuke in his armor]!

"It's over..." sighed Iceman, dropping his head [to morn his fellow teammate]!

The woman started to climb out of the capsule she was in...

"Stay where you are, miss..." advised Nightcrawler, trying to keep her IN the capsule...! "...you don't know the extent of your injuries...!" he informed!

"All is fine..." said the woman [her voice changing sound as her physical appearance started to break away...becoming more grotesque as her body started to morph into some hideous THING]! "...now that you have destroyed our enemies..., WE can take over YOUR planet...!"

"OHMYGOD...!" screamed Kurt, stepping back in fear as Iceman turned around in his seat...!

"What the fuck is THAT...?!" he asked, as the woman's arms suddenly REACHED across the ship [like a giant tentacle] and slammed Bobby's human face into the console, crushing his skull!

When it reached for Nightcrawler...Kurt BAMFed away [into limbo], leaving the ship to reenter Earth's atmosphere...hoping the ship AND The THING would burn up in reentry...? Unfortunately he underestimated The THING's stamina...as `it' took over total domination of the world in less than 6mons...!

"End Program!" said Legion [Professor Xavier], as the Danger Room's special 3D effects began to shut down..., reverting the room back to normal [from an orbital hologram]..., leaving The New X-Men standing in the center of the room [very much alive]...!

"Need I say...: -that was HORRIBLE...!" said Xavier [in his son's body], {explained way back in chp-75, `Legion'}!

"I take FULL responsibility, Professor...!" said Scott, hanging his head in shame [as the team's leader]!

"For that YOU will, Scotty..." assured Xavier, "...leaving your team behind to fend for themselves while you and Yuro went on a suicide mission to fight unknown hostiles was a terrible breach in protocol...!" shouted the X-Men founder! "And as a result, you LOST your team AND The Earth fell victim to those monstrous THINGS in the end!"

Scott dropped his head...knowing he failed his first mission as leader epically!

"The REST of you did no better..." said Xavier, turning to the rest of the team...! "...while your sacrifices were noble...they were highly unnecessary! I expected MORE from all of you! Luckily THIS was a Danger Room exercise and NOT actual combat...!...otherwise you'd all be DEAD right now...!

"I'm afraid you're going to all have to have A LOT more grueling sessions before this NEW team is ready to take the place of the OLD...!" sighed Xavier! "You're all dismissed!" he added, as The New X-Men started to head to the locker rooms to shower and change...!

"Don't you think you might be being a little too HARD on us...?" reasoned Joseph, lagging back to have a private conversation with his lover!

"On the contrary..." said Xavier, "...I held back A LOT...!"

"If you keep pushing these guys the way you do..., they're going to realize eventually that these computer programs are designed to make them LOSE...!" warned the clone!

"I don't know what you mean, Joseph...!" said Xavier [playing dumb]!

"In order for some of those special effects' to have worked properly..., YOU had to have had a hand it..." explained Joseph, "...using YOUR telepathy and your SON's ability to warp reality...!...as a computer simulation would NOT be able to replicate some of the more memorable' effects as effectively!"

"Touché!" smiled Xavier, suddenly warping the room into a background setting of romantic PARIS!

Joseph looked around at the nighttime lights, recognizing the Eiffel Tower just ahead of them in the distance!

"This is where YOU and Erik Lensherr first fell in love...?" asked the clone [recalling Xavier's stories of how HE and Magneto were once lovers in the past]...!

"No..." answered Xavier, grasping Joe's hand as he guided him towards the balcony railing of the hotel suite they were currently standing in...! "...but its one of our happiest memories...!" he reminded, images of he and Erik wrapped in each other's arms still vibrant in his mind {as explained in chp-80, `Phantasm'}!

Joseph stared out at Paris with Xavier [now inhabiting his son's (David's) body]..., and abruptly pulled away...!

"I'm NOT Erik!" he said, before walking out of the room...!...effectively ENDING Xavier's mental illusion...!



Storm was sitting in The Headmaster's Office..., facetiming with her son [Evan] halfway around the world in: Africa...!...telling him how proud she was of him and how much she missed him at the school...!

