X Men Rejection

By Jesse Crewe

Published on Oct 1, 2009


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to Marvel. And also, if you are too young to read this, leave... please. Or if this type of thing is illegal where you live then also leave... please. This is a story involving homosexual, or rather gay, sex and love. So if this offends or freaks you out, leave... please. This is purely fiction, it doesn't imply anything about the character's mentioned sexuality

Enjoy! Oh... and sorry it took so long.

"How'd we get here?" I asked. It was only me and him. No one else in the world mattered. "Does it matter?" he replied. What a perfect answer. I smiled and stayed still, doing nothing but looking down. He walked up to me and cupped my face in his hands, forcing me to meet his gaze. I felt helpless and... well, utterly feminine. None of that. I looked to the side, letting his hands slide off my face to my neck. Only then did I look back up at him. He had gray eyes that seemed to be looking for something on my face. "What?" I asked. He only shook his head "Nothing." Logan. The man I'd promised myself to. And yet it bugged me to get into a feminine-like position. Not even that mattered though. We were in my room and I was facing him and the wall behind him, and the entrance. He was facing me and the bad, which would mean that my bed was right behind us. My room wasn't that big but I had to admit, it was my favorite place in the world.

He slid his hands from my neck down to my waist, his rough hands sending shivers through me where they passed. He pulled me to him and then pushed me some-what gently unto the bed, sending us both to the bed. Not the greatest idea. Here was a man with bones covered in the world's only invincible metal. In other words, this man weighed a ton. I only gasped. "You okay?" he asked, surprisingly sounding worried. I only smiled up at him. He moved in for a kiss and then: "Jesse," came Bobby's voice. I looked over to my bedroom door but he wasn't there. I looked around but didn't see him. "Jesse!" Bobby's voice came again. "What's wrong?" Logan asked, his crushing weight feeling nothing but comfortable on top of me. I didn't say anything. I don't think it would be appropriate me saying the name of another man while here with Logan.

"Jesse!" his voice came again except much more clearer. My room began to fade away and was replaced by first an immensely bright white and then a black. I was back into consciousness. "Jesse get up," Bobby said sitting beside me on the bed. "Bobby what do you want?" I asked still half-asleep. "For you to get up," he said. I opened my eyes and saw that amazing smile of his. Bobby, my best friend and probably the handsomest man I knew. Not that Logan wasn't good-looking, he was, really was but he was more like a sexy handsome. Bobby was just outright handsome. "I don't want to," I complained. "I don't care," he said in a tone that mimicked mine. "Go away," I said. "No I don't think so, get up," he said poking me in the arm. Friggin Bobby. I sat up and left all traces of that dream behind on my pillow. "Happy?" I asked. "Yeah," he replied and displayed that smile of his. I couldn't help but smile. "Okay, why'd you wake me up so early?" I asked. He looked at me skeptically, "It's nine thirty," he said. "Yeah, I know," I replied. Friggin X-Men and their early rising times.

He laughed, "Get up I wanna do something today," he said pushing me so that I would get up. "What? What do you wanna do?" "I don't know, practice your powers, combine them, I don't know. Anything." "You're a strange person," I said to him, "I know," he said. "Do I have time for a shower?" I asked. "Sure," he smiled. Why did he do that? I sighed and went into the bathroom to take a quick shower, brush my teeth, and dressed. I was surprised to find Bobby still sitting on my bed. "Ready?" he asked. "Yeah, why are you so.." I hesitated. What would you call this? "I don't know. Come on," he said getting up and opening the door. I walked past him and followed him to the outside of the mansion. I thought about Logan, how was he doing? I snapped that thought out. Logan couldn't get hurt. But Storm and Jean could. There was Rogue too, but she was one of the toughest people I knew. So there was still Storm and Jean. I sighed in worry for them. Bobby noticed. "They're fine," he said. I guess he knew what I was thinking. "How do you know?" I asked. "Because, Time and time again they go and come back just fine, and on top of that they have Rogue and Logan. Trust me, they're fine," he said. He'd stopped walking. We were in the middle of the field that was a safe distance from the mansion.

The students where in class. I remembered Hank. How was he? I'd go talk to him after this. "What now?" I asked. "Do you still have my powers?" "I'm sure," I replied. I hadn't gotten rid of them. Had I? I shook that thought and decided that I hadn't. "Do you still have Gambit's?" he continued. "Yeah," I replied. "Do that thing you did yesterday," he said. I understood and stood up straight, summoning both energies into my reach. I felt them and released them into my palms, letting the energy form and grow into a sphere about the size of a softball. "What now?" I asked. "Try to control it," he replied. What? "What do you mean?" I asked. "Throw it but don't let it hit the ground, try to kind of swerve it and keep it in the air. Do you get me?" He explained. "Uh yeah," I replied and did as he told me. I threw it, hard and right as it was descending I held it up and pushed it up so it ascended in a straight vertical line. It's hard to explain. It was kind of like holding your brain and then your brain tickled because of what you where doing with it. I could feel the ball ascending.

