X Men Rejection

By Jesse Crewe

Published on Apr 8, 2010


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to Marvel. And also, if you are too young to read this, leave... please. Or if this type of thing is illegal where you live then also leave... please. This is a story involving homosexual, or rather gay, sex and love. So if this offends or freaks you out, leave... please. This is purely fiction, it doesn't imply anything about the character's mentioned sexuality.


"The last we heard of Nightcrawler was seven months ago, to the best of our knowledge, at an island owned by Arcade. He was sent there to investigate recent activity there. Once there, however, he was quickly captured and attained by what he described as "droids." All psychic connections were cut out and communication with him ceased. Arcade has made no contact, which leads us to believe that there might be someone else involved." The professor was sitting across the table as I looked into the map of the island I would be in a few hours from now. "How will I get to the island from the jet?" I asked. "You'll be dropped off about a mile from shore, so as to make a discreet entrance," he answered. I nodded my head lightly.

"When do we leave?" I asked. "In fifteen minutes," Ororo answered from behind me. She'd walked in quietly enough. "I should get ready then," I stood up. The professor nodded his head. I smiled at Ororo, "Is anyone else going?" I asked her before closing the door. "No," she smiled. Good.

I went back into my room and put on my suit. No tights, no mask, no capes. A perfectly fit black shirt, matching pants, the most comfortable shoes I'd ever stepped into and gloves without the fingertips. The silver "X" imprinted onto the left glove under my thing. It was about the size of a penny. I looked into the mirror and saw myself. A scout. I looked behind myself into the room. Seeing as how I was a part of the team now, I'd get a new room. A bigger room. I didn't really want to, but there really wasn't any point in staying here. Though there were some good memories.

I walked out and made my way to the elevator and pressed the button with the X on it. The underground jet pad. The doors opened soon enough and there stood Ororo, or rather, Storm, as she was now in her suit. "You ready?" she asked. "As I'll ever be," I smiled. She smiled back. We walked into the jet and strapped ourselves in. I didn't want to give any goodbyes. That was kinda lame. It would feel like I'd never see them again. Would I ever see them again? There was nothing that assured that I would? No, I'd see them again.

Storm put on her headphones and signaled for me to do the same. I put them on and heard A rush of voices from the other side. From what I heard, everyone was there. Bobby, Rogue, Jean, Scott, Hank, and Logan. "Jesse you there?" came Bobby's voice. I smiled. "Yeah," I replied. "You sure you wanna do this?" Logan asked. Surprise surprise. Logan was worried? "You worried?" I asked. No reply. "You shouldn't be, I'll be fine," I continued. "What happened to all our goodbyes?" came Rogues voice. I laughed. "What's the point in those?" I replied. "The assurance of your comfort," she answered. "Well tell you what, I'll givem to you when I get back. That way your assured that I'm fine." "Well good," she said.

The jet took off. They were still on the line. We continued our conversation up until Storm declared that we were getting close and that all lines must be cut. "I'll see you all when I get back," was the last I said before their voices were turned into static. "Entering drop off point," she said. I looked ahead of me at the island. It was flat, small. A large column of smoke arose from it. What was going on in there? That's what I was here to find out. "Cloaking devices on," She said and pressed a combination of buttons. The jet slowly came to a floating stop and she turned to me. "I guess this is me," I smiled. "Remember, find him but don't try to free him, that's our job. Once you do locate him, press the pick-up and I'll be here. Do you understand?" "Don't get caught. Find him and other useful information. Press button when done." I said, smiling a reassurance. "And don't try to free him."

I grabbed a pack and signaled for her to open the hatch. It opened and I could feel the cold air arise from the ocean below. This would be fun. I looked up at her and she was looking at me. "Don't worry. I'll be back before you know it," I called. She smiled and I jumped off.

The water rushed onto my skin and overtook me. I kicked and paddled softly, bringing myself to the surface. I looked up but couldn't see the jet. Cloaking devices. I smiled and slipped the pack from my back and opened it. I withdrew what they called "The Swimmer" a device the size of my head that dragged you through water using two small propellers. I turned it on and aimed for the shore.

As the machine dragged me closer to the island, I took the time to observe the layout. It was like the map showed. To my left was an immense rock mountain that arose from the ocean. Looking up to the peak caused the sun to get in my eyes. I sneezed. I laughed. Straight ahead was the island at the base of the rock mountain. The gray smoke rising up to touch the heavens. To my right there was nothing but ocean.

Once I got closer to the shore and the waves were a bit more noticeable, I turned the swimmer to my left, letting the waves hit me from the side. I'd been taught by Hank that this was the most effective way to get to shore. Letting the waves carry my body to the shore. I was there soon and just as I touched the ground I sprinted to the nearest tree. Wasn't that hard, the island seemed to be a forest one. Beyond the small beach, was a thick forest. The base had to be somewhere in the middle of it all. I put the swimmer back into the pack and left it hidden inside a thick bush.