Evan explained that everything was going good in Wakanda...and that he and his dad [T'Challa: The Black Panther] were getting along great! Of course he missed his mother, but understood she was needed more in America, at the school!

She was just ending her facetime...when her boyfriend [Bishop] suddenly walked in without knocking...!

"Bishop..." sighed Storm, closing her laptop...! "...how many times do I have to remind you to KNOCK on my door before entering...?" she scolded! "I could have been on a very important conference call with one of the parents...! You KNOW we have New Enrollment tomorrow...!" she reminded!

"I'm sorry..." said Bishop [making a mental note of it]...! "...we FAILED again!" he pouted, as Storm held out her arms [openly]...knowing he and Scott always took the losses to heart!

Bishop walked into Storm's embrace...as she lovingly wrapped her arms about him, holding his head to her bosom! It always made Bishop feel better..., ever-since he was a kid [in a different timeline], when an OLDER Storm used to cradle him when he was took scared to sleep at night...! This time however, he was OLDER, and the Storm from this timeline was younger...! He popped the top buttons on her tight fitting blouse...then nestled his face in her bosom, kissing at her boobs before lying her back across her desk...! Storm created a gentle breeze to SLAM her office door shut..., as Bishop started to lift her skirt and loosen her panties...!



Somewhere deep within the estate of Charles Xavier...lies a treehouse unlike any other treehouse in existence: with four walls, a patio, and furniture scattered within!

It's where students of Xavier go to get away from it all..., a place where they could let loose and just be kids, without the supervision of The X-Men always looming about!

It's where The New X-Men [Iceman, Nightcrawler, Smoke, and Sunspot] went to escape! "I can't believe we got our asses handed to us by TWO fictional horror movie monsters: The THING and Predators!!" complained Smoke, flopping back in one of the lounge chairs [stolen from the mansion]! "I'll never look at those movies and say they're `corny' again!"

"They used our own cockiness against us..." reasoned Sunspot, turning a soda can up to his lips [to drink his cares away]! "We actually scored HIGHER marks when we were still students IN SCHOOL...!" he pointed out, feeling like a failure!

"I wouldn't be surprised if Xavier kicked us ALL off the team and kept the OLD X-Men...! They're WAAYY better than us!"

"If anyone might get fired..., it's Scott..." reasoned Nightcrawler, , ripping open a big bag of chips [stolen from the school's pantry]! "...HE was our leader...! The X-Men aren't gonna let THAT go without addressing it!"

"It wasn't all Scott's fault..." argued Iceman, "...HE was only doing what he thought was right...!"

"Either way..., I wouldn't be surprised if they put someone else in leadership position..." continued Smoke, thoughtfully...! "...maybe Bishop...? HE took control pretty good for a minute there!"

"HE didn't DO much better..." argued Iceman [defending his friend]! "...HE sacrificed himself also...and we STILL lost the fight!"

"I feel like SHIT!" sighed Nightcrawler [eating chips with his feet]!

"That's cuz you guys ain't hungover yet..." said Yuro, climbing in through the treehouse window..., carrying a shopping bag with him..! "You guys'r NEVER gonna get over yourselves without summa THIS...!" he added, pulling two 6packs of BEER from the bag...!...popping the top off HIS with a slice of his extended claws...! [SHINK]!

"Awesome, X..." glee Sunspot, grabbing himself a brew! "...where'd you get BEER from...?" he asked, knowing The X-Men kept a lock and key on the booze in the house!

"Borrowed my dad's BIKE and rode into town..." smiled Yuro, turning his beer up to his lips! "...five finger discount did the rest!" he added, with a loud BELCH!

"Cool!" smiled Sunspot, licking his lips as he stared down between Yuro's legs [trying to recall the last time he saw the wild teen's hard dick]...?

Yuro noticed Roberto's stare..., as he reached down and openly groped himself, letting his teammate KNOW he was interested too!



Wolverine could SMELL his lover's scent no matter where he was in the house! He could tell by the changes in his PH Balance that he was stressed...!...and it didn't take a rocket-scientist or telepath to know why...!

"Ain't no need in sulkin' down here..." said the X-Man teacher, walking up on Scott Summers [his husband] as he sat in the control booth in the sub-levels of The Danger-Room...going over 3D video projections of his new team's last performance!