I let if fall and then pulled it towards us. "Not here!" Bobby laughed. I laughed and threw in another direction, letting it explode into a thousand little shards of ice and bio-kinetic energy. I smiled at my success. "What now?" I asked again. "We need to get you more powers," he smiled. I only returned the smile. We walked back to the mansion and looked for someone of interest. I could only think of one. Bishop. I told Bobby this and he agreed. We hunted him out and found him in the gym, a place I barely visited. I didn't need to, my built body was permanent, but I didn't mean to brag.

"Bishop," Bobby called. He looked our way from the punching bag he was beating on. "Hey Bobby, Jesse," he said with a smile. "What's up?" he asked. "We were wondering if you could let Jesse use your powers?" Bobby explained, "We were combining the powers he's already borrowed and we thought your powers would make a good addition. So what do you think?" "I think it's a good idea, sure go ahead," he said looking at me. "Okay," I said stepping closer to him and pressing my palm to his cheek, my usual spot. I don't know why but it seemed more appropriate to drain the energy from here than from his arm or neck. I don't know. I felt the energy slip into my palm and smiled. It felt nice. It always did. "Thanks," I said as I stepped away. "Anytime," he smiled.

We returned to the field and I meshed all the powers together. This time there was no ball but instead a beam with three colors. A light blue, Bobby, A bright crimson, Gambit, and a dark purple-looking blue color, Bishop. The colors where laid out flatly against the beam. I fired at a nearby stone and managed a dent. The beam burst into tiny ice shards, a crimson smoke and a purple explosion where it hit the boulder. Nice. I smiled at my new success and looked over at Bobby, who looked amazed. "You okay?" I asked. "Your good," he smiled. "We should go tell the professor," I suggested. He agreed.

"That's quite remarkable Jesse," the professor smiled at me. We had just told him of our discovery. "Have you continued practicing your connecting skills with Robert?" he continued. I hadn't. "No," I answered. "Hi, Bobby," I sent. He smiled and sent back, "Hey Jesse." "There," I told the professor. He smiled. "Very good. Have you tried looking for any other abilities. I mean to say, in yourself, can you do more than just connect with people and mimic their powers?" He asked. That sentence would've sounded harsh coming from anyone other than the professor. "I haven't, but I wanted to talk to Hank about that," I said honestly. I meant to ask him about the mystery of why Logan liked me. I wasn't going to tell him about Logan, but I was going to ask him if there was anything in my system that did that for me. Wooing people in to make me seem more attractive.

I did.

"Your body releases some sort of toxin that causes the human's senses to react." Hank explained. I liked him when he talked all scientific and stuff. Not like that. He was a friend. A dear, close, friend whom I'd seen jacking off once. "React how?" I asked. "Well, I'm not sure, I can run a few tests to find out," he suggested, sitting down and looking at me. "Sure, I'm up for it," I smiled. "So I hear you were practicing your powers today. You can combine powers?" he asked. "I guess so, News travels fast around here," I said. Said practice was only about a half hour ago. "Yeah, well, there's a lot of people here at the mansion. Do you mind if I took a blood sample for the tests?" He asked. "No go ahead," I replied. He took a syringe from a drawer on his desk and drew blood from my arm.

"I'll have those results by tonight," he said. "Really? That fast?" I asked. A bit surprised. He smiled. "Yeah," he said. "That's cool," I said. As I said the words the sound of a jet roared in. The X-Jet. They where back! I felt butterflies in my stomach. I knew what was coming. I smiled and left the room after I said goodbye to Hank. I was the last one there. I could only see Storm and Jean's worried expression and Rogue carrying something. No not something, someone. Who? My heart sank and my body went cold as I saw that the wounded person in Rogue's arms was no other than Logan.

Hurt? How? He was Wolverine, the invincible guy with the claws. I pushed through the small crowd and made my way to Storm and Jean. "What's wrong?" I asked hugging Storm. "I don't know, Arcade has come up with a weapon that can actually hurt him," Jean explained. Instead of feeling the horror I would've expected I felt nothing but concern. I followed Rogue, Jean, and Storm into the Hospital floor of the mansion. The students weren't allowed here. The professor and Hank where already there. As I got a good look at Logan I noticed that his eyes were shut closed and right on the side of his abdomen was a large shard of something metallic. "It cant be pulled out without hurting him," Jean said to the professor.