I sent out a psychic field and detected that there was no metallic or electric devices near. No cameras, or weapons. I ran comfortably towards the column of smoke, tapping into the psychic waves every now and again. It wasn't until I was about a mile from the column that I sensed the first electrical device. I stopped and climbed a tree. I pinpointed the location of the device to be towards my left, about 25 yards ahead. A camera probably. From what I knew, Arcade saved his weapons and left them inside his base. But then again, there might be someone besides Arcade. I pushed forward, climbing from tree to tree and sensing around. As I got closer to the smoke, I stopped sensing, should there be a psychic to detect me.

To explain how I attained psychic abilities, the day I connected with Bobby, I began sensing things around me. I couldn't pick things up with my mind or hurt you with a though or anything like that. Sensing was as far as it went. I was "blind" as I got closer to the base and the rumors were confirmed. Arcade wasn't on his own. A large gray ship, very much like the X Jet, was perched below. Where I stood was the edge of the forest. In front of me was a canyon of about 30 feet. At the base of the canyon, below me, was the gray ship. Ahead of the ship was a large building. Like a fort, and behind those walls came up the smoke.

I saw that the only way to get in undetected was to get as close to this fort as possible through the trees. The forest grew and reached to the very walls of the fort. Oh and how did I know that the ship wasn't Arcade's? Grey wasn't exactly his choice of color. I was sure that the ship belonged to someone else.

I was within the walls of the fort now, inside the ventilation system of building C. I'd found that within the fort, there were four other building. A and D being the smallest. They were quarters for whoever was staying here. Irrelevant. B was the second biggest building. I wasn't sure what it was, but building C was the base of operations. I was sure of it. The smoke was arising from it. I found my way in and into the ventilation system. Crawling around until I heard something of interest. It came soon enough.

A conversation between two males. One was more serious than the other. The serious one was a deep voice, the other a raspy voice. Neither Arcade or Nightcrawler. I took a look regardless and saw two out of place figures. One was dressed in red and black, draped with all types of weapons. Guns, grenades and two swords on his back. I knew this one. Deadpool. The raspy, playful voice belonged to him. The deeper more serious voice belonged to Von Doom. Typical. He, I wouldn't expect here. But then again, who else would own a gray ship with visible gun blasters? I crawled away quietly, and then remembered to pay attention to their conversation. I couldn't hear much but there was something about a "product" and a "process."

I ventured forward and after what seemed like an eternity, found my target. The temperature here was cold. He was within a column of water. Something like out of an old sci-fi movie. But he wasn't the only one. There were three others in his same position. I knew two and had heard of the other two. Sabretooth was the other one I knew. He was chained and asleep, as were the others. The water, or whatever it was, covered their entire bodies and wires ran through their bodies and out into another room. So Magneto was at a loss too. The other two were Elektra and Thor. What was going on here? I observed for a way to free them. There seemed to be one possible option. In the middle of the room there stood up a small column. An array of buttons covered the top. According to Hank's teachings, one of these buttons would wake them up. Doing so would make things easier. I quickly sensed for any weapons or cameras in the room below but didn't find any.

I opened the vent and jumped down. There he was, Nightcrawler. I'd done what I'd wanted to do. Now to free him. The three main buttons said: Commence, Discard, Cancellation. Commence began what was happening here. Discard didn't sound too promising. Cancellation, that was it. I was sure of it. I pressed it and hoped for the best. There was no sound. I opened my eyes and looked towards the four of them. Elektra was the first to awaken. I walked to her struggling body and put my finger up to my mouth. I showed her the X on my glove and she relaxed, shaking her head. I did the same for Thor. Nightcrawler woke up and once I showed him the X he looked at me confused. He didn't know me. I turned to Sabretooth, who was just beginning to stir. He recognized me. I signaled for quiet and he stared.

What now? I looked to Nightcrawler who mouthed: "DISCARD" I turned and pressed the indicated button. Sirens began to ring and the water rushed out of the tubes and into another place. "Great, now press the small button with the V on it," he continued. I pressed it and they came free.

Nightcrawler teleported to my side, the rest broke out of their confinements. "We have to get out of here," I said. They were already ahead of me. I pressed the X on my glove. "So how'd this happen?" Sabretooth asked as we ran through the halls. I looked up at him. "What? Me being here? All part of the job," I answered. "How'd this happen?" I asked him. He looked like he didn't want to talk about it. I left the subject.

"The X Jet will be here any second now," I breathed. We'd just reached the beach. I could hear the sirens going off behind us. They knew what was happening. I was surprised that nothing had happened. I was also surprised that Sabretooth had stuck around. Still, Nightcrawler, Elektra, and Thor all looked at him. Something was wrong with him. I left the thought once I heard the jet nearby. It was about a mile away, visible this time. As it got closer I tried to think of an excuse to give the professor for why I freed them. That wasn't my job. I was stressing over that as the jet landed nearby and we all, Sabretooth included, jumped in. Nightcrawler got into the co-pilot seat and we took off.

