X Men Rejection

By Jesse Crewe

Published on Sep 12, 2009


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to Marvel. And also, if you are too young to read this, leave... please. Or if this type of thing is illegal where you live then also leave... please. This is a story involving homosexual, or rather gay, sex and love. So if this offends or freaks you out, leave... please. This is purely fiction, it doesn't imply anything about the character's mentioned sexuality


Every nerve on my body was on end. The waves of pleasure and pure ecstasy were rummaging through my entire body. And this wasn't the best part. His arms rubbed against mine and his hands where pinning my wrists down on the counter. His breath was running down the back of my neck. His groin was against my bottom and I could fell the bulge there. He pulled his forehead from my neck to the side of my face, his stubble sending another larger wave through my body. These waves rendered me to lay my head on the counter and breathe. It was all I could do. Logan was in control and I had no intention of taking it. The back of my mind was screaming a constant "No! Don't do this!" But the rest of my mind had no more strength to resist. He bumped his groin into my behind and I let out a slight moan. Not a loud one but a quiet throaty one.

Before I continue though, I should explain how I got here. I had gone into my room after getting rid of Logan and after visiting Beast, or rather, Hank. I couldn't find sleep so I gave up. I lied in my room for hours before I decided to get up and go to the kitchen and get something to drink. I made my way quietly, past Hank's room, where I found him completely asleep, and through the corridors that lead to the kitchen. I'd considered waking Bobby, but why bother him? So I got to my destination and found it empty. This wasn't exactly the main kitchen, that kitchen was located behind the cafeteria, this was rather a room where one would find something to drink or something small to eat. It was also used as a hang out for a lot of the students here. The room was small and didn't have a door, there was a large opening to the kitchen and there was a large counter at the center of the room, a small round table to the side, a sink and a refrigerator at the other side and a large pantry went through the room and there was an additional counter that ran on both sides of the sink. Above the sink was a window that stuck out into the outside.

This window had a sort of shelf that contained a few decorative plates. I'd no idea of its origins but I saw these and they reminded me of my mother. She loved these. I missed her, but not too much. I'd visit her within the coming month. I went over to the plates and reached for them. I couldn't reach, they weren't up high but they where a little far back. I had to stand on the tip of my toes to just reach the plates. I was just about to get a grip on one of them when I felt someone behind me. I was about to turn and see who it was but I wasn't aloud. My wrists had been pinned down to counter and the weight of the stranger's body pushed my own body to the counter. The stranger hadn't been rough; but not gentle either. That told me who it was. Logan pulled his lips to my ear and sighed. How did this man know what to do to render my body. I felt exposed, so helpless, but I didn't care, it was Logan that had taken control, the one that claimed me, the one that would take me.

Or so I thought. He pulled off, grabbed a beer and rested his weight on the counter across from me. I took no more than a second to straighten myself, but I did wonder why he stopped. The back of my mind took over and I realized that it was good that nothing had happened. I wasn't going to give in, but you already know that. I looked at him about to question his actions but I soon realized what was happening. I heard unfamiliar voices approaching the lighted room. After a while two figures entered the room and I immediately realized who they where. I'd never met them, but I'd heard a lot about Gambit and Bishop.

I didn't know them, but they apparently knew who I was. "Jesse right?" Bishop asked in a deep voice. I felt thrown off but I answered, "Yeah, nice to meet you." He smiled. "Gambit at your service," Remy smiled. "Yeah I know who you are," I said. Logan walked out without them noticing. "So how was the... uh... assignment?" I asked. "It took a while, but were her now. I hear your quite the mutant," Bishop says. I hated that word. Mutant. A picture of a gecko slithering through a plant came to mind. I smiled regardless, "Who told you that?" "Xavier," Remy answered

Apparently they had gotten news of the future X-Man. What the hell. I had no intention on becoming an X-Man. But now, both Remy and Bishop fully encouraged my joining. I'd barely met them so I wouldn't oppose to them. Somehow though, the subject came up and I told them of my real intentions. They looked at me quizzically. Angel had been one of their scouts and he had been captured and genetically altered on a scouting. Nightcrawler hadn't returned from a scouting he had gone on a few months ago. No one predicted what had happened to him. The job of a scout was bid the label of dangerous. But I didn't care. That's what I was to do. It was not negotiable.