"Well we cant just leave it in there," Rogue said. "We need to cool the piece of metal and slide it out, the metal is heated, which probably has something to do with why Logan isn't able to heal himself. Where's Bobby?" he asked looking around. "I can do it," I said. They all looked at me, "I still have his powers," I explained. Hank stepped away and I looked at him for instruction. "Just cool it down a little and just pull it out," he said. "Wait what?" I said, wincing at the idea of pulling the thing out. "Do it," he pressed. I exhaled and gently placed my hand on the piece of metal, getting a slight grip of the piece. I released a slight wave of cold over the shard, making sure to keep Bishop's and Gambit's powers to the side of my brain. Their powers would not help right now.

I felt a slight pang of instinct to place my other hand on the side of the shard on his skin and cool that down too. His body was extremely heated. I ran my hand under his wife-beater and placed my hand on his skin and slowly pulled the shard out. Once out I handed it to Hank and placed both palms on the wound. I released more cool energy and after a while I felt his skin close under my palms. I withdrew my palms and they where bloody. I washed my hands and looked up at the people around me. They where all looking at me. I just smiled. They did too and looked back at a now peaceful-looking Logan.

The professor and Hank left soon after they where sure that Logan was okay. So there was only Rogue, Storm, and Jean left. The last thing Rogue said before they left was, "We still need to talk about that scouting job." Jean and Storm both looked at me with agreeing faces. Crap. I would've though, or at least hoped that they would've forgotten about that over their mission. But these friggin X-Men, nothing shakes them. I smiled and let them leave. The sun was setting outside. There where no windows in this room, but the end of the hall outside had a large window facing the sun. I sat in a chair facing the door and saw the sun's light splattered on the floor as it elongated as the time went by until it disappeared. A low light soon replaced that and the world seemed empty. There was no one else on this floor. And I wasn't going to go up to face the people that wanted to discuss my future as an "X-Man." It would be harder to explain this to them, they where all close friends of Nightcrawler. Where was he?

I decided, over about an hour and a half of thought, that I would ask for that assignment as my first scouting job. I would set out to look for Nightcrawler. I had to prove myself worthy of being a scout somehow.

After another half-hour, Logan came forth. He gave a low grunt and then moved his head to face me and slowly opened his eyes. "Jesse," he grunted again. I got up and came closer to him. "What happened?" he asked in his gravely voice. "I'm not sure, but you got here with a metal shard in your stomach, we had to pull it out in order for you to heal back up again," I explained. He grunted. "What about you? How'd you do in the assignment?" I asked, walking away to brighten the lights a bit. "The last thing I remember was having Arcade about thirty yards from where I was and then an explosion. That's probably where I got my souvenir from." I came back to sit on my chair. "Why are you all the way over there?" he asked. "I'm right here Logan," I said.

He tilted his head to get a better look at me I guess. "What?" I asked when the stare had been a little too long. He just shook his head and put his head in a more comfortable position. "So what was that before I left?" he asked not looking at me. I felt my stomach drop because I thought he wanted to talk about the scouting thing. But then I remembered. That small moment just before he boarded the jet. The kiss. Or rather, the peck. "What do you mean?" I asked, to nervous to answer him directly. He looked at me again and I felt small under his gaze. "Don't act like you don't know. The kiss, before I left," he said. That threw me off. He always caught me off guard.

"Well, I did that because I was... uh," I stammered. I had absolutely no idea of what to say. I absolutely refused to tell him I had even the slightest feelings for him. I'd never been in love, but I'd seen plenty of failed relationships. Not that I wanted a relationship with Logan or anything. Did I? He continued to look at me expectantly, but I had nothing to say. So I changed the subject. "You should get some sleep Logan, you need to rest," I said as I walked a bit closer to him. I was standing over him, looking down at him and him up at me. I'll admit it was a bit awkward. He was still waiting for an answer. But then he did something I was totally unprepared for.

He grabbed my arm and pulled, hard. I was completely, well not completely, my face was close to his and his chest was pressing against mine but my feet where still on the ground. Regardless, I was on top of him and his breath hit my lips. His eyes gazed into mine, waiting for me to close in the space. No, I wouldn't. He wanted it, he would have to work for it, I'd made that clear. He saw, or rather, sensed my stubbornness. "Give in," he breathed. "No," I quickly replied. He hadn't released my arm and as I replied he took a tighter grip. "Why not?" he said in a harsher tone. "Give me one good reason," I replied, my face still just an inch from his. My reply was stupid, but had its effect on him, he didn't let go but I pulled away.

