X Men Rejection

By Jesse Crewe

Published on Sep 6, 2009


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to Marvel. And also, if you are too young to read this, leave... please. Or if this type of thing is illegal where you live then also leave... please. This is a story involving homosexual, or rather gay, sex and love. So if this offends or freaks you out, leave... please. This is purely fiction, it doesn't imply anything about the character's mentioned sexuality


I woke up with a feeling of confusion. I'd gone back to last night, with Logan. I had absorbed his strength. That didn't make sense. He had regular strength, the kind you achieve by lifting weights and all that good stuff. Rogue's strength was different because she'd achieved that with her powers, therefore her strength was an ability, a mental ability. But Logan... his was different. And thinking about it, I remembered back in the training room, I'd said I could absorb his health regeneration. Why'd I say that? Could I?

I sighed and left that train of thought, going on to think about what had happened. The way Logan had grabbed me last night turned every single one of my goose bumps on. The way he had breathed on me, the way his whole muscled body was pressed against my own body, the way his stubble rubbed against my skin when he made his way down to my neck. I had a hard on now. I ignored it and got out of bed. I went to the bathroom and stopped at the mirror and did something I rarely ever did, I looked at myself. I didn't really like to look at myself in the mirror, I found it better if you did it every once in a while to see the difference in yourself that time has allowed. The first thing I notice is how short I am. I've always been short. Always. I didn't mind though. I have short brown hair, I hated having long hair, it bugged after a while. My dark brown eyes that I'd achieved from my mother, my father had hazel eyes, but that didn't happen for me. I was comfortable with my body. Especially with the body I got when my abilities settled in.

After the first week of having my abilities, I noticed I started getting muscled. I wasn't completely huge, but the ridges that made up my abdominal muscles were noticeable and my... uh... pecs weren't half bad. I had grown broad shoulders too. All in all, I was completely comfortable with my body. I smiled at my comment and moved on to change into something I could be seen in. I needed to tell Bobby what had happened. I remembered how I had absorbed his powers yesterday, I let all absorbed powers out of my system.

      • "He did what!" Bobby exclaimed, a smile on his face, that incredible smile that I loved so much. "I know, I didn't know what to do," I said while holding back a smile. "Well it sounds to me like you knew exactly what to do," he smiled. I was in his room, he was laying on his bed, stomach down, looking up while I was resting my back on his bed-side table, facing him. I'd just told him about Logan. "Shut up Bobby, it kind of freaked me out," I said in a more serious tone. "Why?" he asks. "Because, he looked... well... he sounded serious," I hesitated. Bobby grinned, "Yeah, he seriously want you... like really bad apparently," "Shut it Bobby," I smirk. As I sit here telling him what had happened, I remembered Logan's ability to listen in on people. "Bobby let's get out of here," I suggest. He looks up at me a little confused. I just point to my ears and then to the door. He understands and gets up.

We make our way to the mansion's exit. The students were up and running, school was about to start. I remembered that today was the day we started that training stuff with the professor. As we walked out to the front of the mansion, we see Logan. He's dressed in his regular attire, jeans, a wife-beater, and a leather jacket. He was just standing there, and then he looked at me. What freaked me out the most was the fact that he didn't look away. Then, an idea occurred to me. I wanted Logan, that was for sure, but I would not, absolutely not, give in to him without him working for it. But I could make him some sort of jealous right? Right. I couldn't tell Bobby what I wanted to do, because Logan could've over heard it, so I just grabbed his hand. It was cold. Bobby looked back at me and then at Logan, immediately understanding. He smiled that amazing smile and pulled me away towards the woods at the side of the mansion. I went along with him and followed him.

The path he was taking would lead us to the lake, I was aware of that much.

We spent the morning at the lake, we weren't bothered; the students where in class, Jean, Ororo, Scott, and Piotr where teaching classes and Logan was just around. I tried to avoid the thought of Beast. That would lead me straight to the night I saw him... that wasn't something to think about. It was a little bit before noon when we decided to go back to the mansion. We'd spent the day talking. It was easy to talk to Bobby. Once we entered the mansion the students filed out of the classes. "What do you want to do?" Bobby asked. "I don't know. You?" I replied. He just looked at me. "I don't know. What do you want to do?" I try to say again. He smiled and kept silent. "You suck," that was something he liked to do when he wanted me to say something, and the smile only benefited him. "Want to eat?" I ask. He kept his smile and looked down and back up at me. He was nodding. "Lets go then," I say leading the way. I loved it when he did that.

I'd thought about a relationship between me and Bobby, but if it ended badly, I'd lose my best friend. I didn't want to risk it, so I didn't enforce it. I would avoid a relationship farther than friendship with Bobby. As we sat down and began to eat, I asked him, "What's it like?" He looked up at me a little confused, "Being an X-Man I mean," I continue. His face straightens up and he looks like he's thinking. "Well, it not that different from being any other mutant, the only difference is that we help people, and we get to wear awesome costumes," he smiled. "You don't need a costume," I say. He doesn't, he turns into his ice form and he's covered. Nearly indestructible I think. "I don't, but everyone else does. I do wear a patch though," he says pointing at his upper arm. I smile and so does he. We finish our meal and walk out of the half full cafeteria.