"...we got Orientation first thing in the morning..." reminded Wolvie, "...a busload of brand NEW eggheads, all needin' HELP on how to cope with their new powers! Yur gonna need all the SLEEP ya can git, buddy! Trust me!" he concluded, peering over the monitors to see the performances firsthand!

"I'm not feeling very sleepy...OR social right now, Logan...!" said Scott [sadly], watching as The New X-Men's shuttle was ripped apart before crashing into the earth where The THING started killing and assimilating people immediately {like the 1982 Kurt Russell version}!

"It's just ONE session, Scott...!" reminded Logan, trying to perk his husband up!

"But I'M supposed to be the new leader...!" argued Scott [shutting off the video]! "I've logged the MOST hours in The Danger Room, ran on MORE X-Men missions than any of the others...!...I'm supposed to KNOW what I'm doing...! HOW'M I supposed to LEAD if I can't get my shit together in a simulation exercise...?

"The Professor's gonna replace me! I KNOW it!" he worried!

Logan chuckled! "You THINK yur the first X-Man to botch a practice session...?" he asked, typing in security codes to pull up `past' training sessions of the original X-Men...!

He and Scott watched as the 3D holograms changed to show the OLD team fighting at The Golden Gate Bridge...! Wolverine was climbing towards the top of the bridge to get the jump on an opponent..., when Storm came along and blasted his sparring partner with electricity...!...the electrical surge shot straight through the metal bridge AND straight through Wolverine and his metal based bones..., effectively electrocuting him as he lost his grip and fell towards the icy cold waters below! Seeing his teammate in trouble, Banshee soared towards him, hoping to catch him in time before he could hit the drink and drown! Unfortunately Angel had the same idea, as the 2 X-Men suddenly collided midair, both knocking each other out as all 3 men hit the water simultaneously!

"Oh shit...!" laughed Scott, feeling a little better after seeing his mentors fail!

"See..." said Logan, "...we LEARN from our mistakes in here...so we don't make the same mistakes out THERE!" he added, pointing at the wall [referring to outside]! "It isn't HOW you perform in The Danger Room that ya need to worry about..., you could pass EVERY test the room gives you..., but the REAL test is how you do in an ACTUAL fight! And I've already seen you in action! All you have to do is make SURE yur team's on the same page! That way THEY can back you up when you NEED them!"

Scott smiled...

"Thanks daddy'...!" he said, grabbing his husband's hairy/muscular arm...pulling him closer for a grateful kiss on the lips! Logan was all too happy to comply...as he leaned down and kissed his man openly {they were officially married back in chp-68, Wars End'}! Scott ran his hands over Wolvie's hairy face as the 2 men parted lips and suckled each other's tongues!

Logan broke the kiss as he fell to his knees in front of Scott's chair, burying his face in his spouse's lap, hugging him dearly!

"I love you, babe!" said the older man, clinging tightly, nearly crushing Scott in his arms!

"What's wrong...?" asked Scott, sensing something he never saw in Logan before [fear]!

"What's happened...?" he asked, lifting Wolvie's face to look into his eyes!

Logan fell back on his heels [thoughtfully]...! "It was that LAST fight I had with Psylocke..." he recalled {last chapter}, "...he'd given me my deepest desire..., raising a family with the man I love..." he explained. "...it was so perfect..., YOU were pregnant with our FOURTH kid...!"

"FOURTH...??" laughed Scott [hearing this story for the first time]!

"Yeh..." smiled Logan [teary-eyed], staring up at his love! "...all short and hairy with red sunglasses!" he described, making Scott laugh out loud!

Then Logan's smile dropped as he got serious...! "Then...somethin' happened...! YOU went into labor! But b'for I could DO anything...tiny lil' CLAWS shot out yur stomach and the baby ripped his way right outta ya...!" he cried [seeing it all so vividly in his head], [as if REAL]!

"It was just an illusion, Logan..." reasoned Scott, grabbing Wolverine's hairy face to shake some sense into him! "...it was just Psylocke fucking with your mind! It wasn't real! I'm HERE! I'm alive! I'm not dead!" he reiterated, touching Logan multiple times to let his senses FEEL his presence!