"You need to eat, or sleep, or something. Are you hungry?" I asked. "You have no idea," he replied. I just sighed. "Well if that's all?" I said heading for the door. "Wait," he uttered. I'd barely heard it, but it was all I needed to halt. I turned. "Don't leave," he requested. "What?" I asked. I'd heard him, and understood him, but I wanted to hear him say it again. "Don't leave," he said in a slightly louder tone. I turned completely and walked back to his bed. I took his hand. "I wont."

      • I'd spent the night there. I sat on the bed with his hand in mine until he fell asleep and then went to sit on the one comfortable chair in the room. He had woken up slightly when I let go of him but he went back to sleep once I sat on the chair. I dozed off and had a dreamless night. When I woke up, the sun still hadn't risen. A went up to the cafeteria, quietly of course, and got Logan some coffee and an apple for myself. I hadn't gotten to dinner last night. I didn't know why I slept either. I could've stayed awake, but I guess I felt safe with Logan. I wasn't sure, but I slept regardless.

When I returned to the hospital room, Logan was waking up. "Here," I said as I handed him the coffee. He took it and looked up at me. "Aren't you hungry?" he asked. "Nope," I replied taking a bite of the apple. It was a granny smith apple, you know, the green ones. My favorite. I sat on the bed again and as I finished the apple I felt Logan move. Someone was coming. The professor walked in accompanied by Hank. "Jesse, your still here?" he asked. "Yeah, I stayed with Logan," I explained the obvious, but I wouldn't tell them that he had asked me to stay. The professor smiled and I moved from the bed so he would have a better view of Logan.

I stood next to Hank while Logan spoke to the professor. "I got the results," he began. I looked at him. I'd forgotten about that. "Really? What's up?" I asked. "What I suspected is correct, there is a type of toxin that you release but I'm not sure what its purpose it. I need to run a few tests on your body, but we can get around to that later, when your ready," he explained. Tests? Toxins? Man I was a freak. I sighed. "Yeah I'll let you know, I want to find out so maybe later on today?" I asked, wanting to see if he was available. "Of course, you know where to find me," he smiled. I returned the smile.

Once they left and I was alone with Logan I told him I would go up to my room to take a shower. "You know, I need a shower too," he smiled. "Haha," I laughed sarcastically, "Well the professor says you'll be able to be up and running by noon, so you can do that then," I replied. He only smiled.

As I made my way through the corridors of the mansion to get to my room, I saw Bobby. "Jesse, where have you been?" he asked, walking up to me with that smile. "Oh, uh," I stammered. Should I tell? "I've been with Logan," I said. "What?" he asked with a quizzical look on his face. "Whatever, a bunch of us are going into the city to watch a movie or two and hang out, wanna come?" he asked.

"I cant Bobby," I said. He looked disappointed. I hated it. "I have to stay with Logan, and I got some other things to do here at the mansion," I explained. He straightened his face. "Wait what?" he asked. "I have to stay here," I repeated. "With Logan?" he said. "Yeah," I replied calmly. He looked frustrated. "Why?" he asked. That didn't make any sense to me. "Bobby. What?" I asked a bit confused. "Why do you care so much?" he asked in a harsh tone I'd never heard on him before. "Bobby. That's Logan, your friend, what do you mean, why do I care? I'm staying here, and if your gonna be acting like this, than screw it. You can go, I'll be here when you get back."

The shower helped a lot. I felt relaxed and comfortable. I didn't see Bobby anywhere, he was gone already. I went back to Logan and we talked about things I'd never talked with anyone about. He told me of what he remembered of his life and of the people he'd met along the way. After what seemed like hours Jean came in. "I'm here to relieve you," she smiled. "I've just been here Jean, well I have to go anyway," I said looking at Logan and signaling to him that I'd be back later. Before I left, Jean looked at me, "We still need to talk," she said. I only smiled and went out to look for Hank.

"Are you ready?" he asked once I'd found him. "Yeah," I replied. We'd had to walk down to the subbasement to a chamber nearby Cerebro and the training room that's name escaped me. "This is where we run tests on things like this," Hank explained. I walked into what seemed like something out of an old Frankenstein movie. There was a small glass chamber in the center of the room with a metallic cover that had wires flowing from it. They all seemed to connect to a computer that I'm sure Hank would be handling. I had to take my shirt and pants off, but I didn't mind. I stepped into the chamber and I heard Hank speak to me through a microphone. "You have to be unconscious during these tests. Just breathe normally and when you wake up, It'll all be over," he smiled. I smiled back and did what he said.

