X Men Rejection

By Jesse Crewe

Published on Oct 24, 2009


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to Marvel. And also, if you are too young to read this, leave... please. Or if this type of thing is illegal where you live then also leave... please. This is a story involving homosexual, or rather gay, sex and love. So if this offends or freaks you out, leave... please. This is purely fiction, it doesn't imply anything about the character's mentioned sexuality


I woke up in the arms of the man I'd given myself to for the first time. The entire thing sounded really lame and stupid, but to me it was something extremely important. Yeah, I sort of regretted giving in so quickly, but it had happened and that I didn't regret. I found it strange that he was still here. Like I'd thought before, I expected Logan to just fuck me and then leave after he'd gotten what he wanted, but that wasn't the case. He preferred to have me facing him and look into my eyes while he took me. And to add to that, he stayed the night. The night would've been perfect where it not for two things.

First, I was worried that Bobby would come looking for me and find me like this, if he hadn't already. For some reason, I didn't want him to know about this. Maybe it was because of how upset he was yesterday that I chose Logan over him. That wasn't right. I'd make it up to him though, I was obligated to. Not that I didn't want to. I loved Bobby, as the best friend I've ever had. But no more. Secondly, and this is probably what kept the night from being perfect, was that I had sharp stomach pains and I felt cold. But I hardly gave it a thought in his arms. In his well-muscled, perfectly haired arms. He had me wrapped up, both his arms running across my chest. We were both naked and where covered only by a thin sheet I kept under my blanket.

One of his legs was in between both of mine and his hair tickled but I didn't mind. I could feel his body hair everywhere, but it was nice, and it turned me on. I could feel it in his chest pressing into my upper back and in his abdomen where it pressed against my lower back. I could feel it in his groin where it pressed on the back of my waist and in his legs that ran through my own legs. I could feel his flaccid dick perched peacefully at the crack of my butt. I could feel his muscles holding me tightly. I was turned on without a doubt, but the sharp pains in my stomach kept me from doing anything.

Through my train of thought came a question. What was this? Me and Logan. A relationship? A hook up? Would we be doing this continuously or would we pretend it never happened? The thought of all this made me want to get up and release my body from his grip. And I did so, causing him to stir and then finally awaken. I stood before him completely naked and I was cold so I took my blanket from the foot of the bed and wrapped it around my shoulders. He laid bare to me and I could see him completely naked. "What happened? You okay?" he asked groggily and in his sexy gravely voice.

"Nothing, go back to sleep," I suggested. He laid his head back on the pillow and I went into the bathroom.

The chill of the bathroom sent shivers through my body and I felt colder. My bathroom consisted of two tiny rooms that connected into each other. There was one of the rooms that had a closet and a space that held a dresser. This is where I kept my clothes. There was a threshold opposite of the door that lead back into my room, and through this threshold was my shower, sink, and toilet. I had installed a curtain over the threshold. I had a bathroom similar to this one back home and my mom had done the same. I went through the closet and looked at myself in the mirror above of the sink. I looked pale.

I didn't worry about it until I had a strange cough fit. I coughed and coughed until it hurt. I had covered my mouth with my palm and when I pulled my hand away there were small droplets of blood. I panicked. I'd seen a movie where the same thing happened and then the person died. Was I dying? No. That couldn't happen to me. I ignored the bloody palm and washed it under the faucet, rinsing my mouth and splashing my face. I put some clothes on and went back into the room, where Logan laid asleep.

I looked to where there was a wood chair in my room. There I found a white shirt, Logan's. On the floor beside the chair where his jeans all wrinkled, left untouched from when he took them off. His shoes where there too. It was all here. I put the shirt back on the chair and felt uneasy. I wouldn't tell Logan about the blood, I'd tell Hank, he'd know what to say. I lay back down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling, thinking of where I stood. I was a mutant with mimicking abilities, I was gay and I'd given myself to a man that seemed to want me. I refused to join the X-Men and wanted to become a scout instead. I wanted to look for Nightcrawler and bring him back to the safety of the mansion.