"I KNO'..." said Logan, pulling away! "...don't'cha think I KNO that...?" he yelled, frustrated! "It's just..." he started [facing away from Scott, unable to look at him]! "...it seemed so...REAL...!" he remembered!

"My instincts'r e'rything..." he declared, turning back around to face his lover! "...if I can't TRUST them..., I'm liable to DO anything...!" he reasoned [fearfully]!

Scott finally understood Logan's dilemma...! "Give it TIME..." he reasoned, getting up to step into his husband's arms! "...you'll get your confidence back...! And the WORLD will be all the better for it!" smiled Scott, pulling Logan into his arms!

Logan hugged Scott, as Scott thought he'd just helped to make it all better...! But the DOUBT still lingered in the back of Wolverine's head...! If he can't trust his instincts...he's more of a DANGER to society, not a hero!



Smoke was leaning back in the lounge chair..., when he noticed the 2 boys [Yuro and Sunspot] eyeballing one another sexually! "Oh yeah..." he groaned, feeling his own swelling manhood as he joined their mood! "...no better way to get over the blues...than a quick RUMP in the tree house, eh...?"

Sunspot crawled over to where Yuro was sitting on the back of a chair..., and reached in-between the boy's legs to feel his growing erection within! Yuro did nothing to stop Roberto as he allowed him to undo his pants and hoist out his 7.5" chubby...! Roberto brazenly shoved his head between his teammate's legs...and took his erect cock in his mouth [not caring what the other might say or think]!

Yuro simply continued to sit [drinking his beer], while his `friend' bobbed his head between his legs, sucking and swallowing his dick into the far reaches of his throat!

Everyone knew Roberto was sexually fluent...given his reputation about the mansion as a boy-whore during his school years [dating back to the beginning]! Being from Brazil, Roberto didn't have as many hangups as Americans when it came to his sexuality! He believed in being sexually free...in enjoying the pleasures of life, and spreading love whenever he could! It didn't help that a good year of his life was kept as a sex-slave to The X-Men villain: Mountjoy...!...a vicious mutant with the ability to physically ABSORB his foes into his body at will..., trapping them within himself for a time...OR permanently if he saw fit [forever absorbing them from existence]!

No one really understood what Roberto went through as Mountjoy's sex-slave! They all assumed he enjoyed it, since he was a whore anyway! But Mountjoy kept him prisoner for MONTHS, fucking himself whenever he pleased, absorbing huge chucks of his essence whenever he desired! Roberto was powerless to fight him! And the separation from him [after The X-Men finally rescued him] was excruciatingly hard to bear! Having been dependent on him for so LONG...he couldn't function without him, yearning to be WITH him, as a PART of him [all over again]!

Yuro had his OWN issues with sexuality and how he expressed himself when he first came to Xavier's School! Having grown up a trained assassin [by Department-H and Alpha Flight], Yuro was never allowed a childhood! Being the son of Wolverine..., he was poked, prodded, tortured, and examined since birth, subjected to a lot of dangerous and experimental experiments early on in life! His bones was laced with Adamantium metal when he was but a KID...making him even more a lethal weapon, as Department-H hoped he would be able to hunt down his father and effectively KILL him once and for all for abandoning his country!

All during his childhood Yuro was raped repeatedly by his uncle: Sabretooth [the man he originally THOUGHT was his father]! Sabretooth was never gentle with him! The rapes were always brutal! Always vicious! He often survived by the skin of his teeth! Thank god for his Healing Factor [an inheritance from his father's mutant abilities]!

Sabretooth seemed to HATE Yuro more because he was Wolverine's son and not his! HE loved Yuro's mother, and always thought he should be HIS son! As a result, he would attack him, fuck him, and leave him for dead somewhere until he regained conscious OR The Department-H medical staff could find him and bring him back to the facility for aid! Yuro lost count of how many times he wished he could DIE when his uncle was on top of him, fucking him, battering his inside with his painfully thick cock!

Iceman, Smoke and Nightcrawler all watched as Roberto blew Yuro while the manimal teen tried to pretend it wasn't happening [causally drinking his beer]! It wasn't until Nightcrawler made a MOVE for Iceman's crotch that Iceman and Smoke suddenly realized they didn't just have to sit oddly by on the sidelines and WATCH!