"What now?" I ask. "I don't know," I reply. That was the bad thing about not being a student here. There wasn't much to do. And I wasn't an X-Man so I didn't have any assignments. I shuddered. I didn't want to be an X-Man. I rejected the idea of it. I couldn't see myself as part of a team.

I didn't have a problem with anyone in the team, in fact, I loved the team. They were my family. Yeah I cared for Logan in some sort of way. But I didn't want to join any team. But I would consider the scout job the professor had offered. I told this last part to Bobby as we were laying on the grass looking up the sky. It was a dark cloudy day. He propped himself up on his elbow and looked hard at me, his smile gone, "No way," he said in a serious tone of voice I hadn't heard before. "What? Why not?" I ask a little confused. "Its way too dangerous," he said, getting into a sitting position. His legs were folded upwards and his arms were around them. "What are you talking about, your job is even more dangerous," I counter. "I have the whole team, being a scout means you'll have to go out there alone," he said, never leaving the serious tone of voice.

"That job would require me to not get noticed, I'd be sure to do my job right," I said in a serious tone of my own. He didn't say anything and flexed his jaws. It bothered him that much. I sighed and looked away. He did the same. "I'm taking that option," I say quietly. "Join the team," he presses. "Not a chance." "Why not?" "You guys need a scout, you haven't had one since Nightcrawler left," I say. He didn't counter. I didn't expect him to say anything more, but he did, "I don't want you to be scout, I want you to join the team." "Why?" He looked at me, "Scouting is too dangerous, at least with the team, you have back up," "What if I don't want to join the team?" I ask, I thought I'd made that clear. He didn't say anything. "We should get going, we have to get to the professor," I say. We get up and walk into the mansion silently.

"Are you ready Jesse?" the professor asks when we have settled into his office. "Yes professor," I reply. "Bobby?" he continues to ask Bobby. "Yes," he replies. It sucks that he doesn't approve of me becoming a scout. "Very well. Jesse I want you to absorb Bobby's powers," the professor begins. I turn to Bobby who's looking at me with pleading eyes. No matter what anyone tells me, I'm taking the scouting job. I sigh and clear my mind, preparing myself for the incoming energy. I lift my hand to Bobby's face and feel his cold face release the energy that consists of his X genes. I feel it flow into my blood stream and beyond to my mind. I have complete control of his powers. "Very good," the professor says, "Bobby test your powers," he requests. Bobby grabs a near water bottle and freezes its contents. "Now you Jesse," I grab another water bottle and concentrate. The water within freezes and I smile. So does the professor. "Very good," he begins, "As I told you before, you can leave I telepathic connection with those you affect, can you try to do that Jesse?" I'm confused. I've never done that before. "Focus your energy on Bobby and send a thought to him, without saying anything.

I nod and turn to Bobby, who looks at me blankly. I hate this, I'd have to make this better. I reach up to his face and focus on him, holding his abilities to the side and not using them at all. I think of something to send and come up with, "Hi, Bobby." He smiled and sent back, "Hi Jesse." I smile. Does this make it all better? I don't send that. "It worked," I tell the professor, who responds with a smile.

The session continues for a while longer and we try to stand at different sides of the room and try to send messages. It always works. Once we leave we head into the woods and separate walking as far away from each other as possible. I walk for five minutes and look around. I'm surrounded by trees. I've always liked trees. "Are you getting this Bobby?" I send out. "Yeah, where are you?" He sends back. The sound of his voice is comforting and strange. Strange because I'm by myself. "Race you back to the mansion," I send out. "Your on," he sends back. I smile and run towards the mansion's direction. I dodge and stay away from the bigger trees. I was going to win this race. I saw the mansion in the distance and ran harder. I make my way up the stairs to the front door and catch my breath. I look up and Bobby is standing there with a smile on his face. "Ugh, how'd you get here so fast?" I ask. "I'm an X-Man, its my job to win," he smirks. "Bastard," I send out. He only smiles.

The sun is setting and we're outside, waiting for dinner. "So, are you going to keep my powers?" He asks like he had yesterday. "Oh right," I remember. I inhale and breathe out his powers. My mouth feels cold. "You didn't have to get rid of them," He smiles. "I know, but I think its rude to do so if I don't need them," I explain. He smiles, "You're weird." I smile and the bell rings. Dinner's ready. We walk in and find everyone there. We find a seat next to Jean and Piotr. "Hey you," Jean says with a smile. "Hi Jean," I say. Jean always makes me smile. "What have you been up to?" She asks. "Not much, the height of my day was my session with the professor, I learned how to leave a... what-ya-mc-call thems," I turn to Bobby, he smiles and answers for me, "He can leave a telepathic connection with other people." Jean smiles, "That's great, who have you tried it with," she asks. I look at Bobby, who smiles.