I'd never met him, but from what I heard around the mansion, he was an extraordinary mutant. I felt like an idiot just laying here while he was out there missing. I had no time to lose. I had to begin training today. "What are you thinking about?" he asked. I hadn't felt him move or anything, but when I looked, he was looking at me. "What I want to do once I become a scout," I said honestly. He looked back at me blankly. "A scout, like Angel and Nightcrawler," he stated. I nodded. He grunted. What did that mean?

"So what now?" I asked, trying to figure what this was. "Well, we could have us a little fun and take a shower, or we could just go get breakfast," he said. I moved in and kissed him, moving my whole body to be on top of his. He quickly wrapped me in his arms and I had both my hands on his shoulders. I pushed off and smiled, "After breakfast." He only looked at me blankly, "You're killing me," he said after a while. I only smiled.

I didn't see Bobby at breakfast today. Was he still in his room. I couldn't really think with Logan around. We were back in my room and Logan was intent on finishing what I had started. But I didn't want to be the one handled. That was too feminine. So I took partial control, pulling his shirt off and pushing him on the bed. I threw myself on top of him and continued to kiss him. His breath was on my lips and it felt like bliss. He pulled my shirt off and threw it somewhere. His chest hair tickled my own chest but it felt so good.

He pulled himself up so that he was sitting, with his feet on the ground. I was sitting on his laps and his hands where on my hips, holding me in position. I had my hands on his shoulders, our lips locked. He slid one hand to his jeans and undid them. I got up and undid my jeans, allowing him to get rid of his jeans. He sat back on the bed with a fully erect dick. I couldn't have guessed its length and I couldn't compare it to any other I'd seen. This was the only one I'd ever seen beside my own. He put his arms on the bed behind him and looked at me. I walked up to him and pushed him back. I got on my knees and held his cock in my hand. If I was going to do this I was going to do it right.

I would tease him. I licked the base and slowly worked my way up, which caused him to twitch and groan. I did the same thing again but slowly twisted into the side of his dick. I put just the tip in my mouth and rubbed my tongue around it. It tasted, like... well... dick. He groaned like he was in pain and then moaned a breathy moan. I slid my mouth down and took in only half and then made my way back up, again twisting my tongue around the tip. He groaned. I wasn't worried about it not fitting, I had no gag reflex. I just didn't. I again slid the whole thing in my mouth and applied suction and then slid up again. I took it out of my mouth and licked from the base to the tip again. Always leaving him wanting more.

I licked once more but apparently it was too much for him. He sat up quickly and grabbed me, pulling me up and positioning me for the taking. I was facing him and my legs where wrapped around his torso. He held me completely up and positioned his dick at the entrance to my hole. Slowly he pulled my body down on him. I moaned and he groaned. Slowly, inch by inch, he slid in until his pubes where right at the space in between my own groin and my butt. He slid one arm across my back and wrapped the other across my waist, holding me in place. I took his face in my hands and looked at him. He only kissed me. I loved it. He pulled my body upwards, taking pleasure in my own tightness. He groaned as he pulled me up and pushed my body down on his large endowment.

I was so into the moment that I wanted this to go by faster. Not that I wanted it to end, but I needed more movement, more friction. So I pushed him down again and took control, straddling my legs and pushing myself into him and pulling myself out. After a while, he pushed me to the side and he took control, getting on top and again taking the position we had last night, with him on top. He pushed in and out, groaning and moaning as he did. I could again feel him sliding in and slipping out. I could feel his every movement. I could hear his moans too.

After getting tired of that, he pulled me up and got into a sort of praying position so that his folded thighs where beneath me. In this position he could control how he went in without me having to do much. My legs where again wrapped around him and he bounced making sure that his dick hit the spot. I moaned as he quickened and again held me completely tight and made a low groan. He began to gush his cum and I felt it run down and out of my butt. He collapsed on top of me, sweaty and heaving. This man was intoxicating.

I made him leave after that, yes I made him leave, claiming that I had things to do. I did. I had a lot to do today. I had to talk to Hank about the test results and about the cough this morning. After that I'd go look for Bobby and make him happy, and after that, if there was still time in the day, I would go talk to the professor about my training. I'd tell Hank about that too.