Nightcrawler groped at the brown haired teenager's growing woody..., with Bobby declining his advances, saying: "I'm into girls, dude...sorry!"

"I'm into girls too..." said Smoke [groping his own crotch], "...but I ain't gonna turn down some good head if a dude wants to suck me off...!" he offered, as Kurt turned towards the black teen and smiled [before crawling in HIS direction]!

Smoke wasted no time freeing his 9" hard-on..., which Nightcrawler [having had a reputation as a `bottom' in school as a student] crawled over and immediately nestled his blue fur fuzzy face in his groin and started sucking..., lying halfway on the lounge chair between Smoke's spread legs!

With both Yuro AND Smoke now getting blowjobs..., Bobby was starting to feel the frustration of not participating! He spent most of his school years at Xavier's being an honor roll student, not having much time to frolic and mess around like some of the other boys who were notorious for taking advantage of the younger boys [i.e. Gambit, Colossus, Thunderbird, and Cannonball –to name a few]!

Yuro and Roberto had a history of being odd fuck-buddies, with the Brazilian being one of the first people Yuro fucked [raped] when he first came to the school {way back in chp-22, `X Marks The Spot'}! The 2 hooked up several times again since then, with Yuro always giving Roberto a fuck to remember!

Yuro's cock pulsed in Roberto's sucking mouth as the dark-brown-skin Brazilian took him into the back of his throat for the umpteenth time! Popping an Adamantium claw, Yuro reached down and SLICED the seam up the backside of Roberto's pants, causing his big beautiful brown shaved buttock to protrude through the slit [lewdly]! Yuro retracted the claw, then licked his middle-finger before reaching down over Roberto's back to stuff his fingers up his ass! Roberto moaned erotically around Yuro's cock, knowing it was only a matter of minutes before he'd feel him back in his bowels, assuming control of him!

Roberto was always submissive sexually...but it was his time as Mountjoy's slave that showed him what a real cock-hound he would become!

Yuro finished off his beer, crushing the can in his fist before tossing in a corner [along with other trash and debris one might find in teenager's treehouse]! He grabbed the back of Roberto's head and pushed him facedown in the chair, after withdrawing his spit-wet cock and maneuvering around behind the handsome Brazilly!

Roberto braced himself for a fucking he knew would be brutal! Yuro was raised by angry mutant assassins, he had no other way of expressing himself! He stepped up behind Robert's bent ass, and started grinding his thick hard 7.5" cock up and down his slick smooth ass crack! Roberto groaned lustfully as his cheeks trembled with desire! He could feel his anus flutter and flex hungrily as the belly of the boy-cock slid over his hole in teasing fashion!

"Give it to me, X...!" begged Roberto, his face half buried in the chair cushion!

"What was that...?" asked Yuro, leaning in over Robert's back, cocking his ear as if he couldn't hear him...!

Roberto groaned [frustrated]...!

"Don't TEASE me, Yuro..." he pleaded, as his asshole started to twitch violently with NEED! "...give it to meeeEEEEEEEEEE...!!!" he screamed as Yuro suddenly RAMMED his thickening cock straight into his ass unexpectedly!

The others all looked on in concern as the young manimal roughly grabbed Roberto's waist [holding him in place] as he started to batter his way through his ass, fucking him hard!

"URRHHHGGG...!! URRHHHGGG...!! URRHHHGGG...!! URRHHHGGG...!!" grunted Robert, gripping at the cushions [for support] with his hands as he tried to contend with the rough fucking he fully knew would come!

"geez..." sounded Bobby [slowly stroking his own erection], happy it wasn't HIM in Roberto's place as he watched Yuro rough-fuck the Brazilian down into the cushions until he had nowhere else to run! However, while he was glad that it wasn't HIS ass getting raped by the wild teen..., he couldn't help but be intrigued..., as he found himself inching closer [curiously]!

Yuro couldn't help looking over at the shy sexy teen, as Bobby stared at his cock slamming into Roberto's screaming butt!

"You want summa this...?" asked the wild-boy, noticing Bobby's erection!