As the jet flew back to the mansion, Storm and Kurt, as Nightcrawler was called, had a long conversation. I didn't know what about, I was concerned with Sabretooth. I sat next to him. "You okay?" I asked quietly. He hadn't noticed me. He turned to me but didn't reply. After a while though, he came around and responded. "I left the Brotherhood." Whoa.

"You're not honestly gonna believe this bullshit right?" Logan growled. We were back in the mansion. A small meeting was being held so that I could report what I'd seen. It had just been the professor and myself, but once Logan sniffed Sabretooth around, he barged in. I had just repeated what Sabretooth had said in the jet.

"Logan, calm down. At this point, why shouldn't we believe him?" the professor questioned. "Because he's a killer, a dangerous person," Logan replied. I was getting irritated. I didn't know Sabretooth all that well, but regardless of what he's done in his life, I was no one to judge. "Killer? Dangerous?" I retorted without looking at him. "Yeah, its what he is," Logan replied. "Then what are you? Nice and safe?" I asked calmly. No reply. "Didn't think so." I looked to the professor, he looked up at me and nodded his head lightly. I left the room. Walking out, I realized what time of day it was. The students were getting ready for class. As I made my way to the hospital wing, where Sabretooth was, I ran into Rogue, Jean, and Bobby. All asked the same question. "What's he doing here?" I ignored them and kept on going.

Who were they to judge. Sure he was a murderer, but so were all these people here. At some point of their lives, they've killed. It didn't make sense out loud, but it worked out perfectly in my mind. I didn't know what I was doing, but I was doing it.

I reached his room. He looked so out of place. He looked up when I came in. He seemed to relax a bit when he saw it was me. "How'd you get there?" I asked, cutting to the chase. I had to know. He looked at me, unsure of what to say, and then he spoke. "About a month ago, after I left here, Magneto was disappointed to hear that I hadn't brought back any sort of information. As a result, a sort of disagreement broke out. I left soon after and was making my way to New York when I got jumped by some droid type things. The last thing I remember was being in that machine you got me out of." "I see, do you know why they had you there?" I asked. He looked back at me and shook his head. "Thank you," I said as I stood up. "Thank you," he replied. "For what?" I asked. "Getting me out of there." I smiled back.

I asked the same to Thor, but he had a similar response. Elektra seemed to know more. "All I know, is that Doom was planning on messing with our genes. Genetic Fusion or something like that. He needed genes that matched with each other, and apparently the four of us have it. If we would've stayed there another week, we might've been turned into something otherworldly... thank you," it seemed to hurt her, to thank me. "No problem," I replied. Kurt had to know more.

He did. "As you know, I vas sent to ze island on to inveztigate the activity reported. I found that Doom had arrived before I had. He exzchanged samething with Arcade. Az a sort of payment for allowing him to use his island. Whatever Doom gave Arcade is what we should be concerned about. I know not what it is, but it has to be potentially dangerous if Arcade took it."

That made sense. I was back in my room, trying to think and piece it all together. And then I realized something. It was too easy. Doom let us get away. But why?

The only answer to that question that appeared to me was, he was going to attack the mansion. It had to be. He knew that his victims would be brought here primarily. But why go through the trouble? That wasn't relevant. I got up and was about to leave when Logan entered my room. Great. "Can I help you?" I asked, not looking at him. "You can start by looking at me," he replied. I did so. "What's going on?" he asked. "Nothing, I'm just... tired." I walked around Logan and went to the professor. I shared my thoughts with him and he agreed. As he thought out a solution with Scott and Jean, I left to tell the others about what I thought. Thor and Elektra agreed. Sabretooth however simply smiled. "What?" I asked. "Its not us he's after kid," he smiled. "What? How do you know? What is he after then?"

"I don't know much, but if I were you, I'd run," he said. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. "They're coming after you! Jesse, Arcade and Doom are after you." "How are you so sure?" I asked. He didn't say anything. He was working with them. "I should've know," I hissed. His eyebrows knitted together. He stared at me. "Let me help you," was all he said. "How can I believe you? How can I be sure that you wont just take me to them?" I asked. "You're going to have to trust me, you know I'm the only one who can help you."

It was a huge decision, and probably a stupid one at that, but I made it. Maybe I would be safe here at the mansion. But Doom was strong, it wouldn't take him long to take down the entire X-Men. Why did I believe Sabretooth? I have no clue. I just do. I trust him.

As planned. We'd leave tonight, as soon as everyone was asleep. He'd come looking for me and we'd head out. Seemed simple enough.

Was I making a mistake? Probably. But I wasn't sure. Somehow, I just knew he was telling me the truth.

Blah! I know there wasn't sex in this one, but its coming, I promise... so do you like where I'm going? Please don't forget to email me all your comments! PLEASE! IT KEEPS ME GOING! YEAH? Haha thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 9: Found

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