X Men Rejection

By Jesse Crewe

Published on Jul 23, 2010


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to Marvel. And also, if you are too young to read this, leave... please. Or if this type of thing is illegal where you live then also leave... please. This is a story involving homosexual, or rather gay, sex and love. So if this offends or freaks you out, leave... please. This is purely fiction, it doesn't imply anything about the character's mentioned sexuality






Four months since I left. At first, I was almost sure that I'd miss it to the point of pain, but after the first week, I realized a lot. First off, I discovered how strong I am. Not physically, but mentally. Leaving a place of comfort felt easy. Apparently, it shouldn't be. Secondly, being able to go weeks on end without sleep has great advantages, and lastly, Victor was the perfect partner.

The primary plan consisted of us splitting after a month, covering more ground and hunting out the people that were after the both of us. Doom got the picture after Victor didn't return, and the Professor had begun to have his doubts, the team got restless. So after the second month on the run Doom and Arcade were hunting us and after the third month, the X-Men were after us, or rather, after Victor, as they apparently accused him of my disappearance.

I didn't bother with any type of contact with my old friends, doing so might lead to Doom finding us, and that wouldn't benefit either of us. So after three entire months of being stuck together we agreed to stick with each other for as long as we were being hunted down. And so for a month now we've been moving from town to town looking for ways to track Doom and Arcade. We'd remained quiet and unnoticed until today.

We'd made our way into Missouri and the only thing I knew about our whereabouts was that we were close to a highway. There was nothing around but the thick forest and the black pavement before us. I stood in the trees while he went forward and inspected. "Clear," he sent. I ran ahead of him and crossed to the other side and continued to run down a steep hill and into the protection of the thick forest. He ran a few yards behind me and I sent out a detecting field to make sure nothing was near. I felt him as soon as I released the energy. I stopped and so did he. He'd smelled him near. "Where is he?" he sent. I sensed around, "Northwest, heading our direction. Less than a minute," I sent back. "Too late to hide," he thought. I stared at him.

I looked around. Nothing but trees. The two of us could probably take him, but it wouldn't be easy. Deadpool had proven to me a roach, always coming back after you'd flushed him down the toilet. "He's unsheathing his swords, attack from above," he suggested through thought. I nodded and proceeded to climb a tree that would be right behind where he would be standing in a few seconds. I looked down at him. He assured me with a nod, "On my signal," he sent. I nodded.

The seconds slugged by slowly, I could feel him close. Now all that was left was for him to show himself. Knowing him, he was teleporting around, making sure no one was around, making sure if I was around. Perhaps if Doom didn't want Victor's head for betraying him, Deadpool would leave as soon as he saw Victor alone. Doom's anger changed things.

I counted the seconds. I was at thirteen when I finally saw him appear from where I'd expected. "Victor, where have you been?" he asked playfully. There was something about the way he talked that sent chills up my spine. "What's it to you Scarlett?" Victor replied. "Ouch, I thought we were friends Toothy," he grinned. His mask hid his grin, but you could hear it in his words. "What do you want?" Victor demanded. He was getting impatient. "Relax, I'm not here to kill either of you," he said reassuringly. He was fishing; I could sense that it. "Stay hidden," Victor sent. "As a matter of fact, I too have left Doom's employment," he said, after hearing no response, he continued, "And I was wondering if I could join you."

"Render him unconscious, we'll interrogate when he wakes up. Thirty seconds," he sent.

"Why join me?" Victor asked. He took twenty five seconds to reply "Because like you Toothy, I too have a grudge with Doom." I shot down at him and sank my fingers into his neck, sucking out his consciousness. It was too easy, he'd been expecting it, no doubt. "He didn't fight," Victor thought. "Maybe he's telling the truth," I sent back. He shook his head and proceeded to pull out rope from the bag I was carrying.

He wrapped his entire body in the rope. "Take out his strength, and inject the drug," he sent. I was about to remove his mask in order to touch him but reconsidered. I'd heard stories of how sensitive he was about his face. Forever scarred. I shook my head and instead placed my hand where I had dug my fingers into just a few seconds ago. I could feel his strength flow into me. I left only enough for him to breath and speak, but not enough for him to move his entire hand.