"No..." answered Iceman, instead opting to reach down between Roberto's legs to feel the uncut hard-on hiding in his crotch!

Roberto didn't protest when he felt Iceman's hand groping at his crotch! Yuro gave Bobby better access by ripping the back of Robert's pants the rest of the way..., causing the fabric to fall [loosely] down his muscular legs, allowing Bobby to fist the bare cock itself!

Ever-since as early as he could remember, he's had a wild fascination with sucking cock...having dreamt about it often! Of all the students on campus, Scott Summers was the only one Bobby trusted with his secret, having blown his roommate several times since accepting his fate {see: `Kidnapped At The Mall', chp-12}! Scott kept his secret for years...as Scott had his own big secret [fucking around with Wolverine]!

Bobby crouched down underneath Roberto to get a better look at his brown cock! He stroked it back and forth for a moment, gathering up the courage to suck him in front of the others, officially outing himself as a cocksucker!

Unable to resist the beautiful uncut cock for long..., he leaned in [ducking underneath] and swabbed the leaky light-brown head, tasting Roberto's sweetness! Roberto groaned softly from the sucking, but it was the manhandling of his backdoor that kept his undivided attention, as Yuro just kept battering and battering at him nonstop!

"Urrhhhgg...!!" grunted the young manimal, unexpectedly..., shooting his first of several loads in Roberto's smarting butt!

The Brazilian knew from experience that Yuro [as well as his dad: Logan] could GO multiple times due to their healing factors! In fact Yuro never broke stride, as he gripped his waist tighter and continued fucking into him nonstop!

Meanwhile underneath; Bobby was steady swabbing Roberto's cockhead with his mouth and lips, loving the taste of his pre-cum! Once he licked the brown cock all over [slicking it with spit] did he lean all the way IN and swallow Robert's cock whole..., letting it rest in the confides of his throat!

Roberto was pleasantly surprised by Bobby's unsuspecting skill..., and KNEW the boy HAD to have been sucking someone to be able to swallow him full length without gagging [once]! Bobby always marveled at his unexplained cock sucking abilities, completely unaware that he'd been trained [practically since his arrival to the school] by Professor Xavier...after Xavier placed a hypnotic trance in Bobby's unconscious psyche, telling him he was the best cocksucker ever'...whenever The Professor was hard-up and needing blowjobs {Note: Xavier continued using Bobby's services' even after getting out of his wheelchair and assuming the body of Mountjoy...AND again later in the time-travel tale: `Master Mold', chp-71}!

Bobby wallowed his face in Roberto's groin, breathing in his essence, becoming intoxicated by his smell [before bobbing his head back and forth rapidly]!

Smoke was watching the HOT 3sum unfold across from him, while Nightcrawler [the pitchfork tailed devil-boy teen] bobbed his head in his lap, eating his dick! He watched Yuro's pants fall down about his own ankles as he fucked [hard]...!...his muscled ass swaying back and forth [quickly] as he dug his dick rapidly, tearing Roberto a new asshole!

Smoke could feel Nightcrawler starting to deepthroat his dick more, relaxing his throat as he succumb to the desire of cock sucking! Smoke gently ran his fingers through the devil-boy's soft dark-blue hair..., guiding his head up and down in his lap faster, wanting to feel MORE throat!

Indeed Omar Johnson considered himself straight', after dating Banshee's daughter [Syran] before she went off to college with the rest of the girls! Syran gave her virginity to him [while her father was venturing around in deep space], {Back in the Shi'ar Wars storyline, chaps-63 thru 73}! In fact the 2 had been in LOVE...until Banshee came back and Syran stopped acting like a woman and started behaving like a girl' around her daddy! Eventually they broke up, but the love was still there! They still kept in contact via social media]!

"oh yeahhh, blue-elf..." moaned Smoke, closing his eyes as his dick started to react to the constant sucking! "...eat that dick man..., make it spit for me! I gotta hot load in my balls I've been itchin' to dump in someone...!"