"Are you sure you want to be scouting?" Remy asked me. "Yeah. That's what I want to do," I replied blankly. "Well then you have my support," Bishop said with a smile. He'd taken his shades off and his eyes wrinkled when he smiled. It made him look like a nice person, different from what he looked like with the shades, menacing and dangerous. Remy wore a brown trench coat, instead of Bishop's black one. Remy smiled after Bishops sentence. I took it as an equal act of support. I had support now. Hank, Bishop, Remy, and the professor. I couldn't be sure about everyone else. I yawned. "You're tired, go sleep," Remy suggested. I shook my head, I didn't need sleep. Well, I did need sleep, but I had found that I could go long periods of time without sleep. I would have to make up for it later, but I could stay awake for as long as I wanted. The yawn signaled that my body was going into this state.

"Its okay, the sun's about to rise anyway," I say. "Well, I'm tired so I'll see you in the... uh... later," Bishop smiled, I returned the smile and he left the room. "So what can you do kid?" Remy asked. I considered how I could show him. I walked over to him and raised my hand to his face. I immediately felt the power flow. I walked away and reached for the cap of the water bottle I had used. I held it in my hand and released the bio-kinetic energy. I low dose so that the explosion wouldn't be so harsh. The cap was consumed in a flame and then it popped, sending little pieces of the cap to the counter. Remy smiled, "You're a mimic," he concluded. I smiled as a confirmation.

I decided to wake Hank at about a half hour past eight. Not too late and not too early. He woke gently, opening his eyes and smiling when he saw me. "What's wrong?" he asked half asleep. "Nothing, but I told you I'd be here," I said in a quiet voice. By now everyone else was waking up too. He smiled and sat up. "That's right," he said.

The morning was spent with him telling me about his work. He was studying X-Genes. I was fascinated, though he continuously asked me if I was bored. I begged him to continue and he would smile and do so. I didn't want to leave, but I had another session with the professor. He knew already so he was the one to dismiss me. I hugged him and he hugged me. "Logan?" I heard him ask. He had smelled his scent. "Oh, yeah, I bumped into him this morning," I explained. I'd told him about Bishop and Remy and their support. He was happy to hear I had further support. I told him I'd be back after the session and then I left and looked for Bobby.

I found him in his room. He smiled that incredibly amazing smile of his when he saw me. "Hey, I've been looking for you," he said. "Yeah I've been with Hank," I explained. He smiled, "That's cool, well are you ready to go see the professor?" "Uh, I'm kinda hungry, lets ask him if we can get a bite before we start yeah?" I say. He only smiles. If I didn't love Bobby the way I do, I'd be obligated to replace Logan with him. But I loved Bobby way too much to risk it.

"Yes of course Jesse, go ahead," The professor smiled. "I have a meeting with Jean anyway, come back in an hour," he instructed. I smiled and walked with Bobby to the cafeteria. We were eating when he pointed out that I was being checked out. I looked at him, "Don't look," he said. I was confused. I got up to leave and saw what he meant. It was only for a split second because they looked away when I noticed. Logan, Scott, and Piotr. They where seated at different tables each with a different thing in their hands. Coffee, lunch, or soda. Nonetheless they where looking at me. I felt uneasy and I left the room. As I walked out to the lawn of the mansion, I remembered something I had heard in Biology class a few years back, Pheromones. I considered my own over-flowing amount of the chemical but discarded that thought. I would have to ask Hank.

"What's wrong?" Bobby asked catching up to me. "Nothing, I just needed some air. So what do you want to do for the next fifteen minutes?" I asked him. We had time to kill. He smiled and actually gave me a response. "Lets practice your powers," he says. I absorb his powers and combine them with Remy's to concoct an ice ball with Remy's explosive energy within. I through the ball to the ground and that resulted in an explosion that sent ice shards all over the place. We dodged them and we landed on the ground beside each other. He propped himself on his elbow and asked, "Where'd you learn to do that?" "I don't know, I borrowed Remy's powers this morning to show him what I could do and I just figured that it would be a good combination," I smiled sitting up. "Well it is," He exclaims getting up and offering his hand to pull me up, I take his cold hand and pull myself up.