I pulled out the syringe and the small tube of clear liquid and injected it into his neck as well. That would keep him from teleporting should he grow untrusting. He would awaken in three maybe five minutes tops. Victor sat him down against a tree and we waited.

"Victor?" I heard him slur. He looked at me, "Jesse!" his speech was beginning to become it self again. "How you doing?" I asked. "Not so well, but I suppose I cant complain. How about yourself?" "Just peachy," I smiled. "The X-Men have been turning the city upside down looking for you, and Doom's been sending me here and there searching for you two. Well I'm sick of it," he said, almost to himself, his chin on his chest. "So what're you saying?" I asked. He looked back up, "I'm saying that I'm on your side." "For what purpose?" Victor asked. It was well known that Deadpool only worked for his own benefit. Or at least that's what it seemed like.

"I wanna get rid of that punk Arcade, figured you would too," he replied to Victor. "I don't trust you," Victor sneered. I stared at the silent man in front of me. I made a decision. "We have to," I said out loud. "What?" Victor asked. I turned to him. "He knows more than we do, and the only way we'll be able to get rid of Arcade and Doom is with whatever he knows. If I'm wrong, then we're screwed, but if I'm right, then we're free." He didn't look convinced. "Well, almost free, anyways." The X-Men were still hunting, but they'd stop once they saw me safe.

They'd probably want me to return. I wasn't sure if I wanted to.

"So whatta we do?" Victor asked. I shrugged. "Camp here? If I'm missing in the morning then you know what happened," I smiled. It was getting dark. "Hungry?" he sent. I looked at him and nodded. "I'll be fine," I assured him. He was unsure about leaving me alone with a assassin. It made sense, but for some reason, I trusted this assassin.

After Victor was out of hearing range, I sat in front of him. He looked at me. "So what's your story anyway? How'd you become such a beloved?" he asked. I smiled. "Long story short, I have no clue. I showed up and they liked me. But things came up and now here I am. Not much of a story, but still. You?" "Not much to say, I had cancer, Weapon X cured it, and now I'm an assassin. Typical," I could hear his smile. "So what, do you have no care for human life? Or do you just kill people without thinking about it?" I asked, I didn't mean to sound rude, but my overwhelming curiosity took over. "I care about human life. If I didn't, I'd be considered a full on psycho."

I smiled. "What do I call you?" I asked. "Wade. You?" "Jesse."

The drug wore off after half an hour. Victor wasn't back and I began to wonder if Wade was lying or not. So I asked. "The drug's worn off, aren't you gonna leave?" "Nope, I'm here to stay. I thought you trusted me?" "I do now." I took my knife and removed the rope. He stood up, the rope fell off his body and unto the ground around his feet. He was free. He could kill me. But I trusted him. He moved his hand to where one of his guns was, on his left thigh. He removed it and handed it to me. I calmed down a bit. "I'm not going to kill you."

Victor returned after a while. He was carrying an animal of some sort over his shoulder. A deer. "You let him free?" he sent. "I trust him," I replied silently.

The meat cooked slowly and the bitter cold sank in. Wade sat close to me, I didn't mind. He was extremely warm and it seemed to radiate from his body. He didn't eat, but sat there beside me. Victor fell asleep soon after and I began to feel tired. I'd gone three weeks with no sleep, it was beginning to catch up. Without noticing, I sank into Wade's warm, muscled shoulder. After thinking, I woke back up and apologized. "For what?" he asked.

He lay down and patted his stomach. I yawned and lay my head on his abdomen. It was warm. I felt his left leg bend up and his arms shift before I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to a tap on my head. "Wake up, we gotta go," Wade whispered. The sun was about to rise, it was still dark. I sat up and sent a wave towards Victor. He sat up quickly. I sensed around and felt it. Victor got up. Victor smelled it. I wasn't sure what it was, but we had five minutes to run and hide. I sent that to Victor and he agreed. He signaled for us to run and we did.

I sensed around and felt it behind us. Victor was running ahead of me and Wade was beside me. I was tired. I could barely feel my body. That thought took over and breathing became harder. My legs started slugging and without noticing, I fell to the ground. Sleep.