Of course I didn't tell Logan about anything I planned to do and so he left asking me before he left, "Will I see you again tonight?" I only responded, "We'll see." He gave me that same look he'd given me before breakfast and then left.

I went to Hank's room after that and I found him there. "Hey Hank," I greeted as I walked in. He looked from his computer and stood up to greet me. As I got close his face took a questioned look and I heard him whisper, "Logan?" Crap. "Logan?" I repeated, but in a different tone, as if saying, "What about him?" He realized he spoke out loud and looked at me. "Nothing, have you seen him today?" he asked. "Uh yeah, I went to check on him to see how he was doing," I lied, I hated lying to Hank.

"Well anyways," I began, "What's up with the test results?" "Oh, right. I got them done and apparently said toxin is released from the pores in you skin. The toxin then is passed on to whomever you touch, do you understand?" he asked, talking all scientifically. I sat down and nodded my head. "Well, depending on your mood, as I would expect, the toxin does various things, from harming the touched one or... well... I haven't gotten that far yet to be honest. But we can, we just need to test that out," he finished the sentence with a smile. Man, I was a freak. So to clarify on what I'd stated before, I was a mutant with mimicking abilities who was gay and had toxins released from my skin that could hurt you. Anything else? Oh yeah, I could make psychic connections with people.

I sighed and took in the news. The morning's events passed through my mind but it didn't seem appropriate to talk about me coughing blood if I was to take on scout training later on today. Knowing Hank, he would be too worried and convince the professor to deny me the training. Freakin' X-Men. As I sat there, the faces of everyone that I'd touched while here at the mansion came to mind. Bobby, Piotr, Logan, Remy, Bishop. There must've been more but I couldn't remember. "Are you okay?" Hank asked. "Yeah, just taking in this bit of information. I'm thinking of starting scout training soon," I said, quickly changing the subject.

Hank looked like he was about to question why I'd changed the subject but instead gave comment on what I'd just said. "That's splendid, I'm sure the professor will be very happy that someone is eager to take the job." "Yeah, I'ma go talk to him right now," I said, getting up and walking to the door. "Well you let me know what he says," he smiled. I smiled back and left the room.

It was still early, the students where in class and the sun was barely getting a good spot in the sky. Bobby was somewhere and I considered what to do. I had to options, go to him or go to the professor for my training. If I went to Bobby and told him what I planned to do later, then he'd surely make something up to make me not go to the professor. But then again there was the possibility that I was just over thinking things. Maybe he wouldn't care. I sighed and apparently Scott noticed.

I hadn't noticed him at all. "You okay?" he asked. I looked up at him, he was tall, and remembered that one night at the kitchen, with his shirt off, and his big chest. "Yeah, why do you ask?" "You just look weird. Like your out of it," he declared. I smiled, "Nah, I'm fine. Have you seen Bobby around?" I asked. He looked from where he had come, "Yeah, he should be in the library," he smiled. "Thanks," I replied. "Storm, Jean, and Rogue are in there too. Talking about something." He continued. I had already turned to leave, but this bit of info stopped me. I didn't want to talk to them about my decisions. And I was 90 percent sure that I was the subject of their conversation. But then again I could be wrong.

I looked back at him, but he spoke first, "Scouting huh?" "Yeah," I replied, "They don't exactly support my... uh... decisions." "Yeah, Bobby made that sort of clear over dinner that one time," he smiled. He remembered that? I smiled, "Yeah, well I have to face them at one point, might as well get it over and done with." "Well good for you, I'll see you in training," he said and turned to leave. "Wait, what?" I asked, a bit confused. "Yeah, the X-Men train you to be a scout, sure you can handle it?" "I know I can handle it," I replied and turned to walk towards the library. I could hear him laugh as I walked away. I smiled and opened the door to the library.