I woke up after what seemed like a mere three seconds, but according to Hank, I'd been gone for a whole of five hours. "I'll have a full report for you in an hour," he smiled. I smiled back and went to look for Logan, who would be walking around by now.

I scanned the familiar mansion but couldn't find him anywhere. He wasn't in the hospital wing and he wasn't outside, or in the cafeteria. No where. I didn't know where his room was, but I wouldn't look for him there anyway. I wouldn't be in my turf and I have a feeling that he'd have an immense advantage in his own surroundings. I would have to give in for sure.

Whatever happened during those five hours left me all sticky with sweat and whatever fumes I was exposed to. I needed another shower. The sun was setting and I was sure that Bobby would be back soon. I didn't want to face him yet. I went to my room and entered the shower. I was so into the shower that I hadn't heard him come in.

"Because you want to," came his voice. I didn't jump, but I wanted to. I'd begun to turn but he didn't let me. He grabbed me from behind and held me close. There was plenty of room in the shower. He was naked and I could feel every muscle, every part of him on my skin. His arms where around my waist one minute and the next they where caressing my body. I forced myself to turn and face Logan. And there he was. The shower water running through him. He stood before me in all his glory. I put my arms around him and gave him part of what he wanted. I kissed him with all I could. Our tongues touched and caressed each other. His hands where still around me and I could feel his muscles against mine. This man was huge, his body I mean. His arms where enormous. His pecs was huge and I wanted to get lost in them. He groped at my body, making sure not to miss an inch.

He again did something unexpected. He picked me up and took me out of the shower. Dripping wet himself on the bed, taking me along with him. He was on top of me, but then he got on his side, looking down at me. He had me just how he wanted. He looked at every inch of me.

He licked his fingers and rubbed them over the crack of my bottom. Not entering me but just rubbing them there. As he ran his fingers up he popped one in. I felt a stab but I didn't cry or yelp or anything. He forced it all the way in never taking his eyes off me. I wasn't looking at him though. I had my eyes shut. He pulled his finger in and out repeatedly and then he popped in his second finger. Here I moaned. He seemed to enjoy it. He kissed me and continued to pull and push the fingers into my ass. Once I grew accustomed to that he popped in his third finger and I moaned again. This time in pain.

I hadn't thought much about this moment. I knew it would hurt. But not his much. He continued to pull and push, and didn't cease to stop kissing me. His lips where what kept me from yelping. He pulled the fingers out and I knew what was coming. I turned myself around, to make it more comfortable for him, but then he did yet another unexpected thing. He turned me around. He wanted me to face him, to look at him. I was prepared to give my ass to him, but he wanted something else. Intimacy. Yet another unexpected thing.

He positioned himself in between my legs and I wrapped my legs around his muscled torso. He threw himself on top of me and put the tip of his dick on the entrance of my hole. He pushed and I heard him grunt. This was my first time, I would bet it to be tight. I felt a small stab of pain but nothing more. He kept on pushing until I could feel his balls at my butt. He was entirely in. He looked down at me and then pulled out. He grunted. He let his face fall to my neck and I could feel his breath on it. I wrapped my arms around his neck and braced myself for the rest of it.

I could feel him slide in and pull out. It felt extremely good. Knowing that I was giving him what he so much wanted. I had no regrets as to letting myself. I'd promised. He had his hand on my ribs and his other beside my head, keeping himself in place. His head was still on my neck and I could make out every noise he made. Grunts, breaths, and hisses. He wrapped both arms around me and put his legs under me, hoisting me up so that he was carrying me but he was still on top. He humped in faster until I felt him grip my whole body at his tightest and then I felt it. His seed gushing out into my butt. It felt slightly warm but I couldn't really tell from here. He gave his last thrusts and he moaned. I wasn't paying much attention to how many times he spurted, but after he was done, it was pouring out. He was still in me when he pulled his face from my neck and kissed me.

He pulled out and laid me on the bed, taking his place behind me. "When you first walked in you said `because you want to?' What does that mean?" I asked. "You wanted a good reason," he said. I fell into a deep slumber and had another dreamless night in the arms of the man I'd given myself to for the first time.

So what'd you think? Sorry it took me forever to put up but I recently discovered that I don't have to write the whole shebang at once. I can write some and then come back later. I know. But anyway, send loads of comments and feedback, and suggestions, and all that good stuff to jayjaybby@rocketmail.com please IM BEGGING! SEND ME FEEDBACK! I love it, and all the people that take time to read my little story.. thank you all... and thanks to the people that send me feedback and suggest. You all motivate me to keep writing. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Next: Chapter 6: Accept

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