Kurt heard Omar's erotic pleas..., as the desperation in his lusty voice made the mutant teleporter WANT to eat his load [badly]! He sucked harder, driving his face in deeper, bashing his nose in Smoke's pubes as the big black dick punched through his throat like a ram! Kurt's own cock was rock-hard between his legs..., as he undid his pants to free his blue-prick to stroke! Unfortunately he had a deep desire in his ass also, as he used his recoil-tail to FUCK himself up the ass [simultaneously]!

"ohfuck..." groaned Smoke [imagining the last time he had his dick on Syran's juicy pink cunt]..., having fucked her just before leaving for college! Omar could still practically feel the moistness of his vagina wrapped around his rod, as he thrusted into her over and over again repeatedly, building for a frightful orgasm! Syran came several times while they fucked, her sweet twat flexing and convulsing around his digging dick as he picked up speed, wanting to seed her deeply! Unfortunately they never fucked raw..., as all of his plentiful loads were shot into condoms!

"...uhhh..." he gasped, gripping the back of Kurt's head before shoving his entire face down in his groin! "...I'm bout to cum..." he announced, as his prick thickened and twitched in Kurt's throat! "...I'm gonna..." he choked, unable to finish the statement when he felt the sudden SURGE in his throbbing cock shooting up from his contracting balls! "...Arrhhhh...! Arrhhh...! ARRHHHHHHHHH...!!" he yelled as he came, shooting ropes and ropes of copious seed down the devil-boy's milking esophagus!

"umf...umff...ummff...ummpphh...UMMMPPPHHHHH...!!" groaned Nightcrawler, feeling Smoke's orgasm trigger his own, as he started shooting hot white cum all over the chaise in front of him!

Roberto was moaning and groaning...sandwiched between 2 team members as one fucked the shit out of his sore asshole...and the other sucked the fuck out of his uncut cock! Unable to decide which way to help thrust [back onto Yuro's speeding prick, or forward into Bobby's suctioning mouth]...? It was a dilemma he wasn't used to, as most of the older kids [all of whom had graduated over a year ago] wasn't interested in his cock, only his luscious ass!

Bobby swirled his mouth around and around in circles as he slid back and forth on Roberto's super-slick rod...!...cupping his hairless balls-sac, churning them around in his hand [masterfully] as he coaxed them into giving up their Brazilian seed!

"ohmygod...ohgod..." breathed Roberto, feeling himself going over the edge...! "...I'm gonna cum, Bobby...! I'm...gonna...CUM!" he gasped, just as Bobby suddenly swallowed his cock whole, pressing his spit-wet face into Sunspot's groin, holding his pulsating ramrod in his throat, milking it purposefully with his neck muscles!

"ARRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGG...!!!" came Roberto, unable to hold off any longer...!...feeling the warm wet throat milk and massage his throbbing muscles, as his penis started to spasm and spurt heavy gobs of scolding hot Brazilian sperm straight down the back of Iceman's cooling throat!

"Oooummpphh..." groaned Iceman, having not anticipated the cum-shots being SO hot! Bobby's inner core was always COLD! He could actually feel the sperm searing in his throat, warming him up internally!

"...UMMMFFFF...!!" he grunted as he too started coming..., shooting icicles across the floor!

At the same time Yuro felt Roberto's asshole suddenly sputter and spasm around his ramming rod! He could tell by the mixtures of semen [now attacking his nostrils like an aphrodisiac] that all the others had cum...! Being the last, he shoved Roberto down further in the chair and started to pulverize his teen ass!

"AHHH! AHHH! AHHH! AHHH!" screamed Robert, feeling the cock rip through his convulsing hole! But he was determined to make Yuro cum again, wanting the wild boy's cum inside him in the worse possible way!

Yuro threw back his head and howled like a trapped wolf...!

"RROOOAAARRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHH...!!!" he yelled as he came [even harder than before], sheathing his entire rod bone-deep, grinding into the boy-ass roughly, planting his second seed even deeper [if possible]!

He collapsed against Sunspot's back as the 2 fell into the chair, still connected!

"Well..." said Omar, looking around at his panting friends...! "...I'd say THAT was one hell of a training session!" he joked, as everyone chuckled in response!


If you would like to read MORE X-Men Tales, hit me up @ NPhillydogg@aol.com with your comments and/or suggestions.


Next: Chapter 106: Orientation

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