It didn't take long to find my friends. They where seated at a small round table talking in hushed tones. There where a few students here and there, ranging from the ages of 15 to maybe 17. I knew some of them, but didn't really talk to any of them. I knew instantly that Jean had sensed me, but I pretended not to know anything. I walked to the far end of the library and looked at the bookshelves, looking for something interesting to read. The mansion was a school, and therefore all the books in this library where used to study. No fictional book existed within the realms of this library. But I had other interests, plants to be exact. Back home, my mother always kept her plants. She loved how they lived and worked.

I settled for an old dusty book with the word "Horticulture" along its spine. I carried it over to a table away from my friends and sat down. The book was thick and it was one of those old things with the slightly yellow pages. And then I heard it. It first came as a low buzz and soon after, a murmur, but after a while, those murmurs grew into Bobby's voice. Well, not exactly his voice, but rather, I could feel his energy and feelings in my mind and that turned into words somewhere in my brain. So I wasn't hearing his thoughts, or reading them, I was feeling them. He was anxious, and bothered. Something the rest had said maybe. Or maybe it was because I was here. And then I felt another thing, that annoying trickle that touches your forehead whenever someone is staring at you. They where looking.

I continued to ignore them and looked at the impressive pictures of the plants in the book. They where incredibly beautiful and interesting and for an instant I forgot about my friends and instead occupied my mind with the plants and flowers and their functions and how they lived. The little descriptions completely enthralled me. But then I felt people sit down around me and I was brought back into reality, the library, and the pool of my dilemmas. Or rather, this dilemma. The table at which I was seated was a small square table. Jean and Rogue took the sides, Ororo sat across from me and Bobby stood behind her. I looked up from my book and smiled, "Hey you guys, what's up?"

"We want to talk to you about your decision to become a... scout," Storm hesitated. I looked blankly at her and then at everyone else. She continued, "And Jean and I have decided that we support you." I smiled. "Really? Thank you." "However, Bobby and I would like to let you know that we want you to reconsider. Scouting is too dangerous and..." Rogue had begun to say but I interrupted. "I have thought about it, for a long time. I know its dangerous, and frankly I'm not scared. I've thought about all my options and I feel that being a scout is what I am here to do. No matter what anyone says, I want to be a scout. Besides, think about it. I might not even get the job," I smiled. Rogue didn't look too happy and Bobby wasn't even looking at me anymore. I stood up, picking up the book with me, "Where are you going?" Jean asked. "To talk to the professor, I want to start training right away."

Bobby's head snapped to me and I walked past them, taking the book. I exited the library and made my way to my room. I would drop the book off at my room and then go talk to the professor. In my room, I left the book on my bed and walked towards the door and when I opened it, Bobby was there. His face was serious, but his eyes said otherwise. I couldn't put my finger on it, but they were saying something. "Jesse don't do it," he said. I sighed and looked up at him. "Bobby, stop worrying. I'll be fine, you know I can take care of myself. Its what I want, cant you be happy for me?" That was about the most feminine thing I'd ever said. I knew I was gay and all, but that didn't mean that I had to go around crying all the time and being all dramatic right?

He looked at me and grabbed my wrists with his cold hands. "Fine," he replied. Whoa! That was sudden, I wasn't even sure if I'd heard him right. "What?" I asked. "Fine," he repeated. I smiled and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and then I let go. "So, your okay with it?" I asked. He smiled and looked down, then back up at me again. I loved it when he did that!

HA! So what do you all think? Do you like where I'm going with the story? Yes? No? Send me comments and all your suggestions to jayjaybby@rocketmail.com PLEASE!! SEND ME SOME FEEDBACK! I NEED IT TO CONTINUE! Sorry it took so incredibly long but I've been busy lately. Hopefully I'll have the next installment up soon okay? SO yeah... please for the love of ANYTHING THAT YOU LOVE IN THIS WORLD! SEND ME SOME FEEDBACK! IT WONT TAKE LONG! PLEASE!!!!!!! Thank you! For reading and for coming back to it! I love you all so very much! Oh and I know this one was a bit boring, but I promise it will get better in the next one! I pinky promise =D

Next: Chapter 7: Ready

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