I woke up to the sun trying to get through my eyelids. I put my arm over my eyes and opened them slowly. I sat up and removed my arm. "Good morning," came Wade's voice. I turned to look at him. "Hey," I replied groggily. I stood up. "Where'd Victor go?" "He went for food." I nodded and got dizzy. I almost fell but Wade caught me. He'd teleported. "You okay?" "I'm fine. Just a bit tired. What was after us?" I sat down and he returned to his post. "Who knows. They stopped following after a few miles, we're a few miles from the border," he explained. Border? "To?" I asked. "New York," he replied. New York? We were in Missouri.

"You've been out five days, I've been teleporting us most of the time." "Why are we going back to New York?" "Victor's taking you back to the X-Men." Ugh, ONE slip up and you get sent back. I got up and ignored the dizziness. "That bastard," I hissed. "Where is he?" I asked. He shrugged. I sensed for him. He was South of where I was standing. Too far for me to go to him. So I waited patiently.

He returned after a very silent hour. He saw me awake and after a while, he understood what the silence was about. "You have to go back," he said. I'm glad he didn't beat around the bush. "You can take me back, but d'you really think I'ma stay more than a few hours?" I countered. I was being stubborn, but I didn't care. "Jesse, you have to understand, you wont be safe until Doom and Arcade..." I interrupted before he could finish. I put my finger up to my lips. There was someone near. He sniffed but shook his head. I nodded. Someone was near. Wade teleported close. We all looked around, everything was quiet. I remained alert, we all did. This was never going to end. We wouldn't be calm until Doom and Arcade were out of the picture.

I began counting, like I always did when I waited alertly. It happened when I reached eight. Troops crowded in around us, completely surrounding us. They where in thick black suits, which is probably why they couldn't be sniffed out. They're guns where pointed at us, we remained still. A laugh came and soon its owner appeared. A man wearing a blue suit with white outlines walked from behind the troops. "Fury," I heard Victor sneer. Nick Fury, I'd heard of him before.

"You three are really hard to catch!" he exclaimed. "Thanks, we try," Victor replied. He relaxed his muscles. I followed his lead. Nick took his eyes away from Victor and looked at me. "Jesse, you've caused quite a stir for me." "I had no idea, my apologies." He smiled. I returned the smile. We were pressed onto a truck's flatbed and were transported to a ship. After about an hour, we were taken to Fury's office where we stood before him.

"Victor and Wade, I understand you've recently left Doom's operations, can I trust you to help me get rid of him?" They looked at each other and nodded. They were dismissed and I was left alone with him. There was an awkward silence before he spoke up, "I've heard a lot about you Jesse, and from what I hear, you're quite the favorite up at Xavier's, more specifically, a favorite to Logan." Oh God, here we go. I looked up at him. "So I wonder, what can you do for me?" I was surprised at how blunt he was. To be honest, this man's appearance turned me on. Four months without sex had left me extremely horny. I didn't see Victor as that type of person.

This man was asking me for what I wanted. He walked behind me. "So what do you say?" He put his hands on my shoulders and as I got up, he pushed me towards his desk. He grabbed me from behind and wrapped his arms around me. He felt so good! His muscles against my body, his heat against my skin. The phone rang and he groaned. He sat at his chair from behind his desk. I walked behind him and unzipped his pants. He had changed from his suit and was now wearing slacks and a skin tight shirt. "Send him in" he said into the phone and clicked. I bent before him and scooted under his desk, which was surprisingly spacious.

He pulled his chair in and I continued unzipping his pants. I carefully took out his cock and took it in my hand. He groaned quietly. I stroked it once and licked it from the base, where his balls where, to the very tip. I then took it into my mouth and swallowed it in. He groaned and I felt his hand grab my head. The door opened and I continued sucking him off. "Colonel Fury, we've received reports from Duggan of activity in Arcade's HQ" came an unfamiliar voice. "Yeah, uh huh, well, uh, I'll look into it, give me five minutes I'll be right with you," he said.

I swallowed the entire thing and tasted the salty, delicious cock that belonged to this man. He groaned and moaned and pushed my head all the way down and left it there. He pulled my head back up. "I'm cuming!" He pushed my head all the way back down and almost drowned me with all his cum. I swallowed all of it and licked him clean.

I put his dick back and zipped his pants. He pulled out and I stood up. Before walking away, he pinched my ass. "You'll be hearing from me soon." I smiled and walked out of his office.

Next: Chapter 10: Back

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