"That's interesting, try me," Piotr says. He might be a bit harder, his mind is protected because of his powers, I could absorb that. I look into his eyes and reach out to his face. Doing this I realized I could also read people's thoughts, or at least the thoughts of those I have a connection with. "Why is he doing this?" Its Bobby, he doesn't want me to have a connection with Piotr. I touch Piotr's face but I don't do anything. After a while, "It doesn't work, sorry," I apologize. Piotr smiles. "My mind's covered," he explains. I smile, but I cant fool Jean, she already knows what's going on, its her ability to read our minds. "Why'd you do that?" Jean sends out. "Bobby didn't want me to," I send back, keeping that thought from Bobby. Could he ready my thoughts too? "You care for him that much?" she sends. I hesitate, "Yeah I guess so," I send. She smiles. "You wont tell anyone will you?" I send. "I promise," she sends as she swiftly shakes her head.

I walk Bobby to his room and he insists on me staying over, but I'm tired. I had a long day. He smiles and we say our good byes. I walk through the dark corridors and make my way to my room. As I walk towards Beast's door, I see that its open again, but this time, the lights on. I stand at the door way and look at him. He's facing away towards his computer, but he knows I'm here. "How are you Jesse?" he asks, turning around. He's wearing his long blue hair in a ponytail he's wearing his uniform. "I'm good, how are you?" I ask. "I'm good, just finishing up some work here." "You've spent the whole day in your room, you need to get out more often," I smile. He returns the smile. "Is something upsetting you?" he asks. "How can you tell?" I ask. "I just can," he says. He gets up and walks towards me. "Its nothing," I say. He's standing a few feet from where I am and he's towering over me. He's completely muscled, something that sends a wave of pleasure through my body. "It has to be something, tell me about it," he says politely with a smile on his face. He goes on to sit on his bed and looks at me. I sit down next to him and I smile. This is where I saw him jacking off. "What?" he asks with a smile. "Nothing," I say. "Well then tell me what's upsetting you." He smiles.

I go on to tell him about the little argument me and Bobby had about me becoming a scout, and him wanting me to join the X-Men. I tell him about me not wanting to join the team. Through it all he doesn't say anything. I smile when I'm done. "Well, it sounds to me like you're going to have to make a decision, or rather, find a way to let Bobby understand and accept the fact that you prefer to be a scout rather than a team-member." "I know," I say. I feel safe here with Beast. I can trust him with this stuff and know he'll listen. I look at the time and notice its half past midnight. I get up, "Its late, I'll leave you so you can... uh... rest," I say. He smiles, "Very well, I'll see you in the morning?" he asks. He wants to keep seeing me? "Yeah, I'll be here," I smile and walk out of his room.

My room Isn't that far from his. I walk down the hall and make a right and there's my room. I wasn't surprised to see Logan there. Being the last room in the hall, my door has no light so I cant see anyone, but I can sense him. Instead of opening my door, I just turn to him and rest on my door. He doesn't take long. He presses against my body and puts his right arm on the door, pinning my body to the door with his whole body. He goes on to wrap his left arm behind my waist and pulls me in closer. I just let my lower body and waist to pull closer to him, but I pull my upper body and head to the door, away from him. He puts his head on my shoulder and breathes. "Logan this needs to stop," I say. He grunts. I can smell his smell. A mix between sweat and man. I cant explain it. He just smelled good. I wanted him, and I think he knew that. But I would stand my ground and not do anything for him. I only allowed him this because I myself enjoyed it.

He slides his left hand up to the middle of my back and pulls me in closer. I cant help but do so. My face is close to his and he moves in for a kiss but I look to the side. He slides his lips down and lays his forehead on the side of my face. He pounds the door with his left arm but never lets go of me. My face is above his neck now. How I wish I'd allow myself to kiss him. No way. I pull myself from that thought. Resist. I command myself to resist this man. He slides his lips to my forehead and slides down. As he tries to lower himself to my lips I look away. He growls. I'm not scared. "What do I have to do?" He murmurs. That throws me off. I wasn't expecting him to ask. So I say the one thing that comes to mind, "Figure it out." I touch his face and I feel him sigh. His strength flows into me and I push him away. I slip into my room and shut the door.

I sighed and felt like crying, I wanted him bad yet I still said no. One of these days I might just give in. I throw myself on the bed but I cant sleep.

So what did you think? Was it good? Was it bad? THANK YOU GUYS SOOO MUCH FOR THE FEEDBACK!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!! The feedback I got was incredible, thank you. I have the best readers out there... but don't stop keep it coming... PLEASE! So I wanted to ask you, who should Jesse's first be? Logan, Bobby, Beast? Anyone else? Send your response to jayjaybby@rocketmail.com hope to hear from you guys soon.

Next: Chapter 4: Promise

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