The session was cut short when the professor received news of a threat to a city somewhere. Arcade was behind it. I knew who he was. I ran out to see my friends leave; Ororo, Jean, Rogue, and Logan where to go on the assignment. I hugged Ororo, "Be careful," I say. She smiles, "We'll be fine Jesse," she says. I proceed to Jean who only smiles when she sees that I'm with Bobby. "No not like that," I smile at her. "I know," she replies. Rogue smiles and hugs me, "We're going to have to talk about this scouting job your considering when I get back you hear me?" she says. Crap! Now Jean and Ororo would find out. They both look at me and raise their eyebrows, "Yes we will talk," says Ororo before she boards the X-Jet. Jean and Rogue follow. Bobby goes in to tell Jean something which leaves me alone with Logan.

"Scouting?" he asks in his gravely voice. I love it. "Yeah," I exhale. He grunts. I walk up to him because I cant help but worry. I discard that as I hug him. He's Wolverine. He cant get hurt. I pull off and our faces are close. He moves in for a kiss and I allow it. It's something quick, a peck. But its enough. He boards the jet and Bobby walks out. I step back with Bobby and I cant help but think that that kiss was more than I thought. It was a promise. He'd would come back from this assignment to claim his prize. I bite my lip as if to keep from screaming. I was excited, angered, happy, and sad all at the same time. Excited for what was to come, angered because I'd allowed him a kiss, happy because I'd get what I wanted, and sad because I'd given up. He had broken the walls that kept him out. I wasn't sure what I felt for Logan, but I knew what I would have to do once he came to my room on the night of his return.

"Are you okay Jesse?" Bobby asked as we walked into dinner after spending the day watching movies. I watched and paid attention for Bobby's sake. I kept any upcoming events at the back of my head. "Yeah, I'm fine, why?" I ask as we take a seat. "You seem kind of... I don't know," he smiles. "No I'm fine," I assure him. Piotr, Scott, and Hank come to where we are. "Hank, here," I say to him, pointing to the seat beside mine. I was still a little weirded out by what Bobby had pointed out at lunch. I wasn't going to not talk to them so I made conversation. "Hey Scott, what's up?" I began. "Not much, you?" he asked. "Same here," I say.

Dinner goes by discussing different matters. I avoid my membership at all costs, complimenting the food whenever the X-Men came up. Of course Bobby caught on and he exposed what I was trying to hide by saying, "So Jesse, tell us why you don't want to join the X-Men." I looked at him and smiled. The Bastard. I'd get him later. Hank gave a laugh and Scott and Piotr looked at me expectantly. "Well, I'm not sure really, all I know is that I want to be a scout," I reply, jumping to what the conversation would end up in. "A scout," Scott says. "Yeah," I reply. "Well if that's what you want to do, then go for it," he continues on to say. I'm surprised. "Really? Your not going to tell me its too dangerous?" I ask.

"Well we're not your parents Jesse," Piotr says, implying that he also supports my decision, "Of course its dangerous, but we cant stop you from doing what you want to do," Scott goes on to explain. I look at Bobby, who looks disappointed at their response. "HA! Bobby, in your face," I say in a slight point of excitement. He smiles. "What?" Scott asks, "Its just that Bobby doesn't approve of me becoming a scout," I explain. They laugh and I feel good because I have support. I just had to deal with Jean and Ororo now. I don't know how Logan felt about it yet, but I hope he supported my decision.

The day had been a good one, and I was excited to see what would happen tomorrow. I turned in early because I had to make up for last night. I hadn't slept in two days. I'd be asleep for at least nine hours. I wanted to be up early for Hank. I had no trouble falling asleep. Right before I did though, I wondered what Logan was doing.

Next: Chapter 5: Good Reason

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